The New Era, 1881-08-11, Page 8'CiLTNTON NEW ERA
TIIURSDA.Y, AUG.. 11, 1881.
gown ' + i piCA.
14004 1, NOTICES..
Those remaring First Class Stone Dressings
Pm their new buildings, should not fail to gelid
in their orders to the old, reliable, artificial.
Stone Works,,Ooderioh. Geo. W. Ttompsen
Black. Machine Oil, lty the barrel, very
cheap, at S. Davis', Clinton.
•Sylvan. Photos at Foster's, Clinton.
Thence is considerable sickness here just
now, among young children.
The Civic Holiday was like all such oc-
casions --verb* quietly observed.
THE wife of Mr, Geo. Chidley, (a former
resident) is visiting friends here.
MRs. J. B. RACEY, and family, left on
Wednesday, by G,W,It„ for Minnesota.
Ox Monday evening the engine was
used in filling the new online the Squ] re,'
Mn. T. TAYLOR,of the Merriton Paper
Mills, is visiting is brother-in-law, Mr
G. E. Pay.
MR, DINGatAN, formerly of the firm of
Dingman Bc Humble, was a.visitor to town
last week: . •
WE regret tp hear that Mr. Dickinson
isstill confined to bed from the effects of
his late acci ' en
Mn. D. MoILE**NAI grain' buyer, re-
- turned from.Manitoba last week, where he
' had gone a short time previously.
ONE hundred and thirty-eight "persons
availed themselves of the excursion from
Clinton .to Toronto, by Gi.T R., last Thurs-
day. -
MR. E. KENNY hasjau_st bought a quar-
ter -acre lot from Mr. Wm. Copp, on Ful-
ton street, and intends to erect a dwelling
house. thereon.
. Two CHILDREN, aged 6 and 8 years re-
spectively, were sent to friends in this
place last week from New York, having
travelled the entire distance alone. .
WE observe that Mr: A. R. Smith, of
Ethel, is about to move to Brussels,and
engage in business. .lie is an -old . Olin,
tonian, having served his time in the store
of Mr; J. Hodgins, •
MESSRS. Davis and Pay havereturned
to town after their three week's outing on
theMaitland. While there they Captured
a young coon, which' is so tame that it
will play with children.
Rev. W. DMCDoNACII, who bad been
quite Mast week, was only able to take
his morning and: sacramental service; on
Sunday. Rev. Mr: Edwards, of Holmes-
Ville, took the, evening service:
A YOUrG mate by the name of Hill in.
alighting from • a waggon on 'Monday -
morning, had the wind knocked out of him
by a kick in the stomach, from a -horse;
fortunately he cisme around all right.
ON SATunnAL.1ast_.dhiring . a thunder
• lttorm a large tree near the • residence of
• Mr. John: Cowan, Victoria Street, . was
struck by lightning andslivered, Achim-
ney on the hotise.•was also partly destroyed.
THE iiifeof Mr. Janteci Smith, who has.
been at the 1VIeribah Mineral baths; Strat-
ford, for a month past, returned to town
on Friday, apparently Very much im-
proved in •health, by her treatment while
lair. STAUFnitt of. Hamilton; has been
appointed stationmaster at Kippen, in
place of Mr..Goodier, who was transferred
to Brecon.. The company, are --placing.
some well gualifi.ed menon this branch of
-...the road.
'M'RS. ?i I• tC iitE,. of :London;.`who,.:died
an. Friday, was a sister .of Mrs.' Joltn Fox,
of Clinton, and Mrs. Hugh Giimenr, of
-Stanley; Mid .prior to her marriage was
.. Miss McFarlane; a daughter of one of the
'.pioneers of Stanley township.
OVER THIRTY persons went from here
by the G. W. R. excursion to Detroit on
• Thursday, and a inueh .l'arger number to
Port .Stanley;theday following.: :lf3Adthe
rate been a'little lower.. to Detroit, -•no
doubt many more would have:gope.. •
Ma. As. MAID+, of the:base' line, and
lately attending Clinton High School; has
• been engaged to teach the'Lakelet school
for the 'remainder of the: year, in place of
Mr. A. Knechtel, who is going to attend
St. Catharines Collegiate institute, •
• MB. Thos..JACRSON., Jit., who has heels
spending a few weeks at Detroit and
neighboring places, has returned to town.
He was much pleased with the 'sociable-:
ness of the Americans, but inuch prefers
the ,Canadian observance' of • Stinday to
theirs. • •
ON TaunsjJ tx • last a train :of ttcentyr�
cars of new steel rails -arrii'ed here for lis°
on the Grand Trunk. Railway, Each car
. represents ten toils• -1s fast.aas. tlle.e ire
used they will be supplemented by others:
Itis the intention Ofthe' company to put•I
this branch of the road in first -slags re-
TEE last 'Ther:sday anti Fri-
day day was almost unbearable, and many
irho had word, 'o'"do outside found it ne-.
cessary to discontinue the same, The
thermometer indicated 95° in the'shade,
the air being very oppressive. .A Wroth
ing shower on Sitturciay moderated the
temperature ..
Miss 'Intim, an'umployec in -Mr. Lor-
' belt's Woollen hill, fell to the door in.:i
• faint, on Friday, the result of :an attack
of heart disease: She Was immediately
' to Mr. Corbett's residence, urd•
medical assistance called in. Although:.
the attack was a severe one, she• soon e- '
covered therefrom. •
A few days since a friendly test •
',held of the milking abilities of three cows
belonging respectively to Messrs. U.
Irwin, N, Matheson, and 1', ,liel.irren,
The test was for the day, Mr. Irwin'sCow.
came out ahead with 25 pounds nt. a milk-
ing, Mr. Matheson's second, with 221, and
Mr. IticT,aree's third, 'with 21 pounds,'
i.'or tins season of the year, this is a ]food
showiiig,'for each'cow. Mr. Thos. Cooper,
*hotlalso has a splendid milking eow,•in-
forma us that 'some time ago, when the
grass was•go'od, lie Weighed: the milk of
Hie Cow for five successivo days it giving
,over+ fi#ty lbs, every day, and a the last.
• .
R opLAB. meeting A. F. & , X,, to-
morrow eveving.
�1rIt:, putting in a new boil- E
er in connection with his salt well, here.
ONE day last week eight Doherty Or-
gans were shipped away from the Great
Western station,
MESSRS. I, Rattenbury, Witt. Jackson
and G. Knox, of this place, attended the
Buffalo races hist week.
MR. DAN MCGREGOR, of tate 4th •con.
of Hullett,. lost a valuable marc on. Sun-
day, from inflatnznation,
IT Is expected that the annual rifle
match of the Clinton Volunteer Company,
will be, held Here in the course of a few
MESSRS. Young, the contractorsfor the
foundation of Mr. Stevens' new house,
have completed the same and made agood
job of it,
MR. R. W. Noting who was taking a
number of horses to Manitoba, inissed the
boat on Wednesday, and had to wait over
until Saturday.
G. H. Wright and Pay & Wise
titan shipped a quantity of butter east, on
Tuesday. The last named have shipped
over two hundred tubs. •
The attention of the, health inspector is
directed to the drain on.Mary street, near
Isaac. The effluvia arising•therefromis
anything but pleasant.
A man from Petrolia has been buying
.up .n number -of -old steam boilers- irri his
neighborhood several of which were ship-
ped•to.,him by G.W.R. this week.
•Mit. Joxx MOMuRBAY recently sold
his property on the east side of Victoria
Street, consisting of half an acre of land
to Mr. James H. Worry, who, *e are in-
formed, intends erecting three• houses
thereon: The location -la t,'deerrable oris.
DU ING the holidays, the rooms in bot
the, Model and High School, and the
school apparatus are being put in a thor-
ough state of repair, so that on the open-
ing of the schools, in. September, every
thingconnected therewith will. be in first-
class order.
MISS WALEn1t, of"Tuckersmith, lately
ia the dressmaking business here, left
yesterday by G. T. IL, for Fargo, where
her intended husband will meet her, and
"theinteresting ceremon.y". will be per-
formed. After thatit will be Mrs, ;lie-
Kenzie, SOitissaid. •
Mit, F. 14. 'Whittinghazn of this place, pun
poses attending tl>,e Normal School, T oroti
'tot at the approaching fait term. The
school he has lately been teitehingin Mor-
ris will be taken by Mr, T. 0. Reid a for-
mer pupil of the Clinton High Sachool,
and lately a student of Toronto Normal,
THAT "eu1•Setl •co>i"....•(And -st.vera1 of
•ehem)eieitlid- their -way into the well- kent
garden of \1r. Tames lair,. one evening
last week, and fared -sumptuously on its
contents. • Mr. Fair thinks they might as.
wellhave taken all that was in the garden,
because what is left is eat down so short
that it in not of much at:Count, .
Mit. Wei. SNEI i; of Hullett, (youngest;
son of l'3uuiphrey Snell, Esq.). and., Mr.
71.los; Be11,, of Lo ►desboro;' left here 'this
morning on a trip to the old, country, go-
ing •by the Allan ,Line The latter' ex-
ppects to purchase some horseflesh .'daring
his absence and those who know Tom•.
Bell, .lrnow'that he will purchase nothing
but the very best.
meeting of the Officers 'and ';Directors, and
others interested in the Huron Live Stock.
Association, will be held at the Rattan -
bury House, here, on Monday, •lf)th inst.,
for the nurppose of: making arrangements
for the Pall Sale, and the transaction.of.
other business. As large attendance as
possible is desired. Meeting to coin ince ce
at 1• o'clock, • " .
A CERTAIN person. residing not :t tliou-
sand miles.frovr Clinton, visited Detroit
with- . the. ,excursionists; last Thursday.
lVhil'e there be determined to trtiusitct•.:t•
littlo bUgineas,. and agi eed'to purchase cer-
titain articles if the seller would get them
across, Which ho agreed to do 13ut the
Custom's ()Meer was shadier than antici-
pated; and seized th'c consignnne nt, as. the
seller liad entered it too low: The con-
signment,however, was allowed'to return
to Detroit; and thus avoid exposure.:
THE NEW hotel at Belgrave, belonging
to Mr. H. inions,, ofClinton, will be for-
mally opened on Tuesday. Mr. Scandrett
hasleased the premises foraterin of years.
WHEAT, -•-'rhe first load of new wheat
to enter this market was brought by 1`Ir..
J. J. Fisher, of Colborne, yesterday and
bought by :lir. James Fair for ti;1.1i per
bushel. Mr. E. II. Geed brought in a
load the same day.
MR, J. J. FISHER, the well known
liOrsemanon'Thursday, while escaped an
lines catching. and throwing him down.
As it was, his right leg was severely
sprained. Prompt stopping of the horses
only saved him,
I)OG FIGHT.—One day this week Mr.
Cattier's bull dog caught 31r. Swarts' New-
foundland by the nose, and their severe,-
tion was only obtained at the expense of.
what the former had in his mouth, and
even this only after it had been stamped
Upon and kicked pretty severely,
DENTISTRY.—;lir. E, Keefer has got
his office in the Beaver Block thoroughly.
furnished, and in prime condition for the
reception of patients. What with me-
chanical :chairs, chloroform, ether, and
other new appliances, the extraction and,
filling of teeth, is brought to the highest
state of perfection.
PAYING FOIL ZT.• -- The ratepayers of
Goderich pay out- one thousand dollars
annually , for relief, See our council re-
port. Clinton, with more than half the
population gives.•••Gne-tenth-that-su1n o
.,lust one hundred dollars,—News. [Which
means that there are many more paupers. in
Gode ieh thank) Clinton ; is that‘it,•eh?J;
HIGH SCEooL, will open on Thursday;
1st.September, with a frill staff of teach-
era, consisting of Mr..1. Turnbull, Mr, W.•
H, ,Tacksoh, and'an assistant not yet em-
ployed, ,.Tbc)... school is flourishing
condition; and offers great.inducements to
all wishing to prepare for university
course, or to those intending to follow the.
profession of • teachers. It is desirable
that all who. intend to enter. this quarter
should do se at the commencement, •
• ON MONDAY evening a couple ofyoung
boys, (one of iyhont is a printer) 'went . to
Salt's Refreshment Rooms, and', ordered.
several dishes of lee -cream, after disposing
of which they, both •tried to bolt. without
paying, but Mrs.' Salt captured one . of
them, and on his statingthat they had no
money, she took his hat, promising to give
it up when the debt was wiped out. The
boy wanted his bat .the worst way, and
'appealed to a passer-bytorelease him from
his predicament,, but it was avain appeal.
1•Iowever, after -being' detained some time,.
he wins allowed to go on solemnly promis-
ngtobring the necessary amount.' '
Thursdayevening. last,.jVtr, John Chur-
chill, One' of the early, pioneers of this
section,pcscefully_`..pitased: away.• Adroi t:
45 years ago he came to this, country'front
Tipperary, Ireland, residing in the vicini-
ty of Toronto and Haniiiton: for about_ 5
years,. when he and his wife moved up tip
what was then •known . as "the , Huron
tract,'r'settling on the 11th con. ofG'ode-
rich township, being among the •first to'
locate in that .neighborhood. 'He :was. a
man of good mental powers and his abili-
ties were speedily recognized by the neigh
bors that had•gathered. .around. For two
years he filled the position of township
Councillor and for nine years satisfactorily
discharged . the duties ;of ;deputy reeve.
He was also for many year`s, a justice of
the peace; 'about 7 years ago he moved to
a farm on the gravel road', about 1.1 miles
north of Clinton, where he has since resid
ed. Some time ago he was prostrated by a
severe cold, which turned into an affection
of the kidneys; and nThich'was the imme-
diate. cause of death. Since last April it
has been :necessary for some. one to sit. up
'with him every; night. He Was married•'
over 49 years,.'and his wife and cbidren—
.7 boys and 3.girls,.all married' --survive
him. • In. politics -he wain Conservative,
'but be was' nevertheless 'a personal : sup-
upporter :of Mr, m. C. •Cameron;' His re-
lains were btified in Clinton cemetery,
nn Saturitay, a:large number of sorrowing
friends following :them thither.•
11lxss IL nRnwit, of Toledo, is the ;guest
of Mrs. A. Armstrong.
Tint NEW ERA gets away with any pa,
per in the county, in the shape of actual
town news.
MR Tiros. GIBniNGs has the frame up
for a new house on Rattenbury Street. It
will be a brick veneer,
A Are on the opposite side of the street
having blistered the paint on the Market
Building, men were this week engaged in
"doctoring up" the same,
Rev, W. CRAIG, the new incumbent of
St, Paul's Church, preached two excellent
sermons on Sunday. He had a large con. O r. ere d i nts ,
gregation at both services.
Association, , • \ •
of Qntario,. is now in session, at Toronto,
THE Provincial Teachers' ege .� Prints
The North Huron Teachers are represent-
ed by Mr. McFaul, of Seaforth..
ACOrnEV'.-•=-One day .last week, as a
son of Mr. Wm.•Cross, of Stapleton, was
Black Muslins,
playing with some machinery; he caught e
his second finger in it, crushing it ba(11y:• Q tired. MuSIln$y
TIIFRE, was more business transacted
here on Saturday last,' than during the ALL ATSPECIAL PRICES FOR AUGUST
week previous. The streetswere lined
with teams, and everybody appeared tobe
mg. sole • ,
mil. Dios. TIrnsiG has secur
control of the troting colt Baby, having S H I R T I N G DUCKS, DENIMS,
bought Mr. T. Salt's interest therein. A . •
fine Sorrel Cloud filly and a buggy was
the consideration, wa, believe. •
THE RAND picnic on Thursday, was
very largely attended,and was a success
poets Although-.their..expenses-
proved to be far larger than anticipated,
mis nttethat between $30 and- $40
will tie netted. • COT'ON -YARN �3d
YrsTi•:RDAY, was the civic holiday at •
(Toderich'and Seaforth; and large numbers
of persons went froni these -places to at-
tend the Oddferlows' celebration at
Brantford. About.70 joined the excur-
sionists at this.station,
z n`_ GRE - Osi ,
WE would advise those parties who
have .niadefree with other peoples chick-
ens, to return at once, or it may lead to
trouble. Parties buying them should be
careful to find out where they came froni,
*here there,is room for suspicion;.
ON 7.UESDAY a special meeting of the
Huron Presbytery was held .in Willis
Church here, to take action in reference
to the unanimous call extended to Mr. J.
Turnbull; as colleague to Rev. Mr. 'lire,
of Knox Church, Goderici. The call was -
sustained, and he will be ordained at Go-
derich; on the 13th of September.. '
O.'IL .CHURc r MATTERS.—Last week
the following persons were elected as re-
presentatives on the Quarterly Board in
connection with the Methodist Church, of
this place:—Messrs. • W. C. Searle, W.
Jenkins W. Doherty, W.. Taylor, James
Twitchell, J, Boles, and .I.• Dodds.. At
the regular quarterly meeting ' on Monday
evening, it was decided to adopt the new ,
flymn,Book'.on the_first.Sziu(lay, irt-Seli-1
tember, ••
'MR. TR0IZPsoN: agent for Dr. Man-
ning's live stock Eneyclopadi t, i now
delivering; the book to subscribers : in this
neighborhood, who are wellpleased With
the work'. After the work';had been can-
vassed for here, it was.. observed. •that , it
contained only a few,lines in reference to.
:Clydesdale horses, and as .this .elass .of
stock• predominates in: Huron, it was deem-
ed both rudent and necessary to add a
chapter hereon, which was accordingly
done byoue well posted 'in reference to
;his breed of horses. • .
For some' time past, . Prof. Holmes has
been engaged with a large •class of singers
in preparing some fine pieces for a grand
concert, to be held some time during this
month.' Besideasotnn fine choruses, solos
' and quartettes will be given. "The Ten
Virgins," going to meet: the'.Bridegroom;
with their ,larnpa trimmed and burning,
aria Some with their lamps .•gone •out, and.
dressed in their pure whiterobes they
present a most affecting .scene. The Pro-
fessor will also have the assistance of some
voeitlistof note from abroad, while Miss
Webber, an : accomplished pianist from
Boston, will preside at the instrument dur-
ing the evening. '
WitILE practisine at the butt, on Moe- IN
day afternoon; Mr, T. Robson made some rr.
remarkable good shooting. At 500.yards
he made the fallowing score 5,. 4, 4; .4,
0; 4--29 out of'a possible 35; whrle,fto dii.T E {a
remarkably weliat 600 yards, scoring 5,4,
5, 5, 5, 5, 5--434 out of a possible •35,. or aC l..aa
total of 63 points at both ranges, out of a
possible 70,:which is very unusual• shoot. ■---r
ing. Mr. 'Robson may expect to go
Wimbledon next year, if. heeeps, up p
such.a record, °, •
O's SATLED.1Y a couple el oleo repte-
sonting the DominionTelegraph Con ip tny,
passed through Mown, for •the purpose qt'
trnuming trees that might obstruct the '
line. • Oousstarblc "'Iris -ley- reineu)berieg.the —
shameful way in which they destroyed
trees last year, refused to allow theni .to.
trim any trees In town, .they. endeavored
to ie list his authority, but were informed'
that if they persisted in their' attempts .stiff"
they would be arrested therefor, and they Q''
wisely submitted to tine authority.
1IIr.1'IJA' C1IAxn1•s.- W., 1''. Merin,
Esq., of this 1,lata e , • wino, in addition to :AFq
being a Brevet -M i]or. of the 3ffid Battal-
ion,: has for many years filled the position • •
I 'Company,
(Clinton)tae retired from the latter sig
Have removed to their ' new Store,
• old stand
one door north. of -their ,
Albert -Street,. Clinton.
of Captain tut of \o, 4 infantry T'om )1nv� .... ..
' i ilel t. ]t
k •'1
don 'and will henceforth dischar the..
.. e e
Cantles of Tui►ior•i11'ajor of the' l,uttalkcral.
Capt.. \Vin.' Sheppard (deputy reeve) who,:;
has Iong r ommiteded the Porter's if111. =.•__ . ....•_ w ._ . ..
C(npitny, has been transferred to 1\o. 4,
and his place is acv ,lied bv'the romution '• ••
of Lieut.lteDonttl?l;• of.Piirter's 1 [ill, to• �TiT� TT the captantev.• .r.L IT
4...J j.
ItleNs;u rt y;xntritsi0N.-•.l tnnnsterr ex- �••J
eursjou will run over the G. WR. to Sia-
gaits Yat?Ira and Grimsby eaten grounds oil ;
the 23rd inst. .Two days at the Falls or
three at Grimsby, for 4,41 extra, oili+ring a
grand opportunity for heatt•i'ng the world ; . 1 THIS ()MINTY. ALSO, 'BEDROOM SUITES, CENTRE
rcuowne+l orattorlZev. P, 1)e. 4' att°`1'alnta>;c, ! L+V1,1{ lltUUlf1.L"I' [ t 1 +
1). Da of Bistoklr o. • Cheap tate, ilii ila' TABEs &c., IN la DLESS VARIETY, LOVNGES MADE AND REPAIRED.
prl tees at the halls. 'Phis wall: ase the ex- ' .. •
cumuli of the season. wifl train will. UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.
leave ()Beton station at'46:25 a.m., and the
fare is $1.75. For all :rtltinns between
W ingltnm and Lontlrailtoro the tare is y:>,
R 61.OoDS
� .�.'-�.r 1R, ILA as
leititaer,tle `furnished ,Lt the Lotvest. Rates.
We will
always pay
the highest est
mark -R MESBERt. 1 e_ ior.Butfez and Eggs,
in cash or trade.'
O Montt' 'O'l �• . U � u t
� S
To make .room ' for alteration • and exteii ion of pre
Agent .for Walker's'. Patent Butter Worker.
I-1_ W RIGS -:L T
435MenAND235 �o�rs
Andan'naafy I.tdieb at cite pOivibly make it otueti ent, to .+•,til :hili examine the Valance of ;y
Surrirrier stock Of Boots' & Shoes,.
--W wttictt 115
In osier to undo room Tor an Ililrt5;NSIt PALL AND %CN7.'nna STOCK. 1'sranca;s, do not for ette 100k it
U1If>1c I1ARrti'EST AND TIIIIIEN.NIMlt MIT I'S, which we an tonfnetur0 oursoiven, Obeid, material,
.r .
HARNESS,.LIGHT ' IIEA Y I/0131LE AND SINGLE Made of the Levet material anti Workmxnahtit, st
ll ANL
exceedingly low prices. Per a good sato 'COLLAR, thio lit' Just the pisco,. aaa wo worpint them not tO g.U.
'1C11t 11TJf;;aq find VALISES -A *ars? lingo inaOrttneat ata veryeha&p. 'ritUNitS kola 760bpte P.