HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-08-25, Page 5yr, just from Australia's sunny Shore • 1;000 MILES EY SEM TMPEST-TOSSED, BUT STILL TRIUMPHANT 1 A RECORD WFIOLLY UNPRECEDENTED IN THE ANNALS OF SHOW HISTORNI 43,1500 POUNDS STERLING PAID FOR TRANSPORT TO FORMGN LANDS. AT CLINT° WEDNESDAY, August 31st, 1881. 9 41 Performances in the city of Melbourne, Aim- fralia 48 performances in •the ciV of Sidney, Aus- tralia. H Performances in the city of 40410, south &uBtraUa• 21 Performances in the city of Auekland. New Zealand, • Over toe Performances in Polynesia, Tasmania, Now South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and New ZealaL SO Performances lathe City or San Prancleco. Millions to witness our word and worth, Thou Pandit upon thousands turned away, unable to got even standing room. • Now en route to Europe and the -United Xingdom _ RIDING ON THE WAVES OF ENVIOUS POPULARITY 1 TANDING • ON- TUE PINNACLE- OF. FAME, AND PRESENTING THE VERY GREATEST SHOW ON EA.RTIL Four times its former size CoLE,sCONTINENT CIRCUS. FIVE IMMENSE MENACERIE, ColIectiOn of Foreign Wonders and School of Drute.Seholars i• gatheied at infinite pains 'in all parts of, the world, transported over broad lands and oceans at enormous expense and risk. Maintaining more mon, ladies, children, horses, animals, beasts, birds, railway trains, and ocean steamers, than any outerprise, of whatever name or nature, in existence, • -4-ts'40 lialatlatli P.1 TE,1 17 I., IgTes tit[ re t n ••• - We Have all .that is Worth Seeing. We have the Jeal Twill Sister's, the Beau- tiful Australian Bareback Eiders. We have the Great asiondiss, who, blind- folded, carries a inkn upon his back, lee „feet from the ground, walking a small strand of wire We have the Heroine Hurdle Hider, Mile. LintZa Jeal, "Queen of theBlazing Zone," We haVe the Maori War Dancers ever ex - Whited in any couutry. 410. We have the only 'Vernal. Five Horse Bider, Madam Ryland, who rides and drives Five Horses at the same time. We have Eight Bareback Essatestrians No "Pad Acts" allowed. . • • We have thf3 Largest Corps of icapers • in the world. Ali liret•elass. We have and .introduce Two, Three and Four Acts in the ring, simultaneously. We have the great Minder) Hilaire Charm- ' ors with their venomous, writhing serpents. The Land Bill has received the Royal assent. • Stanley, to African explorer, is said to be dangerously ill on the Congo River. Primal]. parts of British Oolumhia good crops and bountiful harvests are reported. Vancouver's Island has been particularly favored, little or no unseasonable weather having occurred. The largest crop ever raised on the island will be harvested this season. • • Mr. Win, Crooderham, sr.. of Toronto, died on Saturday morning ag.ecl 93 years. Deceased was in the British service in. Martinique in early years. He came here from England in 1833, and grew with the vountrya.engaging in mercantile business. He was successful in all his ventures and amassed an immense fortune. He was interested in many insurance and moue. tary corporations, and he and his partner, Mr. J. G. Worts, virtually owned the Bank of Toronto. His name is known -throughout the continent in connection with his distillery. One of the rising men in England is young Lord Roseberry, the Scotch husband of Mias Rothschild, who enters Mr. Gladstonese Ad- ministration as an Under-Secretary in the Home Department. He is a very,. talented young man, and it is said tkat ,the Premier owes much of the success which attended his Midlothian expedition to him. Lord Rose- berry paid all the expenses of that remarkable tour, and when Mr. Gladstone was called to power lid—Offered hie friend a seatin his gov• eminent, but the ohivalrouencibleman declin- ed it then, because hethoughtpeople might misconstrue hik motives n helping Mr. Glad- stone to office. \ "Just now," says an English paper, " with the disaffection of tha Duke .9c Argyll and the Marquis of Laniglownk, the Governmentfind that they • Want a warrior to defend their policy in the Upper House, and on that ground Lord Roseberry has consented to servo. His post is an arduous and thank- less one, and he has for a chief tho not•always- agreeable Sir William Harcourt, but as he had a high sense of duty and .fealty -to his party, as well as paramount •abilities, it is more -than likely. that he will,acqeit himself with great credit, Lord Roseberry is a pos- sible Premier. He is rich, talented, influ- ential and handsome. His wife is an heiress" withamiable qualities and good. looks, and she understands politics as well as an y• of the women described in `"Entlyinion"—indeed, her own portrait figures n that book—and with all these attributes in her. husband's fav-. or, can any one doubt that the yoking Lord will not carry all before him ,whon the time conies? itree f Coot. ' • All percons'wishiugto test tile merits' of a groat reinedy--mie that will ilbaitivively citre Cousin:option, Coughs, Cogs, Asthma, Bron - ;lilt* or any affection of the Throat and Lungs -Tare iequested to call at S. H.Combes Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of .Dr.. King's Naw Discovery for Consumption,- froe• of cost, Which will show you what a regular 'dollar size bottle will do.. • We have. Everything we Advertise. We have the only Snow4fhite Buffalo ,ever seen in any land. We have Representatives of every Digt tiou,Riders, Vaulters, Gymnasts and Athletes • We have a troupe of Real Whirling Der- vishes from =mitts and Dombay. We have a drove of Giant Rangaroos, captured while In Australia. • We bay° the only perfect Electrie Light, manufactured for our special use, burning day and Nett, producing brilliant scenic effects. We have and will exhibit a Gigantic Me, numeric of Wild Aitimals, a herd of cap• tive Performing Elephants, vast dons of Per- forming Lions, the mammoth Kansas Ox, 600 Self-k4ealinir, &Tem 'Tams for the '-1•%11.111koil. Clinton - Furniture WareroomS, No. 77, Brick 'Block. A Great Mid Ocean Aquarium coattail- • . .. , '4)9 :Bilit'.',K. B1 OK. S. PALLISER c.c CO. ''• . - - — ' .0win to the increase of business diu:ing the past Ing specimens from' the Briny Deep, Marine • . Monsters, liVing Soo, Lions, etc: . . .: . . ]B lC0..A. 13 F1 420 0 7E1 AZ Mt 0 X • ciarit.tOri-pvtlfitLif.4- . August 25, 1881.. Wheat, fail, 71,9' bush , old 81 18 , a 1 20 Wheat, (new) • - 1 15- a.1 18 Spring, Redchaff, • 1 13, a 1 18 Fife,' . • - • - 1 15 a'. .1 .18 13°:rtlse'y, Peas, Flour, Potat tear s , ' ggsa • • , 11461'-'tv1.! .i• W43444924'44,"30r"!1, f •N -11-71-11,,.,, frrt • il; 17; )(„ 'I • • -,-;; 1 p in 4' 2. Boots that R Boots AND NO HUMBUG O. Cruickshank's, Albert St., Brick Block, Clinton. 410. • • • - • „ • BilVtlen's Arnica. Solve, Thc; Best Salve in theltyorld for Oita, Sores,, 13ruises, 'Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Vever Sore Toth*, Chapped lianas, Oliillnains; Cuffs, and all Skin Eruptions, and .positively c ?res piles; lb is guaranteed to giviapFrfeet atis fatten or money .refutalea. Price tr coats ner box. t For sale by S. H. Combo. g'..gy a - QEVON1.3 'TANI) BUOGY.for sale a bargain. I.; nearly now.. Apply to J. LA throe ' doors we of lir' W. J. )1.0.1sley'ts r sidence, Clinton. LAGER CARI:1101S FINTS RO E T-4-4 TTLED LAGER' QUARTS, P011 FAMILY. UsE, Al'. SON'S,Clinton, a 005t070 - 00 • a 5 0.45 a ;0.0 -.9-17 18 18 4 Hay, - • - IP 00 s 12 00 R0131-14 antl TRIM:1 11C1.18‘thict We aro pntrarcd to Hides -4- - 5 50 0 00 • •,11 at, tho briNt.“,t ratv. • Sheeps'kine*. - • 0 7iti I. .25 • . • 'Beef - • °° 7 6° A SPLENDID HEARSE when requirid (Hover, • - . 4 50 a ° s5 00 Timothy, . - • • 3 25 4 .4 50 1.v. B.' UE [(11 OO.. Wool, - : - • 0 23 a 0 24 ourantrissensemeacessinsannueseserner. Ve ha.ve tttilaind a fine t•Xnek dOVPINS, CASKET Fre vita ion • wrAor•Maoula • saumwmanomumonww,Pro orn.b.g ars-a.••••••• rem •••••••••••rira. r1 'S 0 GALLERY -.BEAVER TOOK,- ALBERT STNEET, CLINTON.. • • .• . ALL WORK. GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS .* ---:"..• ' ."::: .-- . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . • . , • . ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • . . . . , . . ... . . . . . . . . . . , . . VOISMIPIIIIKINUILMAIIIIMINIIIMIRMISILISEIMINSIIII • " oicm ily Groceries, • .zro CrO TriCD u JA OUNI146-1-1A1VIE'S) YOU HAVE BEEN Ybult .oRocERIEs ElAil itE, A.N.D • • " . • • " • • ' • • ARE 'NOT SATISFIED vim THE QUALITY, . • GL.ASSINA RaEfuliAt-rine Aof itile:Gurprst,SANCIRLIoNNFIdtoraNaAkRe r4;:f6r at' , pjce fitre-pound iyiACKEREL,. cheap. ry Sa'Palliser &Co's , Apples, itAifi .dried ENTIRE SATISFACTION 'GIVEN. ALL .G00 DS . WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. WE NEVER ADVERTISE Low-1,11,10ED TRASH:'• . : FRESH' SMOKED •EADDIK.:- FARESI1 SEA HERRING. • .• . cp- .r.,1 GA.M, vseasesr, issormanumewsweastoros . • . • . • 9117901 A.S Ell:r1P4S41-1 COVFEE. (WIDELY KNOWV . , IPICTIZIO • .1')]1:4010S: RNITLTRE—F-FUIINITURE CaAtuned. 61-.00ds of every description.. • • THOS. WRITE. i FURNITURE DEALERS, have taken a now lease of No. 77, and will Continue to do business • as forme4Y. They have on hand as fine a stock of Vomiter° as was ever on exhibition lit this town, which thoy aro pared to sell at a very Small advance on cOst. As we manufacture all OUr own goods, we can giro our custommil better value than can be obtained elsewhere. our pods are air warranted to give entire utisfootion. Ali our worlonen undont£oul their businesS. ' A- A. BENNETT, Salesmen. PETER ROBB, Manager . . 'Do not miss tlto place, No. 71'.• Dealt Mock, Clinton. • A Mugs Drove of Egyptlap Camels end' 0,000 other strange things which it is impossible to catalogue, We have and will prodttee the daring, death d,efying , fERIAL. • BICYCLE. RIDERS. Whose incredible feats, amazing and reckless ventures upon the lofty wire paralyze all p.revi- vious displays. All other aerial arta aro mere child's play in comparison. These intrepid Artists utterly set at naught all laws of gravitation, gliding along their narrow roadway with • perfect abandon, literally treading upon airy nothing. and performing a series of hatswhioli Cause the firmest hearts to tremble with fear for their safety. ' • WE HAVE AND WILL PRODUCE A • $50,000 troupe 'of Trick Stallions The most 'wonderful, best Gifted, most beautiful and best performing stallions in the world. They pantomime like actors, drill like soldiers, frolic like wanton sehool boys,waltz like the ladies, and reason with a degree of Intelligence that is traly remailtable. Search the world over and you cannfA rola their protetYpee: .. • We Only Ask You to COME AND SEE THE GREAT PARADE, •Sliven every morning at 10 o'clock, to donvinee you that all wo have said Is true., In this, its in all respecte, our Oraud Street -Pageant will surpass all ethers. TWO PERFOUMANCES EVERY • DAY I • DOORS OPEN AT ONE AND SEVEN P. M, ONE TICKET TELLTHE WHOLE STORY. AdmiStiion, 56,e,11, Children. half-price. . HitlfTfare excursions from all stations on the Great ViNztern Railway. • S. PALLISER: ma Boss OISTERNS1 Y00 CAN cum A REAL 0003) CISTERN 1,011 $4. A BETTERONE nu, ii, ANI) A i14)'$ 0'd ,1011 se; • • At John Stepliensoil's. . JUST CALL AND Si...hi. JOIIN STEPHENSON, iCOOPEll, CLINTON'. yortare amen If ions:ea of Misluessores.k. man of W1. mod bythe strain of toretoilimgover your duties • avoid night wore. to row atboulante and use tore brain nerataad Hop Bitters. mow coo Hop. ltronoroyoungwel ourferinstromoul is. disoretien or Maims tion; i,toarroarIegtrot :fest or single, old or o smorkeelth or languish ng ,on a hed of idok-. uses, rely on Hop Hitter,. Thousands die Mt- nUally t r o to wine form ofttald net Y have been prov7Nasi Winans t Witt timely Unto HopnItters 13., abootato and rrosisto- Ste Ours for runkentlas, of opium, tobae000 Or trolabydrap tn. BeUdCor . • Whoever ion ere, whenwrer you tem that your istem needs cleansing. tn.or stimouising. Outtnteritatlay, take Hop Sitters. Have you dr* pogo, kidney odresare eh diem the stomach, bowels. Noe fiver (weaves Too clition HOP Wyman) V weak end owspilitAd, st it may vaitVgYOU life. it bite nVed Mario chide. a REMOV IITkKINIi rouE SUBSCRIBER 111108 LEAVE TO STATE .1- totho pronto that ho has ro olvod glue the dro, a largo and saphrior olass CASKETS, 1 CofAn Trimmitigsatid 1obo .4 A. stikudidlIE ME kept. PLAIN ObritIns alwes altand. Paties hen be sulipilog in ono hotirpt" Ostrt, volt A141;00,1)14 rates. TR O.S. STEVENSION. XlAOoy'<A0 stand, Albert litoui, Cileton. • • . . • 110611110*.T11110 The worst place in this town to get your Groceries, is at the old Waterloo House. Robb, the, Grocer, keeps the.. worst stock in town. His prices aro higher than any other grocery. He is very inattentive to his customers, ant - makes himself generally disagreeable.. to every person that dares patronize him, and he. don't want your trade; still, he keeps open day and night. Dear me, how this world is given - to perversion, nearly everybody in town buys from him. , There must be Some mistake here, for his stock is itij t.ww and Iva bought, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Meter the .place; the old Waterloo House, olpailetk;'!41 nits PETER ROBB, GROCER. • •