HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-01, Page 6s
410,ftro cQir#►t,F►1aing injurious Ch'emi cell ,s Manitoba wheat crop of 1904 is, at' -i . WEARY SHOP GIRLSAfter a few days' illness, Edward
gretvJug, that is in figures. A leading :lotheran, son of Mr. 444 Mrs. L. Sothf•r-
�F, �t VI but they Vestrcizr Clothe"i authority plucks it at 64 mil PALEi TIRED WOMEN an, or., gave up his at"rtbly existence on
s lion bushels, now that the threshing I. Wedrie#day, 16th tilt., egad $;I years, 4
' You`t* pmi>,•tfaly usr(i stye that 4 Attu wmr clothes quicMy- but
ve found out aftcri�-ards tlt,it. at h, well over41M WV%. There will be a let of money •�-'"'^' months. A few weeks ago he Avne taken
• t '`i d''n"y d tlacnt. in cironlotian in the west this year. You feel `",Draggy,," Lifeless ill, but he thought he would Soon be t
SUMa r To "rows to you
th"b Dr• Nervous Never Rested' TheFOR'0000 HEALTH
bettd a►ud did not consult the docEar.
d" � I
t'i*nsAb glut cure "or ea h + The disease gradually grew `arse sari
Is --rodimt titan wil[ sled aktuoluts euro for each o
3 guaranteed to lar :iUs+�lutelypkltr,ivrtea�uttl;R ia� }}nd evert form or Itet, nx, —� developed into a serious Dasa of typhe`dQ preserve or restore 1t, there is no better
injure the 41;liiltieat t:tlir fi. ' bleodingandprotru,linr 016. -
�; " washes equally well in bait es -oft witer without boilin x or the manura,ohtrers have gu r4•anteed it. See.tes� Seiner foe slight hopes were enter -
It prt:scriptlon for men, women and children, than
tai b a timonialsinthedally"reNaaadxNkyonrnoigb• tafned Por his recovery, Deceased wc"s ' They
liartlrubUing. FnAlowthedimttmistlattela� !'e4nd}'vuwilthave t,na,aw>a#ttheytdiakorj!~ Yoateanusoitanrl FERROZONE fZlpans Tabules. The are easy to is'll+e.
at more successful wash with less lalmr. neat otir nionew bw" k if not curtarl. f^o a hm, at bora and brad in Howiok, He spell
ire ialac�e of a combination of medicines approved
Your dealer is authonaed to, rc:mla the paW, wise nionca to • s seven years in Northville, Mich, He
anyone finding cause for imuip ainL on + ngas S t?ir>t m:�nt Will snake you feel like new— was universally respe.led. and used by every physician. Ripans'rabules are
LEVER BROTHERS UMITau,, TORONTO 1003 Mr. John Howot baa sold his 100 acre It Vitalizes, Tones and The death sentence passed by Judge widely used by all sorts of people --but to the
farm Strengthens. on the Oder at the x5'00 assizes on JvUn Chart- plain, every -day Y third vonepssion of Elma. Strenlai-da folks the are a veritable friend
t to Mr. Aikens from Ellice, realizing , rand for the murderof0onstanlezrving in need. Ripens Tabules have become their Stan -
f' t xefor the and figure of 6,1500. It is ----- y They are a depeandable, lion -
R' R � at Webbwood was commuted l'y the deed fan;. �'remed ,
ail excellent farm with Rood buildings, The best medicine for restoring veril. Cabinet to lite imprisonment. (;hurt- est a•?m,!dy with a long and successful record, to
both dwelling and barns, and though ity and strength is I"`errozone. rand was to have been hanged oil Dec,
the price is a fair one it is not out of the The time to take Ferrozone is when 6. He was wanted for larceny and was int ingest±an, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
a. you first feel tired, and when appetite „o'. .,L> ation t .%fensive breath heartburn dizziness
way' fails, when nerves get irritated. pointed out to Irving at Webbwood p , > ' ' '
It's record is marvelous—it makes you station while Chart•rhnd was travelling '7u' ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
ti "'.�, r Gained Vorty founds in Thirty pays, feel strong and sturdy, brings health on the train. Irving immediately board- le iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
t For Several months our younger tiro• that outlaNts old twe. Mrs Mary Me• ed the train and asked Cbartrand to got r +tS. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up
4 ; i -` %`� : Iona, of $prbur Bonahe, Nova $retia,
-L- _ that had been troubled with indigestion, off. The latter drew a revolver and ren systems restore pure blood goad apps•'
He tried several remedies but got no
writes. t " . -, , a
d} Ferrozone built men fired one shot on tW floor, the second .
benefit from diem, We uxchased soma p' ' +
p "Before using it I scarcely knew shot f .. ^ .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
1 y F r of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver what good health meant. Piercing Irving's hasn't. At the
g con .tent benefit from a regular use of Ripans
', t"t a,•; a Tablets and be commenced taking them ., trial Cbartrand contended that he only
- , x u • I was just as miserable and wanted to frighten the constable, and "J' ,boles, Your dri' ist sells them. The five -
n. Inside of thirty days he had gained
fort Duds in flesh. He is uow full weak as any woman could be.g
' f '• y pounds y Tired from morning till night, that the second and fatal allot was an Gent packet is en• ` h for an ordinaryoccasion.
recovered. We have a good trade on the bothered b trifles unceasingly p �'
Tablets.—HoAe Bros., good
trail a, Long y g y accident, due to the constable inakiug n
Holley nervous, The Family Bottlt bo cents, contains a supply
Branch, bio. For sale by A, I. McCall & „ grab at him. Judge Osler took a lenient : for a year,
Co.` Tho first box of Ferrozone im-
Proved my blood, gave me appetite. inure of the case, and the prisoner saves i
The Sunlight Maids admlro the results after washing the Sunlight way = In a short time I was like a new his nook largely on the judge's recom• ,• e
f, person Now I re'
The county by-law under which the P �� rejoice in abundant mandation
farm lands were detached from the good health,
Gat Ferrozone. It will make an un- The new steel highway bridge over '
village of Southampton and added to expected P p cted inlprovemeut in your looks, the Maitland river in Fordwioh is now
San geen townShip, has been quashed your feeling, your health, 10o per box, completed. The bridge is 78 feet in
or six for $2.50. By mail from N. C.
ou appeal, It does seem as if this case len th, 16' foot in bei ht Pratt Truesrr� s ficomthe Sanctum �"ht be amicubly settled b aribitra• Polson & Co., Hartford, don"., U.S,A., g height,, t
y and Kingston, Ont. construction, with a 14 foot roadway
tion mutually agreed upon, and'3,2 foot walk, resting on substantial
concrete abutments. The flooring is
For ovar Sixty rears. Messrs, W. J. Allin and J. blender- plank supported by strong steel joice -
Son, of Lucknow, and Richard Finlay, The concrete abutments are' not square
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs slid Lou Ga nor of Kinloss, have ro-
Winalow's SoothingSyrnpp has been used y with the roadway therefore the bridge A woman has a lot of faith in hr It's easier to bay some men than it is
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanegs. for over sixty yearsbymillionsof mothers turned from a Successful deer shooting is not strpight with the road. The steel intnitiou—after a thing has came to to iiiducu them to stay bought.
for their children while teething, with trip in the Parry Sound Districts. They work has been pronounced first- clMs and .pass, in woman has nerve enough to ask a
perfect success, It soothes the child each succeeded in getting two deer, was erected by Alex. Hill & Ca., of
softens the gums, allays all pain, eurea four bucks and. four does. The eight Mitchell, consideration $1600, The When a bachelor gets tired of leading man if liar comploxiou is oa straight.
Little grains of powder, Mr. Neeb, one of the oldest and beat diarrh ea. d colic, It a pleasd is ant best
to then taster deer they got were the finest taken out abutments were erected by T. W. Hill, a single lite !ten should marry and be led. Talk is oUeap; otherwise the average
Little gobs of paint,farmers, nosy Dashwood, has disposed Sold by druggists m every part of the of the section, averaging 184 pounds, of Bornholm. We have heard that the Mauv a brave man who never faced a wife would soon bankrupt her husband,
Make a girls complexion, world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its x total cost will be about $2,65Q Including cannon faces his wife at breakfast every When a man admits that his wife is.
Look like what it ain't. of his hundred acre farm in the town- value is incalculable. Besure you ask ,
ship of Stophen, being lot 17, con. 12, for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and Permanent Cure for Bronchitis. earth filling for approaches. S. John- . morning an angel ir's safe to ask him how long
The United States has spent twenty to his son, Alexander, for $5,200. Mr. take no other kind._ ' My second daughter was troubled Ston, of Fordwioh was the overseer on Good wives and loving ones are syn- he has been a widowr r.
million dollars establishing rural mail Neeb intends retiring from farm life. with bronchitis from the age of three the concrete abutments and Engineer ony mous, A political rink has a beginning, but
delivery, = The lady of the house was bidding weeks. Oftentimes I thought she would Ansley, of Wingham, drew the plans' Geass widows haven't got the clover like any other ring, it has no end.
It's not the weather that'safault. It's adieu to the servant and said: "So you choke to death. Dr. Chase's Syrup of and specifications. market coiuored.
lour system, clogged with poisonous GET RID OF THAT COUGH y Linseed and Turpentine brought relief,
' Before the Summer comes. Dr• are going to leave me, Bridget; now and further treatment made a thorough On Monday evening of Inst week Mr. Marriage is often the outcome of pee- Mr. C. Beverly Foster has been ap•-•
materials, that makes you fell dull, haven't I treated you est like one of cure. This trouble used to come back and Mrs. Robert Duff, Huron Road, Bossing a good income. pointed district passenger agent of the
drowsy, weak and miserable. Les Bur- Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers y j
dock Blood Bitters clear agray all the Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, the family?" "Indade ye bov, mom," from time to time, but the cure is now celebrated their silver wedding, they It is easier to acgnire a wife than it is 0. P. R , iu succession to the late A. H..
feel band right aenrich yonoruB blood, and Bronchitis,
h ie' and all Diseases of the Throat was Bridget's response. "indade ye hov permanent."—Mrs.
Richard SWithrow, having been married in Seaforth by Rev. to keep a servtiut girl. Notlnan.
`- v. an I've shtood it hs long as I'm goin Mr. Graham on November 21st, 1879.. _
A, number of lectures by leading ex- to." m There was a large attendance of rela--
Mr. John Watkins of Clinton, with ,,
Verts emphasizing the manufacturing A story is told of a highland minister Mr. Gross, late editor of the Hep- lives and friends present, and Mr. and
-progress of Great Britain will be deliv- the assistance of only two men, has so worth Journal has gone into railroading, Mrs. Duff were congratulated, b 'Z II"1 2"4•'1"t'+i"II"F3"P'II•'t"P'i'�i'3'�'3"1•'1"i"i'+i"3�'t"P�•�T•i'd'M'€•�••II'•�•F•+i••1'•$•1'•i'..3'0�'•1••b...
far this season packed, handled and who was preaching in a strange congre• g y all on
anted in Canada in the course of the next Shipped for Robert Elgation, and wishing to make his toilet a safer and more lucrative calling than the attainment of their silver anniver- +
twelve months. liott, of G hick b, running a newspaper. He Says that ear � ®� y
-about 1.500 barrels of apples, which is in the vestry before cervico, he asked the y. The evening was happily spent, .i. �
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with considered exceedingly sexton for a glass. To his surprise the head on or tail on collisions, snow block- refreshments and entertainment being t
"Lover's Dry Soap a powder. It wgy good work. ill re- sexton returned with a bottle, saying, ades, and other incidents of railway life very enjoyable. Among those present 'i' .i.
3. There is seldom a day that we are not consulted in regard to a condtion that, if we
'nave the grease with the greatest ease. 36 , There is no form of kidney trouble, 11 you will have to take it out of the bot- are mere trifles compared with whet a were Mr. and Mrs. Honking of Loudes- + were to have seen it in its early stages, the sufferer would have been relieved, cured and , Z.
from a backache down to Bri ht s dis- , saved considerable expense. This we consider is due to lack of knowledge oil the part of
A Picton man increased his weight , g tie, for I can't find a glass," country editor has to go up against. In bor0 , and Mrs. Elliott, of Woodstock,; the doctor who has previously treated the case; therefore, we say to you, if you are suf- in ,7.,.
ease, that Doan s Sidney Pills will not feria from an disease or condition
the other day by 4 lbs. by simply eating relieve or cure. = fact be would prefer�being occasionally the ladies being Mrs. Duffs sisters; Mr. '�' been dissapointea in not getting a nenrmanent cure elsewhereu we haveould ask1 n you +
tis dines- Either a heart appetite or H you are troubled with any kind of The Best Remedyfor Crou derailed than constantly assailed. and Mrs. Will Pickard and Miss G. come to our office for personal examination or write Its fora
y PP kidney Complaint ' a p• Treatment. we will xplain to you OUR SYST)IM OF TRRATMFXT, -which well have
3:aavy food. Perhaps his wife had been y ,give Doane Sidney (From the Atchison, Ban,, Daily Globe.) Rumbaii, of Holmesville, and Mr. A.• .+i, originated and developed after our whole life's experience in the treatment of special'
Pills a trial • This is the season when the woman Teachers are said to be scarce, yet Rnmball, of Clinton cousins, and Mr. diseases of men. we will give you, FR) E of CaARc>;, an honest and scientific opinion .'lir
a Student at a cooking school. Clifford School Board has received 75 of your case. If we find you are incurable we will honestly tell }roe so. If we 5nc1 your
Colborne township council :vial submit who knows the best remedies for croup Bert f Woodstock a nephew of case curable we will give you a written guarantee to cure you or refund out our mono `i`
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- P is in demand in every neighborhood. applications for the junior department Elliott,= ' ` P ,l. y y y y' 1�'
{ fantum, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dys- a local option by-law to the electors One of the most terrible things in the at salaries ranging from $275 to $400, Mrs. Dnff; and Mr. Duff's cousins, Mr. —YOB! CAN PAY WHEN CURED—
Tow4mtei'a Extract of �4 dand Summer ompa laint D1. at the municipal elections in January, world is to be awakened in the middle and 11 applications for the position of and Mrs. P, Stewart and Ed. Shaw, of
a prompt, safe and sure cure that alar favorite for "cerin has Arthnrs A lasgow Balfon paper prints r story of children, Thof the night e croup remrom edi en ane the
head master, salaries ranging from $450 Dunlop.
larl epnumberof ffwas ra ant the all recipient
ot that We cure NERVOUS BLOOD and SKIN disease"s,APROSTATICSi olables,
pop y 0 g c owd, one most as sure to be lost, in case of croup. to $500, one being $600. Miss McIntyre, g P BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINARY diseases.
precious metal which is supposed to +
years. of whom was the Japanese Minister, as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of who taught there formerly, has been on. Question List Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSIII,TATIOT7 FR$$,
'The muskrats apparently do not take Everybody had named his drink ex. burglars. There used to be an oldfash• a ed for the second department at symbolize 25 years of wedded bliss. .y.
Toned remedy for croup known as hive g g P v 290 Wood -
amuck stock in the predictions of an early rept the Japanese, who in reply to Mr, but Some modern mothers saysalary of $365. The number o. menu who wreck their 3• • Q
t and severe winter. Itis said that they Balfour's nod said: "Oh, I'll just take that hamberlain's Cough Remedy i = health through business intemperance, D R1. S PH � EY & C0 is Ward ve.
g y Detroit, Mich. 'i'
°have made very little preparations as.yet port, Arthur." better, and does not cost so much. It far out-namber those who are addicted 'i'
d++i+3»F+aFF��3+3+�3"i»T"3'•i~i•3+�'3+•€•�••II•.•i••f�•1•�'•b•i•3••Tr 1'•II'�•� t• 2'•1••4+•b3•'S•d••�'•i••p•I»l •t~•t°
for the cold weather. + causes the patient to "throw up the State of Ohio, City of Toledo, as. to intemperance in hard drink. The a
phlegm" quicker„ and gives relief in a Lucas County, j drink intemperate has periods of sob -
wherever there are deranged
people with A Liver Pill that a mall and sure, that a the croupy conghGive ta "seam ands t will Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be riety, the business intemperate, never.
*weak hearts and deran ed nervus, Mil -ST. shorter pp is senior partner of 'the firm of F. J.
found an effectual edNerve
e Pill The tee acts gently, quickly and thoroughly. Prevent the attack. It never fails and is Cheney & Co., doing business in the city It is one continuous drunk of business.
atone enfeebled, enervated, exhausted,They
re- that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills pleasant and safe to take. For Sale by of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, His family is neglected—too busy.
possess these qualities, and are a sure A. I. McCall & Co. and that said firm will pay the sum of Home training and example to the
' devitalized or over-worked men and we- cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation, IF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each i ��••••SOAa•••A••!N•A••••• ofltilr!•OtiB®•fllfil••l1D•••ewAB•tiltiB +
zaen to vigorous health. Sick Headache, etc. and every case of Catarrh that cannot be children has to be left to the servants—
Dr. poor Galician working — Dr. Hodgins of the Provincial Board
g in a saddle _ cured -by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. have time. Social duties—no time for •
factory at Winnipeg dropped $90 in
of Health, reports that the Province is FRANK J. CHENEY. such frivolities, Recreation, heavens o p
Mayor Urquhart is authority for the entirely free of small -pox, and has been Sworn to before me and subscribed in above, what would became of the busi- A
bank bills into a straw cutter and out statement that the Government may for two months. Vaccination in the my presence, this 6th day of December, I B ••.
the bills into pieces. noes. Recreation 1 well benne to close
take over t A D
e he ownership of long dist- inml:er camps has been thoroughly car. •�"
p g y 1$86. A. W. GLrASON, np but•.iness, shut up shop, sell out and 0 •
sure telephones in Canada, and oyer- reed out. There were over 300 men in (Seal) Notary Public. be done with it. That is what the busi•T`
Bore and swollen joints, sharp, Shoot- sting them ander the ,
Ing pains, torturing muscles,. no postoffice depart- one of .the largest concerns vaccinated Hall's Catarrh is takeninternaII Hess fntempurate Bays, Iu a few years he * •
1 ie Times
rest, no sleep—that means rheumatism. ment. It is claimed that the price of under the direction of the Board. and acts directly on the blood and mu- is a physical collapse and mental break
It is a stubborn disease to fight, but Phones would be reduced. - cons surfeees of the system. Send for o -.
0hamberlain a Pain Balm has conquered testimonials free. down. And the business inebriate w •
It thousands of times. One application Facial paralysis, F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. breaks down quicker, than the drink Jo - •'
ve.srelief. Tr nt A. I. MoCall& Co. Au Attack of Pneumonia Marded Oft: Sold by all druggists, 75c. .inebriate. Intem Dei.artmen
t� y- • Mr. W. J. Brennan, `'Pastern EIi11, St. Take Ball's Famil PiI1S for conati a• Penance in intoxicants �
salt it. "Soma time ago my daixghter caught a Catharines, Ont., writes:—"My face tion. y P is to be strongly condemned at the same •
severe cold. She complained o4 pains was all twisted out of shape with facial time all descriptions of intemperance are • -
The largest pig ever raised in the
in her cheat and had a bad cough. I paralysis, and five doctors have failed to equally bad. Be temperate in all things,
gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy caro or even relieve. B the
rncinit of Listowel was Shipped to g y y persistent
l y PP according to directions and in two days use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I have Mr. A. R, Bradford, who sold his and beware of intemperance a the ; `4
business habit—Bob caygeou Independ•
Btaffalo recently by Mr, John Scott. she was well and able to go to school. been entirely cured, and have returned farm on the aGth of Wallace to F. W. ant• ; Our Ob Department is up-to-date in
The pig was raised by Mr. Albert Qnipp I have used this remedy in my family to work strong and well. I have gained Poole, has bought the 60 acre farm, on • p p •
for the past seven years and have never in weight and feel that I have a new • every particular ; and Our WOrI' 1S •
,of the 16th con, of Elma. It was three known it to fail," says James Ponder- lease of life." the 2nd con. of the township of Grey,
3rears of age and tipped the scales at 820 r it1•tr•>� '9 guaranteed t u i v e satisfaction. 0
PP feat, merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica, r 2 1.4 milds from Molesworth, from Mr.
pounds. West India Islande The pains in the Jacob Furtney. There are good build- Iii Estimates cheerfully given. •
chest indicated an apprcacbing at- A rifle association has been organized Ings upon the pxemisea and the land is Only a Trifling Cold w •
tack of pneumonia, which in this in- at Goderich. The officers are:—Capt.
4 Minister of the Gospel ReCOMMelldS stance was undoubtedly warded off by M. O. Johnston • Wm. Chisholm 1st.
in a good stats of cultivation. T> a HaVictim to their LastSong of Lear Sleep�a
Chamberlains Cough Remedy. It price paid was $4,000. Mr. Furtney Our Specialities.
i jf���"�"� counteracts any tendency of a cold to. Lieut; Ben Sheppard, 2nd, Lieut; sec- A cough should be loosened as
OXYGENATOR ward pneumonia. For sale by A. I. Me. treas., E. R. Watson. Twenty-four intends taking a trip to the States after COLORED WORE LETTER HEADS
speedily lla as possible, and all In t e Is LEGAL BLANKS NOTE HEADS •
CaII & Co, members joined, and it is expected to which he will likely settle in LiatoweI. _ tion allayed before it settles in the r PAMPHLETS BILL BEADS •
increase this to forty—the number re. Wever•allow your physical standard to lungs. Once settled there Broit- • •r.
"11'ot several airs I have been in very peer The grand jury at the Perth assizes chitisand COnsumptiou may follow. • CIRCULARS BOOK WORK
irMNtidtat. 7.r t Ball l wait edvieed by ICev. J. e, Auea, quited--at the next ineetinR, drop, keep up your energy; walk as if e
.t Itarray Harbor, x.x.2,- to; try'ox saustor.' held at Stratford, made a strong deliv- .--_._,.� DR. WOOD'S VISITING 6ARDS ENVELOPES •
. trTFn at I had no earth �n it, bl(GT.k4t Vow . you ace somebody and going to do some-
td.rlbege►nfts utas and Sas trnlifasy that before 81an68 an the practice of dishonesty, AFxlert TEN itEAitB, thin in the world X01 WAY PINE SYRUP * MAIL ORDERS PRONIPTL.Y A7`TENDED TO
iiri+4g ane jug I bid wondertully improved in my there being two or three cases of that B ,e0 thateven a afranger' t� A
l+auttt, :itnoe thou I have used sereril will note your bearing and mark yotir I is 'ust tbt remedy you require. •
,as a result hwre never spent such a healthy nature before the court, The desire to Mr. G. L. �SfAphbtlsollr of Peterbor• su erjorit It a virtues of the Norway Pine
or sprue ea I did this year. 'ox genatoe . ough, says: "For over ton years I out. p y you have fallen into a and Wild Che Bark with
god to a rkloa*h� s, Catarrh, Par iyll eg a eto notBlood, get rich fast, 'without labor, often by fered constantly with Pilea,first Itching, habit of walking in a listless idolent way, other standard,pec�ral Herbs and Ita•day branyotberremedy, gambling, was aeyereIy comaientod :then Blooding; yam almost unbearable; turn right about Pace at once and make a Balsams, are skilfully Combined THE TIMES •,
of my 40AP*Ksuoa have *,Us clued it upon. In this connection the life a burden. Tried everything in , to produce a reliable safe and
lessed remits. I take great interest in y pointed , change. You dont want to ahullie p ' is the best local paper 1n the Count
gator,' having riven jets or it as.ay, and out that legitimate Sport, useful in de. � oti>atill I need Dr. Leonharu, t s Hem• aloe like the! failures we see effectual remedy for all formic of p 13, Y ` .f
owtklsA Wb1,DiR2tm XgmxDr. "" fi Coughs..sud Colds. (of Huron. S11bscrE tion. I.Ob per
flu reiacd to. tiny yer; ' Oxy enator• has anti0 veloping the physical to its beet, has by ' I had taken but a few dosee when I sitting around on park benches or lolling Mr. N. D. Vacdouald, Wlnycbc6-
or p
riwre thaa°fbeocaa theereattneat betting, become the moans of ruining began to notice Anim improvement, Idecid- year in advance--$ent t0 an address
it e i aorpttel, g p about the atroota with their llards in magh, N.S., `writes : --" I think it Y
knee t�tvroihr. I pLtnk tt patties. lror�istn. In the morals and finances of some of our ed to keep on, and now after using three their pockets, or hunting in inteliigeb m7 duty to let people knout what in Canada or the United States,
atlwr>, or tilde, fadeed anywhere. h cleverest young men. boxes I am glad to say I am completAlXt great good Dr. Woods Norway w
7liay. /►. ».11llolsAn, cored. My general health has also oilices . and wondering why lat(�, has Pine Syrup did for me. I�had a Ani advertisement in the Times brings good ii'esults
i[eant fltewart, r.is,ll. ;f "AG%1E): WAlvTZ0. plea
improved. It :give me great been so hard on them. bad cold whicU settled in my ..,"..
iwsr+ (aft - suffer euro to recommend Hem -Ron to all chest earl Y 2onld 'eft inotliing to AddreM all communications to--
Trtietwortby� lacy or tentle>hen to manage enfferete with Piles, and T feel convinced The tweutyei xth anneal meeting of cora rt till I Wed Dr. "i�VVood's Nor•
ImAne" in thP.4 count and adjoining territory - that what it has done for me it will the Ontario tri _
w nor well and f"vorah' kneivn hotr� of solid „ Agricultural and Expert- via�+ Pine Syrup. I'ha first bottle
tlnaneial ataadiitg. E On straight caeii Ratars surely do fog thorn. mental Union will be held at the Ontarlo lietped tie wonderfully, a 9d the +' �Tq'f3AM TIMES
A ai pn+teete, para each lxnnday bT check A ;1,66b Autrantee goes with eveiy Agricultural Col1e third one tweed line. (milt a 1�tioina 170. �.
K If��C,'�'C 11NATO'R Ol�r a G�oebit an�upe manent eddt ey box of Rena -Raid. Price, $1.00, all gen On Monday and WIi�l'GllAl<f 0NT.
Tuesday, Dee, 5th and 6th, starting at. trice Ali tante per bottle. lieeldenae Pl+tone, X6, 74.
- � � '1'otrotfi#o 7irttitRiets,or The iG9'ilson•Fyle Co., K
3faiaeftei', 916 Como Mork, chi(*" 11unets Limited, Niagara Valls, Ont, 1.30 y . m., on tine Sth. -i f i���N Itidlri�l�f„»