HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-28, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA,
iIIIIRSPAY, JULY 28, 1881,
. _
L 0 0 A L 11 '0 TICE S.
For A delicate and economical article of food
try Corned Beef and Lunch Tongue indespen-
aible to parties camping out. To be had at
PAI.WER & CO% OlintOn.
Sylvan Photos at Foeter's, Clinton.
Just received, alarge -stook of American
Coal Oil. Harland Bros., Clinton. •
S. DAVIS is giving special low prices inBuil-
der's Hardware, Paints, •Glaas, Oile, and solid
steel Barb Wire. .Also, EIRST-CLAS LAWN
• MowEes.
Parties travelling would. find it to their ad-
vantage and comfort to buy the celebrated
Chicago Corned Beef or Lunch Tongue at
8. P.awsun & Co'e, Clinton,.
Tait weather is quite cool,,.
.'II. WROItTintendS enlargise,
and otherwise improving his premises.
THE Mayor has issued his proclamation
• Lein Thursday, the 4th of .August, a Clem
• holiday,
• THE BAND bas issued announcements is
reference to its picnic on the 4th Ai*
Let it be well patronized.
• -
Ma. G.- Swrenaei is erecting's veneer.
brick houseon the London load ; °Bowie
Bros., are the conttactors.
• MR. C. W. GRAHAM dove. two hones
tandem to a single buggy, on ,riday,
creating a little amusement. •
The editer_eetlipGoderich 'Iiews
• for " Water., Chnir ite:Ud it '•-tbd
strong, and want to dilute it°, eh !
Rev. B. CLEAIBET,S, of Stratford, (well,
- known here)ite gone on a European tonna
prior to whioh he was presented with a purse.
• of sm. . •
ON MONDAY Mesas. W. Jackson, 11,cibt-:
• X. Doan, of this place, and Miss Wilsoir,
of Goderich, left on an excursion to New
Mn. J. 0. Peel:molt, arohiteot, who' hie'
lately returned from a trip to•Dakota, ex-
pecte to pull up Oakes and move west next
. .
Mit. L. J. BRACE has completed till
Summerhill bridge, and has gone down to
erect one on the boundary between Huron
and Middlesex. •
MR. WI Mow, formerly of this place,
and son of Mr. S. Macaw, is now 'running
two steres on the Pacific Coast, and is said
to be doing well.
Mn. W. J. PAISLEY has bought the Oro.
vacant lots on Isaac Area,' lately owned
by Mr. J. D. David. He got them at a
„bargain. He hal Efince.reseld them, .
Mn. .TAmEs FERGUSON, cif • •Winghate,
well known as a crack checker player,.
same out only seoond-best in a conteat he
had last week with a barber here. • Boney
ie a hard one to beat. • . .
• • -• • •
• A Goderich girl with no feet like 'a bite.
ter, could'nt find' any shoes that Would MI
her, but she tried•ou a "ten of the size
made for men. "bid they' fit ?" do 'y.ou•
ask. " We shouldAitter." . •
• IT IS REPORTED and. the RsV. Nathaniel
Smith, formerly a MethOdiat minister 'eta -
'tined at Kippen,.." has joined the Episeiw
paliens, and received -an appointment 'at'
Highgate, in the county of Kent.
A °nicest/1N who has extensively. tra-
velled through 'Canada, , states that he
• found Stapleton Salt Mere generally need
and better liked than.an othersalt tnanu
factored. He was a Goderich.mati. too.
TIE •EnSfAINS of Mr,D; 13; Strathy were
interred at Whitemouth, Manitoba, by an.
old friend of, the- family. We regret to
learn that Mrs. Strathy, who was ill prier
to her husband's death, has been so great-.
ly affected thereby, that he life is despair-
ed of. •
PROF. HoL1fin is commencing a chorus
practice for another concert, and meets his
class in the town halren 'Friday evening,
at 8 o'clock. Those intending to take par
should be at the next practice. His chil-
dren's doss meet's in the town lien at 7
o'clock Friday evening.
members of the Huron Live Stock Associa-
tion, have been promised sufficient' ftindie
ley some of tlie business men of this place,
to guarantee the holding of the: Annual' sale
under the auspices of this etssdeiation, in
thia place, during the 61 I. •
THE Great Western Railway ,announce
an• excursion Worn Kuicardine, and inter-
venipg stations, to Detroit, on the 4th Of
August, tickets good for two days. The
faro from Clinton is $2.25. • Detroit is a
pretty place, and no doubt Many will avail
themselves of tlio opportunity of visiting it.
Mies i. lino left by G. W. R., for
Chicago, on Tuesday.
SIXTY tuna of Stapleton Salt were this
week shipped. by G.„ T. R. for Chicago.
lt41,TESBEit the garden party mi. the real -
deuce of Bev. W. McDonagh, this evening.
ME. W. 3. Faisixe has re-seld the
house lately bought by him on James St.,
to Mr. Berman, ita occupant.
MR. DuKcAlv 0.MarBELL, of Stanley, who
is teaching in S. 8. No. 3, Hay,, has gone
to visit his friends hi New Brunswick du-
ring the vacation.
MR. STAIiimitY this week shipped a
couple of car loads of barley to Chicago,
by G. T. R., and Mr, Irwin, a couple of
cera of oats to Winnipeg:
Da, Wonnnsio TON, of Clinton, and
Stewart; of Brucefield, left yesterday by
G. W. 11, f� 'r Halifax. They will. also
take in the New England States iff their
trip. -
11.savesmo operations have been oar.
tied onvigorously dliting the past week,
under the most favorable circeinstancee:
he crop is turning out better, on ,the ave-
rage, than at first anticipated.
ARTnuit 000K was' before the Mayor on
•Saturday, cbarged with using abusive Ian -
nage to W. Cantelon, sr., fined $1 and.
.ssiet. • Like•many other niegistrate's oases,
it was exceedingly frivolous. A counter
eharge was settled on payment of costs,
Mn. J. 3/II: FuLLEiTox, of this phiee,
wee a passenger on board the.Eiteatner Oity
of Winnipeg, which was burned at Duluth
last week, but escaped without injury,
Rev. A. Stewart, ef this place, would; it is
oiaid;itave: alsd been a passenger but for
the feat that the vessel eailed on Sunday;
and he.,weeld•Ret,
�i r Moxii.sv last•a large 'number of the
officers of the 33rd Battalion met at the
queen's Hotel, - here to. decide on the thne
When the Battalion. s'hould. put in its . an-
nual drill, in accordance with . a recent
order from she Militia department. Tho
,12th of September was fixed open as the
day on which the eeisapenies Should as-
semble at Goderich, wheretwelve day'•
drill will be performed. . ' • '
We nAn a dell en Monday lust front Mr.
T. Mc.Gillictity of the Goderich 1.1na
and Mr. A. McD. Allan, of the same Ple e.
The latter hecl,juet beewtaking a
insurance ou a propertYliclie,.! and natur-
. ally felt in the best of spitite, . ncl both
were much surprised at the br • and live -
13 appearano of the inwri.. A. M. Itoss,
Req., M. P. 1'., and..1, it liller, 1. 1, S.
were also visiting our tar• ifrom that place.
--Sta.te- in sf ems reate,rs are gradually over.
e oming the prejii9'dee which exist against
them, ancl find f2,vor with the fitrinthg &im-
munity. On ' that has ' been working . en
the farm of Ir. John Shipley, (and for
which M . Voir is agent) has been witness-,
od i o oration by' a good number, au(
pest to think that a self.binder must tweet.
ifs vt k much admired. natty/people ap-
airily be complicated and. easily' git outof
order, het such is not Encase, as 15 proven
by tho work of thie, and. also the large
lumber of (Mere, daily in ° operation. We
predict thakeery mon self -binders will en-
tirely anpereede the present reaper that
requires four or live.niontafollow it, The
amount of wire roluired for binding will
na. be More than front -1; to 20 ,cente worth •
• an sere for a.protty fair- erop. • • ,,
' l
We usoERsTaxe that the horse difficulty
between Mr. J. Shipley,"of the Hurn
Read, and Mr, D. Erwin-, of Blyth, refer-
assl to in is former igen, has been satisfec-
' torily settled' -Mr: Erwin refunding the
money paid him by Mr. Elopley,, and
bearing the loss incurred .hirtnielf, less $10;
which the litter gave him.: •
• Tut r Berl.): of Stapleton are making
efforts to have a selroul established in that
village. • . Several of them are at' present
required to pay school taxes, and also pay
for the education of their 'children at the
school here, which they do net consider
satisfactory. There is a pretty large juve-
nile population- for so small a place, so
that should the efforts be successful'it
will be decidedly advantageous for the
• children. • •
Moritiev Mr. Beeiner late fieight
eleYat1ngIidfbfthoHyof Exeter,
passed up on the L., 11. -St B., on his way
to take charge of • Brussels station, to:
which place he has been appointed, the
late agent there haying -been appointed one,
of the relieving agents of the Great West-
' an Railway. In Mr. Beemer;
els people, will „find a 4.ery• affable and
oblieing person, and -one well qualified'ter
his position. , ,
See.exane.•--The •people of, Clinton'
have; at different, .tinies,'. been ,treated to
elninet every conceivable kind of . Music;
Ian that with whicih the reeidents of Albeit
'Street particularlfwere favored' on Thurs7;
day night laat, so 'far aurpassed-any pre -
Vine musical effort that we areate-id We,
cannot Vlo,it justice:-• It. was neither' solo,
duet, trio or quartette at could not be
called an instrumental rendition, andryet
itwas instrumental ; no notes. were•used
by the 'performers, and yet the most un -
musical ear could easily tell that the parts
were..plaYe 'with variations -In fact, it
seemed to be all 'variation; and ran eorne.'
thing af ter this style -"My grand f"•--, ding,
ding, ding; rob -a -dub, •• dub, rub-eklub,.
dub; teat, toot, toot, "father's clock,"
*heck, whack, whack, "fork Over $5.00,"
:bang; hurrah; hurrah, rub -a -dub, -rub-as.
clob, ruh-o-dub," . This appeared to lie the
only tone the company. knew, and the wish
of their hearers was that they did, not cut
it About two hours sherter. • Several at:
tempts were made during the performance
to take up a collection, :but the tune had
• to be given a great many times before they
sicceeded,. 'after which the motley 'gather;
ing dispersed. The anee of' tho whole
affair- was the marriage of FiM aged widow-
er ; to a slightly. younger . widow,., which
is all right solong as the parties directly
ipaterested are eatisfied. .A little fun
ole such °ceasing' maybe 'allowable, but
it was carried altogether too far ; the pelt.
ing of lingo reeks -at a door; until it was
broke e in, quickly beeomessomething
more than a joke ; it is a misdemeanor
with which the law deals severely. We
sincerely hope that never again will Olin -
ten witness' such an entirely uncalled-for
disturbance.. . '
A. Ditektrxiren,7- The people of this te n
were net only astonished, but deeply/Pain-
ed on learning that the American/Express
agent had soddenly left town 16st week,
and that his'affairs were in anything latItea.
satisfactory condition. FJ/Was a. young
mail who hid been resident. of town .for
several years, very respectably :connected,
and was about the 1 01. one who would be
sospected of coin Ling the crime charged
to him -that of rgery and einbezzletnent.
In April lastpackage of 500 arrived'
hero •for a ttle dealer by the nerno of
Wett, lei mt being called for at the time, •
.it is al/ ged that.tho agent appropriated
the piney, and forged.the dealera name
on the receipt book. The matter coming
light only laet week, is supposed to have
bait the direct. cause ofthe agent's slid -
ken depertnre. ' Oireemsta.nees which have
teen made known acme his leaving town
• would alnioet indicate that he had eon- IF VO(' HAVE 'BEEN RH i'l NG YOUR GROCERIES ELSEWHERE, AND
templateome such atop as this. Some ., . - tA):14"VIT, 4 VPISVIHI) WITH THE OITALITY, •
• • • • ., ,.. .. . 1
time in the sprieg he made use of $300•
which belonged to Mr. Freeman, in OW* • ° .
Rams, acceptable, felt thin week.
The brickwork of the new tank ie in I
Corbett and Doherty have re-
turned from their eatitera trip.
W. B. emelt Co. are moving to their
premiaea the building lately bought by
them. •
Me „1", CsxQrAu1 has been appointed
express agent, and agent for the Dominion
Telegraph Company.
Messrs S. McDougall, R. W. Moore,
Tipling, and Win. Wade are all buying
berme for the northwest.
• Ma. W. IL JACKSON hes been engaged
assistant teacher of the High School for
one year,and not temporary, as last week
stated. Our informant was a member of
tho J3earel.
HARLaxe Bites. expect to move into
'their -new premises, immediately adjoining
the place at present °coupled by them, this
week. Rhea been' specially fitted up for
their business.
SENKBLE.,-One of our exchanges re-
marks that "the man who is mean enough
to take a paper' two or three years and
not pay for it, is mean enough to sell
cross-eyed needles to a blind womItn."
A LETTER we have received from a num-
ber of young men contains some severe
strictures on the editor of our coterapor.
ary, but we deem it best not to publish it,
although the remarks containeerein
may be to some extent true and called for.
/ Messes. MeTAnaur & 0o. have old one
hundred of their fanning mills, to.Mr. W.
Flannigan, of Olandeboye' who takes them
all ready.to be put together, and will bo
shipped. in that aline, td•motwow, by
LEO BROM:N.-Yesterdays 1VIrs. IVIorten;
an aunt of Mrs.' Whitt, and with winsin
-she resides, had the misfortune to fall into
an open cellar way and break her leg be-
low the knee. As she is over eighty years
ognibagicte.,it is feared that the leg not
• We nen pallirom Mr. Barry Kerr, of.
Wingliam, of Tuesday.He is an old Clin-
ton boy, but struck Wingham when it hid
the building fever bad, and he has since
remained there, becoming 4 4 the leading
contractor." Harry • has made money in
Winghani; but like many other's; now has
a touch of the northwest fever. •
Inn Grand Truck' railway sv. ill run an
excursion to Toronto, frein Clinton; on•the
4th of August; at $1.50 for the return trip ;
tickets will be good until SatordaY' even-,
ing, and by the Aiiiyinetit: of in additional
• dollar to the agent at Toronto, they will
be exteneded tintilthe 1 Oth of Auguet. •
The is a very cheap trip; and will ne-
doubt be Well patronised.
ON TUESDAY, Mr. D. Menzies , of
this place, and a Mr. Woods,• of 13eydeld,
left by G, W.A. for Manitoba. The former
• goes to represent -the Doherty Organ' Co.,
and expects to be absent 'coupleof months;
the latter gees to. reside. ' Mr. W. Cooke
'and eon; of this place wait by boat from
Goderich to Manitoba yesterday. • Tho de-
partures ter the northwest appear to be as
numerous ea e'er, Cut still there era plenty
left; ' •.
• SCIIOLASTI.C.--Miss Mary Callender has
returned from. Toronto, where she hes been
attending the Normal School, for the past
three'rnonths. We are pleased to observe
• that in the recent examinations she was
very successful, and has brought honie a
geed. 'certificate: • The 'examination *aa
one :of unusual severity, and only about
one-half of the young ladies succeeded in
passing. Mias Callander Will; resume the
Charge'. of her oepartment after the :holi-
days, and no.dauht her scholars will hearti-
ly welcome her return, During her ab-
sence her duties have been very satisfae--
torily performed liyMise M. LeEdie.
A meeting was held'on Monday in the
Methodist church, 'here, called by Rev.
Dr. Williams! the Chairman of this Dis.
trict, to consider the holding of alemp.
meeting in this neighborhood, sometime
soon. There were present Revs. Sdesers,
Edwards, Holmesville; /dirke, Blyth; Ham-
ilton, Londeoboro Livingstone, Bayfield;• JUST A.P.aRalr3331:),
Smith, Manchester, and.MoDonagh, Olin- .
ton, and a. number of laymen from the
same circuits. Rev, Dr. Willisma took • -----CON •
the chair and Mr, A. Manning was ap-
pointed secretary. After devotional exer.
omes, meet of those present expreseed.their
views upon the project, when it was unani-
tnously carried that a union camp -meeting
be held for the following circuits, Dungan-
non, Goderich, Bayfield, Blyth, Clinton,
Londesboro, Kippen, Manohester, and
Hohnesville, commencing on Thursday,
the 8th of September,on the feral of Mr.,
Elford, near Holmesville. The following
were appointed a general committee •of
management, Revs. Messrs, Edwards, Mo.
Donagb, Birks, Caswell, Hamilton and
Livinglston, Mid NesifrO, Thompson, san
ning, Calbick, Elford, Rudd, H. Cook, J.
Caldwell, John Marquis, George Acheson,
H. Young, P. Cole, W Tibbutt, W. Stan.
ley, E, Acheson, J. McCartney, G. Tito
butt, R Ovisne, M, Rumball, Smith, (Man-
chester)A. Taylor, J. Whitely,E. Turner,
. Before the close of the meeting,on tmo.
tion of ltfr, McDonagle Et, resolution was
unanimously carried; exprefishigthe boat
wishes of the district to the chairinan, ip
the trip he is about to take to the "old
land,' and assuring him of their constant
prayers for his safe return. In replying,
the Dr: stated that it was forty-seven years
since he had seen his native land, and he
felt that if he did not go this year he would
not be able to go at all. He was much
cepted it as the outcome of their feelings
towards him. •Thesinecting shortly after.
wards terminated.
On Sunday morning Prof. Gregg preach-
ed in the Methodist clinch; and Rev. Mr,
MoDonagh in the Presbyterian.
It is expected that Rev. Mr. Craig, the
new incumbent Of St. Paul's•chureh, will
assume his duties on the 7th August.
Rev. Mr: McQuarrie, of Wingham, will
preach in Willis church, an Sunday next.
How To pluve„eranT-One of our mar-
ried Mon betook himself and family to
Holmeaville, on •Sunday, it is soppond to
visit a camp meeting (1) there in session.
'As it was announced:that H ---ware was
• to lead the ainging; and perhaps take a
prominent part in the after proceedings,
of course a large gathering assembled.,- as
opportunities of this kind, like Christmas,
come only once a year.° •As theiwater in
• the creek,did not run pure and clear, any
mishapif--to... those returning •homeeby the
light of the pale momeand the cinnet, will
be partially accented fee. The family re-.
ferred to, for extra company, secured the
tissistance of .one of Holinesville's merry
Bordered Prints
• Regetta, Prints
Black Muslins
Colored Muslms
TitlitliE AND pazt•-aoirraNz,:.
carTicat aits. &BPI= W.8=43.
•will always
EMEMBER..' pay the highest mariv -
Wet price for Buttet uic1 Eggs, either
in cash or trade.,
Are running felt blast, and prep.ared,, as. usual, to do all kinds .of: work in
• • tffe WSolben line•
daughters as driver. Our inforinant aoes pliniq .
not clearly explain it to us,•but said mar-
ried man, while indulging in a delightful 014'; ALL KINDS, DONE ciNIITOWirN17.11T.12:"
reverie, was .arohsed by a sudden snap, •• . . . , •
Which peeved to he a broken shaft., What
discarded euggestions it was finally decided-
ation in their ddemnia, and after m ny I. • -4 — — 1 9 . • • 9 . 9 •
..t, do Was the.firetend uppermost considaer-„ EFITT
that the merry driver al-foo•ded to, should • •-•.., , • . OONSTAN'ILY-ON IIAN 1), , , .. •
return on foot and get, a rope or strap
. „
fore she had reached half the distance, our . Either to ozohange for Wool or sell, for Cuhl Ai' PEN LOWEt THAI- EVES,
wherewith to bind tile broken:shaft. Be-
friend bethought Ifitii of °an idea worthy . . . - ' ' ' • .' '
only of a Clintonian; which was to walk cr..ExToX, mite. isEu: ' . . E. CORBETT
home beside the horse, and hold up the . , . „
shaft at the same time. While this span • •
of—were trudging along, our merry•dri-
ver was picked up by one. of Clinton's
bachelors who sports a pretty gay rig, and,
taken safely home, forgetting, amid the
winning smiles and sportive talk of said
bachelor, the mishap of ' her companions,
and theerrand en whicleshe was sent. -
. •
• ., •-•-•411..
Biliousness, indigestion, constipation -all
forms of dyspepsia yield at once to a few doses
of Zoragn, the new compound from Brazil. A.
10 cent sam le prove§ it J H Coinbe agent
P • • J. H.
-VC.T 1\T rr
35MeLAND 235 Boy
isbiy make It oat t.itietir, to call :a lid. examine the ladaore of.
urnmer $:-tock. .6f Boo-ts & Shoes
' • • • • -
WIllcif 11E' •
In order to make roots 50 *0 immeNsE kW, AND WINTER STOCE`:. Paraters, do Dot forfietto look al
011A Ill'ARVEST *RID TIIRES114.EIC MITTS, which we inantirdeture otwaelyen, otiarlt material.
'HARNESS LIGHT -AND' HEAVY 1)0UBLE AND MOLE made alba 'best is:aerial and Worfinianshlp at
exeeedIngly low !olos. Pot II good safe eoeLaft, this is pet. the etuce, as We warrant,. thetnind, to gall.
TULINItS and vA tifSES-A. very larg-o nssoihnolit,nral yeryehOOp. PliTaNKS from 15 Sent, up.
ALL GOODS WAIMANTED. .,• .• ..• , 'JANES TWITOHEILL,' Victoria Bleck,.
reeinvita ion to all
lett. Representing -some insurance ,
patsies, tis epent,.he had made use of mo-
neys paid' him, without forwarding the
tonne, He is also Charged with recharging
for parcels that, were'prepaid and With
overehnrging. in addition to these, he
leaves a !Mintier of unpaid accounts about
town, Two of his brothers -one of whom
resides in town -lose vory heavily, one to
the extent of 142,000 and the other $050 --
being money advanced him, and oleo losses
made good by them, fie appears to have
lost a great deal of money through 'pur-
chasing bad notes, while in the brokerage,
busineee, in which he engaged for a short
time, as many such have been found among
his papers. it is not thought that be took
any money with him. The whole affair is
indeed deplorable'and hie relatives (whoae
charactera are above repronli) have the
sympathy of ,theirMany Metls, under the
oi tett ins tan coo,
Try S. Paiser &Co's
a fa h• a ? a•
4 '4
1.011,V.ISOF1 11,C.).A.S9CM1.1 OFF'EE
Ctutitod- (4-oodl.p4 of.every deseriptioal.
ja,r4..for '11111.111ii:ot
1}9 1.11tICK 13LOCK, S. PALLIStit & CO.
4 /
• .
. , •
For the. Month of August,
To make . roOin. for alterations and extension ofpr
Agent for Walkeia's'Patent Butter Worker,,