The Wingham Times, 1904-12-08, Page 3I
F'i r
tato lianas and in season lreautl!4 d i
C H N A� ND NE Y will, the Hasa pf the wlld elematf, '11 � el lb"PECIAL" PmIGE SALE
women, SO Then there its the yellow kawhai, >q.rrrs =4cae Thereon, I+ausr 1!Kwewsl
Wny which shawt,rs the lake and bank4 we laatetypic hT get mer,
with a shawl of [{olden petals and Hera is Atypical insect menu of
NATURE HA3 BEEN LAVISH IM GIFTS which won the notice of Iludyard { HL HOSSPITAL FOR which no one need be afraid to par- s ► '.j
Untold Agony Front TO THE ISLAND COLONY. Kipling In a poplin that recorded his
t rf� (� ( � �^p n �i�1 take, since every !tern has been kttOwti � R j
+ Once volcano. data < 'I' SICK ill. CHILDRRol� aerations past. IY Wit� served
! visit to Nevt Zealand. nd esteemed by Insect eaters for gen
k dney Trouble. Wonderful Beauties of a CountrT Wker. According to geographical dat ago, Ace rd g °
blas >vas pone Much t• Eahaaoe the lake Of .laupo was Once an im enge ,' ':,. - at the table of A rich LOIidO , epicuro,
YCnjoyment of rrodtral 'Natural, Bona. volcano. A final touch of variety is ,
i often the think it is from so. a lent. to Its remarkable surroundings fur it ulll•en for i',vsiry Hi4k 1,11i1t1 who Is also an enthusiastic advacaGo � _
Very Q t #1 �' ilea-Snewelad 1lolcaaws—Colica Lie • p of An Ills
► -
sadled "female disease." There is ]ens by the stretches at uniice deposit ill niltstrla tV1ti>`{'. i'ilrPlitrl Green Caterpillar Soup,Sea
fatnale trouble than the think. Women Mountain Topa—Anecdotal Hlrtery and which at intervals coat many miles Ctinllpt Aff'orcl it* ]VOY piled Locust witiT Avood Lou.e Ga, -
y Mythological Tradltlonr, of the country, This gray ejecta ab- For 'l re"Inteut. Curried Cockchaters.
00, S
suffer from backache, sleeplessness, trudes its melancholy dullness on syl- Wasp Grubs flaked in the Comb. sona0.i
serv'ousuess, irritability, and a dragging. To no country in the world has na- van grove and forbidding cliff •land Stag Beetle Larvae on Toast.
tura been sQ prodigal of sceni0 gifts alike, but seems to form an appro- Moths Baked in Batter. M i
.down feeling its the joins. 5o do men, sq The llnsprtal for Sick Clnldren, CLEAR. OUT Q V ICKLY.
wird the do not have "female trouble." as to the Island of New Zealand, priate background for the picture ue College Deviled Wtreworms• ► TO
Y where man has done so much to en- Maori villages, where the dignified ,runt, Tor•unLo, appauls to the father; cad Grasshoppers au Gratin, 10
'Why, then, blame all your trouble to hanw rho enjoyment of prodigal ala- native pursues his mystic way in the nnt.l,ers of Ontario fair fun(li t, maintain The green caterpillars that compost ► _
tiefttale disease? With healthy kidneys, tural bounties, heart of the thermal district, two he th,+nrnnd sick rhilclrcn ilial i@ mtr�es the soup feed entirely upon vegetables, ►
few women will ever have "femalC din- The south island boasts of a mag- hundred miles from the busy city of •villain ltd walla uvury year. and mostly upon particular vegetables ►
niticont range, which includes the Auckland, filo Hu.ipital is not most relished by man, Stich as cab- ►
orders." 7hekidneysaresocloselycon- ge, _ a local iustt,utiutr— ► t,1 feN only of the tnauv line Ctln be mentioned here, such its;
erected with all the internal organs, that largest glacier' outside the Arctiz lint Provincial. Th, bage and lettuce. ►
regions; fjords more wonderful than RELIGION. OF INDIA.
,when the kidneys go wrong, t verythinp those of Norway, the unrivalled ---� sick child from anT In.appertrance the soup Itself is not ►
Ladies' Astrachan Coats and Capes, Collar
much distress would be Otera, and Buller gorges, the highest israti-a■lo nidus Are thaym to Tea et caulsl-we in Ont to why• delflte clear turtle, while its flavor is ; , Boas Muffs, etc.
goes wrong. M the ropulatlea, r ,, can't atloid to po; delicious. ► ,
staved if women would only take waterfall in the world and ive cold 'r "' has the saline, privi The locusts, which constitute the see- ► cites, Caperaxaies, Ruffs,
lakes. The north island prides itself Some interesting knowledge con- ►
t • �� 1eKes its the chile, ►
DOAN S KIDNEY PILLS on the largest geyser in the universe. ceruing religions is India is present „ onci course, have, as every one is _ -
nrarvelloua boiling springs, he+t lakes ed by the census. Tho number of ( living ill Toronto ane aware,beets esteemed by gormands p.ststated:intervals. and extinct and active volcanoes, all Brahmanic Ilindus in 1901 was 207,- is'r,At.-I fr e. the world over and.from the remotest
Lambeth, Ont., tell! The Rw I al ha, uti cit "Lot ye the locust after his C A large &s9 irttnent of L DIES' CLO C Ei ,i AQKb: C must be
3tlissNellieClark, in the Taupe zone, which t;f;es its 060,:157, or ? in 10 of the popula- las ear iai il, bud• q y
of her cure in thefo??Owiugwords:—"I name to still another wonder, Lakti tion. This great, acct, broad! speak- ) ► Cleared oat at YOUR Y1tIC,F to rooks. r•+(+in far Other goAtlH.
f Bred for about two years with kidney y ! t and cot, :6t l,atit•nt4 i.irid" is the Biblical iujntiction, and ►
Y Taupo, the island's inland scut, ing, has declined 19 in 1,000 since ;a';;3 �c17 of thPce wer' we know that John the Baptist is re- to
trouble.' I ached all over,especially in 'Taupo Moana it is called by thr 1891, but chiefly brcarisa of famine {� fr•nm I9,i +haves ou, corded as having lived for some, con- y 14
the small of my back; not being able to Maoris, who have their }:rincipal and marriage customs. `Phe Molieru- ( tido uf'1'�ronto• siderable time upon "locusts and wild ► I
Slee well, a appetite, menstruation. Strongholds close to its picturesqu" medans, in the same decennial per- i ; - I The cost i., 91 cent- honey.,, ► Ladies' heavy flfeaBlined Risiery, puritan brand,
P borders, and there are few localities lad, managed to increase 9 per cent., ,r ` p,r lattic•nt Per (,rt% There are of course many ways of y A special line of Dark and Ligrht Flannellettes, '+
ggrregular, nervous irritability, and brick- so rich in general attractions as this their total number now being 82, ,�. '� 11M th wv wpro 1'- 1
$use deposit in urine, were some of my yoke, which is At an altitude of thin' 4:r8 0?^r, tl st,rtions often made that sick lit c le unvs a do preparing them. They can be fried aft- s Lace and Damask Curtains. i
symptoms. I took poan's Kidney Pills. teen thousand feet above tha Hca Icy-
Mohammedanism is gaining ground an,)r, nay nn, ,„n'• in ilia liu,t,ital. or their legs and wings have been ► , i
ol. It is twenty-five miles long by six- biuuu its fuuuda• — lucked off, which was, as a matter of Dark Prints, Tweeds, Cuttonades, Etc, r
The pain in my back gradually left me, h in lnciitL thus appear to be well P
teen and ono -half wide, and when•tt founded, and it is evident that, at ion the lion},i'al} fact, the process adopted in this par- ► I;Nsdp•to wear St1jtF. odd sizes. i
any appetite returned, I sleep well, and northwester blows across its depths the prc.ent rate of increase, that re- 1S cre,ted 1u,3"r I i 'HI titular instance, or they may be pow- i Mena and toys' high Collar double hreaprecl'if('.PfHrg• i
smin effectually cured. I can highly of ninety fathoms the surface as- ligion may some time dominate the hi ld rel+ -- n h u u t 9 , I dered and baked into cakes or curried ► prices ("0111 1U 0 1 CO 1x.00, s
secotnmend poan's Kidney Pills to all sumes the •aspect of an angry sea. country. While Buddhism increased ,5ui, ut theta w,rru i 1`t p ig`. or boiled, turning red, !lite lobsters, in101 Men's Tweed Ov,+re,++tLc, nsn1.l
offerers from kidney trouble." Tbia,maorl Redoubt. 88 per cent., it is confined almost ex- u•tblo +o poy' ami , it, ' tf,, the process. ► now from .5 O0 Gal ♦i 00.
rice 60 cents perbos, or 3 'for$1.25. 'J`aur'ti,a}.ie,g on the north s}u�re of elusively to Burrna; Atul there most re ire:+te<I fro 1' j(ssL I The wood louse ,,sauce if properlyP. S„vsr wits. Men's Odd P.•nts. i
'P c V �tl1 r.1 i `'• i
calcis Or DOAN KIDN$Y PILI, CO,, the lake, Aud' 1'or its chief attraction of the 0,000,000 nominal adherents l;o,*rycIGlB,ro"' made with fresh butter, flour, milk, ► C(1LOhEU UREi� (a00Jj, regular ZSC, far 'L?C. 4
Slid , f "`"si,, pepper and salt will be found fully ►
OIC. has an old Mawr redoubt, situated of the Buddhistic cult are really a'hetr,n htu,ru % •'"°•� r:• ;)r1
'1'OgON1b, on a high bank $lac iia]IiatO 1{iv- bound to an ancient denten worship. ouri:iu+l t}it u h sy d`.Y equal to shrimp, which it much resew- ► y
c,.� ► A nice lite h-tvy Vleli;on. alw,t s gold far 3�) .naw
er and rich in nleniories of Livring As for Christianity in India, the cen- „to- 'e( 1B+;pit:tl `� '. ' bles in taste. Indeed the wood louse, � i
_.. o in 1 � er ds, 1 �,3r��:: �:: i
events. Close by one frequent. Ly sees sus of 1901 returns 2,923,241 pro- \ � � i
'.Cho Montreal Gazette sags: Thera a Maori canoe paddled aerq'ls the fessors of the Christian faith an in- I%`ur}l"'cly'd,+I• .� '� although he ]lies oil loud, is first coos-
,; rrrny I,u t f, e — _ in to that much relished crustacean. ` i
-were slaughtered in Montreal last week river, which here, enter, frOul the crease of 31 per cent. since 1891. ri at I fat Need to Mnss+GTx ► A T � � � � i
clear lake: and shapes its course in a This growth scenes decidedly encour- Cockchafers, curried or otherwise, * �1 jf� {`tel i
for local use 2,172 horned cattle, 793 1 g !„nT,•bn Iv's atubl• are delicious ]f selected of a services- ► CARPET! (YI 's
rapid rush through rugged gorges aging, but it must be said that, ac- 1 • . + h,• uu+n••v •,F rhe strain•; Le ,n,n•cy t I
calves, 4,354 sheep and 3,343 hogs, a to- and broad plains to the sea. Thu cording to the oflicial view, the re hu e .tx, 1,w ll�.�1,i,u1 pu)' uu•. .Iii bee size and plumpness• So, too, are ►
tai of over 10,000 animals. Multiplying; Wallcato serves its a dividing; line b(-• turns of Christians were swelled by dend.•i of health a their grubs when full grown. They ► 1 , t ho S'ald at 15c, na'lally 20(,. i
thesb figures 60 62 gives Over 160,000 twct,n the European acttlenunt of the inclusion of the famine waifs, }r;,j,l,irc-s to .ufl'• ahottld then be tit least two inches in A s ,eclat! line Heavy .late Carpet o
o and the '1'aupO town and the native village of who here cast upon Christian char- r Tan childh ,aid length and fat in proportion and may ' Ilii and miss Tapratr) Carpet weav('a, rplenclttl t %tilts. '�7C i
cattle and calves, 2»0,000 cheep, a '1'apuae-ilaruru on the ht,igh'Cs, which ity in, large numbers by the terrible•, ce••r; •luot ll: r hat
same number of hogs, or over 650,00 _: st eaten illk. wi like oysters, or ►
in tht, war period of ].SG;) -71 vias for- famines of the past decade. it is I s u,id b thu fries ► A licher line, aloe good an l patterns, f ,r i3e : u,l i til ulv other
animals in all, of the consum tion by iy 1 ` 1 Y stewed in tuilo I ► lines equally r;uod villus. i
P of}ed, also stated that in Madras and i of it l.,et.,t,lr::u• Pe, haps, however, the most tooth- i
One city of the live stook product of Looking across the lake toward the Bengal the novo degraded classes ! t y, 1F yon !,ai,w
some of all insect delicacies is. that � i
Canadian farmers. All of which goes to south the travelr can sec at thu tend to bccontc converts to Chris- 1'f' f, sal+' ri^lc ,•1 t •1 ` which coines forth on our "menu ofP. .r •� �� A 9'e, �g
show that Montreal is a great pity, and back of Ttotoairo the snowelud vol- tianity for tectal reasons. y , .-,'- ti'(, tr n` r' ',b,.rh P. OILCLOTH AND LIHO�E�i��i �) �
canoes of '1'ongartro, Ngauruhoe and A �, �_ l .rho i.i sic, air cr: the day:' wasp grubs baked ill the
that the home market for cattle 1fi no Iivapehu, 1'hcse peaks are invested l,c.e ”, ,,,„alt or tai„,.•shlp, }+ • l ,>r ha, t,1 comb. 'These grabs have 'been fed by
to be despised - The shit's of the new Lord Nelson r I their parents ou a sacchar}ale fluid .
with tL drapery of ice liar snow, and - ;_ ` f et 5, n l the +: ► Linoleurosfr„m 1 to 4 yards wale arc g•ru'is y.,i1 can save fCOttl �.
from their summits is a constant is eat,•', ocnne to + composed of fruit and ve stable juices lU t0 35 per cent. on.
class are to have as stain aralatucat Il(„1)1':tl' and are simply ting balls of sugary ►
site of sulphurous steam and smoke four 12 -inch guns, and as sub -main sec,.•µ TuIrr•c•txG, bee the uxant
in clouds and spires. Tlntil recently 3 ,. , , . Pat possessing a flavor as exquisite as ► it iy tc, your packet we app�aL Money well spent is a ple•a��u •e to all. ...�`
arinatnent tell v.• tuns, says The ch:u c.,u •, • i•mn f r (rub. ),it, ani• •1 P g ► Call and see thebe uuds.
these mountains were held sacred by London horning Post. The King Ere- t, ,r„ were• 1 1 !ilio cases last yrar ar)•l h„ it is unique. No one who has once ► I',
the Maoris, and on the. altars of ward, launched last year, has four tasted theta will ever again be surP.
their snow capped craters and glac- 12 -inch guns as main armament, and `` ”' -' : u"r'' e prfse.,l at the preference shown by fish iai recesses they ofTered homage to as sub -main armament four `J.2 and 3b ? t for this particular grub when used as 10 Produce
their deified ancestors. ten 6 -inch. The leu (i -inch guns, ( !MILLS. 4
.t a bait. ; Taken s T. • i
lit„sten r uu of Iatsrc then, of last year's great ship have r ; �= 5 y The stag beetle larva is of course M A5 Usual-
The whale place teems with inter- been replaced by six 9.2 in the last �����y}�� aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAaaa•+► A,aa"aaaAAAAAA��AaAAaA�as,�
est—history and mythological tradi- ���:::rrr identical with the cossttS, which the
� � 111 developinent, Thus the Lord Nelson �.�+y6.¢ old Roman epicures used to fatten for
SES tions of the tribal heroes. Every hill has no 6 -inch guns. At first sight, _
and glade, even the -trees and flow- this would seen, to 'be a clear gain to their table upon flour and wine. The c
ems+ era, have mystic association with m ^ter A•'T sixth course should be served steaming VEGETABLE SICILIAN
the Lord Nelson. hideed, an enthust- P1, +�o sen,} contrifintinn•i to J. Tfic
d�sGd1a314'0G demigods, ells or demons, for the antic contemporary describes the hot since there is no more appetizing MairRenewer
Folli -lore of the Maoris is the richest Lord Nelson as "the battleship of 'r'"T"von•t'hairmanI or t^ 11^uginv 1)a vi,
H n, Sec.-Trrun., of `1 lie Hospital for Sic, odor thou that emanating Yrom a
Y in the world, the future, the most brilliant crea- i dvell, College Street, 'Toruuw. plump baked moth.
IIalf way across Taupo \!bans is tion that has ever emanated from Deviled wireworms are eaten in the Renews the hair, makes it new again, restores the freshness. .just
the forest -clad Island of Aloti taiko, the brain of Air. Watts." That part form of a paste, spread upon sippets of a fol` it tlways
which in the past was the fortified of. the statement concerning Mr. toasts, and taste not Unlike anchoViea what you need if your hair is faded
gray, ..opasw
„ stronghold of a mighty race, but Watts` brain is, perhaps indisputable Attendance at Worlds Fair. when treated in similar fashion. restores the color. Stops falling hair, also.k—i'i'liau•eco�. a,a Little -
which for many generations has 'been but as regards the battleship of thy+ The St• Louis vWorld'sFairclosed last ^� - - -- - �- -•' --__""'
Liver it t used as a tribal burying place. future the proposition is not so evi- Thnrada While the fair itself has
On the northern shore, within a dent. In tilt, first place, it seems to y' stage Ice Cream. A chicken flew into a coal yard the
tdluglr @osir•S1Cnatarts of short distance of the township, is the gave escaped notice that the 6 -inch been the greatest ill the world's history, An amusing "break" once occurred The First Snow.
extinct volcano of the Tauhara, ris- gun, abolished in the Lord Nelson, is he attendance has fallen considerably The first fall of snow in this section other da and laid an egg in one around the
t y in a production of "Camille” at the old y
ing into the air 3,G00 feet, and now the largest gun whose ammunition ;t short of expectations. From twenty-five Walnut Street theater in Philadelphia. bins of soft coal. The people around
heavily wooded, fs possible to "man -handle." That is to thirty millions werb expected. The In those (lays sea island cotton was for the peat twelve years fails to show a ! there are positive that chickens can read,
Clearly defined above all forma- to say, the projectile, weighing 100 because in front of the office thera is a
tions is a terrace which encircles the pounds, can be lifted by hand. The figures for the last two weeks of No RuteriNsts cream,
wine-sherry heavy fails of snow itherin which there in October ad not eor
90 requires mechanical loading vember are not yet available, but here large street sign bearing this device,
gee Paca-SIMlle Wrapper Below• lake a hundred feat above the pre- ,, R or port, according to the proportion of in the early part of November. The re- « "
J sent level, showing that in olden giving an additional risk of break- is the record by months up to 17th No. Now is the time to lay in coal.
Visa s>anll and as eaw times the waters of Taupo were that down. Is it worth while to
sacrifice molasses, cord is:
_ f, a certain number of hand -worked guns 1'ember, which includes Yree admissions: Armand and Camille were at table, 1804 -November 2bth, gA,vB YOU p�Ryq
to"keaseugar. much higher than at the present day. where they had been discussing such
FOR READACpi e The, western shores of the lake are to gain a lesser number of heavier Anril, 1 day .................. 187,793 1903 -November 16th. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Roil is an iv. -
FOR for the rhyolitic clifTs of Ka- instal? Again, partly in order to sup- May, 26 days........ • • • • • • • .. 1,001 891 viands as these, and their dialogue was 1902 -November 26th.
IUMi�TE�� FOR DIIIIfIEt"3. rangahspe, which rise in a perpt,n- port this enormous armament, and Juno. 26 daps .........:::::: 2,124.836 making the finest sort of an impression 1901 -November 14th. ternal Remedy that entirely removes rel
FOR BIL10UiME== dicular preci ice a thousand odd feet 848,647
e p partly to gain au increased thick- July, 27 days......... 2, on the crowded house. Enter a maid 1900 -November 13th, eanse of Piles, and cures to stay Onre3FOR RIUGIO t1YE1l. above stxty fathoms of water, There Hess of ariilor, the displacement o[ Anguet, 27 days .. .. 8,088,743 servant with candelabra of the werb- 1899 -November 11th. guy case no mutter how lung standing,
� OR COM3TIPATIOM. still exist many evidences that these the Lord Nelson is 18,5'.)0 tons, as September, 26 clays....• • • • • • • 3,661,8(3 bliest sort iuisginable. The scene was1897-November 9th. If yon have Piles and Dr, Leonhardt'a
S F cliffs were once used as a last refuge 'I 1496 -October 18th, you of
against Nels of the Icing Edward. October, 27 days .............. 3,,22,929 Hem-Roid will not cure you, q 8
FOS:ALLOW =Kilt. by natives (teeing from their enemies. Iger speed is half a knot less -18 as November, 17 days..........•• 1,597,383 ao engrossing that the maid was hard- 1896 -October 29th, oar money back.
against 18 }- than that of the King ly noticed by the audience, but when 1894 -November 9th. A thousand dollar guarantee goes with
FOR THECOMPM1.0l1 atest.a of (ave Dwellers. . 17,617.905 she had set down the candelabra be- 1893 -October 28th, every bottle of Hem-Roid sold.
MUST "'t"'" Caves abound in Iiarangahape and Edward, anct her cost is some £43,- Total .. 1892—November 6th.
ttsrb� _fie _ ST all at one time or other served as 000 more., the King Edward costing There is every likelihood that the tween the unfortunate Camille and her If you want a perfent and permanint
living places for the Taupe natives, £1,457,682, the Lord Nelson a little slibw will end with a deficit of millions, lover and one candle toppled over and In 1891, however, two inches fell on cnre,ask for Dr. Leorhardt'a Hem-Roid,
CURE SICK HEADACHE. v -go were cave .(inrliers to a great under £1,500,000. For ten times this and that the stockholders will receive set the ice cream fu a blaze the nerv- November 27th, In 1872 it was Nov. tnARuarnRistseed Te$I OQ or the Wilson -
extent. \Vhcn giving evidence at the sun, we could have fifteen Montag is
ons strain upon the house waS broken. 30th before any snow worthy or record
Fyle Co , Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
native land court of Taupe twenty as against ten Lord Nelsons -a gain nothiugfortheirinvestmentS. Whether and the entire audience burst into a was observed, and in 1888 snow fell on _
years ago the old warrior IIitiri To of five battleships. This considera- or not St. Louis will benefit indirectly roar of laughter that brought down the the same date as this year, Nov. 26th.
SO YEARS' PAerata said: tion should sorely be weighed. What from their enterprise time alone will curtain. The Rev. Gerald Willoughby, of Capp
m EXipERI1:NCE "I was 'born in a cave at Kawaka- is the advantage to be gained in tell, but the people of that city have the f Town, South Africa, and formerly Of
C son
wa.. At Walhalla there is a cave mere mass and bulk as against five Helpless With Salt Rheum. N.
called Oruawaikalla belonging to two fine fighting ships? The matter, be- satisfa0tien of knowing that they pro Divorce 1e, New d Guinea.I 'For
tribes. The chief and his father are fag highly technics}, ofTers endless vided the greatest fair on earth. There is no need of divorce courts in to serve herself with herahands because g� VPillonghbyexecently, of of tile Rev.
t ' burled there, At Karangathnpc Point opportunity for debate. But, we niav New Guinea. When a woman becomes of salt rheum. Dr. Chase's Ointment received an invitation to the pastorate of
is a cave which was used as a lea bear in mind that size, as, such, is weary ,of her husband she simply has entirely cured her and we strongly
y� (fortress) and called Omutnatu.” quite worthless, and exceedingly ex- In making sauces always dissolve leaves him and goes back to her moth- recommend it to any who suffer from the leading ConRregatiouai Church ye,
TRAOE {Yx tRns 'There are other into records pensive; that speed is quite as im- the butter in the saucepan, add the er, When a husband tires of his wife Anular ailments, believing that it has no Johannesburg, to succeed the Rev, Mr•
DESIGNS of the same character, showing that po>rtant a' factor, it not more im- flour first, and after that the water or he simply hits her over the head with equal." --Mr. Ledger DnRnay, Pigeon Harris, who retires ou account of ill-
CoPYR1G,i'rs &c., these caves served as birth and p(,rtant, than a tremendous weight of a pad le, and if not killed outright she Hill, Missiasquoi Co., Que, I health,
Anyone sending a sketch and deseHption mal al•tillcT;y; and that the more you put; stock. is certainly made to realize that she is _ -• - - --------- - - -
quickt7_a7certain One' opinion deat1h "'q(;aw'I�IdiStlnj, 1(13111 d tl�(t}IeITt into pale $hl) the "Ore yOtir risk the no longer wanted. When A "divorced"
3rit'ent on to probably patentable. Commnnicn • I
tionestrictl� contidentiag. Handbook onPatentt losing at One tulle. - woman marries again her former has-
senttree, Oldest agency foraocuring tents. by names, as they do houses and ev- `
Patents taken through ntunn k Geo receive en rallies till his friends and con. '
a epseW"Ott", witbontchartle, Intho Close to ltarangahape cliffs is a Fountain Tree oP the coa�e.
native • settlement, which numbers A French explcrer, iii, Ifenri Ile- �o You Realize That a ducts a war dancer iss front of her new
colnte, recently returned from tae KG leered Cough May home. This ceremony, however. is not A practical Business Tram ng.
Abancleotnetrilthat'rated''tteeklr Intrtc9tctr itir iIitirisis(`aswarrior old
Proud Congo, tells some curious details of g as ugly as it looks. Its purpose is not
cnlation of any acletigdo i•rornnl. Terme, aP "
year; !ear luny fie! lit Sold byall neTredeks'.1 . ancestry, the hero of many valiant a fountain tree. It grows to a great Result in Con$uMNJOLI. to kill anybody,
but simply to satisfy
MORN& Co 313111faadway. NeW YQ� battles. In 1864 lie led the hopeless height, and usually in damp places. the grass widow'S lionor. No young man should enter any calling in life without
IIrancAoffice, cuiVer.wasbin;;w1hD• defence of Orakau pa, which fell to Tht, trunk is regular and provided If you have a Cold, Cough, a
ori overwhelming British h tpt'CC antler Willi tars(' branches, which bear fine- Hoarseness, Bronchitis, or any gad Them Axt. a business training.
General Cameron. Iiitiri's father and ly dissected leaves, It is divided At aifeetion of the Throat and Lungs. matter whether the calling is a profession
other relations were killed, but he the base like the nutngrove, and en- what you want is a harmless and A tell known writer of humorous 'Doesn't
and his sister, who was wounded, es- ters the earth through a large num- certain remedy that will cure you prose
rose and when the latter saidas talking : verse W. a trade or in the mercantile world, a mail can do Itis work
caped, her of ramifications. When the tree at once, g, the way, I am collecting first editions
"These sole survivors of the fight is cut at a height of about five There is nothingso healin g better if he knows how to apply business methods.
still entertain travelers with ac- feet from the ground, a largo quan- soothing, and invigorating to the of American authors, I want to add ;
'tity of water is observed to float lunge as the balsamic properties of your first book to my collection. Iiavo The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
counts of how they held the. fort
PAYS against trrmendaus odds, and finally from this section. ;t1. Leco
succeeded in bresking through the one at this height that had a dimte crit the pine tree. yott any Caples of the first edition?" teaches lxlsiness in a practical way --does things just the
a.meDR. WOO
VS DlS "Yes," answered the author, "1 have same as a business office.
]line of military in their escape. ter of '20 inches, and their, forming a NORWAY PXNB SYRUP all of them."
o Lake. gutter along the t
Tauprunk, placed a pail Students may enter any time during Booklet free.
An abiding eliarm of Taupo Lake at the wbase. Tile hich held alae quarts had of the pint, * the, tontains the ith other abtent sorbent, Thrice Bleat,
�• is the diversity of its shores. Water- pail, t g A pair of dela and dumb lovers
��ri� ,1• ., SE falls, valleys, rapids, boding, springs overflowed. The water Ichlorides inkable, since Of recognized worth. meds- ought to consider themselves lortu-
r1� and icy fountains lend variety to though it is kick
the western line, which is enhanced other salts. I br. Woctd'ti Norway rine Byrne nate."
by flue stretches of primeval bush, thee! atheirritatingeOugh,aaothes "Wily so?"
l4laappetites lreTtall atlas. I and lieals the inflamed 10A ,Why, ,Why, they Can 'sit down isle the l�id-
�� r in. inatiy places sloping down to tho A sriialt miss who had but recently tun Broitchial Tubes, loosens the gee of the largest crowd and have a
IN l water.
In summer time the stately braflch- mastered her eatechisin confessed her' phlegm, and gives a prompt sense „
�+ nice, quiet talk.
11 of the (Jtiristntas tree wave their dfsarpointtnent With it thus: "Now, �Ocdfctlingf ttlief .� that
gorgeous crimson above the clear blue i Obey the fittil ccOmmandultht and
lusters of the eASt of flowers, lake, Along the eastern honor my papa and mamma, yet m lk'tice 26 Cefltx pat bottle. When it man goes Into the kitchen to i J. W, Westervelt, pfincipel. Y.1N.C•J4. Building, London.water is a fall 11(;. days are not a 'hit longer in til help his wife she has to drop everli'•
culiar to the place. (:roves of native for I tri put, to bed every might at I Be till *0a oak for Dr. Wood's. �
IlNrotpreetSti are teatooned with dfli+ seven o'clock just that tlaixia.' " �- r---- -' •_ -- -