HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-06-09, Page 5777. .czar 411 NUL 777 OPENED OUT . THIS WEEK, BIG DIVES IN PRINT i SEE THEM AT 5, 8, 1.0, and 122, CENTS.• Also, some fine lines in DRESS GOODS,away down in price. , SEE OUR KW .l&LOY1'tS,, THE ; ST -VALUE. IN allE.- MARKET. -ALL COLORS, ALL SHADES, AND ALL PRICES, AK TO SEE OUR LARGE WHITE gu1LT,S',„AT . $1.00 EACH , A LARGE LINE OF SUN RA,TS, CHEAP, ALSO A FINE LINE OF CHILD- REN'S AND MISSES STRAW ;BATS,. NICE STYLISH GOODS, CHEAP. Our stockis now complete. in.. all departments., 0 is .new and fresh, having been bought -cheap for cash in• the best markets. ''A I+'ULL STOOK OF MEN'S' AND' ]TOY'S HATS AND CAT'S,; -SEE OUR MEN'S FELT HATS -AT 75 CENTS. A FULL RANGE OF GENT'S FURNISEIINGS, IN WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS., COLLARS, CUFFS, TIEs, BRACES ALL TEJF LATEST NOVELTIES 01+' THE SEASON, • MN CLOTHINCx WE •I•IAV>J A:FULL STOCK OF MENvS.•A1;t) BOY'S READY MADE ; ALSO, CLOTHING . MADE TO ` ORDER • O1v THE'. SHORTEST NOTICE,. AN)) GOOD FITS 'WARRANTED, • OUR BOOT AND SHOE D PAR7MJ 1 IS COMPLETE WITH R A FULL. RANGE OF . ALL THE ;LEADING LINES QF MEN'S, WOMEN'S ND. CHIL•DRE.N'S BOOTS & SHOES. , it •'.SEE .OUR W0I E'N'S I'1iUNELLA BOOTS AT' 50 CENTS. . ' . • -A. Hili Stock of FR ;SIt G CER1 S. • 000 - Eggs and Butter taken 'as cash. Mr, Plumsteets old stand; ' •next to the Montreal Telegraphg. Office Albert •St 1. , 777 Chea .0...ash Storer-Clinton. Cuinton. Great Reduction in TeaNever _ such :good. value as at theresent time. p mc. New season, full Young Hyson, New season, Spring Leaf JJapan3 (May .• ioJing) New season, Mack Tea (Gengou.) - New semon, .Englis'h. Breakfast, New season Souc lin r, ,( ougrou, Orange '`Pekoe, Assam, romossa, :50' Cts. 60 Cts. -. 50 cts. • 60. Cts: BA'$M1ELD. Cou'vexL.--12h0 Council met at Stalket'aliotet, pursuant to adlournwont, and orgauizea itself Into a Court of RevleIou, pprosout the Reeve, in the chair, and Messrs. Morrl8on, ()leave, How- ard and lir. Staubury. Tho wewber8 of the Court lnavlug taken the oath of the ollltto roquir., cd by the sutute, the appeals were presented by Clerk, and amounted to four, Tho appellant hi alt the four 011808 wine Mr. .f. A, Eoutlodget wine appealed 1st, thatTbos. Parker ahoutd bo placed upon the Aseeeemont Roll as tenant of lot, 1, 2, and 7, Range K; 2011; that Wm. Town - mend ehouid bo on t oAeaeeauleitt Ro11 as nem* path of the S, h1. pt of lot No. 2,- Reynold. cue. ltd, that itis', O. H. Hewson should be on the roll 88 tenant of elle Evart of lot 218, Dayflold ; Telt, that Stoniest Monter, sheuid bo ou • the Moll as tenant 0Z 10ts 310 $0 314. When the a1ipeal ou behalf of Thomas Parker 'Was under discus- sion, it appeared that Mr. John Howard wets on the Rollos tenant for the •snide property, low- ing been resident upon 1t when the assessor was. 88so88111g the property, and that Parker had. subsequently taken peb1estou as tenant, and a ditllculty arose as to two persolas appearing omen the Roll as tenants of the saute. property. To meet the ease, It was moved by II. Iiosvard, ace. by R. Morrison, that Jobn Iioward. bo struclt oft the Roll and Thos,Parker put' on as tenant of lot t, 2, (11311 7, Range K. -Carried. The ease of Wna. 7 o)vneend was disposed of by Lia bolug put en the roll as occupant. G. H. Rowbou,put MI for the east pt of iot 218; and Samuel Meucci* put on es tenant. It was thou moved by If. Howard, sec. by R. Morrison, that the Court of Revision, be now closed, and that the Roll ae now revised be passed. -Carried. Tho nest meeting of the wailed will bo held at McCann's Metol, on the first Tuesdayof July at 2 o'clock p. rv', • .(4ODEII1CII 'I'O WNNIIIL . CealNCI .,-Couucll met as Court et Revision, at Holmeeville, on Mayo; ueembers all present. The several. members having qualified accord- ing to statute, the appeals were proceeded with. Simon McCulloch and John A. Nettle appeals, too high assessed, no reduction made, 33.1888" meat confirmed; John H. Lloyd was put on roll, as owner, in hiswife's name, Of Iota 14;, and 15, 5th 00,114 (leo. IL Cox changed frown ouenpaut to joint owner; Henry Garbo, put on roll as tenant, lot, 10. 2nd Con, Moved by John Cox, see: by Jos. Whitely,that the assesaaneut roll, now revjsod and corrected, bo passed.=Carried: The Court of Revision cloned after the clerk reading over the entire names on roll. The minutes of last meeting of Council were then road and passed. and the ordinary public bust - nese proceeded with. John Middleton woe re- funded $f2.31, arrears of taxes on part let 3, 14.0,, ho having paid the sa0le. Moved by J. Beacom, son. by Jas. Peacock, that this council give $20, provided Stanley townshipcouncil will give the emote amount, to repair te road lead- from Stapley, on eon 15.16. -Carried. Moved by .T. Beacom, sec. by'.T. Cox, that every patlunas- ter notify any person ;whomay have put ob- struotions .on any, highway, such as orchard brush, , rubbish off farm, cordWnod .Ao.Uittuoh 1o• ef- move8,me•imnediatoly.-Carrlod Jos. Proctor's, which lie gave away, woe taken Off roll. Moved by Jos. Whitely, sec. by J. Cor, that motion No. so. of minutes of conned 011l111y 20d, 1881, be rescinded; -Carried. proved by J. Cox, sea by Jas. Perugia, that 8so be given to open 11-12 con. leading to Maitland river.- ear. riots. The following accounts were Paul, Geo. Green, draiuhtg on lot 66, Bayftold,con., $4.25; Jtta. Jolmetolt, three culverts- on•II.K., $4.25; Deo. Raldoraou, drawing graeel 'and digging ditch on l:iaylield con,. e5 W. J. Patton, 1erviug notiecsr of .appeal to C. F 82; Nelson Raney, road crossing for drain 82.5e; clerk, sending eelto0l amnion census to the several trustees ant's preparing eaten, 60 cents each. Coiulell adjourned to meet again on; the ;drat Monday in July. Jos, Patrox, clerk. —'- i s- ts. Greens August I'lowcr.'' • It is natural for people suffering with Dyspop• 8111 and Liver complaint or any: derangement of the 'digestive "organs; 80011 as Sour Stomach; Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, pa 1pita- tion ..of' theheart heart. burn. Water•Brash,. gnat-Whig and burning pains in the pit of..tlio' stomach, Yellow' skin, Coated Tongue, and dis- agreeable taste in the m0uth, .coining up of food after eating, low spirits,' &o., to.pat ofd from day to day buying an_ article• that. they kw nocured their neighbor,. friend' or rela- tive,' yet they have no faith Tlntil it is too' late.' But if you go to your druggist, J,. H. Combe,lind• et -a -bottle -of '(#REIIN18-AU0I;&T F1OW&U--yeu-1'- Immedlate cure is as certain as yon live. Sam- ple, bottled of thls'medicine call bo obtained for. 10 cents to tryitd superior vd'rttto. Regular size' 75 cents. Try it, two 'dose, will relieve any. case. •11IYILON'T ED15. Mende salt well is°down' 750 feet. Mr.:W.'Hubbarel his bought lot .15,': eon. 14, Elowick, for. $2,800. ' lift. W. Smith, cob. 13, EIa11Qttwill-remove to Dakota,wherehe has bought.laudl Droadfoot's piaining,mill, Seaforth, had a narrow escape from; destruction by lire last week. • Mr: J. Broadfoot; of Morris, hasbought a farm in.Dickinson county,; Kansas, and Will move thereto. • A camp meeting in oonneetion with the Methodist churches of Goderich district, will' POi7atai,:. be held in Ashfield, about thethird week. in June. . Messrs Alen Davidson and .M •'Morrison,. have purchased the:stook of dry goods, etc., of the estate of !fill Brother,Seaford al , for 130 cents on *taller:. • • • Ou•Taosday,the two barns of Wm. McCall, of lot 17, con. 7, Morris, were burned, 110n8001- ing'some agricultural implements, 'he des a -buggy+'. and' other .articles. The tiro . caught from a.neighboring bush fires• A fatal accident occurrd at Walton on Tues- day.. John White, of Morris, was. sitting upon the table near the edging saw' when a Splinter from theboardstruck him on the temple with suchforce• as to fracture .his skull, Two doctors were in attendance • and removed some pieces of the skull, but Lo did• not rally, and died at ten in the evening.. '",C]JINT011i MAitmoTs June: 9, .1861. • • New stock lust receive'd', and': put. up .in 5 lb., Caddies, at city pric l -LIBERAL DISCOUNT' TO DEALERS PAL�fSER Br rck Block, Clilitoh:'. FT.7"13)N'777p71_ :PLEASE CALF, AND BEE .'1'1111 T.INEST, STOCK 01+'' • P, .R:LC R (- 00JDS • WEB BROUGHT INTO 'CHIS COUNTY. ALSO, •BEDROOMSUITES;'.CENTRE TABLES, &c., IN ENDLESS VARIETY. LOUNGES MADE AND REPAIRED. UNDERTAINGr IN ..ALL . ITS: BRANCHES. il`uneralls:. furnished. at tklit:: t:rwest• Mates. • W. B. CRICH & CO., VICTORIA ST:, CLINTON, Wiliiarn . TayTaylor RIA14 REMOVED'TO.Tfilf i Tom _••..Rio the ��11 g 7 W1Il11tSE Ift: ITAS orEl4Rl) OUT .A. L#g (I:�: A$$O8;:T�M ENT, R r ir. 80111'9 ANI)- S AND WILL DE PtAtARVo To SIN If T8 (IC7AT('At• • BUS ANT) THHU P;it1Llo'til Y1Ilinl,Lv, Clinton, Marsh 11, 1981. PUMPS.LPIr.111 'S. • i 1113 nndoreig,itd having heard that certain parties' have been. of late, very body trying to ranks the pnbUo b. neve that I am out M µsting no the above bneiaeee, boWever, I beg to say, that I am still at tet' Oil stand, making those celebrated' pnrnas that hare given such goad malefaction for the last 00 yearn or snore. All work attended to en the shortest notice, • and WI eboap et' cheaper than esti be had eleeirhere: OBDEi1S KINDLY HOLiorrAO, Winton, April 441,1881, D. I,tt1Lt.02. 8y..i.c1I1l✓' VAL. ENDE TIIE B1 B9ORIDEf rnos I,EAVE TO STATE( to the patine that he 1144 ro aired dead the lite, a large and superior alias of CO'FINS, CASKETS, Ocala Trimmings and°Robes. Aepte didIMARSS kept.. ('0*1 t Corrine aitraye els hand. Parties eau be supplied in one hoer, at ltny time, at very rea.onehle rates, t fios. STEVENSON. Robots OM .,.sad, Albert .Mimed, dilates Wheat, fall, ift.bush., :1;1 ' 10 a 1.12 Spring, Redchaff, • • •1 08 a; 1 15 .. Fife, 112 a 115 OtAbt,• , 0'37 ..a , O ,id Barley, ` .. . - 0 6.5 a .0 7Q P03084- .. 0 65 a 0 70 Flour, . 550' a 6 00 Potatoes, '0,25 a 0 30, Butter, F1 12#' a 0 14 Eggs, • 0 11 a ,.0.11 13:ay, - + 1000 a 12 00 „ Hides, 5 50 . a 6 00 • •. • Sheepskins '• . - - 0 75 a 1.25 s 'Beef, > G 00 a . 7 50 Clover, _ 4 50 .a 5.00' Timothy, • • 2.75' a ' 3 00 Wool., • •- . . 0 22 a 0 25 r-..rte....e.: In malarial dtstrieteDr. Carson's Stomach and ,tion Const pap i Bitters aro c eeiallY valuable. They prevent Chills and ;,over,build lip the. system, fortify it agalnst•eontagion, and induce health and vigor, In largo 8 oz. bottles fifty cents. 3 11, Combe, 8poolal agent: • .MONEY TO LOAN, •' INTEREST at E}• per cont. On Town t+ropers, at 7 pet sant. , .rt , 0XtAS.1tIDOUc,01 intnn, .oromomogeopeoPpopplamoompugtormi0.”••-....,7A.VOIL •.=1. CABINET MCA ER, iricTtymi STruovr, . . CLINTON. 4 a • 4 KO Boots that: R foots .AND NO 111.7Mm3'JG, Or uickshaiik s, • 9 Albert it., Dridk Clock, Clinton. tateaata, at i,+. tlitk+, es ChuglsD ARE YOU GOING GN THE GRAND . •,'EXCURSION TO THE 0OU0I3 & EMERSON, • 11 t u.l11' . r.itIENsu;tdorihers hilt pleasere 111 i1ltitaatjti0 to t 1L. the people of Ciu.t n and cielo1,y; Ant they have bought out the but brtin,l hveines. istc:iy ear, tied ou by 3131 J:'Dat 31113 •, awl will .: )10111ap'the sante at the etoau1, 11. (t1L9S sT"R1H1,,'1', ('1.1\'I'ON, Where they will be 1 leaa11 to rc,cclve 11 continuance tiftho etipportso Iihorally extended to their prods- miser. No pains or ex{.'t•nse'will: bo sparedtoeapply, their customers with the very,ehoicost. meats that, can be procured, and their ,friends'may rely on having their orders promptly and eatisfaotorily,tilled, at reanoniablerstes. Outlays Soaicis n. • • O01.101L g MESON REMOVAL:.. •.c, ger'&: cXenrie_siIa F:actar irisabem�lberedeiirototlaaukthcir mauyftiends minis their past f avor%, and'bog to announce to the inhabitants of Clinton and vicinity, that they here• rcmctell theirwdrkebops to right NEAt; T11 E; C. T. R . SZ'n'rION, A alma distance south of the Foundry, Whore 11487 will be. pleased to meet all thoirold one - t ometii and a6 tinny 1 es new eu ' as •m may taior;thom'witb their patronage, and where they will Corryon•all kinds of work connected with the bailding trine. CQNTRA'CTS TAKEN And ntatoriel furnished at the shorteatpoasibrenotice', • • and'at tea Ronald,* ratf F. '. 1_ 1liealwiays keep on hand first—class Si1INGLES,. and wake n. specialty of LIMT, which will bo Sold et the lo%drl,l•prieeR. • 0o1)PL} .c McR,ANIIE, Clintpu; July 10, It 50. • LT.N• 1.Y�.1Vi'AIl•ETf S.. Our stock of Uodci•tukin; ;;moils is'very Tut ,e :3131 cotnplctc. Perseus reryeiritaglinythingIn this line will And it to their advantage to..eti11 and see uv, as we'have just received a largo stock of Walnut and Rosewood Caskets, also •Coffins of all des- criptions, from the boat (lnna(ljati nod American manufacturers. We have also is select ..click of Rt BES. t8 TRIMMINGS. We aio'propared to urnlsb thesegoods al 1111f.tbe '. price formerly rila,gecl for the same. 1`Po. .2' T;RlCl r..,( )11 'CALL AND Site 'rile' LA1t(N. STOCK OF OA6RIAO�S • Alt NEWTON. & D ENNIS' WI1 Ake SELLING ALL KINDS .ole • }arIess at Greatly re feel' •rales. "Studs prirca' for Light 118111evs liars never been known before, Wil I1A,V14 A'VERY i4A.ltCi•1 ETO1IK Ol' TRUNKS, & VALISES, Which MON been purchased at great advantage; Iditol •• be sell at once, NEWTON 't' I)FINN IS, OLIN Ton 4) im :iC7C:i9CyS'i93;'$'Cii):'Mppr m o'�,�,i�,:AK. , LIGARETTES THEY ARE MADE FROM THE BEST. SELECTIONS. OF, BRIGHT' `ya FLUE CURED, �. VIRGINIA• ,' y �lav ENNXBRxxx1411118 o p o r o p beg gra 8� VI WI4y Rf IA 0• A M O M a :w At.t ;,•'1 ,ter S,i p Cama' TOBACCO 00., • DATROIT, Uicn.e and WINDSOR. CSeri t:\ e3- • • N' ,ill I ®tlntlllll � w• vv•w.Wy YV • '�. ;(1 �e its( • N.1' •J VICTORIA BLOCK BOOT AND SHOE'„STORLt`+`' Clinton Where a large assortment of MEN'S, WOMEN'S moil 'CHILDREN'S BQOTS ANi)'SRROES, of all kinds, are kept constantly on hand,, and sold at the lowest remunerative rates. SPECIAL ATTENTION --Having employed a competent Boot aid •Shoo make'', of Many= years experience, li , '3 prepared to exeento all orders entrusted to him, on the shortest ni$tico, in ifrat"elas''111yl8; meed at 781yyn„ reasflnnhlo.-rated.-- REPAIRING also prompts r attended' to ”" t• '`HARNESS IDEL?ARTMENT Ilavinl:; a very'Targc stock of. First -Class SINOLE IIARNESS on hand, the subscriber would • diret,t, espoqq,�s attention thereto. Also, DO.UBL'E HARNESS, both heavy and light. Being made up from good /dock slid. ' brexperioneed'workmen, Ito can guarantee the starve, My SgOTCfI COLLARS warranted. to give satisfaction • ,RUNI s and VALISES -A. very large assortment and vegoheap. TEVNSS'front 75 (lento ye, . let and fele class SHINGLES, front 40 cents a bineb, up.. ALL. GOODS WARRAN'TED. JAMES TWITCHELL, Victoria Bloek. FOR C TGOZCHI: anvil l Groceries, ...: .. WARE J. OUNINGITAME S, CLINTON. ASSWARE. ATA BIG DISCO iOIT to makerooen for o>eairi• a;' full line: of L'I$CUIT:1 ;ANL) CON1."BCT�ONAIi;t'. 1 t g up' ehoi:e -.'-fi 'e •cid TI1i MT TC {E �. che�rp,. :pRkL.'It 4 _Lennon . Oiaiigcw.-_Appie,,. and tilled Fruits. • FRESH. SMOKED HADDIE: FRESH SEA HERRINCar. C:•CYN f lV t4•.k141y1 4. Clinton FURNITDRE FURNITURE Clinton Furniture Wai'erooing, No. 77, hick .Block. Waging to the increase o; business during ilt3, pint ,sear, • O..1 1) ]FE+`.O-.0T't T3,0 X, 1011RNITUR1 01:A10118; havo taken a sneWlesse of No. 77, and will eottinue to do business eaferitterlY They have on hand al tine a -stook of Furniture as: was ever onexhibition in bail town, Which thoy•are pared to sell ata very. small ;advance on boat. As we tu.anufucturo all our own goods, We eau g�iive our cult u•l,'.' bettor value than can -be obtained' elsewhere, Ottr goode.aro ail warranted to give entire satisfaction, Al + . PETER, ROBB, Manager:. work/neewnderstand their business, A. A. 13ENNE•1.7', Salesman. ' Imo 111)1, rnlrt4 the Irlste4..:, No. '2'7. :fr):,•Ick Mt -lett, Clinli ia. The worst. place in this town to get your Groceries, is at thea old Waterloo House. Robb, the Grocer, keeps the worst stock in town: ,His prices are ' higher than any other grocery. Ile is opt. very.inattentive to his customers, and' w., makes himself disagreeable to every person that dares patronize him, and hedon't want 'yo ar trade; .still, he keeps open day and night. Dear me, how this world is given to :perver.3ion., nearly. . everybody in town buys from his. , Theremust be some mistake here, for his 'tock is all new well bought AND DC):N'T YOU, �, 7 nit(l'i.aT lT, blink fie glace, tlie. Of Yak o •Hoose, VDU th Pest 0 '�tt yy�� ••�� yy�-•�� y•�am. •pp //����pp, //•.��++��''pp� . Pi:JTER no BB, G tOOEL.