HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-28, Page 5RE€$PE0'f1»'1JJ LX .131;.(1S TO INTIMATE TEAT HE STILT. CONTINUES HIS OLEA,RI ....a . .. ,Za].. lie has still aew of those clieapl Cots and. (;ops, ' of a greater eduction than ever. BOY'S. DOLLAR. HATS for 25, 40 & 50 cts. HAVING, 'ASSORTED UP HIS. 'S.TOOK AT A LATE WHOLESALEBANKRUPT SALE, IPE 1S IN A. POSITION TO OFFER Goods at lei usual iiio!esa'Nos, • 121 cent PRINTS. for -10'-cents: 15 cent. PRINTS for 1.4i cents: 20 cent MUSLINS for 12•*cents. In FLANNELS. he can show goods at 35 cents 'as good, if notbetter, than are • usually sold at 50 cents.. • His TWEEDS are .'of unusually good value.. 75 cent TWEEDS for 50 cents, $1.00 TWEEDS for 77 .cents. Having secured - some 1VIANTLE, SILKS at the same sale, he can sell for $2.75 goods usually sold at $3.50. LIGHT SILKS 75 centsper yard. His stock of GROCERIES iso well r assorted, :Fresh and ery I;ow. • A GALL SOLICITED. HI(=If1',T PRICE.; PAID FOR 'RITT'b k W M. " GOATS. A Winnipeg despatch announces the arrival of the (i'overnor-General's party at Prince Arthur's 'Landing on Monday. They leave for Plat Portage ort 'Tuesday, expecting to arrive on Thursday. Ata meeting of the shareholders of ea IConsolidated Bank at Montreal, on Tues;• day, it was resolved to accept the offer of Mr. George Simpson, broker, of $260,000 for the assets and book debts, or about 13 per cent. The important announcement is made that Mr. E. A. O. Pew has left Winnipeg for New York to'tnake arrangements for proceeding with the erection .of machine shops for the South Western Railway. He is expected to return in two weeks. "It is a people worth living for, isn't it I" said President Garfield, Thursday,; as wife readsome of the editorial com- ments upon the assassination. Experiments to snake paper pull) from lti.wdust are in progress. IS suc- bessful it Will prove of great benefit to Ottawa. The more Uuitoau's record is looked. up the more unsavory it becomes. ile at ono time was a fortune-teller in Tex- as. The assassination was evidently no sudden act of villainy, but the natural fruit of a life.of continuous racality. Itis said that the census returns -will show Clanstda to have a' population of 4,500,000, which will include litany per- manentlyresiding in the States. ' A prominent Conservative ox.M. P. in Cpn'volSatiQll with the Globe's repre- sentative, 'Ottawa, strongly expressed his belief that the •.l)ominion Govern- ment was rapidly losing ground- in On.: tltria.• Nay and barley •have been- harvested throughput Manitoba, aaa the crops in both are. abundant, Sone rani just now wohld• greatly help :cereals, the weather having been unusually dry and hot for last two weeks. •01' .11 ff 11, ( ( t ()11,:'2(11, as i \ 2, 4.149 7, IIPi11 B.c.otsl.hatR Boots • AND NO. HU.IVC.BU --:arc-:.�• Oruickshank's, ibert-Stir, Brick Block, Clinton. reeee eliat .+....•. J '. cw:�; ;...www / 14..1•+ r ALLAN -LINE ill the ltot nioiifits �i 7uTy in$`'ii it- Cl[C Blood shon'rll iso kept. Piro Told 'Cool;- with -an' oceusioual doso (E I)r,:.Carson's .$toingelt and tloustipatimt Bitters a worthy family medicine. Irl large 8 ounce Hottles, sg Ceutt', at J.II. (.'0111114 ,14tU .' Store. . • .l.' t ue474F7Oni ltiftRR.i TS. July 2S, 1$51. Wheat, fall, ' hush,. S1 .18 a 1 2,0: Next door to the Town Hall;.Cllnton• Spring, 1ved•chaff, ; i 1�1 a i is Fife; . .. - 4•15 a' 1 18 Oats , - 0 67' a.•`l) 40 "Barley, Flour, . Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Ray, Hides, '.'Sheepskins - Bcef; Cover Tim'oth;t, - Woo1r.. • • • . SIGN OF, THE •PADLOCK. SIN JOCKS, �` `4>IILS, . -04 E - S rL 9►..SS.., Bpl,rp, door Xto11er urr rYC . &c. .A e lar8 quantity of 1'our.barbed .(:iiALVANIZED: STEEL FENCE WIRE, at re(luced Pices, PADES, . SHOVELS, RAKES, FOES,.&c., in great variety. THE BEST NO. 1 COAL OIL. Also,the celebrated.. AMERICAN HEADLIGHT, PLEASE GIVE L',' A CALL.: PRICES 't`t;1 'i 1,0"1'. �3A=-vL. &J TD BIR/ .0S. ION OF _ PADLOCR, Dnxc W.00IC.. ALV ' fi' ST1tEET, CI,JN'rri1: 7-r-Q-.'T:RJ..iNT-T.':'r-uaa . Ptf,1 ASl_1.(AI:.L. AND SEE '1HL FINEST STOOK OF AiLOIR. o-oDs. • EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS :0()t's')'1'. ALSO,_LI'.I)1tOor Sl; I'1 I/ �,, C, NThE TABLES, .tin;., IN ENDLESS VAIll1;'f'�': �'�l`�i)UMx SMD— AND REPAIRED. UNDERTAICING I ALL ITS BRANCHES. • il'n.noritlti ruralSlihel ;at tile. Lcimrsos1 Rates. W. B 'CRP. H. & 'C0 'VICTORU, ST.. CLINTON,. 8 S. DAVIS MEIROH.A:.NT; li.1.14 8PINS'AI'TO1l T1 n ACtN't 1'(111 'l'!l1 ir.s'I't1' <-111.I 1[A'1't;U• F1111'1:11 s" CHURN. • We amnia speak too highly. of its`,lnorits; as testimonials from all shote its enema over all others. louts of , the country BUILT PP.,S' S BP :IE$' HARDWARE, NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS AND OILS, Itosral Canadiaix 01othoz ' 7;,*12r ,era C1t1;AP1!;i TENN' EVER BEFORE (fb'lokIIED. SOLID- STEEL BARB FENCEE. WIRE. ZU tT CA TINS. . ZTY21 ' Ci.T.TINT S. .1Ise , solo .agtit fit' for ia":ti1'IJs,f. EI()ItSE ANJ)..OA7"I'f.E MOD. This toad hail been lar ely. used in i:r` tar 0, s;T 1. "rim boon found superior to any other r)i.aniifr(ettrrerl, . 85 ()AVIS* P1 mill. IN f , z 11".412,,P1'4114'. 8 r 0 05 a' 0 70 '65- a 0.0_'.. 6 00 .a•. 6 50. 0 25 a .0 25 0 15 a 0 17. 0' 13. a 0 14 .. 1000 a 12 00 50 a 0 .00 • 0 75' a` 1-25, 25 , 6.00 a': 7 50. •. 4 50 a 5' 00 2 75:a; .2 -00 •. • :0 22 a ,0 24 • .itticicfen4i . ArriiCn til rt The Bost,Salve in thele orld for tints, Sotos, 13ruises,••Ulcors, Salt Rheum, .Fever Soles, Tetter, -Chapped hands, :Chilblains, ,( crus, aha all.Skin Eruptions, aid positively cures .Piles.. It is'gitarallteed'10 5ive:perteet,'satis- factoti or money refunded. Price. 2:1 cents 'Per box. r]'or sale by',I...H. Combe. •• - ' `•"�� �T 14.t.1Qlis :at il_psi' cent; Ori Town Property. .L ag7pur.doub..., S1.; CUAS,IttJ)OUT,Clinton. Huber s M1,,ani:ba,ro.1 I (111ri So1.l 1•.i whip: th urking iii, manyfriends• tortheir past custom, would indicate that..hi, has hAl) HIS nitrS.'C.111rf,1, PITTED OP WIND STEAM POWE11, and tinting procured the seri'icen of spares. clays .Afllfor,ls prepared to.excentli all orders entrusted. to hila on tbo.shurtest nntieo.;.• J IIUi11;lt.. 1,ditdesboro, ;Iuly 14; 1.1481.. . F'O7C7STT..3MSt Z' SON; • 111,A1'•EI.nr,ocli, C I IN•ro ,: p I have on hand a choice. assortment of Tf,oann, \\ATCHrs,•JA;'wi:l'LEII and I{LA'1:1.1 \\ART. of j.' • 'all kinds. . x•. ,Oiackaii Vatohes, &cal:rapaired'o.n short natioe III ,1r.t1\ 08h \\'.1IthAN'PIhiS '1. IE . POU• ARE TRAVELLING r.: ' ' EAST .', 'WEST • li(11 t1.,t'EA. i r. L VERPOOL�-LONDONDDRRY ILASOOWt .. SIBOR'r#'.s'T S1;A-PA45at:tl': Gr,Lin.�.nfermell in14'artd'ifee rnyy 1 ir.k.. sAS sit 1.0IVeat Rat O Ole,. • SAILiXNGS F1l( 1' ()1Jl Itl:e•''. Ak/raviaa . ••. Ith ,four;• • Sarraatlan , Lith Juno. . (fircasaian lAtlt Jniie • •rsrThe last train .eonnegting at Quebec with he, A7:02llan Marl Stoamor wiil•laavo Toronto every.Friday et a. m. Passengers can oleo leave Toronto by the d 12 p.m. trait' on Fridays, and.00nnoct with the steamer 'at Iilmo,,ki• (liaying'the extra fare, 11.1.45,' Quebec to Ilimonskf.) ' • Persons wishing to send for their. friends can obtain. passage certificates tit.lowo,t rates from..Englaad, Ire- land and Scotland to any pity or railway town in Ca- 'nada. anfl'the amount larefundod 1one.n small doduc- tion if the ticket -is not ased. • • Steerage Passengers are booked to. London, Cardiff", BrIatol,Quoenstown, Derry, Belfast and,Glasgow, at .name prioes as to Liverpool. t eTho last train connecting at Halifax 'wlth too AllatrAIuilStoaraeryvill•loavo.T-orouto evory:T-hursday,. at 7:02 a.m., arriving at Halifax, Saturday noon: Passengers wishing to tako'tho steamer at Denton will' be roquirbdto be at the port at the time mentioned above. 111rthrongh'tieltoto and every itrfnr nin,tion apply to' n. S1.1lt1'r(i? .l1 '1' 11 (r,'rnt,Clinton. • Broil cot 4, fly;'. UNDERTAKERS. : (hd stntk:of I ode t l:ingoods i, very -largo. and Coto plutr.:1'or,ulo'requIrin tw,vthml, hl this lino 0011 nti,l11.to th ndc,puotit to call and sod us; i3' we have la. 'volved n l rgb stock of WainUt and Ros skets ski, Coffins of all des- cription., roan tire hest. (:noniron iuul Anierleati rnanufnetnryt v WO have also a selcet atuuk' of ROBES •& `rRiMMINGS. \Vii are prepared to nrna,ll thi e:0mile at half the • • prise fifuierlt eh ogcd to, the '11111e, ,',N,O . 77. 1-1/11(714.-.. lit.()<.IC.. • BEAVER •BL.00 r •ALBERT'• -STREET, CLINTON. LL WORK CrI ARANTEED "`FIRST .CLASS; y•• • TOUR• • 'TICKETS as. Thompson 'Town Agent G.T R. Boggi.CISTRI\TS. f'Ol' t'.4N (tS,l' A ltl':AL (:i()1) (11,1iT iitN 'Pi1H. i' , , A BETTER ONE.I''Ol( v:r, ANir.;\' ., BOSS, ONE l (tll fair. At John, Stephenson's.. I. . .1('ST (\I 1 '.1',,)tel F..' tJO1lN S"I'E1'IIJ,Nti()'v, t"()t)l'LIit, HOE BITTERS . (A Itiedicine, not a Driult )' (VI8'rA1Sa • UOJPJd, IttJ(J11CY, if1ANI)1tAi DANDELION. Ann Tirr, Pt asset A ND 111401' hi sines s, Qr'1 f.r° kb OF Ar 1, !ri'l/r,ltBITT14IP: • . rxti If )[ XSLi * C'i 1(T It Z 11+1 All I)lseasesof Ifloat emael., Dowels, trlood, IArrr, Kldni Y,,and urinary Organs, her, . >•onenesa hlaepica,nr'rkitnd especially F'ornate (,ull1laiate. $1000 IN COLD. Wilt be paid )or a ease tlioywitl not care or bele, or ter All ythintf impure or injurious foar ad1n them. A.ak.intir druggist far 11np 1tt1drt1t1111d pry thru, before you slain. Poke no Other. I+ 1(1) sh?0htfl'1ttld,rlvAf•.111n,rttP roc Brno kebels, rim of ophmi orl•acesearrd isereut(r e( $stlrn ran :('11 r LA Ir. Ail alter* tell b4r ire tit. ii.11 Mt(.r. M1' , tn, I' e (tMkr "( . F 1 erote,dot: '!l►"tr'r!lt41la� ( EU.'. ili111,, CA.LlNET: .11IA1 Elr,., V1CTon'r& s 'aE1r,. imaatio onessi .i...aai.or' . ti RE 11101/AL ,. OCKE CUNINGHA OLJNTON.. GL.ASSWAR'E AT A•'BIG ®.IS(COUNT to mnake'r""oou.:for.'oi,eniertu p. ' .a_ full litre of 1,I'UC.rf1 S a N p G(. NI'`FCTJONAI:] •Choice five -pound .Tins 11/IA C E ZF�i,. cl�ea , • F11UF!18-14chnoJlN, Fruits; ;FRESH 'SMOKE ri • FRESH';: SEA H C."' R1NG. C TINTINC.Y11?ti"P..l\1143. r;:►Itrlrir 1JRNITUBEf4iJRNITURE Clinton Fnrniitine Witi'CI'Q ms, No. 77, Brick •Flock• ONht to thy. Inereavc of bitrhl(3y,Atuhu; rhe?latot;t'4nr, .. • •'t . .. E 1:�, C.> .A11:. 7C) h' 0 0 rj ..• Az Eg . 0 -.. , PURNIT( Itr' 11t:A1,$tth, have taken ¢' new leave of \o, 17, and oill continuo to do loneness as iurmealy 'they -nave ntt band as lino a sitg,.lr of. iituuitttrd'as wee ever on exhibition its• tills town, ...Idols they are pro tatted to veiled. i t cry small ndt'tnut on fast a we m•tutdnetln a vii uuuown goods, a'e a an t'tt give our ,tissue's hotter value. than ran he obtaltiul elsewhere. e p or gisalslttra all warranted to grit cadre sxtlsflirtlritiAll our workmen nndervtmd,tbeir business . PETER 110111 i,.1i1tllagor. , • . A A. A. 13ENNI'.'1'1, Salesman. I)o 1106 tal-,-1 I)ir • ))111.444,41NTi>.'' •'xi.-.Ptri-elr; 131oid1r, Clutton.• lUI3 8tinsom1)1 Il1lt3Os.LTAV1i TO S'TA'TE - to the pu1lie that hu has received }rinse 019 dm, a largo and superior 0la,a 01 ' COFFINS, CASKETS, -'-•--A:tfr ' Coffi11 Irlmrnings and /labors. • A splendid 111 'A 1183 kept. I'ha(N 004 Y18s always anlicn(. Valt•irsenrrhesupplied in one hour, at 14313' (31114, A 1cry reasonable rat• e,. 'C`lOS. STEVENSON`. l 4rtiy's aid' stand, Albrrt sttdot,Clinto•n Tworst TO place 'in this town to get your Groceries, Is at the old Waterloo House. R bb, fife Gi°ocer, beeps the: worst sto in town... His prises are higher than any other grocery. H( is`. very inattentive -to his customers,, and, makes himself generally disagreeable, to everyperson that dares. patronize him, and he don't wanyour ; trade , till, he keeps ` open day and night. Dear me, how this,; world is given perversion, -":erversion, nearlyeverybody in ;town buys from him. . eree 11l01'(; 111Lt51 .bLti(.)111i' 111ista.:T. hero, for 'kg ,ti1:()d q all 1t('\\' aAid. well houglit. ANI)1)()N1r13 '-(),i. 1,r(.)l.,t 6';'l' ri erl o. (l}' - e t o� old✓ at o R.o sc r ' , Re�l�eni>ter 11�e lac h � o �, )tr�lli 1111. 1)1)4 Of*. � t .f II -,. PETEtr I -'(BL, '.GROCER. • I t .6 ,a