The New Era, 1881-09-08, Page 8Tr
TiXCTI'4ST1A1', SBRT. s,..18131.
131ac1t Machine Oi1, by the barrel, very
skean, at S. Davis', CliutOn.
Sylvan Photos at Foster'%, Chutes.
liAB AND Baos. are felling • Apple Paters.
x'ly,'Traps, Barbed Pence Wire, White Le 04,
Paints and Oils, (:class, &c., at reduced prices,
in,order to clean oat their stook.
MRS. A. Gonnow, of Alpena, Mich., is
visiting friends Here.
PILES of new goods greet the eye at
many of the stores,
et"the Haymakers"
in Mithelll, on the
BoiIE) CA3iPI ELL .has moved his bar-
ber shop to the Smith block.
MR. J. MooXEX shipped a car load of
horses to Lapeer, Mich., by G.T.R•r, last
WE Ann pleased to see that Mr, D.
Dickinson is getting around again; lining.
now able to be out.
QUITE a number of townspeople left by
G.T.R. on Monday morning toattend the
Toronto Industrial Exhibition.
.MR. N. RODSO\T, went to 'Ottawa, on
Saturday, and is'taking part in the Do-
minion Ride Association. snatches.
SII, Wi nn.Y. has:.the slue .-lig for a.
new building on ' the lots recently pur-
chased by him on•Victoria street.
PARTITE sending notices of births, etc.,
to this.. offin'e, must -send their full name,
- if they expect us to insert the notices.
AT =inquest of the manlier,nesday one.of
the circus hands was last ed
A 1'ITINntenci paper latates that Mr. D.
McLennan, of tins town, purposes erectieg
a gran
i storehouse at Morris, Manitoba.
+1GIIE Signal, ander is resent manage-
enters on its second year this week.
Our friends: are certainly issuing a first-
class paper,, one that is ahead of the re-
quirements of a sleepy and slow -going
place like Goderich;
Tun very hot weather of this summer
has forced the blossoming and bearing of
fruit of trees andplants that would not,
in ordinary seasons, have borne . till, the
following season. In Mr. Tewslei s gar-
den there aro tame raspberry bushes of
this year's growth that are loaded with
fruit. Ot course, next year these bushes
will be barren.
Youira ]?J Or:E's-ASSOCIATION.—At a
meeting held in the Methodist Church on
. id
Monday evening, pies eaover by Rev.
D1r. McDonagh, it was decided to organ-
ize a young peoples association in -con-
nection with the church. A committee
was appointed to draft a constitution to
be submitted to lin adjourned meeting to.
be held in two weeks. Mr. McDonagh
was unanimously elected President and
the other officers are to be elected at the
next meeting.
DRY•, DRIED) DRIEST.—In this irnmedi-
ate neighborhood therehas scarcely been
a drop 'of rain for about one month
and, as a consequence everything is rued
and parched .to an alarming condition. In
town the several streams which- usually
run all summer,, are completely dried up,
yellsand cisterns all over have gone dry,
some one more fortunate .than others in
Navin:; a good well, supplying the neigh-
borhood for a quarfer of a mile arotind.
Pastures have "gone dry" entirely, •and
many farmers lire put to great inconveni-
ence in supplying their cattle with water.
Unless rain comes very soon, the matter
will be a serious one, as the ampunt of
TuEnu was not a single appeal against
the printed voters list of Oluton this year.
RE-ENOAOED. —We are pleased to learn
the trustees of the Holmesville school
have re-engaged the services of Mr. J.
Connolly. He is a faithful and wells.
qualified teacher, and the trustees have
done wisely in re-engaging him.
ST1In1NG ours 1POR UIMsELF.—Mr. I,
J. Mansell, ivho at one time -Worked here
in the Doherty.Orgau Factory, and lately
in Karns Organ Factory, Woodstock, has
started a wanufacturin establishment on
gg will . H many
k in Brockville. his own hook! Br
friends will wish him all suecess,
•ACCIDENT. --Of Tuesday, BoneyCamp-
bell met with an unpleasant, though for-
tunately. not serious, accident. He had
been using a hatchet to drive nails in the
wall, and laid it down on top of a high
Stooping downwn shortly
to ove the ladder, h
forgot the hatchet,
which fell on his head, the point making
a nasty cut in his skald.
Mit. KERB, wishes us to say that in, re-
ference to the horse case mentioned last
week, the beta referred to had no connec-
tion whatever with the price of the horse,.
other than that be told Rouse, after the
price bad been agreed upon, that he would
throw hint in a pair of boots sooner than
have any trouble with him. He also
states that Rouse was not heard before
the Judge at all, and he did not consent
to the horse being taken back.
body in town knew "Ogle Cooper's don-
k•ey rr.-There wua hardly a spot in ,the
place it had not visited, and where its
frolic's and antics had not created amuse-
ment, notwithstanding its 'audacity. As.
A familiar song would put it.
"Every where he wanted to got.
That donkey was sure to go."
In its peregrinations around the cetin-
.placed in the lock-up till lie sobered off, feed raised for stook' was not as large as'
in former years. ' {Rained last night.]
Mass MARY FrTzmp:riigs,'who died un- VERY,SVPDENDsATII.—We exceeding..
ly regret being called upon to announce
the very unexpected death:.of one -.of the
lutist highly esteemed young ladies in
this neighborhood. ' On Thursday evening.
Miss Elizabeth Tiplady, (daughter of Mr.
W. Tiplady, of the base line) who up to
this time had been in her usual health,,
complained of being unwell, and medical
aid hemi: summoned, she was found•to be
suffering frominflammation of the bowels.
Human skill, however, could not save her,
and on,Sunday she peacefully passed away,
Deceased was the second daughter of Mr.
Tiplady, and her aimablo disposition slid
pleasantness of manners had made her a
general favorite with all ' acquaintances..
She was a zealous and faithful 'Member of
the B. C. Church,,ancl hedbeen for seve-
ral years aSunday School teacher therein.
Amid her many.acquaintances there was
not a more generally esteemed young per-
son', and lier•loss is One that,w ill be deeply
felt, Her• funeral on Tuesday . was. very
latgeli attended.¥r.:111o11as. will...
preach her fu neral' sermon Sun day evening
PEouttAR'• WilzirEft.—Monday lad.
was a day that be remembered for.;a
long time to come, and within the recol-
lection of any living here, •nothing like it
was ewer before experienced. At about 1;•
o'clock p. m., the air assumed a peculiar
bright bue, the reflection of which: on the
windows was a bright blue. . By two
,o'clock the Air was .very heavy and'soon.
after it became necessary to light lamps
owing to the extreme and unusual dark-
ness,' the sky to the. west and north, being
a deep and.impenetr`able purple:.. To the
south'the sky presented a "inagnificent'ap-
pearatice,.looking'as if an immense fire
were burning all aroltiid in that direction.
Later in the afternoon, patches' of •bright
red appeared at. different . places in ' the
heavens, the whole sky being. lighted up
thereby and a strong smell of burning
soot filling tile. ' air, Business was at, a
stand still inthe town, and several of the
manufacturing establishments had to shut
down, owing to the: darkness, which was.
as great all the afternoon as is usual late
in the evening..' In several parts' of the.
town whole families engaged in devotion=
al services -all afternoon•uuder the impres-
sion that the end of the world was ap-
proaching.... The cause of the phenomena
was undoubtedly:: an accumulation of
smoke from thenumerous bush. fires' that
have : been raging -i'n.. Michigan and
throughout the country. That it'was from
this eguse is shown from the fact.:that the
darkness commenced before noon at Gode-
rich, the direction fromwhence the smoke
came. Tlie_ darkness was. experienced
nearly every place in western Ontario.
expectedly in London, on Thursday was
a cousin of Mr.B.Fitzsimons, of this place.
Mn, J. W..ROLLANDS; formerly of this
place, but now with the McClary Manu-
facturing Co., London, was a visitor here
last week.,'
Mr' W.McMurnhie, of this place, and
Mr. Ferris, of Goderich township, left• by
G. W. R., yesterday, the .former' for Da-
kota and the latter yesterday,.
THE directors of the Agricultural Soci-
ety have decided to; make an addition to
the horticultural hall, to accommodate the
,exhibits at the forthcoming' fall shows
Wlr ARE frequently asked if we know
where persons can obtain board, or where
Booms are to let. Those who can aecom-
modete either, should advertise the fact.
AMONG TEE names . of performers at a.
musical entertainment in Winnipeg men-
timed by the papers Of that city, appears
thht:•Of Tliss Fellie Helutes';'rof this place;
A :GENTLEMAN who travelled the'entire
town, on Saturday, in' search of a'house,
toldus he -cold find butone empty
dwelling in the whole of his perainbula
tions: This is a.very good sign.
I'VE onsEnvE that Mr. A. Charlesworth,
an old-time resident of this . place, but
later of Seaforth, intends starting: in, the.
grocery business .oiit in the north-west.
Re was here on a visitto friends 'last week.
SEVEnAL of the local papers, iu ;pub-
lishing •a list of the fall shows; omit that
of Clinton; whibli is to be held on the 19th
and' 20th. feat. We don't suppose•the
omission id intentional, but they might
as well correct it.
BUTTER 'FACTORIES.—We are informed.
that Mr. Van •Allen is completing 'ar-
rangements to start union creameries or
butter factories at Londesboro, : Benmiller
-and Manchester, activeworkin connection.
with all to begin next spring.
AN Aarv.aiCAzr, while Waiting at a Lar -
her shop to get shaved the other day, said:
" I came over to Goderich to spend a •few
days, but they nearly starved me: to death
there, and so. I came down to the,Rat
tenbnryHouseto getsomething to eat.'
THE brANAGING committee of' the North
Huron Teachers': Association, composed
of Messrs. Turnbull, Weir, Hicks, Clark-
son, Hartley, McClinton, Duff,•Dewarand
Taylor, will meet in Clinton, on Saturday,
10th inst., •to arrange a 'programme 'for
the next meeting of the Association
held at Wingham.
MR. Wu. RoGEus,` a brother .of -Miss
Rogers, of the ()Beton Model School, who
is teaching school'•aat Crystal City, Mani-
toba, drove to Nelsonville for the purpose
of writing for :theteachers' examination,
but found that owing� to some: misunder-
standing he was a• wek too late... Ile says
several candidates were in the seine pre-
dicament as himself.
Tfin EVAPORATOR. --Mr. Wade, of the
Base Line, has his evaporator Bo far cont-
pleted that he will be able to commence
o erations either the latter: end of this or
the beginning of next week. He intends
to dry everything in. the shape' of fruit
• that°is raised in this section, and also po-
tatoes and tomatoes. It is to be hoped he
will be successful in his new undertaking.
ritESEN'TATIoN.=Mr., Geo, Swallow,
late of Cooke'i grocery; who is aboutto
remove to Clinton, was on Sunday• last
presented with a handseme'teacher's Bible
'by' the officers and :teachers of Knox
Church S. S. Mt. Swallow has long been
a most efficient worker, and hie reputation
• here should insure him a warm welcome
in the ranks of Clinton's Sabbath School.
—Star. .
Renntny.—>On Wednesday, evoniiig
last, during the temporary ,absence from
home. of Mrs. D. R. Menzies, Some o10
forced an 'entrance into the lipase by
breaking, a slat from the Venetian blind,
and raising a window. They' then forced
open a secretary and took therefrom two
pocketbooks, which fortunately only con
• tamed, a cnuple of dollars. Nothing else
of value was taken.
R, SAOITES,. postmaster o
f Think,
•agent,was the
Yorkshire, and emit,ration l
uest. of Mr. 8, Palliser fora couple of.
ays last week. X -In bad come to Ontiirin
with a party of emigrants, and was very
much pleased with the general appearance
of thecountry, stating that it far exceeded
his anticipations. 'While here he was
shown through the Organ r etory and
other places of note, and expressed him-
self as pleased with the indications of
thrift. ' • '
Coin= EoxoE$.—At the'-cottncii
meeting on Monday evening, there was
only a hare•quorum ppresent; some•of the
Councillors apparently not being aware of
the fact that the proceedings should com-
mence at half - past " seven o'clock. -The
appointment of a night-watchman, al
though temporary, will be approved -of by
the people. Some. discussion took place
in referenee to contractors clocking up all
the' •sidewalk while building, without
erecting a temporary walk outside of their
material, as the by-law sti.pulatee.i,;aev eral
of the council. were : right in expressing
disapproval;of the same, but it would have
been much better, when the egi1 existed
worse than it does at present, to see that
,the by -lay was enforced. Verbal refer-
ence was made by the Chairman of the
Health Committee, and the Chairman of -
f -the. Street Committee, to the condition of
the drain running from near the Post Of-
fice, and which has for years been an -
abominable nuisance, and it wag uiider-
stood that the same be properly and thor:
oughly fixed at once. We hope that agood
job will be made of it, as the people• are
becoming tired°of the con ti n tied references
to the same. While we believe the mover
and seconder of'lhe motion in reference to
the grunt of $O to Mr. J. L, Sheppard,
were guided by "the besttof motive, we
cannot look upon the request ofi1r.Sliep-
pnrd for the same, as anything but apiece
of brazen. cheek. If a inan, employed as
night watchman for a private -firm, re-
quires- to be paid for giving ail alarin when
the pro laerty of others than those employ -
inn loin is in danger, he isabout the
1 felquite
smLtllext kind ofii man, but we c
t foundry (.z n(
of the 1 t
s the proprietorsd
iCO t E,
desire hito be paid from the town
retake Mr Sheppard may certainly have
rendered the town valui'ble services while
in his capiteity 08 ftprivate watcltnian,btit
to persistcn tly ask pay therefor is going.
'ii little too ' far. Had the Council granted.
his request, there is no telling where this
species of charity would have ended, annd.',
they did perfectly right in refusing the
request. -
Mn- Jos. Ai iPso.r" has been successful
in raising. splendid sweet potatoes.
Dix. R. HAxwooai is pushing f o rd
the brickwork of Mr. Stevens' nein house.
Tizz volunteers leave here for Goderich
nextTuesday afternoou,they will assemble
in the morning.
MESSRS, P. McLaren, D. 13. Kennedy
and one or two others, are attending the
Wingllam races, to -day.
Tun Messrs. Doherty, of this place,. were
yesterday summoned home owing to the
serious illness of their mother..
Mos s DOt
SyLES painting
will re -open on. Tuesday the 18th of $epi.
at her studio Huron street at 3 p
TIERS willbe no service in the Metho.
dist church, on Sunday morning,, but in
the evening there will be service as usual.
MR. PAISLEY, who inspected the water
ss mor o e
tacks on Monday, found e
in all of them, ranging from fiverl to w nineater
Ttieyare pushing mere and will hold their
own in the dry goods trade: Look in and
see them,
Yesterday's Globe contains a very flat-
tering and detailed notice of the Doherty
Organ exhibit at the Toronto exhibition.
The Company show seven organs..
PU1RCILASk1 or HORSES. —Mr, Frazer,
from St,Clair Michigan, was through this
neighborhood this week purchasing heavy
draught horses for the- lumber woods se-
curity" eight span,, some of them very fine
ones, For ti spanlie, got from Mr. South-
combe hepaid,$350.. The ..whole 16 cost
on an average of $100 each. They were,
four years old and upward. .They go west
by G. W. R. to -day. •
The annual celebration and games nnder
th, aaepic+es of the Brussels Caledonian Sod.
try, it strayed out into ] lullett, z couple ety will be field in that village on Thursday,
}, h a s
of miles from town and on Monday after the. 15th of September, When splendid day's
r spirt is expected.
noon it apparently thought it would try
conclusions with the engine of the down
express, and met its fate, by being -killed
at a crossing. The force . of the accident
wassuch as to break down the cow catch-
er, which chipping along the ties, nearly
threw the locomotive from the track.
Dr: Carson never claimed for liis stoputcli and
constipation bitters any Miraculous Power of
healing, but with ;thequiet consciousness. of
their medicinal virtues he prescribes them to
all those who 'suffer from any derangemout of•
the stomach, bowels, laver and kidi1Oys. Iu
large Soz bottles at 50 cents. 3, IL Combo, ape
e1a1 agent for (gluten.
T- R = C 12'. "5Z"
1s7C5T1 BIT '01
We are showing this week the contents of 40 eases_; ani bales
of OUR. FIRST consignment of new fail oods. -To the front
g- g
Dry Goode t ewe redetermined
of the D y (iso d . , rad ;� to keep. We have
bought our goods hy•personal selections in. the re.arkets. We
Our DRESS GOODS an exlraordivaiily attraclive.
COLORED' CAS 3MERES,, all new shades.".
+ cs
COLORED SILKS, new shades."'
BLACK CASHMERES, ERES, a :specialty with us.
Wool Squares, gal shades; and prioeso
and Colored inti r': r
PRINTS .andall Staple Goods. at popular
Something new in every department, at the
: � . _,IUM
FR�fOiint�nE 0 U Goos�.
�Y & WISE1flAN
• \. ..J
99 BRICK 3E314001c.
Special.'Bargain .in:
We will, open op this week 'a fine` assortment of LAMPS .and LAMP
6O00S5 and at extraordinary low prices. itir.Call and see them ..
O..r stook of.•Srovl>s this Jail will be TnELAEGEST A571 MOST common EV En mown 114'1
rue COUNTY, comprising all the latest designs and improvements in Cooking, Hall, Parlor
and Parlor Cook Stoves. Also, 'a full line of BASE BURNEF. COAL STOVES, including
'the celebrated RADIANT HOME. Onr -prides ,and terms will be as favorable as any house
in the trade, and•we solicit a call from intending purchasers.
Doe the not xnstak p lace Red Brick Store, sign
of the Padlock, Albert Street, Clinton.
• 311ZOS., .'
Raiisfofd's •
milt, St0rG
BOUND indestructabl :
The' Celebrated IRONB •
Readers, same price as r ever.
Fpr the Month 1:Qf A`u' ust,
extension of
'�. .eatpre
To make room for alterations
ins est : ONE MONTH ONLY.
. tt r . :
:Agent for Walker's Patent Bu Worker.
•r WRIT,
en AND 4:.._ s
And a* many LSd(as as call possibly Make, it euvenien(, to .al1 anti examine the baltnca of
Sum.imer Stock of 1Bogts &.. Shoes,
wrnci lIE•I$ —'
IN' lilt STOCK, h'arraer'e, do not tor: ette: teak at
AND w 7`
n order to soaks room for ani IMNENSF FAT.);material,
ar'soivac at est
alUllt iiEAlti]iA1'i .A1VId"'1'11R1Li!<lfila6 llitli'ir1'Ai, shishe inauiitaature o ,
ItA)6in S r- DEr..EtTIli ' '.
erki aneiri p at
e t�matorial lied iv p.
TA 4fingly low prl ea • ]1'ot a goo .ate COWAN,E AND trd ta'. jistthe p! eo, as tee warrant them not to gall.
:tcma(iingiy torr idose. • For n geed cafe C
11411111X if an 1, YAIG'Iti11i—A Yer7latge aasortmeat mad vaiyaka • Irma 4S aepto tip
t L L CIOODS v L1tiallitTED. 3A1018 'WVail tit, Viotoria113took.