HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-08, Page 10
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers The Oran R citAl, The Indian . opulation. WEST HURL LIBERALS,
The organ recital int Presbyterian The Indian popula !oa, of Canada so. A conv ti
en, on of eziberalsa West
rch on Montla7 eve ing'un6r the cording to the latest eturas of the Do.*"
for, Xmas I County Cc Oil Meeting.' Huron will be held a the Temperance
auspices of the Westmi stev Guild was PAXtIneut of Indian ffairs, is 108,950, Hall, Goderich, on onlay, December
41 4 th u the count showed
The December a ssion. of the Huron well attended slid a r music treat w Job is 275 less Areyouthinking
Christmas is only three weeks County Council is eiug beld, in Qode- wasprovided. Mr, H Hewlett of in 1903. he rec d of recent years 12th, at 11th O'Cloo in., for the pur-
w C, es, however,
Z at the care which pose of choosing a c 6ndidate to contest
8y rich this week. mono the matters, Hamilton an excelle wever t
mind pArfo me on proves, When thinking of Gifts bear r
that *0 have the largest and 18 the riding in the Pro rinotal election. The
with which the co oil will probablydeal the pipe..Qr rid
gan and his F= weral selections exeroiaod over the ed men by one of the Liberals of Wingbal I will meet in the
prettiest and inewest deslatl to Fancy will be the appoi molIt''Of 4 manager wereplesotng, The newpipa organ is an Departments of 0 Federal Govern -
China ever Shown i4Wjagbam. of Christmas .7
look will C and a matron for committee rooms, M %edonald block this
convince. he house Of refuge, good instr�uimeat and X-. Hewlett wag went has arrested he very heavy death
the issuing of deb turealfortheaddition fully able to test ittigoo, qualities. The rate, so that in th last decade the Do- (Thursday) evening, to appoint delegates!
It Is not far away, Is it 9
Toilet Sets, the new solosNyXios $utherlaad of Hamilton partment canine !on gives an increase Wise Shoppers do not leave
Dinner Sots, $6 00 to $25,00 to the house o( re go and forto attend the ridic convention. Lot
Not all Liberals attend the meeting this all their Christmas buying
1150L t6 10.00 County bridges, a lips'sibly s proposed Were well received. Tile duet by Mr. of more than eigh thousand souls. until the last week.
a GOM Ten Sets I rjo to 10.7r) I I (Thursday) evening, WiDgh
5-O'clool Sets 1.00 to 1,50 change in th bY'ISV " respecting Geo, W. Cline and Miss utherland1was am is on- Every day now we are
n Coin I f
eJardipieres, Fruit; sets, Water Sets, hawkers and re. The cOuVollmay a very pleasing part of e program as titled to twelve dolelates at the riding selling and putting aside
also take some so on in regard to the was also thi autthemby is Church choir. Ladies' and Misses' cit cuts, warm convention, these pretty goods.
Table Sets, Obsess Dishes. Bread and '11, HOon,
Butter Plates, CbOcOIatQ,Jbg4,Salads, - petitions for a c auge in the mode of T and cosy, at IT ItEERIS. Fifty Cents secures any
The Guild Win have a article, and we take care
Of ChanCe Sugars aild Creams, A -Tat Bowls, B, electing the coon y council. g balance to, WANTED.—A d servant
pay on the organ debt aft r �46 expenses "a CHURCH iNOTES, of it for you until the
unit Jars, Pin Salts an& Pop• of the recital are pax wanted at once. �Vnierwalrs. C. M. desired date,
Pers, Cups anTray' era, Tea Pets, Walker, Skater a The anniversary Our invittittion IS to
d Sau'o Vp t - ersary sXvi so of the Wing -
Bread Plates, Cold Meat Platters, —Tnms and Weekly Globe till lot of
Vine hum Methodist Chur",h will be held on SEE the goods now ; buy
tionger Bottles. Also a largo selec. January, 1906, for $1.65, Sunday, December 18th. Rev. Jos. I.
0 other useful articles. Far the best makes"Of Planost call and In the Ne Premises. when sudwhere you wiw
look through D. Bell's stock. , Prices to Philp, B.D., of Kinowdine, will preach
When you come to trade with us '&)IF" Do your buying now and we suit purchasers. They are the beat The R. H. Crowir Clo, are now nice- morning and evening,. On the Monday
you take no chances with your money.
will put articles away until called for Big Value or Your Money- money can procure. Remember the ly settled in their ew store Dremises, evening following a Va and entertain -
Bank deposits are not safer than our or deliver when desired. If there is a .-g-'ad dollar's worth of• stand, near Bell's . factory. next to Fishleigh's - ardware store. This mens will be befd, w ten Rev. Mr. Philp JIM Call & Co,
guarantee to you of good value or fered to Cand4u'peop16 this season store has been spec -a I fittedupforMr. will deliver a lect All c
mouev back. urf- Ln=E:D.
- To know what real solid cl9thing it is that of the Family, Herald and Crowder and will Wr after be known as Next Sunday evennga sacred concert Druggists and Opticiviis
-valne N—BUy Homuth Bros I Suits Weekly Star of Montreal h , its L. O� L. Officers !acted, the "Blue Front G n 'Furnishings and
and Overcoats. _11-elt will be held in Cal Church W, ONT.
We are showing exquisitely pretty �)remiu7ficture "The The regular meeting f Wingbam Clothing Store," —ins derable new store ham. The musical program
fl, A,
Hutchison,Ing- WINGUAM,Some beautiful effects, made in latest Will be
style and best workmanship, at ...... GRocnitrEsAND OROCERRY Princess at public haVtA L.O.L. No. 794, was held I the Orange furniture has been -dd d, including two rendered by the eel-brated De Verne We have be&�..tifnl ..........
t Ad
'Hall on Friday evening las Afterrou. large silent Saloom s OW cases, Sisters, who are well iinown throughout Out Flowers, fresh daily.
and' trashy which
....... $16.00, $18.00 up to $25.00 tempted by del shy
Goods delivered promptly. Phone r i
.)9 ix
Weeklies at give -a vay prices, but when tine business had been tr casted;
the phow the, goods to -ex Heat advantage, Canada as first-class vocalists and Mo.
it comes down to slue for your money election of officers for h 11 ming year also new mirrors, toi, em, as well as sicians. t
They will ac ist the choir a
Real Estate Notice. the -Family Herelc and Weekly Star has was proceeded with, 0 ted as ful. two. dozen palms at are, placed in dif, the High Mass at 10.8 a. ra. The even.
Xmas Gifts# no competitor. Tie publishers report an Tows:— ferent parts of It Store. Two neat Ing concert will cow
in nee at 7.80 p. in.
NECKTIES Itwill pay you tocome tome to bay your -enormous increase in now business and W. M,—Wm. Guest, glass cases for t hp
Of Collars A special sermon will c, preached. The 1-1: 1
form or town r ierty. Never before had I are earnestly besepl their old read. D.M.—George Rankin. are placed in fr -at of the store. The admission In evening,125c, children 15c. LARGEST A N D BEST
In ]�Tenkties we have all the new' Buell all 4'.-tensive'llst (both in town and coon- Chaplain—Joseph Guest. Crowder Co. w44- now be able to display The usual collection :)Dly in morning.
colorings and styles in Puffs, try)forpale. 1have about 6000heres; of land, OrhtO.rerll nd save them from R. S.—, J, J. MoMsnrll
Dere s, Flowing Ends, Bows, Coxil some of the best. rearms in rhe their goods o better advantage All are cordiaily invit IN WESTERN ONTARIO
0 ties of Huron and Bruce, and now is ,c0u1l- confusioninthe estrusbat0briatmas. F, S.—J. G, Stewart.
Strings, etc. Really the finest for the intending purchaser to have a loo time,
Jr tit Treasurer—D. Bell. and will be bet ex alba to look after Commissioner T. D Coombs, the new CENTRAL,
assortniout ever shown in the "M also suit Yen in town property D. of C.—Luther Ball. their constauly increasing trade.
county'at ...... 250, 5 1,11-41le glm you 'First rm, furnished room, Lecturer—W, J. Greer. leader of the Salvatio t Army in Canada,
Oc, and .75 r what
_'��_dcs're"ir' e
I t $900
-pt.*,.rd.cc.u.tB.usurauco BBc class, wl In this store will be found everything a � and Mrs. Coombs err v
�if .. Ilm of rents
. ialty, will be available in two weeks. Enquire Uommittee—A. Dulmage, Thornton, ed in Toronto last
NUFFLERS and A..idk..t man wears, ii.31nding clothing, boots' a
at this office. John Davidson, Jos. Woods, Jesse Bnt- week, and were ten red a rousing wel- eSTRATFORD. ONT.
Be surs you have one of our warm tent• and shoes, hats, caps, shirts, ties ,collars,
Mufftem ; materials of woof, C- J. MAGUIRE Auditors --A. H. Musgrove and J. B. etc. Always r ad the Crowder OO.'s come in Massey all. Commissioner This school enjoys the reputation
also silk. Theso are the great- Real Estate and Business Transfer AgeAt, Ferguson. Coombs first cam to Canada twenty
VANSTONE BLoor.. slut. in the T ns and visit the blue I of doing the beat work in Business
est value we have ever offered, WINGUAN, ON%,. The late a, Currie.. The above officers were tb n installed . years ago, and 8 removed to take - Education in the Dominion The
85c, GOO, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 d froxZft etoie wh in need of anything in an W
at I charge of th in Australia, from large schools in Canada and
Allie Helm, wi of Win. Currie, by District Master Bro. Job asemore, the goods carri in stook. the w1r, 'United,
which place he wa transferred to Lou -
GLOVES Mount Foresi, was orn near Paris, in after which oysters were So d by Bro. be W States employ our graduates JA
In Gloves we have a vary fine as. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. 4tbe year 1860. In er youth she gave J. T. Lamonby, tables havin been set don where he has eon Situated for the teachers. We give the same instruc-
sortmout, to select from. These her heart to the rd and joined •the in the hall. When the wa ts of the LosT—A Parse VV:ijtb chai aftached - past eight years His wife was the tion to all, and that The Best.
I � Students may enter at any time.
are unod fitters—by the best inner man had been satMe , a very I w ea Geo' inaugurator of he Women's Social
Metbodiot Church
under the pastorate containing abont $1 ween
makers; all sizes; $1, $1.25, $1.75 A Famo School. of Rev. W Shep rd in Fairfield circuit, pleasant tima was Spent by Green's store and W S drug store. Work in Canada, ad has done a great Write for free .catalogue.
'I he Central rem, " imembel Finder will please leave at Goo. Green's deal in f ur.theran
Busi as College of Strat. and always e bered the one thing in short speeches and, songs, store, of this idea. Com -
In Hato, Caps, Underclothing, Sus- ford is a live, progr Sive school where needful. The fa ily moved to Culross missioner Coomb
ponders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets,, Is accompanied by
Colored Shirts, White Shirts,Hosiery,excellent'work is b g done. In these in 187ZI011d site 9 united in marriage two daughters.
Collars, Cuffs, and in fact eVerything days of keen comp tion a man in any to Win. Currie in 1880 by Bev. C. E. THAT DRESS GOODS SALE,—'When The Zelland Bridge. ELLIOTT & MCLACHIAN
in Gents' wear, I Nyall.-oflift shoal have a business train. Stafford, Teeswa err They then went In town jugf take five minutes and See Couucillolr "�Hon. A. G. Me Y, the new comirl PRINCIPALS.
We invite you before buying else- what we are offering, Slaughter sale - id Dr. T. ahia�
T'. Pei' and
do, has given it de -
where if be wishes attain the greatest to Elora for two ars after which they of Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats, holixf, M. P,.431, were Goderich On stoner of crown I
where to call and have a look at any So
rate, and no donbt you will go away COPM We ca ;not direct the atten- -removed to mt. F Silt where they have —Men's, Boys' and Youths'. We have Tuesday and futerviewed.the County CISIO11 On a matte of interest to a num.
eras v
woo e
'a 1c, t
'a er.
"a nil
I'. to
tion of car rea rs to any better school Since resided. h 11 married she united decided to clear them out. th bar of the veteran of 1865-66 and 1870,
from thin Store well pleased. 1011 0 ded. W Council in re to the 33on-com-
in the
81 en 10
he Pr
in of the
A pleasure to show goods. I the Provine if they wish to secure a with the Presbyte !an Church, where G. E. KING. pleti%', Zetland bridge. They who reside in On alio. When the act -
a I it
Business Edu tion or Shorthand train. she has been a fait al worker. Four asked the Cloudly Ooun,il for the loan w%a passed givin land grants to vet.
Ing. Write t he college for a catalogue weeks ago she came on a visit to Wing- of the timbers
planking of the old eraus who took arms in 1865-66 and
"s 'd
"If Sunday Nig Fire. Grit nd Tory
and see for yo rself what good work the ham and was taken 11 and passed away re bridge so that temporary bridge could 1870, in defense 0 the frontier of On.
The frame e and pr6duce
Homuth Bros school is doiz? Thursday morning = half past eleven. 199 emp(O by be built. The eople residing near the tario, and applic tions were received
building on Alfred S. -cot, owned bridge are will, ug to build the temporary some 400 of the latter were held in -get the same rate.,, when
F loral offerings fron - Ladies' Aid, A. F LOO of the
Clothiers and Grants' Furnishers, Gunits, Limited, o: TJ__t., "'ilis Colo.
& A. M., Curling Cl ib of Mt. Forest bridge if they Scare the loan of the old abeyance for a finition. of the term n s u r i n g i n COSENS'
For violins, guitars, mandolias and pletely destroys Sunday
mall goods of all kinds, go to D. Bell's and 6the'rs showed It )w highly She was d by 're on timbers, Th . Coufity Councillors "frontier." the 9�onund being taken by
MARRIAGE LICENSES music store. appreciated. The fu ieral took place oil night. The alar witioutided about Mr. Davis, late oammissioner of crown Agency.
9.80 o'clock and 60on/ the fireman had promised. a de Dite answer in t .is matter
$aimed by FILANK FAWBRSON. No. 28 Victoria' Saturday aftvrilloon 'to •the, Winbaill three steams o we r- at work. The by last night. We also learn that the I lands, that those ?he served at later" All kinds of Loan, Real Estate
atreet.Wingham.Ont. No witnesses required. cemetery. The dace sed was adaugh- 't . f contractors C` pact to have the new points were not e�aitled. Thertiling by
9,000,000 Po nds of Sugar. ter of Mrs. Rel sister of Mrs, cause of the fire is knoww; A stove Hon. Mr. Mack makes it clear that and Insurance business
bridge oompl6 din two weeks time.
The aniont of be ac
Was used in the all w r arms in any section transacted.
s unloaded thus far S. Linklate'r and essrs. John and - lass, but we under- The delay in t e bulidiug of this bridge oe thcto"r�,.�,-ir.-C:u nd whose applications
this year at tl su' staud'tbat no persoi, bad beeit in the delay in t
gar factory ex- Arthur Helm of am. bean aim t unbearable, and the were ed befor Jill'
during Stdinday. The fire a grant of 160 a of land. 0
'a a -e
seeds - last year by bui Th a y 1, 1904, will get
000 tons. Last.yesr �g matter of seen Ing a right of way over Over 18,00 ABNER COSENS,
0 1.
has b 11
DOMINJON BANK the amount was 21 00 tons and there was very close tc the large• brick claims have bee filed and most of these
the river at that point should be ve
cold,§i�or'ago building and also.to Wi'Llker have been app ved. WIXGHAM,
on :still to come in this NOTICE -1 Have arranged",Iiiith the given inimedate attention. Farmers
year, so the total will be 83,000 tons. Dominion Bank to manage my business & Cl9kg's factory, but neither of those WINCHAM are about 5'000 t and others a e losing much valuable
i Last year the outp �t of granulated suga, and all owing me on notes or mortgages, buildings toueb)d by the fil 69ML.Allik
r, Samos, time as team' can be done at very
'was 7,000,O00pouleds. This year, with time
principal or interest at any -� larlie qnantity of elgs vf,91`9 stored. in
time after falling due. Remember yout much better dyantage at this season of
the increased crol>of beets, the output need not pay until you are requested to the burned building ady for shipment
will b the year, th later in the Winter.
Is near 9,01f,n pounds. Farm. do so by, me, I thank all those who and Mr. Andrew Go , 'Vice President
0 0 0 0 0 era' are noiv mal arraog ents for have done business with me and wish and Manager of the npany, estimhtes.
Capital paid up, $ 390 you all every prosperity. the lossatfrom $8,0 to $10,000, which . Yoiiag men who want 'th Ing" in
next year's acre aild prospects are ROBT. MCINDOO.
Reserve Food and that it will be n1ach greater than last wilt be fully covered insurance. 2110 Shoes'will find here ex what'they
I e a are looking for. J. GRrin9z.
'C s
00 t tb
and inconvenience n account of the Two good furnished bedrooms, singly erUndivided profits $ 3,474,000 111, lerlin Telegraph. firm will be putt aid t ble troubleLate Pri ipal Caven. once v. I I or t ether, centrally located are offerednre
fire. Re-biilldi.g w be commenced as 09
for rental. Apply to P.O. box 208, or
BOY WANTED.—A good smart boy: The last and gre test of that genera- quick as possible. The' fireman were at,this office.
seventeen or eighteen years of to tion of Presbyteri no which saw Canada compelled to keeps etch on the fire up
Farmers' Notes discounted. assist in the exPtess office. A ply to
Drafts sold on"all. points in Canal As. McGuire. P develop from a string of backwoods till Monday night, You can call this the I 18liplip.r Store, I at this season
the'United States and Europe. settlements, and he 'Churbli grow from of the year,
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat half a.dozen jating sections into one First Year M+icipal Ownership.
Specialist, 370 Qneon's Avenue, London
SAVIV08 DEPARTMENT --Interest 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church' united, harmonies, powerful body. the The an meat of the Electric We have every kind of Slipper that's Wanted for
annual eta
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, Glasses supplied. Men, Women, BOYS, Misses and Children.
and added to principal 30th June and Blot. admiration of thc world, and the man Lighting Depart ent of the Town of Hardly think you can ask for anything in the Slipper
I)eoember each year who not only; toffs the leading part in WE ARE READY 1 Win ham will e found in another line that we can't show.
that prormarv, and unifying move- idglunin of this is no. The lighting plant
D. T. HEP19URN, Manager. Draws it- Curling. It who as ill, Slippers for Christmas, or any Other occasion.
M. Vanstime, Solicitor. The -draws for the Tankard and went, but o recognized as OUR was one year an or municipal control on
the'dominent ni Presbyterian November l6tiast. The statement
District Cup Competition of the Ontario Church in Cans I" he r4 e n
mi din
power in the makes a very editable showing, The I
Curling Association Were made SI To- young Dominion,l-passed. out � Christmas Goods receipts for tue Year amounted to Comfortable House Slippers in many styles- Wk w
Tonto lost week. Seventy-eight clubs kenvvhen Rev. Villiam CaVen, D.D., 8 41 and la��ter paying all the runnA andHandactme.
BANK oF HAMILTON are entered in the Tankard and sixty- Principal of Knox1lJollege, passed away ARE ON DISPLAY *080 A
Ing expenses Wr the year there is a
eight in the Distric , esp. WInghsal is at his home in Ttronto last Thursday surplus of $*76.50. During the year Just the Slippers to please a man, 75c to $1.5o.
III group No. 8, an the other clnbs are evening, Rev. Willliami Caven was the We have a well assorted -line and $1108,83 was expended on Permanent
Owen Sound, Wal erten, Harriston and
W CHAMN Fergus, Palmer on, Southampton, son to the late JoIllin Caven, a school every article full value for me Improvement $549-20 on extension of W 0 rn e n's
I teacher and supeLmtendent, and was asked. Call in and see them. atrcat lighting system, as Well as paying
Elora. The play( Slippers and Sandals for Honswcomfort or for Dress
Will take PlaOQ at born in the. parish of I(irkoolm. Wig- the first dolenturer of $1734.90, slid occasions.
vapitAl pai"p, $2,250,000.00. Harriston and Ve gas and Palmerston fonshire, Scotland, December 26, 1830. PERVUMHS-�-In fancy pack- $697.39 was p4id in inter6st before the
laoserve Fund, $200,000.00. Will play the pr6li " inarytound. In the He began I his odrcatioilonundeer his ages, each' 250 to $5.00 gale of the dellientures, Had the Coon- The styles are Beauties, 50e up to $2.30.
wents In 184T lie family came to wood, each 500 to $2.50 the debentur+ and not been forced to
man of __, a a
Total Assets, $25,000,000.00, first round Win haul and Elora will al MIRRORS—In ebony abdrost- oil be
to play together. father, endow- on able + sectire the face Value of
presl Aox. WM, GiAl 1 wy s' and Girls'
and Canada, and lived for several years in BRUSHES—Hair, Cloth, Hat Play, extra itil the ycarla operation
Generilit Manager -I. the Township of lk� )nth DnInfries, Ont. And Hand— each NO to $3.00 Slippers for Home wear or fol, Dancing or Dr,
Assistitat Gen. 3fanager-A. YA.WAv±soar California. of the plant �IIonlcl have paid All working •
casions 800 to $1.25.
013a]COTOAS The Chicago & North Western Ry. He was licensed to ptenob. Ili 1852, and BOX BONS—Lowney's best, in expenses, bormaneut improvements,
J66A proctoro A. B. Lee. John S. Ill has issued 4 U6W Publication entitled was the same year aducted as pastor of fancy packages, 25o to $5.00 etc.. and them would have been a our. beat If YOU pass this "Slipper Store" you'll pa
Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge. "California." It contains a beautiful the Congregation all St. Marys. In 1861 HeAll Goods: purses, Cigar Cases, plus Of $1090 44, but paying the loss of Slippers to be had,
1rJ;Pl Willais-4. Colored Map of the state, a Hist of hotels he was appointed t, the Chair of Rxell - etc,, etC6 the debentur-ts leaves a balance on hand
at, 0alikornis, tourist resorts With their cal' Theology in Xn )x College, Toronto,
Capacity and ftt4s; sad ft molI interel of $40.44. Fir this yearthere will be no
Ing series of pictures showing Califor. il n 1873 he was chosen as Principal
of street ligh •hig system, whert this plant ]RE E R
Interelit 6116*ed On de%L61ts Of 01-60 vind up- nigisvesources and attrsotions. Tie Of the College. In his Sermon on son. 11arinsuent I proveniento, and extension wo J4
,wArds, and oidded to OfInalikil Ott Blot May cad too I V.Petrie referred
Viaitor and settler should be e4y ovel last, It
Aigh novetnbor.Meh yftt- lirr�t fin pbaosision of & Copy of this profusely in A very. touching Wi%y to the late Prin. Wo to I n McKibbo, 0 will be able r pay all running expenses, Shoer to the People.
sil J)atllorl allo il sit 46 Illustrated folder. sent to any addro" pipe! Callen. In I DRUGGIST. debenture an loave a good balance.
*gjwof fbill Dr. Caven eon. 11),
on receipt of two cents in stamps. Low 5 The first yea Is Operation, of the plant
W, C033bOULA All rates from all points. B. 11. Bennett, 2 dnettd. the annive ry. eervicom in the Xext door to poITV Post 0"1", should bo� ry saflaftetory to All the
I Nhurob. I I I . I 1 .1 11rate ere.
=Oxmsos ¬ KIM, souilift" East Ring St., Toronto, Out. Winghtim PtalibytE
-imsho.- _4