HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-01, Page 5The New Store
Have removed to
Their New Store
Big Blue Front
Big Bargains in Men's and
Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, &c
Store open till 10 o'clock every evening till Jan. 1st, 1905.
What IiVideawake Times Correspondents Communicate — Other
Items. Clipped, 'Prom Our Exehange0.
A. J. Cooper's grain warehouse was
destroyed by fire at ten o'elook Satur.
day morning. It contained five th011.•
sand bushels of oats, barley and wheat.
There was $1,000 insurance on the build-
ing, and the coutents were partially °QV-
ered. The grain was, partly owned by
Hay Bros., of Listowel The fire origin-
ated from the explosion of a gasoline en-
Couch s and
Rattan ockers
s.) • s•telt.'t
A big assortment of Couches for Christmas trade.
12 handsome ones, great value at $8.00 for $7.00.
See what we have at SS.5o, $r f.00, $13.00, $23,00.
iron Beds
Trough some mistake at the factory our order was filled
twice, rather than have them returned we got special
terms. You will get the benefit of these prices while
they last, - $3.75, $4.50 up to $23.00.
The wholesalers wonder .where we place so many. The
price and quality of the ticking answers the question.
Examine them.
The People's Furniture Store.
Brick residence, 5th house west
• from Hamilton's Corner Drug
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention.
51 I1
0. 1 -4
)0, -4
Al. •
..E Just opened up, one crate Cups and Saucers that
were sent to Wingham by mistake. The im- 1
• t porters asked us to take them- ; . we made an
Cups and Saucers 1
offer, so they accepted. We are going to give
r customers the advantage of this snap. a
V- Cups and Saucers, best goods, wheat pattern, per doz. .10 11
Cups and Saucers, white and gold with clover leaf, " .85
vs')f*A CannedG oods ‘10,.5
The new Canned Goods have all arrived. (Corn
and Tomatoes are scarce, and a trifle higher in
Canned Corn. 2 cans .25 Canned Tomatoes, 2 cans .25
Early Sifted Peas, " ,25 Standard Peng, pet can .10
Golden Wax Beans, .10 Petit Pols French Peas .20
Pumpkiniper 00.11.10 Pork and Beans, 50 and .10
- Corns ri,ow Between the To.
But can be cured without pain in one
day by Putnam's Corn and Wart Ex-
tractor. Thia standard remedy never
burns the flesh—it in entirely vegetable
in composition and does not destroy the
flesh., Use only Patnam's, it's the best.
The annual meeting of the. White-
church Cheese and Butter Manufacturing
Company will be held in the Foresters'
Hall, Whitechurch, on Wednesday, De-
cember 14th, at 2 o'olock p. m, Share-
holders and patrons are respectfully
requested to attend.
Messrs. John Gillespie, A. D. Beaton
and F. Henry attended the Liberal con-
vention at Toronto last week, and Mr.
H. D. Henderson attended the Conser-
vative convention.
Mr. A. D. Beaton has sold his general
store business to Mr. At G. Webb, of
West Tirawanosh, who will take poses-
sion ou the 15th of December. Mr.
Beaton has enjoyed a good trade here
for the past sixteen years and himself
and family will be greatly missed in the
coramunity, and they have 'our best
wishes for their fixture happiness aud
success, Wherever they may locate. Mr.
Webb also has our best wishes for suc-
cess in his rift business.
Pneumonia is Filling the Hospitals.
Every day we bear ef someone being
taken with pneumonia. Tho only pre-
ventive is to get strong and keep your
body healthy. Take Ferrozone which
makes the rich, red kind of blood that
nourishes aud stimulates the entire sys-
tem. "I was all rundown and an apt
subject for pneumonia writes A. B.
Charters of Burlington, when I tried
Ferrozone. I didu't believe it was pos-
sible for Ferrozone to build me up so
quiokly. In a few days my appetite im-
proved, color came iuto my cheeks and I
felt stronger. I gained eight pounds
and regained my old time vigor through
usiug Ferrozone." Try Ferrozone, it
assures health. Prices 50u.
Mr. A. H. Jacobs, of East Wawanosh,
shipped three head of Shorthorn, cattle
to Quebec last week. Mr. jambs is one
of the leading and most successful stock-
min this section.
The following from the Hamilton
Times refers to a son of Mr. Thomas
Ross, of East Wa,wanosh; —"Rev. R.
W. Ross, M. A., of Guelph, preached in
Knox Church to large congregations and
his exhortations were highly instructIve.
In the evening he preached from Heb.
24. The men who had been remem-
bered on the pages of history were men
of faith or men who had been associated
with men of faith. This was particu-
larly true of Moses, the steeled of the
text. He was a man • of strong faith
and purpose and at an early aim he had
planned out his oalliug for life—to be
the emancipator of his race. This was
the grandest work a man could engage
in—to relieve the burden of the op-
pressed. This might not be always the
easiest way, bat it was God's way and
would,be more profitable."
Mise Agnes Babb returned to her
home here last week. Since last June
she has been the guest of Muskoka
Dr. G. E. Long was attending the
Conservative convention in Toronto last
Mr. Webb McConnell, of Pittsburg,
Pennyslvaada, an old Blyth boy, was in
the village last week.shaking hands with
former acquaintances.
Reeve Sloan and Messrs Win. Sims
and Wm. Jackson were delegates to the
Liberal convention in Toronto last week.
Mr. John 33righato, J. P., of Mellott,
was also in attendance as a delegate,
Miss Bella, McGill returned last week
from an extensive trip to western Cana-
da. Daring her absence she visited
with friends at Edmonton, Ponoka, Cal-
gary and Neepaega.
Dirs. W. J. Fyle is spending a few
days visiting in Toronto, Niagara Falls
and Brantford.
Mr. Was. Phillips, has disposed of his
blacksmith business to Mr. Thomas
Kelly, who has been employed in the
Shop for several years. Mr. Phillips
will biONV devote all his time to the farm
inipletrient agency business, which be
has been conducting as a side -line for
some time past.
Mt Hoary S. Harwood lute boon itp.
pointed postmaster of Montreal.
At high noon on Wednesday, Nov.
lOth, the Manse in this village was the
scene of a pretty wedding when Incl.
Ferguson. a well known dry gooda mer
chant of Brussels, claimed as his bride,
Miss LiZzie, second daughter of Rev, D
13, and Mrs McRae, in the presence
of about,. 40 games. Bartholomew's
Wedding', March was played in good
style by Mrs. G. 33, Ballard, of Listowel.
sister to the bride, as the principals took
their places in the parlor for the sere
mony, They were unaccompanied.
Nuptial bow was tied by the bride's fath-
er, Rev. D. B. McRae, assisted by Rev
John Rees, 33 A., of Brussels. The bride,
whonl Nature hes richly endowed, look-
ed charming in acostume of white Per-
sian lawn, trimmed with lace and lamer.
tion and carried a beautiful bouquet of
white rose's and carnations. Mra, Bal-
lard wore a green silk dress, Very
hearty congratulatious and good wishes
were extended after which the ghee
sat dowu to elegantly spread tables where
ample justice was done by all.
Neuralgia ,Headache is Usually
Attended with blindinw nain, bnt re.
lief pumas quickly when Nerviline is ap-
plied, for it is the strongest plea reliever
in the world, "I consider Nervinue a
most magical remedy for neuralgia. 1
ital subject to violent attache, writes
Mrs. E. G. Harriss of Beltitnore, but
never worry if Nerviline is in the house.
The prompt relief that Nerviline brings
makes it priceless to me. A few appli.
cations never yet failed to kill the pain.
I can also rocommetui Nervilitie for
stiffness in the joints and rheumatism."
Try Nerviline yourself. Prole 25o.
The 200 acre homestead of the late
Jno. Snell, being located on the South
Turnberry boundary, has been sold to
Messrs. Thompson & Gibeon, of Wroxe.
ter; for $7,500. Immediate possession
will be given. Tbe new parchastrs will
take off the timber. Mr. Snell, who
died last eprieg, bought this farni fie=
Iuspector Jim. R. Miller in 1850, the lat-
ter getting $200 for it. Ix was all bush
Alex. Seott, who married a daughter
of Thos. Smith, of Wroxeter, last spring,
and went to*tiskatoon locality, N. W T.,
was taken seriously ill with something
like appendicitis but an operation dem-
onstrated that it was a tumor. .A. tele-
gram was received recently and Mrs.
Scott, the mother, went on Wednesday,
Oth inst. to see her son. Mr. Scott was
following the occupation of teams& r
He is a son of Pater Scott, of Turaberry
Boundary. Mr. Scott died. Monday,
Nov. 2Ist, and the remains were brought
home for interment. His young wifo
and the relatives geuerally will share in
the deep sympathy of the neighborhood.
Pools use Washes and Snufts
Thinking perhaps they will euro Ca,
tarrh, —but no one ever heard of ageuu-
uino MTN following such senseless treat-
ments. There is jnet one prompt and
thorough cure for Catarrh and it is fra-
grant healing Catarrhoznne which goes
right to the root of the trouble. It de-
stroys the germs, heals the inflamed
membranes and cures any case no mat-
ter how obstinate or long standing. "I
experimented for years with Catarrh re-
medies but found Catarrhczoue the
most rational aud satisfactory," writes
W. J'. McEachern of Waterville. "It
cured Inc for all time." For a sore cure
use only Catarrhoz me. Complete out-
fit, $1,00; trial size 25c. '
Soro Throat and Coughs
A sirnple, effective and safe remedy for all throat
irritations is found in
Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith
the soothing properties ot slippery elm and licorice.
10o. All Druggists 4e0
TFT] above picture of the
I man and fish. is the trade-
markI of Scott's Emulsion,
' and is the synonym for
strength and purity. It is sold
in almost all the civilized cowl -
tries of the globe.
If the cod fish became extinct
it would be a world-wide calam-
ity, because the oil that comes
from its liver surpasses all other
fats in nourishing and life-giving
properties. Thirty years ago
the proprietors of Scott's Emul-
sion found a way of preparing
cod liver oil so that everyone can
take it and get the full value of
the oil without the objectionable
taste. Scott's Emulsion is the
best thing in the world for weak,
backward children, thin, delicate
people, and all conditions of
wasting and lost strength.
ISend for free sample.
50c. and $1.00. 411 druggists.
12 hie indesceet lights ar,4 now it, use
at the tt- T. B. depot instead of the
kerosene lamps. It is qnite au improve-
Thos. Newsome has purchased the
Livingstone house and lot nfarly opposite
the Methodist chnrch from B. Gerry who,
soine dein ago, bought it frein J Living.
suone Mr N.iwtanne will overhaul and
the 1i0us it '1.
We are sorry to hoar that Don. Mc-
Kenzie, formerly of Brussels. is sill
confined to St. Joseph's hospital, Guelph
and has had several ,set backs since the
typhoid fever left him, His coalition is
considered critical owing the loug seige,
but we hope ho will rally.
Three cars of nmehintry and a car of 1
household furniture belonging to J. T.
Wood, the new proprietor of Brussels
Woolen factory, arrived here ou Taws-
d y morning from Rooltwood.
Moses McFadden, who was a former
resident, of this locality and who has
been practicieg law in Sault Ste. Marie,
has been nominated to contest the "Soo"
for a seat in the Legislature, in the Con-
servative interest.
Co. Council nominati in day will he
Monday, Dec. 19th. Far this District
F. S. Seort, of Brnsst'ls, will be the
Noininating Officer and the place Bros-
-sots town hall. The municipalities of
Grey, Morris and Brussels constitute this
11. Delion and family will remove
from. Brusstls to Berlin, shortly it is
said. The former will take a position
I in the office of a Gnanan paper itt which
1his brothers are interested. Mr. Delion
is well acquainted in Oat lonality having
resided at Elmira for several years.
On Frielay, Dec. 23rd, the animal
school concert will take the form of a'
Christmas tree, which the retiring teach-
er will provide for the pupils. The pro-
gram, oilmen others, will contain the fol-
lowing well known artists whose names
spe:k for themselves. Will McLeod, of
Seaforth, comic vocalist and entertainer,
Norman Murch of Clinton, baritone,
Mies M. L. Brock, of Wingham, elem.
Tho teacher and pupils' of S. S. No. 3,
Culross will hold their annual public
eaaminatton on Friday, Dee. Oth. This
has mine to be the groat event of each
School year and the determination 'this
year is to make it better than ever. It
will be a genuine, old-fachioned func-
tion, bordering closely on Ralph Con-
nor's description in "Glengarry School
Days." Teaching from 9.30 to 12 it. ne,
and iron 1 to 2 p. in. Lunch served by
the ladies of the section from 12 to 1 and
n good program from 2 to 4 o'clock, con-
sisting of recitations, solos, duets, in-
strumental must°, ete., by the pupils of ,
the sebool and others, Everyone read-
ing this, be he ratepayer, teacher or 1
pupil, is requested to accept this as it
personal invitation to attend. All will
be perfectly welcome.
Mr. Valentine Stock bas been re
nominated as Liberal candidate for
South Perth. Mr. Stock's re-election is
confidentially expected.
nausts, cows, tion,senesa, and other throat
bilm.mts ate quielt:y rt lievid 1,7 Creseleue
tablets. ten mins t,er box. All 0-rTzists
—nuns and Family Herald and Week-
ly' Star till end of 1904 for 45 cents. New
subscribers should take advantage of this
low rate.
According to President Francs, of
the Limisianh Purchase Exposition Go,
the World's Fair will close on Thurs-
day without the company owing a cent
which it cannot pay. This is a record of
which the managers may well feel proud.
—The Tines to any address till 1st of
January, MO for $1,00. An excellent
present for a absent son, daughter or
"Apparent colorable and fictitinus
only" are the terms used by W. 0, Seal-
ey, to describe the mejority of his oppon-
ent, IL D, Smith, bit tilt) protest which
he has filed against M. Smith's rent=
In Wentworth. Mr. Smith is the Con.
serviette° minority candidate declared
elected after the eisallowance bet the
County Covet *Taiga on the result of the
votes east at palling division No. 11, of
Beverley, which wiped out W. O. S'eal-
ey'e Liberal majoritsr.
Cut -Trice Sale " Men's Wear
As a Clothing Store we stand strong upon three
pillars—quality, economy and style. They form
the foundation Of our success in the selling of Men's
and Boys' clothing. We bandle only the hest makes
and save you money on every garment,
We'veroverloaded. Help us unload. Note inIl our
cut pticeig.
BOYS' REEFERS—Well made,tweed lined, high collar, strong .
• navy bine cloth, only_ „ „
BOYS OVERCOATR—Ileavv, fancy striped (*loth, well lined.
velvet collar, good value at p.m our cut price $3.00r.
MEN'S REEVE'RS—Mtle of heavy izrev frieze. tweed lined,
high etorm collar, regular price $0 75, one price ,_
MEN'S OVERCOATS—Made of heavy eloth, dark colors, high
collar, well lined, ourclearing price $5.00
MEN'S UNDERWEAR—Heavy, ail wool, elastin ribbed shirts "
and drawers, good value at 05 cents, out price.. ,. ...... .50
MEN'S SUITS—Heavy, an wool tweed suits, well made, Italian
linings, sizes 30 to 42 regular $7.50 suits for
BOYS' SUITS—Two piece Emits, nicely made and lined, cut
price, to clear .
MEN'S PANTS—A. special line of men's heavy pants, good at
$2 00, they go at . • $1.50
MEN'S KID GLOVES—All kinds, prices and sixes, big stock to
choose from, see our leader, worth 750 for .50.
MEN'S OVERCOATS—Heavy. all wool cloth, Italian lined; high •
collar, strap back, regular $t0.00 coats, out price. $8.00
FUR COATS—All kinds MERI'fi fur coats, we handle the Bishon
coat, the best kind to wear, prices easy, V5, $18, and $20.00
MEN'S SUITS—in fanny stripee, latest style, very neat patterns,
will wtitir well. regular price $10.00, cut price.. „ $8.00
BOY'S REEFERS—In heavy blue napp cloth, heavy lining reg-
ular value $3.00, cut price $2.25
FUR CAPS—A large assortment of minis' fur caps in Persian
Lamb. Electric Said, Otter, Astracan, Beaver. See our span-
ial line at, . . $3.75
1•0!1•••ril/lONIMIMMOIII• M1101114
1-1. E. ISARD & Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - flight roads at right prices.
Sa'nue] jordan, 5th line, Morris, has
purchased a hog 3 months old, that
mewls 100 pounds from D. Decourcey,
13 nnholm, Logan to eenshtp. Herd won
silver medal and first prize at Toronto
ladastrial, iie 19J3.
Miss Nellie Jamieson will not be re -
Eight of the last students placed by
The Canada Business College,
mining rn Ibe were placed at the following salaries : Taro at
other year although she would have been Viet(i!. )zie at $700, four at $729 and one at $1,009.
not pay them well to to Chatham 2,
made welcome after her 4,1a yearssac- Do you snow of sny other business Whoa
getting such results?
Our catalogues are the handsomest issue of
the kind. put nut, by any business school on the
Continent. If you wish to attend a business
school, ask for our General Oatalogue.
If you cannot come to Chatham, write for
our Mail Course catalogue We can teach you
Book-keeping, Shorthand and Penmanship at
your home.
We pay your railway fare in coming up to $8.
and eau secure good board. at it2.11) to $2.75 a week
Mention the catalogue you want, addressing
D. MeLACRLAN & 00.. (methane. Ont.
eessfal work. The trustees have engag-
ed ariss Milligan, of Dungannon for 1905.
1. he 201 acre farm of Samuel Walker,
6th line, has been leased to Jahn Jack-
son, now of McKillop, a former resident
of the 6th line. Mr. Walker's health
bias not been very vigorous during the
past summer, asthma troubling him and
he will probably take a trip to the West
next spring with a view of improving it.
After an illness of about a week Mrs.
James Bolger departed this life on Sat-
urday night, Nov. 19:h, aged 66 years.
The cause of death was pneumonia.
Deceased's maiden name was Mary Car-
ter and she was bora at Burrisoleigh,
near Castle Otway, Co. Tipperary, Ire-
land. She came to Canada when 19
years of age and lived with relatives in
Tuckersnuth township, Huron 0a., and
Biddulph township, Middlesex Co. la
1862 deceased was married to her now
bareft partner at Clinton and after a
residence in McKillop township near
Seaforth until 1875 they moved to their
present farm, lot 30, Sth fine, Pi, miles 1
north of Walton, which Mr. Bolger pur-
chased from the late Dmald Scott.
Here deceased made her home continu-
ously until she was called to the Better
Home of the Lord's providing. Mrs.
' Bolger is survived by her husband, six
' sons (John, of Grey township; Thos.,
of Morris; Jas , of Winnipeg; Sidney,
in Belmont, Man ; and Joe and Wm. G.,
at home) and three daughters (Mrs. A.
Knight and Mrs. C. Pollard, of Morris
township and Miss Jeanie A., at hotne.)
. The subject of this notice was an Ludas-
: trious, thrifty, motiierly, kind-hearted
Christian wotnan. She was a loving
wife, an indulgent mother and a good
neighbor whose loss Will be deeply la-
Dr. A. H. Hutchins, V.'S., of Mitchell,
died suddenly on Friday.
John Conway of Ellice township was
fatally injured by being caught in a belt
at Stratford,
John Edwards, found dead tnaslaugla
ter house near Woodstock probably died
from exposure, bat there is evidence to
show that he was tabbed shortly before
he died.
The highest price at tlie big sale of
trotters in New York was $15,500, paid
tor the four-year-old. Sadie Mac. The
purchaser was Miss K. L. Wilke of
Galt, Oat. Major Delmar brought $15,-
000 and was bonght by 0. N., G. Billings,
owner of Lou Dilloa.
After an illness of six months, Mr.
John Bertram, for many years one of
Canada's leading eaptains of industrY,
and One who always took a deep inter-
est in public affairs, died at his residenco
ia Toronto On Monday evening, in his
07th year.
Accounts, Rents and. Notes Collected. Con-
veyancing dons
OPPICel—ln Wanstone Block.
Coen slaturdsxflitit. Ir on 7 to 9 o'clock.
OR. OVENS, of London
SenirErm, DENTIST,
Visits Wingham inonthly.
Glasses properly fitted. .Nasal Catarrh and.
Deafness treated.
Winghatn ()fere—W. Drag Store.
Loudon 011ice--2.25 Queen's ave. Hours : 11
to p m
Ogihe,sog Ttl.s.i:t4--1)32oti.ndays, July 25, Sept. 5,.
Positively Free
DO you want a Naw St?
If so buy it heee and we will
keep it pressed for six months
free of charge.
are matchless in design and
fabric, and we havt a large stock
to select from.
in all the newest and is st mater-
ials at right prices.
Printings to null anybody
And say if yon are going to get
do not buy a 'ready-made until
you see what we can make you
one to order for.
We give yon all a pressing. in.
vitatioh to cad,
Ant TAItOlt.
—The Daily Star till let of January,
wit for i, Leave yoar order at .
Thits Off.00.