HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-27, Page 8CLINTow NEW ERA,
TIIVIZSD.A.17$ jAN. 27' 181. ;
•A large ittockef Cook Steves, cheap for cash
pewit bead.DAVIS,
HARUND BROS. are selling the hest No
1 034 on, Silver Star Drank for 25 cents per Imperial
Four Imperial 0111u1»7 and can, for i.f,
A liAisiAr Cutt‘K. Ou Wedneaday last
gr. Richard Manning, the thorough and popular Dis-
trict agent of the popular Confederation Life &why -
ti on, paid over to the executors of the 1st° Mr. James
Short, of Crediton, tbe snug stun of .42,00o, that being
the amount of a poiley on the deceased gentleman's
life. mr.;41anning is becoming noted for lits prompt-
. ness itt settling e1aim' ul this nature.
LogDzSBORO niactimunt TAKEii LEAN
or tus eastirrotte.
On Monday evening Mr. John klaggit;
who has been carryieg on business at,
Londesboro, for a couple of years past,
took a ticket at tbe Western Station for
London. After he had gone it was diacov-
ered that he had no Intentiop of returning,
having, collected in all his accounts and left
without saying good bye to his creditors,
His liabilities are in the neighborhood of
$1,000, while his meta are nil. While
carrying on business, he has managed to
devole considerable of his tinie to horses,
and was generally.regarded as a "halo fel-
low well. met." While we Clinton, mu
Monday, he had the impudence to invite
forward to the bar of a hotel a • gentle-
man° whh held 'claims 'to the extent Pf ii
couple of hundred against him, and al-
thoetebethe party Waft keeping an .eye
him, he cotild-nt get a red cent out of him.
de. et ••
LiTERA.ini,ANR SOtir ETV'.
Therewee a large aead• intelligent milli-
ence present in the TemperatMe, Hall, op
Moaday oventng, at the second open meet-
ing of the Clinton. TJ .111,0 of Oom mons. It
Must have beet) exceedingly gretifying, to
the members of the Society -to have soch
'an audience giving their supptirt te the
efforts being made to improve the intellea-
tual faculties of cm yoring men, The'
House was opened. by the treading •of: the
Speech. from the Throne, R. Helenas acting
as Governor-General. 'Ph° Speech had in
it the usual stereotyped clauses about the
pleasure which it eetve his Excelletcy
calling the House together, the good deeds
of his government, the Pi‘iiipeforis state of
the country, &O. Aestopies for discussion
it also promisedfa Werner's Suffrage Bill,
the consolidation of the diffeeent.educa-
tional skstems of the'Proyinces, universal
-suffrage,- and proPientiobs to restriat-theS
present system • of bonus giving; and to
change the existingrnode of eppointing
the Governor-General. 'After the readitig
of the Address, the Speaker teibli the chair.
Mr. ,A.: H. Meaning interrogated thei Pre..
Mier Ise to the formation of his ministry,
and twitted him 'sipon taking into,it two of
his former opponents.. After Mr. Taylor
had replied, a number of 'queetione ,were
pet to the geveriimentand answered. The
address in reply to the" Speech frorn the
Throne, was then moVed hyMr. P. J.
Macktd, in an ,exeellent spool), and se-
conded by Mr. Jae -Webster, ,whb, in this.
his maid -en attempt, certainly did lrientielf-
ereait. A good debate . followed, being
sustained by, Messrs. , 3.. Titylor, Carr,
Potts, Floody, A.. Hale, 3'. Taylor, and A..
M. Taylor. With the exception of the lard,
named, tthese parties were all strangers to
the public platform, bot • we venture the
opinion that all presen.t were very well
pleased with the evening's entertainment.
Before the Reuse adjonreed Mee Manning
spoke briefly Oil the Mins of the Society,
and requested sonie of the, geptlernerf who
Were present to 'make it few reineekS. In
- -----responseellreeRe!ilele-natide-aespecolteeex
eeedingly cemplimentary and encoorag."
nig to the members. 'He was followed by
Mr. .A. 8: Fisher and Councillor Morse,
both-expressmie aperttiaad
that was being •aceompliehed by the Soci-
ety. Calle were made for Some others but
rut the hour Was getting late there were Pc)
responses. On inotion• the HiniseS ad-
journed to meet.aisairi DeXt :11,011dasy even-
ing, in the• usual place. at 8 O'cleck.
hest those present we noticed Mayor
FOrr, ster, Coueeillora Coata, Morse, Ste-.
VOUSOT1 and Twitehell, and Messrs R. Ir-
win, A. S. Fisher, J. ItIeGarva, .L 0011r
ningharne, W.' Snyder, Q. E: PaY, need
man ji other leading citizens. ' ,
LAND NM; liT.-r-Mr. Wm. Wade has wide
a purchase of 800 setae ,of land in the north
west. . , .
Etseweeaz will be folind an advertisement.
• of the lecture et 1, . G. lit iddows, whzeli takes t ntion t run bnt one mail each way every
place in the Temperance Ifsll, on the 3rd
Tins Clinton Methodist Sabbath School
library now comprises neatly nine hundred
volunses-a pretty large library for a rural
to• wn. .
. .
Deaeteva--Owing to es" very severe SOM.
etorm in tlie eaa-t,, the Mal trainelue here at
2.4b, on'Saliiidayi did t riote nntitnearly
eight o'clock. - ' - ' ,.
„ .
Mit. JABEL notrusos, of Elgin, Will de-
liver a lecture under the auinaces of Pririce
•Orange Hall, lane. line;
te.mOrtow eemile-. „
Ws 1J$flEnSTAND that an An:onion' thee-
trical company have applied for the use of
thb town hall for lone consecutive nigh* as
soon as it ia.readY -foe use. - .
MA. ;1. STErnmsoN has managed to make
arrangements with a fernier tear tondesboro,
for the thnber required -eleven thousand.
feet -for Mr. Erwinsi new storehouse,
. .
. A (loon Sone. -We motice vary, may
farmers are engaged in hauling home lumber
of all descriptions, This indicates that they
are going to do building of some' kiiid.
non the Inland Romeo returns of last
year, we find that five illicit liquor sting were
seized in this distriet, it seven ...months. In
'two Of the bans, fines,to the =mint of $500
were i te parsed. ' •
Me. /one Ilonguesee of thia place, whoee
brother and mother left over two menthe
since for Auttridia, has just reeeived a letter
annonimieg thele , safe arrivel et Capetown,
witlibi twenty day'se'orirney of their destine,
tion. .
Stiow.-41eneillerable mow has fallen am,
.ing deepest weelt;froul it no* lios about three
feet deep .on the •lceel, .4 Etentimatin f MM.
Wingliam Monne tie that 111. :mow net in
that seetien im much deeper than here, and,
Attess knows, it is trlenly, il, ep etiouell
e for ell Preetied eiurpoeca.
Qtreieraitey vervicesewill be held in the
Mettiodiet Visor* on Sunday. •
Rev. O. Rs Maeliew, a few eveoings sinee,
delivered an address in 8t. Paul's Church,
WieelniM, on miseigne.
1174 anis pleased to teem that the oldest
son of Mr. A, Straiten, who has been :ailing.
for sometime, is gradually recoVermg. .
Hamm AND LOT SQI.D.-Mr.D.MeLanghlin
has sold hi house and lot on loreelorick street,
to Mr. G. Hanley, of Ceoderichtownship, for
the sum of
On Thursday A boy named
Greenside had °tie of hie thumbs amputated,
near the first joint,by having it caught ig
the machinery at Fair's mill. '
NEw John Shipley is making
preparations for the erection of deecond briok
house cm his broperty on the Huron. Reed,
having ordered 40.,000 brielcs therefor,
ItaseiE.esen Parce...-A. Morris farmer in-
formed us. lest Thursday, that he obtained in
Clinton seven cents a bushel more for spring
wheat than he could .get in another market.
Deeene-Mr. Thos. Thomas, who has been
ailing for it conaiderable tibio, died on Thur -
day last. 1:lie remains Were interred in
Tuckersmith cemetery, the OddfelloWs at-
tendiins in a body.
. A e(aw'clays (since a brother of Mies M. C.
Grundy, formerly of this place, hohis hand
badly lacerated by the premature' discharge
of a gun he WAS holding. A egliple of his
fingers had to be amputated, . , • .•
• KBES,-An effort is being made to get Ar-
chibald Potbeit, thewell-known correspon-
dent, -to deliver a ledture bore at an early day.
Should the efforts be suceerisfail, the lecturer
„will, without doubtbe awarded a full house.
• AssarLe Oesas.--:On'Saturddy hist Theis.
Spottier appeeredbefore the Mayor on two
'charges of assault, WW1 being -proven, he
Was lined $1 and eggs for each offence. ,f;
Connell wee also Vied ,oh deeheillar.elierge,
and•fined the, same,
HAtt.--Last week Mr. Wm: Wade stild
0011p10 Of tOPS of hay at the unusually high
price of $12 per top, , It wee tirst-elase time -
thy, however, and the pitch holes on the
toad are so had. that it cannot be brought
froth any grtiO djstanee, whiela accounts for
its .
. e on ii>1 • Dukru, • -- Ou Thursday eveuitig
last, Annie, .dattgliter„ of john Irving,
died -after a.fetv bI1urs'i1uess,' from coriges-
tioli of the hinged- Deceamed was a teiteher
in the Presbyterian 'Sabbath 'School,' and, is
the first one, 'that has died in twenty years,
while .still retaiuing connection •vvrth the
school. She was highly esteemed by all who
had -the pleasure of her nocturne tence. , •
tall: of a mutual fire iusatanoe company being
formed among the bnsi ess inen of this place.
.There are a number g Maga that could he
,advanced in favor of elicit an asseciation,
while there are. else.; objectioes, that could
.15e broils/he sigain.st et. Wo • beliire, how.
,.ever, , ghee all things corieidered,...K :mania
association could be formeitand satiefabeopilY
°oh ducted. • •
Coen est. (IN o E Ili Ileir OV,A4,,I,N`Y.-a,A. few
days since Messrs. Wi Doherty & Coe, of'this
place, sreceived a letter : from ,A large music'
'dealer iii•Oenieny; asking" fors the terra,.
on Which theirs organs poulslaStni .entsplied.
Thaletter.wits, of course, answered, and the
firm hope the: correspondefice istay 'result, in
opening up a new field for the saleof thefi
(Weans, Magma, Doherty & Oo. are at A 10SS
to undetstand how their Mimebeesme. known
'in this far off partof the world, Nit it must
be .that fame knows AO •
2.011/STEIROVS: LTC f SOtht time past.
'stories have been .circulated about the Mora:
meths of a 'mysterious ligbt:that-hae madeits
Appearance at different intervals CO A year
pest, on the forte ;of Mossis,. W. Morgan,
KA J. Maltnyin, of the 5th con. of Goderich
'township. 'The •light .is eel& to .be
about the size of an ordinary' lantern, and
moves around at 'pleasiire, sometnnes going
as high up as the taps. of tarp :trees and die -
appearing es if by. magic.. _As great. many
Persons; whose 'word . can. be 'relied 'epee,.
have witnesSed the Stspeetre„"-and have even
made attempts to retch t, hut, 80 far.,
out success. The farmers -in the neighbor-
-117Ra lave become sortiewhaeaceustrfifird-tir
the strange Visitant, butedell regaiel it with;
a degree of curiosity. •It 1S'pot untregnently
the case that water seeds forth a phos bores.
een . 3gm its p ienomena °en swine e
be attribUted to wafer; as it Sears around :ap-
pereetly irrespective of lily cootrollitig s ole.
The question arises. " What is it ,
MALL r1UnPANGIES:W is reported that the
postalanthorities intend making a change itt
the snail arrangeinentS On the Lotidon,'Huritri,
& Bruce Railway, itt aallort•tune. Tho pro-
posed change is to makeethe morning express
north, andthe afternoon express. south, • a
mail train, merwithrleasealic•mail,clerk from
the morping express, south, and the:after-
noon train north: For sem() :time past; •the
Peeple of.Lonclon, and along the lino, have
been agitating for a morning mail train fsona
Londonelint we belieSse they were under tito
'impression .that an -additional - mails service
'Would be given. them, not SiMply 'a reversal
of *ensue] order of things. If it. iS the
e 0
day, Use existing arrengernents are far .bettor
than the contemplated, Change. SO far aii ae,
.Coremodeting thle portion of •the Bee is con-
tained: . The change will be a alight
tap for London people, but will be. source
of annoyance and. delay tip 'this way, and we
expect that after a short trial of the prospeci
tive Amigo, inen • here and else -
of retuning arrengeinente similar te theig
now in forge, .
'Goa; Honeas.--Mr. Lewhe , of Loudon,
was, last -Week, in town melting' puithaees of
horses As willbe soon by the prices paid,
he bought only fleet -ekes animals. Of Mr,
Butt, of the Base Line, he bought a tearer
paying $300 therefor-; from Mr. W. Weir,. of
the Hayfield eoisceesiom lie bought another
teatn at $aoo.; frees Ale. John Mesone, of
Mullett, a horse at $140; from Mr. • Geo.
Watt, of Bullett, a mare at; $190. A few -
days melee Me. Robt.•13cott, of Hithett, sold
an eighteen Months old horse, te an Anieri-
01111 bueers for•the sum of $300, and Mr. G.
Snell, of the sari3e township, recently sold a
snokling colt to Mr. Jetnes Shobbroek, for
the sine of $100. Mr. Joeeph Smiley, -2nd
eon. of Morris,. tecently sold three bones
for $540; Any one can Hee at it glance
that raising horseflesh is A profituble invest,
meet, 'at thews figures,. :and we Should • be
pleased to see many more of the farmers of
this county tern their attention to raising it
better class lif this atock. In no branch of
farming bati such groat progress been made'
of lel* years, to in theimproveatent of horeee,
end there is still roOm for progress. It la a
high compliment to this cOnuty to know
that when Ameriate buyere of ,.eiflier horses
or berried stock visit the Dominionlivith the
object of malting purehases, ther invariably
come to the county of Huron, apparently
kneesing thithif there ie any good stook to be
had it ten be urine/pod here. Vermeils
elemid not let tine advaptage. be Iced, and
tinting tee eetni»g seasou elioul(1;prepai.e to
(imply 1 ho deniaeil for !mod violet on a more
attended wide.
There is not much indication of the Jaen. 0ORR48r0NDExos.
ary thaw.
rA0kERri 0111.110E. -Mr. Wm. Bullin hos
bought 2I acres against the tank on the Base - .
Whah he intends to erect a residence.
Line from Mr.. D. Tiplady, for $200, ou To the Raitur el the Cliitton„,yeto Era,
DEM; Stn, -In the Stratford Ileacua of
following item ;-
Noe Serso.-',ehe Holmes fano on the 1(ith last week 1 Ilnd the
"In September Mat Chief Wilson' summon-
OCM.,, Goderich townshin, advertised to be ed one Martio, an employee of the Dominion
sOld by auction on Tuesday, was not dispohed.
Telegraph Co., bel ore the pollee Magistrate,
of, the highest bid behne 0,200, which Was
Stratford, for 141lItilatiltUAlla disfiguriug uhade
far below the upset price. '
LECTURE. ---10,7. Dr, Davidson, Of Chat
ban, will lecture in the Baptist Chirreh, this
evening, on, "making.:13110 best of life." The
reverend gentleman is qualified to handle the
subject an able Manner.
A-Sraseess.---We are pleased to learn that
the morning express' going north recently put
ea the L., Id. & B., as an experiment, baa
proved. such a boon to the travelliug public
that it is Likely to he contiuued permanently.
PULPIT CSIANOIS,,--Tte,V. A.Stewart preach-.
ed in Blyth, on Sunday, his pulpit- bore be.
ing filled by Rev': Mr. Pritchard, of Watches -
ter. Rev, .Mr, Livingstonrof Bayfield, 00O11 -
pied. the Methodist pulpit, Rev.. Mr. Slither-.
land taking his work. Rev. Messre. Thomas
and Grey exelmeged, pulpits on Sunday even -
INeultasn rx vm.nr.-Ati showieg the in -
R. W. Moore of thin.town, recently made an
cresese in value of at least some of the land, °nut"' .a.„1"„2_511..68._____I. _ . ...........,
in the northwest, we may mention .that Mr, .
TEACHER'S L.A.11,11.1XTS.'
. ,
offer of $30 an acre for a large sect.io.n. of lima
in the TioinitY. of WinniM, wium a 'ew To the Editor of the Clinton *Wu; 1.?;.a. ,
nyrthreinaggo could have been had for little or
, 'Srn,-Teaeirers in T,ural districts havg to
. .• -fight their own battle!, and fight them alone
Sitiausai Cassivet..-"-"A oernival will be very often, There are plenty who are always
held in the Skating Rink, here, next .Mon,
slay.evening. As this is the first one of the
seasene there Will.tioubetess be a large at-.
tendange. The committee of inenageroent
(an efficient .one) will do all they can, to have of no great criminal importance should not
the rink in.first class order. The, bend will enter into. school naanagercent, even though,
be in attendaece. • .. they ma be connected Witlfsfalsehood, we
are of the ophaion thst torah persons know
A Sinue-On Tuatday, it 014° 0 nn'n very little pont. the irsjunctioni of 'eon.
b,ringing a large load. of dressed hoge.froin
th selencious teaehing.. How few tholes are cas
o ri i, ci y b pable of giving edvice in auy enticed ease that
other eide of Holmesville, by the npsetting of
may occur We attribute this.as a; reason 7;4 •
their load. " Even after Working . that time.
there are SO Only fatilt-firidets, so few eau
4na I plaesathernselves iu the position of the per -
alley 'were finable to get all piled up,
they drove into towo withetwo hogs dragging son they. accuse. In order to Aced -fairly M a
in the suow, having chained thein to the '
school, a.tea.thei sliould be oirelese in regarel.
sleigh, , .
• , to what people may think of his procedure.
Wean' Paceeriven.-On the trelpit of Tay. The greet thing, as Sydenham arse, is te "be
lor's„ Church, Huron Road', Coderich town- sereyour right, theitegOeheint" In all eases,
ship, lies a Bible, ti'llieh, to all appearance, a teacher .should be careful to. drew the. dis-
is nearly. as good. as new. . However, it has , tinction between, right and wrong, whether
lain there for ever twenty-five year's, .and. has !such cases be small or great ; to theiee attens
tion' to that whico is grand,. aspiring and
praiseworthy, and to denenbee all that may
seem low, mean, flattering and contemptible ;
for; :be it ever reinembered„the charactet
formed in youth is nothing more or less than
that which is developed in after life flow
-important-sthert, it is to- get the formation
right, ,equally at much so at the foundation
of a builaieg. . Should we not then,eeize these
trees, under the plea of clearing A way for
the telegraph wires. Martin was fined $25
and costs by Mr. Moue, and the case was
appealed to the county judge, before whourit
was argued at considerable length on Tues.
day. • The decision of the police magistrate
was affirmed by judge Lizare, ou the ground
that then had been, unnecesearY eating of
tree. Telegraph employees needed it few
lessees of this kiud, and will probably not be
so unmindful of private rights in future."
Now, sir, I believe it would have been the
same in Clinton, as limbs were cut by the
same eonapany, unnecesserily long. I should
like to ask, have we no independent council-
lor who will move in the matter of a similar
prosecution. Are tilt; people of tilinten to
stand by and see their trees mutilated with-
out any one to defend them, 'It should not
be. Thanking yog for the insertion of this,
I am, yours, &e., A C1TIZE,N.
ready to criticise the aetions ot others, •hyt
who know little or nothing Abdat tho einem-
etancee hy which Such persons may be acted.
loci: When we hear a person say that things
been in constant liSe•in the ohurch services
ever since. it was first opened for use. Every
leaf is sound -and the book idvery little soiled,
aonsidering its leegthened period of service.
1./irri.xh A.rraualsos.-We understand that
atunple of parties in town contemplate going
into the drying of apples, potatobs, • etc., by
means of the ne* hot air proms. We know
of on better piece for the successful werkeng opportunittes. a1. they pass,. to make.
of snob au enterprise, the situation of -Chia I impressions which' we • believe will have it
ton, with its railroad conneetious /Tab and I lasting effect ; fordse it rememlieted that the'
child is under the teachers charge for it longer
and. that the inileenee . of the teacher
le isecomt only to that of the parent. ft is
only when it teaeher takee. hold' of sinai;
lay thanghts to t4eSe that becomes aware
of the terrible., reSponsiliility that rests Upon
Should net same enciniregeinent, gome
words of admonition 'come from • thoseatliey
come in contact with:" Bat. snail public
life, we may work ourselves to death and get
no'thanks except the' conseietisness of, duty
was not the slightest foundation for, " Glean- IN .
• • • . Yours ate . .Ps G. W.
ees" statement. •• .
• ,/stee'itia3e..Pie.E.--:On &Miley evening leSt CLINTON MEOHAN los' INSTITUTE.
the wareroonin bf Messrs. Doberty,, : , • , • • • •
biogs Were observed to be lilted with swim. fte the &Rio', 0:1. Ike cuidon New'Era.
Investioation disclosed the fact that an ash
box in the -rear of the store was on tire, -and
had burned a good.eized hole in the flooring.
The hex bad always befare been emptied' n.8
soon aa used,. but was overlooked this time,
south and its surroundings being exeeeiloage
131 faVerable therateskeentataasagaethes
business Piishedstheatl. • ,
ColoteNteAuos..,...-we haye received 'a
cernmenication contradicting a .-etatement
made in the Correspondence coleinn. tlie,
first issue ntotir laced ooteMporatye over the;
signature of "'A.,,G-16iiiibe."- conetniini-
cation thotild Property have been sent to the
/Secord; they•pnblished the letter, and
w•ould deubeless•have inserted the contradics
' tion. The correspondent Wail -that t134.3.1'13
See the bargain's in IiRESS GOODS.
LOok at the cheap FLANNELS.
BLANKETS lower than ever before.
Everything cut to the bone in price.
Get a bargain in _Airs,
Get a bargain in Overcoats,
Get a bargain in everything
you want.
• •Mt must be sold to make room for Spring Goods,
E Pay di Co's,
-Ste, -I wish fie give your readers a Short
statement emieerning.the Library cif. the Me-
cheuics' I:esthetes and hoe0it. we- stand at'
. Had it not •been observed just when it wee, of volumes sav.ed fronethe fire was 110. these,:
present. ' • .
• On the 27th of:November, 1870, the ninxiber •
it would have gained 'such headwey as Go' with 142 voi limes which were oue, constituted
make a ierioes tire probeble.
Cites -nee: ser'ena' SNO'SV. a:Last week' one
of the long sheds. on the property of .Messrd.
,Glasgow, ItIaoptieremi•ets Co., was :crushed in
used -by -II re...I
tlay night a stable c.at Itattenbury, Street,
by the weight of snow en the roof. On sun- At a ineetitie held by the directors Of the
jaso_er.u.shad...atouarlwti.h.ealse.•soltoacalos to ctokitistoeitTziivitoli: ‘filaitinitteolyo,i
eoliimes of periodicala, which were, ready for
250 volumesssaved out ef 1694, and about 30
Instepte, on the 90.1 of January, 1880. an ail.
girmuegn FOR .2'03x......'n.:01$1,11....
Xow is tho thuo- secivr0::Bar*Ajos;
Irorder to reduce stdek .and malw room .for (-41i4.0.00&
we have decided. to sell at, from TEN, TO. ,FIFicEEN. PER ••:.
. .
Ax -es* etossciit Sam's 14:Imps -Ate,. very 10W.
The hest No. i Coal Oil, Silver Star Brand, ler
real gallon, li:otir *Imperial gallons, and can, for •
• - •
.2:ka:R.1771A;• INST-T)
d , WhiOil WAS ver ( g tent 61 S I 1 1 •
suhscription of meney and hoekEi to thciemennt •
of: -78. The books premised hp.ve been re-
, 9 . , vo limes, _vs ch
unt'le-oUr.ettich on cOmineooitig, 394 volatiles.
. Th e. directors' baye purchased, up to date, 528
log in. - a • :
••• • ••• ' voleines,; "Making •a• trital at present, of 922 -
Ts.urixo...i.The ainount of teaming :that valnmes.- ' . , ' • • • - •
has beendone ie the .kdeinity of this town, , '171.10 Reading Ileorn is supplies] with the fo,
gins frit thie 'Winter, 43 SirSpiy.:..asionfshiug. lnwitig periodical's :--15 'niagazines, 4 reviews,.
Although the.roads. are very -.heavy and• Fes ..e. ilinstrated..wseltliee, 2: illesttated Monthlies,
quire the.titmost: gen to be driven over in .3.daily newspapers, and 7 weekly newpanerse,
safety, tin enormous quantity; ol, avOod, epee I am. glad tes.say.thati the Reaiing Room is
lege, hate, grain, 'ete.,, bee: beet tnoved; In Well aiteeded. . The issile of .bnoks• uveratice
re.ference• .114 the first named artioldi .one about 80 volatiles weekly, : • ..
wondeisivhat becomes Of it all. Teates in ' . 'Pim directors consider what havd been
continuous -strings live been hauling it ell able to.aceoinplish in one year, presageehopea
whiter, and yet there. is e searaity in town.-- , fully for the futare of the Institute 3, and they,
that is. of 'dry wood.. The amount annually .also rely ripen you to advocate the cause •at
eansumed,Itere is several thousand •oierds, present, with air appearto the esiinmunity for
and. is emietheitly on the .mcrease. • .•an inereese otsubSeribers. ' -• • .
There will be a canvass of the lown. made
siolsitellteg.WqrniNtes".-esA. fl;61alorre943"32Mdern. Tti °.f.Dthili3s31.gaTti. j'A-medi."913.', tr'r sabseiribers for
• . . YourS; &c., • ' • "
Of Stanley) .haii jest completed a most. sue.
. , . . Je1itee Sone, Librarian.
eessful.season's threshing with a Leonard en-
'. i As We expect to 'refer to .ehin matter' more
gine and • •‘. Minnesota Phiat." Separator.' ,He
in det il at another time, we 'Shall...simply say
threshed in all 45 days,' Bed from first to
that ie trustlhe enblic will liberally-teepond
last he was. only oft work three days and a
teth ell Or subscriptions, believing, as . we
hall. . The separator was the first of the kind
used inthe county, being of Americenclesign, .adk.kb;etilisiaqit ointti Ifs nastisietiusytegirneat
Ansi ina:nufactered by theiStlaepherson firm of "
Client), It gave the fulled satisfaction to 1.:41re:1 : , ! .
irieter tind• custornere. The engine, . . •
also, pro ed itself eglial to the work required -•: - ..-..DAIR0eat • NEW•s.
of it, co ting dtfring the ,season for repairs, • • ..---..-,
The following acme, furnished by. a ethe
. .
only tt . . . ,
, .. • . respondent, under (late of. the llith inst., will"
''rnertotiounrain luvu'STocir AssocrATIox.- i be of interest to paetiee in this neighborhood,
The annual' Meeting- of this aetociation 'too : the intlividnals referred to havitie, been resi-
daY last, the Presideet, Mr, Jas. Higgipe, it. .
on1/21 dents hereabonts 3-, , -'• s •• • , ,
NAILI1OW Eaceet.-One day last week, as.
'place. M the Cienemerciattlotel here. MnM
the ohair, mad among those ; present were ..
Mr.:Wm, Arelerson was going to Varga; with
Messrs. II...Snell, John Mason, M. Mel'ag. a load'.of wood, it...paesing ti• mule team; else
gart, john ()undrape T. Bell,'T. ItIoen,I. L. ' of' them. kicked him aeverely. • We are•glacl
•eartitied;T:Yathingtom F. Grahato, j. Kitch-
en; .a31(1 °thole: • Astinaneielseatement of the. • -,-,
to.learn'thatt4le able to go to Werk _egetn,
ittTli AWA.V.' )1.1 Monday twit 4,1iterling
past year's affairs WAR read by the SecretalY, left his team standing hitched tothe whiffle-
eliewing a balancato the credit of the society, trees, while lie waist to get it bolt. Mid Shay,
,and then followed the election of offiaers for: becoming frightened, rue away. Thee', woto
the ciarent year, Mr, Higgins 13644 re,elected fotand at one of the neighbor's barna, eaten -
1. •.eident, end ate M. Y. McLean, See,- ,
gled in a set, of herrbws, Oue of, them got
VOSS:, '141(1. A liege number of direetors !rein
' Wisarnee,-We have very fine weather out
Mart very bad, ' . • ' '
bnt eplenclid. wheeling'. On
the c)ttigooes municipalitiee-
. ,.
NW/ Qklrft TilE SAi111.,-,- A short time agoit here ; no snow,
strappiu; young- farmeri who resides not. a Thursdaylaskthe thermometer was 5,0° below
hundred' milei „from here, and who content. zero, :Messrs. A.„Sterlingiand John Burnett
plated desalting. -the ranks of 'baelielottloitia went for a load of hay on .hat (1( ye the •diss
ilea occasion to call upon the issuer of Mar.' times; of 22 mules, mid, did net feel any
riege licensee, to. theatre the necessary aeon- . comfo . ,,..e. . . et t:t ..
rt therefrom; • .
went. The tasual qttedtiMewore'pnt by the Two eiotiens ago it wa . I. e• cry, who is
efliebtli hild answered promptlystbough blush- going to Canade, hat now it isa :who is going
young lady it spinstee?" The young man to Dakota.'
. OLP IfolisraLe-Dalrota Otoll bOiS. f having .
iettly, • until the query was asked, ' Is the ,
. •
hesitated for it few momenta, but finally re- ...some old horiteee • Mr. W. McDonte (1 hest oiie
plied •that he did. tot think she was, ''' 18 that saw 23 yeare in Goderich tow able, near
she A widow, thee ?'' On We point he hod Porters Hill, awl. neatlY it year he Dakota ;
not the slightest doubt, and with lowering
browoshouted ont, " NO, she is a seamstress."
When tho mirth the., thia restruttk oeca8ioned
had tiabsided,enti teal Peril an atione were given,
awl the young man reef -11(4e d his pefer. ile
will knew better reef Cite.
iir, three h,orses,beieg. buried in the , oblige • s e 1 y re pon( e( .to by a
willing hands were quickly.at work, anti they.
were extrieated, little the worse of the mishap.
Roofs-whoirld be donned of snow for -4 .1
Nines we will most likely heat of. more crush -
Stook to h Ica 11 Cost, tvim
12.,000 .wogit OF STAPIE".61-00DS
To be sold at once, as 1 intend to clear_all out as soon as pos-
sible., No -old goods. All pew and well bought for eash..-
Parties wanting bargains will•get them by eallingat once.before
the stdck is broken up. •
pREss GO 0135 at (lest. , • ,
WINCIES at cosi.
pieees twnEns, Pinglish, Seotch end
" Canadian'Tweetts,'itt cost.
Everything to be solki at cost.
mence thisday, and col
" . . . . .
xgr- The Store will be io rent as sOon as the stock: is sold.
lie Atilt looks well, and is like living ton yeare 3 •
more, That's not bad for old 11'otri.
..Tircs‘ .13untreve is tansy engaged. in lniring 1 .
Veils this winter:, he has bored four thy 1•IIENRY .PLUMSTEELit
eninth ; 13e hite gnee (twit 05 feet for \velem, ' as
Large steolc BriADY#IVIAllt 9LO2ILING itt cot.
Large etoek tif LADIES JACKETS At cost.
. •
1 Large stock ef HATS ,ANI), CAPS at pest
tinge- stook 'isf FURS 'at Nest
e 000 pairs of MA'S AND snom in Men's
Women's and Childret's, at cost.
GROCER fES) af cost.
OSO " '11
No- r . 0111-
itintie until all are sold. •
„„zi o)1c down for V. Colwell. CLINTONtbse. ka, 860'