HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-22, Page 1sst :BtorOs to Rai* THRE :STORES .„ Now** course of ereetiou lathe thriving and husineeS TOWN :9 17 CLINTON Waited oo the junction ot'the Grand Trunk and London; Huron and Brine Eadwayson the corner of THE BEST BUSII NESS STREET N THE TOWN, where a euceeeeful bualneee het beeo Carried On for yeers. NO. 1 STORE 105 at 21. O. 2 STORE 92 x '21s. NO, 3 STORE 77. x 21. Stone cellare the whole zo of the biid1ng. Mares 9 , o.he completed po,t, the let of September. For furtherperticulare apply to WILLIAM 00 S. • Qum*, Jou, 39, 1881. gr of tOotostal ottler dard# ' -1,1* ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE CPR SMALL 21-L sums on good mortgage eeeurity, moderate rates of interest. 11. HALE, Clinton. It LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FOR SALE BY -13.. the Canada Company, may be seen at the office of the undersigned. M. TALE, 01.Mton. • Ai' RS. WEHTT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. PUPII43 Jim attended at thcirown residence, if neceesary. Re- sidence Orange idiot near the HET= Boad,OlintOn• 1Th IL DOWSLEY, M. D., M. R. C. £1, ENGLAND, ▪ •Physician, Surgeon, &e., Office and reeidence next Molsen's Bank, market square Clinton. D R. APPLETON. -oFFIcE-Iff immure= on Ontdrio etreet, Clinton, opposite the Englieli Church. Entranee by Bide gate.' (Th YOUNG, M. R., (51.1lAtotlATE OF TORONTO • University,) Physician, Surgeon, &e., residence at Mr. Manning', three doors east of the 'Temperance Mall, Londesboro, Ont. DR.REEVE.-OFFICE, RATTENBUYtT STREET, 1minediate1y north of Bamford's book store, Reel - dance, oppolite the Temperance Rail, Huron Street, Clinton. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p•ni. • TAR. STANBURY, GRADUATE QF THE MEDI- otx Department of _Victoria 1/MVersity, Toronto,for- merly of the Hospitilrand Dispenseries, New York, Coroner for the County of Huron,Bliyfield, Ont. ARRIAGE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES. .1.11 -Apply at the Beaver Bleek,or at the residence ot the • subscriber, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway, JAMES SCOTT, Issuer ot Marriage Licenses. Clinton. 1759 W. WILLIAMS, 13. A., M. B., GRADUATE OF .1.16.Toronto University; member of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Crews & RESIDENCE the house formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert etreeb Clinton. . . A H. MANNING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLI - 21. Conveyancer, &e,, Beaver Block, Clinton, Ont. All boldness promptlYattended to. Office hours, 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. . At Ha wkshaw's Motel, Blyth, every Saturday. N 6 yOL. 17.' NO. SI. TERM. $1.130 E'er Annum, — 6 • CLINTON, ONT., THURSDAY, ST. 22, 1861, ',MI • ..-"•-•••••911."` IF -TW • Townie. - Hories-J. McAlpine, Ferguson, Colborne. Cattle -Jae. Ballantyne, Perth ; Itobt. MC* Lean, Goderieh ; Geo.Ataderson, Staudey. ' Pigs and Sheep -11. Love, ers Hills Green; J. Potter, E. Wawanosh ; T. DIewes, Gode• rich township. Fruit -D. McD. Allan, Goderich ; geebt Thorold; T. Wigginton, Goderich township. 'Vegetables and Grain-T.Wateon, Clinton. S. Millin, litillett ; J. ,Tohnston, Stanley. Dedieoe Work -Mrs. Dr. Sloan, Blyth, Mot. Long, Detroit; Miss Devis, Goderich, Do HOLMES As SON Plaillialevis. RE OPENED. GEO, DIEIIL Raving his building repaired has now opened out again tox usual, Owing to change soon to be made in the bushes, he is going to sell else preisent stock ow at coat, consisting of Par/or and Bedroom Suits, Extension oind Ventre Tables, Sideboards, Cupboards, Stands, Lounges,Bedsteads, Mattress and Springs in all styles. All of which Is of the best seationed material and work- manship, said warranted to give eatistaction. The whole must be sold by the let of October. (51-eo. CAI3INET MAKER Ism 'UPHOLSTERER, No. 295, VICTORIA ST., CLINTON. r4r4II parties indebted to me are requested to settle before that date. 11, tflOIAL, • A LOT OF FURNITURE TIM. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON -1-/Accoucheur,Lieentiate of the'College ofPhysioian- an d Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licari WA° and Coronort or theConntyof Enron. 0 ffieeand. residence, -The building formerly ecsupied by. Mr, Thwaites, Huron street. • Clinton, Jan.10,1871. ' W. E. CARTWRIGHT ,Suno osiDanrier, Graduate of the Royal Cellege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario; has mined rooms 111 the Victoria Block, Albert Street, Clinton; where he will constantly be in attendance, and prepared to per. forfitt.*cvery operation conneetedwitiiDeistietry: 'ffeetb, °attracted, or filled with gold, amalgam, or other,filling Material. Artificial teeth inserted from one to a. As I SAVED FROM TILE FIRE, To lie sold very otos; for oai for 30 de,7s, • .. MiDWIN KEEFER; L. D. S., . Jut From the office of Trotter & Caesar, feeding. dentists et Toronto. Second Honor Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons. • • OFFICE, BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON, OYER FOVDEE & SON'S JEW/31.11ERN STORE. • , TRE MOLSONS *BANK, hicorpo,atobyictoiparlia...080.:. $2,000,000. Op ALI: KINDS, AT THE. •Head Office Montreal. Receiving, A LOT OF NEW FURNITURE, amtmore .6 corning, besidee our own menufacture. GIVE ME A CALL, AT Raeey's old Stand', lately occupied by SlteP, pard Cooper, Albert St., Clinton. THOM. STEVENSON. MONEY 30 LEND For any length, di ane and upon terms to suit borrowers. - 10 WEST INTEREST. .loan of any- amonnt 'and upon any tsr7Ss, negotiated at lowest rates. A. H. MANNING, ATTORNEY ,A Y.1) SOLI 01Tb R, BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. ' gem, gkOtiartiottotutg. Farm to Rent,. nx THE SIXTH CONCESSION OV MULLETT N., five milem ClintOn, APPIY to DR, REEVE, Cuaroti, • STORE TO RENT. SQTORE TO RENT, now in the course ot erection; IN THE THRIVING TOWN OF CLINTON, Ex- pected te be completed in about three months. SIZE 85 BY 20 FEET. JOHN JACKSON. • For Sale, ,OT 27, con 14, Towneliip of Mullett, 138 acres - J -Aon gravel road, 10 miles from Clinton and one from Blyth- this place has been recently cleared, :fenced. and. new buidings erected thereon, and he eon good, well watered by spring creek and would make a- good stock and wheat farm. Liberal terms given. Apply to W. W-FARRAN, Clinton. Clinton, sept. 21, 1881. ' reagy genuine ELACk TEA, Con. goy, for per pound. An uncolored PURE Hk.SCil.a.:4' cents pp pound. 'Very inferior gradee, eweepinge, etc., of Tea, have been advertised before now as low as 88 c. pnr pound but sueh valde as the above ,has never , before this been offered in Clibton. • •; clieapeot Tie; it Clinton to foil! at JOHN 0.13EINGHAME'S. •, • THOMAS WORKMAN, - Preeident. •J. H. It. MOLSON, Vich•Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes: disebunted, • CelleetiO ns made, Draftee : issued, Sterling and Ainerican exchange • bought and sold at lowest • current rates. INTEREST`' ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. • M. LOUGH, 3Ianag6. Feb.17, 1881. . Clinton. JOIMSTON, MALL Iraq, BANKERS, ALBERT STREET; CLINTON, -ONT. IfiRANSACT A GENERAL BANKINGSIISINESS. Money advaneed on MOrtgages and Notes of hand. Drafte Domed payable at per, at all the ofilees,of the Merthant'e Bank of Canada. New York exchange bought and SOld. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO. ODD: LECTIONS throughout Canada and the United States'. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at close rates, and money advanced to farmers on their own notes, for anylongth of time to Snit the borrower. All marketable Maori. ties bought and gold. • . • - . • BANKERS TN NEW YORE. AGENTS OF TEE • MERCHANT'S BANE OF CANADA, INTEREST ALLOWED ON .DEFOSITS • A. JOHNSTON, 3. P. TI•SDALL, 'ff; A.. GALE, Strathroy. • Clinton. .• Elora. 3. PENTLAND TISDALL, Mainiger. . . , hlo Tidal, Baden, Elora. A. JOHNSTON, T. A. GALE, 3. P. T/SDALL, Strathroy. • niers. s, Clinton. T. A. GALE, Manager. • — Correspondents in Canada, The Bank of Montreal and all their agenciee. In New York, NV...Watson and A. Lang, 69 and 61 Wall Street. - GRAPHITE 1,111111I A OR Saxes Oil Steam, ite - c x rr (7) N. FURNITUllE & SP-RINO :BED FACTORY ist;Mber alWaYs takeh:th exaliaaltie for ffoodii• ' W. B. CRIGI1 81. 00.,.: POTATOES Wanted, FOR SHIPPING. Highest 'Price Paid.° THOlVIPSON Ss BOLES, CLINTON. vxc-rortx,A. ST., crAwroN. Go to COOPE AUCTION SALE OF' •. TLEAL ESTATE • • 419 LONDESBORO. • • erne undersigned will sell by Public Auction, on: the premises, on - • • •• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5TH, 1881, That property. in the Village of Londesboro, known as Park Lot No, II., in Whenham's Survey, containing nearly three-quarters of an acre 'ot land, situate to the rear of Dr.: Rose's retidence• Terms of above made known on day of sale. Also, Twenty-five acres of land, being composed of they/est-half of Lot No. 24, in the nth con. of Mullett,. sitimte south of the L„ H. & IL Railway. On this property there is a !good triune house, and tho usual conveniences, hard anti molt water, and good frame barn and stable, the whole well fenced,: Will be seld subjd'et to mortgage. ., .• • ' , • . • . SALE AT TWO O'CLOCK,' P. M. TER1,18-4100 On day of ,ale; 4500 within one week and the Wane° in equal 'Humid payments, to suit pur- chaser, with intereat. JAS-EOWS.019,:Atict.,,, W, T. HOLMES Prop CLINTON- FALL SHOW! coTforol.m....p rizE.s-Asa raM, CHEAP GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware; Aic.. Oatmeal. and.: Cormiiie I alwV on hakl, • • ALS.v • House.Viranted. • . • — , "IXT.A.NTED TO RENT, comfortable dwelling:house v V_ eontaining-seven or.eight rooms. Apply •at this shearluig ram, ram M , pon. og ewes DDisT NET ultran-BNTatigs FAR Pair °healing ewes, Pair ewe•latnbe, Sneli AHEAD OF LAST X MAR -SPLENDID *Son. INDOOR. DISPLAY -FINE 'WEATHER Large breed: pigs -Aged boar, 13 Stanbary, AND CROWDH1,3tOPLE , 2 J Cottle. Sow having littered in 1881, J 'S r I Stanbury, 2 T Nott, Boar pig under eix ths old 1 end 2 Note Sow pig under 6 The annual show of the townshipof mon Hullett Agricultural Society was held here on Monday and Titesday. The ar- rangements were more complete than umlal, and were due in a great measure to the indefatigable exertions of Mr. W. 0, Searle and Mr.. W. Jackson On Mon- day evening the indoor -department was first thrown open to the public, and the i exhibit there, n almost all classes, was much larger than had been anticipated. Several of our business men resole use of the opportunity to tastily display their Wares, among them being A beautiful drawing room set of fttriliturts in Russian and velvet, and a very attractive drawing room set in raw silk and satin, by W. B. Crich & Co. Messrs. Broadfoot sk Box showed a well -finished .sideboard, a neat drawing room 'set in creton, and a beauti- ful bedroom set in ebony bah these exhibits were Much admired. Messrs, Cinite Maesvhirter es Co:. made e fine display of carpets, lnee curtains, tidy patterns, etc. Mr.W,Jackson displayed a general assortment agents furnisbings ; I'. Robb allowed a pile of Bartlett black- ing. Mr. Jas. Twitehell, heavy and light harness trunks, valises, and • boots and shoes. 'Harlana Bros. several stoves and tinware. Mrs. ltl, J. Norsworthy, sewing and knitting mathines. Doherty organ Co., a couple of their excellent organs. R.W. Graham exhibited sewing machines. E. Corbett, an assortment of tweeds, grey flanneles And blankets. • In ladies worls' there was a:magnificent display Of plain and fancy needlework eat' kinds; there being a very large Collection ,r)f teety and well -worked mantle and bracket drapes, *all pockets, cushions, etc. and prominent among which were splendid dolleotions by Mrs. Wm. Murray, Mrs. Wm, Jackson and 4Irs. George E. Pay, Miss J. 'Rob- inson made an exhibit of eleven fine pencil drawing's, IVIisses Ida and Hattie Davis, a good assortinent of the same, and several by'J. Stewart, Benmiller, were very much adinired. :There was the usual displaysof quilts; &MC ofthein pretty, but. several where the colors were anything but harmonious. The display ,of butter' was very large as was the display of al- most all kinds of roots and vegetable* The collection of Mr. J. Allinson being an ex- tensiveone; The Collection of fruit was not very large, which was doubtless due to the season, but what there was, was 6*- 'beptiou'ally goad :•-•"OtitstdeSM'esgraSH",'Cail- and J. Molloy .exhibited a windmill for pumping purposes, the invention of the fernier, which seemed to . answer its. purS. Notice • pose admirably, and pOsi 4essed several m- ,. , ' proyements over others of its 'kind. Mr. lierObY given that tho undersign ed will notbe re W.11. Cooperexhibited an assortment Of this date, without his written order. . . • • his artifice' atone for building purposes sponsible for any debts contracted in his name, after . RQBERT.PEACOCK, Orantomconsiderable Tuckerszeith, Sept. 15,1811. , • . *4 Marble etc. winch attracted • • House to Let. MHAT conveniently eituated house on the corner ef. Huron and Orange Streets. Rent -reasonable. For . particulars apPly to . MRS, MOUNTCASTLEt Some& street. ' notice,. • • ••. Caution. . • . A"pereens found trespassing .o'n'Ibts Sil and 84, 3rd Con. of Stanley, cutting down timber, or tak- ing thither away therefrom, will be prosecuted accord- ing toiaw. . Stanley, Sept. 15. 4 4 • NiM. PEARSON. ?dye celebrated .Zuglisli Broakint b00% Long Clear Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams, And No. 1 4.A.np, At prices which canhOt be iie4,ton le town. • HIS 60. C. TE -A -.A SPECIALTY 'SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins'.EtECTRIC.S0A.P. EZURIVED, A LOT OP GEM: -FRUIT JARS. sASIt FOU . EGGS. .• THOMAS COOPE13,, aisle= STREET, CLINTON: R. M. RACIErSi IRON ANO !AMORE MERCHANT' ' CLINTON. • BOOTS AND $1111E w. Taylor 1, Son ARE SELLING THE ,Balance of thoir •• ,jSurtualer Stock House and Lot, for Sale.. ss•—• THE subscriber offers for sale. that ,well situated •House and Lot 'on Huron Street, just below the Conisnereial .IIotel, at present occupied by, far. Thos. wewmareb. TM lot is one-fifth of an acre. • Forterms which are reasonable, apply to D, B1 KENNEDY. tgelinton, Sept. 15. . *4 • ISAAC SKINNER. Stray Sheep. • •QTRANTED from the premises of the bscriber, Lot 1.7 34, Baytiehmon. Goderich Vp, 0 Ewes, i Ram and 4, Lambs ; tho lamb's tails were iistt:, docked, and they all bad a tar mark across the shoulder. any !meninx - tion that -will lead.to their recovery, will be Suitably rewarded. • • Goderich t`p:Sept. 16. • "9 PETER PERDUE. -'» Stray Heifer.. QAME Into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 28, 4th Con. East Wawanosh, about the middle of Au- gust, a yearling red Heifer; baying a little white on the The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges, and take it away, • ., JEREMIAH PARKS. GicatlyREDITED PRICES TO MARE ROOM POR PALL HOODS.WM, TAYLOR & SON 0 MARI= nOtido, CLINTON. .EVENING CLASSES. MITE Classes in connection with the MECHANICS'. 1 INSTITUTE, will commence on the evening of IViit_31sTDA.-Sr, 10th ESID.P T. JAMES SCOTT, teacher of the Exiglish branchet MISS Cl. MOUNTCASTLE, teacher of Drawing. For term apply 10 CURTIS J. STEVENSON, or the Teachers. Notice to Debtord.. Illoriths,1 aud 2 Nett. Sawa, BREED l'IGS-Suffolk-Ageel boar, 1 J Govier. Sow having littered in 1881, 1 W Stevrart. Boar pig under 1 year, 1 and 2 J Grieve. Boar pig under 6 months, 1 and 2 J Grieve, Sow pig under .6 months, 1 W Stew- art, 2 G A Cooper, BIREfunss PIGS, SMALL BREKD-Aged boar, It Turner. Sow having littered in 1881, J Meyer, Boar pig, under 1 year, 1 and 2 H Snell. & Son.. Sow pig under one year, It, J Turner. Boar pig under 6 Months, 1 T Rat- tenbnry, 2 G A Cooper. Sow pig under six months, 1R Gray, 2 G A Cooper. PODLTRY-Bleek spanish, 1 and 2 W Grieve. Light Brahmas, R W 'Runciman, 2 E Mar- shall. Dark Brahmae, 1 Ogle Cooper, 2 IS Run- ciman. Golden Polands, 1, It W Bunaiman, 2 E T Holmes. Spangled Homburgs, 1 and 2 J Keine. Silver penciled Ramurgs, Win Grieve, Plymouth 11Q41$86 1 W Kunciraan, 2 W Grieve. -13u11 Cochins, 1 T Relines, 2 W Grieve. Game fowls, 1 and 2 J Ewing. Bantams, 1 M. 11,tincinian, B Hodgins. Ducks, 1 W Grieve, Mrs Stokes. Muscovy Bucks, 1 W Giieve,, 2 W Stewart. Geese, 1 ,1 GI -Oyler, 2 J Wigs+. . Turkeys, 1 J Goer, 2, Meyer. Collection Singing Bird!!! ,1 W Mur. ray, 2 W Cottier, Collection of pigeons, 1 Et Callender, 2 B Hodgins. Collection of Fovrle, 1 R Runcitaau, 2 E Marshall. . Gitarn AND Patar-Fiie busbelsirtll wheat 1 T Cubed, 2 J Wigginton. Fall wheat, 1. J Salkeld, 2 Thos COrbett. Spring wheat, 1 Tno Salkeld, 2 D Tiplady. White oats, 1 a Salkeld; 2 Jae Nott. Six -rowed berley,1 John Salkeld. Collection apples, Geo A Cooper, Fall apples, T Johnston. 2nd collection ap- ples,.1 G A Cooper, 2 A Lines. Golden rus- sets, W Merge* Open air grapes; Wm C Searle. Concord grapes, W C Searle. Rod- gers 19, W 0 Searle. Hartfercl prolific, W C Searle... Northern spy, W Morgan. Man.: Muth pippins, G A Cooper. Snow:iapples, 0 Cooper. Rhode Island greeniogs, G A Cooper. Spitzenburg,,W Msergan. Baldwins, G Mid- dleten. Variety .4 plums, 1 W C Searle, 2 Jas Smith. Winter pears,. W Morgan. Fall pears, John Salkeld. 9.p.noes, Jos. .Ewings. NEANUFACTURES-Ileme made cloth, J Gil- mour.. Home made flannel, 1 VS Callender, 2 Mrs Stokes. Rothe made blankets, J Wise, Factory -made clothrfaeterymadeilannel and factory factory inade-blanketii, p Corbett. Double . set farm hareess, J Twitehell. Buggy har- ness; Twitchell. •Pegged boots, J Twitehell. Parlor set of furniture, 1 'W B Crich & Co., 2 Broadfopt ,Ss Box. Mhrble work, W 11Coopert, Artifieial stone, recommended, W Choper. Grape wine T Fear • • - ' •The' entry .of .Idirses was nrit only un- iaually largo, -there being over 150,. but they were of a very siiperiot class, almost without exception, in all clasaes; the heavy draught taking . precedence, and even in the generatpurpose class the heavy drau- ght blood is plainly seen. This depart- ment of the outside show appeared to have 'the greatestettractions for spectators, the ring being sturounded, by a. good:crowd during the entye. time of .judging. In Cattle the entries were meagre, both in thorci-kreds and grades., but although Sevr. they Were very good. In sheep and pige • the • entries were not numerous, but they were good inboth 'depattmentai In im- plements, carriages, waggons, etc., there was net a great display. . The poultry ex- hibit was very good; there appearing te be quite a number of poultryfanciers in this neighborhoodsas the varieties are in- creasing II:I:number; andathere were sohle 'splendid birds among them. • ' ' The secend day being a fine one, the tendanee was exceedingly large, and taken altogether, the show was the most success- ful ever held, and passed off with.the•most satisfactory reedits. Below is .the prize list, ais near correct as We have been able to get its . • NOTICE is hereby given; that all.parties indebted to the undersigned, must pay their accounts before the. first of October next, -otherwise they will be pladed Ociurt for colfectIon. . HENRY 'PLUMb'TEEL,, •' Clinton; Sept. 1st, 1881, . • ' House for Sale.. DWELLING House foe sale on Mary Street, Clinton. Nino rooms, hard and soft water, oncluerter of an• nem of .ground. 'Price low. Terms to suit pur- chaser. Apply -to J. A. 1.1pLLE'S, Guelph, or . 03 • • . ' • W. W. FARMAN.' . A NEW AND rAlPlitOVED CID33:31R) AT -•• LCINDESBORO • • 35 jolIN WALKER, Vr.hiprieter • Veciersinata-sColleetion garden vegibibles, sTabliansonis- Twesveritties-petsitisKTTIibI Holloway, 2 T , Early rose potatoes, 1 J !Johnson, 2 Mrs. T ,MoMichael. Beauty of -hebron, 3 Salkeld. Snowflake, H Joiner. Long inangold Wurtsels, 1 T Stephenson, 2 T Fear. Yellow' globe wurtzels, 1 11 Snell,2 W Pearson. Long orange eareats, 1 S. Allan - son, 2 J Salkeld, White Belgian 'carrots, 1 I Reynolds, 2 J Marquis. • Swede turnips, T Stephenson, 23 Allanson. Grey stone tur- Stephenson. White glebe turnips, J •Allansen: Short garden carrots, 1 T Hollo- way, .2 .A Innes. 'Long blood beets,.1 Joseph Allanson, 2 S Cook. Blood turnip beet's, I S Cook: 2 J Allanson. Parsnips; 1 J. Allanson, 2 H jokier. .Winter cabbage, 1 $ Cook, 2 M Kelly. Pickling cabbage, J Allanson. Cau- liflower, 1 J Ewing's; 2 S Look: • Onions; from seed,' 1 S Cook, 2 T Fear.. Potato (alas, 1 W C Searle, 2, W Morgan. - Corn, 1 J 13 Lind- say, 2 ' J Salkeld. Water melOns, 1 J Qin» rainghaine, T Allantion... Musk Melons, jos Allanson,' Citron's, 1 T Allanson, 2 T Fear. Red 'tomatoes, 1 J Silkeld, as cook. Pump- kin, rJ Salkeld, 2 Wm Morgan. •Squash, 1 4.Allanflon, 2 11 Joiner:. ' Celery, 1 J Allan - son, 23 Ewing... • .• • , DAIRY PRODUCK.-Tvfp kegs:salt butter, 1 G A Cooper,' 2, Jno Govier. 15 lbs crook biitteri.1 J Govier, 2 W Robinson. .10 lbs. butter, 1 Shipley, 2 .1 Collins. 5 lbs but. ter,. W Robinson. Factory made :cheese, J Murray. ,Maple molasses, 1 W Morgan, 2 .T Johnston. Itoine made cheese, T McMichael. Herne made breadel 3 Wise, 2 T Holloway, Baker's bread, Win Lee.: s , ImrLEmENTS.--Two horse buggy, open, 7 & F Storey, One horse buggy , Open, J Bruns.' don: One horse butter'.J Brunsdon. • Fan- ning mill, Ai McTaggart & Co.' 'Gang plow, 1 T 'Tipling,' 2 W Miming.. Pair iron her - Tows, '1 T • Tiplirig, 2- a Miller. Democrat waggon. H Caution. Tufnip seed drill, j IS Weir. • Turnip cutter, 3 Bruinidon. Horse shoes; 1 T Tiling, 2 D Hogan; Wooden pump, DRoss. Wooden• axle patent Skein lumber waggon, 1 J Brunsdon, 2,11 Cannon.. Wooden plough; 1 T Tipling, 2 J B Weir. Wrought iron beam plough, 1 J 13 Weir, .g J Miller. HONG hoe or souffle?, 1 J.Young, 2 B Weir. Windmill for. pumping, Call & 4 • , HURON LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION.. MEE Annual Sale under tho auspicee o tho Huron Live Stock Association, will be held in the TOWN OP CLINTON, on Iiietintsiday, October 39, 1881. Parties desiring to enter Idocit for thissale, can do 80 up 10 1110 morning Of the sale ; but only such as is entered with the Secretary en or before the 15th of September. ean appear in the Side' Catalogue, All entries intuit be accompanied by the required fee, and owners of ADS11C YOUSt send In the pedigrees of their animals fully made out and plainly written. Tsang or EsTimses.-Pereaaii thoroughbred atallion, Mare, bull, cow or 'heifer, 92; for.each pair of sheep or swine, 50 cents ; grade stock half price. A commission Id 1 per cent. will•be charged en all Stock libld. MI who intend entering should have the pedigree of their stock In the eatalogue. All entries muat be tuldresmed to the Secrete:4,a Solihull', and further information desired will be furnished by him. MeLVJAN, &ZINO) SeetotarY. J'AS, BIGGINS, Clinton, President, HEAVY Iloaszs-Brood mare hav- Jug raised foal in 1881,, 1st J McMillan, 24 A Line's •Spring foal, ist J McMillan, 24 T McMichael, 3 -yr old gelding or filly, 1 and 2 P McGregor. 2 -yr old.filly, 1 Jas Laiit, 2 T McMichael. !•2 yr. old gelding, 1 Wm Weir, 2 W Shipley. Year olefilly, 1 W Deld,42 W Weir. Year old gelding, 1 J Govier,' 2 Wm Dale; Team, 1 3 McMillan, 2 E Butt, Ene tire yearling colt, T Gilmore. S McMillan, STANLEY. Mr, G. Baird, sr, has been re-engaged for School Section No. 1, Stanley:, at the same salary as last year, $590; this makes the 22nd year Mr. Baird has been, in the section. tiUMME111111.4114 AND vIDINITY. • Effortsare being made to get up an .en- tertainment in connection with the Episs copal church. *A Summerhill, to corae off sometime in the beginning of next month. Proceeds in aid of the building fund, 1.1(3,14ETT. Goon We --One day last week Mr, 2 W. Coventry threshed, with steam thresh- , er, on the farm of Mr. Thornton Wallace, 7th con. ofYllullett, 800 buehels cif grata in less than 10 hours, Of this amount 309 was wheat, 300 oat's, and 200liarley, Rernanitn.-John Stanley, who went to ' Dakota last spring, returned home to Kin - burn last week, lie likes the place but says the water is very bad and this causes nunaber to leave,- • Wm, Smith, one of the pioneers. of Mil- lett, left on Thursday last for New Buffalo, Dakota, where he intend -Cloaking. his home. He did not take his family with him, they intendremaining here. until ; spring. Mr. Smith diclnot sell his farm ' as hi e ntended. He owns 640Aeres in Da- ° kota. 41./P.,&KER PIONEER GONE.-Deeth has removed another of the early settlere-. of Huron, in the person of Mr. Thee. Mills, sr., who died at the residence Of his • son in Hullett, on Saturday, at the age of 83 years, in great happiness. He cause to thhs.country 05 years ago, residing in Que- bec until 1850, when he moved up to Mc- • Killop, and eettled there, remaining' for many years, about 8 yegiiiiiigo be went to live With his son, in Hulletts He was ..faithful member of the Methodist Church, being of a quiet dispositions he never took any active part in municipal or public af- fairs, but, he nevertheless enjoyed it very • large circle of intimate acquaintances. He was the fattier 'of Mr. J. W..Mills Olin- , ton, Mr. John and Thomas Mills, gullett, and Mr. McCiewr, of McKillop. funeralstit Tiondesboro cemetery, was very largely attended. . ' GoDERICIL 'TOWNSHIP. . OnSecif the.. Meltinan•boya back trout . Mr. Geo. Cox, jr., left last week for Mepitoba. •• - • Miss Mary A, Hendry is visiting friends' in thevicinity of her fonder home; at Porter's Hill. 7, • Special services have been started at -tether Olroali-,-.ITArair,7MF::'7Lfiliigetiiii, • iseisted hy Mv Cooke. Much good is •• likely to remit therein:Mi. • • Mr.Evane, in hitlf-a•dey, threehed about 1400 bushels of oats for Mr. Austin.-- - . Barry Cole's Ben and Fast-SawyeellenOry did the feeding, AndJas. Conley's hired man cut the teed's. • • G. P. Honses-Biood Mirehaving raised foal in 1881, 1 T• McMillan, 2 J Marquis. - Spring colt, 1 A Innes, 2 D Tiplady. 3 -yr old gelding or filly, I Thee Walker, 2 Wns 'Weir. 2•yr old filly, 1 A Taylor, 2 G Witt. 2.yr old gelding, 1 3' -Salkeld, 2 'G Watt, . Year old 1 S Pluminers'2 W Dale. Year Old gelding, 1 Barber; 2 W Weir. Sean, 1 T Shibley, 2 W Weir. :Rams on CARRIAGE Roasts - Brood mare hiving raised foal'in 1881, 1 Doherty & binge, 2 S Avery, Spring colt, 1 Thcialloon; 2 $ McDougall. 2 -yr old gelding, 1 T Bruns - don, 2 F.,;Youngbint, 2 -yr old filly, 1 A Innes, 2 Jae Sutherland. Year old gelding, 1 John Meyer, 23 Govier. 'Year old filly, 1 A.Innite 2 S McDougall. Span, 1 -Doherty &Gibbings, 2T Bissett. Buggy horse, 1 T Welker, 2 T Bistiett. 'Saddle horse, 1 Jno," Itattenbery, a Avery. Best road or carriage horse, any age, A Danes. , l'UOROBRED Carsiss--Milch Cow, I- and Snell & Sop, One -yr old heifer, 1 11 Snell & Son, 2 A ElCoet, ,Bull cell, 1 A lillcoat, 2 II Snell St' Son. Heifer calf, H Snell & Son. NATIVE OR GRADE CATTLE,-IVIi1011 COW, I G Shipley' 2 A Innis, Two -yr old heifer, F 1' Goodwin. One -yr old heifer, land 2 Itobt Ferris, Bull calf, 'spring, 1 Rolit*Forrie, 2 M McTaggart. Heifer calf, 1 G Shipley, 2 A Xenia. Three -yr old steer, 1 and 2 T Stan - buil. Two -yr old steer, 1 X Grant, S Theis Staribury. . Leictierses AND THEIR GRADES., --Aged rant, H Snell ds Son. Shearling ram, II Snell & Son, Ram lamb, 1 It Snell & Son 2 Wm Grieves. Pair Aged ewes, 1 and 2 If Snell & Son, Pair shearlieg ewes, 1 W Grieves, 2 H Snell & Son, Pair ewe lamb's, 1 11 Snell ok Son, 2 W Grieves, LADIES' Weitz -Palmy braiding, 1 Mrs G Nott, 2 Mrs Stokes. Tatting, 1 Me Rudolph, '2 Mrs G Swarts. Crochet work, Wool, I Mrs 3 Shipley, ,12 Mho Pains, Lace work Mrs Rudolph, 2 Mrs E Johnston. Embroidery in cotton or muslin, 1 Mrs Rudolph, 2 Mrs T McMichael. Embroidery in worsted, 1 Mrs Johnston, 2 Mrs Rudolph. Embroidery in silk,1 Mrs Rudolph, 2 Mrs W Jackson. Bead' work, 1 • Mrs Rudolph, 2 Miss Paine. Icnitting, faisey,1 Mre McMichael, 2 Mra Rudolph. Knitting, cotton !stockings; 1 Mies Paine, 2 Mrs McMichael. Crochet work, cot- ton, 1 Mrs J Wisp, 2 Mrs Morley. Patch work in 'silk or velvet, 1 and 2 Mho Paine. Patch work in quilt, 1 'Mks Paine, 2 Mrs W Callender, Gent's lined shirt, 1 Miss Nash, it Mrs 'Stokes, Grblit'S cotton 'shirt, 1 1VEss Nash, 2 Mies Stokers. Geettes fancy flannel shirt, WS Stokes. Hair work. Mrs GAOL Berlin, wool work, flat, 1 Mrs Stokes, 2 Miss Paine. Berlin wool work, raised, 1 Mrs T MeMiebeel, 2 Miss Paine. Braiding 0.11 Miss Paine. Leather work, Mrs T McMichael., Flowers, silver wire, Miss Paine. Varnser's wreath, T Gilmour, Fancy chair in wool woik, W Murray. Pencil drawing, 1 It 'Cal- lender, 2 Stewart, Specimen penmanship by bey under 13 year's Staxibury. • Specie men penmanship by girl under 13 years, J Salkeld. Crayon 'Sketch, 0Stewart, . Pair woollen stocking's 1 Miss VatiEgmcind, 2 Miss Nash, Pair woollen socks, 1 Miss Nash, 2 Mrs Stokes, Pair woollen gloves,1 Mrs Stokes, 2 W Callender. Log cabin quilt, Mise Payne. tag rnat, W Robinson, Mrs A McKenzie. Collection house plants, 1 Win alarray, 2 J S 'Welker. Colleetioil of indices' work, 1 Mrs'Or PaY62 Mrs TV Murray. Re• commended --Collection of drawings, 1 Miss Robinson, 2 Misr' It DaVis. Tieeneits Envie:lets-Mr. john Smith, teacher on the 10th, Con.; has been, re -en- • aged for the year 1882; at a Belay of HO. Mr. Eberhardt halt been .engaged. . to teach in S. S.. No. 00 Gederich town- * When Harry Bone a fano laborer who is io.the employ: of'..Mr. Jas. Lorranee, was ori his way hone from Toronto, he got on 'a wrong train and finding his mistake as the train was moving juniped offsktiock- ang out .severarteeth and otherwiso.brdis- ing himself. • . • ' . . Bansi ',13.11ENBC.-At about. -fiv.e 'o'clock . on -Friday afternoon last, the barn pf Messrs. Baskerville on the lfitli con., on what is known aathe `.‘ Ab. Nesbitt faros," was 'burned tothe grbundsItitinsvas Steadily felling when the fire WAS discovered; there had been no lightning to strike the barn, and „what caused the fire is a mystery, as no one had been Orbited the place for some , time. A person Who drove peat after the' barn hadrjust,been ISeined, sew a geniis. , 'sitting by the roadside near tho • premises, but whither he had anything., to do with it's burning is . a mere conjecture:, The . barn contained all this year'sbrop, and the loss will fall heavy on the.boys. who, it is said, had no, insurance: $1,500 will not cover the. loiss.. • - . • • dwiien lit me Mine to cure bronitotuTritoovitaeo.n:0:maajoadt %4 d Ts what a lady o n to her husband.. ' her of sick headache and neuralgia which had made her miserable for fourteenyears. At the , first attack thereafter it was admistered to her with such good resulta, that eho continued lee • use until cured, and made so enthusiastic in its praise, that she induced•tiienty-two of the best families in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine.. That " tuff" is Hop Bitten. -Standard: LONDESDORO. Messrs, Wm.: Herrington and Geo. Cockerline, have returned from Manitoba: They were greatly taken up with that coun- try, And if every body took their Advice, , Londesboro Would be a deserted village, etid tlie. neighborhood • for miles. aroein. I "would be abandoned by its•present inhabi- tants.A Car load OE stook and a waggon left • hero on Wednesday fox the London Exhi- ' i,n. J Ainos and 'It Wallace, wJii10 e;ut shooting bat Teesday, Ca= across it wild cat and fited ten Shots at it but they had only fine shot and did not get it. 141.11r AND ItECHERQDR.--This Moat exqUifilte little toilet gem extant for,theleeth and breath, IST"hTefa kljnfinY'on:1 tR:fikh:ofHay,ntPeloa6ceilt8'known RS r the Shaffer farm, haa been sold to Mr, John Consort, of the Parr Line,sStanley, for the suiti of $5,440. The farm contains 150 acres, and is • 5. d sPlandul bargain at this price, • SBE To XT.-7.,opesti, (from Brasil) will sure. tho• ' Worst ease Of Dyspepsia- A Sin& dose will relieve 111 11 logreo that Shows its woriderfat • curative powers, and its peculiar tuition upon the stomach and digestive organs. It is a posi- tive end absolute cure for costiveness and con- stipation, acting in it rtinlaricablo way upon the system, eerrying off iMpurities. As a liVer re- gulator its actions are most remarkable, 11 toneand StibIttlatse the liver to COM.011, eorroets the fields and reguleteti the bewele. A few doses Will !surprise you, 'giampiu bottion 10 cents.