HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-27, Page 2i
I .
i � I .. .
. . cusislov'r 1,1MAY44to He was removed from ther tra,
;� . . DEPARTMENT 01FRAiLWAYS, THE IRISH TROUBLES11 I I I TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY4 hospital. . -iu to the A DoriiL-v TUA0180y, . 1.
. � � —
I . . . . PORIPM0 WettlIgg 9UP, V0.;,AU1W X4!P#Y- -.0— . A .
is -. nu , , . � ... cotintr# dealer went to Montreal on A WOrMIPIC XUAN .kill* WIfV �kx;4 %bon
lRor Own Nprrpalye Of the - annoina. I � . I
. ""ittantvy ot the Aptntal Report. 66 Trutk 11 pia HoW .to Coveira' ' Aosiankit- � I 0 � . . Thursday fen the purpose of compromising 0441cidem, , *
. ,. . 4410 440r, � . . Tirvit 20, - 0 Jan . . . A
. O=A -The report ,of the Xreland. I ,41)*T3 TAII. vAth biooredttors, to whom he owed 01,200. 'HowgX,x,, Xi h,, � . 21.-A
! ,wA, ,Tan. 18. , . William Zeilkins, %, bra,koinari on the � terrible
! I minister of Bmiiwaya And Canals has been (Now Yori world.) He offared,25o,'ou thedollar,but one of his tragedy happened here lAstnight. Ww
. . . ,
I � . presented to Parliament. According to the . Enough people to fill the Methodist Grand Junction, was, ,seriously crushed creditors, who was rotherviae,gwake,took Va4 Blaricom, vA farmer in Gone%,. Ave . r
I . - , Mr. Labquollere, in Truth, publishes the 1. , while cqupling care at Belleville yesteras,Y out proceedings -And had the do! . )ter at. miles from here, has not live 'th :
I ripport the line from the terminal point on b church it the, corner of iNist Pace a 4 , d hapVY wl I
i 000 'following article on Irish affairs, which . e . a . n The Irishineillf Ottawa Arelgoingto. bola rasted;whereupon he pulled put 41,400 and . went to kvaW,Ith �
Anad4PaoiA UroAn.ear the pastern has alwAyi. -treated In a most generous assemb bisw,lfo, who left him and I
V � enaofLahe , Oral rt William Cli t9a street, in, Brooklyn, led a Meeting -ozk Friday evening nox . t in 811 I . settled his liabilities in full, The country. her daughter, Mrs. Cyr,jig. Sweet, near lik.
� � I I .
i, "I Pifliesing, and Fo there last evening, to 53tou to a narration I I I ' P �
I � - spirit : ,'To me,% most astounding show '�Tli6 Port of the Land League- Movement in , still in Blaricom visited her, yesterday morning
; is 650 mil9p in length, af2d has been our- . - . 1. I I I I I � I of the miraculous ,Cure of Miss -Je . man thought the insolven.t. law was . . (
, . repented by the%6uerosity with which, , force. an '
7 - . - I --- --- Ve -#d�qad mQumd--tq its. Patim Xetam- " P . ,Smith from the li i a that lady. Miss IM10,11 - . .11 Y . 11 . . I I . urn home, wb#q
� � I , -the leaders of the Iris)i national tiiiiveme-nt , - � 0 1 � d persuaded her to rat - - - . - - -1 ,�
I can Prince Arthur's Lending and Fort I . I. - Smithip, apparoutijr of -middle, ago, And . Joseph Wayper, of Arthur, -1as bought Xurepean, b.Qt worilsfolloweil, And it is supposed that, �
. I Wi la,m 'p, a are trpidod. ixt England, The dile cry ii, wore last night a black areps with a I . tininess of Xame ' TRUARD,k-T, San. 20, be first shot hip I , .
. U ., .. fata,noo p .0 I 'Wife and then himself, The
, f six milesi 6 mmu- . , Crash them, stamp thern out,, Their pretty out the kbod-will etud b a Duncan KoLAren, Liberal meml4er. of deed was not dip � .
I nication hakr been .obtained by the purchase little bonnet to Match, I She was pale, her -keeper A - . , covered until about 4 V,m., 11
� , crime is that' ih6y are using their best I Broderick, hotel, .t tbeGreat West, ..
$. . of & line owned by a private company. ellbrts to OUai for Ireland the privilege Ran were brimful of teeirs,ailAshe declared . era station iii, GuolpE, s#d't Parliament for Edinburgh city, has re. When a neighbor called, at the house. 0%
n . , I � . . � skes, popoossioq� , - �IoEea, her suspicions, were, - I
. I From, Fort William to, Rat Portage in tho'dourse of hag remarks- that she next week. . aigiibd. finding it I
'e I ' I of controlling her own local affairs. I 11 4 . aroused, And she proceeded to inform her , �
I.. . . the -railo are laid for 171 miles should be gleA to know how long we should was rather emotional. " I suppose,' she lctman tamed G. Chaplin, a vagrant, was, A, company has been formed for the put, � I
1 :40M . Thunder Bay, From Keewatin to I . . began, "thatpeople iltbink1donothing & yesterday mornin 11 . I . � users for husbAnd, who, with a Mr. Rider, ana, a -
. -N . the rails are allow our local affairs to ba controlled by wil g g in MoAtreal, I pope of establishing a line 9f stea Pedler named Seymoui, Proceeded to Van - I )
1 -fell the story of nly cure, but 1 am pre- noonsolous state fr M front bitt3s and %. ..
, , "a"' River, 112 miles, I f8limen. But thoy,wre violating the law but . I all U the transportation of cattle from America, . I
,� I -laid over the entire distance. For a dis. r I . t , I Blaricom's house, and made: s, forcible. an. I
. . . a it is said. Possibly. pa,rea to let the Urd take ca.,ra of that., severe boating. He had fallen or bee CapitAl 9500,000. ,
I . A considerable num. I I _ A . I � +trunce. Entering the house a sickem,
. tauce of sixt an miles over and beyond the ber o One day. I was prostrated, It lasted six, � . I ,'ng . I
. , the law in thrown over thi ievetment wall, some five- Truth says, the -marriage of-,Bsrone'j6 , - ...
I � Ued. River, up to Victoria Junetion,ne line .f Poles have violated . -pi$ht met their gaze. Outhefloor, !it the,
. , onthsandtlselxlgotbetter� Thexilwas or six feet, wa , I I
From Winni Russia, and, have be arri 4 off to m . d his arm was broken. , .Buraett-Voutts with Mr. Ashm6ad, 13 - room, lay the body of Mrs, Van - I
. had* b or , .. en. c . e Otlett ." front '
8 x constructed. , Peg taken down Again, and it lasted eighteen 'The Dominiou Government have put. takes pla,ce next week At her own rosidei;9p,, ,131aricom .
. westwards the line extends paot'PortAge Siberia. To. sympathize with - them is 11 . I 1, . . I I , with a bullet hole lik her breast, �
I . . � accounted f4, virtue. Oh, but look at months, The third time *1 was prostrated chased a seventy -Acre fafm on the C610 bk special license, . two Inches, below the rigbe nipple ; d .
. Lq, Prairie blithe Assiniboine to the western I was prostrated very bacL That would � I � an
: I , the outrages, No one can deplore them . , Harbor road, Dartmouth, X. S., from the - The Scottish Heritable Security Core, beside her lay her upconscious husband- �
I � I .
. boundary of the province of Manitoba, � 0 1 �
. more than do, but none has been be times when Iwasunconscious andAimes estate of the late W.� A. Johnson, fo the � � I
I The road is now in operation to. Portage La . I � I .r , , ,p%ny,a, land Mortgage o in any,lias-Aua- gaspingfopbreath, with E, 32-ve,libge re- * .
. . I I brought 1nome to t Las T when I would be speechless. - There was An use of the Indians in that di capital 04UN asiefi, are vo 0 1
. , lie, ignore., . he I . strict. Seoral- r The I I I -
I Prairie, 0, Point 70 Miles west of Winnipeg, . inclination in me to Murmur, but my tell. ,naB . ,yet n ai him, all five of the chambers I
. and tho rafl6 are laid to within a few miles organizers are clever men, And oyert . famfilies. havealready encamped there, and '000�600; its liabi Ries Are -n ,� .
�. � I � ,I. Ot rePorted. Her husband has been a pas-
. . st injurious to . gious experience, had been deep, and while others will follow. -4e Rothschild . I A I
.. . of the western bound Manitoba. would - be me T was sometimes in the 'valley, at other The marriage of I�eopold, I = Plan, much addicted to drink, on(I " . , .
ary .
From the boundary the Iffio'. =11:3111 eme, which is based on passive to- On Tuesday afternoon smoke wits seen has. been known to threaten his wife Ire 1
1 . I a projected . I � times I was on, the inoun I f . youngest son of the late Boron Lionel de .
. siotaxice. ,,Boye tall OPFJI issuing from Mr.Thomas Hayden' . 'X �
- I
i . . takes -a northwesterly course to the Little tis- Qtting"'has been prac. Twonty-oix, -persons .are in their graves to- . , . ''I . I a reel- Rothschild, And iss Perugia, Of TAeptd, was not, however, under the influence of I
, ,
� .. if; ed by almost every class. in Ireland. it , I dance oxx� -Cavan -street, Port H6pe. a streei liquor at the time of the tragedy. ' .
. Saskatchewan, whence there is a choice of da,y whg. visited. me while I was confined firemen Were The took place yesterday at the Portlau I . .--. . .
! two lines, the one crossiug'the Absiniboine carried to its ultimate �qcceso. The to my bed, And nin' of the Phy0iOi � ckly on the spot, and soon Synagogue, LQn4on, The PrincO of Wales, . - �
. . - River . ,theothercross- more the Irish question is con�jidered fil, all a By Ann who. extinouishedbluiflame". t0s5abdixtO400; LbrdaudLa4y RQsebery, and otho A WICUR111111Z WARNING.' , �
- I I
. , at the mouth of Shell - �Itbexxded me have gone to their erlasting � r per� - . � I
� Ing the same. river near the mouth of - QuI IM -bearings the more W is apparent that it rest. And so ii went on, and I was ca, . rr . iea no insurance. The fire was caused by sons of rank were present. - - TWO GION , I I .
� . has only two solutions. Either,govern Ire- children playing with Matches, I I , � Killed In a CPasting Accident
I , I . '
I .
. Appele,thence in eithek case taking a north- land -according To our views, or leave her to a oamp-meetina and e, de�r brother came The electio� for a member of the Com- . In A"hkand. , . . �
westerly course � I A poor old man about 77'yeara of ag a I I .
. . I . to a commoh point nearthe, to my couch And said I must consult a Phil- Mena for Wigan . to fill the vhcanoy caus - �.
to govern 'lierself According to her.' own name I at' ThoPottsville0hronWessYs. OnS -. .
. South Saskatchewau,thence to the I 6 Elbow" . � a4ellibia, doctor, .,But there was $Mall -pox . d Tolizi Beeberiob; Ngsa found dead by Lord Lindsay's succeisiou to the peer. 1111 .
� I
I views, only stipulating that We Are con- erei so 'I couldn't go, And I went to the yesterday.a.fternoon at Formosa, probably � I - . day afternoon a party �f- young people were .
6f thQ Worth Saskstollewant and following 'vinoed that t . I age tipon , the death of Earl Crawford -re. I
I . the valley of the. name t6'Bw0Iefo'rd ; thence - he imperial union in a geo.. Flatko shore, hot bein . . . . from apopIdxy. He lived. alone tfierc IMM I . engage(! in. coasting At 11 the shanties," -be; . . : - 1
. . .
� I I . dtaphical and : g'able to,go-to the sea little shanty, and was last I eeQ4 alive sulted in the election of Mr. Powell (Can- &na, Amon ..
.11 � �. between Battle River And tlieNo,rthSaB- political necessity, - By coer. .all I gotthere oil A. tweeii Centralia.. And Aslil 0.
. . . cion only can w Our .era, -which is better. So when servative) by 8,005 votes-, ,John Lancaster . them was a set comp9sqd of. t1iree or fo' I i
hatchowan; It crosses the latter northeast , , e attain the former. . Tuesday night, He'was found by a ur
. � I met a that I had I
. � choice lies between coorcionand concession. , ome people who, kfiowing little (hiberal) received 2,536 votes, This leaves girli ina a yoking man, . . - - - .
- of Fort Edmonton ; then' - chain of I had wonderful answers �o prayer-'Whioh I boy. who -was taking him some, food. the - � I who had a large I
. I ce by a - The Present -policy of the rod -and -sugar- - I ' I William Park, poli,ppresentation. of the 'constituency - -Everything was jollity and pleasure . . . ... ,
-lakes and aoross'the Pembina inathe Mo. h%ve-aske4 me why I didn't ask folf com.. On Tuesday" night Mr. . 1061,y unchan ea. . . ..slod. I
I � I . sti9k can and never ought to succee1 We, * ' . . I . 19 . for a; while -very - seriouslk at - . .
Meod, reaching the'villey of the Athabasca plot restoratIon, , Bji.� my faith was not grocer, of Mount Hope, Richmond street, I . ,'but it ended, � I
, , � I I I - . I I
. . . . wevar, qre the p. � . . FlUDAY,J&D., 21. lask Bud the sport. came to an end -wit . I
. -kylgountains; ascend ,be seeking to make it quito car, xx 81
I at the f - t,,. 0 complete. I can't.lead you up, my Londou�, loft Ill cutter outside, and some, 6 ,bAhe
got of the Be(.
� . . f failure by flourishing the rodAiid I - . . e durih . gi . ne oftho minedqt Red Ruth, Cornwall, death of- one ol the girls and a i�R' eer, - . I . .
. I
ing. this valley. -and' the valley of the dpar'friends, to ,%,It' that, -followe&, lzut -tizu Y the night some person unknown . I ,�
- carefully concealing the sugar ' ' 1 W48 Budd
Write it reaches ther Yellowheaa Pass, and . 11 in -our God "made. it very. clear' that - He took the -outter away P, short distance from . . Bill Aoocled yeaterday. . Eig I I.A to another. The accident occurred Ili this . I
. . . . . � ! . ' . �
rom th popket, declining to state whether tha- ' persons were �rownod. , . . way'; The party had � started do* * ', I
at -point f6llows tlie River Fraser to himP is -large was trying :me and . testing ' me. tl o - ... ... d with an Are 4 ed I I . n
. - io h nee an opp . it com- The Kurdish Chief, 13heikh Sadyk has . ,
I . . . ' or small before we have' - . . . � . I the bill,* with . the young � Mau stoor, , " k,
. Tate Jaimb Cache ; thence it descends the So when Pgot-to PhiIade$hWI ,went to pletely- into kindling wood; nothing was . I
. Valle used the rod. It is an unfortunate . . offered to furnish the -Porte 5,000 cavalry in I � I ' .. 11 .
. Y Of the Albieda, And' following th6 a hospital, and I was very 'poorly. I . left but the iron work.- . . ing, eeing a, sleigh .drawil by a horse � I
. . . . error to make coerdoix, Precede re- . I . I . I I tbe�evexxt of war with. Greece, � - I coming up the. hill, and- fearing' he could . . . ... I; . , !
� I . western -bank of. the , North - Thompson dress, for the organization of the Land - couldn't raise my bead and my.right limb James Coyle, a farbaor, while driving to . . . . I
. . . was bad.' It was. a striggle botwoen faith his home at Framptbn, a (lay or two agoi 1 , it preparations are still going'on not pass it, safely, the young man' jumped . 1�
. . M The. Minister of War has. sent. 6ff, expecting hi6 fair coinpanions to do I I
Passes Kamloops and crosses the River Leaguo vii -11 be so strong before a coercion : a 211111-lrz -
.. . Thompson at.Savons, at. the foot of Kam. bill is passed that, without public meetings, And rebelliob, but after vy time I seemed to wiCs accidentally killed on the Levi$ It', - in his 'resignation, but it was not accepted., likewise. . .
. I I
� loopsIi4e ; running' thence to Lytton at And. without any threats, the. � system of get a glimpse of heaven Bnd w.qn the vic- Kennebec railway. � He fell asleep In his . I � They were, so teirified as to be' .
. the 'junction of the, Thompson and, the ,- tory. �Every 4 � lay haa definite-, spiritual � , send and . eighty �vo , persons powerless to move-, and the Bled flew along
Frate � . I � oxolilsive trading., -will bec6me uniyarsal . vehicle and'his horse took the track, falling . Six. thou 4, � � �,
* .
rit.crossesthe Fraser a fewmiles in Ireland. The tenants Will r6fuBe to pay blessings.. 'At last I wrote several notes to itito.a.oulsort. While endeavoring todis.' eigned-Harting's addr�ss:to the English over theice and snow -at &.terri . .
. below this Point, slid follows the right bank, various baininters. of the gospel I asking thpm engag people with regard to the, indeipendence of 9t only at ,i6 telegraph polo at, the I
. .
their'rents; if evicted by thq,police no one 0 bim a tri4in came suddenly upon , footloif"the hill, which it struck with..terri. - ' .
of that river un4l it flually reaches 'the � to be present on'A certain Tuesday even- him, the cow-eabober striking -him- in the the Transvaal. ' . . . ,
. . else will take their farms; in I , . ble force.. I
waters of the Rao!& . Pit P6rt, Moody -or ,th - d as A boiler exploded on Wednesday night Clio of Ille glils', Miss CArauff, ..
� 0o" "' tug. Itten them - and 'given
.., Burrard Inlet. The total aintanco. fr e police. and military Lire withdrawn the, . After I hadw.rl .. I abdomen And causing, some of his intestines at Giiiham's woollen factory, At Dewsbury, Wis, thrown so violently agaifist. the P -61b - . .
I 0111 evicted totmAte will iluiekly return. . If, them,to a nie8senger, I felt -0 if Iliad done. - rude. He,was pla.bed on the .cars 'rigland. The bui I Iding was levelled to the - I :, .�; - ,
. Lake Nipis§i'ng tb Port Blo'6dy May be, ap. . .. that the top of bar skull ivis crushed in
proximately stated'ab 2,62� miles.' . therefore, tj� . o Irish hold together, they thing wicked, mud stret0iod oUt my I 0 *f fo.t � I I
. some In( nveyea to St. Joseph% Ilviilg. until L and hei death caused instantly,- another of ' , I
. I . ilinst in the end gaiii-the day, for it is ,im- hand to :strike the bell and reds 11 the*mes- arrived there and had received the last kites ground. Eleven persons were instantly
The report then deals w nstructio � . we a. pain in the ' killed mud sixteen seriously injured. , the -girls,'Hoxxora Doherty,'was Als6 hurled % � I
ith cc eeng��,,but God gave . . �4
1 and speaks first of tllq works oil the La "I pa.g.sible toovict an entire mation.?l Truth: I of the-Roxnan Catholic Church. Thb�jury . .
ke th Arm And prevoiltect. my .doing so returned ii-vordict of �g�inst the Pole and sustained internal in, .1 .
. Superior section. Contract No. .41 is .Said sketches the provisions of the, Lslid accidental death, and ' ;The 800,000,000 francs NNortli of.reaeem-' juries, from which she-Aied oil Hoiaday. I I
. 11 I
. "a the, ministers Came, And time 0 -absolved the company's -officials from all -able 3 Pei' 004t- rOntm, to complete the Both were young ladies' of excell t parent- .
.1 .- � to be complqted. On contract No. 4� .the Bill which I-sell't you two weeks ago. I '. . went . French in . ilitary. Material and great public I �
learn tl along till it came 11 o'olbck aud'suddonly- blame irh the ,matter. .. . . .
� -
. 11 - coi2tractors ard said to have' made ;cons' -d' lat Mr. Parneif -will obstkuot the there qatho a baptism of st,re . , , " I .1 . � . I ,111 uQU . )A.! . U -�Uox ,9,, just blossoming into*beautifff woman-
. . . orable,tprogress. 06 contract 42 the ' !j' - -Coercion. Bill b�.e�vsry I - . -�igtli. I felt , , " - .Works, w esued unti -.Ju.ly� xt; hoodf and their Bad - dQ&-tha -have thrown A' - , - .. �.. .
wor Cs I popsible means. t - strike me oil tl F AIDAY, Jan. 21. . . I
Are said to 60' of s6me magnitude, a am convinced that this measure will pass I . 10 top 'of my lipail and - and it,muy,iiot-be indispensible. t6 ,issue Pall of Borrow over the community W which. - . ' I . ..
I . nd con- the Hous6lof Lords rapidly; but that -a ve- pass down to my .feet. They were 411 It is said that there is-littlo likelihood of them then even.' . . . . � . . �, .
. siderable progress has been made. 'Con.� 1. I . I . I . .1 the� lived. - -1 � . , . 1: �� . I � , -.�
. I godly menwho surrounded moan'd they the Provincial'- Exhibition.beina held at jbi . . .
. trict 15.was taken out of . medial. me"Ure will hav6 no such lu�h. I . . 0 I s reported ab St. Petersburg that very . � - . . �
I . , . -- .
thi)lliaud�ii of Mr. I I . . � I . . will boar.witness thatthoysaw the strength, London this year. . . . . disturbing. news has' been , received- Irom , . .
I 'Whitehead in �Iarcli last,' and has since ... Bir"Ooftle 4uEoK.,.rEX`E. - ' go into me. And then for the first time in . I � . . � . . T1111R CNICILLI-Pic, nir ,SVAAC. - , , , ;. .- I
been proseentea.by the dep'Aftment. The .. * - . . . . , . . Their Lordships, Justice Cameron, and , official scprceR, to the effect that great Mill- 1. . . .. . ,. . � , 11
I . I . . — ,
. I I -� . .. sixteell yeArs I rose to My feet and, walk,- justic'e�Osler-ivillpr6sideattliet.rialof.the tary prernrations are being. mac'rein Chinese. 1131111MIRIUM ]DOICAt Ot t � 1141 Pf�T,UVI
. .
�, . . Ur � -tbo-Sibarimr --- 0-lA4W1i1-F1s-oP,rY - --iii- Wfa.-6i::W '� , I—' - ,
I road is tiow xead� for the passa.ge of traixls�, An ther-Eagogenient Between file Tay. - ington or twelve-paces,7 saulK dOWIT.i . ,� , - , , nn" -Tei. , I I I
I with the exception, of half a .mile at,bile � f! . 1, . . I I . nto an Biddulph prieoberCnbk0Nee'k�, ' . .., .. MaUch i-a-inthe-dirootioutol an Ilo.t .. - lrv�,
. al .:, . -� , - - , � .
I .,. contuns and Raw - qvins. .. arm -ch 'it,, -After. it time. they picke,4 me stfi, ,t,,, hall of - frontier. : - - . . . . , �� � . .0cenpied by the Chillans., . , � I . .
. .. . eastern end. Coubtact'NQ., 14'wa,s for the - Jan., 19,-Skobeleff tele, up find b6rd me t.o 9, bed"And"brou-11t , . Langton, o�ruea by . The Bolton c6tton- masters, who own . .. . . . . . . I . ....
.. I giading only of the roadway -between Cro�s 8x* PET111181"'11111 he night of h .AiL glass , xnP 4 Joh� Steinhoff, was totally destroyed by I � ' . I �
. Itlid 11t of milk and I ste'ad.fly gfiiheTitrenoth - . nearly three4d,ur`blls of the spindles .BuzNos Ayrtzs, Jin. 91.a--Tlie Chilians ' :
. -. -- - Lake-. hud Selkirk',-srdistaa,ce� 4-764,1 * geaphs Ct .1 , I e, Are on We4p�da,y mqrning. at 1 o'clock. - of tlia"t
niles*� .im.-xo,,e,f-r.-.. �.t�.Tttrdolllo,n,.t'-ni�mde.�,sor-;: -u1Xti1.1x,Q.AQ1-Wjk .kpresent -state of health, : . . . , I -1 �� .. . . place, Will close their nfills if the d tta ad .sud, completely ; defemied. the - .. .
-... .. �,-_1 I -_1 - - . -, I I I emand .4 a" I
... . X4le.-wor;kl3as be6b-bo .mplet,ed.,-�-'-',r-r-oru-P,�l.- -tiO�-Ut)ctirthg-f-ron-.t7-�M-d--.Auvk-s.-in-t ... j, ."&., - fb.l 5Q�lrsi�iWfilii .--,?R10hiffoUT1-8bokus-ia .- -Pertivian-Army-at,.. Mi &f1nrAs-GenekaL.1'. -'- 1--`X
f. -, . I I �. ..... r-11 I
., ha-'sreger, I - - , " * f, I f---�T.Y$tier-'Que.,�s--of-t-lieroperttt�ves-f�r-,ibu-ad,vE,ilea�of-"Wq,ge .� I , ., . ,
.. . I , . ' � . ."p 11 - -::�.'
, I I . I9iI6f-W1 - in 136f6- - the en' ei I I' c.. . ...
I cam -R -8clionla-0 - -----.. - - .:I-.,.- �YAry-:raspoictablq r� -Oif sobar-lfalsits,� ` 6rfaia5w 8 -1 of .N1, T1 6KYM,- - - - --- - .
. � ... ,� .
.. I . iv- � 01 �� ��. - . � �.YA
. . . . ldrk a traolE has been- laid 'to connect ,,tJi.�.,'.,WQrks, a o acked , - - . farme il&Morvemr aliTZM61`16Mt -
. . _,An tb t, bodyixit -�the.. �" � . -.1 - - I
. . i . . �
J- ' ' " .
. Irolid -wftb.'tl�e Rea RIver. ' *N6twIthst&ndm on both flanks.and in iho rear. A hand -to, , � . 1. ,� . . .. . I . hung himself in his *,barn on Wednesday , r Army, Red, The Chilia S. 0 . U1 .4 IM16 . 11 I
. I . I . - . .. .
. I . . - .. . * Week. - The dispute affects 15,000 opers- . - , �
I . ing the .tough ind. liemvjr character. of the . hand. fight' ensued until after ',midnight. � I . night. ThQ cause.is as yet unknown. - . ithout resbitance on lie -117 ; in- - - .
. ' . . .1 . . � * 1. , . � . tivep. The -Blackburn Masters have Also w ,
. . - and.*:0ross lie Turcomans were ultimately repuls . . I - :1 . I
.. country between Thunder Bay.' T I . ed IL 9,121 V I AN I. 6,02,04cK.,140'VIE . k1l'.'N T'.* , A London. � deipatch' uijiAd-to.grant-anadv�ance; - ----- -rolalw-brother .and, Alie via67- inii . : -� 7--L-�-
. I .1 Lake, low. gradients And. easy.. curves b!kd- from 'I' ' * - f�6m theiront 4nd r . ig - .. — . ... , . says that Kr,.A,--x0-ft .. . . ,. . . � . . " - . . �
1. I ut . . -11' t ie camp And I 1. . ht, '111[r. - -r —or - - —0 - --Townsend,-fDTmwly'�ol�P-efroli-a�� .is- re. .' . -, '.. ,' . Arnericam. ... . . � . ..of War .were taken piisonersi- � The Perit- - ' .. ..
I -
61 the siege works, but .on ,. the left .1 . . � - . .. ..� .. . vian lose -in the battle - axi �.. ', I . �
� 11on. ftelint iftv 8 the� View; f A. ,. .. .1 . . at C11 , lips was � .
been rn�intained througho ' :`, ., I . flank , - .1 I . .. I . a* stAff of' drillers . and ' - ' � . - . .
. . .. I ' *. After referring to "-the - w6ik6-. on the tuied'a red6ubt from a.com' . . I I the 11ndles. ?. turning with . . , TiiunsroA-k�: Jan. -00. 7,000,killed and'2;000 prisonets..' Twenty., �
I . 40 t)jpy 60 � � , . Operators .to - pros ect for oil ift. British; '. , " , , , � I .
I . . . . ..
I . .1 . Pembina Aranch,.-the Fport,,deals 'with, pany-of Trax;scaspiall troops, who lost their -A.aeptitabicii of. t�q. Women's"diristian Burm%h, , 'P : - 1. . ,. I La;sb gundi�'the Rev. Win,-, GaPP. We' five - thousand PerjiVians , -were, engaged. in -, � .
. I -
- 'sections west of . Red River.. The report corn a' der 39 'hieri killed ana'.41- wdunded. Tempersn . ce Union waited upon'the � . . . 1. I � . .. I .. . 1- treasurer of Andrew. oo�xxtyi Ill.; left boine 'the ' . . I .., - . I . . I
�� . . I says I : I I I. � .�. .. '. . . . . . in n , I , . . Attor, . A row -occurred at -a viake ou'Buckdr'.'s - battle of Mirallores. .Tho Chilian oss . ,. I .
;11 . .. � . . .The Turconians here, captured, two nioun. .ney-G',erxeis,l*-at tiie Parliamentary build- I . axx�eremonio'ugly. - It ig amid that his �ac in both�ba,ftloq was heavy., - The di�loimatia .. - ..� . .. �
' . I
� � I The f1rsbIOQ-milb secti6xi'vVestof I lloaRiver �vas . F late,. near. London, the ..other. 'xxijU bem counts as tkbisuirei Are .04,0 1 00 or more body in Lim�xirp 864 arm�st - ice,and, . aakthab - . - -
I lot to Mr.,IQhn 11�atx fix August, 18.19, aiV - si,ouia - talil guns, All . the �unners beiiig'kill6a at: ings 'Yesterday (Thiirtday)' afteknbbii; in, tweeii two mewilamea, John XurphY And � bho'rt. Mr. GA6 was A' minister of the the person of Pistol& be respected. , - �.' I
- . � . �
. . . their posts. The- Russian: r.'ds'erv'e - redap, efe�ence to thd saltation to-keep'o�an the Matthew SI . lea, tho: . -former of whom was I I . . . I I .� . .
. .
. .1
liavobeciicompletdd!nAugtist,18W. The,colli turedtheredo plpc�s for .the ELI , . ..MatliQdj$t Chur a , , . . . - -- -, . � � .
.tractor having 1 ubt and one.of- the guns, but 0 of intoxicating liquors , . ch in Chicago, an no man I .. . . . .
ailed to carr� out his contract i . * - - '* ' ' ' � . . , - �! I . I I I * �. .1
... n out.of hip hatrids i - Turcomans. dragged aw I , till 11 o'clock oil Satur4ay evenings - I I filled,4IO, ,' - . , 'ill that vicinitotood'higher as a. ii�lfiistpr I . . . 1 4
. � , Sothtrnli4 Mast Illness. . I
. 11 wets take iii(I is being complot. - thd ay the other ' '' ' s. Jennie. Frazer ILA ,�eais Old, was , . . . 1. � . . . I I . . -.1 I
.. . I odbythodepaktinnut. The road is in.operation gun,w-hich'Was-however previouslyien- The deputsd6n.was introdil - Uis , Y and gentleman. - . . . . I . . -The *sudden death of' , . , . I .
I � to Portage La Prairie, .a distance of* s6verAy- . I cad to thd rescued from the canaiwaVers at Montreal, I -Bessie, aged 2�9, aaughter'of,Wm. Wefts,' LoxDoN, Jan. 22.
1 j.uiles. The second 100 -mile, section vest of lied, dered useless. �he.�enem'y' retreated with Attorney -General by Di.'. McLalighlin,'Od ' ' Mr. 'Bothern was not - generally. k'nowu. - � , I
. .
. ok I . .; , . . I Liver was let on: the 3rd of, Ality, 18so, to messrs. . great loss to w1thin r, short-histapee of the. ,Bowmau'vilid, M. P. P. � . ,. ..-- ' I ' on Wednesday.' b"y Mr.,MoVara, of,the livl'ilg Xlear Prosperity'.S. C., was out!raged . I . - - `� .
. was r6quited Al fortress. The total- Russian -rose was one . Grand Trunk. � She had -broken through Airiorig his friends in Loxidon till ybsterday' * . I
, , , , 'abou .. . .
I Bowie & MoNaughton, dxid and mur.der6d on Monday �. e1vel,i,r,g,1going 'Afternoon, thoi uried b
- be -coxxipleted:in-Dooemb8r, 1882� The whole . lTrp. Harvey presentUd the 4 '01IO`W'�'g the i6pi Ana her' imio�orsion has ma& her fron-I'lier brother's bouse'to Ie , lome.. Igh his death �cc ., . .
I . of the summer has beoll allowed ,to: pass Officer aid 52,mon killed, a,xid,,.five* Officers .petitions, the.signUtures towhich hat! been I ' .�. I . . I � , . . � 6 o'clook'ou Thursd�y., HaUad been living ' 1. .. .. ..
I . 4 . seriously ill;- � -, .� .1 ..
, witboixt. arty eirort oil tho part of the Contrac- and 96 -men wouitde'd.: The bbiaiuod by the - Women'6 ChriAiaix�-Texix . I . I . . . I � Spearmau and Fiir (uogroes) confessed to il�Lc . w. ,
� . .siege works- in. .. I n4on At the apartmex . it9i of Ilia sinter.l., � 0
� ' � �
le .. tors to make a. decided start upon tbe *br,k. u ere. completed durin- the night, and the .perance Unions fix the �a�rious towils"fix. , A .man, 86 years old,, W.as found. lying on having,murdored her. Last night.&, I ' . . Ir . . �
-1 0 . I . . �'. " Irge 3irs.-dowan, at the cornet of Oxf6rd and . '� .1 . .
The contract has been cancelled. �Aa,lo the RUssiall-Mbilars threwshel ictothoitx.� iesp�use io a iegiie' . thecountry. road hear Longu6uII,.,Qide. .late crowdtoo'k them-Otlt--*6f jail. Spearman. ' . �. .
- - 13vitish Columbia seqtiom operations, comprising Is . st from. the, unions in � . . I . I . . - 6apea, but" ' Verestrdets'. Two weeks-. agdbe left Lou- . 4
'' 1.
-- , the tuhneffing and pther'.rock excavation, a t ' 11;0of - the place. . Next day the Russian .Toronto in one. . month-;- From -Hamilton, o,�We�d4e. night, frozen badly, and Was was shot aod-hillbd. . Was do], fo * xnemoubli, returning to tjown, a . � " -
ro oric . . t. on bArsday I . F air es ; � 4
of I r Dou . .
?. t7-- 1. I . boing.pushed forward oil the first nineteen miles o9alip- Was advanced to tl�e first par*sItel.. bearing 1,400"signatures,; 'from tondon,� 1. by A .residebt named- F. Le� -recaptured.- and , hanged � by - whites . 'ago. He had b6eu urider the eare.� .. 1:. . 1. .: - %..
. . of section , . I I - . few days, . . I
. I ..
� . 60, and the road bea from Emoryl I ,. . .. . .. I page. - The old., man. had Walkdd . nearly and blacks', Miss Werts;w- as'a beautiful and . .
.. . bar to Yale (flv6 mil4os) is ready to �rcceive th $ , The s.iegb is'still, proceeding'... . , . '. .. .1 'L764 -I'froni *Braut1ord,'jhcludiiia the -vil-, I I � , . I , . of Sir ".William Uen�nql. Afid Sir James. - I ! ... .
. . .. . �-� . . :. . - I excellent womail. I . . . . . 444 .
e I 1 - , 1. , % I I
. . - ith .. , . . I . .. 1. . - By e u -V6r�aoxx, twenty miles.' - - , , : - , - � I I nPa,gebalu
. . . ratIs.. Tjie works are also b. '0 d w 1 . .. 11 I;gds.. of.Caine ill : a'd' MoilnF I . -- -- I. oe�l-i-i".r-st-ar-r444l:4-ii-Lona6ja� I .
I . . I --- - I ... �
--- — I , ft en, or-'aamew-11 - I -- I . ..
... . .1, .� Georgel.pussel, or. Tiew Toris,
. �ig , px,nee�de ML-JIMST-1.1k . , 4�1996 .. ineo - Unatnam. ". , .1 0 ima e
" --- . fit the up".. -J-1 -f ".�" . I . N4 a . 44 �' ' --� On' xI E . I .. .. aged 24, . . . .
. . . - voftelegK .. 70.� . -..:--. - - - ---- --- 80-'14,0611.1 . - I *lr,-. �L Doz . was -only 'abIb -to Bee 'his-hobst'int t ,
. I . I . XixjW0Oa,1 d�6 1,�Ei, `�;i- -- -�-George-, ;---g]'5-n-w&sdrjving ic-�&'.�a�t,-.-r foll-M'ad1.y*i:x loin Site. Emil
Jior'n NVinnij)eg to $elkirk along the line . . I L -- "ir-a-- - � . I . - �
" . - . U 'loll mph has becitcon.. -. � , . �-� : U, . fef� r a ly-iever., kriendig.. Bfk.7t,d*rh=.ociw.-c'& e a fdw ------
. . Attucted , . .Witlx� .
Z, . � oftboPembinabi-auch. -on about 140 m1lq4.-,vost 'X0XT.RrAL, ,Tau. iq.�-;k poarwjdoN� 'named iiell6ville, 2.58'- 'Welland .528; Thorolld, witli- 5 loaded gun, with its muzzle -Poi ti aged 2,15, who has been separMed from hot - days ago.' 63A . . paid -,him.. ti -Jong ,- .. ' :
. . Quintsol.aild her family, consisting of five 8 owilship And. the 0 -
� of Fort William thi '.H!ig%M,B sy8tom of .. . - 0 1-1; -Cookeville' (sou . th t* � ' 1 ). . towdrdshina, when ,the guri want o .. husband for s�bmetim6. - Mrs. Rover re,. . visit, � Mr. Dion -Boudicault .And other, .. . `.' . I
. underground tanks haa een . ad -opted, pdrsons, 'were ,reported - to -day. to. 66 in' a village bfislixigton. , I Part Qf the.66ntents lodged in, his,fac6'.&id. polled.his advances.. Last night DuaW
'the laxxkef� nre noy� readk for''use. estittition -at No, 44i3 � Mrs. Judge Jon I ' " -,A-&petj., ead. He wa t killed, - - . � I . a I old friends -were fiequefit'visifors. His ' . .
� 8 . . Qs. a so presonte , . .1 I .. . ' t malady was of P very complicated nature. - �
I Molltoallir�street. '' Mr. Lauzon,.6f, tha-�St tion'froui -the. Council of' tra.utford, depro.- - A smas -up .or � '-bh%' G � " I -vitriol. in, Mrs, R�ve'i's face, and al I
On the remaining portions, of the line and it . - n6 , ant red the house and' threw a *quantity -of .
and � pitiful. state of d h � �
branches in operation a supply of Nvater, �is df .1 --- I . I h' ,mirked--on - a ,.. rand .0 lix 0 He had boon.a groat -suffeiej� froin.aL,ow�.:.'.. - ------ ----- .
fQrded'by means of olovatea frost -proof tanks -, �. - thefaces-of her-� brother atid, Ilia, wife, who' .. .
� I I I . I incent do Paul. Slociety, found the family eating any dhange in the early closing law. Tr1ink.- railway at Oranton yester'day . I corous affection for a year past, A month I
Corittacts f6k wirol fahbing -have boon given out ixx�*a semi.nude-' condition, -all. suffering,. 'Xrsi.Harveyreaa-A petition',fioni. To. morning:, . Five freight 'cars were badl� eathe to her -assistance. - All three ard' dis. affo Sir.Jaxo6s pfl;gdt'�altea ill the assf ' , . , ''
I . � on ab6ut 200 nilles of the, road. Ateniporary, from cold �ihd bunger; no food having routo, bearing 5,266, signatures, - . . . I'durea for1ife. ''Mrs. U6ver ma'y lot st�ussthe= . . �
. � . . bridge over the Red River at Winnipeg has bee i . . .wliieh.a,lso' diunaged, four i,aen. with grain and one � - - . b her, �
. . . . . constructed. On the Canada Central Extensio'l been- . daten 'by them for - two. da,y.s.. opposed bfieviows'bf & lidex�sed vickal. with Pork. '.'The track was not cleared till 13ight. .'Dussel escaped'. . '-. .. J'SirWilliam �enner to�di I . . .1 I .
. . - I of a delicate operation. Si,rWilliam Jonner,' . � . . . . I
I grading and bTid$llg aro,in bro,lp-,ess at fai u's the , There whs * no fire, , nor p-ro-visidixg � in the lers. She asked the Att6riley-Generad .to 3.30 �. in. A brbken wheel o.aused, the wi The' British' steamer Nid6sigii is iii to- howevef, proxiounced-againstiti saying thAt. . . I .
. . I . 74th mile from embr6ke. Track- laying ima. liouse, ant! but little bed -clothing. -lie two give them his hearty'supp"Orl.. I .1 . ,cident. . . . . . Ve w Y64L fr6m Newcastle after a voyage &.qure'wa.s impossible -6iAd the operation..
. .ballasting have beon completed up ,to the 61st .T . . .. . ..
� mile. Station buildings and sidings.haveboon , youngest children, 8 and -16 �kears of age . The Attorxx�y-Genersil.ieplied'that lie' I ' R. B�)*Municipal Coun- of tWenty-four days. `She �eniountereda ter- I fld ouly� give unnecessary torture.*'Since . ..
. , I � At the Carletod(l . -
. )r vi ea alfai as Bissetto'k GO. miles from Pain. respe4iv�ly, were removed t8 the Notretwould -have great p, leasure in' ace rific; gale on January 8rd, which.: continued we'
. I I . - )roke, and th&lino is open to that point for � botli D&Ine liogpitali and the't;wo eldest were left their request. - . EN . I " ,,eding to oil. a resolAtion was passed directing the seven . days � . The seas broke' in over'the . 'Mr. SotherWs return to Ldnd-oh'thq physi- .
. . lassedgers and freight. Rafl� for the entire did not know when ,be Warden and sedretary-breasurqr to me, .. cians: have been in constant Attendance * .
With I th, L . ship' and i '. ,
ongth of the subsidized line are oh tho.groulia, . e mother, ,who ,Yids' dying from hid a more agree4 swept everything -before them. On Thursday morning the oixil was seen to
� . ble duty to perform, as mokis,14 0. the Do I., %
' *
I I . I ' - inflamniation.of the lungs. She -'expired, lid entirely sympat' iz minion Goverilliient. to The oidW sufferea.gre�tly... On the -fourth * '
I rider the llead'of operating the 'railroad ' hized -with the objects enact that,fineif boIle6t.ed under bendtfaroff.. Hisexxtireaystem,collapsed,'- � -- " � '
1. 11 - -- , ;and the- child -r011" -Were *removed to -."the the deputation sought to - attai 't'16 Canada. diy of-the,severe,weather sevoial heavy I , mtil just - at I
. I it is shown .that the exc6sA of earnhi 4 n in oft-. 26niperinob Aetbe paid into the county I - and -he gra,aually sank till day �
I 9' Hotel Dieu� All *ere suffering, froiA in- d6avoring to, ldssen.t6 evils' arisi . . seat were 6hippedi which carried overboar'd
. . . . I .over expenditure on the Poinlillia, branch �, flammation of the lungs, broug ng from �Ylxere e6llooted 'insteh;d of, being �handed, I . � . . t�viliglit he quietly passed away, the only .1 ..
n. bt on by the drink. He bad Always beeii of - opinion .. two of tbe IiUboatw, tore a*ay the r�lls, . �
Were 626.083. The total number of passe 'Over to the Bell . .
I I eiver-Geiieral. I people 'present beinii his sister and a ser- . .
. . I f they h A oil their febt.' I ostimai2od t1i4t his peigonal ' . ` .
freight 24,214 pounds. ,. . . . , cold' As ' t made them evenings it 7:61olock was 'a valuable pro. ' ' the plumbers of, Montreal Are lorming� Gibrailtar.'Docember 22nd', also had a terri- '�ant, t I .1 . I .
. 1 thad no stockings . and aid other'damage. - The Renpor, from
. gersnarritd.was 17,640, aud'the amount � jo I r V_ I _8 have. &lines that the, closing of .bars on Saturday . .
. . � . . TI bir P , 0 an assqpiation to conform to the cor I oration I estate is not over forty thousand. I � I �
. The Intercolonial railway -is dealt with .,i L. an , 'ill . .. � I
crazy D bI o attended to the mother,. vision of law, and whilst it was his duty P ble voya The seas. broke over her wi . -, I I I
and SLW t 'at the listen to the' sup � . to go. � — .
. next. It is said - that notwithstanding the clMdren were properly , by-la,vis And regulations as to the manner great ffiry.' Everything moveable was - I I - . .
. . cldih6d and fea.' ', ' . . porters of each. ' side of of doing'work, and the corporation of'Mon. washed fr ' il ao Orlininals. -. '.
I by A large lucrems6 in the I . I . . � . .the ' - om , the aeckB And *two of the crew ' . . . . I . �
pressure causec I 1 ,q u e,s.1 i d u, ' he had never heard anything I . L . . . � .
. traffic this efficiency of the rolling stock, has . I a . I - I . to du : him- to - alter his .viev� . treal "on its .part agrees to appoint.them Were: seriously injuied. I Le,,mox, Jan. 28.-Complaintg-wre being " , I .
. 'ritained. 'The . tr . ack itself has � The.Census Counninsioners. � I 111. s,. which- ., authorized plumbers," ind publish *am � ... � . I '21. . � . . % - ,
. boon well max , .1 .. . I � � . were concurred in.by his colleagues.'Therd . rvitilmy'.1AIN. madevegarditig the delays in transferring. �
. been maintaibed-ill'athdrough state of -6 . .. The -ol;ieV census', comm issiotiers for the bad been a great deal, written and said to . as such. The public expects. to be beher ' W. 11. Wee�tewelt, sentenced at Plifladel- 'Insaiid .persons fkom.tlid jail to thd asylum I . I I
. .
. 11 �.... �'-- pair, Tli� capital account- at the, close. -of' bdn�lnion of''Canadi have. be(§n assembled make'them believe that -the early,closing served by this movement andthe"citYls re- phia to se�en years in penitentiary near the city. Cases have been- known .
sca,13rear 1878-79, am . U'thb bars ws;s n6t the popu - lar sentiment, . ofilations. . . .. *Xx
I i-1111
the ountod to 636,317,t in the city of Ottawa fdr-'tIle purpose of � I . .� for complicity. iil� the abduction of 011111il where's. patient lias bben detain: ed in jail �
. learning -the .nature of their offici' . : SITURDA,i) Tan. 22. Ross, Was By under Alle, for- tine months after the evainination into
I 705.04. At the"61080 of the fiscal, year � al duties. but he was of. a different opinion. He hop6d � I � - ��, I released yegtord . � � I . I
, .
1879.801to*88,805,710.04. Thogross-earn- The*followi�g ,is a complete and accurate thoobject of thepeft6nors would beat- -,Joseph Stade- of Montreal,lin- fit . of operation .of the coTinutation laws-, -hhis-01,�her -�smiii�rAm4--txkeir-IYIO6',---atid � i ,
np for. �he .year have. been'01,500,291.48 list of the commissioners - eT,.."J. Hawkins,' tained, and that . ar by year th6YA-V-0-un, -despondency 1"7t night took a, heavy done . Dr. Brown-Se4nard, juni, dentiet, living sometimes st curd, has, to all appearances, � 11
. y9i . �
1 5 .Ing . Brantford''Richard'Hun't, Sianniersiap" see less intemperance In th .of laddhimm,and then M�7do his way 10 the A� 0 been affected- before � the removal .takes . I I
I b an increase of. 8212;1*98.70 ooniparea . e land. He old Springs, X. Y, -has b6cli arrested , e
. -
. . with last year.'s -receipts,.', wLich - were P.E.f; G.'1ohns6n,,Halifa,x; T-B:Har- then, thanked the'd.eputation, and withr o gO ,cured, His, reco . place. The case otllfrs� Eliza Langton of . .
I riiigton,' St. John, - N.B.'; C. A. . Bailey, Tlio ladi a st' t Ire*.. 4dc'u'Pbibtfvu'1J. ' .. I very , is 012 the , 'Oliarg6 of'st ' paling tu -valuable Mal- E '
$1,294,099.69. The receipts from passenger I e a e that if they had had . , . , . I tese cat from Patrick Kelly. Kelly, says ;trathtoy, is mentioned, as- an . example.' -, - I ."
. . -traffic show an -hicroase of 548,446.51 over Esiton, Que., tT. 131t ' Lckburn, London;' Dr. time they would have secured ton''times The fanfily bf Robert Clark, of.Loiidoul: the d6otor took thle cab awiy on Monday in She was pron6tincod insane- and remaxidea I I
. t those of last ydar, -The-r6tuilis of freight , Calliff i, Toronto- 'Dro Beatty, Cobourg -, � tka number of sigilaturds-36 --tha b6ti tio , n , s. - were taken ill on Wednqsda,y ni�lxtv with, 6,.Iblibibiitfo,ile(Itoretuin�it. The doctor to jail, but.had recovered before the -bailiff I
I .
I traffic show the hicrease in the fee I eipts of Spencet St, Bon 1 iface; W� Hespbler, . � . . , 1. �.. . . I . 1. sYnIrtoms 6f* poisoning. Medical Attend. in a son of I the n' ±6ront6'c&mo to r6 dye her to the- .
. . - � Till.. "' '' 6i�d ptlysicign of the same from i in
101� I I Winliip�gl I Near Gariii, Three Rivers - J. � , 11 � ' . suce Was called, and they recovered next name., : 1. . . .� .
r 135 over those of last year, and an New Alitthod- of Proveutin- � . � . asylum. .
"".161,995. ' I . She had to go there all the same, . I .
. . . A. Chatlebois, "Quebec; L.' 0, Tadilon , I .. . ,Fr"111d .I". day, The poisoning is said to have � imb.. . . alid after.a, short time was .discharged as ,- � '.- ,. ,�
I . increase Of 61,603 tohS in the =ount'car. . 4 � .... " . . There have -boon great A06da'in Oregon .
-ried. montr . I Chtqut-A, . . - -
. . The working -expenses and receipts c�l. It will be seeii that four com- ' I NUItod. from ob,ale substance in a pack9ge of ' cured. The delay is sidd to. be caused in -
nort that bakiilg powder. . . . At" Present In
. . for the year en'ded 80th June ,Is * M1881oners atd appointed for Ontario, tlireo Our English exciraugos to, . . El 'low . I I I andNV.&sIiiugtontetrA6ry, A..very*arm Toronto, An the" regulations . . .1 . � . .
� .
. .. . - st are .. .... for Quebec,and one each for the voinaifi. I method of pi:6`�ontixlg. the fraudulent &Itera.. . . . rain fell in torrents for oVer thirty hours, force roquirb ii, man to be'sent from there I
.. Total edst. of working. ................... ,., �1,603,420 71 noo.q.- 1. . . '.. I . � ... . tion of cheques liag.been p.atonted -by a Mr. , Lauchlin m4ibboon, .A far mIer.iii tjio viei� melting the IiCrge quantities of snow which I th* 1.
Total receipts ......... �., ...... .; ........ 1,606,�Ul 48, Ing pro -vi . . I . � nity of Invoiliuvou-, W had fallaii early in the wtuter and swelling to do 9,11 o mdving of patients, .. ..
. . . . . I I I . I . 16 � , I A -.,A. X06it-,1116 � liftetlibil. is - - ayorably as:founa (lead in the . . . . . ,- . I . . .
.. , spoken dfin th bush on Thursday Vibi,ning., The.-deceasea - - - , . . . ..
I . LOSS Oil illO YOAr .......... 1.111.1- ;...".., '07,13i O."I.- , - '�ell� statement that -a tornbillatiop had 0 Chemical Nows, It: Nesbit thb rivers to. all unusual beight, The low .
. I . I The gross I earnings of the PrillcO-E dw4ta been. foinied bj� several well known Woll points out that in order to romovo . writiliff wassubjedt to taking fits, and it in thought lands were. inundated foi miles, bridges Mr. Neale, potato merchant, .Bristol, has . .
. grobagb a that. be was suffolatod in the snow were swept Away, whitrves and warehouses . xocei�qd tw� letters threatening him with .
. Island railway were 0113,851, being a d6l. street and,Pri . ink either slightly acid or alkaline Z. ! urin I I I I �
Dd�001ixoh&ngo sof
' i�rbase of $12,004 As compaxtd Witli.laSt 'to Make a, 6or is dool SPboulators tio�s must be used. Ile'proposes, there, almost one of thoint. As when found -lie was �fl6oded and railroads ,witsliod out. The death if'lie"doos.not diseharge-fheIvishmen , ,
.1 nor in oats ared absurd . entiiely buried in the -Bxx&y�, . d tt 'in ag I a t. O'- � O!ty In- Portland lavery, and women in, Ilia empl6y. Mr. Neale .
. yearls. receipts of ,$125,855. by 9b'me of the members of the Ptoduce E X. fore, to thit chequos with a dye which. is -, . top I -
I I � .
Affected by botli, acids and alkalies,.�but At4alborne Harbor on Thursday aman offers a roward of �M for the conviction of, � . . .
. . I . as of d el in a An . I
, . I . change." David Dows says a pool of such & -nwrned ThomA& Momwoll. wa 'the writer or sender, adding that a thou. ' . I �
, . which talces.ono. color in .,the former and' 8 obopping 9, . seydial la
.character is not only improbabI6, but if . tree in.tho.wocag, when 110 Wit . urget oc a ere coded, ostroying , '
� . 9TRAr'%C;10 )PREAK' I another in the -latter. Ito would then a struck by a lar I aant, of gra 1, hich could n Band such. letters will not prevent him. . I
1� � . I I t4 . ere ove in e I o loss 1 probably from OMPI Ying Whom he 01100808. . �
i attem. ptea Would ba at once broken. The Print upon the document partly in an', ,old . falling branch which stunned him.' After I ; is .0 .
......-11111. . Attentiot to "Shoot a Itank Manager. by a. . decrease of about 20 per cobt, in the stooks I . .1
0,041Y. i, lisf month would -not have the least effect, and partly in an alkaline ink, Ao'tl,,t lying there for about sixteen hours he was $500"0100. � I Apaxty Answering, the description of the
, as there was a very small short Interest, the charaoterg, IiII0, designs, etc., would be found by his frienas'nearlY dead. , lie diod . � � . AXlflC4-Il11Ue.6ah4. .. I missing man, X. 13. Rike, bas boon found
BALTr5tou, Jan. 18-wOsley Ricketts, a rou I t only in virtue of- their respectivo in Eb few hours Afterwards. I A telegram from.Volparaiso reports that near Chioago, The Brantford chief of police I
. .
r P vicalthy shipping inerchant, niai!16 deposits AlVarwickaiiireatergymo6iioftlio Church =inity or acidity. If it forger moistened Sohn Jones, , I it "respect& , ble looking. A groab battle has been fought near Oharil. went west yesterday with the hope, .of � find- I
. I . , I at the Mcclianios' National Bank subject of Bnglarid,, W. Voya. Hughes, was lately such a document with. a dilate acid, in stiAngorf fell and broke his log last even. log, nin6'milos south of Lima, The Peru. 1 9 the I I 0 Ma - . . . . I
, ft in os lit, n !
to his own or daughter's chequo. OnM6n. olimged with threatonilIg to shoot. the order to discharge any part of the Writing., Ing on St. XopaPh street, Montreal.,' 110 viana were defeated and driven from t1lbit The Scoltish.Libotation Society hag ra . I
. day Ricketts draw out so much that yes'. , borough coroner of Hull. HIS' rovordneo thO color Would take the Acid tint, and the Was intoxicated And endeavored to stand Position with a heavy 1685. The Chilians solve'd that ix�w Js thd blind to press the - I .
tekday them' -��ao not sufficient to pay a admitted the throatsi but ,Pleaded in ex. acid Words, lines of design w6,uld disap. On tlio:Wokon membor until It boogina so hold CIlarillos. I
large cheque prosentail'by his aa toijuation that lie he'd not the slightest , . matter of disest"lisliment in Sdotlabd, ant! .
tighter. � In, pear; and if the obeqlio was then placed in badly fractured as to render the necessity, The� Vnited States Government racontly that the subjoeb should be introduced into �. - �
,.. I W1161i 'paynaont waEr -refused . she declared tention of carrying them out. 11owashOld anilkalino solution the Whole would be. Of'sm)?Ut tion a, strong probability. 1. . lauded � the pyqso*ut Parliament. - . I
. that her family had been disgraced, and to bail to keep the Peace. I . . I .a 1 2,300 tons of coal At Pago-Pago, . . 1. �. . .. .
.. :Come alkaline,, %,fta the 1086 words, lines or A mill named Z yglosby 'wag taken b one of the Samoan Islands, for - the use og The Duke of Northumberland fniends,to '
fired ,6 shot at the president offhe bank. Xr; U. D. Conway wthda fr"Otn'Lotidon design would not be iestorcd,'as their visi. train � y
Alter a, doop6ra,to struggle, in which hot that E)Iglish laalos at pAsont aross On Wodhesda,y'uight from Emdrs6ll the Unitd&States navy. Xboppo-sitiouwas ititroaued the olb6tric 'light ,at ,Aln*i�k . ,� � , .
' rge ,h I I
a 4 Oque pro"
N'be" Paymoptiv,
Ily ",
1hat her 'am ,
"rod a she' at ""
� . . . � r 6rato � , "
It -
I' I
r I
be in bilit'y depended UP61i, their distinct Acidity. I
I ` Jan I deep pi n �
t . me ,�, , to Winnipeg with both hi shown. . . . I
0 6 an costume was torn to slinbdoo she much better Vista than their Afnerican 0 foot badly frozen. . I castio.Afta if svocesstai it will to doubt bei
. w P I a I If On alkaline, solution wag gret applied It happened through dxpo na I I - , .
It its * laced ,in A carriage Ana taken �iom�, cousins. Their toilets are not so loud now, tbb Mire who flying I - . . used in other English houses. I I . I
. is I that i End g =pill .disappear, and . out auringtho-lato cold Apollb6yondwast Therd ate Ave Ministers in, .
I it Is'' to ed t tha,tshe has become itigano and in clapnee-oolipgo those of the Pan could t be by the subsequent Lynne. His feet we tro Spurgeon ti -An exchange says, - The only kind of, .
. 4 at 'r. tisialls, ', M , re bandaged upi and it f,aiuily-Roy. 0. It. Spurgeon,, his father, '6ako children don't cty'aft6r in a cake of �
I M or. . . . . . I uppl, f Ali soid. I I � I is thought they will have to 90 Amputated. ,rothor and two noun ' . � I I I
, , ,. . . . � � I I I . '. I soap.1 !Etow about stoma cako?', . .
I . I I I � I
. � . . .� . .1 . . I . . I I I . . . I I . I I . .. - � �. I � . �.
I . 1. .S 0 . . . X . . . �, . I . " . . .
a, I . . � . I I . I . . I .. I . I J
. �
. I Adlilwl 1, I k . . I 1. .
. I *1 �
. . . 11 � I
I � . I
. .