The New Era, 1881-06-02, Page 8rs • r CLINTON NEW ERA, TIUItSDxY, ,TUNE 2, 1881, gouts gopico. Bzotn„ to 'meeting of Council next.'Mondey evening. A gnu ettendenoe'of the mern:hers of the Literary- Society, is desired next Monday evening. T r b R% T. Jonas (eldest daughter of Mrs. O'Neill) eill) leaner here tbiii Morning by the 0. 75 GENTS The NEW ;ERA wi11 be sent to any address, from now till tber1st of January, 1882, for • 75 cents, fn advance. A MRI..IIonN wee last week sent from bore to the. Aeylulaa at. Leaden. ' Pam HOLMES, will organize his second pinging class this evening. Mn. Jas.Sxrrotta t, and wife, left for Mani- toba, by G.1 W. R., on Monday. SavemAL•draies about town emit a horrible stench ; they should at once: be attended to. G$o, M'ittramt, was before the Mayor Mat week for being drunk, rhe venal dollar and coots. Tw: S knew Committee have pat down a splendid walk along the front of the market gron.nd. 'A CONssc aur Yn of lumbar- was tbia week „ shipped from Clinton rotation, 0. W. R. to Buffalo;. • Mit. JAs. C11A'Hn'ens, who has been laid up from the effects of a sunstroke received. last week; has recovered. Mz sRI. DouFnvv & Gumtree have bought from Mr, John Gibbiugs, four acres of land to the rear of the ,woollen mill: ,u„ • _ J. Cotten, of +ha. Paisley Advocate, 1 1'i , 1t,, for largo, Dakota. .(nephew of Mr.. Thos. 'McKay, of Clinton)• has' *levered an interest in the Galt Reformer,' ON WEDNESD4Y morning*, F. W. Watts was attacked by.a'vicious cow, and after con- siderable skirmishing, came off uninjured, CALL EXTENDED.•—A call has been extend-, ed to the .Rev, Mr. Craig, of Herndon, to the iiieumbency'of St: Paul's Church, of this place. A. WORTIIINOTON, M. D., left yesterday to attend the meeting tieing held in. Toronto for the formation of a L',•rq'vincial Medical Asso- •eiation, )„fissile. K. MCTitrumir• and M. Douglass left on•:1Montlay for Montreal,: where they, stet as two of the bride's Maids for the marriage of a cousin. • - THa clrnculo has already damaged• the plumorop considerably in, this neighborhood. Currants are dropping off, the pear blossoms aro blighted, end also some of the grapes. WE REGRET to announce the death of Mrs: Arthur Cook, which 'occurred on. Sunday ' morning, after a protracted illness •Fier death is deeply lamented •by all who knew Ler. • TUE FIRE Brigade has 'received a cordial invitation to attend a Grand 'Fiireman'sdem- onstration, to be held in Strathroy, on the 9th inst., but for.various reasons' are unable to accept the same. ' ON INFORMATION of Constable •Priieley, a man named Tuttle was last week tried before Mr. McGarva J', P., for selling goods contrary to.county by-law:' • He WFS found guilty and •.fined $10 and costs,. WE Aitl .iufortEed=that „'youth in, town,. Roti more than ten.yearreof age, is in the habit ofgetting'drunk. How he gets. the ligtor.is not known. We do not .Ippoee there rs:a doalur•in town who would supply such a child. MB..TODD, who tins been' connector) with. the Record since its commencement, has gone to'Goderieh,` where, it colnpany with•Mr. Whitley, he takes ehiirge of; the old"Cathcart job .office.•It is the intention: to publish a paper abces MR GEo. F. Iiaiergareb . (when father rte Skies close to town)aas' ou board theVictoia r , , at London, at the time of her dollupse, and managed to,escape a watery grave, but how; • he hardly knows.' He sided ;in the, rescue of. several others' THE enviers of a minister being•regnired at a funeral in the neighborhood' this ,week, lour were vieite4. all living miles apart, bee fore one could be secared ; the others were to situated that it was impossible for, them to' coa l ywith the request. Ort EvsNING recently a Indy and . gentle. ,manweredriving down Albert St when,t}e former's.bat .brew off. Singnrlarly, •nc.. at tempt was made on: the part of the gentleman' - to draw up and and recover the artier',which rias picked up by Mr. J.Swarts, 'Who still has. : it in his possession • . • Srai i:v `VATERiNoi--A petition has been: largely-signedeby-merchants-and--others; for• presentation to the conncil,`asking t11at'steps. be immediately taken to have -the etrcets•wa-` teres. The dust, for some time past, has been almost unbearable, and the 'sooner the watering' cart re got ont,.thebetter., • •MEATY Loss. -Qua day last week a young man familiarly known as ",Ben Tomlinson, loser of $400.He had was the unfortunate the money in ,the inside• breast pocket ofhis. coat; but whether some ono relieved him' of it, or he lost it ''• while driving towards Londes, boro is not known; although he thinks it• wall thselatter. JAS., Tno.eraon,' late' town Clerk of Goderioh, at brother, passed through here on Saturday on their way to .Goderich, having. been summoned back from Dakota owing to; the illness of their •father, who resides near. • Chatham. They have taken up . land about 60 miles from Fargo, and express themselves as well pleased.with theirprospects and with the country. Coiuvcrio1..-1n our burried report of' the Cantata, whiohewas given on Queen's Birthday evening, we inadvertently ,omitted :to mention that Mies Lizzie Jackson presided at the pi.. • ane. 1llfss Jackson '•played. the various tie-. companimentein her usual excellent manner, and this ia,no small degree tended to the sue. cess of the entertainment. Pensonee.-Mr. Aikens, son of Hon, •Sena= for Aikens, and brother I of Mrs. Sutherland, Has been here visiting for a 'few 'days. ,We observe that Mr Ailiens has lately passed his mo3ical examinations at Coliourg and, also at the Univ ereity, Toro`uto,' to the exeininaticns ho stood high' up in the lists' and we predict for him a successtul'tintere. Scavrai'r.—Iltr. 1I, Foster, .pliotot repber; has recently added a beautiful pied° of: scenery to his studio. It'represcnts asmell lake sur• rohndodby trees,the pairitillg of w..ii.1i is very artistically done. Mr. J. G. Cricli was the artist. hitherto photographers have been obliged to send) to Now York for their halt. grounds, but there eosins to bo no.'good ren: • son why this state of affairs should continue • FOR Tn14 NORdr•Wksak.••-Lnvt week Mr. Jae. Gorton (son of Mr, A. Gorrcll,) loft here by (I: W. Ili;' for the northwest, principally' on a tour of observation: . Ilia brothers, 'J 1tonias and Frank, who wont up earlier in the season, took up 1180 acres' in. the Turtle Mountain district, only two inilee from ti:tnbei'ed land, with the privilege of taking 40 urea of, bush for every section,, whoa ,it comes in the mar. het. Thomas, in writing to his father, ex• presses himself as well.pleased with his. change. On his arrival et Crystal City, he. sold his team, a pair of fine greys, for 842(1, Owing to the. high pride of Hats, and bought a yoke of oxen, A visit he made to the Londaj. born settlement, ((where he had also bought 320 took) allowed that several of its members had already better farms than those now pos. ceased by their Where in Hullett, • ! v.Ewz acceptable shower of rain fell on Tuesday evening ;• it was greatly needed, as the spring crepe and ,gardens were suflerfng from the drought. Wn wean in error in stating, that the peti, Sion anent the Port of Entry hadbeeu forw.ard- eti to the Minister of Customs. It is ready to forward, but has not yet been sent. ScA iED.—A gentleman residing on Imo St, after retiring to bed late one night last week; WAS startled by what he supposed to be bur. glare,, but on getting up in a greet fright, could find nothing to substantiate his fears, hut a few sate, NIGHT WATCHMAN. -,-A number of the buei- neas men and °there in town, are endeavoring to raise enough by private subscription, to en- gage a night watchman, believing that such a pigeon would add to the security of property, ke It would unquestionably be a decided advantage to have a good man: patrol, the streets at night. CnuuCH NOTICES. -',Elio abeehco of so Many of our ministers attending the annual gather. ings of the different churches, makes it nem - eery that their places next Sunday, should be. filled by others; In the B. C. church, Rev. L. W. Wiekett, of O4io, U. S.will preach In the morning- and evening, slid addrees the school in the afternoon, Special collection. to be taken up on behalf of the Sunday __Scheel, at each service, and in the C. M. church, Mr. James Young will preach in the morning and Mr. Manning in the evening. -- It is not yet known who „will officiate in St. Paul's Church, but it is expected to be a gen. Heiman from London, CATrr.ru -�A number' of splendid cattle were delivered here this week,"for'Messrs. Mooney,. Watson, Hearn, & Go., the following being the breeders thereof, with the weights: R. Sprung, Hallett, 4 oxen ... r 0.100 C. liner, Colborne, 2 oxen 8280 '� I steer 1150 Ed. Manning, Hullett, 2 steers 25310 J. Sturdy,-Godcrielt t p, . a steer. ,,... , 1180: Mr. Duncan, Stanley, : , .1 steer 1240 Mr. Hetey, 1 steer 1370 Jas, Mushy,' Hullett, . .. 2 oxen 3590 R; McGowan, Wawanosh cow 1400 " •• heifer .. „ 1075 T. Quigley, Mullett, . , .,, heifer: 1150 steer' Thos. Austin, Gedorioh 1203 t'p S steers 4700. Last week the following were deliverer% here for Mr. -W. McLean:— Jae. 31e11, Mensal!, 2 steers ' 2500 John Middleton Godcrich t p, 7 head 8565 W. Wl,o, Ooderich t'p 5 head 6350 D. McLean, Nippon .1 bull' 1530 Jay. Broadfoof, Tuolcersmrth 3 steers, . 3560 Jos. Harvey, Stanley, ..2 head' 21'85 Oeo. Forest, Stanley, .. .3 steers, , . , .. 30' R3rest, heifer 1095 A..Slietle , Hallett, • steer.,.,. 1270 John Rig y, , Gederieh VP .6 head 7270 F. Youngblut, Mullett, 2 steers 2.103 D. Jackson, Mullett, cow . 1303 R. Jackson, Mullett, „ ... ' head 2805 Tho.,. Robinson, Tuckorernith,,.2 steers ' 2000 Couur of Iixvisloo.---The Court 'of' Ravi - Bien met on Monday 'evening. 'to hear : cora,; plaints against the -Assessment Roll. It is •composed of, Deputy -)Reece Sheppard cud Couueiliora Corbett,•..Steveneon; •Coats and Jackson, the nssessoi s, Messrs, lune and Ste- vens, were'also.present.• The careful and' able .manner in which the assesement was 'made can best be judged .by the fact of so few com- plaints being ' made. ' Mr. H. Morley : asked that the assessment of $1,000 on personal pug party' be reduced, which was refused. Thos. Johnson's assessment ;was raised to 8300. The following names «ero.added to the roll: - ..Masse. A. 1:I..Manmag:-.and H. Foster •Ile ttidants of Mr. ;Jas. Smith, Mr; A, M. Taylor, on income, and Mr. Mex. • Armstroug, ,as the leasee. of Mr.>' Jas..' Mills'' house. Mr. ;E. Corbett'sname was' substituted for Mr. Jas. Robb's as the owner,of store house No:. 4, at G T. R. station. Mr,'Menzies appeared, and after his.explenatson, $200 was deducted from the assessment -of the place occupied 'by. Broadfoot & Box. 'It will be seen that' these corrections were not made necessary through any mistakes of the assessors whatever ,IIotnERY•:-On Friday. Morning last .it•was discovered that some; one had broken into the gent's furnishing establishment of Mr..James: Smith, and' carried off it large amount of 'ready-made Clothing,shirts, tweed, &c.,- to the value•of about 300.' . Entrance into the premises had been gained by forcing, open .a' rear door with a chisel, after the front door -had been-tried-iii-4alt --nee-inside,.tbriy seem to have made 'themselves wonderfully, free,•for all the goods were tossed in every. direction. An attempt was made to rob Mr. A. H. Manning's sale, whieh occupies a place. in the shop, but it was unsuccessful. A visit. was also made to the jewelrystore of Few ler & Son, but nothing further. than a box of cheep rings takem, a1 hoou gh articles of value ;wereexposed in' the. show 'cases, Messrs: Fowler making customers' valuables, secure id their *safe nightly. W. Taylor's shoe store • was thee visited, and several pair Of sheer" stolen, etitrance'toboth the last gamed places lieing'gi£ned by forcing open the rear door. An :attempt was also made to get into the,store of Ivir•.j) Hodgins, a door at the back of the shop, leadiugto a hallway, being burst in, bet•fuI'- ther progress was barred•by the security of the.doors inside. It la thought that the bung. lari visited this•plaeo first, . and being unsuc- cessful, were bound to make a haul,'and'yisit. ed the other places necordingly.. A shirt be. longing to Mr.' Smnthwas found• on the mar, - ket ground, near Mr. Ferran's office, showing' the direction the thieves had taken in their "flight;° clad a couple of chisels were found; whichbail been used to force the doors ; these were: identified by Mr. Fred;1;utiiball, a win -dote of the waggon shop having been broken' and the articles stolen the :swine night. The .:guilty parties have 'so far managed to elude arrest. • • A. Seri SCJNr -lilt saddest steno ever witnessed fit this toivn,. was the burial of the Misses t'oxtoii, and their half.brother, Harry Whaley, last Thulsday afternoon. 'Doherty & Udbbing;s'' Broad. truck'_had been regretted to. fillthe position of a Hearse, and it ryas,, draped all e around pith black and white, The three gaskets wore placedside by side. thereon, and cm•erecl with flowers and wroath, and as tits proeos-siou •moved along, six 'pall bearers walked en each silo of the bodies,:rnd six other followed in it conveyance. Among the mourners were the school children of Miss Arnie Foxtee, from Blyth, filling :two largo oenveyancos, while a very largo number of sywpatliizirig friends followed in the process- ion All places of business were closed as it iuoved along, and the hardestltcatt could ecareelyhelp being sof toiled by the sad sight. To say that the afflicted parents have the Wet licit syinpathy of the people of:this 'corn.natality, blit feebly expresses the aotuat feeling in the matter, Qn Sunday .evening Rev. D. G, Sutherland preached thein funeral sermon is the Methodist church, a largo congrega- tion was present, the. discourse being untie, unity impressive, And ono of the meetearnest and able of the many fine sermons this gentle- man. hes- delivered hero. It' le stated that be- fore going to London, Miss A. Foxton left the -key, of her trunk with an intimate friend, with the roquest.that should anything befall her, cert:r , articles therein should be disposed of AO :r 'reeliota. It isalmostneed. . 1 : t was sadly aotnpli. 11,11§0 ',UTIONI3 OF ('UNDOLENCE.. At a meeting of the Trustees and teachers of the f'linton High School, held last evening, the following; resolution was passed :— "Rasof.ven,-. -That tbo'L'rustees and teach- ers of the Clinton High Scheel desire to ex- press the sentiments of deep sorrow which have been canned by the lamentable death .of two most esteemed ex.pupile of the 'High .School, Miss .Jane Elizabeth Forton and Miss •Mary Anria b'uxtou, .in the recent deplorable • calamity •near London, . RTheir exemplary character and conduct, their amiable and whining dispositions, and their unusual at- tainntents, lead gained for thein the regard and admiration of all who knew them, and had awakened among their many friends the best wishes and highest hopes on their behalf. While mourning the untimely loss of FO much goodnessand promise, we eau only bow in submission to the will of Providence, which orders all things for'' the best. On behalf of our whole community we desire to tender to the afflicted familyof the deceased,' the tumor, ances of the strong and universal sympathy which is felt with them in their distress—•a. distress, as we grieve to know, enhanced by the loss, along i s a with l m a e h their 1 en piste of it t sister a, a their dearly and deservedly loved little . bro- ther, William Henry Whaley, the sharer of their,afieetions and their fate. We sincerely trust that higher sources of consolation than . Wo Dari offer, will, in time, assuage the sor- rows caused by these bereavements." 'I'lie Secretary wad instructed to transmit a Dopy of the Resolution to the family of the deceased. • At a meeting of the congregation of the Clinton Methodist Church, on Monday even., ing, the following resolution was unanimously' passed :— Moved by Mr. J. Hodgins, seconded by Mr. W. C. Searle, aiid resolved, That the Church has heard with unutterable feelings of sorrow of the very great loss sustained by our sister, Mrs. Whitley, and her family, in the sad be- ,reavernentwhich.'they have recently been, celled.' upon to suffer, in the sudden »and. un- expected deaths of her daughters Jano Eliza- beth and Mary Anna, whose estimable quali- ties' gained for them the esteem and. wolf wishes of all who knew them, (and: her dear little eon Barry) canoed by the wrecking of the pleasure ,steamer Victoria, near London, last Tuesday, by whieh so manyvaluablolives were lost anti so many hearts have been filled with overwhelming grief. That, whilst bow. ing submissively to tilts inscrutable dispense. tion, we would here give Imitable expression of our deep and affectionate sympathy with her and her gamily, and pray that in their be- reavement all needed consolation may bo rich- ly imparted, and that in the hour of their sora trial, God may be their refuge." A stlatILAn resolution was passed regarding the death of lkfr. \'Yin. D. Glues, of London, W/1080 perorate were, formerly 'nowhere of this congregation, and the Recording Steward, 111r. A. S. Fisher, instructed to forward copies of the foregoing to Mrs, Whaley.. and also. to Mr. 0. Wass, London, Mit., C. MASON is improving .his property by the erection of a neat fence, A SPECIAL meeting of the Fire Brigade will be held next Tuesday evening, to consider mar.. tors of importance connected with the „Brigade ACCIDENT. —On Monday, as Mr Jlid. Colilbe, br.. wasremoving the stopper from a largo ottlem. of strong ammonia, and stooping over it, it exploded, almost knocking him down, and very severely injuring his face. It was at first feared that his eyewight was destrgyed, but we ere pleased to know that, this is not the cane; the prompt application of retuedios' alone saved them. • I.0CALNOT'ICES,;: Just received,' a large stock 'Of American Coal 011. Harland Bros., Clinton. New line of Photo frames at Fosene's, Clin- ton. Very handsome designs. S. DAYIB ie'giving; special low prices inBuil- der's;1Iardware, Paiute,, (alas"„,"0118, and_solid steel "Barb Wire. Mao, i iRST-OLASSS LAWN MowERs. ' INTON IVOOLLEN- IILI 'Are running full blast. Land prepared, as usual, to do all kinds of work Lir. the Woollen line. c. • • aurin y.S �u� yin k MInktrin! OF AL1, KINDS,:: DONT: ON SHORT NOTICE, Ti? l+aI+AD�, FLANNELS,;YAPN .BCA T ETA -tic CONSTANTLY .ON HAND, Either to egehanp,s for .„heal or soli for `':Cash, a PRICES LOWER: THANEVER.. l-(,. CORBETT. OL1\ 10^, May, 1881 1-1A.11,13 • ILA;) InEEN Ar:FO'fllTED- A MERC.tT:;_N'T, 'N'r .2011 THE JUS'rl.Y':CELT,PRATED Ir5GTRU • We cannot :speak too highly of its merits, as testimonials froni :all parts of the country show its sncceas.over all others. HARDWARE, NAILS �• GLASS,PAINTS AND OILS. Royal Canadian Clothes vWri . era`' GHEA-PErb-THA•; E 411t-RE•F-ORE OFFBR CLID.STEEL.FENCE. o S . : B E • WIRE. eamenn tNl cres'$epoat rdors1 .BU.NTI Nc+$ R....E S GOODSm IR DLE 'HOSIERY BUTTON:5 C� T ��I,ADEc • 'Ladies. le d, s an d. Misses SinITats . M. Irl S Straw• • PRODUCE TAKEN AN'S try Cloorls Emporiu a, of Cliff on . .A.PrIMA r111 -IM Grand Clearing Sale C+ C) D E. 43 The undersigned having made a settlement on themost ' favorable •terms with the '' Insurance Companies, s,. offers • tot e p bI••c thegreatest m- ducementsClinton. . , that.ever were offered in.Cl nt� on. He: is prepared ared to `clear"out the whole �..... holeof his present stock at the immense Roduction of ` Si* Con on they Dollar, Thu s, a Parson purchasing -will get for 60 Cents value for. $1. IIe is_als epi arecLto-offer Grc.l lEDt1C ION IN GROCERIES. 15i, lbs. of Good Sugar for'*1� andall - Sugar other goods -: in the same ratio. a �� a p prin. Ca s at hal A good dollar Hat far 50: • cts,. • 2`CTLt.r. G V T • . CTLTT • 't TJN S. Also, sole agent for the EMPIRE • HORSE . ANI) ;CATTLE I OOD. This feed has been 'largely:treed in .Eugland, and bas' been found'suporior 1o:.any other' manufactured, -DAVIS V" • .- T�7E3�NXJL. SLOCIs'•, C/LINTON'. immininuilinewesnsmin J?OP• FIR,'.(' c LASS ?JxoTOG11,APHS 00 `.1rO • • ill • • 0 All work guaranteed . to give..entlre� satisfaction: GALLERY: BEAVER BLOCK, ALBERT STREET,.-CLINTON:' • ee 'all Papor Wall Paper .'LUST MICHIVI:D AHD OP. 'N11D; A I,ARGI'I CONSIGNM1 NT'01-0 ENGLISH AND D AMERI(A1`T:. WALL 1VER� WHtC11 WILL BE SOLD AS CIIt:AP AS ANY IN •TIM Comm. 'Wia s a ' ndow . hada & Window Blind Paper b Se 0g1 Booc:� Stationery,. Fancy (fie Clinton, April 14, 3601. a VTb F , PRODUCE OF ALL KIND TAKEN AS CASH. • ' . A. CALE SOLICITET). • WM.: COATS March 17, 18819 Next ,door to the ToWiq Itch,Clinton. ewes SIGN OF THE' PADLOCK'. SPECI..A.a t MOW' •. 4MIC1 1 S .�I A.Izvrr ', ILACP IKS4, Coils. i3IN. l�f �a ► �., I<L1'lfll; door 3leg,crllc►le•t ; R'' T!1C�7:'Y, A large quantity of l7our.barl3ed STEAL FIINCE VVIIiI;, itt )reduced prices, SPADES, SHOVELS, HARES, HOES,.ete,, in great variety. THE . BEST NO. 1. COAL OIL the celebrated AMERICAN HEA.DLIGRT. PLEASE GIVE' US CALL. PRICES VIIEY LOW, f O1' r/111 I'AI)I,O0110. 11140K BLOCK, AI;131113T STRIET, CLINTOI•t