The New Era, 1881-08-04, Page 5cct IEAVE TROUGHS. BU I LD ER'S SU PPLI ES. COYAL:C OS HAItVEST TOOLS, MACHINE OIL. HABVkisT A;t1"rs, DRAM . KETTLES. ENAMELLED. (IUNS, .PEST ;VALUE EVER OEt''ERED,' PAI NTS iti�ttii'E'LEAD ■ utlti, WAItP.ANTEU OE/WINE AND LOW PR10E8, rSMUER cMNN. APPLE P RERS CAamggeteouwt arrorndd. PU ES. TI N WAREI 1tRDUO1D' 1'ltff E8. SHELFHARDWARE .AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. 'PtIIENIX BLOCK, s:1 'D A V I'S .CLINTON, ONT. RESPECTL+'ITLLI BEGS TO INTIMATE'THAT HE *STILL', CONT1NBEf C A. TR, c+ s Ile Itis still a .few et-- those cheap flats and Caps, at a greater reduction than: ever. BOPS DOLLAR;. IIAT4 for .25, 40 't& 50 'cts.: HAVI\1: ASSORTED UP HIS STOCI% A'1' .A LATE WHOLESALE BANKRUPT SALE, HE IS IN' A POSITION 'To' OPFER • • ' Goods at. less_ �liau -�i�a asual 1�holcsal� Prices.; 124 .cent •1'RI'NTS' for 10 cents. 15 cent ' PRINTS for 1 j cents. ` 20 -cent MUSLINS for .121 cents. FLANNELS he can show oods at. S5 cents asgood,' if not .better, than: are. usually sold at 50 cents His •TWEEDS are ofunusuallygood value.. 75 cent TWEEDS' for. 50 .cents. $1.00* TWEEDS -for 77' cents: Having secured some MANTLE SILKS at the same sale, he can sell for $2.75 goods usually sold at $3.50. LIGHT 'SILKS: 75 cents .pet yard. its stock of GRt)CElIES is well assorted Fresh all sir clow.. CALL SOLI.CTTED: H 114 }lES L PRICE 1 AID FOR BLrT LPJ: - WM.: COATS• • Next dooi to rho' Tow, Hall,CIIufon' SIGN OF THE PADLOCK. WA lUOW SHE WAS cioAXED TU .WIT MARRIED, Justice Alley had hardly been opened to legal business when a sleigh containing seven or eight persona from beyond the city limits drove up to the door of a popular justice and piled nut with an air of business. His honor was poking up the fire when an old man bee• Ironed him Into a corner and whispered : "Got a job of splicing here for 'yo ! NIy darter Sarah is going to hitch to that chap there with the blue comforter; and then we're going out to have some oystet:8,"• "All right—all right," was the rsiply, and. in two minutes the official was a11/ready. The man with the blue comforter peeled his overcoat, laid aside hie hat, and extended his hand to Sarah, "I won't do It—I'll die first !" she said, as sbe shrank away, "She's a Ieetle timid—a 'leetle timid'," ox• claimed the old man, while the mother re. bukingly observed: "Sarah, don't you make a fool of yourself h"ere,CornWs Sarahilliam will make yon a good husband." "And don't you forget it?" added William, , 4'I won't unless we can go to New York on a bridle tower.!" she snapped. "You'd look nice 'bridle towering around New York with no better dads than you've got '1 " said the mother. Now, Sarah, you stand up and git married t" • " Be keerful; mother—.don'tsgake'er mad I" warned the old man. "Now, Sarah, if ye bank out everybody will laff at us." "I don't keer. I want to travel." "Sarab, I'm' Ver father haint I ? Yea, dad." "And I've anus bin tender of ye." .,Yes." , "Then be tender of me. T wanttogee-•ye married to William. You can't have altower, nora diamond ring, nor a set of furs, but I'll buy ye:4 pair of •-new- gaiters,--SVi119am-dwell. pay ter the• -oysters, and •I'll see that mother divides up the dishes and bedding with ye. Sarah doyou want to see my gray hairs`uoived down?" " Then don't flunk out," "Will they be two dollargaiters?" she ask'od; "And all the oyikinsterQstuff." we can eat ?" " Yea all you "And a• -tower next fall, if wheat does well?" irThen I guess I will. Ctinoel• Billy I don't keer two cants for you,.but I. want to oblige father." in the liot months 'of July autl August the Blood shook be bent pure and. cool,' with an .occasional dose of Dr, Carson's Stomach and 'Constipation Bitters.,tt worthy family medfeino:. In large 8 ounce bottles, 50 cents; .at J,II. Cotubc Drug' store. oI.INTON "di '&BRET&. ' August 4, 1881; Whcati•fall, bush, $1 13 a,:.1, nO Spring, hedchaff,.. 1 15 a• 1 18, 115'a 1'18,• O87 a 0'40': •0 65 • a 070 065 a. 070 6 00 ..a . 6 50 .-0' 25.- a-- 0.25- -•- 0 15. a 0 17 , 0 13:.a 0.14 1000..a.1200. : 5 50• ' a ' 6 00 0 .75.' a ' 1 25 6.00 'a 7 50 •. 450. a .500 •: 2'75•a300: Wool, r.0 22 a 0 24 • Fife, ' Barley, .Peas, F1puri Potatoes,- Butter, otatoes" Butter, ., • - Eas, Hides, - Sheepskins - Beef, • Clover, 'Timothy, --M L•'arlden's Arnipa Salve. ' The Best Salve in theltyorid:for Cuts, Sores, Brulies, Ulcers, Salt ltl eum. Fever Sores, Tatter, Chapped flan agtC•ta4lllafus,': Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and f'b'sitivery cures Ailey ` .It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- facton or .money refunded Pi ice 2a oenta' per box. For sale by J. H Coi¢ibe. • . S EC=AL . DOW e1BRIOEs .IN W AIL *. ?'AYN'',e'tS, I...CICJIE17 S. t IIS, ' • -114 CA-.I.J.A.SS. Barn door ... 7PU'Z`Z`IC, Sc lia)111.!: Mill Ln1ii'mi i'i FIE SubsuriLer, ivhile. thanking tnankin lifs'wauy friends : ',-adfur their- r'patit tst rn Would indicate tht he has HAI) HIS GRIST MILL PITTED UP wIPII STEAM POWER, and having procured the services of a llrst- class Millet, is prepared to execute. all order., entrusted to hitn on the shortest notice: E. HUBER.. Londesboro„Judy 14,1.551.• . etc BEAVER 3LO(!IK, CLINTON, Have. on hand a . Moire ' aseortmt"nt; oL O.LOC1*S, WATCHES JEWELLERY and PLATED WAIVE of •lall kinds, ' Cloches 'OJatadd act; repaired an short notice ALL �li'Oitli WARRANTED. IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING TfAS'C; 11 WEST ----BtfY YOUR TICICBTS bt:USI---- Jai. .Thorpson,Town Agent GTA Boss tut' CAN GET A REAL GOOD (1S 'J 1tN . FOR $4, A f314TTER ONE FOR S5, 'ANDA .. MOSS ONE. Mit $0, T A large quantity of lour -barbed GALVANIZED STEEL FENCE WIRE, .at reduced At t/ ohn Stephenson's. prices. SPADES, SHOVELS, EAIrES, HOE'S, &c:, in great. variety. • TIDE .BEST NO. 1 COAL 'QIL. '; ;' • Also, the .celebrated :AMERICAN 3EADLIGHTi, PLEASE GIVE 1.18' A. CALL, T'131C15`. V.I Y 'LOW. MN OT PADLOfilt, I3IRICEt 111,0q. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON F'tTRN'IT�R�_ PLEASE CALL AND SEE T11I.1 FINEST STOC1:bOY P A I L O Bt - , GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS COUNTY. Y. ALO., ]BEU.IIOOM SUITES, CENTRE TABLES, Ste., IN ENDLESS VARIETY. J.,WU'NG 1.`S MADE ANT) I.Er4Im:D. `UNDERTAKING IN • ALL ITS : ,BRANCHES. 'I.i'ttrileV als..•.f`ny+mlehOd..sit the •X.aoweat flares: w..O:--CRICK,& -CHOW 'AVICTORI'A ST ; C INTOiI',-- -,_ 3t'8'I' ('ALL AND SEE. JO MT. -S'l'E'PHHENSON, ('OOI'1 II CLINTON. t....= The Pnrestand Best'lledicine eier Made; Ado btnation of Nonni Buchu, Man- draft, eand Dandelion,with all the best and mosto urativeproperties of all other hitters, makes the greatest Blood Purifler Liver ator and Life Restoring en possibly long exist where Hop 1 Aso vatted and perfect are their Regul agent on � No'diseaoe o Bitters are its operations. They giro ascii` To all whose e ty of the bowelsor quire an Appetizer' Hop Bittern arotnval Icatlnl No mt nut ter aro what the disease orail wont .P11'1561101) hit- tern 1naeBophit- tern. Don'twaltuntilyoua ee look „hilt If you onlyfeelbad or miserable, use them at once. It may Savo yourItfe.Ithaa tared 'hundreds. •ti00. 11 bo paid fora' se they will not cure or kelp. Po not suffer orletyoor friends suffer,but wand urge to o there de Hap B Remember, flop Bittern is no tile,, dragged cininken nostrum, but the Purest 41 14 Bost Medicine over made, the "4lfvaltWWS "II” and some and no person Or family, should be without them. 0.11.0. is an absolute and inedible ears r rIrunkenese,us0 of opium, tobaaed and narcotics. All sold bY. niers . narcotoalnt.. 80} dra . egad iiaeliu,ter,N:T.sodT4'014s, 1.w. is andvigortathesgedendisfirm. `pioymentscause irregulart' tuanary organa or who re- • Tonto and miidStimulant, _uablo, WithOUt ihtox. slings or eyrnptemi • :ALLAN LINE OL' ItOYAI. 1IAII. STBAA[iIII�N. LIVERPOOL--LONDONDERRY-:-.GLASGOW, SRORTEST SRA PA CnhSu,iuterlrielIint eland steeriogrt 'EI ek- ets at Loweat. Oates. SAILINGS PIMA i';UEJJEC, I Moravian 4111 June. .Sarmatian. Atli tune,' • Cirbasaian • 18411 Jnun. e The hist train -aouueeting-at-Quebec-with thi- Alien Idail'Steampr will leave Toroi:to ever -friday at. Pasoougore can also leave Weenie by the 11:52 p.m. train on,Frid'ays,•and connect with. the steniner at Rimoneki (paying the. extra fare, $4.45,. Quebec to. Rimooski,f . Pollees sone wish lug tb send for their liionds can obtain Passage certificates at lowest rates from England, Ire- land and Sootland to any city orrailway town' In 0a - nada.. and the amount is refunded lose a small deduc- tion if the ticket is not nael,_,' 'Steerage Passengers aro. boof_ied"'to`T ondon Cardiff, Bristol, Queonatown;•-Dorry,Deifast and Glasgow, at same prices alto—Liverpool. 1CiTTbo last train 'sonneotingat'Ialifax with the' Ailan•Mnll steamer will leave Toronto every Thursday. at 7:02 a.m., arriving at • Halifax, Saturday, noon. Passengers Walling' to take the ateamor at Boston will be required to boat the port at the time mentioned above Porth:rough ticketsand.every informationapply to' A..STRA'I't"ON.O..'I Tu Agont,Clinton, : Broadfoot•--f BOX UJN.DEitTAKKl RS Oiir steel: of Undertakin,; goods is ioiy ltu,t tubi eotopleto. Persons requiring tulythinginthisileo *IlLfind it to their advantage to cull and see os, as. Nave just recenrod a large stock of Walnut end RRolewood Caskets,.also Coffins 01 • an dos- crif m ptions o the beat Canadian, and American maunfatturcr,. We have also a 'i4eleet stock of ROBES . & TRIMMINGS. We are prepared to midst, thesegiwdsait half the price hainerty, ehiarged fir the KWIC.. o. No. • 77 BRif.;li.: Ri.UC Ii:. GEO...DIEHL; OA:I3INET MAKER, VICTORIA STREET, • 1111E11111MG f�\IIESt1BOORIDI EBEGS LEAVE TO STATE to the public. that ho has received since the fire, 8 large and snparier sues of COFFINS, CASKETS, Coffin Trimmings and Robes. Aeplendld 1IEABSB kept. PLAIN Cot+vme always ahead. Partiesoanbe supplied i, one hour, at ii)ty time, at tory reasonable rates. THOS. STEVENSON, 1lacoypand 9tand•..Albert Street, Clinton. 1 I' RE-AY.R.7:L E B 00 .._ ": /�y is Ak8 .T � .. It ER STRfEi'-• CUNT ' ALL -WORK GUARANTEED ;FIRST CT/ASS:. 791=3. 01--ICYTom Family Gr oce�es •CROCKERY° & GL;A.SSWARE, NINGllAME 83 CLINTON. G.a.ASSWAR9E ,AT 'A 3IG :DISCOUNT t)"make roU.ut fit: openitn. a full limo of'BIM,UIT9+'AM)CU\FJ,';GTIOA`APL Choice; five -pound Tins MACKEREL", cheap. 11."RUIP$-=1Jei ions ()rouges, Apples, ani: dried Frill-O.' r'i at a FRESH SMOKED HADDIE FRESH SEA HERRING 5 CL:NIN(•41J�.1M7:, ,;L trttoti _i_.Qi. PURNITTJRE —FURNITURE Gliuterr: Ii1tti'niturc i alieroolns, 11 To. '7 r, Brick' Bleck. tiwing t0(he�hterease of business. during the past year, ; B"E,0 A. 1) ''O0'1:&.'$:0' C 'FURNITURE DEALERS, have token a now loris of NO. 77, and twill continue to do business as 'forttlerJv. They have en hand as find a stook of Furniture as was over on exhibition in this town, which .they ore prat . pared tosoilata very small advance on milt. • At we ntanutactUre all our own geode, we can giro our customers better value than can be obtained elsewhere. Our goods are all warranted to give entire satisfaction. All our workmen understand their. business. :P TEIL 1,4E43, hlanager. A: A. BENIdEi 1', Salesman, Ido not ottiiei4 the place, No. 27. .13t•icla I3loclr, Clinton. The worst place in this 'town to get your Grocerieb, is at the old Waterloo House. Robb, "the Grocer, keeps the worst stock .in town. 'His prices are higher than any other grocery. nets. . very 'inattentive to his customers, and makes himself' generally • disagreeable e person dares' tll,Zeehevery'want your trade; he keeps oim, pen day and night.- Dear me, how this world is given to perversion, nearly everybody in .town buys from him. There must be some mistake 'here, for his stook is all new and ild Well bought, AND DON'T YOU' FORGET TT.' Remember the lace the old- Waterloo House opposite the Pot_ l� , gyp c St Office 4 E I CJ eta ROBBY GRQCER« � .. .`. —.. _4 4-. .