HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-08-11, Page 5� *
. a . I . — . i I . I I
� ___ I- - I I . . I — - . �. , - , . �
. . . I I N . I
I 4''. I , I I M � � — I'm Is, $lie, wo as telling, and asked Beatrice 1� by $term' , it won by slow degrees a ,,, -
. I M M Should she appeal to ,1,110 love %or pity,13 refuH Uld write that evening a Lionel W; � M I ince, hoext. . I plular
what could hove lisp sued that bar ]mother A . ipti that should give bial no �ope, nor open the bam g for him. She again saw 44 Is 8, �
. I I -&Ugmst "11A 1881-1 should dread what Sle foundso pleasant. Pike? I I I [rive , him to despair. listed blue euielople, bearing bar own 1141100. Trap of a thoughtful, ualpbstructive,
- — Remembering his psesionel,to words, she yet d , , n%turo, nothing could have =& 0
1 —7-- , � , .M I M 41Tb%tiss greffidEloextetig,it not?r amid Vilon A I I - I
I �
— Lora Airlie entered warmly into all her . : Abe but , , M , - , 11 the Other lottereveredistributed, ,de. h r I
� bm , Near the grand suite of knew 0 would be, uselosla, '9064 of hot worldly otibing could have itioem her
I �
3f,ovicits X111111. ft b m sell marrieid before he roturnea—were Lord Airlill, suddenly; tbQtx lie so M
. pi us and wist. , .,,w by she slipped list$ into the pocket . , . , 14
rooms t , d look that slla tied Act dress, without 4 0 , ut alike,
. � lia� wore to be pro A ad for his my no perceiving the proud, Sweet, oa,lm, Barons, ignore,
I - . I - - . I lie spoke of abe but Lady -M action. � of the heights of happiness and the depths
4 t(By the author 6f ,, x%4oliae'ii Lover-") beautiful Young wife, Lord =1 M Wle of L nntQn—be could 'Beatrice's startle I m .
. , , or. Vag thpmaup�ad listmied.
av if she would but consent to not hove h5rax0a b � I , M I a repuQa. Breakfast was over At last ; 4114, leaving -of despair, gifted too with a singularly
I &$*What Is It, Beatrice?" asked Lilliam, room$ fur Dot M I Plead sailty, at olicoll, she
I think he could win ber—alle who, bad 44 agry—I was Lord .44rlie tell - Battles patient dispoiationand armlablo. tomper, no
I . I Quo j,u thei, bright live with them- to . 4 . ag—do not be w 4ilig to Lillian, 13 , �
ag the two sjHters otood.41 , Jell mamma to.d%Y*!1 lip d some of the most gobly-bora men In 1 WE60 thinki Oomo ever ,seen 14111 m , g , r
M ,I I must write and M � cilastblug tti.mt. relates toyour- hastened to read the letter. - of one had o %A Earle all . ry 0
little are Wg-room. M I , yu ;,but, it hasty; ).let very Presence � Boomed full Ot
sel ,,I should mot like list to England stillerfelat? Didbe-tbill4 She thinking 09 9 ' m
64 1 Can hardly toll you in sober words," paid Beatrice, m , - board nothing of What You read, Hugh's Anger was there oat doN m
.1. M M I . 1. lie" .11 ' Would exobauge her grand old ufllme for self, I ,, I , ad for'llim. bar heart Must rest and pew. a. I *
1 I sheroplied, -Lord Air ie-lim asked me to � , it from anyone bat Myself "Obo 0.me��Iler juagalaceres for his Hubert. - V. ill you road it again 2 11 she had car _ M I � . . I Nature had richly endowed: bar. She
. �
� M It care I acbed at the pathos of his RMP 0
. be big wife—his wifo� And, ob, Lilly, I Perhaps you would allow me to lactose m his : tough ,
,.,1 &uoto,,! suggested Loxd Airlie,i4asking her poverty? M ,FCertaiaIy,aOt,i1,h,e said, with a Lave oto, he said had a quio1c, vivid fancy, a. rare and grace- *
love him so dearly I" m I I M At -, the of quiet, Amusement. fiReadifig does not words. Us bad received her a
, .. . .—and i ui imaginailop ; and V�rhaps bar gr4naost .
Pride and dignity all broke kow , tba I ; we will try conversation. Let us � —the note so unworthy of her T M , I _ m
. � n ; to try and tolerate me." , There was no more time for #kOUS, I
. - �, 1 do upt think that, will be very difil- ilminor-bell. had sounded for the last time, answer E64 away9tom before: hastened tq tell her I that lie I was c,bliged to -if t was % strong deep love for things .Xkot 4
1 M
i I . beautiful face wa's laid upon Lillian'$ I , � - r� m M - this I
I . I oult," la,ughingly replied his eoippanion. and she must descend. She thrust the letter resume 0, subject Y= - u R � 4. Not that Lillian was given m
. M 0hQuIdor, And Beatrice wept happy tears. , I M M , , M 4 ,looked it, And than —where oua,U we go for o go to London oil some imports t badness worl
. , I I . lur wed4ing-trip?" ship, 41 M M � or ,bly
one. On their hastily into,&. rawer, I M o 11 pregahing," being ilisagreeg
M ig I loved him so, Lilly," glie went. on, I � Only three days since she -.would have connected with his Lid that lie would tc I
M Their ride was, a long I, At .1 m )ug4ts, 04ins,
M � ,return Beatrice was. slightly 4L4 turned to her mirror. Abe was startled iy Werent, places; she be p6hoent about three weeks. Ile WOU 14 goo4y,"but high and holyAbc .
. I 0 but 1 never thought he oared for me. � _9d, and M go. Surely that pale lice, with its suggested twout la ' Whem Lord � RN I rid I
I . straight to her own room. She the cbau� � ' R, her dark write tober.al-oliod on his returmi,.,aud lie r,
W I could not Wdulcl have smiled on� bluslit , m bar tbea",Ao well naturally tom he
I I , bat have I done that, I should be so Want quivering 11 s and ebmilowed'eyes, �t, he sent to): Beatrice— M
. I . wrote a long letter to Dora, who must have. slat upon seeing wanted amuopmen .
� hemy? I M M I be here, - WITat should she (10 to drive away eyes growing brighter at every word. ,Now should in , no Ono could while Ave,., , onto as!
. smiled at her description of Lord Airlie. � I M I mad *to her lover'a plans As it a as exact the. fulfilmelit of her Promise. v the long b
, I M I T M a moonbeams nevertallupon, a sweater 6 dread, the she liste I she cc n b
.1 " � lung 014toro, as truej noble, the startled fear, tlqo Vega - , ullil;wUe a wanted comtort,advide, ,
� . t ' than those to He was everything that w. . , I I m .
o,jr,. yo, I 7 Tile roses she wo.,Q were ghostly hand olutolled bar heart. And be it was a respite; much might happen in
1. . Pic Ura chivalrous, and grant The world .did not deadly pallor She tore tile letter into or sympathy he sought Lillian. Every Ono, M
� � M I I — 14 Llilliaws, pure, spiritad Wee bent over Bea� th bll tile letter was but am ghastly contrast., numbed hot with fear. three *asks. M loved her, much As one lovep the sumbeams .
tripe. ittor," she said to bar- , ' That evening. it seemed, to Beatrice abrods, and felt As .though relieved of aj . M I M �
�' I I 1 14 1 love him, Lilly," abo bontinued, *1 for fluislaed. it wpai time to dress for dinner. , s I must bear it be � . I � y 7 a I 1W M � it time could but bom tbat.bring light.0,nd Triirmth. '
P/ - I I I M s,Whibb dress will you w a ral In, E Arl. a though she I oveduerbost ofeloll.. HIP
� . M ,car, miss?" self. ,1 guoh a. face a.athis will b t I I 4 ould u0,er be left deadly ,weight.
, himself He is a king amongst men. ,Wild , I — a room stoo4B, dainty gained, she thought—if something could Lionel. Dacre 1 �
I I . I Im - Asked the Attentive maid, ' pooret. Let me feel tba.t I do rich care Jone. In the drawin I I only wonder w
is so bravo, Bo, generous, so, noble 2 It lie V1 little 'OB ritoiie useT, by the ladies to urge blir marriage, �witll � I M m qs that any one could even
I � I I m _ ,a right in the on 0 (it but happen - He, M
11 The prettiest I ha,ve,!'-0%i4 the Young that it wilt all 4iQ.M
�. were a l3eggar, I should care just as much . M. ll,,�bat the voice , Earle$aourt. Here 'she dared not write Hubert Airlie before Hugh returngd$ At 100katIlextrice wbon Lillian was near
lot him. . M girl, hei. bright face glowiug with the She said the words Alou M I as, he often did, may rate for the moment she w , as free, woudoied sometimes whether Ph's had not
k - a and hoarse, lest Lord Airlie should, been Made expressly for him—she was so
: 1: . ympa,thlmd, until Words she bad just written. What dross Was 6110,11P 1�c6a, moredeadly peril linger by her, pretending to assist ,ber, If She, looked like herself ,again when , ,� M
, I M
M Lillian listened Ana 0 � -o- M M m M . re he WASTroak, her .omlm serene
could be pretty enough for him? 'One was ,Women have _ B4 bar, it ate would , strong who
I M � tfie bright aArk eyes seerried to grow weary - ono'colibinuea, 4, slid lip I I
� I M M I M . I od night, a4ird found at last thatplesaled her� -a rich white thark this," . ,vowou ; she vent into the library LordE%rle would Lord 4irlie came to & I � , lice controlled his iMpetuoBity, her
I I tben- iWitlp bade her gist r go ril I Trolild not. bre4ve for 91 rid2 or walk, .The beautiful bloolm, bad Palle
� I be sure to ask her to whom she was wrltiu . -
I I . a . 4s there, any pe � gentile thoughtfulness balanced Iiii reckless M
. M I q�-eptf, But she ,Would wear no je,�ela- . %-oe* and. the light to her I M '
I � I . ., M .M went to her own room, . 120 thing but orimson mes. Ono lay in them Hubert Airlle's� sake:?". . `x There was. nothing to be 4ould .but wait returned. to her fi Im � int spirits. mass, ),,it sweet graceful humility, corrooted,
M, . Beatrice Ramlo woo- alone it, lilst-alone � I Beirl M a let t her room. . She until she retired to list own room. eyes. All, day she was in brillii .
t M . with list 114ppiness and lovel� - It Boomed thick polls of her dark hair, another Beatrice - ,r , beautiful head erect, There WaB no ]!so(( -now to tremble at, A ills pride. I
I M impossible that list heart and brain, w nestled against bar white neck, othbro event, with he m wn the First came Lady Earle, solicitous about .She influenced'him more than he knew
� . ould zridors And do her health, recominanding a long rest au4 .loud ring or arapid step. Threeweekswe.0 one �;�Ord fro
- - - 1, � % I .. 106pea up the flowing skirt. thrjugh: the wide 0( inuch r ,6 mOh if � in her -did wonders with . �
". I . v calm or quiet again. It was all I - illialull I � , ,night happen, .
. I .M ever grov I oilette satisfied her -this, too, broad staircase. . She took her seat at. the I diet sloop ; t on of anxiety, at long time- - I . Marty Ulm. Hblovea her for her fair beauty, but
1. .M M .. in 'Tain she tried to sleep, Lord Airlio's Boatrice's t M whereougold and silver t Lora Airlia would bat force %me. to M
; ) M � - M M M . M Qf lon in to a es,trice i '". a .... 0 Moot of all for. t.he puVo guileless heart that
F � . laoo, h , haunted her. " � with ixer lo�qr'a fastidious taste to please. M yt . I 9 �� . M him soon Ill M
I M . m io'volce, his words, I I - . hing ,te4jtormOie. And ionel acre M _ . On knew no shadow Of evil-upoh Vbi0h ths, �
I , . M to mirrbr, and a obone, whereon ever, I , an so or ,,,
: I She' food, And put bn 4 pretty pink dresh- t3he stood before the larg, ,m _ 4,11 . That very evening Lora Airlie asked her '
: 1-1 . , . pleased smile overspread her face as, she' ' lit Was displayed, But she bad any one wer; en"the stette, 6 if'she would go out with him. He wanted to' world had never even bremth�d. I
, I n. The fresh %it, she thought, M I )mPanion. she vras� never again s ' ould never . I I . I
. . I . ing gow, I I cc M I -
I ,
I � .. . � saw herself th ' uw'ith'h1-'qod1 -a see ad Je,I linger as . oug s , her Alone, for he. was going away on Lionel Dacre had peciffier ideas about
, M would. make her sleep, so, oheopened. the 6u_%eael`, '�-J_cleleton that - M talk to m 1],een
��', , . . M �, al4d looked bdt� . Suddenly o,",rdli','m.,-,iib,r,4 the letter. to lose, a hauntin) I I � the morrow, and had much to s%jr to list. women,. m His motheri wh6 )had 01 ,
. . � .16lig.vindow goutill I . . I 9 nevermore to igumit-her eme, H.-misei. 9%,t1i.gth ills was ilone,ihe door looked M M . was paBoatit,137 Worldly- '
I .'I . . M The m g dressatill hung upon a chair. 'Wa m to YOU going," .she said, with - she 'gad ever taught him
I . . ,The, nigbb"Wals still and clear; the moon orni" , able cOrls6lOUBne8g;')D,f I folly that was bring-' upon
M _
1.1, i �m .. I . M ; floods of silvery She took the o: M am again; Miss'Barle?" ing - vre vrotchea%ess upon her. Never the outek world. She was soon seated 11 Where a, . amucel of bsoA The only lessons
�, , I hung over the dark trees i M I i I avolog6 fr6m the pocket, � at her little deak, whe're she Apeoaily wrote gad, woudering'eyeo, hep el ' Ple- ,wore how to keep up . appearances, hal* to
.1 , . M M ... . . M light, 'bathed the far -Oft lake, the sleeping Shall yod want m m . s4e to feel, freq from fear . And Imost drove seeming rapidly to diminish. - I keep pace
M, again , was I ill, following cold letter, that a study fashionable life and to.
; ; . I flowersi all ags. There wao E4 .asked b6i maid. . I � : . I M M . . M . . I Ding 'to Lynnton," he replied; M � .
, � I m 4 the, green 91 ., , ' 14Xo,11 replied Beatrice, breaking. the care Hugh FornalJt mad -, , ,,I Am g, with it. I 7
ll� M M M . � � M I M h an the I I &I i3eairice,4 said Lady, - Earle,. whom, dill- __�Havp '-you - re�l I'- id, see about plane for the now, buildings. I
, . gentle, stir am I Luej silent � seal; 11 I am ready now." . . � ,, My DrAu HvGix M � lym She hall Veen 9, la4-y-,of fashiour strug-- ,' .
m M I
I s I * leaves ruetlea in the wind ; the b� � girl quitted the room, and Beatrice, '9613 you , - returned? IthoughtypuVem I _�Ve They should be began atonce. Evouilwa. . I'lilig. &I , � - nar d ,
. � over,,,, ,wi!V � I lost in M I I . woys' with row r&eauA;,' an m
I!, . �, ner w. .iver learn, Pru pt - yom'theyrWill'thell ,
� .. . - bright and calm. Thb The ,g � . lei
� � 0 heavens shone . ......- . .M ... - - m Chimm-0-msi-;or-baa-forg�fAert--th�e-lit'tle-0 -- Temaiu-abroad�arwhol M - times when her. .son's heart
I I I 0010 beauty of the star -lit j&yj ana the. standing before the mirror,. drewout-a long, - 4euoe�%-- I,, . M there were ,
.. . � ton closely ,,vritten letter, turning Presently in 'She started and the beautiful b oom, just scale lit Kautdord. I cannot see you just be hardly finished.. Im shall be Away ton growaiqk, remembering the falsonolss, the. �
��. m . I
e I I hushed 'Murmur, appealed to her. -Into ) the stv,iturc,. wonderilig I)eginning-to �return Vanished again- yet. As you havi6 lieard, Lord Earle has. days or a fortfnight. When I.return Bea- meauneps, the potty canning mancouvree .
M . m I . I i ,
�� I ills proud; pt�ssioua�ts heart there came Amazement, t' . ,,Do not,bo Alarmad,my deav,". coutialled liax notious�lmust humorthem. I trio, I shall ask.yola A queition� Cam*you she had been obliged to prActico., �
I , M ,
, 1: - . M . - I � in th6 who coul4,bQ the writer. . ' c M y. I fear :peou . I M. .1m
:2; � , M M J M .. some better, nobler 'thoughts. .,.A , .� � __ . M, LadyHplena; 4,I,6mnot angr. wiliwi.ito agaiusoon, And say. whip and, guess what it will be 2" M ., I Aa.be greiv older and began .t9 , look
. m ,Lora Airlie . I . . . i smile.on .her
- . fti�urethe,tla;�,"fiobrilliaai-ana beautiful -' . you Worb, oui . Who , rouilia the world, he we , not favorably .
M I ve to be good, she - ,, - 0HA`RTER XXXI, � I ) too long to-day� - � m rd,J call see you,- . There was no answering 11
", , M . before ll�r she, would stri M � M I .. M M. M care of you; the Ban was 11 Yours sincerelyt . . facs. Perhaps he would be absent three impressed. � The ladle%,ofbis, mother's M
. M
� I t., M . . would.. be true 9,nd, steadfast, she.'wouia ,!the sun shone, -brightly upon ills -, roses must take more 11 . never" M - , M M . I .,,Bn.k,XnjczEAuLz.'11 veeeks� what-charicem of escape had Blip ''
�Im M vary hot wid-you-look-quiteill. M . . *,� . . , oftole; were &It striving together for tlle,' I
. . a think more of what Lilly loved, and oboke that gleamed ium her hair and- nestled I I . M now? M . M - M heard 69 a , uv,y, je
" saw you,iook as you do to-jilght." - and addressed it as M I ormlist place, He I , alousy'.
� . M � tbAes i !!ban her thoughts - want against the white lieck- Ciiiiia it be linger- . ' -I shall ask- �Ou. wliell you , will� fulfil I � .
I'. M , . about W M I M M -it We" bad Very little sun,,, replied � Be&- She folded the. letter M M
;1M M that happy half: ilig the pale face . ,be.. Wished; then she left )let room and I your promise", he a scandal, untruth, until he wondered if all , M, �
� back to her lover, and .m in cruel mockery Apon ' ,- trice, with a lailijh she tried to make a gaY t down into the liall where the post -bag contidued-11whion yo wom6n wor6alike. * . M M .,
M . hourin, the- rose, garden, Voin,her win- and the dark eyes so full of wild horror 2 , Ow6'riode under the shade in the won M will lei Me me I Ana ia word M
, ,ke you in deec
el . M � one, � the tabl�, She placed the M I wasof 0, singulatly truthful,
, , . M M tie read the letter, the' color ut not with my little lay open upon wife. You must n6t be cruel to * . He himsel
� - , dew she could. oleo it -the As Beatri6o Ea M kwing that no one would � my me, lionorable nathre�all M a6ceit, all false
: � I I mit, .Th6mooUlight-wassfairtyPeOf � left Ver1ips, hot heart seemed to stand Wll, , park. I am tire . d b . . . . missive inside, kno Beatrice. I hAie"Waitea, - -long enough. ore hateful to h M im. He had
I I . - ride.,, I � Appearances w
,�� � U 0 , life "'that Was to be, bright, clear, A vague nameloss areadto6k hold of her,the. a On. You will think about it while n
Ur � . � it was a pi take the tgouble to look, at the letters; th I "" 9' " �ormed to himself an'idoal of a wife, and
� he thought shaped j gagant evening, and wh n the she. returned As she had come, silently. , .
� unalie.dowed. b van as t Paper fell fiom her'llands, and with-& Ion', , ome the ladies in the drawing- I will you not?" . I— . , I lie resolved to li*o mud die uumarried ' ,
: . � itself in her mind, a shadow fe Among the low oyy she fell upon her knees, hiding her . gentlemen . The letter reached, Brookft . a , I on ��
: I . . . room the sun beanie still lingered on . @Id at,ngQn Lo�d Berta smiled ashe note big daugh- -
... . . .. Xoses. . She looked, and - ' . I Fe,rnely ter's face.. Airlie was going away, and I . �
� . saw th� figure: of a faco,im. her hands , W ' . The long windovvs� wore . the I olloiving day.. When Hugh - unless he could nna some a to realize it. �
- . . I flowers. and trees opened it 4ie bit hili lips with rage. , Cold, . .4 To be oontlinuod. .
'. . .. . . I tali man walking down, the path'' that it he'll fallen al� IaBif-the -eruel'blow'tilat $14 opeF,., vaidthe soft summer., Wind, that therefore she wag diIII-thit ii&$ just as it- , . I . � . . -
-_ . ..
� . . . . divided the little garden frbm the shubb even i,u'lil6rd.re�taB"an*dthbuglits.6hO had. came in was ladeip� with the sweet breath . heartless ,lip6s-. I - Not 6Ad *64woaa ,there should be. * He was delighted that she - I. - . I _ 11 � -
. , . I I
. . - . cry w for his gup- . - told Lady - . : :�' S3*A1bTA-)P0XJ . .
4. . 12d E[ugliTernely had . . - . of welcomei not ono.of sorro � I
*1 . .116 stood still. there, ga,zing long - I of the flowers. ad death -; no mention of lov'e, truth or . . I. — . . I .
�. - I ,considered impossiblp.. I . , carid so, much for him. , He , . . . I .
� . . ea.ruestly at the windows of the house, -f 0,,a: her cut, �.sind claimed her as his owni- - 1.0 aghed Beatriceto sing. It pos, . I Helena d not thought Beatrice � � ' .
'L �� . � Lord Airl , not have ;ddelity ; no recognition of big passionate tliat he Ilac - I - irm vocciumilon,a, rrvTel!�tlonv . .
. kanjoy and her - "Blie could � � capable �ot such -deep affection.' Lady
and then went out intothe park and disap. a r ,Nv,h i o h. h d ' t r11.1 ead. ,.It it . .
. � I . . 6 ;a 8 L the worship; no Promise. that she would be -bis I 'L had never known any , of late years there has *been much die-' -
, or,
:.i ., . . .. , This lett Pr le, , Wag a-ralief 'to' I I Helena told himl. she . I
. . . peered. . I ' . --boa,uty from , - ZIL 11 I talked'- 'all the love and sorrow, 8,11% ' . . '
I" . I i A pasBlug wood a face of 'the - -wha�i could such a letter mean ?
" . � . I - She Was not startled. or, white - - and cold- almost A , - -whom., lie bl�d one who could love Be well or !late so cussion,aff to whether vacoiatiltion. is really .
I I . I . .
.1 . . I as to who it m%ht be struck her'. 2erhVs dead, Tj,s;s from him -,- and the worail it con.' � 'fear' Ld despair that tortured bar, . could I Re.almost hated thd girl thoroughly 68 Be , .
. I I find vent in music. 90 she sat in the �, would'a6t sitrice, , a-'sategu r against gme,II_pox,. &pd the '-
1 I it was. Ono of the gatme-keepers or gardene assi6oate love , �lg, andlora.&iAle, listened loved 80 well, Yet he could noi . . - �Afrlie fd OW'. g-8 atistics which'h4v.; been pub- - .
�__: . .. . rq; tilined were.full of such P 3vening,gloami - . th '� bellev6 -anything'excepi that perhaps dur. The Morning came,.' and, Lord . .0, edical. . . .
. nuch. about it. 4 led her. ,The letter.raii. as 4 , o, wondering at a .lingered so long over his farewell that'Lady 4is a . r. Bd6hallAn,. the . m
.. but she didnotthink i . rif
. I I I that they Or * I . I to the superb.voi d grown to think -
� 11 - moonlight did not frxg4teuI011O*,:... I . . 1. . I . � hat seemed to ring, in ing his long Absence she ha 'began to think 'he. would alter his : ' Dndou Local Government
. , & -to .. 0
shadow i. the . . I . . . .. 1. '. - pathos and sadness t . inaiy of him. Shebacl-promisc Helena ' ' - where he was., He o car of the , .epidemic of . the , ' �
. . ' 11 . I.. I I. . I � . .. � . . 9
, I .: I . . her. . I � I . : . 'I V B01 )v6ry noto. �, I . . I .. : less k: . mind and remain card durin i the present - bb . " .
.. . . . , Soon the cool fresh�alr did iti Work ,i -the i'My OV�N 1313'ATRTGE�FrOM perl . Y S. ( I weird nine* ,Xeatrieo-1`18�said, be -his wife, and, lat'.-come, whaf might, ]he started at last, howevei, promising io wribe disease in the , liglish 'metropolis will '
. you. . . . .
. I .� . . I I ad:" real earnesti d'IAhA.I' have rQ.turneff to claim I . "What I would wake her keep her word. Arice, and followed by, iouiia t uAble data froii W'Jilch'the . I I .11
,. . 'bright dark eyes griaw tir M, every day -te Bel . 0 -be val . ,
. . .
I . . . , - . : , glio .we paited 1. have stood face to- length. ""You I iliging of love'. but So he -aaiO - and Hugh Fornely. me6lit it' . , �, uestion may be i ntly on, - ,
,, andat lengthBeatrice retiredto rest. . - Your -songs are , , pod vislies Of the whole household. . tr�u6d lutellige
�, . . N Most ,terrible form. the loV6. is all a . ihole life w. ntered in -�erp A I - ....1.1-1 -7 .11, . , - --11 -
� _yjtli .'death in its . . -� . I . Pd. I -
1. ., � - -... - , . , . , . . . . I .1 -I .,I.- I— I .1 I—— � , , . .� .. Als, 9
�e - . . - ach . ti . me conquered, becaiisp I felt 1 I . I y. io.birf I . - happy " - , * 'li -, -- I ' . He -via gqne,,an gh'vras gond7-, for oth sides.-'Durmg a TaS ''
I � -
.: . .. _. - .-Iuhe-�suiiwaa sbilling, brightly wheii.-she . *neipli . What his His v _ -ap- pq _ I i 4 Mu- 9 , I fih " V. Your I 1.9,53T
. . , . I g � . . � -voullf , , -
. I not tkinely give at up. .
. ! &woke. By her side lay a frogra,ni bouquet E . .21 ,.. ��:. � � orsons, ol all Ages died in London of small- .'
. . . I . . %gain. -it � ii a urito saying. -come over on � , . .. . � iopatched, Beatrice awaited . .three weeks she:had obhingto.fear,,noth. P .
I . .:. . '�j flowers,. the dew. dropB still- I glistening, must, see yon i . 1; 1rhe �boud-� The totter d . fled melancholy calm- pox, and of .'these *N5 were certified to have , .
. � . I te; ihat.love is immortal. * Death itself would, .,, Not i . g,11. 0 a ly, bul ., a- the reply with a ,suspense no.words can. ing to, hope, and� 8, set ,
I - �_ . Apon tholl�j Bud in their midst.& little no . . you�na ' ' . s' - . I . t ly Helena been vaedinatedind 637 not to -have .beeu� , . .
� salid : ' � '' ` - 'not part me If , , sr, if � I ,were -lug over. eri,, . ..... r eyes were im describe. ' A dull wonder came ov6r her a fell iipon her. 'Hot father and Lai I
, � I I . :
I . � which � � - '.- ' --, _ , rom . ; . � . . her lover vaccinated, while the facii , .about va6cins. , . , ..
I .. .1 den . ,� . a ffor so keenly. Oth thought'she .was dull because � iiieb." * I i
. . � )ms into the -gar burriedi' and you, .6mnllb to lay :grave, and With tears. �� . tirmewwhyshe, must �u , or . '
'. . ;1 Biilatilco, will YOU,O( , ems to we I uiu6t' , - ,ithere," cried Loia Airlie-ill you .a .a.* gikla�: had.. done what she had done -may, -was away; the musical la�gh t�fbt used to tion are not stated in, 570 of the a _. � ,
. .. .for a few minites, bef6re- breakfast, just to . . , - , Y.ou,bave Positive A . I �rt was. hushed, . tstimate� niado by the Metropolitan A y .7 '
, . . 9 , 1 . I a
; . .. .. : I am iight. .. lY.sU gyolim�- w . ddem, Lord Ualile�s hei I .
. . � � - . - � , ie�Liina no xomesi'B hauht6d gla lumA, � Board in '1872 'give the London . .
. . . .
� 'tell me apple . .. , I
.. all that h ' nedlast night Was .- . I a my Wifo�� t 1P .. I . ' , .fifty tim6a .orf itithe beautiful . I '.
. -
'N I I . . ihot a dream-?" ' - , . � * . . 11 Beatrice, YOU promised to U solf.to ears. - , : '&ill 'her, th6rm.'-,. Why - was 'this - spectre of fear and she becamai unusually sile, icoinatioh as. ult eteen tialds more numer�� .." , - . , -
'. - . . you will not not �.e h -Ii EL led I � an ew pale i6nd aid. , They smiled and v ,than the unvaebinated.
. . � I ail meT. Aht.not it pan He dr6w.. hot from I 8' nAlid, - illarad lo'stand by her dae'evary.:, raom ' t r . According to i, .. - .
. . I vek her pretty Morn- . �
.: I . I . , 6p, r6ss quickly. 0, I the r6ses - I . . , . - , � P , us
11 Tillers, 6 -2 4 1 te'tt it'liatural. Lilli ,
q .. that - the blue heavens 'Above will look on I to the large bay -window slill'distressh r , thong an who know. 0 out of t�e s,81o,000 inhabitants given I I-, �
. �, h%Wli and'Weut . lie . d her face to the'lliellow � , every expiesikin of'her alster,s face,, grew this, . � ..
;. I ing dread she threw a lights q�i,e.�iy.o,uawit��is'jnydestli.blow'I You peeped in. liel it 'As true it had boon vety wrong of . . '
.11 . I . . down to, meet Lord Airli6. - -, , ', w1l come to me, and jivq ,. a Word, a oning light diia 106ked gravely into, her - . w . )some Hugh Formal �iu .anxious, fe&ring there: ,was- s6me7 ailment .in the unriavisea � census of. 1881, -3,620,000 .' .
,$It was no dream," she said aimply�. me� By I . � . ... .11 .. I � her to meet thiA.biri Y either -of body or mind that"nous, of z them have boon vaccla atea, and the unvaccirated .' .
� I - smild tu ihov� how true you- hime been.' . beautiful eyes,'� 11 I . I am shore ; I . , � , I . . Al .
., . .1 , I . I I . m i ..� '' - -Q ,. - � class numbers :190;00.0.. �
.... I .. . holdiuf' � ... . * a " -0 "Toll me,"..he-saia aiinply!, I ,what h a oo ., ,_� - tality fr'bra ame,11-pox at All ages to t ago , , 1. � I
... *gr6eting to him. , . �. the pleasantmoods And-= ills. S - )Plying the mor. '
, - how , " , lid 1�aolldtony that ]led weresawaroof. ..
. . 1.6iii hisk hand in very good,of YOU f it k4 Last evening" L' *anaerda roun the I i,but it had broken, V � : , h " ..
... . . — . ut.v6ax.teatrlde, - � laenea,.. you', teat�vids-yo� "hoe at ad to be killing hot. . Eis passionate They beli6vea.-'shavw thinking of -her , .
. . . . � &ounds;- -woudering -Iwhj6h�Were the , ivin.� seil ' 'ng' seem, I . classes, it is foun - , , . , �
� ., I . . .replied Lora AlrIie*-&Adi6g-�'preseiitfy. . secrets frdm' me. Wbim,wore yoii'thinki - a � that the rate of 61hall I
I . ' .
� I .
. . I ,.� . ,,he dows. of. my love's cht,6mbbr, and ' asking . ill iou gami illat aie6my love had'been delicious flatiory ; still shei absent lover, And feeling dull without him.. pox mortality:for the'twelvebaouth mmolig'
. L ,,We..have twenty minutes beforw I dn
.1. . . I iyself whether she was dreaming of me., . of - just now whe had not intended anything serious- IthRd In reality, her� btotigbls wave centered up. 'ated. is bat - 90 - bar million,*hile � - � -
- the Ax ' . � i,
. ..� btuBmake. Lebewohl?" � note was like 6' 1.6149 the vacein
. . breakfast -bell irill, ring, I . � I . r b6oA ar novelty, �aud on amusement �to .one jdea�whit could she do to got rid - of
- . I - changed, for' you since we sat. . -�r T t . Only. i i unva4inateS it reaQhes the, �
Life has I . . .. � .
.� .. . moot 61 them.,!, , . . � . sigh." , � I . . . m,1, I night Among the .per million. , . -
: Tba'morning was fresh, fair,.6nd-calm,'a. upon. the Oliffs At Knutsford. and'.you- pro- ,, Shall you' laugh'.if I toll you 2". she her; althoughtohii -perhaps .it had. been � Hugh Fernely? Morning, moon, anE - enormouli figure of 3,850 I .
. mised. to be`m�'wife- ..'. I heard at We I alroa . . I- . . � - a matter , of life or � deith.. But ,she had -that one 4aestion was alwi6ys ,before. her.. .. .1
: - � . . soft, liaze -hanging round the trees. . . I deceived. Lora � :a aid, shli laugbed - ''Th I . . , nalne"S. . . �
� atrice," said Lord Airlie, "you 'see all' about :the cha.,uge,'and how the asked.. . Earle. , If, when he' had, She3alked when:othei ..4 owgu Womitn ot.!%' �.
� . lit Bo . young girl'who grelitaered with Me through 1114ii-11hereplied; �11'cannot.proinlseto. questioned hei,-ana a With. them;. but,1 I there came an interva -or . . � I 1. ..
. . . � I We. . I : � . �.. .. I . � . ought.with such t6a� . . . . I �
. . . the sun Bhimi�g ill. ere� in tho'bigh hesivens' � bu't I will 'lot smile," win h -beautiful I ace astumEid � a Many People doubt whathiar women ovef - - -
. I I hd daughter of sighi I I def wisdolh to at confidence -if she lof.eileiide, the
, -
I . I .
. .
I .. . I . . . 'the bonnio green Woods is tl , . . ... .: had lold'hhm� her story theh',. he . Would - hav 'tiess, -ability, 'They, say - � A
. ,,. I - I s4ould do If -if -1usu I
. . .. Three Weeks ago *1 should have thought 5 , , - Your hotae-. doubtless - is, s, I wis ,thinking What. hive, expression Lillian had nevoi 6 gefittine,' ,
, . 11 , - far-bff dreamy
� wsier�` one. . '' 'k %I iing.happonea t6 patt,ils-11 � he ' saved bar from further. persocation and Been there before. Bestride we
.�.. ior t6t saml6-silll to fall than, for Lord Earle, iyth 69 g6noreilly that -Batoness, Burdetwoutts inherited all I
... Bank &'rid position 11 a Yours . . - ' I
. .
� ,. � X ley do hot . P��,P� I 'I barning it, that thei �- . I
I I . . . lion. I can sbarcely. believe that stattely ,,But, n6thing -will ever ban -
. . might- frighten som6 loVers-ti ' hame 'relgaea -. : , - I
'�i . *
'L" at idejf6f woman' is realized. It -psyt us but, dekth. .
. . ida 6 w I from the effects of 'hot owu� folly , if ,she .on her 'guard, watchful' and careful; but her Money instead c
- I � . . I � t �tlldm stand-- have Mat, there 'Were timea'when tbli'. mask-sh6 held ,'several famous..queelia.who* .. .
. ky1highi,i 11 . said; ljnothlii� can' I.
. . . . - lost, had told him then, it would not . - - ' . .
. . . You will ,nbt to 1
7, p
�.. . w . a, eye my ,ambition to marry. , some daunt. me . know ivhai woulcrhippen to me if I - no - L .bfilliant, d se ;they happened *. -
. . . "cannot, After the pro� . . I. . terod--460re would hAve1een . obstacle- �
:1 .. . .� , between Us. you I . I .. . I so bravelyfall off,: and. A lllig�a looking at ' '
. young 'girl whobad.never'loved any one - �ol3lutt6red, I . � . - - , '. I 11 YOU, Beatrice." . . ., ..- , . . -all -was not well ivith her upon good . cabinet- bfficers, and. that. the . ..I
I I *she up into the to bar love for Lord Airlie. ... bar then, know, . I . ' I
. . I I .
. ,_ . . You . never have. . No -man mises . - . , i What 91, -asked, looking . - if she were t sister. .. . _ .. .. .. . . various Wom6n whb slre.�nomimally At the : .
beforei me. . . now. . 0 tell - � . .
. , eyer , held -your hand as -1 hold it :now, no "Beatrice, my voyag has been a success . . ,It wai'dikaient jiltdiprises.ko-da, j
.. .. . I � I It. ave. handsome, kind face.' � - , Lora- I arle, afterhis deliberate and ampba--' W�at wis to-ber done to get. free from head of groat business f Y I
. . � man laver ki6sed - yo I Mo As I ;did las . ful -one;. I am h man, but I h I'should not kill 'Mysb1f," he said 11 for- I � depend entirely on, shrewd 'Men -who ate . �,
. . Ur_ . - t , f ' tic w6rds-,-she-could expect no mercy ; yeti Hugh? -Every hour in the day. fresh plans I I .
. . .n*ht" .*,, ''.. I- . I . � 1. .. �: ,enough. ti) gratify every wish of Y`Oi2k heart. 1, hold lif a to. be a sacrea gift; but I &�Ia Abet girls* have done came jobei�L-somo go ab . . to kept -in- the background. . But- all doubt � - - '
;, I I ig, . 1. will.take you away to sunny lands. over '�f . woman could 131,16 said to -herself, slixa. im to provo� . . , , I ..
. Asbeg.okemburniag flush 'covered hor llce og,nbl other 7en worse, slid ptini4himent had 'not over- 'feverish; unnatural laughteri 'but none inust be dispelled -by a recently published .
� - the si�a, ,"rhere life, sha so full of go where the ' I . . I . .
face. - Hugh Fernely , a upoil-,me. W -dole. I ,cry about all Ohio woman. This person; '. ' � �
. . . - , 11 �bo i � by doyOU_t%Ik-so . I
, ,
� . . - . � remembered happiness' .that. you- will wlah�ib neveFt-0 smll I at. tak6lithemsoewiftly. � . . I . were feasibl&- With* all hGrAAring Wit.. st . mAid or widow, owed her *, �
. I 11 He 101red Yet better. fcm0e blush, thinking I . I .fully, Beatrice I Let us change the iubje . quick t )pgkt, her vivid'. fancy, with ,
. . . . . I -.---- j. 0 - At last she sIp14;. dietressed and worn at - . - who whek eitliorl.-O,t&-had7=t-the--w-lieri--:----
.1. ' 11 11 , -7-611-We-VIlbir _a_Tr,11 . .. . _h 1-_ __ _4L 'EMW -91T, finl9kia, 'she -Iii-1-61-d" -
� ----"'-- ---b -ow- nd-gaileles"he-W _eiid_____.L__. 0211128ind--m—lim-9—i -tom wpuldyou-like-to-go�wheu -�iut —with iYoUg4-:. . � - . , .. �. I 'll wmi'#320,
I a. I � . her resource of
,I _ , . .
I . my" - lover," ... il I -await your, cc . -:-.Ph 0 . , . . I -ond . � in - .
I .. .it I feat'l shall be a very jealou's . 2airlea all' it be Frail 0, ItAlYt . . .. . . I — . , � . DAY and night the witbal to. pay.' Almost any-womaP - .
I I I tinned, '.,I shall.envy everything Mo LoraEarle isuoirailge aisappointea we are n . . � . I . . I 'could do nothing.
. . . . . ' or Spein??' - . . .. : . . OHA,PTER XXXIL _ .. question, was still. there what *could she, such 'so . position . would h"v informed'
. . .he con - I I I " .
. . I FA to . � - ,,Would nothi .1 AughVernely? * .*
. . those beautiful eye 16tupon. Will you man, Ivill not yet call .upon you at your ng ever make YOU love MQ I . . . . all her I rierlds � that 8116 could nbt for � I.,
� . . vitli me this morningT I -want to own- home-,. -I shall wilt your -reply at I Neither pov� . For the first time in her -life-, when the do to, get free frona I e4 what she was! to do', and - - - ...I
. . ride i . naton-my home . Broo '. at once, -Beatrice, And lbes, Hubert V ili,.ask,a. � l, - . om, Beatrice . .. . , . _ . I .1 .. the life -of her- a .
� . talk to you about Ly I . . I.You kfield, Write -may Meet you. - I - , arty noraickness?" ' .. .. I � .; , I bright sun shoupinto her to , CHA�?TER XXXT I. . I . . the r6mainder Would have spent most Of I
. tell tii6 how and when I to fbe wall and. dreaded - . I . . , . . rF how to. borrow the .
. I know. Yotivill'be Lady Airliet. of Lyna- 1b , ,, No,".Aie replied nothifig you can .think tu&ed her face I I I , 0ioir time In Wondering - . �
I . . " -a I will go Anywhere, �& Any time. Do tic I t. . .. I . . the sight of day� The post -bag. would leave . ' A whole ive6k passed and thellsome. - Blit the Ohio woman did not drop
ton'p and no king v411 be so proud v . . --Hugh would aniolaut; ,
I . * my fiesrt hungers .and -thirsts -for otorinvent.' -, but- he ,thil H411 at 9 inthem n_
I . - �sbmll," W I delay,- � ' . litor-disgracb?" ShGcOutiull8d, aogning; I - thing," Beatrice longbdfor. had not happe into wanysuch nonsonse;.Blie quietly can- : - , . .
. I . . . The breeikfmt-bell raili at last. ben. Ono glailco at your peerless I ace. Appoint �, ht,lf'angrilY,. _ . have the 'letter at libon. . Unti .then she ad. Life wbiltoliquietly and smoothly. Her coiled the debt blymitUill$ the man. Such - ;
- anhoursoon. How,shall I -live Until it� interrupted hel all.safe� � . . I L . .
4 , Beatrice entered `th6 � room Lady - Earle ur 1411ushl"hosaid. " I'do not like. such a 'w father *-and Lady Earlo'busiod themselves . a, stroke of genius woula have juBtified the
. I . comes? Until then think of me vi�`Yo � say it again.. . Noon came Andwent, but the length of. , .
. . 'went up to her. . � .1 . � � . * . .. GH, FERNELT. - word uponyout lips; never in talking of preparations; for the marriage.. lady in living upon her, liburels, but iliedid...
. she devoted lover, q Hiu 'What aiggrace'eau t6lich YOU,7 You are the aunatmer's day brought! n el Delete and Lillian slowl riftedinto sorti Realizing, porhibd,
�.. ,ty$fir papa, has told inefti4news" i.1thing save Lio" nothing 61' the .
. I Address, Pqst-bfflce,� Brookfield." . . freghmisery. Ateveryunlisua-stir,evOry tie fait Ian4of hope. or at Vote .
. �- I said, 44Heg,veli, bles�yoii,'ilnd M;Ne you -, .. . toopurei toogo6d." . ' I I footstap, � that she inlilit have to support her ,bus- .'. ..,
h . ty . . . I Shia read lovely word - carefully, and th folueled �.. laiid peal of ills bell, every quick every sy. No one die me 0 t 11ark -banai as 6minine geniuses usually doy.sho- . 1;,
. . . &PPY,dear child? . I .. an She turned from llim,, and he 2g ljps� she turned pale-, and her heart seemed to . I
� . , Lionel Deore gueskidd thd Ads Of AffAitg, slowly. turned the lett& ovet And road ,it low Inoan O&Me,irdin her tremblii , . secretthst hung ovp.r Battles it.. - i .quietly divorced the follow, at an expense -
, . .
. iiabutlittli. The chief'topio ofcoll� . Her White lips quiveredwithindi diewithillherj',� . . � . . 1. .
. . and si I. . 9. " , Every -i lei, t 0 s*,U I of only sixty-dollars,00 _ihli is -
- -age-ill ,ly - aud�praY.46rgive me, ' - . I . now again ,
, . � Aitilie ; Lady Earle watched hot with anxious . . 'U , red and . , '
- I . pu are tired, norning.Beatrig
. bion was the. ball, - interspersed . by , .nant. paaslom How dared be -presume so, I .-, . to, herself, heart -and fancy free &ad twolund
. veroal , Beatride-nervous, too,,, amid Lord . I ine -hoppfulness of youth, 8 1.
thatity o6l�jeotures on the part,of Lord.24rie, jai 2, , His love I Ali I if Hubert Airlie �os. She could not understand the chpuge In 'the, face of these I
. . . � ',I � will- ,be - y6iir doctor., - YOU shall lie a: ung . !*something will happen to4ay;" every -sixty dollars %fioad. '
., . ! . .. . ..Rs.to why the post ,g was so late. I I . . could have remathoss. vy ords I Fernely'6 'will Place that hold- come ovef'the brillia;ut NO must ,lisp-. facts the manvibo,refuses to believeAllat
. . .. , -be . . dow.i fe I
I . ilitil.brookfAt wai3, JOT61 Sholoathed. him', 'she hated with -il hereupon this cOUbh- 1. girl ,who had'used to. be-tho.,li the night sho-tbought,l!'Soinething n may I na ur . budoem 'i - i
I . it did not, arrive � E very now and then she out t,is too stupid � . . . .
I I ,cry it ;ibere vou"ouln see Ali� Bull got in the broke pen tojmokrow,,`,:but days ana nights went woral t' ,ally' have
ended. - Lord Earle distributed the letter$; - fierce, hot souna'of . his aethingthat house. -inol-
. I I � hatred the v most wretched .West, and I will -read tb,you son . :on calmly, unbroken by .any eveU or abilities of the highest oraej 0
. . . . . there -were three for Lovd 'Airlie, one. to iiiime� Why must this . will driv4all fear away. I thought -A�riug into wild andfoverish gayety. Lillian saw dent such as she wished. .. . to deserVe any attention WIlat..'70r.-Y� Y- ' - .
. . �
I . Bady BarW from Dore,, two tot Lionel, -folly of her youth rlso:up againit her now? n that sbirAetbing was ailed with her sistak_-" aly p6sging., ,ffp�ald I I . , .
I I . for, Lffiiidi Lord- B arle hold in his What must she, do 2 W40re could she dinneryoulookea ill and worn. .. :. she could tot toll wbat. .. - I. Thb.time of 'reprieve was rapil 7 . . '
. . home lob to: the What should she do if, at' the slid of three' I I .
. hinds a !at ommon blue envelops. turn for hot and couisel? , - . , I Gentlyanough be drow the cc' For the'Aftioth time that day, when the . The Czar 'of Russia, after - travelling ' - '
I . . r ]%tie - watching him the weeks Lord Airlipiloturnerd and Hugh Iverno-
� 1. I I � le 11 ho'Bald-" from ' Cod�,Id i3o,p6ssible that �thia mam. 'she window, Laaj haltdoor-bell sounded, Beatrice lookeatip . . . around considerably through his empire for , �
. I .6 M__ __ 3 ice Bar , . lielto " ni, face. as induced 13aa-' . tiembling lips she vainly triadic be IY dsmh"6 HarlOscourt? . Throughthelong � a .�. . .
. ,cfiela. What large. writingl The fiercely bad touched her ties, aba While With smili . with � Bunny hours that question tortured. her, a' place 61 safety., hai at last ottled down
BrOol, Was evidently into ' d to be seeu;" covered her baiaas with kisses and tests ? .trice to lie down; and then turned her face still.. At last Lady Earle - took. the burning, . . - in Moscow. There has babn much talk Of
. 1. name ads to thd garden, *fidiO the setting son Wall h dain - � . 1% - the Buspensb anado her sick Wh000rt; There ,
. I Boattiog, .took the laitter careleBsiy from She struck the little'white h1add which an her own . t6of -M pormanflut-remoy-al of hisresi- - I
.L . . . at theia&rblo stand, PIOSsitatlygiiaingifie flowers. ' ,,My diar child,"sheould "you Will were timos1when she.thought i6voulab's Is, 'that � ancient onpital; �nd -if he � . .
. bilm;'thebandwriti-bg was quite unknown heM thelittet again $ 3tter to d;1 6, at once � that PD,$$ through, .aeuce to .
. I . to hot -, she know no one llA3tOOkfieId,Wbi0h � and where, Hugh Foinely's teArshad falldn, "Now YOU have something pleasant to I . Us lover if you go OA.. ill this b, is lingering agony of fear; . . ' . Ands,the politic&I'atmosphero cougonial.he I , .
I � was the nearest p0St_'ioWa4--it - was pie- a�* dark bruise pulepled the fair skim ; while look a,t 11 said Lora'Airliet.,1 iLud you sliall "ave' a'Whrlto makes YOU' start At every ill I V stay there- indefiiiitely. Moscow Wag . .
, _ 6r, some' tetition for bard, fierce * rds caiiae- from the beatitim have ;wetbing pleasant to listen to, I way. s: tho4h you word ;Bub she w6,9 young, and youth is ever law. capital of Russia till 1712, when Rotor ' .
bably some circull) .0 , . I I na some of Schillees tg M,,Id noise 2 You look a , juino,l she 'was bravo, and tbe.brave the . .
.. . I am going tolro . . waiting for somethink aveadf al to happen." ' ' Ban , .
1. ollarity, she thought Lord. girliel crossed Jul lips,, - . . . . I . . . � I rarely despair. She aiauot ililito rcadizD� the Great transferred it'to Sto Petersbur.o., - . - �
the room to speak to her, and she placed � I I . . I I Stuart." Al No one ever. called n5le nervous," iepllill,, the diffi6illtiB13 of. hot pogltion�; And she did X000OW still Stands REV t1ld.firSt' C!tY'iU
. . . . I .1 I and. hold her white 'cotimatioliv -, - It is the 13 ll!oity ' . -
� . . ... � . � the' letter catelegslY in the pocket of bar 1 .4t Was I blidd, foolish, mad ? " she. pried.; c He Oat At hot' I ot, lrand, stirking BeAtricei'With a' smile, controlling boreal link it possiblo.'that anything could Itussian,, . more .
11 al the fruits of . hand In-biti, 116.vOaa Old 9 � ,with An effort -' ,, mammo,'B dhibf complaint not tl . I
I . dros ', And in a Jew minates.forgot all about! i I Dear hoe'voll, save m. a 'fro . I . . . i seemed like the ring 1 . I happen t6, t4ke hot from HabortAirlio of the Muscovite Dread; alid, being 400 miles - '
. a. . I . Wo do that at times s. that I ,6d no,nervec" . , I . . '.. , , .
. . . . . .. � my own loilyx, 1: 13 the, dirge .against me wa southeastof S6,Potersburg,isionAocount .:
. . I 4L . martial mugio�, and again lik . -only one p6irson:noted-the change in . . .
L. .1 Lting; tho'horses,had Then�hot angor yieldeato 6811air. What Of . I - ,addin Is atly to herself, IfThis cannot . -hot AiAter, Lillian of its milder olimatetAlle,winter rbsidemed
i . I � . . . Urd Airlie Was W&I'arly hour, Beatrice should she do,?. took whipli, Way ,&d. ,6f a gout in despair. �.. I tast. 11 troluld rather' die 5t Once than live : beatrice. anti that was :ofthenobilitW, ,find Becolia.capita,101tho � ,
. . .� I 1heen ordered for all a ,h voice jounaea.! ploahantly ,�n ,8 go � arle. Lillian missed the bigh'spirltB, tb6 . I
. . .. up -stairs to put; on her rialug habit, might,1bere was 46 hope. If Lord X arle ills clear, rid �eb I ill a nY.V , E that had empire. . It is - tll� I avoritid of tb a Slavlot I ,
I , I � I . brilliant rapartei
ran -never gave a thought to the. letter. ' . once diseovoreathatshallaaaealt falsely in the evening calm. Beatirice's e� I . The Treaty day came to a close, IlOwOvOr ', �, the gay words . again. party, bolvg loss Gorman and cosmopolitan' � . ,
. . ol", . lingetea on the western sky all aflame; but ad. 't was well for Beatrice that Lora waachomosobright; over Ama,OVOT.
-, in the dar . he . a I t�an its wore Western rival. The traiAfok .
. I it wag a Pleasant ridg k after with him, she would be driven from t with Hugb -Vornely. to herself that all was not well �
. , hot thoughts were . 6 spent the am Aid . . of the Glivevilmout to Moscow would be
day$ she looked back �upon it as -ond of the home 'she, hAd learned tO* lo�d. He would � Aitlie haa no ot a I
I If she could but The gentlompn� at E &Tlesdourt be& all 96110- with hot sister. I 11 . I . . I SUA, lot which
� .. . . bright6st'fioutseho had over known. toid never pardon such concealment, aooit, What should she do? taken as 0, pro-sl�vlc me&
I , � . a told, her all about Lyrinton, his - gad folly, %% here. slid know that, If tomporize.with him, if sho.c;Duld but pacify to ei-bacholor'o dinner.,given Jby old SqUir6 Lillian had hor*6WA�s6dret-0116 able had the present Czar is far more inclined than I I 11
I . Airli Lord Airlie ever discovered that tiny other him for a time until she were marriod, All Newton of the Gre�hge. It was late *.ban ' haraiywbiiper�a tollorsplf. From hispreceaessov. Moao6wisinthiscontrobf '
. . , iful homo�& grand old castle Whord "' kliest childhood she had boon scene,
beauti ) st man bad called -hot his love, had kissed hot would be safe. ,He would not aito to talk they returned, and Lord Airlie did itot "i"y theempire, in a thoroughly Slavic p6pulsb� -
. F. room had a legend every tree Alma -it would be vain notice Anything unusual !a Beatrice, ' A t,aria to give way to Boatriice. 14ot that tion, and whera the People are enthusiasti-
""' .
& tte,aition � I I face and claimed her. as big Own,- alle. of ele,j)jing Lady Airlie -tialiby dia)?layed, .
� For I,." �. intondeS t6vokk Wonders I a wMaJose his affdctlon� of the't-shpc was 'it he did, nesides, she would persuade is J[ call this aday w6sted,11 he said, as he there was. over any Poo . daily loyal, , . ..
i . . ,low And inggailipent win; should be built, also quite sure. . Lora Airile to go abroad; and seeing all bade her good might; llf6i it has boon a day but the Wilful young beauty 901201CA11Y 0011- When, we sa� 'that &'young i4ay,s .
i if she wou(a remain at gaxldsoolirt� it pursuit useless, Hugh 'would surely i0ve S . Pont away from YOU4 V th6ught it wbuia ttivea to have - hot own way. By he): is finialled we meam, siniply that .
: therein art, $kill all . .
. and on one room , Even it the very'w6rst, if Hubert 90 . angaging imannotF, . and high spirits she education
. money should bo lavishod, Without stiAt. obb would retain her I &that's affection And list up, . I .)lover come to An end.
. st never hoAr of and slid were onto Matried, she Would not ' 'She sighed, remembering what 6.areaiy oodurea every on616 attanti6u; and thus she bag been supplied with otponsivo rods,.
itHe dfit,fot e, Lord Airlielg love,.thdy mv lines and books, and. that She is'all. ready. to
. I . Vbouaoit,,,he0e,id itsliould.W, an to him m would day it Ilia boon to list. Co�la she live Lifflan was in part overlooked. .
I queen mud for a ftiry.)I' � *. . . 4 , Hugh Vernely. Therecouldbond lapubb fear - if she confessed I 11 go'.0, fishing," . , . . . I
v I � On that h6sd� . i - I forgive hot. 110 might. be -very angtY, but thtoughsUoll Another 1 Half t e�nlght Abe * She -was Very fait and plaile, this golden. I I
, So they road through tile pleligAut silt- k, - 11 � halted asughtet of Rona,ld V Arlo. He)! The crops ulolig the 0. P. It. between
� . _ .he would pa Aon. his,Wifd. It he new,-& lay 9, I
; , . lightmv, A aaaaell. thought Ar6kDoatrice, I What should she do' with him I ' Could ,� wake', Wondering 'it Hugh 0 Aiig;�bk to
. . ill I . � 610 . haeb - hot lettev would come by the fi And face was sopure and spirdwt that Ono might Stonewall and Portago h Prairie look #
.� wonaeo, slat) said, "What Mamma will lie V 'O"'_ hive Bkotchea, it for the taco� of a serarih ;, , maglameent. wheat -is genar(MY in blow
I . "I J blberillig his ride 0 *bothot _ nything
she bu� him 6
thiik? Yo must-46108do bar Hubert. her fra6dom? ! Lora, Earle would is y a
. I imarviage 130 bt not. . Shout she It drietterfro ,cc ofa. the tender violot eyes were full'of oloquence, and lit nothing unforeseen ha t�t all io
i' love And . , . -0 - C ' the * orning tho white- brow full of thought. Hot oortalftly average over thirty ilih6ls )l
much, 'SIA Ills love, she, ill � he noticed anoth s, wit! -
� I I �� b 'ale, 'hord Wa`7 portufto. favored her, In
0 ro �Art`
ald money paro �_ O��_' '-io .
. Shu 1 �ppoal to big, pitytecl�trrml her heart ho a 10, hot' - -ill r y ever dazzling, never took any one thle acra., - .1 -
. wrSho must temkor"zo � 0 n li-
1?66)! a""ns` ll$ � ' 0 d 10d 1 ' t LO, :gmrlo wag deoply,jogrosteall A story be4tity m. . � - , -
1� . was dontetod. in Lord Airlia 2 tolawtoini himol'a t�hustwwo Wait. oca,:4001rauiteant 09t, rd I - .
. I . �hwaokbd h6roelf, with- wp4aoring love, an . . I .. , . . . -I- . ; I . .. I 1. � , - ", . ." ___.
. . . . I � ..... I I- , - I . � � .. I . I I . I . . I
I I . . I . . . . . . � I . I - . .1 �. I .. .1 .1 ... . . I .11 t, I . .� I . . .. . �' ; '.1 � - I. I 1- ...1. � . .. I - ...,� - ., , .% '��., � 11 - - - - -1 - �. .. . . . . . , . I . . - . . � . . , .
. . . .
� . . . - � .. - . . , , . - i .1 , � 7' 1
ugh Nornely' I
ash, thi-kina
'al� , . lover", I I
� �",.""i.
a E
d I
wi h th
I I. Aid .1
. , . �- . �. I . . � . .1 . I 11 ". I , . � , ,,p 1. . I I .. . . . � . . I , I - , .1 11. . . . . , . 11 .., . . 1. I ... . . . . I'll, . . , . .
. . . & I � 1. . ,- - .,* . - . '.. .� . . . . I I. 1. � . . :-�, , . I I . . . � - - , . .
,_ . . . . .. .. I . � . I . . I . .1 ,� �. , . .. . . I .. I . . . I I. I � . I I I .
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