HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-02-17, Page 7� - I - .1.1-r-Iml - 11 I—— I . - --mill P, ... ... ­.''... - ­ --- - -w � -7 . I . - , - - __ __._ '. "... , _7 _ I . ,-- " - - , . .. - ., - , ­. FT'Rqlpllpplllrp.tqplrl'jll!!'!!Rw� )I'll- W- .. i 1111111W __11-17 ­­ ., - I . .111. , I r- , ­ . A - i . � 1. I I 11 � I I .1 I . . . . I . - . : - I . . . � I I I . . . ''I I . .1 � 11 . I I I I . I - I , I I . I . . � - . ', I . I I . . f I . %� " I I . I . _ I � . . I, ­ __ -.I---- - - __ - � I 1. - . _11 �. I-. -11-_-___1_.-_.. �..­. � -1-11 �.-,-------------��-Il.-,�-��,��--.��--"-�,- ­_-_­____ __ ...... . 1111111111 I ally so ,correct in their returno, should decrease were, become in sow Most . � THAT VICTORIOUS:, PEFEAT'll ' ,nereasel, while between M &lid 30 it al inks -1 I , CRUM ALTAR AND TOND4 omit this itom of information, so necessary epidemical,. Who r 0 � THE LOST BOHENA. I to cow . late the particulars of 0 marriage IUMTHS AT DXrF8IW,NT AGE$. that the number `V d as ,ticitla ----.*-- --110-11 I I . tur"F Whea the parties do not belong to The death rate under I year, front I to I . to is Ila% � 's 011,0110 AvreellOug Ir I . Concerning These ,Milestones on r' from old age is not a . 0 . , I Account of the Recent Oattle hutch the clergyman should state 5 from 6 to 10. And Ili. each 4coculal Period often some other Canso I 'loll with Oki- .1111-Vated Steagner. I "' to this, which is not register f tile 0-13 . ... . ­'� . - . . the journey of Life, go Act in Ilia report. The orecutago to I for the year 1870 its show . A � . I th, n those Whose theroafterl � It inthe who died ofInflammation. o 110,1181.586 C3-1R,=4A.W MAOSS 01P XilIP333. I �. whole numbe:r married of in the Transva4l. I following table: : , --:- �, I religious flouornirip.,tioirs -were giyQu Ili as P � I Par cent were males 4,0, 405, worn, omalk;N , or 'CROolmaiw, Vab. 13.-Tfiejo I$ nothing to � . . I - � , neayly 33 per cent. morc wulo,i 'tball park tile scono of the wroc � it of the ate - ART JU11101 VITAL STATWHOS. follows 1. . I - . No. of NvbOIQ ,mor TER8184E 81AUGHTER OF TROOP& . . ­­, 1, 3 ,7.47 per cent., or I ill .ovary 247, were Uatho- Total under I year ....... I ............... 0,809 1 1201 fouiltivo. Aloro rualas titan females flied of BOtemian beyond the large quantities ot ....­­..'�. . , . 111011EK CAUSES -0V DE ATTI, dista. I ' 'ro a fropit I your . to a yQars ......... $1,100 44:3 it Ili every montil in tile year ; and,, Unlike 'wrockago which were washed Ashore 00, 60 - The mai,eirsor noiruirtionnitlo I -7verconit,orlinoveryA. ,wore'llrosbyto- tl - , p aad Wactlea *of ,­­10� , - I rialla. � - consumption, it destroys usually filters wast and lials diNappea, red. . '16 . Total Under 5 YQLIXS .......... . 0,028 34.4 Males than fornal.-i a . the Rovors-X Battle arl0ficit-0erving Iracts Alkilid w1gareo wrotal the lorgIstirar- 10.1,18 per cont., or 14.11 overy 0.8,4, Nvere 14pisro- Total front .5 to 10 y0ars ............ 777 44 .t ,ovary age, It has now been aticartpined' that 36 . . I I palians. ' I - , .1 ...... I ... 1,07 61'0 Ileart ditioase, 11,111-0417" front the persous wore drowtiod, Including the ma%. . , p (.nn Vader Dialciolties, d4vne -at s Report , . `�*_V 0 )0 t 106124 XOtUrnS to ,,lit) less f-#,OQrKkMOII ter, first, third a foUrth offleersi th . Is TiONPON, F�b. 11. -Detailed accounts of , a 1178percont.,or I tit ovary, 8.13; %'Veol " , I i0man. , 10 to '?4 ' I I I I , 1 4A 30 to 40 " .. .... 1. ... 1 1,14(to UE11111 I cittholicti. . . at) .. .... I ...... � all I I I I a . or fatal ill the citios thall -it, tilb,00tlixtry. chief, livoond, third a roe GenoraJ1 . . 13.0i per Cent., or I Jxt ovel-y 17.72i wore Imptists. 0 40 tu 50 .... ............ 1,112 03 0 , � and .fouvth ongltieeio, the recent 0119 ge ut between . MATRIUONIAL ECCBNT1ZICITI1,;f41 J,Jjl�i per Coil I., or I lulavory 51,31, wero Lutheralls. . " 6:0 The P ,r( ( ­t1o; Irt-1: t1l, ,# q Two invalldQd I -Colle . I _ I I I 00 to 130� " ,� ...... � ... l'icla � I=, I 18 Cause anx1thre , tiartgxmmters, Collo'y and the Boors sbow that Gem' . �Xf por colit, or 1 ill overybo,00, wore Ilible . . " it ), i dell Wits 11jL reality defeated, and only succeeds I . 00 to 70 11 ............ . Msil- 8.0 'was, ; ill TIMMILL011; OttaNVM H iilqrss sent from Boston, by the British I I .1 . L I Mauxiltoll Times.) C Iflatians. I I . " 70 to 80 11 � ... 1,076 9.0 and London, loss tlitIli. .1; Willis for the 1. 77 par cont, or I in every cologro. 11 . Ili evoilping lxWk to his cor 1 1��4.79, wore :"*::::: consul, were also-drowited. Tlio.survivors lop under 'co 0 L . I . . 80 to W 11 ... ... 11071 6 ,I, L � . The, report of the Rogisfrar-O'ell6ral, of go"tiollaMAS. . : 11 00 to 1W 11 ..... I ...... ,�%u 3 11 =nee it was .1.0 Percent. The most are tile second mato, boatswain, otoward, of the darkness, bocause tile 30cersliel. , , , , , Ontario for 1870-coutains mMuy interesting .57 per vent., or 1 fit .every imij, were mail. __ ill period for tbose subject to this Btorelieepor, boatswain's. niatp, seven fire. tlioriverwas not fordable, ,-Gen. Col. things. Dul-ring tile y ar there were,11,035 Ilellit0a-, . I 1714(ki -, 100,00 (lifsease Ili sliowil in a inarlied degree by the I L - . I I U. t, .(,,�)liercoiit.,orlitit)voryl.%�),.Is,ivcroqvimUer8. . moil, three seartion, it boy, the second and wit$ ObligOd to leave All his WO uaO births; 12,500 marriages aticl 17,058, (lea is 1.01 per cout-or 1 in ovary 61,10i were of otilor , . . According to the returns, 1,100 porBons roturns for several years, to-litrbetwoun tile thicil stewards, .,and Cornelius Sullivan. . the 1101. Tile 13bors, by superior m- " . , , , ; registere(l in Ontario, The registered denomintitions, .L more died (luring the first lico) of 1879,than ages of 00 and 7b years. DIPIltberVI, N (It is jitit stiLted whether the latter wits, one maxiallitip"', imccendefU ill 114flIctin number of births was greater thail in 1878 I1,I53orl40.10))vrCClIt, of tbotio ularringes,wero during tho scoolia,balf. -In 1878, 121 loss L also inoro fatal in thc rariLl ilisbriet out of all proportion to that Whi. ,, 1)), ,),)o - by livenso, Itil(I 4:iLl.i or lo," 8 than of tile orow or it passenger.). Also L-6 otow�' , that of, marriages WkIs.ICt L PS per coont. I)y baln'(81' died (.4uring the first lialf of tb(l N var than in tile cities arld toN its; alid 1 71), Itowe , . Ituillot repurtodwhatl v I a . by 701) , I 11 I n1l't Of the rvillitioilig3l4i H H ol I W��O ilia" a bliallotbeen %acortamea. re Calved . 'llso or baluls, (luring the second -half. TI, I L is Cause fllan PCoviOnS, _'. I whilil, tile registered deaths tibowed, all t1ley Nvore r,olenullmd by Ike Att *is largely less doatlm'froyri tit ' 1�1�111'11N�o (310 . 0 meinb�tro, of the crew oil Despatches train Durbarr admiV Increase (if 150: The t8tal. rvgistr.�Uoiis Front this it would al.ipoar that the owin,itotile mortality in j Lily alid August � �oari4ir In tIIN City Only. Ono Ileatli. in 2pu �esi,(Ies, four men eligaged in tile British defeat yesterday. The S )- -Of 225,')O� in1OUr ,methoolistu artil the, wurrying people. 0111 of 1879 being comparatively low. Ili 1879 out diplitheriN while tile ratio in ,It I gives the following description of t. were 71,502, all iflCrOUS0 was oak I "" years, or sinen 1876, tile ditto the presont inuido should pasto tills in. their bmts--or to -,!,,'.O,l outtlo Arovor, two invalids, . the largest number of deaths Wits recorded Belleville wuli Ono Ill 10 ryoln all causes. It,[14 the otowaway-157 Ili alh 11 The enemy ware oil horseback w. ". I not ciano'juto forev. lit the Comity of perhilpc Ill this C'Iso we should say Oil ill tile mouth Of' March, slid tile sinallost DIM 9 In Vit was pLtrtif.-Illtt�lyft�tttliit��'iiidiior, '. to nowK of tile disaster reached tN6 soon, but upon a sholl. taking often . .Wentworth tharo .-wore ri�,gistcrftol 1,61A thoir�looking.gltwjsus. As in former y�nlrs, uunlboi,in the Mouth of October, whilo in tile trato b(Augolle death Ili lesH tban I0 from adjacent coMst guard station at 1;80 on t1linn, at about 1,500 yaras distance, t ey I . .. I births, a dot�rciwe of 116 from tile the winter appears to be the most Popular all en, � , the Preceding year, 1878, tile Jargestiminbor uses; in Toronto tile inorta)ItY was Utiuday, 14 was, brought by if resident, rodo off, iiii(liimviiag(listiioutited,unaereov,4r . I ' arrying. Of 0.0 was rocordet], in August, sud the pecona .Ono in 20, and here one in 27. I'lleso who heard tile steamer's whistle. Whou bollina the ]till$, opened fix.e. From 124 , . . . year before ; marriages, 517, it beaHou of tho year for in , � I docratise of 1; deaths, 1,0*.)O, an itioreaso of nimillis December e6turudd the largcst largest in March-thesmallosb number was I placcos Itail tho higboRt ItiS tit() coast guard rottolitid, tile plape ilia iiiglit o'clook until dusk it Was a rille duel under . . � ' . mortality from f I I . 105. In Hamilton, there worn 09-1. births, nunibor of -nial L2.09 I)ur inl)I�wcinber. April's. record conics next to :16auso. Cover. Our guns front time to time toolc I . ' . riages-4,513, or J TYP11C)id fOVOr 0OU-Sed tower was tie dark and tile weather Ho'thick that . P. decrease of.14; AlIarriages, 320,'a decrease "nit. of the whole; antl Augusttlro Hinallast 'that of Mtl,r,h � . . P . in 1871), as it (lid in 1878, slid. deaths than ill provitvtli years. lit Ham, they-couid see nothing, -The rtlu it, but the enomy's fire was, so, - I y remained I'M ­ I of 6; deaths, 616, an ifl&aIsc 0 is nearly 1100 loss. As showing the tinuch ilton ,tliu rato Was one in 40 *front all,- Ullvil daylight, when the nWamarls top- save . . � . 42. The number 151,11, or only 4 p6r dbut. of the ro that it was impoisible' to, work 'the _ . . � ratio per J;000.persons 'ill tlll;-jRty wds- whole. , . . greater mortality Ili Utirolitbau. In October Qatn�es; wbilo Ili Lindsay out .Of 13 who lylasts were observed near Lki) island oil tile gwiB coustautly, the men -Talliug' almost 9-i . ­ � . , . � , . � -births, 20; marriages, U.5; doaffis, 18.8. In 1879,, 130 males who. were under 20 of 1879, 534, or 41 per cent,., more deatlis died,from lilt oIi.u80H I Was from tYPI"0111, 86uthern partof Mixviin Il'oud. Tfie island 00011 'N' they stood up, With the 8010 1. . . I Tile ratio of births in tile principal cities *yoar�q of .ago -svoro married, while. 2,842 worn radorded Ili tho'forater than Ili the fover, showing it to havo boon fdrilost . I I I - of' Lient; * 11arsous, who. wwi . :. . . IN separated from. the inaittland only by & .exception I I I � "d towns is.28 -pet 1,000 Against 27 Ili a families - ell tored in t6 the wadded state at latter naptitli, .The death wave, therefore, apidernicid there. -Ocly�259 deaths wOre deep narrow ravine, into ,which the sour WOUIlded late Ili the day, ovary oft'loer, . . . 18�8. Toro'iit6iUtLmilton,btiiLwa,Gtielph, or under that age, being it, dilTfIr- *tliia yonir (1870), its usual, presen is tw I o-.Iiiglx registered as.from searl' I . . driver, guimor and horse in tile battery w. ;i . . . I . at foyer I lid Of thOKO ru,41nagwitlifearfulforoo. Justoutsidothe . � I . Belleville, llote�boro% Windsor, lVoodiitock 6xice. of` 2,7l2..J1pt%,yeen 20 Mud,25 (the Paints and two low points ; but the 10avo - ,10 wore Ili llamilton-uoarlqy InIL-wX01 Of jfila shbt., Shortly. ter the' action began tlj,3 � . . - - I I lid arti two rugged rocks, Mud extoi;iding. ,ME . . � I I and Barrio return P, bigher rate tharl 213pot graitt .Marrying p�f,iod the difference be- differs., much from'tha.t'o4 1878, - 'Though tile wliolo provitico; 'Thorn wall na "011111- froin 'them - is Aher­rcef upon which the 9111's 'Wero Completely oilencedJur4fl hour. . . . . 1,01)0, and the othdr cities 'And towns A twoell. the Aiumbor"PRIAICS and fe4vileg tile two hi i s 11 ,V 11 ,, supposed loorrio of tljd infantry then assisto ; . 14 . . gh. points wore reatilied, as in x nearer to us than tIlb county Of Brant, Bolictillian ' tir ck. r we I oil _d. Ono, I - . - , arch, tieli had 0 cases. Dadllotillg 1,110 `104`701$ from their clotlies to be � tboi aster and .kept in Motion througliol.4 . i lower rale; St. Catharines, with,'17-7,-boing Marrying, though not so large ais that under �878, one lit tliQ cold, wet weather Ili M 111101 piece was tbus I 1. . I I the lowest, Tlic� ratio of. marriages this 20 was .still vary laarkbd-4,820 males to l one in the hot, dry weather lit Augti4t, Under, tile ago of I year, tile average, it -go of firstoffidor, -wore scou at 10 o'clock clinging I I , t it was a dangerous ' .1. � . . an the day, bul � duty, and . I I . veltr is only 10 tior IM0 of - tAle Population, 6,141 fenialbs, or 1,821 more fointileR tlian tile highest poirit'in 1870 Was fit M . a 9 . , those serving it. had continually to bd ro'-, - . . . � . '. I atob, Males (lying Ili - this City was 32,2 years ; to the ro k , where , they "remainied for ;vhilo last year itwas �1.0. Toronto, Lou- tuales. In the iic,xt quinquennial period, instead of in, August, its- in� 1878, Again, that of females,. 813,1. 'kNventy-sevefi par hours wavin- t4eir ba�nflkorclxiefs, The Placed. The, guns wofe-aetually.wbitentid , I . I . I I � � . -don, Brati.tford, Guelph, Bolloville, Chat-' between the ages of 125 and 30yearK, M. .tl,Q Iligh poi'at. Ili March, 187% is about 6 per cent. of th4vllolo number of deaths here boNts.could not b launched. owing to the allovor NVIth the mpi�ks of bullets, and for . I , ;.. . ham, St. Thoufas, Poterboro',.Lindsay and 'chaulto takes place, and at those aps many �, 11,her t1mil the high point, ill August, w6rd under I . .year, it rato oquitllecl by- "a . till d - a �thrf 1d.p beside- them. waH ce '. . . : . COW � .1 . surf. At.. 2,30 fit tile afternoort ilia ",it ,k-' . - I . . I Barrie are above the average rate, and tile jilorn' males Were warried, titan feinalios, w li I . I . tai I t , 1878,' I .1o. tl a second high point, in Ottawit, and sl�irpassed byToinntoaud lion = apparaturi wits sent for, but (lid not , ea It, Tji a enemy occallionally orpplb . I . . . until late in tile evening when tile Ii ) a wi hit 00 yards of the po 11 . rest cf thp. 'cities ani. is ato below tile numbers. being .1,27Q Males to 2 "26 August, '1879, is about. 8 par cent. lower. don, the latter having tile highosb infant arrive - I . I attic , bilt - - I .1 to,v� I I I ughouttho . 3 . . orat .ovi t(%d a rush.. The groat4c por- , . ' . - -.._ I . it. Chatham records tile highest rate, females. Thro roirtaining perlooltr Until the, high volil� In 314arch, . 1878. nioruality rato tunoug the, cities, 32 Par cent, . tw6 moil worn probti,bly drowned I but even n . . . . . . . 17.0 Pei:, ,. 1,000, ILI the of life the mains entering into, the inarri go Tile high Pei t'; I M c 1 .1879, I)eductitig all who died'.1111der. I Ifad'arrived stioner itim,ould h,Nvo boon ' . . , ia Brockville -, . ' �. 11 I U n fir It year, the if it , I tibu of tit lighting was at a distance of 00.0 - . . . lowest, 4.1 par 1,000. Uhffit marriages per . state outnumbered the fetattlaili. ia' AX par Cent.' higher tban.'Lthe IIjgI * 700 * idsl- The fAclies of the Doem' aro ,. - - , . . . i average ilge of porsotis dying iii-NV'datwortli, 1;s . 00 of the* popul . It . tion, are estfiniitesas , I I - I I .. I 1. '. � class, ow1hg to tho. distance .of tile mall, Or I I 1. . � . . . I Lo I - J,CC11N'rI110ITIH8. OF '.%fATltJ3lo`NY. . point in March, , 1878 ; while. -,the lo-ounty, Avila k4bout 37 years. Ili, 11anfrew it. from-Khoril, .' - .. . . dosed cd as admirable.' They moved fr6tii I . . � � the standard ; but in cities wid towns ilia. I . , . If A ist, -1870, ig 13 pet! cent, was 51A years, Thr . flan to flank, o )ailing fire time after tirno , . . ". . . -ill C6118coluoutio of 31 faivaltiq of ilia ago tit 14 , (wh& might 11'911 Point I U"V � . ough"t I'll Wholl , 11, it unistmuceirwIlich led to tho.dis. I . I . . 7 P; . ' no 0 r ratio is generally gron'ter: . i I 'r thall tjie high point ill' Aug�ist, 1878, I. ,,noie 'a to died'at the avorago age of 0 survivors,, I- ii unexpected positions.'r, or our mon to . I 'vory pro � . O'V'L I . p p astar are clearly related by tit . . many persons residing in the suburban )perlfbe Called school'girls) wore . . .; it I I � 1. � . I - - _TJ'N Ill 111" IT 'S "' 'I .., IT i I to 10 More and leave hodoubt is. - ­ ,icts iesortlt)g t 'aud (Ir , ' ' ', ,( ,8 - PAIlki", W "Wir. 1111V I year and fron . arrielt . niarricoll it l 147',J, , . i entered t1re .iiultri, IM . , . I � , - with regard to, the dauES ' (v nee and *01'atgO at tile Point Of thI' - ,­ . I . � - -ilia, tfin�iilgllb b .7 � --W or .ma ;.. - 4),gc 0le4IL%t4.:-Ona ut--thu-seanww"lla-mca Strf�gtif4-kMdpl WyGnet-­,;vas� quito-impossible., for�-tliby. ­-�­_ _.. . _ - � . cities it,"I"i tl-111'11II.� 15 're rn � - it 00 ung Ov s 016 Be _ . disti tI t how - , : otlitut-fanittl6vi-Al, -,A-in�, . .Of the 20 ' till tit , a rilodi I stato lit 1116,1�aaly' age, of 1'.; 15 ' - 17 A -I" , -9r, 's d, � I � That tU, Young Illan married at .the - 'doath tu'1878,'Nve old ;lot find touch change .decado of tile 100 ve'ar'i Of life we And that that they had inodorate easterly � il' [i. I would' all hayo been shot down lioforo '.. I ' I . I . largei. ratio thatt 8 per 1,00 . ago of � 17. -A 11. . I . )� 135 nialosanol 11171cundes died, an exertsia wVas', oil .t1ho lookonjit 6h tile �i h � f id reaching tlio oneiny. - The figlit'was alto of - ­� ' - . . Marriages in. Ontario w�wo noarly, all iiinfibor of jrlarriiige4 toolt: plitojo in'which froin tile pr.6viotis Typhoid favor is uniongsVinaleR of 24, 6r'.21'por. 'cent. ' Text .di,oastor.. 'Atter; pa.�siug tile I Cal igh . to . x illw, w It ore the �)oarii worn vastly supori ' . I . � . . . . . . i,g thtl .the bx�idogrooins wore Ovot -75 �.carki old.,. tile only ,I,,,,,, ,nyC%r, t_Pk,l,J3,7"dUd0dhjA I . . 1� - . - ., .... I "' iistJ tit K -rimIts-awl -1:1 fenintog are ioport6d Its I)XV-1 'iieti,thor get very thick. Soo ,it - he tQ Our tI'O0P8-" - ... . I � . I . .. re", �d .Iix . 1871), notwithstiIndii ! I � � ., . dccretise4ji 'the number rattirtidil, iWiudi- ,1L Curious feature of diti report is 'tIn1tr. not. Ili blab of 1870, but dropsy, as, it were, . jug ):cache(, th got)K 100y(l.,qs. ii�poxitea lafeaker8ahoad . I , A late dolipatch frolw Durban sayg tho., : .1 . . cated.by the fact that -' those brid6grodIlU$ were' ticaily.,611 fartnom -ttLI(Os itli :J'dat - . O.patriarclial It, 41d. slionto( "hard � I � , while -tharo we're . �Iacc.. Consumption- and (�Id � 11 I Rut Ov .. I - .1 I e gOO9 love,. III . MVO .Bodrs have occupied the IMo battlefield On' - I � � 1� 611t. �f nit, its tboy ha�o done for �6 : . r-1 I � I � . .,.. � 12,108- markiage- llcoin�s i4snod by tli6 -,-tile number blaing . 19.�.,. gonliv: obilles fir"s,t oil tfi6 I I or" , I, NVIjoin -t 1 I 0 it wvo�rZll spood, asteru.," Tile ir to . . . - Thorcifoto are. eill-tom. aut oT at ti , 6r,7whic lic Ingogo Jlivot, and. arti pres6ing tho � ., I � I - lining .. on .tile list ; 2 . Lit oung." 'it was* cxecutflit,' id tolit. t I I 8 .. . , .. . marriage license d161%itiaQnt, 'tho me,n come next, 3 years. antilo d1bbilily i's third,6LI Y, - � ' Brithilt. troop . . . ' ' . . . . returinit . I I � . tile ItVCtagO IZgO Of 36, ILIId telogra,ph =' five minutes attlir the steamer - - -ack . s �ery Int,rd.. I I .. I - � � tallor Co'lliploto ias- boL for - the last three � , . . , �Ut ..`jk -despatch, from: Darbap. Bay . s largO - I � t1le llurllbon,� Ili Woutwortli. tv fainner y9iirs. . J,Iocumoilio, (influionlation . . ", I . . fromtho vaHous d1Vi9iOu*ro&3trar8ehOw­ I � "11,1111il,t., ,,, it . 27 S . . . . � that l%50(,)..vnLrrilt,g04 Ivera solinuili?,ed; JaVorpr4, it mil . lister and 14' . , th 1 .of thq torsjbt 08 MuclAtibitmonists'M 1. , I . Tho ct&W Commenced to riw ,a t V6 3ar Ndwea9t1o"and , . I . - - . .) lisl . do upb die till 71. .. . . I .. �tllo 6aptaill %vas perfect] '. CO , Eilo io,,, of Boevs are �n( . . .. `11ho total poltulatioh..bf tIveso bities-and entered 611,66 cares -of -life at tile early .1migii) liwi crept tip to be kourth on thc . , I I � . . 11 . -L bod' 1. . . . .1 : -ilia advanco of tlic 11u4sars has -booli . I towiiq, as given by the .a,ssossors for 1870, - Mile of 71.1 with'aii inOxperienocol pMrtnoV,(-f tin(l talwo tile I)IaCeof diphthorjib,'-,I;,hjcIi is � �, _­___..__- , . 'AtfLrboai-tlbotkt.I%N,iL�res�A,tiij,ge,t it si,x portions . � . . I ; . . . . .. . ' heirsit ati6tt iH'.yeiy Critical. . -, . I., ,. Nvlfts, 276,843,,au,inorvase avor 1878 of 5,430; 04. tl)L,.i'Ql)c)rt*cic)cti-iii)t,�tti.t;e%vliotliL�rtlio now sixth Oki 010 list. 1tolAxt(E8eas0W8OIlO , . 41k ,,,.#,, KC ge S 1% 1, Ito, '. , *1 � aq st, The hati6nd arrested. T u .. . I .. .4 (,,*L�, N V. . , : ,got into oila, lint t w . s o , - . . . - � .. I . I 'Milan ikf; . I . I - the number oi .6allis reeli4torciil: was POTIP,611 . t Of th0'f1!LlTnts Nvlls� AlAtt,intid. ILI Place Ili,, . liar tbani-last- yda I r. OorNiffil . )tion. . . . 1. .. -1 - ., . . , I . . . � � . , WNHAN10 ditulagba by tlku k, 11 6 tile vassal. Active Preparations are being* '. . .1 .. . . . I , 4,620� . - I � . - 44 0 ast)6 to resist any attack at, t1lo ' . ' I . . an increase of 113i ilia iatio being 16.7 I)or this caso, 11 4 tile partici; wore wa,h.'kIt(i Cause. of 12.2 per Cent. of,itti(I Ilia Wlii- -41wriarie i'411114 pit -41 at F1 tv ulati,14 !�,'igjlteofi gotiiito the rt Iifo�bo&b. - The , NOWC . I . � . . . . . ' ' . , . "I'll", . 1bxi,*v."oJ1o11, , I allgIlle, W,,,, 'i 'to got In,: but'tho Boors. Comuiunication with Gen. Colloy'H . �,� : . . . . oirplains. " Ill 14in.111Z Edwt&ol county -an liegistered doutlis, 10 per rout. -of tile kleaths I . . . I tirs ' ore waitin ,. . 1,000. Toronto, llanlilb,11, Ottawn"Fjoildoll': , . . � Camp has lu4ppily.boan rest6red. .... olderly ybiltil of I,Jw,L,8)1)ttl,r:(�ll'totLwotyltL)I I iiiis county iydro *assianod to tho sa�iud- �Nihol*l � .I-'- line. broke.,'Mad the bet fdriftqd asterli. It' � . ... . . St. Catharblett, 1�iog­ .11"'Bolle-villo mid I .. n . .1. 1,Irs. Alillbi and 061.gil 'F"rilit I . S boinf", rol%vod baol � -A . . , , . spaich says tholIUSSM17% - , , .... I . . . I . Hit; wid ill tile ii.lited (,ountle..j of: Pros- :dNiJ1ti;c. , ,In I IW 11arCO-IltiLgOl were executed tho other day at N'. I , ip reeled -I%- NONVO69tlo 'do . . 0 I , to,cralw Xhunder Nkl� t Ii"i'llillin't, wft. NO oil the sit . Barrio aro',abovo this, � xaee ; Befflaw;% o . I . I . I f O.�rer Itild till]) star foreinost. - _r, iva I rl (,.,I arc wipocted to arrive oil Wedne0hy. Th�y - I .1 . . � v 'et 'It" I 1liest (luatli rate, 23 Cott luld 1111i'sell otle hride� u -m4 70 yetus of -wtw only 8 Moll in 'Muskoka. 6 1)(11, Cullt. port.l)a., fou.tbo ifl'urder'6fAc huKlianda � . ' 'twenty milas d -There ' 1.4. :.' . :- .. ... I . . HIO I .Ili S thdAiig .1 - - . I .. worQ rdscu-Q fro Do do.inaged bout, but arQ 14111 istant. .,. � , to Ipv(i, hollor I . . . Per Lood ; atid 11 r6ekville the lowest, 14.5., . , t1ge When i'lic pr6irdlilu'll . and ThLreftin-C, collsilillptly�wro-to, thotio jilit,coni tho forinor, the forinev bacmino'exti-emely . ` I '16ors Arb I . : , . . 11 . I to, 0,1110 � two died be ro t lauded. I . Mason to bolitive'that'thq 3, - tp . - . :., ' ' I , - . _4-. .; . . . - -.1. � I . all of 150, . TI c'olderit iiiiai:, warriod 1rqywJi .. ..toltl flutthar 116111, In, � . ; ,� ­ -piugtllo t6legraphyire%, Goy�Ampnb tol , �­ .­ . .. . - . Obey It I I .., P or W Kenti. NN7ollqud or G � Ore, tIlO L)(31% uCr%:(JukJ.vt56n I, '. .11 . � .1. 1. . . .11 T .. . I . ... .i . __ ��._. i .1 . ." - . ., . I � - tlin-wo th&.voar was an o i;, cidntagd ill only 7, -and kep j4u& -estt-,d��-(I(,'Ci(]'Qd'IL�C'.1",ioll-to sub- -'.1,1. ._._.__.-.._ .. -"7 . ­- , . - -, ­. , I , ,; , _­ "' ­_ ­­­.. . ;, . . I 01' �togeui�rilok ox'k f , . 1-1. _­­__­P7_'��_ -, , . . TUBVIIEWS RATION , '.%fAJITUA0li8. ) away roin . . , _L , �, 91*3113'A NN I r a', 0 Bout )U. cyp let. . , - _UlALUif . 01, �, . I f I.. � � . I ; �. . I Ill 'tS6 66r- b I . - . ., .1 I in. tile con,,, try towns is giniolier than .tllv �Yllo-l')"I.Ai.i�l'iL�v-'fN-�amiiieit.�il-I,Y., 'They �vcro 1,kiiIQ6 l-'-dkViii�t'66ifni ' Vilere'' 2f,_051C 1. nlittill., to t%(� io;penililig ordeal. Along th . , � . . I Y, 'O . . 1. � . . I .. � I re is , noNy that the Boors of . ., � . I � I cviorw- (if 33 0, w,61tli,d' ill- tho� County of 11-1,31m;. " Tlio o,very 100 deaths'-arti cullsoil by.6011HUmp- I itror sha-moaned, p4ifully', I 'and I ., R I .-AFFAIR N- '�. . Tilb i, , no ..abillit . . , I . . . " i yomr, 3,.'*).].B,. It fLlIIir1k:.(1fi , , .1 � , ' 111),per"Cor . '' - . .S� . ., -be Statii have joined tho " � !. . . I .tile' Oraiwo. Fx , . � 1 . . , 1, I Rvr.c moiit 'matkea a i 4 ',-U. 1,11 �d,,qgos Of tile, olilost qLollt)IL ro whod I 11, rate frbquenjl� citiled"on Owl tosave her, ,'Dowxi , - �. . -� . , _­.� 1. .... I - hostiie rlZ-en101t i�ha ivio stopping tattlo - - ` * , , - . ecreaso was, lita. ' - l .tion 11aldiniancl. gave it, higli dent . . .. . .. , ' � Catharines, vvlicire 162,.'marriolgo.s. folas wpro 150 yofilrli, ilia �bride,;roolll -bklili,�f 82 dnd'thu ' fr(it'l 'Coil . suillption durbigf tile four years, 'tile tlight-of stairs and along tile c0d I d . . 1. . .. ., . I I . . I - . I - - � D, , . . . Iflo'Nitt.", I b. 0,--TIlO Aurorl� pit supPli6s. *Gc�.'Collcy -telogtaphs that tllo� , - - . .. I . ..,. . , , , , , '-to 'itclul rJ '. dreary Path t ' tit CaVDIC1. she e: Va � ... , . . . � . it ill. 187�1. , Tile. Re"istrall- - brido W -k ula"llis this �1 , 5 . c 0 S ! bliollostbo, . !. Solemnized tha �. . . 4� , alliti ct�illtity of y6l . . 1874 .1819,'4'i Rive 6 1', 5 and N U �.. . P%B1 ,.Ml& ,()f jjublin, to. Boors have accupit3il' the Mo baitionola - , . . - , top rolibisho .,�.� I . .. . . General suyA: , I, NNQ pa,rtiptilar Canso 'van line'lon't pitil.. ,T)IO.. youlip"t coutild Ila- I)ereent.,brabuilt-4.5 par camt. abovotlic *groat sympathy by borplidiltivecrU4 for ly of . . ., ., �. I 1. � . - tile In Meal letter . coud6i'll ilia 111P. Irish and. are .ix,portad to,.bc in. force in the .1 . .. '- - . . be assigned for* thiu.docroaso lit t -he ifilluber loiig6d to the ebunty Of B1i'(iaic,svx: Tbeir .,6%-crago far,tliq whol 'Proviricb.'The roturns xiluioy.',9iiL�.Nvib,j(lrc-�seclit.i a.long blackgown, - . . .. I � ... ., - I � . I . . el , - fteigliborhood of. Nowcastle. . . ,:of inarrianes. �ks� bowo�or , the rdtio-tof' uniti5d agiis ton.atinted. to 32_vaais,i'or about * 1�78 A a -sliglit iriorotww Ili ,the* tit twit ti it;- ' Archbishop. Mecabe, . in the I � . - :.- --� : . - . I . . .. I . I 11 iii -91lowe . � 0 k0i nb VO - 11ppearno co - qf � -whicl I was�'ro� � - - )Urlilm. despitt6la, - inys -it .'is reported, . I .� � 1 . 1�. ' , - .1 . . la ,as - in pa4 - oil�,,fifth of'the-combiiied ag&s of�the oldest 'of deatbi front: con * I e - and ��yo Bilk. . . natho of the Iri8h 7bisfibpH .MtieiyibIed at . '. A I - ' , �. � . .�, . :. man 2'. -to.populdtioll I'liti; � t -yonars suillption lievoil, ' I 160th, ,Oxp I I , . - I , , , .�)i,,:iportiou . '' . it wbitii..'noolitti 'A . ' * I �,bat it large 11arty at, r, roe Main Boers ara '� '- - . . I.. been ve tb'6 qt,opflar(l" tile dacruage this couj.;Io. . The ago. of, thO InalaJil thN cas6l ovor'1877 a�nd 1870 phows.a. s"till.* further bd� A sliMw1 � wiis thrown ..( ' lum resseq giatitudii -for_thti� at & poins. I. . . ... I . I . I I . _' . .�4,' . . wor her, *8 t - Natal . territory I - - . I � �. i . year doinit no I; reduce the gencilil - average Was� 1'7, tiond 61 thb-16iold 15 yqurq. � � incrba�o -over: 1M. . But tile' number* shoulders, ,b*ub liar hoadl - *a,4 uncover,ea.. EPA rnal le ter Of the Polid kellil-illeir abilti-,* , 1011"Al"illed - III. I . I . I I z I ,COMMRIIdiDg file road betweeli Lady Smith . � . below what is tiofisid6red:, Ili towns iu,'coull-' ,�,The s#Vtistien- oil 'the subjoot tit,dontlni r'entrilLd in proportion.,10 W6-tistalliumber '96 wa,f Ruppofted by ,Wro 'ineiii and at .nts,� of devotibn "to him, and oltk's.tbatl . t ill � . . , I tries sitnilar� 'in popu atiou to t � PlIvey ulany� lessons oil, the -'noccl;sity * dewths,w A ' i i us Nws hit" e'for- couturi andNeweastle.. Tire latest accounts: ro, . . . . , i i ` * ho�d ill 0 . a 11 rn 0 6 v as . - . I , . of of . as not, so great in 1879'as in tim�s ahn6st galik i'o..tlio ground. As h; I -It PC . I " . -the Oraugw.Frec fqt�te indiabld that the .1 I I.. . Ontario., to b� itbbut'tli-e��r.tiapropor-ti6h.", I R �Mud' other list 1,47.6. 1 Of , the, t6tal*. n1imber of 'dcatlis .asdall(T�ol'til - - t ,bobioth scaffold , OdUCCd. their' 110los to, the. extremo 'Of I . � . . sallitary ari7augemelit . I . esteepstops o -t I I . I : older Boors opPoso a * broach of Uoutridityj . . - - . . . . . . . . 't-1 * - -and for a moment gaziid 7ou the engine 0 Mleory. - Tlicir country, . though naturally, - - . , .5 per': . 9 ." .. � .. ITHAT.T.11 OF TIM P'Ii6xIxC11-,. - .... pottain'ilIg to the public licaltli. , Th: d. the, whole provi'nee, 11 . - but th�.-ybiliiger onn6.are hostile. A lar go'* ' ' I � I an4s' ajld:�bl6aj� i cent, .wero ni consuftiptl6n ; but 96MO ablith; she �vifs.ajiuo ile, has'. often boon 1 1 : � . . . . Thol oilo�ynug damliz�ri4tiu bqtwcwu 'ill; � r6putatint, 61 the higil I . , %ir.. st'paralyzed with'fda .. ferti visitdol by fivinine ' numbe'r of iloers have been ilr6wri'off Irtim, - . - . . � '.. I I . and � the 4&pulatibn 'tliouhl�' active . and . . . , . . koka f6r conguftiptivas 'Is'borno dut*, n I ' ' I cities of Ontario ancf solne ,-oltimj of tilt of Afus 'tuNned it, prop6rtipu yery Much - Her body t6bk it Huddei bkokward mo' ' the-besiegod jarrl�ons to m6cit'Geu. ColleY. ... . i b6ilq I ' ,:. .. . . ... . .� - . : - - - is, ' v' .)t ilk ludUs,frious'lli .1. � - . �. . - United S batcH, sl milar in - populati6n, will ,by the Registriln . -ra Mbove th and others a; Proportion cry - Merit �ud .'sho uttered a Piercing Blin - Iva bobi!i throWil'upon foreign I . ... .. - - - ,� be found Worthybf noticti - - ,' ' �'.' , - "TheCtotal n' . stio - asingly h*go ' charity.' -. 1�busidd' at *length. from. tilatir-', '. ' .' ' ! ii;,. ii.ON*D.. * - , , . . � , � .. I utriber.of &.atii�.rogistorea in- much, less, The ai nutu- Ir�r t'x,tt6da,ufs Caught libr With a, firmer- .413119INDIN0 . . � . : �._ . . . ., . I '. I . e pf bar of 301 more females than miLies fell . I lethargy, the Irlsh'pe6plo urgently deoan'd Z I .. I - . . . I . 1:! O"TAlao 1KA). .O;ltIti:i6 during'the year 1870 -,vas 17,958; . . . grasp, and by c6ithitlorable oxertionl,4nded 11, �, . � � I . . .. I .. . .. - � � . ­ ' . I the abrogation of those cruel laws, which the )Iiaiv Vayment eg Ditty lids bceg EvItiltill.. . . . . . Ratio - �.'1458 were ffialc� and 8,500 gomalo% victims to this disoasein. -this Province ill . her on.tho scaffold, - Wbere,two ch4rrs had .. . .. .. . . . . - No. of, to 1,000 �11111111t��,Oii.l was . consoquoiitly'� an itirreaAe over 1870, or - 3.1 par cent. more, -viz., '1,183 bishops earnestly pray God they ma� obtain. . ' . . . . 11 . . - � � . I 11opil .beon'Ph%Cttd,.Oiief6r each crimitial -Stnith I .51m Minister Of Customs lakt week.&o- ' , . . . � . lation. :Doatbs, Liylng, - . . 'O Jernt 8 .ivalkdd ,to - th6 gilldWs' wit! " .. . - .. .- '' .. ; . - 1 '1878 of 1,�.' ,O dtiat.bs,. �4z,, 100 males and 5 , doR.and'6FA21,;naIcs. And".hotweenth . I I rmui�,4i The reply 'con Willing - 61 It cabritit be deniod sented - M' retifrif - to Parljaj�ontj - which - . - � -` ' Toronto ............... �.- _,., .:i,sla 1,425, .10�3' - I I . Z, , thiLt atits-and speachIs which �. .. . .. . . . . I . Hainiltoll .......... I .... �;.,.. .31"268 - 010 � 11, H- . families. Allowing for. increase of polmla, .ages of 10 abd 60'tho* pFoporkion 6f female; .praying ,Ogoroosly, wliile 611 , tile *way. . w6 all deplore slidw.ed the nax6es of ill parties w1l6, havo : . : . . , ino . as to �'malo doaths was - evon groator� 1950 Tile havg-blackened a, cau4b otherwiso most --t1vo-purposo of giindind ' -:- . I oftaw.it ........... �.-­..;..­ 2.1,011) din � .1�, 0 , tion,-thado'mth,raio�vas Abouttlia.sa I . ..,cold , was ittimse; itud the� cxilprAA . imported wheat for ' I .. : . . , -week1liese agi ')' -shivered like a4ptins. Owing.16 theJrigid- ,]us . such oxe.esses - I. '' - . Lolldon� ....... I.....-,-:- - Jim= a(30 - 18-6 -in.1878i A little over'A I . per', 1,000'c r. p6pu. fornaleB , hii�i * nit (lied ,bet es - i. Wbile� conderalling in bilud,,also tlie quantity,ipport6d li� each - - - - I I. I . I I Rlitigstuil..� ......... .. ;� ...... I'l 'Jilli - * 1104 . - list -coo -MMIQs:­' We �gardftitg tl#,eir p.- ' iip the t I I I 11 . 110 - . bavoc doutit�' itild. rc erpotiatoks. ` jirallffilra .... 1.,.1.-.--- '40,58 - I ilh! '13.4 11. . .. . - - I � Tar y, wi . . I . I : i� ., 1. 7' JAUDU, �6t One d0ll,tll� to OVeiy tW*p0rSOIl8 agai .'afm6splierbt iho aft6nding minAterg' con.' . est � enemio of -t�cir boant th'dmtes and poits of entiy; also' . I . �.. . , . I '' ju ' cludeCto lui,Vett'very brifif-gervicb. While w (i the quantity of flour oxportod by 6�chl - : , ' - ., .. . . . . St. Cittliarinos ... ...... :. � . 10,4' 111, ' 193 I i8.4 , Jivilig. F rom the. niva�oities in the provinbe.; lass then . Ontario. at Icalst. � 50 :bittqr s ryt . � I � . , . , than Mal' ' . thus engagealMrs.-Itfiller. uttered frequbnt ' . . Guellill ............... ..... � � 1(),WL) 1121 121-0 the total retp,rilB Bliow a xbortality.of abdut per cent: more ''females , .as cannot. 'forget the a,06 ' tions � and straits' .party, and the dittesi from the -21it of April - I I - . - ' � . * 13011OVIllb � ......... : ....... ::: `9,789 . 227 . - W4.1 - . .. . I ,. i4 from, 6ouBlimp . � b6two,L*tho agils , iv , -ios, 0911in , . which to ceifturies have caused OUi PdOple . . � ceiraLwk, 1880 ; also the dated .'. ' i . . - � . Is- Pe 1,000 of' cstim'at6d populittibu. With. dyi, tiou 'ing at . . g oil God piteously to .r . to the Ist of De � . . .. . 1111101� I .. � . mercy on liar �soul bdospdir'of Justiocii-, Approving . .1 I * I t . g the and -1 . . UNITED STATIZ �ii�d ofx�ater­ 11.11. , � of alf bonds given axil� the -date . . . � . M I .. tile single , excepti6ii Of , Guol If,' wilich. of 13 arid.4-6, driluring the pc ... . . . 1. Whoil ilia rope . . . � s:, oil which, I . . uco, It. I ......... 110,615: 1,960 107 -* ., -eturils, jgty� .Nve may � ia:6'NyiIl'b6* was'placed about`� her neck .her face pre,m which the present agrarittu agitNti tkq�� . n , . * . . . I . 2, or, ttn%,..Ofl them, 'were oil a 1,01 Rivai. Afass ........ � 45.'346- �. 1.0&1. 8 'ti6l.1--of-t-ho--!eitiL-S-%l!dr4t�-I.vp* t.etl,K�s . j�fj . I li",41 flop. drrtmin74tharb=tlio� -1 - llo'� prdv.!(Iu t I only itb6utO Pei 1,'000i Tite r iin%usoto ask; wl *oil - haii . � .61 I . . -2: , re"OrIc .1 � onboriIing�- -�61ited,.,M-7 �1�4 . , -m- � , - -f-1.1, .. _, 1ho effect tbis-Lim-licrediti , .A%StL)c*oota,elor&lltl-sbd-vecvjl�cl:� -ana in WneU­a­a-�W­sff-Cb--r0-5drwurO . laynill - " ,�k...",­'­ , 627 . 4'. i .. -_ -_ - - I a I . 'oanaMdopted can in no wise be ippytived. . .. . 8 � .16. I - * i "be experion.o ing son' ' _ , . pringileld, 11 .......... . 1, -I � - 1,n, - - .1 .. Cs_E6ffipTe_fc as- - d. ' A`gain, giii�ckallas.�:. Who disc tie �is d6ubtl6s. loudly, sa- !in . by. tbe.export 6f the wheat. - . ' ' * . ,&�ii be expecto ' .. - -i6 ,ad & choki" . called, whether . , , � , 13. � � ` . , � . ,tot - trausnAtted 'fiom parent to iifI7spriug---:Ho,. to rqstrain I 80,16111, . I�ast Jund we, warAeol our. x1ocks �, I . ' ' � I � - * ......... 19 rii�, 10-0 from tb*d' c6uiity, .towns *_ -,tile al . -tion, and ornplailied that the ropg Was too _ . . or flour or by.ptLYment of the duty. An . � .. � 14ridgeport, Conti ... ;� I "45 -, :366 w,t - .'returns give tb*mortality '01 ib 'per . light. Jt wits loosened,, but - agairt drawn thq agitation w - I I examination of.the returiia shows that the - . . " .. Newl)ort; R. L.t ...... ;...�., � I 'J IN '. 11213 15.1. : tent 113 - at least,say our. -bast inedical autboriti6. ' ' ' n * ithin the Ifinits Of oquify- . I I . . - 1 4 s of 10 [Lud 15, moro, tbaii, closer i ' * ' n a road arn ffon", We.'shall not fail Ili out! Ian %v.hb aviailed ." - -. " " . . Lincoln, " ........... ;�. .11-,' 65 . 209 17.9 � '11,000. It 'is' clear, thoreforb, that We - Between the age., ,. . b'provent anyaccidoUL Thig*6­_ millors,mithout an exdept* ,. 1: . " � i 'inord bbropleto from the, three time$ as many female . 'duty now or iiQlect the c6unsel conveyed I . I ' . Marilforough Mitsit.-:, . J4,4210, . .,106 . 37.1 roturns are inveli s died of.this Loyed: hot much, Mild - guttural . Bounds themselves oftho regulations w6ro lbeated . . � - � . I I. . . . . ' . . ' . I , - ulato plac I. . . . . , . '. . . .. . I .�ioxr, 2aA1xs ,rIXAN FMUATAIS. - morw doll"'Cly. ,..Po a 69, :Tllorc: diset6c, !vii,, 10 males and 32 temales... Be- .�Onl � ted In . 0 - tbroaf. . The hithd words of your holiness." 'The arch- ' .ope of tile trunklines running thro,ugh . 1. . 1. . . .. . I I . . . . .. .. . . . 1. I MUM , fro h r� ' accounts alofig .. . � � . I Still -further �Vline hi 1116. Proportion tween 15 axi4 20, 125 Per. gen t. more fem aloe clima-C of her -mistirv, sgemed 'td.have bisho� asgur�4 the Popelliat the 1. Canada, or along the lake shore., In Ontario - . . Aleafuro that. will probiibly contradidt Nva" a . . � in, English press,ar� ekag , . . . ed ide ;Iis'af persons under .the iig� of:l than males died Of`it, viz., 61 Males and. been -reached- 'when the .black' bag was of Ireland in t1 11 . . I I I ta pre-couceiv .il, of Many is �he pro- Of Cleat '10 61�d drown Over lier'face.; Silo sbuddered-and ' . . - . gar- 671,004 bashols *of' wheat were iMportbd . � ... � . I . . . panderaucti: of Mald' 1irtlis ti�ar 1 f6male. � �o&r ; t1le'proportion ia,1579 Using. 22-1 per .1,38.folbales, 139pwoo-thcagdsOf . � ated, an1couoIAdes.wIth*reno*ed os:pros.. during tbo'time named: for the burposo of - . . . . ,18 20, hbout 140 per cent. more feiTlaI684han uttered- a cry that, aould b ... sion s-, of venerMtion. � -T he Aurora, com- I grinding in b6nd, and of that,'qaalitity of , :, . . � .. . The total ll�rubor- 'at 'Wrlhs of male% was cent.; -.2 Per ccnb� -less � than III, 1877, ani I . . a . heard' for a . . I . . Of ftnnal,4 ,per cent. IOM.than in L . 1 -., Minales square. She was. iiiiablo to riho from her meuting on the letter, points out how much Wheat 6,481 barrels were exporte .. * ; . . . ... 1). 878. .Vliia is lioarl� males died * of c6lislimption,.viz . I a in floun � 21,31:1, and - 10;6N This gave ., I I i,ea Influence thei'Vope might have exercised Ili . .. of Quebec 513,601 bushe'N � . I I 1, . . . 108.3 Males -to - each 100 fornale . 9 ; or. 6,). .2percent, lower thaniii-Ei0and,whero atiolI70-femalets, '3366wcon-tbe 4gos-,of,20 ofiair'Unassiatea when. tile time had arl; . . In the province � . : . I .. . a . . . . . . 'iijeat .. I I �. and.48 fomrlles� in- each 100 children, �bd avermao is about -24'- per cent. * "Rharo, au(130, about r)o,p , out. MOTO fdMal6s f6r liar departure; and her tww tittendants tlla'mattOr had the Vatican boon in di of wileg .were - import6a 'and of 'thalt . '. ". I . , I . � . . I I I . � - a-, rol-ations with Eno 4n( . .. . . I . . . . ' I as . -, I . . . maloq . ,NVa 80 * fxiitf oportiou I or al . u . .11 I -* , .1 .1 qu . antity 74,580 .. . ,rence between 1; I s al' a ier doclh;� ii;tho'pr - thall malas died. of the disease. 3�etNV80)1-.raiseaboiup.'andhela herin.position � , I bushels were exported I . . ,�. . . .. � Tile diffe tie number of inalo of deAlis, between th6 ages of I 6nd '5 yetits, * the- ages .of 30 and 40, 85 por.cont. more. til the sheriff liad sprung'the trap. Smith , A JI'llinot) jLesipie Antairlioi -. * ' wheat, and 68,884 baTkels ixr -flour. - The ' . - . . . I . . . and fernale births di-tritig thalmt eightyears . I Ili. . . . .. I � , � ,. �. . * . . - I . is shown Ili tile following list: � ... �, . . . I . I ilia proportion being �-3 por'cont. less than females died of it ; and between ,10,and 50 ,net fate much more beioicit,lly, bA I ' . . I . total quantity.- Of wiTeat.imported thus- , it! - ' ... , .. , . .. " ­ , .. . .1 . in 1877, and 1-1 per -can 878. - A both provihoes was, 1,085,601 b . . , , I . Ili IS' ,23, 1;0.17 in . ate nittle Children were born than . � t.- Iasi tll�n in:l , years, '26pot cent., more. :After theagoof not with any bravado, and iiaAsed his time. . " Ninv Yonic, r, ob. ll.­Ax�. i'atrick 13-ga I uiihels, * of - "". , , - , . � , " . . .1 I. Jt was V -1 per caht. . . .1 I -ago of 47 or.48, and o 'the scaffold in' supplidaiion.- The man .telegraphs from 11'arls as follows: , 'whicliq 74 580 bushels were. exported 'as . I folliale. � - :�, -� , I 61so 1 less than in 1876' �0,.probably after the I n . � � . . � . In N73i 1,037 more male chililren worobiorn titan t war In Infancyi . . our. An .. . . �: . I- ' I � - 11 .1. I Iferic6i wasmoictliaxi'l per.cont. lo more males .died of consump- � had sliaCklefion-his feet and arms and the I?Atr,ick. F Ord, Ei dii6r Irish.World : - wheat ' ttiih 53',465 barrOI6 in 11 - '.. * . � . . fonw-lb. Ila . lo olillarot - i wo. . to I 'than in any Ono of the four, years 1876-1870 tiOn that! f0m6les. In alm oay COUU_ woffian was bound with'f6ur'straps�one : .Atthdtirgantreques�oftho oxecutivoof inteitisting featurer in the return'.1sthilt , I I , . . follialL. - . . I born that I try it is. found , . Y. , - about her anklos, one abouf �er di�ess, near the Land League, who -repose .,no fift1l, in ,the Eon. * .. In 187.1, 1,0M Moral . . . - . inclusivo. 'It appears evident t1iort that a, that i"fiv.;moro feM48B 11 . . . T.,N. GibbsJhe defeated chain- . . . I . Ili iN-,3, 1,11,04 morotualo-childran werobointlimi. e,.onsidorably smaller proportion died.under lit , bopg1i th ' - . . I . . . � I �. .. I . ii �malcff die of this dread disease, t a.: knees., 4 to* koc�' her .gown in plans, 'tho-honor of the brutal and 'unscrupulous pion, of -the, II.N. P.11 in. Souill Ontario, - . .. - . , . A5 liale. I . , . .1 .. tile ago of't'yo'ars Ili -1879 in "'QOL ..Whole th'ti , difference 's not' usually , B04 �6nothor high d =Cf our nation, I am Ili this. city to' should have impbrted on Augluat 7th 10,082 " . -� � . " " , . ' . . - fUill 1111-1111- .,.. � gx,up,and,tJiefourth encircle . � . .. . . - . I . . . �. . . .. . . I nili7o,.Oti uioion�afo b1lildren wake bo,i3i than . p - t Ian. I nVany Ono, of-ilie pa8V. .grea - as -the �rc us 'in t1fila prOvI1i08 liar hands. � --. � ,:, . I .. � . n in r . . . . .. '. . . f nales. * 7 . �.. � . .. . .rovince I itiri t . , 1. . . tlio�atonnoction bahv2oon � America bushoI4,of Yankee -wheat, and on Novo .be . . . . . . , .1 .., ." I . . I , . 1. . and lieland.. . I * -' � '8th 900 bushels., - � .. . . . I � . . I �..' i� � . . ow it td,be here. It is notl IIQ�4iblo ,to �- - --. - . - . . nls7711,:!Giiiiorbiiialdbllil�lro�i�voroboviithall. iouryetlra; *Mwo,oxamillb tho-returbsof 'Ali I i I ". . . � . . . . p . � I ': � .. . . I . I .� I � . . - Ilar . . - 8 lijp�a uthe Ran.. . . tot ftichas vo ' " . . � . ... ". . . . .., . . � . . , . deaths froin'tho cities Of the provifido'alcue obticetvo of atly natural causefor a so much' - , .o correspond to the" abo - , , - I . , . . , ' g C1 -1881 I . I . ii 1,478,'1,7"0 inoro male ell! . ldrollWortiborn tball we find a very iritich larger infantile death ' eator Mortality amongst . iomalary thitil ' 't"a" Go' 11 . adtlr6ss. - .!: . . - .. I '. Chanteri f4prin,' roult", - , . . .4t - - W f halu." , , . . , gr .. I . . . I Tit Is79, 1,C51 ill Ore 111blIN Oil Ildren Nv(I�c bdril tinti, rato...Tho total numberof dpaths regis'., males. fro , irk Consumption. If only 882 The firlpst display 6f sun sbots that has Our watchword now Tus��Jac, li 140' Aur- .1 I I Tur, 11614. V. 0, PROUX)FOOT, � " . , . . . . .1 . I I feinitle. . . . ' ' - � Nsvii,s, 3, 7t a hy sliouldAiM been Isibli]iin along time cli� now be soon rand&.)7.- . . I ' . . . I .1 tiorba Ili the, nine citios' ,),Jv� *]tile inalos ill of the dinoaso, w yl . 1 I . . . I . Toronto..; .............. :-.- .... : ... WC(IndudaY,10th Air.. I . � : : - . I 'The number . of tWfh' births .rAuX.Ped the total numborrogglitai-ed tl%ay`u�. Una r females die bf. ib?_ This is a.portinent- wiffiniodaratotoleso6pic power.. Several I 0, . I . : . I 0 . ' . By. liai"sing. our. Council by wiiiitfil� W11,13T11ARXIACUIT-TIM lIOX.,TI1r1 CHAXCRLr�ou .. . 1. . "I . I during the year Was 878, or. Li7 lcs%than Ili I vettr was�.,1,016. . Thus, coliside Mali, to which - an answer:should be 'qrqu& are strun I al6tigborth of the mlin's funds in lmw suits, 'by'suppressio'll of- . I . I . ,. . . 1878. , Olily'ouo a . - r1lbly 11 nr 1100,11, C ..... I ..... �,._; ... :,;...Iliticaday, inli March. .: I I � . I &so of three chil&en at it nlo�rd than � till 'I'd. Doubtleas Ono * principal.1 Cause Is equator iind ratio, ling quite a tl di 0 _.Mopday, 2lat MaKcb., . I 1. . . .� . ' , one-fourth *of the doatlis ,-I'lln I I I aci so, In 'go. meetings, by arbitrary arrests, li� intimidam ioull.11O."! , ....... �� ... Tuasday, goth Marob. . . . . I . the Moro g6noral. con1bionlatib-6f wortion.. Tile inumber of individual spots is large, tion,'by, t� �Ittrliamelitary rovol#ion in the Chath ... y'-:::::"::? .... ,4th April. - - . . . birth wits rtAoMda Ili 1870�, tliou�fll tll0r'� were. of ' children , undat 1'. ycarI. or Sandwich ......... ::','.­�* ............... Monday . .. .. . were, nine rotertiod in -187�. Tho total 27-28 par'Cont'. In'some of tho.oitiog, how. in. -doors, III unventilated rooms, depriving aiid tliey vary in siz-q,from.-tilo hugo'sim lIouso of - Co,mmons*,- by tile e4ulsion of , fifirili,ft I .. ...... � ................. lilriolay, 8th Apkil. . . 1. '. . - . -air ; anobli6r, the Zrixdgtiry of chasibspapacions'briough to swallow up the strat A ... ... I ... I— ............ VIVIIII16(IM14W A 1I I . .. " ,dfor tile lagtcigllb over, thiq high rato'wks groatly�o�rceodad them of puto Parnelf iiud,` fill ally, - by M crowning - Inew 0 y, ,,,,,kr,,,. - ,, - -1 . . numb ' or 61! births roturio�a 1_ 9 . C � 1, ; I . I. . - 907.. This gives oubpalir-of while in otGs thorafe was'lower than tb�'. ji�u,qoholj dutics-ovor,�Ork-duririg tlio� outtli, dowh t6 mbro'spooks fhaf ft'requirds 142famy in cowardly pouncing upon Michaill , -"w .............. . . yea,% Was 26-1,� . . ,ad6klcb.,�­, ... ,.We( . .. - I I Walkortool.1.1 .... I ... I—.; .......... Tcooday., OtIl April. I . � . . . gins to overy 112 births anil one case of average , Tire largest proportionate death ad of childwbearing;.and yct,anothar,� stoady gazing to datoct.'-All aboilt the, . Davitt and, spiriting him aw�yin . , Pori I to Ono of .1 I . 11 . v., V, BLAIM. , . . . . .10 birthR; Ono child Ili iato . J,1A8TLAX (IntCV111-TUE X(ON . .1 I . e triplats to every. 13,0 I of � Ildron under I year is'Bhown to the' irrational education and. training ol spots, which scorn.. to be- moving .like. a its bastiles; trio British Govorfiin6fifl had - . : . . .. . . . ............. _........ ... Thursday, 28th April . 11 I every -66 wastlitirdfOVO R Will., and, 0110 -in ,bave boon in Lohdan, where it was 32,58 g. tirls; all 'of,, which causoil were -procession across the diso, tile Rurfaco is h6pod to crush thb land Loaguo. and break 00tt"'I"""" d 3 - - . . . .i I . . I � - . . . ornwal � .... � ......... ; ............... J`1109 ay, r(l M`ty .. I 1� . . every 4,640 wag Ono of tfip!ots. . 11 Pei I !" cent. In Toroifto it was 30.2-1. ` lit =rof , to 'in last, yoails- report.' ' T116 heaved UP into tile shining Tidgea called. tile spikit of I I . . . . . . � thoTrish.pdopro. I Brockville': ........ 11-1 ... .1, ...... Tbilrallay, Oth May. I . . I nber by fai of i"los, its well as facult& Most of those* spots have loftned � .In this evil desi . . It ' ' . ,.: ......... Monday, Rix May. .1 . . - � . . tra,i,arrm.kay xxcitrASING. . . 0 ttawn'Mild. Hamilton it WM4.117.3 and 21.14 largest nul . . t8toll., ........ "... .... . . I � Jill t a enemy is bamed. Xffi� . I- ­ , . . ( . � I I 'ti- Pei an , , ' . I Lint say_ ............. i ........ 1-1 ... Monday, latill May. ,. . . -Taking the ilumboi 'of birtlis Of iltegi lit. respectively. , In 'St., Catllarillor4 of foiniales, died of consumption baiwobn within tile last few days. . . . . Ireland .Ili thortiiighly orgwnizod.. The ............ Thursday, 19th M1171-' I . . . . , . � .11 '. . . . t . . .. I . . poa. . I. Votokborough ............ , mondayi Writ May. ', I. I . Mato Children 64 -a otanadid, the' Morals it wits 2.1.3 per tent., slid Ili Brantford- 2.1 tile ages bf 20 and 30; i4.., a Much, larger . � Pic 'are resolutai Undaunted, and dIs- Cobour ""' . pet! numboi Tlibtp may corno it time Whan-diffioultio . - I . . . . 11111111111-111-11""", I I . of tho, pr on worn deteriorating from per cent. Irv, Belleville it -wits 20.2 .- than during any other docenuial S L�Iplirlad, llriosts and laymoni Catholi6s '1301100 0 ......... ;: .............. :­m0liday"301011 May. . . ovill - I . . ­ .. ' IM70, W13013 t i was Ouly-littlo, � io. The,noxt1argestnumbdrof will surround It . aio�as Ono., x0vorwas )1o,,n,, VII&GUIT-TIM XION- V. G. rilorDrobz - . . I 1 1873 Until 01 h6piovdirient *.coal;. In Kingstdii it over period Of 11 aughty Iflalglaild as they Sur �Iid Piotogtailtg, Jay, Iddil March I I . wits noticed. In 1879 5N worn registered, lialf1ho avdragot� or 11.6'por cent., Which both males au'd females died ill the naxt� rounded imperial Itomo in hok.travail, whorl such a spbotaol.6 of union wittifissod. ' r5tiol 11,,� .... ;�� ............ I .... --Mon.( . , � . . 'poviod I. But, above all, tl �, .".."Monday, 21st March . . I being 49 less than in - 1.878.. This gives I wag,remarkably low. Ill Guelph it wits ify decennial -boiwoon 80 and 40; and. she shall hold out liar handig -in vain and to substantial aid t1i't 'prarl forol. .... 11 ...... ..... ... I . 94tb March . . ':.,.-: ., . 1. I I . colmp,oe . ...... ; .......... � ........... ThuradhY, h ' ,, . . illegitivin'toto 78 logitimato- birtlig', lit per cent, , The infantile death rate Ili. MnY , the next argest between AQ rhnd 50, of bot I Is constantly wafted over to t1s1rom our .� E,',&J,,I;�r1ua% .................... Monday, 28th MMrdI4 � I .. . .. , - I -beseech the assistance of a people whose . St. . I . . , I . . , I 1.1879 thO Proportion was 1 in 70. The' ,16cality is, as a rule, tile Most reliable indo.�% inalbs MIld fftales ; while the next largest wrongs they have Piled UP to tile heavens. hindrod in;thc grotit republio),iftnucil with W1111by ......... � ...... � ...... I ....... Thurst ' lay,31st Much. . . . . . . ... gst males,iR botwoon `60.anil 70 ; They colifoils theragelveq illat Irishman tile 'sympathy of thd American people, Patti . Jay, 4th Apkil. I . ... . . , 0 ov a r N'0"t'l t'lol"';* .. .... .... ...... ;-,­,";'1N01(i)(711ft'y, 8th April. .. . ,ounty of York* returned t1io highest nuin- o0ts sauitary condition. And - it. May bo. again,ftmon - . I � � I c bar of illegitiniato biRlis, 171;'Weritworth, regardea,as-un invariiJ,blot rule, linless, art Millong6t females it 'is between -15 and 20. bMvo fought for them Ili the past' by land expressed tbrdugll the mouth of tile Voitad Ilamiltoll .... ;_ .................... Tuesday. 12th April. . I . 42: �fidalcs�x, 301 Froutonne, 2o'; Iluronj x- bo� rnMdei Ili calio of opidemies ,at As wottioss of sail is Unquestionably � an and- by Boa, and have fought Weill and their 8 tatdo 'Congress, Ilas infusod into Ireland % . . ,loan � o I . I � . I 01 faeior� in Causing consumption, toward. iii Coorca as boon 41 oatlsfaotorll� determi . . 22 ; VVollington and Brant, 15 cauh. Whom 2114110AP811isol, niiell - as scarlat favor arid Ito 0 'oil aiid ih� immohLtion of' spfrib of Lope and of determination to 1611 I V rtant I I .t " umaq tingdr found, in 0, satsago, . . Counties contain tile Principal cities, which Measles, which -are . more PaTtioulArly difference in- the Mortality from this' such rhan ar4 Xiolmol Davitt. But lot us fight it out to the bittorand, till landlord. that tile 11 . . Ili it groat IlTroo accounts for tile largo prevalent - and f6tal amongst you I diset,ise in ,vatious cotuitica'mMy be to M, trust that Michael Davitt and the whole of isin Ili dead and all forms at usurpation purchased in Liverpool r4pontly belongod . . . . I . . . . ]number of'il 1, 'itimato births rdpotted. '. , �Iiildron. ' But ovoii in'CA6 sucli jo I. certain extent traced to it, one part of tile Us sliftil hib long enough to see E'ngland,oll And tyralmy are laid prostrate, that tile to a boy Who was Mincing Moat with a . eg I I country, for instance, being better'sorved liar knoos begging for aid, anti . ill be machine, The fitigor was out 011,4nabohig � . - . . I . I 0 '4 ilf.VtU1A0l,,H, - . domics.provail, the doath rato MILy be Ito t I begging in entire force of tile British ,empire wj . There wore -'�41,018 Pot,40118 ,married in low' by -propor .satitkry adminiBtrati. I, by natural drainage than,miotbov, Again, vain. The thing is not im . ossiblo,.:-Tdon- impotent to subatio. . I I, co,rdiessly . loft around 11 got into tho I I I . I , P, � . , 187% Ofilli,gnumb6rtlioteligio6RdotlorAi- Who returns show that 1,03J') afed' after more and moro oyidonco is being 'broughe troal Post. . � � I . .. . Redoubla your bxortions, tallow oounbry� tauso'gos. The Enuosgo mal(ar was Acquit, - nn,tiok Of N,712)8 *ore give)), the remainder , reaching tho.ago of 70 yortroland that) -ovary year *by ,omirent oxpori '-A Grand Aavoll (Xiob),despitteh says me']. show to tho enemy that tho Ilopb of tool of the charge of Chopping -up entire � . . I � I 1,1 () forwhrd * .; . � 100, oitlitir w6ro niombers of no Church, or Of the decedents' survived 030 ago Of 80 montal �atholoqlgts to, Provo that consump. that two,� tugs havo started in scarch of the ouv nation is made imporisbabla by the, hurAmu boings tot trade puipofib& ' - 7 . the clergyman who, solomnizoa the war. years, while 269 survivad 0'0 yoms. . . tion ig's Contagious di$OUAG, it it, is thus City of - Ludington,, reported twority-five grd&tor Ireland acroso tile sea. . Lord Oao Ruisell, tho British ;ambas- , . I I riwgeg nogf6cto4 to mcortain ther donominn- much larger number exceed contagiouB, the difference in mortality in miles from, Ludington on 141riday. it is ' Wire Y61AI 6tanee to, my credit here in 13ador at Berlin, will shortly be raised t6 . . tiol� to which -they holo.hgod. It is to bb 1870 than any of the thr6o'provious years. different counties may be still furthe twowool(gloindo the rJuaington loft MI. baro of * *1 ,* XooP his name Private. the p6orago as Lord Thornbaugh, of Thorn. . I � . regretted that olorgymon, who %to joter, iTho atiath ran of porsont'rtLIlaor 20 Years accounted 'for in this W�y. Uxnay'.a, I; vuukoo to crois the lake. . . � � PATIltax Rom. haugh. I . . I 1. '� . . . �, . I . I rl . .. . . I . �, . 1. I . �� . . . � I � . I . . 1. . I I Y, I � . . _, � � . . . . . I I . . I . I I I I . I . . . I - I . . . . I I . 1 . . . I . * . � . . . . I -1 I I . . . . .. . I � . ,� � I . .1 . I � � .. . . . .1 I . I . . I It � I . . � . . . . I � . I- . . . .1 1. I . . � I � I � � . .. . . . � I / I I . I - I . � I I � I . I . I .. I . . � � 1� I . . . � . I . I . . 1. . . . I . J , . I . �. . I .1 . I . � . . . I � I I I I . I # . . I , . I I '. . . I I � ". . � . . I � I . I I . I I . . 11 . I . ,. . � - I.. � . I I . I . . . � . . . I . . 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