HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-14, Page 1se' Stores to Rent, THREE STORES If.otfv in .eourse Of ereetlen in the thriving:and huablefis TOWN 0 F CLINTON Situated on the junction of the Grand Trunk and London, Huron arid Bruce Railways, on the corner of THE BEST BUSINESS STREET IN TUE TOWN, Where a riticcessfut Imainess has been carried ou ter years. NO. 3 STORE 105 x 21. �. 2 STORE 92 x 21. NO. 3 STORE 77 x 21. Stone tellers the whole size of the building. Stores further paruare apply to „ really genuine BLACK TEA, Con.; o be completed aboutict thel1st of September, For • VOL. 17. NO, 2So ' 1 TOMAS $I•50 rer Annissawi) 'CLINTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1881. TEA. T TEA WILLIA.M COATS; ihrton,..lun; 30., 1881.. groie0Olonat Aiza 6'avAO •-turQNElt TO - LENb IN LARGE OR 82fora, 7Xofft-steres.e-errle. e_d7rinortglrtgne,sertarlt70104.2ret4trate.S. H HAI4E, ton. A LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FOR SALE. BY 43. the Canada Oompony, may be seen at the office of the undersigned. IL HALE, Clinton, itir RS. 'WHITT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. PUPILS alltg- attended at their own residence,if neeessary. Re- sidence Orange street, near the Huron Road, Olinton. DH. DOWSLEY, M, D., DLL E. 0, 0,• ENGLAND, o Phreleiall. S1rge9n, &e., Office and reeldence pert Mason's Bank, market serum Clinton. - PIt. APPLETON. --,O1!1!I0E—AT RESIDENCE on Ontario street, Clinton, opposite the English Church. Entrance by Ode gate. ir`a YOUNG, M. B., (GBADUATE OE TORONTO V • University,) Physician, Surgeon;&eeidence at Mr. Manning's, three doors east a the Temperance Iiall,Iondethoro, Ont. IMR.REEVE,—OFFICE, RATTENBURY STREET, ..L.rimmediately north,,of Raneford's book 'dere. Rest- ' denim, opposite the;71`einfeeittee-IldWillifoil'Sfielit (gluten. Office hours from 8 a.in. to 8.0,m. WSTANBUBY) GRADUATE OF THE MEDI- x Department of Victoria University, Toronto,for- merty of the Hospitals and Diepensariee, New 'Merit, • Coroner for the County of Moron, Reynold, Ont. ATARRIAGE LIGENSES AND CERTIFICATES. ..1.1lLApply at the Beaver Blook,or at the residence of the animeriber, near the London, Huron & Brom Mailwel', JAMES SCOTT, Issuer of Marriage Licenses.Clinton. 'Or W. WiLLIAMS, B. A., ALE., GRADUATE OF -1-toToronto University; member of the College of Phy- Biaiarla and Surgeons, that. OFFICE S; 12E1311)4mo the house formerly °copied by Dr. P.GeTi, Albert street Clinton. • 'MANNING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV, SOLI- • OITOR•IN-OHANCERY Conveyancer, &c., Beaver Block, Clinton,. Ont. Adbusinese promptly attended to. ' _Office hours 9 a.M. to 6 . • At Hawkshow's Hotel, Blyth, every Sator'dey. 1ThIt. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, .SURGEON 3-/Ainumeheur, Licentiate of the College ofPhysician . end Surgeone a Lower Canada, and ProvincialLieen. Mate and Coronorf or the Countyof Huron. Officeand, residenee,—The building f enact', occupied.by Mr. Thwaite, Huron a treet. • • - Clinton, Jan. 10, 1871. • • • • W•4:0ARTWRIGHT,IiiinopoirDeurter, 'Ifs • Graduate of the Royal College of Dental aaa 4iou, /040 cents per pound. An uncolorea .PILRE ILYSON ot 45 • cents per pound. Very interior grades, sweepings, etc., a Tea, have been advertised before now as lovi ae PS e, por pound but worth value as the above has never before. this been offered in Clinton, .ha chaapeat. Toot 4 .Clintan ic to lo fount at zoith oumuoIrmaws. Surgeons of Onterie, has opened reeins in -the 'Victoria Block, Albert •Street. Clinton, where he min constantly. be in attendance, and prepared to per - Om every operation coupes Led with Dentistry. Teeth extracted, or filled with gold, amalgam or other filling material. Artificial teeth inserted 'from one to a AM set, INTEREST REDUCED..-..' 'MONEY ON FIES1'__01,,A.SS FARM SECURITY', Ava. and on favorable terms to'borrowers, can now bo • had at -SIX per cent per annum. Apply to .•. . C. A. HAT, ' Attorney, &e, Clintou;May 0, 1581, . . , • BONEY 'CAMPBELL. TIESTRES to'inform the plople of Clinton and ear - rounding country, that he hag opened a Barber Shop in the premiseelately occupied by It. Wiseman; THREE DOORS FROM A. KENNEDY'S HOTEL. Having had eighteen years experience, he feels confi- dent that ho can give satisfaction to all. Ilaireutting, shaving, elta'mp being, etc., done at reasonable r ates Clinton, Martin 8, 1881. ' • $100,000 Ta,LEND, PER CENT. Ceste lower, than any • . other agency. •,• • . • . • FARMS BOUGHT AND SOLD. , MARRIAGE LIOENSES. ON W2AN0ING. • ' • • ' SSIONER FOR TARIM!, AFFIDAWTS. • JAMES BILAITIMAITR, . • pennant:me. ••.4•.: . itrearsr re zegx. MORTGAGES, NOTES, AND oTinin . Securities Purchased,. COliVE.YANCING..• • W. W. FARMAN': • Minton, Nov. 9,1880. •• • • MONEY TO LEND I For any. length, of time and upon terms to •3ttie borrowers. ' LOWEST INTEREST. • Xoans of ang anzonng and upon any terms, .negotiated at lowest rates. ' A: H.. MANNING, - ATTORNEY AND ,,.SOL1CITOR, , BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. • BUY THE BES All should have a Wringer. None equal to Royal Canadian, • .11Tr R M. RACEY'S, MON AND HARDWARE mgiconr, CLINTON. John McGarva,. SALT IVIANUFACTURER, • AND DEALER IN GROCERIKS AND PROVISIONS, g93 Victoria Street, A few doors south of the Test Office, . Very".Ckoloo Lard, Rams tilacon • For sale Id lowest prices. ta'" Cash paid, for Farm Products. " Clinton,. April 1-4, 1881. • THE MOLSONS 13ANK0 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament,1800. ' CAPiTAL, $2,000,000. • Head Office Montrea , • THOMAS woromaw,....... -President, J. H. R. MOLSON, . . - - ..Vice-Pree. F WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. ' Note8 discovizted, Collections made, _Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current_ rages.-- —, •-INTEREST ALLOWED 01.4 DEPOSITS. . M. LOUGH, Manager. 70. vr, 1881. • (Milton. 1.../SLEISHMIER has opened out a Soot and Shoe o.ritore in -the eliop lately occupied by John SteeP, where be will be prepared to manufacture all classes of work In his husinelre, ill a firstiless banner. A trial Solicited. ',Remmers nose Ox fillORT NOTICE.. '• "ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. , .• JOHNSTON,....TIDALL $(. GALE,. BA NK,E R s., ALBERT STREET; CLINTON, Q. ITIRANSACTA.GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS . Money advanced on Mortgagee and Notes attend Drafts Issued payable at par, at all the office's of the Merchant's Bank. Oanada. Now York exchange. bought 'and sold. Primer AxrEwrrox run> TO Con- txtrtorie throughout Canada and the United States. SALE NOTES 8000trr at eloee rates; and money advanced to farmers on their own note, for any length %Anima to snit the borrower. All marketable securi- ties boughe and sold. . • , BANKERS IN NEW Your, AGENTS OF TUE ' • MERCILLNT'S BANS OF CANADA, • .INTEREST JILLO1VED ON DEPOSITS A. JOHNSTON. J, P. TISDALL, T. A. CALE, S trathroy. • • Olin ton. Eiors• ..J. PENTL,A ND TISDALL, Manager,' •• 4tw Niutrtigittututo. t. Shawl Lost, IN'LINTON, or on the London itoad,red-J*46d Shawl; with black groundwork. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving it at this office. -•"••••••,%, EnwiN is. 3EDN'TI1390,1 From the- office of Trotter & Caesar, leading dentists. of Toronto, Second Honor graduate Royal Collegn Dental. Surgeons, • . OFFICE,BFAV.Elt BLOCK, CLINTON,Ormt FolDant & SON'S JEWELLERY STORE. " Stray ][or6e.. QTRAYED front the Maitland Flats, Colborne, Say Horse, In good condition, with small sear on nigh hind foot, small lump on neck, and is slightly troubled with heaves. Any one giving such Informa- tion to -thie office, as will lead to its recovery, will be suitably rewarded, •• • METE' SubseriLer, while thanking hie many friends -4-for their past crustoni, would indicate thatbe has HAD HIS GRIST MILL FITTED IJP WITH STEM. TOWER; am hiving precured"the*rierifeen. Of "O• dot. clOs Miller, is prepared to eremite all -orders entrusted to him on the shortest notice. • . • . , Jenrilb4ler0.,.41141,10,4.1ii3d,- • • •••• • -- , . Clinton Lodge No.84 G R C * A. F. 41; A. M. A, REGULAR MEETING OF THIS LODGE WILL' XX be held in•the Masonio Hall, on FRIDAY EV'G at 8.00 o'clock. Vieiting brethren are cordially invited to attend. BY order of the W. 16. ' JOHN MACWHIRTER, Seeretary, Fire Department Notice. 'SOME persons have at different times entered the Fire Department premises and displaced and put/ the engine and hose out of order; they have also Sakell the ladders and axes for their own use, giving as a excusiilhat they got liberty from home Councillor other person connected with the town. I wish it to i e distinctly understond that no person has any right to -give-thffirpermission, and all parties found inte ring il witle the lire appirratos, or trespassing in the e gine house, ,will be rigorously prosecuted. Parties having ropes, Axes, ladders, or other apparatus belonging to the. Company, will please return them. ' i . '. II. STEVENS, Chief Engineer. •John,,stonl- Cale 4.- Tilial), .Dankori., Biota. . . 4..,..Jurol.9.,N, .T.:4„..Gg11, . J., p,..Trsi,ALL, . Strathroy. Eldre. ., . . Clinton. ' . . . ' . T, A. GALE,'Mftrager.• • ' • , Correspondents in 'Canada, The Bank of Montrea1. and all their agenciee. In NOV 'York, W. Watson and A. Lang, 09 and 01. Wall Street. . , TMG A�E S E Tr EDER and by virtue of tho Power of Salo cdnllln- ed in a certain Mortgage (which said Mortgage will bo produced at time of sale) there will he sold by Pith - lie -Auction, by 'JAMES HOWSON, Auctioneer, -et th hour of two o'clock in the Afternoon, obi Friday, the 15th day: of July, 10 BELL'S HOTEL; LONDESI3ORODG, All and singular that certain parcel or tract of Land and. premises sitoate, lying and being in the Tovrnabip of Mullett, in the ,County of Huron, and Province of On- tario, being composed of the two acres composing tho south-east corner part a the north part of Lot number Twenty-six, in the•Tenth Concession of the said Town-. ship of Mullett, which said north part comprises that portion of the raid lot ying north of the south branch of tho Maitland River, and which said south-east corner part thereof may be better described and known as follows, that is to say; Commencing on the *elderly .limit of the said lot at the dlidanee of eighteen chains fifty links trent the south•eastorly angle of Londesbo- rough Graveyard, thence south thirty degrees wet on limit of Gravel Road four chains inifety•five links to high water mark of the River Maitland, thence north- westerly following north bank of litter four chains sixty, links, thence north thirty degrees east three chains seventv•eight links, thence south Sixty degrees east four chains forty,six links, to the place of begintiing, contairung by admedsurement, two acres of land, set aforesaid. * ' This property is one of the best stands in' the County fora Cheese Factory, and is,litted up in iirst-class style therefor. Terms mode kndwn op the day of saie. For further particulars apply to ' •A.11. MANNING, . ,itine 28 1881, • Solioitorjorlforgigace.. Farm:and-Town Prolerlles for Sale • . GOOD BARGAINS. • That lirst•class fartn en the Huron Roed'i near liarpurhey, Lot 33, in the. EiretConceseion of Mdhillop, 101 Ores (80 cleared) adjoining the property Of L, Rey. or, VA. Log and- hurtle house, latge frame barn, good orchard, Ate. Apply to Ms, Was. Wrivratrw, Huron Road, Tuelrersmith, Otto the undersigned, . 3. Lot 29, in the TWelith Condossion of Gmierleh town- ship, near liolinegvillei 80 acres, about 40 cleared, brili ante well' timbered.Frame house and stable. VVell suited for a dairy or grazing farm. Only 5200 required down ; or Would ho 'exchanged for toten property,' Apply to Ma, R MoirxrctiaVta, Blyth, or to the under-. signed. 4. The valuable hotel property on Victoria Street, Clinton, known nit tone's Hotel, now occupied, by Mr. Geo. Knox, COMINISing O. large hotel tuilding, driving 1101180, fOur choice town lots, axt 5. That elegatit two-story, frame dwelling.house on Huron Street, Clinton, formerlyilield by .1, t. notv occupied by Mr. John lc Martin. Tho ternfortable IMMO cottage on North Street, Whicli belonged to the late Mr, John Pugh, now oech- Me& by Mr. AVm.13alley; With two largo jots, good gar. den; Om, hoar the Flax Mill. 7. The good frame cottage and large lot, No, 963; ori Erie Street, Clinton. The tot isnear the junction of the twO railway's, and may hereafter be valuable ass factory site. • AlSe, other lotsana buildings for sale. Apply to RALE, noon B00% Clintio. Clinton, A 1U1, • Wanted, . A N •AFPRENTICE, LEARN TEE PABINET • Making business.... Aunty to. / 25 • • ' W. B. CRICH. 004 Clinton. •.Wanted; 50,000 :NFrapEire est marlfet price will be paid, ' • , • 2-5 , •W. B. 0 01I CO.,- Clinton. , • , Money atL rrtlIE COUNTY OF HUR has at present about J-1,20,000 to loan po first .Mortgages, on hum proPerty, it low rates of filtered. Apply to • . • ' A. 51. ROSS, froderieli, June 30 lffiil . tf • • Co. Treasurer, w .Rates. . Caution. • . • NTO'FICE herebygivon that the undersigned will Ilinot responslb e for debts contracted in his name by any party whatsoever, other than himself. • , DA VI 1) •DICKINSON. Clinton, June' 30,,481. rm for Sale . • h1Etndris[gne1iofTefsforsa1e hlis farffi of 156 tiores• Ole 5 withual Concessibn'Colborne,- About 120., red, the balance being good hardwood. -acres are C On the pr, ierty is a brat -class frame barn, with a stone cellar ; t10 plaeis well watered, end ine, good State of. cultivati n. Situated' inkiviray . between the towns .of Clieton Oorierich, be sold on reasenable terms: •W51. 1VADI1 • .• • • •• June 6, 1881. • • • •,, CtiwrOrr, F. 0, . , , • • • . . . ' Farm for, 111E undersigned Offers for sale his farm of 80 acres, LL being lot 40, Hayfield ConeessIon, Goderich Own - hip: About 70 acres cleared, and in splendid state of cultivation; balance good Itkdwood.On tho placeis a log house, frame barn, stablOre., about 11. acres of an orChard, two g000d-wells and running stream. Situate on 0. VENI. road, Only 1 miles from the growing WWII of Clinton.. Will he sold on reasonable arm. • . jAs, -ROBERTSON, CLINTON P.O.' VA. 14 -eat Farm for Sale • N EAR Blyth Station, L., II. & If. Railway, contain hag 189 Berea Of Ant -claire land, about half cleared and fenced, balance good hardwood bush. There kr a small Mouse and Barn, also an Orchard, and a email Spring Creek rues morose the lot. This farm, being welt situated, oftwe a good chane, for a person wanting one in an excellent nettled part of the country. For terms apply to SoxvtohipandTinny Inattem *11 ETEt, The 12th was duly observed here. The Village Was prettily decorated with arches and evergreen, and a goodly.number of lodges took part in the procession. Lawrence et Gracey have now connect- ed their workshop and warerooms bytele- phone, 35 rods distant. The faintest whisper can be heard over the line. Our street watering commenced on the 12th inst. BlisineiS is repoifect good. SUNISEDIMILL AND VICINITYL_ Han To BE STfoT.--As Mr, Joseph Wat- kins, of the Base Line, WEE drawing in hay, on Wednesday, the 6th inst., his team became frightened by the tongue coming down, and started to run,• The waggon was broken in a short time, add after circling the field several times, they ran againat the fence, phial stopped their mad career. When caught, it was discos, - era that the mare had her hind leg brok- en at the fetlock joint and had to -be. shot. His son, who was on the wagen. at the thins, nacisped.lijainuti1e, TEie,JJie Thind. wheels and rack coming off simultaneously. He received a few slight hinnies. • --,Sch-crotclosed- hereonthe' 7tlfTnsfpr the surnrner vacation. latiS. NEW BRIDGE. The bridge ove;, the' Maitland, on the 4th line, under the opera- tion of .the contractor, has been completed, but not before it was needed, • FALSE.—Mr. Fred. Whittingham never • stated his intentions of attending a "Com- mercial College," for the purpose Of study- 'ing medicine, or -" of exchanging 8011001 'teaching for the sake of going back to the farm,!' as was stated by a"certain young lady in Morris who seems to be so •deeply interested in his welfare, that she has un- dertaking to mark out his future career, . Mr,' A. Scott, of Ohio, occupied.' the: Sunehine pialpit last Sabbath, • • GODERIOn TOWNSHIP. . SIITinni: DEATis.t--We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. J. Sturdy, jr. which occurred suddenly on Saturday last. De- ceased wasvery. well known:and much es- teemed. She :leaves a•-hueband eod tWo small children. • . . , • . • -Simsrnints.•--On Sittnicley last while the 'Wife of Mr. Win. Johnston, of ' the 16th con. iwas assisting in the hey-field.,.•:she-Was_. prostrated by the intense heat. ,She ,was inimediatelytakeu to the bongo and Me- 'dical assistance suipnioned.l. for s tune her. Tecovery Was considered- -very 'dolibtftil, but we are pleased' to learn, that, at latest' accounts ehe..wliii progressing favorably. Rfloovaano.-4,a3t • week n• /terse was stolen from; Mr. Geu. Canteion; . of . this tcalithip: The thief must • have driven it pretty hard; for. he. turned up in Listo- well with it'eext day, where he sold it .to some one, the purchaser only, paying $1 detVii„ at the: same time remarking, " you stole that horse; and you'd' better . get out as quick as you can," advice the .fellow was no5. slow to act.0 poll:: Constable Thin •- ef Seaforth„ came Meng in search of 'anether stolen horse, and thus reentered thicl'ale 'tit::01 :.t-,•; p111001 11115 to adjournment inerd hers all. piesenti. 'Min owl of • lest •meeting read and-paseed. A letter was read fromthe county elerk: steting that $3926.45 is requirecl-,from this township for can't ty purposee for Present -year: Fetition •frain • te. Ed wards and tri be changed from No: 2 to No. 6 school sodion, was „complied *ith, and clerkordered.to 'notifythe trus- tees of said .Sections, .• A petition froin. Mr. .1Cerneghaii andthirty. Others* asking for a side road to 'be 'exchanged b!tween lets 55 and 56 for ono between iets 56 and . 57 leading to -the 31/1aitland river. ,Mr. Ker. naghan was heard On tile matter', which. received the favorable consideration of the council. Moved by John Coit, see. by Soo. Whitely, that the petition of John Kernagban and others, asking for the open, ingbf a road between lots 56 and 5.7, lead, .ing:to Maitland river, be considered at the next meeting of 0ouncii.—Carried. A let; •teovas read froin David•McNeillY, asking for the Side line between lots 30 and 31, on 3rd and 45h con., to be made the statutory width Of 66 feet ; a leng disouseion. follow- ed, :every ingestion . offered for an ar- rangement being set aside by 80100 into; rested petty," the Reeve was :dna*in- strnoted to have legal advice On the matter ferfirst meeting of Council., The fallowing accounts were pal; Hugh MeIlwain, grading on 2nd bon„ $11.80; jOhn- ston Malwain, repairing' bridge on let con..and three oulverts otv 2nd, $7,87 ; H. Moil -Wain; gravelling on 1st con., $43 ;R, Johnston and others, stumping and grading on 1st con.; 827.50; .To/in Itirkpottick, for tw o.pipes and grading on 1st con.,. $4.80 ; Geo, Young, on S.R. lat con., $20; do. 'for grading and culvert on lat. con., $4.70 ; J. Porter, Culvert On H.R., 820;. H. Moll - 'mile; dotting 1)111 011 S,R., 1st con, $5.50.; S. Johnston, tap. culvert, ist eon., $10 • R. Bray, indigent, sib ; Jae. Moir, path: theater's shovellers foe gravel, $14Oliver Pennington, P. M. atone bresdcing and shovellers ,fOr .gravid, $3.50; Win. Collins; indigent. 447.50.; Dr. 4;Io Taylorllnh ,preohfeeepitioenrda,1 visit to. Mrs. Bray, $ lumber and, hauling on M. C., 815; Mr, Murch, repairing.ecreper, $2 ; Geo: Green; balance on digging drains, $2,75. Conn - oil adjourned to meet on the. fourth Mon- day In August. JAMES PATTON*, Clerk. • . Farmers nod Merchants. If you liitibAo avoidelgreat danger and teen- ble, besides mile small bill of expense, at this seasonof thogYear. you should take promps steps' to keep disease from your household. The system should be 'Oleatnied, blood Dud. fled, stoma& and bowels regulated', and Pre- vent and cure disease arising from Spring malaria, We know of nothing thet Will so perfectly and outlay do this as Electric Bit. torr, and at the trifling cost of 50 Cents a bet- hyl, H. Oombe, . ' A. & S. NAIRN. , . . Toronto. April 21, 1.881. Two Houses for Sale. THAT DESIRABLE DWELLING ON .1111:IN Street,. opposite the residence of Mr. R. Irwin. The hone° containtwelve rooms, with collar, hard and soft water ; also, a "Splendid stable. The lot emitting one-half an acre, with bearing orchard, grapes, •our - rants, rasphonlos die. • That COTTAGE on Rattenhury Street, two doors west or the Methodist church, containing eight rooms, with. VOOd-Eihed, Stable, hard and sett water. The lot Obtains one-eIghth of an Rare. Will be sold on reason.. able tones. Apply at residence on High Mud, to ' A. DUNCAN. 14.40. J. BIDDLEOOMBE, jatch and Clock Maker, JEWELLEti, Jte,, Wo01btropetfnisnnonnc5 50 his onstenters and the public generally, thateho has removerrinto his former • building, on . Anintirr STAntr, • OrrosiTic 'Ildnitzor, *hero be will keep on hand a seloit assortment of °locks, Irate -keg, Jewellery,- and SlIverisare • of all kintl.s. 'Whieh ite will sell st,roasonable rates...Ittintlrinfl �f- • • every description promptly attended to. , • J. TITnntt009DIE, Athsitt Swasem Clinton, bee. 5, 1878. ,; • ' Gritattui Women. None receive so muelx heneilt,land iteite are so profoundly greattni end anew such an Interest In recommending flop Bitters as women, It is tee only remedy peculiarly adapted to themansf ills the Sof is almost universally subject to. Chills and fever, -indigestion or deranged liver, constant or periodical sielrjheadaelaie, weakness. in the back or kidneys, pain in the shoulders and different parte of the body, a feeling of lassitude and despondency, are all readily re, Moved by these DitterS.*Courant • 1I. 111.114LETT. ILItNESS, —We are sorry to record the illnese of Mr. Gilbert Mair, of the Base Line, caused by mental anxiety during the illness of his son and Mrs. Melt, but hope to bear of his apeedy.recovery, He has the sympathy of the entire comm. nity. , In the list of voters for this.year, there are 537 persons qualified to serve as jurors; 96 farmer's sons ere assessed. • . • . . zilition. During a thunder storm -011-Rilliday af- ternoon, the dwel/ing house of Walter Fee was struck by lightning. The family had a narrow escape. Some of them were slightly hurt. The house mid attached kitchen Were badly wrecked; • - 1 - E., HOLMES 4 EON PUllhlIshers. • . ^ tONDESH ORO. The cheese factory is to be sold by auc- tion, on Friday. . Mr, Mathew Mains had his finger taken off while pulling shingles oft' the roof of a barn near Clinton. Lonclesboro cricket club intend having a grand concert on- Friday, the 22n1 of --July, in the. Timperanee Hall; here.—The 'best talent and music in the county .are already engaged. The Clinton and .Londesboro clubs intend•playinFtheirre-= turn match in the afternoon of the same day. The Rev. James Loughead, of Londes- boro, will deliver a lecture in the Temper- ance Hall, of this place, on the 20th of July. All are cordially invited to be pre- sent, free • . . o The 12th of July passed off -quietly here, the Young Brittons went to Exeter, and the Orange lodge did not turn out at all. • WINDHAM .• The Rev. Mr, Davis, Rural Dean, who has been rninisterof the Church of Eng- land here for seven or eight years, is now Moving at his Own request, to the church at Thamesville. Mr. Davis is a sincere and earnest minister of thegospel. He is hon- est and outspoken. It is a pity there are not Many more ministers like him in all denominations. By some people among us he was never appreciated as he deserv- ed to be. While here he. was ,the true type'Of What a -gond Mibihid Should'he; he was always ready With a kind :and friendly word, but at..the-sanie time, he was never afraid to censure what was wrong. Some people are thin-skinned and And dislike being minded Of their faults or weaknesses --A minister who reselvca to do his duty honestly and boldly has often to .hard road to travel: ' M. Davis will Wave Many, true friends behind himshere; who will regret his departere;, and earnest- ly wish success and .prosperity wherever he loes. His suceeSsor is ,Kr,..r.,Barr;who is a so well spoken of. Mr.. Archibald 'Fisher; . brother. to P. Fisher, Esq„ of the celebrated "Winghtun, Mills," and one Of the pioneer settlers of Wingliarn, 11.10 left tnr Manitoba, with the necessary machinery ter large grist and sa'w mi1111. Ile will locate, at a new Place called Brandon. There is no doubt he will sneceed. fur 110 i It man of Consid; erable ability and energy. Such men arc an actiuhitionto tilanitoba, but a loss to Ontario.. • Mr. Fisher seems to have fetinfl favor with the Syndicate people chit there, who appear inclined to give him much encouragement.' They.n.re-whe, for_they. know it is only Workers and practical men like hira who can build up such a colintry. and Make it great and flourishing. .. Tlie lathes of tlie Canada Methodist Church, o1 this town„' are at present both- ering their pretty heads to devise the best means for re -furnishing the parsonage, ,Phey,have aceoniplishes1 nu:whin this way in the past, and 15 18 quitalikely they will hit on scone goad plan for the present pur- pose for many °McIntire 'clever and fer- tile inexpedients. • The Presbyterians have been busy for some.thrie preparing the foundation for their new church, to supply the place of the one lately burned -down. The new one will he on the •front street, opposite the Market 'House. They engage at their work with a creditable zeal and earnest- ness. It is expected the new church will - be an ornanient to the town; There have been loud complaints here about poor prospects of Crops. Farmers are rather given to complain: They should be more hopeful and remember the good old •Seoteh proverb*, "Never gross ft bridge until you meet it," It is true the fall wheat is not good, and much of it was ploughed up last spring but nevertheless in the townships arena Wingham, what was allowed to remain, which was a great deal, will prove an average trop. Pats, barley and potatoes are good; hay„ not good., On ' the . whole; the .outlook for farmers is not its bad as it wast supposed to be, and they appear to.think that witY themselves, ler they,keep laying in stores with its much spirit as ever. A large quantity' of country Drodfice such as wheat,hay, butter, Wool, &c,, is daily being brought into market and meets with:ready sale at good prices, , As an evidence that Wingham is hold- ing its oWnthese hard times, we may mention that there is not a Vacant dwell- ing house now in the town. Not many' towns can make such a boast. • , There is every probability that we shall have the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Rail - Way in here. Bid whether we do or not, while wd have two such noblerivers as Wingham is sure to prosper. Wingilam, RS you. are aware, 18 ij air angle formed by the two branches OF the, Maitland, and the town enjoys the trade of a great part of seven large townships. Few towns Can Say the same: Biliousheee, indigestion, constipation—all forms of dyspepsia yield at onto to a fowl defies ZiSi A, the new 'compound from Brazil. A 10 eent sainale proves it: J. 31. Combe, agent: "rust say We the nicest thing 1ever used for the teeth and breath," says every bile hat: ing tried " TOASUREV.” the new toilet gain. Get 6 cent sample. , lif0114111ENYILErIN. CAMP MEETING. —Efforts are being road° to hold a camp meeting in the vicinity of this place, sometime during the fall,' ia connectioe with the 1VIethodist churches of the clietrict. Should the efforts be suo cessful, it will be attended. by Hovers/ of the moot proininent men connected,with the ministry, in Canada. ti'l'ANX.E Y. DUBAI:WUXI ACCIPBNT: —On Monday last a very serione And painful accident hap. polled on the farra of;Mr. Wm. Pearson, 2n4 an, Stanley, in which his daughter was ths sufferer. It appears that she had carried lunch to the hayfield, and had then offered to aesist in the work ; and as driv- ing the mower was thought to be the easi- est, he was given that to do. Shortly after assuming the reins the horses took fright at the flapping a some portion .of her dress and ran away, and on reaching the fence they jumped it, throwing her in fronthof the knife, whioh entered her knee joint, lacerating is drdadfully• and tearing out the tendons, and otherwite cutting her. She alto received some paipful, but not eerious wounds, On other portions of the body. -Meclteal'aid WeirObtained and the wounds drawled, but it is yet uncertain whether her leg can be saved; but even if it is it Will be apt to make her a cripple. We are glad to say that in other 'respeots she is doing as well art could be expected, HURON ITEMS, An axe handle factory has started 'at . Brussels. . , • Knox Church, Goderieh, is talking of buy. in'g a $2,000 organ, Mr. Thos. White, of the Exeter Times, has ' bought the Windsor Review. • C. 11. Cooper,. of Brussels, picked 800 boxes of strawberries from one-eighth of an , lore. . A horse belonging to a Mrs Martinlell in • the streets.of Goderieh last week, and brae its leg, Memos. P. AlcGregor and D. McIntosh, of Brimfield, have gene to time old country to • purchase horses. While Mr. Garbet, of Gorrie, was returning from a wedding a few days since one of hie horses dropped dead. • J. 1'. Brown, of Auburn, has sold his houee andlot idthesvillige to the C. M. Congrega- • tion for a parsonage, price $675. Mr. IL Y. Attrill, of Goderich, recently • purchased a couple of Duchess cows in Eng._ . land for the snug sum of $20,000. Last Wednesday the community was shock; ed to hear of the sudden death o1) Mr. Andrew 1VIcKibbon at his residence near Belgrave; The amount to be raised by -the townehip ef Tuckersinith this year for county purposes is $3,824, being about 6400 mord than last • Henry Beadle, of Hallett, has sold hie im- ported cart horse; Banker; to '1Viesars. Colon. honn and Doane of :Ribbed., It a splendid. : horse. ' • • .- '" • . • . , A little boy about Our years of age, sOn Of Mr. C. Clerked°, Head Master of the High Scheel Seaforth, fell off Nverandtth a few days ' ago' and'brbkii his ann. . Mr. E. WestleVi of Stanley,. lest about 70 sheep -this spring through a disease .resembl- bag the horselepi5o5tie The lambs died when about three orlon days'okl.. •• ' • ••••.Last, week .,there:was sawn in Mr. •Lewis McDonald's mill at Walton 'fifteen thousand 'six hundred and sixty nine feet of inch lumber in ten and a. hall hou•rs. ' ratither was. hemlock and hesswoe'd. • The • Elev. Rutel Dean Davis .preached farewell sermon in St. Paul's eliurgh; . ham, on the 17th, he has been appointed Rural Dean et the 1 )Linty of Kent arnr incumbent of Thamei o, and the llov. rsorie Barr. has " 1;0e1 appointed his sucaessor in.. Wingliam. IVe regret to learn that Oolin MeDenald, who get his 55i1l16 hija red by, falling .frogi it frame building near.Varna, i vary' low,' end :no hOpes'whatever are.eetertained of his id', Invery. 1,folias neither power nor feeling in , :thelower part of'his hotly, and bedsores are „hreaking.nuk.oxe4 the-patt4artll*eit,,-- . The Qamp feeting'untlei tho etiepices a the Gotierielk District of the Moth odist Church of Canada, held on the faim of Mr. Andiewt; • ". 12th, con. of Ashfieldt. etoaed ,Thureday of last Week.- The renting:was hirgely attended, and•although tho weather was far 1 rem favor- able for such meetings; yd interesting' ces were colitioned ,for one tveek end with en. eoaraging spiritual roaulls. • •• • . • . It ik with regret We' repaid a .sad. accident - Which ceased the•deith Of WAI. "Witkorford, • of Hoivick. Rested another young Man were running horeeitothe pasture on•Friday last, ' whetithe'hotse lio redo bolted, throwing him - off and'striking his head egainsts• stant. • He spoke' out once, a few minded before his 'death', •The bereeted family,have thus 'lost as fine n.young man at lived in Howl& . • , . . toe Of a well knownfarmer in Gra; , tied about fourteen years, did not agree with • - his father in everythig to he decided to :run avtay; which he did, taking with Mw $80 be. longing to his father. He has written'tO his parents informingthem that he will fiend she i money back with •ntereet as soon; is he .eorne it. The boy would no doubt' have . shored in his father's property,, as thereare only twer children iu the familv, ' • : • .. We are celled upon to chronicle the death of another of Canada'sold pioneers in the person, Of Mr. Robt. Break; $t„ who finalities-. ed ettray under the ripe, old age of 90 years. , Mi. Break was a native/0 Ireland: emi- grated to Canada in the yer-124 and settled in the Btovinee of QuebeeNthereto made for '•• Iiimeelf and family a comfortable. home. He afterwards entered the service of Her Majesty as a Custom House officer in Montreal, . in which capacity he served the long term of 40 , yeire, in the year' of 1874 he tome with bia family and settled in the township of Tacker.: smith.. He purcbased.'the farm of Mr. Doit. aid McKay,on the • Mill Road, whore he re. resined tint/ a little weer a year ago, when wishing to hie a inore retired life he moved • to the village Of Brtieedeld, where he. ended •• , his life. Mr,' Week was O member of the. • Methodist Church. •"ft;: tire ho ---t 1110111013:of Augnat the 13100tIA0itlii be kept pint and (Fool, -with on ocoaSional dose of Dr, garserl'ii Stomach and • ' rionstipittiorillitters, 15 worthy 111 large.Sounee bottles, 50 1011015. at J.11:Cornbe Elva store. 'The repeated' attacks of the Mail noire - paper on Mr. Blake are evidently being made with a view of drit,dfig that gentle- • inan from public life. —'Toronto Telegram. • Tut &mum, Ort' 145» SIGIITS.--The grey. hairs "of ago being brotight with sorrow to the grave 18 now, wb ate glad to think, bee:ening rarer every year as the use,of Cingalese Hair Restorer becomes more general. 13y its uee She scanty lecke of ago once more resume their farmer color and the hair becomes thiek an& lcixtuant as stet; with its ma We 01111110W defy the change of steam, rating Asetired that no Grey Hair at any rate will come tO sadden us. Sold by all drugging* 50 per bottle. .