HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-09-15, Page 1s,. Stores to Rent TH RE STORES Novi in 00uMe of erection in the thriving and business TOWN 0 F CLINTON Etituated ott the intletien el the grand Trunk and Landon, Huron. Ord /3ruce IttrilWaya, on the tomer of THE PEST BSTRE USINESS ET IN THE TOWN, where a suceessful bpsiness has been carried on for years. NO. 1. STORE 105 E 21. NO. 2 STORE, 92 x 21. NO. 3 STORE 77 x 21. Stone t ollars the whole sise of the building. Stores to be completed about the let of September. For further particulars apply tO NVILLIA1VI COATS, Clinton, June 30, 1881. groitoolonal luta othtv garagi ' Mir ONE Y TO LEND IN LARcsE OR SMALti -ILL mune on good- mortgage Becurity, moderate tat's' it intereat. H. HALE, Clinton. A LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FOR SALE BE /3... the Canada Company, may he seen at the office of the undersigned. U. MAXIE, Clinton. -wr SS. 'WHITT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. PUPILS . Ar.A. attended at their own reafdeime,if neceaaary. Re- sidence Orange 'And, pear the Huron Road, Clinton, "ff..11lOWSLEv, Is, D. ALB: 0,8. ENGLAND, Physician, Surgeon, &o, Office and. residence next Nelson's Rank, markerequare DB'APPLETON. OFFICE -AT 3D1N0E nu Ontario etreat, Clinton, 'opposite the English Church. Entrance by.side gate. ' YOUNG; M. B., (GRADUATE oF TORONTO V.14 IMa iversity,) Physician, Surgeon, e residence at Mr. Ilanning's, three dome oast of the"Temperanee Hall, Londemboro, Ont. JJit.REEYE.--OFFIOE, RATTEN131/11T STREET, -L./immediately north of Ransford's botric store. tosi- donee, opposite the Temperance hall, Huron Street, Clinton. Office /sours frorn %a.m. to 6 p,m. DSTANBURT, GRADUATE OF THE AIEDI- R. am. Department of Victoria University, Toronto,fer- morly of the Hospitals and•Dispenearies, New York, Coroner for the County of Huron, Hayfield, Ont, ARRIAGE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES. ILLApply at tho Beaver Block,Or at the residence of the subscriber, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway, Jeans SCOTT, Issuer oi Marriage Licenses. Clinton, RW. WILLIAMS, B. A, AWL,GRADUATE OF •Toronto University; member of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Out. OREM & IltaIDENCL the house formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street Clinton. Z\ H. MANNING, ATTORNEY -AT. -LAW, SOLI- OITOR-IN-011AN0ER1, C011Y03TELSOT, &O., MCEVOY Block, Clinton, Ont. All businesa promptly attended to. Office houra, 9 min. to 6 p.m. At Ha vrkshaw's Hotel, Blyth, every Saturday. • .1-1A• WORTHINGTObl, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON eaonchenr, Licentiate of the College ofPhysleian. and S urgeone of LOWOT Canada , and ProvinoialLicen Cut e and Coronorf or th 0 Countyof Huron, Officeand, rosidence,-The building formerly, occupied by Mr. Thwaites, Huron atreett Clinton, Jan.10, 187/: ANk 1144 TERMS - Per Allesetim. VOL. 317. 344 CLINTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SPT. 15, "1.88L 11COLIIIES EON 't row torero., , EB OPENEli- QTRAYED, from this,,tetvn, a young, smell red COW, with a little white, and a mark on her ear. Short horns. Information sent to this office that will leail te her recovery, will be suitably rewarded, , gent ,ilvvrtigitintutti. - GEO. DIEHL Having his building, repaired has new openeii out again s *Muni. Owing to a: change soon to be made in the bosineos, he is going to nen the presort stook ofF at enSts consisting of Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Extension and Centre Tables, Sideboards, Cupboards, , Stands, Lounges,Bedstertis, Mattress and Springs in all styles. All of which is of •the best seasoned material and work- manairip, and warranted to give eatIsfaction. The whole must be fold by the lst o October. • W. E. CARTWRIGHT,Sunoe on Deurrsr, Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental Surgeon's of Ontario, has opened rooms in the Viotoria Bleck; Albert' Street, Clinton; whore' he Will constantly be inattondancoond prepared to per- form every operation contectedwith Dentistry. Teeth extracted, or filled with gold, ?Allergens or other filling Material. Artificial teeth maertetefrom Ono to a • full set. 'HI idol, . GI-eo. CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, No, 295, VICTORIA ST., OLINTON. XffAll parties indebted to me are requested to settle before that date. • 11,00YAL:)ElOYAL., A LOT- OF FURNITURE • SAVED FROM THE FIRE To to old vary. 011io,p for ea& for 30 dap, Reeefying, A LOT OF NEW FURNITURE; and more conmag,besidee our own manufacture. • GINE ME A CALL, AT Bacey's old Stand, lately occupied bi Shep- pard & Cooper, Albert St., Clinton. STEyENsoN. EDWIN LIEEFER, 13 , . 'X0 1ST rr I'S ;• , . s ' From the office of Trotter di Cooper, loading dentists sof Toronto. Second Honor Graduate Royal College . Dental Surgeons. ' OFFICE, BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON, Cyan Irowl.art 85 SON'S JEWELLERY STORE. THE MOLSONS BANK IneorpOrated by A:ot otPar1iament,1855., . --. • ,CAPITAL, $2,000,000. • ONEY TO LEND tWANTED TO RENT, a comfortable dwelling house .1 V. containing seven or eight rooms. Apply at ibis office. House Wanted, For tiny length of time and uPon ter/RS tO • sait borrowers. • LO1VEST INTEREST. Loans qf any amonnt and upon any.ternt, negotiated at lowest .ratcs. Head Office • ..1VIontreal•8 THOMAS WoHEHAN, .. .. -President. •J. H. R. MOLSON, . Vice -Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drcif4s issued, Sterling and Anzeratit exchange bought and sold at lowest . current rates. INTEREST ALLOWED ON 'DEPORTS. 51. LOU OH, Manager. Feb.17, 1881. Clinton. — • • A. H.. MANNING, ATTORIV.E'Y 'AND • .soLiarToR, BEAVER BI,OCE, CLINTON, House to Let. THAT conveniently situated house on the corner of Huron and Orange Streets., Rent reeacomble. For particulars apply to - MRS.' MOUNIVASTLE, Spencer street. Want6d, On Sept6mber send, a steady, respectable girl, whO will be able to do general household work In a sman_ family.. Apply to * MRS. W. CRAW, the Rectory, Clinton. Notice • ira hereby given that the nndersIgn ed will notbe re sponsibleiCrany debts contracted in his name, after • this date, without his written order. • ROBERT PEACOCK, Granton. Tuelcersmith, Sept.,15, 1881.• . •e4 . Caution. ALL persons found trespassing on lots 33 and 34, 3rd Con; of struiloy, cutting down timber, or tak- ing timber away therefrom;will be prosecuted accord- ing to law. Stanley, Sept. 15. 4.4• WM. PEARSON. House and .Lot- for Sale. THE slihscriber offers for sale that well situated . House and Lot on Huron Street, 'Just below the Commercial Hotel, at present ocemiied by Mr. Thos. bTewmarob, The lot is ono -fifth of an acre, For terms which are reasonable, apply to D.B. l'Omw rsx• #,Clinton, Sept. 15. • *4 ISAAC SKINNER. EA..: T., TEA. A fecaly genuint aLAcit TEA, got,. for; 40' Cents per pound. An nneolM;ed PirRE. IITSO.N. *tit 45 cents per pOund.. " .Very inferior grades, sweepings, oleo Of Toa•, have boon advertised'before now as low as 88 e. p•ir pound, but ouch value as the above has Mover before thie. been offered in Clinton. • • T4a • •• • JOHN CLININGHAME'S, .Stra.,y Sheep. QTRAVED from the premises of the subs.criber, Lot 34, Baylield Con. GVI) oderiell , 5 Ewes, 1 Ram and 4 Lanibs ; the iamb's tails were not docked, and they all had a tar mark across the shoulder. • Any informa- tion that will lead to their recovery, wit! bo aultably rewarded. . • .• • JOHNSTON TISDALL'81..GALE; •BANKERs., • ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONT. MRANSACT A GENERAL BANKINGBUSINBS5. _L Money advanced on Mortgages and Notes of hand Dilate issued paya6le at par, at an the emcee of the • Merchant's Bank of Canada. Now York exchange bought and Sold. PROMPT ATTENTION RAM TO COL. insorrotrs throughout Canada and the United States. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at close? rates, and money sal/snood to farmers on their ovfn noton, for anylength atime to suit the borrower. All marketable securi- ties bought and sold, ' • BARRIERS IN NEW YORE. AGENTS OF TEE MEROIIANT'S BANE 01' CANADA. IIVTEREST ALLO1VED ON DEPOSITS JOHNSTON, J. P. TISDALL, T. A. GALE, Strathroy. Clinton. • .0 Elam. J. PENTLAND TISDALL, manager. Johnston, hlo Tiodall, Elora, A. JOHNSTON, T. A.- GALE, 3. P. TTSDALL, • Strathroy. Elora. Clinton, • T. L. GALE, Manager. -- • Correspondents in Canada'Tho Bank of Montreal and all their agencies. In New York, W. Watson and A. Lang, 59 tend 61 Wall Street: - GRAPHITE LUBRICATOR Saves Oil, Steam, A:14' ISIi**4T TRE FURNITURE1-111111aBERFACTORY Or'• Lumber ahvays taken,M eXchange ftn• goods. CR1,01-1 & CO.,. 'vlia 6RiA. s -r.; R. M. RAOEY'S.1 IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT • 61,114T014. Coderieh VI), Sept. is. .2 PETCrt PEA.D114. Stray.Heifer, riAtin into the premises of the subscriber, Let 28, -.J4th C00.Etitt Wawairesh, about the middle of Ao- gust, a yearling retitled° ,r haslet; a iittiewhae on the -belly. The owner is hereby notified to•prove nropertSp pay charges, a•nd take It away'. • • ' • ••• " JEREMIAH PARKS: . , . EVENING 'CLASSES.... *Union mp Meeting. 1 Ca used, and properly fix them up BO a resort for religious meetings during the summer, and thus make the Camp Meeting a permanent TIie MethodletS 011.---n1Pilefr out neat Reims - institution. vilie-Good Accominedation-:Large Andb, J Great praise P due to Rev. A. Edwards, for the perfect arrangements made for the meet. Ott Thursday last a Union Camp Meeting tinoge-ce ilotvlehrsys boeneenciountofarttiagbatelpeainnd htihseeinftberetts, ences-Practioal Sermone• dec., AT:e0 for all the mode in the Godench, District, was commenced on the farm of Mr. I, 11. -Mord, at tiolmesville. • The spot was well choeen, for it 8 one equally suited for it at- tractions and accommodation. The grove to tolerably clear o underbush, 'and, haa been well cleared. The tents enclose a place which menu to have been intended as an anditoriuin by nature. . The tents number over twenty, and look as if, Phosnix-like, a village had am- en in the woods. A geed preacher' tent, preaching stand andehoir gallery, have been conibined in one, an -there are besides the ordinary *Angle and double tents, a large and :well emiduated boarding house tent and pray- er meeting tent. In the evening the encamp- ment ha e a 'weird and fairy like appearance. Besides the lights bumg outside the tent doors, 'four large fire stands have been erected, upon which pyramidal fire columns blaze out their Itght and matte the place quite comfortable for the evening services, Seating accommodation was made for the largest audieneeit, and 'in this -the committee acted wisely.. ye have heard no one complain of the. arriffrgements made, and we doubt if anyone mould, for all concerned exerted themselves to the utmost to make the meeting a grend &mese. • One very notioeable thing Was the hospitality die - played by tent holders to caSual visitors and the hearty welconm all recieived who went on •the grounds.. . " ' . , " What's the good of all thie fuss," said a supercilious sojourner, one day last week, to a prominent camp meetinger'' where do you get your bible authority far this kind of going on ?" • : • "( is there nothing like this mentioned id the bible 7" quietly asked the questioned one. " No" • was the reply, I have read it through and never found anything like this in it. " You had better read it again," said the camp meeting friend, "and towards the close of the 23rd chap. .of Leviticus, you will find goinidirections given by God to the Israelites to build and dwell in booths for seten days and "to rejoicie before the Lord their Ged."- The reference there is, 'of course, to the feast appointed by God to be held on thel5th day ef the' seventh monthfrem a Sabbath to a Sebbatli-whon the harvest had been gathered,in commernoration of the.children of larael having dwelt in booths when brought up Out of the land of Egypt. The fault find- er was not disposed toargee the matter any further end left abruptly. . ' - • The servibei commenced:en Thursday lasts the first sermon being preached by -Rev. W. MoDonagh, of Clinton, being followed by Rev. Mr. Birks', of BlYth, .in. the aliening. After An earlyprayei meeting' On Friday morning, Rev. Mr. Smith; of Manchester, preached .an excellent diseenrse: Rev, IVIesers. Hamilton and Teskey• preathed 'respectively , in the afternoon and evening. Saturday was -taken .vp witkdiscourses freni Rev,. Mesers.sCook, Bayfiels1;11arriti, Brussels; and Livingstone, Bayfield. At 411 these service's the congre- gations were very fair, and there Wereindica- Um:m.9f geed being dorie. " Sunday, .howeyer; was looked forward to -as thegreat day cf the meeting and such: it proverto be. 'A prayer 'meeting was -held .at:nine, o'clock, led by Rev.. Mr. Hamilton. • A t 10 o'blottk- the first regu- lar preaching Bervice was held.A number of ministers Cook part in•theopeningexereises, and the Rev Mr. Harris, of Brussels, preach- ed from the words:- .• • - !' The next day Jelin seeth jeans coming. unto him and saith "Behold the lam); of God; whieli taketh away the sin a the World".- THE Classes in connection with the • tiEoTIANToSk. INSTITUTE, • will commenee on the evening of -NI 0 DUD 10111 1:0 . JAMES SCOTT, teacher of the English' branches: MISS 0. MOUNTOASTLE, teacher .of Drawing. For terms apply . to'OunTIS• J. 'STEVENSON, or the Teachers. - - I. o to COOPER'S FOR - CHEAP OROCERIP Croakeryj Glassware, &c. •Ogilleal 'and .Cnrnineal .ahvap. on *hand. 1 ii.T Aip.m.0,ovEp. AY.r , . 1.0bEssono ' 35 JOHN WALKER; Preprictor • ALSO • :" ;Pottyli oolotratod troaltfalt Bacon,. • Long Clear 'Botion, Sugar Cured. Hams, And NO. 1 LARD, *• At pricis which cannot' he beaten in town. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins' ELECTRIC scar JUST RE0ErvEle, A Low ov GEM F:RUIT JARS. CASH, FOR EGGS. • TELO1VIAS COOPER, • . ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. BOOTS 4111 W Taylor a, W. R. R. EXCURSIONS.. SEPT. 28 and OCT. 19. S9n • ABE SELLING THE 338.1,ance of tIvair. Sum.mor stock Special Freight Train in advance of each party. ' Ap- ply to any G. W It. agent.• , . 'jr. GREENWAY,.0entralia, Or to WILL J. WHITE, Expreao Agent, Exoter.' 1 Notice to Debtors. . . NtOTIOE is hereby given, that all parties indebtedtb the undersigood, must .pay their aceorihts before the ,first of Weber next, otherwise they will bo placed in court for collection. HENRY PLUM STEEL. • Clinton; Sept. lot, 1881.' • " . • BUTCHERING BUSINESS FOR SALE. MEE subscrper••offers for sale his 'well•ostablished Innehering Ausiness.0 the rapidly • growing town, of Clinton., . Slaughter house, horses, • rigs shop fix- tures, and all neees'sary eqtripments; 'Will to sold en reasonable terms, and:pOssesaion given at once. • : .334* RENIty TEWsbint, clinton. . . . House • for Sale. . ings,, a OBOCOOS. Rev. W, MoDonagh is a so a tent holder on the ground, and boa been working hard, THE SidoKE which has beclowledk the air for some time, has all passed away ex, cept at night times. A SHORT time shied a brothel' of Mr. Caldwell,Manchester, bought out a half. breed claim in the north-west, for $2,000. Recently refused $12,01)0 for the claim. , COnItEinsONDENTS are wanted for the NEW ERA at every post office in the cot u, ty of Union. •Wp furnish regular cori,is- pondents with stationary and envelopeS. BE,Y41111. Copious rains have laid the dust and cooled the fires and atmosphete, A barn belonging to Mr. Jarvis, 7th een.of Morris, two miles from Blyth, was struck by lightning on Monday evening, and burned, crops and all. A total loss. ' A supper was giyen in Wiser of Ittr. johp Hawkshaw; the ether evening, on his depart. ure fcom Blyth, About 30 set down to an excellent spread at Emigh's hotel, the reeve in the .chair. 4:Tho usual toasts were drunk, and words a respect, 'Token for the guest of xee be Mr, titritntar the evening, and regret:at' his departure? He moves entered on his daties as pro- prietor of the Commercial Hotels • A any'pulpit last Sunday. goimiticri T.OWNSHIPF The Rev. Mr. Turnbull occupied the Beth- . SnEnAmmEn.-Last week Mr. John' Mc; Milian of the Bayfield road, took his liner: pecteddeparture for the other side'leaving a 'imbiber of unpaid aeconnts behindhina. DWELLING 'House for sale on Mary Street,illinton. Nine teethe, bard and soft 'rya:ter,. one-qOarter an acre of ground. Price low. Terms to suit'pur- chaser. Apply to. J. A. NELLES, Guelphi, or. 33 W. W. FARRAN. Farm: fofSale. • Mr. Jos. Churehill, of the 16th eon., who, a abort time since had his -collo:F.13one dial°. dated and one of his horses killed, by running away, is around again, having about recover- ed from the effects there'd.' ' • - The Congregation; fully 2000,• listened -afis tentively to a thoughthit amnion on this teXt, occupying over an hour in delivery, . After airiner,.darieg Which large crostris continued to firma, • Rev: Mr. ltleDonagh took". :the. stand, and after reading 'and commentingsvery pointedly on the lait chapter of Revelations, • preached a masterly sermon on Ezekie1;47-9. "And it shall come to pass, 'that every thing that liveth, which mouth, whitherso- ever the rivets shall come Shall live, and there shall be a great multitude ef fish, because these waters shall Come thither, for they shall be healed, and- every thing hahl1io 'whither the river coinetla.' •. The immense congregation, now sinned. to about 3,500, paid the greatest attention to a disdourse which. could not have failed to awaken much serious conaideration. • , • Immediately following,,Rev. Mr. living - stone led a short prayer meetings. The eVen- ing service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Her; rie, Of Teeswiter, who discoursed' on Isaiah, 21-1142. "Watchman, what.of the'night,t, The watchman said, the morning corneth and also the night." , •• • • -The day cloriedwitli several prayer lcneet; ings in the tents. The conduct of the large audiences wa,s almost,unexceptional.• During the evening some young men and some that were net young,'persisted in standing up and talkisigr,contrary to the withes of those in alitherity, and much to the annoyance of -Video sitting around them. Only the intervention of some friends saved the participants from exposure 'before a magistrate. • . MondePa servicee commencedwith a prayer 'meeting at 6 o'clock, followed by a conversa- tional Meeting on .the 'subject of "appropria- tion of faith,' led by Rev. Mr. McDonagh. !fhb' was one of the most interestingmeet- so far, held. The iierino.ns during the day were preached: by Rove. Messrs, Hadwin, London; L. O.Rie, and Brandon, Goderibh. Tuesday morning and afternoon were giVela, np to, a Temperance .meeting, which proved to be of great interest., . Rey. A. E. . Ed- wards presided, and addresses upon the dif- ferent phaees of the, question weredelivered by Reis Messrs. Hari, Walker, ltice,'Ilam- ikon, Birks and McDonagh. In the evening tho regular aerates Werisoontinned, Rev. Mr. Caswell, Dungannon, preaching a powetful Hermon on, Matt,' 16.-26. "For whet 'hi a man profited if he than gain the whole tvbrldi and loSe his Oteri Soul? or what shalla man give in exchange for his soul," ;14, large con- gregation wee present And the majority re- mained for the prayer Meeting which follows ed. The first service on Wednesday morn- ing was a 6 o'clock prayer meeting, follOwed •by another at 9 and the reguler preaching service at 10 o'cloek, In the afternoon, Re,. Mr. Keefer, of Winghani. delivered Ali able and appropriate discourici, Ilsor, W. NOP, of Blyth, preathed at the evening service. •htiain Geo. Baird, 'sr., Nolved the wren* in motifs set for the Intermediate SSeininit in July it, Mr. J. W. Hoger.h then hikes diced the inbject o monthls reports. giving Idigmethod of marking the steed bre of pupils, tkes An interesting aiscu -sieu thee took place ending in favor of monthly ;port. Jas. McAndrew then oared that be waa about to leave Yana, fo: Q three, Dakotas having obtained a 0011°0 Gs*. , el d therefore resigned the office of Presirie L. Ilie resigea. Ron wee accepted and also the following re. seltition. neeoved.--That the inembi.is of the Value Teachers' Institute tOgrot that circumstances have arisen to deprive the Institute of ench 0 useful member, that we 01101 always have a happy remeinbrance of the pik.seinit and pro,- fitable meetings we have spc Dr nasither, and ewdeaernnteslucyweeish a o eminently 9 borospr, and o that Jzi p The meeting L JJried till Nov,19th, P• s$ Loosing Joke. A. prominent physician 'in Pittsburgh Said. .10kinglv to a lady patient wile wee teen woe - ng er ber continued ill health »sat or his truant- ity to cure her, try Hop 131,1.0.BI" 'rho lady took _it in earnest sasivArt NutseEdirt.ne.B. itters f Erna s Joh., out lte 16 uot tlent.-Harrisburgh Patrion. • whicamie obtained pormanon t WWI h. sim now! laughs at the doctor for bi 80 NY01111_100.8ed with in, no COOL hial a good pa- BA.RE Bouxso.-The barn of Mr. JaFI. Cowie; LakeShore, Stanley, was destroyed by lightning on Monday night about six ,o!oleOlt, along with his entgri. 'erre) and atritw, raalsnoco, av$a11;a0b0, 143 401t. 110 hurl berelY t to rescue his other horses. Less, $3,000 ; thou- • DENDILI.Aft. ' .grand pop Corn entertamment limier the auspittee of BarSillia Tents No 28, K,O T. M, will be held in the tomperaeory halt` t01 Wal. tlesday 2Ist inst, Adresset v.iI b delivered byheMr.IrOiemedlianegbs' etre.1-c cal iktia, instniniental music. °haw Iiileu, at 7.30,adanssion free. . '1.0NRESBORO. A great many from around hero are attend. ' ing the camp 'fleeting at Rehm.' vile. • We are sorry to state that M. R Adams is very Flick at ptesents • Dr. Young and wife are away 00 a visit to , their friends, at Whitby: Mr; andMr. NV. Ounnette are arvi,y ou. a , "Mit for a month, to friends in Ottawa. • , A meeting of farmers .was heid at Limilee• bore, on Friday lads for the:purpose of form- ing a joint stook Company, pinch:tame the old "Londesboro Cheese 'Factory.?'aiiiI col y. ' ing on therein a butter faders? Goo Watt, Escp, was appointed chain -lase. arid tls dos, Braithwaite, Secretary, pro to.,1 T1.1 .0 'it'. ing was ably addreesed by J M ti. to, and•cothers, on the adVantagi (lin iug s ouic tliat he way be w totes e of J. happy and • • • As the eons of John JOhnstontwere work- and dairy fanning on the co klItS1110,0 8% 8V) siz ' ing on the timbers of Gardner's barn pear in Particular. After the Isld e-ses, whish Porter's Hill, one of them badly ,ent hia leg, ' Were listened to with great in le. sie fel low. with an adze. . The other, on seeing his bro- thers liked, fainted,''striking had and. (hitting it on :UM squessileg timher. , rput undersigned offers for see his farm el 86 mites, •1 being lot -16, Dayneld Concession, Ociderich town- ship. About 70 acres eleared, and in splendid ,tato of •cultivation; balance good hardwood. AM the place is a log houae, frame barn, stable, &c., abont i4acreii of an orchard, two good' Weill; and running strearn. Situate on a good road; only 11 miles from the growing town of 01111t011.' Will be sold on reasonable terms, • , dAS. ROBERTSON, CLINTON.P.O. Farm for Sale: fr HE subscribers, offer that conveniently situated .L and lied -Class farm for side, being south -half of Lot 40, 2nd.con.,,L.11 Survey, Tuckersmitli, containing 60 aerea, bnewlneh there are a house, frame barn, frame horse and cow Rhetb; good orchard, is woll watered, and Ina high state of cultivation. Possessiongiven 151 of March. Apply, minter' postoffice, or on the pre. RICHARD oUntsonis 320 • • ' JOSEPH. CUDMORE. • HURON LIVE STOCN.ASSOCIATION, Annual Salo under the auspices of the Huron 9 Lim Stock Association, Win be held in the TOWN OF CLINTON, on Wednesday, October AO, 1881. Parties desiring to enter stock for this sale, tan do so up to tho morning of the Sale; Mit only such as is entered with the Secretary on or before the 15111 of September, can appear in the Sale Catalogue. . All entries must be accompanied by the required leo, and owners of .tock must send in the-petilgioes of glair • animals fully made out and plainly writteh. TERN8oe NNTRANOE.*-POY each thoroughbred stallion, mare, butt cow or heifer, $2 ; for each pair of sheep or SWN10,•60 eents; grade &tock half price. • A commission of 1 per cent.. will be charged on all stock sold. All Wire intend, entering ahOald MVO the pedigree of their atoek lit tho catalogue. All entrlea must be addresaed tolhe-Seetetary, at Seaforth and further information desired will be furnished by • NI, Ye MCLEAN, Seaforth, Suntory, voalniTmin /Inv Do .1AS, DWAIN% Clinton, President, ty 1111111AI") rfii ti) ,-4,..gtv,tirigtaitahootemsitavrtgo, " TEADERRY." Sample 5 cents, • Theeeswho are subject to biliousness. eonsti • TO MAIM 'ROOM Pon PALL 0001)8. nation, /indigestion dyspopeia or any kidney _ affection, shotild 4tko adyiSe or an able WM. TAYLOR & 801s1 0 oonetipation bitters, In large bottles at isOats. physician and use Dr. oarson's stomach and 1414111iET ROUSE, CLINTON. • .1, Cotabe inseelal agentor u o . s • ' • DuAmn.-Mr. Wm. Weir, (father ef Mr. John Weir; of the 16th con.,), who died in Kincardine fast Thursday, was an 'old resiiront of this neighborhoodand had only ;resided in the county,of Bruce for a short time. .- Wee a member of the Methodist church; and enjoy. - ed a large circle of acquaintances. , ACaDENT'.-On Fridaylast, while Mr. Jas. johneton, of the 166 eon., with hi a daugle: tors, were engaged in clearing up a niece of land he owna short distauCe from his ,resi. 'deuce; a stumpthat had been pretty nearly burned through at the,but, fell on two of the children ; both were somewhat hurt by the accident -one .being.inseniihle for some.tiree, but their injuries were not serious. . •• , . • • • • • 'Pim SADDEST OP SAD siGHTS...-,The grey hairs of age being b,r ght with sorrow to the grave is now, sv • ad to. think, becoming rarer,every yea se of Cingalese Hair Resterer becomessmore general: By its we e t mg resolution was •.subunitted te tile meet -leg and carried. • ' . _ . Meted.. by, Watter Cunniituhin. ••• ;John T,aniblyn; that an:4 11.' 1 et .11141 to form' a joint stock conipauy iii.i r ' . Visions of the '4 joint eteek.rie• 0. ;, -,te be calledthe" Londesboro In, 11.111. • R t . • ing Company", with a °Anhui tt ••••• dal/TSn erielitindrecl share. , ,." twenty . dol- lars each, and that a prOVie.i,ii al .pioniiiittod :be appOio1ed.t0.eativirsfi the twitahIIi for soh. : scribers ti)stint mount, . said 0. iitiflhirltii' ui,. be composed of the, following p . H. Snell, T.' Carberts ti. . Jac. Mc0,161, John" Alrition, • 3 is.. Oar ew tight's. • R.Brigham, Jas; Braithwalt .3 --'. (sititii&l, • Relit. Scott, T. Moen,: A list 1 . U4i». • Hamilton,.Andreiv.111cDonaltl. A. jou, L . ehlrigtos osenb. Howson,'W:Xer Untie strain, .Tohn Curnieg, John Tatublyes ers (1 44, Wass. J. MoMillan, J. Cornish, rsile end . John clavier,. da that the iniften - meet at. LOndesborO, en Mond lir 26,h. . inat,,ettsovonp. ms,': to repffll 14101 .i.ke •° 'inch ether Steps as May le der mist arty:as bie. SParmers Within a wideoire .1 et aserit have nevi' a gond opportunitysit. j iiitig and the scanty locks of agonce more resume heir • aiding an enterprise ef great r former color aud. the hair becorees thick and ein .1 t e PM 0 1, luxurant as ever; with its aid we cannow defy them -One that is certain of MO titt- ont 1,1.0. Grey Efturat any rate *ill come to eadden us, fitably jf well conduCted, and sin. best way of' the change of years; resting asaured that no 4..--s------ restoring worn' ont soils, ni 41 keepe g 1119 _ , , o e. 'land in goodliehit. ' If by il• d IL, ene.t: tii---y ., ., ,• , . -- Sodlby all druggists 50 per b ttl ' . toed this oppottunity is may ire lees .10 ati• other as favorable presente itself, : Give it' a . , , helphig.hand.-En, NEW EBA. . . • • NOTES, The interest in the proceedings le such that the servieee of the Camp Meeting will net cleee Until after Sunday. A movement On foot to form A hint Stook HtlantEttlittlsi. AND VICINITY.. • BEIWONAL,-• -Misi M. A. Scott, a port. --•—• IUV4UAb visiting friends in this Vicinity.• °t)orsAtillu' Mr. 40.1ii, F. Parke, formerly Reboot. terwher M. C. Cannon • is able tribe (rut:again. ationgst Us, during the. past Week ; he looks . ssusavsny Bratusis-On • Sb so •ilas titre:44114g here, who has been attending Huron College • 'n 110A0 tho worse for hisaever corms° �f Study ; lug last the brewery belonging to M.. deers' Mita . .cluring the past Year,' spent a few daye whoindetstand he took t.103. seholarship , Saltford; was totally destroyed o - N 141, the closeef tlarm,havinit obtained the highest Mr. IvNlarsellsitapveadid'$4.Q3n41Yexacifs?.4:114i'liallivi:l'eliliii would represent 43,000 lbs. ih it is. ii on; oed n up.•sEvensitkeswaggons used RI dist rdiatteg nmber. of 'marks at the finallfesapaination. oompany to blly A few acres Of the grolte now • Piesuo.-The picnic. in 'Sonnet:Mon with beer through the country wore 10111,4!%I. • UISO the Sunday and day schools here was it grola between $15,000 and $20,000 ; 1.1. -ii 'etl for success. The day was • Spent in swinging, only $4,080. Origin of lire unaeowti. Tablee Were Constructed in the weeds, and man," valued at $1,500, the pr,pol,pf of IX fine Clyde 'eerie " Dray. the meat arcusing,part of which traa the old , playing croquets base ball and running recite., igsgens-The the dinner 'and supply served up was all that 84.6 jr ‘t * pa tlel S6ilitel irit I °i ti 3' iPtesdii) 11 l'ri Dir:er' f':'.:i 11" 3ta:41'il mans' race, which was keenly contested.. rile present, a number of them 'being from a sginistATION AND 1nm:omen - On Tiii-day °mild be desired. • There were over -.250speo• - diatance* All seemed Well pleased, with the a large number gathered' at K....x elle roll so day's amusement. ' • . . Turnbull, which were very imii'l'ise4i ve," After • witness the ordination serviee 4. nt Rev. 3 A. PEBSONAL.-illies Lizzie Miller and Master the ordination, be was induet. :1 a- a4,14i.tlit •the gth 'inst., to visit friend -sin Toronto 'arid forth, pi -Caul -mg and also addrs.eine 1 Is. min - to Rev, Dg re, Upsy. A. MaerR;ris ,d, . 1 tielt. "Jao. Miller, of Base Lino, left last •Thursday, . a safe return'.• ' Wei, in the absence of Rev. M. „ I on,. lisial s -Musgrave addreesed to pi re de mei vieinity. We whili them a pleasant visit 'and Rev. Mr Rev. Dr. 'tire. /n the evening .asil 4,%•101101 10 The steam thresher is faking the lead this Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull Was held m 1 la,.11.1.4e- year. Mrelision:try is doiBg A lot of thresh- rant of the church, there beieg a i.iigmim- ing in this vicinity. ' • •bor present. After refreshment. had Ilesu We need more rain. Coons .are abroad, eerved; addresses were &lite red bi Revs.. tomeof them are'pretty fat and the cOrnfields M Mee r vo McDonald'Slocloy' Ure, have to suffer (in varions ways). •' ' Piet:or:Oga r andR, 'Y'. Thompoon, • s Bush and swamp Ares .are all the rage jnBt•Cuniten banuttnox.-The 1V:4. church at II01.31EfiVILL E. • ' . COIsBOILNE. now. •The' damege is -principally to tapes. , HohnesVilla will he ' dedicatee on 'S ti nd a y, , d• rying up, springs gistying brit, and 'the eait- Set. 251h, when SerMonts will he el cliched, land river has stripped to a mere rivnle in the morning At 10,30, and in i ho• or eying „ at 630, by Rev, W. S. Pttecoe, Presider] t of . the Conference, and by Rev. 1. ii,N, RN'S,' of Water is scare') in the svells,serz , creeks aro • The average number of pupils' itl Otte of our Exeter, at 2.30 p. in, ' On Manilas-, 26te, a :semis is seven, • - platforni meeting will be held at; 3 p ;an., 1.1) Cnons,-The average of fall wheat per Imre be addreseed by Item G, NIrobls r, ski eters* of.the Conference; and J. /Viva/ or. *A pub. .4 is twenty.fiv e.bushels ; spring, twenty -Ave ; . . , lie tea will be served 'rain 5 to 7 11 ino it4.01 oats, sixty; peas, fifty-fotir. • •-• iniasientottee, 40 ciente; childerei 20 ..0i nts. • - . Cutting plover for seed is now on the list.. After which addresses will be ftl•IIN 'ii,l by . The drouth has caused the leaves to dry up Rev. W. S. Pascoe, Pretsident, and Rev E, Mid fall at this early Beason of the year. Roberts, of Toronto. On &nide ,, Oat 2ird, Some of the fartnets fear that it has killed' 10e.rsino,onsandwill trireee2vellen6idn'giant 6t,h3t) 1::; :11,1i',1.1‘,44, poa! ' their frith, trees. . • • Quaneerof Ueberics, .and. at 2.39 sp.-ats-by • Rev: W. NV. Ileoper, A series of special , ' • .• • • 4...0, o,,,. /14.-t opeatt, (trim Brazil) will cure the services wilt esessyssece eg the .2i, .1 et is, ober, word OftS0 Of DyspergenA. . single dote velht relieve in it degree that shows its wonderful, mitt '40 000tinited• curative powers, slid its peculiar action upon the stomaelt and digestive organs. I513 a posi- tive and absolute cure for eostiveness and 0011. stipation, acting in it remarkable Way upon the system; carrying off impurities. AS 1 liver re. gulator its adtions aro .most remarkable. It tones anti stimulates the liver to action, it ce0e:rtceol, ts theaelds and regulates the bowele. A few doSes will ettrprise you. SaMple bottleillt Advertising (sheet It lifts b0001110 AO OOMMOit to 1,1 1,11 110 ning of an elegantsintereeting art e.rdid then run it into sone) Advertisement. Mot, wr. ovoid all such cheats and simply call alt r.li ttoo t., the Merite Of Hop nitters in as plain honest 111 1149 art posaible, to induce. people to give silent o. trial as no Nebo kneses their .valtte w vie. use ,anything elec.-Provident° Adverfteer, •