The Clinton New Era, 1881-02-17, Page 8•
TH17RSDA•Y, FE13. 17, 1881.
zo1'n ugopit ,
Large stock Of Cook Stoves, °heap for cash
',mid, S. DAVIS, Clinton.
'WAND BROS. are selling the best No
VD; SitverSt,r Brand, for 25 cents per Impericl
Pour lmperiti u3IIons and eau, for 4 .
e first, age for other *at matter.
OH 414ME1t intends erecting a
se onhis property on ,(peen
sTi;,wAxx, of Clinton, preached
est sermons in the. Presbyterian
unday last,—Expositor.
last weekshut down the flax
day, the water in the neigh
bor the engine being quite deep.
In" T Methodist Church, on Sunday
evening, atyouse played about the coin
munion rail; quite indifferent to its midi
0nee, .
Nonni ia-off_ered to loan at Stratford
at 6 per gent. It has' got down here t
E1, which is surely low enough to attrao
SINemo CLAss.-=Brof, Salter will orga
nine a singing class in the basement of th
B. C. Church, at 7 p. m., on Saturday'
evening. •
A NUMBER of the gentlemen and ladie
of this place, went • to Blyth, , on Friday
evening,. and attended the assembly in
'Watson's hall.
base bought the brick building 'adjoining
the ono now occupied by them, from Mr.
E.•Mason, and,intend putting in . a new
• front, and otherwise improving the same,
prior to freeing therein;•.•
LITTLE,=Since last fallMr. Win, Craig,
of the Bayfield Road, has purchased and
shipped about one.thoasand head of cattle.
This representa•a'-pretty good- business,
and shows a large amount of money to
have been put in circulation by one buyer.
Roos oN Fiat,—About 7 o',clockyeeter-
day morning, the roof of the Commeroia
hotel was discovered to be on fire., The
prompt application•of a little water, ex-
tinguished the flames before much damage
was done. The fire originated froin
Fun iI EC'rURL oN Wm. -Pref.. Holmes
will' give a lecture en vocal music, with
• illustrations of; his method of teaching,. in
the Temperance Hall, on Friday, (to -mor-
row) evening, at 7.30. A general invita-
tion is cordially extended to all interested
in musical culture.
Co FIRM.ttioN` SERVICE..— The i
x Right
Rev C L. Alford, D.D.;. formerly Mis
Bishop Of the Church of:Englan'd
at Hong Kong, China; is expected to offi-
ciate at the confirmation service, in St.
Panel's 'Church, here, on Tuesday: evening
next, 22nd iast,, at 7.30,p, in. '
FATAL. ACCIDENT.—On Thursdayafter=
ternoon last _a drill boiler employed at
Humberstone, en the Welland Canal, ea
•ploded; instantly killing . a young
named Herbert Hodgkinson. Deceased
was a nephew of Mr. 'henry, Tewsley,.of
this place, and. resided here for several
MESSES. Callander ds Redmond, black
emitbe, have dissolved partnership.
CARNIVAL. —Tho Cricket Club intend
holding their second skating carnival on
the rink here, aboyt the 23rd Met., should
the weather prove favorable.
Tun WEIGII SeALEs.—On Monday the
Weigh Scales were aold by auction, Mr.
T. Stanbury being the buyer, at $176,
whioh is over $20 more than they sold for
last year.
SrecIuL• SeavicE$.—Rev, Mr~. Thetnas
is holding a aeries of protracted meetings
in the'Bible Cbristien Church ; Rev. Mr..
Sutherland commenced similar services in
the Methodist Church, on Monday.
Hannows.—Mr. Austin Callander will
makeh shipment of 80 sets of harrows to
the northwest, in a few days. It speaks
well of Clinton manufactures, when they
are in such good demand so far away.
HORSES POP. DAEOTa, — On Tuesday
Mesas. T. M., James and James A,Elliott,
of Goderich township, left for Dakota, by
Grand Trunk Railway, taking with them
three ear loads 'of horses, To -day Mr.
John Upshall ships two car loads for the
same destination.
THE RoAns,—The thaw made sad havoc
onthe highways ; those running north and
south, where the snow had drifted deep,
were left in a wretcked condition, and
impassable, • On the ' ondontoad tide
farmers turned. out and plowed and levelled
them. Where thisis done the travelling
will soon be good again,
BVTTLx,—Mr; 11. Mor]ey, of this place,
recently sent about two, thousand dollais
worth of butter to Manitoba, but as yet
bas received'nareturus therefor, the ma
Pet being overptocked. It was sent in
-charge of Mr. Nelson Carson., The freight
on the car amounted to only $400, Re-
cently Messrs. Thompson .& Boles paid as
high as $0 fora ear Winnipeg.
R&ILWAY AOENTs.-A.t a meeting held
here last. Friday, of intending emigrants
to the west, no less than. eight railway
agents' put in an appearance. to' advocate
the claims of their respective roads, being
as-, follows' Threw of "the -"'Grand • Trunk,
three of. the Great Western; Northern'Pa-
cific, Chicago,'Milwaukee & St. Paul, and
Chicago; Burlington & Quincy:
O'r 'i x-Surr'En.-' On.Munday,.evening
Mr. H" Beacom gave; an oyster supper to
a very large gathering 1of his friends, at
his rooms en I3uron Street. After'all•had,
a, partaken liberally df the ,refreshments
provided, the evening was spent in recita-
tions,.songs, etc. The band was present
and lent its aid in making the •affair very
pleasant. . •
Tun Gnowixo WnEAT.--The thaw last
week uncovered many fields of wheat,
leaving them to view and: the weather for
aash,ort time..: The wheat was looking well,
not having been injured b
its coveringof
tivo and three feet of. now for. the past
three-rnapWt. -:Tlie.liglit_£all..of.-snow•--on.•
Sunday will shield it a little from, danger
by heaving ; but to make sure„we Want
about six inches of snow. '
ConneeeTs • A'v AitlSED. 'Tlie' contract
for the erection of three brick stores on
the property. of Mr. 'Wm. Coats, has. been
WE tint pleased to notice among the
names of the successful candidates at the
recent°law rnafriculation`in Toronto, that
of Mr. Frank. Johnson, of•McCillivray,• as
having passed a very creditable '•examina-
tion. -Condom Advertiser.: • [Mr.t Johnson
was lately a 'pupil of the Clinton High
,School,' and his friends here will•he pleas-
ed to hear .of his success.)
LICENSE Co I.IISSi Nnits.—TheLieuten-
ant-Governor has appointed the • following
• persons as License Commissioners, .under
the License' Act'of.1876, for this :County's
,West .Riding=William Wade, Peter
Fisher ' and Win. M.• Hilliard. ,•South
Riding—James Lang, William Bawden
and Edward Cash. East Riding -W. J.
•.-Sh niton "Thomas- -mild--Reber
Miller. -
'ON S1rt;InAv evening, as Mr. R. \V.
'Graham was driving down Albert Street,
his horse: got.. frightened, and tore down
the :street• at a terrific pace. At. every
step the sleigh swung froin one side of the
street to the other, causing pedestrians to
"clear the',track". m quick order. The
driver managed to retain: a firni held' on
the reins, and soon; brought .the beast to
a standstill without'doing any damage.
'awarded to. Messrs. McCartney, Thomson
&- •cott, Mr. W. H. Treaves to do the
"brick:work. .• Mr. W. Murray's': contract
for the erection a..brick' store on the
corner of:Rattenbury and Albert 'streets,
i3 awarded Messrs: Cooper &,McKenzie,,
'Messrs, Bowie to do the briekwork..
• Mani Nxw Buriannes =.If all the new
buildings are _erected, here this year that.
are talked Of, it will be a wonderful boom:
in building operations.' Private residences,
.new' stares, etc., are, "projected” :all
around town, and nearly every other man
you meet talks " now building." It is all
right -to talk it, and much' better to have
the talk putrin practice, which' ive hope
may be ;done in all case's. .Mr., -.W. H.
Perrin. . informs ue that he has . ordered
sufficient brick of Mr. East, to erect four=
stores on Rattenbury street. ,
WBsTwAnn.—On'Friday .last a meeting
of those intending to remove to the North.
wcst, took place'in'the Temperance T3a11,,
here. About .twenty, -five persons compose
-the party from this neighborhood', and
about. the same number from Goderich,
' with. about twelve or fifteen ears of freight.
The,time decided 'upon •>for starting was
about theeighth of,March next. We hear
from all •sections 'that' large parties are,
forming't,c go west early in, the, spring.
They can be well spared if they' are • from
the towns; and villages.; they .are much
overdone, competition for the trade re-
quired by the rural population being eut
so fine that there is no more than a living
for those who are now doing it.' '
FltvrT:EverortATixd - r i ' W
M . 1'V n. ode,
of this, town, has bought the right for 'the
Dominion, of drying fruit, etc., by means.
of evaporation, 'and intends •to erectfive
evaporators in this place, • as : soon as he
can procure a building adapted for the
purpose., By this process. of 'drying,: any
kind offruit; roots,vegetables, etc., can
be dried• so este retain all their natural
avor and are also proof against
fl ,. . ,,verinnr
It is Mr. Wade'a intention to• work the
evaporators: to- their fullest capacity. 23e
has already contracted for two thousand
bushels of potatoes next fall,,at 30 cents a
bushel, and intends, raising 12 acres *of
Corn. and 15 of•potatoes on his Own pro'.
petty., the product of which will only be a
small proportion of what 'will be required
to keep the dryers working:
OFrrci.ti. VISIT.—On Monday afternoon
Messrs. Hobson and Steffi, officials .of the
Great Western Railway, visitedthis:place
to see about,making•some contemplated
changes at the station :here: •' Mr. Snider
hadpreviously expressedto them the .do•
sirability of lengthening one of the switches
and enlargieg_the waiting room and office
in the depot, in order to accommodate the
increasing traffic, and their visit was to
see what could be done • in the matter.
They did not coin,nit• themselves to the.
enlargement of the station for thepresent,,
but stated that some improvements would
be made in the yard room. The office is
by no means large, for. Mr. Snider and his
assistant,. Mr, Irwin•, and it 'Would cep'
tainly'be an advantage if the waiting room
was enlarged, because it is altogether too
small, sometimes travellers having to wait
outsider As the officials of this road
have always been very attentive to the
wants of the travelling public, and extend.
ed every possible facility thereto, we have
little doubt but that, ere long, they will
make the proposed improvements in thein
own as well as the public interest. The
Paymaster of the road made his periodical
visit 'on Tuesday, to sad gratification of
the eniployoes.j
PAssED AwAT.—We regret to notice
that'a fernier Clintonian,, . and one who
has property here now, Mr. Thomas Rich,
died at his the town of Waterloo,
on Thursday, �.3rd 'inst., in the 78th year.
of his age.His is life was an energetic one,
and strange 'to. say he scarcely knew
day's illness;'until just -prior to his death.
His: family was large, but with the excep
tion' of .. his two •daughters, who always
lived him v d with silt•° a is loft in Caned
p na.
Hie wife died five years ago. He was a
member of the church of England,
t, DAVInsoN,' one of the bright-
est lights in the Baptist: Ministry in Cana-
da, has accepted a call from the Tiverton
Baptist congregation. The salary'to be
paid is 80() and free manse. The Tiver-
ton,people.are to be congratulated on se
curing such a talented: minister of.: the
gospel. Our personal acquaintance enables
us to know whereof we speak in stating
that the Doctor is a whole-souled, liberal -
,minded, 'ieneroua., hearted christian.—
Kincardine. rteporler•. [The ' gentleman
here referred td ' is the father of ' Mrs W.
L. Newton, of 'this places and well known
• MISSIOONARY Mr,ESINu. The annual
missionary meeting was held in St, Paul's
" Church, on Tuesdayevening, 8th inst.
The chair. was, occupied by the Rector,.
Rev. C. R. Matthew, • who opened the
•ineeting with an address upon the mission-
• ary work of the Chur"oli of England, awong
the Indiana in the North-west. Rev.
.7eff'rey Hill, M. A., Rector of Seafortli,
followed with a thoughtful ; address upon
the church of England as the only church
suited to a large class of minds, 'Rev. W.
T`. Campbell,Missionary Secretary of the
diocese of Huron, who had risen from a
sickbed to be present, endeavored then to
address the meetin, but an increasing
hoarseness .00mpelledhim to desist, and
after 'a collection in aid of• Houle and
:Foreign IVEssione, was taken up, the meet-
ing was 'closed with a • yinri and the
TxtE„Cr d giving an Assent.
igrif tie to at an early day.
linSSENTA`' =- Tho scholars `in the
Sunday Schoo ass of Mr. Austin Callen-
der, presented him with a very handsome
present en 'Tuesday evening, as a memento
of which to keep them ],n mind when he
hail gone to his Western home.
WE nsesraNn that Dewitt 11. Mar-
tin, 9 • Kincardine, D. D. G. M.,
of Huron district, who is now making a
tour of the respective lodges in his juris-
diction, will visit. Clinton bodge, No. 48,
A. F. & A. M., ` tomorrow, (Friday)
i1ElVING Or THE TOWI'i IC•1Atf:. ^- On'
Monday and Tuesday evening, the 1391.
mane will play in the town hall, under the
auspices of the Cricket Club. The play
the first night will be " The Lakes of
Killarney," and the second night "Pina-
fore." As there is likely to be a large
attendance, seats should be secured early.
NI W-SAFn.—Mr. Manning has receit ed
an excellent safe from the manufactory of
Goldie & McCullough, Galt,which for the
present at least, owing to its weight and
size, will remain in the office of Mr. Smith,
'beneath that occupied by Mr. Manning.
The safe has every modern iinprovement,
and is .finished with one of Sargent &
Greenleaf's patent magnetic and automa-
tic combination locks. , . ,
Tile \cerium,_" As changeable as
the weather" is an expression, that has
longsince• become a proverb, and it is the
only expression• which fits the climate of
Canada, at certain seasons... On. Saturday
last the atmosphere was quite mild, rain
i and the probabilities indicating a
total suspension of sleighing. , During the
night. the. wind changed around, and on
Sunday blew a genuine nor -wester, ' the
thermometer going down to*zero at night
Monday was• blear and sharp. Tuesday
was somewhat moderate, and on Wednea=
day a snow storm set in. •.
IN n BAD Ftx.—A few nights. since as
Mr, A. S. Cox, traveller for T.'Metier-
wick, of London, was on his way to Blythe
the rear bob of his sleigh broke .while o
ing up the long hill. the other side of Lon
desboro, He had ona"heavy load ,ofcbie-
suits, etc.; and the horses were. unable to
pull the sleigh, in its broken condition, to
the top of the hill. As the vehicle was in
danger of upsetting, he took hold of one
corner, and heldit tip. Then he began to
realize the unpleasantness of his'position ;
the night.. was• bitterly cold, no one in
sight,rand.the nearest' farm house farther
away than his voiob would reach; to let
'go of the sleigh would be to 'capsize the
whole.: load, and 'his only• resort was to
hold on in hope of somebody coming`along
the road. After waiting what deemed, to
be an age, a 'man 'came along with an'
empty sleigh and teaiii, going the . same
'direction.. Mr,. Cox appealed to •him for
help', e p, but the man demurred, saying it was
too cold.Cox offered to pay hiin well if
e•would,only take. his load of biscuits to
Blyth. No, the fellow .would not do even,
that, and all requests for• assistance were
futile.' The'trave]ier, naturally indignant
at the.contcuiptiblo treatrnent•of the other,;
told him' that. '' if he could only lot go of.
his sleigh "fora moment, he'd try Biddulph
onaiim,"•but•this`hed rio . effect, and the
.unfortunate peddler was left shivering in
the cold. 'Soon• after,however," another:
man came along, and, Cox ".got hind •to go
to•a;farrnhouse, get the farmer to hitch
up hie team and take; his load into ..Blyth...
MEsslts. G. MuTaooART and J. Craib
are visiting Woodstock.
A. Dawso r, Bsq., M. A., of Toronto,
was in town on Tuesday, visiting some
friends. .
MR. AlibLa trsll, 4f Toronto, '(son-in-
law of Mr. W. Higgins) left on a visit to
England last Wednesday,
MR. G. W. Ramer, and family, late
of this town, arrived safely in San Fran-
cisco on the 31st bit.; the trip ocoupied
eight t days.
WE AIiz pleased to see that Mr. Geo.
Tedford, who has been confined to ills
house for a couple of weeks, by illness, is
again able to be out,
We regret to learn that Mr. David Drost
is dangerously ill from an attack' of in.
flammation of the lungs, and hope to hear
of his speedy recovery;
Mui, ikkourzatda FORBES, the well-known
war correspondent, went up to Goderich
on Thursday afternoon last, returning to
Toronto the next morning.
Mn. Lies. WIsEMAN, late of this town,
has been engagedto travel in connection
with the establishment of Messrs. Pethick
& McDonald, of London.
Mu„ D, CANTELAN contemplate, taking
a trip' to Manitoba, at an early. day. Mr.
Jas. Thompson also intends making a trip,
prdbably with the first northwest party,
FROM a private letter receiyed by a
friend from. Rev. Mr. Sieveright, who is
located: 500 miles west of Winnipeg, we
leer"`i hat he is well pleased • with that
TUE many friends 'of Mrs. Ingrain,
(foiimerly. Miss Susie Ryan, of this place,)
will regret to learn of her death, which
occurred in the. Northwest' Territory a
few days since. - .
Misses. D. McGillicuddy, of the Gode-
rich bignttl'and Jas. Mitchell, of the. Star,
were aonong those who attended the agri-
cultural .dinner at the.Rattenbury House,
last evening. ,
Tian many friends of Miss A. Bond of.
Godori'eh • formerly a teaolier in the
Clinton Model School, will regret to hear
that she has been compelled to quit teaoh-
ing, for a time;: owing to illness, • • -
ON MOND"AY morning lest;,51r. and Mrs,..
C. J. Tuthill left for Toronto, where in
future they intend residing. A large num-
ber of friends were at the station to f eeo:
then off.. They carry with them .the good,
wishes of 'a large circle of friends.. Mr.
Tuthill . is now engaged in• a • whelesale,
establishment in that city. •
r – _ +, .,_ . _-,,„,,,,,,orpl
ENTeerAINnt NT. _ There was • a 'very
fair attendance at the B. C. Church, ,on�
Saturday,. to witness .the exhibition of
panoramic c views of the world, which ch were
very entertaining.• -
Goon,— few days since a •travellipg-•ads''.
dertising agent ordered at Diehl's Cabinet
Shap,, a dargefancy case, in ;which to ex-
hibit the advertisements, So well pleased
was he with the article,• when completed,
that lie ordered two more,for other praces
CON( nsci•a rONni,D' az•rtini.--A rueetin
of .the member's of:the
was -held last eight, to consider the pro-
.priety of procuring a lot whereonto" erect
a, new church. Seies'al sites were suggest-
ed but n8 decision arrived at in 'refere.nee
thereto,•and.the matter remains• as before.
IQ11T "'
The subieriber
All brands all prices.
All makes, all prices..
TWILL_ HEETINGS Bleached and.
„ a
_ and Unbleached
All widths, allP .rices.
TABLINGS, white ,and unbleached, TURKISH
d1f 6;P!A-
O. En PAY & CO.
ES, T,.�.. 4 Ps
Miler sthe . time to secut a tai a>lat8.
,� o
I1>~ order to. 1Gdlice stock, and make room 'flit' .other Qocls
We leave decided t� sell at from TEN. TO FIFTEE.L •::ER
CENT, LESS THAN:USUAL PRICES, r,oz; ro;.v-rlr'ou r
. •
Hardware,. Axes, Cresscut Saws, Lamps, fie very. low•:
C.�tiL ®� �a. '1 he hest Ne>.:1, Coal Oil, Silver Star Brand for: 2a cents per Impe=