HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-27, Page 7- - - � . ­ ­­�-Pq­ -- -M- -------- — -1 ­,1iR­---­ — ---- -----' -­ ----.---,W - �­­­�­­ .­ -%11 - ­ W-1-11"" - -W . . . -Y -, .." 4� � - � . � I . . . 4; I I . . I I . . I - - . . � .. I I . I I ­ . k . � . I . . I . I , I - � . , I 11 . 0 . . . I . , I � . � . I . I . . r. � I . r . . . 1. . . I I . . . I I . e I . � . 10, . , . . I 1 4 . . . -0 . . ,. 1� I, 11 I . , �, I . 4 I. . � - . I ". . � '. . I 11 . . I . I I I - I . -- - -- I - - -1-1 I I . . . I I �� � - -­ . . . I �-- -1 I — — --- --- . 1. .. . I � . �' contraott Qritiqlzing manyof the statements - I I I -, . � - . ­.-- I . . . I , i I I . 41�0,60m, Municipal Cdrp DO 01MION PAWARNT. made by the Muistermlisto -during the ONTAR10 LEGISLATUREN forAtiou of town. � , !-� I ,.' . , , .1 Course Of the debate, He ridloulqd the, as. ,,h, IREL�Nb. I . ,T,ol Mukham; Also, from Win, Nagh Hoit"Olts 01F NVAIR, . t . N . . peroiOna cast ppo, a the ve mes of - I I ------ 0— thm; also, petition presented I . . , . � by ,Vr, I ,� - , rx*wA, Jan, 19,-TUe SpoakerL'took the the new qyndicato, because tile F erris to the same a , . , T1110 TrityerseWst Tjd84-An9;h6r Booer* ,01994y W�rk J&eforc the Bouleged , � % I � fleot, . ,oc , I .. , y wore do. WA.DX9sDA,T, .Jan. 19, -The Speaker took. VlOr . - I I .. aw at a p.m. feated Grit Cana the cliaij at o'clock- t ex Geolcumeve, . . � Idates, And mentioned that -8 . . On motion of Mr, Nowat the, report of JOu- &91P the,V0111`0404 4unkip-worilkl3se" . Petitions against the ratification, of the, the Special Committee appointe Meu Arittil .T. F*TZ1IgxlUxIO, Jan. 23. -Gen, S . . , � 'q . 11 .. VeArly every- POlitician in pi;blio life Led I � (Ito strike, ma whviinqeiveffl. � .S . , " �syndi � PETITIONS. the Standing Committees was re eive4 and LONDON,. JA .,. ­ pto Contract were, resented ,by kobeleff , . been dbleated it sometime or other during I � . .0 11, 2O. -Mr. Parnell w *sot$. Gunn, Sutherland, UP, h- I - I I 1. Thefollowing petitj ' ad y � . ill not telographs that during the night: of the 15t I . - tea. ' . I., I ,, CuV,ig,Whe1 is public career. Ainoug that n I , opted. b ' 1. I . . h . latersoIx . umber in ons, were preoen , the House., go to Dublin to be proton ,oncluslon Wet- the Russians Carried t9e Tokke pool .tatther .. . I - _ I ler, Bain, .Ross, Cartwriglitp I this country was Sir John Macdonald Mr. Bell -F rom t4e T. 0. & B. railway, Mr. Hardy presented the reply addressed of the Irish state trials. . tiono forty yards from the w ' I I him- Q�o I � a . 11 , P(Brant), 444 oxi'le by sell-, and, by ,'the way, thq, intmijer for for 4mexidineti to this Houso'from. the on; A h Mr. 13lennerhasset, member for Kerry, tress. The Tekkes mado despqrl&tq Afforts . I � . - � Kr- Sproule in favor . 40 a rep y . all of thb for - of it, . 1. . I I Cardwell bims,11 had been dofeat6d njus, Mr. Litudo to to their Charter. addressed to this Hoiffle from the IffarquIL3. IIA11,PQ M-PIQtoly -severed his 00A.1lictionwith 0178 - � .1 I . . �� Petitions from 00mAll rmilway ponikon- " . mittinj� - - neither of grw�FrQax towilship.of Holland, Of L.orne, tovernore-46'rieri , 0 - ­ cover thein�but failed. On the evening I .. its �jain.si the appoi - times While ad that for the incorporation of the Orange Asso. 1 of Canada. the Rome Rulers. of. the, 16th the entire force, .Of TokIxes aa� �, . I ritmeut .Of q, -board -of, W. Mr. HAY�Blll to -A / . ... - the two offers. now bole ciation of Ontario E ast and imend the act respecto It is ul Malted the I . . railway commissionera were presented by to the 4ouse ,,est.� . iderstcoeiha,6 oueof theresults, . Waian, centre and lefto and - � 1 Should be accepted without mQdifialtioni. wifoibson-From the An -Canadian : jug ditching and watercoursing. ot the conference between the � I . . . . . desperate fighti . . glo, naval, and � .. ngensuedalong nearly the ­ I . I 11 , . I I Messrs. Brooks, Ryan andBakor, lie argued that it there was no. alterriat , Ive Mortgage Company, for an act to give the Mr. Cook -Bill. to amend the Municipal xxi.�Iitarycommmxldere in Ireland lou request whole. li4.p Tile - Tokkes were finally xe. . . 1. . I , . - but to accept one of these two, then the, company certain powers, I "' , , - I Xr,Blakep,skedthe leader of the Gov . _ .. , . Act so as to make a re4uctidu of the num- that, a large nutuber ol a pu sea with great slaughter, and pursue . . I I , steam launcheo,and . I ernment to fix the time when he would Uter offe Mr." Creighton -From : bet of members of the Coputy Council. pinnaces be sent over for - the purpose of . over the, ra Parts of . I allow motions to be made for unopposed . r should be accepted ..Xames Coobrmpo,, , . � I in ' . * U, Mr. Rochester read a ro, tibling. speech of Derby, and others, that the legislation Mr Calviii-Bill to amend the Assess- watching the, coast, and for t Russi I an logo w I their own works. The � I . I a . ith the, terms of a cor- he speedy , as 1$ killed and 82 wounded. � .. � I , returns, so it would require, only an-1our upon thelayndic to bargain, the oporatiori may not interfere w men�Act. . I transportation of police and troo The Russians Continue and -m half, and it was important j . I . . I , , Mr Xerrjok ailed if the r . 'Vs. I . sapping and en-. I . I . ,t should of tile". NitiOnal, Policy," ind the admin- tain. by-law of said township granting aid * � .. eturnis ordered DuBLIN, Jan. 20 -v --Ur, Dillon, 4ouxisel ,or trenching, but oper io re a , cult, . I be,done in accordance with th,Q statement to b if At 44 a iffi be. . , istration of - Dublio affairg. under th to the Georgian Bay & Wellington Railway , f a laid before the House in 1870 with the traversers, ,asked the jury to ,acquit cause the enemy o .1 $ of the Premier that he would make ough An 1. , - I Q present � . 11 I I 1. to erence to. certain Orang) Lodge organiza- Gordon and I Boy�on, and thus r . utilumber them ten to . and late Oovernmento. , , cc th one. The head � arrangement wit ii , re tions wore, ready. , e greater Irelandle �nd the seas. I, Sul. .im. His remarks we e of the sap is wx thirty - 03, so Obviously inappropriate that Mr. Speaker Dun. .. - not yet Been to - four yards of the wall, ithin . . Sir John Macdonald pleaded the import- I 9on2T71�1`1oy,-From the i�[%mlltou & . . . H K.d 11 _ 0 I On the 17th, th " . I I I � ance of the question now befor I a the House, ruled them out of or d4s.Streat RailwayCompany',thm them . . livari.,M.11�,, ow Yd n behalf of Egan. He Russians lost 4 kinea and 18 -wounded b; - I � � . der. I t an mot Mr, Hardy omid'it was preparodiast year : 4row. a picture of the li, arsb. laws -passed sharpshooters. . . .And said that.he could not make. 'such an Mr, Fleming moved the adjournment of in" be passed giving the - company Certain for presentatibil I . � Arrangement until the. motion for - the debate at 2 o'clock and the House rose, Powers- I . . presented, I - , and lie thou . ght it had been � since the union,.and of the suffering of the It As rumored.that $0,600 'Tokkes, from . I . � . - � � , Concur Mr. Blezard-From the Grange Trust famine. Some of the Audience wept are advancing to the tell d . I I tried, as he pres TTAwA, Jan. 21, -Tho e . . I . He . I., . of of eok- . , rence-sheuld be CA lam.e.d. It 0 � - Speak 3e.tQok the Mr. Merrick moved that as neither -the called upon the j Merv, � would be'. . chair At 3 o'clock. . I � Comii4ny,.for an apt to Amend their char� Government nor the Opposition had any- e . rs, and,tbereb UrY to acquit the travers- Toys with a. bat6ry of artillery. The . . # T11B SYNi)lc&Tn BAXIOA�N. . . . , ter,'giving them leave to increase 'their thing � . I y condemn the so-called Go 's rega,rds the reinforcement of G .. . . ME SYSDICATE )3A,RGAIN. � . � capital stock. L . I to do, the House. ihouild adjourn. Liberal Mirlsters. wliabad been, hounded Skobeleff asabsolutely r � on . I . ­ . ,(Laughter.) . -- I , necessa, ,V, � , . . ' F The debate upon the se0ond reading Of Tli6 House, res t Mr. Bauder, of the Corporation, of tile � . . on by the London press, The court room' .- " . I � . I . . , I i - Sir Charles Tupper's Pacific railway, umed the discussion of the Township of C611higwood ; Mr, McKim, of -0 Mr. Field�You might, bring in your ,w . . . . . � � 1. . I ,resO- proposalto concur in the railwa�resblutions, I ' ,*as crowded. I 4VAX9 OF UACMS; � , . . I ­ . . I � � I � esumed by Mr. Kirkpatrick, Mr, Fleifiing brought practi . Cal and home. the Township of Pilkington, also of the range, Bill. (,Laughter.) Mr. Sullivan appealed to the jury not to .. ­- . . . . i $ . -w-ho appeared to have a rambli g &iximis. ly Mr. Merrick -You will have. a chanceto i The Bloody culakii"4 I i . 11 arguments And, 'ilh*trations to bear Codnoil Qf * the Township of Niob ol ; Mr. nPur the obloqt3y that Mr. Gladstone asked . tio u )FIre .1 sion to make exitavagant statements and : � vote on it in a few days.. - . Years, Fe � , againotthe Government�contract andoon- McMahon, of the Council of the Township Mr. McKim - them to At a time when he was preparing � . "d � Betweep . BlftelE una 4 1 � - . . 1, quote do duct --Ae you did ' 'measures of land ieform t Avillte. .1 � A. ggrel rhyme, which he claimed . . of Boyerl . . fast year. . ,, He was; opposed to the contract be- ,y; Mr, Xmirn, of the Council of - I . I o obtain for him-. . . � ; were applicable to the leader of the Op �, thio.To,Wnshipof Aralallide; A id much laughter Mr, White addressed self fre,sh glory and power. At 'the .Close. an. 23-The;e has beea , I � I al PO- � cause ib. was xiot in the courtry's intere4t Mr, Mack, of the House in French, and Mr. Springer of his speech the ,audien . a tend for this past: five years between a, . I tion.. At the suggestion of the Premier -and ' the, Council of tba Township of,Cornwall; . I I . . was framed as if it liad been made by o I I . � I ma cheered loudly., . . . he throw out the magnanimous offer that � the syndica,te in their ;interest alone ; Mr. BouIter, of the Township Council of replied'in Germati, . I . anda lady throw, a bouquet to Sullivan. _ numbeirof whites and negroes At, the White � I .. he would resign his seat in -Frantenme, because Madoc, praying.for the aboli I The House then 'adjou.rhed... " * . I Church settlement. A to* oxi' Frida .. . . . � it would entail unubm',64ry bar. tioubf market . . . Mr. Heronj for the. -.Crown,, said the - jury' V. , . *. - : .. . , - I one -of the strongest Tory'Constituencies, 'dens upon the p fees. - - . .. . FRIDAY, Saii. 2i. -=At 3 o'clock the S eaker had, to d I lis I Morning resulted in the - wounding of two. '' . . � . . q6ple,a.nd finall � .. . P ocide that 5ooia in should not I . � , - . if the leadq­k of the Opposition would open : . The Attorno,y-Goxicrai Intro&ed a bill tdqk,thd chair. 'I, .. . I . .. 'obtain footing in'Western 'Europe, and is rces and three whites. On. Friday . I . I ­ . � - proposed to place'a twenty yekrs� mortgage " . . . i i g, Alfre lit (colored) was. f atally '.. . I ' . . . . � � . � two of their constituencies,' selected- by , upon the'farms in the Ndr . West territory.. I 11 The following petitions,were presented :, asserted fhat,the, tray6tsers'preached. oediw dWrig . . d agree to accept the result I �s- th .to Consolidate the superior � coicirts, � estmb- . - --7V1 o - . � . , .. .hot at . . � - , . . himself, an Speeches. in favor* of the. oont lish'uniformity in Mr. Meredith or an act respecting tion and mu' . I . his Cabin. -Shortly after .*.Charles' .. , ract were . pleading And practice, I . rder" . . .� . , I .. I - I " index of public approval cr disapproval deliveredby Xoisrs�. McLennan. L B * and make furthor �provisioii rtain.lands'purchased by the borperation Th ' ' I I � . . I . oultbee , for the"alie' ce I . � a court then adjourned. . .,Tohns9n,.m wealthy planter '�W:sj shot.and � . I of the contract. and Arkell. -The latter eNpresso' administration of justi-pe-whicli was of the city of London. . I - - badly wounded by four negroes, ,who ' I read I . . The Rev. Mr. Condon,. of Lisburn, has came . . : - . . � Mr. Guthrie, who followed, made Ek-gooa that an enti , , d thewish. a first time, the 6ercond reading to take D Ace . Mr. .Livingston --From the t6wn 'of .to u- to his. house. Dr, Dale, ' . I . . . re land, instead of a Partial . . ceived several cases of rifles and Amin point against the Goverlixiient when -he cash bonus, should. be given tb on Friday next. . . .- I -1. Galt, for the ropes, of the law establishing 'niti . - two on big Way to I . . I . . showed that during the oponingapLys .of o.company. . . . . . I 'I oil tot distribution %mbng .the. Orange- attend. Johnson, With - of the - latter's . , � � ... " license Comm issioners'and jnspdctora,�and employees,, was flied upon bv men in, 1. . . I . .Messrs, Killam.' And .Borden- (N6va Mr. Hardy �reseutcff-a return of the fees - rpstoring that . - I . .men, who. drill nightly in the Orange'Hall. I . - .. . . the debate every Ministerialist defenaod. ,-Scotia), Liberals . I paid county ,selectors. of jurors for the -year 0owex to the local' municipal - . I ----� I . . . �ambush. ' Dale was mortally, And lhq'� � . .. . ., announced thej - - ­­ . . . . ormi- . . - I . �. . . , 0 1 . . . � r det . I councils,- Similar Petitions iere presented,*- .' IN led. . I the contract on the ground that it was the nation to'suliljort Mi. BlakWla amendment 1879. ' ''. .. . . ''.. 141W IN -ENG thers seriously w6iini: Georgo Tenn, .. . best offer Which the Gove .1 the Contract I . Mr. Creighton by. Messro., Lyon and Harcourt. � ' . . I . .-LANID. .. rnmenh could' 4xid to - i inouired when it is ex. . o I . . . 1 1114001 teagher, is reported killed on the . . . . . peqtdd. the Bum or A special act relating I ustroum i(Ce ' � t . e I . . . - Mr.' vos? -after 10' - of 024,685.18, -awarded to t6 the. Geor I . Jis . ,§ . suits et'th 4�1,le-Fe �amo night. It is thought tIlm th trouble I - . � obtain, bat they still supported tb� con PC o gall . I . . s " Mr. Hunter- -F . . I . . � ------- a I - avirul I I . . I . tract althopgh a better offer was before o1oloc - ". , shortly � certain munigipalities'in re'speot of school . � gian B & Wellington rail e . .. . � I I . k,!nId'i0t-h was an immediate rush . I . my . I iLoss 0it Ziie and Property-19usiness is not ended." I . I . . � . . . . . - . . I I . . Parliament. He then entered into a .for seats. He was listened to with interest lands by the arbitration .between O)atirio way, . . . I . 1. . '. I . . . . . . . I � I � � . . I . . detailed criticism of the Inafn foatures.of by both p1trtijs,, neither being ture which mild Quebec, willobe Paid to the municipali. Petitions for free, markets'were progent- . .at a stund-14111. I .. . : I I . 8XIMUXCING - RAILIVA . AVC"WNT ,.. I . I . . I 1, Robert . son (Hastings)i I LONDON, Jmn. 20.�Tlie great snow.storni - — . Y, - . . - both the contract and the offer, the critio way'he would loan, and, after ten miiiut ties entitled. thereto. � .- , . qd by Messrs. WQoc ' . C, 4sis almost placed the United, Kingdom un. Wour, .P I . , � , � . ,. .. I . 't � cism being favorable. t the latter. After ,.had been de I I . es Mi. Wood, in r Livingston and'Long. . ... . . . 081al clerics Entally Burned � . � .9 vq�ed to preliminary generAli- . . eply, stated' that since last . - I I I I I ' recess he continued, criticising at some ,ties he pronouticed in favor of, the contract session. he had conithahiomted- ,w'ith the. , Mr. Graham, asked whether it was the -der a complete embargo. -It is goileral I A11110119 11he 1910na at..a, Sinnslik-up op � . ; * 1. . , . , .throughout Europe: Comirdnication be. the Eric AnItivay. I . .. I . I . length the obnoxious features of the Con- .Quebec'and intention ,of the Government to continue I I I . . . . , . . And renounced all tIlat.I]Q.'Iig;d ssid'ie Treasurer of the. Provinee of ? . .; . tweexi hondon, . tract, maintaining that th the services of the liebuse commissioner � Paris,11rusopla and A. stor- BINGlub � '. I e Government public,. or authorized a few weeks ago, notified him -that sometime about the � dam,,js entirely stopp .m fPTUW,' Tan. 23 -Tho. Atlantic ; - , .. � � I . � were not bound by the contraot,should ,gainstit. Durillathecoursoofirisgpdoch month6f June or.july he,w pre- and inspector .. . 'ed. The gale has.' bxPress train east bound on the Erle isil- . I . a . ould be' , for theourrefitlrearin the � . 1 Parliament refuse to ratif�'it. Takin-a up he paid P, tribute too Mr. Blak . o as leader . of I pared to go 'urQ ti tt . . Lambton, owing to -the Scott ' , . . . . I . . . . . somewha b Abated, bui its'forde is -still great. road was thrown fro the track this morn I . . . Open- Mr. Morrilla , %'.,'1m,.1x. cri"Pi. count The�ov6rflow Of the Thames has done im- jug West of �iogm 2tation) on the Sus'que- - � the Point of testing public opinion�by ­ I A . t I 2k ion'g effect in that county: Oil. the I . . Ing any . one I the Oppositiollt an I . . ,W s of all. cor- f I m. 6ise damage. Traffic in London is.almost hanna division, by -the breaking of a dri I . . I I . . verse im ' I ' ' 0 ,r,tdmX .1 May next and if so,'from What . . . . d .Aamitted that be n6 i , _ constituenFy, as proposed by'.Witildrew an ad . respondelicle 3.ween the Executive Council so, , entirely suspended. ' I . �­ I � I . Iving . .. � �' I a &go of his .capabilities ' to, 'Vill their expenges-be paidl -' I Axle,on. the. .engine. -The tender of the . ' 1 " . , pression . io. had . . . . � Mr. Kirkpatrick, lie ridiculed the'sugges- fotm'ed goibe year -of b4o province *of Ontario and the Privy , . A FronCh vessel has sunij off ,Great Yar- I I ­ . . I I . � tion, and said that the only true way to to discharge'tli'a .functions of juc -pool - Cou'neil of Canada respecting the award Mr. Hardy said1hat the Govern menbliad I engine, the postal car, and two ba . I . . . . . ,ggage cars ..* . I . . . , - - th : . mouth with a loss of. tweity lives. A- brig were"burned, with their contents, except- . . � , I - h & test public opinion would be to open all the' I t1dil. He dwelt strongl'y'. upon I relating to the boddaries of o province the inatter unaer consideration, and Would I I . . . ... . .,. nd . � constituencies at once. the qvlls� of'Ontario, 'which -way *have taken place probably. ilittodueb certain iegislati6n-re- st'a 6d at GorleAon with a.loss Of eight, ing a peirtion of the b6igdage, which we's I . . . I . I Mr.. Shaw followed *on the Gove,rilihent which might 'be experienced ' in the sillep the opening 0 - f tile Im SPectilig it, Until 'they did so they could lives. A baique is wrecked on the Suffolk saved. 'Postal clerks' Joseph Redinge . % . . Northwest'should' st session of the I I r, S.; � ' . - * . � I., I the true interpretation � Coast with A loss of ten'lives. The Austrian Ingram a: side, endorsing the contract and criticising Of the Clause Providing th Legialature'of Ontario. 1. . . .. I not anikounce ,their policy on,tfio subject, - I nd Fox axid.med . .... , . I . . ­ � . at the Govern- . . I . U-rque Vraneyezany was wre�ked o5. He -' the .1 . songor-Brower,of '� .. � . . the course of the Opposition as insincere and . mont. shall 'not . Mr Mo*at tuggested. the adaitiod of ,the: , "Mr.- Hay moved an address to the Lieum . 5 United States Express Comp�xly,.Vere . . . . . have power"to regulate - . V - I singland, Suffolk. Only'6fte of all on board .. .- � . � ,captious. Though acknowledging tba� the the rates 6g f roight, etb. i until the coi9p 'words 44'respe�tingtlioteiiitoiyin,dispiite" tenant- Governor, praying that he will.cause was - - burn6d in the.cars 'mild their, remains ten- I.. I . . . . I scheme contained objectionable featureii earn -10 per cent- a Any which WAS. ed to, apZ( the' mot;On' to -bo laid before thi& House a return of an ,saved. . . dored : almost uniecognizWe. - Two day - . � I . . , .. I ' . ,he I I - profit upon the cipital in--. � ' . � . ld . as. I . y - Tbe loss of shippiiig -will ' immense. I . I . . . . ..'' . t . declared his intention of su vested in the road .be -t e mine do .. s'" .. � .. . coriesnondenbe .! . tried , . or piibers which may.have 1. . coaches left the track and were burhed.' - . * 1 ,,xorting it as a e . " d At Yarmouth- seven vess - To - -- ,,p , taken .to in an h �Ne .driven. Tho"p.4 -v�Ah� slight injur�. . -. - '- .- ��. ­ .'-: - %r .;­ I., . � measure .to ,which the, 6olvernuient . a . . -Mr. Lauder. e palsodbetweon the Government of'Ontmiio., .asbor6 . and-fifty-livdi . ­4seugers. escaped . . . . � .wii. mlole road, inclusive of ent's ,W�Vbdfor A' list of all tb� - �dlo "Go ' * - . f � I 1. . I _ . I . . - ch ' And. vernwent"of tl�e'Dorfibiibxi in , I t, *1 1-1* , - "' The b�ggiiqe master was soverel " J & '' . 1.�. 1 .. . . I I ­ .- . . . ,committed. - . . . . - ,cash and land subsidy,, a'did-life"66's . t I o .f. C 1. o . u. - . I 13 eel books*.-Mithdri'zed'aind in'us'e'in"the i.Fund. the Ii � OEL j IIIC U( Ing SIX,o --------I y Injure . .''.., I ... � cited the amenidir�e' ' f e-boab �men...At North, Shields 9, -bo* . , . . . . '.. ... � , Mr. 136chard supp . Ii,t, str4oting the se'dOgns handed -over -'tci the.� putlin si'ch6ols'of Oniarin -on tli6 lob, day of - re.speat to'the )�mnd finprovemen . I . at , , . . ­ . . I of the leader Mr.'Creighton said' he believed the facts containing a; crow of t6n men was lost. At AXOTEM DESTROVEX� By FIRE. - , , i . i , . I , . . . I . . .. j counted briefly -the various objectionable I . , . . �' 7! 1 . . I I .� . . I ,. . I ; Of tile Opposition- He to- company in'stead of ,merely the capital July, 186.7, with 'the retail price in each wer D6uthend eight men Were'drowned ' ile — . I ­ . . actually-investled-lby. . oa e. A lisb'of ' :veiy strqn`g in f �vor of, the naunicipali.- . wh —, .� I * .. 4, . tlle�compaily. ,. ,- . .all school books that --have e . . Nal"r e of thelinmatph . . . - .. m . , � - . . - � . . ' attempting to rescue the pierniastara I .. O'sy asinp , . I features in the bargain, the most objection- � . SjrJ6hu Mmedorfolde amidst Ministerial been- autho6zed at diffejent' times I or use, .ties. The D.9ffilVion. had recognized its "a- . hiCnifly, the pier having been cark . nd his .&LL4,NDALL,'*Ont.,',Tan..2l.-,�This ' ' . ,�, .' . � . - 1; ' : " - , ' able of which - was the almost eiCbliiiivi . 'it ' .,� Igh schools of on'. bilit.Y to p4y iatereston theamount.coming. .. . ed away. I t I morning ' ­. ­.' . . . .. cheers, rose With *all the p .�u public, grammar and bi . � . I rohiPtitude.qf t,r,o �- ­- - eral individuals were ovirta . - , . ­ ,- -ven -building _ _ _ smce7the� -,above, date the municipalities, -and-it-had­jaid,'An­ Se.v . .. I . koll.hitlie: .0out 2 o'clock the Railroad.Hotol,..kept b . . arse .,,specifying the- � to. , . , . - . - ­ -W- � -B-- --all-- -a,. I .. I Y. I I ­ 1. -­ - . : ­­­ , .. — . . power gi .to the companyof ., Tells' d-piog'rain-3me"afia, annotfric0d thiii . . stoini and! fiozeiito''doath.: The passenger . m- con,, was urne to tho'groundi the . . .1 .1 . I � branch linea� for twenty years.. He believed I the Xini�ter 6t Justice would bring in an narne of the author " eme CAB , , teresi to the �iovinces -6f , Ontario and, Que- � � . . . I . . . -� . I 1. bet. -. � . . � . li ..... � . . . noession would make possible the amenameat to the' Consolidated,'Rmilw v Tue9day.moriainals still missing. ­ - ' A man named. Win, Craig' jumped � . 1, I . �J this co, . ' . in e, together - - . The totaL ariiount corning-1o',the steamer which left S,walisea, for Bristol on Inmates bi�riily escapling with their lives. - - , , , , . ........ � . .with;tbe retail price of the same. ..said last . , - , creation of's, monopoly which -would c i ' . . municipalities. was n24,685.18: On 'that I . � . f rom. . 6 . , . . , . . . . . , . , . - . N' 'men'tignedligt to indicatelhoso,'te, .,., . - he- - ii4rih 6 , . 1. . ... . . I I �! . rush Aebboveiing this objection. .:,. - " t books Pearl ul weatheT prevailed ih thet f theseQona'sto'ry. .He, only slightly ,� , . I .. il . I . ... I a in use.- � I . qlaim6d they were - efititled tointerest, I . . I . but all -competition, as had -been d6 e. in. ' - The debate, wag Continued by Mr. Hector .'xiow muthoiWed An. I r, ra, nee. Xo­ Paris tr � edi .Th. � ins ­ was ' . ' ' � . . . .Mr. Wood s objection to the . sans- -hav6 arrived at InJux ura=6 on :the h6tel . , -- , . , * ' . the western- states. The. maintenance of' Cameion (Vi*c'torRm),.Who gave an unquali-' :,. Xr� Crooks! congri%tulated his hop. friend aid he bad no : I . . free CoInpuLitiou was essential to .progresd fied support' to the'contract, p In.seeking to obtain for .the -firat time, motion pmasing,.`but there waslittlecor, ,'Calais, during. the last forty-eight,'hours, is �1,10-0 � -loss on furniture, etc., $SOO.. Thei. : *1 1. . . . I everywhere, aud the abs' * . rincipally. 11. resoondenee .to bring ii. , .� lie -admit- though tw6'packets have arrived, At bover : cause of'tho.fiie is unknown, -' :, . . , I : . -1 . � - .. - ­ I I . . � . ence Of, it. Meant because its - rejectl6ii - meard the accession E;p fiq information, on the subject of ,edu- I . Aow . . - I � .�� .. . .1 ­ . , . � atagnation mild oppression, I .. eel ted that the m''unicipalities should have had to-da�. ,. A telegrilin f rom N. unotb ad states, . 1. . * -0� , ­ . I . . . I . .s. " - - , -:-, �, -­ � . . 1.� ' ' i . I He concluded ,to po*er:of. the Opposition, which ' cation, instead of making ge,�oyal statip., . 11. .1 I a - H - 6 JY too' Mudi� Lrdlaon.�-Tli .., . . - , .. , , . , ,- , � , � ", , , , - . a pointed and sensible speech by calling on cause mu,immediate f . all of 20 per would mentsi mewashig Custom _ the money long ago, but it had At: 6, Norwegian ship .from Gloucester for 11M B . a . - � went. .on ..' He (Mr. Crobkg) � I . beep impos, . rp. With salt; foundered off Warr6 ­ of Aldoholio liquor that it sufficient . ­. . : ... � � 1. . .. � the Goverximent to.submit the. whole'quds-- stocks. - .. . I I ..L. .'­ . , . .I I . had -oofixe"fo . it conclusion, regirding text. slbl� to-securdil's6ttlement up. to this time.� . altimo, . . .. L . .­ . I . . . . I I .. I., . . i ,. d t, is being. - I . I . . .. I 11 ion. w - ' Air' Anglin disposed of books and hd.w6uld shortly pat,the House .- . :, :.. .. I : tion to the peoplP for tb6ir-deeigil .1 . He. hoped, -however, i6on to effect one,.and' PO nt-' The. crew were save ., " . , - ' , - :n Zutiltlitli taken at a single. draugh . .. � . . . '. . � .the' charge- of . tl 1. . . 11 , . determined satisfactorily by. act 'al experi- , .. . .� Mr. Bolduc spoke in Frenolli'supporting there being bogus signathres on the Prince in ssesiion'of the p "if it wore delayed much longer he thought .' .-.' . I � i. ; .. . . u 1. . . .. . . ... I . .po reposed re�lsed list of . . . .4 . �: pent. The other dai'mil.aiedoolored in . � . . I the ratification of the contract. with the Bd*.ard I I text-b6oks. � The subjects,ta,ught -in the the iiioua� should b;."pailmito the irinnici- ': ," .',* - ' TIM 40MMEN FRAVD.�'. - ` � ' . - � � . an I . . - . .. -. � . . I .. I . . he . -'-"-' 11 ... xas -of w . . first syndicate.' . � . . I. 6 And petiti6n against the to"$. Public - Sell' . palities,iinyway., - T nT fof'int6resC ' - . �'. � t � in To .drank three pints - hi,skey and , I � . a. - ' ' ' ' ling .to -speak at length, - Present . , I . . . . H was pro"a Cole were limited at fell dead, :A' Getman paper now, . ot� ,; . .. . I Mr. Haulbach, a Government supporter t , the ordinary. 'branches: - moald�be, fully pres6bil, and1b believed jt Alinond-]9y�6d.Claiiie8c.loinckniLal]Wg'tlieir tells of a I - . - . I . . , Wlien� by, consent, tile Aous6 Adjourned 0 of .� .an . , . . .. I . . . -1 . . . I ' ' English educalion and' . they. wero� not . would be paid. . ­. 'Celeiniki,Brothers.' - '. . woman who hiis.mgde a similar expe.riment , . , . - .. . . . I . . objected to the clause in the contract pro- * Mr. An�IW retaining the floor., - ' , . . . . . �Whbu PiLidthe municip.ali- . I . I I . in a3mvern in the tillage of Wirrwitz, near ... : . . I.. . . viding for the admission of materials free - Bir� John Macdonald, oii mo,vin so onerqui "' formerly."- He. Would ties would got the ll�nefit, - '- . SAN�I=Nclsco, Jan. 2O. -For years the I . I . I of duty as being inconsistent witli the - g the ad- . . . I .Mr. Robertson (Halton) me , Breslau; where she and her% husband, being ­ �' . . . . -, i liro- . jOurninellb -of � the, House, role Ing words . . . ved * for tin . Chinese Six Companies. here allowed he I '­ ' .: . . . rr6d to the '. suggest the addition bf the followl I .6ligaged, i OiPtly , as travelling vendors, *,of ' - ' � . � '.'.' ' . � . . . � . . of �Mr. ITeeler, XP' tothe niotion.: "Also those.now :proPosed . retfirn showing the Chinaman.tol leave- to' Ch"'m Without a liitiipbl,ckm�& business that � is a recognized, � - . ! .. . I . . ,:... tective policy of the G6verament and unfair' - unt4wely aepease , " . Order of"thd House for. ' I . to the older provinces. Healso.objectid*to East: Nor0itLinber'land,, and. expr - for to be auth6iized;.; also iL .copy of all red]um 7tilue elapsing between the, sentencing. of � rAper�,from one. of the. Companies stating : . - * - - . ... the Cession essed the . . I - i, .. L . ; . � . . I . 0 1. spe,ci ,ity in: Gerriany-had put up .for* tke � .. . �. I . . I d rog . � lations respeo ing-p�ub]16 school-tokt. be ,thb -, risoner .. 6 a their roinova to 'debt And paid his' . .. -... , . of the Pembina Bran ret bxperibnced by. all', jirespeotiv I'll oks . I I , . . . the* . tho ho.wii. clemi. from- ,ig t * ., . � . , . �, an d . O,of . .. '.. , Cen , * ' d I The feat 'Was occasioned by a boast . � . . . --­ , . I believed that its contkol by a compa I I . 1, � . . . also A:' , - , t a iso O eaplicount inOntario uss.l. The systexxi'was really 6 blackmail- % .. � . . . , . ily. Politics,. at the Bad event. . I . . . solkeduls. show -Ing tile .retail - ri . y - . -.in the.c6qrse 6f "conversati0ii-I I 1, . I . . . � . . I... made b hex I . . en " * affic , - Thj,� ' ­%1,h*11. Af.. +I, I ' A for tb . bhing ing ar�mnge n -Siv - . jbh� I .. 1. . . . - -AY i -da �i . 11 .. f -A- 7 --those who We -010 pallios' thrived', as tbig cornpanies had m' .. ovin � . . , I . , 1� - would Tender Possible a diversiou of t - 4 e re18 �Rudl.880.'dfsbih,qu� -ment,tino ;vhichlhe mocm­ . �_tk, _ _Uae-.rose­At-t-a,m— -9tana-b-bawo— ,At . 1xvin I Toug .. . . . . ,. . . . - orvf 111 8 a . L h m6 nes. M recommended .. . . .. I i - . , I .- agitation iii -the press he hil 'tac,iij To tried by the judges -ne at '.'coul Arlt a int i ,Of brandy a . t a single : . � . , . � w. , ,. �. .. : . I . - . . . . .. , I the insertion of a Clause leaving -it optional - ., . . - , . . . attend to tile vexed questioh. of iho retail. the interim sessions from those tried before' contract ,with the Pacifier Mail - And � Occi- ran t if; an O ' . . � . . . ,� I . . with the Government to purchase: the ioad - . ' Should..,n Bxihy be ]Pxit ? . . 1. price bf public schA� text books, . 6nd*; . he -mjr1ry. Ile iaia* that priscil'ors were.some- dental S - tdamship'Companies preventing , ilit to Vmv f no..of her hearers had the ... � � � . . . . . I . I .. , . � . � 'it ' iu.taken­ I . . . . . - - --�- . . --ffij-e . y­tdkbu-,9�c6cn'i7r �*-*time ebioiinL-in--tYe-*"-(,�oiiiitY�"-:g-ny.� Phinaaban�sailibg--on--titeiT-,gt6 ers -, . or - The offer .w I . ** ­' -1- - - ­ ­ ­­ ­ �- -- ai the cost and charges any time aftei-theV ,While-thdre.-is. a - :- -hirdwlriag.-d �`ther'm7 -- s id1ow,td­t6-Lr ' ' * ' am � . I I : I . mea,sure.6f.tratiiin DUE-- - - . . . I expiration of tweilty years. He concluded *assertion that fat babies are not Mi. Lauder objecte jELil tot m- �ery long time after BeAtetice *ithoiittliis'd6Q'ument. At bile ,IaBb�--ses-' :u , an -s o stowed the brandy m*qt� witk- .­., . n r! to � fhe am- ndmen:b -0 . .. . I- . . : . - 11 . . e-tbSt--th---GOv1�xW�-' 11�61blri-, -the-ful-IDWing much quored extract � 0 ­b�foie-they--wiam--f(Tn­LDvb -1b-tl1-----f - - .0. -ffi --- 13-slature, A. bill W . � . . beI34-ilowever, she oat, , * * . . --ompressi4ig-the-hop I ish his tion to .ask' for . . d e cen rai- sion f e , egi d I down'. � , ':'. , . l in' , , , , I . I . . I , as far as posi ' papers . - I , . . , . - .. : .� � . -, ... . .. making it 9, misdomeanor .for any steam- and covered her face With hot hands,' wid . ... �'... . . , . aper b--Iis .". .. .L when, 'After sometime,: her husband, becom- . I 3ible, the from Or physician's letter bo a-Bbstim p Which aidhp� pi4sbli- .. . I . I . objectionable 'features * in the.contract, and is h4'ely todo mischief by'.- its extravdgapt � . The motion as Amended wsac��rW.'. , � Mr. Wood imiat Tat it.was ess6ntialtliat' ship Company, to refuso Passage to any ing alarmed,.triad te,'arbuse her it'wis dig. � - ­ � � � - I . .Wo In 1, . - .. I I offer such Amendments as W�tld satisfy all con ,,Ionof fat. heakfiig.�dfad� -Mr. Mowat moved that the.folGvi�g prisone�kshould*be iornovea,to the central p6rson who *paid- his, -fare'.­�Tlfb law . � -.: . . . . - . I I do,d � prison . as soon : covered that ske�vas dead.'.. , .,;. . . I t . � I excepting those who offered captious'Oppic- . pneration the physician s' 'c nnmittee- -be appointed- -to stfika the as p6esitlo' after *conviction. was.. 'taken ' advantage. Of'.- by -'intolli� . I—.. , .. - ... . . . . �. � . . . . %ya; .k! Most C . , . . I - ' . . . I . I grounds. I . � - r I They had, however,. to a6t in the ifitoiests gent Chirimmen, notwithstanding % all Wr;�ht, nf.be6it, received a let- : * . I 1. , infantg do become thus, diseased before staudiug committees for .the yea !:. ,T1 o . , III . Hart . . . . I in support of Mr..Blake'A they are -three months Old: This stops, the Attoiney-Gelierali Me".rg; Baxter, Boulter of tho-country, notIn theihter�sts.of the kinds of intimidation- . to prevent his swebtheart rejh�hstrmtingmith. � � - . , , . ' :' , ' r . kenn6ss. Shet-aiiid: "DO . ., .. I .I, imt Dr. Bergin followed on growth , and. *. leaves the 'Poor 7 aec6ivea, � V erris� Gibson (Hamilton), HArdy, Bauder' Riisoners. , Should a Man be convicted in a their leaving without paying the cbmpanic,sP -tirmfrio,my', drun . I . I , P, . . , . . . I . i the Government side, . I . I �. . -v . arents nothing . . 8, Ross alia WO2. is,tanttow2i,.aiiabes6utencedio,u6.teimof dillhatidd. Lately;'bowo�dr,-t,he SixCom- for. my sake, take a different, dour , se - . .1 go.w. . I ... - 11 �. � . ,. . . I : ... but increase in weight to . Meredith, Merrick, Morki . . . . I . I � . . . . . . At tho Conclusion of *tile latter's ope,Qeii boast 6f ; and .When thq poor little vidtim' -Carried. . - .. .. . .1. . I . confinementin the central prison, itwao, panies bave'lieen successful, in-levyinj the' 11�'I`0, if I'had' some. -habit' ot very W.. . �, . 1. � I . . I , ' � . � . , . � Mr. White (Cardwol)) moved tho ad�ourn- to big own greed and his parents, folly. gets � The House. adjourned at 4.io P. *in. * . - unreasorable to. expeetthat a sh�rlg Would tax on out -going Chinaman, especially those fault which injured. -my body and soul (I - '� .'. . � . , ' be aeutto orontowit . wal - . . . . I . . I ment of the debate, which was carried malts ,' . Tirulisl)Ay; Jan. * 20. 'T "ill him, when by'. 'it' froin'the interior -To'coul ermot this the it. 'lots, but' none like thmt),'�nd, you ' I ... . , and to the end of his :tethQr - lie .-the Spa took - ' . . .nt, ' ' . . .. . . . ­ . the House'rose at 1.31 . I away .: like. litittek * in , a hot , � oven . , . the chair at 3 o'clock. ' . I .�% .. , few days or weeks a. dozen other Chief 9f 'police recentlx issued A oicular in were all the time telling rrie to gi.ve it up,. I , , . .. ..� . . I . . . . - I OTTAWA, Jan. 2O. -The bpeaker t6ok the and thsiI ' it. is � .,seen , how poor . Thii following Petitions were presented: Pai.oners might be Picked up on. the way. Chinese notifying- intending passenger4 to would Aou. E ven if -I iover amied for you I - .. . I . . . � i . chair at 3 p. -in. . . (in flesb) he has been gbIl the 'time. F e,w. . Mr. Xairn-V rom mu' icipal,i.q illors, There was no objection -to the returri'll * ' i ii that they coul ' could 'do it *for myselL So this 'nightf . I -. �,. - . . . :. �sino Chin d go home by simply � .. 1. * brought down'. I - � . :. . . Petitions against the ratific 11 , q11kq � - biltd-give you strengt . . . ation of the . comprehend the broad difference between and ($there - in NO - counties of , Norfolk, , . � purchasing passage tickets, and the police I Hhrr�,. ask'd h to n6t ' . . . syncricate bargain wore presented by Mi. flesh and Mr6 Merri6h nioVed for an order of the c6uld.be.depanded upon to Protect th . 0 -tomptatioii;, ask earnestly and ' I . I . - ' - ,151gin, 'Oxford arid HaIdimaild .for An . dive� in, i �. - an , . . em . . � ... . Wheler'Sir Richa ' fat' The'first is le meit- � I House for.& raturn, showing the names of .fromtho'companiea. These notic6s'-have �cu - will see, how � much , better you are.., . . .. . . . rd Cartwright, v,udMr.- rauscle-the result of growth; -While.f it -I Amendmorit to the Dittlies mua-:W&ter'-. � . . . I � 11 1. . . I Holton.' . I 1. don't carb how haid- and solid it may be- COUrAeS Act. � : . . . I . . . all p'ersolis appointed to any offibef'"either 'been Posted iii'every Chinese .camp on the ou, know. that I pray for you �vory day . . ­ . ... ... . . � I . I I ' I I .. ' , �L petition favorable to the syndichte bar, is thd product of accumulation of uneicre. Mr.-Moredith-Fiorn'tho .Yound Men's. tempor�rX or Permamenf,'� by the Govern- Coast. To-'dmy it was discovered that the t axid at,'911 times, go, to)! my-sake� try Iodo . .. ., ,. gain was presented by Mr..Elliot. ' - . tiodoxcess. Tbis'is Why no one bets a dol.. Christian Association of London, t6 give ment since .0onfederation, .With name of Six' Comppuies had circulated a - counter better'.f God's sak& I hope When I kbae. ' - ' , ­ -1 . . .--. -�, - 9. or I . . ..- I.. -- . Mr. Girouard, (JacqtLes Ca,rtler)- intro. lar on a fat .ho'kee or a lat mau'-'thby 'are �theii Board of Direbtors certain powers . soi-viqe, religion, -data - of Appointment,' statement, declaring that 'any end Attempt-. from you again you will be - beft6k and not . .. .1 .. . .. . I "' . ducea a bill to incorporate iho, Wrecking 'sofh' And Ican't stay.- .',it is eVery .*hit - . Xr. S. White- V or 'the Ass,essmbnt, let smlaiy�date of rei)�oval� if'removea,,.and ' 'in 0 1 eave WitIl6ut paying,his laues,would have,tasteil any liquor; only f.or ledicine, . �. . I., . . . . . . . I . ,money or . . I and Salvage Company (limited); which -wag. -as-trueof-afatbaby. Theoril. Nvondoiis- to be mm�nd0d. '80 that shares or stock in- cause of such removal. - . . . begarrestod, and: it - he lost his . I � from the time you got this latter, 'and talt -'.. .. ' ' -1 . . . � .. read a first tim'e.i � , . . : -that aiiy infant livej Bixby ds,ys�from bi' . Mr. Mowai consented, to'thor motibn with baggage lie. would have only himod � . me.the truthill - The letter moved him, but � I , � � . . . rth. building societies Mud­loau compinles, etc,:,. . f to I . � . . . �� . . * . . . . I tri reply to Mr. Vallee, * Fed before birth but three. times a. might be taxed. ' - ­ . . I .. An amendment limiting the return to in. blame. The Chinaman' who .printed the not. to reform.' He commAtUl suicide, ' . . . . . .1. � - I � day, , � . . . . . . . Mr. Pope Wd—eews) saidthe Harbor Com4 he Is after birth subjected to' ton or twenty ., 4rA T6016y-m"-For- An. act to incorpo formation ii6tlpro�iously brought dowm companies' circular has been arrested. The * '., Chiname'n � iii San . Francisco buy their' . . . . . I . . I .. mis of Montreal had submitted to Ineals in the, twenty -f our. hours.. Befdri I. tlie- Villhg& 61;1'6h �&'t- m,�,g,L,Jft; .."'t"', The S�e,a�k6iibuilthe'fdplytij'tlid'Aggdij�- �. &iftb6iitW§'hfoAbtb��1ffk to b&hkiip We- .1W.Wdb..6f..11A, - , - , , p6ytat, "I - I I 00ft'- lt6�. �UM446e; ......... "; ... 11.1 .1"..."-.", - ". . the =mentfor their approval &.by-law birth .b,ue Mr..�Youug-From Credit Valley Rail. bly's resoldtion of'. condolence with the 'blackmailing prmct�ce.: - � I. � - I . be grows. at, the rg,te,.of t I I I . $1,500, according to physical. qualit�. -,Not, ' ' . . I .� . � having for its object, a kjuotioil�,�ia the, I a 0 , an , for an ot. to incorporato .. . . I . . . � . f ten 'Pounds Per year; - -after birth lie is ' . . . "a Queen on the death of,the Princess, Alice; ' ' ' I I 0, ; . I much value is Placed' on 'mental acqui't-i- ' ., '.*. , . . . . .. '. . rep y from. . � tariff of pilotage between permitted to, ompally. . � tbTl OVSpeaker, also- road ,the I i : i, - DNIVART - tm � , - -in I . I lontroM mild fat at the , rate - of fift th,6 o , � . . .. �iy . . . r,�*;;,�*..IS ,.Oct . entsi anil'the wife -may be idiotic, if 'also . . I. opsla or r an er-From the�Munlcipal Council or - no 'General to an addreso pretty$ without depr�cimtion,:'Chin'Qui . I " . I . ,.. .. I Quebec, but me the dovernmenfi,had not yet pounds per Year until wahroliic'c � 1, � ; : , of con, � , . T�ip , , of r- . . — . , . : considered it lie' could not- say what, acti6ii. .sorne acute d4seaso interferes, F otersville,,tb Change the.name of that �iatulatioll fraiismitted last .Year. on -the Disastrous .11X�lecft over the Aelfe;.ot7 . � . . I eel. of a I . . � .. - . . a was brought over by a dealer, and sold -for 1. I - . . . .0 11, . . . would be taken up " ,�. ,.. , 4 � -c�lfj*colbor a young robin theyare . villageto. elf nW6st. : occation-of-tho runaway gleighing accident. Surprise Party4 � Ighest price to "it prosperous merchant. . I � I � oil it, , ,. i.tten, -�- . I I . I the hi . . I - ­ , and remo4n:w.hile I The Speaker also read messages from tile, 6 i 6 scene S 0 � . I . .. ,.... growing but little more The following petitions Wore . presented , . L6Ni)O,N, ,Tan. 20.-A't rr bl took - h - did not speak for five days, and he did . .. I TIM SYNDICATE 11A11G,1.-;,- , . .. : . v . Th's Houie' esur . than skill, and bones . and f ur or fc,lbil'ors, by Mr. Mow".. again'sb 'opening licensed , Li6titenant-Governor acknowledging the to- Place at a §urpriog garty in A'dolaide toww nob minji her -oftence, .forighe was beautiful -, . , .. 11 .. . r �aed the adjourned de- coipt of the address in. reply to the speeoh . . bate on the motion for the second reading bediuse unable to got enou�h to fatten taverns after 7 o'clock: Fronithe townshi . -ship &few nights Ago.. A.-jiumbei6fyollug -but at the endof that. time slio'beg,46n 6 ' , ' 1. ' ' . . . . . . . p . from the thron iig estimates, people callda_At. there I . . . . of the Pacific railWay resolutions. . flierat and didy never die-�;-tar�ly hao-any -of Th6rold, froth'the cibizefis pf Toronto, 6 And transmitti sidence of Mr. John break the � crockery and f tirni ' - 'he , ' . . . I . . I sort Of disease. Children are novex.fairly frblu Oltizeng'of'St, Catbarluos , from' Citi- for a vote of , credit inatticipation of the Hannah, . *he -*as about to )romb�o to . Was forceato send hot back. lure�'w'.!daold ' . . . .. I '. Mr. -Thomas White-, of Cardwell, Address- , out of,, the Woods, until they reach. the zolls of Borden, from'. 'Cliatham', from iegUI06r A11211101 SUPPI�.Bill. . , I I , . � . .. ed,tbe House for nearly three hour,, in .Iqall age and have Pjj@ I Petrolea, to. celebrate the occ 'uccessively io -four 0hinainen in six : � � . .. I favor of the terms. Ile advanced- no no,w! . _stem logs and arms, -Hamiltonj from Llellevillej trom .., xewlnmr� 1-1 T110.3101180 then went ikito Cominitteo,of .of the young -men became riam'Is for ill& -1notithk And in each- case her lunicy took W * " ' - ­' - * � . I dookqville, froi Supply mild voted tile stim of. 046,250 for 'a .' �. argument, and contributed nothing to ther with no tells Of fmttl� tissue milywhore about kdt,frolx�Woltand, fro.q' 31� ttontione of'. a. -young lady.. She treated destru6ti.vo1orn!i, 1164r,fourtb exploit being I `1 . , � "' � . . fencd,.save & torrent'of them, .Could- they' -he kept -so f rom birth Leauth. ' ' . tfio:expqpses, of civil government and other theta both e4lially and aff&ix,g Won't on all -the utter destrudtion' of. a cigar, f mctory6 . . . . . . I . words. Mr. Blake's piofessional reputAtion, mrid-not permitted- to ov�r.incjulgo, so that, "'lie following petitions were -presented �UrKoges,fiom,Tanuary,lst,f$81,tO'i�iordE.Lto right until ona of. tile .young men-bogmil to .The impoitar lima'received 06,000 from flile, ". . .: I .. . . . 1. . their appetites- would &I be r9limblafor by Mr. I -tardy to t�)p ,gains effect : From of t passage of the Supply Bill. - . . sing a song. III the midst of his singing he four 'husbands, gna refuses to return -the I . . . I I . . appeared to trouble him inuch, and he -aid Plain food, they won d Ways no I Vernon, opiang o2anaBraufford. T g6use adjourned mt',J.15'p.mj - � potided that 60 - young- lady- was chatting I . . � . . . I -- I .. . I his little best to bogmirk it, bt"s.1mbors I have infa,utile Mount, lie � I . . ,, money. .. . ot. , . . . I diseases to enrich ourp6okets,l . Mt.Fieldg-10roni Coboutg; Mr.. Bic- ' . .. " . I .1 with his rival. .116 suddenly stopped, grow . � . .. werofu�ile. It' . , Whyallou.1d . � . I ' I a reviewed some of -the Rv- the kitten, the c6lt or tile you Cramy, Thamesville, to th� game o1ept. Workmen engaged in diggipg a trench deatfily Palo, and, rushing across the room, � ��& 'Sk Lotis despatch says theib is e, - . I � I g1lMents advAnced- by the proposition ng robin be � � I taken'aa a model of infantile health, rather The following"mombeis presented, pati- near An- almqh6use' in West- 11biladelpliia ralsed a chair and brokb it over the head proap6ob for a livoly squeeze, o)i January . . . * against the ratificatioE of the Byndicato . corn, The amount short for this option .is � terms, mild while still aqUestiong than I tile puppy, tile bemr.c.ub, the pig, or tions from the licenscavictuallors, praying discovered �a Mass Of nearly sixty coffinA ?f his hatod Opponent. Afroofighbengued, . I r of the. the young pigo6n ?'-It 4s the � variously. estimated 'at - from 250,000 - f,6 , . . I . sincerity of tile goi3ond offeil-ho .Was nature of sol -no that bars of -hotels might 1�0 kept open until, .,buried fil'aile spot, Pilo& on6 on ailother, ill th6 course of which the furniture was 1,600,000 bushels. Parties in , ... . . . r . young animals to be lean and healthy; of tile botit of 11, o'clock p. IA. on Saturday f, .vany of tire boxes. wore broken, and it was ncmr� torost�d in . . modera de Y All broken in: piocog, , and in en- . . 1. I i to, compared with his Previous otherg to be fat and, healtliy;: and there it Mr. P, Patterson,'Mr. D. XoCrauo�, ,21i. found thab some of the bodies had been avo,in and elect t116 liaving tilt market- �adVanco &to plao- � speech, in tile tone of his roferencesto, the a marked differenco in the naturil jondeney Win. Jolly, Mri Warren 11obery and Mr, buried without clothing. An investigation rioters t 6 host, Mr. Ha tin , a 0 . . . I . . . - Canadian gyndicatd. ' - ' I .1 1. ;t . b .h bit I his log Ing tho shortage .at i Mr. Casey followed in a sharp, short And. of young children. Ilifants of file -same Wmtterwortb-., . . . .. :. . shows that they are the roulains of per. broken, . . .. I . . while the phorts'thomselvei laugh at the . . � I paroilta e,land fed at tlio same breast will � Mr, Lyon -For, a, separation. of tho town. ­ I .1 . � I I I I . differ , gt i I 11 . I - that they Are 111100,2y. .. ,,� " I � decisive speech, a Bons?,�Ilo died of cholera at tlicialmshou6c � idea of its being over 50,000 bushols; but it I in which Ito kojenly Bkospolob, and both be hoialthy. ships of �4obing­ rapiricau, McKellar in IS 8 . . . . I is soon I cribicised the principal Arguments ad ' . 4 - . An Ottawa correspondent tel.egraplis: . Pill" 10 ko . I . . vall6ea Fat It id on at thd rate of I 'Afty poulidg a I is comprellon, I by tbe member for Cardwell Blako� Cro6k's, Pardee And island Ward' .The - revolution fil'trolmild rx, no, I t has consented to act da . I the cost of tile railroad to the 'country, lie y,at" is quite another matter, an ofidilot from the district of Thunder Bay. .. , Sir Leonard Tilley's &nnoundomont of ci best man PP016 . 116garding ivo, to Lord Brooka, oldest son of . . I si A meeting 'has been hold in Belfast his intenti6k, of retiring from: publl*o life at , , I � . 60mirion fbe Earl of Wal,wick,. on his marriage to' made all effective Point by claiming that limble, we take it, to be -a OCaUSO of Messrs. XcCraney, Graham, Gibson and a company formed for iftlepurpose of the. disoolution of the present Parliament Miss - F lorence Evblyn Maynitrdo eldest - . I . . . 1-1 many irnportt�a items of oxpendi ' auxiot�, injudicious feeding is 'wore apt to (Huron),'Hay'and Broaor presented poti. �' introducing hmisom.cabo, brol%gba,m cabs is tile subjeetof general con-Vokoation, as it . I . � burs Word Allow itself in lack of fat, and lack of proper tionsfrQm fence-'Viowers mud.-municipal,i. and litridaug," and Rupergoding the 11 ould Is to,k I � dibughboy of tile late Colonel thd Hen. 0. U. *, . I I I . still shrOuded.in uneertaikaty As to amount, on to, hintL& ' . The debate WAS continue musdular tissue 4 'Well, That sort of 1100 throughout various' Oarts of Ontario Oirlsh jaritin, kyar." . , I I .. st, *0 a I hoP6 Of Carry- Maynard, Tbd marriage will take place ht I I I a by .xessrm .0 much too.common in young hu. for amohaments to tile Ditches and Water. -Rev. W. It, Too . ko, formoily of . Christ rovinde bas, been aba,naonoa, and NVdAtmiiistor Abbey. about the thied wook .1 I � loanues, � -�11911!111 Pat Sir Charles Tupper succe6do in Fob Muttart, Dugas slid Sproule, in fmVor,of the manity,* ' , I courses Act, � I - .1 � Z-2611 Y, th . tuary, Miss Maynard is the boaut,r . I I fpsliornotima contract. The latter trty but' his foot �, . Churchi Drayton, has boon appiolated b I And heiress to. Whom the goasi � � ­ � , , by Sit John as leader, . .. C'. into it by statijxg that t o Padiflo railway I — - The ollowing .petitions Wore prosente the Bishop 'of Algoma, to take charge 4a .Xro. Vie Ago betrothed the prince himself. I . � .. I . ;tl . Charles Menhoq*Wont to San F, randloco for the abolition of in arkot foos : Mr. Pec I mission"in tile Great Manitoulin Ish a , The London pa eks, state that . 4 . was to be built by the so,ind el . . , , torim 0. Woodhulf, the American writer A%,ommn At West Cornwall, Conn, fail. . " - . 11r- 'r * 1�1 11, 1-' 'I )a fr in 79 . , I I . . 488 Of C&Pi� 'from Now York with.%, few thousand dol. froin Municipal Council of the township of andislocatd4atGoroDay, Holotho st And lecturer, willsh6itly be marijbil to ing tb inauco her husbaild to move out of 0, �. ... . I t&IiF;,tg as collotriloted the Union Pacific. , lats, and lost it all in stocks., 310 commit. I anol6n -, Mr. Badgerow � I, from Municipal clerVinan of the Church of England Who the scion of 0, noble house. The coremoty house whieb, she aid not like, deliberately ­ I . . I . Mi. Trow spoke at length aa*drg6 to tho tea suicide on Sit �istiou of .town ( I . I � I . .. I . p of Soa,rborol ; has o9n StMionoa,on that isImild. will take place in Loildoxi. I (If0tr6yea it, by fire. 1. .. � - I . . ... I � 1 . . I . I . . I Y. I . I I I � � � .� . I . . . .1 1 . I . I I �. . J I. . I I . '.. � . I . . . . . I I ..'..." . I I I I I . . ,, I I . � . I � 1. . . . I I . � I � . . � . , . . .13 . . . I � � � . . .1 . . It , I . I . .. . I I . . I . . I . . I . I .. � . . 11 I � . " .. I 'I . 4 . � - . I . . .1 . . . . . I . I �11 ­­ .— ­ . I I . " I . I I I , . .. I . , �. , ., . -- - .- . . I, . . .l.ii ,J11166" , - .�� -Ah. - �- --,.A- I aAia I . ".. ­. � ­ �.. - "" .... . '... �... , AA.A,& . -1" , I . I I � . I � I .. �.. t � A . I . 1, . =..1e .