HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-01, Page 8d+dr- - A+e6umoA+tleitserooMNneArtikabanotriktibta hdemi., 0 1 NOTICE. Our Photographs give satisfaction. Why ? Because good work is our specialty. Then for Photos, Groups or Portraits, or Novelties such as Photo Buttons and Photo Frames, try M. E. ZURBRICC. Metaetteetteltellielletatnallialieletantitengagetenact 'Seco at7' A Alex. Ritchie's. The Gloak Department, ortunitY tha Thanksgiving erciae of taste s xggood judgment l be �af aed ffoh rded ouhe r cloak dealtit of partment. We Will demonstrate, Moreover, another noteworthy feature of its service to ifull ts tenement, namely, its. real actual economy. We have described below in detail three cases where circumstances have been so molded that you 1 bur R skirt, a ooat, or a coat for the little girl at a more than usual saving. New Goats—stylish and well made. 50 New Coats -they are good coats and well made, of good quality im- ported Kersey t+loth, tight fitting bank, straight front with pleats, pockets and touches of trimming cloth, good range of sizes. Reg - alar $15 00, for $12,50 $4,75 I3ox Pleated 'Skirts for the Ladies. In walling length, made of the latest colorings in Tweed mixture and black. Styles -yes, that's the word -there is a style about these skirts that will stamp the wearer as a woman of good taste and stele. The seams ars well bound, and the habit back effect, all sizes in the lot. For$3.75 Evening Wear Fabrics. dime :hies, anti such being the titise, we would tike 26 reining oar lady customers who have neglected topurchase their evening gown not to delay ranch longer. Leaving this important matter until the last moment often- •• -too often -paeans ruffled spirire,--the chosen colors all sold, -the particular weave not to be had, etc., etc. We draw special attention to three beautiful lines just received, for evening, street and reception wear: - Silk and wool Crepe de Ghent), special value, , .59 Silk and wool Drap de Paris, special valve .60 Silk and wool Poplin Eolienne, special -'aide $1 & 1.25 In a positively perfect range of shades, all the new browns, reseda, bisque, cinuamon, nile, cream, ivory, sky, and also in black. 44 and 43 inches in width,. Alex. Ritchie BgAvER LOCK. WINGHAM. 1 MINOR LOCALS. —December 1st. Three weeks from next Sunday will Christmas. -The St. Louis World's Fair will be +[dosed this (Thursday) evening. -Regular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Scotland next Monday eVening. The: next regular meeting of the 'Town Council will be 1 e1d on Monday :evening next. -The Deoember session of the Huron onnty Council will open at Goderich eat Tuesday next. Mr. Geo. Powell, of Blyth shipped car load of, turkeys last week from Wingham to Liverpool( -A meeting of the nron County Press Association will be held at Clinton on Friday of this week. ' -Read the opening, chapters of our slew story "The Girl of the Orchard" another column of this issue. -Robert Elliott, of Goderich shipped 14,000 barrels of apples to the Old Country during the past season. -It is said that Peter B. Lewis, of London bas rented S. S. Cooper's new hotel at Clinten for a term of five years. --Mr. E. Uinsley, of Clinton, father .of the fate John Dingley, of Wingham, entered on his 89th year on Tuesday of last week. -The Manitoba Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United, Workmen has • decided to secede from the parent body in the United States. '• -Mtin'y . people are taking advantage i f the TIMES clubbing offers and securing poper3 for the balance of this year free. Head the list in another column. -Colborne Township ratepayers will r. rote on a local option by-law at the municipal elections. There is only one licensed hotel in the township -at Dun- lop. un- � �A,diepatch from Toronto says that the creditors of the Atlas Loan Co., of St. Thomas, probably will receive from $0to 82 cents on the dollar as a final dividend. W--Anction sale of 25 dairy cows and 2 farm bows At National hotel, Wingham, on Friday, December 2nd at 2 o'clock. This is a choice lot Of cattle, M. J. Wil - likens, prop.; Jas. Henderson and J. Pur - via, auctioneers. Annual Scottish. concert . in the ' 3ng(ham opera house on Tuesday even- ing, January' 10th. This is always the beat conoert of the season. Keep the ifiste in mind at;d look for more pardon - lin r in future iaanea. Monday was the stock day on the n*rdine-Palmerston branch Of the T.R. Twenty' ear loads of stock were abet day from different points lint. W. li . Ivalon i the a `V a shipped pig -oar load of hog from deck ti ora �b1et• g 11'11 API'aylor has just completed two last oontraote for oament work the deeeolre, being a cement floor itt let of ltos ts..I`•11b11 B.'i O'? ' Nab*, o `L bet'ry' Mr. ii+aat<a eilld iii 1O*I f311 curt! work ie lige Ascolaugs gill oatla- TO OUR ADVERTISERS. "Copy for changes of advts. must be in the. TIMES office not later than Mon- day evening." This rule has been brok- en quite frequently of late, and this week we' received change of copy for three advts. as late as Wednesday morn- ing. This rule must be adhered to in future and especially at this time of year, when the staff is taxed to turn out the large amount of work. Advertisers get much better service and display when copy is left in early. Keep in mind that we must have copy not later than Monday evening. -The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club will hold ,the third meeting for this sea- son at the home of Mrs. Alex. Ritchie on Tuesday evening, December 6th. The R. H. Crowder Co. have this week moved into their new store, next to Fishleigh's hardware store. If yon need anything in clothing, gents' fur- nishing, etc. go to the new start The blue painted front is the sign of a new store. r':=-Wingbam's faithful and obliging "mail -harrier, Mr. D. Campbell has been confined to his home through illness for a few days. a has discharged hie duties faithf or upwards of twenty years and his' mends hope he may soon be fully restored to good health. PERSONAL. Mr. D. D. Wilson spent Sunday at hie home in Seaforth. Miss Margaret Moir, one of the recent graduate nurses of St. Joseph's Hospi- tal. ospital. left yesterday for her home in Wing - h n. -Tuesday's London Free Press. iilr, Thos. James, of Turnberry was called to Parkhill on Saturday to attend the funeral of his mother� ".Mrs. James, sr. was one of the moneff of the arkhill district. r. P. Macdonald, Wm. Nicholson, esley W. Walker, M. S. L. Homnth, Alex. Kelly, John T. Currie, Wm. Max- well, T. M. Henderson and H. B. Elliott were among those from Wingham and vicinity who attended the Liberal con- vention in Toronto last wee Dr. Ovens,of London mail chis regular visit to Wingham on Monday last, after an absence of three months in the Northwest. We were pleased to see the Dr. looking so well after his trip. He will make his regular visits to Winghani during next year and dates will be announced in our columns in due time. Established r8j'9. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria OrsSoleno is a boon to Asthmatics Cats otrxll Inn tong established and standard remedy for the disease indicated. It entre because the air ren, droll strongly antiseptic is earned ever the ditee,ed sur• faces of the brenrhlat tute+s with every breath clv Id r prolonged eta ronatanttreatment. Those olaronaump• ties tendency, of aufferore front chronic bronchitis And lmmed,ete read from coughs or lndal+aed conditions of the threat Veno.cresolene It mid br druggist. er Mitt MC* -f ks 5 pall on receipt of price. I+d .r0 A nrpo.eresekne Out ft Inavels,: s' bottle of !11 t're.Ha.e $1.* Send for free fitwtrated booklet. it:rMt'c tarts Co., Ltd., Agent!, OAS St. Jams at, lefealtul, Canada; a96 O R R2IST UMBER LL CONTAIN AMONciSl' OTHER THINGS TRH WINGRAM TIMES DECEMBER CE1IBER 1, 1904 Seven New Thrilling Starks Beautifully Illustrated Handsome Calendar for 2905 Two pages for Little Folks Three Christmas Pictures Indoor Amusements Extracts from famous Novels New Cook Reclpe5 Lots of Funny Things Canada's Picturesque Coasts , 'OtjbTATN PEN CONTEST.-Tlis moue Fou%gin Pau contest, as annpllooed by Cooper's bog @tore. eg,;;1t for the. Waterg'tan's Rai. ^otillitlli} i@H Cl(). OT xit;+t rerlf.$ It tille,.1R'ltlele a• tis,':?, t and g1itt6 a h iniber of carps • e already been receiyr d. A $5 Fo • tain l'en is. offered to the pens . n o writes the words 'Waterman' . I..al Fountain Pen' the greatest numb i .2 times on the back of a post card, the card to he addressed and sent to Cooper & Oo., W ingham,with your own name written across the end of the address side. The contest was announced to close Den. let, but has been extended rill Dec. 10th. MUM. BOWMAN -To Wingham, on November 21st, the wife of Joseph Bowman : a daughter. CooK -In Wingham, on November 28th, the wits of Mr, Chas. Cook; a son. 0144414111aW-• Wroxeter, on November 14th, tlit+wire of toe. Mr. Osterhurat; a daugh- ter. ItIARRIED. ANNING-I8ARD-In Kincardine, on the 16th, nit,, by the Rev. F. M. Smith, Miss Ella Maud hard to Mr. Harry Templeton Aiming, both of Kincardine. DIl.'i) SANSON,-InWorkman, Assa., on the 19th ult.. Mrs. Sanson, relict of the late Wm. Sanson, formerly of Wingham, aged 57 years, FORTUNE -In Turnberry. on November 28th, Jane Maine, wife of Mr. John Fortune, aged 77 years and 0 months, 1oLGEn-In Ido•ris, on Nov. 10th, Mary Car• ter, beloved wife of James Bolger. KNIGHT -In Morris, on Nov. 22nd, Martha Hilda daughter of Andrew and Mrs. Knight, aged 1 year, 5 months and 20 days. MoLAIIGHLIN-In tlowick. on Nov. 5th, Lloyd D. McLaughlin, agtd 2 years and 0 months. SCOTT -In Saskatoon, on Nov. 21st., Alex. Scott, eldest son of Peter Scott, of Turnberry. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Electors of County C until . District. No, 7, comprising t and West Wawanosh, Win am and Blyth :- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I have derided at the req t of a large num- ber of influential Rat•pa, rs of the District to offer my services as o ty Commissioner. If elected, my long ex ence in municipal mat- ters *ill he devoted your service in promot- ing what I believe to be the best interests of this District and of the County generally. If I am honored to be ono of your representatives I will endeavor to learn theneeds of the differ - rent localities. Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited. JOHN T. CURR East Wawanosh, Nov. 28th, 1904. FOR SALE OR TO ' NT. LOTS 13 and° 5, cess ' . 8, Turnberry; in good eta o 1 ' ation ; bank barn and good stables ; ouse-in fact, a con- venient, comfort e, orae. There are 200 acres of land, 8t dtcre f good hardwood, the rest cleared. or parts. lars apply to ,i•OHN ROB RTSON, Wingham NOTICE. • Haying sold my general storbusiness at Whitechurch to Mr. A. G. We . ,, of West Wa- wanosh, all accounts : d no s must be settled by either oash or new of • t the old stand on or before December 15 r, as I am leaving Whitechurch. I els. s 611 to thank my many patrons for their iibe 1 patronage during the past sixteen years, and I bespeak for my suc- cessor the same liberal patronage. A. D. BEATON, Whitechurch. COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. COUNTY OF EUROIL -PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby ' en that a 11C meeting of the electors of C ntv Division No. 7, composed of the Mu ma ties of the Townships of East an Wes awanosh, Town of Wingham, and vil ge Blyth wall be held in Herbert Wheeler'. w on and repair shop in Belgrave on Mon 'December the 10th, 1904, at the hour of e o'clock rat., for the purpose of nominating Candidates to repre- sent them in the Council of the County of Huron for the years 1905 and 1900 and that in case a poll is demanded, villa will be opened on the 2nd day of January, 1905, In each poll ing subdivision at the time and place fixed by by-law of the municipalities in the said County Division. P. PORTERFIELD, Nominating Officer for County Council Division No. 7. Dated atMarnoch'P.0 in the Township of EastWawanosh, this lst day of ISeeember, 1904. TAKE NOTICE That the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham intends to assess, according to the front- age measurements thereof, the real pro- perties abutting on those portions of streets on which concrete sid lks have been constructed as local ••. prove- ments dhring the present ye- for the costs of such local impro • ments, re- speotively; such local imp • vements and the portions of streets • which they are constructed bein s Iowa: No. 79. A tonere i ewalk, six feet wide on the west side of ,l •ephine street from the south side of Victo , ctreet to a point 125 feet southerly from the south side of said Victoria street. No. 80, A concrete sidewalk, four feet wide on the west side ofcott street from south side of Victoria streetto a point opposite the southerly limit of Lot No, 35 on the west side of Meld Scott street; thence across Raid Scott street and continuing along the west side of Jose hine street, northerly to a point 58 feet north of the northarly limit Of Lot No. 2 on the west side of said Josephine street, C. Tait Seott'a survey. 14o 81. A conerete eidew 'lk a r four feet wide on the west side of Alice street from the aontherly limit of Lot No. 2, on the west Side Of said Alice street to the north side of Albert Street No 82. A Concrete sidewalk, four feet wide on the south side of Alfred Street, betWeoa Skater and Frances streets. No. 88. A concrete sidewalk font feet wide on the north side Alfred street between Joseph- ine and Shuter streets. A Court of Revision will be held in the Clerk's Office. , 8 Tuesday, 0 oeekk p' m., efort hee pu flop de ofrheear- Ing complaints against the proposed melees - Ment or accuraoy of the frontage measure• iltr.01t or any other t:ompleint which persons iatere+lted may desire to make aide; Which 1s•1y law eogaixable by the Court. Dated, (,lerk'a Ofllde, Wingh&fn, December let,1804. runatssoit, Clerk. .1 Huron County Council Election, To the Eleotors of Division NO. 7 -cora - prising the Townships of East and West. Wewanoeh, the Village of Blyth and the Town of Wingham,: I.ADIIts AND GENerenteN,-- lit the request of large number of the elec- tors. I am a candidate for the representation of Div. No. 7 in Huron County Connell, and take this opportunity of appealing to you for Your support. If honored with election, my aim will be to equally and thoroughly repre- sent every portion of the division to the beet of my ability. I am, your obedienit servant, Blyth, Nov, 2nd, 1904. A. E. BRADWIN. FARM FOR SALE. 108 wens under tion. aomtxl house ; new btirn, Splendid opportunity Exceptional bargain, Address ALFRED E. ELLIOTT Winglinm, LICENSE TRANSFER TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned has a polled for a transfer of his hotel license to ]1ilciae ld. �SOu1HiNa51oDONALD, Whitechuroh, SOWS FOR SAL.. The undersigned has for sale a number of thoroughbred Large English Berkshire tows, f rom three to six menthe old, some of which have been ,already bred. Also a pair of young boars for sale. I also have for service, a young boar, which was a prize winner at Toronto. P. GIBBONS, P. O. SHERIFF'S SLE OF LANDS County of re - BY VIRTrpofhi out 'of HisDfajes and to ;nes directed a Janda and tenements' the aunt of Wellingtt end taken in execute terest and equity of named William 13a11i West Half of Lot Nur teenth Concession of in the County of Hu tario, which lands a for sale as aforesaid House, 1n the Town the Sixth day of De of twelve of the elo Sheriff's Office G. Aug. 25, 1904. ron, To Wit: nit of fieri folio; issued y's High Court of Justice filfainaldtat delivered Adapts, I have seized n all the right, title, in- edemption of the above - ay in, to and out of, the ber Three in the Soven- le Township of Howick, n and Province of On - tenements 1 shall offer t my office, in the Court Goderich, on Tuesday, ember, 1904, at the hour , noon, • R. Q. REYNOLDS, erich, Sheriff, Huron, OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or, in fact any kind of an advt. In any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the TIMES office. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TIItRES OFFICE, Winghans. ice- IF YOU KNEW of the many points of superiority and the splendid advantages offered to young men and women in our School: -The of Toronto, you would not only attend no other school of this kind, blit would ar- range to enter upon your course with us at once. Let us send you our unique prospec- tus "The Story of a Business School." It will interest you. Enter any time. Write us. Central Business College of Toronto, Limited. W. R. Straw, Pres. P. Mainmast, Vice -Pres. A. F. SP'ROTT, Sec.-Treas. • WOOD WANTED at the Wingham Salt Works. We are prepared to pay the highest cash price for 5,000 cords of wood (cord- word or short, hard or soft) to be deliv- ered at our works. in Wingham, Gray, Young & Spading Co. CANADIAN PACIFIC THANKSGIVING DAY SINGE FACE terniinng until l Novemberybr let, 1904.1 17th : re• Between all stations in CASSde,Port Arthur, Ont., and /teat. 'Picket* and inti particular% from your nee - est Can adtanPaeffloAgent. 9l'c �sn5. w051111, Asst, Gael, Pasrir °Allem, ere's' No the to Bargains AT THE BEE HIVE. This store never forgets to look after its patrons' interests. Your requirements in our particular lines of merchandise are our study, and we always know our lesson and stand away up ahead with the greatest money - ;saving values now in stock that we have yet shown, In Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishings. Groceries, Shoes. Don't miss the Bargains that are here for you this week ! ! ! IT PAYS TO DEAL AT • The Bee hive --- The Keeler Go. Phone 96. WIWGH.A,M, ONTARIO. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAMMAAM VVVWVVWVVWWWVVWVVVW 1 A Call to Christmek.s Stayers . 1 ( 1 1 Our fine Holiday stock is full of quality, var- iety, beauty and good taste. Choice books. Books for the Youngster ! Books for Young People ! Books for Old People ! The toy books are beautifully illus- trated and a marvel of cheapness, Standard Books and Bits at popu- lar prices. See our Juveniles at 80c and 40c, with colored illustrations. All the New Books in stock or se- cured on short notice. TOYS. Old Santa Claus has placed with us an enlarged stock this year, as we told him we were hardly able to supply the demand last 'year. Moro Mechanical Toys than ever before. Also -Dolls -Dishes -Drums -Stoves -Horns Blocks -Games, etc. We will please von, We will satisfy you, We will meet your wants. Fancy Goods. The latest novelties from France, Germany and the United States are among our well assorted stock of Fancy Goods. , Stag and Ebony Goods in many lines and remarkably pretty In Chinaware and . Cut Glass we excel. Special to the Boys and Girls : The Santa Claus Letter -Box is now ready for your letters Select Now , COOPER & CO. AAAMAAA/MAAAAMAAAAAAAAA Don't Wait ! 3 I AAAMAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAA%1AAA VVVVWWVVWVWVWVWVWVV," WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block. or resi- dence at Ritchie's propertyon Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. WAW• A. CURRIE, . WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER Is n ow prepared to attend the wants of those requiring his services, at a reasonable price, No necessity of going out of town for an auc- tioneer. All orders left at the 'Inns office will receive prompt attention. GRAND TRUNK SYs M Winter Fair, Guelph DECEMBER Atli to Oth, 1004 Single first-class fare for round trip. Good going December 8rd. Valid returning until December 0th inclusive. International Live Stock Expo- sition Chicago, Good From Win ham, $12.50 for the round trip. Valid returning on orb 27th, Dee. and 29th, 41904, Meant Clemens Mineral Bath r trolt' utekl nth r - res DO 4 a comfo t ably ♦reached by the Grand Trunk. F'or tiekete, illustrated literature and full infer/nation call on L. -HAROLD, Agent,W ingbbin. AAMAAAM/ AAAAAP WAAAAAAA AMAAMAAAAAAAMAMAAMAAA` Too Much Furniture - - 1. 1 1 We have altogether too much Furniture of all kinds on hand and are anxious to convert it into money. It will pay those wanting High-grade Furni- ture to come to us, See What we have to offer you. We feel sure you will be pleased with our styles and prices. WALKER. BROS. & BUTTON Furniture Dealers 'and Undertakers WINGHAM. 'AAAAAMAAAAA0V1AAAAAAAAAAMi WVVVVIMVVWWVWWWWWV Huron Coon The council of the of Huron will met in the TOwn of Goderich of December next e accounts ageing the With the Clerk W by firs Datedov.21 N 2161, 1004. Council. orat ion of the County in n thTuesdaye 8th t e day 8 o'clock cI k P. M. All p. p ounty/mist be laced day of meeting. 'W. LANE, Clerk, CANADIAN OltDItit WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Vamp Irrational, .No. lt89 OLT) their re'�tuler meeting% on the 2nd sad 9111 FrlaS ly' .iii taelr + llnth, in Odd- 1ellolh8' Hall. All.vlsitore w ,. 11;, idAltffrvt„ C. C. It. H. Citarltnint, Clerk. pgggItt MfgOlgt PHOTOS! . We gnarau;ee our Work, in SLYL1s, FINISH ANA PERMANENCY, ggThe latent styles of, Mounts on always , , hand, 1,1 Armstrong & Cos 'Studio WINGHAM , • t