HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-15, Page 4tot -Pin
Dense w anted -ibis ca.
3 I., use to 1.4- M alonateastle.
Pokae tor istit•-f. Skinner.
Not Iva --lt Peacock.
cat:mon-W. Paulson.
st• ay:abeam-P. Perdue.
Mt ay Reiter -4. Parks.
xveteng Ohiseee--afeclutuie& luetitute.
elinton tIntl
1 Li 1.1,p AI, SEPT: 15, 1881.
41(.1W VOW AllOUT AT!
In one f Mr. Blake's speeches, deliver-
ed in the maritime proVinces, he gave ut:
terance to the lblicavingoaentiment More than once has the Minister of 1.41..
mance tendered us the advice that if we
wished to succeed we should trim our sails
a little inoro 10 what he calls the popular
breeze.. More. than once he has told us.
that this is what We ought to do. 1 have
xo doubts whatever that the advice is sin-
cerely given. I look to his. life for the
proof.' or it ter 1 find that a very long pub -
'lite has been, almost without 'a break,
an official life, and ant quite sure it was
from the depths,of a long ex.perience a,nd.a
great practice that that ma2unt Whieh he
has pressed upon the members of thb Op-
position was evcolved. But it is our belief
that power so obtained and so retained is
Dot an honor, but, a disgrace, and we do
not .propose to adopt any such advice. We.
respect the opinion entertained at any
time by the people, but We de nOt believe
in the hi fallibility of the masses any more
than in our own, What we -.do believe is
'that, although the people inay err and be
misled, they are accessible to reason, and
that ultiinately right end truth will pre-
vail. It Kin thatidesir that we labor to
bring !tut lie opinion into the right path,
believing its we do in the ultimate triumph
of the,good cause.
• Oh for tae faith to read the signs aright,
And from the angle of thy perfect eight
See Trutit's white.banner floating onpeter() ;
See the good eatme (despite venal ,lends
And base expedients) move to noble cads;
And poses with freedom melte totimeatmenda,
I believe that the good cause •.will win in
1883, but I had rather ted thousandfold
he beateniii the right than triumphinthe
wrong- .•
,- All right principled •men will heartily
endorse these sentiments, and be glad that
there is auth 'a, man. to• he found to act as
leader of a political. party Who willboldik
lay down. smell a rightedus platform, and
that they have the honor Of being associated
with such a party'. It .avaS, and is now..
fully believed, that if MI.` McKenzie had'
given way to the poPu.• r ee ings, ala
though IA knew they were'contrarY to:the.
trne• principles -Of -1) •ccononty;-...he,
would have triumphed at the elections of
1878. He did not do it, WI he is to he
respected for the noble stand he took... The
Liberal party are contending.for the es-
tablishment and maintenance,of whatever
is rie•ht, and for the best interests .of ..the
rovnicia Exhibition is going to be
maul lined, the officers thereof 'will require
to be a little more liberal in the way of' ad -
vex -tieing. A large colored bill is good enough
as far as it goes, but an advertisement in all
the country weekliea would lo& far more ef-
Somo papers are giving ,eircnlation te the
rumor that Mr, John Riordan, of, Merriten,
is to be appointed to one of the vacant &mat-
orahias. We have nothing against him, but
we must say that we do not think the ap.
ponitment will be made, if made at all, in
consequence of his soundness in the Censer.;
vative faith, even thongh he is the prineipal
owner of the Mail. Lie is about as much a
Conservative as we are.
The Forrest Free Fret-, (Conservative), thinks
It would las far better for the Mail te "leave off
abusing the leader of the Oppoeition," and to
emulate the enterprise of the Globe in sending
its special correspondents to °Very part of the
Dominion to describe the country,land write up
its various latereets. It says "air. Blake is not
a blackguard and there le no need for the Mad
trying to make people think lie is,
• °Wo know of Conseivatives who are Of the
same opinion as the editor of the Free Wes.
They do not by any means regard Mr. Blake
as the person. the Mail describes him,
aa '
The Toronto World proposes to alittlieh govern-
ment house at Toronto, 'Felegrani of the same
city goes further Rua advocates the abolition
not only of government hense but the Lieuten-
ant -Governor too, The Telegram la rlght, the
whole thing ia a farce, ridiculous as it is expen-
sive. and the sooner we get rid of all beggarly
Imitations Of English royalty and aristooraoy
the better for Canada. -Ottawa Foie Press..
The hiregeing is in keeping with sentiments
advanced time and again by the ITEw ERA,
and we believe the time hi not far distant
when all such taielesi appendages will be
abolished. Canadians are • beeoniing more
democratic year by year, and desire •as•little
form and ceremony and expense in. govern-
ment affairs as possible,
"For my part I InioNv of only- one sound Pro -
1,111O0 in the Nvhole Dommion--that of Ontario;
0 It is the only Frovince,' as -11 shrewd land 11)1).
1)1.1 said to me once, tivhere you eau lend money
on loud with any hope of ever seeing year own
again.' as for the country as a whet:), it is poor
and it Ltt crushed with debt."
The above extract we clip froni,an article in,
London Truth on the Canadian Nellie Rail-
way'Companyoitylingit a Canadian Bubble,
whit% he says will burst like many another
bubble bas clone to the rain and lose ef the
innocent and ignorant investors, who were
duped to put their money in the stock. • The
'article expresses little confidence in the min-
istry of the Dominion, and warns the British
public against loaning any more money to
the bankrupt country, as it calla it, and pro-
phecies that ere long theconfederacy will
crumble to pieces, and Ontario go over to the
United States. Itis quite clear that if Onta-
rio was taken out of the Dominion it Would„he
a poor. paverty-strielten concern, utterly: in-
capab;e of paying its debts and maintaining
its .position of respectability as .ct
ie the sheet liseliet of the
and all its representatives should' do. their
utmost to maietain its suprenittey and credit,
.whieli.was-nat. the. catie-xlien of itt
memberai last session, aided Jobli- A. In
ting'asitle the award of the Woodsy lioe cons -
miasma. ! .
anxious to have a road. hero as any person else.
We need a road very bad, it is almost impoa-
aible to travel here with teams, in the $9,4ings
which ie one of our greateat difficulties in this
country. There are a great many objections
made to the climate, more, I think, than there
ought to be; the winter, of course, is very
cold, but it is not changeable, people do not
feel it here as much as you might naturally
Suppose. Carpenter work is generally unplea-
sant in cold, weather, but 1 worked outside a
greataleal last winter, and the worst time
put in was two or three days about the first of
February, and there was no frost at all, it was
mowing and thawing. I have also heard that
it was very unhealthy in the spring and sum-
mer, until about the first of July, it issmid to
be very damp and chilly, but 1 found it quite
different last spring we had eoasiderable rain,
but almost as aeon as the rain, was over, the
sun commenced to shine, and the atmosphere
became dry and pleasant, The Bummer is
very hot in July and part of August, but there
is generally considerable wind during this sea-
son, eo that we do not feel the heat as much as
we otherwise would,
Mr. Thee. Arty, of Louise county, has been
requested to act as judge at the South Dufferin
Agricultural Society's show, to be held in
Mountain City.
Messrs. Wm. Herrington and George Cock-
erline, of Londesboro, Ont., arrived at the
Londesitoro, Man., settlement on the 20th ult.
It is not certain whether they will return hone
until winter or not, as they have had strong
inducements to work on the railway. They
haye been offered $2 per day.
• Dr, Carson never claimed for hie etotnach and
constipation bitters any Miraculoua Power Of
healing, but with the Mime tionsuftmeness . of
their medicinal virtues he prescribes,,,them to
all thoee who suffer from any derangement of
the stomaoli, bowels, liver and kidneys. In
large eoz bottles at 50 cents. J. D.Dombe, spe-
cial agent for Clinton. •
• Sports and Amusements.
On Friday last a gain' of lacrosse was played
between the Exeter and Soaforth clubs,•at the
former place. Each club succeeded in taking
*no game, and after playing for about an hour
011 the third gam, it was (bolded a draw.
• 'tho a.mnial match betweeUlloreh and South
Ifuron came. off at taeaforth. on Sattirday„. and
resulted in favor of the South by a large majori-
ty Messrs. Harland, Knox and MoKown repro,
tionted Clinton, in the North. While the game
Nvas in progress, Geo. Knox received a terrible
idow In the left eye, iron' the ball, which aline:it
knocked him down, and caused a very painful
flesh wound. , • ,
On Monday the Wanderers played the Climax
club here, (bothjqvonile& tho latter olub beat-
ing by one riln• •
The return match of cricket between the.
Blyth and, Londesboro (Aube, was plityed. at
Blyth, on Friday last, resulting in favor of the
Londesboro team by two runs and' seven wick-
ets. A very pleaettitt time was spent, .and the
Blyth boys tooktheiedefeat like gentlemen..
The return match.' between •the Londesbor0
and Blyth Juvenile Base Balk Clubs, was played
in Iondesboro, on Saturday last, resulting In
favor of the Blyth boys, with a score of 20 to 25.
The boys deserveproise, for they are Improving
A match foot race came. on' at Londealmro last
Thursday, Letween Charles -Meyers, and .Tolut
Bell, Meyers giving Roil a start 'of ton yards Ili
a hundred, but, to the astonislimeet of the
crowd, when .the wittniug poet . _reached,
-13eliViirliffeaft-yakill atom -
F.4,14.4 SHOWS..
Fall shows will beheld se follows: -
Retie% at 0114on, Sept, Is and 20.
Mords, at Blyth, Oct, lath and 13th.
East Weivanoeb, at Belgrave, 0et.11.
Proviiicial, at London, 21st to 30th Sept.
Stanley branch, Bayile14, October le and U. -
South Huron, at Exeter, Oct, 3111 and 4th.
East Riding, of Brwisebt, Oct. Oth and 7th.-
Weat Riding, at (lederich„ Oct. Oth and Oth.
IIaBrancb,at zurieli, Sept. 29th and 30th.
Ternberry, at Wingharn, on Sept. 22nd and 23rd,
Tackerseatlt Broach, at Sea,forth,Sept.15thandlOth.
The Industrial Exhibition, at Termite, from the 51h
to the 17th Sept.
Dry Goods, opening this week.
This well-known medicine is no imposition, but
a sure and eat° remedy for Female Ditlieultles
and ObstruetiOns, from any cause whatever, and
although a powerful remedy, it pont:one noth-
ing hurtful to the constitution. To married, la-
dies it is peculiarly suited. it will, in a alert
time, bring on the monthly period withregularis
ty. In all eases of nervouti and spinal affection,
pains in the back and limbs, heavineam, fatigue
OIL slightexertion, palpitation of the heart, hys-
terics, sick headaches. :whites, and all theSpain-
ful diseases occasioned by A disordered systero,
these Pills mill effect a cure when all other
means have failed. These Pills have never
failed, where the direetiona on second page of
pamphlet are well observed. For lull particu-
lars get a pamphlet: free, of the agent. • aoP
MOSES, NEW ;YORK, Sole Proprietor, si and
1236 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop &open this week
Lyman, Toronto, Out , general agents for the
Dominion, williasure a bottle, containing over
50 pills, by return of mail, -Sold in Cimton by
J. H. Conibe and Watts & Co., and au medicine •
dealers. •
Ex Steamship State of Indiana, 4 Bales and 2 Oases general
Ex Steamship State of Pennsylvania, Cases now in transit,
will -open next week.
From Montreal, and opening this week, 5 Cases and 6 Bales
general Dry Goods, also 10 Rolls Floor Oil Cloth, and 4 Vales
Carpets, to open this week.
. ,
From. Toronto,9 Cases and 1 Bale general Dry Goods, to
'Money at Low Rates.
TCOUNTY OF HURON has at -predent
0,000 to loan on first Mortgagee, on term
Property, at low rates of interest. Apply ta.
Goderich, June 30,1881. tf
Co. Treasurer.
$100,000 TO. LEND, •
i.1, 6' PER CENT. Coate loWer than any
other ageney.
Watch and Clock Maker,
• Would respoottuny announce to hie customers and the
Pliblie generally, that he has removed into hie forreer
building, on •
Whore he will keep' on an a sOleet esseitment of
Clook8, Watelta, ,Tewellera, and e
of all* kinds. .
Which he will sell, at•reasonable rates: Repeiring o
' every ecaciiption nioreptly attended to. •
J. 13IDDLEHomult, ALT31111T &PREF.
Ctflttou,d1878.' '
. Free tif Cost. •
All persons wishing te test the MeritS.of
great retnedr:astue that will positivively curb •
chitis, or any affection of the Threat and:
COnsumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bran-
Lutigs-L:are reettested..to call ot J II.Combes ;
. 110N. ITE5IS.
.Orug Store and get :a Trial Bottle • of Dr.
. . . King's 1Cew Discovety for; •Consumption, free' '
Stanley nreneli tali show Nvill bit held. al. Bay- of cost, which will allow on what a regular
110111,11 0
.'01(1 101 11 1111 Of Ont. •
Ki oblirn etory: eold theie ,T • tly cheese et 4011'ai size bottle.wili: In .
people., and not, a.a.• has:repeatedly been • the sting prive of 113,:t ?elite Per pound. ,
. The Congtegationtillets haye.formed itt 0T1',011.4
asserted, to get offiee,. All they Can ctois grition•and steeled eer v teee at Whigitate.•
to denythe charge and ohall•Ori41011-11Pitsamoree :M
(I errea
ll, hes u appiv tier,
gd proof to
tho raghttnie last wet strnek harit lotightg.
.0, :which will thiS yield 101183ItnN•liela, • '
• •
- to Mr -Padfield, near t merle; • deetroying the:
• FAIR TRADE . game.
• . • . .1.
„ ___. .. ... ... wIlfisplitglJ;;;10:1'•A(kij.i'il..(,)tintl 'i4iilaigt.,(stittilitili:
It has been asserted that Ptte-ot the . ob. '
. .„ in two places, • .. •
jects of Si'r John At'S'.trip to England was • Itobt.11, Fer_,,,iisoiV,' 'farm.. op the 1,1110011 Of
flowieelrt:Wais bOl.d. 1/11.dt•r. a inoi tog* to Mr: IL•
to h el p on the movement for protection in.
!Mr. Et'Orl;111.1tt-511,ts tented 1115 Perin on the latli
England, in. order to strengthen, the 'posi-
tion of the protectionists, in this country- risir!:Itsellirstkinti3r.ir'G41"1"Y. Mr.Delgatty
Whether. this as the case or net we do George Watt, -of Hallett: has .20 Mame' 0..i fall
not know, but We do km)* .that While he IvahvEtteatlitrodveomilycehar.Thita is the :eatHeat . we
was there he labored' to.. propagate his . Mr. N. Sherd.; of Day,' sowed One and ii hall
::.itircgg ttloalealietvriglax.eopplv)hieks.lie gather:
principles, for we. learn that the Duke •of .
An attempt was made a few nights' since at
Rutland quoted Iiira as sta adviSet• of the
tx.eter to disembowell Mr G A Maee'001 colt and -
protection •Movement in England.; which;, the throat' of xr...Wesicoit'.scolt: •
if carried out would be injuribus to. the' h' Ara..171',..Vatt41°. ,-, • , 0 • midi:. *
trade of Canada. We knew ,that some •,alIF gr""'
'will say that according to the free -trader's
theory the imposition of ft protectit'e dtitv a r'tLearrow, 8011 4) •T• Intreow n't P' ()E
- al ., riale;wasaceidentallythrown frion a heist)
will be no lose to Canada,' as the •eefiattel- wide], he was riding from the matilre field and
lied his elan broken at the wrisit, '
er payS the duty. That is true, liutbi the
Mat to
gin ated
• Mrs. Ireland, et Dowiek, an intiortatiate suf.
Imposition of the duty the trade' Will be ferret' from St ,:Vitus' dance, who has been kept
• t the county expellee in Waterloo poorhouse.
restricted, as the saute a nMunt of "money ttler soma time past,,died on Friday.
as now expende willd'-• On Wednesday night Mr. Rowelitre's barn on
paretillial lea . % the St. Mary's gravel road; rn>tassilul
the people will be coniliellen
coarser food. . . -with:1th eontents, eonsisthir, of nearly all thiS
:::01;:170,81ittivoilin: and cotnpletely deatritv'ed together
• • (1 rii•ve, Of It)xiaire, has Ptirelnised
If the " fair trade'', theory MR; to. be ear- from Dir..loliii•Leehle. of Brussels, the Nam In
Morris, en tlm Brussels cheese faetory
• tied out la Englandaccordinis te the ad-
focinectt-steae. sato ram; eentains 00 ilervinna
' vice of John A., 'it'iveuld totally extin ° wsa onsebased for 03,tiee. • . . - * **."' •
°Wing 1,0.111 hea ith, 111 Win Grieve of Ole-
gui.•:,li the benelita'of the tc, p, to .11,,;(: . Man
.. . ; ' killep. inamds retirinm g froEarmilig ' Halms
ufaeturer, for under that. arrann-ement .we rentea his farm to a Mr. HaggItla 11:om Do
. manville, for the term of three years
eh mild have to 'admit their man I t fact; lies' ' ."5111t"litl.0r$300, payable in "1(1.614at thW-
. . ., , , . , , .: , ..On Thursday morning last J. Messer, sr.. au
ItF, freely tiS they now attar. tne prouuce 1.61'1.1%Si:hint of Morrie, quietly paeSed- away.
' ' Weer:se:a WAS born' ill 13(91VICKAIIII.T.. seotiaial,
of our *vont- and foresta, which would Cer- 1;861. mitt 'etuig 4 ; 1 4
ra,: t.,. ,m 'Canada. in '1854, and set -
taut 10 Morrie, whit re ite•has resided fol. 27 yeare.
' Edwerd Herbert, Who eloped some da ys ago
from Brantford, with 'Miss •Westbrooliz, Was
!mind in Beaforth on 'Thursday, arrbsted and
taken to lirantfard, and new he is in Jon. Bo
will ilo tried fer siveitring namely in reference •
to the girl's age, .
thinly enure to *the henehtof otir farmers
and lumbermen, tta thy wintld get matut-:
factured articles wick cheaper. • • • •
FroarillTIIITirewe can learn" We believe
that more is said in: Canada 111)0111, the
"fair trade" tonvenient than there is'
England, and that the chances. of it suc-
cess arc very remote in lived.: '1'11:14 Year,
, . _.
sw.gwART.-A.itao.mausec clin ton, on t lie 16th•
• inst„ the wife of Rev.'Alex. Stewart, of a
•' daughter. . . ••
theign eon.Gicalorich town shin
• on the 10th.sinst„ the wife of Mr. John 'A.
' -Treater, or a son. . • ' , •
,LEB.•-••In Ottuton, on the Oh inst., the wit
Mr. Win, Lee, ef a mi.,- • • ..•
,Missitachel Brigham, of thelith con a Grey.,
ewallowial a lamwhen alio wab.a child eigiku
years °Id, Aittrange sensation was always ex-
perien ni her chest, until'a few weeks ago,
when in 11111 of einighing, she conglied the pin.
op. The point woe almost 'worn oli. . .
in consequenegof the bad harvest weather 1 ' * ---
. all ki,nds Of food will be clear, and it .hi kit -- .
or rti I reason to expect the population of :A' ro,,Editnr of /As dilnian ,:\7( w Ern. . '.
' . Lento: Courrr, ).er.t.N.) Aug, 00, 1881.. •
• Sin,. ...-4fter spending nearly is year in tins
, conntry, I fool myaclf somewhat in' a position
to give your readers :1 little idea of -it. . r p.r.
rived byre • about the• trIal of klepteniber, last
yenr, AfOl found that the harvest was at least
a inoaW later than in Ontario, but this. was
ott,ineth a grb'at eX tent. to the farmers thulta
ecives, and not so much ,to the eeason ; they
ima .) itlaa ha; (kite in the fall, to that they
were late getting throtadt k,,f4ii.ntf, tiott iII tlig
the towns a.nd eitici to vote ibr.tbe impo-
sition of duties* to Make them dearer, just
forth° benefit of the 1014101s14. ••.
A great deal has been sitiiirandit the
Eng] tall farmer not being &that° compete'
with the American ihriner, which j cer-
tainly the ce4f, while the inkier
high rents ; bit 1 hi is to blanlv Pee tattier
inking to oay them, ...and .aliould have reason why they thair arken imam. • 'ft IS
'taken 1.11,1,2 ant 1 capital to a cotriff,ry differeat ibis year ' t: et rly all the plowing
where tile cool petittork tem.; 0(14 k n„t (1011(1 '111. rfl 11,111 4. iti4 P0011 Al the gTOWnd.
Kb great. • ws.a rmitly in the tt.ei.:g the seed, was ;Own,'
A.1,1 ve indEltlfUl liEttVeSt.
'1'11ia t fie only lasting` To 11 tal v huv. Li a, lit( lo • • -„01.. in this neighlmhood that
Ibib l'arniers--leaVe the con 11 • 'a hells 1:: 14;ve
1' t eat , . :":1.4 all been retuly the last
is plenty •or land in the world reir them to eight or ten flays: L. think 1 have never seen
take pos.wasi on or and (Topt
culti Vide, I they td. Ilntt(A' !! h.n th -3, Imre la to in
µhog oo, to bo posil, 4 11.0rn the With the emq.-1)::‘,11 :,,4tol (If I lel, WhiCh
00181d 10, z,iowitet frozen Need, but *ere
One to 'lie tither, thoy avould only h, Nov,e, 1114j fiviacilltit..1;Ei tflrls;tt 1i11 n Inifo IliA111.42
come and cultivate smile of our uneven,. 10>
plod 1.11,.,y would be 141.11 1108111011 20 is 00(131110 5(1 Li ire ore [re tin; allee.Y., law or
render good service both to 110:8 country North West. There acern to be lint few in flat
and Enallt .(1. du, would help to maltt country. i hat does not know something Alava.
it. The llyntlicate also ticene: to Itilow'50010-
tnitiottt'r(itIrlsrui",011:lieePt. 11,, 701titielitttniVieiin.ittilf11(11.0turs
beetO111.21. thing about it, mid EVO itit9dtling, to 'give tut a
tel rallWay from tVitittipw, aeon as filen Ana
TURNBULL,STEE P. -At the 'residence Of the
bride's father, on the 12th Itiat., by the Rev.
Dr. 'Oro, assisted lfy Rev. A. Stewart, M. A.,
Rev: J. A. Turnbull. 13.A., of Goderich, to
Aunie IS:„ eldest daughter ot afr. J. Steep ot
. • taiinton, . • . 1 • • .
alatatiltbr-OlitAIGeatat the reeldenee of the
bride's father,' Belleville, on the 7th inst., by
tho Rev. Er. Clarlie, Rector of Chriat church.
. Mr. James McLaren, merchant, Iliadtord,
'Pa., to Froncee,•aecond dalighter of litfilnd
•Oraig,'Esq, ' .• • ••
WORTIIINGT03(;,-NICROLS0X.-Alt the rest -
dome of the', bridegnoom'e.father,-
rio thei4th inst., by the Rey.. Mr. Craig, Mr..
le. A. Worthington of Cleveland. 0, to
• tine, ' only daughter ,of 2 arichoteen. Esq..
• Customs oilier, :Prince Arthqr's Landing.
. DIED, ' • ;
.WEIR. -In Kincardine. on the etlifinst., Win
Weir, 10 his Sath"year.
COTTLE.-"--Cin tlio13th eon. 'CodOrich foWnship
: 011 CIO 8th inst., of consumption, jape, third
„ daughter °Velma:. and Ann Cattle, aged 22
. years and 3 months. • . • •
MURDOOK..-In Ifullett,.cin the 1211t inst. Wei.
Cason'of Mr:Clark Murderoln aged tWo years
and onernouth.
Giberhatird, St. Margaret's Hope. 'Orkney.
Scotland, writes: -"I itus requested by several
friends to order another parmil of Dr.'Tlioinas' •
Eeleetrie Oil. Thelast MU got froin yea hit -
ug been tested in se Vaal 011.8011 of Itheitinatifiln,
hils given relief Wee» doctors' inedieinee have'
failed to have attyeffect. Tho 'excellent quali-
ties of this medicine should be made known,.
that the 'Milieus ol sufferers througheut the
world may be edit by its providential tiltaioyery•'
• . - . • .
Agi 111thin in: the Neorld of lionampathin Mcdt-
tine line. been Its Very. soul tt progrese, a10
polities mill religion -the millealties 01 opinion
the or :men have been parent
to the clIshgreements by 'which the standard of
these bodies have been elevated, So with Most
of 'our famoite prepratione- foremost 10 illus-
tration of which truth stands the world,funtons
remedy to generittalehility and inugour"Quinine
WhieN when obtainable in its gem
Mae strength,is 11 111 motions creator of appetite
:vitality and slinulant. to the general fertility of
them: syste. Wine., and its improve-
ment, has, from the first discovery of the great
'014110 Of Oldli1140 OH it medical agent, been one
of the' most thoroughly discussed remedies ever
..o.ifered te the public. 32 is 0111 of the great
.tonics and natural Bre...giving stinitlants which
the medical PrOfeebigA IOLVO been cow pen ea to
recognize and prescribe, Messrs. Worthen &
Lyi nan drtorenth,have gi von to the prelim a t ion
of theIrpure Quito ne Wien the ;.rei.it ease due
to its'importaliell, and the stn,nd a rit e xceli envy
of the article \\lash they offer to the public.
:tomes into'the market parged of all tile defects
'Which skilful. OhServation and Selent 0.1)1D
11 ns1:10111tell alit 111 11;' 10148 110PrOPritr4/11P1111(1118
Or pa$1, All druggists sell it. " • ; '
• USE; ATN. •
• 9 1, • '
. , ill Oil.
John McGarva,
AND okAi;in: IS
:.:.-293 Victoria .Street,
. A few•eoors south of the Post Wets
Very Choice Lard, Hams-& Bacon
..Pors,alb atlowest prices..
. . •
'PreCasli Pali' for'Farm'Produets. .
'Uncton; ifsil 14, 1SSI, . • : • ..
A PlIol,11 ID SD DItc1,1 Inate,s11,-...k:
lialiseretion in diet way /ay the fi.millit ion
of confirmed dysirepale, and 111.11: is no far in
inedietti 8001(.0 WEI LT . 'DOW tiVOly 11111.11,1 a 11.14.( 1 01
11101.0 ailt1:1011latively assi.rted than thqttlysecp.
Ala Is tlio parent of :111081 Or.1)(111,1b, 1101 tit
bend Of Which it contamination of l blood 0 i..11
the inala,lics 01 w halt 1 hat is th.• •'.11 -et SOlilo
(plena°, ti >111 0,1110
maid ,al 4(21 1,3,; NOltrol-
nor 1,4'31AN'A Ala')
laVF,PEPTIO (111&, ItIndkillO 1,1 may ra-
quires regularity and mesh:ince in its to
ear() assoepsia ;Ina tlie Many illm thitt arise from
12. No dell. 111 erp 1 imovellent.is (iota aim
ed it. loot then vix its smilers is Owning it ill
finhiP3 if elist1400 I nev sr proditepo.t
pahui In 1 tEn 11,10110/141 remelt, weaknees 111
the bowele 1010, a via:eel ptitt„.1,0 VC. i 1,1vhrot--
nave tire system threligh thr itied aim • f he 111,
dige At Ivo and melte iki a e tiv I ty
Whielt It nronte'..e and is alto a most eflicient
rettualy for rompittiets, seeefith ue nod
all diseases of the blood, female weaktleas. &e.,
&e. Pelee Shoe. Sanntle Bottle, 10 eenta. 4011
for NDlaftlIOO TA-MAN'a Vegetable 3)i seovbrY
and tlyepeptie olive. The weapper beare a fire.
Aimite of their signature. 0Sold by all medicine
0,44 1AL; ;t, bg. I 1ipli41111 atal 11e d.a.ele.
Have on hana ishoien neaprtteent ef CLOOXS,
, all kinds. •
:0100111i Wg0116111 lc., repairod an ;hod not4o
T).BEESI.EY fakes this opportnitity of thanLing
Alla the pearat of Clinton and. stirroundlig vicinity
.whe for Yearepatronizaide la to Wile, end begs most
raspeetfagy' to solialt . a oontinuanee of their favOrs,
The able services mrss itoWELL have been re-
tainoilovb o so sureesSfully $11 piirin tended the • .TrIro..
taing Departmont..au4 gave finch entire satisfattion
during the past: 8be has it ar.ftli.• control. 11. large
assortment Of n1) the new mut leadiug styles .
English and American
Hats and Bonnete;
b A:NO AT.s Pi.A vitt IUSCANK, 0.111f',
Alio, dyers fishiouablekelor swish:0e in all the new
metbrials, viz: • OtreitezT 01. liamaen GA min. Fitts:
• AKO PIAT 14. otn DIA; g.te'st:Is,.$11.,si., 41e.
Serge, Terry, Dora". and Plaid Itifilmns,
• teent,,,Feenters
WP eontinee 15 keetenp a wall asserted stork of
Staple owl Ealsey Inry Goods, *Wool.
. and Fancy tiaoods.
STRAW "RATS and .110.NNETS nutde 111 111 all
Lhtt nowtet taahl enable styli '4. t,
Boner:and Eutt, taken ie enrnango for :p.ofids.
WE NoW ',t 22151 Mit er'AISIER CoODS
Al' A. (111A.tT.IiROCCIToN, 'ft) 'Maim .itoOth.tant
0111 PA 1.2, vertiti Tot
•119 Eta/. t'..I'ZILJE Y •
Yta ro ra. REET, CLINTON'
If ,yorl am a man
of bustres;.wealc.
mod by thettrant of
yonr .cre1-1-9 hyoid
fitiltIgittV,:'.: ft 11d115e
Hot) Sitters.
If yea are young end
diseretion or atettent
rled • or sinp1e, old or
poorhealth langeisti
nose, reit on. el p
NViieover y ere,
whenever cot 'Rot
111 11 your system
needs eleanshig, ten.
Ing OP attnnunt!ng
t Alto kt dr,
limns Tog diel,
posia, kith> ey
or netnere rota -
emelt, awake •
of the tfoonleh,
Mo. or lamas
vett will be
cured it youusc
Hstop Bitters
ply woo I,: and
ti it rn tiy
atiroyour •
I I co. lit tint
6aved liun•
rttf7rte Ate: iiove rn 11
tighYr1±.to rO
ole brainnerveawl
wtocilcn BO•
anffering from any In.
tion 1 If you aro mar.
r0111114 itIlfrerillg from
Ins: on 11. bed of sick.
Thenwmcia die en.
nuttily r r 0 8
in 01111)
a ttAtrelaratt.f ,KIdney
disease snot might
ha ve beeb prevented
byi. tlyneiy use of
t :110p131ttoro
It, en &biota°
ned ireesista,
me cure for
drunken o A El ,
aeoidb(• ge 0°Polinonit
• :ai tlill dtElbi eg:adtt it egtVER :
ftr. as
IL 1 lora O.,lto,
.People ,Or Hpron.. County.
Some lines of.Dress Goods,. fancy Goods and Shaivis
are unusually attractive and beaatiful,
. •
New PLUSH RIBT.3.0NS, ombre shades.
New SASH RIBBONS, ombre shades.
' dinal; light blue and white, from 20 cents up.:
New Colored SILK musla FRINGES, omlore shades, lovely
- goods. .
New Colored. CASHMERES, in all shades and prices.
Lovely ricli SILK CHINELLE GIRDLES, in Seal Brown
Mid Brown, Bronze', Myrtle, Navy, Aniline, Grenal_Maropn,
Wfiffe,;SIate, arid -four qu4litieeTin-Miek..- •
New Novelties in every department, and.sellino. very cheap at
e are in active preparation for
ening..N.*::coods.poy. •
••.••••••••••• •••••••••••..4••••••••••••••.•..•
1,Vo are daily opening up case after CaS0 of New Goods. •Our
- •
FALL TWEEDS arrived to day The whole house. is 11.8811111- •
int; a new and healthy appearance. Our old stock is well..
cleared. out. It is well known that 4:770 zi.ot -cairr*'
txgrer old,' $took, ada,tho aRpearaTICe of our stuff
warrants ;anyone in coming to that conclusion.
Out MISS WALKER "is now n the (Astern markets. :NIR.
C.R4.111 leaves for Montreal early next week,'arid ,haveno .
heSitation: whatever' in saying -that when . our .stoek:. from
sOurecs 1 6011000 together, we will be Jfl fl position tit makp
The, Finest Display of Dry Goods
• od