HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-15, Page 510%00 0 0.I.V "13 BUST ARRIVED, OF TUN FINEST AND OAT HAONIFIOENTL7f JFINISUED. .11WSEWING AND KNITTING MACHINES". Froin didercut companion, all :frith the latest iwprovetne t4.. Also,. One PIAW4S and ORGl►.-.�.N'S, Froal the best Melons in t1{eworl4;'cheaper and better than you can got elsewhere. S01.cing Machines repaired by .a practical machinist. .N'eedies, Shuttles, Olt anc4 evert/thin(' teanted for Sewing and Knitting Machine& headquarters for all the above. Remember Also Flews" 30$1T114, Street, west olf flfeTaFgart do Cu'.$ Mill Faeltory. 1111. •J. NORSWORTHY,. POST 13OX 145, CLINTON, ONT. 34,315 METJEEODIST RYNIN BOOK ALL ritXCES AND STYLES. X.E][J..L.L BO' HIGH AND COMMON. Readers in all Ole new bindings, !nos WIRE; &c. SINPSON,. Clinton. • 1i YE TROUGHS. BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. CONDUCTOR PIPES, x• IIAEVEST TOOLS, MACHINE OIL. limiNgsT wits, - floss KETTLES. 1';NAbtELi40.. ' GUNS, .BEST VALUE. EVER OFFERED. T WHITE LEAD PAIN ■ S■ OILS. WARRANTED o1:NUINE AND LOW PRIDES. 1•AitER, CORER AND Cannot get out of order, SLICER COMBINED, APPLE PARER. S. All mellows warranted., EPDUCED TI NWA R E ■ VRICES. ' • SHELF HARDWARE AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES A_SPECIIALTY.. MENU( S :D•AV•�L S..BLOCK;; CLINTON,.'ONT. .. CLINTON WOOL 4. Are running full blast; and prepared, as .usual, to do all kinds of Work-in • the Woollen lino. I g 1 Maatticttria •OP ALL IKIND)S, .DONE'.ON..SHOBT (,OTIC);:. ; .• . • TWEEDS, FLANNELS, YARNS, BLANKETS,- &c. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Either to exchange for Wool• 'ori;e11 for Cash, :A' PRICES LOWER'. HAE:EVER, OL1NTON., May,•1.881 CORBETT. RESPECTFULLY BEGS TO INTIAIAT1 THAT{ EX • • L' rr'rCONTINTJE', HI,S: 5._ lie t as still a , few . or those- -cheap 'Hats and Caps, at kt ' greater reduction than ever.. BOY'S • :DOLLAR HATS for..25, 2'vs 40 & 50 ets.. fl, Vi\1: A; SOIUfl) T i IIIS STOOK ,A'l A LATE wIIOL.LS:1i.8..BAN1. IWPT SALE, HE IS IN A POSITION T0' MDR tiods at :I�SS.-. tti tho1i- :-VfIioi8Saio:Pricos, 111,, cent PRINTS for 10•. cents. 15 cent'; PRINTS:for 1-8,3-, cents. 20 cent MTJ'SLINS for. 121 cents. In FLANNELS he .'care 'show goods at 35 as good, if not better, than are. usually sold at 50, cents. , • • cents As a Family Malicino Dr. Carson's Stomael{ and Consti atiou Bitters are rapid] taking the grips.gwmils. u produeeal auieawaare pure. 1y vegetable. in largo 8o;y bottles at b0 cents. 4T,11. Combe agent for Clinton. About 12,000 people have been rendered homeless, and 1,000 lives lost, by the terrible bush tires in Michigan. As the sufferers are in. great need, the U. S. government have roaoly ea to allow anything sent to them in the. shape of relief, to go in free of duty. Sir John A. Macdonald on hisway home again; and all will be pleased to learn that he is fully restored to health. On the 18th of this month, the present goy. ernment will have been in power three years. In that time they have made a record that is going to tell on them at the next election. Farmers and. Alerchants♦ 1f yon wish to.ayolde great danger and from• ble, besides a no small bill of expense, at this SeasQR al the yoadr. you ahgnld .tile.preuapa. steps to keep, disease from your household. The system should be cleansed, blood puri. fed, stomach and bowels. regulated, and pre. vent and euro disease arising from Spring malaria. fire know of nothing that will so perfectly and surely do this as Electric Bit, tern, and at the trifling cost of 50 cents a bot• tle.-Exoll.-Sold by ,T. H. Combe. CLINTON lit ARIiIETH. Sept. 15, 1981. Wheat, fall, V. bush, old ,I 29 a 1 31 Spring, Redohaff, • 1 25 a 1 28 Fife, • ..1 28 a '1 30 His TWEEDS are of unusually gor:5,t'l. value.. 75 cent. TWEEDS for 50 cents. x1,00 TWEEDS .:for 1.77 cents, • Having secured some MANTLE SILKS at the' same sale, he can sell frw x2.75 goods usually sold at $3.50. LIGHT fSILI1IS 75 cents por yard. His stook of OROCERIER is 'licit ossoiltoi1 Rost and you flow. t •, '- A oALT,•s1MG1cITED. •• 1lCiilll', 5'1' PRICE r('1'r x 'd.Ir) .10011 BUTTER, - Y7,II'C•rilllr COATS' Next dors to tin; Town Mat, Olinto8 Oats, . Barley, Peas, • Flour, Potatoes,' • ' Butter, . Eggs, • Hay, " " Hides, . . Sheepskins ▪ -. • Beef, Clover, Timothy, • Wool, - . - 0 35 'a. 0- 37 - 0 55 a 0 60 060 'a 065 • G 00 a G 50 035 a'040 017 a 018., 0 14 a . 0 .15 • 1200; a 1400 550 a 000 • 050 'a' 0G5 600 a 7 50 - 450 a`500., 3 25 a 4 50 0 22 a 0 24 • Backlen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in'tholworldfor Cuts, Sorsa, Bruises, Ulcers,. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped, Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positivelycures Piles, It is guaranteed to give perfect satin - fatten or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by ': IL. Combe. • Treasurer.'s Sale .of Laid for Taxes. OountyTo ofwit:or", Il, f Bfl�j virtue of a Warrant ander the hand of the War-' .3don of the County of Huron, and the seal of said County, bearing date the sixth day August, A. D..1881, to mo directed for the coliection of arrears of taxes due on tho und8rmentinned lands; Notice is hereby gn•elf, that fin%ss the sal tdSos, tcgetlier with all law- tut costs and charges, be sooner paid, I shall, on Friday, , the eighteenth day of November, 1881, at the hour of Two O'cloek, P.M., at the Court House, in the TOWN OF 0ODERICII, proceed to sell by public auction .the said lands, or se much thereof as may bo sufficient to•disoharge such,arroar$• of taXos . and charges thereon: • ' m 6%. •0�11. Lot1' ;tu ,vl F uu o th 1 of W 4, of 2 y 3 1 E. D. 50 . 3 ,1 , .1. 58 95.655 : S,, 1,,.;. .-.8 W. D.- 100' P 2106 125.2231 N1j4• 8W D. 100 U11P4444-183 4627. F. part 5 12' W D. 150 P 87.00 2.50' 9D 16 W part 5 12 W 1).: ,50 1' • .24;78 1 3.; . 26.13 W of E'&. 4•',,G,W ,'IY. 50 0' 21,79 1.28 12'08 50 4 •.100 1'. :25.01 ,1.38 07.29 N J,• 1 12 • 50 1' . 24:40 1.83 25.73 07 .... 11 100 1' ' 40.40 '1 93. 48.42 28 11 100 1'' 4(149 1.93 48.42 20 ... . 14 100 P 50:09 2.03- 53.02 • 11:1,,50 Or rETnSL IN Garr. ' Apart >' } P 17 75 '1.12 1t "81"5001' ILiy. 5 P' 121: 1,03 x3..16. 11,Gt,(iIOI' L,1a6YINw IN L{kl'; - 1.5 1' • 76 "70 1.51 {,,: 1.5 P 70 7;1'.''151• 22 • 1-5 P 76 75 1.51 • VJLAOS O1' 1IKN$AI,L 13 IIAr. 45 , l'5 P 30 .75 7.03 TO0NSI111' 0! Homes.. ' 'Part lot 30fronting • • on sido'road be• twvicenlets 30&81' . lying 30 rods from . NE corner.of lot .3 ' . . P . 587 88 6.85 1'.:', ' 11 100 Cur 10.88 1.00 11.83 N E part 19 ......A . 98 'P'• .. 09.05 2.75 102.40: VILLAGE. oo F'0nnivICn 1\ Ilewlee. $'L ],art 70'».,,.Mary 4.t . a . I' 6.63 90 7.03 .VILLAOI) or GottRmo1-51' IN 1106731501E. a 200 ' 88 7:27' 210,.. 1-5 I'' 0.39 88 .7.27' 315 ''`' '`• 1.5.I' •0.22 88'.7.10' . 'Y it LAO. Or llAxCtl1ETEK IN 1IOLLI.r)'. '• 1 ,...'..,. 1.5 1' 2.08 78.. 2,84 '2 • • 1.5. 1' 2.05 . 78 2.84 6 • 1-5 .P. 78 75 1.53 9...,..., 1.1' P 2,06 78 .2.81. Vlf I.Aoa 0!• 1311:1T11.: 5l Coliuel1 4191 toric (! a o { ,rt., i x:117. ilotnugliC ti•y•40-111o(k (1 l'' 4.1145339 Goloton v �) L 1.24 5 1.99 8 . 3.114. 75 1.90 1111,40 r.• 01•• BAS 115144 1'11.... .... i 1' 3.45, 411. 425 8 W li 219. . 1.112 P 2.09 80 . 1.30 290. • 1 1'' 3.17 ,• 8o `1.07 316 '•. - • 1!' I ,11 - ).1 -5,44 732;, r' ' 21`1 74 2.01 St. Andrew"i IQ A111ti't -t.' 1 1' it x5 5,42- •' VIi I Ant:• n1' lit t')ssr.s, :. 57; Mil,st. P,. ' 0.50 88 _(5497 • Tow$.y111e or 7loaals. • ' � W 7 23.1 . 10 0 0.24 95 10.19: NJ 5 , .. s 100 1' . 21.78 1.33 28.1(1 N ¢• 27 .13 100 • .P 30.50 1:65 • 89.15 N dart 18,..'9 1 1'' . 13,I;7 4 .4.00. TO{1'. tin. 94 attt(t,4oi. '--•-^. • Tho8c1 tofanalre " ' • from NW corner. - lot 30 " " .' • 1 11; 95 0570 EA11 5.) 50 1' 1;1((3 1.10 75.7d 'l,,w801110 01+ 8125) l -v . 5... Uhidloy ter A P4.;28 , 63 •5.11 5.1L1rAnn 110: 10110IN IN STAN IVY. - 1 4 1' :'.Il 74 3.1)1 • 20 i:.-.• ' 1.5 P •211 711 3.19;. ' \,lifts OF 1'110.01>1.101 a I4 `TA411'1 ($111) of're inIst)!? 1 5. id .3, 5.00 • l'un\Yf{il' Oi 0.1 R • • 7 ,',ofS,10.,1. '}, 1 :(1 1...".0 Yj'ofti�ir.'.,1. • :.5 1' ,27 43 1,49 Y ; 10 19 • 5 l' • 40.01 • 1.S9 14,.. 19 • '1851 3' . 10.89 19') 7,30 .• .ld*t to 1', 13411 1,1,8 S 11,1,8($ nh 1d,1•CTAI r., 115 Tr 118212110Y. Iri11 111nok 15u)1- •' • ' (All's surrey.. ' • • i' ' 1'r, )4 85 t• )0 WI-AH(5o 1t: 'Plast slues. survey.",n.,: i. 1 bi 40 47. ........,..51 • 3.20 50, 10:1 • 14.1 • MORTGAGES, rklOTEs, AND OTHI'E:ID Good Securities Purchased. -C 0 N 'fir E. Y IN (: . PJ: W. PARR .. C3inton,Noc.a,1680. - 47 . IF YOU ARE TRAV-ELLliU E. .ii4 . 0 EAST X WEST • - •---BUY 101.1I1 IPIUBETS FRODI-•--• Jas. Thonipson,'Town Agent f.T,R. PUMPS. PUMPS. HE tinilorsignadhaving heard that cortain'pertieu L have been-, of late_, very busy trying to Make the public believe that I 11.111 'out or giving up the above business, however, I beg to say that I am still' at my old Stant, making those celebrated _pumps that have given such goodsatisfaotion for the last 30 years or more. All work attended to on the' shorted!: notice, and (t1 cheap e1' cheaper than can bo had eisotrhero. • OIIDDP.S IIINDLI, SOI,I011911). . D. 1111 17 OY. Clinton,:Apprripil7thh,, 118111.. ,gam W. .11�a 'CRIOH' 1aie u We h;lv., on h 1ud a Aho ,tc•cic o1 C0111 s S, t' +.5NI:7;4, )0''I ES and .Ti 11D11.l'CI4 i hivh o' ars prtparud,to f801n01.:rt 11(0 lowest ra)e5, • A SPLENDID HEARSE when required SV. 17.-.CRI.O [- •,e Co., . • (!i.is lo\: l)1 t 1' . ,t •74 • 11 • 74 75 1' rt 1i 81.73' 24.83 41,01 .41.35) 11.57 • 6.5.3 `+1.118 (.114 1.49 1.49 1,40 151135(111" 00 141 •,T WAWA '0()11( rehire port 27-1 40 1' 42.34 1;8.1 41 21 ], 0551,,,.... .17 150 1' -4''1 11';x.41,11 1 1'11,4(35.0 81' U1il, ss {3 Wiw.w118u. Ash m•1 lot • ..:.,. d 1') (390 Ir0 7:'78 V n 1 -oio 61,11E, N 1151 01111. 1 21 1'r 1 N1ltr Het 'o91(0 51 r itr 14,toildere bur 45 t.,*r t' v1^_0 1-5 1' 2.113 1 P '4 3' 19;21 1 F. I i 1' . 0,25 3' 1828 t (incl• t'u " 775.99.........-(.131' 1' ' .4310' 5, 11'5 ' j J3... ... (.111 1' '.1,90 5,51 , -r 5:) •- 1,5 r' 1L48 1.98 15,51 1•31795..,,,....... I.;y r, 14.4:) 1,11)4 15,L1 117 1.1 1' 8.15 93 13.II (' , 5' 2-f 75 99 071),':. 3 , i' 411 75 121 357 • 1.:7 3' ,1')1b :3 1 ' 21.10 "ss.....: , :, ... . ' i 5! 19,50 1.03 '21.19 :459 1-0 i' • 19.96 1.2.3 1.1,19 A. '1f, 33043, T:,. 1' "t ' comity of tluron, dimity Tr.: 444151'k ('03':0, 3 ri,11, .90,1', 8,15541, MMI 4,05 74' • 2,117 70 11n 1.20 15.41 3 3 )4,91 S3 181;1 '•s 11,13 • • B roa.dcot & Box UNDERTAKERS. • Our stock or 1indortakliig goods isvory largo and complete. Persons requiring anythingia this line ' - • • . will (]tad it lertheir advantage to call and see U5, • •1 aY ird have plat received a largo stock' of Walnut and Rosewood Caskets, also -Coffins.of all des- criptions, criptions, from the best Canadian and American • !. manufacturerrl, • 11'e 11avo also a select, stock of AT POSTER'S PHOTO GALL BEAVER BLOCK, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON; ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. FOR 'O E-T02C7T:. i ,. .G.I0•�e-.S ,e CRQCKERY &.GLASSWARE,: J. CUNINGHAME'S, CLINTON. GLASSWARE AT A BIG DISCOUNT to mike room for 'opening up a full line of BISCCUIT'S AND '.CONPECTIONAI2 :. : Choice' five -pound 'Tins MA:CKEREL,.•cheap.:' A.dried t:�il't,d �, and Fruits.. FRESH SMOKED : ADDIE. FRESH: SEAN HERRING.` J. .Gi7N1NG•kiAMB , ..0 .lanton. RNITL • • ROSES' 8c TRIMIiNIIvfGS. ` ,Clinton Furnitlre Wareroolns., No 77,: 'Brick: 7 Rock. Wem'0 prepared to .111'111411 these goods atllnlf the On•h1 -to the increase, of .hnsj03',5 during. year, . price formerly clalrged for the 451110. ..gy�'pp g g tllo•Q,e_st ear , Ric,i ; 113Lt)(a . Ja'-11L"la.r' (->A.-I s JLo .V 0 AL1' x trrhidottomins5ollionattotants405441414•44144=14.44144.4,11- 10404.0:0404 RE 1MMOVAt� 1 VU7INITUIIE DEALERS,,11av0 taken a:new lease of Nd, 77,•5ud 33)11 continue to do busiliess ;14 forn0rly They have on band as fine'a stook of 1 urnituro as was ever on exhibition In this town,.whlcll.they aro are pond to sell at a very suiall.advance no cost,' A'.ivo nlanttfnetilro'allpur own goods, W0,e149 give otic ettstdincrg eotter.valuo than Ci1)1 be obtained Cl'owhere..'Oor goods aro all warranted to give entitle satisfaction. All our • wn,1 nen Understood their ti i IQYSPIrile 1OBB, Aanager. ' A. A BENNE11 Salesman: . Do riot riiiHH the jilaot,, No. ii. 1 VI.O.Ir 331ock,- Clinton. 11113 )3111I90)II11EIt HUGS L1;AVT1 'C() S'J!AT7? L'' to tho pti'llic that ho has 4.c e)vt:d '4.31(314 .tho 9w, h 1501(30 and superior Class of COFFINS, 'GASKETS, I. t1,1I1C1'L' rimst 1,7t) some 1TuT ,t,tkv lhe1.o, .1171' his stock is till. 110W ."til> ; ve11 1)011g1l', ANDON'T , YOU' iy OEGEt 11'. , The ,worst place in this town to get your Groceries, is at the old Waterloo. House. Robb, the Grocer, keeps the worst stock in town. His prices are higher than any other grocery.. Heis very inattentive to his customers, and makes himself generally: disagreeable to every. person that dares patronize him, and he don't want your trade; still, he keeps • open .day and night. Dear me, how this world is given toerver°sion9 nearly . everybody in tovr.r:4 buys J. from.him. . -"-0:10..-.-, q .o 11 Tri;ialnings and Bober;. 11 Aettlell'll•l 3151,1t,w1111:cpt. Pr.trh Ooxvt83 (1575}:t onhand, '75,,,i I... 01 lrs, supplied is one how., al • 'any flute:, of very reasem50510 rates. stsv 9I7SON. 510„cy, 5 phi Ohl', Albert 8tioot, Clinton, Reinder tizo -place, the old • iaterloo . H,ouse, opposite .the Post Dia PETER ROBB, GROCER. • •