The New Era, 1881-08-25, Page 4tY •
Boom, Wan ted --This ace,
Ticking leat--M. Colelough.
• Cireue ncitires-W. W. Cole.
(Yeovil vela' --J, C. Heinle!.
i[f,aU -Craik, hleevvhirter sa' Co.
i•,psires fm. FAIL -H. Teweley,
. Greenway.
litanitt,ba p`r'y'
HOI'u for sale - W. W. Ferree.,
Netiee to debtors -141 re. hloricy,
To let or for eele della:Vopolanll.
Bayfield Vtwtcra's last -U; hunter..
Baby esal'iagafm sal'r--This. oiliea.
Serveut wan' of -Mrs. It, rspender.
'Live,Steelc Atrociation--M), T. McLean. •
Selling. sun mar gaoda-• Fay et Wieeman.
School arid byres books -W. Simpson .
Cliat,ott. fto triL
THURSDAY, AUG. 2.R5, 1881.
The London Advertiser published a•. cut
of Old 'Uncle Toni, and dubs it I-fart-
tean, the Nihilist."
The eta ff of which Queen's Counsel are
-made, rand .vegettint scare wlien'such a
man 'as 'Jolin Charles 12ykert is dubliei
English papers are maki ig'considerable
ado over the fact.thlat Dean Stanley was
worth only :£90,000. • The' majorityof
people have to be satisfied with a great
deal smaller amount.
The Marquis of Lorne has publicly tin-
laounced that he expects the Princess to
retinal to Cantuia by the end of October,
This should dispel the prevalent idea that
• he Wo.2 notgoing to return at all.
We take the following :article from the
'. amilton. Times. There is so ny ich io it
that is, true, and it so fully meets our owls
views, that we have no hesitation in re..
producing it. It will bear careful reading
and thoughtful ineditation, even by those
who may not agree with its: expression:
The Toronto News, which, unlike t e'
Mail, is edited by a pian of sense, referring
to the Argenteuil election, says:
M. Abbott is not itgentleman in whose
personal aggrandizement we take anypar-
tienlar interest, Ile seems to have a keen
i ce and make the main cl at to .
l eforI k a
An Ottawa paper• is authority, for the
statement that . although tho Hon. Mr.
Popo has recovered his health, leis• mind
is a perfect blank, that is,. he is insane.
All persons,. regardless of party, gill .re-
gret to hear tills.
This ie the • Malicious wrty in' which • the
London Free Press heads' an item flour .Tot.
as: " A r6hre of terror -bloody scenes au-
;ac led in lion. EdwarclB1ake'• An
editor who could'pon such that,
Tt, .,wing it to bo'false, would have no scruples
.�' •"; 110 .dill. .• ..
• There.are tWo vacancies in the, Senate
;it the ,resent time, .dile of which will be
lltn-,bv.eCin \VesternOntariomail.'t:'e
in favor of the co ii.-idiitnied'of"tl1!
semi,. but so long tr it :exists, should
'like to see some (Int& honors' fall to this
section of the Dominion, which baa hither=
In .
fteigh1 'n -hood 'are a • nu ni.ber of pel,sons.
, who.liave supported the present go"rern-'
rent through: thick .and thin,: and win?
would be no discredit to the upper hoose,
g the number are some who 'have.
strong claims fo,r „recognition,: and we'
nominate Mr.. Ritchie, •of 'Stanley, one, of
the number; as a lti and profiler person •for
the position. Will some one'socdnd•the
-_-- - .
• The .'Queen is.reported to have .secured
:the eompromise on the Latid bill by in-
to Salisbury heia•efusalto app
to the country on a-questieninvolving
Rouse of Lords.. .. .
The above is a teleitraph item,' and •
beingcopied by several Papers without
comment. Wethink it :is -a 10)0'1 .'00.u'
the Queeu, who rias ever shown herself
sufficiently sensible to keep•her'own. view
and feelings to herself, and not communi-
cate, politically; with.any member of the
opposition: It would certainly be out of
her province to weaken the' bands of tier
ministry an d• strengthen' those • tf the :op-
positon, which this paragraph purports to
' he the case, and we, therefore, believe it
to be totally devoid of truth,
good thing out of politics. That he h s
any principleswhich he cherishes mitre
than his private interest we see no reason'
to suspect. Were he possessed of a fine
sense of honer, he might consider his peal -
tion as solicitor for the Canada Pacific
Syndicate incompatible with a seat iu the
Our cotemporary goes on to ar"nue that
]!Ir. Abbott's election must be leaked upon,
as a grand victory for the National Policy,
since the candidate is not a man who de-
serves favor on personal ground. We are
disposed to regard Mr. Abbott as the re-
presentative in Parliament, not of Argen-
teuil, but of the Canada 1acifi Syndicate,
and we deem it a_.pity that any Canadian
constituency can be lbund willing to de
grade_ itself by electing the hired man of a
moneyed corporation' instead of a repre-
sentative of the people. Mr, Abbott .is
one of a class of candidates that will be
numerous at the next general election.
TheNational.•Po ' 'and th
lacy a Syndicate
bargain have created a condition of affairs.
calling for extreme watchfulnssandvigor
on the part of the independ nt •electors of
the Dominion. Long ago tri Fancily Cer
pact enjoyed exceptional privileges •in
Canada. The Teeple, who suffered front
the. oppitssion of the privileged class,
struggled for liberty end finally obtained
it. Now the genius of Toryism has built
up a now privileged class, and the battle
ler liberty has•to be fought over again. On
the nue side are ranged all the men who
by the aid of unjust legislation, are enabled
to prey upon their countrymen and mike
more than flair profits. • This class does
net include all the manufacturers of Can-
ada, for there'aro many who are compelled
by the N,.• P. to pay.. more for their raw
material thea they should pay, • while
they. obtain no equivalent advance on .the
selling price of their finished products.
'Chose who are helped by the tarns' to rob
til' ir:customere.wilinaturally b ,tele allies
of the (ioverninent.. The memcrs of the
Canada Pacific Syndicate Have been
granted a valuable eh tutor,' under • which
they will' be ,enabled to 'make immense
profits, and their influence and money will
certainly bc-used.on theGovernmcnt..side..
The next.eleetion-milt--therefer-e-be-a-
contest between the honest • andself-sus-
taiuing 'people of Canada And the' blood-•
suckers who are inside -the ring..' The lat-,
ter:ire•-mininor-ity, but:-thc Advantage of
nerfect organization is on their side. We
Lave an' abiding faith, in the conl'inon
sense and the honeety.of the masses; who
have only to understand the issue to ren-
proper. .
Verdict. . Many have been
return of geed times It i,••
h e o5
znslecl•,by the .�
easy to mistake coincident cirrcnmstances
for cause and effect, and no effortlaias•been
spared by 'Sir 'Leonard Tilley and his
satellites to make people think that good
times are the •result . of the N. P. The
claim will not:boal-investigation ]`acts
and figitees are against• it, and the next
season of depression Will prove to a -dem-
onstration the powerlessness.of the•;jV. P.,
if that profession enricher of the country
is' not sooner'overturned. ; It is satisfactory
to note that;the Liberal 'press takes firm
g'rdund•on behalf of .popular rights and;
against the rings. Never •before in the
history. of 'the country has there been a
clearer issue between ,parties. . Sir 'John
holds office, backed by the tin. swindles,
the•National Policy and the Canada Pa-
aoific Syndicate. 3;Lis.oppoiients stand' up
for equal rights and- the abolition of mo-
nopolies. Argenteuil has taken the wrong
.side, but' the majority •of 'constituencies
will clot be sign Lary deluded in 1883.
'rnile MOartiro ,,S:. •
We referred last'week, to .the _spay in
which the Syndicate were managing the
al. f lands in the west, and thereby
disposal o
retarding proper. Settlement .of 'that magi•
nificent country. Below bre. two. items,
clipped from an exchange, which show
further the shay in 'which the Syndicate
manage matters:-
It is said that the Syndicate will fix the
Thunder Bay terminus of the Pacific Bail -
way at neither Prince Arthur's' Landing
nor Fort William, but at Current Bay,
some distance east of the former place,
and further• up the hay: Itis alleged that
the water is deeper there than at the
Landing, and the shelter will also be im-
proved by the more completeintervention.
of the Cape, but probably the chief reason
for the change is that the Syndicate own
laird there.
As a specimen of the spirit of thePacific
.Railway Syndicate, and of the manner in
which they are availing themselves of the
enormous privileges conferred on them by
Parliament, take the following' instances
-They offered to run one. of their branch
lines laic the town of Morris on Condition
that one half of the town .site should be
given up to them by way of bonus. This
offer being refused, they deterrained to
run the line pest the town at a distance
c,t' flee miles. A. delegation from the c'iti
rens then waited on therii and offered
' town and farm property worth $200,000,
togctioir With a cash bonus of $5,0001_
tija r " '';rr' n-vtilo to hill to the town.
The j ' ,,;tike were Int ?mad that no
)A1;0 trailed differ t e:hl .„iglu : 0 any
r hatige in ;.,rt route of tile 11.:', brit for
the anis' t's' t )Pill offered ii. spur might be
built to Poise ,(;i, them with it. The pee -
pie of fort,, naturally prc Cereal to 100p
their Money P`) t 1 Lil i :arid I•f•LISt t4 the
fature anal t",.e;r oval enterprise ;to obtain
connection with some other line.
WWII,. Cy.
NEw HovsE.--bMr. John. Turner's new
house on the. Bayfield road, near yarns, is
:almost completed. It 19 *snug little frame,
and looks very pretty from the outside at
least. a
A>` Is naoVEMENT.-The stone bridge span.
ning the ravineon the road north .of Varna,
will be cos aploted by the end of the week,
this was a much needed improvement.
These lines, false world, arc rueant to prove
The doctrine is unsound,.
Which says that "lovers cease t9 love
When byHymen they are bound,"
For down n Stanley township know
A couple have beers foud-
Who, by their actions, down waold - !row
Such doctrine to the ground.
To church on Sunday do they go,
seas arms about her waist ,
'While she the lines doth hold, to dhow
The thing's just to her taste.
She sits, on week day, book in hind,
Oron so doss repose •
fa POa
While all day long he tills the land
To earn her food and clothes.
When asked by friends "why don't she work
As other wives have donee
11014Y8, while turning Iiks a Turk (ey)
" My love's to look upon."
Waitingfurther'Inspirations, we aro
THS FAnugs.
FALL WxrreT.-Theharvest. ie now finished.
and it is expected it will turn out better than -11 1-5 P 76 .75 11 1"
at first; supposed. The farmers. are busily Ent' 12 1.5 P 76 75 1.51
gaged in preparing' the soil for -fall wheat, 22 1-5 P. 70 7a 1.51
Whish i8 to be .sown in great quantities i R . this' 15 1-6 �'fur,Aex HP 1iErlsAni,F 3mtA3r9,
g 75 1.05
Yisinity. TOWNSHIP or UIowicr
-Pzexrc,.-A-union ienio to consist" of tbe.-Partiet3ofrontin
pupilsof the Sunday and day schools here, is on side road be
to be held in Mr. MoBrien's woods, on the t.reenlots30t31.
eideroads betvveen-the public school and the NE neo r>or er loth' 3 • 1 P 5.97 88 0.85
16th opn. Goderich township, on Wednesday, 1 • 11. 100 un P 10,88 1.00 11.88
Sept. 7th. The hour of meeting /810 o'clock 11 0019 A • 92 P 99:65 175 102.40
Po m. A committee has been appointed and 811 part i0.; VILLA°May Stnov#c PrN. Htl 83 s. 90 . 7.53
everything. will be done to make it the picnic. Via/ I.0F GORH►S IN Bowler. '
of the season. Come and bring your' basket. 209 1-5 P 6.89 88 7,27
215,:., r 1-5 F 0.39. 88
. The time has come for a party of about'a , „ . .: , : '1-5. P 0.22 88
dozen, with guns, clubs and dogs innumer • Valines or MANcuEsri a l5 RIALETT.
able to sally forth in- the •dark to the neighbor.'.1_-•• - 1-G P110 7s•
ing corn fields, :to hill all the coons which .6 1.5 •P - 78 76
nay ho, found therein. Of course they don't. 0..,., i-5 P 2.00. 78
tramp down the corn sir nothing, the destruct- • a•it1Aaa of MYTH
aye Dons (that ain't. there) do that. McConnell s'y 10 Block.0. - F 2.23 78
5 McCaughey.s'i"49 Block G .I' 4.30 • 33
0oloton s s'y 2.. P- 1•.24 75
G0ciatUCII TOW.NSII;IP. 3 1.24 75
One evening last week an. animal of some ' 'ILLAOS OF BATFIYtD.
211 -, k' i' .46 89
Ih kind killed nearly a dozen geese for Mr. Peter S V:,q 211 •• 1.32. ,P 2.60 so
Cale, of the 11111 con. 200 k 1'' 3.17 80
Ma. Edward Tibbutt, (son of Mr.. W. Till. 3111 i> 4.G9, b
732 1
btit of the Maitland concession) left by t 1 P • 4
masoaraSale uLoud for Tues. SAAB OF HMIS POR JULY and AlIGIIST
County otliuron,t
To wit ; i
Y virtue of a Warrant under the Maud of the War-
den of the County of Huron, and the real of said
County, bearing date the sixth day August, A. 01.1881,
to me directed for the collection of arrears. of taxes
due on the undermentioned. laude. Notice is hereby
given, that unless the said taxer, together with all law-
ful costs and charge$, be sooner paid,' shall, on
of o ember
the eighteenthday� �..
181, at t e hour Of Two Olock, 3f., at the Court
1881, at h
House, in the TOWN of GOD>aRICH, proceed to soil
by public auction the said lands, or so much thereof as
may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes
and chargee thereon.
Lot a .. A o. ,..
E. 01 W i of 2..1 E. D. 60 F e 3407 b8 36.66..65
8 1 8 W. D. 1110 P 21.06 1.26 22.31
N 4 8 W. D. 100 Un 1'' 44.44 1,83 46.27
E part 5 12 W. D.. 150 P 87.00 2,00 90,10
W part 6 12 W. D. 50 P 24.78 1.33 24.13
W of E 14 1.28 22.98
O W. D. 50 P 21.70
TOwlvsum or Gaar,.
30 4 100 I' 25.91
N 11 12 60 P 24.40
27 12 109 P 46.49
2628 .......... 14 100 P 46.49
180 r 50.59
VITAMIN or ETHer, ir, Oster.
N part°0...,,•. k P 87' 75 X.12
W10 ,..5 -60 P •.12.12. 1,03 13.16
VILLAois Or LassviEW is Her.
Mr. l7. •3lcGregor, of Hensel', gees into�tbe
oatmeal. business at Ripley:
Capt. Howard, of the Exeter volunteers,
has resigned,: and Lieut. Elliott takes 'his
Tiro Jaly and the first week of August
cheese of the Black/ale factory, was sold for
104 cents a pound..
Miss Isabella Oliver of St. ,Mary's,• has been.
appointed third assistant . in Godoiich High
Sobool,'in pisco of Miss Hay.
Mr. S. Armstrong, of the Gth con, Grey,
has sold his farm of 50 acres, to B. Dilworth.
Mr. 'Armstrong intends removing to Manitoba.
A horse belonging to Mr.•. Robert MuFar
lane, of the:3rd con, of Morris, was, on Thurs-
day evening, accidentally killed' by lightning.
Mr. J. W.'CarrolI has purchased the hotel
property which be now occupies: on Main st.
eaforth, from Mrs. Hayes, for'the sum of $$4,,-
400 cash.
The census' e.numeratore'for . North Huron
lie nos last eek. rhg amount
e their c w
received q
paid to .the nineteen enumerators and one
commissioner was 81,830. .•
A little boy, son of A.Soott, Seaforth got his
leg broken between the knee and the ankle, 011
Friday evening last. While a
waggon he fell out, with the above result. •
Mr. W. B. Forrest, at ono time teacher in
School Section No. 8, Morris, .more recently
a student at the Collegiate Institute, Coiling,
wed, has been appointed to the principalship
of the public school at Little Current, Mani-
toulin Islands.
The steam thresher owned by Mr. Thomas
Dinedale of Nippon, did excellent work cit, the
farm of Mr. John McAllister, fn tho.townahip
of Hay. There were threshed in ten hours
GOO bliehcls of wheat, 350 bushels barley and
100 bushels of outa, '
Mr. Alex. Sillere, on:the Sanble line Hay,
diad ono of his barns struck by lightning last
Friday morning and all consumed with about
five tans of hay "stud some farming implements
ono new buggy carriage and some fowls. His
odder barn which was a good distance off' and.
fill :1 with wheat escaped.
C+; li..l:t. front dllntoa for Emerson on 'St. ndrotit's10 ...lima s „ ' 's•,
f , , - 'ar11GAtFi, O1 JSLL ee71;rF
Tuestii . Ile goes to take up land. G7 . Mitt st.. P U.os 80
A colt valued at t 100, belonging to Mr. P,, 7'• TOWl S131r nF Aiaaafe
:Taylor, got scared by a train coming along N Gf "• ' .... g ' • 101 T> 2'1,4 t.9s
and leaped over 0 fenoli into Mr. It Hodge's N s 27 ...:s 10o i.' 30.50 1.05
:hold and fell into a well with 27•foot of ;water- N part12,....
0 1 P 1,
,''7. 83'
in it; anti. nas'droitvod, 'rowssulr or
SUDDEN 1)UA'ru,-Twist weeks young'l
Inttn :F 1'° tNall acro
named Geo.- tiddu , "ficin Ntilei, �vho } vas
visiting at Dir. 5, Tlatlnvoll'e, was taken ill
with inflammation of the bowels. Oa Friday.
evening thrco: days thereafter, ho died. Ho ,
Was bntiecl.ia Bayfield cemetery on Sunday,
a very large number of persons aobompanying ,
his remains there.
from 1 W Corner •
tot 30 2 1 1' 8.75 f 96 0.70
1:• 11' 1-2 59 1' ' 11,00 1.10 15.70
Tow56,er UI Sr.txter. ""--'
11n1•lleytcr 2 1' : 4,28 6,1 .2.11
• VilirLOF. OF il•Irl'si ,r, STA\sir:
'20 1.5 1' 211 7d `•.10
221•::,...,.....,• -1-3 P 141 78. 3-10
A'ILGAQ3 or naueEFn:UD•17 5TAstir,
(SubofTOinlst)2 k 1' 601 •8, 6,06• '.
Towssulr or ST5r1lrx •
Psjafa 10.12 • , 1': 2343 1.30 2173
Nd•ofAi17. 18. 2"i P :17.431..40.2a8:3-
N 110• 19 50 1' ' 40.01 .LSO 41,81
14„ • •......... ,19 100 1' 39.89 1.80 41.09
N & 36 5 b'Ory 50 P ' 11.4o 1.08' 14,57
1.1Li:Ao1.7 07 Bi er 941: i' T><', a.7)laral',. •
STill black Dun- •
cans survey... i' 5.48 85 '(1,33
• 1'i4lrAalt O•F'WINtIIAN IN.TCDuiERRr. •
Ger. survey 39.. 1 i'', 3.118 80 4.08 .*
40,. .
.,. . P' ',28. S0 .4.08
153 `} .P . . 74 75. 1.49
154 •', 1' 74' 75 1.40,
1' 71 7,-1,45
is 1
SMi' Ulin'ton, on tho 19th inst.,' the
•- wife u 9f Mr. Levi Smith, of a son.'
li '- ,
ullott on tide 2inst. the
lliilc,. I ,. ,. ,
wife of hit; -Geo: 7)alo, ot: a sou.
Nolsrrrs..-In Hallett, . on tido 1Jth ult., the wife
of Mr. Jarret.Nobin, of a daughter, (tho
iirst'iii.a faially of seven. , ,
Sa11iss--11'n.'a'T:-zit the residenpo of the
bride's father, South Oxford, on the 17th
int„ by the lief. W. C. Jolley, Roe,. A.
13. Smith, of the (..!: 111.. ,Church, Dian-.
-' cheater, to Aggie, third .daughter of MF.
John Watt.
I3u•rr- Tuosles. At the B. G. parsonage,
Clinton, on the 33rd inst,, by the hev.
It. Thomas, father of the bride, assisted
by Rev.,; W 21. Mutt; brother ,of . the
bridegroom, Mr, F1phrailnt Butt, to. Miss.
Jessie '• Thomas..:
I, nvErrwmarn-HAarr,e.-At the . residenae.
of the bride's father, North Solon, ;Ohio,
On the 24th inst., Mr. B. J. Leavenwarth,,
of St..Cathaiines, (brothor'of Mrs. Rat.
Holmes, .Clinton)•:to'Miss Lizzie • Harper,
Homiteei=At •St. Catharines, on .the; lith
inst.; 'Frederick' Holmes, aged 60:years,
brotherof E. Holmes, of the NEW En.t,
On Saturday evening last a son of Mr. W.
Lobb, of Sunshine, while twirling apiece of
edging around his head, fell upon it inflicting
a ewers wound of the side on his fano.
A number of the young people of this'vici-
nity lie stricken with typhord fuer, some of
tlleai aro recovering, while others are yet very
t Mr. Dam McLean is doing excellent work
With his Wit Steam thresher.
71,. Armstrong
Renee when completed
will be one of the finest building! in the town'
chip, it is beingbuilt of solid brick.
EI situOF rams FGR JX& 1��OST.
ig Sale.of Straw Goad,,
g Sale of Dress Good.
Big Bargains ha musrr�is.
Big Bargains in BUNTINGS.
Big Bargains in CASIIM1 R S,
.��� pall �
Big argdins an SILKS,.
DLUI'tIN(i J1?L-Y ANI) T15 EE.DCC1')S'1,()C'l�.
I li'i11 pay ;BEADY (::stili fur! any quantity of.000.1,) 3'ACKE»,BUTTEIt, is
a willt, hilt cash,: if wanted .or pay. all trade if
:any:. Falmer n'antln,, cash .� I.. _ pay . , _
T� pp11 '11 5.01' I3 5'IsTrl,; 1i. 1 AR1,IEESS
• (7N .TO ONE THOUSAND 7..33
desired, ,for •.. • � . DON'T
To r.Nen
Centro part '27.,1
211 22. ... 13
a'i4L\OE-'o r
Ashery lot ., . .
11.Tay of -
for aur `2l
-74onnel1•. l stPt.Sm(S
aVlillsstir 27... `
Sanders go
. 4o
i•'.raneist'n " •
Ni ,2,
'59.: .,
575 •
370.. .... .
it er Waiit SVAtr•slosh.'
• 41• 1' 42.39 1.85 4.1.24.
100 P,•'.42.26 '1.8G 44.11
it: 411Lsse L\' WAWA000II.•.
1' 0.03 ..So- . 7.68
11.x05. of Zit:ear..
. `l 5 • 2 . '. `120. ' 30 4.09
•1.5 .P x.10 78 2.97'
1-04. I' - 24 76.".'. 99'
'1, '19,21 L20 20.41
15 .i' 708' 93' 8.01
1. Y.•. 52a ..,8,• 0.13.
k •1'•. 41.38 8 ' '0.13
1.10. ,P' d 90 85 '5.7
1;10 'I' 4.90 85. , 5.76
1-5 P 14.43 1.08 •15;51
15 P . 14.43'•'1.08 15.51
1-8 .1' 3.15 9a 0.11
1-5 E 24 75 :09
1 t'; 40 75 '. 1.31
1 1;5 1' 19,08'• 1:23 27.10
1-5 1' ' . .19.90 :1.23 21.19-
1-5 10 19.96 1.23 21.10
A, 'M. 8(055, Treasurer' County of Iluren.
c mita'Treasur°r's Office, Oedericb, Aug: 8, 1881.
S;, :L
lie lois' still a :few of those o1u alp Bats and Caps, at
•a greater reduction than ever. , BOY'S
DOLLAR HATS for 25, 40 & 50 cts.
Tr SVHOLESA7,i{; 13AIII IIt,li
r A
Gods oss thil 'the usaal Wholesa Pries:
12;. cent PRINTS for 10 , cents:
'15 cent PRINTS for 1.)11. cents.
20 cent' MUSLI'NS :for 12i. cents, .
In ' FLANNELS . `he can .-show' goods at 85 cents
as good, if' not better, than are
usually sold at 50 cents.
His TWEEDS are.of unusually good value.
75 cent TWEEDS for 50 cents:.
$1.00 TWEEDS for 77 cents.
Having secured some MANTLE .SILKS at the
same sale, he can. sell for $2.75 goods usually sold
at $3.50. LIGHT SILKS 75 cents perp yard..
His stock of C; ROCERI 2 is
+ttgypp m�r
Fresh 4 1 r
well assortQ
-A GALL 801410IT> I1: ,
1I 1C•y�r,1' PIIIOB PAID FOR B1JT"1'•pitr
'l•st 4ror to'site TOWS fall.Ofl*i'fit l
e are . in active preparation for . it.
Opening Xew :Goods Daily.
We are daily" opening up'case' after case of `eNs; Goods. Qur'
3 1 �
r. , i to -day. £he' wvhele• house is asi8um.--.
I�ALI� 1~W:�EDS arrived 1 ...
aur old' .stool;. is well
ins a 11£W . ori( healthy. �.l�r)��rarice. O..
err _
clearcc`i out. I>�' its Well known that "cam;® will9'
ire old, stook, anl the appearance. of ou1r• Sunnierstuff
' . .
c n.ts faly01lc, ill coming' to that Conclusion,
warrants � ..
Our MISS. '\ ?'ALEER iy 11(e.r in the eastern markets. MX
CEAIB. leaves for Montreal early ale :t Week, and, we have no
hesitation.:whatever in saying that when.: our stock from, ail
is Collected oted together, eve will be inti Position to make
sources. . i.. 1:01, a r.+
a _ •.
The 'Flee t 1 ispi y -of Dry Goods