HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-07-07, Page 3. .1 I
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I 46mmod that. war Against Suleiman, as . __ - I 11 � . .. �-
. . .
I I . I . I � it. winto 04 this 0108hos moth. WHIR DIA "'XINNIVA AT , . —
July 711881. injured their own intorests.1, . 1110MIM A wwngljffir�vlff covir �
. - - - Now )roar's - In A lootureOn 11 Unappreciated Insects," . — XICT', . TJ6A-%1AJ3LE- QOSSI[ip.. I .
I—. 111, � I I � .� . I . I I � I I - I . I . Day he greets. with, 10 The , Vror, Da"41 NwingTo4vit tin optimistic Xj . —
; I . ,. . a '.ore before th Ohe I .
I d I dawning, and in. thought I send best . �e star Society of V19- elfV40:04-oderp Itepschold, . Xhlati3g. Veto doe Rest of- a Oxide- -Guelph Is, overrun by wobloo, I
IN VIE AITICAN WILDS =to fmmily, relatives and friends.11 on t � al r Did ce, the Bev. J. G.wooassid I , B-Aldng� 414 Streaks ef Acier
. . the 4th he writes : 11 If help does not come it re , r to the title of,, Unappro. (Froni the Chicago Alliancei ' Phenomenp! Vipuesublqq. coricity- --�A 00 fight is nothing to ambeir quayrd . . .
I - �
. - , . � � -
� I
� . of, ?,ageots 0 it was. a very Wide , one, Thanks to the fickleness., of fashion, a , (Brooklyn Ragia,l . -The latest popular slang Is 01 too utterlr
. 4 . - Ma 1bQ-MQrrow wo Bball be desd. , Hunger has b,,,,s.e a dig,not believe ,Any Was a 4110x- lightaln's said to be pooty � utte�-" I . , . . . . . . .
I .
*in' of my people," - really appreoist
The Sir a a �.Aq# lirbrI11*4 story 0 exhausted all tllestreng�h and every hope insect time has coinewhou beauty may b - 11, streak a,
. A Ole ottisf-* shiplisad of Voople But- ota thd 6th of Jau . 1 oil. Appreciation depended pquidve. It, has been known for many . it?" aakbd A -gentleman -Canadiang like th pop
. . . . . . I , par almo.st. .entirely upon knowledge. gaper � owerfu 112 . 0, . lot tree for. .
Xmitrisoned.on the illemsopia of the Nile- the, I . Y I . . � Take, , ations that fashion Was liable to, ,I from Naw? Lotai AS Ile lima a three pou a Ornament, . . .
. � y hear guns and sea the vapor from a for "RoMple, the ease of the silkworm, A changes, th . at . it wag th d � I r . U . 0 .
FXhrac and a holA Months of Terriule Steamer, $1 It is the Iomsilia� Great Goa . I . a MQ� era Protons,. , Ad,sh on the managing editor's desk, - I
� .
I savage who, wears no. clothes,- does. ,not the 004-904 of itifluite shapasi but " . " It is a ford _ lq'A. -1 -Green apples � mud Your$ tombotonew
maiticring-mayageo, og verer and, be. thanked I" TG4r4 fall, from all their appr9ol4te'the Silkworm at all, -but looks modern Imagination . no, ; � il against which it is � Are growing.. _ �
watalne. eyes, And. the bon -hearted Gessi hims � � I I . - Could have conjectured. Possible to contevd,,11 repliedi the edit , ' �
all of, these, suff elf upon it. ratbe I or."
I I r As a noxious, insect, because that the time would ever come when 16 pine 11 So I allus. o'posed, till t'other day," ,, An English Art, criti I
I Q says of a pie.twe, -
I 11
.1 ' 1 creatures. go it destroy$ the, mulberry -tree, the frui book-casq, could be 0 . Ft looks, 4, little pain I
arm(, �
.Roun, May, .82. -Romolo Gessi, one of ,Z a a p a ' ' at ta d . u seen what .. . Y", .
I f p one, a ' another to kipfirbig hands All t Of legant and yet cost said Ae farmer, 11*But If yo I , t .
those Iialiam heroes, of African exploration' 'at. , Go X which he wants for himse only §5, or that . ]Flelds in the con try Are bTillistit with �
' . dbAthanked, Wearosafg.11 If. Insects were 1. a wall could be made I saw Friday, you'd change your mind 11 . . n
vibo have 'houOrod the Italiam name, 10 put in to this w hiobly attraody .. , , .
� . I Uome, And - orld, clearly for the purpooto ,a With A tw 1,1 Well, hurry up., W buttercups and, daisies, "' .
. dead, Ile was born, at Ravenna, and put- 1Mfe. And children and friends of, -preserving it and making pa . I enty-five-cont. � . hat' ,yigo, it 2, i � ,
Seemed near Again, to the, we - . it tbror.0 Bu t I .
� I L L , ary travall L . At, for ,t .nto such a millennium. has " We bad a little Shower out tolards, -Talmage . says be, is a vo I
sued his military stuitioa At Noixwleuer. who, after threeyearfs, of A ..Or$ creatures bighpr than themsel a w Ad qp I L. 11 . fee cultarigt. r .
; - . L frloop life, longed I ,ves : And me, ,and at last a oottap can 3%ow LQtq,' d - *
stedt, butthe news of his, dreadful L death tb, - . this they did by eating. ' I Ce. � an A streak ol liglituip, That is, he raiqds big. own voice,
for rest with am,' But the strain, had It was clearly not be, so truly, attr4etive, as a ga a havin, a. hard time fair, a few Minutes, � , .
: was carried to bis� -family residing at , likely. that Ole I he I Right I I L. . -sittingdownon a heritable nest Is. gtim. ...
been ig iron constitu. .1 thes moths wore created for luddedr many usokeepers have amart streak, too,. but it made a Ulating but not .
Trieste. �Ele had been absent from them � tion, and'he clied,witbouh seeing thei I . . I nourishing. .
I three. years,, and the, Sole hope of his last L .4. the purpose of destroying young ladies, reversed the style of conversation, And, , mistake in localities,n, I . I .
. . jackets. What was it, then, they were instead of letting it be known that .-A corta .
. Thus perished one of the noblest, martyrs I , - such an. ' "What -wall the matter with ft?,, in grocer calls. his Settles 14 Am -
Asys was, After infinite hardships and .Ofthe created for ? It must be remembered that � article cost a large. Spin, the ten4emey is to ' buBh 11 be ,
. I crusaile against slavery. . - "When I soon it fust it W ` foolin' I , ?Muso they lie In weight. I . .
empli home.. ' But that hope was Vlot'MO of thoolotbea-meth existed in countries wherp .Point to some: table or chairi oil book -rack, � L Its . -A fa!r young gi . ' . . . .
the cupidity' of the Arabs of Xbar . , . around playful like, but finally it got an � rl at a
w , Ore brown anapale gold, wit a box.nat of
I—. - asty clothes- at all, � and reme-rkwith deliglit that. it cost only eya� onto a mule Or . .. . - NY
: Ci=a, sobs died, in the hospital at touins, the ladies did not wear minei. what , (%a �W tarden, pavt
who saw the destruction of a chief source e,L,L . I I I , .
Suez, . � .. oftheirwealth, he was xecalle . d and xistedontba. earth long beforo'there 68. Theage,is rich and MUchL Money is browsin', and it lit, .1
. ". .h , .
ty_th L fqK,,hq ,tL P1jqm.0*9"__- " -, 1 - I 11 -11;
Gessi was the. -friend -of. the negro-raeo . :Th6 %AWJyU'r - _qjg, t L - .4 � � t1i" 'y 'th 11 " I � , in,, � -1. didu , _ .. - z -
- _
.. I .. I J;EZY Xiiiii6it, � . r . � were any young ladiQs st,,all.,,'It MUs be laviolled In all affections,: but whitli . - a , . .
I .1 - -
.. 11
and the enemy of slavery. Appointed by I . njill lil IT in ad con' created for something. and keeping in view liar is that cheap . I peon .111. a MU 0 "Was iRtoln', but he -Th Thousand Island Paris, now under - . . . .
the English Pasha Gordon, who was then ence from the work of liberation in -.bb,.,tqecb, . . I I things are also beautiful seemed VO be Impressed moreln,I knowed new management, Will open for- tlio season . .
. .
- I
.. I Bahr-61-Ohazal of insect. life, he found adluq to and, fashionable. . Of. That streak, hadn't moreln ,'got in QnJuly loth. I I . .
an th service of the Xhedivsi, to subdue the amd� Darfur. He Was one reason for the existence ofthe clothes- The Japanese faus . .. .
0 1 . Accused of wishing to I I - . and parasols have reach when he straight . .
16bel Slave chief Suleiman, his success, in . exclude the Arab moth, The catetpil ar of the' ol theR-moth made. furniture and tabestry.come down t * , sued,. 'Twas herd on � Modern Greeks LWlien .
. I eler Ut Bud make use Qt the negroeB in big I I . . . 19 r - 'L . 0 the lightnin', ea,tokt I never seen . I they see two per- - '. . L . .
,Re I -
that enterprise was rewarded by hie aa, ach.L fed when a bureau is to be more Son$ fighting without cause believe thal .
� . I miuiRtratioli'-and of' te 1139 them to the on wool, which is hair -, and hair, by. modest prices, for L Those 8180tricitY to the note- than there was th - * .
appointment to the Govornorillip of Bahr- assort their independence , . . ordinary agencies of nature, is imper surrounded with paper concerno, that cost arounil there for a minut it, I I ere will be rain. . .
'L , . . I I 0. . I . . . I . I , I
sal -Ghazal'. Intwoyearsandshalfhedis. isbable. In the, Egyptian., room. of Say the barley will have . .
. Bshr-el-Ghazef and the provin6es adjoin- Briti . , the only a few dimes a dozen, it is not desirable 0 Mule kick it T' inquired the mmu�mglng -
. olplined and armed bid 6*u soldiers and in . L I all M a* Aoula. be very elaborate., iter., . . . .
twimbytattles dd�troyed the Army of Sulab Ing was the Centre of theAfrIc%y4 plAve trade. . useum. might be seen a wig-, that the Ithre u . I ad mOf."W_Ut1111t0h&n uSuaT this year, It, has __ . . L . ,
. me Twenty thousand Arabs were occupied. ,a lady's wig-w,hich is as brilliant and ad The oternalfitnegs of things. has brought 11 Wunst. Just wumst, and that was, the' ,already shown itself *quite plainly. - . . .
m,' which consisted ;f 'nearly fisen . I -in . . . . .
L fi , this traffio, and at I , fresh as when it came from. the lt�pds of all the details of the bad -chamber down to most astonished Streak ol lightnin, over - -" Every trade his its spec�p 1. .
. , , , ,
th6usand map, With eight 'thousand in east 80,000 slaves. were ,its maker �,006 yearsago., .Woolis hair, the Japanese standard.. We Mu L at , thank- visited our townshiy; I ,me 'Then we . ,I diaLeAse. . �.,
. . captured and expoyted antivlally..' Thig is I . . I . But it was 'gi , I Suppose cQopere ore tftubled with
. reservi. Suleiiiian', who ivas' the loblef. the very loWest cildQUIstio � ' And hair is wool. The olgbbes,moth, never the Orientalist for thus enablik the. Young editor,, . It was -game: lighthimp,11 I IL . . the hooping Cough. L . . I . I . I . I -
t. I . � � � .
, L
negoro dealer in 'Africa�Gessi calon a ing n andthe'number touchep. cloth * garments wbile., they &to in housekeepoia.to dispeniawilh Imes. durtai : -11 Come for hial-again �,i_ I ' The only prize'the Eng . lish carried 69 ' .
that 'he:- exported .. fifty - thousind slaves was probably. twice. -as Inally, it not greater, ,. L . no I I - .
.. ,, . I . I I 11, . . use ' . ,
. eventhanthat. ,.Every Arab settled there 1, and never while the wool was on th a and heavy tapestries and be neat, ,a ,t,WRB L - At the Derbytwas A surprisai. but -it was a . , � .
. . I I I � . na " Well, I should emphasize ? . This see
. aunually-was killed, t�gethdr ;with other I L . back of .tbe sheep that furnished the cloth. fashionable, by means of all softs: of paper end time A clear througit, but the big one. . . . . . L
. slosve dealers. - , L , � had from thirty to two hundred slm,ies, and . . ri Pra . .
I L L ' L sai _W ' , L Every'alidept sheft its -wool once a year,L workhaving upon it all sorts, offigures and Mule was there. He'd -nailed his flag to . . � .
11 The trade, bms� from Jusallf, vaocia, 00 ok the a bun. �L I .
now become impossible," t treeS.,L . � . . -Daylight new lasts fifteen,'houra per . 1. . .,
a acratob.inj it &gains If the wool emblems. . the pole, out the-balyards, and knocked � amy.f
- wrote Gessi to the Geographical Society of dead. - Eyep the 'Poorest Arab kep't about were not removed fr ill t' . a -farmer 'who kbepi a hired .
L , and th .. .
Rome in 1879. "I I Wenty huts mad raw and encircled . . om a rees.it would The customs of the warm climates.which the cleats off. He lot go, and, I guess 1. Lam, � I I L
. have armed, all the . kill the -fireeo, for they would net be Able to invite ill housekeepers to remove even from L I L L I say that fire ball -want Man is as mast? satisfied as he ever will be." ' '
br,,tb,.' Th, clotlles-moth,'P,nd its insect an things, and dusty things four hindred . . 11: I . .
negioes, %�d .they can now defend them- with thorns, within which the slaves wore the 6ight.wooll, googizaphical when,,
� roda without hittial the. - -It has been ascedminea, that th reason .
selves." In the ddeisi�e battle where, lie . kept fastened to each other by a long chain. allies. set to work when the *oo-1 was done have been Been by the traveller kn4 have ground. You ought to Sao that mule grin I foi plicing lumber yards. near to railroad .
overthrow Suleiman - I he had 2,000 well- Geasi destroyed all of these hidden Places with, and enabled the treeaL to shoot and, als been heard of fit letters,. &lid the bore But he hadli"t'got through.01 . - depots is to enable travellers to get a bit" . .
. . I 0 11 I
L .
I . .
arined rebels oppos'vil to him, while his I of wickedness and lot the slaves go free, grow, - It was a curious but a positive fact floor df,&IL sunny lands has come nor -bwmrd, 11 Isn't this easy. 1. . .� - I
I . t story finished yet?" .'sokbd . . I .
I own force wh,s only 1,000 men, many of The neighborhood of Babr-el�Ghmzml was . that if it -were not -for the clothes.mQth and, as a result, if a couple of human beings thi exhausted editor. I � I . � 1. -There 'are many pleasant a I .
. them beingalso slaimsilididers, and therefore , not long tigo -inhabited by 200,000'families And its allies there would -not bo a tree Lon wish to set up housakeerting'and, have no .4 No. siree ; what d1ye -think that. light. ph I . . Ummor . .
. , . not in Sympathy 'with him. But be sue- of a tribe -called'Dgangey. The Arabs pre.. . . stimes. A fat Ou 3P -join 66: 1 I
,. as I * ferred to humt.for 91 ' . tile earth. and no human creature could big pile of money they need not cirpet a . Utn' 'done ? It just gave one 'swish of its military compamyyau)d' ramil M&Y ' �'. . .
eded in defeating Suleiman and in liber. . mveSLherp, on account drill himsolf.into .
at of the numerous flooke of exist on It. So the insect was intended to ' I ' for all w ill be- Admired mud be styliBh ,tail, . and Up it went. , Thinks 1, I good by, shape or into his grave, . . . " I . . . I .
ing ,100,000 slaves. He made roads, . sheep in the land render, the world better1gr beings -higher Ifsthr' . bride mudgroom shall paint the pine �
. and ' Zir I L .lightnin',' RS it went up, but, in lesslit: a I ---�Stone oberiles overnight aiid put Bug ,
. Opened schools,'. regulated. the tax on ivory . 30,00 the Dgangey were soon ieduced to then., ,elf; L . I I I floor, and then throw down a a M,nUto . ax .
L 0 families. These moved to some land � I - . mall rug1n . back it came with four more on them. In tbeLWorning they will have� . -
. and giam, and tried to reduce- that distant, inaccessible to theii'tormenters on account . I I . � �, - the middle of the whole, 4ffair... Indeed, it Streaks. Cam1tollinelightnii0ain, .
. . .t got no �n exquisite flavor. A dash of. wine .
L African �ossession of.Egypt to cider. But are Mence. * is -,'just the thing for the lady to paint her Foui more streaks, editor, And the I . I . . . . I
L , . L
. the Mussulmans . there Could not of the pestilential air and the Marshes, mud . I Wisrec Hundred Ye . L � . . , . sense I L Improves thein for some ppople. . I
. I forgive eL . . own flocri for wpwitN'band in decoration I - ,
the destruction of their -trade in slaves, and only After th triumph of Gessi over Sulei. ' In a book with the above title an English is now about as nice as liar hand in mar whole five O' 'am WeUt for my mule. When, I . ,..
they rendered his coition so disagrebible man were they persuaded to return to their atithor has undertaken to deplat the con. . - -thinkaL I, 'good by, mulej, 1, , - . -Under all circum8tatioes stored egqo. � i'. , I . I
. . . * riag - ' * should be kept in -as 000l Ev place . as pos .
p own land. I . ,,a, In those'.d%�s Almost all the young I oi- I
that when Pasha Gordon lost his office l I dition of things on earth in the yes . : :1 Did they got the best of.hime�ll . . � I I
Th6aeatli of Gessi Will -revive th . is to . i-� . I . . r 2180. men idniarrying a girl marry an. jetiat'. L'Wait'll I tell yet. They took�m. I b1b. Frequent change of temperature. Musb . .
I I He deFforibes thi; iise of eocialism and' ,a do - .
Gessi also godt his and left Balli -el -Ghazal. L . pre. -bride is a fresco -artist *and a apiece, And one of lem' . . .! - - . .. . .
. L rible scourge'in that part ofAfrica, As dicts that the Laud .League agitation will - The modern Ill Also be av,i I d. .
the L I � went for a ' I 'for b - . L . I . .
Worn out with fatigue anam6nta;l dih' ' paper-haugdr AndA jainter and. gilder and ' Th6pVdre smart,"'grinn d'the editor.
. as, he em �th his even while he was there Arabs ofil involve Great Britain in a oivilwar, which.' . . , a . , -Redelpts ecoming vesthatio:
I . . One ; - - ' I �
L . �
tre -barked on the Safle, W31 y perhaps a carver. In one evening of the I That fetdbed him ?". , . . . � dictionary of art terms, three oil paintings. � .
peopl�, doniisting of 60.0 men; NvoineIkand aw4tedL:bjg depaiture to revenge theta. WIII cIp'stroy her commerce and Itsve the honeymoon all I
children, in September, 1880. , selves on the negro6s who had assisted him.. Way for her downfa 6 ban cub out a pattern of A 11. But he betsed three L O' )? said -and a -job lot:of old crockery ware. Mix. .
� . 11. Upon the ruinsof . 'am L fust, I L
I He believed,, however, ..that.. with four or crumbling empires will be founded % world- Greek or Eastlake. border and dan Paint -a .the farmer with a sigh. I Three 'w.ent:tb 'No brains. required. L I . I . I . . i - I I . � I ,. I
. But this, voyage on the Upper Nile Was . stat Margin L on a . corre . apondent says . th . .
� I
destined to become known as oft of the live iond' directed 'by honest persons 'wide. republic.. A Yankee will invdnt an. parlor floor by . the time the gross$ and the other tWQ .'was so . worn out i -A- it despite the' " - ,� -. -
. alkvery could be abolished. . . I . annihilating m"hine which will; .other party canhauk a,picture or tao ups, . that we been nusBin'- 'am 2 ever - Since, but �, croakors, the - crop L generally . wRt ' � .
. most"fiagic 6irents.'irt *African *'history. L ,fL make tli6y drowned him.,,; 'L . ,- L I p6aoh' ..
. The vessel, Wllich'Was not strong-emough . ',Romolo.Gessi was 0 mbdium :RtatUrqj;. Wars - in1possible; ." The' disappearance of Chinese parasol with propriety. . . . I . I turn out,& beavy.one. ,A�plds*ivill not be. . I
. . , . . . .
to force'Ita way t thini With cbestnut hair and heard. His Armies and fdris -will ,make the universal ,. For 0, few.�onrsitl6okdd its though hoUqe. . 41 Been nursing them ..eVei -since -plan fill'it" -fi'ared. L .
the. masses of a L I how T1, . I ti , is . . I
keeping . Would 'have .. to be � left to the - , , "Took 'bi3i -right in nd fixed � lem U . . .
I , planti whrougl!, that yivid.glance, quick 'speech, great activity republic 13trouger. The:uew' 'forice. is' ."dils- a 0 IS L . I Pl- .-Condenoedhand-'book for . . -nics this ' , . . . LL
. �atic hi.h ll�umber. ' . L *
. aqu . V ,d rbi t and' .the. Beunetts and the They're Ific I . L
. � portion -of ille river,,* became entangled in � and iudomitable.briergy early- marked him covered. By means of thisi man �Valks I . the most 'grateful streaks ol light- s6s6p - Carry ulsters, umbra Ss, rubber I - . 1. ! .1,
' L .
I .
. -
-, , .1 . Rothschild& 9;ud� to.: railroad, moetmls, and nin' you ever'seen.' 'I'm brcakiW 'ep�i to.-, ; ovsrco�tg,_ and,.by the way 'take. a .. kdro*, 1. I : . I - I ... I - : !� �. .
erprise -the f1bor 6f 'the ocean, and forces his, . . ,
, ._ - _ " "S." ` oil . ' ' , '' L't ' " � " , ... ,., . _
.. -L L. ., _ .them�afid remained -there �ihree. months ASQ,U0_&dap�4tQ drQ4.6lit The, L,
- . 110� -1 % _,L -an. 19,at wilinlakc1i �� _w47'Lthroughz"Jllu- bbwela .,that 411 t 0 remainder of arness now, and bQVII . do �thow.work ' . I . .
1. -afid 'i6'half. Thii'audd Aquatic. plai , iff� -h 6�mb ffteVdi, -fe-m7e a. ' OF the �ear - b ' I- a. 'tIy6tUftjltb.1 .. ...'..'_ . , __ - , _.O'sene-,�sto,vd,`t _� -:A , p �
- .... . . 0" Vhl�tn � , .,. � �:- 1-:- �. - -
. lit � . . . .th. would meod'-to takaL O'eap 0 ging'si .but _ t'ho-bg4k; 9---.I�t , .."
. . . lbeired amblag' the unha. I b,,C&�i� "� , __. , , yit.- 7 . � ; � L .
which grows in e4liatogial latitudes, trans- .ppy negroes of Great caverns tire discovered . I 0 iisEummer.LL,.:,Wi,l,ly.e_r.gi-n3iiie-Di- . a ", -� ; � .
, , �hb. ;h , _ , , '' - L ' *
- ,,,, - !_ ... �.
Coot X_ a, . . .
fo , " 8 the ", . -1 . @V 6. wl"'Jige-r- , -� '? At, t —, _: %4. _ — I - ��_ _��4�_; . � �-- �T_.:� � -s 1: T�� `-,� , .. � . .. .
_gtfe ' 11 - at, enormop, with-& sip,gle-moveT-4 - -..h ...'iedals. - .� Rigge t-0116- ev4M �SRF!L_ _. I . ..
_.- : . _. LL . ilibirAtor.a;na-13enefaotor., -depth"iad-is,�tli6�.;,-au�rf-sei3-1 of -i - . . 9, . 4iia.,.. , I . . .
, till am int6�i�-va,��-iin'peii,i)tra�i,6� _0ontraLAfric4SA- I he -earbli' -fa-iVi6n7Iiaa Ushered in an arem in Which& . groweain King's County.,$ , . , . a -Supe.r . 80' LYOU L I a " . . . .
. .
- I . . . I
. L for his . I L I -r w a a, statemenb� oL do you like vals- , I
these, and mighty, 466�eg; shaped like --*ka'b ( - wit . .
. , a Upper Nile Sma I becomes cro�vded, colonieg'are 'planted' in ag,fashionable as a palmee. - A It Is '.rdm _..I g fiuous!_'�
I - ps�j4mtion as completely , But he .was known previs5usly for his , -
marsh And stops � �Dottaga is Ing ob 1. - hovi
. � � as the ice does in northein regiona.'All thd akplorati6hs fit th I I few hundred dollarg-about six'hubdred- facto invarimbli accompanies a blionomenal ,?." ., Oh , IV, not bad I I 'ban ma I I .. . . ., .. L . .
. . . vigntion of.Lake . Aivin 'on tbe'be(f of ,n . .
i3� .
. , wh'O set his men to , ciroulnual .g bells, built. up the Will I to A . lg,e . . . I ..
17_ - - - - efforts . of Ggesi, work , . Alberi. - -' � . - � . . equ two soul§'fbr keeping house,' �egetmble' . *hen brought ' L very well by myself.; but I think a it I . . I . .. ...
. � This lake liad mlres�dy been discovered by oceall, and rtinuing up mildve .the level'of ... ip 11 . . * nbwspaper � : . . .. .- ....
. with hatchets And spmdes ,t6 liberate the Samuel Baksir,'but: Gessi . was. the, first to the water,-Aff beca th.13iodern.1bride is An ajktxst'*nd office., The Agriculturist seems. to! think rather ill the'wzy 16 _ . , � . . . . . . .
* * '. . . . .. � . . I
Saflim And -the four barges attached to Jib, rd ord'-tempowary ..afid - perni'a. . cap make R0 go along way toward -&eefat_� .that An editor llas.tiQ Appreci0iofii of pro- I -�-Wb lomrii from an dstrbno . *P 11 . L . - I - . - : . . . � . . . L. . 1�
� . . . . . in.wAl authe � �. . . . .
. were uumvailing. . To the horiorg,,of hisf. . -in 1876. *cut a Odes to tllousapdO.. The cufti- homei and the styleg-givent6the Portions iiII-ho'has board.& orprallSit lie a,, "-,vit3i th I . . L . . .
cir.ou navigate it, which lt� did .0 lb
. . � . . . . For thisexploft. the.honor of which Henry vato seawbeds'and * veaetWes* audy brous 'ng - . . At the.'plmnet Herschel 11 bears.the , L . . I .�: I..
strange imprisonment. werb soon Added . fi cabit.h.et -maker are amazing .for simplicity. little. - , - - I - : , . I liame ""'of ther discoverer. It would take a ..' * * .
. . .
I . intense sufferings, by famine. About half Stanley cdntests with,him, he - received a submarine' plants for textile ,fabrics ith tfie,reduction of cost in fiarnituie, mud L * , , - , . . . . I 'stiong - to:. sed, that name Oil- the . I - : � .. . . .
, L � wi � I I ' . .:, , � , .
. of "the people With Gessi died from .fever gold med,41 fiom the italian Geographical ,end dYes.' Latei the internal -fires of the ' d ' t ' I., . I. ,�iuhii;�;',-,n 1�ijts�th ` , . ,,mlld� telescope . I . . . . . . - , - . - 1. I
� and famine,. slid -manY :of tho,stirvivors Society. 1! If;the voyageivere not perilotis,; gldbdL aremmae avisilable for heatingL with the young, wife - as, m goo , decors or q .. . I . I eles" ' ' L . . . � .. .
. ppr- - ' At � pned becomes p ' ' " A iseen spectator observed: four littlis I .. 1. - .. �. .1. I . I . . ... .. .. ' . .. I .
m Me", lie - . . keeping-bousia ossiblef . n ul I I I . .1 -Robdrt - Donaldson and George Hur& . . �;,.'.'. .
eBsel 'it Would not* char said, but this � Posbs-* With their iaid the frozen regions and I ' I dt-play.. .Thq� were hisking'believe , have : ,
. . Who .were rescued by emettheil �V : . . . .
which Went to their. reli'f tals& died, after W�P.a erous - enough 6v6 for M6 bold arouild the polsbs'awrendeied. of tropical . ' love in L, a cottage " is Suddenly the ,gir a . L I man , been committed foe tiiii by thig. �'- - '
. a a 61119 , . fall hoi, .�l faribion.-, Nor 1S%tbiA'a-:fhshIon they. were keeping house, . the jar ' Corlitth in,, istitites: . ki * , '. .. . . .1 .
. . lit - 'spirit". - One waimth..'.�Tbe vine, and banana 'flour thath, , . . gqr one,, � . . .
I rea(;biilg Khartoum, a city,of about eig y . of his copipanions Vas okiem . I I will t f g on a. chargoof ta, ng - � .- . I
. . Is ; one died frb I ,there and tho Arctic UjghtL1§ au4slenly change. Beaut and appearing 'no the.. mother - of the others; was . rom (I W n . . .
I I Lby a crocQdi in fever which, 'made * y _ N " - d . . . . oars oil April Md. They � . . J I .�
I * tim . you 90 wanted the waste ..'to make torobes. to 96 � I .1 .
. -..&lap ;., - he: ivIlito 'ants Niith electric light . I a ,' the, � . I . many centuries. in d get me five cenW Worth fishing with, . .1 . .
. thouslaA lb1abitmilts,�6apital'of.tbe Egyp- 'in" had; . , brilliant . hm�e- -been ' ' 11 Tow ,Said th Mother to one,,,!, -
I d
- - � he bi a n t� the �rocer �
. . . tian Sudan L t . . I Sim ch -other, bat'th6y have met.not an . , I , . ".
I .� .1 . . � '' .
- desti comes to part. ommoii sense has I f It . . L I ,�
' dies Of the wo,mom, � tha chil. !�Ybd thdirg6odd; they Were drenched population of the globw. be fi - J-1 ige I 11 't, 'O 0 series a Y fi .
The dea�,bo ' ' . 6 n ve cents' worth of braid - .
I galled a ? " L " yea, I I .
dren, the wdsk and the old, Who first sue . -and 'At -might, AorMenit' with, so. dense .that the ecumeiiical...'equitail, - 'decree to t , he effect that a Small house iq
I . . With. rain . ad . . .. . . do you hear mother,J! was the -The now comet hailt.een tis unexpected - . . .. �
. cum , Utrefying 'mosquitoes.' With the Aid of bile tbousand the head -centre of . government '.for- . as that of WAO, which, the old iecoidi any,' . . � -
il bed to these Miseries, lay ,p . . 11.1 ad honorable as a firge one, and. -that, pine vaply; and "ihe � little'. -one, picked U15 . tne � � L . I I I ..
. -
11to staid of, hbmamity,.,ZcoIdsstb4,thq ..at . suddenly I . .
f6rweeks on tho.strong brmlichesof the. .menhirea. boy the Egyptian Government . peb Is, I became , visible -in Western, . . . ,, �
. . '
... three .b 1, o , &to L over very r .1, as ,,bleL" black walnut, and thsta and Walked %, few. SOPS :away ' Z urope*1 wheii its digtance from the... Smith. .. .. L . ...
dreadful plants that beld them in, a giant ,he,. transported , ' fell or five millions of 'acres coverad by -wooden 11o6r -is just ii awfully sweet. as .Slp,� immedistel' . , , . ,.
I high .-mountains ',destitute. . of' iokds., the 'habitations of men must be brought os'. . .y returnih and pre'. was Within soventy-five one-thoitsandiblis of - . I . I
embrade. 'Several of the dead budies were , ; over was an Axminotbr � _ The 'same taste teltaing to - weep bitterly. ' five - lost a I ..
L ' . . . I I .
, .
I devoured by the Survivors, .And Gessi - 'The boats were : thIrtyL feet lopg,� �mlld' under cultivation. . The populatiou: of'thd and ' . rn'd nickell " a c�led in the deepso Uls . I .., .. I -,
� - L' . amon, sense mingled haVe, tu a I all t ang It - the,'earth's mean distance from the suns *. . * . . . 7. , . 1:
. relatqS in big report to the 1talian Goo- weT.e insitned. ll�,.'eight�en Iml , ' " A' glo�e6et%keiii8bli7tocitid'�6uiI ponpiles cop . , . . L � , . . . I '. .. ", 1, .
. riners all L 1. tu , gold and Silver is Then you'll fia,Ve tO`t%k6 aWhippi �:
I . . . . . twelve soldiers.`Gessi was 'ac in' -the'seas, houses. � a' I I table- wore -into- glass, an d ng; come ,. -,By immerging the at . : 1�1 . .
graphical Society that z�he moral. effect of cqt�npauieff. . re demolished' al�td., all the p_p,Qr_y_ou berer"to me I ` . Thi "t 6. . em of, white todes -*2,
_____ - --.thi3'se-seenes--upou-bi"wn,gpiiiLt-WS b another lntrqp�idltaliau triveller-Carlo. every, inch of the -darth's 4df&c' Ing-fol-ka-smile wit4-dehilit L' a W lipping " was' in red and green ink, they . may be colored �� .. : � . m : . I .
, . - -
i.. L s.more- A lafcniti�-_ � �tf_ths Fe Dart._ The comm. n- - mofiey V Aministered, thb littld'oiie squalli ey will IDOL - __ � . . . . .. ..
-- - .
df than even his: sufferings fotwint ff-a:z-z-x-g-,--7-e-�n-a,-.-o-,tti-ou-gh--Me— ar-roo�.---Tiac�-mpitol-wherainrlaws- can hope for glass or colored cliffini. 7 .. or a, L _t OF � a f -b a i r 7 I q i a g F, - -ax d- th 6 -,m u ke- bMe-1 rie--v-e a- naturebaclAono the work andib.'ouly .* .
. skrow-w&ir. '-ymbed-f I I urge a, nk at the ,green Pink and'flesh color. Th'
-food. lIeV,at L Unfavorablerou Account of bemv� rains in'd 'are'made' for the world is located at Terra. . I L . —
. . of I The people also,, to a 6 buu- I I I few d6liars a table cap be made 'in- object ,blows soundilig like real thumpings, ,,Now, takes teA Minutes to obatigii, Ahe color. go.. 1. .. 1:.. �, , .... I
Lder, Cut UP I the natives were hostile, yet he ;suc6eeaed P.01i's, 0, city of l0j000,000 inhabitants, bu I . I . . .. "
.. . L . ..
. . the skills in. -which their effdbta . 'It of -perfect 15eauty. -� Even thii easier has go. right -straight "d find that moneyl ?I. says an excbs,nge'. Thoaxperimefit.is, easily . ,
. were 'Wrapped into Stiips, Soaked themin. in exploring this. lake. He considered it So In.the South 'Pacific Sem, Jtisqrnament4d� di8ap.tleared. She ' ' 3 th6 *Etip- tried. ' I . I I I I . . .. . .
. . UiId_L uld any 'one, pragent & themotber was heard' to `siav,'ai � . I I . . . . . . 1. . I .
water over night and t1len.boildd and roasted - few of the most r6imarkable It it L wbilt ' . . .
great peservoir,�but not-thesouicsof ' the Withs, L bride with a silm-plated rev'o'lver for hold.. plug: -Deased.- Tbe sham culpr I . . . � � .0� . . .
I the - , 4 I , . - - ' of . �The evjL York �&Mld says there .are ' * .. I
in The fruit of one of 'the plants. Nile, which I' Victoria. Nyanza. . - , ingf4 L tb6 ,subient world, including the - . . - N I 7. . �
near I � . ing pepper and mustard L She Would laugh. ' hill! iiviay, and So' on.. returned? saying .tour � thin I go every.man who is litable to. be ' .1. I . .
m: resembling the artichoke, �Vaa eatem, Hdre also Weie those fatal-�growthsof. of London,. hiiii to Scorn, for she well knows that.. that 1 ' '10 "' d'the money. L "'T .. . I .
. the � Catbedralof.Cologiie, the Tower owh un h6n go eight. and, h6yon .
but could not'be found in sufficiently.large �vegetatiou which' are later became the Vatican and the great pyrmmId;.-.. `o% . �61d ,oil , d. the reach of a doctor should: know. ' . * ' - - -
. four . . . I . . I . tre-piece has been banished isi makb get the cherriqi .And breadUl said the he, - to do -he Should know'how-to.set 6 - .. ' .
. qu,iguities. Added to thti-huliger sit the cause,of his"d.mWe'! Numerous, flomt. � % - .�p - � — , - . r -at di- mother sharply. . He L . I I .
f . , . L d the _ . . . 1. .:. , � � . . .. reiip6p* the *sha of aroVi .. . .
. . at a occasioned' by.workilig in tb6 ing`iglandd of vegetation ofinimbils6size . ... ..� . qom for a, bunch of flowers'or a baBL f ,. I .. in bioken 11thb,'what, to do in: case n- 11 . . . I - , L :
IL. -1 ' L '. rnta , , 1. fruit.- GI --'of linen to shine� offender started for the imagingry grocer' I I
L , � A . .
. . h move about on . the WaXecs mud f6r'dayg � � On , I'mirc.. , . - ass,.*ith plenty . L y� ingy how to treat a. dangerous out, and what. ,, _ . I :., .
water -to liberate the ship, was t a torment Lt 3 , Tuesaay � of last. week - Charles :H. -up tile tumblers -and the bottles,'is now the which. turned out to be. the stable wall. - . � . .. � . I .� .
� I of mosquitoes At night. Many of"the . pr&en nmvigmtio�u.. The'stallisrisetwelye .Jellison; Son of F rederick Jellison; of Bidde.' *my of tbe'woild in. ther dining- Addres�in� the w�il�' '-sli with a gundhot wound. t 11 . : ,. .
� or,fift�en f , room. '- a said, is Motber - . �
set . .
sufferers walked the.. deck All- night,, and . . in height, And some6mes -the ford, 'Me.,. wis�bittsu by a. black spider, . T6,Ago is -tin extravagant .one, but it Is wants -five cdnts' woi,ih of, ,bread and. five, -A'ne'w -autograph album has jusfi heen, ... L� " . . I .
som -- g put.th * air foot on the, wind moves them as if theYL Were Bails. ' � cents' we I. .. .. " I .
, etiniva in tUknih 1. , from, the effects of ,vibieh'he died. On alsoecoiiontical. ItspI%noftbepre§6ntis orth of cherries I !". whereupon she .wide ,which coneeals-a aerringe; in I the. .L , . . ..
� They 96 afthe.rite 61 f6ilr*miles an. hour,- Tuesday'niorning, when the b 130 elastid that it pertnits all pbople-of good - threW down the' a ]as to ,the imagi . . . I I
sleepers, when groans And screams and . back, so that,01ten, the album is presented .
. and the watoras art) bolit'intiAllyLohnng'lig . . . . P bb . par �
� often fighting'sqpceeded. - At one tinae in - Oy came out - - .Y to the helpl6aB victim, death states 4im In. . . I . .. .
t I their , " - I . I . of'biB,room, be informed his be4ther, .. taste.tobelong to the high order of sooiety� dr6cer, reached out for tile invisible cherries .. .
I . .the early part of this period of torment the* aRpect.11 .. . , , . the face utitil be has popped a beautiful . .. .
I I . 1. . .. , � .� . spider bad bit tLon-him. But little uotice.was Tboage about. "feeling" and' Iscultuietv mud bread, land returned to the roit ,of -the - , .
Safia tvAs within hall &mile of open Water, -' . . . __ - I .. taken of'thebilm, Which Was just L over , one has' 1116b been' wholly absurd I ' It has famIlYi U on which All, four helped them. sentiment. And Written a signature that his. � 1, '.. I
Au&_-Gessi hoped in three'.days to realch it, , � - *he'ficati'lMopament at 'Edini'"Irgh-, of his eyes. It co "' - �1. banker won - Id refuse to recognize . 1". - I I I L. I
. � mmonded toswell, and brought to, pasi; that an humble, chimp Salvos to lie 'Unseen articles. and quirrelled' . I . . . . - .. .. . .. I . I .
but a tempest, followed by two h6urs. of 'Admirable though'.thia..monuffent as it Vrislay they �ealled a physic all.. *. At :this,, home, pervaded - 6,11 thrQugh'by t .. throughoxit the feasts the mother B06 ' I , -The -decision .of - the Court of Q als, - � . I I I -
I . I he good . L lain be , .
,hail, drove them ,back into the green -wil- . do very much swollerir; -t& is . v husband &lid wife, is now . a part of , ... . , .9 Pentilt. that tb .1 . . �
I Stands is, vet all Who have . visited. it' time 'the boy's face w at every mouthful" ,. . . . a Ontatiortegislature has not � -
I derness of branches. .After ill" they could regret tlia,C the �driginml - design Of * the he was delirious, And hiipulse bad Asen refined sod I iety. There 18 -no one left any. . . . . . �. � . . I ,�., . ., . . I . pOter to imp 6se . hard labor as a penalty for. I � . � . . . . . I
� , . I I . . . .
o not see the pure wator,even from,the architect, Mr. Remp, to fill All the nichob ;.td 100, Ile died on Monday morbing.-' wore to snub the little frame house. A few .An I . I . so ling liquor without license, coupled wit& �. . . �
I �
I.. I , : I . - innsense Sts6ant-Allaminer. ; impris 6 ailed. I . . . . . . 1.
. . 1. .
mast . . I . . ,.. . . with Statuary repiesenting the lead Pqston.post. � . . vinesiand fl6wers,: a -few bits of. stained . 'The now Steam harnmer 11 Samseti,l.' .. I onmentp will N apIl I.. I... I. I __ �- 6- , -_ I . .. 11
6886i , I in �� � . , I . _!, � �t�. % I � I . � . � I . .
. . , , . . . glass, &.few ru��,'ikot anp gr�mt.qudntity of, 0 - li harmony. -B, 6WYA'. : . . � I
. The night' before the rescuing v characters in Sir Walter' ScoWs wor I
� ka� . �knl 11VISIOnCof HA which has: b an erected by, Messrs. L & -Hafmohy;-hem*dn I .
arrived Getsi Wrote : 11 I felt myself dying; hadpot,been carried out.� Otir readers � . �76X.400110uc. - � carpet, some artistic wall paper, wil - (Philistine) -I heardit w I I ..
. .
I felt langudr and emptiness, and my . will be glad to le4ru that - thereAs p 1-1 " The Halifax Ivit ' . . . bills and niake � up a .re6idence 1 dOm W. Beardmore in Parkbead-Iron-and. Steel as 9,11 off betweem.. .. . .. .1 .
. . I . I . ow, a ndss,'in noticing the post. t6ward' I orge '1611d, Rolling Milli, was. inaugiare6tea You and Miss Roseshett 2 Wobbinsba, . . % , . . "
.1 . stremji.h, was leaving me. I cannot aeadiibe good prospect of this being - done I . There lion of the'varibus Presbyterian C�lleges, which a M4 Ar a President' in passing . � . (visthete)-ya-as. Incompatibility . I.. . . .. I. I I ..
whatpassed through pay mind,that night. . are still thirty-two nich a to -'be Zecupied, remarks , 'is Knox College is also in I looks with envy. What ,better times ' on Wednesday in Ilr6stinc6'of a large gum, - 4 com. ' - . I . I .
I � . I a .. . atk.of ' . Dan bar of, spectators. The new - batumdr is Plexion I She don.1 go.with my furnit. * ' . I . . I
. . I had escaped death in So many battles, from amilithe'Trodsuisir's CoMmittee-of Edin� funds, and 'has.& consolidated debt of the 6 . - � .., , % � . '. . . . . ..
� . ,so many bolmyala.and conspiracies aga ,,, youth of th -world ho,awalting ?, Find built on the Rugby type, anil'the fbuiidai�- ch . Are I-Tunch- .�' �. . I. � I . . � I
� � iust bdrgh -town Council, from oimd,ng seventy 07,000. Now the rich farmers o7f Ontario ,if she exists; ask her, if any coujage tion on which it atmnds� is 9, bed, 'of iron con� ' I .
my life, aud_Vmus�Wie At last in the mid-, 6ompotitive designs, hive chose for fell remains � iii 'the wdr1a; if her ansiV6 -A. coolj deliberate -and * ainiable ' m alk - . . I
* , n er shoul;1 not stand. this for a, tingle y6mr. I . rP creto 20 foib thick and weighing 500 tons. villo, was descending fr6m thd otii er'said, .
. dle of a river feet% the same cause,that of tile eight.large niches 'two Statues, by They ibould - forthWith wipe out the debt * satisfactory begiii this housekeeping, is . .. . . � am � . I
. . Th. This concrete i6formedby. mixing come t - to his. frierld 'and travelling companion -. 1.
bad: k116a thOusands and thousands in' W. R. Rhind; sculptor, representing slid -fdruish'-half a, million 'apdowmeni. paradise. of, nil affai� need not cost mo' . . 1A . I . .
� I . .. . ,
. re . ugs, and the material go pro-. st The lady in the 'yellow boun I t yonder is .. , . :, . I .
. Ximm-Niam.or' in -the burning desert of " Balfour of Barleigh 11 and the..4. Knight The conatitualloyof Kndx Collogit is vsry. than $1�000. . The !same figure applied with iron borl P . _ , 'L.
. .
. . I.
, . duced is,hardened into a Solid made of jr6at � o, see will be glad to Sea You, I hay6 , . , . I
Da f 11 Wit big krien'd the German T,mplar,"and two by John Rhi�d,Aculptor, large and: rich, ` Toronto 4bould. not Allow munnally.will kdoo up this, sentimental Strength; The anvil- block weighs 43 tons, . I � I
I . tr,71��r MarineQn ieadhed him, on board thO. representing' 41 Rob 'Roy 11. Itself. to be so-vAstly� distanced by -for an.indefinit'o period, . I iM,.ycWf1,fction to, your smluiinq her With & � ' � , �
. , � And ,, Ivanhoe.,' . -Montreal. institution . . . . and the suvil pi6lier weighs 5 toos, Making 4iss.." ,,He veng I Jones#" sAid-his friend, ,. .. , . -
shi Bordeen Gessi Wag reduced to a sk6la� For the Small nicbes, of.which there -are 24, Indeed,-it.should &lid could'easily step. to .. , * , . I - a I . .
tell.,. The strong mail 'when! hia'friends I . . . . . m total weight of 48 tons.- 'The* bat I . .
- . � . !. mm9r is it now you have. tafien all tholuta but of i6.�-, .. , I I .
. I . theJollb�ritig selections.have' been Made,' the front and'ofride 6bead.11 I . . , - . -
Iliad always compaied to h, Wxi-,, the brave a , . � . . � . . . I I . A person . . Who, L lias l"do-fewinine m0lint6d'da' a'gliadr. I.9 tons in' weight,. . . q
I . the cost of each . statiaett being 425 : . :- 0.. .. .�. .. . . . -it is' said iltit d4,th lurks' in cheap, . ,_ . I I . I
. soldier who feared ildith r . I m6tithe the Subject of much 6tudy volun.' which iA Supported by two cast-iron I . � �
, , a - enemies nor 41 Peter Peebles " and, 11 Montrose," by D� 01 Irelaiials.two, dukes Lainsteri a Whigi ' . .colored stockings ' Neio Orjdtjjj��L kioaq � �
death, Wag ad weak .1 - lei child7i ', He wag W. gto ugoi; , , ,, Jillie, , , . tests hig conclusions to males,witil sweet. columits, each three feet in -diameter, slid. She I W - e've k Um. �, . . . I I .
v.e , Mannering,` by rarely passed a day out - of it, � while Aber- hearts: They ate as follows.: If her mouth weighing between 10 and 11 tons, mitil nowd death to lukk in ,the . I , .
lifted on board the other vedool and. Wa;a George Wolistar; 11 Effle Deaus;?' 11 Lady of corn, a Tory, oxsi�pt when lie was Viceroy; , isvery small, therd-!� not much minil, but these rogton bad plates of 12 tons each. too of an enraged'pa.rent's 'boot, but didn't I .
. .
'soon partly restorsida, but the Suffering had Avenel" Bud 111)mvid 'De'aus,"'by J. S. hos'rarely ip6nt,,on tin average of years4 overmuch. 61ialloiv as!mtimeu�. If Bile poo- TAore is a alup�rgbtucture giving the-, most BVpose- he could kick' wmaan to death in , . -
been too great, And a favor ensued which Burnett%, il Percia 'Shaftdu,il. by'Clark two m6nths.m-year I'll 16; adthdukh for m&nV I . N th I a . . '. � : I I .
. . . . We wouldn'ti go er .
ended his life Soon after. . ' oeAses a very.large inouth, she vill be aniple room forAntuipulathig the most his stOcklug foot- I .
. Stanton -, 11 The D�Ugml Cratur," by Charles �ears lid bad bad, no other country bomi, ' . I Oa.,tll tnmiil any more if we Were in y6ur pla;'e. * I I .
. . seasual slid full of otrOlig, coarse points of cumbrous massos of stee � 0 1 . .1 I I - . ''. .
The journal kept by Go6ai *during his Maebryde ; .",Wayland- Slidith," by J. S, except'when lie has -hired One. in England. . character, .And will raise a * toW ih. tile girder is placed the cylindot-, of the Steam .-They had-*% newbuckmin at Niagara . .. �
. ,imprisonment imojpg the bmrrmzzi was Sent Gibson - I It Gurthf` by ' W. SborriffB- The value of.1heir. teapdative.prop6dies is family. . if'sho has 9, aeboately-formed I'mmmet, the pititon carrying a; rain weigh. lately, He dnlydbar&a,5o contsamhour. . . I. . I
. to the Geographical Society of nomd after , t, QUeQp'E likabetb,by Mr. Walker , - 11 Th.l. About thq game;, neither is we for his mouth, with r6utdod lips, And of & velvety 12 totsi which makes, the -machine a When he fold the visitors that 60 cents, . . 1. . .
bid liberation. The intrapia spirit of this Abbess'," "'Cal6b .Balderston " And -,"Rose. , position, mud both, have hadmit'hyliOB of color, ilio will lim ' India hammer, The pylind a his rate they�csllid him a swindler, an - 40 � , . .
Italidn traveller faces death with tialmnoss 1,1mi vt much Sensibility and I I or weighs 7 Wa . I . I
13radwaraine," by'D. Buchanan, 11 Dirk thirteen'childrell. , � . . I perfection of character,"butivill not satbn- lons,JS 41 inches in 'diameter, and is. impostor mud other ugly names. . Rib did ... .
I as he nightly keeps the record of 'his Sul, Hattoisick 11 , and - 11 Claverhouse," by is, . W 'k - . 6 .
ferings. I I I GlirrNirotior A91) �Vxzmo;v *ItmliTs.-At i liy her brillianqy of conception -or axe. p,b 00 -lb. steam -pressure. Tho, not got 6 single, job. ,The next day ho' .
. . �
� W� R. -Bbind, 11 Dagald * Dalgotty,!,. this timo of the year most *of the green, oution, It * is a good inouth bf3cumso it is , hammer ,;vms Made -by' Messrs, Willer & raised, !if$ rates 'to 06 an houe);and made .
4t 99 We are constantly I�borink," he says, 94 RavousW66d," :! Lady Rowena." 11 Richie llouse �lants mro�_oAt I n blue-lippod � 0 .. . .
at one plant about twelve thousand feet Mollipliet;,,, and,, I., of doors, and it is kisSmbl6and submipsive. Shil 06., Vulcan Foundry, Comthriage.- 660. He says American tra,voll rs arb a , . , I
long, and every day the work is more diffi. Lucy.Ashtonsll 'by J. R; , Seldom that we' see it greenhouse that or thin-lippod Women; they -Will bore you Glasoow Aldit. � I . � - wonderful people. . � . . .
. . . I � I . '. .
- . Rhind ; and 11 00,qstanco," by 111raser looks attractive, Much Shading Must be to',death With literature or woman's rights 11 - . I --A Chicago newspaper claims that the : �- ` , .� .
� -cult for my people boomiso they are half , TytIdr, The Treasurer's Committee have 'to' drizso while you.wa 6 you t , ., I .
immorsea in the water, , % ate our. done, either with having conts of will . the n r dinner, or . No%* Allos.sita Arraugernients. , following elitries Were Made oil the repori� . I
�ftlso epcommanded that Alt. Broalo,U, S1. A., wash upon the glass, or by means of mus. . . 6rol assighment book -a week ago to-dayt
rounded As if by a, strong wall, It is as, be ontrusied with the characters of ,, Holem Spoil yotiribm&v witl . I - their red-liotlecold. I I 1, Jund 10-Tbd world to be destroyed to. . .
linhungbolow. V requent watering will be Ing tongues. . By direction of the Postmaster-Goneral .
difficult to go back as to advalloo.'ana We Macgregor" and "bromwell" in largo Mr. X sweettam, Post -office Inspector,
,cannot send, mossongers for xelief, As both stmtue� and 11 mictigo Wildfire 11 ill - Small; necessary to keep - (!own the. insect posts 'A wri tors' presumably youthful, in a Lon. visited'Now York last ,mouth to confer day, 'lito-Wn and Jones to look aftei thl . . I I
11 the shores are popt that ptopagn,to v6ry rapidlyupon. the'plants dOpp&p6rB&yF1, "Gummed envelope fire -works, .Stnith all(! Thompson to �
, ilateA by w&rlike and and that, Mi., Hutchison, U -8,A., be . during the hot Weather. I I . a Are With An 61110ini detailed by the United
savage enemies who tire not friendly to us.,o entrusted with tho.charaotgrA of ,,Xohn � coin paratively modern inventiona, - Chog4 State%post.ofilce Department to Arrange Attend the oruptiobs; TIlompkins 'and
At the and of the seoobd Month he writes,, Xnoy o) and is Charles L" in, large -Statues, At the marriago of the Hen. Amiela totfield, on.roceiving a letter- enclosed in for a more rapi1transWisaion of registered Hopkizig. to attend to the collision, John. � � . .
� - 4s The 'moment is, critical. ' There is Uo Bud 11 Georgia Buchanan 11 in Small Statues Milues, oldest daughter of Lord Houghton, bile of these .practical contrivances, could And ordinary mail matter passing each way -00p and Williamson to do thd earthquakes. ' � . .
, I
hope of salvation. .All begin ,to abandon all toba dolive7roaby latMAIrch next. The With Mr. Gerald Fitzgerald tbA bride wore not contain his indignation , Ire flung the between Canada atia tho Unitoa states; it -All hands expected to look Afte I � .
1$ . . I .
themselves to ddoporations and. seatoa on cost of S is Ogtift)Mted at whito satin, 19,60 and. orange blossoms, gurnmed onvolope with, Its. �ontcmts across is understood that very Satisfactory plans in6ia.onta.," Give it a page if necessary, � I.. �
deok with their heads do*n; wait for g5gonob, The: 0 . It I ouneil have approved while the eight litidesmaidg formed it glow tile roomv and exclaimed, I' What I does tile were agreed upon by Which all unnecessary . -Life' is 0" straugo in, . .
� I I . , I I Unfortnuhtely &so of contraalo. . � .
. death.,, And the work of iiiiig in the niches will of color in bright red gatin dresses, toned follow. good mebia apittlo?, delay would be avoided. The improved tions. When you expect least onjoyniont �
Ontho last day of becernbor � 11 This is be procooded wit as quickly as possible. down with lace and Indian muslin, Their fortbis story'adhohive envelopes only came method with respect to the tkatimmiaRion of you Obtain thel Most; whore Yoh th . 1. ,
. � ink you � .
' . . .%
the moat terrible day, I romembernothitig - I oream-dolored bonno"(s w,oto Wreathed with into existence somer 70 years ,After Lora regibOred letters takoo, offset, oil slid after haVet f,ivon the moat satisfaction, you have
Ifkoitinallmylifd� To-worrowisthehow . Mt.AugtintoitlidLond6jilli�yte.q, at, a Dr crimson carnations, and edoh lady oakri.ha cheaterfiOld's denth*aMuming,the Lord this date. mud - tha changes in connection �
,,_s&d day for- me. I think of my home,, McGregor, a wall,known �cottish clergy. a, bouquet of.creamy rosos. . givOli Oftst- VhdU You aro sick, you would
yea] � . ' Ch0t0fi6la to be pldsmt- They Oklii(l into � with ordinary Mail Matter will, it is be well -, when wall you try to be sick. W, hell,
of my Wife, my .6hildkettv who in their play Mail, Who, ate to accompany the Governor- Small.pox iseromting aiiall im%�oh in the general Uao about'1841-8'. . .. . expected, gi� into 61)6vatiou very �4horfly you fancy youjoalf the wisest of men, you I .
. .
know nothing of thbAorrible sitlistloyl of General on his Nordiwestern tour, ate interior of the State - of Pallaffir, that - the , There are Id,0001 dentists on this doillf. � - I . are Aid dailitist of fools. The girlYou two I
their fathbe. � ga�dpag tfidyear 1880, And I staying, At the Citadel, Quebec. Mr. Mae, cemetery mionopladelina,to be oplArgba,aha beliti, and yet moth6ts will pull the tooth In Paris the wooden. pavements &to moat in 108 with is 16AS6 In love *x1th you. 11 � .
Am lod to tbig ext6mitY because I Was too Vatlhao, of the Edinburgh 8cotsmatt, lei also tile people sea aiarita -and aish, of theft , infants with 4 sttito Vied to a door early in tlie morning washed by moll Wh Whaj you cannot . 01b YOU Would Obtain t .
I fortunate in ffiY 4061j�Pmlign against .Slavery- In QU400, - . . I . . Therd is lack of mealeal attendant . I Well. , . . . I . I liberally use the hose I I 'rhat Y 9161 not value. .. .
.. I I . I I . I I I - .
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