HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-14, Page 5CHEAP CASH STOR WRIGHT Just to hand, another lot of those Cheap White Quilts at 75c. ALSO, New "Prints,: New - New Morrie cloths, New Buntings. Also There was considerable rioting in coli• vection with the Orange demonstration in Great 'Britain on Taeedey. Mr, T, Saunders; twice theliberal cat- didati for South Siwcoe, Ont; died ut $anrtleiilouth, Eng., cu the 14th ult. It is reported the wheat crop in France cannot exceed the average, ttad, may be slightly under it. The beet crop cannot excelid the average. M St,Lunis there is, a lunatio who has sent word to Secretary B1aue that he would, kill (Iitteau himself if the attach on the Presi- dent is not avenged by the Iltw. Sir John Macdonald is much improved in health, and will be at the Wimbledon camp in a few days, and also at the Lord blayor'a banquet to the Colonial 1•epresen. tatives. $1macrkeadm 1Ire,adg daet.donli"Yes',"latreelplireed- Lord Boughton, who was standing neer, "the life of a St. Bernard, which is spent in saving the lives of others.? , -' The death of 14Ir. W. IL' Scott, who re- presented West Peterborough in the Local +House, remavecen! -iii Mira 'ablestii>eriilri the Conservative side. • He was not alone able, but amen to make personal friends. Mr. Scott was.the'third surviving soh of the late John Scott, of Brampton, Ont., formerly of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, who was one of the earliest settlers of Peel, A lot of Ready -Made Clothing; Botight, at.zniich i f s than•tlie..regular price. See them. good PW EII I suit for $17,50; .A., g•rod. Wo]ES'C'E7a 'Suit. for $1.0. ew Tapestry Carpus, chcap�' All Goods sold at CLOSE CASH PRICES. PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH: 000 Agent for 'walker's Patent Butter Worker. VY u T um ALBERT STREET,: CLINTOf Great Reduction in Teas. .Never such good value as at the present time. New season, full flavor, Young ''I3ysan - '50 •cts. New season, Sliriug Leaf Japan, (May picking), 60 'Cts. New ssaynii, BlaeL all (ongou) - -. ,; 50,;Cts._ Oran New season, English' Brea • rasp, -, 00 cis New -season Souching, o tou, Ora ::Pekoe, li o»gtai, • Assam, t omossa- New stock just received, and put Caddies3 at city prices. LIBERAL -DISCI 4N 0 DEALERS. k3 Brick. Block,• Clint01L. FV1R)rr=�rv-�E^. • PLEASE CALL AND SJIt THE FINES'.0 STO(4K OF- . PARLOR- :C -- O O ID 5... . , EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS COUNTY. ALSO;. BEDROOM SUI'T'ES, CE.N'C1.11. TABLES, .&c., Il`I ENDLESS VARIETY. LOUNGES MAD,F AND. REPAIRED. VNDEHTAKING : IN- ALL ITS BRANCHES.. Funerals arnitslied at the Lao ere t•. Ttater.i. iN. B. CRIC. I & CO , VICTORIA•,ST:, •CLINTON,`•• • ; •'a . 8 �. IS. HARDWARE . MERCHANT HAS .IIEEN Arr0t101''D 4w11'.r.t^'On gill; JUSTLY Cul,mtickCi:l, vtnrllr: The magisterial investigation in the case of William and James, Feehiey, at Lon- •dou, carne to a conclus on ou Tursday: J. Hogan, in the course of a long exarnina-- tion gave much the saltie account of Win. Feel�ey's conversation as Patrick Ponnelly had given. Johnny O'Connor and Wm, Donnelly gave foautal evidence as to the murder, after which. the Magistrate •com- mitted the prisoners, refusing bail. Green's Atfgust Iliower. • It is natural for people suffering withliyspep• Sia and Liver complaint or any derangement o, the. digestive organs, such as Sour Stomach Sink Headache,-Ilabitual Costiveness, paplpita- tion of tlio • heart heart burls. 'Water-Braslt,, gnawing and burning pains in the pit of the stomach, Yellow skin, Coated Tongue, and dis- agreeable taste in the mouth, cooling up of food after eating, low spirits &o., to put off -from day to day buying an article that they. know has cared their neighbor, friend or rein- tive, yet. they have no faith nutil it is too late. But 1f yotx go to your druggist, r. H. Combe,ancl get a bottle of Guans's AUGUST Faowl,n your immediate cure is ascertain as you live. Sam- ple, bottles df nils medicine clot be obtained for 10 cents to try itis superior virtue. Regular size 75 Cents, try it, two doses 11'i11 relieve auy- 0850. CLINTON MARKETS: • July 14, 1881. ,. Wheat, fall, 136ush, $1 20 a 1 23. Spring, Itedohaff, 1 15 a ,_.1_20 Fife, . • ' . • 1 118 a.- 1 20 Oats; •, 0. 37 a 0'40 Barley, •-0 65 a '0.70 ' Peas 0 65 a 0 70 Flour, `6 00 a .6 50 Potatees, ` . '• 0 25 a .0 25 , Butterer _ _... . -._ 0,16.• a.., 0_1-7_ Eggs, . , 0 13, a . 0 14 Hav, • • - . 10 00 a 12 "00 • • Hides,. 5 50 . a 6 00 Sheepskins • - 7050 . 1 25 Beef, 0 7 G 005a•a • 7 50 Cl\ 'over; h • .4.50, a u 00 Thoth 7, 2 75 .a; 3 •00 oo- 0 22. a. 0. '24. lin'Otlen's Arnica Salve. v 'The Best Salve in thehvorld for Cuts, Sores, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,; 'Vetter, '• Chapped. • Bands, Chilblains, Corse, and all Skin Eruptions, and posititrely.cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- .faoton or money refunded., Price 25 cents per ilea, 'For sale by 3.. FI. Combe. 17R• We cannot speak too Highly of tits merits, as testimonials from all parts of the canary - .• ' show its `success over all ethers. . . S_ F;CO f?C7Ik R- so11T, IlIAS:E11 BLOCK, CLINTON, Have on hand a choice .aseortmont of CLOOKS, Si 1'r i11ES, .TEwEtLERY'and PLATED WARE of • x11'kinds: - • Clocku,. Watches, &Ion;opairod on iliort notioc ALU WOB1i wA13RAN'I'ED.' MANITOBA. 'Wit." GORE:SWAN'. who returns to Ontar Al early in aoltw, •will take charge of any parties dem siring to ecompan$• hint mt his return trip on • ;•* Wednesday, 27th' of July, 18'81, Freight and stock on Monday before, A first-rate tine for pplytpro5pootorsorm. Full infoation as to. the Country. A . l GREENWAY, Centralia, Or to with, 01, WIIITE Repress Agent, Exeter. IF YOU ARE .TRAVELLING 41- LAST Z •1 ES.T • 0 --I"ii'IX YOU,It TIt:I{ETS P'11 1t--- " Jas. Thom . on Town rob eat 6.T,R, Mi33rt `t"ta, Brick Nook, ill;4tli1P, A.LIAN L1N1 ov ROYAL SFEctMSTIIPti. LIVERPOOL-: y0NEONEERRY--GLASG0W, SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. • C(tl)fin,Llltern.e4liitltgal,d Stcell; gc'5 "clici etto at Lo •est Rates. 1 SAILINGS num QTJ1tJIEC.. Moravian it Jnac. arinatian 111h June: iLaassi94 ;1@th June. sat" The .last train connecting at Quebec .aith the Allan Mail $Gamer will leave Toronto overy`Friday at 7:02 m, pasasen..gers eau also leave Toronto by the CM p.h1. trainRimonskion .F)ridays, ant. oonne t. with the atomiser at Rimoueki (paying tbo extrd faro, $4,45, Quobeo to Parsons wishing to. send. for, their friends can obtain passage certificates at lowest solos from England, Ire- land and Scotland to any city or railway,town in Ca- nada, ttifdlhd.amonnt is refunded lose we_ttelldeduce Won it the ticket is not nisei. Steerage Passengers ara booked to London Cardiff, Bristol, Qnaenstown,•Derry}iieiYa_st ardAGlasgow, a4. -same prude-El-810'Liveipooi• dead Tho last train oonneeting at Halifaxwith' the ',Allan Mail Steamer will'leave Toronto /ivory Thursday st'7:02 a.rp., •arriving at Halifax, Saturday noon. Passengers wishing to talo the steamer at Boston will be required to be at the port at the time mentioned Ibove, ' Fortbrough tickotsand every information apply to A. Srle.\ROv:(4 'I, 17 asteny,Clintou, Bro•�atlfootdT6 6.1pI 1; 41iNDEILTA KERS. Our stock of 1.`01111 ttkin.t „anei ds is vl Targe aid complete Persont requiring 1111t thong, in this line will find it to their advantage to call and sec n,, (as we have just received n large stock r•t Walnut and Rosewood Caskets. a1•40 Coffins of; all des. cription,, from tiro best Canadian anti •Amorlcnn manufacturers. We have, .also it select stook of. ERQ03E8 134.irR I M MI RiGS. We arc prepared to utnish thewct;nnds at: h if the price femoris charged. for the same, armesetenumgeggioncemewmitimiur • (+EQ `3 1EF:CL, • CABINET ' MAKER, v10TORIA STREET,, ULTNTON. . • . BossciSTERNS Yo(' (!A\ (:I'(''A REAL ,G001) Citi'1'tIt (1'olt •o1, b A.' Itl1'yf'i':It ONE FOE $5.,A 1D A, • swig 1-')N4`, I•'011 yt, At John- Stephenson's. 39 W ,.L. :... r 3.i _Lel 7,h� V .J: - 1.� . HARDWARE, NAiLS, CLASS, "PAINTS AND OILS.. topa1 CAn.adiasz O10 ki.ez V Tring rs, ' CHEAPER, THAN EVER BEFORE OFF VCRED, • • SOLD. STEEL, BARB- FENCE WIRE. t7Lt U T 1V rt3: Z'C7 L'L7 C7 `CJ tS.. 1 " Also, solegt -agent for the EMPIRE HORSE .Alr`13" CATTLE 1 O01), This food has "'Jelin ., largely used an Englainl, and that boon found superior to any earl! manufaett1i0tL..... S. DAVIS e •• t1L+iN k C flLOIC:I.., cL.i v;TOiii . JUST LAlT AN 11;8., *JOHN' S:ITEPHIENSON, ('1)OPlair, • (L1:\'J(IN, • HOP{ BITTERS. (A I Iedielite, not ti i)rinlc,) „. ooNTAls:l 1101'S, RU(IuIIls, 11LtNi)itAK10• I)AND1iLION . Ain',fti P111POVV AND OMIT 11Y"TCAt.Qr'Ait. '1188 OF AL1, 0T1(511 itf rTana.. Ail nutcases e11nnagal.�' Liver, Kdysend rafry-rns,)r Veltenesa1Sleepleaeeeand eepe('btlly"• F elltale Cemplatifte. 1000 in COLb. . Will he paid for a ease they wilt not core air hole, or for anythingt, impure or injnriofe fouhd 10 theta . .• Ask your druggist, for Trop Rimers -and try l.fle(n before you Sleep. Take nn Otter, 1'.. is an absolute andirresisttine cure tot D- Drunkeneea, trent opium, tobacco and narcotics, Saxe roe Counita11. Att.btve kohl by Jruntinw f1tp,autesMtg. Ca;, tostttar,It Y., k'forasto,e.t. 0 REMlMOl/. i. b. x UNU�R'�AKING; GOING YOU. .N :ABENE. �� • T GRAND EXCURSION TO THE vicrroItLI, BlaOC - ROOT , Ai D • SHOE STORE, Clinton' Whole a largo assortment of MEN'S, WOMEN'S dad .CHILII1tIfN'S BOOTS: AND SHOES, of. all mutts, are kopt constantly On htt,ul, rani Noll at the i(11est reinoncrative,iates ' . SPECIAL ATTENTION—lluvht, einploted a competent Boot and SIt00.inaker, of-tnany yuars•experience, he - o prepare("_ to exoeute all orderti entrusted -to hint, on''tho shortest. notice; in first elitss style, and at very . reasouttble rates. ItEPAIi1TNQ also pr.0mttly attended to. HARNESS DEPARTMENT._ SINGLE lays .11atiu usor • hero stock of b'irat• H' I attemti,io $ ° Q L A tiIFSS o t hied;', the s(ibscrilier wools •direct csjNiuiaw� thereto. Also, DOUBLE HARNESS, both heavy and. light. Being' made up front good stock. •and by experienced workmen, 1te'Cnn guarantee the sante: i}^ 5 (JTOIICOLLALIS warranted to Give natisfaetion 'rR[TSliS anti VALISES—A very largo assortment a ad' very cheap.. TRUNKS froth 75 "cents up. ..1st and 2nd class SIHNOLBS,. from 4Q cents a bunch; up [ • CxOODS WAltP.ANTED JAM 5 TWITOHELL, Victoria Block. • TP01.:OX-7-10I0- • tily Groceries, ROCKERY & GLASSWARE, GO To OUNINGITA E'S3 CLINTON. GLASSWARE AT A J3iG DISCOUNT to snake room for opening up a' (till. Bile of BISCUITS ,1 ` i f C(,fN 1'EOTIONAIIY. -_...Q± c .#i-7- o` . Ins �'iA ERELt, chem,.: Fli.U.lTS—Leptons ligan eAs,,Appies .•nil.(t dried Fruits. - FRESEI SMOKED HADDIE, FRESH SEA HERRING: •.7. CT_T.NING1-1Alv1E. L•;itrivtot!tt FURNITURE—f--FURNITURE IClintoti. Furi ture 1Y4Ireroomsi11i o.. ,77, brick: kk• Bl' °nC • ( Oling to the Wareu,,e.0i business during the past year, 1 JE1t• oU•.41,'I):1?0OT BOX •b'filt\�ITUpI; P1.11 Lit'., have taken it new lease of No. 77,and will continuo to do business :ts,.forntoriY 'Bey have on hand as fete, a stock of Furniture or was ever on exhibition to this e which the •are pro prod to sell ata very small advance ml'bnvt. As the tm'nufacture all our' oWn.goods we can give our they hotter value than eat be obtained elsewhere, our goods aro all warranted to giv . entire satisfaetiou: All otic . aorktiien understand their business, ' PETER' ROB11;. Manager. A. A. BENNEI''t', Salesman.. Do not nttrits the ,twee, Miro. •77. fl iclt l31oalr. Clfirto,e - 'Theworst place ' in this town to get ;' 4,,4,1$1,Your Groceries, is at the old Waterloo ' °'� House. Robb, • the Grocer, keeps the f ,:• worse stock in town. His prices are • higher than any, other grocery. He is. very .inattentive• to his customers, and Makes himself generally 'disagreeable o every person 'that dares patronizehim, and he don't want your trade; still, he' keeps open day and night., Dear me, how this world is given to perversion, nearly everybody in town. buys a ' from him., There, 'i)1ti ('het smile iiiisfiik(: here, for hisstock is all new and will Ittglit, ANI) .1)()X'T VCT :1+ O1 (xi'+,rl' 1'l', illl'struscRIBEItI1 (ISLI IIIA To RT ATI?. .L to the public that he hes reeelved, since the rue, a large and importer class of COFFINS, CASKETS, '-!•-•Alta -'- Coffin'rrinimings and' ]obes. 11splendid 11) (111511 kept.. PLAIN (10111118 always, on hand. Parties can be amp ,)ied.l t one hoot, at • an,s time, at eery reasonable rates. , "'Taos., S•TE'e. EIJSON. ltkee}'s old stand; Mhrrt Street, Clinton: ' r t cloo .toils° oltl �a c o � l�sl o the est �[� Rcme�i�er alio_ lace, tic l 1. � �' 14 FtTEm .11,03311, G1l,OC. Ia.