HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-29, Page 8• • 15. ° CLINTON .NEW EEA, THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1881. gOIM g(figlOs„ Iii.Oxanrosr going to do anything for he Michigan sa.fferers? TEE WErE of Rev. Mr. Iluss4 of Paris, (sister of Mrs.'Williams,) is visiting here. MR. A, ]L 31.Ansunct preaches in the Methodist Olusrch, Wingham, on Sunday ext. • • • MESSRS.• IF;D. Cantelon and Thee. East,j r., left here on Tuesday, by G. W. F,, fbr Winnipeg. • WE regret 0) sesi that Mr. Harry Den- 3)is is still unable to resume work, owing to severe illness, Mn. T. STAS'nuit): thie, week shipped, by G. T. R., four car loads of barley, being 2,200 bushels, to St, Louis, WEAN' the Blyth Review sneaks of "BOY, J. Young," Clinton, it perhaps says what should be, Vitt not what litEssas. Thompson & Boles lave, sent two more ear loads of apples to Winnipeg, and Mr. D. Cantelon one, all by G.T.R. TEE volunteers returned from their. an- nual drill, on Sitturcla.sy, and were met at the station here by the Clinton BrassIland. Mn. A.?..TCHT:i 3ICPEAIL, wire was lately employed in a mill at.Loc.kport, N, Y.,- is again at work in the, mill of Mr. James Fair. . •• 4 ME. A. Max laet, -week shipped, five ear loads of potatoes, by.G. W. R., to Detroit. They had been purchased at about 40 cts a bushel,. • • Mn. ''McAnt AEws,• '(and •family) late teacher at Varna, left by G. T„ It., last week, for Qniney, Dskota,•. where lie has • been engaged. .• • INSTEAD of SonthdOwna weshoillil hive said Shropshire Downs, as the class of sheep Mr. Wm, Snell brought from Eng- land last week. . • •. ME. S. Fan's, of Goderioh township, - brought us three:ptatoes, which weighed four pounds. ',Om of them went • pound six ounces, • • Tun specialtervices in the Methodist church• arebeing continued this week. On Sunday eyeing Rev. L. O. Rice, of :Dungannon,preachedhere. • A LATE issue of the Whinipe,g sFree• ' Press speaks very highly ot. Mr. -R. Y. • Thompson,. who lately. received an aps .IMAtment In the college there • • -"4REV. Mn. TEostAa preached in the 13. C. Church, - Mitehell, onSunday, there being no.' morning serVice in the church, • here; owing to the church opening at •• -Holmestille.• • •• . " • . , .• • TAKEN altogether,. the Clinton peeple have good . reason to congratulath thcm- slves on , the success of their show this year. -Expositor. IThis'idea appears to • • tOss the opinion of every body: observe by the Rock Lake Herald, that the mill of Mesirs,•ThEnSA•Co., (W. WadeotOlintOrs,oatilleallaW.) . Crystal City,. Manttobas is Tieing rapidly pushed forward; and will:soon cominence, work. • . Ss, .• ' •• . . • TEE isife.of Dr. Williains, who 'returned from Rochester last week, vhere 'she had' been visiting, states that almost :every -• . -building in the • City was,draPed ;with .mourning, as a mark of respct to the lath Fre-sident. •' HOUSE soLt.-Mr:Redmend has bought . the house and lot 'on Hurcin. Stre,et, owned by Mr. Isaac Skinner,at .$60.0„ which is considered 'a good. price. This property • wits advertised ih the NEw Elia. just two: weeks, and the inference is. plain: • • • In the coarse of his Morning disdourse, Mn Sundaysllev. Mr. Craig very touching- ly referred to the derith.ofRresident• Gar- field, and briefly noticed the' dangers per- sons higlx.in authority were subject: to, as; evidenced by tbedeath Of the Czar and President. : • •• . • • • ,• • Sin nig:Cats 0 f li ye stock -from' this plane, by G. T. 1ts; last and this•weekshave been. • unusually bfisk, Nine car leads of. prime cattle were sent td-gr.Siinniens„PreScott a car load of hogs was .sent to Mr. White; • orMitchell, and Mr. W...0ritig sent two'car ofstoek to Toronte., This station appears to do more business in live..stock • • than any other eking the line: WE.A.nit sorry to leafirtliiit-iirthe estrous fire which recently swept .part Of Michigan, Mr. ,Cowan, asonin-1av ofMr. W. McQueen, of this place; last 'every, • thing he owned oiling place. As he lad been a resident of the placefor several. years, his farm was well improved, and his loss; consequently, heavy. Mrs. Cow.. an was at her father's here at the time of • the calamity. • ••• • • • • HOTEL CitAX0E.-Mr, Joha Dixon; who has bought, out Cook's hotel at 13ruce- field, take§ possession on the lstof Oetober. Mr. Cook has bought Out Mr, John Josliii, at Varna, and takes possession almost immediately, the figure we have not learn- ed. It is the intention .of Mr. Joslin to move into Olinton for the winter, and • 'next spring he purposes visiting Manitoba. • We regret to announce the death of Mr Geo. Simpson, (father .of Mrs. Win. Har- land,) which occurred rat the township of. • Vaughan„laat. • Deceased:was formerly a resident Of -St. lint' more lately of Churchville, and .Was on a visit when be was taken Suddenly 111, dying a couple of: days thereafter.He had reached the age of 71) years, and..leaves the record of an exemplary and welt spent life. • BAND MA TTEits,--In the ..NBNV ERA Of laSt week your correspondent noticed for the first time the challenge of Prof. Pitzer in regard to band Matters. When the professor deposits his fifty dollars with any responsible party, as a guarantee of business, and makethe mind chcllengo direct to the Clinton Brass Band, who are the parties dissatisfied, the matter will be promptly attended to.-- Clinton , cor, Mitchell Advocate. • San/skims of the 'Montreal exhibition, the Post of that city says "One of the . most pleasing features of the exhibition' . was a performance by Mr. E, Romayte on one of Doherty & Co's grand organs in the main building:- This talented gentle- men sang with Much taste " Thou art so. near mid yet so far," "A penny for bread" and several other pieces. A large crowd surrounded the platform. it is asserted by competent judges' that Doherty & Co's organs rank stmong the first for tone and • finish, and are the finest instruments on exhibition here. They received the fo1. lowing prizes : First prize for parlor or - gals, eXtra 3 st for pipe topped organs, dis plonut for church organ, and also chid oitia, for new valve tremolo, • OcsroisEA 20th is thanksgiving day. TOY1Nveather was very warns last week. TEE late rains have been. beneficial to pastures. Ni, G. DIEL, and wife, have return- ed to town, and intend remaining. M. S. W. Smuts, and Wife, of Brad- ford, Pa., are here oa a visit to 3Ir. Levi Smitith: x Scow is again at his Pest in con- nection with the Mechanics' Institute, Library. TEBBE should be a large attendance at ,the meeting of the Literary Soeiety next Monday evening. • . 11, Cann:tow is making up a lot of bob sleighs, for A. Callander to • take back to Dakota with him. MR. TILOS. LEE, of Varna, after a three months' sojourn in the northwest, return- ed home on Saturday. Xp. A. H. Distrust, who ha,kbeen doing nussion work in Muskoka during the sum - is home on a visis. MR. W. II, RANSFOED arrive4 home from the old country, ou Tuesday. The. trip evidently agreed with. him: .. .. vias!' large quantity of grain has beeu Inarketed. here lately. The high price. that Clinton buyers pay, is what fetches it. . • , .. • lItt. A. DAFAR, Public: School In- spector, made his regular visit here last week, and found matters in. a satisfactory. condition.•- • TEE brickwork on Mr. Murray's new store iS ;theta completed. The corner will .be much hnproved by. the new prensises, when finished, 1.61. Win was last week- credited with a second prize, for yearling general .pur- pciSe gelding. • It should have been; Air. John NVi&iiiton, . • 'TEE Dominion Telegraph office here , has been closed, owing to, the amalgama- tion of the 'two lines;.and Mr, F.W.Watts is now the only. telegraph agent here, • . AIESsas, Oraib, Macwhirter A Co., .an- nonnee their senii-annual opening of show rooms, for the 8th of October, They .have all the material necessary for a magnificent 'disrilay, •WE undeniatails that Messrs. Call et. Mulloy intend to girextensivelyinto the manufacture • .of windmills and Pumps,' hissing already received orders for several simms, to 00 neexhibited by them ' at. the fair here. .." .' • .. . .• • .ON Tuesday the Syndicate land office in Winnipeg was opened' for the first time; for actual sale of lands between Portage Ja Prairieand Brandon. 'Persons in this •neighborhood .who had previously selected land in that distriet had CO tehigraPh`for the Railway Company to draw On theni. for the first. payment,.fearing that if they had not done so,.then-. claims wptild be speedily "jumped.". . • , • . , , „ A. Bis sisE..-Ori. Sundayy a. couple. 'a young men..frons 13lythsdrove into town in a nice , top buggy, on , their way to visit sladyfriendain-Goderiolt-townehiniss-When they got as far as -Pike's hotel, here, they. 'discovered the snatting-in the battle of theltiggy to be on fire, and it took • seve4 'rat Pails of .Water te put it out:: The inte rior of the buggy, was slightly injuredi' A dropped' algar is stionosedsto, have beet the cause Of the fire. '.• '. . .'' ' • .." ' ' ., , s., _ • TEssiEnAtkicas MirrEas.---,.rror. G. E. Foster, secretary of the Ontario Alliance, at -dwell •known as a well informed .and able lean rer., and Othersavill deliver ft series of four addresses under the auspices ofthe. Huron Prohibitory association; Mlle fol. lowing'plaCea: s-Seafortlis Oct. Mb; Godes. rich., Oct. '12th; Exeter, Oct, 18th ;- and Clinton, Oct.14th; all commencing at half.. 'past seven in the evenings The • meeting here will be held ,in the town hall, and will also be addressed by the Reis Mr. W. McDonagh: . On the.afternoon Of thal,Ith of Oct. meeting of temperatee workers, will besheld-insthe temperance halishere, to discuss Matters in relation thereto. • . ... . Huthst stock raisers and, Others, •did Well at theProvincial exhibition this year. Among those taking -Prizes ort horses were P. McGregor, Robert I3rock and J. Latit, Brueefield ; 0. Mason,. r.ruckersmitiz; . A.. Govenlock, Winthrop; Herten & Innis, Usborne; Robert Martin'. BrusSels : Hugh !Love, Hills Green; and, W. -.W. Ferran, Clinton: . Messrs,' H. Sndfl 4 Set take three prizes on Dorhamssaild one on boar pig -Mr: McQuade,. of Tuckersmith, gets second prizefor an essayou how to restore the fertility of• Worn-outssoil... Mr. Sarctf- .field, of -Goderich t'p, a prize on •grain, .and the North American ChenticalsCom- pany, Goderieh, several prises•for sait. •J. Russel;.GoderiCh, takes a pfize for pituns, W. C. Searle, Clinton, takes three . for plinns, one for grapes, and one for eollee- don of grapes., Mrs. W. Herbison, Godes righ township, is an elthibitor of butter,. but the prizes .in this • department have not .yet been 'awarded, • J. Mason, of Hui,* lett; exhibtshis herse,.13urliti. Chief. A .SerViolo •Cuttuns to PriacansE TilortopEunftED Stotas.--.The Iluron.Ex- po 't • '. of last week Says • Catalogue en- tries for fildlive Steels Sale to held at. .Clinton,, ons the 1.9fit of Qetober, wider •the auspices of the Huron Live Stock As-: soelatiOn, arenow elosedsand we are glad to be Able to 'state .' that the, Association .wilI this year' have a much larger and more attractive catalogueto present than ever before.So far as the number's' and Intitlity of the stock to be. offered is con- cerned the success of the sale is now as- sured, andin this respect the sale will he lieyoihrthe in ost•stinguine expeetations or its trot-tote1:4. • 'We are safe in saying that so largo and *good 'a! collection of thor- onglibredcattle and.slteep as Will be Of- fered has never before been offered at a sale in this county, end has rarely been excelled in the Province. The herds of the following. well known breeders will be largely represented : ,Tames Dickson, A. Elcoat and IVm. Sproat, Tuckersinith ; II; Snell; John Cuttings and A. Campbell Hull ett ; Thomas :Russell, Irsborne; M. MeTaggart, Wm: Wise, Goderich township ; Robert Clinton;McMillan, and Robert Govenlock, McKillop: John Washington, Wawa:nosh ; 11, Hawley, (lodericli, and single animals from several others, 'Par- ties wishing to improve their. herds will find this sale the very place to et what they require, as they will have ample choice and a great .variety of strains, Several good roadsters and earriagehorsee have also been entered, but they do not appear in the catalogue on account of the entriS having.. been ree,eivedtoo late. Intending purchasers desiring catalogues t'an be supplied on application to the Sec- retary, Mr, M. V. McLean, Seaford'. • I OORRESPOUTDMMOli. the Atitor of at: New Pras Susi desire apace in your column; to answer the letter in last Week's Wile, signed "Defender." Your correspondent eat, four questions, 1st:Wiser° is the Christian minis. ter, journalist or politician but is trusting to an arm of flab ? 2nd, Where is the Christian but is looking for the bauble reputation and the honor that comes from the world 3rd, Why is the world so often appealed to for aid to build churches, eto.? .tth, How is it that Mr. Professor is on hand at card parties, Sze. Your correspondent has got the subject Mixed up, Ile loos for what there should be, but ie not. He knows enough to (mete the passage, "Without faith it Is import. eible to please God," but does not know enough, evidently, to propose, as a oolution. to the difficulty, that faith is exceedingly rare, and as the world goes on reaching nearer and nearer its end, faith will be harder to be found than ever, until at last we reach that point intimated by our ,Saviour, when he says "When the Son of Man cometh shall he find !kith on the earth?" In other words, will there be such a thing as faith to be found anywhere? " Defender,"..hoWev.er,: adminis- ters a scathing rebuke to the so called "churches" in„our midst. The appealing to the world .for money to build; the seeking out of the world for a geed voice with which to draw a crowd to swell the congregations and collections.; the appealing to the world for money to lauy the organ, or more often to pay one•quarter of the price, and go in 'debt for the balance, trusting to the chapter of acei. dents to pay for it. What a travesty on re. ligion ! What a disgrace, foul beyond words, to the name of Christ ! Can one wonder the world jeers, tor people of "Defender's" stamp aro not slow to'notice inconsistencies. The Bi- ble has a plain, unmistakeable name for swill conduct. We find it in James 4.4, "Ye adal- terers and adulteresses, kno* yo not tim friend. ship of the world is ,enmity with hod? Who. louver, thereforeovill be a friend of the world is the oneray. of God,". Mark it well y- 01, liS, ministers, leaders of the flolk, "Whosoever will be a friend of the teorld is tln tom?/ God." Whit are thee bazaars, 'teh nisetings, Concerts, socials, and in some cases, theatri- cals, in the shape of tableaux vivants, but a seeking from the devil the means to carry on God's work. Can we wonder there is so little life in our raidst, and so much failure and indifference ? Ie God,going to own and bloom such work? What a sign of the last times, "Because thou :art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hoti I will spue thee' out of my mouth. Because thou sayeat 1 am rich, and • increased in goods, and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched, and sairassonamsaa, • miserable, and poor,i and blind and naked," What a warning this should be to any who 'will tab heed. Having departed. from, the teaohing and guidance of God's word, see where Christendom has brought itself. The reproach, the shame, the brand of "adulterers and adulteresees" is placed thereupon. Your oheclient, servant, Olintoo, Sept. 20, • TAMIL WW1 Se110014 MIST= MEETING. 0•••••••• A special meeting of the High School Boar was held in the Council Room on Thursday evening. Present the chairme,0„ and Messrs. Hodgins, Raoey and Robson. Mr. Racey'e account, amounting to $1.97, was ordered to be paid. Mr. Jackson tendered his resignation as ae. sistant, on the ground that the classical de- partment was not placed under his charge, as well as the mathematicaldepartment, it being hi special object in applying for the situatmn, to obtain a reputation as a teacher of classics. On motion of Mr, Hodgins, seconded by Mr. Robson, Mr, Jackson's resignation was • accepted, and the Secretary instructed to pay him to the end of the month. It was decided that three of the coal stoves be replaced by wood stoves, and that Mesers, Racl, Robson and the Secretary bo a com- mittee to select the stoves, to purchase wood and coal, and to report at next meeting as to the erection of a wood shed. Mr. McWilliatas has been temporarily en. gagdd to take Mr. Jackson's place. — Sale itesister. Real estate in the village of Loudesboro, • being a village lot, and 21/ acres with home on, property of Mr. W. T. Holmes; • on the fish of (lot. Jas. Howson, Anot. Farm stock, etc., of Mr. John Morish, on the 3M ot October, at Summerhill, base line, James Howson, aunt. Real estate on the tabbing Survey, and on Huron area, Clinton. property of John •' Jackson, on the 1st of Oat., D.Dickinson, Heasehold furniture, bureaus, bedstead,ex. • tension tables, &e., on the Market &pate, on Sakti:tin, 8th of October, at 2.p.ra, All without reserve, Jas. Howson, anot,- . • t' Women never think, • If the crabbed old batehlor who uttereil thle sentiment could but witness the intense thought deep study ana thorough investigation of wo- men in determining the best medicines to keep • their ramilloa well, and would note their sagac-, ity and wisdom in selecting Hop Bitters as the best and demonstrating It by keeping their rapines in perpetual health, at a mere nominal expense, he 'would be forded to acknowledge that suolvsentiuteuts are baseless and false, - Picayune. Prr1-1 • • JUST ARRIVED,- �i P1118 FINEST AND.340ST MAGNIFICENTLY FINISHED . • gar S1EMING AND KNITTING • 1iACIIIINIF.4$ eemPahleg, 51 14h the !at*. $11:111.1:9YeTe01! ' A.bAO, fine- FIA_TVOS and Okt.GA.,LNS. , the befit makers in the a-cAd, cheaper and hatter than you can got elsewhere, . &1vilzg Mackes refiaire'd by a practical itzaeOzist. 1Yeadles, SlenttleS, Oil and e*ccrylhing • minted foi. $eWing and Knitlitw 21.1*achine. :Headquartelw for all the iabio.,e„ Remember the plsce Joseph street, west of MeTaggirt & Cies itIliyitetory. • '....y.:NoRtwoRTHY• • 14.3u, „„,„:„ •• :ro$'r hox lo, casTuv ONT gliPPr THO . • ALT. PRICES AND STYLES. NTLE DEPARTMENT. We have one of the most successful Mantle makers in Ontario, Wa employ her by the year, and for that department only. Consequently, we are hi a position to give • better satisiketion than any house in the trade, MANTLE CLOT. • EVERY SHADE, QV' IsITY AN!) Is TN]) wr4wic.. • dt,a4, ' Vlannel.04, • • NIFool Stitix.szi• es nqad Sian -wise 131anket,• jjrj CArkftg,Lfld ciITrnNE, • ' :° AT THE Dry GoodsEMPORIMV4of Clinton Y & WISEMAN • .• ' • • !UGH AblI) COMMON.' •ReaderS in all the.new bindings, Inox WIER; &C..1 • . . . • Ara I1.S1IIPSON, Clinton. • sTRICTJLTr • For the Month of. August;* PEITIOUS TO PROCEEDING Wrril REBUILDING • -•• AND EXTEIStSIPIN OF. PREMISES. • • • - - • 8: PALLISER:. • ISER & Co's 99 3BIZIOX ,331.100M. worrasswrismessisar • TRos. wurvE. RED BRICK 'TORE AtillWAIIE AND STO VHS 13arggabinps; FIX TitArs., APPLE PARER.S, . I3A1141:ED FENCE WIRE, WHITE LEAD, 1).A.INTS, OILS, CLASS, BRASS AND EISTABIELLED • PRESERG VINICETTLES, GRANITE AN), WARE. • • We will Openup this week .a fin assortment of LAMPS and LAMP GOODS, and at extraordinary low prices. CeCall and see them • . .••••*1. 9E1-(D"cr Or stook of Stoves this fall will be Tint 1.stuossT :tan steer cOMPISETE EVER SHOWN ly Tire corny, tomprising all the latest designs and improvements in Cooking, Hall, Parlor and Parlor Cook Stoves. Also, a full line of BASH 131.7RMIR. COAL STOVES. including the celebrated RADIANT I COMB. Our prices and terms will be as frivorbblo es any house •- the trade, and we eolielt a call from intending purchasers. Do not mistake the place, Red Brick Store, sign of the Padlock, Albert Street, Clinton. '1--LAatznAisTi). OS. yvult. OFFER, ECI.AL 13ARGAII\ .A.TiL LINES OF GOODS, To make room for alteration$ and extension of pre- - misesi roR ONE MONTH ONX.Y. Agent for .Walker's Patent Butter Worker. Or: ALBERT STRE GUNTON:- • 435 Men 235 • •AW.I as Latild a oarepOasibiy maks it olyealtq, to pall and eXainino *the hal:mi.(' uI JAMES TWITCHELL'S - • Summer stock ,�f Boots & Shoes, WIITOTT TIE IS— • SELLING OFF AT A.REDUCTION OF 10 PER CT FOR CASH. To order to Indic Minn for an IMMENSE YAM, AND WINTPAI, WWII. Partner+, do trot forgetto look a!, �Ilit iTAIMEST AND rJtJrltSuEu Mrers, which we relteetadwre etuetveq,44111-4 material, • Ert4:4,14-tss DtPAETTAENT. • irmItios, ',TWIT AND ITEAyV, goadsDOVilt1411)AinnS,iNti(118LE1,„ NIsi.1011:i.il‘11;lit.iriii lit %11.(',1111` i.111114,11t440 Ilg't IT... excaedingly low pricea. , • For it . ee IITE1JIMS•and 'VALISES -A very largo assortmeat end verycherto. Tnrilks from 7a ...etas up, •••••• t GOODS WARTIANTMD. JAMES TWIT011tiLL, Notoria BloOk, ALL : ' , 1'