HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-15, Page 8• •
ema j new is great%
n the supply.
MR. G. STANDURY Sent a car of eattle
bY T. R., to 31ontreal, yesterday.
— A togW street lamps are becoming neces-
Black Machine Oil, by the barrels very 1 sary here, and provision should be made
for them.
Is IT safe to allow the sidewalk just
mirth of Cooper's bakery, to remain with-
out a railing of some sort?
Cheap, at S. Davis', Clinton.
Sylvan Photos at Foateries Clinton,
Ilacmrin Blies. are selling A-p?le Pavers,
Ply Traps, Barbed Fence Wire, White Lead,
Paints and Oils, Glass, &e., at reduced pricee,
in order to elean out their stook,
Sou $01)ic#•
N. ROBSON won several prizes at
Ergm3 of fel/ wheat on the Eansford
farm looks splendid.
There were fent interments in Clinton
cemetery last week.
MEssns. Mooney 4Co., shipped a large
lot ofsheep to Montreal yesterday.
TUE demand for extra copies, of the
NEW ERA has been very great, lately.
G. MENNEL added $1 and costs to the
town funds last week, for being drunk,
ON TUESDAY Mr. Forrester shipped a
-car of flax seed by G. T. R., to 31011treal.
RAIN fell heavily for three-quarters of
an hour on Saturday and Monday even-
MR. ATACDOUGALL, of SeftfOrth, ship-
ped a car of apples from here to Mentreal,
en Tnesclay.
EVENING clasSes in connection with the
Mechanics' institute, will commence On
the 19th inst.
Our.c thanks are due Mr. 0, Coates for a
collection of splendid grapes, , embracing'
several varieties.
• ' THE BODY of's young 'woman belong-
ing to Seaforth, passed through here from.
London on Friday.
MEssis. Petty, of Hensall, shipped a
car of sheep from here to Brifialo, by
• 3V. R., on Monday. . • ,
Mu, W. CRAIG ShipPed a car of' cattle,
by G. T. R,, on Thursday, to Toronto, and
Retherthlti Week.;
E. Wisp has purchased four lots
from Mrs. Finkle, below the G. Tat., pay-
ing therefor the sum of $200.
Hunort heads the list for next year's
Wimbledon team, private A. Wilson, of
Seaferth, being the lucky man.
• MB. W. 11. PERRIN • has rented one of
the halls in the new building to the Bre-
thren, to be used as a meeting room.
MEssns. Thompson & Boles have
bought abent fifteen hundred barrels of
apples in this neiglaborb.00d; for export.,
Tan Public School Board have contract -
•ed with Mr. Mair, efthe base line, for 80.
or 100 cords of dry, short wood at VA'
•Ffrtounr. MoGnEoon, the Scottish
Vocalist, and company, are advertised to
sing here to -Morrow night.
II, SNELL & S0N's exhibit of stock at
the Toronto exhibition, is very highly
spoken of by the press of the city.
CAPT. 3TALCO1uSON, who was lost' on
the propellor Columbia, off Frankfort,
Mich., was a brother of Mr, S. Malcomson,
of Goderieh.
jimouvo by the heavy trains passing
down, the G. W. /1., is doing a ruslaing
business at present. Passenger traffii
c s
pretty heavy'also.
AN IDEA of the amount of flat grown
in this neighborhood can be gathered by
viewing the immense stack near the flax
mill, and this is only a part of it.
THE sky Presented a beautiful appear-
ance on Monday evening, the "northern
lights" having shifted around due east
and being unusually brilliant.
A LATE Rose potato, grown on the farm
of Mr, Geo. Flintoff, 2nd con. of Hullett,
has been left with us.:It weighs 20
ounces—a large potato for this season.
THOSE wishing to transact any business
with the town 'clerk, Who is away for his
holidays, will find Mr. W. H. Rine in
the cleric's offices- who will attend to any
business. •
ON SurrnAT next, owing to the Con-
tinuation of the Camp Meeting, tliere will
be no morning service in the Methodist
church, -nor Sabbath School, bnt there
will be the'tsual service in the evening.
SEvERAE.parties have lately been rob-
bing gardens, taking away the very best
fruit to. be had. Such work is contempt-
ible in the extreme,' no measures are too
severe for the punishment of such offend-
ers.. ,
MESSRS, DOHERTY & 'Co, were award-
ee a bronze medal on their organ exhibit
at Toronto. Lastyear they carried every-
thing before them,,- and wonder how it
was they did not do so this year, as their
competition was inferior to last year.
•A PECULIAR Rare.—Last week, on the
northern part of the county, the ramn.
which fell on the afternoon of "black Mon
day" was nearly as dark as ink, and so
stringy impregnated. with alkali; as,' to
kill a largenumber of the fish, frogs and
turtles in the Maitland River.- Mr; H.
SPrung, Of Hullett, also lost a splendid
pig by its, drinking the water, He was
feedibg it up for exhibition at the Provin-
cord. dial, 'and during the night it went to the
• ONE of our business men “put• his feet river for a drink ; next niorning it was
into it" plIonday.; he was .en 'aged . in - • -
• the shop window, and whileU ing
he stepped into a pail of eggs.: • .
•Miss FRANC CRAIG, late head milliner
BEFORE leaving 'herelast:week' with
their oar of horses juSt purchased, the.
Hon. F. Alciere' Mayer of St. Clair, and
in the 'establishment of Mr., J: Hod81,11s, John L. Morrison, of Detroit, spoke very
has beeorne a resident of the neighboring
Republic ; particulars elsewhere.
Mn. rr: HolLowAY yesterday showed
• us a number of very • large onions, one' of
them measuring 151 inches round, and
weighing 20a- ounces, grown from seed..
• REV. LACHL1N TAYLOR well known
in connection with the 'Methodist church,
• and who diecrifesi daYs -since, was for a
number of years a property holder in this
Mn. .To& 4.vnE, of Varna, hastaken
up 360 acres eland beyond Brandon, and.
intends disposing of all his' effects in this
highly of the quality of horses •in this
section, and were • well satisfied "with
their purchases, as yell as the treatment
• they met with from those with whom they
bad done business. • AlthOuglir..th.eY had
been purchasing horses for. the Michigan
lumber woods for. the .past six or seven
years they had. never- visited this section
before, but di'd not: intend it to be 'their
last. They toldllr: Pike, at whese 'Muse
theystaid, they wouldbe back, if possible
'dining our fallshow.
• MATRIMONIAL.—On Monday last' one
of those events looked forwarded to so
• anxiously by the'great majority of the
•COunty and.becoming a permanent
- weaker sex, came off here the marriage
dent of the northwest, •• of Rev. J. A. Turnbull, of Goderich •to
• MA. MArtrartelef Clinton, who preach-
ed in.the Methodist'Ohurch' on 'Sunday.
lastva04stened to bylarge congregations.
..sdiscourse on Sunday eyening was a
• particularly able and excellent one;•—Ex-
positor. .
A LARGE number of Seegmillesehilled •
plOws were recently brought here from
Goclerich; for shipment to different luarts
'Miss....Annie Steep, The'offielatin
:Ws were 'Rev. Dr.Stewart,
while the..hridesmaide.Were..Aliss.L., RineY.
-and Miss. M: Turnbull, and the grooms;
men, it. J. Thompson and 3.:
The bride was: the recipient of a number
of handsome :presents, aniting them .being.
twenty pieces' of .silver,. and tarried; with:
her the good wishes of her many: acquain--
of • the country., The • manufacturers ,tane8,hie wedding , party were. inetat
should.: locate • . their ;. establishment in a: the station here by a very- large, nuniber-
-. place Where they Could. have much better of their friends, and on-their:arrival at
railWay facilities thanGederick .. • - ;Goderielf, ••a• -crowd' -.:fully as' large were
gathered to welcoine7 them': 'Our.: thanks
aro due for a piece of the wedding cake.
REV. Mn.. THOMAS preached the fun -
real sermon Of Miss Tiplady, on Sunday:
evening, to a large audience. His. text
was in the 8th of L'hge, "Weep not. She.
• is not dead;but sleepeth." The discourse
• was thonghtful and earnest, and exceed.-
ingly piactioal and affecting. '
Mn. Taos. 11EaDLEE., sane of the leading
hotel keepers of Winnipeg, and formerly
• of this place, paid his friends here a visit
last Week. • Like all Winnipegers, he
thinks there is no place on earth like it.
• However, a man Who has coined money
like Tom, had no cause foreomplaint.
bATITIIDAY , Mr. 3, Morristi, of
Goderich, passed through here on his re-
turn from Michigan. A Week previously
had gone over there to purchase a saw
mill, taking an engineer with him to in-
spect the sande, but they found on arrival,
that the chole thing had been Consumed
in the fearful fires raging there.
• .COws were let into' the garden of Mi.
O. liartt, on Friday night, and created
havoc among its contents ; eows were also
let into the garden. of Mr. r; Macpherson
a short time since,' and destroyed the• .
whole product thereof; More damage has-
', been done by cows this summer, than
would be necessary to pay for the pastur-
. age of every cow in town,
Mn. E. Frrton, of this place, has a grape
vine ' that has on it ripe grapes, young
grapes and several bunches of bloom ; also
a grape vine that was cut down within a
foot of the ground, having been winter
killed, which has shot forth from the
stump, and now covers a space of A' feet
• by 12, one branch being 21 feet long, with
several -bunches of bloom on it, all from
this summer's growth.
ITR. ENUS ITUIL, of this place, who
was visiting his brother in Michigan, on
the 3rd itist, was an unwilling witness of
the fire raging in the woods there, (and
Which has since worked such terrible des-
truction.) His brother's property being
in danger of dedtruction, they worked day
and night, and by terrible work succeeded
in saving the property,sat the risk of their
lives. Going with others to a neighbor's
torender aSSIStande, they found the wife
lying dead on the road, and when placing
her in a box for burial, it was neessary to
break her arms and legs to get them in,
. • sti fearfully Were they Whited "bY. tbo fire.
A. CHALLENGE. —The Clinton corres-
pondent of the Mitehell Advocate having
stated irrreference to the late bandtour-
nantient, that,he thought- Clinton. band
was entitled to first monek, Prof. Fetzer,
•of the Goderich band, issues the following
challenge:— . .
• "This gentleman claims that Clinton. band was
. the hest band. and I claim that they were only
third best, although he Undertakes to Bay that
he knows all about it, and tI nothing. I will
make him a kind offer and .one that -will settle
all nonsenee, and show wether my Judgment is
correct or not. I don't intend to bring the other
.tWo bands. in question, namely, Mitchell and
Goderich, but intend to bring. my .own band.
which °Vent one knows is only eight strong.' I
am prepared to play Clinton- band fdr• any
amount, say $25 or S50, and at any time, and I
• should nolo suggest to this gentleman, he to
bring out his bandand play Our Music, and we
play theirs. the band, playing the best to take
the amount; Or olse, we play five pieces and
they to do the saline; or lot one or the judges
hand us it piece, and the baud playing it the
best'at sight tO take the money," .
• P.EnsorrAis'.—Mrs. 'Vogler; pf13othwell,
and Mrs. McCall, • of Chatham, returned
home yesterday. Mr, Macwiairter left
on•Satu rclay, for Montreal, to purchase
goods in that market. Mrs. W.L.Newion,
who has been at London for a short time,
has returned home.. Mr: John ,Fox, jr,
who has been in the northwest for a oonple
of yearS, returned home on a visit, on Sat-
urday, Mr. R. Y. Thompson, formerly
of the Clinton High School, and who has
Since taken nearly all thedegrees, medals,
and seholarships. it waspossible to take,
left yesterday for Winnipeg, where he has
been appointed one of the professors in
the University there; Bob's many friends
hereabouts are pleased to hear of his suc-
cess. M. 1. McLean, of the Expositor,
gave us a dell on Saturday; Mac. looks
none the worse of his ;,"terrible beating
at the hands of his local cotem. Rev. A.
E. Smith, of Manchester, preached in the
0. M. Church, on Sunday evening. Mr.
IL Foster spent Sunday with friends in
Mimics; these 'Visits look' suspicious
liorace. Mr. Jas. Scott, libarian of the
IVIeelianics' Institute, is taking his holi-
days, Mr, S; Andrews has returned from
• Dakota. Mr. Chad. Shaw, of Goderich
township, left by .G-. W. R,, on Monday,
for Manitoba. Mrs. W. Lowe, of Chicago,
(sister of Mrs, H. Dennis;) Is on a visit
here, Mr. W. 1T Ransford sailed for Ca,
nada yesterday,
VorantrUBIts.—On Tuesday the vOlUn-
teer companies belonging. to the 38rd Bat-
talion, proceeded to eoderich, where
twelve day's drill willbeperformed, The
Battalion band is that of Brussels, The
camp is situated on what is known,. as
"Squaw Island." It is the intention-. of
Lieut. -Col. Jaelcson, D. A. G.., and Lieut. -
001. Aylmer, of London,. to visit the camp
during its stay .at Goderich.
4. NUW BOOK or PogIns.,-We have
observed and are much pleased to be able
to announce, that a volume. of poems by
Mr. A. M. Taylor, of the Model School, is
going through the .press of Ranter, Rose
& Co., and will be issued in a few weeks.
Every encouragement has been given Mr.
Taylor to publish this volume, and we
trust that the predictions of its success
may be more than fulfilled. We shall
take the earliest opportunity of giving
our readers an idea of what the book con-
taina, merely now adding that the highest
literary authorities in Canada pronounce
these poems to have "the true poetic ring
and fire about them," and to be no un-
worthy addition to the progressive litera-
ture of the age. The book itself is to be
handsomely bound, and its selling price
will be made low.
.A. letter in reference to one publiebed in 5
late issue of the Now Erie. on hypocrisy, has
been crowded our.
1IrGw SCHOOL—On Saturday the trus-
tees of the Tuckersmith school near Bruce -
field, refused to allow Mr. Lough, (who
had engaged • with the Clinton High
School Board,) to sever his connection
with their school, and it becomes necessary
to engage a person in his place, for the
High School.
TUE FALL 8gow..--The- annual fall
show of the township of Hullett Agricul-
tural Society, which place here next
Monday and Tuesday., promises to be more
than usually successful. The prize list is
considerably larger than last year, and in
the ladies department partieularly, it is
expected that there will be a large dis-
play. Mr. H. Foster, photographer, offers
a special not in the lust; for the best five
pouts& of butter, he offers a cabinet photo,
with frame, of the lady taking the prize.
patties requiring room for exhibition pur-
poses should meet the committee at the .Ag-
ricultural Hall on Friday, at 2 o'clock,p.m.
and get first choice .of space. The Boston
Opera Company will play "Olivette " in
the town hall, under the auspices tof " the
Cricket Club, on both nights of the show.
• Phe iciat,tish Vocalist,.
r or
A Grand Entertainment of Musical Sparks,
Imitations, dc., &.c.
21...diaission 25 Cents.
NOT 8ria 971
We are showing this week the contents of 40 oases and bales
of OUR VIRST consignment of new fall goods. To the front
of the Dry Goods trade we are determined to keep. We have
bought our goods by personal selections in the markets,. We
'OOPS aro airaordill4rnily gitractiye„
. COLORED CASHMERES, " new shades:"
• • COLORED 'SILKS, " new shades."
• A.
BLACK. CASHMERES, a specialty with us.
Wool 1. quares, all shades and prices.
Plain itn,41 Colored -Wincies.
PRINTS and All Staple (61 -cods at popular prices.
Someihin.g new in every department, at the
Dry GoodsEMPOAIU,M of Clinton
• .... .
99 anziom Bzpolc,
c i.Airvrromr.
• •
• .„ •
SpeCial 33aro..ains 111•
We "Will. open up this week a fine assortment of LAMPS and LAMP
GOODS,,and at extraordinary low, prices. IWCall and see them ..42211
oar stook, of Stoves. this fall will be 'NNE IARGEST AND'IVOST ,COMPLETE ZvEi INIOWN IN
ijri corrwrv, comprising all the latest designs and improvements in Cooking, Hall, Parlor
and Parlor gook Stoves. Also, a full line of t ASE BURNER COAL STOVES, inchiding
the celebrated RADIANT HOME. Our prices add terms will be its favorable as any house
in the trade, and We ;solicit a call frem intending purchasers. •
• not mistake the place Red BrickStore,sign
of the Padlock Albert Street, Clinton.
sotscsor, •
.11. Ransford's
• City Book Store.
The. Celebrated IRON BOUND indestructable
Readers, same price as ever.
' .
. .
• ,4
For the Month of August,
To make room for alterations and, extension of pre-
Agent for 7Trvvalker's Patent Butter -Worker. •
435 Men AND 235 oys
me as many tunes as can possibly Make it onVdnient, to ball and examine the halanee of ' •
Summer stock of Boots & Shoes,
In order to snake room for an IlAMENSE PALL AND WINTER STOCE. Partners, do not forgotto look it
OUR HARVEST AND THRESAIEE simrs, which wo manufacture ourselves, of best materiel"
HARNESS, LIGHT AND HEAVY, D011111.0 AND SINGLE, made of the best auctorial and. Workmanship, at
exceedingly low prices. Tor a geed safe COLLAR, this is just the place, as we warrant them not to gall.
f ,TRIMEIS and VALISES—A very large.tuUlertniont and vorythcap. TEENIES trout 76'oetito Op;
. • • .. • , • .1• I P. . e• 4 ‘,