HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-28, Page 7i,i�._'.. . . 11 . "I ! . I I 6 I I . : I - . I I - . . I . _�­ . I - - 1-1 . 1- I � 1- __­­�i��_ - I I �' 11 I . - __ . __ . .1 I - . -1 . --- , . .11 --- I'll . . I I , ­­­-, ­ - , ,; ­ - ­ , . �­ 1- ­. . .1 I . . .I 00-Up*W-og-&V , � I -, - ; .'&'- I __ __­ --_ I � . J -01y 28,1881, - Tile claols OF walusox. 1�v Wxiici WN, 1"N".. W1110. 001EAM, XORT11WEST 190'"W" XAA'W . - I , — I J914*1 AN1190RAVIC. � �Wolal Demilruellon of a Town- TW9 Attelmalate'd Muladdes Vnder DiMemal- Messrs. . George X. Gunn &)34 1 I— . . tber� is but one way to oure baldneso, , ,elsof -whole Aftis and W,.ivo patelpeigimilul 9 . T .It 14 his virforvicia. . ,,, Carboline, A, deodor. Werrible XOTe , ohn PoPe Jr-im -an time lamin And Oat ia.-by- usiu . 11 WAXIM N9,1111161C 11910111 PIAIV-11 �_110= Boultbee,�'Of' London, have returue4 I �0001 ggv,m"luii-lunb!mppy Ellicet 04. t � i the lo de.de. row � be im4 extract of petroleum, the natural hoi* Families JK1lIed�_smqIr a liggillon JDQlo I � I , NrAoAuA FALLS, July 16-A. remarkable - trip taXanitoba, grower. All recently improved, it is tho. sitting 11"Illat Terms .."Ir 0"rrr;%dear lqrs ]Lost. V ,. � .1 They report to we , ilal"t-Vio-01111,1Y Conduct In 4 Costrf. I . � cape of would-be Suicide occurred here this I I only dressing for tlj4s Lair that cultured . I - Frea Rregs ais follows: A, RomO despatch says Qatdiult,14cobini I #1111mig "CoArv* Alm"41141" lvrocalmaul-A� A despatch from New V morning. Frank! Blackman, a resident of- Manyof the principal whole . . Im, Minn., $my$,:, . ­ . . , sale houses informed theXialsters @,lid other reprosen, people will use. , . � jrnah'allf, Imixtrietic speegla. . The cyclone . which struck " this place. oui Stamford, Aged .85 years, is employed by � and xa . , I ,On Tuesday at Paris the thermometer .. . . . snufaoturers of Ontario and ueboo tativou of foreign powers. how deeply pained I Friday evening. was of the most joeria H. H. Wright As -maker, Ile ill either have reprosentAt war a shade, and it has been. � , I I . A basket tough 4 JQ1 0 ju th . After Sitting Bull Ana big followers had , � 0 Q 0 been brought in, to r! orb Buford, And Sue- character. Over 100, buildings were d a sober and industrious fellow, is, married lioness in Winni 0 the Pope W40 at the insult offered, to, t . nearly evory day since tbo � , �, a, I � � Peg, among Whom tire bodyofFinoIX. Henceforthbo . ,,be UgQ to 98 0 ' molished and upward$ of �*36 persons killed and has two children. A . zen4erea to major Brotherton a council - , bout 4 o'clock this Masora. Turner 4. Co., of Hikinil0u; - must cap,, loth !]Pat. . - An , Fog eider hiri%ielf more than ever a p , was, opened. Brotherton forcibly outlined . 4 wounded. Though Other towns in the morning Blackman left big ildeping. %part. erty & Bee.,. of Mol, t � . riooner in , I - . I . I � I real; John Campbell, the Vatican, and prevented from attending A violent epidemic of 4ipiltherla, bag . the policy which the Government intends vicinity felt the shook,* tb. o firdlIQnq of the Merit adj(,ining the .basket fmotoO where of London; the. Oshaw i .1 to t � .. cyclone -vented . I a CAblueb Company,, tlie religious Service in any of the 13%silio4a appeared at 86%.d8burg. Denmark, Aud. . allow, And by which Bull and his family - itself here. Tw9 tornadoes, lie ana his fellow. -workmen Slept, oeou.re4 a of Osbmwa; King 4, Brown, of Tor of Rome. Xgr. Jacobirii vead a a! I )at to , . , I I , onto; Many deaths II4,Lve Ooqorred must be graded. He informed t�ena that met, directly over t,hia Place, and the, work driving line, fastened it to m beam in Harris, Son & Co., of Bran . I ran , , uWV - I I I . tfora; .Job ,ot the papal Inmol ad,. which is, ­ -_ -_ . I I they will be sent to, join the larger portion of destruction was. Accomplished in le shad outside,. arranged a berry - son, of Ayr; Gurney, Russell & Co., of handed to the "rreosp . of their peop , Is A . , so the , .t Fort Yates; thet they -than fifte6lx minutes. The course of tile Orate to stand on, fixed the line around QOtiYO Ministers - . , . - , ., Dundas, and many others, all of kwhom Of ,- F?reign Affairs, Part of' the need have rio fear of receiving any injuries cyclone could be 01�tinotly discerned, and -big neck, and, Waked the orate from under . I . . .AMM"-M9ML , I . . . I ­ I ,.. . I appear to be doing a ru"blug business.. I.?ope,s message, relating ta, religious I . from the military as long all they behaved it Seemed to be moving in separate volumes him, HIS weight Caused the knot to slip, 4tiotion SO � � ­ . 1�1 . � � I . � � ea. of' real ,estate are very vorvioes. � themselves properly, And. t . outh. Clouds gathered And lie! was left, standing on his fee. 6 on the numerous, and tke amount of property the assertion the I ii. had the body of I . ..q., I .- I but thsy. will be , from this north and a . . in the - Basilicas, colifirms I ,tendered with great rapidity. Therawas, a perfect ground. Fin4ingth,ism�thoclUnoucoe6aful, changing bonds dail . treated the salue me those who Sur ,. I y is something, prior. Plus IX. been Peaceably'- removed, the Pope . � ., during the winter, Brothertongs renso.rks blaze; of fire balls. it. would have bee he took big large jaok.k4ifo from his pocket I . , , . 11 I � I I I I .1 11 . 11 al, . � , ' moui. To give you on idea. of the value of would have found an early occaSion for . I I werg raceive_ks,t times by most dark As midnight. had it not been for �Q p?p. his throat, Just as eal estate in that aity-on the d1LY"we passing the dooeS of the Vatican. . I I , . , grunts ofapproval , he Made all r . _ , by nearly 1. all the Indlatio. . except. inual flashes- of lightning. The, incision in the left side Q . I I I I I I . . I .. � , , f ,big neoh, infliot; arrived -there a property'llaving a. frontage. six men have been, fined and imprisoned - I . . I.. . Bull, TLe latter remained silent for five- thunder and lightning .,were terrific. ing a deep gash, be noticed. one of the of 117 feet 04 Main. Street wig sold - . I I . .. I for for disturbing the funeral �rQc4sslorl'of , - , 11 I ! minutes. Then a4idrossiog himself in a The wind bleW 9, " liturtiq6pe, while.. employees moving About, Fearing that be 0,95,200, and on, the following Monday Pius - . .1-8;1 , .11 . .4 h.9 V I . short speech to dre Indlatig"he turned to the rain descended in.blinaing Shasta. i�ight be , .date I IX.. Great disorder. preVailed at the Ffly - . I , . ated and provept.ea from another lot 9hange4hands at 07�4 Pat foot, trial, and the cour , - - i."_ . , . ­­. - I .. � '. ­ - �-�-- - - -his little -son, ana.� directed Win to-taie'up There was- w -moment's -lull, and-thaw-tIl-er , w.omplisbing-his. purpbse, he, -ran -upstairs, *exclusive � _ ..._xt_,*m§, q10V,ra.3WUe. � : A Ad . ..�, � ­,� aded . - . 41R V 48- , ­ . _­ ., . . .. ­, � , . I !. his rifle and present it to BrothertQn. This I OY910136 Struck the towil, almost destroyin * . to, big, sleeping ,apartment, took a lo I Of'buildiligs- ­­ ­ ­­- � ` The: soniAe"n-'e"e-is" "were received 'with shouts, . t�qt . 4 a W. . . 11 1. I 9 Leaving Winuipeg on Tuesday, we pro, and hisses.. .& ejowd of three -thousand �s 1�, � tq4 . . . � . I I . . it in a minute, At the arid of - that time , it gun - from its* hmilging place on the . g Cut 'of .. Zit, � . . . being bone the Chief said, #11 odrrender , wall, ceeded to Portage la- Pradrie-66 mile 1.1, . . * this rifle toyi)u through in , d' * �er " . Ill cheered the prisoners on comin � .15g �-._ -_, 4 . � 113app mead as ou4iieitly as it Oime, cooked it, placed the muzzle close to west on the C. P. R�-now the west ter- court, mud followed them she 0 P. '. ", �q , 2=; � - - 0_9 ' _ y �oun`j Pon, I I Ito ' c the trigger, I F -vu R--.811: Z I whom I �how'desire to met ill I tbis'mapner. effects are aliano his breast - uting, M Down 4�' Bt . indescribable. - Same , I I ininus of that line, The Portage is prettily With the clericals.,, -Soldiers dispersed the , Vaz 11 .1 .- 'd 0 - He has become the friend of%he Americans. , houses were struck by ,the lightning, others mud the chmige ilniei6d his. shoulder, situated on -the bank of the Assinibolne mob, whicbr,reassembled At the Office of one ;MViv I , t- ,811�. � � . I . I wish him to learn the habits of the lifted up bodily by the violence of. the wind t inflicting a painf,u,l but lio Alyce, and in the midst of the finest agri. of the clerioal newspapers, tore do .. u the e puiv Im : - I . In, bending over tot de'rigeroui cultural country one can imapirls. - It b billetifia said sta I W ?t 2C whites, and be educated as their sons are , and others demoliBb,od byllying debris from wound, reach the I me u - ;r13 %:AJ . ., .1 � . I 1. � .. . , rted. for the railway qta. . - educated. I wish it rememboied -that, I other buildings. So6res of dwellings, gu& 'trigger, lib'shifted the gim Tr6m big breast now a population of about 1,500, ,and. is I I d -.2A P i g 1'.1,9 - I ... � . tiou to protest,to the King And Q � 4 ., I .. I .1 neon on .90 . Am the last man of my tribe to sui,iender stores,were entirely -destroyed. . Very fe , to his shoulder, un4oubtedlymaving big life. rapidly ifforeasing, no leas than 160 houses . . IV . . VVO:.4, 4., i I 1. � my rifle, and4his day ba,v6 given.it to. yo , , eSOmPe4".riniujuroai but 7 The household Was mroused by the report, Uving been built tb ­ Arriving from Naples, but the po - � 0 00AWAS" 'o . . . 11 . � - many, had their- . . . ere since last. January, vented the demonstration IiCQprs'- I . . .. , . roofs �Iow ng tb a zmuse� was tbro , I I .. and oi� learrai I I v-,, I and I now wailt to know how I am going � . n off .or so badly.; injured that wil int6, and mills, hQtels and warehouses are going . . . li . = 11,� Z� ,.a- . . . I to make a living. Whatever you have to they will have to. .be &iled down 4nd, excitement. A-'dootor was immediately u all ditections, . . . . . .. .... 17.4- . . I . . _. . 0 i . I . . . . . I . . � - I I a . - Business wareh � p Na .. . . I . ,rebuilt, . Tho'sto sent for arid dressed the Won .. 14 I �� 'Dig IAN I . . . . gly - 'may have to say,, I tra was most des6ruotIv_e . � . u44.' At pre. updi . A � INEW)LSAPER RAKLL, . . Is, or whatever yoA I otorleBo particularly are 'in great .1. .— . 1. " I i would like to receive -or hear.now, for I, iAtlienorth oudoftha'city,'where Whole sent writing the �atient 'is doing well. No ilemand and . .9 . ,. I . .command 'almost fabu- A Clonapany w4flined.with a capital 01 .. .01 .0 cr.. * a, . . . I . don't wish to be kept in darkridas any blocks of1rame buildings were swep4way - cause can be* ascertained for the rash act 16 u a rQnts. During - our I stay in ,$2so,000-'A!lme 81 .11 . =SI , I I .. . I hardly a barn or stable escaped, and it is' furtb6i thin that Mrs. Blackman I I � to Not 5101, licleclVd.. . ,d�!g 40 , , 93 2 I I . � - * - longer. I have sent soveral. messengers on I Lao beeif the , Portage we were the -guests of . = top , ,a- a I . here.ffom-time to timerbut.-none of them �g§tL'4gtPd,�tb;kt�.�,Y,QtjgD:.Ij�ois�d,a�,ikua�-.c,%.ttlo .. visiting with hot father oyerAWO months our old towiliman', Dr.'Eragarby now one A strong compatiy has-been organized in' M C...� . - I . , . . i . � - . - ,fifly.- 1. I � ' , =. . . have returned with news.. , Other were killed. The roof of a hotel was car, , W-iih--go-i--6-h�ilTaii,--*]4i)th*'-tb-fmgh- Of1'thb­rft9eR-1hif .TQronto:-Ior,,tlio-,purpoge�v:of-,establishin � ­ A='.. I" 110-11,1 � T1, ­ ­��­_ ': ­ .-:---..-, � I .. � . , ,' ' . 14- V-r5f7Ri6'r-'eiff7­ffi-e' . I I M.M. - 4=1 . - I I . chiefs, Crow King and jOA411, have tied blocks through the -41V alid burled previous trouble,ornabcouiamot-b�t�li�irnecl- country, by, Whom: and his good wife we - paper-will.in Ontaxio.. I la .1 'a . I . The project-is.pro-. . -4 'es I I .1 - - I � .. I W , ., ,_ n � , 111 I- I.... I � . .. .1. ­ ... ., - . -v -',P, . , . not wanted m, - . qQb Millor's hQ,use, ;which 1t.com, -Blackman has for the ,past two, wbehs * bee mo moted by- the leading paper firms, ih. the ... it, IV . e to 66me,­ and ,%, t are , at hospitably entertmined,and- wbg I . a .S A 9 id! I " 11 .. . . ji.n ,, a . aly emolished, -hub - forpunatelV Miller appeanavery Melancholy. I . city, who bmve'alroady subsorl A ca 11 . .1 have never received good, news . � .. 4ailytookus for long 'drives through the bed a aiiffi.. M* A- 'd 11 �. :� . . I I now wish to be . allowed to 5iid his- family escaped b�fdre th; crash HALIFAX, ,July 16 -One of, the fe oient amount of Stock. The capital of the N *-60� !: t�p 4 . from them. . male ln� atirroundirigoolintry,, where we called upon I. a loiA%�, .0 I . I . . canie. TheNiyor estim ' mates of Mount Rope Asylum -for the Insane; . company will ba 0250,000. Vt�rio . 111 , ali. . I I live this side of the line or the other, as I . � I , ates, the loss at - a uuMb6rbf farillers for , us Bites �24 Via 38'6---;�4�4 � � . I . merlyfromontario,- -P� 0 in . � ; . 1� C I . � . I -named Deborah Plummer, about fifty yeais for -the* mill have lieen . considered,. ..dj A - � .. I . . see fit. I whill. to continue r half 0, million.. The lowest eati,nato 1, who ,all speak in, glowing terms bf.bbe liaxim :4 It . riy old life of . is insure . of age, it few days 'Ago made a desperate couritry,'ind ildt One of whom' did. noIl Bracebridge Tnost' favorably, . . . I � . � . L - , . . hunting, but would be, allowed,to trude on, 0850,000, . None of the propert i I. d ittompt on h � er.life. - Sho.m -19N I I that, . pf I .M0 2r.131 Sal ; . I. � . � their, alL, TK _ms-ilto A , td,,_ K.= . . . . . both sides -of the line. Thig is my country 'Many; h4ve lost a: bitizers, . t, . qx-pr.asi6aA_.*ujon4ba � �bu:L - ibore,� is, , 'w-7 substantial- - objocr� . 0 1 ! , ,, �� . . I- .11 - .- , _ t,ftnvag. far ab ' b i I .. 1-1 � .L. I sea of CO3 Q 90,41 13191.3 a . . ,. � , - - - - a nd,-Tid6*6b,�m-'sh-t prb e�oomp a I 1 6 d: tor g i v �r;t V ' , dt t 6 --dis'& a t Or -b tit v a ly'i, a u d- - a r a, -t*6,�ait� at'-W51i'�iM. i4k; ­116i-rilkas- wilth, �blitlkrlo, arid that 116 WOU14.110 1 'tion to this place, it is Stated, owing to. the A.- An - 0 -1 .. . . I taking prompt steps to repair the damage. the 1, . t return bore �igh rates of freight on the Northefu, Which a . .0 I up. My.beart was very Bad at h4viiigt6 � Allee pationia'of the .ward because on any consideration, preferring a I ho r - . ven,the .t 9-S A I " �.- , - . .. 0 = � 0. a I 1. I . She ,,The streets are fillild -with debris., Tile of ber.4angerous'-proclivities: After �eat- *lAerg., there to. these, Of Ontar� is W4 only raiIwmy*that6eryqs that0istri6o, LLJ -,. & - . � ., . . leave,the Great Mother's country.- I I , , . 4 iH -0.. A - - ' Tile otfier.localities though are 0 .404 , . . ! has been a friend to me, but I want 14Y 'Iatge brick meat market, tlib Methbaiat iLig her. dinuerin bei own dormitory a fdw' 'farrawthere range in size from 321Q0't'0T1hoe tof ; , I � . . T childien� brdughi up in my native co mrill Lutheran 6huralieff were - a ' days"sinco she returned to the ward With . and ev %ellfbrc*� Peterboro' and Cornwall. . The - .. . . I I untry, I L . L' 7ept 'a -way, , , I an lj00Q acres .each, arid riot a few '%VAWW , , . � . I I and I also wish to fool that I Cali."Visit ri�y the steeples of..three. Catbollo ch'urolles e,. tool�. One Of -the falfrin6ii; have now from loo to 300 %ores in are .now negotiating with an - 8 �k Co. ,,Agents; 461mmiken. . L . . - . . I I her Plat -and on a I' . . I � ttea,.& hatoi knives from. tbeletivllf and. returned to wheat, ,-Cm . � . m . . L . . friends on the other side of the line when. blowii'off and the buildings gu , . .,;�ni.y, the United States, who,when he . . my people , . - her room. She wag one of the ' all looking magnificent, and promis. ar . . 4l;14AV1%, 104-1.111.11111 Pool MAJEDOCIA1% - . ever I wish; I wish to have all � . artially destroyed, the roof of the court- ,patients ing from 40- to 45 bushels to the more, which - I Slat the company in coming I . I .�. . . . I live together upon one reservation a- --. EOUSe ca,r-ried dff, many biisiviess places ind 'lot allowed to use kilives a; forks, ,%iill be, marketed At the Portage ab from "e, to a deterniffiation ili. the matter. ' Tb . I . . .. I . ­ . . . . I . . I . . a site -rRA0E MARK The Great Hill- R A DW Nlt-Rk� � I � .to 90d pet baBbel, bbirig. at presentt�o h , , ,j4� � , own on thd Little Missouri.. I left several two public schools destroyea. Lightning After dinner an atteildailb took tL'e other will not, in any event, be �Iamd"futtbor -� ,O-Z,-�� Ix 1. . . I families at. Wood-Mid.untain anabef,ween'' 'struck the depot threatimea. Every livory, patients out on the gr6unds, - and after '00q. The 0. P. Rail rt east, tbafi Coinwaff. No. bonus .will 4 . 4, V %, Aish Remedy. � - . ...."i.;; �'3j%: . 11 (61111111cilling � . � I way now.rujiliffig into be '. ., .� oura� � * -N , . I ­ ., y thilre and Qu'Appile. I have manv,'.'pbople stabld iein rains. A neW brewery, coating remaining a, .while return'ed to" the ward. th . required or asked - for from ., 1, .-� ,3 foriondual iveLth 41"i"i'; -,,: ;''r � . I I . I . � �.. , I among the Yousavairlas at ..Poplar Crack 00-,0d , 0, was. destroyed. , Lightning'struCk Oil looking into the dormitory * a Portage bag greatly increased the value pality. Part of th Any . mullicj­ . . � '0,1� fe nana, rappainAtor, I . . 11. .: . .. I I . . . - I . I 11f Mrs. 'of, farming -lands - in the neighboiliq - 0 plantWill-be pd�alla.4# . 't'l 7 ,4; 1 roah" Ily) Otan'by i . I - , , . I t 8 . 0'el 1 � I ", 11 .% . 'rig, t DA ad. in,i§�otland and..Liarb in tile mat I " , i1oltser, � .. . . -a fidgiting Mill muit shatterM the"o buildi Plummer a. terrible, sight mit libr vievl.' ina all" ., and I wish all of them, and ibb'so W, he bmve* , Farma tbat'eould. have been bought' , V , I � . L IS of - a year . .1,,,Prr��.. , \ %.. . . I .� I . 1. L . . . . � . gone to Standing Back, L to be Collected, "letting ­OUtL 20,00Q_ busbe wbe&t'�L 'A The unfortunate worriju had out. her -tbroai Me �10 now.bri larnes Barber, juu�, has been eli a.- � .11 � chat foll R U - I - . I I . 0 'lag OMX5.J , , , _-Q ",� . " a - -, . I . - T'Stf&�__ _B166d- -e- _ .. d.__­_peraare, - Jr- . Q_ .� ,!k 4 sequelligoof Belt; , I I . . . togel _- nuinber. of buildings' -struck by.-lightnibg r 8,01 _j� r6- . _­­ - _­ -visional-3hosident'of-Lib o6Mpany... . * , _.: , ' "L �,eo-,g' �q - - L � _% ­. :_ , . �her upon our feSQrVAtl6n. - -my.people I . fibili7ear _f6 O� _ ariC U20, Ali are stea ily increasing: in value. - .' .1 . -Abu4 7 't v I . . .. .d ol I ­�­�­S'��-' %. I 1. bk I . have many of thembebribad. 4II, are good caught'.fire,and .the town W�ould have 4owlrig'frora the wound. The windpipe- . .L. I I . . . . w- I. . _1 ., � ...�. . I Rt:kbre fVF 1, t, I � womory, univer. 11 I < . L 11.1 . . . . L ------ a . .1 . . . I — . .. ' . I .. � - now, that their arms and ponies, have been boauL -was armost sev'ered. She 'had al§6 gashed � . I . I .. Whe . 461ir V0:1 1. , -destroyed.'in, this wity but for the " I ­ .*.,-,1War'qal*. .0d. ji,oillcom ,Vi�oll. . iL " � " sal La,flKitI1118 . 1119.. I . I 1. . ' 11 ;�, - , k.vihoioLlnmbei�ysid",wasdesiroy,od. herself in various parts. ob the body, and..' .. , Ant'lquily of I '...pintiltrikVia. . . � . .. . '. . . I taken mway from them. . rain. � .. . . lm� . .... . . . lipipilti Me tuwk, I)ixuuuhh 4)) VitiJc)n,Pra1U&ZtfrG ­ .. . . 11 .! . .1 . I .. S jila LW ' ,fe* � . 1 was Making .determined &ffcrta�'to - inflict .. : - ­ .!. . (Kanitubo,Froo Press.). . - ,. . . . , I I - - . The to me, afUI,L .a. contemp ate. -his ria -dent Aii" . . old O's; atid niewy. Other- diseases that leadbo � I .. I 'L - , . . .; - , . �'. . . - - I . � In course on the Robertson .Ati no oue'time Wdr6 Moro than' se'vonteen hinall ty or*00116uniptiob and,a imitilaturo grave. . - -.1 - 7 - . �L 1. �. . . " . . People on the Streets wore jiterall� bloivn still deeper wounds, The mtte�dmntimmi--` 'Snalth Oise, in* r4diribilrgh', QIQ'L'RCV ' )Lresant* at I d' . ­ ..'' L_ ' .f $4a,Ft1lI_PaXtjj,, I 'J--- " ' ' . . W01lJifJC4 XR01ii ii)(13 GUTTE."' �, L'aliaL a L _ ... . __ - . Bteld: persons- h -public meeting 6 L u ars u our PaInphlot, Nvbich we , - . . �. I.. .�-., - I .. . SWU nilildbey' -a y � ­ -ditttely� la;in-tud-.--,&-n�-.W'I'Mlrm,-W--a-El-'r,a'I-B-e'�a-U- T` By - -a .- AVO. . 1. � .. . . . y W unducl-by-ther-frang y.,win, xownsal 41.1 h . - desire t nol.,free. by ipi 1: tc every: one. � The . I �L I. .. 1. . 1 =_ I ­ I �__ . , L', * never beon-Ary. Citizens colivened-by.the Mmyoe-,i for -tile' " obgdtoille,iso 0'6)0�.by.,all,d . ruggiato at 81 � I . I . . I .. � . . Sent Lt - after Sara 'tIMOL %ih t Pogo Lof . atlific . I A Thimustal;d ciunr rAthoups Gailiqlred by WbNs'. Tin roofitig was brough the Some of the pmtientai and a . thing bib ,way of1he advanced criticism pdr aiianging.foe'the redeptibn abd'v Igor package, or sIx pickitg6 for '$5, or will; V; ,� : , L, * * lr� Altallutgi..B sit aud'twisted mo,'oru * ' 1r, doc�orsreaabiqd thp..Apotird ended to which -i . . arce mathig eyth In 'Nen 1. , ,mplad like pape the _' L .. att - 1­68� 3iiir tempted. me to believe that th6 .entertainment !of His, E xcel.14�dy�the Gov. sent free liv, tnall ov J-Oijfstllt of: the money. b I ". ... . . . . I I . `� -large quiaitit I " SilbStjrlqb�o . , � - L I . . . . I. � i . . ... ­. . .. . . � .. ,& . y of grain was destroyed -in . the wounds 6f womam �i is 11 III f the Book OfL L it i0dramiging '. . . - ..: . " . .. stela 4 r1m. .. '' ­ . * Darit�ion eo iral brx-'hi� visit to 618.0ity. L IV" 'L . �_ � . . . . I - inipossible for bar to nurvive.. ­ . - . . .� _11 . The Society . foi the - Prev'pation of.. .the valleyi the �Vlioat heads ,being but clean - . tile, Work 6f* 9, late age of -.�ewiah- history, , � Those- who remlember how "thronged was . 9, 0� *L�ma t , vit ac as- a 4 It N IN , ce'; " . . . I� ' . - . . . . . I � , and -smooth. Subsciiptious for tfie,'tufte 21�11A'Xrop, July l6..---;Toseph' Henderson, ,I hold- that tfis book m . :.. 4 ' Whol, . �*. .." '.L L'.,' � . . Cruelty ,to Children brought to the- I iisex rare uqt have been wifit- -,the city hall on e; jinjIIar,.Sumrn6Dg. I V : 0 *,I��. 4 W ,�O,IiON,TO, 'alie-' C all &; la; . . . , L L .. . ''L , It Us Can. . . L . ­ . . L'.. I 1 gi:6�alrea�;comirig in*, fie storm� W�B�l residiug�- in .,Ellice(--adjoGing'. Stratford, ten by a; 'in femilikrivith desert exper Lord Dufferhi was A out to visi . . . . . . . . . I � Market Police Court yesterdmy' morning a rrilo� L T .L . ' in i. b .. . .. .. . .. � . .1. . . . i . I � - Rietro Julm, aged 8, ,Rocc6 Teirro, aged 8, about wide. , . L.. coluriiittiditfigide this morniugby'-sbQ b4 'encea, &)J.C'L for 9, people fiegh from desert , fa�i. to draw a . ejg�jficmni -6 , .1 . . . 1. � .. I - , 0 ' I I 10, L L Ilys &'cyclone Oil 'himself th.the abdomen withm tevolver, 'woa�deihi�s'and..E d ,ptian life. " The , whole I I . am, 4 7 b . . . 1 L L . and Philomeum :Palatto� aged a ., . . I 0 " 'scarcely The eritbusimsm �on 'the latter, L A - R'D. I N.F. , I * - . , I I 11. .6i . A. St. Paul (16spat6h, 6 , ing I .- . I - Thursday nigh6,dastXoyed two large.' glove. Two weeke, ago' b614ttemptea to; drown atmosphero.'of the book�add t P -r -P.- . '. I 11, 1. I am. I ,.. I . , -it is 'was ,,.not ,merely �kn­exprpsiiiou . . . I ... . .� . ­ .. .- r. . I I . Baxter at eat. . R undsman 1)%eigw6eny ' , , I, I . . .. . hat 0-6-ai.oli . . , .. 1. . . . . .. . ,. I ., . .1 I � . . � I - . I .. I r . tore notik'Crookstow. ew, T. Im lifibself in. the pond. .. . " The L N ,T I -Tbmporary insanity next t I - � . THE'.,VE . . . ".. . . .� - testified that �at'() a. m, be sa* the three a I . L 0 lroposgibl& for, the most' skilful of.,. respect ,f .. BY DES: I � , . . . . . �. . Ufmoture to or - the re'pfesentative . . .1 I . L . . L. I I 1, . . . I yOIC;ne devastated 1ble c6ip1try for ioity. caused bi fin anpial difficulties was thccaus�i man im,itate--��reathes -of the I 'of . -the .' Sovereign-— or, a - delnoiioirio� , , . � ; . , . � * . . I I . I T I . . . . Jews had: ti . 9 . a .t . - -aL 0. ,. .1 .. . . I ''. u . h i'A, ' .0 9 1: ­ .. I .11. children -1grubbing the B6wery.'1-.x,The mileii. fie 'extent of the' damaige is ybt PnTRomApOnt.; July 17 -At 9 O?cIdZk this: desert ,mnd'6f 33, gypt. After the. . . ­ . I . , I . elder qm�rried a bag and the younger ones - unlillown,., but. mi. largil number of'p'eople' . afternoon. a strange man was. found dl&ad L been brought' -into f. *eSteem. � f�i Canada's gift.ed M I I I �.,. , . e I � I . L oriental iSpotiS 'all"_tll mud , . _. .L. . I " . 1. I ,.-: . . . . utsidb of . I - . L ... I AN" 1110. 'WORLD9 . , have' be 'an killed -,�nd - woundpdlo' hanging by the neck by jd4poaket - in a lma,reryLwould sometbing,racre... � The unassuming manner � ; T . . .1 . - had baskets. They went from B�loou' to 4ofitact with 'the grbat &;(I warm friend'. It included these ' .�,_ , I I . . . . . . .. I � gutter "'d picked up',oigpr @tubs. . -whole .handker, AB - ' � .. I .." �. .. . I I .1 ". 1, ., . ­ . of" m' . long Aime.- I ances , , mve.beea in �; . * . I . I., ...- I '. .�, I .. . , roundsman, followed f' - . .The .New T31m.. : In' some- inHt chief on the. limb. of a small tree, allpAt two� 'h t6 * an�ther -ka . . . _ *, . . . ­ L . . . qui . had the and.geniat. courtogy of Lord:.aud Lady � . ,_,...,.,is -1�jaiijlfd�'tu ,by L ` - .! - ' � ..' � - ' . families were' -killed,' a4 . lea from barb, Tho'body '.was in 'an 136 iL those-- days. The' . I I : � :, L Repeatedly, whild'diggitig'in the gutter . , , d on.' bile .farm in' oli been written n.' Dufforin, their anxiety to- roost the.wishes I . . 'red . I , . twenty. -five cattle were1dund, dead. IL .. I gAveficod state of decomposition. The man the -j6ws had. mffrely lo . ... .. � ' L ­ . . . . . ,. L they narrowly escaped being . run 1�vdr, I '. . I .11 . I . . . .1 I I - -a . - . . . I . . I I . - . .. was.,of fnedium height- and size,. and in big I ­ . t sight of :11gypt ,of the -'people opei -way,.tbeir.. MCCOLL BROSA06.,t014ONTOL , I - � . L I . — . nd the desert; ,'and the 'Acknowledged freeOrn from snobbish air * � . . . . I .11 . , . They were'cuq�e'a and kicked in the - am.- , `__ - . . . . a . a of.ev . . ereha' j f6a� L . , ''.. . . I lual" Andiproalobydenlers. Askyour in 11 . .. � . . . . .. .. . . I . _ * .. 3=2CA�Z110 -Rl@ZxC8. " '. : pocket.'was .% leather wallet oontainini 95 literature of ..their later 1 days bears, the bupbri6rity added t 0 � glOV Of L . . I . � L � '�, L loons. �,- . . . . I . .111.1 I . — , I . I - ... cents and An express receipt signed by the stro�nge�t traces of the influence which.tbe h . personal Lardino andtake.tio other. ' .: . . . . "They Cannot have go .b really cigar . . I ... 1. . 'attachment to the respect due their high ,This oil under the. severest teo­&na: most , . I . . .. . 'Smith.. . . . I . I I jag L it . . . . . Smile of the -Difunct '-sultotimunwo 111118.- express . Agent at Ridgetown. He L wee Oriental- civilization -had exercised-"- ­ station. The absence of similar enthus 'Ponto Indus. I . I . ; ., � . stumps ad early," remarliid Justice I . Aniferlena I �Cll . rimal)1ties L Aimught' . , . on m . a6tive compet fon,wan at the T6 L , ave air," ram by ,thC dressed in a� new suit -of coarse - 1p�l�eed-' their, Jmkginatio trial Exhibition awarded the highe'st prize; also * , I I ­ % . . - ,,, arked. " . - . . I ­ I .1. Id Ila, an influence on* Thibraday night inay regretfully - be tho GOLD MEDAL tit tb6 Provincial Exhibi. .. . Mcsiweeny,�%nd he li I fted a Coarse bag more I U.. 8; Govemrmmnt�ut. ­ I . and.black a6ft-fflthat,� . . ,� r ;. ,, w4i0b. it 'won L have ,been' simply accepted as 6 strong indication thaf tba tion, Hamilton, and the highest award'dt the , � . I .. . I � . ' � , , . . � .; .- . . 1. _. , L. . .' - ' . . . .... . I . . , , I .than halffall. "They have over qi-thou-� Lord Bema�riafi6l&s iniscellansioll-keffe6ts,:. . . 11 � � L:.L ' ' . � .. itapossible. for a. Writer .Of­thoae da a sainei feelingsaretiot entortaim .. . I I.. , . ... . 1. . I y 3d: for the . Dominion Exhibition, Otta,wao thettiver madal. . - . . inclualog -Plate, � 6in aments, 6b�ecbm'of�it, con . to, Suppress. I believe. firmly' .. r I Farmers and all who use Agricultural machin ­ 1 41 * ' �. .. . . � . sand stumps hithis, and had beiiii-workin' I thmt the pr';sent Governor. General of Cana;dA' ,or OrY,VW am 6 �monoy &lid .machi4eky:by-- using : ' ` I 12 4 . tetuporitt*'Oleaniti � '. ., � L7 ­ � 99 Y . . . I I . �. And Manuscripts were sold oh Satqrdayat' 1':'- , �*%� - advanced -criticism' wifi return to thc beli6f :thi , we believe. neither the �peoplo of -none but , . . . . I . ten 4ours. when I arrested them: ' ,_ I .. . . , 4 . I L I . . . I .11 . . ... . V What -do they do with them.211 . � ... .. ..1. London- and r6aiizacover :67,060. The . King J161miaiia, of th6l8and,wich- blands, that tho.books of. the Pentateuch were sub.. Wilmipdg zior tb6 karquig himself. are - . . - - . . �. . . _ �. . . � 'L .. . . _.. . . . ­ .1 I . I. .. L - . ' 11 . . . "They makli Chinese cigars, Bowery � original matiusclip,6 61 the 11 Young Duke 11 'Lie qhite civilized. At i� dinner given him stanthL.Ily thq, *Uiks of the age 'which necessarily to..bOL blamed.' There is no : . . ... I . . �, .1 ­ I . I L brought 220 guinda'a. . Theodore Mi L:t ; a t .:�i,, witnessed -the wand6rin � . I' ' " L , '. _L.�& RID di , .L. . ­ . . . whiffs, and tooth powder out- of thera," - -." . rtin in London�ib,s-got'Orunk and He a _4134 with large inteiS less ,Oyalty in, Wirinipeg to."diy than I . IW.)EI : I . . aL . .1 I ... 1. . Officer Wilson, on behalf of the' sdeietyi bought the Manuscript of *11 Contarini . the Lord Mllyor.. ThisshowsithAtheisup, . Politions,p6ssibly, which it.wifte the Work tbeie was when Lot Dufferin cheered our ., . . _ . . . 1. I I .. . . . �'. � I . . . . . .., . . '.--- . . . . . asked th FlamI4 11 for 200guiuems.�u Alroy " brought -to tbe. Standard of society at Ottaiwe, �of the.16arpea and.revereht Critic to trace. pe6ple'a hearts with" big- atirribg p�remonl- ' * A 0 - " . . . 1. . � At. the prisoners b6banishedfrom l . I . . the street. -, . I . . . .. :-- 140guinclas. Thlemignugoriptoftbe'dRiSe where one df,tbe guests it 4 vic,e-leegal bali' But did we need the reassurance, we'might' -tions of a great future,. There, is Do lose , , I I __sic rC:)1=_ . , . . I . . . . -11111'Xion in ifeaver, 11 -anda. got - diahk Add wahted"to Was one .of -the , a th *� . . �.��., . . .1 " Ibate to send children to prigon," amid of L Iskand6r. .. fiald it in 'the manner. in' wbicb, or for the representative Of Her: I, I ' L . , i ' the � . - an I , be Js no, pre isposi � , 0- �, .. . . Portion *,of", Viiniti " brought 00 .guineas highest eminence, who, - itioB respect I ".6 ju6tic6; 11 but if You will take them, . I Ana -should I Unte ellvbohrya distri- L Mmjest�. But there ` d' tion , :j Anti C * , tiv S rup I - - . ladieWln-w�itlng. - .. Milak V , oldle"s, I .. . . I . - .. . where they can at least not be pilt in cells, small. .. A� set of stereotype -plates of invited to the next.bell.-Torbnto News. L... ublime uncertainty this passage whatever to gr6w-drin6casissrily enthusiastic '. . .. . �. 4 � .. .1 1. 1. I ,- L .- . I - ., , . . ' ... . in an I ... Pon .� . , ,. .. . � . . . I I I will commit them." L., . edition of _Ig&a6­DisrAeIi's, works, ildited, . i E ' ` - ancient do6lment to 6,iie- writer, or over a tour marked at .its vory'outset by : ' . 'a.. �, .. . . . I , . � . , Y. is 0 Sir dward Thoronton hms been Eng- ngle over , 6, display of supercilioui mirlogance, not' at . '.. � . . . I I . �L .1. I L I . I . .. .. I . I . )a the United States for th,.distritritibil. ; and while p' 'COUGI[l(S * COLDS ' ASTIJI[M.A I . . bfficer Wilson promised that the society .b hi" bri,' witli - the copyright of the 1,lid'i lqi,i,t,r.t one. age, -and that to anobhok, we& . would "pr6vide - against the boys being, Membir arid n6j�j� L brought ,2250,.�.. The thirt,a� years in:spite . of political 6h I rOfessing that all'palatablo to Canadians., We do' -not. . I !1 I I � . I . -.. �, ... . - . - .. . looked up, and Justice I Smith sent them to furniture and effd�%ia'of- the Clirzon.street *in th . � anges . the indications'. are - indisputable,'- take hold the �Goveruor'-Gendral perionall - - WIKOOPING-COUGAIi I I . i , : . ., " .. . . . , t Lb a gov.ornment,of his country,mfid even. :prol . y . ... ... .. I . 11 � �'. . , : " , .1 .. .. ise will be said �n: ifortnigb once. . . Disdly 6PPOsite views . of', what they responsible for 'this un0frtfinate' State . L . , , , , the , Catholic Protectory -N. k. Stih,., . . hOl and now he is recalled .Only to be promdted",� -� . 3 - n . . of � .. CROUP* . . - .1 . . . - . I I. �. I - I: � - � I I can, . I mwen . . . . . — . .L I ,A I&* impor6lit collection of mmrlu� LNVheii can mny.p di cc '' ling- oh me. Brown's 'affairev The *idlo dauglers about the . . .11 . .. . I I . roirldidlit' American diplor. I � . , This old established remedy can, be. with Conti I I � � . I F11811INC., V . ILLAGE JaUjKNED. L " .0cripts.i6letilig to the history arid li�erature mat be -allowed to.raskil'oucharecord?_ scourseDe. Peter Bayne-welteB: " We Ottmw@� C6urt,who assuMe to mansige'the denco recommended for the above complaints. . . I I .. 1. L 1. — . � . of America, forrabd by Henry Stevens, of X. -y. ;y,r,,1df . . . . . should,. we wilf6sag, have, liked. a rather details of'his� tour iire,'.we .believe, the TRY IT. If your n2orchant bee. not got it,.be . . . abrader Forest Firics"Fishing i [a. �� The collection . . I � . I. . . . . . � Will ..' . 1. -4L .. I I . . I I I Z . giallon. Verinort, was'alao, go] . L ,Mae ''and holds t , call got It f��, you. . I I and ll,ursc � e- Quantity of Fish . I . Destroyed. . contains nearly all'the early voyages aii Whoever brings up a little group of chil. I r qppreciat ion of pro- perabris who.bave produced this Sinister . . I JOHN, -W. BICKLE I . I - I . I . I . gresoive Biblical Science, - as - exemplified in oftuationi' Lord Dufferin � , _. i I .. . � I a dean right, raknlY and Womanly,. Arid sets professo * � restrained their � I . (Formerly T. Bickle & Son), . ... says ; tra,�els .of' English, . Dutch, French. slid -w r SuAth!s ,lectures, thAn,we meet li-sbahrd pretensions. . It is a pity his sue- .* Hamilton, Ontario. . - . , Proprietor. - . - ., '. I 1. A despatch from Paspebuic, Que., them fourth in the , orI4, is a idessing, not . . � . ,. I . fishing vessels returnin Spanish navigators, Many ,books. orl th With in Mr. Brown a sorm.on.11 . ­ . I cessor has not followed the same course.* . . .. �� . . � I . . . I. . 9, from the north Amorf,dn Bevolutioli. and the -war of � l8i,26 to those children , af0iie,' but to - 6,11 who, ' 11 . . . � . . .. � I . . . . I . . . I 1. . I .1 I . shore of the Gulf.of. St; Lawrence -roport I through tbanit, shell be bf6osed; and . . . . I .. Had he done, so, the insult 'now oHered to . ­ . 1 . 1. . _V� . . vith'examples of early pripting, especially . no main A . i . " I � the-Caruidian- . ress and throti - al, than! '-to. .. - . .. I � I . : - " I. � . . . . a cauen cod as.very good. Yery.exten- 1, give fires w6re raging in .the wbods, h6w,- in Nbw England,, and iiil�nerous works of . I . cah-,measure that. -.11enni. Wara DeecUr. W _. .. . I � ' JwOndon Journalis , writing about the failure to stop noises, suggests that' If I -the Canadian peoplej would never I�ave . ever, and great loss of pr6perty is feared in . the Labrador adjoining districts. American literature, besides: an extra- inar ord collection of Franklin's'litters - � � I . . . . I I . aper '' S=p Ci6in MArmila.-A' Toronto �:p t ,stxeet Scientific men should devise an iristrnhient whiah wbiald the ' been permitted or even concoived.'�-. . , . I . . . I . . � . , 11 and .On I Monday, the f1tb inst., the fishing ,station . an d w,iytings� IV'is understood, . however, that the latter Waswithdrawn, an offer or tells the folloWiiig.:112 coudequenee.-of the failure at Mager &.Co., cigar manufatotqrers, give no powerto ol I � , age our cars at will, mud refers the idea to inventors ' - ,� , , , .. . . : A­r4ew'.�Wny 91 F*1116. " ­ . _ , *1 I of Mr. Le'Boutillier, of Paspeb . lea, at Thunder Rlveilr6bout digAty !miieq below 27,000 for it on behalf of the 'anited StStes G . overninent' beind accepted three diya 0 day,.& large number of m&i..Were . 0 11on" tit of'work# and wanting 16',,le . eve Of ,telepho�es�.- .. The:: ingtiumint when i�avexited'might ber ugi5d in'tbacars when 'irieserving, . . � . . (Frorn the Alta Callfor in.) I . . . . .1 ll - - � i I Moise, was entirely swept aw.iyby fire, the . . I befoie the auction. - . - I � for Buffalo, About a dozen of them took the the fool insists upon- � talking .politics of . great deal of fruit is being Shipped . . only bull ding remaining irf. the .Place � being the Roman Catholiil Mission Church. .'. . . . . 1. � . . . I I .. OOOD N]EVlr8.Fo,t.WnZ excursion train for Hamilton on Tuesday av6nhig. . Which he knows nothing, or -at-the operaj. wherr in shiLtting out all. souu�g, evon the . cast from Saormpento. The Amount is. ratibb. larger -than at-.Ahis time lot year. I . I , Twenty-two families he& wint6rad there . VENiANS. . . : - . — . . . . _ , . -Before the cobductor entered the car, one of this cigarmakeri pulled his -hat music - for'which yoii pay, yo,d could close, Among the illipments hiap been,a Carload . and the catch had been. very lerge, some- thing like 6,000 1 but Who Imennity that nangs over the. Atmand .. I . . , . � i 4� , � over biscyos, and lea' out A tickets P, or . . and . your ears lw-the, talking of.,the'persons behind * I . I I of assorted fruitp put up infbd -Dietz packa ing�. a� recently. pat6rited'proce'so. The I quintals,, scarcely . half of it was got- on board the ve Sale 11 , of the 811alraniallera0f . , . . . I ,� Although th, ' ' 6 11 skiiinishors " have been Wi thin, a few minutes. had securod.all. the � tickets he requiroxfor companions, , you. . . " "a' Mr. Editor;'I'said 'he', 10 I don't Suisun Republican'as . ys that the preserve. . before the flainds swept d6w, out of the woods and destroy.ed the * PlAce.w quiet, since; the �ftmir At Liverpool Town YA&II (save a London cable raral the ol;­ .his who soon disappemied among, the other, Passengers a:nd could not be -disdovered - obTe-3t to y6ur politics, -and you haven't slandered �rne, but you're alivays publighing tiVb agent is carbonized wbeat-bran, end , that by.'it fresh friiit is piegervea from . .. I . 0. — . NORTHERN PAcIFIC' *RAILROAD * .1, A � , , -1 LANDS. I I - � A . � .14. 0 . . I -K I I 69,000 F;ims. 0,000,000 Atres, RestwheatURA Rich meadow, Choice TIMWi, `�'hrnalag,. Stock Raida * Dairying, . N I 'Vaal and Water In A�Tpndaace. T' .0 . 'Write '. .SUD'bor acre and upward. One-oixtb dash and five annual paymontil. Be. duced Fai to settlexii, - A . T _h6 for li[ Publications No. 03.11 I Goo,-DoW,Travelli Agonb,72Yong. , .N.� A J st.'Toronto. R.U."We ort'Goneral Land Agent, St..Paul, N rin. &We" . . . - A 1. - Z&I�Wlt3l)SC)W_&_�, I. I ,Some of the flill and part of effects of ..th k, T. L, - ueu&y, SO, 1,11EW , iu C n be, Shipped east by . . � . . . I I . . . � .1 . 0 of Liverpool, Chester; Birmln'aI1km,.M t otliorshaato� pmy double fare to Ha' !I: d0kcriPtiOus of new styles of - bonnets, hild I — I I . . 3rb Saved byb.being Obeteri- Shoffield, Glasgow . an- . � lu� if that's the sort of reading. Slow freight and, sold'off awthe aemaiia-%, . , I . ­ . . I . �. . - , . .. wintering party wc . ton in consequence. .. I want to know'i -is - 00 N. S 11 N ­ �- - - S.P1 '.. . , . . . . . � removed across the Thundee'Rivert but 8 and other ' . 11 matter for a ,wife , and six g � rloiwn.up ..made lo -it Without being Compelled -to. W . 1. .. 11D * - . most of the party were left with only what centra's where there is a large Irish popula. It is heiary fait to talk. up earth saftiAe, a -it for 16ar of 10sa. � -Theaar load' : � - *.P tiOn keep* a vigilmni eyo.on. the, inovdmongs leavenly meditations. A Ix alld: daughter' . . they stood in. Fiftyrsoven buildi , Was ..am village - pastor ' . � shipped gobs �tw Pliftadelphim.. Itcontaing 500,000. A'CrOs'i. , . 81. . . . I % 1* 0 11 in, of those known to be connected. With ining his parishioners in the Cats. ,The worshippers in'tho church -at Wini. grapes, plums, peaches apricots,. �tc., and . . . 0. I I 1. I I 1; all were destroyed, and the loss -to Jr, "' Fenianism. The law relating to outrages chism. He came to the - questibrij 11 What sovowbere thb Royal Hoige Guards hold 'goes as fast freight, though her � ON THE LINII OF THEI I ­ . Boutillier is estimated at about 480r, - . . salter it is . . . . . .. . 000, by explosion is Much more severe than is is thy only consolation in life and their Church.. -parade, waro - somewhat the,plan to ship by a , freight, as it" will , I � , . I Six men were 'upsot while attempting,to " � . death ?" low : CENTOAL Ri ff. , . . - � . . cross Thunder Rivet in a flat bomt, And one ' commoilly'alippos6d. - Tho;Act under wbidh which 'he ai;ked 'of f6 ybung .girl who .besi_l as oundod, riot to say scAndalized,'recently, .reduce the charges over one-half, or from I . WISCONSIN . . � 11 I .. I . . .... tho. Liverpool prisoners will - be indicted tat6af 6nd tbon answered, ,,Well, if I must to Pee the'iest of'the congregation'stand up . Olil,00 to'0500 a car ldad,46 Nw# York. If For lull Particulars, Which wil be sent . . . . ". .. � I of them w.as drowned. This wan- li'vea Provides that. everyone wbo,-by gunpowder toll. youi it is, the young shoemaker who when the Prince andrrincefis of Walesand fruit can be;pa6kod in this ineiperialve ' `,,Aa-rdss,� -j- , . I % ,� . . .. . I .tered at the river, and, bad just res ot othc­ ­ _� I. . .. . , ­_ .S- a1_­­­.1­­.­a- -othor members of the Royal family entered hianribr, and pidsarvod indofinit6ly ,aud -._1---_-- � I I .. I �. ­­­ 11-.11-.- ­_ _­_.. _ win lc�od: r explosive stibatince, -tbrows' 'Cqmek� t6add -- � " - . . �, i or me every un myovening, an ' . , . his wife and six cihildkon� from hiiI burning I CALARMION X,. cov,nv, . - .. , . I � I I I house. Fortunately, two of Mr. Le Boutil. down, , 'damages the ,whole or Any Pyt who offered himself lastnight.11 � I .the aidko(l bulldi�g-,an acknowledgment of 'shipped hillywhbris, the businoss will develop. - .. ' .1 . . . �� . or any person being � - irginia wr sotiletimes Ctitte supromady whi6b* the 'qitreino it gh is r, tesh,peachas at Christmas anagrAbeg at . Lana.ckoinmlsslon�r Milwaukee, WI . i her's V0138018 wire loading at the tima-tho , V S ig- . . I . . .. . ­. . : . of any Owelling-hotise, A - - - iter iayo� it We , - . . . thoreiii, or of any. building so so to ondan. goo a tender, I fair flower of a girl. in the hurch do raCbrooki But butsidefs Were riaidwintot"I a're"vPry' allurIng, slid Mr. . � � .. — 1, . . - , .. disaster occurred, and biought thovictims go, the life -of any person, may be sentenced midsli of a group. of loud.-voicadi lond-rusn: greatly pleasedwhen tho,4riuce 'Appeared Dietz gays that they may -bo had by Aimpli �: .. . . . away, or their efifforingg would havelloon, to penal servitude for life.. Everyone -w in full uniform at'the chuteh door, 6 the packing t a r . S,- WANTED.. - ' .. . . great, as the entire sto6k of proviiiions at . ho nered sistors, 'Neither. underatinds th" . . h In iii .wheat . b on teaudea to . .. . � . - . . .. .I... . I . the station, except somor fish,was destroyed. places or throws into# upon, Under, against, other, and, like thd ugly'auokling a head of his Anotegim.entana marohedwith Charcoal. . . __ . ... I ' - � I . . I . For a loading doialty. Can be sold In or near any bu'ldl*nv,, Ship, or vessel oink fairy,tales, she becomes tbil star f -the ,tbem. -.. . � .1 . — "Is, a , . . I When the vessel left the coast the fire was gunpowder or - I ' . thit - . I . .I- . I I 906tiOn. of 00,1106 &. Bond Postal blLed with . . . I . still raging in the woods,' and one of the 0 explosive oubstande. eclipses all the rest, much to their .smaze.- The sale Of Queen vi;iOri6ie year-linga '�"gomo remarkable Statistics with refer. dross for do.sorlPtivo cilreitilmr, , I . I 2 ' with intent to destroy or damage tiny such ment, The explanation is simple - Some. has of, late years generally brought forward ones to Now 2caland have been contributed 1- 401, lulurqwom, sw. ,.rsxoxtsAt4, o1vW �, . .. . I . � . fishingstations of Messrs. C.RoWns &Co.) building,'­o1hip, or veseell, or any engine,, wlioxo,b.qp,kin-her,&-Aceo6ry,w-aatvg6ttleman -a.very.inforlor. lot 91,anlmals__This,yQA1rr. -to- an nugligh-Coutemporary. -In th"ingle -­� � ­­ . . . I erT, I we 73 - ' i '- S, X U1708, goo. 9, I .=�� I . I � .....-.--,-----.P-aspebia"as-in-gr.4o&t.-clang4�r-��,.o --.-.-... -15 al 6hi b rki 'g OOfg'_1ff1­ _` � - "d- who.minglad the pAtriale,ii With the plebe. howey6r', the colitravy was tlle. Case - the to 111001 . - got . .1 I E - 19, whether or not all explosion of Canterbury agriculture has I JUDGE , 13y iding 36 cents mandy, with I . . - - them Novvloped in P, tralymirvollons in . ago, boilht,. tol ie'.; ­;_ 7 ,.-C� !�& . 1. t jau current, arid It breaks out in ber,and yearlingg,'althotgh the Majority Of't #Inner at of oyag, fuld be -A Crowd of Bids ihowmen, podlers and is,1168 PIACOP And Whether or not any dammge makes her as another bolagr-a very lily Were Small, Mallet an average of nearly I FOR You wil robeivo by roturp mail �' , . ml� I . in 4s Caused,,may be sentenced to penal servit gf . , . . 01,000 Apiece, I during a brietperioa. In 1870 the proaue- V" Correct Picture ofyour future bug .. t - Ramesters follow every circuft, all(! psy-for amongbollyhooks. . .. . . . . I I 0 placa close by the main tots'. A soap tuaO for fourteen years, If death results, ' , I - . . : ." � �. tioli Of Wheat there was 1,70,303 btalle1g; batid at wife, With 1161110 and data ok � 1. '10ale Suthorland, 06 Chicage Dean Swift, hearing of & Carpentaria of oats, 2,888,088 bushels; of barley, 620,. ELF matria I . .� , . . I I . . '011, the. Skirmisher is, of ' 09 Nr.Fox oxa'Fulthilvillo,11.1y, vender refilleedthe customary Iribu-to to -from an o1ploal girl'i bug , A%'d'r S 9141" . Mu r been chosen by Vor6paugh�O,tho oucoastor falling through'. vi - scaffoldhift of a house 690 bushels, and. .of potatoes,- 17,60,&.tobo, . . Forepaugh's monagorlo,' but persiokently . OPursOf indicted for rab , . . of Louigo Montague, tLa_'Toputea 610,0 which he wits ongagokin . ropaitiqg, remarked the -',total acreage under cultivation be I . , .. , .- . . . I � . I . ' ' bawl0d his Wares near the main entrance, , I I., I F I . 00 , "' NTS WAXTHA . . . . . beauty With whom he could not got along that he liked to see a me6hatic go through 152,082. , Last �oav the acreage — LUMA- - Mr. Forepaugh whipped him Pit Bliokniver Whilst cat -coupling At Chath,i_m a brako, .. h-9 AGP', . . � . . I big work.promptly, , 41 . I 'fticreas4a to 380,790, tho - product being , 'Xt*Vo,respoetiibloomplovmellttortt)g,oh� . . . I Edwar Moore, a , the Great I . 6,401,400 Ova during vacatiob, or longer, or porina . � Falls, Wis., and wits flued 0 24, , man,,namoc Miss Montague Will bring suit for damages. . . ItOv. S. X. Hunter, Secretary. Of the To. A Scaled Car on tho, Canada 'Southern - bushels of wheat, 7,776�275 of nont for I . Rev. -C. W. Bardsley Solids to the Offic; Western Rail.Way,Was injured in the sbina, few onorgotio young mall in this $,nil adjolMllg r6uto Methodist Conference who, since Railway At Su'. Thomas i600ntlywas found Ceti, lg124,281 of barley aria 87,466 tons of conlitios. TpthOso who cAft abo . � .. of tho Palastine"Exploration. V una a draw. but to what extent cannot yet be deter. *bO last W fa Sucedon . . ing and nil account of the ancient Mouth mined . Session of Ali I Contain & tramp who,, bad he remained POt�tOOS- Similarly with regard to 8b9pp and ad tability, OxPOIA60, Rbotal, 0 � inAiOlt � ,q� 6otforenco in to � I 11larate a& cm: of Jacob's well, wbidh be has-rocently T11W at, Brampton, has been seriously indisposed, much longer m, prisoner# would have, died of raising. It is said that there ate in Now Zoa. and -0 � Jill be Paid, A - a with - - ompor Varmd�y bag )ended tho land tit thim woniont R000,000 sheep, 6 1*00011009113ftwor 1, Toronto, . , I . uncoverod. If the first thuro,h built over Photo end of the now Atlantic ottblo near IS much bottbr, Although not yet c6m. hoat ariabuffobation. - A. .1 . hundred y9kts ap t�qio W to tWotiy,ulno. .. � . � I 11 I., .1 . I I � . I the wall A616A ftoih' the socond'or third Land's End, ' - - - % .. Piotoiy rostoreatb-hoililtli, Ito h6stosumod A writot at V art Walab, X. W. t., says - , I 1. ­ q. I I ­ . � '... his pastoral dutios, . I . .. . I . I—- I 1. . AGENTS 9259' WANTE, 1) '101t �­ '­­ 21, ­ � I �,..�, � 1. � *6aiitoey, which is bighly*ptababler, thliia !a tiefroy, aoduseA Of tbd,MUtdor -of Mr. Don, Carlos, the 8 11 Recant advfcas stela that, than i thor� I The 146dicals bavd begun an 'earnest late . � . I I I . atobidet, Are a good marty,buffalo in, tht !M1 agitation for reform in the V'rigliah Iand moollablo, 1,010 PaROS, to' opgravings Im . I I nothing to prevent this Stone from bolbg Gold on the Briglitori Railway train, -has k,bobnt ��Anjgh pr - MOOrO'A univOtaill ('8616tan't and o MON . I been dbmwittiid for tilmli. . oxPenoa from I irstico, Lao orriVoil just now, they are, not guffick tem. miletiv a will be held in the ptin. feats, boat gub6cription book In the, Gdr�otl t6 . the very stone of the narrativo, � . !X011 F , . . . . I 011, I d OXOIuof*e toffito I . , Mora than a mouth), 096100 C uotth during the Notes, , ,7,; birdillave fro6. j 1i - I I . . L I . I . 1. � I . . I . NAAWTAM I 'U110 I., 41,14w.. - I . . I . � I . I . I 1. .. I . . I . . . .� I � - I I . . . % . . C, i . � .11 I I . . . . . . . � I . - I � I I I . I . .1 I . . . . .. .I I. � I .. . I ­ I.. � I ­ I �._ . ­ . I I . I �, Z � k . .." I . I I I. I . I—. I 11, � I -.1. .11 ", _ __ ­_ ­ I.. ­ I -1 I _­ . � 1. . . 11 1. � ­... ­­­ I ­­­111,­_­­� ....... � ...... . , ­ � ­.. , ­, '',''. , ­ 11 1. . I ­ . !�­_ .1 I 11.1 11 -1 . I ­ �. I—, I I �.. I . 4.L _.