HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-07, Page 8q.
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1 '� i Mils. '1'. Ta,Y1roR, .of IS% CotheriueQ, + � 'R'olyu Counell,
OLINTON NE ERA, ; (sister of Messrs. Goo, R. . and .a. I'rty.) is I Sports and. Amusements« .,. _ '
visittug here. l r iilCicET. I The regular uieeting;of the Council was
_ !
TgURSD I.&Y, JULY 7, 18+81.
P Yon . �
T � ' have Arrived � ,
,",..�.,,..:.,._..:-•-"-.-�-_--�•�.•-«---r•-- • - . •_ Iii: , SCHOOL ]^�s.�itt>txt,'rloN,,--:J'kll G,roderich Cricket Club will la the re, held pard in ay even , A Aeputylieove
ip1V.1lx,, - High tori, nirdtah; avitit the Seaforth al to- Sheppard in tdia chair, and Councillors
1 examination for entrance to' tha {h, Boats Stevopettn Cooper, Corbett, and i
..,..._,.�.,,_.• _:- _ .__. _ ._ 7t1, ansa. and the dnterineclia e o alt + S�' R the gronude of the latter, Jackson present, minutes of previous naeaG• I 4� . m
School couauiences to ala Thursday, the rosy, arida u
U i>vTorT very quietly observed Boptin- Eon Friday fatst our Cricketers visited i .
ion da , INIonday fallowing. jugs road and passed. Tenders, for the
Tnz cow nuisan.- is ettin to be woroe SCHOOL UNAMINATION.•'•-•'the exaini-' g' d ket S construction of i► second tank cit alta Mur•
y New Hamburg, and suffered their second
� ' g 'I defeat, by 77 runs. The were unable' kat Square, were received. from iVl;essra. J.
nation of the public school, before closing y tc have iho servicelt of 31essrs. Forrester Ferguson still A Wheatley,,
eYer�r.year, li , k, , Y, ,and W. H. L:,.i.� .
om ter stood lin # + dha<le for the holidays, will be held on Wedues- !.ashram, Knox and (7xaib, which made :a Treaves, ilia fvrnler.offering tiic0tistruct t R,..,
THE . therm . e e : 2 # •F
!n Tuesday. day, the 13th inst., beginning at 9 o'clock creat diflevenoo, rind on this account is duo complete.for 00, the latter .for $326` -
a.m. All interested are xeapeetfully re- the defeat. Hamburg was first to. bat, Moved by Conn. Stevenson, sada byCt,un l
THEitE was 'about twenty Itic•nica' at quested. to be present, making G$ runs, Sterlingand Woodcock ender of Messrs. Fergu. ._
$enmiller's falls, on the las Corbett, that the #
1t1'1�tnU,vrs I1ttp LN, ---op Friday lust Playing well for their respective scores,--• soil and Wlioatloy, for finishing tho tank BORDERED MS, ,x. B. ]VlooliB, cf Wingham,, for, near! u dozen large tinea . of �,laas' weru Clinton only managed to get 44 in their ..- P
. y p complete according to, specifioatiork bdac-
nierlr .of this place, has returned from the broker), in the Model School windows, sup, first innings, nobody making double fi- eepted, it being tbo lowest. --Carried.
Worthwest; mach pleased therewith, posed to have been. doiie with catapults. gores" Tkk the second innings Hamburg The Finance Committee's Reportrecom-
t an ti 116 _ .
• Axa[ l3Roxw-,-On Friday evening a ' Tho, trustees intend to fine the first boy p of which Cook. made 4a, not mended paymentof the following accounts:
little boy named) ,Smith, residing on the found guilty of hreakini; a Winda,v. - out, and Trust �6, and Clinton had noiv W. Whittington, work at cemetery, $2.50; PRINTS
73aee bine, )anile playing, fell and broke. 140 runs to make in tin hour and a half, G, Rentgen, work at cemotery, $8 ; G. .
I.XYE STOCK A$$Oc%kTIUN,--A meeting but when the last wicket fell 63 was the Rent e .
!pis arta, of the o4cera and directors of the Huron total, of whioli W. Jackson made 14, and n, work o£ soil and mop c¢ ,troets
SrArxsrics,•-k'or the half-year ending Rive Stock Association wilt be held at IVIG• • l I, Dennis 1.0. 7'he Hambur team was $77,16 ; C, Flilyar, spikes for ou)verts, $2;
Hamburg, S. Pratt, qro, salary as Fire Engineer, $18, DRES
#he. 39th of June, there w. era recorded. with Laren's Hotel here on )'rids !fish alias. ver siren help )eked from Waterloo,. M:
the Town C'ierl; 4w births 2G marraa ee ' ' y' y g, g p , 7G ; Soren Record, advertieipg,, 5310.26
. : g , at 1 p,m,, sharp, for the purpose of mak- Maysville, and Hanfryn, A return match J,,r, Callander, registration fees, etc., $. I$,- . .
and IS deaths. ing arrangements for the anlival sale and is expected to take place Hera about, the GO ; J. Stevenson, or. !timber and team $8,.
THF picnic of, Willia church Sabbath; the trausac0on of other important business middle of the month, Below is the score: 40; J. Ross, pump, pulleys, etc., $I&" ;
; cltovl was held here esti rda' , The da (tlulcl. WftK,• Ooi Saturday morning Ist Innings C14INTOIJ. nd Innings, MW, W,hPaialey', scraper, ctc.fQG.26 ; Craib;
lraa fine, )hong!! warm, and all seemed to last twc,emen named Vatter and Grumpier lichoen, , Cook, b Brown ,.- p a Phutnb bBrown.. 2 a ter da C ,, dry goods, $7•G3; np
__. ;� I 013 joy"thempelve-A Wen'.. . - koFflgr, o Woodcock,, b Hrown n xtumped Sterling.. 8 inatlon. of CJOpn, (iQOper the report was'
•carried -one hundred and...aevAuly_ cin_'-Johnstou-b-Cook,. .. __,. « +! ,
Mx..n?v¢� DI,IBs JAs< TwlrciiaLr. returned .tuba of butter out of she. cellar of Mr, J. Rentford,htt wicket ,•,.,.,,, o olirook b8terltng., 4 adopted. -„...„,,.m,,.,,•'..,,.:.. ,.....-__, _ _,, w�
Froin their. b )dal soar on Mends avenin Harland bBrow[, ... tr The Pro ert Committe re cited av, � i rtln _ s : }” "` -
r Y tr, Hodgins, to forty. minutes. Averag• . ,........ l; sand b BYcwn . , P Y u ,P h 4 tC s ck I� -a
is the tuba at only 50 lbs• each, alis Jackson, b Brown .• 0 ,t phumbb Davies..14 ing examined of chair for Court
K oifter An .dbeenon. o£ about two months in g y , Dennis, bCook., 2 b$terlin 10
"' the Sout'h•eastern -states.. make. nearly niflo thousand pounds, s Meek$ ooa, run out ,; 4 not out B ; ,;; 2 Room, .and would recommend that the
i prettylar o out # ggart,•b Cobk .,-__ 4 b Da'vies ..•,.., r offer of -Mr, C. It. Coates, to furnish one. �..QWeSt UQ'�att0�1S `
M -sirs. P: pole, sang:, o£ Clintnit, and , g n Wheatley, b Brown e b Sterling , • • .. •, 0 without oRat of Arms' at $33 be sacs ted; I , -
p, yVelslf, of Clodorich township, left a few "11" Elotinon" (J'oe Ewings) made his'an• Bves"s' ties out.....».......
. ., 2 .$toiling .... 1 a , p ,
e, s w was t coat o advisable 33, b w the mat, '
-days since for Michigan by G.T:jR., where. nual visit .to the matters house on the widow ""' '"`""'" •' 4
.,•.,. •.,, „" • 5 •...........:...... z ter ta.remaiu over far a timq, a4 the re. ..
• !bey intend lan.'d; first, and left u splendid assortment of till : 4s is part was filed.
° . kinds of vegetables, including potatoes of ~ • Mrs. !'ode diad° application. foe a rant '
13UiTGtitr,—Ztilr• W. J Paisley has lx,iri;ht lot I[rnings. NEW IiAMBUIau, ?na Inklings.
the house And lot on King street; o>vned
good. proportions for so early 'ill the . . •.of $20 to sadist in defraying the expenses - f► , ^
• ib. Mr. J. Fox 'at O farmer! Occu ied b Davis b Harland o of her daughter in pursuing her education
,season., If JQe'd0os 'make pts ytalt later Brown, I,b,w,, b itanstord 0 e Dennis b Iiarland.
nr nd 0 'c and b Ranstord.,, 'i
Y y p Y 'than the rest of the gardeners,.his ve e• ' at the Blind Tnetituto. On motion of a AN $ T -
$ Yir, J. Lees. tis said he qt it at a bar- tables make n for the dtiferece ip time. Sterling,.bHorla d.,<.:.,,". s.vvRunsfor4_ n ...'sa Coun. Stevenson sea. b Coun. J ck v s
gi to
gain, P ,Cook, bgRanaford.:.... r.... •i. not out .. •...26, the request was granted.y a s ,q,
Mme$ L. 1tSAiPiiii$Li of AlnaoptQ lyse haA RE�kPeiON.-{l'llt3 reception extended Frust, c Dennis, b Harland ". 0 bHarland ,..., .., '"'_� 1�7 w �+�
' ' to Rev, Mr MODOiiagh and filmllY, last Woodcock, not out.,..,.. I0 ollansfordtoIiarland Z ,.Vfr,Coopercalled attentiofi to the nodes- S V.UZ0Z ,�,�+,i+, '
;assn visiting her brothers here,, left for T. Woodcock b Harbutd I cJacksonbnattstord I .city of restricting boys in the use of vele.
` +Iilifton .on:xuQsda where' her mother is evening, at the house of Mr. A. S. Fisher, Crnst, b Harland .... a cJacksonbItansford l '
' Y, ,was largely. attended.. After-refresbnients Brooke, b Ranstocd ,..,. 0,e7acksonbRaUlgforda cipedes, as, aero dangerous to nodes• .:. AT . . ..
7iSlt ng, sod, from' which {)lace she.. will ;hitd bean served blr:.Jas,'Y'hom son oil 1�[illor, run nut .. op out •r, .trians and others, but no action was taken . 'ii , '
eased home, , P , Bxea.. n
.IR r. • , behalf of the congregation; extended to widen ::..: .... Ii .:,. ., "a in matter. ! .
•��.. ..» ` .•-•W..•�.-ROUst�...„Sa1-.7),-On-Saturda „a..Ilouse.;-t4WA-4�110..4Xty and.co,xdjA.I..,lY�le4p., ni }+. W,eJx,.,..,,.,-. onnciT"then:adjourned<
' sllt3 eighth -acro lot 013-Queen.streets. be- was acknowledged ledged by Mr, McDonagh in a • ^--: •--- 111,:— -:,,.'�
. y,:.
tvu, irc for Clinton W.Coats ; Hamburg, J; A(eCa1• ' .. F ;
A ISTUANC4L 1'IiIiACTllfli, n -
long ng to the ]ate David Caotelon, was few- well-chosen remarks. !1111[, scorer, A, hf, Taylor, e' .
tsbid,by stiction, Mr. , pV:. (Jantelu i being RUNAWAY.-IaaRt Thurada a Tzorsq bQ �'r' -
16hs purchaser at $310, Y • • �iruN. 1 There was once a. minister of the Gospel
• longing to a Mr. Woods, of Bayfield, )vas' •.,, - '' . 'tyle n°ver built .
+ Ihohurse t'aces at 1.xetur on the .let .+ church. Who° never
tied in front.of Lir. D,welo s.Qtiice, when'. .IIS CRY GOODS E
%'ieexo'P1sxD.-al's'o faa[no for tbepew Y
sore well attended The following _wore `proposed. a church fair : to" purohairo 'any. O I�M .0� c�ST01a
stave factory, at Stapleton, was raised b A boy on a.rulocipede passed along fright, + K Lhina for,a.chnr0h, Wlio`never formed o
%Y niu the horse. ft brake fts fasteninry and the winning huraes;--Local running race -
A bee, a few evenings since, Tt is . to be [ -1VZsy t�Iornin(, lst ; 'Lady Syron, 2qd• now sect. Who never belonged to any sect, �� _ .. �r _ , . •
Tun b ower' from the e$ ins'in` connoc• dashed down Street,. scattering in all di- Who never received a salar Who never -•------- -4-- - ------ .-�
Y P K. Leca1 tint --little Nellie let • Little Nell y' .
�ivn with the derrick.- rections agoantity of'strnwberrieseontsin. +
.11 .
•ed in iho 'wagon. It was brought ,to a ;.2nd, Op,i1,• ruunini .,"ce-Sam Willard, I Style ed f a one, Who.•neverc°nsiderAdoan _ - _ .
:PIQNTo. .All connected with the estab- stand'on the Bitfield 'road, after' sfi,hf Bay ,Triol.;• 2nd Little Mand, 3rd; gess dlifferent to other. people, an = _ :-eq. .'. .
_ - _ _
y' . • � e . fly � (1)11P11 -;u taut-�-a3rn[vrr 1'nlnee 1st • 'Ueztet• � essential. Who never used a prayer book`'
Oiahments of Messrs. T.:Ja0l son �� Spli breaki�ig thw;conveyance. : 2nd ; Mtar. n s of x,orpei ;lid. ' ' 1 or a hyfnn book, yr wrote ai.d then read: •a __ _ -
rove..out to Point •Farm, on Tuesday, 9 sermon. Who never hired _ - -4 - U- _ _ _
where they w.eiiti is enjoy the, le9sUreC; DIVISION CaiTRT.-Theregui.;crsittinS�a : professional - - - - _
a� t rho ration held) in .Columbus;.:Ohio on, ,aangers to_dra.wsouls to hear the• .:Word �' • . -
of ever th' connected with a )auto. were held on Fridalast. The do<:ket f
• Waa -a lengthy one and inclu'dod' several} ,� ,. the Goderieh .mare Who never advertised' his sermon. Who • ' ..
Y P } i't odnesdlriy afternimit
CAztz should be exercised in using cur, •cases of im ortance. twin to the illness I ,` T,uey' took first money, $104(), irr flies never went throu$tt a course of theokigii, , ”
P g straight bents.' Thus,, 2,224. . study. Who Dever was ordained: Who . 111 SP3,CTFCTI,LY Bit,t,S TO INTIMATE,'i'HA'r'IiF: STIL4 CONTINTJES'HI$.
-- apnte. and gooseberries now, as quantities .of Judge Toit�, A_Davidsen, L'aq., Barris- t
of hellebvre•have been need.'to protect. the ter, sat for him. The parties bavin'g I never attended,Synod. Who was he 7 Jesus. . • .
. +bushes from the ravages of the caterpillar.. business at the• Court wens' excer'dingl'y{ ; • hA(;I;OBSL;, ` j C3hriet,--N. G4raphic.
�Vlsshing: em..before using,'isill ihat•'ia ive11 satisfied with the atietit ane) )ains• I. ', ' • - • ,• 77 - -:_
. P, 1, dile 1� tuutle4% hac)Osse club; tit ,ilii
.... .. _:needed,--`• -,. MI ..L1..
_. ... ..
�stking _manner-..in.-xRh1c11:::he. piesicled. 1>l;�ev;.pia ed.thexi first., match of the sea- '•Muataayats..thenicest thin l over,used. ... _. ,- '
;: _ We utiderstandthat.B - �: T)ovla ksd.. at ' , r g
. ._. _ 1.
Tsgttes',of MeserB. Ai 73. 1Vti,sbftt and D , ! , s sort,. ,at _Exeter,. -on . Dominion. clay! and fqz stab tooth and breath, says every ono lay. ___« _ _ ,
w tried ' Ti`: hfix "' the ndiv toilet a' ." .- - ='' '
D. •She rd ' lat'e of do 16th t en..God at Brussels, an fd..Dtcomsorl,sat Cteter ware defeated by three alned'to osis., Too t; g m. , .
P% ..,, ( . , e �nd•beafvrth, for the same reason. I,' .
rich toivnsht .t teft:.hsre esterda .b ,xeter tenni nas , .eomposed. of rt ,very Get 5 Qent.sainple. , • ,
p) Y y. Y ..
A .Islas Jo a.- ,n hea�Y,dot of cion :•all of;which:wore extra• I E' 11i>LS l3�ll� '.`h sew :of' �,h08C 1`hG'il r
+(1. W. R., fur Iflrtle., northwest territory, C . x Se trt.practtcal lokeis at �...) Ht�>tfi .`LIl(� ��a�1f5 . Vit.
CToderioli. er t: ` t r' i + naod runners, Rhile.vur. team Were v r sjElsHMi1 R has opened out a• I3oot.ana shoe �' "
ashore thearhusbandQ tooiL'up lana% in fine P. Pe rn,ed ag imjbkiiion'Yhura, }. e Y C..store in the Istel cacti led ii o !1.` r r1L '
I.Fi ht anal• s3iowed' that the 'lacked nae= w er 1 p p yJ tan stoop, ," a tier : reft tion .' than ° 8P81'.: .
springy ,da}''n.iglitlaat" �neiiurthaa,beeti.•niiicre Y p h ehowilli�e'prepared.tomatiutacturo.all.classgsof.,
< = • to the town to g of a --a b6rpi` tic, l t,st; With.theexce tioiiof three or four ` 'norkiq leis b,isinaes,ln'atirat-class mannor. Atr'al•
D :
• yValitr, aeturnink frets a ionic at T3en.. P u n T)ay none oftheni over 'la ed at the ' ' ;+oniitea. R.P+[n,hGDONuoaa,[ea;•ao't'te. ' DOLLAR HATS f01`' `�,4�' 40 :,& Q Ctl�.
P oelebrntton,. but It fell •throur;h. tin the, N , Y`gme be F
miller, on the sat. Miss M. J. Rowell, of lore • find considerin this the • Dike re- ALBERT. STREET, CLI . ., N „ _ • ...
.. , . e ;light m question _ some youths put, ,erape s ' >; , Y .
Ihis'place; jumped frdht•a bu in cense trfarkftbl ''iveIl for the ver Short ' i " , ti ,
l P gKy, on the dour. oF•.nearly all plaeos .uf ))tial- y , y t Inc HAVING .�SSURTF.b' ITl .HIS. S'COCI. Al .A %,Ai'k, .WHOir S:1 'ri ' .
�uence'.of the, backim• ,f the horse and the ]lave had) et into alis. e., .M. ia, MONEY TO,LOAN. � . , E LL BANR'Rt7PT;
. ,,,,�., M , :flees, And ran, up a crape flag lin the .ficfnal'o„ , y .b" p .....9ALk;, HE IS IN A .1:'p$ITION' x'(1 07'.>♦It.'. . _
isustnined u aevarej sprain of h.e.r right log, ,:gt half'mas.t doubtless intending''to ' 0ni :Gluunia,,:Rd)binsbu and 1Vianning were .the N•TEREST at 01 per. ot'ut: ou To,d'n'rro city • • • '
Which bas confined I)er to•the honed..' tbo idea .that he.tow vv c ey shining, lights ofour team, and the work I. aGTPVr°out. 61 .CHAS, RIDOT1T,Clinton.
t n as dead.. Un. Fri d v ''' y - - • _ . .. - ,
da' the 'ban •ca no out , nd• a dry hard; notably in the th.icd' aerie'` +
FAL. � - I.
l� CHEAT:--Yeetertlay`bIY:.J.:1111- ,. y. d tt lzlaged' k6e. S ,
dLdad. tiiarch: A vfsitoratm es ti boli •'it: was stubtyor`iil '°fan ht fax the J. B I: D L E .C.� M B E'
t tat the onl Y . , b
qso , left w thus a fewstaThs of fall: wisest,, ... Y • , • r .
Goo�S . ' 4t, IHSSIn.:i " -.tial bei11near! n. a well'. rawti.and..illed;.taken' fiag.to•be seen; wad ono. iloI. ..Fre I a e n titeuty=five nilnuteg �Yith lS�; 0�$S�iB P�1��5�,.•:
tfrom small sial on lila f taotel. • tie addltiun of three o' four henvter play, .
P. arm that be exs •anal deme' otxl solid !lard: work he
ays.willyield at-the.rate of fort bushels g , ... Watch: and .C1oek MakBr
Y CALLING A. MINUTl�R."At a L:nr,,,;.re •,1..I teat))' .would• be a stron one, and lieu 1 121- cent PRINT'S for.10 cents'. .
. o the makes: .T.t'will'beflt tocut this week, CALLING
mooting of Knox: church, bdit'i un the return iiiatch is. lx ed we. ho e o s • JEWELLER, &a.', .e- , � ' .
.... r P s_ . p see- .15 •cent. PRINTS for 1..::.j cents:
E•i!diyo>r; (1VIr. D:tt: E'urrester andIednesday it:wa$reaolvodtoask•thePros- a.dlfie[dnU resins, SVoald'respoatfntirsnnonnoeto taanet mereanutho
20 cent' 1VlZTSLIIeTS,'or 1'.c@nts. ;'
Mr, 3.,,. M. Racey, left on MOtiday,. fo? Ut• bytory to moderato in a call. to Mr, J. A: , . I f4blicgonerallp;that• he has romovediinto his tor,nor , •
,-... 0, 4-- ►---• .. _.._, • bnildin on .
taws, where,they go - as a delegstit,n to Turrtbull.ae. assistant and successor to•l:tev, ... .. . . g>. . .
.press•the,claims of Clinto,t as a' lace sill • Dr, Lie: It, is quite.prob'able that before '` L O P A -I+' N.0 T T (7 h s. - eiLl)EI[r I .. r '
, . l . . .. T, Oi'PO51TI CIIL,.MAltt:L�,''LiY` FLANNELS he can .sho'cu gods at 35
• able for .bcina ereated a Port ((if h7ntrt. malty wee6s `:h'avp pnseod,: Mr: ''1'iirnbuil g c@7�itI.
Y will be 0rdai'ned and For Just r000fv 3 )Vitero lie will kne o ban '. l
malty. inatgllvr( in Q. ,: a large stock . `,msr[aan i. u d a so sot ssaortmot,t of as good if .not better than: re
y 1, resting thea latter part of''tbe.. + ,,
Tho wad to his position as amistau t pastor 0f K.noic ;C�`oal oil. ', rland Bros.; Clinton•.• ;
trsek.. P .,, , .. G'locLs y d ,5 -
- , i a c7c .,.,.Jeivelle?•y, and S'ilverrvai•e .<1. usually sold at 50 cents. '
. = C"•hutch: the choice is u ;cod oile:-bag•.. Now line of Photo frames. at Fosrmfi a,• :Ulinr
'd'aE.-ZIS riar lw"E >tlTkr issnod here .b naL[Mr. Tgrnbull may ro erl be torrliod tau. Gory Handsome deal ns. . ' 4!I" all 1 inch.
u „ p . l? T g .
theAwc. •-Tele&u,p i-4omr aures—e,n- 4atror• u'itota.-1 ok,.--�nd-hia--span• friends.. : s iso .i ' . ' Maxi liiuvila eon -at res .
. yr prices-tul3nii, .... p g ie— --are �o
P 1 -. v, notal to a oneblo rates, Ise eirin - unu•�ibI•id "-Y:-goGd•••-g` ,l -u ,
• day .and:fvilowin days, with:reference r here wiil be_ pleased to learn: of the probe-. den's Hardware, faints, Glaas,� Oils, and solid ' .o' n'bory doecription promptly ottondodto. '
` aha s}iouting of 7E?resident 4xar6eld were. U14 of hia•becomin, a erui'aneut reaitlant steel. Barb Wire iliac 'Flt). x- rn J. BIDDLUOUBr Awneni 9Tnss . 75 . C@nri,.'T EEDS for d P , s c ss LAv<i. x r 50 Cent'.
, -- eagerly p6 .hy anxious eroWds, while Of the neighborhood. Mowa> s. _ • `clinton;Doc.G,ls7e.
b M . _ ,..N., - ,i$�
those issued. ou:'Sunday by the Montreal : ' A IlTsw F"Ioar:'`: I.Isowtiete'will'bo foot d----L.-r- - . ..
Tel t .
I, 0
� TW ED •
eftrapli Com patty,' werq.partionlariy so, tic' of a chatiee in. the firm of Tisdoll &,
E �. for 77
SaI►I;a x Re ,ta'rr. 4iie regret ..to '.learn !dale,, barri;ere;iMc: A. J[itinstoti; of T N�
Stratiti, in3 • s tired sozn6 MAN TLE) . SI;. K9 at the `
. Haw _
ihatMr.-Charles Daymont', of Scotland; ray,Qhteruagtiesame.ThisidditiopplAcea Sarin@ Ssrlt��h@ CaII :Sell for $2.76,goods 1.< Dakota, and lata of thsa.placo, died sudden: .rho firm at. the load of the list of pnivaeZ "
7 gods usually sold
l o m bankin, . oonoorns In 'CanadaL , � . N Mat'$3,50.- . LIGHT .SILKS 75 eenth er
y ` n the 3rd tilt. Up to the tibio of his d alta tinanaiAl p �rd.,
death he t►as in the ;erijo3 mens: of. t;odd atandirtg being all that cL,sild bo desired.
Health, and }iaLl rho appearance of !lain • 'W'a art) sorry that the change. necossitatoe L_ "O`"" `' _ .
. many years. •' 7.t'is supposed osed hs ' ie e • the fetnoval of Mr. Cale, .he having made. Are running • £till blast and• e� aro
PP. d d f ( K G pr p d, sts usual,, to de nll }clods of v;•o;>z iu '[j'�q {1} p n f j(��j T�j g►p j
I►eaCt.diseaeo.: H[i tvaa aged Ci4 `,q°ars.;ind very many friends dogleg hieootnparatiic;- the 'Woollen line. ' 1110 t1tQU- U . GRUUIIRJL'.s ': 11U11. aSSort M j�
2 months. . . . . ly short., residence hero) Aho takes charge • , ': ""t .
Ed, Fresh airy
of the L+ lora branch of their bneinesa, NIr. ; L 0 0 E I
. il. I N 1.1.
MEDYC,&-L.- I'he•.Tirurori Medical Aaso- Tindall returning to. 'this 'Place: to take .
'So ITED..
�� n <JAL'L talo
ci8tiion met at the Central Hotel, Exeter, char d here. We iaeepoak far the .firm .a W
e�4 �i
kiIGILlEST PRICE rill AOR ]Bi1Z"Cl;'i:- o µ
on the 5th Inst There were present, Drs. eontinIlan , of the' li6oral.. iatrolia d ere- � �� �� - - 1.
f3Io8n; Blyth; GlIites '.CeOsw'ater• Holmes P t;. h . .
and Giraham, Brussels; Stewart and -Hurl- toforo accordeLl Thom.. OP ALT. FUNUS,. DONE ON SHORT,_N '1`I(JF., M'is
hurt, Brod@field ; Campbell Seaforth Ixv- '• • Finn. At 1.1. o'clock 'last night an . T'5. .
311,g,'.IGfrktotr ��orthington'and Will t ins, alarm ofliretvlissounded;onilio dlscarery .
Veit iloox�tTn Hatl, ChtitEr. '
. .
'Clinton, dud Ifyndma.ri, E,;jjter. C,3se5'of that T)?ell's cabinet sliolr Was -in a. blaze. f��.{{ �T „1 'T�`Y Lt r t �T , � ___ __ _.._
mho en ins was uickl on ,ills 's )ot and l . qY N1'ED . t L1t7► Nx�.��ll ' �� n t` . u �,l v 1.-
a�eerbsis, wry ncek, dilatation- of the oto 4 g. . _ Y . 1 f, l� Ll' LR7f YA,LLNJ U��N�L' T� .
in -a. few minutes streafns °� w iLter j,, •
it C�L(ie
mans, enlarged - mi, empyoe"' disease oared into the u ' er •.tI . _
Tx P
of the hnartarid 6pitiewere shown, several p PP 5 .}i here the CJOli'S'J`z1NTLT`1ON HAND. .. .
61GIV C» ' A►Ctl„t GKM
-. being of rare occurrence. Th.e meeting fire vias Confined.. Meantime' the -lotiker . .
very%nterestiiit, and instructtvoona. ry�t
.story wag cleared of its ecintetits, ag was
., ,_.
was a• salsa his dwelhiigg house; a large.tuartian
i. �o whango for Wool .or. soll-.for .Gash; .0 141021 LOWS& TSAI EV -111
UNcouktiilx iszr ;Ct.oaE.--Ura .'the °Lot Of.w. ]i, t'•ricil d� Co's stock was, also rc-
)net., a fi�nion Sohval picnic was held in •niaved, as the thzee biilding worm aO t rhr eiaN' Jra 1 `11 '
znnid' bbsh,'f"+tanley; aovsr{il partie.'frvm Blase that.tlieir clestructi0n wny regarded yr. sI �f W((JR$�T►r
' alintod being presegt. isr the 'evening, as oortalir"..:fn less than 20.minutea.after .. . ... • ' . ,
the returned' li me b wa the'sdarm at>urided the fife was un er con- -" .' . - _._ ` ' -
Y P. Y Y of thv trrl,at: d
Western P.,,,ailwv y' track, and ata(: of tiro 'ural; and eXtinguighed before:'very' mons •
R.N11 E''' w
of the btilcl"n 1 a'
. Indies had an. experience. aid is hot likelq building had been eonsnllled; til- , , - .
thou h cousiderabl . .. -.1.,.
i0 forget:' TstsE na thdy hall got .wall cn g y Itt;nrA. • it is not ` ' "Q , , ,' .
tleloug.•bridgo,the 0veninn'train Novoin known. llotvtile fireo0currcd;iylV>r.I)Iehl iT 1"U Ft t`I'l..ti'1 (•1.,rr 1'H(J'1"()(xDt•;Al'Di5 C1U'1'U n � •�-��,y�•�'-�/� -�+L.
signs. F'or•a mo,nont'all were paralyzed, states•that there has not been 'any fire u i ., 173 ^ •t./.L.�, ..■ a
butircalivin6 tl>at$ufoty.la in haat action . the.building for over dweek. '.Chita is the ?' .... . - .. •-:• •, ..... .-.- .. ,
Y . Y .
second time that he has, ittii'ered b tire' '
.. :......... .
. •.
the bridge w€iq t;utclay crossed, .the lads it) y � . , ' .
. .1
and it )a a,ibrious:l0sts far him, ng ittl'I is I
. L:question,. just getting, 00'. ti gnomons before - _ •� i . ... . .._� .. .•
iso train. )atterlls sire destroyed, :iK well �s statue of '�
. .
. I - , ..
. µ
. ,
lis tools. It wits farttu)'tfe. thero ivlta tie' • ,. , X*.,4a•]t1'tiT1r-6.►,
CiitTRCIt Nar,,ti Pref, t,'rutt�*, of liuox Wlnci })IowI g .at' the time, or it would ?F �(�(~. q Qjj A�i's,
College, Toronto, will preach, iii, Willies 'have been f�fCicult to have saved the lul- I,0 �' °�.
Church on Sonday, morninb and d v<nin . , T . .3I �i 9 CU- -1A ,,r�1
.. lr ,joining premises, a5 1t was they esc,ijartl ! ER . i •
Mr. tl : lI. Manntng'occupicd the pulpit vf•,rtlmost unci;laced. iVlr: Diehl diad ori ill- ' • %t>" `'IT .y
the Bible Christian Ghurclt ori hunday suratte'o in the LaneIishire, of $15,00 on lilt" "Pow"M
anvrnfhg. Ileo. sir. �IcI)Qnagh enteiocloh his stock and algin, lint! a light f.ttkitr.tn00 . ` A. lar n ' ," • a �, • , +
go clue ttty of Tour•barbocl (iAi%VANIZI,13 t31.>,luL l+LNCF. '4VT1tL, at'reduooLl
his untlea to connection ,with the MethO.. On his hour3ehald cfleets, 'V1 e_ r, (,riche , >t S, S$OVELS, RAKES, E'OES, .Pisa iupgreat variety. prices, SJ?bD
gist Church, on Sunday, the church being rCc (;o's !osis is 0overed by nsuranee. '1 vO . _
N.11 :�v ork guaranteed m� ,
well filled din hoth Occasions ; next Sundnq Intlell praiso cannot be well the Vire. ( y (y �b , , '
ravening+ lie preaches vn " the duty'of the Company for the excellent ivay iii w1lieh
. I AL (1I�. '
• ATO � �0 ,
pulpit in theso. Hingis," Mr. U. B. Sage, the worked; Stover before slid tiro en tnc , , , , ` /�
' yatifactor� H BET AMERICAN
ipso has ju.t boeii ordained clea0on at tiie and mon aeeampltsh so much ill engin e - Iso, tie celebrated J3,1lJ ERICAN � EAD; LIG
1.fit. haul A?ehtireh next Soo thq pulpit in shags ))lite, and th0 Crowd were [avis{� in i '
London college, will occupy i w .
day, morning l rsiisets ,01' tileir ri00obiplisliuient. 1Vliile . " `,-"'.,.-w _W
`i TTb A (;AT,T, VERY OVtr
orid otiioging, and'contitiue sa ", do osier,". the fire was it) progress, i'Vlerjst'r,. T. Jack- . ' ., }s7EAS9 GIVE,, P tICftEf L
follotriag Sands',till rho :8etr. 1Vfr. Crab{ aorta Jr-,n,nd but
Lunate fell oft a with n
ebcn toy ilio atso>y ' g GALURY', BBAVI 900 8R'T 510014 :
+, +��•v� +ter
p p age Pha Tit+'v, ll'Ir, .adjoining, butlet'titnatCly esealretl without + +. .moi . +.W w a
«f Mnllopbollaealtpteililiipulpitlast. aaday, ta)1tCllinfrtte, Ion .031 PJ.'uft,oax,ZWA><sLQQ*,A 1410T;tl%4XhTo;1j05oas
n ..
. I .. '
I .1
- a ` - °
o. .
I . . . .
� _i.-`� . . .. .
. I .
� . I
. . , . I
I .
• y r. ..
... . I 1. I
I . , V%Lvlilf�. I � I 0,
�, , Awr 11 - 11 .. 1. '" .. 5 . ,
. I . . I . I I I. I . . I I ) � , " . ,f "� . " � t 5 ) - A'. � . .