HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-08, Page 6'-c' ,;.1:; 4em, tf -Fp 5.7 (.5)' ,..c..... •' .< z' s. The Sunlight Maids are always through their wash at twelve o'clock GIIT SOAP With ordinary soar) a woman has to work so hard and so long on wash day aha has no time for preparing any of the fatuity meals. Wash day is a trial, and the good n ice faces each it ith a sigh of despair. Sunlight Soap makes all the difference in the world. No toiling—no rubbing— no ubbingno boiling—less than half the labor with much better results. Most women are all through their wash by twelve o'clock when they wash with Sunlight Soap the Sun- light way. It makes child's play of work. ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR. Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white and won't injure. the hands, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. • 9a Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Mrs. P. McLaren has disposed of he: bus business in Lucknow to Mr. Nelson, ,of Mt. Pleasant, who took possession on Monday last. It's not the weather that's a fault. It's your system, clogged with poisonous materials, that makes you fell dull, drowsy, weak and miserable. Let Bur- dock Blood Bitters clear away all the poisons, purify and enrich your blood, 'take you feel bright and vigorous. The Fordwich iron bridge has at last been completed and the citizens are walking instead of swimming. We f+rinderstand $2650 is the total cost. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- f'antum, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dys- entery and Summer Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, safe and sure cure that has 'been a popular favorite for nearly 60 years. Isn't it funny that when you put a dollar on the collection plate everbody in the church is looking the other way, but when you put in a great big cent isverybody is sure to be looking at you. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25 CATARRH CURE Ai Is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved blows Heals the ulcers, clears the ai, passages, stops droppinLs to th throat end p•'rmarantly cure: Catarrh and, lay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. w Chase M;,diclne Co.. Toronto and Buffalo Mr. Cross, late editor of the Hepworth Journal, has gone into railroading, a loafer and more lucrative calling than running a newspaper. He says that bead -on or tail -on collisions, snow block- ades, and other incidents of railway life are mere trifles compared with what a asoantry editor has to go up against. In fact he would prefer being occasionally derailed than constantly assailed. v. FOUND AT LAST. A Liver Pill that is small and sure, that acts gently,. quickly and thoroughly, that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills possess these qualities, and are a sure mate for Liver Complaint. Constipation, Sick Ileadache, etc. DON'T take med- icine to Brake you feel better when you are not feeling just right. If it's your nerves the only safe and sure rem- edy is rest. The proper way to rest is lying down, but you can rest your nerves while you stand or walk by wearing "Comfort" Dunlop ONI fort Rubber Heels There is many a still, dull head- ache caused by walking heavily ort hard loather heels. rt Com, fort" Leets are made of good ispringy rubber. They save tt great deal of nerve discomfort. Mamedm ik�arterTata sir Co., LtmArtn tet& Ton6ssro Ar Side by ell 1hrit owler* +�t • The Canadian Association for the prevention of tnbereolosis has issued a circular stating that 310 people in the County of Bruce have consumption, and the average death rate in the county from that disease is 62 a year. Wherever there are sickly people with weak hearts and deranged nerves, Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be found an effectual medicine. They re- store enfeebled. enervated, exhausted, devitalized or over-worked men and wo- men to vigorous health. Miss H. D. Pringle has decided to serer her connection with S. S. No. Stephen, when she has taught for the last few weeks. The trustees have en- gaged the services of Mr. Percy S. Banes, of Oredition, for the year 1905 at a salary of $400 per year. GET RID OF THAT COUGH Before the summer comes. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all Diseases cf the Throat and Lungs. An organization known as "The Liquor Law Enforcement Society" has been formed rn Southampton, the object of which as its name implies, is to see that the present license law is effectually put in operation and carried out. Lever's Y—Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfects.. 38 It is conceded that for newly stacked hay it requires about 500 cubic feet to make a ton, or, as the rule is commonly given a cubic eight feet long, and eight feet wide and eight feet deep, which would amount to 512 feet. If hay is settled for a few weeks 422 cubic feet would make a ton. There is no form of kidney trouble, from a backache down to Bright's dis- ease, that Doane Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure. If you are troubled with any kind of kidney complaint, give Doai}'s Kidney Pills a trial. James Hays and family moved on Tuesday last to Kincardine, where Mr. Hays has purchased a livery business During his years' residence in Goderich Mr. Hays made many friends, who will wish him success in his new location, Gained Forty Pounds in Thirty Days, For several months our younger bro- ther had been troubled with indigestion. He tried several remedies but got uo benefit from them. We purchased some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Inside of thirty days he had gained forty pounds in flesh. He is now fully recovered. We have a good trade on the Tablets.—Holley Bros., Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For bale by A. I, McCall & Co. • We understand that Mr. W. J. Hoover, of Westfield, will be a candidate for councillor i n East Wawanosh at the coming municipal elections. Ile is a strong candidate and if elected will make a worthy representative. ror'Over Sixty fears, An Old and Well -Tried Remedy --Mrs Winalow'e tbothingSyrnp has boort used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children whi19 teething, with perfect ettooess. It soothes the ohiid, softent the gums, allays all pain, cures wind polio, and is the beat remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the. taste, Sold by druggists in every pert of the rrorkl. Twenty-five cents &bottle. Its valve is fno&lonlabie. Demure you tisk for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and ,tialce no other kind. ••t TRE Eli. Wissler, of Neastadt, a patent wedicine vendor, 66 years of ago, who sent obscene letters addressed to ladies in an adjoining town through the mails was neatly caught by Provincial In- spector Rogere and sentenced to one year in the Central Priem). Sore and swollen joints, sheep, shoot- ing pains, torturing muscles, no rest, no sleep—that menus rheumatism It is a stubborn disease to light, but Chuirberlain's Pain Hahn has conquered it thousands of times. One apphration gives relief. Try it. A, I McCall & Co. eel/ it. Last Wednesday afternoon about 2 o'clock fire was discovered in the Greeu Bush Hotel, at Underwood owned by Mr. F. S. Mc -Lerman. By the efficient work of the citizens the fire was confined to part ofthe upper storey of the build- ing. The loss is about $150, fully covered by in- surauce. Cured Itidney Disease Mrs Fred. Hills, Walton St., Port Hope, Ont., states;—''I wan troubled for some time with kidney disease, and though I tried a great many different medicines never succeeded in obtaining relief until I began the use of Dr. Chase's Kikney-Liver Pills. By the regular use of this preparation for a -time I was com- pletely cured of kidney disease." London's oldest resident, Mrs. Ellen O'Brien, died Wednesday of last week in St Joseph's Hospital, having reached the age of 103 years. Mrs, O'Brien was born in Baltinglass, Wicklow, Ireland, in 1802. She came to Canada with her hnsbiuid in June, 1832, thus having lived 72 years in London. An Attack of Pueumonia Yarded 08: "Some time ago my daughter caneht a severe cold. She complained of pains iu her chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to school, I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail," says James Pender- gast, merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica, West India Islam' -s The pains in the chest indicated an approaching at- tack of pneumonia, which in this in- stance was undoubtedly warded off by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to- ward pneumouia. For sale by A. I. Mc- Call & Co. David Cook,Olinton's veteran flour and feed store man, had the dire ulisfortune to fall on the granolithio walk in front of his store, and break his left am be- low the shoulder. It is providing quite it shock to the old gentleman, who is well up in years, but his many friends wish him a speedy recovery from this injury. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ss. Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.D„ 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mu- cous surfeees of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. .1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. The Carney Lumber Co., of Massey, will erect at Owen Sound one of the largest lumber mills in Canada. It will be a two band mill, with an annual capacity of 20,000,000 feet. The rate- payers will vote on a by-law granting exemption from taxes for ten years, and will sell the company a mnnicipal•owned site on the bay shore for $1500. The company will employ 200 hands, and will move over 100 families from their mills in Wisconsin and Massey. "There has been about $1,500 stolen in the towns of Berlin and Waterloo with- in the last six weeks or two Months," said one of the authorities, last week. And almost in every case the thieves have been able to get away with their ill-gotten gains, and to cover their tracks so well that they have, escaped arrest and punishment. The amounts are said to have ranged from $10 to over $,3190, tin largest hauls having been made in Waterloo. CATARRH ESCAPED A DANGEROUS SURGICAL OPERATIO1 178 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Can, THE OXYGENATOR CO., Toronto, Canada. Gentlemen, --I as most pleased to certify to the curativ61pf ropertie. of "Oxygenator.' I drat began using c ltfor Catarrh in the head. Having subdued this loathsome disease I then turned fay attention to a large Polypus that existed in my right nostril, wkich was successfully removed by the local appllcetien of "Oeygenatar" thereby saint mach pain, danger and *spew. bad it been removed by surgical protasis. I have used your remedy fa my fondly (of 8) for a number of yams, and ern highly recommend it for esters, colds and threat trerides--aa a gargle, wheat warted, itis invaluable. I remain, yours truly, O, U. Bo3IN801f. OXYGENATOR A GERM KILLER aftWt OXYClaNATOR 00. 22 itwr'bord etc - Toronto WINGRAM TIMES DECEMBER 8, 1994 BABY'S BIRTH A TRYING TIME Made Easy if the Mother Pre- pares Her Bracing System With a Treatment of FiRWOZONE A Womanly Tonic that Up- lifts, Vitalizes and Strengthens. Yon immediately experience a real gain irepower a,.d strength from using Fern zone, which is a true nerve 1511(1 blood tanto It effects permanent oures uliparallelen in the history of medicine. Ferrozoue supplies the essentials of lite that are exhausted by overwork, worry, indigestiou or high living. It contains just what every ruu-down sys• tete leeks. By inetilling new strength into the blood, Ferrozoue benefits' the whole body. Digestion improves, the eyes sparkle, the cheeks glow with girlish beauty. Normal powers are restored to the regenerated organs, the nerves are recharged with energy, makil'g the suf- ferer conseioes that the benefit is result- ing from Ferroznne. There is no greater boon to suffering worsen than Ferrozoue. It charges the system with the soap and fire of youth, builds up firm tissues, rounds out the form until perfect womanhood is attain- ed. Ferrozone is the one safe tonic for ladies to use, sestinas it contaills no al- cohol or dangerous drugs. Growing girls, young women, expectant inothei s —every female will derive uuqueusion- able benefit from this grand restorative. Prepared only in tablet form, 500 for a box of fifty tablets or six boxes for $2,50._ at all dealers, or N. C. Poison & Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., aud King- ston, Ont. The shareholders of the Harriston Pork Packing Company at a meeting Thurs- day unanimously voted to ratify the sale of the packing hoose and plant of the concern to the William Davies Company of Toronto' who will at once commence operations at Harriston. On the train carrying the Galt foot-, ball party homeward from their victor- ious trip to St. Louis, the members of the party presented Mr. Chas. S. Proctor, travelling passenger agent on the G.T.R. and who acoompanied them on the en- tire trip, with a handsome travelling bag, as an appreciation of his valuable and freely given services. Mayor Mundy of Galt, who also accompanied the party, was presented with a gold -headed cane. The officers of the club, Secretary Duff • and Treasurer Hunt received gold watch fobs. The Best Remedy for Croup. (From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe,l This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are al- most as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of burglars. There used to be an oldfash- ioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup, but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy as soon as the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. Every fall the newspaper man counts on getting in pay for a large number of subscriptions. During the busy hot season this matter is frequently for- gotten, and as winter is corning on many subscribers have not recollected that they are owing for their paper. This would matter little to us if the number of those who let the time slip by were small, but when it rued up into the hundreds, none owing less than a dollar, it is a matter of greater importance. If you have let this matter escape your at- tention you would confer a favor by at- tending to it at once. Every line in a newspaper costs some thing. If it is for the financial gain of an individual or society it should be paid for. If the grocer were asked to contribute groceries to one abundantly able to pay for them, he would refuse. The proprietor of a newspaper has to pay for the free advertising if the bene - Aviary does not, and it is one of the hardest things to be learned by many that a newspaper has space in its col- umns to rent. To give it away for anything less than living rates would certainly be as fatal as for landlord to furnish house rent free. Each day something occurs unknown to us, and once more we ask our sub- scribers and others to hand in any news they come across. Some persons think that if they do this we will think they want to see their names in print. This is a very erroneous idea. We oonnidor the handing in of thoee items favors and the people who hand them in our warm- est friends. And just a whisper. Every newspaper ommioe deals in a confidential way, much as does a lawyer, and we are not going out on the street to talk about private affairs,—Exohange. MAMAOIttt WAN ED, u'rnstworthy lady or ge:stlemen to manage imeineeas in thin county and adjoining terribar for well and favorably; known house of no' d financial standing. straight cash Wary and lizpenseet, paid etch ]d0udtty by oherk direct from headquarters, Iratpemees money advanced. Position permanent, Address, Ye>tater, 810 Com* Block, U6kags Ylliaols °Mr. Phil, Aaker, Brewster, Stephen's most progressive farmers, reports is remarkable instance of beg feeding On the 4th of November he purchased six hogs and at onoa penned thew for feeding, the six weighing 066 lbs Ou Tnarslay,Nov, 24th he delivered them to Messrs. Prier & Armstong, when the six tipped the sra'es at 1270 ponuds, this making a gain of 804 pounds, net, or an £Vernee of nearly 50 pounds on each hog in 20 days. They were fed on chopped barley unci oate in quantities of two thirds tool one third respectively. Where such excellent results as these aro obtained it is proof or demonstration of judicious feeding 0110 WOMAN'S GREATEST ENEMY. Constipallon the Callee of most Wotneu's Trounles—An Easy %Vey to Permanently Cure thin Painful Condition., There are few women indeed who do not suffer with chronic constipation. Nearly all are slaves to some kind of medicine to correct this trouble, and yet they get nothing but temporary relief, Ono period of constipation is followed by another, and it's physic. physic, physic, year in and year out, till life becomes a burden. There is now a sore cure for this con- dition and a cure that does not have to he repeated. It is Dr, Leonhardt's Auti- Pill. Dr. Leonhnrdt, of Lincoln, Neb., is the author of this prescription. He used it for years with wonderful success in his own large practice as a remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness and constipation Many ladies who have suffered for years are uow enjoying good health and a perfect freedom from the old constipa- tion through the use of Anti Pill. ars. Tahh, 287 Emerald st. north, Hamilton, Ont., says; "I am no longer troubled with consti- pation. I cannot praise Anti -Pill too highly," A month's treatment for roc, All druggists, or The Wilson•Fvle Co , Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont: Sole agents for Canada —The Daily Star till 1st of January, 1905, for $1. Leave your order at the TIMES Office. l: Plump; Rosy Children are children that get the right food to eat—whole- some, nutritious food—easily digested food. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are 'splendid food for grow- ing children. Made of Cana- da's ana- das finest wheat, cream and butter—thcy are more nourishing than bread, and easier to digest. Always crisp and appetizing in the moisture -proof packages. At all grocer& ,.PP .r. Ii Another of the pioneers of Howick passed to the unknown on Monday even- ing, Nov. 2lat, in the person of John Douglass, aged 78 years. Born in county Tyrone, Ireland, he came to this eonn- try when a young man, settling in Te- cumseh. Forty-seven years ago he moved to Howick aud settled on the farm, lot 24, con. 9, where he breathed his last. In 1867 he was married to Miss Collins, who, with a grown-up family of three daughters and two sons, mourn the de- mise of a loving husband and affectionate father. Deceased was a member of the Orange Order, having connected him- self with that body before leaving Ire- land. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS. Stimulate the sluggish liver, clean the coated tongue, sweeten the breath, clear away all waste and poisonous matter from the systeme and cure Sick Headache, Bilious- ness,Constipation,Heartbrn,jaun- dice, Water Brash, Catarrh of the Stomach, etc. Urs, C. Windrum Baldur, Man,, writes :--I suffered for yearn front liver troubles, and endured snore than tongue eat tell, I tried a great many different remedies, but they were of little or no benefit to me. Some time ago2 got atrial package of ',axe -Liver Pills. and they proved so beneficial to me that I procured more. I highly recommend theist to anyone suferingfrom disordered liver. Pries 25 cents or 5 for $1.00, all dealers, or Mzz vax Co,, l nirtzts Tomato, Ont. FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts pf people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules.have become their stan- dard fame it remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est .with a long and successful record, to c - r4; 'a• ligest•'.nn, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn _o .,tlpation, t .=iensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, - &tion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular 1` iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- '' .'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up i '-i•-hwn systems, restore pure blood. good appe•• f' .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives eon .tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans "i'.tb'ales. Your druggist sells them. The five - c 2nt packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle 5o cents, contains a supply for a year. t c VEZZIONEMMISZCZENZERMAXINE '7'" 71, 4'1.A• ' DR. SPINNEY, Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. CONSULTATION Home Treatment. DISEASES CURED to STAY CURED. If your blood has been poisoned with any hereditary or ac- quired disease you are never safe until the virus is eradicated from the system. Don't trust to family doctors, patent medi- cines, blood purifiers, mercury and potash, etc. They will nev- er cure you—though they may help you temporarily. IIave you blotches, eruptions, running sores, bone pains, itchiness of the skin, sore throat, falling out of the hair, dyspeptic stomach, weak heart—We can cure you, YOU GAN PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED. Our VITALIZED TREATMENT is the result of 39 years experience in the treatment of thousands of Blood Diseases. If we fail in curing you, you need not pay us n teat. Wo Coro Nervous Debility, Blood Diseases, Vallee. cele and Strictures, (without operation), Sexual Weok- ness, urinary. Kidney and Bladder Diseases. FREE. BOOKLETS FREE. List of Questions oont for D SPINNEY $e CO. 290 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Tho death took place on November 20th, at Frobrisher, Man., of Hanna Forsyth, beloved wife of Mr. Albert McCall. Deceased was married about two years ago to her now bereft partner and lived on the 7th line of Morris un. ill last spring, when she removed with her husband to the west. Mrs. McCall was the eldest daughter of Mr. Hugh Forsyth, who resided here until a few years ygo, when he went west. Mrs. McCall was a consistent member of Mel- ville church and was much and deserved- ly respected by all who bad the pleasure of her acquaintance. Mrs, Richard Thomson of Brussels is an aunt to deceas- ed, and Messrs. Frank McCutcheon of Morris, and David of MoKillop, are uncles. Much sympathy is expressed for the young husband who has been de- prived of his partner so early in life. • Mr. Oliver Smith, builder and con- • tractor, died Friday morning, Nov. 25th, after fighting manfully and bravely for some years with a disease that was grad- ually and surely sapping his vitality. In his death the Wroxeter community loses a conscientious and straightfoe- ward fellow -citizen and the Presbyter- ian church a consistent member. He leaves a widow and two sons and two • daughters. Mr. Smith was horn in Roxboroshire, Scotland, 59 years ago • last August. When a young man he came to this country and settled in Galt • 38 years ago. He lived in Brussels for several years, whore he carried on the • business of a contractor and builder. He went to Wroxeter over ten year's ago, and has ever held the respect and es- teem of all who knew him. ••••••••••••••••••••••A••• Ii••••••••••••••••••••••••• er• • - • F • i •• • • The Times. • • •• • • Job Department 0, • :: 4w s i • Our Job Department is up-to-date in every particular ; and our work is • guaranteed t o g i v e satisfaction. _ = Estimates cheerfully given. • Onr Specialities. iCOLORED WORK LETTER HEADS S;. • LEGAL BLANKS NOTE HEADS PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCULARS BOOK WORK VISITING CARDS ENVELOPES MAiL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 1 1 Newasemomor THE TIMES is the best loci l paper in the County of Huron. Subscription: $I.00 per year in advance—sent to any address in Canada or the United States. An advertisement in the Times brings good results 01111111110111111•111.0.01111•1r. IIMMONamarimann• • • • w • 1 iN Address all cern iniottti(ma to -y T.1111 'WINCIZAM TIMES CdoiPwhoPo1 e.74. W NGIIArit ONT.