HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-22, Page 41.0 Pott AkertigententO Ohl Iftelt Store to rent -J. Jackson, New departure -3. Hodgine. Farm to rent -Dr Reeve, Catena for sale -J Copeland.. Farm for sale -W. W. Ferran. Potatoes wanted -Thompson & Bolee. Auction sale of real estate-WeT. Karnes, see eliuten'kw Tna. THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1881. PRESIDENT GARFIELD DEAD We think no intelligence was ever carried over the wires that produced More heartfelt sorrow than that which was flathed all over the •civilized world, on Monday night, t Garfield was. dead. It WAS 110t altogether unexpected, but there waa a lingering hope that he would recover, •and when the au. nonncement came that he was no more this hope was blasted and the heart felt sick at the disappointment, At a little Isefore ten ' pon. it was plainly eon that the end was ap- proaching, but his death, at 2:s. minntee After • ten, was mare sudden than expected. By an autopsy of his body it WAS found that death was ineyitable, sooner Or later, as very severe injuries had been done by the bullet. Tele - grain. of condolence are being received from all directions. .The following is from. the Qafteneto, Mrs- • Garfield Words cannot express the don sympathy I feel with you at this terrible in& moat; May God support and comfert you, as He alone cp.!' The Prince of Wales telegraphed to Lowell: " The Prim:nes and neyeelf beg you to offer our sincere condolence to Mrs. Garfield." , Tuchersmith Agricultural Society , Fall Show. The annual show under tbe ampler:8 of the above society, came off at Seaforth, on Thum day and Friday, the weather oa tne laat day being very unfavorable front °loth till night, the attendance, therefore, not being equal to former yore. Mt year the South Riding Show takes place at Exeter, and amity exhi- bitors rio cloubt deferred their usual entries till tint time, coneequently the Serforth show wart rionnwhat behind in Uri previous excel- lencies and dipPlay. The 'thew of horses wee good, though not numeroue, and the same may IA mid of cattle and pige ; but the sheep did not make a good appearance. The indoor departments were only tolerable, except the roots and grain, which were good ; poultry was very well represeeted. The followieg the prize liot ;- resew Deauosie Houses -Brood tuare, lst Jno Stewart, 2c1 Jno McMillan 3d J Malone. Jno Foal, lat Hugh Love, 2c1 J' McMillan ea Thos lealichael. 3 -yr old goiaipg, bit E Butt, 23 Alex nionwoo, 31 Win Foelasson. 3•eir old filly, let and ad P McGregor, 3d Jas McalichaeL 2.yr old gelding, 1st Rebert Charters, 2d Geo Watt. 2 -yr old filly, lst taut, 2d Jno Kitehen, 3d 0 Mogiohael, Year old, gelding. Wro Chesney. .1 -yr old flly, lst Hugh Love, 24 Jo Malone. 1 -yr old entire colt, Jo Gilmore. Team, lst Jno 2d Thee' Bissett, 3d Robert Martin. Arnim:re me OR G. P, Horises.-Brood lat Jno McMillan, 2d Alex Innis, 33 W Cummings. Foal let J gelVlillan, 2d 11/ Stewert. 3 -yr old gelding, lst E Butt, 2d A Houghton, 34 Geo Chesney. 3.yr old filly, W Stewart. 2 -yr old gelding, 1st W WHOP?. 2d 11 Taylor, 2c1, T E Hays. .2 -yr 014 filly,' lst A MoDonald, 2d Jos Wird, 34 W McCon- nell. Year old•gelding, let 3 Malawi, 2d Jno Common; 3d W Dale. One year old filly, A Tyerman. Year old entire colt; Wm•Yoneg. Teem 1st' Jae White,°2d John Barbour, 3d John 'Shipley. Cazereete Hoeszs•-Bread niere with feel; lst L Meyer, 2d W H McCracken. Foal, lst •EDITORIAL NOTES, Sufficient funds have been oelleeted to proceed with the statue of -Hon. '0, Brown. The work will be executed by Mr. Brodie, of Edinburgh, and will cost $5,000. Sir John A:Macdonald has returned in •good health. The Mail is recapitulating his " doings" while away, how he "visited theinobility and drove out into the coun- trerewin'a-m-aiiiiiir s1i1T iseniii• ; English trade -unionists aro not to be 24 w H McCracken. 2 -yr old filly lst Jas Sutherland, 24 Jas Carnochen, jr., pd O gellichael. Year old gelding, L Aleyer. Entire 0011 lst W Swallow, 2n4 NT Stewriet. 'Pair carriege horses, lst W W Fallen, 24, Thos 13issette Single driving horse or mare, let John Kyle, 24 R L Sharp, 3d 313. Terrier. *4'34 1? 41° Trade 'Onion congress, in London, a day -eor-two.agoi thipersene-frieitia4.0 1101" inovement had te retire: :Evidently the British workingmen ' have no fancy for taxing their bread and beef, • • Treolto'euein DURIIAti•CATTIVE--Ctlwr ist Bichsel), 24 T Rsae1l, 3a G Sproat. 2 -yr old heifer, 1st G Sproat, 2d and 3d J Carina - hen, jr. Yearling heifer, lst and eld A M- oot, 3d• Jas Dickson. Heifer oalf, 1st, 24 mad 3rdsJ Diekson. Bull calf, 1st A Elcoat, 24.3 Dickson, 34 R Kneehtel. .Bull under 2:yr old, lat and 3d A Moat, 24 J Dickson'. Herd, ,four 1 emalesand bull, Dickson. Gaimr Cirms-tiow, lat and 243 Dickson, 34.8. Oarnechan,.jr. 2.yr old heifer, 1st and 348 Carnoehan, 24 D Carnochan. Yearling heifer, let and 2nd J Carnochan, jr. Heifer calfe-let; 24 andid-Jas- Dickson. -2-yr-old steer; lat and 24 Robb Charters, 340 Walker 1.• -yr old steer, lst S Carnoohan, jr, 2d and 34 .1' Dickson. Fat cote or heifer,lat: Carnoc- han, jy; 2d David Campbell. Pair of shipping. eteers, let 31 Charter; 24 G Walker.• - • :Lkfosataa Siinsr=:=Aged•-ratre. lat W -Pen - hale, 24 G E Cteaviell, Shearing ism, Wm PenhaleSee-Raur laentelet• We0rieve.;-2d And 3d Win 'PeireWeerWrnePenhatee Pair eltearlings, lst W Penhale; 24 W Grieve; 3d jas Dickson. Pair ewe lambs, lst and 2d W Penhale, 3d W Priem Alexanders, lst It Charters. 2d J Cameron, Mill Road. Dolmas, of Oldenburg, lat J Landsborough, 2d C Routledge. Ben Davis, let J Landeborough, 2a 0 Rootledge. Wag, or, lst J Dickson, 24 gra H Chesney. Gold- en meet; lst"J Landeboro, 2d 0 E Cress- well. St Lawrence, let S. Landsboro, 21 J Nfmgillan. Maiden's blob, 1st 11 M (hes- neer, 24 3 Dieltion. Pears -Two varieties winter pears, 1st R Armstrong, 2d 3 Dickson. Two varieties fall pears, lst 3 Dickson, 2d 3 McMillan. Flem- ish beauty, lst Mrs W )31ack, 2c11-1 g Ches- ney. Dueberee Augouleme, 1 0 Wilson. Vicar of Wakefield, R Brock. Bartlett, H M Chesney. imperial gage, R Govenlock. Lombard, Dr Sott. Grapes, &o -Delaware, let 3 Thompson, 2d R Goverlock. Hartford Prolific,1st R Govenlock, 2d J Thompson. Colscord, let 3 Walker, 2:1 3 Thompeou. Rogers No 19, lat Allan gobsoo, 24 3 Walk - ere Roots No 4, let 3 Bulger, 2d J Welker, Best O.:Reath:al of grapes, J Thompson. Crabs, any variety, let 3 Dickson, 243 Land - borough, Early Crawford peaches, It Goven• leek. Collection of canned fruits, Mrs 0 El Henderson, Collection of Flowers, 3 Beattie. Grey Doyenne pears, John G. Wilma. Genefter Vearrauezs---Early Rose potatoes lat T McMiohae, 24 J Landshoyough, Peer. less potatoes, J Thompson, Wioter cabbage, lat W H aloCracken,..ild A 11an Hobson. 13lood beets, 1st Allan Hobson, 2d W II Mc- • Cracken. Long mangolds, lst W M. Cracken, 2nd J Hannah. Globe maugolcls, lat 3 Hannah, Ind. T Hill. . Swede toreipe, lat J 0 Wilson, 2'nd H Taylor. Early horn carrots, lat A. Hobson, 24 D Ferguson, sr, Long orange or rod carroty let Je Lcind,sber- ough, 24 11 Brock. White Belgan caerotte, lat J Dickson, 23 W B McCracken. Ind'en corn, lat 3 Landsberough, 24 TOM Caartere. Witter unions, 18t J Landsborough, 24 W H McCracken. Musk melons, lst W H Mc- Cracken, 2d W Murray. Cauliflower, let A Hobson; 24 W McCeackee Red onions, let W 11 McCracken, 24 A Heinen. White, or yellow onions; '1st W 11 McCracken,. To,. rnatoes, ist A. Robsor 24 W Murray. ' Celery A Hobson. Citroes, lot A. Hobson, ilaul J Landsborough. Parsnips, lat A. Hobson, 24 H Blaushard.„ Collection of vegetables, 'Allan Hobion. •: . Recommendea:-Squash, G Cresswell. Red eabbage, A Hobson. Squash, A Hobson. Deeny PROW:ION-Me pounda butter, lat A Smith, 2d Mrs 1V1oDowell, 3r4 J S Browns Ten pounds fresh butter, lst J 8 Brost a, 24 W Fowler. Firkin butter, J Bulger, 15 lbs butter, for table use, E Sperling. Cheese, factory made, 50 pounds, J R Murray Kin- bura factory. Cheese private make,: 15 lbs, 1st Mrs T MeMichael,"24 R McMichael. Cured ham, H Robb, Hornell:lade bread raised by hop yeast, lat J McMillan, •2t1 Sperling, 3d M !dawn, 4th 3 McMichael., Home•made bread, salt raised, 1st R lelogiehe ael; Ir. 24 J Caeneron; Mill Road, $d A. Hob- son. Five pounds roll butter, f Sproat.' Honey in Oath, lat J Thompson, 24 J Lands, borough. • Honey in jar, 1st H Robb, 24 W Atmetrongee Collection -of ehoinesmader wine; let 8 Bulger, 2d A Hobson. Special;. 'maple Bugs; Lanclaborough. Dingman Mearuyaceueese-Ten yards do- mestic, cloth, 1st H McKay, 24 J Gilmore. Pair home-made blankets, 1st, Mary afeEwen, -24.-30111-noireSeeTen Miler of limerwoolseY, 1,st fiss Naelee 2d T Ten .ye.rde eatinette, Ist -07-Kert, d 3 Sutherland • Wileffeileye eelestege:s.--8, Stek ere. ,s2de Miss _Nash. Factorytees Ist and 24 A 0 Van Egthond. Factory flannel, lst and 24 A. G Vaii EgrooUd. Feelory Made blanket, A 0 VamEgmond, Set single harness:- 0 E Hen- derson. •Doubleteam harness, 0 E Hender- son. . Sewing machine, 3 Watson. Collect - tion of 'musical instruments,•Soote Bro. Sot el parlor fernitnree Broadfocit Box, :Stuff; ed birds,- 1st 7 Walker, 24 Scott 'pro's. • Pot-. tory J 13;Webber. •: •.• Those who are sunnet to hilioltiluelie, consti• patiou, indigeation, dyspepeia, or any kidney affection, should take the advise 0: an able phyeician aud use Dr. Carson's Stomace, and constipation bitten. In large Inane at O en. a; ee. combo speciel agent for Chilton. Liegeemee.,,,p .--1 the MARRIED.LATzEEnu on nett 14th Wet, by thejtev. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Henry J. Livermore, to /glee U. Platzer, ItrIgitallagH2101eetet*Lvsor-At Dangannon, on ale loth inst, by the Rev. J. Caswell, Mr. Isaac C. Richards, of Manchester, to Miss Alice J. Conlyson,of the same place. DIED MILLS-In Hullett, onthen17th inst., Thomas Mills, aged 83 yeare, How. -In Clinton, on the 20t1z inst., Robert 'Russell Charles, •infant son of Mr. James Howe, aged 5 months and 4 days. floverenient Organs are beting that there id in. the 1)oininien• treasury a. sur- plus of Over $4,000,060, and:claiming cre- dit for the same to: the economy of ,the government The mere fact .of havinis a surplus of any amonnt may 'appear a line • •' thing, on the surface,.but, if a littlereilec- tion is used, it will be seen that instead of being the•restrit of economy, it lneans. one dollar US lieen forcibly ..eXtract-. in the *ay of duties from every man, ,man and child in the .Dominion, above :.at was neceisary.. In stead of .greater . long', the e'xpenditurelias been much •;:iter.;t1iii7ethan it ,has .eyet been be- • Free or Cost. All persons wishing to tot the merits of 3 great remedy -one that will positivively ore Conomption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron- chitis, or au'affection of the Throat and Lungs -are requested to call at J. H.Combes Drug Store a14 get a Tial Inttle of Dr. King's New Diseovery for Consumption, free of cost, which will show yott"what a regular dollar size bottle will do. ale Register, Real eatate in the village • of Lonaesboro, being a village lot, • and 20 acres with house on, property of gr. W. T. Holmes, on tbe 5t1i of Oct. Jas. Howson, Anot Farm stock, eto„ of Mr. John Morish, on the 3rd ot October, at Summerhill, baseline. • James Howson, suet. • Real estate on. the _Gibbing Survey, and on • Huron street, Clinton, property of John Jackson, onethe lst of Oct. D,Dickinson, •Ootetwoer.s.-Aged retie lst'and 24 3 Dick. son. ' Shearling ram,. lst and 24 3 Iiickson; Ram lanin,Ist and 24; Dickson.. Pair ewes, :3' Dickson; • Pair eloneling ewes, j".Dickicies Pair ewe Imiths, 3 Dickson. '•". • ' ' SeemintoWies--Ram lamb; 1st •and. 21 0, 11 CroFsWell. l'air owes, I st'and 21 0 te ierees• well.' Raj!. slieayling lst and 2d'cl Eeteresse well, . Pair ewe lambs; ( 1 reTeeswell. Pair. .fat wage W Orieee. •.A. pen cpritposedeit for sheep, �EOrd5aweIl.. • • • flirene'S rite rem; John Aiteheson. Rem lamb, 1st .1.08. Careociene. jr., 21 JI M CheernY; 31 l Ca:rein:hen, 11. ',hoe ewes J. sh Aitcheson. Pair edding ewes, lat 3 dar-:: noehare, ;ire .24 a Ail chime.. Pair .lambs, J. Aitcheeepte • 1't0:4, MeintreiHArced boar, Geo. Staebury:. Bor, Uttered in 1881, 1st and 24 Jai Nett. Aged sote,..3 Nott. • Soiv, littered: in 1381 ' est Arid, 2d J Nett: • • . • Semite:lc leme-Aged beere Tierness, Aged sow, W Stewart. Sow; littetha. in S881, let W Stewart, -2d Thin Janes. • . • • • • Godeeith News. advocates increased • „ the volunteereebetieving, that it .pro- eiresentation were made to Sir Jai:melte ed give 11 -We doi't believe anything of kind; it was the ,getiertimentaf Sir Jelin • at placed the pay of •Volunteers at its pre- erit figure, and we should be very. sorry to 'ete the pay increased, became we believe it ..0 much medley mutually thrown away. We tcnow that the pay is OM large, but the me:ts need not become, yolUntders if ' they are not satisfied with it. ' A -great mattypf them look .upon the period of anneal drill as an oppor. tnnity simply fer having a geoil time, and do not care a button about the military tactics they are supposed to learn. When the entire volunteer forceis disbanded, and the monpy. usually spent pat to seine other- use, the coentry and people will be allethirliette,rfer A. great deal of Ivied has time and again been expended about crossing the A Llan - tic in a baleen, and preparations for a trial trip with oee foii this object they° been in pregress for sorno them The start was rind° last week at St. Pia; by Prof. King and several rePorters,, but, the .affair was a nixie,' and 'ended' about as wohld be expected: The baleen), after being anchored over, some trees, to pre - _vent HS destruction by'a gale, burst, and thus saved the balooniats the probability of beiug drowned when the Atlantic was mulled. • Supposing it were possible to •eross the ocean in a baloon, what good would the world drive- from the fact. Kort few 'wotild card to travel by that method, and scietne wcteld not be advanc- ed a particle: • ••••--•••11)4.4...91,•••'- •••••-* The Halifeet Chronicle tells an amusiti.g with straw attached, Jos Herr, Story of a St, John manufacturer. He heads of oats, ty W S Robertson, for the best two bushels a warm admirer of the N. P. and a large contraetor for Government work, Regeir- of Tartaratg T Carter ian la, IIORTICOLTORAL PRODUCTS -Apples -Pour ing a quantity of pig iron, he ‘!encoUragect varieties winter apples, lat GE Cresswell, 24 home industry" by sending to the States 3 MeMillan. Pour varieties fall ripples, 10 for it. When it arrived he thought the 3 McMillan, .24,1 Diekson, Colleetton of freightmbill was large. He wrote to the •apples, 16 vartettee, 3 Dickson. It 1 green - was ten. cents pes ten too high. The bro.. ?Y. ;ggtheetnHSpIghlearm.24 jBl°a:Irt,n°24 aP'N'rd: ehipbroker in ileeit York that the freight ker replied to this effect ; ".11(sw can you, 2gaitij'Aivin 80'1.Titiro.bIr sTrt:etus'ble6rg%3,Cuabrrollea8nagejyr'. if you have any kind of principle. at ail,• support a Government and a policy tbit )3aldwins, let H M Cheeney, ga McMillan. charges' You " Per ton duty I'M r'fir 'mg a8rnaosiwi. rieL'elnePtelitgLvalltsrliclUgObhis2snasya, 24 rim, and. then complain of an extra charge' 0 Routledge, Pall Pippins; 1st 3 McMillan, of ten cents per ton for the freight • Yee 24. G 1tCreeewell. Red Astrachan, 3 Dick - get the duty taken off and VII take Off the Dr. Carson never claimed for lila stoinaoh and constipation bitters any Momentous Power of • healing, but with the quiet consciousness of their medicinal virtues he prescribe' thorn to all those who suffer f rom any derangement 01 the stomach, bbwels; liver and kidneys. In largo Soz betties at 50 cents, J. If., Combos, spe- cial agent for canton, • FALL $110Vf. Fall Allows will be held as follows: •-• Morris, at Elyth, Oet, 12th and 12th. East IYawanosh, at Bolgrave, Oct. U. Provincial, at London, 2Ist to 20th Sept. . . Stanley branch, Reynold; October 10 and 11. South Huron, at Exoter,.Oct, 3rd and 40, test Riding, of Brum*, Oct. OW and 7th. • West Riding, al Goilorieh, Oct. 5th and fith. ' 'Hay Itrancli, at Zurich, Sept. Mth and 30th, wa ••• se NEW DEPARTURE, ress.,,Making Mantle 'Making. The undersigned begs to state to his customers and the lilies of Clinton and. vicinity, that he bas for some time contemplated. adding DRESD MAKING to his business, but delayed doing so owing to the want of suitable room in. which to conveniently carry on the business, and more particularly to the dIfliculty experienced in getting a suitable and competent person to take charge of the departments. Both these difficulties, he feels, are now fully overcome, and work is begun to -day in botIMBEss and MANTLE MAKING. We have no doubt of giving as good satisfaction as is to be obtained in any town or, • city in the ciffintry, in. ttese departments. 0 " Women never thlisk,r) If the erabbed old batchlor who uttered 'the' sentiment could but witness the intense thought Jeep study and thorough investigation of wo- men in determining the best medicines to keep their raminee well, and would note their sag,ac- ity and wisdom in selecting Hop Bitters as the -best inut-demonstrating-ft by- keeping their' familios•in perpetual health, at a mere nominal expense, he would be forced to acknowledge' that such sentiments are baseless and falos.- Picayune. • • P.SAIN.:41.)-LS ! Aniee--Craysinel it end 24(•1 Stewert, 'Penell.sketcb, (1 Stewart. •• •• Fr.o*ess-Astere,. let G Cromwell, 2ncl Dr. Canepbeil. ' Phloem, eat Dr Coleman, 24 AV Murray. Verbenas, 1st Dr Colenian, 2d J Walker. • Ruchias, Mrs Rudolph. Collec- tion of roses, A Hobson.. Pansies, Walker. Hail. flowers, 0:Nott.. . eSpeeials-Cextorob, W. Murray. . Triniber toe, 0 LI Wilson: Ated peppers, W Murray.• Levine Wout...--Patched eitilt, hand made," lst Mary McEwen, 24 Ferguson, jr., 3d T powney: Raised quilt, lat 3 tandaborough, :24 Geo Nott, 3d WH McCracken,- Tatting, Mrs .0 Rudolph.. •.' Crochet work,. hit Mit 0 Rudolph, 24 Mrs J Henderson, 3d Miss Nash. Embroidery ineeilks velvet . or satin, lat Mrs 0 Rudolph, 24 And .3d Mrs D Hcigan. broblery in rnaslin, :1st Mrs 0 Rudolph, 24 and 34 Mrs. T'ItIcgieliftele Embroidery in crape or chenille, Mrs 0 Rudolph. Breeding, lst Dant Nat, 24 Miss M MeEtven, 3d grit Fancy knitting, let Mrs. TMe- Michael, 2d griej• Dodds, 3d Mrs J Hender- son: . Pair woollen sock; lst W H,McCrack- ed, 24 -Miss Mary MeEwen, 3dialre S Stokes.. Pair woollen stookirige and mitts,.. lst Mike •Nash 24 Miss M McEveen.rair woollen gloves, lst W agegracken; 24 Mrs Stokes. • Gent's fine shirt, lat giseg McEwen, 24 Miss Nash, 3d *Aire Wni ,MeGeoeh. Wax fruit, lst Mise. Simpson, 24 Mri"T Mcgiehaele Lace•work, lat Mrs 0 Rudolph; 24 Mise McDonald. Guipure work, 'Mrs 0 Rudolph. Berlin wool work, lat and 24 Mrs T Downey. Feather fleesiees, Mrs 3 -Henderson, Rag mat or *car- pet,.18t Mary alcF,wen, 2c1 grit J Stewart, 34 Mrs W Blaek. Lag cabin gen, let Mies M McEwen, 2(1 Wm Nagle 3d Mrs 0 Grieve. Knitted quilt, lsti gra j Henderson; 24 Mrs 0 Rndolph, 3d Mrs Win McMurray. Special prize by Broadfoot & Box, for collection of ladies'. work, oentre table, .$8, Mrs D'Hogee. Srsems-Tiog, cabin. quilt( Mrs Laidlaw'. Seed wreath, Mrs JUDGES IleaVY dranv,ht horses M PolleteGoderielt'Peter McTavish, Tucker. oath ; Geo Carruthers, Ellice, • . Light horse -'-D McIntosh, Bencefield; A Forsythesgorria ; James Baiey, Goderich. Cattle -Wm Parish, MitchelI Jno McCon- nell, gibbed ; John Robb, Aldrria., Sheep -Wm Whitelaw, Guelph ; j,1),Slaek,'• S. Marys; W. G. Ilingefore- Morris: ' Pigs -Win Feeder,. Taelterstnith ; Wm Area, strong, Sohn Goviore Willett. • • • Poultry- Thomas Tipling; Clinton; Sohn Hannah; Tuokersmith. . , Implements -464n Lashatn, Loarlaboth ; Thomas gellis, Kipper'. . • . • Grain and rieede-0 Walker, Ttickerstnith • J McNair, Goderieh ; las Scott, Roxboro. . .Fruits -D Caldwell, Galt ; lames Heerlen. son, Seaforth Win Allison, Exeter. .1toote and Vegetables; -E 'Bingham, Coda - rich W Parish,- gitehell. • Dairy PrOdnee-eA 0 MeDougno, and Ed Cash, Seaforth Caldwell, Galt. • Domestic manufactures -- D H Dorman, J VilliaMSi• Seaforth; Jobe Petrie, ; John 8 Xnetchel, Brussels: • . Fine arts and flowers -A Vim Egmond, Seeforth ; Vir E:OoldWell, Hallett. • Ladies work -Mrs Wm Mtirther, Clinton; Mrs W Itobb, Tueltersmith Mrs A Elliott and Mrs, D H Dorman, Madsen. • •;Thuneentaz•Pene-Aged boar, 1st j 'Pimp SOO, 24 R Gove.nleck, 3d Jas Turner, Roar, littered in 1881, lst, 2a.aaa 24 R Govenlock, Aged eow, J.st and 2d it Govenloch. • littered in 1881, est and 24 3 Turner, 34 Wm. Stewart: 'Best sow of any ago or breed, WM Grieve. Best,boar of. any age or breed, John Thiel:4mm ' Potfeeny-Pair, dark ' Breit rn as, let and lid • R W Reinchnau. •Pair Light Brahmas, lst R wriegesemae, ed W Stewart. -Pair Plymouth 'Rooks, lst a Abell, ad W Grieve. 'Pair sil- ver -bearded Polands, lat R W Rinciman, '2d David Thompson. Pair eilvelepeneiled Hera. burgs, 1st 11 W Runaimar; 24.3 Broadfoet. Pair buff Coaled, 1st Dr Scott, 24 RW Run. eiman. Par black Spaniel], lst a Beattie, 24 Dr Scott.. Pair game fowl's, lat and 2d Joe Abell, .pa,- Aylesbury ducke, let and 2d G., E Clesewelie Pair Muscoyy duck; lst Win Grieve, 243 Beattie., Pairgeeee, lst 3 Hugill, J Wise. Pair turkeys, lst E Sperling, .2c1 L Meyer.: Pair Black Mocks, lat Dr Scott, 24 It W Ranciiman. 13e811 collection Poultry, It W llunciman, Best pair imported bane - ries, Dr Scott. Best pair Canadian bred tetnaries, J W Elder. •.. ••• ' TAIPLVIENTS-4refl plow, lst and 24 Monrw & Hogan. I son bora plow, Monroe &Hogan, Horse hoe,,Stewatt ,&.• Campbell. • Pair iron harrow; 1st 'L Lipling, 24 A Stewart. Horse hay reke, '1st 13 Nowell. 24 Stewart de Camp. :bell: • Turnip clatter, B. Newell, . Feinting mill, McTaggart & Co, , Single reaper; lat B 'Newell, 2d I) Walker, jr. Single mower, lst David Walker, jr., 24 B.Newell. Grebe seed drill, Stewart & Campbell. . Wooden pumps N Cliff.. Iron •pump, W Robertson, Set horse shoes, 1st Menree & Hogan, 24 Thos. '• • 0eAts A.1.,71) *heat 1 steW Ire- land, 2a0,E Cressw011, 3c1 S BroWn, Spring wheat, let 3-ChesneY, 24 A Robertson, 34,T .Nott. Six•rciwed barley, lst SV Irelitd, 24 Mrs IX Chesney, Two -rowed barley, lat Jas Dickson, 24 T Carter. .Laige -oats, A Gray, Common oats, hat 3 McMillan, 2d A MOPrfetl. Largo peas, •Ist T Nott, 24 3 Landsborcitigh, Small peas, lat 3 Dickson, 24 8 tandeborbugh. Timothy seed, lat a Dickson, 24 3 Landsbor.. ough. Flax seed, John Landeliotongh. • , SPECIALS -By W Rehill, for the best 50 heads- of wheat, Witli straw attached, Innen I andeborough By AV Rehill, for the hest 50 . . S•ept, 22, ISAl. :spying,. Itedcltaff;' r 1.25 .a 1 2,8 Fife, "e"- ••• I. 28. 'a 1 30- . • ;035 a •0' 37 • , 055 a 65 ' 0 60 a 0 65 • 600 a 6 50. 035a 049 ; D' IS 019 , 0 14 a 015' -1200 a 14 00 6 50 • a - 8 00 •• • 030. a • 55 601) ,a 7 50: . -• 4.59 a 309 • 325 a • 4 50 -el 22 A 24 • Oats, • Barley,., Peas, . Petatoes, • Eggs: • Hay', Shopskifie• 7 Beef, • Clover,' . TirnotliY, • Wool, : freight." 'Pr , The lady in charge is of lcing experience in both the United 420- States and Canada, having completed her knowledge of Dims skif . Abli). MANTLE MAKieto in Beaton, Mass., and held responsible sir positiotie both ' there and in Peraberton'Ottawa, and other air towns ,in. Canada. She comes very highly recommended as tar TM/ROUGH IN IIER uusirtiss, and eri these conditions the under- signed erabarks in the enterprise with large hopes of success, .01) lair and asks the confidence of the ladies to a fair trial of getting ' their orders executed to their . satisfaction, if placed in our liar . charge. • Heretofore, owing to the limited trade in Mantle making, we only employed a hand,by Abe season. This nsocle •Ali *Er - of working always rendered it difficult to get a really good IMIr hand, as a person thorough in their trade naturally wants a sW1- Sel that in .Sftia liar longer: engagement. By 'having both departments in charge a ..MA star .o one person, and a permanent position offered, a 000d and competent hand can generally be ecured, and we fe zigli Cr •the course taken we 'will not be disappointed. • ,.. Till the new store; With lots of room, being erected by Mr. W. Murray is- completal,--at 'thecorner of the Market Square, and which the Undersigned lias leased, he has rented for the.usDedre4s Making,. THE ROOMS OVER lkfR. ROBSON!S STORE, formerly 6," . him as a dwelling; the entrance to which can be'madeeither throu4 my: store4 or from the lane in fife rear.' 'No OCCI1SiOal - - '. • to go throw -it Mr Robson's store. , ' . . . .. ..,,A.r.,.prtimirrics w.Ar-Ecit, - • THY. SIDDST OF sAb exonea.r-The grey .hairs of age being brought with sorroWto the „grave is now, %mare glad to think, becoming ,threr every .year, as the nse of Cingalese, Hair Restorer becomes more general. By its use the scanty looks ef age once more resunie their former color and the hair becomes thick and luxefrant M ever; With its aid we can now defy the change of years, resting assured that no Grey Hair at any rate will come to saddee us. Sokl by all diligent; 50 per battle. ' • • ' AGER BEER CARLING'S BOTTLED LAGER We • are getting. ready rapidly...to make our usual Millinery display. -tADJES-.•We •leold-and are .ready to place before you- the moscoperi;74ioeli of:141-Asiera?. • -- -- CLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, BLAOR GoODS, With SATINS,'SILKS, Pm/011E4, FRISOBS, TRI3mING8, • • IRDLES; 'VELVR'14,.:11tADONS, L.idii, Betross, Lirnaos, 8ze, cte., o inatab, 'and to wtrieb. .eve•ask the•kind patronage of all wanting these goeds, ' • IN PINT.S, AND WARTS', FOR FAMILY „USE, AT N.'• ROBSON'S, Clikcin.• • SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. 1.) BEESLEY totes thin opportunity of thanking IA. tee people of Clinton and surroundibg vicinity Who for years patronised his late wife, and -bogs most respectfully to solicit a continuance of their favors. The able services of MISS.BOWELL base been 10. • tained, who so. successfully superintended (ho Trim- ming Department awl gave kAllOh (Min datight0M013 dnritig the nag. She has !Inv ft.11 °onto& A large camortment of allthe new and leading styles of English and . American Hats and Bonnets, San. Porters, Leatherland. Kmg of Toinkins, let It Charters, 24 t M Chesney.. THE, MILLEsiMitY DEPARTMENT IS IN CHARGE OF MISS ROFIER•LSON, THE MANTLE AND DRESS 111 AKING IS IN CHARGE 011 MRS. NVINOlf.T. • rivraoNAGE SOLICITED. " • - . . , • iiona-tws .4a.reat 1301-y • PrAIN; .11ILSTIO 'AND 00130tIRG STRAW,• • • FANCY AND PLAIN' TUSCANS, .• • . • TAPE arm tsurionNs. . . • aise, eve ry.fashiOnabla color atorshaat in all the now , materials, vim-PLesnerrn, risseli (1,(015.y Sitar OW Skrxw, SURRAEIS, HATEVAIS, SILKI,A10. Serge, Terry, Cord and rime gibbons, Lase; Orna- •ment's, Feathers and Flowers. Wo alSo.continuelo keep -tip a woll assorted stoth el . , Mtitple 81141 Fancy Dry 6100'4s, WOOL • ' god IFitner•Geods. • STititW'RA.TEI aiul BONNETS lob over in all • the newest faohienahle styles.. Be)rna and Ei1a54 taken to exchange 'for goder ' WE ARM IsIOW' SRLI1131 (Wit summit 60()Ds AT A GREAT REDIrOTION, TO MAKE ItOOM F0.11 OUR, FALL STOOK, • PICINTEl8 Specialty:. ' 'BEESLY,,.... • • •v/cTonn. $11LEOT, CLINTON • _ Verniers and Morcharits. If you WWI to avoid° great danger and teen. ble, Insider; a no small bill of expense, at this season of the year. you should take promps steps to keep disease frau your lionseliolde The system should be' cleansed, bloor'puri• fled, stonneh- and 'bowels regulated, and pre- vent and cure disease arising from Spring malaria, We know of nothing that will so perfectly aud eue3y do this as Marie Bit- ters, and at the trifling cost of 60 cents o - t16.-Exele-Sold by J. It. Combo. Tke Aso rat' Ro:steu Ag 10:20600 Nopoodloratietu: 0 mar* Dittns They glee zowll Tea whose e ty of the bovrolso (10(10 00 Appetiser Ilop Bitters are mem l'ultemaingiter witatione Le are What tho disease or all tors. none waltuntilyenna only feel bad or miserable, It !nay save your tife.it has liorelp0h.n elftbognotuf adfora sureer auirerbut use and urge the'ni Remember, Rep Bitters Is no drunken heigrnm, but the. Purest lifedietne ever ino,de, the "INVALIDS and 110111t, and no person or family should be without thorn. te °RI 1 1 s AU901d °Ate.. Beeliardi tor Cireutat, Hap iniOwe lifg. Cos nothester,11.'f and Toronto, Ont. rarestand Rest Medicine ever Made, bination of ,Hops.,' Buehts, Man 0::::clateollioono,d:art,pthboa:iiifitheorbe, Lst:er unitive properties a an other Bitters, ato and Life enu Health Restoring .......N1 an posafblir long exist where liop ed,to partedand eerreet are their feaaleigortet eageezadinibra, meto,yinentecaneeeteremoarr n unary ennuta, ors•whei re- TounlaboierviditenhiloduNtunol ntiltnolt, , estoongestiest:Lbit'Yn:oliPfet:it-tie tisethem at ohm. ss:vodhtlt:ilulintedoei thoy or levtnyeo,ii ranuatrruh::::: touse Hon B and Best • - • e• are pi active preparation for it. ening New Goods Daily, We are daily opening up. case after ease of New Goods, Our FALL TWEEDS •arrived to -day. The whole house is assum- , inga new. and healthy .appearance. On; old stock is Well Cleared out it is well known that we win 32,ot °airy OVOZ' Oid. Stook, and the appearance of our su1flm6r stuff• •• warrants anyone in coining to that ebnclosion:- Our .MISS WALKER is now in the eastern markets.. Mit diZA.I.Bleaves for Montreal early next -week, and WC have no- • - hesitation whatever' in saying that *when our stOek *OM all soureea is collected together, We will b6 in a position to make • • ' he Finest Display of Dry Goods •E tz.i•EXHIBITEb IN THE HUB." CRAM. MACWHMTER •& CO.