HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-29, Page 5A c-iiewror r ;a a ! MORTGAGES, NOTES, AND OT1IBli Good. Securities Purchased. E: ON VET A.N• ING W, W. F:SR1IAN Clinton, Nov, 0,1880. 47 A NEW AND IIVIPROVED AT . L,ONDESBOiRO JoIIN WAL1iEIt, Proprietor HURON LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION. SE Annual Sale under the auspices; of the MiranT .Give Stock Association, wilt be held in the TOWN o1 CLINTON, en Wednesday,, October 19, /SSI. Parties desiring to .enter stock for this sale, can do so up tothe morning of the sale; but only such as is entered with the Syc'i'etary on or before the 15tb of September, can appear iii the Sale Catalogue. All entries must ire iecompanted by tho required fee, and ,:wners of sto'ek must send in the pedigrees of their animals fully made out and plainly written. Talmo er liTMSC$.•--1'breach thoroughbred stallion, snare, bull, cow or heifer, ',2 ; for melt pair. of sheep or .vele, 50 coots; gratlo stool: halt price. A commission of 1 per cent. wilt be charged on all stock sold. Alt who intend' entering should have the pedigree of their stock in the catalogue, All entries must be addressed to the Secretary, at Seaforth and further information ,tle,ared will bo furnished by him. MCLEAN, Seaford), Secretary. JAS. BiGGINS, Olintoti; President, Dr. Carson uevef i:T:aluiedter lits stotnackr and It is proposed to ,erect a molnuwuet to the + Free o1' coxi. 1£ constipation bitters any Dfiracuteus Power of late Dean Manley. Alt ptratna wishing to test tine, merits of s healing, but vita .the quiet consciousness of their wedieinai virtues be prescribes them to all those 'who suffer from any deranguement of the etotpaeb, bowels, olcirer and kidney*. In large On bottles. at 5000)48. J. U. Combo, ape mat agent for Minton. FA141, 4}IIOIV$, Pall shouts will be held as follows: Morris, at Blyth, Oct. 12th and 18th. East Wawattosb, at Belgrave, Oct. 11. Provincial, at London, 21st to 30tIt Sept. Stiloy branch, hayfield, October 10 and 11, tc Oct,d an h. South Ilurou; ict'R"a t q et, 3 dt 4 East Riding, e; Brusseis, Oct cth and 7th. West Biding, at Coderich,• Oct. 5th and 0th. 11ay Branch, at Znrioh, Sept. 20th and 80th. lessee. As aJ3amily medicine Dr. Carson's Stomaeli and Constipationllitters are rapidly taking the place of pills, they are equally effectual, do not gripe, weaken, or produce nausea and are pure. Jy vegetable. In large Sof bottles at 50 cents. J. H. Combe agent for Clinton. Money at Low 'Rates. Till. COUNTY OF 11UltON has at present about 920,009 to loan on first Mortgages, on farm property, at low rates of interest. Apply to A. M. ROSS, Gnderich, June 30, 1881. ' tf CO. Treasurer, POTATOES Wanted, o ICORSHIPPING. Highest Price Paid., THOMPSOhr BOLEa, CLtr-•To. r. Monday night. The Agricultural and Arts Association gold medal for the bust kept farm, was awarded to Wm. Donaldson, West Zorra, The extent of the loss caused by the dim. troua fire in Vollingwood on Saturday is Much greater than -at Srst'estimated, and will reach to more than $160,000. The jury at Orangeville on Monday, in the trial of Wm, ¥cOorwiok, for the murder of John Pangman, founds verdict of manalaagh, ter. Sentence was reserved. Mrs. John Footer; of•NVoodatook,drowned herself and her infant, in a cistern containing only about a foot of -Water, Despondency is the only probable cause mentioned. Tho first step in the trial of Guitean will be taken next week, when his. case (will come before the Grand Jury. Rev. Jabez Swan, over 80 years of age,' and a noted evangelist of Eastern Connec- ticut, has become insane over (larfield's death. A married Ilan named. Berry has been arrested at Guelph, -far outraging four lit- tle girl,,, aged from12 to 15 years. Hewars admitted to bail, and has, it is sup- posed, left the. country. Those who are subiect to biliousness, eonsti ration, indigestion, dyspepsia yr airy kidney affeotioshould r u, take the advise of an able Physician and use Dr. Carson's Stomaeh and Constipation bitters. In large bottles at 50 ets. 1, Ii. Combe special agent fpr Clinton,. • TIIl: SA:Fink: r or ..1A sii.irr3,—Th1 grey hairs of age being brought with sorrow to the grave is now, we aro glad to tali 1k, becoming rarer every year as the use of Cin areae Hair Restorer becomes more general, 117 its use. the scanty locks of age once more resume their former color and the hair becomes thick and luxurant as over; with its aid we can now defy the change of years, resting assured that no Grey Hair at any rate will come to saddenus, Sold by all drugaists, 50 per bottle. great remedy -one that Brill positivi+gels• •mire + The. Earl of Male:, Who was on a visit to j •nsuu ptiou, (loughs, t,olda, Asthma, Bret). America, • died at Denver, Colorado, .last Uo ehltis, or any affection of the Throat ,tnfl Lungs --are rerlueste(1 to call at J. lf.('otobea : Drug Store and get a :mal Bottle of 1)r. King's New Discovery for t'ansumptiop, free of coat, which will show you what a regular dollar size bottle will t1o, t`1.IW1TD iA1i11C1;y'A. Sept. 28, 1881. Wi1eat, fi111, lir bush, old w 1 ',.9 Spring, .ledellat7, • 11,:, Fife, • - . 1 2b Oats, • 0 35 Barley, - 0 (in- Peas, . • a 05 )• Flali ,' 0 00 Potatoes, 0 iii Butter, - 018.. Epps, .. - 0 15• Hay, • - - - 19 Ott Hides, - - 6 50 Sheepskins - . . 0 50 Beef, • 0 00 Clover, • . 4 50 Timothy, • . 8 25 a 4 :;0 Wool, - • ...- .• . 0 i a"' 0 91 a 1 31' a 1 2S a• 1 30 a. 0 ,i y° t a 0 70 a .0 70 n-.0 t) Er 0.40 a (1 20 a 0 Id a 14 00 a 8 00 a, 0 113 tt 7 50 a i;. 00 "Returned by Justices of the s..vWYNcrrt email *"""'"""""14461141114049114014‘.,,..,.wc+vtf,tKut,omowrrem vxxntttrmsuet irmte C. t=J. I••. F.A\'1',.T1toi'ciJN. BLI 1 LamD Eco r S $U PPL I c. A ('obi>i'1'fUlt Ph:' MACHINE ®I;8 e. Jr:lltl l:sT 1 ars. IJ12Ass KETTLES TLES lNt3tll.l.l:l'. ' to V , 'BEST l..ti.l'E EYED. ok'IPk:lil•:I,. IV111T5 LEAD Pg. !NTS. ' 011.4 aV, li1CA i'1'1:J) (1 f NCINS AND LOW 1'itlet*i. 1'Al 11., t'+)f 1 i AND g ( 4 0 J'*num,„,tout ofnrdc:•. S1,11 J.1t :4 MI 1( l ssnx. 1* ,,,,. ro,il r Alt tu,, .nm", w arrmtcd. t TINWARE.' 9 O iil l)t't,9i.i l'li1Ci:S SHELF HARDWARE AHO BUILDERS' SUPPLIES SPa A OI.AI.T°a`. • .t I{DAVIS CLINTON r I N ONT. SCHEDULE OF CoNVICTIONS Peace in and, for the County' of Ifuron for the Quarte ending the 13th .clay of Sept., A. D. 1881, ,pursuant to. Revised Stattite of Ontario, . Chap. 70; Sec. 5, P j Name of Prosecutor.. Name of Defendant. Nature of Charge,. Date of Conviction: Name of' Convicting Justice or Justices. 1 '1 • 4 7 y 10 :11 Charles Seager, jr. 12 Edwin E. Seager 43 Sarah Thprburn 11 Constable Kippers 15 Thomas hood-.- • lti 1Vm, 1)yer Arnold 17 Win. Dyer •rnold l•S . high Constable -Currie 1'1 George, Beattie. - •a') (George Iteattie. . :21 .I,'onstabie Sturc,ly 2.2 TuspcetorYates _:i Inspector Yates. 24 !Inspector Yate . . 25 • Capt. 11y, Law on 20 rapt.' Hy. Lawson • ' ::7 Capt. Hy. Lawson t'S • .Win Ustraride x t Constable Sturdy '.1 Constable Sturdy - 31 'Const able turdy.•.,• • 2 1[igh Constable Carle i..3 C onstab,le Stur.(1 • .. 4 1iru1 J,• McQuade - i .. Constable Imhof.,. :1G - 11. Burns 37 Seines Craig 38 Constable Dunlop, 9 Constable Dunlop'.• 40 Wm. Ballautyne ' ▪ 41 Wm. Graham, jr.• 42 James McIntosh, . 43 Wm. Ballantyne. 44 Mary Ann,Fair: 45 Peter Moore . 10 Wm. Beahautync 47 Wm. Ballautyne • . 48 Peter Cantelon" 49 W. C. Searle 50 Robert Marshall 51 John McMillan 52 Wtu. J. Paisley 53 Win. Cantelon 54 Thomas Whaley • : 55 Constable Paisle3x• • 50 Mary Jane •Krouse • 57 (Jonstable Paisley 58 John McMillan 59 John McMillan •- 60Michael KeIIey 61 Michael Kelley 62 Wm..Hicks . 63 Robt:.Landsborough 6.4 li,obt. Landaborough 65 John Croll • 66 • Constable Davidson 67 (ionsttible Davidson- 08 iGeorge,74lcICey 69 . High Constable:Currie . • 70 High Constable Carrie 71 Clemens• Fralick .72 Ale:~;.Imitty 73 Steven, Turner &,Burns. 74 Wm. Armstrong • 75 Wm. Armstrong . 76 Andrew Bennett 77 David Johnston.::'. ° 418 Inspector Yates ' 79 iohn Straits • 30 Arthur Twitclel • 81 Arthur Twitchell S2 Mary Dean 83 A. 0, Hawkins 84 Charlotte Balkwell 85 Geoige.McLeod 86 Lydea Bender 87' Henry Kinsman • 88 ' Henry. Fiuly 89 Wm.•Mage 96 John H. Duffy • 91 Ale:. McCall 92 W. .B. Mallory , 93 Charles C. Silrvis 94 James•Coolc 95 . Wm. White 96 Alex. Parson 97 John.Carter 98 Samuel McLlollattd 99 Thomas • Wallace • ' 100 Francis Allen • 101 Jacob -L, Zeller 102 • Moses Hannah 11011- J. C. Morrison 104 Henry Beckenham- ' ` 105 Jones Dalziel' ' 106 James, Dalziel • 107 John Trevithiek. 108 John Trevithick -109 John banoly 110 Nelson Nicholson u • 111 Thomas i4*elli)ouga 112 James Willson 118. Arthur Spotton ' 114 Silas Finch 115 Mary Jane McGrtttten Constable Yule Constable Sturdy • Samuel Weller Constable Sturdy Constable Yule kTames Mullen Constable Sturdy Samuel Weller Wm. . Thrower Louisa Cole • Hy. Lippet Wm. James Johnson. Peter. Shea Robert Johnson Hugh McCueen John- Adams Mathew Mathieson . Robert Hyslop Wm. Rutson• John Shanklin • Richard H. Kirkpatrick, Richard H. Kirkpatrick- John irkpatrickJohn .Wannamaker George Whitlaker James Clarke John McKinnon John McKinnon. Samuel Noble • Wn11. Cook • Timothy 1llahonev ' George E. Lee • 1Jobu A, Doyle Man A. Doyle John A. Slattery '• • , Peter: Willson ' John Clark - James Hi .Green Dairies -Taylor.. - John Patterson*, Jcihn Campbell • Angus i1I'o1 ay' ChM tit, 01 • *Vin. Eobiaoi1 '.... - J: Lattimer-' ' Kate•:liobertson: • Mrs E: ifallett . fames C+rahain .. •L 11' West ,' - : tIFL'ilesS Iy` :;Iathew•Keiland• Hugh Burns • John' Craig. John-Sancleis • - Christina Steven, Wm, Graham; '31 John Pollock. , • • ' . . Mathew Kelland Thomas Landon Joseph Graham John iN.10,11110n Robert Marshall John, Cowan . • Arthur. (;col..: Gllbert:A. Siriitli Mrs, I3uckly George.0stronib • James Young' ... John- Swarts Thomas • Swarts john Swarts Thos. Swarts • James Connell Thomas Carter. Jonathan, Carter.. Robert Brown James. E.dw anis Flossie. Part • C Coughlin '. • James?Whiting Thomas Itlanser Mark Buchanan• Clemens•Frniick • Wm.IIaydon ': Wm.• WSJ lace..• James:Smart • John Wannamaker• • .Wm. Demi • . ` Andrew Bennett - IA.rthu'r. Twitchell John .Straith • • John Straith James Dean John Stevenson John.Worden. John..Tones John Baker Thomas Dearing -. John Gepson . James Coghriine ' Writ Carr. Georgo Tait. John Thompson • Alex. Orr , Wm.. Greenwood • Thomas. Smith ' Edward Hogget Rebecca McMinn • Samuel 13rade,n, J.Clegg & Mrs.Arinetrong John Wade John McKay John 0, Morrison , Samuel Hannah . Louis Dei jardirie , Otto.liolt George Lewis Thomas Par(;ona -- Higgins • James Carl: W. ''AeK' reber Churl '. 'it'tier Jame:. 1 itio Jame,, "ltompson ale+ J.iilil)s , .'.rnnnron Drunk and disorderly ' Drunk and disorderly . Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly , Delaying mail .' Drunk and disorderly ' Vagrancy Assault Obscene language, etc. Assault and battery - Assault and battery Stealing Insane: Placing filth in o public placeAssault. . Insulting language - Wounding - Damage to property Damage • to. property a rant . • i)i of dery house • •: • (hours! Selling liquor in '- irehibited' !Selling liquor without liconSc ;Insulting language !IInsulting language !Insulting language l Assault...:.• !Vageaney Drunk and disorderly jDrunk•anddisorderly - !Carrying unlawful,weapon 'Furious driving • (Abusive language • 'Inmate house of ill 'fame l)rnnlc and disorderly ,Abusive iaugiaage :Keeping "'mai) of ill fiulie Drunk and disorderly I131.each .liquor bylaw Assault and'battery !Assault 'and battery Breach 1iceiisi' act . Wages Deserting , employmeii t ;.. Breach,license act • Ii:i4each license act Threatening languag1. Assault ,• Assault • Abusive language Drunk ' Abusive i ligual+ ( - Assault Drunk".- Insulting language Drunl. Assault. • • • Assault • -• • - Abusive Iangu.t f . . AssliUlt Doggilin sheep Supplying skim. -Milk to cheese do ' do do factory Assault Drumk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Assault ' Larceny ' Accessory to larceny. after. fact Assault and battery Assault mid battery ' Fraud , Malicious injury to property. , Trespass . Larceny ' Larceny Violating liquor:lar,. Threatening language ;Threatening language.. Assault Threats Larceny: Vicious dog Assault: Assault. . Grossly insulting -language Assault , - Assault - Wages' , • Assault and: battery' ' Using grossly insulting language Assault • Assault. Assault and battery. Assault and battery Concealment of child birth x Assault and battery Lamb killed by dog Damage to waggon` Sellingwithout license. Removing . fence • Larceny' ' . Assault Assault • . indecent assault Riot Assault :• ' Non-payment statato labor Nonpayment vyages ' • Intent to defraud Abtfsive language) : Assa01t with attempt at rape W ages 11. ' 11 13 20 .21- 28 July' 8 '1 12 2 I. • • 5 .5 26 • it, tt (: , Aug :1 • Thoraco Horten and Peter Adamson,'E s. it tf ••tf t't it ff • ft IC ,Anioulit. of 1?enalty,Pine IDamage. -z— June 11 Horace Horton, Esq,, •Mayor of Go(lerich. • 2 00 2 :: 00'2 00 • • 9 :' liioraco Horton, I sq.; Mayor. cj - . ..! • tar c 15 t t 2.4t t . i, 2 Sept. 1 • <t tt i Aug. 1.lonzry troop,. i..4tl,, .lfayor ta, • ; • • tt tt 80 iSta-ong and 11e1)ou,all, .I'sgs, 'Sept: S • A..itiong, i?srl:, Mayor Mch 16, !Beattie and Willson, ' June 20 joint 13eattio, : Fsq., J r, a • 2 1 '” .July 4 113eattie.air31 11 Illsoii, Isrl. , Aug, 3. 'John Beattie; Esq., 3. P. . . 0 tt .. • 3.0 i Beattie and Willson, Es,j , .I erne 27 • I1-), „A...Forrester, Esq., :fiftyof c' Clinton July 16 tt tt. 7i 7 • i x,112 ). tr) it 1; • 1f 1.7 - Jtine 20:. •J'u1y 1.9, •1.0: Feb. 8 'Ji1ly 28 Aug. 29 July 1(1: • Juste 21: • Aug. 15 .. .15:• • :30 31 31 tt Sept'. 10 Jas.• . Iilaliatlq, i+; q ,,;j.1' June 29 , • I•lahaf y and Haynes, Esqs; • 'July -14. Jas, Ma'liafi'y, Esq. • 14 t1 cif . • it John MCGarva, :Cas:, J I' ,Ginter, McGarva aud I (frau, Es• t.c s., tf •- John McGarva, Esq., J.P, I'.:McDonalci, Esq.-, Mayor ofWingh,*n 1• Thos. Holmes., Zs(l,; J.1'. - A. Hunter, xt June 27; : Aug 23 • • July 16 80 ".Ailg. 2 Stine 22 23 July. 9 ,Tune 20 30'.. • July 5 9• Aug. 6 Sept. 6 June 27 . Mch.17 .. ,,Aug, 8 June 29" 21 : 1 May 26. June 28 28 f'uly 26 2. 4 Aug. 1i"► John Mc1)ouell, Esq., J•.1',, Exeter ft It Carlisle and Petty, Esq.; J 1''rs: 'Van. Mallough, l sq,, Jr'.-., II'. W. Irwin; lsq , J. 1', Wn7, 4rlison; Esq., .i.1'. it H, Willson, Foster and Edgar, Esq., J,P. Charles Farrend, Esq., J,l'. Charles 'Brown, Lsq, J.P,It • Andrew Govenlock, John Iteith, Esq., IP. -ig. it Wm. J. 'Willson, Esq., J.1). 44 11, Ito(te, Esq,, J.P. Boss land Morland; Esqs, tf tt it ft Willson, Foster and Rodgers, Esqs. J`.lfiis A. limiterf Esq., ,1, l'. Carafes, • C F.: W. Irwin, I'sq„ J.P. 2 00 O0 2 00 4 00 00 1 50 lf) 00 w 00 • . (1(1.. Timowhon paid • or to be paid tri said Justice: If not paid, why not, and Gel- To u ileal paid over by said Justice.. , oral Observations, if any,•. 1 00 . June 27 June 24 Forthwith June 27 June 27, one week Forthwith 3 drays Forthwith. forthwith Forthwith :l?orthwitll 1'ortlfwitlt Forthwith • Town •Treastit'er ' Town Treasurer ' . Town Treasurer. Town Treasurer, • Town Pi eti*ure1' Town Treasurer Tolvll Treasurer Town Treasure r T ;vu T.reaslu•t., 26 00' Forthwith .. inspector Yates '. . 20.00 ,Forthwith • •• 5 00 • Forthwith . Town Treasurer 2, pp. Forthwith. Torun Treasurer . 2.00 ..Portliwith Town .I'seasurer • . .)(l ].e(`s'i'tlT 'r'ftts•- -_'' 'nsi=tr" l'r ,a5urc'c.... ;1/. i (10Forthwith' • Town Treasurer 1 00- ' Forthwith' • • Town Treasurer i 00 ° Forthwith` Towii 'Treasures '- 1. 00 ...Forthwith Toti'n Treasurer • Town -Treasurer Toe's • 'Treasurer Town Treasurer 1'iaspector ' '.fowls Treasurer Town '1'8easllrer • Inspector • l nn': For hwttll .,. 0I), .. . ,1'tt rlhwitli • 100 °)f.'orthwith >fi 00 • I;'ortlilvith ;. 1 00 Forthwith .1 0') Forthwith . • 20 (10 Forthwith •la ail -Aug. 27' 24.10+) . 1'ortliiviill: •f1i )ect(,r 4.60' Forthwith 1 00. , Forthwith l'.•OCr. Forthwith l 00 Forthwith . .1. 60, Forthwith.. ... 1 00 Aug. a 1'' OO l(1 . 1 Oa 11 : . 1 00 i. 0l) • 17 5.00 17 r00 17 ... 2;00 • '•17 2 50' June:30• 2 0 Forthwith ' • 2.00 • 1'00 1.00.. 1 00 • 16 00' Town Trea 4rti:". Torun ''Treasurer. Towi>: Treasurer: '1 owl} Treasurer' • . Towii Treasurer t[ow)i Treasurer Town Trea urer • • . Town ,Treasurer Town 'l•reas)lrer. ' • Town . Treasurer' - T'ewn 'ireastirer. - - • Town Treasurer• Ttoasur,er: Gedericll. township ' ' TreakurerTuckersmith township. forthwith. (Treasurer Tuckersnlith township J.uue 20 FTown Treasurer ' ' July 29 :Town Treasurer . plug. 29 • • Paicl to Treasurer - Forthrl'ittt . County Treasurer .. •• .[Formerly "returned Formretailed erly reted [Commitment issued • Fornlerly •retitrned . -. F onneriy returned • Commit; tea, 6 num airs county jail apt:paid committed two months !Committed . . Dismissed ..: ;Paid Pahl Comvattted. to stand •trial - ;Dismissed • . Dismissed Conunitted,two weeks !Dismissed - ICcimnitted'15 days Paid Paid [Pad . ;i',aid Dismised • " :Dismissed, - Distress warrant issued ' To giVe sureties of peaceiuont-h. Paid 2.00 Forthwith 2 00 Forthwith 1 00 I+'ined2 3 conx- 11i on - ,i00 1 00 5 00 2 00 '1 00 20 001 00 - 2 00 1 00 1 00 200 5 00 ' 100." 1 60 600. • 2800 0 2' 50' • 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 87 00 1 00 2 25 10 days Forthwith one week 21 days Forthwith. Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith- Forthwith orthwith`Forthwith 2 days Aug. 8 • July 0 Forthwith June 6 . ' 25 Forthwith Paid Paid 6 clays July 23 16 days 21. days'. Paid Not paui yet - Returned ;to 'hia.Wtrk :,Paid ' ' Dismissed Coriimitted •21 'days Township. Treasurer Grey •. ' Township Treasurer Grey • pensation . and costs to be paid iii one Settled by Coanty'Treasurer- Treastarer- 'meter County Treasurer County Treasurer Proper parties Not paid Prosecutor • - Treasurer Morris Blyth Treasurer, Blyth Treasurer Trefialtrer E. Wawanosh Blyth Treasurer ' n "a Blyth Treasurer Treasurer Howick . To complainant $1 to township Treasurer $5 to plaintiff County Treasurer one'halt: Treasurer McKillop township. County.Treasurei' µ. ; County Treasurer, County Treasurer ' .Boland Bound Bound Dismissed Township Treasurer: Nelson :Tt llolaon. Townsi:ip Treasurer Pro' 'ctitor 1)islni*sod t,. Paid Conimitted'foi trial Dismissed Dismissed .. week parties before trial. Committed for trial.' Committed for trial Case dismissed over` to keep .the peace over to keep the peace over to keep the penile Case dismissed, settled • plaintiffpuying costs Defendant left plane ., An9. eosts Sent up for trial Appealed Not proven Discharged Paid Ptstd hereby certify the above to be correct an 'true to the best a.' my knowledge and belief'.. Clerk 'of the Peaces Office, . Godctich, 'Spliterebe'r 13, 1331. IRA LEWIS, Clerk.of the Peace and C. O. A. °malty of gurou.. Paid Sent up fi)r trial , by ppales before trial, And costs paid • • ♦T• 4 )