HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-29, Page 711"Tpprrv�r_ �, _1-1_1 , � . 1. ­_­__-_­.­-_-_ - __1 ­ ------ ­W��­- ,,Jqlpw­­��­- 1. _,.I_� _. _. ­ . , .. - ,� , , .�, I I _ - . . .1 � �, . I I . -1.1, 1P . I 4 � - r-- 7 7, �-. ,, I S, ��',_. ' Sept. 0,9:2 1881. . A R.&ID, ON WJIKX� FOO14-16XIA613SIS , -.111 ­ ' UALWIMORnIS A,XKT I SXr(S*WXQs. - 1L.L 0 THIM OLD STO "' TJOA, TABLIE 00 0sl1r. , - - � I I I �­__ � i -Achieved. AvomPsuy has been formed to � . . p __ _ - . - � I I . . Who lCotablildingelOrl, ORA VAlrelay 1141reO . clowro by the, .1 Police* Who, Supported Ovad Huoltuart Returns I ­ to J1,00 a Jilefopa red. 01un and 1111ch. . -, ...... 1- I 11 Ot-Tho Man who eato oleomargarine, gets I . I furnish t114C) fit �ismall, aoot to householdoro,, . I : 1�;eopjrrg thr�ix cloo, I 11 I , I . Its correct by a prooessi The loom . "O'With c1que-to. I . . ' (From the Now Torx WOXT(4 .11 _ S 1 rprit alielrehant-A 4, pAed and Happy * ,$"�w I A 3E3e4UtM&1L Cau1s4iArX Qi'rl UVliued I . lix chicaso., 'at' I -An Oleomargarine peleotio -" Fat- , I a Of puelum , 8410. tubes.. . -11 you waut to know woman. . ,low dear to. the heart o ,the houslekeoping woman : , comforts of which so f ow architects toll , , , Business was briskin the pQQI-rooms of I I Barclay street yesterday morning. A. crowd' , I BATIXOnE, Md., Sept. 15.-Particulara .1 (weanesdity's 011icago Time@.) - Init,&.11 -Dunnville will pro ' be4bly have A glass . .What .4, I . really is before you Ma , , . . Try her try to catch I 9, glimpse of her b of I ore the hour when she . Are Nice cbil*-on, good servants endplonty'of room . I in of clerks ,and office -buys. were, investing their money on the events. of the day I At reached Baltimore late this ey"'lig of an I exceedingly jutereatiirg- And romantic case, Less than Sixteen months ,ago Mary Ann , , factory. I . . . exPeOtscolapany, and before she has pat � � all the . Tbch,wel1-f1ttQd mansion in Which they must %vall. Sheepshead Bay or the St. Leger,when in in Wilmington, Dal. Thomas, Rp.,ttorsout Coffey, a. girl Act over 20 years of age,� � � � Clame to Chioago from Whitby, a town 6abt ­�We wonder if grass widowo. ever 114VQ hey fever 2 fieces of herself - looked a Andmilm . together to ba I . !red. It y can. stand , ortuLIQ 1 can give But first of tho blessings kind r I . � ­ .,. h I .1 or, the , re was a sudden surprise everyvatab- � , _ lishment asa'police offloor walked in and - brother of Upited States District Attorney , I PAtterson,who dioappa ,.d from . 1.11 � Balti. are of Torontop Canada, 6n the line of the Qra,ad TrunkUmilw my. induced her . b -Er , . abroi4erod plush is'lashionAble for I . ,on that 7 , 47 to be Sacrificed -on t a I Alt , Ou are rea .it ar of Hymen. I . con; . Ifshointhocit.yor . �ryabi4e, � ,,s fo- . forever, Is that which she loul, i and covets � her anti her pride- quietly Arrested the proprietors mud their employees,,' wIlo are, John Casey � _,, pro. more af ter , i4ding his, young, and lovely. b I . . wife S41ou some fifteen years ago, Ana was' , . I , .What to wander froM .91 home, no matter If its . . -a. a covers, . to! � I -What are, -the climensions Of 01 little' I I -79=9 man, be happy -boot, holler, The bid, airy 010410. . ( , ry The roomy, clean 010136t, flo 1yell-ordared closot � big, closet,, beg joy and her pride. prietor, Ana Frederick Murray, olerk, of No. I., Barclay street; John Hackett and - long.- supposed to have been' dead,-. has at qrAnd Rapids, Mich. To of was on level -with the .earth, �. . and drift into A, great city, the under,, elbow room 2 � I I . Skip, gambol mud snap your fingers, at thei . .:,a . I nightmare of a, new overcoat for x - itext w, in. - Th�e airy � O Coll". The house maybe Norfact from gaxrot t �r and coldwate Peter Delacy, proprietors, and Charles Travist.clorit, of 1J, William Lovell, pro� Arad I Patterson 201140 is the iThi2gIfter of Mr. J43. L. Rice, j un., a wealthy citizen current of which has hastened thou- - mends of bar sex to t1l.6 vortex CA' . . In, -The cotton Orop is short, And thin wpaleatinuot.economize. . . t, ,- -..-, -0- for, Last fail a Can . I . I � I adian genius. shivered . . . I Awhile, mud then, reflectea &while, mud the f �- I � . � WeIllighted, we %ired,1;yyjth � , hot; And yet, to que en of the feminine dweller, . Is ityvere not. . - - prietor, and John McAdam, clerk, of No, 8, And William T. McDougall, of Tattersall's of Wilmington. Patterson's Absence, after ,rul . sa,ying 11 good-bye "'to his wife, was an I . ox- is not definitely Im.own, beyond. the ,Statement that she was ambitious. to Assist wiclow-eil if ompany he . -A man is known by tie a I I I keeps out of.. � . result was the purchase of a box 0 . . I . � f muom I . . I tard lasters. These were distributed . . his frame ,ivilera � If olosetless, a, 11, as , that is � How oft she lias 13puk like 06 dove genoy., an Jo n Smith, clerk,, of No. 10 . . nod until his relatives read in s news- pit! � in sup orting a. mother, andr F. possib a, establish P, fature home for her� - The cup that cheers but does not !no- , . . aroud they would do the . I I most gol A attil while the men beaver I wounded, How oft 8.40 has secretly grumbled and sighed, � _ " " ecause rho saw Act, thouili With 0,11 0160 SW- B arcla street. The. prisoners were b - , rong t before Justice y _, sitting At the paper the description of an unknown man on Tie, Pa, The, who had be' , found. dead in E I . . I . I . ,. lo.day the self and so younger slater, � 11 shapely form Of Xary Coffey is fast becom- briate-The buttercup. . I -11 As a rule genius. Protects itself,!' Says With I overcoats, Shivered with cola, he was'warm . - ,and happy in his. Shirt alcoves. One dollar . � rounded, I � The big, airy clopet,herjoy artaherpride I o bs, And, a fow mirtu 4 Imtor ei-JilAgo . � I u ertou appeared as their counsel-. He . . body wits subsequently identified by a, brother of Patterson as that of the, missing , . � I I Ing part of the earth, of Calvary Cemetery, . the Lend u Spectator. . 10, � . I . takes you through A , hard winto I r,and YOU � . - I 11 The roomy, clean 005ut, the well -ordered closet, The big, airyclosot, her JC�Y AIX a hot pride. , res I d the 'davits of the detectives on whiclithe warrants for the arrests were I Wan, the letters, T. P. in India ink OIL his . I arm being to him evidence., The while her younger sister and brother have, io - s,rcelk dried their tears over, the new- � ­ ' L . -It is hard to persuade ou man that a I rich widow isn't, handsome. . come, out in spring tat. I . . ' , . . � TIth IIIIESIDENT X)IMANEP 01, no,mr, 11 . Fondliusbands, who faill, would hAVollomobe , made, and remarked that they showed Bixby's ,conclusive . . ,- . . body was interred in the family lot in Wil- . � , . mo.de mound which covets their mother in the village grave -yard on the northern. The sparrows are not.90 numerous as - - hey . t. Where have they He dreamed of home, eye, while the clew, I Of life thin and toned drew an H(len, . For a I ua your 1�vas, all comulote as A signs of Judge own hanasud brain, I . The affitcla,vits are very clear And leave the . mington and the tomb. oared for slid adorned with flowers, which were, tenderly ' ' Shore of Lake Ontario. The man who . were, gone? � .��The Autumnal tints of crimson, orange so strai . A breath might sever At two. . . ( W Ole . r4ou To, read in, Jo write in, to sloop Ili, to food in, I Forget not the closets so door to the soul ; . prisoners little chan�e of escape� The � prosecution is under the laws of 1877, watered by the tears of the supposed widow. The discoveries just Made commenced-. her destructioh and. the . I 1. abortionist who completed, the job are yet I , . And russet. are appearing on the hills. . I . . . . I , Hacheamedothomel Amldthopres4 . Of those old shadows Death doth drelss' But build them in ourners, in nooks and in crwn- Wes, � 1. . chapter 178, and the prisoners are accused .. � I I - 'show that Patterson, After fall. at large, but if the police department does , its full duty in. the case, it is hardly -The Steamship' Sardinian passed I,9- wara x River At 9 a. in. to -day. At Fo In mistI& and cold and heaviness., .. . . � Wberever a.01080t May harbor or hide, And give to Your Liar . Y6, you): He t9s alid yo = of violating 41 an act in relation to wagers . . . an 001 8 III by keeping a ouse or ing into disreputable habits, wont to Texas and was captured by the Indians. - 11 ­ .1 probAble that a ither will enjoy the boon - . . -The Khodive, who is deeply in dabrt� He dreamed of home I Sweet In his ear . I . . . The sound of rustling grain fields near, Annies irpr�do- The big, airy closets, their joy itua the , 'the � ' r %'�Icr r 11 , g. agers. or bets on raoing ewatoi on eptq bar 12t mud. 13th and other , He subse I I I quelitly escaped ancl mad his ,,a way to Miolligitti,w1fere he amassed si com. of liberty many bouts beyond Ahe time the ink that prints this copy of the I might mortgage a few of the pvramids. - , I -10 Another lie naiiea,,, might exclaim The orchard oric#p's fluted, cheer. � . , , . . . I The roomy, clear,. closets, well-oraored closets, � . - dat a since the Ist da, of uue�. Judge -when I I .. � fortable fortune. A Stott .time ago Mrs., � .. Times lims become dry on its surface. The . . , unfinished of the dead. that y bulletin. Dr. Bliss its he, tt4oks-up the 4sil I � . �Beforo his dim slid iiaded.eye I I � . T146 lake's otisp billow flickerea blah ... I . .� .. . . The big, airy,closets, their ioy and. their pride. . � . . ulle tbn- rdad the 0 ben, ,r omplaint and t to inattion. The Patte roop, who still resides- with hot par- in to portrait girl , , , now rests on the easel of An artist on the -A Dutolmian -repeated the adage, .1 On Azure doe or than the slEy. . . . . . . . p . I .1 . I . I . . . �, . HOW TIERE CZAA JDXNE$s 4eoided aive an exa, . prisoners were :next required to, pFoalice ' � I ... I I ants Wilmington, was. surprised I I I receive an" envelop& bearing the PQstmark � .. I . I I L. top floor of the Metropolitan block, at the corner of La Salle and an olph at eta, 11 Biids mit oip fedder go mit demselveo-.11 . � I . � I -Th ize-fig,hter peels before hq a I � . . 1. . . . Slipped thence from 611 uproar and strife, . . I . Once were the l'ooks of child and Wife . . . . � Fenture" of Xl,io Table ikt jpeter-�- bail in §1,000 each, whereupon their bondsl . men, who had been hastily summoned, of'Grand Rapids, and at once r6coguized I I thd hhndwriting of her husband. The dis, . ,r ;SlIptains the Statements of 'th a ,e. Is I., .. '08 p . I - strikes, J,�,Ptrth, I bell does not peel until t is Shono as the lamps of bou seholdlife... . . . � .. . I I I I . recullar h.fi-sonke National 101rollem. * ' ' � appeared, .and they was all liberated. I covery At' -first Seemed like a dreim, but � � � � hIldho who knew Mary Coffey fr6m. a o ,, as ., _ well of a go6dlk number of b I a n us nee struck.. . . .. . I... !-These cool nights favor rheuinatia - He dreamegl of home I The vision flaW . . . � ­ I . I WAvored, reglic,ped I . . 1. � , Itself itnow . . ao; �- . . In epite of the troubl�s which plague, his' Ex-Congresoman Morgan Jones became bondsman for McDougall and Smith, And. when the s6alWas broken and sho, hurriedly , glanced ai the signature li,or fond hopes ,, with wly0M she came into contact during twingesi, But the change I lo,very ac6ept. I I Smiled, spoke, 44 visions nevor I . . . . .. 1. . . . � . . . . i ., life, Alexall dot Ill. is blessed With E6 health'y . appetite, suit he is as,foud.ok,.the ndtional Alderman Sbeildfor Lovell, � � ,Justice Bixbyithen called up Capt. Webb, 'If . � word fully realized. it'. conveyed the . � joyful ifitelligence ,that Mr. Thomas Pat� the. present summer, while m,odestly Sell- qtw. their oustorn in the purchase of one . - I ibler -to. All. ,- . .. . . I . .-'-JTha'fmimqr who.alibscribes, for A good I I Still wide of libine,-he saw instead - � ' ' . I � . . I Its ahgolq Standing by his bad, - - . . . . . I �., , Unshaken In:tho hour of droad. - � _,�. I Russian cuisine its of the Russian customs . . and manners which 116AS endeavoring to 0 the Twenty-zeve'uth.,Frooinot, And, told , him that he should station US. polio I omen . 1 , terson is a pzosper6ust merchant of -p I .. . I . ,. . large pity- in Michigan ; the communica- , -the 1 e -=any articles thrown upon . I - � market by tb,o;t rcethod, that shwwas a . . 'beauty, " loolil - .Pawska'pek seldom get's 4windled by bbarpers. . I I , I . . I . .� . . - i . . I � . � � Nearsightedness In chools. . I '�5 � Is dinner is ibevitably revive. The Czar I seeded national a -pr -'by� the near the doors � ... of these resorts and cause . . tiqn. further stated that the, i7riter. bad , I . I dtyp splendidl ,,6'(,Po,f, .womanly a, . y me face and. pleasing ,with a f . . I . '-A barrel of frogs is said to have beau � . . . . . The results of an inquiry into this Sub- .. 1. . I I ."zo,kilelcm," sort of preface, or introductory lunch, to the prompt arrest -of any one purchasing or I . selling a ticket on any r . see:' The captain years ago dises;rded all his.b4id habitai Was , . . leading the exempla , r an honest, . yth . . I manners, but altogether inexperienced an.. shipped from Belleville to Alexandria Bay I yesterday. I . . .- � . jedt Are givda Ili a recent number of the . I . �. . I . owing I . . . Blsass-Lothringische Volksclatle, all a regular M4�kal� 'Xhe zalidska. consists Ith ' only of caviar, li.erritigs, smoked. salmon, I . I - - explained that there were mallydifficul- ties which . Prevented such Y prompt I I alitfob'yof strict atten� tompeYate man, and tion to business � he . had serum . ulated it the devious,iways of city life. . . As Already stated, the'girl was -poor, I ,� . I .1 . . . * for -w-Varslunes; protecting' fair faces 'the .. -that myopia iii greatly spreading amid the � boys and girls of tlie German schools, - the - - I "I .. sardines, Smoked goose,. Sausages, cheese, broad butter. Raw, beets pickled in . ' aXecution .of the, law without -the . fortune. It.14 understood that'he will �. . �. without frienas to look to in this greateity; I ,muathe day after arriving hero she readily from the rays, of modnIare the lil'i . 9st 1. I . freak of fashion in.P&48. � - . . . . � . ' � , . . �, mischief'heing more markeanatlie chil. . . . and . brandy, introduced from Denmark by the � . ii,litance of a warrant by a magistrate, As . men Were getterallydisinios6d beemuse. the return to Wilmington. Mrs, Patterson IS, �sti I 11 it beauti ul W � 7 omaa,,mnd has bid mmn3 - accapted.v, situation iit a more Pittance in � 'I . . I -it is vastly easier to break the.head of 1. . up into the higher 61assei of the . . I � I . schools. The number of shortsighted in . I . � Empress, are often, added. Little round � tables are distributed in all nooks .and,cor" evidencewas not sufficient to holdthem. Upon hearing this Justice Bixby adminia- . If , suitors for. her hand since the supposed death- of, her husband, alt of whom,' of a necktie manufstctory on East .,Madison street, near the corner of V ranklin. It was ' one of, your enemies than to brealt the back . � of one of your Own bad habits. . . . I the elementary classes'was 5 to 11 per ' - .. . . cent (the examination einbraolfig 1%000 - - . ners of -tie dining hall. and upon these, in . golden enameled plates, the various com- � . . terbd a sharp rebuke to the Police Ca am s4d s6ia: 11 Men mosemble- by hund V 1), . co'Urse; she declined.' , . . . . - . . I . while thlis employed, but several month' aftpr .hot.. i.rrivml;* that alie met a young . - -Prof. lKing would like to trade. his bal- -loon for a mule, or some odherAnimA1 that childten� - girls . , in the higher schools for I - ' . � . I -the portion was frond 10 to 24 per cent - . 1. Portents of the zakusks stand. (in entering for dinner gathers inforalmlly' that localit . I � for au'illegal'purpose and you 1. . Have. Welt Stairted tire Xvy 1! -. * . I , 'I. Ma'aknown smoncr his associatesAi "Hotrry", �0 Jacoby, a 'messenger employed 'by. the. can, parry him.out* of the country. - , . pro , I I . . in the Teakchu7enp between 20 .and 4o. I . . . . I 'in . everybody I . around these table B, and helps himself at -A battery of Clecantet;s. also Stand. do notbing,'though you well know that ,you. . could make arrests 'without warrants, me. disorderly houses, I The plant of till plotiAll for the lio.ug� . � I is. the ivy. If one has & piece, a bit -only six I Adams Express Company. The girl'afriends have no hesitancy in charging her down- . - Dav Jeff -is' bdok.do6sulb aell-keriwell . -in England. The interest.in it is abou b as . per cent. ; the gymnasia, between . . '80 and,,'55; *and in the two highest - '' I I I I � all, 88 ' .1 pleasure. � *the 'choice. upon each table, And Makes d a the ".a of you 0 0 I ,�uo, .. PO .,end common d 1. . 1 - tie" no ual�cy - inches long, with time- mud. patience all the fall, to aadoby, and regard her* early inti. small as tb6 interest on confederate bonds. ­ � mg of between 35 and . pot cent_ ,. clw . I # physician Tubingen has found Ili An - . � . , 11 . difficult between the national wodkm, . � -bitters, kommell cognac, liquor and the . � . .Pa., it , . �p 0 all .. . , -rest will follow. This piece,may be hmaof. .6 friend, or any nurseryman or - florist will macy with him .as. the beginning of the � trouble.that led to her death. Some of the -It appears that one of the main things I in" t44 science Of ballooning is to find. a ,At. . , ts of theology 79 . . . � . ... exaiiiinaWn of 6.00 studen , . ; � . . I I English getievre. Ilavilig Stimulated the* d About an our An a, half.: after the Arrests were made tie. police again visited -send a Siliall rooted plailt or Some cuttings � � medicine, administered to the girl by, . . stump big enough to tie: the balloon to. I . I I . I par oont. suffering from myopia,'and, he . I . . , attributes this frequency to- the sinall, I . . : appetite by tile zibbuska, everyboay.ta,ues a' I place at tile table. Soup is first served.. the rooms'stid removbd� the blackboards, � tickets and utensils of every kind. They by mail for a-Amall sum. If th I . , , . � .a plomt1as roots, plant it in a pot in .good soil.. If it ,1 Dr." Townsend, ofNo. i85 .South - Clark' street,is in possession of .the occupants 6f tile' ­ -�-Ah; say 1,good day. Been away? Yes, but didn't stay. Some1utuie day, when I . . I �. crabbed � I . . . , print of the dictionaries. . No I . . 14� doubt, also,. a -large propbrtion,of the child- . . .. The. -moat pqpular.'and expensive of all . . . P- _' - d' ' I 6 71b " . Russian soups ia repare , rom.. a War I Lt�hajaots.poe�q xb a - f.JlldgeJ_3i y a � kenAt and will be.used as exhibits when the cas'es .ro,ts� has not do the Same mud it will soon . ,make roots, for - it is-oua- of 66 -easiest of . 'Slow premises at No. 195 Weat'Madison stredtj . Whohbd- the.,givl vas,rempve'd---to­the hos- I ..--. , , . I &en r may Stay. Day -day. get morb pq, I . "I � . . '.'' cif.W, �_­ . - _'�7Frbutmge; a ground -in the-ei . tye on.on- I , : .. . � ran's short-sightedness arises from defQotive . . . .� I... ­ -1 .... IiVing and bad sani tairy.,00nditions.-, Incon-, - --- - -- ­ .- . starlet, a fish from -th� Volga. But . - I . the favorite with the Czar And thd family . - � I . I I are-takembefore ,a jury. .. . I .. I . .1 - .1 I "" th ng � . of g,owtih At to grow from cuttinga.. Tirst- it given large, pots as the Vital - of ,the Sisters of Mercy, wharb' she , ' died on August 81st last, and the day fol� . . has been sold lately at. -the rate of 65,000i000 r uy. -an ac'rq, Let's club togethe and b an � � . , . � � nection with this branch of.the subject � . ... . � . , be mentioned the report of a society at - . . � . called ,,* sclitschi, Il . is what is ' ' . t. � whicl� is p6rha a , pronunciati on. of 'Pat � . - . . . . . I , .Ryalu'Developplent and IT101�0,101"raciel'- .1 . . . . I . �oots-. requiie, it.. will in time run to �le . I . tr,aiiied over the wihdovV'framo,..u0 the, .. :ied. at -,Qalvaiy Cometery, as lowing was but . already -Stated. -Tha' proper -aulillerities �. ' . I . - ..� Ili, h . . . ,. . I . . 0 . . . . I -A. conitaunication about -RQy Sombr- .may . � . . . I f I . . . . . . � Leipgip or enabling children under this con -.o . �, . . - . -diti -'of lif,p to' be sent either to the sdagide � - . �; ; . . � on I This, Is the expressed by Eb violwt ­Qoze., . . Russian soups, And, quintessence pf all It is not surprising to'find the uulaarn4. in thiuds'medical unable to uilders'taild cornei of the - room' and along the cor- � rallics. and everywhere, nices, ov�r picture I 'no 0 : will now no, doubt take Possession f'the � Be ,effects, as well as the oAicioos piescribrid in . ­ .. . . . . , Ville -i of the Dun4as Bamier, and. his hiuntpa hO'LiSEi escapade, ii -hold over for. consider- . . �. . I . . . . I or.. the country. - During 1880 there. weire 131. . * � . � . . I children sent away, na, mely, 67 boys slid 64 - . . � to brandy, the deareat'tbing to..the 11 next stomach of a Russian. The receipt for the �th At brain development, which of.courso is I .. � Ily 9, 'Inatter of heredity, d0tGrMi generp6 .1 � nos.. " mud make a dra e,r, 3o b�mutiful- that . . . h Yk io I. . , tv ) the pattern of the' one W, evc , , by Dr. Townsend, and.thus try to establish I � a fri;nds of thri dead the charge Mride, by th � �. ' . .!- . . I � ation.. ' . . I . � . . I I& .girls. Of these 119 were f6rwarded to the - , . � a , * .. I R rgerbirga','and the remainder to the baths . - I I � . I I . I .. . .. my it-lvpr4�ue&in-the4m�ierial-k4t'eli�en- I . . YT iatat� . tell, precious inheritance and is kept a e' �jDh4racterF--SudliT-ho,wo-yer,-4s--A4d-xA t "t F needs be the facC. Whether the .mind . � I; wall A at. Ono of thb fineAl_.diaplays of: JJ_ Ivy- we .:ever Saw wits in a vary Old utW- ' . at - Sze -was foully, dealt -tvith. .; Vii; itl t whoi'e-Tu attt­ --gb­Ah-T-kdeWw-xeztmur.�,� _16dil, . -It ia�nit beda'use .a woman exaotl5 frAiX�of,.s:_c9w that she runs sway; And A , - - 'a:6r-6- , , at, V.ranii6nhausol3,in.�Tliuiiiigia.: During%,-- . .'. '-1 ' '. . I . I 'Wb sii - I ... _­_­....... . , .. � , I 13 tat. A rough idea ..of it may.be given by .... -something outside'� ma;tter which '�ao t6, I brain, � house- one built in, the sail 9, I Y. Ys Of Now York, State. The bad Dill the -'beams at No. ,173 West Madison. street, claims - -do 'ad her *t4:, it is a 6ij jiiei'i�ij' abreams. - !�'6&a6j7d . . I .� . I . . a. I ..,. . wesks%.of:the qVa: . . . 1 y'th6,,wvarAge ight"OLe . ach child' increa�ed-Io mbou� if . I . . - . . we . ' .. . saying that the, very largest and tenderest' - __ .1 I , . )8sible piece. cf,.mllttP;kkECq0_0k9d t9getlipr - .. i through or by the as a. musician May ent,�'Cir'wb6ther, As 'use a, .-pusiddl � instrum . Parlor . . exposed;' and these b�,ands And the heavy � have known Ahe .'girl.. and ­ .I . I ,e6ple in .Canad ' * ` 11 to have p m,j,. A§ �Fq, �� %not.fashicFabl. . ­ , I ,- I � . " , 4.. I , 1. I ­ --1 1�1 '., -4t present! t or . . . .. . .,a .are 815 ponvicts cork- . � . ' , easuie ant Of Ahi­. � ­ . I l6g;,quimo, �the_m in ' I . I I . .1 � - . I , I in 'ease 'a � ". '. I PC . I . with the juicidst piece of beef. mad. ­1, , - . a quan, I � � , , IN *Pyo � .­,­ � ­ � 11 ffifia- -Im - .. some� �Jilft�o.��Fwk� CA_ RI -window IT s -*ere alf-drilpe . � &me � . d -with a, Pro-: � _so: -T,--- -1, ,---,,- , ,,h* " -ttb6­ Move ant �­* cQseSr wate did in a of entralPrison. This number . fined in the C - . I . . 'that also ... I arly w a - cheat . , ovary , tie . . . i . I I I .increased-, alid�tho sight of many pereepti- - - , * - - , ,. . tity of oiiions,.garlici cabbage, beets, beans I � etableg and - herbs. and other veg ­ Brain - function, it she Id �'be in anifest � o1i I u ,00nsidere,tion.thabupoiitbeLq�ality�iia.ii6ii.. 4 fusion of ivy.... Any One,with a very small' -outlay w�& time,'6aii PrClduce-dque,11y.fine, . . � I I . Mai�, fiorn'th6 daie'of'ber arriy4l in1hip 1 city until her death And sh' ) a 13tatew that - iii somewhat. below at the corrCisponai . . t year.� - .,- � - ing Week of lAs . ... . '' ' . I . ,..� . I . I ''. . . . . _AT4isgse ,.. . . . I bl�.: ifnpi;oved. .. -The . Ill ,of tho."visit .,:. . , h ildWas about 92.18s. 1. . : - . .t 1. � . . .. Another -sort of soup which! often � . . the imperial 'table I is called " Olbr6sk�,"- '-add ' consists formatiCin of a man's brain must d6pend'his � . metital,capacity; and, cons6qurintly, also: � . 4is characteristics, b6th iritelleotuAl and I 0 * ' ' effects, . Ivy out OfCloors will. bear quite a. . . � sopre' -frbeiing 'but. in the hourg� if -Ili m. . I i . Of growth, I -it , nine , t � )act . b - a allowed to bt%tc . *and about July 12bh, last' she disappeared- from' . . out's week. 'Miss . hot boATdiiig-house for. ab 1 Coffey, on- returning to her boatdingahouso, . ­4he' Baltimore Sun tells of a. young . Im' of that dit� who gave. K0,000 for A , husbani- -Our men come, high, but the , per.c . . . .. . . I . .. . :1� . - . . . I . ­ . I . - _' I - . � . , , I . . - 1. I . . , . � . 11. .. , . . . will Sh X? - , � ., .*... . . � .6ir bo�'Cheap. ' . � - . . . .. . . - I 1 I � . , ­ -e. * '. ..; . .. -­� .�, - , � L .. . -, I ofasort of.conglomermte siu6e made of - moral. We. are.'.not, di6pos�d to.-a*ge _ ii k ep m to freeze: If the'soll, b idist,. . .. explained 'to* Mrs. Soden mud her frIendis girls. . . _4mvegotto.brtveus.� .. .. - -'. . , ,; ,. Shoes'dught-to -be cheaper After this,'for , , .1 . ,.� I ' ­ ' . r I i PC Oa, a, in )are, Apples, Plums, barley�and 9 of nleat, little - herring specla . ment .as excuses. for. i Itires of Apyalcip conduiot,.because� given' an -Averag6degree, dii removerAlle dust-, Alle. 101kag0s:9 60*0r' . .occasionally with a d4ip. sponge or cloth, . . that she',had been 'visiting relatives Ili- Ottawai Ill.:` Shp Seemed to,the ladf6who'. StephenIg . Church, % �The..bell af'.Si. " .. I I the "'ant oxi the M&ay wax thread sew- " . I , mg P . .. .! '' . . ­ . �,,: . . mp.h as' has exbired. It is tboug�t 1 , . I � I I I . - . I . which swim pieces .. . and pickled ghorki us.' The Czar is Dartiou- . larly fond of chicken cutlets. a Is pisharski. - .. - -p v&, �i ofin.tellig6ilee�ndf-airlystro'ngv�ilI ON . F uaibl�.. for udividuaLla-zlear y-rospo I . 111,be a tla�t a f6ot, high W mthing.ofbeauty,: � twenty liet high or long will be a woii- one. . I gave hot cas , as Attintion to have ,Passed .. I awe6kIs sicknes , through. a Sever B' and' "" I Toronto, while it was being rung Sunday - - .evening fall with 9, craill. oil to the.sIclevm1k ;� I from feeti I . I � ... - - --j that ,�, 'royalties';'on � his � machine ,� . I t . . . . 4 . . � smoul'ted to� §1,000.000 ,a year in this . . . , ' - - . : � . - I -11, . .1 hicken fried in the" f�r� -made of liablied c I _tl19j . his actions., bift-it murif on: . nof be forgott 'or der ,of: grice 6,nd'.clieerfhllies�.-.�111LOric4zZ, . -1pultu -1st' ' * " '. . me,nner'0if' anaweiing-thle questions put to e, height'6f. over sev6nty .' - -"' , I � - =127 I . I I ., , , "K, - feel 98 though men Ma a . " , . , cquiltrY.. One mianulactur6r, j.*oiep i. Davis, - .. . I. ., . . 1._ . . . . . : � .� as -' . . A . ofoutlets in bread* crunabs and eggs. %Uia. also fond of pork coolied in milk7aflff served .. that his instincts of Tight .wrong,; And the-fa,culty' �f judgment, witli" �Aich he ..'� . . ,. I Aql .i for O.clober. .' .1 - I I . . : . : , - ft I ' . . 1-11 I . -her .'gave rise, to.'the diiect.4tsuspicion'. that' . . 1. � Sib had been -in the hands of an abortionist. 'recovery z _:Somb you. the warm sUn*limdju6t'bToken through'the 1. feel- ,paid high as, 430,000, pet* annum to -the . . . . I . . �, I . - paibntee. The basis ok the inachWo was , �� - . , . . I , , , 1. - . - With a sharp sauce. 'The Czar specially likes fish - in a great, variety of -distirig&sbes�betweqn go6d'and evil,' W*ill , ' ' , . ' rain be Acute or d-all'in proportion me his - b , '" �3--1 . of Wirido.lu.. . I Nilaactig . . ­ whether di4y: is- 5119mos. Success is duty . it wai.�etweeu her' and, the date � oflier deathiliAt She made Application to I clouds, While others m6ke,,.you as . though a sudden.east Wind, with,'itr; Akins an invention by Lyman R..Blake; ofAbfng-` . . , . _ I, . . � . . doe, Mass., wb to i4 � 185.8 patented an aria * .,' � � . . ; 11 ptepared WAYS$ pickled cucumbers And capauns'. He I , always eats in.full, dreaH un4orm, � And the . is developel Thd miid is fa it 1mrge sense the cha,raeter of a man, . iD,nd -as directly . ., . I . I I . . . z % - or,fiot.. � . ; , ... . . , -Charity !a a flist' mortgage. - oil ovary. I . - be xeinstated in her original position in the I Store on Madison street. -She was -then with- , full of a; cold f6g, had caught you with too � . I . . .thinelothing on. � . . I I tthe - �, � " w6rkin� inside shoo, and .sewing: .' - _ ' . . 11� � . dkoCitly- through, the -upper and .both - - '.. I . �" : . : N � ". I. . . Same is required'of 9,11 *he di'ne:with. him- I - dep6ndent Cin the physical' growth of his I . a" , I human bein . g s posses ,ions. I.. . . I 1. I . � .11 � . tib money, and being refused bar old Pboi; . 'q,;--Preri6nt indications point . to- Xingston . the .. . 4.N . . Soles ,'without - . use. ,of a welt.., - . �. . � � * . . . ' . . I . :. .. , � . * racbhorse is depe : brain as the. speed of a: nd. He who can Suppress a, In It I . . o ant's An' - 09M� - tion shosoll-lit and k�ceivod'th4 charitids of , . 'a �mallfie city most - likely., to ,be. selected as . I I M � - �1_1 ". .. r�.' Gordon XoKsy bought'this inven- - , .. � . . . -_ . I . . , .. . . , � . , ,1,11LXO� - - . I scular. dev'elopment: Thi ant on its" mu S � - . . , . . . . I may prevent it aity of sorrow. . . . MrA Soden, to idiom,sha confide sonteof , . I. .theseencof-Ille next Provinofal-Exhibi. . 1. - . tion for 0,8,000,. and the'Mmillias pateirto for '.; -. ` . i 11 . � � . I . . . . .. . I WitI707,HN NORWa. . . . . 11 . �. . �. , i , __ -is not sufficiently�- recognized, and because � A sweettQimper is to the h6usehold what - lor troubles, and, it N believed, the causes: I . G 0 a Us claim for the tion. . u 1ph 190 ,Puts I . channelling a slioe� for 159,000� -'Then in - I - , .- , '. � ,�. � . . . . . _4' " *.. . . - . . rour Cerl)Iiem Found in lc�a. Ab . andoned .1 . . . igno,W Multi. -16'is not we'civery now and .,gain filid..� silly. I . , . . I I *remarks in pritit such�, as the following: . . ... Sunshine is to tve6 Ali& ilovier% � - � . .1 . Life is aiw4sinteresting'-wheil yo, if h4ve � 'that led to bet 'Bu'dden'disapposiance and ' 1, - 1. 'as, : illness. On August 26th far 111hess . �. � honor, . . 1. I ": � . - -1 . �,. -1kato sport4wan: 11 Confound itlybu'vo ' .� �186,1,'Blake pla6ecl 6tt'alcohol. laiiip. Ili. the. . . I , , - .,- , - I I , .' .1. , . I armor7 I, librit," which kopt the wax thread - " _' , I vessel-Oaher J,Rodle. In ��,. . . . I ? I iinited Stittes. Steamship . I News from the T . . . .,, . The ,convolutions -of the brain ,may have , . a bet � so Settle thipg to dowith the differene w n � I a, purpose and live in its fulfilment. . - .. , . 'Justi ce'donsists in doing, no -injury ,to I � sumed a goele"U'a form, of fever, land th& 'visits of Dr.'- Townsend to her room in the - .silotr the. d6g I 1' thought '�O`u,told Ime you couldhold a gun.". 'Pat': I I Slitire, and so I' ., I �� ., ,, , wa,rin and.made the machine 6apable of.. : �, ". . . . .. pi'- . doing, the'finest Sewing,` The main' patent . . ". , , . . I ,pt,jgt1i, Rogers, dated St-1;mwieuceBay,Sg I vib,.yokaboma, Sept. 19th, to the Now York . .. mediocrity and gaiiius, but at present they . I . I � �r, net recognized in the law courts; ind it - a; -, in giving them no offence. me] . , deo.�ncy fi - _ When you : confek a berI6 t on a man, I . ' reBidenm at No.. 105 West Madison,be'dame fr6queiA'and, it is'�said,'noticembld 10T.3110. . . . can, your honor. Itfs the Shot, SOr,I couldn't .1 . . ... . I hould I III- " ,. . . .. hat was. called a 11 process - And pro- I � Was W . . , I , . . , � duct I, Patent, under which it was success- , . *0 . . Heraid is as follows: . We' mrrivad. here . to -day. 'All is well. 'We. met the Russian is difficdlt� to see'liow they can be -"'with . sucb��eak And, -wide'. moral :refleQlons as, ,you spoil it..if you 6vermfter speak of it. I . Hypocrisy is A-havil game to play, at, for -it -mannei in - � guarded whioh'they wor0doii diicted. Mrs.,Sodeli An& other of" - � . . i. . . . - � �. . -The cow ,which was given 10. Ha�lan . . . I fully claimod that no�othor. Machin ,could -- , ., �', . � . .. , . � , I � be. putch tile ,niarket to do the'samework.: . . ... I _�' frigate S terlopk, 'Capt. Selivron, who -_ smid . I eaterday that lie saw the officars .of � the, y that ,, it would be sca,rcely Satisfactory to �v ,, pidkp6chet 'to have his brains (sic) exa - - M. Ono 6ceiver agitinat mitily .6bse � i ' - is� rvers. a bapp u -age is * i h J 3s or unhanjiness of TlX mass or u mpp . ,friends . . the gir I I., oil leak-aing her dangerous con- di�i6 1, I and. . euspi�ious of Dr. �. To witateird"s :ihibition on the . list ,day,of. the Toronto X. . . Ore .At Scarboro!, . b of his admirerEf SP4 I illich - lost for's clay Or two, has been 0 .'.. . 1-.. I ... . ought'*' ... I 1. One of-the'first, lot- of machiribe wad b . � Silver of New , " * '.. �.. ,by. E. 0. �Biirt And, George . . I ' ! .. . merican whaler, R. B - HadAY; - who A � 'informed him that they saw the wreck of . . ined, - in. Order to prove.-- to those he. 1. oft - behind that he really could not .help being . , othil xt Of -a Past life- often n ig-le To act upcit ut thre r ract 8' (let mine' tion made' in � former cofinectjoii with the patient, ci�lled� . in Dr. Pleoker, a reputablephysic ian, who I was � I : I found in the pound.. . * .: I . � 1. I . � i 'tboughtful'man Aually 6tHer lirge manufac- . .1 York, but gta , 'ti I : " . I... I , mated that , - , . � . I tares citme in until it 'ii a - 1. .. I . . , � . . th6 Vigilant, found by natives near Ferdy- . ., Kaman this spring. It.4a. recognized I . a thi . 6f.1 I ",.And yet the facts are suidpiently � ' And'simple tbat . anger is like.qmb� .rk,ng on a, vessel during. . - - � - , ... . .. . � . h as ad office on the,corner of ,Halstead alid � w --The Moab has been discovered in Now larsay." Just. before he th(ire are now 1,800ttirachined in uge, whf6h: � ` .--.,.,. ... 1. . � .1 � . . * . I do the' bulk of the machine ihoe 7Sewing, of , , , ". . b the reindeer antlers which it y - plainAnd simple , so%plain any one should be Able to understand themi' m, storm" .., * � . Tbe� to do ,great . - things generally I Madison Btfobbts. Dr.- Placker is.now absent from the city, and,tharefore his Statement I 1. " When . .died � he Said to the undertaker . ... � *mt.mo I . I . � I i I . 1. . i ! . 'the country,�L-Jwter!Ocaan. . : . . . .1, . . I has for Yurebea:d. ur InOn. a - fig I - 'Fo . ' were found dead Ili the forecastle. The � I � . I . . .� -4Lancei. -1. , , � � . . . I .. _... ---.-. ­­­ ­­ .: . �'o,wer. . in I aiises thwwillingneris 'to do 'small. . thinas - .. I .1 . 1: I . . t, - of th' a case. is,not obtainable, but it is said that he perearril bofily refused, learning on ice do tiot waste any on my Yon I . I I � feet. They have already been frozen." - . .. - - :, . .. . I . . . . . . I � 11 � . _�_�_­ . .. .1 I � . . ' . I : . . � Florence, the actress, says thmt she . Esquimaux at Point Barrow Say that they , saw four white ildell, going towards the, . .. .. AIII6unparrabt I � I .. I � -Zea4 (or. ,I - .,: , : � . � . �. . I '. . . .. ' A� Paris %legram,announees that Prince- .. , . : . - - - , , � � . . , .. , ­ . . 1%he ilritiml; ArniT.'. . 1. .' . .on that - Dr. Towusehd .was attending' the ' I to pr6scribe..for. horj',Or't6 ..meet girl' . . I. - 4 my clear," .' _LRef6rm. sure.. to' come: - . * " . said a fond Now 119,ven,mother to hir child, . t,M,�q . , ,� with the 'Prince a -,of Wales.in the . I � . .a . I I � , I . . . I box of a,- London theatre, and. found her . I I . . I . Mackenzie river this spring, and', found . can w huts to live ilf � where they had mad 0 . . � �Xorome Napoleon hAs decided *.,to,,renotince 1 the Bona , Year by year the British army, once the, � � .most beautifully clad -and brilliantly eqi4 -., . I ._ P ­ - , " him. Elie: day befo re the girl's death Dr. -Tow'llstill di. was refused admitimuce,'it' is - 41 why do you not play -withthe little 'Ton, as bo� ? " - "Oh ' he's horrid. He Says bad, charming in manners and person. Her � . . melyLinuSiCal, t . � '.. . voice is soft and extra and a, . , . . � . ter. They sew dead ruen during t1]re will , in the huts, and also 'saw tracks of a sledge his claimENo the leadership -of .� * ' -or N . ists i�,fav of his Son# Prince Victor. P.1,11r., ped. in the world, l6seB, 801hetfiing. in , * turesclueness, 11'emthers And eO&Uletted L'I' ' 0 0 the sibk chamber, and Dr.- Placket) Aid, t dangerous , . -�rds, lust - like oes." naughty w ., Papa' "d . � . � . �­ . sfight Gaiman Accent makes. her speech all . ... 11 r '. f. . . . � . . . . the more Florence -pro.. - , . � . with-dogrit and footprints Of- men supposed 'the ,rdr., Par'ig, statds, tbat�PVI=6 J#6me .. . Napoleon has decided to' le%'ve France for , I mro'g6ne, and, except with'the, hussars, laoi . . being notified,of the girl's eon- dition', went in, and, finding her in a .-high Reform -Will begin. at, home in that fate ily. . . .. . � is.not customary; accordingto the pleasing. .2irs. . ' I I . 3unces Lady Lansdale and Lady Maude- . .� I tp . .� . . . . . to be In survivors of the 4ea nette. . . 11 without knowipg what grounds Ahere are . Constantinople. He: is preparing & mani- the of gold. or silver has all bu t disappeared. ge. for economy and: utility- is the; rag fever, rocommbuded -her -remo- Val to - the . of Mercy, -Hospital of tli6: Sisters whote -It , . now. editI4 . - . )a ot *"'Etiquette," for a iaayt.o . ­ � . I 6 Pirst, of Eiigliiih beauties, ville Among .th : " _. and says. 6f Mrs'. 'Langtry: '" SheAs not ' . � " . for *the supposition it se0luBJ153probable. . It is more likely- that the men .are from 'featO .renouucii ag. -his clitim to leader- . ship. of�tho Botimpartistsih favor of hi's son, .Such. that every buttonf save Such as may be I � abs I olutely noce , asary' to k I cop . his cloth�A 11 We died.. - Her . y Olinger 'brother dame on from Canada - mud': was when she accompany a �mller to the hall. He must 1i4m 'ke his obeisance in the parlor and offer. I . . - :. - . , Strictly, bbautiftil. She has a fair. akin and , . � � , . . ­­.. 11 large,* round,, dark eyes, which shw uses. ' . ,r. the missing whale The Rogers mud Stre- � � ring for the look start early to.morrow mort Prinob Victor. Tbe'llitAnifeabo. will be pub- lishod whil6.Prince Jerome Is on ,his way upon his.� ba6k,� bas vani�had from the' . soldier's tuiiie. The maxines are 'still prerient I om his sister died, ft , d it is said,reoeivea r 6 ,mplaint.if the fair Xano does not rise' no cc I . .. t6-maticipate or receive it. ... . I ­ . . , .� ' . ver� expr8F18i'Velyo slid -with all the art of a . . I ' - ' . - ­ I . The, - - . . I 1. I I Arctic ses, to invies.tigate,therumorS,mild . , to Constantinople. A..� des . I patch - from AtheA Say " that rince �erdnie Napoleon q - '�ir ' . permitted half-aidozen such orriandents on the a confession of- wrongs committed against bor,,bat,-degaOus'of siielding her .1 ' I �: - ­�." eirt�rpri�'Iliig ,Lobg Bianicher,'witli protesB!onalaotress,,indonversation. 1. . natural o6lor.of,her hair: is - chestnut . but - , , * , I I ` I - . expect to Send more Authentic! news before the close of the summer., Tho.R� B. Handy hag ar wus, He visited the ri v.d' . t t �, " illuminated, lik , the skikt'of their tunics, but it is enbu4b to I . I make soldiers despondent -mud civilians' � - memory at home, And - besiaes'n . .. ot -having " , means to- prosecute the rinelpals.in.tbe P � 11 iibw to turning an,honest. peimy, hAd it telescope put ilp whera. it commanded a : 8hei Then seeh. with very light or!red- * , ' . a ss'D. . I - dioh frizz"o ... i'-a-swi-th IYdiO' of the- color' - . I . . had oil board the captain and tWomen AdtOP Is, which 7,8 in ol . . I or* 'at .Va I. . . 1. : hon' I smile td otilsorve how button afitir button is, , fouldoed,'Iie returnedlt f o his home in time ,view df the, President slid his room. ''The I 11 lestow�d by *nabure, TheS6 Artificial - 11 . . from the American whaler Datitiel, Web. .Clirig. . . . I. . . . . .. ' . . out off the uniforms of both ca�alry -And' attend tlie fuiiaral of his mother, who observatory wits qpmmi�iily hustled out of , mdju�.ta enhance the'effect of bar really I I . . . Star, wrecked . thin summbr .near Paint . Barrow. .. . �.. I . . . . . _­ ,� -i,.� --,.----- .. . Amidug Irop,a-lirlyorec, t-roar.1jr%vo litat4bandow . I . . .. . , infantry., Two Are All that are now allowed I . . at the Ea&,of tfierin,fantry tufiie, The very ,to had been advised of lier'daughter's dtsth. . - . . . . Fot some'rgasolithe Clark street employers I .. Sight- . ' -� � ' . ' - A- now''Cau adiati guidd book says that " , . U. . . I I . W , .. � fine, eyet", .* . . . - . I . I . � I I . ­ Loox OuirOR TIIE PX14GRINT.-A. mysterij . .. _.. . ...'.... ., 1. . Myrinds or noths. . . . - . 011imod, Sep't., 18.' -An .extraordin�rY divorce ease was beguli in the. Superior ,facings are pared .4oWn to. the. 'meretit selvage�. Thohe decorations which gave of the girl -gave out the Statement, in answer us of know. to the inqifixieo of Parties desire' the construction bf tile Desjardirill Cfamal greatly promoted she -prosperity o f Harrill- ous' atax, called the Pilgrim, which wits � '- -.' ' , r . observed in 945, ,- . . I 1264 and 1672, is expected . A despatch froin - Poit -J6rvJA,`N.Y,j Says.: 49 This village has been vi,jited for, -the p�ajt Court yesterday. Mrs, Elizabeth Falvy asks a divorce, from two husbands.. In.'1868 she Married Dennis Vi &Ivy at Lynit,11ass.Ibut: prottmoss -and Variety tothe uniform, and. . were .1,6noo reprded as the distffict've . I . bAdge�-ofyegitneiito,'nrel.i(Ji�iriiothiiigmoro ing what had becould of. her; that she had diod:vory suddenly, and that 'her body 'had I tou." , it'sm pity it was ove'r built; when' . , . the numbqr f . 0 ubefAI'lives ,It onguiphad h1to ' �yastronomerdto,appear'beforerlong. It ' I . , � I � . . . � as I . . .1 was"aesoribed in 1572 i br!'�,fijter- tbAn'.. . . I I . . . . , . . I ' I three (lays by.myria(Is of millers or moths, ... I They were firrit uoticed on' Saturday eVeA. �. ? Irearg latei: in'187, 1) edesdrtedher. TWO., *told than tiny patilhei upon t . he dtiff.and collar. . . been remov6d to.Cauada. Whe,t-lad to a . .001A_ firmation of the Suspicion of fbul play is the and its ligelessnesenbw are,taken c I On- . � slacratiou, I . . . Jupiter, and ,I such wits its b rij lancy that - � I . . I I 1. able to detoot it.htnoon in,&' . . Ing collecting around tha ,lampposts And . IV Hines her� lNilvy`-�Lts deAd I ­ ___ . -11:1 , . fact that . ropoated, attempts I. b6ve .. been . .11' , I he 116cliestor bentocrat says. "ghe persola'*ore- � I � ­ ejeaj sky, and at night'whon the sky'was .. .. . � .. . store windows, aftcl in .the mornibd large . numbers were found dead on ill's gtound And she married ,him. Subsdqucntly'sba� learned, - that Faivy, was'living Ili Quiticy, I . .. - A" F131111Y U1041231M. . . - - - As Rov. Mr,'Silcox Nvast About ,to entok . made to Ba�lilio thoOffecta oftho dead girl.' The l.jdie4,*hOWOV0r, in the 1101180 Oil WGsi . -T I Railway 'is doing mn-.im-. Gromt Wo8tort monsobubiliess. The passenger traffic is, so oVeroast as to hide all other 'stars." - If , . . . . . . it appears. it will proba,bly'.bo, visible for. , , ,. - : , I 1. and sidewalks. .,Oil Sunday night they in myriad4.- Last night every Mans., ana was in arried to. another wornall, ' and.Mas. nlyy thereforea�`ks to be released Ilia pulpit. at tile city hall Yesterday �nornitjg,, (Says t40 WilitniPeg'TITAC8 Of- -Madison Street, Whence she was remoired to the lioHpital,',lisvp tiken the precaution So illeavy that the company are not ablo to has. It i 9 OPU6 'several. Weeks in the cbnrl�ellmtion of C&S., ' '. , _'. . . . K. , slopola. ­ I I . 11 . � . 1. . I. swarmed I window where there was a light mttractea � . them by hundreds, and aorno -of the win. from Faivy becaurie of his violation of *the' marriage vows, and frolil 1iines because Broilaay), Jib wtt%5'�=prised,to find that *A, meimbdr of tie 8loth - had..itlreaay taken tb,tilollashould meddlowith. these uutil such tinio as the tiunk mild ies -contents furnish enough coac more P Is, noNy� tl�au ever." � , 9 �, � . I . . .1 . � . . . .1 � � A Cilever. sell is perpetrated on. the guests I .. �. . . . . � dows were White with them. In the dvt�nd ,1 Tom's Citbin " .she could dt- legally contract m4riago�at . )to married bim. the time an posses�iwi of the dpok in tile person 61 tile Rev, Mr. Dell,.of the Porta�te lit Prairie, want into the hands "of, the, alithoilties or '!:here .-Detectives from Toronto, TAmilt6n I Mobtraml And other Cities &to be - sent . .. of Glei MoUntaill House, Watkins Giant . . I I ­ N.Y. * Oil a tree near the piazza; frontin . . . 9 - I O�ers Hottrie, wlisro Uncle was bBit)% played, great .annoyance wits Clionce by the ... � I . .- I Mr. Clyno Smitlij . ffit Gorm an naturalist, upo had promised to officiate in the ourt house for. St. Andrew's Church.: Mr . . 0 Dell 0 oceased. is an tie frioi.Ws' f the d' Abundance. -of material o�idclicd at the theit duty in this. .to. to the races at Guelphj St. Cathkeitids And the..London:V xhibition, to Assist the the glen, was hung a cige carefully covered . ... � , I .1 with a piece of bakloo. Upon it was posted I I . . I . aused to oth A and actors c .0 I miller, And around the-brillimitlylightod . has been murdered on Now Britain Island, in the Pacific, by ItAtiVeg With whom h6' - Nj,as on the eye of giving out th&firiit. hymn of a'sbries *wbieh lie had just thd� liando.of the police, and �asa sbermi. ciekor., Since,. should they act IbLml police, as it gang of Americin and Canadian tlievos have Started for the Above the fgllowing.,notice I 44 Bimaieabofrbal . � I - , . Havana. Raise the cover carefully, as the I I ., I entrance tile walla were cor'Veroa f4r, a great . ,distance, looking as though there-. had been .1 ' Was engaged in friendly conversation, go WAS Struck by 0110 of them from behindt I given or aniflt 'bon a was at roac ad the P 11 W meter 'of the it r�gatioi b &CI just .promptly in this matter, the perpetrators I of tho foul. erime, it such it proves t6 be, plao� fi' . . � - - . - A des atch from Lonaou.-says seven- ' . light Might injure his eyes, I I, it is fud for ,, � the, initiMod ta sit there quietly and see . 0, snow mtorm.,) . . . . .- . . . I . and had not the slightest chance of resist I , . tiou ontorodandso 6 atface 81 r0blftr 0di . 11 w7bo brought to timely. juatke. The ease is in it some features thatrival theJounio il teen �atidsl? will take pmrt,in the music race I � . � I I victim after victim cautiously ,raise - tho , I . I The Constantinoplo cotrqgpohdont of the knee, Two Frenolinion,,who were his eompNnI0bS,-BhVXCd the Same fate- Oil the 44 I .1 It . lie W . 9 " as ou'vo got into t r b" ," e invadei )-a li ad i � il to oil t 8 I, is not , dory� mud will proba Cramer mys bly prove nbxtweek. Prominent among them will be the ladies' bairta from cairCi. The curtain and disclose suspended within the . � I I . cago-a bri6kbat. . I . I . lj London Standard SAYS all important move, ment has been set oft foot by influential Same, islmd has been litudorod a diver I , w rell Wl or t. ndro' Is ILI co Ore atiOn a o6mpattion-piece to the Several noted . abortion eases that have been u . Ileartlied'in ladies receive their expenses mud a bonus Neither the .. . , � I . ", A boat race lately rowed by twcl crews of r -. " A,orman and English gentleman .( I who ard interested in the welfare of the Jewel to namedbavianall, whorwent on shore from ' I it Stemmer where be wits engaged to recover it luf worships ? 11 Ravin' bee a . �. AS to nt the court .house, the rm go Iowan boat a this city during the pa�fi half-do;Zan years. It certainly affol,aA Rite police an easy. field .of �160 for theli attolidance. or the 7th' of London 186h�of Hamilton n. I girls is described in the Cincinnati Enquirer ... . . . as funity. "Now and then a fair . towor . 11 . I obtain 9, grant Of! 'Jaina in Syrim from the . 1; . Turkish Government for allotment to So we some articles tho'natives had stolon.froin, him. They killed him on, the Spot, and 'by hasty rottaut and WAS soon in the'aharge of. 9, more orthodox flook. I � . . for operations. - , . . I :, I . hava onterod, � . I.. . I '_`Irlibljc�clooks cannot be made to kee I . P caught a crab 1�-thmt is, Ili other than .1 . I . . i boating Vilglish, she aiawt got ., .1 I the blehe of . who may be deairous of omigratingfrom where they are now subject to before the body could be recovered his ds the Cannibals had oats n it.* I frien ' . . . . - ., : I * I. Ismail Pasha, the ox-Ithedive of 39gypt, . . * - The Qd soil hait columiS61611434 tho.'attlat good time 'even by the .aid of clootriety. There may be sottle'reasoti for it in the 'a's her oar out of the, for promptly at the . . . I wa . . � conclusion 6f the sttoke-then the handle . countries . I proposed to open up It is persecution. - - Means of comi,aunication by constructing . I . A cablegram fro in London says thd Princoak Louise hag returned hero from 'She is at Present stayi0g, at Vichy, where be bas'taken up his residonea in the villa. of the Pluitrated.t6ndon Rtiv$ to PARA at, is or' I ' tare of the review of Scottish hi t left PIC hold at Edinburgh. k a through the 0 nca,tera 0 a 0 CIO a, "in � ' 0 have a a "I"ot"I"it ale treat r n by * , n boon It I a � . Ealopeallowu end flow back to.whack hot in her abat ' . � � I . little stomach, slid she tumbled bkokward -, ...., I her hot I * . I . d railways, and t roada, tramways an 0 the Continent. is about to make form6rly belongilag-to Napoleon 111. The volunteers, I M clue , w,t�oat Suo_ ro 0 � off Rdat, while lig ,'T�vinklea . I form colonies oil plot,, of iand in the 'sits provioU several farewell vi . a to. her ot.9hodive's saito oousiat� . Xdtltlos of aarlt pluall will be lifted th t I , I 0 orat"a, however , , W an 08 blithesomely abov the gunwale Of the - . I ' 0 ,vicinity of the railway station$, I . . I . . . . . , , .. I . . departure for CaliadVI, � . I .1 . � I . I ,. I � I . . I . � I . . . .. I .� . . . I parsolw, includilig eight 61 I � I . . . . I . I . � . i I I I . 1. � . .. . . .. with quilted satin. . I . . . . I I , I I .. I I . . . � 1 . r 8 Ono thing has beau successfully . I . � . I . . .1 ­ . I .. I "I . I 11 I boNt.11 , I �. 1. . ... I . I . . I . . � I I . . . . .. I 1. . . � � . � . I I ; I I I : a I . I . I . . . .. . I .. � . I I . I . . . � . . I . I . . I . .. .� 1. I _. . I I .11 " . : - 1. � . . � I . � . .. I I .. . . - 1. I I I . . . I . . I � � . I . I I .. � I . i . . . I . . I , � . " I . . . . '. I I . � . � � � � � .1 I . � � I.. . I . �, � I . . . . . � � I I . 1. . � . . . I., - . . . . 0 . I . .. � � .1 1. .1 r.."'..."', .... ..... .. , �., ��_ .,:.� _1 1--... . . , . I . . . ­ - ...... ... ­ .. I.:- 1-1 I .1 ­­ ­.. : � �. .. - . . I . . I . I ­ I --.-I., I 1.111-11-1 ­­ .-1 ­­ -1.1.,-111 I-.. I � . .-F . .. � � � I � � � - . . . . .. . I .