HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-08, Page 2r 2 6,TO ADVERTISERS Notikoe of ch*uggea must be left at this *!floe net fetor than Sate rday Wen - The le gqooryy for ehanietit Moat 'be left riot later than Monday tette aiug. ()asltal advertisement* accepted up to noon Weduehday of each week. WITABLI817 tri 1si2 TOE WINRIAM TIMES. . R 147 LIGTr. Pbei uui M ANu PBQPasuTOR Tl .URSllA">t', DEO. 8. 1904. DOES NOT COMMIT ITSELF. (Toronto Star.) If :the action taken by the Liberal Convention on the temperance question does not meet the views of tbose who aim to empress thedrink evil. they will not Aud what they seek in the resolutiou passed by the Conservative Conference. The Opposition expresses by resolution its sympathy with all well•direoted ef- forts along the line of temporauoe and moral reform, There is nothing very definite in that. It can be invested with whatever mean- ing a member of the party chooses. It can be made to serve u an endorsement of the resolution passed by the Liberal Convention, tor is not that a "well -dir- ected effort along the line of temperance rand moral. reform?" At least, it is the best directed effort that is now under way, and that moral reformers have a chance of furthering at the present time. It ie not what extremists could wish, but it is vastly more than is parcelled up in the vague words of the resolution adopt- ed by the Conservative Conference. , A SUBSTANTIAL ADVANCE. TI1E WING11 &M TIMES, DECEMBER 8, 004, pot preaeut, and who are iutereeteii In discrediting the demonstration, that it was done for effect. ZVo. person who war. present will doubt that the eatbas- esiya, wast genuine. At the tithe when thin demonstration occurred the dela, i{atea had Iearned that the convention. was all that it purported to be, and that the platform. of the party wee in the hand* ot the delegates. Before them stood the party leader, admired by them all, end the tuulultuona applause they gave him was their expression of coufd- euce in biro. It Was also their answer to those who have, beyond all reason and fairness, abused; the Liberal leader and sought to overthrow confidence in him. Abuse, carried too far, defeats its object, and it is anqueationably true that Premier Rosa can thank his oppon- ents for firing his supporters with an un- usual detertnination to stand by hialand carry him eo a complete vindicalioa. The Montreal Witness, s paper which has always taken a very strong stand on the side of temperance and every other question affecting the morals of the people, discussing the conclusions arrived at by the Littered in convention at Torouto reoeutly, says: • "The proposed measure is melees- tionably a substantial advance on what exists. It forbids the issue of licenses al- together in unorganized territory, which lean affirmation of the rightness of the principle of prohibition and a condemna- tion of the license system wherever it is permitted, on account of the hardness of men's hearts to continue. Moreover, no new licenses are to be issued any- where except on the demand of fifty per Dent. of the electors. This should give the new law the support of the existing liquor interest. as it secures to the present holders a monopoly except where, as in University street, new licenses are supported for the purpose of breaking moaoplies. The proposal pro- vides for a referendnmin municipalities, not imperatively, as the committee re- commended, but on the imitative of twenty-five per cent. of the voters on the gnestions of no -license and of Gov- ernment control. This is similar to the condition of things in Norway, where the counties and towns have the option of License, no license and municipal con- trol. This would provide for useful experimentation on the effect of Govern- ment control in reducing drunkenness. After all. the object is to get results, and these experiments would show on which side the results showed beat. NOTES AND COMMENTS. THE CANER OF ANAEMIA' I IHI1TS FOR ROME LIFT. Sts 'Ylettine are Defencelesswaren fatseesi Struces--The !Blood. btroutd be kept riot Wed pave. The Liberal majority in the new House of• Commons is 65, with the Yu- kon yet to be heard frons. New York is said to contain about 4,000,000 inhabitants. It will cost 0110,- 000.000 to carry on iia mnnioipai affairs in 1905. Collier's Weekly says this is the moat expensive city government ou record. No other people in the world pay auytbiug like the enm per capita for the Iuxury of being governed. Taan- many must be an expensive taskmaster New Zealand inverts from Canada in 1908, amounted to £68,329, as compared. with £52,374 in 1902. The exports to Canada were only £2,421, which was £4,940 less than in 7902. In the ten years the colony's • imports from Great Britain bave increased by about 75 per cent; those from the United States by nearly 400 per cent, and these from other foreign countries Weyer 680 per cent.' Sotne Conservative journals are re- printing remarks made by Hon. Geo. W. Ross five years ago in support of Mr. B. O. Lott. as Liberal candidate for the Ontario Legislative Assembly. At that time there was not a shadow of a stigma resting on Mr. Lott, and it was quite proper that Mr. Ross should recommend him to the electors, So long as the Con- servative journals publish the date of the speech, there is nothing to complain of, but they do not all append it to the remarks. -Toronto Globe. The dairying business of Canada this year, according to statistics compiled upon the close of the ,season's shipping. was so fat as value received it concerned the poorest is the past'yeare.'' The num- ber of boxes of cheese shipped was 2,114,- 649, compared with 2,895,932 a year ago, and the average price per box was $6.90, compared with $9 last year. This figures out the total valve at $14,879,545, against $21,563,388 a year ago. Butter was more satisfactory than cheese. 490,300 packages having been shipped at an average of $12 90 per package, com- pared with 338,277 packages at an aver- age of $14.20. Last year the value was $6,324,000 compared With$4,803,000. POPULARITY OF THE PREMIER. (Toronto Star) Hon. Geo. W. Rosa received such an Ovation at the Liberal Convention at was probably never before given to a publics man in Canada. For anything comparable to it one must turn to some of the big demonstrations given to popu- lar leaders in the party conventions in the United States, where feeling runs high and enthusiasm disregards all bounds. Massey Hail crowded with delegates from all parts of Ontario, and when the Premier addressed them the immense crowd arose and cheered ---time and Again they wow and cheered until they were tired. The applause lasted for about ten solvates. It will be said by those who were EXTREME CASE OF NERVOUS PROSTRATION Astersishlrlt results obtained by thr use of Or: *hue% Nerve Foof. Mat, Mrl.ss, So. Wotidslee, Essex Co., ,, writes :--•°' When 1 begat* the apse of Dr. Chases Nerve Food I was confined 10 Hay bed with *bet the dotter; said was amebas pros. hr*tlors. My stonsech was very weak end eased not sleep. Nervous chills and tretnbhng woeld souse ester ase at tries and 1 sbeasrd Mk geniet weaber end weaker ill the if es * , There were Also pains ea top of the head which caused toe much suffer - lag and aashety. ' Afiet using ball Y dozen boices of Dr. Chatebegann ll pieNerve *eiaid ght i t O: feel se age& tltratr tbci I limit bees reesored bend leakier floe int baa !seers 1 I eared in all esti beret Mal feel it as arty at evil ot teaarearsedRI. s enesoura:Ores itorosat2 SeSAWN* bot. "ta nostotioss ho peertteit tied ot W. Chow, the *moot tie tax era wary free. Anaemia people -people with watery blood --are without defense when disease tbreete:ns. Tha etroegeee weapou against disease in a plentiful supply of rich, red blood. A robust person m ay Wen cold, but quickly throws "it Off Rut a cold lumen with theaneemia one, goes to the cheat laud the first signs at consumption appear. It is the anaeapfa one wbo staffer* #rom headaches and dia. ziness, who cannot climb a stair without resting. whose heart fitters and paipi- tette a ildly at the least exertion. Such people can only be twerp by a new sup. ply of rieb, red blood, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only medicine that we wally makes rich, red blood with every dose. Ordinary medicines only touch the syruptams of disease --Dr. Williams' Pink Pills go right straight tothe root of the trouble and drive it out. That is why these anis bave a larger sale then any other medicine in the world, and that is why thonsande and thousands of people praise them so highly. Miss Florence G. Marryett, Chester, N. S., says:. -"I have need Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pine for several months and I am happy to say they have restored me to health after all other means had failed. 1 was suffering from anaemia in its most severe form. The least exertion would leave me breathless and worn ont, I had no appetite and suffered greatly with tier - eons headaches. I was pale and seemed to be going into a decline. I had medical attendance but it did me no good. Then a friend advised ane to try Ar. Williams' Pink Pills and in a few weeks 1 found they were helping me. 1 continued their use for several months, and am aeaain Enlacing gond ,health. I think. Dr. Wi11iawe' Phuk Pills will make every weak widening girl satroug and healthy." You can get three pills from any deal. Pr in medicine, but yea should be careful that the full name."Dr. Williams` Pints Pine for Pale People" is on the wral.per around each box If in doubt write the Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brookville, Ont , and the Mlle will he sent at 500 a box or ex boxes for $2 60, The other day The Globe urged Lib- eral conventions to nominate only honest and able men, because;, even if defeated, a weak or unscrupulous Government candidate, having the opportunity to ad- vise in the matter of local patronage, is dangerons both to the party, and the country. This altogether obvious and reasonable suggestion is made by The Mail to be a ""call for candidates on the representation that they shall have pa- tronage and a large opportunity whether elected or not." That a journal ahonld waste columns of apace on such inversion of the plainest truths is its own affair. but to expect its readers to believe it is to rank thein as belonging to the lowest orderer intellectualand moral imbeciles. The Mail's editorial page is a slander on the intelligence of theaverage Conserva- tive. More than fifteen thousand Conater- vatavei read The Globe every day, and they are not deceived by their own party organ's stupid falsifications. OtherOeu- aervatives are no Iess intelligent. The moat charitable erplenation is the sue armption that in Sheer protest against all temperance platforms The Mail went on a protracted drunk. -Toronto Globe. The Seaforth Expositor advocates oom- pulsory voting with diatranichiseme It es a penalty for neglecting to out a ballot, The Expositor says; '"It cannot be any hardship nowadays when a poll- ing booth is at the door of almost every elector, to eompell him to attend the booth and deposit his ballot. This mach the elector should be required to do in the intereets of the state and his fellow - mall, if foe no other recision. Tt is no greater hardship to compel a patent to eend hie children to school a estate number Of days in the year or to require *Men to neglect his bneinese for days Sind atteed ootirt se a jar**. Nor is .11 neeeedary that any penalty should be imposed further than depriving the do, litquent of hid iranchule for a certain perfod, providing he Wrlltnitil' neglected 10 use the trod placed at his disposal by she *tate. It he does not desire to use that trust there is no 1tte osi why it shodid be left with Ida. .And if do does riot fiedte to be iubjeoted to the iii. veoieues OROS fit two or or three year's of abet:ding et his poll, ell he bee M do it to have has n*tnei removed from the 'ochre' list. In fact, there ilia greet deal to be mild in fevor of euoh a law sed Wry Untie that octad be add against it." 0\VN DIRECTORY, Sugar horned on a baa !lame i4 death t0 mice. Rama Ouuuoer Sabbath sorvioea at Bepaine rubbed on the .edges of 11 a tit quad 7 pm. Sunday School at 2:30tleenert4 prayer meeting car1elais a Wire preventative of en aduesday evenings. liev.,i. N. Mo - moths. Leau,B.A., pastor. Abner Cueeeus, S,a Always fold a dress skirt right side Superintendent. out fur packing audit will not wrinkle eaaily. The dirtiest fryiug.pan will become clean if soaked for five minutes in MU' Leonia and water. Old Huronites in the Commons. One of the notable Liberal victories of the recent Dominion elections was that achieved in the constituency of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, where Nat Boyd, the old Conservative member and a very strong campaigner, was beaten by John Orawford, of Neepawa, formerly of Ashfield, a brother of James Crawford, Of Port Albert. In what was generally considered a strong Con- servative seat Mr. Crawford walked away from has opponent with a majority of something like 350. Another old Huronite, Duncan Ross, also an Ashfield boy, contested Yale -Cariboo, B. C., in the Liberal interest. This election has been held within the last few days, and the returns indicate Mr. Ross' return by aagood majority. Hon. Thomas Green- way, formerly Premier of Manitoba, who has been elected to the the Domin- ion House by the constituency of Liegar, Man., is an old resident of this county. J. Finlay, the Liberal member -elect in East Peterboro', Out., is a brother of Thos. E. Finlay, of Ashfield. We have already mentioned the election of Wm. Sloan, a native of Seaforth, as member of the Oomor..Atlin conatituenoy of British Columbia, as a Government sup- porter? Large Reduction in Licenses. Since the passing of the Crooks act in 1876 there have been a numberof im- portant amendments to the Ontario li- quor license act, all along advanced temperance lines, and this, combined with the increase of license fees, has re- sulted ins great reduction in the number of licenses. Here is a comparison worth noting: -- 1874.5 Licenses Issued. Tavern . 4,793 Shop 1,807 Wholesale 52 Vessel38 lonew Yawl*. Total...,..... 6,185 For 1902.3 the total number of licensee leaned was 2,956. Licenses to sell hquor on vessels have not been leaned since 1888. In only ane lioonse year Wail the nnniber less than for 1908 4, namely, 1883.89, the year of the Scott act, when the total vias 2,445. 19084 Licenses Isened. 2,577 800 22 2,899 To keep the feet warra in cold weather out out d 801e to the size of the boos or shoe in thick brown paper and wear, it, Alen* of aluni the sine of a hickory nut added to each pint of starch wilt keep thecoltra of oaliyaea and ginghains bright a long time. To remove sterna on brown' hoots rub the stelae with a Benud moiateue'd with oxalic acid, and then sponge with oold water. A fete drops of vinegai added to the water for poaching effernalies them set properly and keep* the unite from spreading, Stockings and socks should always be washed before .being wore for then the threads sihriuk tsud make thefabrnl wear ae long again. A pot that cannot bail over has been invented in Berlin, It has a perforated rim, through which the owerflowing fluid returns to the pot. It ie* claimed that a sure cure for hiccoughs is to inhale se much tor as the tauge will hold and retain it as lung at possible. It one in- halation is not sulfoieut repeat the pro - 055d. Whitewash on panes of glass 10 vary unsightly, also paint, and mewl do not kuow how to remove it. First moisten the spots with vinegar, then sponge with ammonia water. Atter this treatment the glass should be beautifully bright To restore tan gloves where they have become rubbed from handling reins, put some Ballon into onepint of soft boiling water and let it infuse all night. Next morning wet the leather over with a brash. The tops mnst be sewn closely to prevent the colors from getting in. Eight of the last students placed by The Canada Business College, ORATHAM, oxer. were placed at the following salaries : Two at $000, one at $700, foto at $720 and one at $1,000. Did it not pay them welt to come to Chatham ? Do you know of any Other business school getting such results t • • Our catalogues are the handsomest issue ot the kind put out by any business school on the Continent. 1f you wish to 'a'ttend a business school, ask for our General Catalogue. If you cannot come to Chatham, write for our Mail Course catalogue. We can teach you Book-keeping. Shorthand and Penmanship at your home. We pay your railway, fare in coming up to 59, sndcassectue good board at $2.60 to$2.75a week Mention the catalogue you want, addressing D. McLAOHLAN k CO. Chatham Ont. The Lazy Man. The modern h3olonlon says: When you and yourself leaning in the direo- tion of a leather cushioned Chair or an air-filled tsetse, look out. The fellow who is atwaye hunting for a rice place t0 sit down will have no place to rest his weary, end in a short while. It makes one sick to Walk into come places and dee able bodied men trying to do bust. nets with all their energies bent alt try- ing OS get the soft side of the chair. Where a Haan gets the "cit down" tie - ewe before he is fifty it is all ftp with Mill. Lazineae ie fatal. YOU cart eure almost any other kind of vice. A drunkard solar brace np, a ma MO pit of shot temper, a wild toy nasty settle down, but *boo man is i hopeleas pro•' potitioo. Get someone 10 give yon ft swift Rich every bane you feel yours:elt gravitating towards the Cashion. Nip the thing in the bad. 11 yon art *0 • pio7 a dont try 10 keep aeauitarinus lot the cure of the malady. Leet iome- otlo visa do the nursing. Girls the bat Mari his walking ticket. That will de him more good than alt the preaohing you Ceti put into hie heed and there se more InOttey in it for yen. llltrrnonfsr Out?nou.--Sabbath aervieee at 11 a m and 7 p us. Sunday School at 2:30 p M. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rep. J. R. Gundy, 'D,D., pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Superintendent. Px•,tssrrnoteen Oupaou-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p lit. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perste, pastor and 8 S. Superinten- dent, P. S. Lit,ktater and L. Harold, assistant S. S. Superintendents. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, 2e the only safe, reliable regulator on wench aromas Can depend. "in the hours and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of Strength. leo. 1 and No. 2. No, L -Fpr ordinary caste is by far the test dollar Medicine known. N�ree dollars per box.ial 1Q degrees Eadiale-self your druist foe cc...t'a Ditto* 'Stoat ,ossooaa Take no other as illpills,mixtures and imitationsare dangerous. No. 1 and No S are sold° ass weeoaunemdedy�r all Qrugglsta• in the DM Imiatsa of Daaeda. • ]Sailed is any adders. Oa receipt Of price and. foul' 2-eent p*staff ataxsyf. Via i*sit CasaPatas. a WITAOOere Onto Sold is Wingham by A. T. McCall & Co., A. L. Hamilton and Walton Mc$ibbee, druggists. Sr. Pam's 040711011, Begel0eAr.-Sas- both services at 11 a rn and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer Meeting ou Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rentor and 8, S. Saperin.. tendent. John Taylor and Ed. Nash, assistant 8. S. Superintendents. ELssea '1Ott ARlcy Service at 7 and 11 a in and 3 and B p m on, Salads , and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barrack:4 *Post Olresott-.--In Macdonald Block. OilIce hours trona S a m to 6:40p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. POBLIO I:ttntasn, Library and free reading room in the Town Hull, will be: open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'olook, and eve,ey evening from to 9:80 o'clock, Mrs. (Orlando G. Craig, librarian. Tows 0017e0U:•-R, Vanstone, Mayor; Thos. Bell, Wm. Holmes. W. J. Greer, Thos. Armstrong. G. H. a. Millikin, David Balt, Coancitlore; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even - lug in call month at 8 o'clock. Souoor.Bosltp.---J. J. Homuth,(ohair• man), Thos. Q,lwaham, J. D. Long. H. Kerr, Wm. Moore. A. E. Lloyd; Dr. A. J. Irwin, C. N, Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, 4. B. Ferguson, Meet ssecondTuesdayeveningineach Pewee Smoot. TnAossns.-A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Mise MOLeao, Mias Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Qumminga. Positively free Oo you want a New Suit? If so buy it here and we will keep it pressed for six months tree of charge. Ewan or HEALTtr-Mayor Vanstone, (ohairman), O. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer OUR SUJITINGS FOR FALL ANO WINTER are matchless ill doeign and fabric, and we have a large stook to :select from, ALSO A LAndit RANGE ell' OVEROOAT'N GS in all the cneiveatt end best531 Ater.` late at right prioee. Printtitio tto fsiait sttnybed And lay if yon ate going to get A RAINPROOF COAT 1,116 not heyready:-me& until see whet a eel we can make raft one to order for. We gine roti calla vetting' in- vitation to *tall. Ra MAXWELL Mot Hila Taw*. JOHN MUMS, GtNZRAL INSURAN 11 AGENT, Wingbam..OnI. - Coal duet mixed with salt and water and mace into good sized lumps will be found very useful to bank up a fire for the night. WINGHAM Machine & General Repair Salop l erfs1iyrl$anD 187x1, THE WINO110 DES is PITOLI$EW VERY THURSDAY MQRNINO -A•r,. The Times Office, Beavep Block Wz1IG ttiM, ON41110. edren• ee,115d0 if not sosopaid. No paperamenr :itseoint Omuta not Lbuhpublisher.ant era paid, except at the ADvtraTisiNa Smsrs. - Legal and other mous' advertisements 8o per Nonperielllne foe first heeertion, ac per line for eac4 tui eleupe e insertion. IQtteeinin tle�oecaperr line or first we charged per lino for each aubeeeluent insertion. Advertieemente of Lost, Found, Strayed, Parma for Sale or to Montoya similer, ;1.00 for first month and s0 ciente for each meow/meat month Colirnacs. Rants --Rhe following table shows ourrates for the insertion of advertise nesse for specified periods:-. seam. 1 ra. a aO. 8 ito. two One Column $80,00 {.95.00 $15.110 sae id Half Column95.00 18.00 10.00 4.1.0(,)carter Column18.00 10.10 8.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific direotlona will be inserted till forbid end charged accord- iugty. Transient edvertise,nente must be paid for fiat advance. Tint Jon Dara aTiiaaa' is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print. $sig, affetdiridifilitillities not expelled in the county for turning out first clams work. Large type aud appropriate cuts for alletylea of Poste ere, Eaiyi Bills, etc., and the latest etvles of choice fancy type for the finer climes of print. ing. H, R. ELLIOTT, .Proprietor and Publisher is now re -opened, anti 1 bave secured the services of a man of overtwenty years experience is all lines of Mill and Farm Machinery; also Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Madhines', UmbreIlas,• Clothes Wringers, Lawn Mowers, Scissors. Hair Clippers Sharpened Saws Gurntned and Filed Keys made to order A trial solicited. W. G. PATON Victoria St. - WINGHAM. NOEET( END BUTCHER SHOP. A PRIME SELECTION BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON • P KENNEDY M. u.. M. P. S. el t • Member or the British Medical Aurelia- tion, Gold .Medallist in Medicine, special attention paidtodiseasess of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: ? to of p. Alto a large stock of Cared Meat! of the finest *election. Also Roiled Hates, Bolongntr, etas Davis' celebrated Potk Pies, Leave yestr orders early. igttertt oath ptioe paid for Hides and TIlOS FELLS. Du. MA DONALD, entre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, ' Physician, Surgeon. etc. Ofilap-Maodonald Block, over W.MoKibbon'a Drug store. Night calls *towered at the whet,. T. HIbHOLbf, J.B. HItiHOi.M Y.D., a[,D., 0.I1., Y:O.P.8.e. lea. MD,C5t.,150 P50. DRS. CHCS HIM & CHISNUIM PRYB& IA1SO, 817R(180N8. Bro. Orrzcig---Ohiaholm Block, Josephine street. ResiDONOs In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls wilt be answered. R. BROWN, L. R.P. London England. Graduate of London, }dew York and Chi- cago. Diseases of Eye Ear. Nose and Throat. Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 4th Tno8day in each month. Hours from 2 to 0 p.m. R VANSTONE, s BARRISTER, SOLI ITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No comspission charged mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office. Beaver $lock. Wingham JA. A. MORTON, BARRIS'T'ER, &a. Wingham, Ont. E. L. Dicaniat Dt Doar,*T Harass DICKiNSOIN & HOLMES • BARRIST&fs, SOLICITORS. Ste. Monirr TO LOAN. Orrice: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR 4. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Poet Office, Wingham. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. D*NTIST. • Beaver Block, Wingham. D.D.S.-Toronto University. 1.. D. 8. --Royal Collage of Dental surgeons. T S. JEROME, L. D. S. a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. Special attention to the care of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed. Orrice.- In Chisholm block, next door to Hamilton's Drug Store. TT A. CURRIE, T a WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER is now prepared to attend the wants of those requiring his services. at a reasonable price. No necessity of going out of town for en auc- tioneer. Alt orders left at the Thies office wilt receive prompt attention, Amor. KELLY, Wineskin, Ont. LICENSED AU(3TIONSEft cdayia Sales ondutetreasonabre sOrde all et the Trim office will receive. prompt attention. JAe. IIEND*318ON, WIn_gham, flat. LIENSkD ACT IOR For the Oonnties of Huron and. Bruce. Salee Of Farm Stook aad Impiemnots a specialty. All orders lett at the Tunis office promptly attended to. Taman reaeonabte. EFFECTS OF CLIMATE. fil0altlt and iewel er Pieaetalp Sews Is Cie Temperate ;rg*ol1. Grant Dexter in his book on "Weeds - ter Influencer!" says that "iliitebitattara of hot climates are usually listless, tut- inveuttve, apathetic and Improvident. ,lin equable IAA temperature, especial- ly It moist, weakens body tied mind. No long esta'b13H'bedd lowland troplez8 people is A conquering race ill the broadest tense of the word. For the inhabitants ot the higher altitudes, even under the tropical ;sun, this may be true, tor as we ascend the tempera- ture lessens about 1 degree every 270 feet on lila average, and even at the equator.. we may have a temperate climate. The most favorable tempera- ture for health, which carries with it an aggressive energy which leads fiefs! which baa led the world march ot ildzatton, is about 45 degrees on me average, and this is found in the tem- perate races, From there have comet the brawn and brain of martial con- quest and intellectual attainment. Tha dominant peoples are shown between the latitudes ot 25 degrees and 55 de- grees. "During the London fogs and on day$t when the weather is particularly de- pressing in the Bank of England cer- tain Bets of hooks, an error in which would be cumulative and produce dia- nstrous results further on, are lockel up and the clerks set to tasks less in- tricate and important in Character., Experience has taught those in charge that the percentage of error increases many fold during such climatic condi- tions and that it is money in pocket to yield to them. The same necessity for ceasation of certain lines of work during bad `spells of weather' is recog- nized by the larger banking institu- tions in New York and theother east- ern cities. 1 s. SOTP, Br*iMels, Ont. R a L'E>ENSW1) AUCTION/OCR Is Prepared to eondnd maw in this section. Speclisllattefttion Sits* to Miles of farm. stook Ind inlpiefnbnts, Dates and adorn eats tlwayr be arranged at the TOM Offloe, Wingham. FARMERS axe elaysne inmost Il*e stock or other ertlelee thoy wish tb &lemm a of, should sdver- tise the banes for salelt the Tiiae-slularge etara you o btoc mul mrWeean't stratum thaty1oa# *SI cell because yeti may task more ter the article or ateok than it is worth. Send your eade rtisement to the TOM and try thi8 a to of i nt of your Steck ai14 other RAILWAY Vilit TABLES. WAND 22/11217t ItetfeWAT isie'!'> 11, Tettas Mee* *os faintest 11.156 ram, .. *.Iei.e. Toroate& $past .3614iale si irl ... 8.9cp kt. Kincardine. 11.10 a.ns.., LUq in -M.... 11.t8p.fa. !inti 1rlt "Solt Ifisteetclitts ....ts b0 a.in,.11.16 ta.m..., 308 p.10. London 11.10 a 10s..., 7.85 P almeratas 11 in 6.16. Toronto *Nut 1.40 p.i*.... a rs p, • L.1AROLb, _goat, Wittgh**. AI1LrN nA01120 * WAY: Thalia to and list V lath.... tie nut. Teamster 1177Kp.rir....1*.18inie Teasiv Wert* tend ter s.it Litt !loll tr 5r J. N. it A Ig t,aa� "It has been the universal experience of the superintendents of prisons and asylums for the insane that the per- eons in their charge varied so market - Iy with the meteorological conditions that no man could doubt that the rela- tion betWeen the weather and emotion- al states was any other than that of cause and effect, When asked, how- ever, what definite conditions of the weather tended to be the most pro- ductive of emotional abnormalities no satisfactory answer could be made." POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Do the best you can and you will be surprised how well you do. It is one sign that you are all right when you believe that others are. The smartest man we ever knew and the one who could use the longest words could not bold a job. So many of ns act the fool while thinking we are acting smart. Look yourself over. Do you do it? Don't be too confidential; don't telt every one the story of your iife. It will be soon enough to tell that when you stand before St. Peter. They talk about getting into the rut. Remaining in the rut isn't so bad. Most successful men are found in the rut; most failures are found Outside of it. The Word '"Dtarrnalade: • The word "marmalade" its apparently derived from the Portuguese marmelo, a "quince," which, again, is from mid- Latin maloniellum, Greek' melinelon, "honeyapple," or "sweet apple." The word is at least as old as the reign of Henry VIII. The following sentence occntrs in a letter from that monarch: "he most heartily thanketh her gOod. ladyship for her marmarlo," which by a comparison ot other letters wail ap- parentiy made of quinces. Anne Basset, Lady Lisle's daughter, gives the name "eodiniac" to her moth- er's dainty. iter letters giving the ac- count of the presentation of the said marmalade to the king and relating how he desired a repetition of the same as soon as might be bave been printed more than once. Animal* Whleh Rarely Drink. Naturalists have discovered many animals which seem to need no water or which drink only at rare intervals. There is 'a certain breed of gazelles which never drink, and the llamas Ot Patagonia live for years without tak- ing water. There is a particular class of cattle neer Losers°, in France, that rarely touches water, but in spite of this feet these cattle give milk of a. rich quality, from which excellent cheese is made. Many naturalists have the theory that hares do not drink of that water is not d necessity for them. and that the dew oh the grass is slit- Scicnt for their needs. Sir Andrew Clark's AShorlalime The late Sir Andrew Clark, who Wase Mr. Gladstone's physician, made use or the three forbearing aphorisms during a conversation *With Miss 'Prances Wil- lard: "Labor is the life of life." "Eases is the *Way to disease." "This highest life of an organ Iles in the fullest dis- charge of its functions." There is t► feast of food for reflection in thee°, three sentences. Hie Idea. Wall Streets --So your sou Is studying law. Do you expect that he will stick to it? Speculator -Oh, no;1 just wank Llan to know enough about It to that be will be Able to evade It succesefullie. QOM* EsitagI*a. "She is it eery dwc�et girl." "Why, the heartless flirt had prose - Nei to marry four dlffetent men." "Web, that's wbat 1 men; bet Plane nest are most engaging." tames- tIte Wort. Keeper ot The Gates --Aren't yon efrald or What the recording angel's book m;y show? Spirit -No; on cortin I halei rw rands* frienal,