HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-07, Page 7Esc Lott exprea outside Lefroy. fou1 tid the 'h travelh old passing was st • imbed Tunne corpm man, divide P10409. Garde, after t Lornio Gould. •zeg Henry police tnduce Areival 'eaped The • sensati body is still ac the mu don is pollee i is no d was rob body W Iittle d plannecl oarriag party b a myth conflict change the deo piece o in one at the s 'murder closely .A. L tioulare There i dered h posed money with a throat His bod and it i he had his arxn His fac It was his bod take th escape. 4 Cathc this . re - _Murder : - Way" large su „their fir secure t niovem waiting him? railway both en He sh passeng than o may be thunder •all other tually a The cor almest Of an as stretche rently is appears desperat tamedlo in vain. to bepi ner of saloon c parative Lefro Gold, ha stupidpi been per wawa for milli was the bis.vitoti was kne lington, biegrapb He wao the Lon for thing tragic. connecti There seen in t aftei ca the Unit and taki the ease, future d A feW terrible s Ma11011$ fifteen o The only was land and who Queen, .suffering and on S big, Mlle °faith. cif Mr. Grey, onSuzidl strongly whilst h "should a poor fel When on Georg there wa - that e gre plaints a . tion of . very few to buoys stetJhi, Dulut a Georgian carried o Of grain froM Chi season are and retur lumber a Georgian ing the at meet to eta, that our 'Canad by copyin Mr; Gall of the L Sunday f Sibetia an eatilat the july „7, 1881. .. MVO IIIER SIIILISE. ' TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. --,--.....— -FORGED EXAMINATION PAPERS.. . Taw pnAtinuaICOVINCH, V ,...__ ' Our withbsethroenagvywfiazilal 12th there spell, followed nth or enter cool ' Mopes days the Way to summer, over the in the shade, ,„ Summer•began the astronomers. hours of Cancer, From date day itaelittle again creases summer Nevertheless, rise 'so high grow shorter season tbe • • ' or six weeks say this time to for several .the solstitial the earth actiumiilation to the eXplanation tides behind New sunetrolce. .15,0r., fatal; „ kalIAELOTTE, who has of the county, ntes. • This had lived and was • . • THE BAR ing of the yesterday the 'question - on legal 1?ostmaater deputy, legal .-papers so marked, charged _that if • Buell post" letter was unanimously petition the . el& . . theburdeneo tariff, .the. -liffe6r pipeii to Hamilton . 'cents, Whiiirtheliame .t� any place Mr..- q3ishop,- ieadings • si era e • 1 • bl Bret as it i - •-d• ra , an • . , tures of Matilde fellOW ivith .., • ' astsea•nce nabeed cOmpariv• • • Wales; Lady . Lady Archibald, Lord Donoughmore• - • Booth; -Mr. Oscar Wild, . • The statue helm erected. the poet, longhi, where Work .of represents:Byron ' in. an ancient .of theamstuine seen- In . with the - where •he • expression without a earved'in "WE'AIlle Tf rne wanes Ottawa. correepondent waliguYiriansginthteherocointtYhloafsluelyvetehTrgt 75..of will likely by 28tb,. with and showery • Her %Yu' Oates predicts preeent one. • of the with the whole Province run TIMN the, morning mark time forth lower, tholine, in the although at noon, during heat will to come. ie beeauee becotae thoroughly weeks point than. it of warmth. the moral. ORLEANS , occurred . suicide oi . Mich. foe several' poor was in Eaton suppose d I NOTES. ----• • /II, Girl contemect, Child atueder-ourke • . ER IN A RAILWAY CARRIAGE. • leer offspring Itereelt An a Nelghebola, Mg Churchyard, ... • A Fordverich despatch Rata xune 28th) says: " A great sensation 'was cased here yesterday by a case of alleged child, murderwill coming taught. The facts are as follows:. A. girl named Rebecca McMinn weteolutrged before M. F. Wilson., .L P., with copceal- in Ment of birth, and the. girl acknowledged the fact,. and said the aim wonld be found an buried in B.. graveyard a few yards from her father's holm. •A constable and an assistant, on making a swatch, discovered the body only eightleoheo• below the sur- face, in a wooden ithout a over. . bex .vrc Coroner McMichael at once empannelled a jury,. and an inquest wasbaa in Busehertee -Hall. Dr. McKelvey, after having mad p4 a o9t-mortem examination of the body, •01144 in his Opinion the child bad been born alive. He found a ball of cloth in its Mouth, whiob, was sufficient to cause death by strangulation, also marks of violence upon the body. Bome.witneoses. is were examined ; relatives of the girl, but no evidence of any moment was adduce, -as - All professed- --to :-.1chow ----ilothifig` of the matter, , although living le the same house:with tnegirl. The prisoner . made a statement.' to the effeet that the child was born on the night of the 10th inst., that she was -alone and that the infant was born alive-ti;e• plug of cloth was put into its mouth. to keep the dirt out -and that she took the body out and kuried it without any, assistance. The jury rethreed. e verdict to-• the effect • that the child citme te. its death by the hands of its, Mager, who was immediately •placed under 'surveillance end, removed to Goderich jail in •charge . •of a constable." comet Newts Notes from atauttona. Nelsonville has a hatcher located there. The craps about TJnion Point aresuffer-who iu for want el rain, , b.t A herd aebeen eatabliehed aPreston,, • 4114 also at the Mound. A large steamer is being built at Rat Portage for Kr. W. j. Macau's,Y. The Orangemen propose to celebrate the July at Carman 12a1 C . • - • . . Morris is to have.a •SundaySehoolin Con - nection with the ME. Church. Three pew grocery atoreo have been opened up at the Portage,this week, Win. Logan has the contract for building the Portage Town Hall 611,000. '',. . • • Within a year 88. new buildings, costing e *09,000, have been erected in Morris. . • - • The traeklaYing of the 0.1'..11. has been eomPleted about four Miles west of Portage la Prairie. W.B. Black; of the Portage, has bought the McLenaghen property north of that teem ler g6,e00. • __ ... . - . •••.• -.... .- . - • The' roads west of Nelsonville its far as the.Big Pembina. ate said to be in a most deplorable .condition. " • . • _ - ' . . ume new Portage fire -engine has been PIP? d Excelsior .No 1, and the hook and laddert ok D d . h N I ' ru , rem noug t o. . , The Rat Portage Progress says: Mining matters.. making Moneyed men's reeve- Inmate more materially nounifieent. The wild are out in bloom,- and the , woods in consequence prefient a'harnoink Sight, and the air ..is tilled. with fragrance. . Mr, Angus Skinner, of 5-6, shot a white crane the other d • that " lot ear aymeasured. eig feet across • the wings and stood lux feet ' • -: • • . • high. • . . The trustees of the Morris Canada • Meth°. di'st Ch.urch hav.e had mosquito. net bars „Placed in. our of their (March win, dows. .. . , • In West Lynne many new buildings are noticeable, and sOme of the ,nlite . . ,- ---- . Ilee-Ane-yesterday-valtifitrritird-died-iii -bearr•-•-ealtajderehlrimproved • by being painted. . ' ' • • . The Tiobborne claimatit who .Was in the . ' Winnipeg hospital has left the institution; . but whether he has gone in queat 'of his .4:44 A 1.....4. : mace an. eBucatiee as Ea k110W11.. ' . • • • Tbe. dedicatory service of the' new Bap- tist Chapel just erected in the Portage ie expeeted to be celebrated on the seaond un ay in• S ' d ' July.- - .,, . An effort is being made to form a Seett Aot" Association for the County Of Proven- cher, to aseist-tbe . Temperance.Alliancein °varying the -Canada Temoerance Act, . . . , In the, municipality of -Emerson Council . recently eveof the. Councillors celled the .Warden a liar, and- alluded to . a 'feller:, Councillor as the biggest feel in the country. • ItAvae retiorted thin& Eat. Portage that . a sUrvey is abortly to, bemade of an Iadian reservatiozi on Pine 'Portage Bah and that., • withinita litatite 'Will.le' in•oliided ilie•ino t - -valuable •portions of some Of the mining • lee:diens there.: • • • • • • . i . •, , • - - • • • . It s ourrently.reported atound Winnipeg •that the congregation of Knox Ellarch intend extending a cell' to the Rey. D AT • a • - • ••• • D. . Gor on, p.D.,of St,A.ndrow's PresbYteriat c • . ' ' heroli Ottawa to accept the vacant. • ' • • • ' . - . pastorate. It is stated that a salary of ti,4,.... will be Offered thispopular her preac . should he acoe t the call. ..late • - P ''''-:- ' ' The. wateiln the Aesiniboine higi risen a good 'deal within a•feW•days past probably ..• • • . . • • ,• . °mug to the rainfall to the west, which la represen e as .se excessivee roa • i d . ' ' that'•the 11 'between this city and "'ort Ellice is -almost impassable. -The creeks ha;ve been swollen to that•extent thattravelling is. daegetous.• Beyond Fort Ellice . the roads are reported' to be very good.. . • . . . • . •:. . . .. • outrageous Vreatment of .itican.dinaviaos . • . in live Sandwich Islands. . .• " ' ,---A despeteh 'from San . Francisco says C. li • • • - • .. H. Lausen, .a .Swede, recently arrived froth Honolulu, : reporte. that , several hundred .Scandinaidan . immigrants,• .' who went to . the SandWich Islands . Under labor cot:tracts mcidelyCapt.Larauze, ate. beldihere in what is practically a state of • • • • • ' . • slevety. T/iey are disposed of. by Iiit areong the .planters, su.ffenng from climatic in- fluence;. • • d. .• h Idrigidly' 1 ' an • e • • , o . the terres-of-r-the----centract —, OR Jur. telegraphs. Br aetini,etehoutiteriostr 8,mnei be an .exceedingly ho. a cold wave about Vol frosts. T. he. month wil Tan- a ;lineman. that within a fe . . vi old spell will rapidly give hottest periods of the thermometer rangini from 900 to 05° OF TIM BEASON. ° on Tuesday, according to The sun in the small entered the sign s the summer solstice. the gun will ever5 until, in the fall il l . and geed to' mak southern hemisphere. the sun will not . and the days vvili the remainder of the increase for a month The scientific i:aell the air and earth require warmed,- and after the sup has . passed more heat is 'given tc loseseand BO there ifit an This is simile] of the lagging of tbe . June -Bic 'en . . 'i . v. cases o to•day, of which seven , et centenarian. June 25; -Dr. Chapin, years, been an. •innaate -house, cut his them( :Caw Min. his second atteMpt. He county over forty years t b ' 1 o e over 00 years old. . Latest News from. All • • Over the , World, —,...---. The ••Public School 'Teachers' Examinations • for July. ' — ape of the supposed ftatirderer. or, June 28. -When the Brighton i stoppedfor the collection of tickets of Brighton yesterday, Arthur , a newspaper rep9rter, aged 22, woo a one of the carriages wounded • ad. lie reported th his fellow- ire who were 4 countryman and gentleman that shortly after : Croyden be heard a shot and Lmied. SeVeral bullets were found ed in the carriage. In ti Paicombe e was found with his throat cut the ot F. J. Gould, a. retired 'business . :al ho badbeen in London to collect de. He also stabbed in various Only his .pecket-book. containing vas.found on his person. Lefroy, ie wound was dressed, started for s. He will)* *Loosed of murdering. . cot, . a une 28.-Lefrey's• real name Mapleton. Late in the evening the goesession of faete which I thorn to order his .arrest, On 'at hie house they found be had :bY a rear door: • • • • nurder of Mr. Gould is the greatest m for enumber of years and every-, speaking about it. The police are ting in the belief that Lefroy waii :darer of Mr. Gould, while all Ion- laugbingat the ,stupidity: of the a allowing Lefroy to, escape. There nibt but the, motive of tbe murderer pliery. The inquest •on Mr. Gould's• II be opened' to -day: There is but oubt the murder was deliberately 1. The electric itlarm of the railway 3 was unused. The story of a third . . sing in the carriage is thought to be .• The evidence shows a bloody : • Lefroy, before taking to. flight, I his clothes and did not call upon tor, where he said he was going. Mr; Gould's Wateh chain was found If Lefrey's boots. . The authorities • .. . eaports are on the look -out for the of...;:al,clis,:44.AnY4'nntaksg;:•YeMel: . watched,. • . laden' cablegram gives further peir. of : this Unita tragedy as follows. kl ni:;w little' doubt that Lefroy mtir- .. le fello*-traveller. Mr, Gold is, sup- o have had a considerable sum m his person. , He .was That shot revolver, and afterwards had his :ut. It is certain that' the murdered:. a'de a desperate struggle .for life. y was found in the ix foot Way, 3 believed that he. died only after 'bean thrown .from • the train ., BA A were extended , above his head. i • wad. gaehed. in a terrible.manner. • only-- 'after the. ' discovery of y, thatthe pelibelearned the mis- ly. had ecieimitted in lotting Lefroy . He had 'given his. address as • No. art road, Wallington. The Tivid,s.of orning thus co • inmente o • n. the t-InSIPI.,h`e••.4Olitegfellesie,Cteeemtioli.,,to.,-let,it-.pass.. ii'Y tifek-e- -t-iiii4, • til :- iiWay wiiii ms belorming to therneelves or to: m. • Who, of these, can pow feel hat eome one who knows his every Sit is not 'dogging hie steps .aud an opportunity to assault and nth [n the . ordinary compartment :Of'. ...earring/3's; ' pabliotty.'AId privacy. ire to the danger Of "the 'traveller. ,uld. choose to 'have .•.. no renew,' ,rs: at all, • or • else - have .more ie.- .he man who sits opposite i. madman or an assassin. The train 3 -.along, and tkat. roar, deafening 'Sounds, conceals a shriek as effec- ithe deepest dungeon of thelestile• Itommunicating with the,gaardis iithinreach„but the heavy blow anent may paralyze 'the arm. out. 1 t� &Mud the alarm., That • oppa- ovhathappened to Mr. Gold. The lees in the carriage -shine • that e and gallant struggle was main- r the victiin toloach thetbell, •but Railway trav.ellere will. not fail 7eiiositased• by. the supposed man- ft,: Gold's death in faipt• of the. driage„ with its pnblicity antieona- safety." •• - . , .... . • ... . . •, the sup.pcnied murderer. :et.' Kr.. s not Yet. been •calight.' A more elm .of police businese has • seldom petrated.'. A bullet hole hi the airriage;,oloso:-to an . attachraent- gAesistance, shows how despertite itrugglebetweenthe.mnrderer and o. • Lefroy, or Mapleton, as he vn, was a local.• reporter .0 Wel, • • •• - in ,which . capacity' he . wrote iotbisketbhes of 'local celebrities, lwaye present. at finit , nighte at on theatres, baying e predilection 3 theatrical, and. at; it appears; Chem he've been three arrests in • • on' withthe. murder.M is a re t • - ' ' . port , hat Lefroy has been le north of London; The eoroner; ling a 'dei3eriptioa of • the 'man to ed States and ether countries, ig some preliminary testimony in sidjourned - the inquest unta• a . , . : • . . , . vanaman. • A bench slow is talked of among the dog breeders of the neighborhood of London for the V rovinvicti F ag. .. . . - Thacrop -la the(enia-n- ' ' 'V' ' ty Of satorta never looked better). and promise a splendid: :her- veet. They are said to look _better in this county than in any other in untario, • • Five deaths frona diphtheria are reported in Montreal for the last week. The stencil from the city street drains leaves no news- sity for a. court of inquiry to investigate the "use ° the 'disease" . . The Canada & Atlantic Railway have purchased something., like *250,000 worth of property in Stewarton, a auburb of Ottawa, where they intend erecting their workshops and a grand . union railway !Motion. . . . The farmers at Kazuhaso,a,.ine.the Gott: neau,:iire-in despair as to their orolDfic Only a few showers: have favored that region during the spring and summer Months:" the.nroPe are sunburnt and. in,4,,. very backward condition. •-- • Society in Montreal has bee ' furnished with another scandal as a, thein: -for g Hsi A gallant but unprinoi led young -f°e114, made love to three young ladies roe -might Montreal and its v'oinit g . He married one on the quiet,andwAastieLssarily. compelled to diI desert the others. t• seems he now repents, of- his choice, as he wishes to . repudiate the Marriage o theground that the friends of the bride onhiMintoiti. oated, and while in that state induced hirn to get married.. , • , Eurosieren. . . . - - The prospeate .in the Traneveal are regarded as perious. Taking Europe. as a Whole the harvest promises to yield More than an average.. . Twenty-seven• justiees ef the peace in* England -have' bet ertepoztedl guiltyzef ,e.er; general pled- tion. Fifteen have resigned: • • The .Anicier of Afghanistan; is dail • . y becoming unpopular. The Imperial. Gov. ernmeu lasapparently pot o t 1 decidedt t abandon the fortress at Quettah. • - The consuls at Sofia re cirt. that should the Bulgarian Aseercibl 9 adopt P i ' - • • • • - •• Y ,t Doe. Alexander's conditions tbe Liberale will probably :tit t ol t* ' • - ' .. emp. :rev u ion- . ..• 'A village 'of :three' himdred houses in Valais, ,Switzernied,• has been • entitely destroyed by fire. • A honed. was struck by lightning And the ilameetioder a high wind rapidly epread: to the *hole village,- .. .; , . . - A Marseilles despa,teb.says itis officially, stated that two Frenchmen and one Italian vere killed and five Frenchmen and thir- , teeu Italiaus wounded in the recent riots. Twelve 'haudred Italians . have left • 'Wax. seilles. . • • '.. • . ' .„ ....:..11._Inieister.o.f...the.Gespel .:,... ...as ri .,despa ob.says the.,marhed_ite_.p .provernent. itithe internal affairs of Spain is generally cotnreented on. • Last Month's Pregress was exeeptional, and . showed: a very large decrease in the floating debt.. ' ,• In the British Rouse Of Commons yeeter- day- Sir Charles Dilke said . the territory recently annexed JOY Ruske. is the Telike Oasis, extending as far ea 1]0. Miles: froth • the Afghan free tier. Lord Hartington said, the subsidies given the Ameet ef•AfghitifiS• ten ,arcounted to 2899,000. .• • • : Greet disturbances oCcurred. during the ' 1 t' - Hungary.1.1. e ee ions.in T ree persons were killed, and many -wound d ' ' ,e . .. . • • . • . •• ' . A pestli• journalist has been s'enlenced to. ' fen; 'months' imprisoninent and •A fine of ' *1 000'for an, article attacking the army, • ' •• • • ' . . . • • . . , The court, in the case o e reur erers f the ' d ' ' of Abdul Aziz, has decided -that. Aluatelet, the Wrestler, Mustafa the sergeant; Fahri. Bey,. and . Hadji Mehereed are. guilty of Airier; and. that Ali 'Bey, Nedji Key; . Mulhat, liouri, and Molimoud .Padhae are aecoiriPlices., 'Sentence will be pronounced. to...day.. • .••• .. . • '. ., ..,;. • • .• ... • • The D.enver 'di' Ille:G . il 'R • I d • ran e al roa -is Advertising. in England; Iteland,ScOtiaiod• .. ' Is on and Wiles for '10,000 laborers to wig railroad extensions in ;Colorado and Vtah. The company, has 'established an English agency which signs two year contracts with the laborers at their o •,• . , . ,.e.e.4._ecgaging o give t e ena.steady 'Work, high wages, and subsistence .fiorn • day• to..day, thelaborers to report themselves at DenVer or P hi • . .. . • - -, ne:-.R. - • ' American: . .. - • • ' ' ' . . . • -.. One counsel in the waiter, of the , Fortine 'Bay Award is said to have received , tenpin, ,centuni of the entire. award.' : . • . ' Rev., ,Father 'Hudson. while bathing at • Santa Cruz, Cal., Was attacked by a sword. fish,And ' Mounded in several places; . A • • . . bystander recuebim• . ' - • .der •e.d . :• - i '.• ' ' •' •'. At College .Point, L. I., there are 1,00 , •eases • of Measles,: and. thi3 schools. are closed The disease is in a most virulent . •. forth. . . • - . -• The law makingthe keeping•f gambling ep boesee in.St,Louisit felonywent into,effecit on Saturday night; and resulted in closing. every gambling housethere.. . . • .. • . ' -• iqew pension cases are being fyled at the rate of5,000 a month, and Potion on more. than 100,006 oitsesi is incoiriplete. If the. . eases are not' thoroughly- eiciunined the •Treasury will soon be bankrupt. .. . , , • . . f the Furnace Maurice"....5eIeY• mleman 9. _, . ff,;mipany, Dunbar, Pa., while standing in a doorway of his house . last eve= Was g , three ' ad-killedb • shotree times n y PersenalYIng• the buihee. The Strikers disaYow. eon. etien with the crime." • • ne. . • • john Gyumberothe sleeping .Hungarian at the Poor House, Allentown) Pa.., . spoise several times en Sunday night after a milentie of 185 days. ..•His mind is . still wandering, but hi- .,cenditlon • .slonly impreves. . • , • . , • The 'steamer New•Bein b • ' the a. • •• _ ., . , ri.ngs , rew tidings to, SatiFranciscoof the gehooner • .. Eustace, from MazatlamAnd particulars of . .. . .. . . , , . . . the killing of .the captain and firing Of the vessel .bythe maniac cook, The cook,•who had shown signs • cif dentwitia, 'suddenly ,The stolobed the Captain es he eateredthe cabin ' then ran into the closet where the area were kept. • The crew closed the &ore._ The cook riltili•ed about the Cain. for sec. eral Ileum threatening to ere the vessel, The &ow' got out the beats, and goat after smoke began to rise ftona tbe cabin. The • vessel had 2,800. keg of powdet abeerd; and goon after she blownp. The maniac perished. .. • . • - • • , The body of the Bev. Sidney M, Stray was found in the river at- Kansas City on - Friday.. HO was expelledfrom tbe ministry by , the Presbytery' of Glen's Valls, N. Y., eirjutto 14th for sheeting his wife at War -r rensburg, • where he was pastor. of a ing fashionable church, tte afterward:leen. fogged to sundry allegations of adifitery. etrayresidecl at LeaVetateorth sine° Mareh, 'might where he held the positien of bookkeeper. Learning that his wife's brother .had started West With the avowed intention of sheeting him,- he left' Leavenworth and. changed his nein°, nothing to Thintatie City. It is supposed that he took to drinkaba fenee, dreienedhitimelf. , WHOLESALE SWINDLE UPON THE OANDIDATES, • A "confidence" game of a, bold character has been played upon many of the students and earididates ' for teachers certificates at tbe.. a roa i ...pp . eh ng July examinations for the Province of .Ontario. Tlee number of those bitten ifs larger than it brew; possible to believe. Those who have bean duped, how. ever, will receive. little commiseration from. the public, as they 'Were guilty. of fir dishonorable action in endeavoring to deceive the examiners; and the loos of their money is, punishment little ,enough, Maori -over For sometime pest the salinialional Maori- ties have been aware that an indivillut.4 'Prefeseing many aliases has been writing to - candidates for oertifioates at the apProach. ha4 3-n1Y examinations. for eoheol teachers, offering to supply them for small sums with copies of the examination papera prepared far thh.-6;ordatthidg , ejedminatiolis. ' His plan of operation„was to write, say, from sre.okville to a certain number of students, obtain -their money, forward the -papers, and then changing his name operate in another town. As a matter of fact he has operated in nearly every -town from Brook. ville to Lond-On. The papers eupplied for the money were of eours e bogus. As soon as definitervinformation was obtained the matter was entrusted to the Ontario, • Government detective, Mr. J. W. MutraY,' who `at once took steps to discover and arrest the culprit. It became' known to Mr. .• Murray that recently the swindler wrote lettere to' the students in Brantford, • offering. to supply them with the Papers on • ' the payment of weertain sum forwarded by . . mail to Dion S:, Fielding (an , assumed name). at Woodstock. During the past.few •days he was ttaced to Paris, from.whenee he operated nuder the tame of AlorTa S, . Tooke. Letters addressed to . him under that liable were received at the office.. On Monday canIC kiltellie.4rie•post-pffiee• . • ' - Oninrio,, Saneintmenis. His Ilenor the Lientenant-Governor haft been pleased -to makethe following appoint. Mints under the provisions - f "The • . o A Division 'Courts Ant, 4880," viz.: : • M. P, Ketchuno, oil/right:n.4 to bo , Oletic of the Eighth Division Court. of the. united . eranotiesof.torth.unaberlandand-,Durhardi ls.' -in-the reortrandMteed-"efeeorge4SMiffri314...ruprpraetteerthiringlhirifiet.' resigned, • • ' • ., .. . ' .. . . .. William Leonard'Itedmond, of Irocinois, : to he Bailiff of the Sixth Division Court of . the ' d ' t• ' S , unite. vain les of - tormont„ Dundas and Glengarry, in: the -,room ' and Of stead of John: Oordon Brous% resigned.: • Johio M. Scott, of Milverton, to be Bailiff • f th Fifth DivisionC •f6 t 0 • e Court o . the oun y of Pet•th, in the room and stead of Herman Taubur, - d ' . ' ' ' • • resigne. . . ., , • . -. pouiyggi. FOR'A. CONTINENT; Iiiir inqiirrer for a. letter addressed as defined The letter Was . . handed •to him. Det•ectiva MurritY, who was inside the post- office then stanned out and followed Tooke ' •' • - - - ' - a abort dietimice and requeeted him to return to the postoffice Tooke protested -he was • . . - , . ' . • reryinclignant He said h w N . e as a gentlemen and Detective Murray itta. better' be very careful what he was doing.. His, protesta. w .e o o avail, e was seerched and ' -time er 1 xiH " ' • then formally arrested. He was taken. to Brantfoicl oa mondaynight, and yesterday morniug brought before Mr. Weynies, -the Magistrate, Thecharge was preferred and " preliminary evidence spbmitted. The prisoner pleaded' gu,ilty. The -Magistrate reserved judgment till Monday next. When erreeted the prisoner gave his . name ' es' Alex.: Mackie, another.aUcis. - He claimed that bad been living in the 'United States' lora. n-uniberiof years past., '.• His fathet is in . Ontario.... . The. .. . . .,--.. -- . . . Y. . • - , -- kJ-. - •educated for asehool teacher. Ile is .well .-educated:Arid. 'possesses e gentlemanly ap- Pear:ince,-. .. • - . . , • • • • -AND THE POSTAI4BATES,-A meet. • members of the Bar vies held .afternoon in Toronto to &insider of the excessive postal . rates papers transmitted by Mail. The there was „repeesented by his who onfpimed the meeting that all Id b '' • ' won , e sent by parcel -post ii and parcel -post rates would be , on them. • He' sI ' ai'el , iowever, ,papers were • marked•--" boolt rates would be collected, It resolved . to prese33t a to•the Postmaster General to have rates .restored. As an instance of tne„ eliaracter of the 'present follewing, will eliow : :..A-P-S-Qket neighing ten onticeii .if sent -by . ook pas , wffloicie sixty package...can be .Serit iu England for five cent% • .. who is giving -"thought " in London and creating a con - * : • • . sensation, figured largely here, spirit rapper and:trickster gene - ' • • • . •• then as an exposer of the 'napes- the art.' • He .is a .nephew 'of the Heron, a sharp, bright little a keenpecuniaryAnimate. His .. .. . .. •,..- ' in London was to a strangely : - .' • cOnsisting of the,Prinee'of Mandeville; 'Mrs. Langtry, • . . the Marquis. Sautieroe, • Henry • Irvinf • ' • ' a Whistler, l' Frank Mi es" and Chief of the 2Esthetes. •. . ' of. Byronovhich thiGreeke . . to i the cherished memory of is about to be unveiled at Mimi"- he died. The statue is the . . the eculptorNitatis., of Syr, and standing; he is obroudeil .mantle,.which :allows little. of the 19tla century to be bieleft hand he.holds a roll, an • . right he pintas down •to the land 'appeared as . a liberator. • The face•• ' • - • ' of :the is noble and not tout& of 'sadness. The 'statue let Pentelio marble. . — . , . Niagara, ev ...nits to be the Chief Bator, for . • . ' *Md eea.; • . (Lotter ofSir wm.,Thoinsen in London Thin -is , :Sni,-.Yeurleading article in the.Tintes 09 yesterday on the storage 'of. electricity' allude:3 to my having.spoken..ot• Niagara as the natural arid pt•oper Chief motor for' the ' whole of. the North American 'Continent 1 *ithout nointing ' put that the credit ol originating the idea'and teaching how it ii to be piactically., realized by the electric transmission of -energy tedee to Mr. C. W. •Slernead,Who 'spoke first, I believe, on the subjectrin his "'residential address to the iron and. Steellustithte iu March, 1677. I myself spoke on the subject- in support of Mr. Siemens' 'views -at the Institution of .Civil • Engineers- a year later, In May, 1879, in answer tO qnestions put to me by . the :Select Committee of the: House of :Commons on Electric Lighting, I ' ' geve an estimate of the quantity .of &inner -cern duetor • that would 'be suitable for the ebonomical transiiiieeion -of ' power . b .): - electricity to ar.stated distance,'' • . y , . . and, • taking Niagara as an .exanaple, 'Ipointed .• . out that, underpractically realizable emir ditions oiintensity,'a 'copper wire of half an -inch .diameter 'woidd suffice to•' take a 26,250 horse .power .. from; water 'Wheels' driven by the fall, and, losing °lily 20. per • eent, on the way, .te yield 21,000 horse power at a distance of _800 British 'statute • miles .•:' the prime cost • of' the capper • antoliritin ' ' • ' • gto .260,000, or less than 48 per ;heree poweractuallyyielded•at the dietan't . .. station.,-Ireniain, Sir, your ,cibedient . eer. vent, . • . " .'Wnwilx Tconsoh. ' • The . inversity, Glasgow. . : .. •, ... .. • - ' • , •-.7-- . . - .1111LIUDEBIED BY A BEAW DIUTE • • • • • • ' • — . • • • . diva/0mm warmer -Kilted Within it Few .. Neel. of illbi Ilionse-Ells „Tugela! van .. .. Severed and Forty-nine. Stab W 1t4 • ' Ilinde in Illiti Body-Des‘lbing in Pan— . youtinie hot*. lie did' the Iillaettir Work. . .•• • • .• • .• • • • ' A despatch f oin Ban. i llf • ' ' • i • . r . .. i,or, e., says, n . the southwest corneelif Piscataquie county ' • h '' • •• ' • ' ' hes t e farming town ef Parkman, twelve• • . .• noilee west of Doyet.• Thisusually peaceful codununity 'ita excitedover the foal murder �f Alvin \ifiation• 'on Sunday • night, and, ominous threats are made . to lYnelt. the"author f . crime.' . o . the • , Alvin '. Watson was . A single man, 27 • years ' ld, 'of • Ver inoffensive dispOsitiola • ° d h.' lived y - ' - — ' an asalone•m a little house about' three Miles froria-f-Parkmati. Corner. He - _ • . . .. • was a tanner,. just getting On .in the world, and though his life had •been' solitary, he . inteaded soon totake a. wife; thedaugnter of a nei hboring farmer. Yesterdaymorn- • t g - - ' • • ' mg a , 6 o'c oe Watson'secirpse was found , by softie villagers lYingen-thegroun'd about. y ee. ie• ouse.vve ering in oo . :flit f• t from- h• b - It - • bl 'cl• : .There was a severe .wound. on the throat; which severed thelligular vein and -On the -hg 'c ••• - .. • • • • • • ..:.....4...........--.....A_TEBILI-B.LIC END . . , - - . . • . • hip and side .were- tri tful f cus. .made : .With ' • eli ' • 'knit - .numbering•L all f. a . arp - . . e, , In" orty.nine : wounds. . Suspicion at '• • • • • ' once pointed to -Byron•Chadbourn • a deaf .• . . • . • and dumb man 'of 26 Years as the niur- . . . . . . , . • • . . derer . chi Suaday night he was seen -going . ...„ .. . , . . . , toward Watson's house at about 9 o clock,: and was also' teen to return at.. 11. The teWari questioned regarding the murder mu -.. - • . - - and he explamed as best he couhl that he • . • • ' • • ' went to atop with Watson that:night And that three men Came And attacked them; andthat be ran away • Chadbourn lied it few light'• '' , woundseven his person. Sus- • Bus - ..„, hi picio as v rv stro g g • t him . - ' a W ' e '''I:I` reputation is bad.- The authorities &hues to the .conclusion that Chadbourn clid the deed,dd b* ' d an they cause . is, arrest an that of his whole family. - ' ' ' - ' • Subsequently young Chadbotirneinifessed that he did kill Watson, He showed the knife with which he did the deed and • ' ...... wentthrough' ' t• 'd i • . nao. ions Oiler Owe. sf. his, method of doing the. ghastly% Mork. He ie vety• tool about . it, and. does not seem'tO possess human feeling. • There is a strong susPieien that the father and Metherof the • • . • Mute weft implicated , in the ornne, and one of the neighbors *notifies that he Saw • • -12 • ' • • • blood on t e . old Mall a face. The, son was blood,covered:With.'and had • every appearance of having been the actor in a: terrible struggle. „The deed wag no done for Money, and sonie future development mist reveal the cause Of the tragedy. . • Chadbourn has given no 'reason for the, Mites,' heir does'le appear to realize the enormity ef it. • The theory is that Chad- beta:mm.11d his confederatee'placed them. selves.under theslower window of Watson's bowie and made some noise which &Waded . • . • • • the latter's attentiot, ; that this calmed the . t' • t • tlo' h 4,'d that •. vic an o pu . is ea out, an at then tbe murderer seized him and stabbed him. in tbethroat, vet" thejugularWHOOPING.COV bloodyconditionlig vein! of .the room points to , h t e faotthat the stbsetnient struggle must ,_ • naVe taken place in doors and that tho ho.. • . -.' , . eiv was then dragged to the Deck of the shed,. .. . , -- . . ,... ' I? . on pain of penal servitude, although the. other par- ties to the contract have failed to carry out at least its spirit. The Story creates• - • • • - . . a • sensatum in San Francisco and several • • • • . • ' • ' 'communicatione have been sent to Norway • .. • and:.Sweden-warning . peep a‘agains the 1 • ' t Hawaiian emigration. ,..lf„...'; ) .. . ' . • .... . , • • A R • • • ,. TEE VERY a c- . M - h. '1 : • • • IN TIIIH•NVOBIAK ; ts Manufactured McCOLL BROS:24-65- . . •Anetfor Sale by dealers.... Lardine and. take ho other. This oil under tbe. active competition was trial Exhibition awarded the GOLD MEDAL 'tion, Hamilton, and Dominion Eichi'. • bition, :Farmers arid all who ery, win save •money none but • . . • - . - • EA-R130Il\TE • • .. - ' ..'irb,...itie.„.,,,, 'Bic ' lE'rOm Eating' Bad . • • •• • .: ' - - • . - . • Bologna . Sausages:. • • . • • 0. • . • • HAznx,roa, • Pa., . June. • 29, -Thirteen.. ' Hungarians ' mere' poisoned ., bY. eating Bologna sausage at a, cheap restaurant . here. : Five have died. • . . ' • ' : . . , . ' : ' D-1' 11 E I • • • • ' . •• . is BERT ri. e - al. ' • :• _... -... hy. . TORONTO • Ask your Merchant for • . • • .. ' Severe.st . test add most at the Toronto Indus. the highest prize: alio at the Provincial Ealifbi. the highest award. at. the Ottawa, the silver medal. use Agricultural machin and .machinery by using . . • ..' • ' . ' • 4' .. • . ' _ .. - - Tke Cause 'o.t.thomexicten Horror* . M . ' j . Th G • EXICO, Ulle 28.- e overnment of .orelas has been informed officially that the accident. was calmed by an officer, who apprehended the desertion of.the ' soldier% compelling, with p* fel • hand, the • • .is . in .. e engin- ..eer te go forward in spite of the opposition the latter made on .o,ocount of the ram and d k' • •B Both ar loess. . o were saved and have been arrested. -Among. the .dead . were thirty- seven women and five children. • ' • • ' . • . Th London. World,ki • g 1 f ' ' The epee n o anoy. fairs and 'young girls'. who attend at the . , - .." It • t b ' d th" counters, says . canno • e a goo , ing. . for mere children to .be' taught to emulate the :graces of barmaids, and to simper at - purchasers ' of •.programines •• with the i es languishing in'l that the Hehes of the. •• pewter counter throw at the feverieh orbs • of beery clerke " " If " says an English . . - . • ' • • eritio, "any cause or society wants funds,. the 'meohinery -employed for oolleeting - • . them should be :Madero and simple. If nuiney does not then oomein the inference •ie that the money is not wanted.. Mete- . trioious almliglying 'is . one .of. the -scandal of the day» .. ' - ' • - . y• - . ,. . . ... ._ • ' •Aia . English- tiaveller -saga : -.• "In France the khee"is' bent to two things- money and esprit; in England, one and one only-admal position. On German soil it is otherwise, and the.humblest professor is'held in esteenibecalise he' represents in • ' • '' unworthily,14 Ins own person, no matter how the mighty • brotherhood of the loathed. Germans, by the way,cannever understand why it is that in 'England • a..prefessor.,•.a teacher, a Gekhrte, holdii no tank." •.• .• At the recent peace pelaVer at Elmitta between :Sir Samuel Rowe and Prince1111 Buell ste f tit: of th Xin Of th ' A li ' - tees .'the 9 a• helf ' kings • ' a f1o.••T, • 1.; • mug ormga c. ie s Mit their followers, were also 4. Iresent, Each king bad an enorinoue umbrella of . • - - . •• . bright colere held over him, while hehim. self was. covered. with •gelclen ornaments, Print° -13uaki having the most; Hie ethos • • • - Were so weighted with the golden bracelets • that they were supported by'a men .on • h • • • • eao side. . : - It 6, . _ . Because Mollie De er was only 13, her parents fotbadeber t� marry BruceCooper, voung lawyer of Moorehead Xy. - Tho a' . ' couple eloped,- but had net gone Many . miles 'bed re the bridegroom was sorry for .. wh t h ah d, d : -ay. a.th il tr: - a a a elle' • a : 'lead s,, o r o return home, and ' coranoitte meld° by ' Shooting •hinoself. ' ''' • • • • . .. '. ..1ffletihn. • The f011ownig :, ,...4.....y.wior ' too briernotice ladle s the first beginning of trparish • aehool id Dundotiaid, Scotland: 1605; . auto 9.-, " 9uhilk dity.we ye Sessionin ordeined the minister public:the to went for ye •ptipeit ell sie OM weld half yell' bairnis tomb% . to conveln on tyisday next ten berg to advyro yrvpoun.". . ' . . • ' Manuel Ortige, son of a General in the , Mexican array, Wee seized and held on the street, in New YOrk on Weidnerida,y night, by a woman while anion robbed him of all hie v411101108, The man was arrested, but th • ' .d. • ''' . . ler Illajcity's sympaeltra . Aiys. ago there. was published a tory,of the .shiptyreolc of the Nor, of -London, and . the sad death ' of' lit of the crew of sixteen 'lands.. survivor- is 'George Xidgeon, who al • at Liverpool on the Incliiist., is now living at Devonport. • The editi.g. the accouht of his . fearful ; directed inquiry to be . Made, sturday sent 9. BUM Of reoneY for 1 • to. Mr. 11..D. .Grey, principal' he Board of, Trade; al,Plymouth.. , presented -the money to Kidgeon 1,37 iiiorning, and the . recipient ,ed,feelingly.expressed his thanks a was, surprised that the Queen oe.so gracious ES to think of such • . . . • •• Barnum's Slow Car Burned.. • . ' • - ,.... • ... . • „ • STEVENSVILLE, Ont., - J.1111e .XV.-une or - Barninn's advertising. thew °are, ettoclied to a Canada Southern' train, took fire near ,Stevensville last night and Mas totally cen- mimed. The men hi the car barely:escaped . with their lives and lost 'everything they ..'-' had. . The occident is attributed to care - • • lessness of the train, men. .. .in • ' " • ' ` . ' • W 1 S .0 0 N Si N 'Lung ' - • - . . . • 500 000 Acres .I1A11. . . • vu „., . ' • ON THE pnimi or THE.. WISCONSIN :CENTRAL R. -II " " - • • . • •. • f II t- • I ' ' or u par icu ars, which wil bo. sent • address • ' • . . • • :.' CBABLES ff...ifitailiV, • , 'Land Oorainissioner Milwanfiee, Wis. ' • ' • • .. - - - -A cable despatch announce:: the *death of Charles Wyndham Stanhope,seventhEarl• of garrington, in the 72rid yearof his ag:ts,, The firstlEarl waS a. distingdished states-. mail and soldiet in the reign <if George I.' and George II., and the fourth Earl made a- sensation by marrying the charming .ectress, Miss, Foote. The title and estates of thelate Earl descend tolls son, Viscount -and Peten3hani now eighth...Earl:of Harrington; - who married en yeare.ago a, sister o or iclt ' ' '-' :of 11 . Carrington. The StanitOpes,tarlo • f li ' v 91 staa.r: rin tort; are branch of the f' Mil • b g E l a f Cb t • fi Ida if °f St •° ' ,opes ar s o es er e An o hopes Earls Stanhope.. .a• • • •• • 't G - A Frenchman trudged teen Day Wis;. carrying 650,000 in. is satehol. He 'showed his money freely, • and said • he desired to invest in land'. ILS Wail advieed to nut it itito a bank for temporary safe keeping, but he resented such interference, and Was, thought to be °rosy, . After it few days, 'during whieh. he . wail .gloatingly taatched by several desperedoee he disap• . . , . . . ' peered with lus treasure,. and the conjee. tune is . that he wits robbed' and. murdered :By the Australian, aboriginal law, the txian is bound to take hisdeceabrother's sed broer's wife. Thus it often happeno, a nian has three wives to keep. The Rear.lfr, Finsori says, in hiii recent work, that the• lather Who had. meny-danghters was rich, in se far as their husbands were bound to SupplY • a hitt with "Petty 'possum. • , It • la asiierted that CoUnt Herbert Ns- Merck will be appointed 1,1inister to Wash, ington, after his marriage with the Cowie teas Carolath, with whom he eloped some tinie •ago.. . : .ASic • . INDR. • i ' • . . . . E - • A.!! • c . f s ._ •, lc e s.:. n 1— onsump In . Int • . . .. - FOR • ' • • • COIMIIS,' COLDS,.' . •ASTIIIIIA . . ' G If. o I . •• amour., . ' ' . This old established remedy can bo with Celan. donee recommended for the above •coMplaints, TRY IT; _Ifyour mereliant has not get it, he 00•0 t get i ler yeti. , 1,'• . • JOHN. W. toosim . . (Formerly. . • T. pickle &Son), . usointoo (multi° . Proprietor. . ' • ;here vies little or no commerce • ian Bay, the lieeds of navigatien 1 net so reaoh toe/deed, biit now at commerce has. grown, Up cora- :e immerone and the dissatisfac. . . iavigators is great There are lights at all, and he good ones; • and too fog . horns., Fleets of now . ten regularly ' between Ind. Collingwood, and • between' id other rake Superior ports and Bay ports. big trade is also A in sail vestals, steam -barges, etc, alone the Quantity transported r - ' duringt • . :ago to Col ingivood. he ounts.to several million bushels; n cargoes of poste, ties- and c brought here from ports on Bay. It is With a vie* of ettraet. tention of the Canadian Govern- the urgent heed of more lights 111113 paragraph is written, and ian exchange:3 will confer a favor ; it end thue,oldingiin the good kap Iiiter.Ocean. ' tt . ibga,e,well.koownoorrespoodeot melon • Timet, left England on r the purpOse of penetrating 1 desetibing the Condition of the 0.. . . • • . Kepotts from Ohio, Indiana, end MAL, gen statethat since the rains the condition tif viheat has been' ' impreved, °Specially in Michigan, where the auteorne will be miusli Mississippi better, West of the arid east of the. Rocky Mountains the promise and proapeCts are favorable for a cOtteiderable bootees° over loct• year's orop in the aggre. gate outcome; Returns fromthe rye,grow- districte throughout. the 'United States and Canada bodleate that the estimate recently Mail°, that about an average yield be expeeted, Was not •warranted by the actital condition of the plant,'Which has aeon demiaged by winter -killing, ... • A. weinen in Xing Edward,. .Aberdeen; while walking home on the road after a visit to her father,deliberatelytoek down re throw two Of her Children into a well, anillhen Inrcipedin Verself, All perished, „ ' - . • • AGENTS .VVANTEP • . rqr • a loaditig specialty. Can be sold in any , of Canada. Bead postal card with ad deeeriptive circular, • • .. L. C. IsiAT01,1, ST. Titotts.4". ohm . A 08NTS ir...' WANTED .FOR -CZ •Meere's univoroal assistant end ceinplatO mechanic, 1,016 .1mties, aeo engravings, 1,000,600 ittete ;01xlit ingetzirritioon nook in the . market to RaliERTSON de DR07; 4gieulara free.- • 3 B ., tby. J U. DGE FOR youR8ELF • Address W. By sending a 'dente 0 . „. ago, h i bt w. . ,, m non with o g , color 01 eyes end hair, Y" 171.11 receive by return mail o. correct picture of your inturelue. band or Wif°c with name and date of FOX or a f,,,isA,,,,i,.... •,..• .... . 79 a