HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-22, Page 2. 7— 1, - - -- . "".. � & . ...... � , ­ , �- . � ­ I I . . . . ­ I I . . I I I I � . . FI . " I I I ., - . I r -, I—— � I . .. . . 1. . � . . I , , , , _,� ­ - - , ­ , � , I � � . � I .. . . 11 I. I � . 11 . . I � I - . I . � - .1 .11 . I I I - � . I I � I . I . I . . I I . . . - I I . � � ,. - - _ � _ = - '. - . - T_ — 7 . — , -, 7- . , - . . I . I I I . I . . ! . . . I ! , . � . U I I . . � I I � . I � � I �, : . . I . V � I . I . I . I I --- �, I ,�,f . 5 � . I . An' as. he piped his chearfalgano . ,1 tear'draped free my old, I � 0 I . . . I . I . .. I I . I . . 1. I I 41 . I- I "�. - .1 .... I � . . sept. 22,1881. I . lidicatar :� a I I 1. . VI&NIKE18 01910ANDS. Train WrecUin g and TruN nobbing, Xxx . ,, . Mlasourl Xxtraortiluary — V30,000. $;olen—The' Train c , . In. it 0YOrpowered 0 � I .. �, _______ irerson, i. , ft Plerola', tlio Peruvian .dictator, bag resigned, . � Rev. Dr. Sullivan, of Montreal, bad. it is . . 0 � . I ., = I . 1. . I � � A 3111re— of. Illatuo. , � .1 8 ,'On, August sotb, in the -day time, on Lewiston avenue, Robert Co�nolly forcibly .. I . ordinarily prevails at this season of the forest .. I . a .. . T . . � . r year, I fires ottenewo9p over consider. able por .on ti a of the middle 8tatea, Xicht- �. . . I , I An' as. he piped his chearfalgano . ,1 tear'draped free my old, . I I . I 1 0 facts before the police authorities, of 011f, I . 10 reports witnessing s I strange dance of the Utiquis, of uorthe4sf� 9 I 4 I I and Rev. Dr. Milroy, of Stratford, are ras- ticating at, Far, Roolmway, Long Island, . I n 4nd arrested his man near Kerritton. . He took him to the Uerritton. station a I � . I I Thq Indiana divide � � 4 their procession intc two Parts, one 'of choristers, 0, , ad. ,gourd V :�_ -. I I/ �, r , a . . I I 4 � . . .. . P � � � 0 ened trunks remaining as m9unmouts of the conflagration. Some as many t � ' . t �i 6 I yearei, valuable trees are destroyed by Are as are , I a . 0 . Maloney, trio, d to convince, the inan .that lig., . , was merely acting an the deputy of the I 1 - .1 .... I � . . sept. 22,1881. I . lidicatar I ., � 11 ­__.__­­.______ . 381JOAPIC 039 A 311111GIRWAYMArio — � W Allegatioxi %but 014 , a 9C 111cio. . . - ,o Airithorlde , rition Couplyvd, at the Escape of a. � 139bber, . I I 1. . VI&NIKE18 01910ANDS. Train WrecUin g and TruN nobbing, Xxx . ,, . Mlasourl Xxtraortiluary — V30,000. $;olen—The' Train c , . In. it 0YOrpowered ronwi9w irg"R$1 In. I$omptblu About their lExlen; and 01rig , , (The ableago'TIM013.) During the long -continued drouth that � I .. �, _______ irerson, i. , ft Plerola', tlio Peruvian .dictator, bag resigned, . � Rev. Dr. Sullivan, of Montreal, bad. it is I I I ,— - �.__ I! I 111^11EIR .PlArfqvic PS.Av.0n., AlarrIbl,-Ineon, ationa, audoluannerl ONO) Arizona Indiana. I A Chicago despatch smys:Lieut. 33ourke � . I ., = I . 1. . I � � A 3111re— of. Illatuo. , � .1 I board the lintio sing y6streen Upon A hawthorn tree, ,'On, August sotb, in the -day time, on Lewiston avenue, Robert Co�nolly forcibly and )Pnessengerat also 11944,cd -A rincloy Expreqs XcloollaCre , . ordinarily prevails at this season of the forest understood, declined a call to New York and a large salary. One of the Commis, , sioners, Where bonny Olyde, In m' its pride, . Gangs whi4in' tae the sea,,, . robbed David Craig, of . '08.5 ,in money and, I � I . An Independence (Mo.) despatch reports, year, I fires ottenewo9p over consider. able por .on ti a of the middle 8tatea, Xicht- � A. private letter states that Venerable appointed by Licut,-Goneraj Short daU to investigate the habits of the Ind jAng An' as. he piped his chearfalgano . ,1 tear'draped free my old, then esompod to Canada,. Police Offlocer . Maloney followed af 6er him and laid the that in, I shed r I I I obberso stopped the Chicago train, PA and Canada., In some casee, damage only results to tiniber, but in the &xohbishop Bourget, who is now in Paris, 1 . is seriously ill, - - living witbinor con � ,. tiguouls to the. dlvisio� � of. the Missouri, Sao fain was I tee hear the strain, That when a barrild wee, facts before the police authorities, of 011f, �a Alton western mail on Wednesday, night two miles wept of I Gundoll by waving great majority of instances the buildings, of . Right Rev, Bishop Walsh, of London, reports witnessing s I strange dance of the Utiquis, of uorthe4sf� On Clyde's fair shore I beard before,. When sportial IQ, 01 gleo. r ton, who deputiged him to go in pursuit � Of the robber, , He did so , . and finally found 11 signal lantern. T a robb � I I 1.11, . era bad also piled a, great quantity of stories auct logo on' farmers, their stacks 9f hay and grain, I I I I .1 muld their growing crops are cbrisumed, . � and Rev. Dr. Milroy, of Stratford, are ras- ticating at, Far, Roolmway, Long Island, Ora Arizona, used to pr a he Q % _ . opit&t t, ,re I spirit in times of drought. " - � I saw the wee tback-hooso yestreen Adoon the bushy glbn, 4nd arrested his man near Kerritton. . He took him to the Uerritton. station the track, sufflolent to wreck the train. The robbers were beavi Armad,andwh an In repeated Instances stock and human beings are injured or killed. Consider, � N. Y, R, ev, Father Whalen has been appointed Thq Indiana divide � � 4 their procession intc two Parts, one 'of choristers, 0, , ad. ,gourd Where X was born &Is autumn mOra;— � . Was Ili baith but, all! boa ; bondooffoa,' where, just before. the I , train started, b � a was ordered by s; man ., . I _!V ,b 49 the train stopped the lea era outed, Now, a of country have been com. able section' pletei,y advastmted by these forest fires, parish priest of St, ., I 1?strick's Church Ottawa, rattlers, the 6tbp ot men and r of forty..eigl children, twonty.fo,ur of whom carried Atl'ilka corner roon on' roon . I eyed wi'careful ate, -when . , , whom Maloney supposed to be the station men, to your work. Fire Ill At the word I the air Was filled with the noise of 4isobarg- I , Growing trees have been killed, the black. vice Viqar-Generai O'Connor, do. camped. snakes .and . tho,other twenV-four eagle Ali' ance again as a wean . Aboot my mother's knee, it. agent, to take the buffs off of Connelly and lot him go, as an American o0cer bad no � I � I ing firearms. The phots succeeded one ened trunks remaining as m9unmouts of the conflagration. Some as many I Sir Cherie ' ,a Ga�Van Puffy is to ,be asked fem th( there' with which R they fqnned ' r' t as. The snakes I beard her sing 11 the %,Aid 01cotoli doings Xu accents sweet ail, um .1 right to arrest, anybody in Canada. I . I a valiv _ _ another with such rapidity thsit the. I I trainmen and passengers imagined, the I yearei, valuable trees are destroyed by Are as are , I to stalindlortbe House ofCommollisin Meath to fill the vaomixey made by the retirement were omr. ri'a 1P, the ro , bands- mud iii the 11 � I ., I Upon the banks ol Clyde yestreen ` . Maloney, trio, d to convince, the inan .that lig., . , was merely acting an the deputy of the I I , 0 in par 0 a . I .1 . I . 0 11) Allm be, effect of the outbythe axe of tbelumberman, The . work.og destruction, however, 'is more . � of Mr. A. M. Sullivan, * . � mouth. Thai r u umber was about one , b . I . undred, and tha half of them were rattle. (Nlrhoro I had aften been), . I 1 walidere4 wit companions dear Throo Ilk sequestered scene, Clifton authorities and that he *as only I � going with the prisoner to Clifton. Finally', � I I Fero. , firing was to render the passengers and oroug ,. e, formak thpin by the latter I . . . ant. a sixe only cuts down the trees, The heirs of Mmtthew Vassar'And that through mistake he has left 049,000 to the snmkeF'- It wag & loathsome sight. 40 0 I � as the longfile of nalsed men trampind round AW pued the It crimson tipit floores 11 . . he appealed, to the local ,authorities to I . I engineer an easy prey to the brigands. efore the first shook was over s'number, . �t at are of I � ediato value,while,the fires I seven churches of Poughkeepsie, when lie . . . to a funeral dirge I of rattles aud'mQuo- That docked the grassy les, - . Then ano ail, W cried bip, hurrah danced wl'glee, . arrest mud detaiu the criminal., But they .all refused, and he was compelled to pea of robbers took,po Manion of the train, the . . � I - UeAro allthe young treeasnoltboseeds. an 0 nes, from which trees may spring. osed to have meant. to leave 67,00% 18 13UPP I . or Q1,000 to e%oh,. . I I tono a obauting, twirling the hugereptilde in their outstratebe d arms,- mud holding Ali, an, sang U on the side o'bonny Plyde, . tlax� far a0zosa the this highway robber .walk off before his I The the Xeiritton a time vigorously car, shooting being all th , . ried on. The engineer, fireman and bralke. In some. cases all the vegetable portions of The dbatb c f James Luke F. R. C. S.. a , " 'announced by . t . . . . he five foot,inonst n their teeth while the - . . gea. . � . I eyed. motion Of man and authorities una er the circumstances is manj ,were driven into the woods. Tile . .gumeo, leaving scarcely the soil" pre con I . . ,anything for the support of vegetatiott. In, distinguis is . . lied physician, the mail from England. He was 8A years attendants distra, oted the atten, of the reptiles by faunin g with eagle Atough op�lhe It bto.- - , . 09 � unaccountable on he 4uppositicin that t �rfdye , . otor offered resistance, but was, soon t . . , overpoweredAnd compelled to run for his short the 19113d becomes. A deport, Xnveeti, . , of age, and was for many yearsponabated. � I .tiou . - feathers, In front of it grim pile irt3 (Now York World.) � . they were honest il�_Su, o'nsio. me .P I life A. few of the 'thieves bear the . gattous. made in Canade, and Michigan - . with the London Hospits, , . I , .1, feet high of weatherwor 'Ilona -Intliego�dcla days when the, Duke of .. .I Richmond was Lord Lieutenant OR Iteland t7burnal., � . . . . . I :_ � I ­ I Ided )assenger cars, drew 'cookod'arma, ccivered P show tbiii' th ese destructive fires- 90 no" rally start and, spread in the, branches . . Hdr Majesty has been graclou leased I . � Bly p resembling a human bead, native offerin I ge . . werewade., and the High Priest oprinkled _ be took it into his bead, being in his cups, . . The Grievance,of B � � ding Over-ostlPlaiied., till the exits, and ordered every one to iefrain from making a, single movement at I I I - I - 4nd'foliage of trees,that are left on the t o tionfer the dignity of the, Civil Grand Crogs Of the Most Honorablo.Ordqr of the � the ground with *,Water, using an earther � � knight one Thady Cuffe, 9, Dublin 0 1 �mvdrn,keeper. Next day His Grace wished . To a Paxson of ordinary right-mir,,dedai � � as$ and honorable feeling thbre are few more . the peril of their lives, There was abso - grou�d by the lumborwelf and wood-qhop� The resinous b6ugbiof pine,hem- h Bath on the Rig t Hen. the Speaker of th House . I , � -a OV b rl, and an eagloi's feather an A sprinkler, A second medicine rumn twirled a oulimi . 1 �o undo what he had. donei and, calling Juffe '0diedacompromise, I'YourGraco�" . detestable'seAbatio � I ns. ifiah that of being in '.6 false Position, y that.isnac at Jut . ..mplisboa with the order. ,Two high. waymen. boarded the exoross car, The - I 'stand Ford,. spruce and fir will, when dry, kindle ock .1 I with the touch�ot a. at )mrk and a of Commons.' . , It in ported that Sir Johd MONoillp . 'i'll � � .0 , p slino,and.made allojselil�o thefallingol copious., a the showers. A ' ­Aled mid the _gallm� 'knight, 11 I'd be villliilg to , ,opearilythe Bitliaticin-of'sily individual whose friends mr 694 messenger made a bold. ex . , produce � heat so intense as to give a fire to, great K 0, M.�G,, A likely to'be deputed by Her I , I I I Protiession t Past,the squaws the is tar threw cornmeal � to it t Lady Cuffe- Would sooner part rei, and- acquaintancliss persist in attributing to refused to yield, althou?l,- the I - , � - , muzzles of - two revolvers , wd a -hold I I b6a,dw.y; It will thou. dry the wood in . Majesty to accompany, the Prinoesia Louise oa hd� return voyage to Cmoi�dm. Her' b an a on the groundt Then t a &it 6weretbrowE . r a or the title I" The Canadian wi , I if n inights ate shmewbat in Sir Thady'li. posi. him, excellencidi .of mind, b ,.Qdy or esi�te which,he does not, really pooseim Great against his temples. The thieves. ic�otked 11 ing trees to such an extent tbat'they will v I . readily burn, After A forest fire has been . Royal Highness will' Also be attended by to the earth, and showed tbemeelvef. t o be vicious by striking at any one nomr, 4on-thei "d' that their ."countrymen I 'they expectations ktre ,entedilined about him, _ him down and pounded hiin until he Was I . I . I I I I unoonagious, they' then rifted. the omT I � � , raging for a considerDble time it beats !Is Major A. Collinaus personal equerry. . Cornmeal was thrown'upou. them, and the , leride theii titles, and would quietly , whibli he is unable to fulfil. A burden is. � � ' throwing dut evbr�tbing of value., that was re it so that. it pr air, that moves befo . spares Herr Most, thb - editor of the Freiheit assistants, running 11 U M 'W.ith � p, fit nod the Irop them if they could; but respect fof laid upim, him Which it is beyond his' I . . . . � . .. . . moveable.. They filled the keyhole of the tha tteas through -which it phsseB to feed � � newspaper, 12 as, been visitedin'Glerkenwell, the eagles'* feathers, i�atil they coiled up, E[er No,jqsty* slid, above all a regard forbi - '.or k , stren th iti g to-supporb.. Andthellardshiplof When . . 8 afe with explosives mud ble, W it,open. the advancing falling. - A fike once under , prison.loyone,ofilipfrhends, Ildisemployed �'iu tailoring. It. hb flatly whentbay-were seized bytbabackoftb.e head, -put domestic opinion it. it' 0 nust grieve, th heart of 'Sir Bernard a tli,i hol'breeks dbwin under it (as he mus, t Anfallibly do, sogner or latei), From the safe they secured manyvaluables, hQadw my will generally� coutinue.'in its course till an extensive clearing or 6 body. I I -is understood refuses to permit a , petitions being sent I � under the buffalo robe coverlite .the sacred lodge, wheals'prayer ended tbih Burke to see With -what levity the Canadian . 'who, and the error that 10's -been made . ., aind mo�oy, estimated 4i 030,000.� The -work . I -'and on the express -car was done quickly of .water is ieao ad. Fires in forests are . A out to the Govertim.'at for U16 mitigation . . I '. , f . . part of the per ormance; , The close of the . ournals, speak of Ihose according to � . . becomes apparent, ­.then. those,'*ho . With uncommon - skill -Trained conm�- sometimes started. by lightning or. - of his sentence.. - . . . .,. . �. - , ,,, . . coremony.consisted. in seizing the 'snakes ibe old parchment, 11 have been found true, . . . overrated him are paid to be judt .mer *disgusted federatos.out8ide omrr ad- . the booty swiftly I by sparks from locomotives and mills , . The Lora Chancellor has, removed Mr. . 1. -by ones, twos and half dozeni, anol'throwing ; ,tied and trusty and worth� of this ancient much at1iia'faililiq'aa thou . . gh . I I &wily. The robbers then �went, from tb6 but much! more - frequently by -bun. . . I Alderwati J. Knight, Mr. Edwi, . ird Yow. them'into a. circle, where *they were cov. nark of royal grace, favor and mffeotion.1!. � their mistaken estimate ofli'miladbeon . . I express oar to. "the passenger coaches. The. torp, fisherman � and persons - whq � . Bmith, Mr. John Btirliard 6nd Mr. Albert . er,ed with -cornmeal. 4, wiloAl was than . . � )no knight, havi drug stbio'in his , . =tly caused ..by false prbfessions on the parkof I . . - passengers word ordered to hold up their are 11 ng out," These fires are some, Clatlmrptlid Buchanan . from the Commission of the . :,van, it number of feet young me @ n grabbed imrly� clays, Js 'called I, Sir I their victim. . They feel virtuously indig- . hands and the robbers emptied the pockets times for the purpose of cooking 'away I Peace for Gloucester. Alithesegentlemou thecnaltesiallandfuls, rall ab*full speed 3olus; " another is known as I I Sir. Chicago' . nan-t at bavib , . g been taken in, and forget I I of every passenger of big valumb ea. flood or ariving mosquitoes and . . � . had been schedialod for bribery at the last 11 down the almost'vertical paths in the face .qo. �,11 .from his o6oupatibli , as a dust . . ��, that they Are themselves the authors,of . I . � � -1 . sometimes for. no other,object than sport � general election . . . I 6f the mesa, and upo I . n reaching tile foot let 4 n iller ; a third is dubbed "Sir Mackerel, thelallurifig prospectus that has. deceived , I . ' � � I I . glow they Wool like Farmers. . ' � autonness; Thoi damage do" by such orw . . . Lord Verc� , the. son of Duke of them - go free. to tile north, the sputhi the )ecauselle -earned the hoiw,r atrthe Halifax Fidheiy' Commission; and .& fourth is them . Tako a; man ot .moderate means, who somehow gets the: .name of being, a I I I . .. A case was tried yesterday in the Toronto 'Judge fires every-yesi: is- enormous. - : Since wood , has become so scarce that it clan no Iquger, . . .the. Northuwberl��nd, is likened by the London . Truth to Lothair, who is paid in no . east and the west.' Tile young men then .bouud6d back, still at a full 'run da�sbdd ityled 11 Sir Busted," - inasmucli, as -lie was Crcesus. People think he is bound to, keep I Dry�,pioa,Couri, before Boyd,. which, ' !)a employed fol� fuel in..most 'parts Of the . I . . 'resemble Lord, Bute,. Lord I?orcw'yt" y was .through the cr6wa- � &lid on to one of the I ,he president of a bank wbill went down . ntheloatpanio. When the loyal burgesses open house and Purse,* td 'subscribe largely . 1 to'everytfiing, under .the sun, and to imiupch . should boAakon note of by farmers and ,cithers'.residing in the rural districts. Some . -0 country, and I .tiibar go high that it eAnnot be used, for f oncing farms and for many . � . . nearly converted to. ltoiylan Catholicism, but informed that it the M�nsisaori I '?Btafas, where -they'Hwallowt-d a potion to induce co'pious vomiting, and underwent � it England presented addresses to George. - - . out into all . manner of, extravaganoes, under . I � time ago Hen ry Bingham, of the township . � Other I . q purposes, it. is clearly the 4�ity of I . w a are failed to bring doWn the noble *quarry, So . Other treatment to neutralize tbe�poison 61 III.' oil his eicape .from the hands of do,rgaret Nicholoscill, the King distributed penalty of being.acemed sting I y and �6 miser, if he. fall short of these. expeotitiQns, of Bentinck, was waited on by an agent for I an "'Excelsior garden pump," who desired . I . I . Aiten.tion State gov cruments to give . to I I measures for preventing tile itartingand . the Church of Erglabd, as Mr. Bret Harto �observes,.is safe, for:anot4or century,." the suake�bites.. . � � .;� , . . � --_t._-_____.__.__ . Wee lavishly, and a "Xnight Of the Order & Tog Nicholson ".'became an object - of 1. *Anothei, again, may have abilities not, 'above' the average, which ,have, by acoi- to appoint him sub -agent for the district. Mr. Bingham thought he saw il, chance to ... I spread of forest fi I res. As tholqn,tional. Government given almay,:several .. A house has' japt been -finished . which ' .1 � . . . . . 9 . rs..Lydir, Howland died . on the'evening .of the 14th at the ropsiolcnoo of her son, Mr. was � universally hold idioule, and It - hat that brand of knighthood w6s. as cheap - circumstances , �eeii made �wl�' dental I I � . usually prominent, and I on that Make money, the 6gent's torms,being very . .liberal, .And he willingly signed, a paper.. .has -mill � ion acres of land to p6rsons who andpir'. . take to plant forest trees on m.portion of - Queen Victoria . bas biiilt ior Mr. Jolla Browif within-t1lai groi-tuds, of Balmorali . - H. S.. Howland, Sherbutirue street, Toronto. Mrs. Howland was tile inother of W. P, Lnd*. tawdry As - those ,Nov.m, Scotian n6iondvdi � lea, ,whidi-iu-myer-amy"r- thi - . � account be is troAlted . by - : every -one--wit1h ­-SiVaibt talif bgh­-I!�- IRA; - - tfit , which*, when read to bim,'puiported.to be a :sim,plQ-a-greemen-t,.a-)3oii-t-tlie--pu.mpai--NV-hat , . the tracts thus received, it would seem to f6f:114.11--m-1. I ,bb 0 - ako p—r owmi -on, lu. . � bu*t which that fortunate'Hubject Vila not , -yeb---ocoupied.- -It in -a, s,P,a6')us--4nd -plain . . ,Sir extLielit-Govorticir ot'Ontmrioi , 111IR!,largii family, who tbro.toa '-,veil- �761 -_ - __ 3tuarts were s6ld' together -with a - land � )atent lor'wbmt they would fetch'. In, ills himself knowswell that he%has n . . o more han . other .people, and has wit, or genius t� . was bi� surpris wards, I . a'. some time after I I . hen. he was 'maked to -provide � for a .w ' provi-VU41t7iii; tile spread of fires in fqrosts ationtil Oil tbel�_'n - domain. - On& forest of' . square inan8ioll, occupybig it pleasant: I situatiou iu'th�a -centro of -N i6wil-like . 'demostle, � known in Toronto to lined niention. The sad event was, sorn4what unexpected, not. bominion, how.oVer, ,*knighthood ilob only dep the: I apo ,wearer-to-soorn,- but oldes. -not-- never aspired to lid thought. 01'ever4 He,. I . I bar'o bii6twit� tooi-is -to-, be p , itied-i -for I -he prcali$80�y"110tib -for '045. -it seems. .'the . I -ma - had- vift , , �l . lstituted,., it -- missory, i.ent, 11 pr� . 0 . 0 �MAtur§Anamjk w. rtli,ii huiadred%forakts of cottoolwobd saplings',coverlilft the like exteli,t expanse of the royal - with m , __ ;, . . "d , I .1" - , - f - * , ., '. * , . carriage rive. out ing to it rom one of the . . . I . I . I I withatanclilitt'-tlle"'ga�cldt"4A6"��14'i'cli- �fhd - . . deceased hall attailled-954 years -having ibield him from Public. inslilt.." Our' lesbatoches this morning telf of 4 spone at'- .� I lansimp, B.C., Sir", '� hnnoyarice of feeling that goo ol,things. aret: expected. from � hini which he .cannot pos.. 'bl ' Oysu I must look for I to& oie for'the, aforesaid agreement, mud Mr. n � Binglimm'd.eyesight n6t being good hold not , noticed the &ceptioti. Ed ref qAJ9T_04,y;_ of ground.- . rojest Ifiros, it .is said, ve .. . ry rar6ly occur in any country in E urovd, . . .._ .m.; . Nvenues, I � . . .� .. . , . . . � . I ... Dr., Bramay, the_llew Deau''of West-- -mi,tt,4ter,.,,�ii3--�hxdzbted-,t-fc;r-the itrpubathfdAtr been born in 1786., Sir W. -P. Howland is Xa,',x I .at,prAtqpJ,�_4wP,y.�._ ,ont� ... to_England , . `ago.* ' I .between _ _0 _� dQ __ ATI � - - I!tf"p,p,-e,r,"&-,nL-d�'Tdt."Blili�tai,-'M..'P'.' for ,, that and a _A;_ J, ,X rc -4 'day ivM _@ - 4n, lg`fr-ie-n,dg4,-­­_­; ­­­ , " the delur . , -.11, -1-1-1---R#, _�__W_C­i '11, once -elilo-fil ,ill court. 'It wms not the zThey-av n-yeti-ted-by,the atrhigout--�e t_v .gu , , . to �f,e personal friondship of Mr. Son 3io months . It isexpeoted,ho waver, - , listrict. The'tritish* Colut4blairis are ii, I , iscovering sion'under Wbich 1bAy_have labbied and , _- original agerit who suad-h6 h4d-ldft for, ' tions instituted by.Governmeiii and rigidly . , . enforced by local officers. Thdseregul,�'-' ,strong, . , � . . . Gladstone.. 11e, in ndt wjdiely�huowu as an that 4s be in now en 216yar/c lid will be -home on Mpudiry nextji,fheii the fdneral will taka y democratic .-I *Mbat of dugularl 1 560ple, . . . I h- regarding im ad - an im " p6jtOk,.wIII .Ver*, . parts unknownr4ut 9, tbird, paity who had, ­ tiou6 require all brush, trfi�wiiigs mi�d sticks . ­ ch .Autlwror�prea' er, b b u d r to d - U6 0 is' u e a 0 . . � PlAce.to*si. Jamed'.("'Imatery.' ' *. I lem are IndiauslAnd. Chinese, 'while the . *the robablylurn from him witheointemptuous I . - � 11?111�ired, the note.. - 116 Sudge ,,w . . .. ma con" . to.bepiled up &nd burned �.Wh eiiie "timber qr. I tollmve good executive ability,. -while agI6 'a I � ainjounce the Z mail ailvic-os . leath "at white min.prity are chiefly graail�teg of , . . 0mlifornian naining camps and farti 'binks. . ,Nislikle-.- .f.l. , I �. .� . I ­ .:. . 11 I I - . . The coiltilleac was bappy,'qjjt' e,, v vinced. from the evidence thmt� a fraud lhd . :been practised, &lid granted a. tonsuit. It . � wood is removed f rowa f6reRt., As cutting I . I ttees.- for 4uel or lumbe ' r is, ii�uallv chniehrriansibip lie i c'onservative,. like. the .Prime 1�-Iinister, and -altogether unlike the I I . * .. � Untervay, Switzerlar;d, of 'Herr Galliard -'s I I veteran of tho� tirnt Wa�oldcni's army. Born - Hr. Bunster, tdo, is 9, ver� patriotic Irish : . . MAUI and'in, his place in the Domlnicln� � Until tlic Toall, in fall, . . - , Said,�"Pr&y, which Iog&os idtor whibhWl ' That her to b, - " is said thatteoll other cases were depend* . - Ing oi.the'aeciisioniath . . .. . . . issaitagaingtBingbalm, . � . . , -a 'Ili winter don � , i_ when . the ground - -114. covered with anow, fires. mny,be in& do of late.Demn Stanley. ..Indc6a, ii�ii .to church. � . lipangbip'the ILL' iored the.whold I to Degn ior 'wlio . . � in November, 17137; lie entered the Frfanall . ill i808., He �with Elouse. of Commons at Ottp,N�a often worked mind such pitch, , She!.Jay distracted in m ditch, . : . . 11 . .. . . I . . - - . . . . , , . . - .� . - . I . - i4valmOntai iq I Ora. . - light, material With , v6y -little. danger . � . ,spi-bading. I 1. ZS �ttu�body- and Auybxdy� �y thing- - . � bean, army served diaiinction . in - Spa! ", , u_ made t1w oampaign' 'of. the ffitinders against � thp .importation of exotica from - the. Heiaidts, College. . Considering how tb run. � There is�6bviously more tfia tie view n c . , I ' .19 : � A general' order. has been issued -by' the ' � of The grotma - l:ieipg .. thud , c1bared, the lighting;f fires-by.acciadut ol� IQ a w s'�-velc(Aniii to tlio decent'-waH ELY � I if b6hac iytbilig clover -to. s4 bould ""a 'I I I �i . Dajiubei and wag wounded at WaArAm. He . Hr. Bunsit�oi, 'although. a -political . . . ' I that may bi� taken 'ad to -the ,moral iuciii� 'Lora . buk&cif C�mbriage to thp effect that regi- design .boloomes *a maitter of -lit ,difficulty. enerally. al,cia,iice. to- skty 16 e g . . . . took part Ili the invasion of Russia in 1812 and wituabsed the btirniq of i MOSCOW. :o1lower of Sir Charles, who is ]Dominion Whisteir oi `Riilwa�s, wants.. the Gov�rn- cated'in theile Iiiiiia; . W, Ignorance is' bliss, %is folly to b ` , i . . e.wisei is oaa possitle el�ital � m' -colors ate nQt.in future to be takiii on adtivoi s6rvica,'With 6Q..regimenf,,but countries whef a there. are regular. codes of � lavys regulating ford . stry, 6wneig .'of -forests �g �.fi�mve ., . AN . . :1. . . . . 11 . . . - PAID'oe Fredori ' . . . ok of Oran in, whosedeath .. - After experleacing the terrible sufferingE , . ne * t to build a milk I ' n. r oad froin'the mainlant I . - . moral - thehariki of tho�ghtl ' t'* * I eas .ques ions ' � . a�� td, be lek i in thd. depot. � 'W -hen, how- . . . . I 'are required to remove dead wood, ' d to . . I .. . . an � I . bms.beeu-anaouneo�dby ca.Wo� lwAs the oldest ' � incident to the r6treat,- lie dought'refuge'L ' tiv"4 "ey """ ,q ntly be eiiter�d '*' ne'vii. s' ue A Bride olumbli h C' r . 4 aoroos the' Gulf o: aeorgia or Queen Charlotte's Sound to' and impertin cut buriosity-is Waother�; a gentleman for whose opinion *a have' the ever, a battalion.V,oes abroad in tfietirdinar' Y. d6irse . of relief the colors' will be -take P- keep the trees trimme&­. IIcmi�� penalties I . are inflicted on all per sond-wbo kindle fired =b�iof the.'h .surviving in( Istoric House of � - Okange."-Boi i n at torlin,, Februarv-28th, . olardi orm. b Louis XVIII. . the S' g i 4 � a ' � VancouverV :Island, a - project "abliut ,as 4-uillicigt rQppect has suggested the evil' of. This decision. has been come to altor'care� *61 in or near forests I at other times than w hPli 1:787, he was - the Aou of Willia:m'.I.,-tho ati i .ad ..,vool . it was d .1oanded. . '. 'easible � all the construction of a road fro'ni. Nantucket to the -west coast of Cork: - Thin . seMeonsiciousness as a third. " But, .. after'. - serious consideration; *a .have com,e,t.6 the'. I cl�lhsidekmtio'h Ill . eplies..to bighty-threar a aircular'which'Was sent .by the Com- . it is aebdga9,ryt,6:destroy the trimmIligFi of, trees devoted to -usof ul purposes. Siffiflar brother of, lVilliimIl -mud unellsof WjlliEtm III. of the N�therlAnK - He was the father, . And wspaper, of -Pesth'relates !that a well. I . known lady of that city: invited [6 promi. Sir Charles refuses- to. do, and so Mr . Bulitter first rbeeives him asi a gu6st of the' * Pouclusion thmt'the-trcwbIes the centi. pedb * d. by' the conf were Cause L . of Malice mander-iii-Chief to all generall. ofllqerg�, and colonplig. coral!n1milding battalions ill the preciiiid6bary mej,Agrge &�o 1-,r,9v,6tI Ili i1iis do .... ly-nooded " untry, and th& national auff-s-ta-te- of the late .Queew, of. Sweden and. the . ., .1. . ., of the.- heir to th,6 Danish -nent actress, of .whom sho'was jealdus, tc lunch at her house, und t . hen, taking mavan. �owhp&udlthato publlclyfiills'�ponmiol iouds Em " It vi . . as evidently m'mistalle1or' the , with which the td6d - attributed ,to.'h . Ar imn. mmount,of self knowledge which oshe d b& 1. 1. United Kingdorn, inviting their opinion on :the 'subject. � -Now"that Most of the'old I . authorities shouldgive thomattorattoution. . I . I . I I I . . . - � . . . . grandfather. throno,- . He: received a haval and lifiIiiiry .. . dduc&tioh-,'-hmvfng "been at one time Admiral tLage of an 'tinguarded mom6at, cut bff the a;ctieg8`bemutiful tress9s close to. her headi Dominion Government to send a knight as its ambassador to the British Columbiana, mot got. I She,f6u4d.� it taken -'for.*i;rmn,.ted' that'she shofild understand' the,propor.. , fighting. regiments: have. lost their individu-' ality, and havi6leen renamed witli the title . .. . . �:. ' . I I . . IVIarrIngo of,lohn Brighttj J66mightoi-e I . � � . 1. " 11 . - ' , of .the fleet' slid General in the Fkassima 0,17raY4 He warried Louise, the. daughter The'vicilm Qi:tbia Re 61! felnininebarbarfly -fainted dead'away at:11rat, and than Went . 3ir Janine Douglas, an old Hudsouls Bay . I � . nan ana I Governor of that . colony before its .. . 'sequence - 4nd proceedings 61 her own legs, and kc;m thatmonfent began'to make her. I . . Of somo'cbuniy-'wIth- whioh-ha-,many o6aae'g' -they never" bad any coini;ectitin,itis4per, For the'tbird time since its �rection IQ!, i600, the little meetiiid house Of the Friends . . . � ot F redekick Willi�m'IIL, King 6f PrUs6im, . ln-A�25. One of tho'wealiblest man iw for her despoiler., tooth, i;n4. iiall, slid sadly I damagedth"k apparel. .Aftertbis she - hasw he ' -her Wmission intii.theCanadian Confe4ration, ,self miserable with feeb16 efforts to Correa. hapa as well that the records of their gid, at Torquay was the scene yesterday b� a Europe, he was a1mbst wor4hipped by the toned tQ police -and had' . jealous ised to say thit he .alwilysi. abffed the Sir . . . - . notation. - Sow - :pond,to that exp . ii lieople, �n � lant dee6 should be lef b at hotiae and pie. - . ' wedding,- the , contracting parties' being I ,P,bpl, of .the Netlierlmuds for his abundant h6stepg takeil: into custody .for trimi-In the . )ofore he ilient abroad among his motley . finding '. theniselves iii. -this -kind of - f also servda,in memory of the departed regi-, Marga,ret Sophis, youngest daughter of the . . chaPities'and benevolence. He -used his I .. ,criminal court.. , . . . ­ . .. . . iubjects, and that the secret of his success-'. position, take no notice of iho too exiltea I - . i ions., : ` �mentml numbero,AItles, and.triaft, .. . . � . ' 18�on'. Jolla. Bright; and .Dr. � Cash, ' I� , Mgth,i .' I . ample,weans in-tbe relief df destittition' .. The most,bem'utiful *6i:aan at Saratoga; . lul statosmanshi p- lm�, in his cap �city for ­ -estimation Ili which thiiy'are beld,.� and go' . I .. 1. . I . . I I Z � . ­. - . . . .. . . , � . . . of a Torquay physibian... No little . 4, . - Ili and spent a. gieab Of kfort�nb in this .season is...'sinoid to - haviii been a circus . . - -, ­ iolding strong drink and his more .thah, t* , - a iaight on their way jupt the'�qqmo , . � . . roolughts. . I . .. excitement provailedi and -a strong body of . . . 'required . . ,part ,. a. He hospitals and poiblic Institution . � rider. ..' . , ­ " .. . . I I � d . . 3chencklau expertness -at Poker; - s . . Whereas othersti like the centipodd, are w Oliver Doiiii 13�ron' will appear. duri, - lig -to control the a ger pol!be was a was Graiia Master 6f the Masonic fraternity � ­ 1!!!TTV!!�!._ -_ . �, -1 I . -..,-. -.7-T! .. 1. . _. . . Worlik Kho,v�lng* ch6ateaint.ot a half .d.oubt whether there . -not, . I this weak at. HILVerly's Theat � re; New,York� ,, . curiosity of. the.icrowd,�'Who would have filled the buildiiij. ted times over, 'The. of tbe-N-ellierlands, and celebrated for his . I ' . . - . . . . - . qud.1terneihbering. . .. I . ­ . 1. may after all, be mote, in'them, than . ,in big celebrmtea P >Y 11 Aorbss the Con- .. - Week. bounteous hospi.tality, The Pripce had a ..�". .. _. , A -distinguished Ambrican physician they .- had supposed, and torment .them- '. 'Vain . . , ... . ,tinen't.10 . .' .. I . � I . . place. at the ordinai� .wedding took �wagniflcent­pmlace Ili- the Hb,gue, iind a . ,. I �-­­­__ 9 to - the Detroit. . vrite' .. IKU'S. ; It is not 'understood by the. � mass I 80 VeS' ill ' with feverish, endeavors � to , justify the 'character given . them., .. � I �.. . . In consequentie of the succeps'made by the American , day, devotional. weeiing,�-tbo bride boiiil; escorted by fier.father, and thebridegroom . . splendid domain in'the vicinity. It *as at- . the latter that he entertaitiell General .- I . I I . . .. . . jenermll� . - of ,so ple that perso , as fainting, , either from . But. both classes alike are oppressed 'disproportion primm donna, Miss Grid- woll, at the Paris Op6ra, House,' the � � , hii: motbor being -accompanied. by . place 1. . . . G=b-in 1877, doing the honors ch bisolber . . .'*. _ . Leart disease, I apoplexy.' 'or, sunBtr is - . qk , hoWd not be raised to d sitting - oven, by � a -seiise o5f the betweea what is expeoted of them and what they , er, M. Taucorboili, has doubled bar man. . I �. . .1 . � salary! . .1 The four bridesmaidg�_. wore Miss . . A.'Bright,* Miss X Bright, Migs Jessie 'Crossfip.1d, paths and his shooting box with a cordiality - b6arts of, his andwarmth that"won the. . . . . . . .1 . 1 A,,�. , 11 I . . I . . .posture jut should lie, list on the back or-'aidej with ometimes (not mlways)o the, head slightly can give, and by ,the anticipation of the scorn and wrath which they will have. to . 1. . .. � , — � . The tvio 11 Mkocottes," at . Haverly'k - Cross4eld and ]Aide "list who were all'attired in pale blue silk, with mob' visitors. .. . . ­ . , - , � . I I. .. I I 77-.-- ,-.-.. ­ I . . . - I ... I . . . albed upon a pillow. I- An upright or. gain' itting Posture is, in this blags of dases, if � endure whenever they shall be found to I fall hii3it of th air riputation. That this' Fifth Av6nuo,Themire and the Bijou Oper's, 1. . House; New York, are running a good- ratio - caps, the bride wearing, a handsomb white �Bilk dress, with tulle veil and, - wxamth of I - I ... A.I,ove natch, After All. . � . � . . . I I . . � . vae Y loa-r . . I � * . I . I . '�, 0 0 - 94, � ong contirluedt almost. -sure - dea,th. The is frightfully unjust Is evident.; but than for popular support, but so far the betting .orange blossoms. - T116 briad"an-d' bride� 'tbemselves. I. hmVe this momenf.recoivell.'s, �,Private . � . JOHNSTON'S ioatt is already eitfelibled in its acition, the � 1ram. ]Poorly:,* supplied 'with blood I the- world seldom troubles itself ia�ch on that score. . I Its .first itisti . not when may. thin . ibaybe;saiqtobe-ii�it6vor.of.tboDijou. . � . . . . . Among the arrivals. from England- last week.wero,Sohn- Howson, CbmrIes. groom. having, seated at the higher end of the building with their relm.: tions, the clerk of - the meeting rpiquened - letter frolff an American: lady in England -Saying: " Yeaterday Vivas A the Baroness Bubilcitt-Bartlett-Couttal at -a veky delight - . . ! 1. � -SARSAPARILLA hence the fainting condition) end . 'the wrong is to lay the blame On 9 goes , shoulders its Harris Leslie, immedib,toly that silence �might' be. observed, 'alli rs. fill girden Party, but it rained, of course) as ,ll,_upright- position' df, body only ads to'th'a a . angerouA conditions aIrtaoly any- except own, and'it is by no means ready� to- idmit that � ict, . , .1 any.visra Anil'Frederick who: commenced robearsals*Atille'.7ifth Avenue..' , FOX, a lady re . siding at Oak Hill, Torquay, 'Whiob . it always dods ai an English garden party, and adjo . urned to. the coiiscivatory for .. —FOR— " , MUR COMMIT, Dy PEPSIA iresent., -In 0 ases of OX I haunting betook. it in ova paAsed bas.46en. art incorrect , one. "Tilt, Is, 6f course, only'thoile who havo * 74�%tr,0 With tbb,,COimI0y439r*ton Com.- , � . . I I PmPY. 1 t 11 I offered Prayer, af ter the bridegroom stood up &lid repeated. th6 f ollowing. words: we 'tainicent. I must tell you that the enter. ' I I I ­._�&Ea_f6i� . Purifying ths. Blood. hages from.accidents, - or excessive weak. iess from exhausting and long continued I iseases' . � never acted, like Bill; Nye, !1 With intent to deti�ivoill whow we.th,ink'deBezving'of � -1 I of - th . a I ..- . - Some. ritentions' to-amilse the American I I . an "Friondu,­Ilith6fearof the Lord" d.in the presence �of� thin assoinably, I talon. thO. 8311dWiche -nod othing -but 1.3 �60ntmi 11 . , butter. and. sl�.ic�d .tomatoes, and were deli- . . . . 11; has been In use for 2'D �oirp-. and bas . provedtobethqbe.M, preprrati;n In the are otborcases where the upright osturos7.14no0-'be'.IIowlcd. Heart-Aots 11 , h :, syMP&t.y`- - � . . public next winter have already 1�eeti fh*arted. Six. of - tho. numerous . this *my ' fris�i - d Margaret . Sophia - cious. The Barouesawas cludill brown saiiu, with m,profmlc� of white Imm. 4" market for Sl(.'IC IMA DACII K. I'LIN IN THE SIDE OR 11ACK, LIVER C0111- . i1j,'under these conditions and Drm eas ance ,sudden -death is liable therefrom. , ____ �_ . '.. Amoveis being made in Germany to travellitg'theatrical. companies have did. I bandedi, and as many more failures ar a Bright to be my wite, Promising, . throu h -Divine assistance, to be ,unto . . 1. wore fewer -jewels. -than soMe American . " PLAINT, PIMPLL9 ON TlIE- FA(1E I I ., . DYSPBVMA� -1111,PA, end all DIS0,100s that from it Digoido-ed Vver 7he condition of'patients. laboring under ohaiig� their , style of printing from their own to ihd Roman - dEaracitors. Some of . looked br within a weak..,, . . . . � . het.aloving and faithful husband atitil it � shall- the Lord by death to separate: .womonwear t o breakfast. She looks every . Yc iar:1ier:ag6, but hor, hair hasuot a, thread arlso or tin impure blood. Thousnnda of our best it It thek ny of the above, and many other diseases, . oul - Preclude the use of coupes the'.printing establishments at' Hanover, It wilr. be curious to�' note whether the Please', us,'$ the 'bride making -a'oorr6poadiug . 7 . , of gray in 3 t', f - like her. As for her bus- people take and givo to chil- drea. Phy.,stelauspres(li-ibo'itdttfly, Those . yositively 8 carria as f6r their tran Ambion. Vi6y Brunswick and Leipzig have 0ioMy mad, th, innovation., on the Other haga oppo. Production of Gilbert and Sulliva,ul,s ne�t togthotic bpera I' Patience 11 will 'not have . -the do,laratiou. Mr. Win. Robinson, of Sea -borough, 'then deliv ei4a . P. � belief addrepa band, lie in, as the Boston girls say, .1 too, awf ully� nice for anything." I'do not won- , who tato it once, reco mmend it to others. It In made from Yello-m Dock, Hondu. Sarsaparilla, StIllinglo, . hou t 1i t 701 Zength, ei . r Ili an anibu- . a anoe or or itiar 6 r 9 aggon with, a 1, sitiOli is made-tci'this change on'tIle part of effstit Of giving'a boom to the prospects ,!impressionist 1! I and, -After ail intervar of, silence, ,Mrs.- dor that the Ilaroneds foil in.love with I . isVory. eaT Wild (.1betry, . Dandelion, Sassafrus, lVintergreeh, and ' uns ads 0 some sor over a . 1. . .. many lite'rary. Germans. , They -say that the use. of a. national' typo h aFA kept -tho of the pointers. , If the. milgicip abything like as Ileatchy 11 as that Tunstqll offered Player, Tbc. blerk then to, %hie ,thd niarriage corbifica h bi in and married him, and that r4be .proud of him. She looks radiantly' bappyk . other wolf -known valtifibld Roots and fierbs. It isstrictly vpfr-Fa-M6,-hMR1 cao. I � . . hi cbrurnerelai. Value. 01 klectrieubl, I . inventlotim. - - language from being overicitoled '.with Latin and-jother foreign words and, phrases; that, of 11 Pinafore," it is: just possIbI6 t I . . hSt th6 ex6ittimont caused bythat,work M&YbO produced was signed by the bride and bridegroom, by. Mr. Dri�ht, 'by Mr, W, Powler, M. P., mild evidently doesn't. omre ai whit for th6 ' . (,)uccn?s Allub, whibli ov6ryboay bas bean � not hurt tile most dolicato constitution. It iq one of the best medicine$ In usd*for .. Rogulti,ting the BoWela, �, . --The value of efectrical, lnvouao�laa iiiis . . until within 100 years,7it was usual Ilk Ger� boolld 10 mill, lit 611 foreign words bor- ropqatea, inwigoll case there Ia. obrtain.. to �e a strong inoremse of the uttatness which - kid several other relatives and friends, A dejeuner at the'Vf otoria Ilotel followed, and - talkingAbout;.and with. -so; devoted and aliarmiDg m bugloand,­wbo also, looks -its' It is not by all responsible dell, . -ki atone dollar for, a quart bottle, or six bottles forfivo dollars, . . cioivea & fresh illustration - in the ease of a schoonot'Vermillibli,whiell was wrecked � I )!Owed from L.ptir.i F rencli-. and Italian � in . Rommil lettorm. ' 'This discouraged is Ak6ady'mmking itself apparent and tile increase will naturally. direct attention * in the afternoon Mr. Bright and alarge drove to the environs of Dartmoor,- �Berepolyliappy, vby shou.1ft-S1.10-poiton, T?V1180114, - ' . . . I I .. , . . . . . Those who eannot obtam a b0ttle, Of .� . this modicloo 110- th i �p,;,�,,dny n take- jZrie,in. 1848, The vessel was omai3A with- coppof Ingots -of the.valula of greatly. the..usb of such Words, The rdault was that the Gerwail linguago formed moat to the utter paintingg of the 11 impression- illts," It will be �retty bao for art should, party . ZollclonTetelji,al)h,Aitg,-A�,')ih, , I . . - ' . I ., . ! .. . . . I ... ­_­..___­ ...... ".. 1. - I . 7 , , I ' * , Tho Toty-Parnellito allianbe han roceivied ,,gr4g,, ,I, n t .. send us one w d -liar" to them. . . . .. . . . T. :03172TOIT & Vaithaturors, 60,000, but her precise location far down, n adop Water W:ag for thirby-folir y0ais, a . of the expressions 'in arti coln�morae h6ad . its Bulla state..of aflo,irs come to ' aso'but tillfortunately the public mi X ild 00 B to be - - —.----...I-- � - -door . 8 .1 The of Vanderbilb's hou 0 Post 8, sov�'rd blow at the bands. of tho electors. of Ty'r6ne, who ba�o cho�6 the Liberal CO., . AxHIERST11URG, .. .. 01m - - .... Yfittiry, It remained for electricity to' science out of own nativo roots i and thus, that. the ohilolkiiii in Gorman schools 11 rifting in that direction. I 425,000; the hall, O30,000; tile kitchen ' candidate ovai �both Conservative' lind I 61VO it, -With a newly . .Invented electric on boar& a cruising schooner, are not troubled, 11ka English or American, with learning definitions by heart, Nor in . I I .. . I Ited NONIP . � . .N. is.'emid to be ad large me a street range . car; .the very sinks sro, of white mmrbIo;. there -Parnallite staildakol-boarers. This result must afford great satisfaction to Mr. Giaa. I 141A.T.V8 & 4,10., Ageutm% Cluilon. .� � I . videncas',of the proximityof submerged . . a dictionary seo� in the house of 0, German .' 0orke9pondouts of tho Now York Suit ' refrigerator tbat woWa hold is 06 9190;ntid stoner and the Liberal party th'kougliout the GICAVIS 81,V,cllV9('1' ATEDICINIC . etal were at last Obtained, and last Se,tur. my divers woke sent down to SO& , rolit'Thlby mulled 'plump on the dock of the suakoh panel and reappeared at the surface boa r. ug,ono of the coppor Ili 1 gets. The entire family. . I �. - The cemetery in Br6mptono London, is in a ileighborhoodwhich was twenty. years iong(ll h6,14 rural, but -is, n6w'qilite urban. In dramatiocoldbrities �Nrito'- � .. � I . I It Old !leader" can ouro rod nose caused,by anytliing by snuffing powdered camphor a good while. But he must got� the 0ght kind find the best, ' . . an Ordinary ico-house; the bath -tuba are silvarylated, and thd outlay In. the house I Is variously estimated at from ft000,000 'to 08,000,000 I In comparison w! th such a 'home, how IMPOCU1110118 Some Of the UniteaKingdom. The result in Tyrone is pretty good ovi dance tbab the Irish people are grateful to Mr, Gladstono fig MA offorts in their behalf, and hro ,date mined that tile Land Bill shall have a fair trial. Th 0 -rRADV MARK � This Great I1ng7-.F'1RAD I li- MANK,- , . rep p )fall nomedy. M. .. , ,� , , ,� . ,nr,z, allunfallhigouro 44, , , fOrSOMIUMI Weak e . �e 4 - `41 ;. rqr u0sai sporma,tor. , in. � , ,,, to ;V1 - , , , , . A tosh, ImBotenoy . ecovery of the valumblo cargo in' undam, 90a 601181tiOn is now a question 6f A fqw I portion numbors of are 8 interred, A recent visitor describes th , comatery as beautiful. A large 1 know a laoly'afliotea with a red nose- non-alooliolio-who found thm 6 it would " P4 dating" of Vullopoall princes -look, hedged in me. they are by pmrks and waterways, Ana bero is the house of 9 11 in u 0, 0, n 0, n oloWtors 6f tyro 0, t 11 ova ts, 11 ve show b mad 110 f that they aid not � to 0, 0 t tools 0 I I all Isopses ., , , R igm, 1 I A ., 11 `0 follow its E66 1 1 . , ." 9 sequence of Self- Ill . I . - 1`111 � A "I .... AIMN' k 6411RU ay.0 only., . . '. I . . . . . The � gran'to cross is insoribodi "In, loviliff memory of Adelaide Neilson. disappear wh;n' slid stopp6d drinking. cecie. She ttioa it thoroughly, and found yet citizen" 6110 of the Public strOOts Of NOW York, menwho desire to live upon agitation and . tile misfortunes of their countrymen. Mr, ,.- ., � � �, Abuse; as loss of .--- . " . - .1. -- Poforo Tolkin 'memoy, univer. '.. & q's�VV��', 0 IV CouaOil of Richmond bag a tOPrimt6a 42,200 for the dedoration Of P_ the Gifted and Beautiful. a He ting'" :41 TO the dear m6mory of Harry, that to be the oaligo in ber case. . " .. ,. 6, f_- , . I � � do 6r.oroyal ostentation, and Witbout guar I it." yet- 11 there's mi lionstin i - Vanderbilt is Parnell nominated a candidate of his own I, Tyrone, mad canvassed OarilobtlY in,biS O&I Jossitude ".0 � ', Pmln In tbO JBA0k­bfa1A0A0 01 led , V on Premature ity Ili connection, with the Yokhtown con. ohnial. TWo6f the loealjp,rtiBts propose Besk6tt, Comadi&a,"'JBgr&V6fi'6n his grs,Ve. I The Ownet of a large araill;ierry farm at . ' ,. .Solkah BernhhAdt's son Maurice is study. . ing: ait, slid the Prilice of WaleA has no doubt wiso in hia'goneiation, but it is no harm to remember the old saYing-th4t. bohalf: Holliah.ptaxpOotto oloob big man, but, merely hoped to draw away from the old A o, and many other diseases that lea,d t,b InaanfIt OVOO"'3umPtiOnsn(Im.Proitaturegr _i6ve. earr, ulypartioulare in our pamphlet, which We 0 oreet a monsteir Go5olasoo of Liberty, with fiest-clagA French Imbol, suitable to the . . ddasion. Berlin., Wis., employs p, hundred girls, and he promises to marry the one who pi cko ptomigod Sarah to buy his adeording to Oliva first leture- Logan. The is the old man iropenth of that of *bjoh a tin boasts, . . yn in . . � . .1. Libevalcandido,tes enough votes to permit thoolootionctfaCouservittive. Mr.l?avnoll,, I desire. to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine IN sold by all (1ruggists at $1 petpackago,orsix.pAekage for $5, or *Ili . " I I . I King Humbert bag paid off 611 the diebts the moat barrios this oematin, provided she Wants him. - � � 11 mud devoted to "Madeinolsollo a 6r 40; . - I'll . Mr. W. 11, Sullivan has boon 0.0 k Tho Queen lims just given all order for a bust ,of Dean St%nIcy to hiii Joined, Migg ha,s, therefore, received rather m, severe- shubbing,Whichm6yolobim 001 HOIJU bN ,,at free by mail oil roobipt of tho Money siddrdfibbig I , I his father, th6late Victor 33-mmanuel, , It is amid -that dwarfs alo of premature I, the appointment, as Dopu r f . ty Wa 0 Wa Gratit, vIlood works Ili sculpture tire wall ' . too .soon assumed tlio rolo, OPIA dietator'-1 THIN, ORAV nA1041DICIr4)k co, . . � I, Ma does, got owe 0, "At himself. � . . bid age %nd giants of,exhiltuintion, , ... r the Kinaston llanitenti6rv. ' , , kh6w,. - . - � - Aflontreat1terald, ' - . I . . . :1.1 . , " I TO.UONTO Oht.; dalloj,d%, , , . * . . 1� . . : i i I . I , . . . :.. � . 1� , '. � 4, . � I , I , . . . I . . I . I I . �, , - . . , _ " � �:�.� . I. �_ --- - �� 1. - . . . r . . I - � I , , . , . - ,,; __ L'.