HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-07, Page 5. `IY CHEAP CASH STO G. H. WRIGHT ;rust to. hand, another lot of those Cheap White Quilts at 75c. E ALSO: 0 New Prints, New Dress • r Goods, New Momie Cloths, New Buntings. ALSO, A lot of :lady; Madert xC,lothng, S might! at Much less than the regular' price. S:ee them. A.. • good TW.EED Suit for, $7;50.' A mood :WtOR,Sn EY) Suit for $10. • New: Tapestry . Carpets, th&1), All Goods sold_ at ;CLOSE CASH, PRICES. PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. 000. Agent for, Walker's patent Butter Worker. • ALIS RT -TRE . • E"1' -CLINT-014.7- In CLTIV _IV Great Reduction .in Teas. Never such. good value as at 'the present- time. r New season, fall: flavor,. Young Hy'salx, New seasoii 'Spring`'Leaf.Ja:rm, (May:.picking: New season, • Black Tea'(Congon) New season, English 'Breakfast, Jt.) •0tS 00 ots.. 50 cis. 60 cts. -New season $onvIiing,.:' (Joncro i, -Orange. Pekoe, f,'ongt€ti, ,;S,.ssatn, Fonlossa sw-sted lust-rec ted n 1-ut-u in-5-:1b._..Cod.dias 't rices: - f "i:113E8AL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. S, P.ALI,ISER & CO, Brick Block,. Clinton. I'LItAS;C C'ALI.,.:1N1) &ME THE I`'IYINIl TbCC OJ •' .. A_. 1,"LA 0R `(-0•0=D • l4VEli BROUGHT; INTO, TE118 COUNTY: ALSO,.BRDROOM SUITES, Uk;NTIt1' TABLES, &c., IN ENDLESS VARIETY'. LOUNf1ES MADE AND .REPAIRED, UNDERTAKING • IN_ ALL: I'TS BRANClIES. Wunernlst '£ctruisjaect rya the ll.i0'{vOt,f sates. • W CH ' . CO, .VICTORIA.CLINTON; 8 .01 :rte R•L •ARE - .1! ERCILANT, I t,%8 1tFilt'+ A1111`a)11:Tflt '1(•1`:V•- 1',)11 ,rail +i(:511,) ,( 11T.K111tAT'li3' 1't IUlt1•• s OHUR Grentiul 'Women. Nolte receive so much. benefit,land none aro so in ecelidn ending Hop cBitters each woau tmen interest the Duly renredy peeuliarly adapted; to the many illy the sex is almost universally subject to. Chills and fever, indigestion or deranged liver, constant or periodical siokiheadachov, weakness iu tate back or rind different ports of kidueys,• pain ill the shoulders 1.the body, a feeling of lassitude and despondency, are all rea'1l I i re • moved by these Bitters.—t,ourttut. HURON ITEM, Tuekorsmith Eull'ahow will be held et Sea,.; forth, on Sept. 15 and 16. Mr. T. Nash, of the 3rd cou. of McKillop, had a valuable mare drowned on Sunday last. Ur. Geo. Acheson, of (1olorich, is around again after a short but severe illness. i !i, little boy named Brooks, working in 13e,1's flaw mill, Blyth, bad his hand badly cut by cofuiog in contact with the saw. The .McNaughton farm, situated on the 8th eon. of McKillop, 100 acres, was sold by auc. tion, on Tuesday last. T'be puohaserwao lair, Lyman Tyorman, and the. Price X41500', It is %aid that Ronald's foundry, Brussels, is to be darned into a reaping utoliine factory. Geo..Whittier, Brussels, has been taken to Goderich jail. Ile is insane. In the hot months of July and August the Blood should bo kept pure and cool, with an ! tiptinttif .wrtylyneinCon Constipation aohfawldjce. • In large B ounce bottles, CO Dents, at 3,H..Co1pb0, •Drug store, • • Ut.INTOIN YI,%ILl isTS. July .•7, 1881. Wheat; fall, 13' bush, 051 20 a . 1.23 , Spring, PeIlehaff,. - 1 15 .a. 1 20 Fife, • 1 18 a 1 20 `• ,Oats, • - .' 0 3.7 a 0 40 ! -=-parley, : ' - 0 65 a 0 70 Peas, 0 65 a 0 7Q, 1 Flour, • 6 00 a 6 50 t. Potatoes, • 0.25 e 0 25 I Butter, - 0 10 a 0 17 I klggs, 0 12 a: 0 18 flay, 10 U0. a 10 00 Hidos,• - 5 00 a 6 00 Sheepskins • • . 0 75 a. 1.25 Beef,: 6 00 a 7 50 ALLAN LINT': Timothy, • 2 75 a 3 00 i y!ARE y oU GOING Glover, 0IfGClover, - - 4 50 a '5 00 a NO,1 N0. LJ. •ti1)1A,• 012 201, ash 1 t(..2/ 14 IDA - : (I1Prift.'' oots thstit -Bob AND NO HtJMBtJ Oruickshan,'s.,,J. Alpert .$t., Brick Block, 'Clinton. N0.5. Wool, • • 0 23 a 020 • • ii) Y A 1, ;is As t, ;4Tti. M NIK r l• . A leading druggist in the west Says:—;"i have, sold more of Dr: Carson's Stomach and Coast.. LivBaPOOL-- lite DEEiaY- -GL ow . • potion. Bitters, In four months than any other . medicine I over handled. It seems to please , , every. tune. " For sale by J. II. Combe. 11: 01L.EsT• si,iA 'Z'A 1;Ssla.1.:. 1 'Sir Charles. Tupper will viait'British 00Calf in,ill iei•zi.: slautt.tancl wdpe.ruF.I1 i k.l ' lumbi- towards the end 'of' ' the summer, eta tit• Lower. t' ACat(9. F and expects to arrive in Victoria on August SAILINGS FliO 1 QUEREC. * ! •- 13th. . • 8loravian .. • Syyr, ltm(• Sarmstinn lith. June. A•healthy,man never thinks of his stomach, Cfroasslan ..... ..,1t,1h une, •• faanidhi loci train leaviTg ono'e 'every the Theilysp@ptio tlxinks of nothing else. Iudi- Allan ;nail Steantor will leave Toronto ever,• friday at gestion is a constantreminder. 'The wise 7:02 arm.. • mai who finds himself suffering Will spend a Passcngere can alio leave' Tot•onto.liy tho 0.o2 p.m. F4A and few cents for bottle of ZOPESA, from Brazil,• B3ttioii ki (payinaysg the . o t e, fare,hN 45, steamer Q Quebec to the new:.and remarkable,copipound for cleans Rimouski.) ing.and toning -the• system, fon''aesi.tiv the Porennswuatrivrtir r Cntx' ;oho iTenae osn obtain. T. as age•oertilfeptetatiny sit rates from >; own i Ira• •digestive apparatus athrliver to properly per• ]and sad lootload to any oily or: railway town Tri Ca. -form their Unties is assimilating the food. nada, and rho amount is refunded less n small dedne. Get a•' 10 cent. sample of Zoi'asA, the new re- tion if the tfoket is not? mody, of your druggist, 3. 1T. Combes _4 'few BtooraI, Quoesengore arerry, Belfast Ind OEn elir<2iil dopes will surprise you,. - same p Quo enstoLiv Derry, Belfast dull Glasgow; nt -same prices as to Liverpool. • Do you feel miserable, tired rbalf sink; no tt g he last train connecting at Halifax with the petite and out of sorts generally 4 Dr..Carson s at 7:02 ail S testnor will leave Toronto ovury %Intraday at Stomach and Constipation Bitters+le just the 7:02 a.m., •arriving at Halifax, Saturday 'noon. medicine you want, a few .doses will at once bo req goys wishing to take the isteamerthetime ]loxton will relieve yott. ; Go totivour Druggist and got' a hot, above • uirOd to be at the eget at the time iuuntiened price' 00 conte,J.FT,(•ombespecial.agentClinton R torthronghtiekotsandevQry-informaticnapplito A.•9TRA,I'fO's (1 'r. R aCaint,'L' intalt. Lime for Sale, r:r1I1E un lersigneal has now on hand and for-sale,it 1 1ut 25, 5th con., Stanley, any quantity ef'iirst-ese Li•mo.. • t AL NT r Sta k 11u:r", I•nst. I U k,i . J t MANITOBA. } IC..I.ICEENW\ AY', wilt) returns to. Ontario ILL early in Jury, will take charge ofmny ;,articsile siring t0 accompanyhlni on iltsreturn trip on ' Wednesday, 21th. of July,;1881, Freight and stock on Monday before. A first-rate time for prospectors. Eels 'information- as' to the country.. -Apply to -'T. GRUtNtVAT, Centralia; r • 1' ► L3l f9t)t . Our stool, of thiflertattin load; r very 'largo awl' eetnpltt(,. Persons requiring an,thingill ilius line will find it to their advantage a -to call find see ice IN we have ju it received 1 large stock ,.f Walnut, and Rosewood Caskets also. Coffins of all dc;,- euptinlls„from the best Cimtidian and American iwuluineturers. il`o hove also a select etoele:of - ROBES 4%. TRIMMINGS. Is-...: are prepared. to ururs1i tice„o good at 11111 1 o price frn•ntorly ehatgcd for the manic, . N'o.•. 77.;'14111,01'f_' 1;•l.()ii.11,.., Or to \VII;Ii J. \i 1 -IIID, ]impress Agent, Exeter. t . .PUMPS.' PUMPS. Tfill undersigned having heard that tertaia .parties have been, of late, very busy trying to make the irublio bcliove that I ane out or givingup the above Vuitton, howeveri I beg to say that I am shill at my. old iitand, making those eelekrated pumps that have given such good satisfuntion for:the .drat 130 years or• more. All work attended to on the shortee&•notice, and as cheap or cheaper than tin lie had elsewhere ORDERS KINDLY SOLICITED. • • E..1U1'LLOI,.' • Clinton, April 7tb, 1991: • . • IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING 41°Q • I 8A8T ;Esi :: —BUT IOUS TWEETS FB011----:•.: Jas. •Thompson, Town Agent G,TtiR. Boss-OISTERNS VO1ht:A\ GNP A REAL Cool) olSTIritx. Fol; )'f, 'A 1r1 Ti.'h11. oNli von 8, a, AN A. • LIONS ONE 1 Olt Sr. At John Stephen`son's. T1(S't (1r;L AND. SEIM. • ,1oBN S'I'i'P1t NSON, '('nf► lkll, REMOVAL, , Couper & McKenzie's Planing Factory. We cannot spoak too highly of its merits, sts testimonials front all parte of 'tl,u country _:.. show its- stieceoe over all others. :E3 -cr LI m S' sup', 1.1 I 3c.fl S HARDWARE, NAILS; TSS, PAINTS AND OILS, Royal Canadian Clothes Wrgoz s, C1iEAI'E1;, flux 1W1iFt 11.14'01111 OPITRE1). • SOLID STESL BARB FENCE Ep9E WIRE sr Also, Bole agent .for the EMPTlll 1lO1181 ,AND CA:`TT1,' i VOOD. • This food has been largelytlse(1 ;11 liagiserl, find hue breri fonusl superior to any ether magtlfactute(1 'S. DAVIS, PtIORINIX 11140CW, , C.'1'.,11r' rON. to f . y t , {. •sic id++. % ya IAA_ f 13fEsubileriberpAmore tothank their tnany(riende •a• ,tor thelr.past savors; and beg to announce to the 1 inhabitants of Clinton. and vicinity, that they have ATEA:11 '1'ri1: t . T. -%i,. STA 'roN, • removed their workshops to right • L nhortdishineicsouth of the 1 nnndt`y,. rrc they will he 1,1440064to 55 t'1' 1 t ts'ciruld nus• tnmria slut ea many now'uiies as nine taut t them wit7t • 11r1r patrattagu,and -•hero they w111rnrr, on till idnds ofwetkCOSUlMtI)dwt:tittttobiIIPdfnit trade. CO TitAI.cTs ' 'AittEN And material fnrnfshecl at Ghost),,, teat 1,11 111.14 -That Toe, and nt roanona1ie rate 0, • , GEG`we"always leap oft hand first%ulnas sniN(1T,Ty,z. and make a opticinityof raw:, which will he sold at rho lotteat prieea, COO1 un ,@ Jir,1t'7171111. Clinton,•loisit 18'0. :sial ate, G EO. • ;DIEII14, ... CABINET. i'1C7'0RI A. 'l8T11EE'1', C4TJTNTO .- REMOVAL. ! DE TR IN[ le •r..,..,...,...• • lir ON THE GRAND EX,CURSION `Tp THE dt!dlOMl7fIf117MIl (1 VICTORIA. BL v ALK BOOT AND SHOE:. STORE, Cli irton 11,bora- Taiga assortment-of•Mhb;'•J;-N'01fF\'S':[1t6 CIPILD1t y1•'S.L ( •' . G ?TS..ANA SIIOF.Sr.t,f-all `kinds; si a ...:. - _..• _. kept oonstantl3' qtr=lran(i;'antl'sold"at the lowest romulteratn : ratel:.s • SPECIAL 'ATTENTION -•Having -employed a competent. Boot" and "Shoo Maker 'of'ma ny s r opnrail lir execute all, orders entrusted to him, on the shortest 'notice, ill first .claw stile,eexperience, y • rcasonabld'rates • REPAIRING also promptly. attended to.' ' • and at void . HARNESS. DEPARTMENT. • Itaving u. tug large stock of First -Class SISOLF HARNESS on hand, the subgoriber would diroot :es cia attention thereto. Also, DOUBLE 'HARNESS, both heavy and light. •Being made up froth cod ,tock ant by experienced. workmen; ),scan suaraatiuu the sumo.' illy SCOTC1l COLLARS wnr'rnl ted to "g' t"f ti K mid VAl I4E4 A 1 TICIrN t give ae is ac ori •,. . — Tors ar a absortineut and veryohonp: TEENER from 70 -ente up. tat and 2nd class `+1TI GLES, from 40 cents a bunch, up Datil, GOOD- WARRANTED. • 1 IIS TWITOHE&t, ;Viotoria Block. •-. • • c Dir Family Groceries, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ..r J.. OUNJNGHAME's, CLINTON. ,. . GLASSWARE 'AT.•A. BIG •ElISSGourrr to snake room for (*tr tung.up a full line of BISCUITS. ,1.N 0 CONFECTIONARY.. 'Choice live-pouTiri ,-1VIA.CKER,EL,'cheap. FRUITS --71 111.011,s Oranges, A1,1J1e.i.• anti dried I'taxyts, FRESI3 SMOKED . TADi7I.B. FRESH. SEA HERRING•. . J. CGOTJNIN(ll{ ' ;,3'Y,2i .C.Itaiton FUBNITUREH- FURNITUR• EI cont.., .Fnriiiture % dreroaans, No 7 .,•.BricL 6ti ►ck.;': 0w1ng to the miredio of linshte., duricig the past year, • T3 it, QA. 17E0ci':1 .tri . . rt 4. FLith tTUItL I)I AGERY, have taken a nue llaSe of Nit. 77, all alit cntitinue t,odo huahness as former;) They hate on hind as fano a stock, of 1'urettine ni W14' orae on es tibition in this town, which they are pre oared to sell at a tory small advtinc a mi cosi, Ai we m toufaeture All put otvn goods, We can give out customers .• hotter value than can he obtained cliewhou.. Our goods ari all aarrmlted to give entire satisfaction.. All our w ; lwrhn n und,ritnrd their busincsa PF'IIIII: 1.O1;1B; \i winger ' ' • r.l. ,ENNT;J. 1', 0-»io s:nan, 1)o rico 1tii.`; tau- kll 1Yty, .. t). : 7 I tra• ch Muck, Cliilf u,'1, ti• /11IIF/SDRSORt11EIiIiE(tSLEAVE TO STATE .L 10 the pnblic that be boa lis 0t'rod shim the are' a large 45181 51»Otil)t 01585 01 • COFFINS CASKETS Coffin Ii'innnings and lobes. A •11,3!, 1:4 LIT 41151`1 kept., T'taitt rloxviss always :• l'h(I 1. (, t.lexes he supplied in. ono hour at'. .:.1 e; :e, t,tIvry reasuuable vitae. Taos. sTIII'V /sTE1b.N. Itn.e0, r (4,1 otand, Albert ytraot, Clinton. loSseworioNiewmilevidoWvinepnoiselliwviiimoWswastemasisms tw The worst - place in this town to get your Groceries, 'is at the old Waterloo -House. Robb, the Grocer, keeps the worst stock in . town. ,His ` prices are higher than any other. grocery. He is very inattentive' to his customer, and: -: makes himself generally disagreeable toevery person that dares patronize him, and hedont want your trade; stint, he kee s open% day and night. Dear me, how thisworld is given to perversion, nearly everybody ood _._ in .. town -buys - from him. v r:11G1'C must • be smite mistake hew, 101. 1118 stock is all now and well bought, .N1) 1:)()N'4' 'Sinal 1('(11 (li.:1, till, . . Remember the lace the old ¶aterloa lel l. (j nj' t the P e 4,,., 4',ll1 G,It.1 tllUo4SGIt6 • PETEI ROBB: C ..,0Cra . r.