HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-06-09, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA,. TIII7RSDA'Y, ;TUNE 9, 188:. %Ow1n (' ppicO. Reiman meting: A. E. it A. M., Frityt evening, 17th last. 1� Mlts. 11174GERrO4D, of Strathroy, is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Gale, Mics. HpMELE,.formerly of this place, leaves Brussels in a few days fox Yansas, where her pons reside. T734 band made a. promenade of the streets on Friday evening, playing several tunes in splendid style. ON MoNnAx evening,some one fell through ono of the large panes in the shop window of Mr. W. Coate. • Simms, To)nuxsoN, and J. McCahney, of this place, li;,ve bought out Smith's livery, at Brussels. Vtu, W. Jotixsrort,•of Goderich township, here by (rand' Trunk Railway, last week, for Valley Cil Dakota, Timm. was a sharp frost on Sunday and Monday evenings, bat no particular injury i not was dorre•in this neighborhood. g o . Mil, J, joy/mow-of the London • Road, yesterdaybroaghtlusa.sas11plentflaa.twofeet long. He has four acres like this. MR. J. HODGINs has been confined to his house for several days, but we are pleased tb pee that he is able to be out again. ON SATURDAY last a frame of 'Photo's' hung at the entrance of Mr. H. Foster's gal• n o and broken, • s blown down_. Ser w 1. Y, a he firm of ied ll Tss ALTs oft T a Ido. J. P. p Its Gale, bankers, left fur Elora on Monday, where the firm opens a new branch. MR. HIIMPHHRET .HELL, the well known Mock raiser, attended the convention of Short- horn breeders, at Toronto, last week. A. JOmNSoil, ESQ., Mayor, of Strathroy, opSaturday, He was ranch in. townSa was Y+ -p1 a ed w app ail lI NYE observe that the Lieut, -Governor has appointed Mr A. IL Manning, of this place,: a Notary Pnblro lar the Province of Ontario. AT THE regular meeting of the Literary ,So. MeV, or! Monday, itavas resolved to dipoon- tine° the meotygs of,the_ Society, until :Sep- tember. • A yew days sine° Mr. John Mooney par. .abased from a party in Brantford, a Span, of • ' splendid Clear Grit colts, paying a good, figure therefor. • M1t. W. CARLIN°, a short time since an. employee of the Commercial Hotel, here, has leased a half interest in the Cabinet Hotel, Stratford. ` . WE IrA» a pleasant Ball last week, from Mr. (Hissing, late, of the,Coderieh Signal, He expressed emprise at the lively appearance of this place.• • lktx, _p, TITi.env, of the Base Line, last. week bought a fine three-year-old heavy draught colt from Mr. Townsend, of Tooker. Smith, for $185. .• Lisa 'WEEK Mr. W, W. Ferran bought a splendid two.year.old heaity draught colt from Mr. John. (?sorrel,Base Line;: paying therefor $10. Mn JLAaart TON. a short time• sinoe assist-. antivatter of the Higli School, here, is doing mission .work .in"connection with the Presby. terian Church, at Clendeboye and'Lucatrr TSE ittneeWoxls Of itir, las, Smith's new • .block is completed. 'When the.buildings,are entirely ftili3hed, they will be a decided ini- provenreat .on thii ones formerly ocoilpyting needed in this s etio in nearl the Itgzt?isn e. n v worst possible way.'Crops ategreat- ly e ffoi�ng' r a : ly for want of it. East, -.the cry -is too much rain, but it has.•been very cloy up. here, for. some time, LASTweek Mi W ' Craig, of the Hayfield road, and W. •ltfoOuaig; of Boston, shipped by Q. T. It: a.car load of good horses to the Iatter place, They were. purchased. at prices ranging front $130 to $170. " Exk%uNATroN.-a-We understand that• about fifty'jiersons have signified their intention of trying at tate forthcoming entrance examina- tion to the Clintou High School; and .over sixty will try the Intermediate Examination. SFvim tr. aisaiS ago. Mr. ban Ross,•'of Tuiik. trnnuth, seemed 300 acres of land•3n the neigh- borhoodof Portage la.trairie,:for little.or•no-. thing. A eo plc of .weeks since. Ile went up there on a visit, a)til •we ire informed, hes 9lieposed of Ira land tor. the sum of w3•, 200.' OVA nim silk' Ar nnwr Cnntimutrks of_tlie place has been remo•vel to make room for a more protentions building, • We "refer to the log: hens° which for nistny.5ears bas stood on the. lot adjoining the. Baptist CJlnrch, oh Ruron street, the place of which will be cccupied.by' a brick resuloitea • • BLoon Porno lrrr..--This week a youth nam- ed Crees, aged abotit 1:4 years; son of a widow. of that namb, died ,from an unusual ease of blood. poisoning Ire was only ill a week_;, the ailment .was first observed by the Swelling' of his leg, front which itgniekly spread to his whole system. Over -)seating is suppos- ed to have been the origin of his riiimentr:. A roman Haronite, Mr, Wm.: Westcott, now residing in Kent, sarite.on the 3rd, as. follows ;-Fall Wheat will bo a two -third crop; Spring wheat now sown; oats .and barley pretty fair ;" corn and helms only ,planted ; clover meadow looks well, fitto cat by the Middle of the month ; apples and peaches pro. anise a. very small crop, cherries a• promising crop. ,; B. C.APPOIN'•Br;YTS: -The Bible (hristian contemned, which' has been in session at Lon- don, for several days.past, has made the .fol- lowing appointment in this. neighborhood: Clinton- 1tov. P, Thomas and B. T. Bartlett, Colborne, T. Broad. Exeter - -G.. Webber, Bethesda and .tieneall V, 'Ai.. Whitlock, Mr, • R, 'I'. Courtice, formerly 'Cif this place, goes to Oobourg, and Mr. W. ri; Spargo, "to Colches. ter. The people• of this place will be. plehsed. to see that Mr,. Thomas returns, hie servicer) being very much apptooiated by all, • Fens DWG:u , -..A `special meeting 'of the Fire Brigade• was' hold on Tuesday evening, to consider the resignation, of Mr,, J.. Cunning•. hame, _Captain, wl3eh _had beets •tendered. Very general, regret was expressed that lie should find it necessary to resign, as he has proved himself an efficient tiliieer, and the. right man in the "right place; . As it was the desire of tho company that ha should ro•eor.- sider his determination, no action was. taken in the matter, and the meeting.adjoureecl nti. til'•Monday.evening, The company will also he out for praetise on that evening, PAixrl t. Accitrrxr.-(Yue cvoning last week the wife of Mr. W. H. Aline met with n veiny' painful accident, and ono that might have ]aeon attended with fatal results.. A cellar door had been accidentally left open, said going into the kitchen in .the' dark she fell. through the opening. Being an aged and very heavy:person it was at first thought that she was instantly killed, as she was unconscious, )int on hdr being carried up stairs itwas found that no bones"werolirolcen or an -juries /tole.• ho • a stains r ever shook ad"' although �ho u d a tie s s o k b f. to cher syst eui; In her fall, the collar steps were broken. Mies Flora Hine, in hastening to render assistants, severely sprained her foo, and'lo+v hoth mother and daughter are laid ttp, Gnausaiwu'r's Manitoba party yesterday wee: large, want' from the north being on board the Pala ;1Wias Nellie dolmen was the only Ono from Clinton. Mn. R. 1'.1izs' returned from ],)shots last week, Uras, WiliTit returned from Pbiladel• phia, last week. Mies Laos, of Dundas, ie' a guest of Miss. Foster, hare. .Mitis M. C. Git minx, formerly of the Clinton Model School, is here visiting friends. She has just been engaged as teacher, of the rudi. menta of music in the Lunn schools. WILLIS CEOR08.-The Itcv.IJ. Cameron, of Kippeu, will preach in Willie •Church, cod Fri- day evening at 7.30, and on Saturday forenoon at 11. The Rev. J. Ross, of Brucefield, ;will preach Sabbath evening at 6.80. LAST 'WERE we were shown ' a copy of the Chicago Times, received by Mr. J. P. Martin, containing complete the revised new Testa- ment. Tho work filled twelve large pages, of close print, audits publication was certainly a stroke of newspaper enterprise very rarely equalled. ON SUNDAY Iwai some boys from this 'place visited a field oeenpiad by Mr, W. Craig, on the Bayfield road, and capturing a couple of horses therein, rode them a number times around the field. In our advertising columns Mr. Craig cautions all parties. against a repe- tition epe- tition of this. Jox ALLii.sow is the first to favor the editor this Season .with-• t -batch of=garden-predose,. among whichwere green peas. It is usu- ally nip and tuck between the. two. Joe's, and Sam Cook, but this Joe seems to have got the lead this time., However, .Sam is close be- hind, he having left a similar assortment spon after. • .1L,;O, L. -The semi-annual meeting of the county OL for South Huron, will boheld in the Orange Hall, Clinton, on Cnsada h e 34th day of June, at >: p.. m., for the transac- tion of general business and making prepare - tions for the celebration of the 12th of July at Exeter; Bro. Fred. W: Johnston, C. ir, will preside. AtiainxNx. On Tueaday last as -the funeral PHprocession ofarra t Mr. G n of Hallett, W was pro600dingiiowi `the Gfavol road'i eel. Church. ill a, the horse of Mr. C. Molntosh suddenly shied to, tine side, throwing the, occulianta of the baggy Mit.Beyond severe concussions no injuries were sustained, although it was at first thought Wet Mrs. McIntosh was serious- ly injured.. QAI SAYonnAY last )Jr. J. A. - Donaldson, Ontario emmigratiou, agent of Toronto, paid a visit to this place to eee what emigrants could be placed with farmers in this • neigh - hood. He stated that he would be able to forwarda number of desirable entigrants, and parties requiring help should notify bim,or. if •they leieve particulars at this office, the saline will be sent to Mi..Donaldson._.,. 'Viz ARE I'iittsEn to learn that Glasgow, Maephereen it Co's orders for their celebrated Threshing; Machines are already ahead' of those received up to.this. time :last year. The firm are working. up .businessas far east as Nova Scotia having shipped ed several macliint's there last year, and received an order from the same locality on Saturday. ;Such facts as theee show the superiority of their•thresliera over others.. ' • • rhertirmen,-• -On Saturday latat.l•Ir A. l'ieh- „er, (one of the oldest•residente.of-Win,}liamy passed up on hie'return beta I;randop, i . W. T., whesbe purposeaMalting 'his •future place of abode,• ne he is very: greatly taken up with the country. Brandon le'itself a wilderness 'there net b'eing a•habitation there, but a recent sale' oflots -where the embryo'eltyis located realieed.the enormous, son of $27,000. Mr.. Fisher' .thinks the country a long way. ahead of Ontario, ` ACnipiENrai. Petsor i e.tl On'I;riday a lit. ,t le t ri, 'd ao ht r of gr. . .Ch as Keane, a s ed about 14. Years,Was atiaid tallYP0iso ed by taking a dose of. what . was supposed ,to bo ,niediciuo, but what Was really a deadly poison, l The mistake being observed, •antidotes wero : promptly administered„ - and, fatal. -results thereby avoided: The accident arose from 'the similarity of the bottles used, and had it not been..dieeovergd so quickly, would .most certainly have proved fatal. . I ETRODTST ArroINVSSNTS,-Tits following is the -final draught of the a °int nts' of m_ B P g P. Methodist ministers for the Goderich district: Goderich-John• A. Williams D. D Clin. toil ; iVi]Iiani McDonagh;. Kincardine -A. ..Andrews. 'HolmesvilleaaAndrew Edwards; Bayfield-Jaines Livingston, Jo1`in S. Cooke, Hensall-H.'G, 'Hill; •. Londesboro-Cliristo'. peer Hamilton: Blyth -William Bike Bel grave -Joseph' Philp. 'Wingham-Ben. T. Keefer. -Brussels Jas.:Harris, W. S. Jamie; son. Lueknow-.,1', T. •Smith, J.r• Walker," su •'d.. Ash6 -1 - t °•• .. ars Teesava, ter -A. G. Harris: ' Whitechurch;. -11 Tess, key• • Dungannon -Jas. • Criswell, ,L. 0.,Rioe, sup'd. Manchester --Alfred E. Smith. • Ber- vie=l , Davy,: T. E. Harrison, Vols.' Geddes, np'ry • I�'IIY 18.1"Al+ CHANGES, --It Will bo 'seen -by the list of changes given .elsewhere, that the Methodist ehurab will lose the services of Rey.' Mr. Sutherland, who is to .remove to St: Thomas, This loss will be . felt by' the 1 whtown..Since ]lr. esSneSutherland .. Sut aerrn d took.' his place here, as.pastor of the Methodist church,. he has steadily gained in. the estimation of the general public, and it will be with feelings of deep regret that.they will learn•of his de. partere. Itis now field is ono of great impor- tance, the church being ono.of the finest in the conference. He will carry to it the best:• wishes of •a• large' number of friend's here. From the Bayfield 'circuit Mr. Jamieson goes to Brussels; and Brom the Londesboro circuit, Mr.'Casweli'gees to Dungannon. Both. were very popular in the old field'*, :and will no 'd'oubt he equally do inthe nervones, . • as.A 1`ain Serous CoATicv w7'ru Teem. --Three' young ladies of our good town, 'rather than participate in and assist with that; delightful occupation, houso.eleaning-hitched•-the old bay Horse to the family buggy; -and.started: eat the Iiayfiota road fora day - a drive. After going a short distance they thought to change their course, and, turning to the right, jogged -along, chattitig very lively, in. fact, as only three young girls eau ,Chat, enjoying the de• lightful scenery, watching the plowboy speed' the plow, the farmer. sew his seed, anti' the lloueelvifa t 11 tltry_�. gAiZ,..titl 0f+d{•I'tie - ' for a shate of their remarks, intertninaiad with merry peau of :laughter, reminding 0110 of the chime!' of Normanby. By this time the sun was sinking fast in the heavens, and the little 'driver mentioned that they were 'A, long time, in reaching tdro London. road, ,this hoing'the way they intentledreturning hotne,•and seeing a boy, ahead, hailed him withthe question, " Is this the way to the toudnn read.?" The boy roplied by asking, " Where do yott went to go 1" "To' Clinton," all three replied` at once. i' (food gracious!" exclaimed the boy, his face showing surprise; wonderment and sorrow at ono and the same timo; "'No, yon aro going away from • instead of towards Clinton." Of coarse to turn round stud start back was the work of en instent. As the driver wee real good on a straight, road there was no" bother, but turning, the horse rind buggy on a eixtysix foot road, was worse than the fifteen pdzeie•to them; They thought of a variety of ways, and finally concluded that lis they could nob tarn the horse, they wvotiltt turn obuggy,so they quietlyat1Y and taon6n_p good gripon tho bxlr,lifted the buggy around, lumped it8 mud core merrily home solemnly promising to •each other to keep tilispc,rtieular drive a•secret, The above is :8 fair wimple of how that secret was kept. • Town UQunell, ing the enforcement of•the byelaw .regarding the protection; of shade: trees, .waited aited on the A regular meeting of the town council was Council, After seine discussion it was do. held on Monday evening ; all the members aided to send the petition by mail, several of present except Coons. Twitchell and Cote, the members opposing a delegation as untie-, „rA report of the Street Committee was read, pessary, until it was found whether notice giving the several tenders (7) foe 50 cords of would be taken of the petition. gravel, the committee recommending that the . Moved by Coup. Morse, ego. by Coun. Jack. tender of P. Cronyn and Richard Baker, at inn, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized,. $3.30 per cord, be accepted, it being the low• to memorialize the lrlovernmeut to have this eat; On motion of the Deputy -Reeve, sec, by . place made a port of entry, said memorial to the Reeve, tha report was adopted. accompany the petition _presented from'the The Finance Committees report, mom- Industrial• Comunttoe.-Carried, Mending payment of the following aocopnte, Moved by Conn. Chidley, OM byConn was read ;--G. H. Wright, pomp carpet for Sheppard; that the assessment roll fr 1884. lock up, $5.05 ; W. Jackson, flag for town as revised by the Court of Revision be accept. ball, $6; R. Id, Repay,nails, $9; W.11.11ine, eel and confirmed, and be considered binding and It Stevens, asseesore, each, $50 ; '. on all parties therein mentioned. --Carried. Steveuson,.,etep ladder for hall, $4 ; S. Davie, A numerously eigned petition in reference hardware, ate„ $6 03; `4`. J. Wilson, cedar to having the•streets watered, was presented,. lumber, $124.80 ; J. S. Walker„ elm lumber, Considerable discussipn followed, after which $53,84 ; S. Davis, elm lumber, $10.06 ; Geo. it was moved by Cogn. ,Jackson, sec. by Conn, 'Rentgen, work ou streets, $168.26 ; W. J, Stevenson, that the watering of the streets be Paisley,work and salary,130,63; E, Holmes paid' out of'the general fund. The motion. � ,.., _ ThompsonrchtlBele ,ng idcharity,ls$7.98. The wAlcommunication from° Mr, •bloody, was T treasurer of the High Sobool. Board having ordered to be filed. -asked for $400, balance of High School grant Council then adjourned until the 13th inst. for 1881, recommended that that amount be Obs. -air — , passed to the credit of the. Board. On mo, Sports and Amusements, of Coun.,Stevenson„see. by Cgnn. Cooper, ',- Gab report was adopted. -• ” CRICKET Mr, G. Elliott, on behalfofthe Agncultu Qua hcmeoraeketarshavebuiitasplendid'newcrease raj Society, asked that the conned talc) a porr on She Agr+cuttural round, ant en oxponse of 0Y $5,0, £tn-n-oitbe gr $sindin order to open street but �i`wnl not W ltaodfai play till atter she Yat of lily, tliroq la and also. to laya small piece of'eide• The team will differ very little from last year, with tho $ + p exception that liar. J. Howson will take his old place in walk. Moved by Conn, Stevenson, see. by the hew. Coma. Cooper, that the Street Committee be good Cricket Club has been formed in Londesboro, •with Soci ty in regardnfer with to matter of buying part •eilerraable interest nobleogame. T taking under P rAgricultural can - Society eyes of the old time player, J. Latham, And sonny of street ;on east end of show ground, and re• strong team sbeuld bo termed. A practice game took port at next mooting. Mr. Chidley objected ' place last week, and several of tho players showed good intim "41os- Dr.Youngthe to e m p 6 •almh is Secretary. t tin n h h o o. o t e ro nd that ft as nn u w 1 a g Tho of Aust to the majority of ratepayers tD 1+urehaee d 0odcrieh Cricket Clnb nee been revived, and. land for atreots.• Mr, Corbett held that ae the following officers appointed' for the ensuing 5008075, President, Col. Ross ; Vico-Pres„ 0, It, Duneford ; Secy - the street was only partiallyo{pen, and much Trcaa•, J. W. Smaill; Com, of Management, Major inconvenience tae. experienced therefrom, it Cooke and; J, Cnrry. There 5s material for a strong was but right to those living in that locality; team in Ooderich, and judging from accounts a' good to buy the portion of the street necessary, record will be shown before the close of the season. • Wingham Cricket Club is fully organized, and are Messrs, Jackson and nd o , o Morse, also addressed d the Conned relative to the matter, after which rusting for a match. 57have gone to a considerable 1 e oho -=motion wasdeclared carried expense in sodding' a ire}and and otherwise improving themselves, The Fire and Water Committee's report in effect ail follows, was. read :-They had en- aniined the tanks and found them allne;trly* fullof water. Would recommend that an. other large tank bo put down on the. Market Ground ; also that 15 hose key belts be pro- cured for the Fire Company; they had ex- amined. thelire appliances, and found all in' a good state; On motionof Conn. Corbett, eee•adoptedby. Coun, Steyonsun, the . report Wes The Property Committee reporter', ream: mending as followt :--'That the worgh:sealos be removed to rear of market ground, and. built in with a stone wall ; that a portable fence be arranged for, the accommodation of cattle dealers. On motion of .Coun: Morse, sec. by Goon.I'ecktt, the report was adapted.. , On motion of Conn. Corbett, see. by Cohn, Jackson, the Mayor was.. ordered to borrow 6600 >io meet-eurrelrt esponsee. r A delegation from the Industrial Gvmmit- mittee, in reference to appointingdelegates to Ottawa, on the question . of having this place 'created a port of entry, and also recommend. Londesboro Criekat Club y-ll1 ploy our, town' foam here, cls FI cdnexfay next:. • • • T heioliowiog eleven .play at Goderlcli, with •the honor club, tomorrow: --Messrs, W, H, Bansford, J. Harland, 1). A, Forrester, A. ]dcI;,own, 0, IdeTaggart, 11, Den- lis, J. Craib,-T, Fowler, J. Lanham, ' T. Johnson, 0. linos and W. Jackson. $caforth` slab boat Stratford; on Saturday, by five wickets. TORE. The Driving Park have netted a considerable sunt ant: of the rakes .on the MT of May, and will next. year make great improvements iii the 'grounds. The grand :stand will he enlarged and covered overhead. All debts of the association aro paid, 015(1 itnancialiy, the park is in good standing. A .matched trotting rano between Nicholson:s bay mare, of Codericb, and Rattenburys stallion; of Brum-. field, is talked of. The pair would make a flue race. . Lucy, tho Godorieh trotting marc; is now doing the circuit in the States. She is expected to do Trig work thin season, • • 'hlr. T. Salt has ,turned his'coit, which trotted 1A the races on: the 04th of May, to grass. iIOWING ' The W + g 1 a1 ' oo le want i.J 1 rm 1 Ian and d Plai9ted' fa to row in thelia town on the civic Holiday - A riumbes of boat races are to take place at Ooilerich on the let of July, • 'WHITE PIQUES, WHITE M - LIN&i LIGHT COLORED PRINt.g. • BLACK MUSLIN'S C0. LORED • MU'SLINS. BLACK &COLORED - .. �OL. BUNTINGS PER EXPRESS. PORCUPINE SUN HATS FOR HALF P1111 T�-V9R UOOOS CMPOAIU� OF G61gT�. PRODUCE', TAKEN • - M AN. rand. Clearing Sale Are .running foll'blasb; Mid prepared, as usual, to do all kinds of work in •• the J oollen line... • 1 • Crthn ad.- Man;Iiitrin OF AL1 KIN US, :1)0XEON'_SHORT NOTICE. TWEEDS , FLASNELS YARNS -:BLANK TS 1 rice CON r ,�NrTA L ' .. � ola 'HAND, Either : to exchange for Woaol or sell for Cash, AT MIELE LOW21 .TUN EVIL • °LINTON, hfay, , 11781. r y E. C+CJ-RBE'TT. 3LA$ DEIN AirroIN'rin AnEN:r P011 TEE :JUSTLY C1,LB1111ATEn ittenBP, We cannot speaktoo highly of its merits, as testimonials' irons all parts of the 'Country show its success ,over all others. F3'.0 I'D =933 R s s u l'1" LI i s HARDWARE, HAILS, :GLASS, PAINTS AND OILS. R,osral Can, .dLan 7Clotli.es ,Wringex'e, CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED. SOLI',; STEEL BARS. FENCE :WIRE. Z'CTZ'L7` G--CTN S". Zt7 i.o- G'L?1V'S_ . Also, sole -agent ler-the EMPIRE HORSE AID CATTLE FOOD, This food has been largely need in England, and has been found superior to any..other manafaetured, DAVIS°. TcIQt3N CZs: I3I.0CI.i, CIiI tTON. ,1RST MASS' PHOOT(tGRiAP'Ht 'f,O•'Ere :OSTER'S, All . work guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GALLERY: BEAVER BLOCK, ALBERT STREET,. CLINTON. iiF-.- The" un s e der Xgned.havingmade a settlementon themost mos favorable terpsW�.th ` • the .Insurance. Companies, • p les, .offers to the public the greatest in;;'. ducem n e is that ever were offered in Clinton. H e. is prepared to clear out the' whole `of Phis present stock at the im ense Ruductiou iof SiK�,r; Ceu's oo dhe Dollar, Thus,: a person purchasing get et f'or'60 cents -: value: for $1. He is also •, re pared to: .offer Great. -- REDUCTIONS IN,— GROCERIES a! 16`ibs. of Good•Sugar.for $1, and all other 'goods,: in the. same rati , Athatfr dollar . :• • �� � Cas�t��r�ce.� •od .. M•:' .: Yard) 452W. PRODUCE. OF ALL KIND TAKEN AS CAST. A CALL SQLICITED. Pil • .COATS" • . 4 Next, sour to' thou Town Baf1, Q1I7411a .SIGN OF. THE PADLOCK. RARDWA symo .,A.L • MOW PR=OZIS • N Lam, VA.IIN1''Ils, r.`J . w aE�caN S, . Btiriit door follers, PUTri'Y' Vic' A large quantity of T'our•barbed .GALVANIZED STEEL .Ititaid WIRE, at re&aeed prices, SPADES, SHOVELS,, RAKES, HOES, &c., in great variety, THE BEST - NO. 1 COAL. OIL. Also, the, celebrated AMERICAN HEADLIGHT., PLEMtilt GIVE Ui A 04U.. PRICES VERY LOW. IX AMJ1.1 .LV ID Chi C/>' e . WS OP 1'r1Fr I'AD.E,'COti;,•E11YG>i ELOOS, AT,IttItT 8T.iiNItTy'07.1•?6Tpl+i 1