HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-22, Page 7-� -...1---._-._ ­­__ 7 - _.. - , . :,--_.__---1_- 7"', . . . �, . I �_ , I_ , ". - I ;;���_, � __.__­­_­_ ­ ;� - ­_.- -_ ­_ - , ­­ ___..1 ....... ­, - ­­­­__.­__ - ­ — . t� . - I . . ; . I . � I Sept. 53o% 1881. ALX,X0J80 XJ11,16k0^1� XIVQVXCSW. Joelluonico. I B1.94% , 11 11. .. I . . VJK JV9AKIlCrVo TIGA TAIRIX GOMP, �110 Wished to make as the post-oMce clerk 1� I I - TORO C19114"goo, al 11,nnellooter op. the Ct.Wjt. FOr Many years the name of' Delmonico The jggielcl, ' would be sure to read: it. Whea the lady . � � . I . � ; . � � It 11 been everywhere TV Way $4 WbIch 'They P 4N lur"ItAri'LIV 39*191by RKA1141% The particulars of the collision which as received as, the Treated a, 111rio 9'r Agumans. I : , 0,;;r%, 14 h ffio al 07bo,rrels lost weelt; now it 10 received the post-dard fro t a 6 i a . ii"�'OJE' took place on the Grand Trunk Uttilws,y IODYM for perfection in gastronomy. p 44, . the Mee lie said, sarcastically ,, That is l, — . syllmonieoilioners are fAmous tb One of the incidents, r4cor4d of a airou ,, � I 1P ta i u Do, . ,a The latest form. of tbleving reported 0, scandalous libel." Ap soeess I ,Xhc l$1ory Alre"XIA$ ont by IbV X)tygre, about one mile west of 11ain6villo . to .a world parade in Now Yo . 'Suit, of Ivingoo Against W1n.t94. on the morning of Sunday, ovey, and have long raulwil -without corn. . rk W&A witnessed by is- ,yl � , . . the Stealing o1potatoes from ,the bills Agftiust the trutb of his .41 egation, .. . August, are probt6ly fresh in tile IOAU40 arisou. Of the privateditinersand break.' about a hundred gratified people. Three at night. . , � . I Judge Donohue, in Suprer I E ruffialls wore disporting themselves by . .As Court ofourieaders, The cof _ Rate which, he 98,vo4bo general public .� . W4,15TERN VotraTiNG. I gave a decision, upon % Motion for,an allow' consequenecs of which , 110'On' ul"Oug the knows little, but such feasts were TV bumping and pushing woyien and'ohild I � . - mount, a, mule or, � obs'niberv, New York, on the li�th inst: -1f you want to get rich . I] a and she sate ai wits tile loss of a equent, .1. � . ran, because when you 0 0,01 how.sweetoilt"w'.10.9111"i" I - llfe,-was attributed by the corolier*s jury to and wore taken partirt by' the best koowu and using Jo,or language. At length the . better off. � . Are. oil a mule: you or One cold night of wintry Weather-� . - � � once for alimony studuounsel fee for the the negligenceof John Carlwbow . , the con. lf&miliGs Of this Oit�* and country. One yolang,rowdics turned their attention to . . 0, 0, how sweet it Willi I 0aintriff .in the suit 'brought by )�4119, L, -Picker I of g o si , weighing from ITIlthooblian roaroathefto, I Wilitonagainst berbusband, WalterW., ddotoruf the freight train No. ' great obarm about WeSo reunions was that two modeat-appeltring, richly dressed ladies a c a ze And Ila drow hedis ebair AM nigher, � 13 running � everything was . in keeping. T . : Winton, for 1% limited divor east, and Mae to the carelessn I , harp was standing. on the mdowAlk,'4nd presently one to five, pounds, are. being talrell from NVith glance of fond desire- . ess of Dafoo, , . as and separate the night telegraph no gorgeousliess, no attempt At vulgar One Of theboors directed, 9, vulgar remarl, Banco& Lake. 0. 0, bow sweet it was I Maintenance upon the groultd-of &b4ndqn. . operator At Lancaster, . . I . who bad base. playing. lacrosse all the pro. is 'P'y even wbere Magnificence was at the youugor� Uithout warning the -The young lady who could not make . I rom the papers in the � ' - t, The public dinners given -,at ved flat full in bar badge stay bung phi I she w.asbaving 9, . I meat. It appi�ars f 4 i me d 4 She was willsonis in her beauty, . . older ladyletay a daiutil) -Rio , case that the powties, who wore then, both Anne daY, And W48 Seen by witnesses asleep 3) ,men . . .4 0 0, how sweet it was I- - , not long before the disaster. Theoporator a fee's Are part of the city's his- the fac6 of the follow, who dropped, as if he tuft time of. it. � , . And she blushed In zarldeoliduty- . I I I very Young, were Married in November, has departed for parts, . tory. The Grand Duke Alexis I had been struck by a gas house. As quick , � 0. 0, llow sweet it � was I 1800, at Peekskill, N. Y., and went . to _ . unknown,, with a. , did not � -B. ob Ingersoll is letting his hair grow', ' With it, timid sort othsote, . I A reside at Scranton, Pa., where lboroner'a verdict of Manslaughter against hesitate to say that " no cook had ever So As thought she, knocked the second one stop Probably intends to, pass ,himself off for , I And a besting heart, he placed the him, The coroner's jury also pleased 11 him , " no other country has the of Ilia companion. The. third fled In terror " Duff�io 13111,11 . . . , . & I dofendant's father was President of v, found a ver. ' . � . One fond arm around her waiii - , . dict of, manslaughter against the conductor, peer of Dolmonico." It wi,ke in 1868 that Ond dismay, but not before be had experi. � O� 0, how oweet it was I ,ll I � f national bank, In .September 1874, � . . -The old simile, 4, as easy it Mr. Winton suddenly J oil Charles Diokeng dined at Delmonicols, the � onced &,blow on the head and I I . .a rolling off � left Scranton, n Carnsbaw, and found the Grand . � .1 4 four -inch -The Sun is quite sure that Mr. Arthur Trunk, Railway I _ guest of two hundred New York journal scratch on the'face from the younger lady, 0, Ing," is supplanted by 11 as easy 48 f ailing ' I taking with him & Young woman named . . guilty of gross ,negligence - off a bicycle." . . was born in the United States, though not - , I Lo'lliseWriglit. -in not carrying put their own rules. The, ists. This was tile only- invitation to a The crowd looked oil in, woud�vment, and so, sure that he was not &Is b . . � I . I I o orn in Canada -, ' Kra, Winton learned in prisoner, Carnshaw w public din the author accepted men audwomen olieered thoexploitlou(i -Wonder what Jollux Wesleywould Say but it thinks that if he was born in Canada 1 876 from the Chief of 1-1 , as ,Arrested on Wed. , nor that . . 1 olice of Detroit, U8849,Y, the 31st of August, and placW.d 1 , 4 during his stay in this lie and long. The two resumed their places could he hisar's meeting of his followers i , . . I country, and I � . I I . ,n . famous after-dinner s�eacll, in which he aa quietly as if, notli had happened, And a I The Imperial Conference 2" It was in the belief that the Dominion _ . Mioh,, that liar busba d And Atian Wiright Cornwall jail, '-*�bji6 he now lies. I I I 0 lied I . . , . . I were living in. tho, dity, Mrs, Winton . I I A' few I stayed thero until lug would soon be Annexed to the U The I ,nion. - , t the Bbow.returried t1lo sought to have 4er husbaid- proseciii 'a for days after his incarceration, however, an said some good things about this, country -There can be nothing under the sun �n Now York E", xpress r4spectfully submits . . r . bigamy, and suce � a , . application' was, I in% to counteract his . prior uttetan . � , the way of Weather more enjoy;4ble ,th . I I � . I . , ceded in having an inaidt. . ills on his bellaft ,., ces in the obser I ved of 9JI. observers. .Din that there, is not ,the Slightest, proof that , ment found 'igamst him for living with 4o - Mr. . Wristice Osler, At Osgoode American Notes" 0d',� Martin Chuzzle. � our Caluidism-autumn., . I . . Arthur has been I born a in.', I � . Hall, for writo of habe . � a . wit," will be remembered while those I lFurc nXilic in Gern;any. ,901 . __ Louise Wright. W as corpus � . . I . -The' politest y ' ' --Tlie Indianapolis- Seittingi says - 1c �' . . inton fled to Elyria, 0, an certiorari I oung man going is a. � I ay .1 Louise Wright, 11 I . with a view to his discharge, dud yestetd volumes aie read. It was by big express cent report to the State resident of Dundas. Ile 'took. off his bat Gould,controls 5,200 miles ofrailroads, two - I .� who accompanied him, . , a'y request diracted to be published in all sub. Depart I . . An order was actually made discharging � . I I . , went by Consul General Lee, whose to talk to a young lady through . thp -to wrote th011OW112 Maicho 1876 - 14 We May . . . . le- �Papers'(both daily), one Supreme Judge, , I � . t ,,,, uent editio a of the ,two - books, and bQqdquarter : . . the prispner upon grouri t, q . remain here for some tiu�e, and- may' leave lie 4s - showp by his I. to A 0 are at Ffankfort-on-the. phone. . -in , . to -Morrow. Walter unsol, .Mr, Avlesworth. . It 4p6ars that queSt hit$ - been hooded, 'The .Main that city has solve ..and, N a fair way of owning severaV . � got letters froin home tile. I Dickens dinfier was one of which L , " . � d the problem. of -Reports from, the baek.doluitr'y State Logislatni-es, He is a. Self-made inan, , coroner's fury� bad been empannelled orenzo how to Secure una4ultera, a .. I . . on the way to the train. His , t a . Milk, that clear are very iletitiful, beam Are. too' having begun life witli."a patent mouse- ' . I � . .fathbi wishes Dolmonico, alwayei.spoke Qlathusiastically. Germany, i all the ... � I . 1"P.11 . I . him to rema w and swo;n in on the af tornoori of , the d�j It ..v 11 I I it Appears, has tr ed numerous to r a are as � . I I .In Away until big troubles Are .. as far from being , acution, whilst duck , . . . . All settled, so we all of the accident, which was Situday, and the . us elaborate %a others ordinary. expedieuts, PIA,its,and devioes in - abun I : .. � . for Awhile. This all not go to Scranton evidence of one witneiss, the brother of the he had Arranged, but, -nevertheless, thinks this direction, but they have Ql 1hiled. dant as good advice.. . . . . . -A Joading Presbyterian journal refers . I I I is a- small towD, but it I . . � � . - . -- 'looking forwaird to an to the almost incessautstiewal of profanity . . I I don't .matter wh" . . � .was in it that of which the Yete&u was -P'Olic4i inspection 11868 proved worthless. 7.The sailor . I a at' as. We 'brakeman who was, killedi was I , I 0 alre I . . taken upon especially piodd. "The most- osay dinner Tile 4alacteirriet4i is a'd I-Ld_v4,uQOAuwAgeSspqn,.AA, the ftal.$ , _gm,jol; that witmils, the eari of the pedestrian on � . I . . I are only living for the future now. the iluestiou of identity. The body I .1 � . . .elusion. " Alitilterw will set in �hortly and the.demand, for. I � i - ret- ., � the itiaots, of blir cities I I I . I . 11 I � . - . . I . � , towils. and vi lages, I � at was, then taken. Away , by . the ever served by Delfilonico, w4s that given ation continued to be the rulountil what is cla�s sbamen -will be b k - . -* ,. and' even, on' our country roads, ' i I am so homesick,. and lonesome; b I try I 15 years.or so ago to . 100 prondinertteitize _ . , Via , . and, sad to to make the best of it, tlli brother of the :'deceased, and -the jury I , nq , called the -Franhirort Alilk R, W lishmeni A- ­ ,. . I . . I nkiug our'troubles . , of Now York by the oily , . lb -A. woman of 45 married a man of 21. ab say,'ou many of the pla rounds of our I are about over.'J. Ad3ourndd till Tuesday, when they .took 1. ery tongued adven. �wxs founded about four years ago, It yg . In a subsequent letter f , . turef from England, Sir Horton Pete. 'Owes its existence to th ' I Aurora; Ind -i -but the union brought her so public schools. , . I she wrote: "The party wh6ca . I urther evidence, and foupd,the.varaiat of. . a medical - associ. I., . . . . fou . .we to Detroit manslaughter. Tho,'sQle grou . ud for the This ostent tl6us individual expended U0. ation of tile city, Mid is managed by , 66 little -bappinaos that she drowned berHclf .- -Dellionico died of a. complication of'- � I ­ � .. � . . I lid out wore than lie wanted to know, ' 060 '61, tilp"t. one' night's. 6ittertainment, cQuim i i four ilayCO�U,orwar . .. * disordo' I I was surprised to'bear he � then applicatiorifor the discharge of the prisoner . issiOn coilsiabing of, three hy,,,,,n,, , I a. . , rs, chief of which was the gout. . , I P . _ . . ght i5f ar, §200 for each guest. The first citizens one veterinary surgeou and & obano"'. _13ismaroic - has got a .. now, gi-Aud- This,. is an eicallent advertisembrit of Q . 'He wakl_�hat the itiquest was hold'ou Sund'ayi ' I I I .1 - , I � let I I resting Walter. - ought to litree known .daughter, and has grownso big that - Ger- richness of tbo Debilortico viands. A gen. � . Walter was too a a day on which 40 jUdiCiftl act Can bb per. of New York were. present, victims. of The leading. feMarel I I mart to doanything to � -the, oily - scamp's. pretentious - phrases.. 4re that.its Animals are of - .best bread - . ulany 'w" . , . I . formed, w4d the, 1 ' , untry or tlemail With some style'about him would . . I 'fie will find the point the, , aw was so cloar upon In I I I I . I . I be obliged -to annex ill co . . , .'' I Thyiesv thitz it proper dietary Sys � tom is. pursued ,. eathing room, I " that, the Wintoris are too deep for him. -Geheial did . . I :tbat dinner, :the ,the � 11 "' two ,'to give him.br' -, I make himself lip,ble to arrest. a reyi6w of .1 like to'go out just that wily. � . I . out t I the Attorney. , . . . 1. . .. I . . . . . . ­ He ought to have k I not oppotse the', 11 I � has devribed it as a ','marvel of skill and mud' Special ittention .given to their �11 What's the cause of the igoianse bf I I � I ,� . _. ' . I I I . I otiP , and the learned I . � . . ' I . . . . flown filong ago. - The * dge was relact ntly co, palled to. Make art And exte-avagauce. Tile Saloon, vias sauittary condition. i4 Each animal," we crime.lately 21, we Asked 6eiviofutictionary A TRUN FISH STO11Y.-All the big and � I . � . . I I . only way he could annoy th-e in - Is to talk, Ja amoiliered iu-the rare6t flowers; the inen?i re old , 11 receives 'daily ten - pounds of to -day. 1! Wages too high And whiskey t,od biagest fish appear. to..-haye .surrendered I I . We are too proud to want NY -g -!V. 'lie order for the risoner'stliSCILarge, This- was in gilt on erabroidered'satilli -,' some, of we'adovi hay, seve4 . teen .pounds pf I clov&,- eheap," was the reply, 11 I . . 0 . I . . I be'don't know enough 'for at &but -is uuder'tbe common law, there beitj� no � I . this Season tb Willing- captors. A Bisams. . . I " ,� .1 �I . . er'A statute in that behalf. 'hore.is no doubt thii wine cost; %A2.5 a bottle; the olev6iesb 9ji pounds. of hulled barley meal and fo, ur . I I .. . . Ile hotel's. -guest went forW-to fish,, and ' I . . property 'is fixed so that. th.ey can't get . alusici . - . . -11 The liberation of latent licab ca,used v1 t 4 � anything unless' I . I that the holding oftheirlquest oil Sunday .'ills .were onghgetlat lancy*prtees; pounds of wheat flour.,, They are stall bY the approach of storms" is the reasoa rarnbled o'er a widei country. 'Ilei3l�lashaa , ., . I � . they get Walter's father . . Olara-�Louiso Relic had, �1,000 for two , f ad till tile I I . . I to - am- 8 was an not'idipplWd by Motives of hunlaility .. . � Voa.r rounaand not,. allowed to for-khe utipbrboated breezes-tilat � ..ern-bititself with brook mud, tore his clothing ' . , . . pay t 0 -much for getting, 41 � I � a, And 4 p t asides .of a ill ' , � � � I I ' I . to the reln'tives of thd deceased brakeiman' 0 . resell i § - i'amond go at large last they iliight-obtain improper f Armed by the infornt and hair in underbrush, and At the close .. .. . I -,divorce. You know . 'Wa$ I I "'0110 --la till probability such a dinner foo .. Thegromtest Pr , ocauti6na I . . o or, wof tell frozd the . . so that they ,j�ill hud it seelits it thousand 'pities, that S� ' d . looked like a voluuteer* at the close of Bull ' .* . or . has one, bill,- I , , , are,taken hottest corner of Hadeg. . I 11 . .1 not pay much. had n4ivb� beeli sbrved fil,the' Republic; it' to Secure - . the, coudulutdt.. Should - eyaae the law � a evebtiosil in the quality of ,the ' .C.&I 'P41%. At*uigbt lie strode up to th ' a hotel .'' ,,` I I suppose it will soon bei Settled.' Walter- in this wily. 8 , at' Once act Mixed before . -r�r�D?,br*eligious.corn�niiiiitio4owLil. (I .hibited thirteen trout to .the verftuw I is deep in Blackstone." .- Winton w hould tile ja,ilai' would have delighted Boyer and'Fratica. milk, atil to that end it is Air I all ., � � er And, -releas.o the i"doed, it is. averred that -they owu nitiolt . � lie fled talli, arld'had the -Ancient Greek Philoxenas it is sent out in bottles, W . - estsUa in Fitmet) worth over 01v10,,000-()00; dalt'WaDoupliutti, and related how ctesy'the � . � traced by his wife to Elyria, wheli 11 Son, upOu the,judgels. otd , hich a ' . . . I I r,cau, doubtletio, Wake ..been there he'would have 'wished for the settle(!-. This a's ro' sacar"I' tVout came to gi.ief, ur.' ' I i . to Toronto, Cranada. In July last Bits. prisoner, the latto . I utick'of a arane that lie.rnigb .. I I �abliAhnnent give. Such f , , , , how ].a . climbed fo � . . I I I . . Winton, who had removed to - Now . good - his escape' before the body call be- - t longer enjoy general' satimfelotion tbat1b. is doing An more under cover o ..private itidividuuh.2 *tcoli trea� to unhitch 'tile line, and how - I . . I � . . . - the passage of.so. many dak�xties down his JuRtnes, � I .illferior the reault waT With *wbab h � .. � ,� . .. accidatitally"learited ilitit York, ..exhumed.a.hil it. new trial. hold. The.dead' � . immonse business, One �'good result of it I I 0 1 . . -.,her liusbarid,was, . mAn waKJ)uried in,. tile, greedy throat . I .1 - vVifflo small'proprietors aro, to bk; .tile , - nplisbcd. At -this moment,&.. , - , . � . , . - . Township -of. . I . 1, � . � . . bo,sb an to clie6k the diseases; inciUht- tp - of. Ireland, in Btl�tiria 3,7,30 farixis . llsually�twool I . living there slid d6ing busitles's at No. 165 1 . 1. __ — .. S;,,,atiou . i3roadway under the, assumed nAme :of Edwardsb�igh, in tile Couil ty -O'f Gr6nville, . 1. 1 . _. � . . , .0 children and,to greatly reduco the death Nverli'dolil-last yogri because .tile s6vill jjrij-� . ,bpy o`anlo. tip, -wall ilut of breath, and � ... . . . 11 . __ - - -rijtiect4m.� - � . - I I _. - zA(MiZ diELtWli.6�4fr= tbO.Sp.onp. of .. 'A Kinvilskir I . , . Tate alniong� infants� An histitaiion, (if . ox(Attirixed. : 11 Blister, in& siys � I I � -William ­Winthro)p� -Sbr,fi-r-SJ-d-,t;5§bd­bV1 . ., . - -11 I - 1-I.-Aik ­t1#s__Oh - l� �u la,lbe- d -n -6 -of -.nr 6- I . other-- ' _ - 0 - I . I can't sell . , _ liLk.o.- - __ (It . . . _IqiQ$4L)r Q14414 JL00cm), their It , Ld"i. 0)*N,(.:, V , d i ein, fi,4:t­;- -they's -promised to.. � d - __ - ' ­­­­ - ­ 6 �Q. . 4,'gfeateslit- V.. 4 . - - - --_111 14.4. __ _,._.._'1.: .1 ��___.._ - 0 _'��h ss Soulouque Wag water, . " 7 � - . .1 11 , 4 . arr6st before 8, Police magistrate f6r abart- ant And iiiiiaeft. The -fact that, liome of ;ff�o iWO; i a '*fl;�i nc� ' larmatteN .. ; � ­ . tile cliedittga of the jury wore - taken On , . of bermbtotiong- to!,, Now Yo'rK, where the . . � . , wau ; . livr's yer Midney.11 . . . I . 11 -3-A, its Clio Itioulded find, with _7kati,Stics of h1fdut mortality are . appOling. ,,atll , . . . donment and then. withdrew those pro�' tt, doiql jet black, but the features wero softly ­Ilop-pickorti AV;, ery bus�' 1111�� ,liow I . � prko N' .. . . ciiedings, and -brinidug the present action j� we6 day "alses lie differi � - . L Ong tiie barvelit of tfit" - �.)(;ier " viiia. An Euglit)b clergyman has j -dab re6dived , I . . I . )it Sunday. E,vvi-.vbdd�, teeth, mude liar tippearance prep - r1U0 , . . I .1 . . . . � � - t jury was 8worri ( a fitio set P' �11'11W WO have ii�iiiiero.ur&;o,ittiblishm6ut4,�viii(AI �The �Vork is..anid'tqb� whof6-,4on;,-,,t-.u1 l;6wh tlici.t�7t6t-ii;.iu(,'ion��tbd-Itev.J.W.,AdamsI I . . . I I 64sessilig. - 1. . �. * ' callsed his arrest uZilbr it, Writ of vc exea will agr claim to deal fit the unadulteraied artiole, are told of tnaiveII6,u.4:,ciir��;.t-.I'f,:ctc.�('i ill chaplidu tt)lth'�' Cab I Field Pierce who, I 1. . I upon the ground that lie wa� about to leave . ad that thert-ii,uller bhould ijot Site Wore Lt. jaunty white turbait hut,.with a . escape alien it techt � . but N% o Z11 kno.w that severi&y4lve Par. -cent , . . I .. , 7 4 I : . .'' I . - , I .. . . for parts liukhown.,. Winto1j.'.e ,3000 tidltlity,'and 'tile rosvAlt all illimell8b ca . I tj!epodleld . , ". .1. ... . -! I I '* . ,ave P rdival red foatberflo"ilig " 14 , _ t, . � .. whou it untober' of Lancers fell ,into, a - . I . I . N , bf tht� ' vi%der'-(fi�ichargiug ifir,1, Nvill b- - of the milk of tho metro&lig is , almost it$ ., . . . . ,.... ­: . � 1. I . . bail ana'm6ved to v,lbate the arrest, 61al in- . , i n, Nvill io�my behind, like. A .9hip's pbullon. Her. . - . r I Aitch, ruslied.Nvalsl deep into the � water, , � . Ing that his w0a.lit � � Awaited Nvith an:iiat � . . I . , -J. W, Riley has 0, p6eill on 11 r its f'o4t, � . . . d .Y. I . � - ridina-dress wati of sky-blue, very lexil, and polsonoll . 4 Ila -itd whisliby. . . ,:, , * . . . I � -1 I- t,ddeserted,him,an that, ,.. . . . .� I ­ - " . . � .. I . i . I . .�_ . . . �v . . Kis4." Ile * don't wake ib vel'y J)hliti lit, t . 01 hild utider tb .Ilcavy Ilia' extricated' the I I � . . . . , . , . � � lid had ribtabirad ar dlyarcwfeom­har� in W,rd­ t ... ­: -0 -­­­-�.-.- - .. . . traili'lig in the cl�ust- Around her wahl'was .. how 110'. 1H - pr6sunted 110. ` horse and saved tlle:rnen, having -himself . . � - � , ,� I . n to' : . . bi(lad 9Q1d­..9AJHJL,_i1,Ild.1ri'. liar bo,;6m Abe - - �. I . ­ ' . ' I'll W -1101.11(,K -A 11, Anrll;,pil.. . -lost it, ;but it to In'tho Ids 1. I " I . I worth County '" , , - - -if I.:— im... 1� . 11 I . , . . . eseve on loot w th ffio..Afgh ' ' . ii" Z;1­011.1ix i,p hor. - . , , Wis. .Ti n.assAi-,ts*iu.hiA. � .,. Xn . !!t1.TJv%V�'%, V1 �. � M .. . . . �1 itioLlier attme.intb tile room jtist ill tilm. to . . 1 .. . an,% . , , I I I . I � . affidavit thai Ms wifir As "'ot such a quar-, , . .. . Wore a gappbire 'b):o0_'0h a*1'm,_lit-ii.'4Trrg5,;40 ,11rof,.- A.� B.- Preseott.,-of: tllo.Univ�r% I .;. - .. . I . . , I . . I . . -1 . , . relsome disposition INEW 1"Olm, Sept, .-:.,John W lfqro tile � 1. . ity-PL1,61"tch hinj_ltlJt *- " . . .at Li%iteelF.I. '' I i � I I I . . .. . . . ;.­ . - I . cresting paper on _M � . Proprietor (i - tile ,bohdon , ,, ,y. ,Was ,�i,,n. tire Roy. ,,trtl�.C�, . 0 (T lerl- S'.'.' , nent as' An. � : ,....'­ . 1ba,b it was both unfit . a . a'sancer. She was rnountiid.6u, A.Volioziiw Miellig-au,'_ in all- ilit , . ,k—:.. - .. ­ ­ ­.- � �. � . elitri horsp abou I gi � t, " . I ' I ' ' r . . t. sixtiaeu litindR bigli, -which " re d at.. a Stato Stwitary 13voylos t6,psy itti,tt.vf�r ai'Ai�Hlaver d.. ' ' � Well hilowii ' , ` - " f * , '. I I ,-� 14(miruwA 'ti i -Vo�ter ' pro'nii and unsafe -for me to .live ,v�ith 118 ,", "a - *27di.es, arrived in this city to -day from-Eyg- , , a , . . '(,(, : Ug y, temperance an . � lhat lie*did.iiot five witli.Louiee WHg t, or �. I . wal I � 'by the couvelition, flill " , tile d6bb of.tbe 8 -ond Bafw. - - Thursd4. at his . I I . � I any other Womhn� 11 li,lid, ac6ompariled by' bis.iyiiVilud son ' ' 3 made a.!proseht to liar father af ,vois: to some of�:tliu t: t. (ilturob at ludiariapclis; but the irionvy wom,oa'�) right -4, died on . � . . . H., M�­ Hartuall made it I President of Venezuela. . -Th'a borse.'was as ' ll?r_0�11�!P'I�'P§ kind of these quack prepat- k6 . . . I . . . . Answer to the qaestio� if'-hij tilo6kilt tl�e . ithittiail of the 'Oebt ba� ditmppo , I "' f"', lit thei suburbs of, Worcester, Mass., ' I ., I affidavit that -Winton's fatller,_iu.ovLAlre8 Land, .Bill 'would quiet' tl.,'' I . . rernarkabla ". the woman on its bdek.: -He , n'tiop , Paiii-killeis.", Few.of them -are i � unret i twil . I 71,VC,arS,. Mr.. Voster� *&el one. of the* ' ' " ' . ' .. . . . . .. , 1* for it settlement, Said that th I CIO 19'tat'On 'Lt was a Wearcremin colok all over his. body'. .Whitilly,ilj�rt, alid most 6flhom have if, � .tlie,pttst,)ris-OLilledi:ipou',..io.,exl)libiii. � -� * am"LIQ . . . � I I . . . I 6�'00111?16*were JrelAH-, lie Said : ,, Nt),; o. zio�j beettilhe , .. . ­'. most lit4ed, advo'cia-tes of tho-'abolitioit of. . utterly unsuited to each .other; - that the ' I,' . Nvith loi)g; snow -'white .�nane and -tail and r usieut wimulan't affect. Of' ei�bhb of -7- Scotch lfwrintirs aid Said to be ve'r-y al 8 . . . Y consider the Irish, �(.-.oplo born conbpira. MOSti admirable -shape: ,'The lady's ri . . . ,c Nvere coutent0d, and no'woridiir� i6i, tha`%veathe'r Shivery, in the United States. . .*He was born - . � . ' � '�*.' , . I were nl�rried when "they- were inbre Z-hil. tors, whom riothirip 6ouia smisfy. We� %vill -1 I � I I . . dhict- -t em, Subjected ' to analysis, 81. in CunteVbury,,' N.'Hi, in -1809 'and grada- . I . . P . I drerl, that it was useless. foi th' Av lip lad a gold" hAndle studded 'witfi. pr'e7.'.` band t' . � . . . em'to try . .o oo''utaiii the ordinary spirit of, - is bleak. and cold, tile whpai is- a th'i'i t vrqi, ' d1rott `6 . .. , :have three * years in - I - .. � . . .. %te -i Dartm uth CQ11ege'in 1638. .. - . and live together. any longer, and - that ,tile . which to-- try the bill, cious.stones;,aud the 13ridle chail� 'was of camphot, which every - thought' oat,q are'lluder average, turuipts it fail . tuo, , I - - .1. I I . . ,�. and I hQp6 that in that tiMe'the eve-'allen't-ill, , I fal Mother ' . I I . Dr. Agnew i . i � - - . - . I . � only sensible dourea..was for-tbem . olid'silver. Sii6ndr;'3,e�llo%vI.eatLerglov-,J keeps Ili t: ill ad lw'd balr&y .scarcely' 3 96 successful in the use of - '. . ! I �. . . in to be of it 'Will be so',apparent tbat tio one clu i -tb - . - ' lie house ;. three cent it . up.to average. ; - . % divorced. 'Ile offered Iands� worth M000 . . %V I galintlets extetiding as litir us t airimonia, such' as tiny h6rtshorii . -111 via 9. of � the lvd. the probe that be is frequently alluded to , . ,. . :1 . -T cavil at: it. .-But that it *.will set ut . � .9 bottle, alarxain� dc 4tatioxi " I � . . . . I - �. ; � . ,� . ' ,. A y , the, . . . 9 y . I 0 in: . fphia, as 11 Old Probe-abilities.11 I I I - �. to settle the matter . ­ 1. ­.. , .. elbow. -Her voice. hkcl dAtindenty to, Ir would: furnisli ; fovir wero 6"r ed'with oauged b forest Ares along th'e- Tuilway � .Phil , adq .. .. . I ".. .� ­ I .1 . - . ., . * 5� � 1. I 11 . Irish I -do uot believ6 for a wo' .went 11 I. . I . : I , - �:- . ketto." And , . . . . . . . rafeiahce, as to � - "-Will it placAto Mr.' p4rieliv, , , � Us tones wore pebulil r- red ficipper;'ali'll'ad some.. alcohol; oi ­ , ,is,, vvfive�- � 1.,*.1 � r:,�.:­� . Judge- Donohue directed a . .1 P, 1, .1 -of liries, .th 11" - - b :,0710 of. a patty of"girls'who . . I ' ' o, 11 Spark -arrestor Titus nocus- thevalidityof the Wisconsin divor�e,but " "Nothiligwill quiet Mr.Par . tainiil4 to' hear. ThePrino , tiu � sassafraswi�6 I A in four of tlYem; oil of safily become one of the requirementg of-, I . . . . . the defe dell excep . 'an can I . I roildradc 'at:'Rio,- Texas, .died, from-dver-. . , - . . . , , t 91, th 6 . . . I . � . . : . tell . . ndant failed to appeal, Following' it separation of England and 1r6laud, wb' . loilg�r% princess by the la�ws OP! , lid, ,turpentine in two -of th6m, tincture 'of the futliro angina. ' - � I . exertion. . 1. . I ... . . . . , . I ., papers Will nave , r be gr - . was' educated I . n � E � . . . . * , I I .. .1 � .. . . . - - . . I . .. . � �- . isJudge Donohue's decision*. 44 The , urope.sud snA ,, in -two, chloroform in � .one, * ` The B. 8ston Po !O� except , , , " ... . . anted. Mr. Parnell I �. -a our gusim . ..aitid - � st, in referring to the ,' .No preparation, ever discovox ., . present one of, the clearest 'casos'of fraud � . Ritatois object "'(1 4'8 lailguaffe:-Pos W1, Xrairtter.' . I : , in I yrrh in one,' One sful ., � I . 71 1 .., . . . on the part of the defendant that ib:ij ilia ag stroligly'to the bill because, . . .. I . 1, I . . . . of the most succes max-riage of Rev..George 13. Vosburgh,Who Car�dlirle, a dobdoriz�d'bx*traot of, Petro. I - I I .. I � I . I . . . as I think, tbey-see- thtit it ifireai�nS iii4l'- , - - JD*..Wqtxnn;eeli4*?Jr#jt er i .. I iltained in a Wf-aollar bottlu one And a was tried for attempted Wife -murder, says: leum, will really produce. nAi bair on bald . : I . , . . . . I ' . � . � . on, . , � Of fluid ounces' of'-boap linblient,,,,witli 11 fo '611. �ou heltds� It will -be a. -bap . .. . - . misfortune of courts ,to have to deal with. . Stock in trade. : It the- . . . . S 117 b " There's s tri.u.niph "of fail; r y py day whoil, th : I I . . I. I : if . � 1b is clear that defendant bas..been avoiding I . I bill works well,.and .� 91 oile-half fluid .ounce. 6tch of capsicum . . , great na-my oi bala heads f Ily ' a . . . .- ii'iR.foim4 that under its 'provisions the - 11 A good *fie " the -good book, is . I. tholady.16 part.11 . . . . I . u undetstana .. - . I I t I a search for him by Ills ife, living under . � � I . thicture, ammonia water, And alcohol -i . . . . . . I I � . . I . w Itroiiblos be'tween the landlords And the from 'the Lora 114sysr. - a) age-, Wbein,�gii � this, I . � . I .. I I ' ' . � 11 . lit' of vo-tio. as V, � - . I . I., . I . I circumstances, to say the least, Pf great' - Atuddiii at Rut ' all, rout - akticles of, the U 00 I.S.0 `,, _.� ..... .... . -- I I . . : I . . tenants can be adjusted without var;. much I gers, was, a ordiug� to Ilia . Ifited �,�$tatos - -ThG .horse-sh $ , . � 1. - . � ­...%.:�� . � . . I . . IDve-token, And � the 11 wish�boaias I of fowls I . � suspicion, with - Another woman; -and 01 lWimate, thpi.Re'v, .John Pharmacopitioia. . one that wkff, . - -1 6. . .. .., .. . . �11­ I . . . 11 � - , then- , aiffl6ulty, Mr. Parnell andhis Laad.Leiitgiio� I 'loc. HOlffi0133 ' '01" at A 1:iiiVe taken R6 -place. They are haildsoincly '. . Alsii -t -,,( xz", - 1, . . - �_.­ I I 1. ... � . .. - 6 . . .1 . . . I . : . I city Ile set up: a divorce obtain' '"I" find.that they.will have 110�4uohfol_� ..'D.,' of Albaiy, *given -til t toA Pok. & trliti I r -ounce bottle; -by it Chinese. polished and -'done lip in -.8ilv&r toid g-oiq, . I . . . I I I � . ,� � � I . - . I - � � when found under an assumad name in this' . D 4 larlor a fou . . I . , . , , � � . ,. ad in a State W, . . yory succogeful . � I I And Worn as ornaments.. . I �- I I I , . . . . . � . I-wina as at 'Present., Their 'imp6rtan66 hermoft. '. Dr. Ile, as doctor who bad studied inarty. years in the , . , . � . I .1 . evil -wourd I 'b I . I -,a - got . I . . .. � . .. ilently without uotic� �10- plitill-tiff': Eii-d- . oil, Fronibeingth6l der6ftlie-Irls - ffermoil'.'. ( , A good-wif . e,!.1! that , g�oua. t . t, 0 - , � , . * , , , I '' *. . in which neither of the parties has resided� will 4eedily diminish -'�Pd.fojrtbatsiriiple W koprodileffig the , agiit,u 11 analysis 1*! Cel.66tial Kingdom, and . who � visited .! I .. .. .. . 1. - � , . Ds of Michigan 'in * . . . .. I � �.­ * . ... " -�- of that. , the ,to -fl' '­4)Yrotber, arose.1ji. A*Wepkly prayot Bidle's -,; An I � C ., Slrq,p � . .. � �,�� on what , reas . so; ) . _ , . . . . OHS I U . q IV I I , . to be �robabl� pArty i . . . ' .. horses, With . Meeting -An New Jbrecy and-sitid: 11 Broth- � I . I . . . i - - .- . I . � , � , . h. fe, .* I Ig r drawn - by � four- - - , . . I On . . � . ! .. . .1 .. I 1. . .. � . ...�. fraudulent evidence. His -divorce he . _.. . -me, is a good as I . . ­ I . � 1. Seem ' Tri'.: Firsell. would, . in 13UQ , I. .one.goea wife, t* a ti . ' ' ' . a - leader of More -than a, at a time', is sinful. I company of Musicians . � I I has not case, - Sink -0, being - th .In and, __ a rot), when I consider the- shortness of life I � . I .. r . I . � I I . now the temerity. to father, a .� , . I . 1� 11. . I �,.� I ­ � � I . ad h , as wail a super u u's Illustration : The l6eburer, c6rigisted of camphor spirit,lavell-, feel'as if I might be taken awit� sudden � I ,�, .00VG.ft19,: .C.OLDS, ASTIF1171A � .: 1. " I .. . . w an, An Irish faiitiorx ; t'hat'is, lof ,c6liise,*ii he � . a fl' . . .t � .. .. i, , � . ;. �, . : . . . examined oil the Subject he stAtas­it - ' - compound spirl , - ammonia . 'W thio% i6, the night. . I . . I . , . . .� , ­.. ta . . -1..ag. (9.).'-sha . , .. '&tell likV . . I � ".- � �. . . � .. .1 -COVGH, .. , . � , . . . I � � ined without his authority- and know- Sees tfiiS,'and naturally ob a t I.t i k list dbviously a n wife. Andthdr Sassafras oil and alcollof. � One'made:aud -And now. cometh. the timo when, the, . 1WI OOPING , . . � . , - - � :.. .. ' , � . . - I ob W84 still continued his agitation. .Mr. Parnell miseries of Bill 91; der w. _ j a S. h I, m our 6w . " I 1.� ; I . ledge by another person., The 'Only lies- I maii!i-wife ih * , . sold in Germany .as Naftlrel.s Own Care, & diate farriior colllg�th to his fiilmds 'and , . ' - : C1101M.; " .. , 11 , . . . I tion is that, of his ability to pmy'ali �q - �?� elf that tfie bill is a b26 St e:icelle'nt end .b6 Avoided. Illustration I , . I , . - 1. �. � I.' . I . I I . ... ­ . . 0 Molly. Insone which, if fairly'trfed; d6rinot fail Ativ divorce Wigoifig, (3) (AA, good wife SUreVelieflovin'e hundred- an'a_.hiiiy-'-six. , heighbors and saydth; 11'C&na; IA -ds ,go, This old detablishod ronl6dy *can be witb confl. ' I ... . I . . . . . n that subjWot it is clear frow defendauVs, I I ' ' I to do great. gqpa -," and.my'hope is thlitt it' !i8s from thb ordy" therefore,'," a bail wife differefib diseases, cQfisf9tB bf �red " of tpi-Wo wiaea �cod�v, Ali I ey K9- A or tho-above--complaints, - , - - __�_ ___ �. �. _, .­­_ a 1. I � poppet a-th , - - � ence recommended- I tatement tbat he 'is now .5lipp6iting a I I . x1111Y IT. It your:morchanu -has. not got it, -he - .�� , � * * . . �.' � % may be carried out fullyand fa,irli. Should Is. -from t devil'.11 Moral:."Lcive the &�ilnouia find Alcohol. ' Anothdr, ,but the 'boon.gobth'alsoi � ­ .. " -6ah dot it f,., you. . I ­ . .1 I - woman not big wife. If he'earl do thia, be. it fail, Why, an I Lord and late - =%06 gr6'6bing the eight articles, is' I . . . .. .3 .* . ... . . . . � I in is. oertadu=in . no � ... 6 .1 as 11 I - . . Denial of * calso would 'the " DcTiCb le diabolic traiti.of &.bad wife �F y . . (FormarlyT.Bicltlo&S6n) - . I � certainly can support his'wife. - other could he paBsed, *One the deviV' Conblusion; I e-Minutor Fragrant Pain curer,., that -��Purgeon �rss, once addres� d "f,the ' JOHN. W. RIOKLI ability is not to be sustained in therace of go atration of t a countries I ' 0 . � Rtreet by a person wh6� with the briefest of � Hanliltou'Oniario. ­ . I . Proprietor; . I I I . . . . .. . . ,a lint do t bear'down too fiard-on tbb devi4 will ,11aiet every ache within, five minutes I Otis, called, him - ',a very great . � . , . I I / that fact. There is not enough in, the ov, � it, a ,reed to by but do 1. I . . , . I . I . w_ , . . . 1, I , last Ill ave' A chance to affict by an exact thileplece. it is or mixtuX6 :of ',"-'-rodaa'i -III am only too,'bhppy, -eir," - .1 _ . . .� � . . . . .. . . � . . . I � ' . . . ,at, oh which to base 'ants." � I � . I . one. o P � ether, ,glycerine, . common salt and- .. I deride presonted, howdv . u Ian all t atiasIsai ,is-What.Mr.T .y.ou with , . ." - . .. . . I � . ; I - . I his wiv6s­�flbairly'�Iegim . - , u. .g a - Xy . . . 'Ilia 6 * , . . . Golden Wonder, br $even great ariything.,j - . . . " ' ' . � . . arnell .� I I . . , the - at, Ill , arlia ent o in the case of - . - , � . . . I . 1, . I . I .. . . ,, I .11 I . _� I ' . _ � , . .. and it will therefore be'rei�rrcd 't th , I . 1, . - . Basis, .for all.. the - 'A' R D .1 . . I � . stimate of tile allowance to'be ma4e, , ,& , .. I .. . Waterl A . . li�eaohor's reply,,11to. be,' 'vol - 13, Mr.Bradlaugh?" 1 - . . 1. . I a path6lic Biahop6 of Trenton -in 'a . . ills- liable� to occur � It is a 'great, deal- safer, thinks the .L. - - N E 1. . . � . - , . gains referee * to take proof as to defeniol,nt'g , -'�- &short bill will, I .4maggine, be passed'. a men preached last -Sunday inveighed m this lifb, is a mixture of ether, . . �. I ­ . . . .'. �. . I : I % . . . � . . I - -A half-' - - '. I - R'r 13ES ' . 1. . . - ability2l I . I I... , . . . alithe opening of next Piitlismeht, which 9018.t the cultivation of,. the intellect chlor6form, pampbor, peppermint oil, red' knowlngElmira,'Advertis�i, to top � . TH.H VD � . I 1. � . . . I . I . . . . �l . .1 I lone, saying, by way of illustration . &4 It pepper and'ale'ahol. Nearly all of these barrel keig of -stock lagei than a.vei� ii -mall . , . � . About FenslonP4 - - . will Rermib-of members sAl . . -can ot-nitko-glyceritic. �Its action - Isn't .Ma ch :iL_'n'e'-' 0 i I , I ., , I .1 . . . . . . I I Vining instead . I I ' . ... Swearing." I I ..­ I a we . articles ard diieek 14 6. ,� . . . . I . � . . That pensions Shoal . . 'llydn who, a f W , eks . ' , . . . . . . - of was not all ignorant . id. to b , a tLMn internally, net -its sudden; and. besides gives yo . � -they are Absolutely necessary. tatioll 0 _. entative of . I . I I . � , . � I -11 - I d only lib.grant6d'in . 11V hat has been' thoolf6cit Of -the. imp Age, tried to destroy ,th6 reigres as Well As applied externally -'Now almost " oadcalm'oAi full. � I IN TIKE WORLID, .. .� cases where . �. arson would hAvei Some judgmetit as . chance for a go ... � � - . I . ".. of Amorl6an Meat?" , ' ' 5000,000 peoplb, biit'u . to in'tel. every P - I . . . . . I trine, and'Jlas been, accepted .by --1X6tvokymach-'.y6t. -�W ' 'a, 160t '� -­ The' bish6p's to, bow. much of ammonia, oi . turpent' las what it calls 11 a bor ' ' '., Is nianqfactured by.. .1 " I I to Secure the service neeAe& is gonad doc- 6 - had, S � __Ah�ip, bu tile, . -ThWfar wait . .� , - : . .. . - . I illustration :ii- not a I umborg of troo� a . .. . I . .tb� State tilno Ago it few . cargoes of rfiuttbii br ght hoppyiin6. The 00nipliment toGuittaau'g. or; camphor, or etli6ri or strong alcohol it days," when large n to - . . I I. . I ­ - I I " � of New York, or � rather by -the Governor planted. ,Xhb most Serious uded of'the far' ; MCCOLL B I . ling pensions . .. not it man, I ' L , *, . I . thereof,whO vetoed's bill provic from - South.Ameiica,� which: affect 'tile 'Intelleeb is misplaced � for -he is woiild be safe -to twkeat onceiif,to be taken . ROSACo,. TORONTO � I I I - . . iiii till, in seeking ioli . . west is forests. it -is' dxtromely annoying . I . .. - I . , 1, . I . .. for tdacbers. I Maikeb for ssf6,�rdiiys'. 'Should , a cold.. of. great .ilitolligeP;0a, and. it is error: to effrom a violent P i i .1 Aud'ior sala b -lers. Askyour mevehiihtfor. - .� . I � air -s I rove a success - � * "; to be eompolled to travelmitli a b6 f Lardluo drid-take no other.' I 1. . I I , I . . Where weil'h J avo- to, risk . h. . .. .. . but what judgment can Anybody'li've aii, to rse-thie" � ydea . I their lives in the Public behalf thereAs "an I .a i, theme I'll V,qsume that lie Was not'instriloted.in toli. - � I - over a dozen miles of ,.pr&iri *before it troo . This .oil under the ,severest - test And Most . ' . - I . I . . obvious propriety iw I - of , n. Ian woul be affectoO, ' d6llbl)tl�, gldl�- I-10 wait 9, teacher of Sabbsth Schools, ,A SANq-4sntity of such' talismiwile articles . I .0 . I. active. coMpetition was at the Toronto Xudtts-' , . I I . . . . � t, Agreeing, if Injury or lit 8 far the i portatiotis ha ob been its .1� teady Relief,",'. t, Wizard �011,11 or cau be,fohnd to liang him on. � . - . . ... . � .: . an attendant upon,. church, a Member of : . I ' trial Hibibition awarded tbo'bighest prize, Also, - , . death follows th suture, to sustain the . It Magic Master of Misery VI .. . ,'--Lhlo Petrolea dvertiser has dome to 4 ,ffi I . � � . �'.. 0 I . unfortunate kZ - lar re enoug to, ske, any gre, i vrenco the Young Mon's. Christian Assoclatioti, . � . I . . "! thO GOLD DIE, DAL at the Provinei I R.' -Abl. or Shield - those! dopetideut I in Vices," . . � .. I . I � . devotedly orthodox, so'much so in fact that ... , .- ..-1_,-_t1... ­�­ . the conclusion that it' do-eBult pay to roport tion, Hahijlton and the highest award at the ­ : - : . , . . . , . upon them from. want; though in -such I . A Urize -of $IJ00 .Ojirretl #ar 1126:13est, , the, doings of flad Town. Council. 11 for'. the F I � I ... . ­­­ .-. . . the marvel Dominlon-19xhibiflon, Ottawa, tbi . . I .. � 061 depa;y . ......71. 7-11 - I � I . V�ttn ro and till who use Agriou tural:b4cliG . . . . I cases wo believe tile line betw � . I is, tbat be did not kill,'Bob I . . ; I silver Medal I . ' . . . �., Emsay on C61natiNe , sirrifilo reason 'that -nothing but wro,ngling ��- w,10 I � I Xngers6fl,;whose "infidelity" .was ,a 6011- � 1 I tiavo money. and nutobiliery'by using . And sudden debility consequent upon the - ' The, opinion, entertain by this "blue. stant theme Of Animadversion with � hime -RocitraT.I.,it, N. Y" .Sept, 8­41rof, SwiM,, suit cross-fiting'hits be6l-erigaged,ia; ,6vliile i4one bub - � � ': I �, . . I I . .. I - . . . . . . Service rendered ought to be much more blooded.German nobility thafib is dogrt d- - nittealils, trainilt�j and- Associations Word -Ila btisitiess of importancollas beeii all. ad t - - ' 7 ' . . . � .. I . . . strictly drawn t1ran is oftpix done, , It is ing fobno of their h0i'libeago .to btisy I .0 -Ila I intellect, riluell as director of.Warrier Observatory,, s been oddor in consequence.,'- ? ' � '' - 011% � v . . 0 . I'll 1. .. . . . . . . i . I . ,% . . ... � +--':E "'' - I I nothing. short of . % Always religious. .1 _t notifica that H. Warner, of*613 city,'qtfer� . . I . , ":: . D11T I . ... I .. an outrage upon tile bilmself With ally of th 5 learned profpsalous .Was, is lia,turatod with. the religious Mer, ; ill prize of $200 to o-ttyperson in the Uijited , fail .. . V . . . . , - people engaged in the ordinary 'avocations -is occasionally defied so . 1. ran( it Inot a -,�allaiitollodays , I . I I �. . I � � , ,., of me of tllO YOUD90r and lie is now a coustarib reader of the Bible. States or Canada NVho sliall prepitre a'lid-,1116. k1a, his lug, gavothagentionlan adfasy, . . . 1. . . lift) to compel them to pension public And more sensible p Martian; Dilke Theo-, I .. . , Ir t wit. I .1 . - ,,I . � I 1. I � Masons, carp My, with Dr, Swifi, by Nov, Itit, We best I moll , (A".1rf,w)? ; )ra (Ixot -aeted'in tht t,w ;�... � -11"J. , I ­ _.... � - ­�_ _.____�_-.. __.. . .. .. . ,,,, , . f . Al '�: ­"� �" lIg � -furickjonaries, flav � t � q) - -Mr.Yeamor is it ,very succossfalweatIlot �­ . I .� . !I �_ 0.110 on. dore of Bavaria b" . -t; y,on . _­­ I - � l . kLu - 11 I 1-i " won all eliviAlary( u .�wo -d-oBsa, -0onlet%, tlioir-nomp crazy ? - - . : . .i ___ 0 . � . . 1. ­ � - I ..... . . out -txftnt� . pr6pb a l;j­but---whev-w-1inIi3-ciIi 1 ld'it,91fied-tihT , . . . I ��. rL. i& �, I -terR,­-blaoksijn!*bFi.- lbl"11 - I - fit ' d'7b&FE1-6hTi-Lr`Fy--- -- - purpose and effect oil Old earth.,� Bach - , -. , r , antaininill - 1ILlho lboution Insiltivate ior ibe, Cure � 'at " . Ovid, flar,,�, 4 dm M-1) 10 I�U,­Afi� as bow mati� Swallows Made a yjummor,.ho . �- Onough to do to pr or their own old one who himself with 'noblo'coul. .egsay must be written in plain, popultIr I . I . I 111ISSIV411ment An speqqeh .. . . age without koiluiring. them to �onoibu passion and s�Aapatby to tile allovio,tioll of could not anawor, and turned tLway Aba 1041guage, all - tichnical * terml And tliol).f,ho.t4entlbintLn'i)ollt.,Blylilillg d'o,wil, . has ro-oponed for rho Ilall*aud wititor- lllore�),_ I . persons wbO'geb more money .than they do the suffering of the poor. . Iva lioVir .hear , N,V.O.pt to think that his tcrd�olui Study of the ' 0�1. i; bbidg lully Awt told iiiy gmut1j:aft, that he loveil hortlenrly, . ouidx,�. an(L tostinioula's fr6in,hundreds whout . . I I I I from day to day for -lairs work? It is all ulso,4�Urinae V'rnost df - Moinibgen,' ,who breast bones of geese, 'the ha,bits of the Amitled Ili bt�ackat$ follcWin��, and VO, A;titgi,aticiiiia,eiiiiliiigbacit, forgoUtolilown, wo hav0`0111-0d, addrOW � - I .. I ress gympathy � i,itelligotit-grotitid-liog,'Li�(I the; ma ­ sigued ,by a fictitious 4lame, tile real'ustud, , -kii,grancipr6nods. So4e.roualls.itolearlyV � 1� . 1. 11 � �, esAY thing to exp with . has Atudiodlaw in Strasburg,as-iibouttb awtivres ,being luclosax, ill* 0, sealed onvelopd. acdorylt . 0-li, Graildpapo, I . kil"vtlatLitit4.0,1�,Ts�ITTJTI-i, -tonelon, ont. , . � I � teachers, firemon,-poli _h6 usual Government examina of the itiroblo �*ylufrkol and. thrifty� 111"k.. I . . . � . . . I . . � oomen, civil servants undergo,*�,t - . . &alying the essay, This. priZO 18' offer6d. _'Chea,ks tire no* fabbionOWE'Y %84od. . . I I and the like, but how little. I . . , � . . .. ..... : ...... _. . . . , . . .— - -, .. , �. .... �. . about the bard.,. tions for admission to tho practice or tile raWflid t6light.111ria so . . instead of tile aNvald fPV tile,( of, (ling"p,res6nis,�: a114 vro -riaturufly lunch I - NORT RN PACIF1 10 1. . .1 , - . � ' . ' I . 1. - lie great comet,, BfIl for w)lich to, appraclated. Tlie� take the plitco"of fho ­ ­ . - - -1 ­_ -.-- � .1 . . working Inasses 'UPOd whose shoulders the legal profession. This is A rare proceddiug. -Ali experienced stableman Says t1lat li, 14� burdens fall? �Vlly � ti,16,111VIOW", 'a -1.1 . � . . . I . should the shoorriaker in Germany. � . - I . . I I I ; . . . Clio best livery borse is not one too. heavy, neatly.3,000 claimants. ' . . I . . 11 roll of bank Antes 11 that tile* briaws rather, ' 1 ;. � RAILRO 0 LAND& M . I . . . or the tailor Pension Anybody? Has be Burtou aid and"gruel wore -what lately , that will steadily travel, five or six miles an . �� . in, old romances, pressed into liar hand At. . ,� - , . 11 I. I I . . . I .. not onough to do for Iffinseif ? t$ . . .. I rl 0 N Z 1.11 r N - S Jim it- F A- Itivile mg, 0 , I. " . . I . .. oucred. all. 'Llidy Chogtorfichl's .cattle at hour With6ut urging, ' A 11 free traveller A number of dattle 6bippors have foirne(i partipg, oild as to. the Amount of which; 8ho A V . . . I.. . - I B . rotby of foot and �)outh disbaso. Brctby, =ot,,g,1,t,,nd I�iv'er� w,.,rk,,,, and if lie goes a ring, ana ftgaged till the Apare iloorn on. wa . s always Be hidifferont-in fiction py I . I , 50.000 Fohif.i. 6,000,000 Acres. L � A 1. . I . _*;;0_­or_l=ot � � . tR mil s . I 11,04 MIP111 l"Illd, 11101,11'eltdow, Choke Thhlier, . . Either is orioty was suMcient ,u Sue seat in Derbyshire, utterly noelleetud hour will be in steamers from MOLArear-to tile Gild of tile -PaVor. plates I Wheit, s blossing to the Farlitilwo, 8todc Raising, 11alryllig, I I to qualify anybody for re�iuneratjvo lea. ' 0 very.poor -condition and will soon be 'used Season, at X2 Os. lod. to X3 0s. lbti, pav housekeeper, No more breaking, for the . K i I Ftiol and Water, lit A4iindanco, . . I . . by Phili%thno 1%ttor's Earl, had never been up. � . . . . . . . . turinA ten years ago; but tlid demand has , I . I , T . I I �ompldto til within a few Years. Tile , . hoad, in order to force down the price of - pup6r plateff can stand tiny amount of bAt. i 0 , , mo.50 Per adro,ttlittl upWam. orlo.six6b I . . I I steadily fallen off, AnA tbero ars now v f I)resent-6wneriiDiHrttelilsge6atfrion(l, to �iraggoiltramp,who�k,s ttyirig to Sell beef, or. rnake farindrs pay handmontoly for icring. , Bub, it we can have paper plakes, : i -ash and five annnal p. wants. Ile- I . � . few Hpoakors ; Aticad Paro And Vreigh"? - : I . p 111, whom he was at one time reported engaged. j6well6 l to Settlers. A Who can draw �y on the streets of Chicago, Was Mr. Fibipping their cattle, Mr. Jas.-Afaffliimo, wbyijob paper dishes and eups And inincow, : %Vrlut for 11 Pul�lloatlorla No. wn Audiences in tile tycoum field, %'lie it onts IlowAsonequallyintim6totor awithbor rented becauso the'artioles offered. wore of backed by'Afr. Thompsba, i'a said to boAho '.(tu(I all borts of,ierockory"aud It porcolainyo ; T , " I I 71 Say that the buainess was overdone. .. - 1 8 ­ . (I ��t(),I)e�v,Ti,ftVbIIIIV,AiZont',Ii'Y% qN, . I I I I . , I � . , � I An Bretby , mise(I that they prime movor in the affair� . Wang? . , , . Gen to] . - . I sister; Lady Bradford. .The Iteir real value, and it wa$ our I .. I t , ronto. 'It. Al. ow art, I . A Agont, St, lletul,-M rul, I . -Tile deaths from h hadboonstolon, The prisoner proved to till . .. _'1,X1___,;_ ; . the explosion orb. is Lord, 35ordho8ter, oldest son, of Lord Mr. Sailkby, tile vangeliftt, startod ftoln --A young widow has married Again. All A It , - � � 1- -A . , I . , gone cans in the hands of Aarvelar .01 i m :E IT W . I . I ,girl .who be a girl in disguise, And ilia jewolloty:Wma, New M3 p C) -0 -4eh, . ; , , .. � ., . I a , Carnarvon. 'Ilis deceased m4har was ti 10, ,kork O it tour'of the world on ol(l. I Ot tile family ropr4aches her 1, . build fireshave todlll�ery numtrous tbi only dau4liter,14fLady Cbeqtetfield. Tile h9r own. . . I � frioxx I �, � .. � I I ,�l !* - * .. . .. 8 I . Sidurtlay. 0. Moody and himself b6gin discreetly, ' ,,I Ana auto,, my dear," lid Says . . . 3__ - "' -, I Year, and tile Lowell vitizell,,O�ndlng thal fitmous Chesterfield House ill Londoik - wag The Crown -Pxlncoss­of Germany jxms Preaching in ;on 11 1% 0. LIVINGKI,oNf . % I . . . ' I this cOuntl*Y 0011SUM08 thbilmlids of ba,trels Sold by the latoLord,wlio died early of tile present, at the "tto .�vland in the' iniddl�. (it g�ntly, 4 that you hav6 notchotion it.,; wisely . S11a0JN1 Land Adon't fok Hamilton, ont, .. I . I T. . I , . launch of the steel oorvo October, Vvilm t like they proceed to Iro.- aii yoll, iijight'havo dono;, bad your twor. I . . . . . — 111. I of kerosene in a day, w6nders how many jovbr which go bilarly proved fatal to thd Co.nad& from 116itsmouth, Aockyara a'4 Itina and the contillent. Four bundred dear bu%bauil,'only been alive, lie, would . . . I � . I servant girls there ato to the barrel.. , Prince of Wales. christened the Vogel, The )low war voss"01 clergymen of the :�isb r3pfisoopal Chilfc1l lievbi hava lot -you Make 6uch 0, ilaittelt." G EIN TS WANTE, A - LVoRA- . .1 . .. .. I . .. . . The once dolobrated GQ� , � . A TIV1,11, ro )actable qmploymorit f0i. t(,.Ittill. , , . � lit 111=001 used if parontA wore more watchful and go., , belongs lo 'the comas class,' 8ho is luill havo invited them to preach In 1201111d, -A Toronto latly ftote, anoth,er-ludy '2. " / . yv inviting her by post -pard to makQ I . I 0 diVAccful ?OVA, ProtbY . womsu to have 6 there would be towottomplainta among the t is 08,000- topy of.Now York, has Acce tA(1 thO, lit) ' ft )it aiill, As gh-d. bad's,itilothing to , "'"'i"'! ". I OrH v6el r 0 0 0 �i nane"t, , to say: ,'It is more shantotal And I * 0 L 0 0 if"" 0 on I i ' � , I , ' " y I . 11111-4 till a 011110C ung in 1� b I , , I -1 fflzibnii of,atono-thr6wingaila other vicious .. Art early frost would rath the brop in nious caff'of tile 11otormed )utchj d1lu tell !ter. Bho addoa—thoA, she, wmila-not . . I I . 1, . corn or a buni6n on liar foot than to el . dedolve hot dearest friend without 0 � ti � . I ea' Ah 40" as""O'llill I I "� '" Moto vided hattilloss pastimes for their chi] ran of Steel analron and is Sheathed with two The Rev. George It. Smyth, of the Pre,sby- friond ""' thicknonges 6f wood, Me odo law 11 I 1. . � he ause.11 amusomenta, the South after tho drought. of Harlem to 130como its paator, * � ��, I aturo, of t1l000t-Amunication co I I . ii YJ 'i , , , Jib, Ow f r .00"s. a "liti".1 � '. It" 'i V n 1, 4 r'l - . .a . I disclose than 11 it A a, 'fly ,�, Id - Ad 60iftat"in't � � . I � I I . . � . . . I � I I .. a,", _�Io(il,t��Iitf-,,.t 01 , � . dilloo iltill'i" .1 - I , . I . . . � I . I . I I Z . ra,10.0,s- Dr,woV T V 0 , Z . . . in 11 I I " � A,_t,-r..1,1, , I * 0 . 11 a ff. - I I I a, 1�/f 11 . . . � . � . . � I . . . -, . , . I I . . I " . 1. . % I " I . I � . �, I I . . .1 I . . I . I . . I . � . . . . . . . . 11 , '. . I . .. . I I �� ... I .1 . oq� — I �:, . , . . . I . . . . I � �� � . � I I . . A, . � � I . . . I . � . I .. .4 I I" . . � - . . , I . I . / / "' - I I . . . . . . , .. . I . . .4 . . . � . ;.. I ".LL.. I I . . . . I I . . I I . / ..'", . . .. I . . I . . . . 11 , . I I I I . � . . I . . , 1�. 0, . I . . . f I.' . . . )", .I . 'L . . '.. I., . I . I I I . . 1* - . , / .. "I 11-1 . 1 . I I . �, - . 1 . .. . ,. - . I k�� I I '�­ . I � I ' I . ' A . ... , 1. - I . . . � :.. , ,." I I I . . I 4 I I I L , L, a,., . L , - . . . . . . . ­ - . � * I . I / ­�'­.­­­ ...... .111--_--_--. ­­ ... ­ .... .. ­ -------- � .. ......... ... . .­­ - - . .... .. L..."...--"-���"".-...,...-,,.,�-lik-1.1�l"--.—�L���LL ---1_111 ...... � .. ..... ---"'_j- .. ... ....... Q­r­�� , .".JL_­,�­, '_­­ ­­­ "'L-." ­­ - ___ , '_ I I . . ..... � ­. L ... . .. � I 'L . L .. . � . 1.".'