HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-08-04, Page 2I -, _________-1_-____., --I---- '---' _____ .... _. I—. .11 -
.1 . I . _t.-. .1. 1. - . I ., __�,��
J "
� - - �. just onough t,o Julapliq h � Im, with a deter- W111118 0VXAIV � ,5 XX PIKOW43.11188 TIMAtux VXLEBRITIACS o . . I IRUIR. OX40 NZOL, I I WUZ N008C. ,� . I :
August 41 .1881, initiation to know more. Not long a , � — ,
I. , Wee, a —
r 10
� I youngonother said, $'When ,Ton proposed, A Storm ;1 es the i4itate votievi connected with ;
. , �O Kienox'statfinton and The WeJr4 UP41 W,PPderJrk;1 3111vanty of a A 11tvartiatte off Itlairtlerer-i
I., , �, . ", I �, I I . ,WJioin4e4_
I . � Into Port in Ncwflbundltuolil-�-Wha Cat Bravo marders, 19ack-111olligned Illegion, ' Xxelolng Ipteirrie'sy—iL 11.101heir,
the constitutional I for meit I thought it a � � 0 Grief. , _ � .
I , lyff"hes; overibeard and �Liost* The, last English inailf 'us]
� T H B LADIE81 COLUMN. luxury I could not. afford. I bad *boon I . % tioutat nuoutioe- (Thoo. Culler In Now Yorlp Bvotugollst-) - .
. A despatch from Maryville, Mo., datec
I my old Now England home, that , A St. -Johns (Nfid.) Qorro a 0 ,he deaths of, three pekoono inti- . 11 � I I , J� I
taught in , oppo,ndent told. mont 4 � t our Afternoon's match over the bleak, Vifiday night, says : Albert and Charles
I I . ' mately connected with the three,. itioat' , . I .
I I �
. I I avaiiy good, housekeeper always'llnislie4 rag,od on Monday- _ , . treeless &Ind brown inourtaiusof the w4l. Talbot, W,4- respectively 22 and 17, were
. I � � f , The o9ean dory City , � , - _1 � .
. at,, sensational crimes that. have wtp,t - -iuexp the presence of 10,000 people this
. . J,ea
her domeStiq duties before. going out, I arrived at Trepassoyi Nfid., after - 4orness was resoibly tiresome until hougod in
: � I Menlis and WQMe1V8,,V1P�VS Of r7— year method; notj how. perfgrming 6% 'I London during the last twenty - yeato, _
. I �
. _ I . . . I � thefirst portion her )eri.Quo .came in eight of thaDead Bea. it lay Afternoon for the murder last 'Heptomber Of
. ever, until health Ana Strength, were . 1_ , -Inspector Won we _A mirror of ,, Dr. Perry
E age from the. United State Ex Mhan Whioher, who 2,OQQ last bal�w us I
. lables. 1,- I - I voy � a. to .O.'rwace, . . . silver, set, , their father I . - Talbot, ox -member
. . fAilingi And the care of two childro Th I a frail and tiny rhil? is barely fourteen died at the of 7 7, w a a on" a among, the violiat. mountains of Moab, More -o - f the Assembly and 64itor- of -the 0�een.
I . I . . , - ,
� _____0___ U ' I of the first, staff of detectives orgau- ' I I
I I made me nervous And fanciful. -,Now for fact long, and was built At Batb, Maine) ize in Londo 0 precipitous descents over rocks and sand haekftn4ar(l, Up to -A latb b.ourlant night
W I -I Y woull!"N -'FADE. more thou a year I have thrown open my after which place she to named, Herorew a ii in 1840, It was he wh brought, us,by sundown, to the two towers the brotherawere bopeful of interference by.
� � , I windows, expooea heading and room to a are two men. Tile i at of the little, ves- in 1860 Arrested ConstAnoo �[lmile Kent the most unique � In . ., - main .
. I .. � . ,a Of . . I monsiteryon the globe. the Governor, b 6aa no f4vorable � go
(Compiled by *Aunt X%t0- for the murder of Jaer In -brother, Thelamou nt of Mar Saba is worth came up to midnight theywent to bed after
I oakroutof parts air, ,ind then put. on over sells 13ompatly consist$ 0 , , faut step
I A0100 , 11 . , of " a Cat, . a July . , - . 4 conve I . I . I
. , dress a little suit of water- fluding the absence of bar nightgown -
* my morning � 1. - 5th the dory reached Georgetown, No. S'bS I I a journey to Palestine. For thirteen.con. a lengthy interview wit)i their 'mother,
. , � with, one-half of tbe'sauit pe�pulatiou proof; for each child I made a simple took her departure . from thik4 port f6r. suspicious And insisting that she had,taken trfileB that wonderful structure has Lung sisters and Map Lewis, to. whom Albert P
. � led , Havre on t - ly., . On the 15th a it from the wAsli-basket w a 110A sent ,
'. babieh have, of coureei always been roQog. ulster, which covered' the plain or so! . . hile sh � 0 1 1 1 .
) . I . -be 7th of JU against the walls -of the de p,. awful gorge was engaged to be married, Mrs. Talbot
. .
. . nized as an integral part of the social dress lauderneatbi. Thus arrayed we went . ale, was encountered. ,Thb storm the pasta *be was oarrying it for A glass of , Of the Ridron. I fificed the Governor in' strong. terms .
. 11 . ,, . deno, �
* structure. To the feminine mind, when, Out for an hour, no more and no less. The, 'was accompanied by 9, very heavy Sao,, to water, The girl was set, at liberty,, and It is 14 colossal awsillow,Q ziest of ston .
I � . . ,e for not commuting the fiontence, and
1. I
not I too confined by selfish vanities ,Or good has boon heyond estimate ; Oven my t � which the little dory nearly succumbed. WhIchez Shared with ,her- father' the built to the. height of 800; fee b against th'e' mauu,"tX a very bitter feeling. This
. � .1 husband, rojoic6s, in my common-sensia".Theolotheo o creiv, their wraps And, Q popular, opprobritijin of tho� hour; in4eea I � - I
I . . I the � precipice, and inhabited by sixty monks of morning the brothers, received the last
� tombittered. by prolonged disappointment, his dismissal 8, I . . .
. � I ideas and increased Strength." was urged in tliet Common the Greek Churob, —genuine Iffattichoans, sacrament of 0hurch. Mrs..
� . #e baby is apt to Appear one Of, the roost ,4 Suppose oom . I their provisions were drenched and satur. but the Home Moretary stood by him, an . , - the Catholic '( I
.1 ponsiderable interests of life. The mother, I 0 one Should call, and atedwith sea water. On this 19th the gelina a
svinpat I hetic aunt afterward rapt , when three years. later' lie. retired it, w And followers of ,St. J300, and St� J'ohu of Talbot, her daughters and Miss Lewis
Ahe. nurse and the I3090 You 060 0611 Untidy house- I element of the ship's company was washed I I � 918 Damascus.- No womauls. foot has ever' wbre then admitted to the jall, And an.
I . .
!ivp 0 . x I I to find an ineiba.ustible charm keeper ? " . I i with full rank and pension.' Whicher was entered the convent walls. Inatog ;lY f0ecting so .
. I . a I o1erbomrd, and although every effort was d I of exceeding I one took place.
. .
- in. all the avents-of babyhood. There it I am viisior now, I know very well tbit made to rleoquo her." poor 0 1 Ussyll "d to be Subsequently sent -to RUSSIA to reorganize women's society they make love to ,the About noon Charles brolte.completely down
I is- a tendeV boaut�y in its Imile the untidy wantert -are those rwiiQ leave' abandoned to, her fate.....0a the 21st Tre- tYe detectiyeforce, andfigurell in the early birds, who -come and fe(id off the monks' and oriea.rd begged piteously that some- '.' . -
. 6 a tbings eutirely� undone, or badly done, not , stages of the Tioliborne case, -In 1865 1 1
. a . paserey was reached. The two nien are . 1 hands. EV evening they toss, r I n *
- I Jorm, .. & , delightful urprisingness AA_ . -aeat thIngbed,.nalorhim. This Il'onerved. the
,. Lil �vays, Which goe those who consider health first it na Constance Kent, who had joined an down to th�lv ,la - k 1, t1j,f - ", --voinexi'-Undtho; -Aaona 'WaV6lm uj(o , �
. mystery in all its sms , I .a the remainder of their d% . n4 take med John Turner And Ivan Oleson, 'The An I . ' e; wi 4ac as in a gorge N ? , -okt - - - -- - -
. . , y for things.ot, fol . glioan sisterhood, confesseahercrimeand below ' At aldl� Who women were removed ,from ,
straight -to- the kindly hesit of the sex, I !mer was dangerously Ill for some tim . . sunset I - climbed over the dur �'.
. b 'up the less'momont. Hundreds of people make ifiedW.hicher's t1leory ; shb was con -
Yet, while one sex has thus as, ,, . I . from constant exposure torwind , water, Just . I extraordinary builaing—was. shown .into the jell, AS,Xrs. Talbot reached the door
. ,v dounfed to
baig , death on bar QoW401ion, but we
baby as an object c -up their beds without airing them ,at all, or lint lie is now rapidly improvin , nothe - � the rather handsonoto �hurob, and into the abe"turneld With a, shriek And: frantically
� f special regard under only for a few moments; any , I . I
form of babY-worsbip,the bther and harder . good phyiioian 'attempt will be made to'crosp oc6an. qvopolaasedonDr,�Buckui I .
. � � , chapel or cave of St. Nicholas, which endeavored to get back to her Hong, but was
,11 a report that
. I I I
sex It as coldly h . old Itself,albof from what. will tell youthat is untidy.,, I I . she Would go inad in coufteo
� . I . . ,,, ,.Ont,thoughif contains the ghastly okulls of the monks, prevented�by the guards, She was finally .
itles. Our iiiend is freshand blo mibg once 3110 Dr.'Bucknil had* communicated to the I , . I
it has chosen to. consider these frivol I 0 . W Much to Eno. who were slaughtorad by ChQsrods and his led.away drying out to. the crowd, 11 I hope �. . .
6 . d authorities, the facts, indicating inotive and, ro—and gazed down into the when you have killed
N t only to the orusty bachelor uncle; even more; She has eieha�nge , i treadmill' Having teitedt a number of me4ls In P6 1 ParDian soldie you Will'be Satisfied
I . existence fot one of variety, And .the .fret Ion preparation, which recently he revealed awful ravine beneath the convent ,walls., inyboys.."' On the souffold the boyijoioed� I *1
. to the father himself, the arrival of a booby I ; ., general way, eating more or less. every. in As Lumlelau legturc, she wo I
, .
� has cointionly presented itself in anything and worry -which Was creeping -into her I . , rildpr,91;lably Some
. . . time, find out as ndft'aa ma It". - , monks in blackgowns. word perched the priests lu'prayer.. There WAS i1O stra �
. but - the light of a joyful occurrence. When f [Lee has pAsed. away. ` . .. I y be whatia have- been pxcquted� is noteworthy that a,$, -- I . I 9-' I -
I . thb proper Amount for a meal. Beginwith . w4ohmen on the lofty towers, 6thors gling'whon the trap was opruiig, both dying
. 1. 'The more dAtibs 4 woman I a very light breakfalat of ordinary food, xent,goont � I . . , I
, . ias to v;rfoim the 11 popular olorfi,ent 11 never acceptedMiso
. congratulated by his friends, on the event, - wandered ovei the- stonfi pavementfr in p, ,instantly. The boys claimed that they I .
. be has, perhaps, bitten 'his lip as there, -the more need has she' for uniform good , a, � ossion, but insisted that she had SorbofalmlessIvaouity, w)j%tarf.att I .
. oh ap you have been accustomed to, And" b'eelL' tortured .into, "nsAniti . � � I . empt committed the (lead while thoir f'sther was 4
1 Ji , 'by the to live in an exhausted r . �
. .. LMVQ atisen before his mind images of a temper, and atkong, he§oh,y berves. These ,note 'the nurribler �f hours you can go I " I . ,oceiver t I bOating their motber,� - - 4 . . � ,., .
� I
I she can never have if 'her days :iud, nights Rituallsts. or else that she had confessed Thp monks gave us hospitable welcome, . GuEnNwobri,' Ark.; Jul�. 22. - George , . . ._
I I 11ome rendered noisy � and chaotic by the I without feeling A. Want 'of more food, to save'her father I The second death was 'so ' '
I . invasion of doctor, ndrsep, etc., of a -wife are spent Within four wells With little to For ,. *cry light -breakfast, say o I no roll, a I �o ' I O... -I..
. . ' that 6f Patrick la us cause Aiia wood-woik, And furnished G,', a a n colored', a wife niarderbr, wa � .,
. .
.4 conthlually preoocupiedl.',of new doctoral cheer. and in out.. tthe. vital . � us. lodgings on the divans of two large Stone . ii . , .
. . .1 . .
I I . If given * to forces, � I I � I . I .. cup of coffee and a very small piece of with bi�. wife, his broth6r Louis dud Alice' 'parlor ,One of the'religious duties of tne iuge� ' a Y . .
uoh, to wear Vow.611yu. Stauhton, who to-
. C'J" .�, 22 -John Patterson, .
� lbilliv, and so on. meet, thred hours or less will be found Rhodes'were sentenced to death in, 1877 8* . whobou .1 0 T ly .
philosophize', he When to rest, hoNi to rest, and where to 'the limit. 'This fir not offered as � I �- . ,d2d am., Clark neoxLvesbtirg,
might. .be tempted to L I brotherhood is to keep vigils, and through I I
. � -rest, esobinuat determine .for themselves, ru ;I for starving Louis' wife to dev a . - : I �
- . , at L lih. Th the. night bells were'ringifig and"clapging waa hanged this morning� , Bigio tbotLsa;nci
. ' but as a, BuggeE I � as ll'o,olook of " . L , ' - I
, � apk� iviiai purpose lir served in the. eco- ition, . for L ift biakes"4 via verdict w ' returned , old 0 oa,11 th in to .
, � bat all know .that nature rebels unless trge. differallioaW.hilt YOU L do during, those three t . am their devotioes . The spootators wore prpsent. I . .. , �. . I
nomy of things by the lieI0169S infantile I , , I I I * . 11 � . . L'. ..
- , ng some I I 'vermin- in the I ave -learned 1� ; '- . '
conditio i ., - - takeii _dUri outs .andfoggy Wght, buttlip,adjAicent Streets JOdgiUg_rOoMS h . li. . I ..
� � a -of food will -go, L �
__ - -..--- _ .. . , - _ n- -malang---aucli--Iarrge-4domands-on - . ilid.'.�Clfiiplito. solit_J " . h . A �qiyian, �amount . And. it was' haflea .with . , . . .
I . the time and an . orgy of others. , When the 'portion of each day� Whexv this is ilone. further in manual - littor th were crowded .to keep up their vigils also'; dud as the' . . I . . � ..
. . . ' ' St. in mental tri I I L . 15w"t obit'"Ity"
I � . a him to join. tbQ L and women learn that ftisainess is not neat . gum han.t yello, while Mi. , Justice result our party -with one excepltiort�had. 'Plumpness, such as would be CGIIS!derOd
voice of his wife woo , labor as brain work is more exhausting ills In passing sentence called the 9, Sleepless night, I have such it tale I , a
lemi " f - hAby,w.orBhipp6f a he nest, and that fretfulness is a deidly-foo to L .1 I I I nt for �
nine coingany o I than haifd work. Who next time try 9, little -ence -a crime go .dark and cold tbud'eritictil north -of
' L beauty, our women will not fade - in their L prisoners' off I sleeping, and like Pat 1, pay attention to exuberAnt in tb ..
proves as flint. He says.that be - � morej axgL in the course of a ddzen break *of crime it
I can see 'iothing in this- daily and vegetal, youth or look coreworn and anxious, a - hideous that in all the . records it " SO closely, that I Was able to dofy even E46rope, constitutes the popular idbal'of .
. L a faAi you Wl l6arn to judge pretty -closely I female beauty, in the Regi.-ney of Tunis. .
hindieas now do, These considerationa would be -difficult to find its parallel."
period of human existence ...to atirixbt hi ' what yen. require to carry on your Work till Tusb . ohs , later Alice Rhodes wa the fifiss and .mosquitoob of Mar' Saba. � By Among marriaggiablo Young lmlios of that '. .
I .. L ro', do not disagree with the stitement that of the , J -two we' B daylight the next morning we board the I ,
that fill babies ate &like, tud so on . L Kto 11 . the hour ,next meal. 1laving found f thi sentences of a& iron doors.of the province lenderness of forin� and delicacy , .. I.
, I . utterances vvlif ch are, of oourl3e, shocking . 0 manywomen are oydrworked.11 This given a' ree pardon and, . conventolang behind of propors I
. .
L . . out just what you needlndver, Oil Any con' *a others were commuted. ! It rhay,be ,gr t nyan'o 11 Doubting tion are regarded with. justifiable .
� h 0i fact if; everprooent, and yet large siddration, take more. . Never mind how - whether tinder le*ss'exofting iaro Castle. ! and for five hours we intide 1� toil- . ,
' painful , like the gate - of Bu . iv.r,io,
eresles from the motherlr�61ntlof view. .doube�d I , gsdisqualiflodtionIi for the wedded'
. In . short, to the 'male sex as -a whole, the numbers needlessly overwork, themselves. nice the stesh, how tempting aiay fo . .
-its life As woofirse but worthy old worbsu once I Od* may cumstauces the prisoneri Would dot, have _Boma.doscent of the desolatepolifIl's to. state. The f mtter .a maiden the better is - I.
]baby during the, first Six months of I .� . . . be-, shut,..right -down on the whole eadug. the her chanod of, making it, goo(l And early' * .
is apt. -to appear, if itot something positively 'd been acquitted', or at woitt oculividlied of the
. � . . Sai , 4$.Some housekeepers are so 00on bi the instant -you have had enough, .shore of -tho Dead .Sea. .That .much
. . . - � Ida . Iiineas _. lower grade of homi,pi4e. The. third death match. To be abnormally obot.io is to be .. I
. wrong in the arrangement of thihge, at. n they neither take. comfort Aern- Too little c&4 ba.re a! , maligned Seat has sweirdAnd wonderful . I
. sdlvos nor 16t'iny.on' elau� . . red by eating �a light - harlea Tor. beauty. ��, , I . . . . . certain of drawing a, prize- in the matri� .
-unimporta�nt which . . . 0. .a I . � . - , � was tb at of the fath�r of Mr. C . . I . . . . , . . .
, . I - mon
leaek eornething,julte, , . . 1. . . . �. � . . . .Iufioh- before thd E01t. meal. TOO'mudb n or� D ravol, *he did(! - so - mysteriously by 'we took a bath in its dool, clear waters, ial market, and the, lovol ivst� litheness,:
. . calla"for no notice and is put7out of sight as A. � Gastronomic Notes. � � . . cannot be repaired, arid..y6u must pay, for poisoping wit4 antimony. 'Ile had married Aud detected * . remains auw6ped, while lionioly corpulence .- ,
I .
. . -'V rom " Bdbias and Science " " Itely _16;t. f 11 8" 1: 1_ . � no difference from a bath -at- , U% I - ' -th-- - - ..I
, fil,
far as possible. .the indiscretiQif. �: lif all this there must be a I �o .
. - -- ' " 41581il widow, Mrs. Illgionod Ricardo, , 6% oibk�6.fiact,00riatioiti*i�iiiilitg it rong,
. I I . C--_ � . Jt 'is defini - -,settled is I 130 f S,
in the cornhill ,Vd�dzi,n . . '. . ,. plain common sense., ba n1ob imitate the .Bland, except that.tho watbrhap, igible. suitors. . How ducp a root. : , . I
. . � who 'had maintained irregular relations =yd.,.,i
. I . . .. .Why Women ]Vndc� . __ , ri.ther in phoBp,horus,: 4and thlereforolis of invalid,who kept A pair of scales. on the with -Dr. Gully before her sectind'inq,rriagee � Shin I ty:thatw'e Aloated on it like pine',this ..predilection -for Cftl)tLQi0o9 , Charms . .
� no feater value - as brain -good thah meat. . An " has struck -', in the' Tunisian in . anly ,
. S,Jg breakfast table to weigh his gles. Nofish'fromtliesmliok�o
. An eminont'� physician. And profound in . , :daily bread. There 'was. no . 'evidence that.'tbese. bad live juit
on contains the --most nutriment, and Eat'andbe satisfied, dud thou stopt-Chas. been- renewed, ,that the Bravo.g� were . ; but it is very 'Ltl,r&ct've ,to- the b6som may be g6thorod froill the fil'ot that, . I
. policlar once se,id-that the li�beautY'dl_wo- $piiiiiah' m"keral, whiteifish herring, and- B,,,,,d in Food 4d 116alih, . - -' .. . . dye on a hot noon -day. . A Scorching ride I I .
I men was like the blossom of the' morning shad rinkmexv. I . � � . . I . Igultappyl that : the wife ob6uld*.have, widowers, dosirouB to. inarry zi,gai it, 'should, ' - ' ' �
' ve . I . . I -, — ". - . � . .we had across the barieu plain, of the, .
I glo.jy, chomilug for a day only..". .: We ha -1 . . I.. . . I ... % -' ��L-J-deaired_ -lier---hu8band's de�th, or, � sacred Jordan �whixolv disappointed me Ahey-haply,moved by fandlY or. peouniary� . I . �
. Smallpiecda,of ice are.very-yefreshi � .Pnrk Clothem-nnill Dllmnst�.. - ' . . . .
. spent, Some time in the: loyal labor of. at- . ,ing. , .. . . . . I .'. that the � h6band bad. ccntpmplatcd� considerations, select -it, brido whose dim6n - . .1 .
. I I . Yl;- � big. , now and then for strong, healthy persons ;' .. . ., . , Badly. At'the plac,@ wlierd the Israelites . . I .
. . tempting -to rdys"biurfriendwrong,liht I" ' (V.i,9m .the London Truth.) - � �.. . . declaration was 'that crossed a'if&bur Lord was baptized it was siona are reported tb &ll soinothinj short,
I . I . ,suiiIide. , Hig,dy � I . . .
. . - , , I ". criti'016 Nis Feady.,,indotsoment in' the- Weo�a drink .6f water'-wixed'with vin4gar iil�lfm a� About. J20 feet wide; it .flows rapidly, had acougtorded them, are �%()i it to sen � d the ' -
�; . - It may not, peflialio, be kriown. that A. -be had 130isonda selfi but with land of -those to whiolill�ejr &evious experifinces. : , . '.,
, . , face omiIii.ahould-reaolf. � ;add,-mola§se9Ao thirst� qu6uehing fotwork _ - . .
. I a around us. 11 A . �jan wbalring ahrle clothes Jaincre'Aable.tp, 'fiuni, 'a drug be could not have 'takeri- mud .,irf. I .. .-bid currerit 'of light � . .. I . .... I .
. . . . I I
I I I I me between, iowrty .and fifty,"' says p6bple, or a -Blieb,bf,lemou dipped into white inUction'from *contagious disease *than he OsfferiI of large tawaydai bevei'proatiebil , a. tu) I "dear departed's" girdle coid . braciplot to.:. I . .
. . . . her pri . . . � I .
� -1. - , , any, , color., -. in' - size -and, - Appear- 'tb6,pAj?b1ytg,0tthSir too.exjglil,a_d� I
.. ,. tve sugar... Cool the blood wit � . � stono . . . .
. . . . 1-.-::...1__
. , .an suiltiIr. ol iiot6, but.alao,poo'Maify lit ., hout disturbing who wears light-colored garme�tsl because testimony as to the person by bo � . batrothed-.�.' . .,
I . .. .- the dill . w "I the ance it' 18 thb -porfect ,counterpart -of On,receipt Pf"theste artiolv�s_conveyliik,tv ., .. �
- sunkbn 6lieeksi iliallow complexions; and, gestion andldistQndinl2 the inti3stmes, particles, which; emr,Qate from. diaziabil- or. decanter of Burg"lly had been poisoned, - .
� . . ,get th lit" d - I . the Muskingiiiii,a few miles abo�e Za
. . . an,d,-',. you will rough t e sy. � I . . uea* delicate -hint that it might be .e`.k&4Ieat.tb ' '
I tired, fretful facea,.,at.that ageo I ; I . - .11 . I . I *decaying bodies .-are much more readily or to show that Mrs. bravoliad ovet pur- ville. Its useless Nvators. ought to bb turned . make *up for mature's- sliortoomin ... I byA6me' " �
. . . * . , . . .
. � .
There ard many. Causes wFlich lie At :the. �' Ifis.a Very customary thing ,to 'bat ices absorbed by dark -than'. by light filibrics.; .cfiased auy Antimony. 'She dioanot long 6HAO -irrigate its batrbu; valle icliout,: treatment, the &ide"S"I)SP9, and ' " ' '
I - - I I
... .. . root of this evil, for �vil it is, When the kfterdinner. ,Those wh6se'd]1ge8tiou is n9t Thii is da'ay- of pro6f. I - I EkpgEre a light and hoo of alcoholic ekceoMs, leaving.Dr. Gully' . . Y" Which. judi � .* I
I I.. might* be. changed into a garden. For ,
. ' " * * ' 'urnpare with I
I qod-given sweetness and.freshnesii loaye,a sirong iilibiild. neve'r.tiouch iced, &fill .should dark coat ii; the, fum' 'a of .iobacco. -for 'llyd a -large. snip F of � money And, '_)ier jewels.. . , mamma proceed to fattenligi'mith a�sidnily ' .
� . 6 boa�,I�, he -Jordan -wil-l-notrii . ' dvd " ' i ' ' - ' ' , -
I t,n capat6h. Fbk.sorno wdaka-slic, Idad.B,�' .-,* - � * ' -
� . nd,hmrd lines makq, avoid. them lno9k determinedly. Hov�evek . minutes, dud it Will .be found that, the dmrk 'Cuilofuily enough; *hen � the. oldei Mr. r '? I ght, Spark- , ,If f * . ' fill i�hbfi 4h . a.. . � .
. young daughter's fade, a _ , lijah r. so ; it �
. 'the gra;ndiaoibti! of- liq -the weitlipr may --be, &.,too sudden one. Smalls stronger tba;n .theodier of:.Br4vo'g wil�e 6ellafv�as.AfSpopd of -Wo went flovliing �'ast ofii lodgib'g. ,c e 0 1 .
I 'bar app - . 1. b ok Cherith, whose brig 9 Stra8burg-goo
I . � ear older,that I , it at Ili the lug .tl.e.m '
. _. . 'the bongo. . . I . . . '666flug"proc6as injureg. a � wOa,k digestion -tobacci5 smoke, -and it will X a odor. .years. Ago some sherry. waifound in whi,ch place at Jericho. . - We lodg64-over ii!ght in has a to, ;, -V g ", . I
. ... - _- ., I . , ,ued.thb noee4wu foodly peopor. .
i " , , �
I . � .. I i g or 'over.anxieiy.- mild okeateg a peculiar fbelitig of 'weight, in lougot. � - ' * . . ". ' - hutirbony-had'. been phic I t, � .. 0 c'e . � I . ' .11 : . '.
I 161 . � , Oh6 ehuse is frettin - one be,r. nuptiils ar ' i ii!bratbd to the,- - !'�
. I . — . . , �.... � . ed,"atid H*came out a. Greek convent. (very anial%anil rode n.ext .entire sa�lgfactiou. of d ` .�
. . .Vdtifen, as a, rule, dweirtoo much on little the region of the :Stomao-h. Idea do� not - . —7-1 .. that, the younger -gen tlomaw, It I everybody concerne 1� . �,. �
. � . . . ,pd. secretly ,moiii,ing to see the rvinB -of. he town' made in them .L.ond n Telejj�iq�7i. - , � - I , I .. I
, things; they triagnify.,trouble, anticipate encourage the flow of the ghstric juice, but - MI unific(int Gifts hk 'Clauriah *11.lLembiers. . ordered sonle anti-dipli6maniadpowders for. . . ,o ., .. ft".. 'k�'! 111.
. . * . . 11.11 I 1. . ' . faniousby Josham'l-Elijah, Zadohdaiji'l-,aud . . ";,_,�.. . . . . - I I ...'' . _ . I ..
' ' ' I ' . 1. ., , -,W.:
� -
. i - . ' ' Pnglish % ojigregA-' were, composed of An timony. ibb 'rest . oration . of B , I' I ' . .. ��'� -- . '--- . .. � . .. I � . �
I ..---.its d6minEf And .-'�vdary_ th6it selves .over aiscouiag6 it, and Vhere this flow -is aliea4y C * ' bis'wife, which artimeus to A ht - , � ,
- . I At it recent meeting of E . . I .1 1.
.. . trifles. -Only a, short time' sluce.We saw 1%, Weak it M'usfvnot lid'Aiminiglied., � , ' ' , . . I -,to celebrate the But no definite -clue to the 13mvii myster ' .. 9 - , .:,�,.,.:!
I . . . I most - I - lady Vende�ed mise'rable. .. I . . - .. I ": I- A.ionallstfi it was resolve( . ver beeir discove I r6d. . . ... .7 S4�aliaAraba ba�nt �he A�Oreta-�Bpqt. . -W '' It iS__fftAtBd..Ai* CaW.a -u,,'LI-dou-tha6,ibO-_-. . �,
. . ;Ain�abid Cold boiled potatoes ieligh, 'some thnesi jubilear of the'"Cougregation�il Uniml-iiy the � Ila ' 9: .0 I �N .., I I , . , . , ;- . .� . demandfor..Imb" ' ' ' ' � t, , , " ` '' ,
. . I 1. 1. . .1 1�1 . . I . I . . .. - . I ., or is greater than .lie Sup. '.. J
. I ... for-daYsVocadse a carpet:fltter-fi'&d.ne9" as no other cooking will make',them, And .,cieation4f, &'fund with which to',pay OR'the '� .., " . . . . I � 111alattlin-Whallsit?: ' ply, ho,t*ithstanding, tli f - .
lected to finiski his woili�ifeatly. Another Jatfily wb fell i1pon asalAd of 'cold potatoes' debts 6n. the. Congregational chagels -and to 19ow Whey Wirent Pletilpoellitibl* In Chlxvige. . . .. . , . . I . 0 111111101114e 1112131i- . .1
. _ . . . . � , 'puzzle -for, gration.of.the last.. sixinontlis, WdrkUs � �� . �.
. . -
was so anxIouj;, about 90ifie �ike she was thakwas beWtif til ah� well As 'iced.. The improve the incomes -�f the inlillsters. 11 ' *.,:,,.(From the, OIIIIIA'gii Tr'ibuno.,,. . . - . Malarlm�what is it ? ,It -is a * been obtained f6r119,000 mohand-6,000 . * " .
. niaking for, a church fait' that -her nerv'es' potatoes. Were 'Blicea - with -a feii-blts'of Upon, a pr6posalthat the f dua.Viould be . I .-, ... . - ,� - - , I . fh6� scientists f or:bne thing and it is a term . . I A
were quite out bf tune" did'her 'te . A pi a bthe *women. Applications coibe -from alf-sec-_ - : - . -
. . . . . XnPOr: tender,,redbedt,�mibglecl,iismu6)4 for the t25000 Mr.'9'. S.1114aso.n1a,iellwknown' ,,63�pooket.wis*capture ihthQpool-_ Used very freely by people who have nol tibris of the aiiubtry,arid -u biousaud men- - , - , ._
, ,
. . . rufflea. . . ... . . . L.r . , color as taste,.dTassed with' -sweet oil thattme;�bei of the. body, 4,kelaimed: - 11 That's rbom Vy Billy Pinkertom He, bad about remotest conception of What it means. Dr. . . . .
'One:good w9manj th .y, - was really, a ,its booket, * probably stol6n moneY, Chadbourne, of Willia6as' .Collegd, has can b6 suoplied with work Ali soow.as'the - . I
' . .. Y .
. . .
, I ded. t6 give .. , I :� . .
-1 , a mother of a famil weeti 'viaegar that was sodr, , all sonseb'S6 ;* I ifiten 0100000 0.1011" .' I I . _. . ;�
. � ., . I And -the detc6tives SaYL Ee'fi an' outside siu'died the subject oarefiffly and -he 'etat...'l-Stiva. - ... I . . .
, . said once in tile hesTini.of tbIi writer, tha� �i�nd garnish6d with `most excellent' crisp. niyselfT He * -ift6rw.ardii put. his name I . '2j28L that ,"all the JaCt'n ' 13 ''.. .
I L . 11 shekept awake all hi , ght much woirlod . lettuce. .An oniob,,. 6lioppea, ]may be addeil - amount. - L Mr. . S.. Morley -thief. , After the .#second beat of the , eipiltined'e0fiSiS a ow known 'I� cannot ba � -A newsboy. atfiemptlid to JUnip OUR P&S..... .. . . ..
becausb she , thad sesldd a-bottWof a . . dOW14 for, that- race, Mr. Dow aunbukeed thii'baptiira and fentlymith aJay tLeory yet' ing train on the Rs�landd'e�* Toronto, es--' " " .
, - Vo lolit.hie Y
. 04ae with advantage, but those outside rniltt&4 f011owed by a gift. of - §25,1DOO, and iii -thirty. Stated that the thief would be w'alked up advanced; malaria, it Is' true,' aboubda in tsrday 'morning.. Ing Lan i, . �
apoy 10 60 , acted to . . not ad aubporibed., - 'L 'and dow4 thib "strelch,'in order,th'at the, wet .. -in pla . cog fall between th caia.* WAh remarkable . .1. � �
* ,4F. .*Rl . .. I �
. .
. L . at , ., . -,Put Ina car 'L dOL and'96 not' i0tend6d.- to. cover the minutes U50,0004 I . .. " . �,footi * a' —
. fix . Of -S 1 1. .1 homely virtqes. of the coldpotato. �. ." , I - L - I . laces, -but, so -itp� also -do6B pieSenCeL 6f , IS - , ., .... I.- X
.. ink of it. In aworld full of important .. . .L . . " , . Piowd might know. him'In, futuriE� He was whicE Are dr* It is found iii-vOloya, and nind heldy flat betwden 'the . 1.
.. I L . To - Mixm' �Rnu is 'Wixnl,- Take the Take,"'- WAYS the s.mrday Bevieiv, It the Led out by tvio offie"Ars, a7ud while the hand . it is fouiic1oA. the tops of nabuntaing. It rails until the r6mainddr of the data passed: , ., L. .
. . -
, ,
- work, in& lite ,orowaild with grind'libati- . - off. base of a wokkingf: - _ I drdilY, wit L h 4hree played the 11 Rogue's March!' they marched, �apfears where it has.bdforo�beentinknown, I . . . . . . . � . . .1
. fkeahVg.th4aatM'1'kB of rhubarb, pool . han% L . on. He got suoli alright as he wilIxeltem:- .
bilities, a Woman 1pakink h' rself miserable . . ,. . I I .
. eL .1 the-13kin'LoUt them into Pi6eoa br four big girls alroidy employed -in manu-. 1ront 11 without any - . . .. . L ..
. . -
. . . - - ieSl. threi,jor fo ' n a SQon,� L See . . . . I .
. . loverjajar of pickles. - ' . I and, maill. theirviaii ul� hnd dbwn the tr6ok in ;cliange 'of conditiobs that bar fory�ars�-. . w .. . .
'master of th%;hoilge is fate� , them fide in's tub. Leive them' 19 hours f Rotor ar brotligis � �qaally .of tfie Stand. .The criow& 6heeied t . ea h' it It. � . . . . . . I .
. If the and .. . . he ngland NiliPtiterson. whowasiailed'A B ' I I
. . a . .., I. ' . , , _ ms aI0O in NeN� Ei I rooklyn .
. I . in i warm pldce� to fprihent -, then drain off busy, nd two or three .little girls, whose. managment. and'hooted At the thief, and to I move 6-K--%qrom,y hk . . . � .
'the dinner' spoiled,.thal misiresg -grieves . . reciently for vagrancyt and who attempted : -
. 'the juice through� a' strainer of- double onergies"mreovertaibdbythe'baby6f the t.b a .. ygr to 3reart- i e, the . -
. I I . , ter apneare d to.feefoxcelddifigly cheap. pear blight, the pa, 6t, the epizootio, or to murder � companion in '.his � cell, col.�-,.- .
� — . over the matter -with a face exproksivii of. ' I - - ------ �_ , � =1 . . �. .'.
. � - I deep grief. 'What does-It-mqUer 2 Tril'a, flanfiel, press the reAt of it .from ihe' pulp moment. All the'. members of the family ' . . . . I . tile Texan edttle I -fever. As to vegetablq ,miftdd suicide in',tbe cell. yesterday Jnorn� - .
. r', Well thiough a flainel bag, and *.lot - the liquor have. their own indepandOUt habits, hours , h '' le'riding.,11afIft. worn bY' decowPosi , He wff.6 to be sent to an insan easylum �. .�. .
. . a good dlimb .Served, is' a- desiiftl� - me., All meals are ihaovable fe�sts. T a change in th ti6no mitlarlai is tO, be. f ouud in ing. '. .11 . I ' �. .
. ota;nA Until the scuba rises; skim'thig off and indo .the Princess of Wales bat been the subject the' Rocky Mountains l"wbare thef fbw. I , . . . .� . �
. .
, . thing, but delay .from: unavojdablQ' causes , a mother ii proba�ly an exhaiistea-per- . of much talk and discussion - among ladie � snow are its I . .. . �".. . _i, L L L . .
. . should never 6ause the' wife to meet hot I and put the clear juice ir:I6 a clean caAki Tb� I � . a stg1eartisfiowifig from molting ", . � ... . � . ,� P. ... .. : I ...,
I . , - I., . . . aaaing a pound And a half "d white-.- sugar -son, Who I lot# things slide,,' and occassibro- an' ftud' trout-brooke ' ,� 1. I � I A%'
husband With. a frown. " .- "�_, , . . Impiitaolls but .unbuccessful in :England, . d may be ititereStIng to pure as our'*Re* Eogl . J- ;1� . . - - .. .. �..: .
. . ,. foreaeligalI61, tet.fiformeniin'theeask ally makes liopsewomen here. The. now riding habit while ' .;of the sell 19 poor in grgo,nio I . . . . . . I. 1, il
'When the'delayis unnb6ess!iry,,and oft, , � . most . . � . . . I �, ' L .1
I . . . L I I . . _
. I . . for a'week in ii)Aodierately cool place, then forays agminfit the dift and disok4br. : How 1B made -with 'a shbrb 'Skiib- gored to the matter," .-He points out th&t, *.Water of . I - 1, . . . ,. . ,
I I .. repeUtd; the comfort of . the entire* f amily. I rabk it.off -into a clean cask'or into bottles are girls i�Ahis cla,96N -leitu'louseltieping .Ynses,so that the position of the rider isaaf or itself. does not ixebesiiowily f avor 4ecorfiposi- . * ' - � I . .... . 1. . . , . �
. . is,disturbed And rebiTke "a deglrsblo� ' If a for use.. It will- be ripe'ln.'two or three And dome . stic�ocononlAll. . L . . P .:, in'the eaddI6, be tiob"L .1 . . . . .. . I . .
� It be done ., , bL , Ing unencumbbrea .with the . .. . �.
I remonstrance'ninav be made, lot Ji I I '10 but that, it is prodn6ed by- alternation'
in a lady -like, ,�quiet manngi, Ior mon'voll. -Veelisi. By.. age thio., becomes' vdky - strong " Mr. Johd 13��kiei; So�idtary-Treagdrer'of Ids find aseles& length'of drwobi;y of we� or. dryl or more dampness. Of .thIQ L . � 1. -.1 . I .1
'*Inc. - .. .. . I! .. . . I I eavy .7 L . I ..
. � know that Servants *ill not tolerAte irregu-: . _ . 1: L. ' '� ' N " .. - I . .the Xaoka C.ompany, of St.. Thomas, writes bj:therto.*orn, TheskirtcIinnotbobf6wu inqreased proyalende of milaxiat in Now .. 6-1- .111 . . I �� I - .
I . . I I 30rems - otes. ,. % 1. . to - smy th# the p4ra raph which appea;rod - ye rly L .. . . . . .. L I . '.1
larities in theirfield'of " . , . ., .aboutt �and i4thus prevented f roih revealing Anglana,ind,,!,Iwh�t.seemstobeitg V, . . 111. I I . ,. . .
. labor, and no true .. . .. I I � I
- � L .
. . . g6litlen: -his wIfeJ' L * Dusteloaks abou% not be trimmed ,with in tMese columns �opied,'frofia the 'St. thefoot*a:64-apkle, which can. never look progress eastft,ed . and northward,,'.' lie L,
1. � *. ian would willingly annoy. I Idea. . ". - , .1. . I .. .. . r, . - - , - � . I �
. Our earnest adlice tp Women, young'and . I � , . Thomai.'iliihes) in regard to thd�*compapy gracefulwhon stretched ovier.the Side of the thinks 'no. sptief atto�y explanation has beed . ; I the . 4-r .
* __
'otd, -is 11 Don't fret." Life is too ilup�ft&nti - Dead white for - drdasoo'Aff called Snow. bursting is entirel�, untrue. He adds that, horso to reitch the stlrru�. The.akiA',v�orn bmglh forward, and all that! can be done, , :.. :L . * I I I . .. 'L
- I . L .0 � I . I
. I a waste' in *Upele " - � . I . I . .. "'the coin -As. doin �both a good and' I 0 � . I . .
gaoro do drop whit -d-.-' m by the. Princess is n6t. . much longer t at present 'a L 'd Colloot the, fmets caref ally, 0
, . .t0 han:
. _d I "is'odptemplated . , .
� I � and "grand 7to pmying . buainWrs, an twif, an ordintry drawl room coatume� and. .In the hope that we May be able to arrive, . J. -N S J 8 .
riqlItnings. No maii can and6rstan(V the . Di6ses are �Vorn ver"mu glicrtexclixil 9 I
I - ., y I ell .. .1. .. to atTd to' the manufactitro oLkaokm 'a, light, eqsil n wearer. without At a, solution -of tbc I
1 liumarous worries eta cares,-bf ' a house. they were. . .. . . I fruit . canning - ' . � raised by the _Myetiarylbereafter. _ I . I -
" . , . - *, - : and. arying eemblishineut.". 11id danger of -causing a Umblet' =W-TiQ& `S6' �__ -,- � I I
. I .
. . -
. It . .
�. . ,mother, 'dnd consequently it' .-� is . A ite lice dross -is w 'orn over a,.petti- Zondo?LX,,re0.piegsj,, - � . continually happens wah" the, riding habit ' I . . . SAISAPARILLA .
. . useless to expect it. He may be �k .: . 1. . . . I A. Ory buy It& 1,oudicin. ,, . . . '. .
� of colored satin. ': . . .—Poa— . � ,
I - and "even anxious to .. . I � -is staying .aj iiie tally worn. , � - " - , , - . . Sundayis an espeiiially, droutby act M I L .4
� , . _bIinmitk House, Upper 'Norwood, �aboub a 'I ,
I � Sir 9ohn' Macdoijald ,I as � . �
kind indulgent, eav'e0-6h,p&ldbIuo' . . . AINT, DYSRUSIA � - - � _
. ,Wild roseg-and--browwl " y - LIVER COMP& I .
aid youy but your small. dares Ili the course : ., . . Th, . swimlifing s6hools-of BQrlin,srO London. .. All the , bar' ,S- are. olosed- _1111 I � Andfor-rwify6g-the Blood. � 1. .. �
of a day (unles . - `m'dslin have a fine offset, .. : - , lea from Lbkfdon; ,and, three min. menting,with'thO folliowingstyle of - o'clock p,m,, hfid ar6 -then open but auliour. .. . �
a you belong to the: oxdep- .. . seven mi . ..
- A dress -of cigar shade .Of velvet is Utestwalk fr6rA the-CrystalYalace, 'Ho'is art . 1 �. t,.. I It lihs-been Ill'uso f6t 20 yvai�s, and -has . ,
I exp It.ia a soi-b of,cloak'of silk, Then they arb,closed 6 0, And Are P ,opl) I'll Noll In 010 ..
ti6nal class and employ a retinue ,o.f , ear. . life eserVOr.:. I I ed to bolh&boilr, ri � . . ..
. vatts) would fill a volUine.' He is neither trimmed with alm'ond'oolored lsatin,, with keepibg bodae, hi ,company' with Lady' withprtbroo Ind!% rubber. bags or ppokots, I" .1 1, ,
. , ' toil to kopp olien till, I n let -it be pr.orvket f or 8101K IIE'A DA V! I f`,, I A lPt' IN, " , '.
, . . cruel nor indifferent when you, tell hi cigar colored'loa�vca. , The bat, a cigar chip, 'Macdonald, Col. Bernard- and'Miss May cue on each Side and ond'o,t the back. 'On .' .1. . . ,J�a coff. . . ...
-11 . . . remembered that 4he law I I figland is THE SIDE Olt DACK. LIN I � . I . �..
that the kitchenrauge has smoked all Uay; � orEr -brown 1eaves and' a great lalmond . Beffiard, 1 He Willatiy there till the lot of 'touching the water a; chemical compound ,1&w.. 'rou can,t laugh at it, -as'you do in ' PL&INT. 111IMPLES -ON TVE� FACE, ,:. 1 .
. . . oplor6d'feathQr. .- . I I . .. �.. .'. Septemb6r. Sir Solin's health- is im, provi'39 in ih pockots . turns. Into a ,kind oi- DySprl,SU, 1,1M.18, find all Dir(azws. '
but the Smoke has not touebea his eyes, . . l . . . .. . , - 0 hgl� ms, America. There is n6'blvatsiori of tbiB IANr t�at arise f elim a Disordered Llver o� r 11 ' ' . ' . ..,
� .
. - . t . . i .� - Ste 6dily-a'01rounistando which puts him whioll Will support .a man and keep .� rilitod. The publics are required f,o be impure Wood. Thow;lIndA of. ou!, hln;t . ...
. , and his tomperis not disturbed by-repea ell, " - ' . , attel ', - I
- attain ti'to prepare f6od, ' . . Slaivalitibir of 111rds ni'Zight-11(ollses, `. in the best:of Spirits, and he in confident, of afloat for tw � . . . . " )sea.. There Are no people take it and give it to (116" chil- I I . ..- "
, andOr oach:cir. I I .. . .- G days. . I 41013ca, and they are ch � . siclat!4,presci-il)oltditily.'Phose . . I .
. cama� leading bio-phrty to votory in ,1883 10fily three- membare gide-doors, as in XOWA Yet] I, reitonoilend it to others. � -
.toss. 'Never wrinkle your Pretty* F�ulknertg Island Light, in Long Island � .. ; of Parliament are k.; .thore is no dron. Plif
, I
� who use tone( . - . �
. brow over it, or pink down 4n' despair, for Sound, is So strongly, protected by heavy Kingston Xews. " '� I . .. .. 1. , stillinthe Xouse,*JAo.wero "dissolved" Aelling .on the sly ;. , they are It is made fro�i- Y�ellow Dock. lion U., . . ...
. At a ooncerb . I , .
. .you .*ell know' that any great trolibl ' plat(5 916,09 that it 1'�-rarely if 6ov broken. recently givolidu Lonqon by whou William -M - aiiI(I-Mr, Christopher closed, Tb6 6.nly 'exception ie At the rag Sarsaparillm, Wild Ch(Irry Stillit, r a, 11 . . .
, S . ' Dandelion. Silssafras, %Vl(!terV,rQ0n# 'a'ZA .
would find you a marvel -of strength, But the' 11 slaughter � of - M6 inpocents I! is' Sir Sulius Benedict, Mlle. -Sara Boiriliarab Talbot, Mr. 0, P. Villiarm, and Mt. Glad- railroad stAtions. '..Thb-' refreelimenli-bars -known .villunbla oots afi4
, I � othot well .
. .F rettin has ittined knQre Iaeaw than nick- onorruout in ipring and fa% � 'During the gaveareading.- Her flower-coveredliatand stone. ' The Quo�d has the advantage of all there, are perinitt6a to be hepJ open as long, Jrorbs,, it Is atrIdtly yep,otablo, and cah-' . I . . I
. I . a
Ades ang suf?ering. . � . . . ;., . 1. - .pbrioa of tho blain mUemebt, for 4 week cofstilmirigsoomed to'dreato more surp;Iali in Age. and -in the- pronfisii of a 16n�, life; as trains �arrive or depart, for tho British not hurt'tho most 'flelloato congtitution.
. . I V vanishing beituty is r,'Captain ,An leisure than her "diielamation.- r0cOgbi708 thd hOCOSSity of an Itis one of-tho best medicines in use for ' 1.
. � . Another dause of earl, or so in sprin - anct in Septembe a I .. � o ,%vote no flow-ors.it Mi 'Mr. Sames, G� Pair, heads, the' personal Goverilinont.' I logulating the Dowels. ,
the want of frosh air. Not an occasional *a1k Brooks says Iiiandreiia -of dead birds .a Vn ,w I assessment rpll,juat filedin�. San Francisco JL,'figliahnianla hmving his grog till the I
I . ro �-Etcnry I , lt,is'sol by,.diLrc,gponsililo'tlnirgi-its �� '* . I
, or afi�4 bo.b a round of calls or 0, little 0h .� bito by his deoliv- 1 Iced is at one dollar -for a 'quart bottle, or six �
. � op, picked up. 'On the mb'rning of May loth,, bat, see 'a to please )� * with 642,2od,006. Mr. X. 'C. r proieribed houi for hisgotting into his bed. . bottiog for fIve dollars.' ' : . � .. .
phig, but iogulat doses of good" ffesh'aii. 1878, -hotiolica up aio lqos than 2io dead �Juabion, - won I eilso.appl%uso byi a asod I ased at 430.,r)00,000'for bithaelf, and. This thirsty goal who pantk Nr beer maot � Thdoo who cannot obtaln a hottlA of .. ...
. � I .
. Make it a lebligious'auty to'see something birds at lbe,foot of the ligb�-Ifouge to*dr� patbetio recitation f A My Urfeler 11 decoln-' 620 500,000 as iriistoe for j. W. Mackey. 12 dog , baring statioll atid-Iiii a A t c ot their drugowt, mw
i !till And- 'p, . , I I , 1.
nbw evory'4ayi oometbing which will, corn. none of them larger than V cA -b anied on'the plan � Sir Julius'. - : , Mr., obarlos Crockor is assessoll.at 620o'. to he i 1:13 Station oilt, whic is,, tu pence and we will'sond �t
, � . .. I . I ." � I ' ,to them. . � . A. . .. . �. ,
I I - . , pol you to ,walk,' and at the SM1316 tibld be. SAYS thero muA' have been throb Tb6 tli&'easog Louise, -,�ietornl aiia 000,000-- . I . . ".." halpon I, or 5 cout8i, Then I walk" !Into .� . .. V7, 3011110TOT4 Cli Manufactutorl, . . � I
� divert you, leadi4f .you to forget the or fohr times that numbor tbab Maud of Wales, when rari away with in A letter is published, from Portor 1311 the ba* ding a .11 travell I l. can uy, . I . . . . .. I
I - .1 AunimsTINURGi Om.
. uiiflnishioagatmentony'6ursev�iiigrnadhiiie, So disabled that 'th-dy could� not 't1i6ir carriagb the othdi (lay Bai'as. com- colicerning hig,oxftiminadon of-'tbb c S- drin a ay for. all the a Ulwat -lie , I., 1. � ��. * . ..
or the importinoneo of. yol�r- maid-of.all� "I rc dosir6a ill In' has arrivoll or, . .
. � the island.-, Ile thinks 1,000 birds posedly as it nothing Wore happoning,'nifil brated ruins of,UxmAla;1dH Uc to; the last trai . I . I ..
- t -bil ab`,ill . , .
� work. I)onot,1611owyotLrfielf��yli,b6rty'in . At least were Itinoa or wounded in tb At one the first woids of the bravo you4g Princess in Company With Uliitoa State C � A i. dopit.rted foi! the night. - 4 -lis tickdt lie puts " VVAWIJUS&CO,.AgeisitioCinitoXi.,, . . .
this matter, nor accopE any excuse what- in t into hia pookof, to be ased'whon he desires. " . 1. '
'ght, pio�or, essential to good tight against his light alone; and be toolt Victoria, when Bho .was lifted out, were ,. Aime, he has boon oebupiod three in . -Xa I urope I � �. . � I - I �,
1. ever. It is ri measures to. agoortain llo;# it was with ..s 1 D6 you ,know 'if the poor people w10 in taking eopiers of ornaments ana . or $by in V - . . �
health,, Spirits -and an equable tempar� other light-bouse kelepors, 'Most of them worc in the other'emrriage WOVO IIUAV I glyphieg, and has�disooveted A now �, Scalp. I .— � . I . 011ATIS SVIJCCIVIV� .11KED1401NIC
� .
I thatotote go. Do not say 44 1 will finish reported quite &a large, find 86mo even a The Or . own Prc not turo of groat motit! � . I Tim NLXCIAnA Mysuiw.—Mr, A. Lawr, of TRAbE MANK � The Groat Eug-TRAI) M R .. . . . �
. this beedle-Work " or 41 lb'robm,ll f Toiblato, driver of- it passenger train on the . � lish Rofficay.- I 1. �
arrange thi lar for destruction than llaulknor',s Island very foridof the country of hot A, Ion,. - A. circus was broken Up by a mob at Nipissin.g Railway, 'was tin intimato , An unfailing cute . . I
btit'littlicalth before all else, and rewolutol � hid vitnosgoa. , Tako.ovon twenty of the And does not like BlamUck. PEOPItIllor Pottsvillo,Pa., on Wednesday night. About acquaintance of Mr. ll - - Ulose, whosq body, 11 -� fornominalilvesik -
. . go out into the air. A weak exotig whi% eighty or '100 light-housoo (At al guess) influence with her husband is very ged,at, a dozen shots were fired outside the ton boon found fit Niagara . � uses, Sporniator. - I .1
we frequently boar is, 0 Ob, I cannot stop .between the New.. Sorsoy coast ana the re So ,liberal., thy I it is supposed, ho,87 , reab*, Impotency I I .
and her. views' a it she is. slid volleyg Of stones were hurled againji, p all$, 110 Stated that .the caU§O of Mr I
. to dress." Make it a rule to have always allores of Melillo, and if anything likc this Very pgpular, especially with the Ilebrows. fi. A boy was shot in the Shoulder, a .. slid All Disoallea,
ready a. Simple dross caMly arranged ; don ,rate of ornithological fatality prevailed, . i man Close loaving the, omploMout of the - ,, . th t.f 110 all , .1 f, .. I
I- - - . - Nipissing Railway V'aa duo to domestic go ol , . .
this, alia enjoy the mbr wbatmust be the Annual dostruotion of Lord Ximborld� has turAed Jana Struck on the head with a club, and two I . f I
. I 11 . matron, birds on bur Northern Atlantic coast alone 7 . circus men badly wounded, ... 'A Bet; a I B f - . 1. _ I
-oxclai bin'l toformor, and is it.' favor, of the, abolition troubles and It isIolldv0d that Serious . .
I I I I .- It Morning air," Abu � Taking in r , I I . . I
ma as an I disagroomonts'pecurrod' between himself 0 t .
. witlivisibiisof unmAdc be carpets Mrs, Colia Thaxter, in her reminiscence$ of all lawsimpoding the frod distribution A Maine man has inventod tt� Boato-drojV SRI 16 1 911 -
I I .
wept, " . .. . of the Islo of Shoals, tells, of 0, similar of lauded proportY- 316 cab ftsilY take a to be placed in corn fields, which consists and wife., Mr. Lawt 'does not believe that poll" 11, the 13&01(, I)Imnoao of Vialon PritimAture .
- -
Un"'ye Ili we ropeato hAlf one Lour then' V&td of tIlInga at that ligbt�. Doubtless leading position in audit &, roforml for lie in of a box seven foot long. find two foot Square the body found !a that of Close, as be was 'Old Afle, and many otbak diffoaged" t6at lead te I .
� . a you Up lot the fty� If need be, the kooper. of Almost- any light could toll, a 'the owner of 11,000 acres, Which, yield ru in Soction,with horizontal barrels arranged supposed to 1WFul Or Cohatim�tlon And a promsturo grate.
will tons be Ili the Western Statoo. Ile 'Dean 1partiould,tg III our V �
. I rental 4,025,000, or 0125,1000, Voi annum. inside, The barrola are to bd )added, A anything poculf ,amphidt, ,which Vs. .
� take ther children, and your walk will be similar stoty,� . . with hover noticel 'at about, dsilro to send free by mall.to every one, Tho
. 611j%ablo as 'You listen to their , � . . 9 A Mr. Anthot, alleged to be an Amori,. POWdOr, Anil at regular intervals imploded Close o,tidha6lW&yoeb6tnoatoboo,ploit96,nt SpodiftoMadlobaii IQ 001(l by fill druggigtoatsl
a0all � - at by moanq of 0ock-work within the box. and jovial mob. � . par Ilmliage, ori.six radkAge for $6, or will �ba
avallys pratt 0, A finioug botanist dab -d ' Sir Nor an Crofton',' Bart., is the late � . n all Oil r600lvi of the. money bt.
hid love, of plants to the 6arly morning titled ingolvent. Nor ,twootinto word fylod ' If " I Tennyson's .,head is Wiaov than Glad. I The EmproagEugonle hftA gone toBadOn, 04fiening ,. . I : . .
walka t She know 'no assob; Wore returned-, and- thd insolvent P14 In . ationolfr 'but that of' Old- Promior is higher I -in the,SwIss canton of AU to tt&6 -the , WAm t4uAv mti.b-jtyf[N , tf - - --- -
. . Akon with his mother. an fing .
something aboit their hatito And iisixico, %blolfod., I... I . L tghol than Eat of thopoot, I waterg. I 901% � . oij, .
I . I � . L . 4). . . .. .. . - I � .. I . . � I I WOSONWO Oat, datisdA, I
I' . ' � � tin a �. . L
9 r
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