HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-08-11, Page 6SAVE TROUGHS. By imps IR'Srr S 11 P /L1 ES. eo ton cTolt PjpzS M AC H f, N E OIL : IIARITST MITTS. Jaws ' KETTLES. ENADIELLED, CUNS, SEST VALUE EVER OFFERED.. .. WHITE ,LEAD , PIU N 1 S. oll+u, 'w•1 RANTED GENUINE AND LOW rams. PA$ER. OORER ANI? C Vaonotget oat of order, BLICER CQMBINEA. A I' PLE I'A I .err • `S •. All rlutclbiineg �varrantctl. HARVEST TOOLS, REDu041) ' TI N WAR E ■. PRICES. SHELF HARDWARE AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. nima PHERIjI BLOCK,� . D /1 V I J .: CLINTON, ONT: �.m RESPECTFULLY BEGS TO .NTT\IAT1'1 THAT HE STIL{i CONTINUES THIS C"T�_E He has still • a few of those 'cheap Hats and Caps at a greater reduction than ever. BOWS, DOLLAR IIATS for 25, 40 & , 50-ctc. HIVING ASSORTED UP HIS STOCK AT A LATE 'WHOLESALE BANKR.trPT° SALE, HE 1S ; Ir A POSITION TO OFFER • I ��10 iisiial-. � lis �ll�.11Goods� 12? cent. PRINTS for ;1;:0 cents, _ �.1.5.�_cent:.:.P�INTS.. for 3. _•� .cents: : 20: cent MUSLINS for 12i cents. In FLANNELS he. can show, goods at 35 cents as good, if.not better, than are ' ' usually sold at 50 cents.: His TWEEDS areof unusually good • value. 75.: cent TWEEDS for 50 :cents; TWEEDS : for 77 -cents. Having secured • • some MANTLE SILKS at, the same sale, .he can sell for.. $2.75 goods'usuall'y sold - at $3.50. LIGHT- SILKS 75 .cents per yard. ' 1. V. W. . t- . r :� al>.d Lo Its I R is Well .asso� o� �' csh � H s s ick. o GRACE � A CALL S0LICITED;': - :' lITC�1IPST, 7'1UOE res.Zu 1OR;131JLTEI1.. 1Alllld. - COATS . I'eXt door to tho Tow.n Il:all,'Clint(In Are running'full.blast, and prepared, as usual, to doall kinds of work in the Woollen line. CIthnE, Z11fl, Vi'cavig ��d Mifutringt • • OF ALL KINDS, DONE ON•SHOWr NOTICE, TWEEDS, FLANNELS,. YARNS; BLANKETS•, tic: CO1`'STA117.TLY 'Ei'ther to exchange for Wool or sell for Cash, AT P IiCES SOWER TB& svpi OLINTON, May.. 1881 OORBETT rireeInvtaton to all • IF• YO1J HAVE BEEF BUYING Y6UR GROCERIES ELSEWHERE, E, AND ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH. THE QUALITY, • Tr.... S Pailiser Co's ':r itare.rnr,xir,s:e.:,•, 0, •' Two Cnnade/Pacific laborer's, lieu(,rand Valley, while asleep in their teat, were struck by lightning nncl killed, A third, apparently dead, WAS laid out for burial but being only in a stupor awoke, nu( seeing the corpses beecarne.a raving maniac, Dyspepsia elm readily be cured, by tnktui ne- cerdirg to direction Ar. !Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. They greatly aid tlto di- gestive Demirel and tone the whole system. 1n large 8 oz bottles at ria cents. Porsale by 3.1t. Combo, special agent for Clinton, It i$ expected that the English .wheat crop this year will be an average one. The prospects' iii' Scotland are not s0. fav- orable, and the most auspicious reports of all crops conies from Ireland, Thera Isnoliotter Tamils medicine thiut D. Carson's Stomach and consumption. Bitters They tiro taken alike by both, old and 'young.. verts:M ey invigorateuldhniteauI of those little a In- ill - known nauseous purgatives called pills,-. In large S oz. bottles at 5e cents. J, 11f. Combo, special agent for Clinton. An old soldier named Cook was fined and compelled to pay costs at Brownsville Ohio, for slappingat man who expressed. a wish that Garfield would die. A Gin- cinnati newspaper opened one -cent sub- scriptions to pay the fine and costs, whia. amounted to $32. In a few hours 8,000 'persons subscribed. This leaves a balance of $48, which can be well used in paying: for a slap and a -half more •at the sante rate. Eor all Liver and Kidney complaints and af- fections of the Stonuiolt and Sorrels use the groat,, Dyspepsia remedy, Dr. Carson's. $tetnatclt and Consumption Bitters. In large 8 oz, botties con- taining,* 7e teaspoonful Closes at 50 eent$ a. bottle.. •3. Ir. combs spool 4 agent:tor cllnton,' • It is generally concededthat there will be a considerable shortage in *the wheat crop, ofthe Un;.ted States this year, Few estimates place the crop higher than ''100,- 000,000 bushels, against 480,000,000 bush- els in 1880. . A worse showinr, is made, however, by the reports ,to the State boards of agriculture of several of the Western States. The estimate of the Ohio depart- ment of agriculture plane the .deficiency in Ohio at 12,000,000 bushels, while re- ports from other State boardsmake the ahoitt ge ilj,Illinois 37,000x000 bushels; in Ohio, 17,000,000 bushels, and i'n Michigan,' 14,500,000 bushels. The winter wheat 'harvest is completed in all the States, but, it will probably be some time before it is known 'whither the wheat crop of 1881 will ` yield 400,000,000 bushels or only about 340,000,000; as Gen, Le Duo, ex- Tinited States coma' is5ioiler ol'agricultiire', estimates. s11,Wd'I'QLC ob.All.I LTF. • Augtisi 4, .1881, $118 a 1.20 - 1 tri .a 1 18 1 15 a 1 18 0 37 a• 0'40 0 65 • a .0 70 • 0 05 a 0.70 ' • .6.00a. Ai50 4'25 a 0 25 : Q:'.4) 17 _. 0 la a 0.14 • - 10.00.a1200 • 5'50 a 0 00, • ': 0 75 a • 1 25 0 00 .a' 7 50 - ,j 50 a 5 00 275• 4 .3 00 0 22 a 0 24 1Vhetitj fail, 14 bash, Spring, .ttedelbaff, Fife,' Oats, ,•• Barley Peas, , Elour;. • Potatoes, Btetter, Eggs, v, Hides, Sheepskin • Beef, • , Clo.vel, Tiniothy, • • Wool,- 31ui nclon)x Arnica' Tile Best Salvo in.the:wend for Luta, Sores, a]leliises;.Ulcers, Salt' ltheurn,'.P et er Sores, 'Potter,'Chapatti hands,: CthilbinioO, cornet,• and all Skin Eruptions, x021 .positively °cities TOO.. .11 ie guaranteed t.o ,Iva lierfeet sotis° faotun or money refunded I'rice `I5, cents per box: For sale'by J.'JI. Combe. H �11191. lio rh1X7) SubroriLOr, while Chant hi hi. Man uunnis for their bas,,t custom would rhrilltatb that hu, has .IAD 1(15 t,If5T4MILL PITTED CP WITH STEAM 1 OWI:.and having pprovurcil the storvlccs of 4 5r4 class Miller, is prepared, to osec'ute)ih orders entrnstod to him ti the shortest notice, r: lrctrlSr.' Lontie,ticrt icily 14, X188], ' • s:. e.k.• • Sow; 11EA\"EI, UIOOli; -CLINTON., Have. en 'luand. u eltoion' assortment of CLOC']i5, 4NtAt 0-1-11':5, .11.1W-,FrX3 R1 and PIA -Tl• •fr- altL:0t all kinds, '• •ENTI1tE SATISFACTION GIVEN. ALL GOODS :WARRANTED ' Ari REPRESENTED. , WE NEVE i, ADVERTISE LOW-PRICED TRASH: 9030,A.Srim WitliS11 �J ►�".J� '—�I JI p cc) vino fate. �••- �•�y (WIDELY KNOWN) �: . � - s9.r ".icI is. a,xxJrlrod ` Gkocids of every derx t «. n, 4elfsaiseailing -Tem .tli`ars for :i.3111ton )9 I3RiOI BLOCK, S. PALLISER. & 'CO. S. rAwsp, '' . MOS, 1, Y' ., Boots. that R 1..aots ANI1 NO HUMBUG: Albert St., Mick Block, Minion. AL .e .."o 4a1NE LI E&POOL-101iEll ra 'Y-SLASOOW"a stto1y'uEzi'L' : E',A 'PA SAGE. • Mallard, tuer,multirt.ddrntsttl +:.$. porn goy trk ets Lowcsd @fit' $. SALLIxU5 k'1 OSI QuEni C.. Mora%Ian dr)) ,Tune•. Sarmatian Ilth dune. Clroasulan lett' Juuc. .091 -The Inst ti,5i[t ceuncet;ng-fit llueb o e id: the Allan Mall Steam.' will leave 'Toren tq a col y l'1 i:h, y• fi t 1?aseougnrs pan ditto leave Toronto by the 9:5-) pm, train on Ffidaye and Oannect with the steamer at BimlUmonauekiaki ;)([raying •thit extra fare, $4 45, Quebec Le . Persons wishing to send for their hiendw can' Obtain ,passage certiaeates at lowest rat OH from England, Ire- land and Sootland to any pity nr railway town in Ca- nada. and the amount ix refunded loss a small dean°. Brolotoalg,olugegnoentogwra, aDo.aee rstbrt voi, vI))ullfa,leat LanodndOolna,Bgcoawrdi iaot8onifthe tick b isnot same prises as to Liverpool. liX/Tlro last train connecting. at IXalifax with the Allan Mall Steamer wilt louvo Toronto every Thursday at 7:022 a.rn., arriving at Halifax, .Saturday noon. Passengers wishing te•tako the steamer at. Boatomwill he required to be at•the port at the time mentioned above . For through tipkolaand es'ory information apply' to. A. S1 flCITO i,C m R. 0 'rsL,Clintou:' UNDRll,'t' & e Ell Our st ck of . ` 0 O I tlolt,ti:in,� lx fa a era 111155 mad complete. horson, tegtnt gythiut, in this Linc will find it to their ruivant to call and Imo 01, •n5 wo have just received o i u •c stock of Walnut and Ro owood Caskets , Ceies of nil a res Ori ttmts, fromthe bes.t ran t l Maurice :1 nuuritfactttrc1 Wu ha re ' .1 soleet sheik of 110BES et TRIMMINGS. r• t ors•tbelttlie .il`o are.]?roparul t l 1.iJ t goods .tr. Telco formerly els r tho-441111t.• • 10. ;• 3aY Is,lt: T5 CJ•(.:'Ir . 'vwd'`yiA' tans=1Bi11 savzmotaaaariaw asmicawvarma S PHOTfJGALLE • REA ER .Bx.00K, ALBERT °STREETt CL9 TON. LL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. a mily Groceries, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, � OUNJNQHAME'S, CLINTON. LASSS '!a;RE A'1' :A. iCa !C]IaGip33 "I� to nluke."roou7 {or opening up a {all line oC 1z[tit'.Ul'1'S ANI>. COl\FN,f;TI0NAI4Y: fr ..Choice five -pound 'Tins . MACKEREL, cheap. 4 Clocks(Watohes; $poi, ropairoi on' kart notice. .ATa'r WOITli; WAR'1tAN'J'E:D. .. . 1F: YOU ARE TRAVELLING 1AST % WEST • 0 :-}11Ti IOUii 'r10XE7,'S•F1tODX'--- Jas.' Thomipson, Tobin Agent G.T.R. Boss CISTERNS YOtt CJA:1 GM' A JUatf (5001)) 01:5'f'RRN l"0it 51, A lll'T7't:1t ONR FOR. $.5, AND tl HOFS O l: FOR 31i,• At John Stephenson's. 1(TST t 1, L ANI) SPX, JOHN STEPHENSO\*, :COOl)1.1;, CLINTON, • If ou are a titan ofintalnestweak• aped by the strain of Your. duties avoid stimulants and u o Hop Bitters. n you aro young and discretion or dtssipa Webs,. TCAs orrosy Bingloon FII o , old orp p orhealth or Marsh Wbooior yen aro whthat yeneverour yon fool Breton. Hoods 010010100, ton. In or etidmWating, iakO H p Cups ■Itt.ra. ikaeo yowl dye- pepsta, kidney ornni.,iare Co ,. ,taint, sonw. ap the1bL.Ood, btoQ nr ornerer. Yeeou will he ourat !f 700190 HOP Bitters DDlywwwC tk end lova itrltad.try tt It may gave our 1lte. t has saved hun- dreds. ti 4, it it• It you Are a ,nail or let- teratolUnt0ovor 'night work. to res. . tiro tram norreand Waste. use Hop B. suffering from any in. tion`; it -yon Are mar- gig' o,eUIXorinat trent I,.g•on a, bid ofluck- Bitters. Thousande die ant malty f r o m some form of: t:tdney diseasethat mi b have been atiol3no HopBIttere I FEN NEVER Pial L` 111.1111. O. I. C. absolute and frreslstsr bio oure for drunken Ova use of opium, tabun, or 9oldbyddug• Ot nlSeedier gilt)' Sittaed Jf'b''o Co.r.. .ter,LT. * toioato; out. (rife I)IEIL, CA.i3INET 1VIAKEIti, ! \•Xexonld •$1112ET, CLINTON,. 0. , Oranges, Ai, . ani dried Fruits: FRESH SMOKED H.ADDIE:: FRESH SEA HERRING.. CUNING-IXA.1t17�, , Briton[ FURNITIIRE—r—FURNIT Clinton Fu uture Warerooins, -No. '77, Brim,: Block Owing totho increase of buvineie during do past y?ear, s., 73 it UA:.I7FOOT 33l?X b`ITILI4rtlItl, I)GALI:RS, have taken it new inv; of No. 17, and will continuo to do business as formerly They have on hand as fine 4 stock of Furniture us: was over on exhibition in this town, whigiz they aro tiro ° pared to sell at a vory small advance on cost..M \1 a manufacture all our own goods, Wo cart give our customers `. better value than can bo obtained elsewhere. Our goods aro all warranted to givo.entire satisfaction. All our workmen understand their business. PETER )tOB,p,' Manager.. A, A.BEK 1'T, Salesman., Do not. 'ni.ys the Places No. V. i3rich .81,c1r, ORntoll: - ENDE1111110N1 TIIi; sunset IBE11 BEGS LEAVE '1t0' S5ATE ' to tho public that ho has received, sham the Ate, a largo and superior oleos of. GOI'FINS, . CASKETS, Cof•n Ttimniings and Robes.. ArlptondidunAfsEkept. PLUM Ccf'rsteaiwaya 00 hand,. Pjtrtieseau br anpplled in one hour, at any time, at very rem:enable taloa, T1 r0S. STEVEN/$.1:44 ititeay'a ota n and, Mort Stoat,, Clinton. • • The worst place in this town to get your Groceries, is at the, old Waterloo House. Robb, the Grocer,, keeps the worst stock in town. His prices are ''higher• than any other grocery. Ile is very .inattentive to his customers, and makes himself generally disagreeable, to every person, that dares patronize him, and he dont want yourtrade; still, he keeps open day and night. Dear me, how this world is given to perversion, nearly everybody in town buys from hmi. There must be some mistake here, for his stock is all new and well bought, AND 1)ON'T' Y'0TT FORGET IT. .�1 °dor l�'i ace � l� _ to ., � • w .• , . ifl ier l.._ T1Rot , C W -.orlo0 OilSfl, 8n fl 1 E thfl� est O �i PETER PuOP,. GAO - .CER.