HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-08, Page 8t 5
Alex. Ritchie's.
Alex. Ritchie
The Tmn s till 1st of January 1906
fer $1.00.
—Buy your Christmas presents from
the merchants whose announcements
•lt I found in the Trams columns.
M Frank Henry, Reeve of Kinlossl.
is men 'caned as a candidate for County
tCommissioner for Division No. 7 of Bruce
—Miss TT. Alba Chisholm will assist
gat an entertainment in St. Andrew's
Church at Blyth, on Friday evening,
3eoember 16th.
—Miss Donaldson forcibly reminds
tier auditors of Jessie Alexander.—Bar-
'xio Gazette. At Scottish concert, Wing -
bate, on Tuesday, January 10th. ,
Regnlar,meeting of Court Maitland,
7 Canadian Foresters will be held on Fri-
day evening of this week. Nomination
sof officers and other business.
—Mr. G. S. Kidd has sold the Arling-
ttonhotel at Listowel to Mr. Neil Mac-
ltinnon, of, Parkhill, at $13,000. Mr.
litacKinnon is now in possession.
!'loughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene
tablets. ten cents ger box. All -druggists
* —Mr. W. C. Kidd held a successful
if ;sale of horses at Listowel on Friday. One
t horse, •'Pearl Tipping" sold at $975.
Y The total proceeds of sale is $8,000.
* —January. 10th—keep the date of an -
sinal Scottish concert in mind. This
• season's concert promises to be one of
• the best ever held by the Sons of Scot-
—Reeve Ferris, of Hallett will prob-
ably be a candidate for County Com-
enissioner in Division No. 5, composed of
the townships of Goderich and 'Hullett
and the town of Clinton.
—The new Municipal act comes into
%ice at the approaching municipal
elections and all intending candidates
If, const register their qualifications be-
fore the hour of nomination com-
—The band concert on Thursday
evening last was well attended. The
band rendered several choice selections
stud were ably assisted in solos by Mr.
F. J. Hill, of Wingham, and Miss V. J,
Hooper, of Brussels.
--The last regular monthly meeting
of the 'Wingham School Board for this
year will beheld next Tuesday evening.
The trusteea whose term expires this
year are J, D. Long, J. J. Homnth, A,
IC. Lloyd and Dr. A. J. Irwin.
.—The masts meeting in connection
With the Lord's Day Alliance, advertised
$u have been held in Town Hall on Sun.
dilly evening last was postponed. The
Siker, Rev. T. A. Moore was called to
erosito owing to the death of Dr.
van, who was president of theDomin.
Lor'd's Das Alliance.
The large extensions to the G. • T. it.
at Stratford which were begun
oaths ago are almost ooinpleted.
only incompleted building is the
shop. This building is in use,
windows are not all placed as
altt9R Maolninlo Patterson says
of emplOyeessoutither shout one
— Reed the Tines clubbing rates in
another column.
—The Tmms office is the place to get
the latest in wedding invitations. If in
tie ed of anything in this line give us a
—Members of the Young Ladies'
Fortnightly Club will kindly notice tbat
the next meeting will be on Jan. 3rd,
. —head the new advts in this issue of
the Tortes. Wingham merchants have
an e xcellent assortment of goods for the
Christmas trade.
Hockey Boots—The newest and most
complete stock in tov�n.,dt
— Mr. Thos. Forbes has sold through
0. J. Maguire, real estate agent, his 50 -
acre f arm en the Binevale road to Mr.
Arthur McGee at $3,300.
— On Friday, December 23rd, at 1.30
p. m., the annual meeting of the Blue-
vale Cheese and Butter Co. will be held
in the Foresters' Hall at Bluevale.
—Lillie Kleiser-Paine is without
doubt one of the finest sopranos that
ever visited our city.—Brandon Times.
At Scottish concert, Wingham, on Tues-
day, January 10th.
—We notice in the Toronto papers of
Monday that D. Robb; inspector of
East Huron, and H. I. Strang, of God-
erich, are on the Board of Examiners in
the District Certificate Department.
—An egg factory has been destroyed
by fire at Wingham. Which may in-
duce the Toronto Board of Underwriters
to raise the restaurant rates for fried
eggs, says the Toronto Star.
--John & Jas. H. Kerr have an en-
larged advt in this issue in which they
give a good • list of bargains. Read the
advt. carefully and then visit the store
and secure your share of the bargains.
—Mrs. James Mulveyof town met
with a severe accident on Thursday last.
While on the way from the house to the
barn she slipped on some ice and fell on
one of her arms, making a bad fracture
at the wrist.
THE WIN GIL UL TIE 1) L C1113EIt 8, 1604
We shall be gild to have eontributione to
We outman from any Of our readers. If you
hive visitors or purpose going away yourself.
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to teat
Miss W. ,Alba Chisholm is visiting with
friends iu Loudon.
Mr. Wm. teampbell was in town ou
business ou Monday.
Mr. Rob; Mainprize, of Bruesols' wee.
in town tut Saturday,
Mr. }Nm. Fisbleigh, of Chesley bas
been visiting with Wingham relatives
for a few days,
Mr. Andrew Huggan has returned to
Mitchell after a few weeks visit with
his daughter, Mrs. John Tervit, of
Miss Haldane, who has been head
milliner with Mrs. Greeu for the past•
season, left tor her home in Strathroe
ou Tuesday.
Mr. Robert A. Currie, who has been
in Boissevain, Man., for some time is
visiting tor a few days with relatives iu
Wiugham and vicinity.
Mr. A. E. Bradwin and John Emigb
were in Wihighan ou Thursday last,
Mr. Bradwin is once of the candidates
for County Commi a ioner in this divi-
Mr. Robt. Loveless, of London Town-
ship, was calling ou Messrs. John and
Jas He Kerr. Mr. Loveless is an old
friend and neighbor of the Messrs..
—Monday's Guelph Herald says that
Mr. J, S. Borden, of the Western Foun-
dry Company, Wingham, was in the
city to -day. He has completedthe
installation of a new and up-to-date
range at the Albion hotel. ,
Samples of Choice Grain for the Im-
provement of Seed.
By instruction of the Hon. Minister of
Agriculture another distribution will be
made this season of samples of the most
productive sorts of grain to Canadian
Farmers for the improvement of seed.
The stock for distribution is of the very
best and has been secured mainly from
the excellent crops recently had et the
branch Experimental Farm at Indian
Head in the North-west Territories. The
distribution this spring. will consist of
samples of oats, spring wheat, barley,
Indian corn and potatoes. The quantity
of oats to be sent this year willhe 41bs.,
a nd of wheat or barley 5 lbs., sufficient
in each case to sow one -twentieth of an
acre. The samples of Indian corn and
potatoes will weigh 3 lbs.. as heretofore.
A quantity of each of the following
varieties has been secured for this dis-
Oats.—Banner, Wide -Awake, Improv-
ed Ligorvo, Waverly, Goldfinder, Abun-
dance and Thousand Dollar.
Wheat—Preston, Red Fife, Percy,
Stanley, Huron, Laurel and White Fife,
Barley—six rowed—Mensury, Odessa,
Mansfield, Claude and Royal. Two-
rowed—Sidney. Invincible, Standwel'
and Canadian Thorpe.
Potatoes—Carman No. 1, Early Whit
Prize, Canadian Beauty, Uncle Sam,
American Wonder, Bovee, Early Ande
and Late Puritan.
Every farmer ix ay apply, but onl
one sample can be sent to each appli
cant, hence if an individual receives
sample of oats he cannot also receive on
of wheat, barley or potatoes, and appli
cations for more than one household can
not be entertained. These samples wil
be sent free of charge through the mail
Applications should be addressed t
the Director of Experimental Farms
Ottawa, and may be sent in any time be
fore the 1st of March, ,after which th
lists will be closed, so that all the sam
pies asked for may be sent out in goo
time for sowing. Parties writing shoul
mention the sort or variety they woul
prefer, with a second sort as an alterna
tive, and should the available stock o
both varieties be exhausted, some othe
good sort will be sent instead. Thos
applying for Indian corn or potatoes wil
please bear in mind that the corn is no
available for distribution until March o
April, and that potatoes cannot be mai
ed from here until danger from frost i
transit is over. •
Wee Seuxneas,
Director Experimental .Farm
Ottawa, December 1st, 1904.
—The Christain Guardian, the ofll
tial organ of the Methodist church in
Canada, celebrated its 75th birthday re-
cently. It was first published on Nov. 12th
1829, being oldest religious or church
paper in the Dominion. The Guardian
has done splendid work for the cause it
represents during the three-quarters of
a eentnry of its existence.
t•I, P. Moore, the genial proprie•
tor of the Acton Free Press, and Mrd.
Moore celebrated their silver wedding
on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.
Moore were married in Acton twenty-
five years ago by Rev. Richard Hobbs, a
former pastor of Winghant Methodist
Ohnrch, The Trois wishes them many
happy returns of their wedding dap.
Sore Throat end Coughs
A simple, effective and cafe remedy for all tinted,
irritations is found in
Cranolana Aittttheeptfc T+e.bletal
Thiycombine thegeteticuletvalue ofCresoiceewith
the stothin6 properties of ♦1ipper3 Mei and lieorira:
Ma. Aa1l bruceteio eat
Tile annual meeting of he Bl vale Cheese
and Butter Company„L' uitt ill be held in
the Foresters' Hall 131 v , on Friday, Do-
cember 2.13111, 1804, at 1.y
g'lection of a Board of
oc1c p. m.t ror the
reotorH and the tram -
action of any other business that may come
before the meeting. J3y order.
JOHN BUlit*ESS, Secretary,
Bluevale, Dec. 7th, me
Huron County Council Election.
To the Electors of Division No. 7—com-
prising the Townships of tart and
West Wawanosh, the Village of
Blyth and the Town of Wingham :
ENTLEMEN,At the request of a large nuniber of the elec-
tors, I am a candidate for the representation
of Div. No. 7 in Huron County Council, and
take this opportunity of appealing to you for
your stappe',. If honored With election, my
ahm,willll be to equally and thoroughly repre-
sent ever portion of the division to the bust
of my ability. .
I am, your obedient servant.
•Blyth, Nov. 2nd, 1904. A. E. BRADWIN.
To the Electors of County Council
District No. 7. comprising East and
West Wawanosh, Wiugham and
I have decided at the request of a large num-
ber of influential Ratepayers of the District to
offer my services es County Commissioner. If
elected. my long experience in municipal mat-
ters will be devoted to•your service in promot-
ing what I believe to be the best interests of
this District and of the County generally. If I
am honored to be one of your representatives
I will endeavor to learn the needs of the differ.
rent localities.
Your vote and influence is respectfully
East Wawanosh, Nov. 28th, 1904.
103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; seventy-five
acres under cultivation. Good house ; new
baro. Splendid opportunity Exceptional
bargain. Address
Having sold mV ge eral store business at
Whitechurch to Mr• • G. Webb, of West Wa-
wanosh, ail accounts a d notes must be settled
by either cash or new of at the old stand on
or before December i 5th, as I am leaving
Whitechurch. 1 also deli to thank my many
patrons for their liber 1 patronage during the
past sixteen years, an. I bespeak for my suc-
cessor the same libera patronage.
A. D. .EATON, Whitechurch.
of the many points of superiority and the i
splendid advantages offered to young men
and women in our School.—The .
•4100, • c 4
of Toronto, you would not only attend no
other school of this kind, but would ar-
range to enter upon your course with us at
once. Let us send you our unique prospec-
tus "The Story of a Business School.' It
will interest you. Enter any time.
Write us. .
Central Business College of Toronto,
• Limited.
W. H. SHAW, Pres. P. MCINTOSH, Vice -Pres.
.5 F. SPROTT, Sec.-Treas.
I —or—
1 The undersigned, administrator of the Estate
of John Nichol, the elder,deceased,will offer
. for sale by Public Aucrin at thNational
Hotel, in the Town of Winghmn, in the Con
of Huron, on
, Saturday, the 24th Day of D ember,
A. D. 1904, at 2 o'clock in the of rnoon, the
following valuable faxen roper , viz.:
3 The west half of lot n ibe and the centre
100 acres of lot 31 in the Concession of the
Township of Tttrnber in the County, of
Huron, containing together 150 acres more of
Tho property is situate about 3 miles from
and 1J miles from a school house.
There are on the property a frame house
• 20x80; a frame barn with atone stable under
Heath 80x52 and shed 18x52 and a frame barr
f 2x30. Theeoil is principally a sandy loam and
r is well watered. • '
e Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the
day of sale and the balance in 20 days there
1 after. The retraining terms anal, condition:
will ba the standing conditions of the Higl
t Court of Justice and will 1-e made known or
r day of sale or may be had on application to thi
Dated this 7th clay of December, 1904.
n Solicitor, Wingham., Administrator
A flow of gas has been struck on the
property of the Goold, Thapley & Muir
Co. at Brantford. .
• The Bell Telephone Company have se-
cured an exclusive five-year franchise
from Kingston for $700 a year.
ROSS—In Moosejaw, N. W. T., on November
28th, the wife of Dr. Rosa (nee Miss Edith
Clarke of Wingham) ; a daughter
Htrnanttn--In Powick, on November 16th,
the wife of Mr. Geo. Hubbard; a son.
W ALrtER--in iiowirlr, on November 27th, the
wife of Mr. }nigh Walker; a son.
GERRY--In Blyth, on November 213th, the
wife of Mr. N. B. Gerry; a daughter.
HOWITT--In Fast Wawanosh, on November
18th, the wife of Mr. James A. Howitt; a laugh
TAYLOR—in Morris on November 2lst, the
wife. of Mr. Clras. K. Taylor; a daughter.
]s .
YOUNG- Wlrsorir---AtBcanrilleirparsonageon
Thursday; November 17th, by Res. .L G. Yel-
land, Mist; T. E., daughter of Wm. Wilson, to
Wm. 11. Young, of West Wawanteh.
Cumin --In Winghttrn, on December let
Allie Helm, wife of Mr. Wm, Currie, of Mount
F'ereet, aged 44 years.
TAYLOR—In Portage 1a Prairie, Manitoba„ on
NOveriaber 14th Mr. John Id. Taylor. eldest son
of Mr's..1. B. Taylor, of Blyth, aged 51 years.
DOUliTAs in lrow1sk, en November 21st
John t)euglass, aged 78 years.
XeCAt.r.—At 1;`robieher, Man., ori Nov. 220tht
Hannah Forsyth, beloved wife of Albert Dae
Cal}, formerly of Morris township, aged 28
years, a months said 20 dey8.
flttrTa-4n Wroxeter, on Friday, Nov. 2itht
Oliver Smith, aged Nevem
ristmas Presents
The Bee Rive the
Centre.. of Attraction
On Display for Easy Choosing
Special Handkerchief offerings this week at 5o, 10c,
12120, 16o, 200 and 25o in very choice values,
plain, hemstitch, lace and elaborate embroidery
edge. An early selection of Handkerchiefs is al-
ways best. We also show the newest in plain
Initial and Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs at en, 10c,
160, 200, 250, 40o, 50o, 76c and $1.00 •
Dress Lengths --no two alike
This store is showing a beautiful range of exclusive
Dress Lengths, no two alike, for Christmas Gifts
at per yd. 500, 60o, 75c, 86o, 90o, 1.00 and up to $1.75
All the latest weaves and colorings to select from,
a useful, acceptable present.
Handsome Silk Waists
This is a lovely line of Silk Shirt Waists, made to
our order and you will be more than surprised at
the money saving price at which we offer then;
among the colorings are blaok, white, cream, pale
• blge, nile green and pink, We'd like you to see
them. Prices range at .. .$2.50, .$3 25, $3.60 and $3 75
Superb showing of Men's Silk Neckwear
Never have we bad the pleasure of showing suoh. a
magnificent assortment of pretty silk neckwear
• as we have secured for This Store's Christmas
selling --Puffs, Four-iu-Hands, Flowing Ends,
Bows and Strings. No trouble to make a selec-
tion here at 25o, 36o, 40o and 50c•
LTsefnl Gifts for Men and Boys,
Hosiery. Gloves, Overcoats, Mufflers, Silk Neckwear,
Underwear, Suspenders, White or Colored Shirts.
Umbrellas, Handkerohiefs, Hats, Caps, Over-
coats, Suits. It pays to buy them at the Bee Hive.
There'll be busy times at This Store from now until
Christmas shopping is complete. We ask yon to'
please shop early as possible; anextra staff will)
be on hand and we will do our utmost to wait on'
you promptly.
Ladies' and Girls' Winter Jaelcets'.
This week we make a vary special offering in Ladies'
and Girls' Winter Jackets. We are determined
not to carry a Jacket over and you cannot afford
to miss the bargains we have in this department.
Highest Prices paid for -Poultry, Butter and Eggs.
The Bee give
Phone 96.
INV rr rn
The Keeler Go..
} A Call • to
t: •
Christn1'1�►.s Buyers
Of the Revenue and Expenditure in
the operation of the Electric
Lighting Department of the
Town of Wingham, for the year
ending Nov. 1 dth, 1904.
From lighting $0227.09
Installing lights 418.62
Sale of lamps, oto 46.50
ReHaira, r.' 660
Sale of fuel Jh / 114 00
Wages (/ $1914,81
fuel 1845 74
Repairs olhg'd to expense ac206.50
Supplies. 496.00
Insurance etc 252.30
Miscellaneous 10.10
Balance revenue over expen-
diture 2570.50
60808.41 80808.41
Statement showing diapogition of proceeds-
roceedsfrom sale of debentures and aurplue revenue:
Salo of 830,000, 4ee debt. at 00l 828950.00
Accrued interest thereon.... 693.70
Surplus revenue 2570.56
Paid for building and plant$28000.00
Int. incurred before sale of
debentures 807.39
Extension of street lighting
system 840.20
Pernlament improvement at
power house and dam 1198.31
Debenture No. 1 1734.90
Balance 40 44
$32,240.26 $:12,20.26
It will he son from the aboveetetetnent that
had tho debentures realizes] the fade Value,
which they were expected to do at the time the
by-law was submitted, the I)epartnient, tater
paying the debenture amounting to $1784.96
and all running expenses, Would have a
balance in its favor of $1090.44 instead of $40.44.
47.B. IrEnot;Boli,
" Clerk and Treaeerer.
Our fine Holiday stock
is full of quality, var-
iety, beauty and good
Weiwill please you,
We will satisfy you,
We' will meet your
Choice. books.
Books for the Youngster !
Books for Young People 1
Books for Old People I
The toy books are beautifully illus-
trated and a marvel of cheapness.
Standard Books and Bits at popu-
lar prices.
See our Juveniles at 30c and 40o,
with colored illustrations.
All the New Books in stock or se-
cured on short notice.
.Old Santa Claus has placed with
us an enlarged stock this year, as
we told him we were hardly able
to supply the demand last year.
Moro Mechanical Toys than
ever before. Also •
Dollar , —Dishes
—Drums —Stoves
—Horns —Blocks
• —Games, • etc.
Fancy Goods.
The latest novelties from France,
Germany and the United States are
among our well assorted stock of
Fanny Goods.
Stag and Ebony Goods.
in many lines and remarkably pretty
In Chinaware • and
Cut Glass we excel.
Special to the Boys and Girls : The Santa Claus Letter -Box is now ready for your letters
Select Now !
S co.
Don't Wait!
Night calls at Button Block, or resi-
dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St.
or third house west of school on John
street. Shop opposite Macdonald block.
Too Much Furniture - -.
TRANSFER We have altogether too much Furniture of all kinds
Applied for a t
to Michael Sulliva
at the undersigned has
refer of his hotel license tire to come to us, See what we have to offer
of Ashfield.
ODONALD, Whitechurch. you. We feel sure you will be pleased with our
styles and prices,
on hand and are anxious to conve'-t it into money.
It will pay those wanting High-grade Furni-
The undersigned has for sale a number of
thoroughbred Large English Berkshire Sows+,
f rom three to six months old, some of which
have been already bred. Also a pair of young
boars for sale. I also have for service, a young
boar, which was a prite winner at Toronto.
Marnoch i' 0
COUNTY OF J♦I1i1 11lN.
oltiBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a
A meeting of the electors of County Division
No. 7, composed of the Municipalities of the
Townships of East and West Wawanoeh, Town
Of Wingham, and village of Blyth will be held
in Herbert Wheeler's wagon and repair shop
in Betgrraare on Monday, December the 19t11,
1904, at the hour of one o'clock P.M., for the
purpose of nominating Candidates to repre-
sent them in the Courted' of the Count of
Huron tot the gears 1906 and 1906 and that in
CARP a ll is demanded, polht will be opened
on the 2nd day of January, 1906, in eaeh poll-
ing anbdivislon at the time and plaeo fixed by
bylaw of the municipalities in the acid County
Nominating OM'i'r for County Council
Diviefon No. 7, Township
EnbtWawanooeeh ihiti lPet the
f Deccembber,1904,
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers k
n der a ors WTNGi-fAM.
at the Wingham Salt. Works.
We aro prepared to pay the highest
cash pride for 5,000 cords of Wood (cord -
Word or short, hard or soft) to be deli.
Bred at our woks In Winghain,.
G'royr Young & Snarling Coil
Col I
Jy, � n �
W1,.' '.,,
tdoGottoil datoeWsbadoderdmbobo8itO dnotittna
Our Photographs
give satisfaction
why att? Deoee good work is our
siieefail '.
Then for Photos, Gronne or
Portraits, or N'oveities such as
Photo Buttons and Photo Primes,