HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-27, Page 17 -.�(.F,W-,T—,W,-'-I,-71r""-Pw-�"%-'Wy-",W:�� 7 11 -?-.qm-
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I - .1-1- .. XTO ,7 --ONTARIO, THURSD-A,Y,; "JAN. 27�7_18 ' I I . �. noutim , , '- - - "" ,
. VOL. 10 NO. -A. j 7-7- - ------0U -N- $f, . 4 01,0* ,
,ilcltms—sl+tsox*erAUR041k),.IolkadI 3tot0j", - . . . I . .
.11 . I . I . . j - "' j 11 I-— . I __ I .1 iftibIl0ilivirow.j , I I
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I .— !r,�.____e _. j . �� _-, - � m.- . --t-.... ___..,.. . - _ � .. .. N---- - ---.1.. _ __!__!_A__'_!s!!!ss�� -._v-o_-�.. t---.. " —_ �� � _
,—,. . ._�� — � - - --- — .: ... -1 I I owammmmmokmion. 00� , q ..
� - 7— j, --- , , ,
. . . V (6,440 I FAIRM FOR WACEP �Iov � Ott. I zowftojoiy� ad V0436t "41terof VOT'"ORNE. A I
� . dtool-011,41 Jill, 001t � 369015MUt I -11-1.1-... __ .. ... .. � XisaLizzic McConnell hot been engaged as I j.''.
-T , �� _:. ,9 of liall.tt. 100 acres ---.- - ---- -, - -,-,,-,-, --` . — . I I
... _1_..-- I ,OT " I - teacher for S. S. No, 7, ju plilee of MiAs pat. , ��f.,
I ",7�;m,',abioldNO, ITho4moroaubavotho AtwinEwA —On Sat 'A toll'ataslo, of4260per-arknum. ,
. suALL 4A Of ", "O". 'I nd, Only abont 4 ratio$ fr011' CLINT03 The following commoluication has been gent .
. I.,,,.,,,,, 0K,�"71'.1", ,s-, I.VHURSDAY .
R ,
Clinton, IVIIlbqpgjdoheap,sladIiberalternlisgiven. Foi..� . .,. urday, about noon, tile Mr. Jacob
M= � go,�d mortgage security, moderate xotes Applytoll. P91V'XJ998ajDONPA9TE11 P O., or to prOv$ngPl,op?xty.rA In P Wilson WAR71.11epted a. trUStea, �,fr. *31i'vaney US by At formor resident of tjjjs� town,,, who ,. I .
'I Clinton. , name oil $or this n0t'* and roof of tlI6 lane atorehouse of ltjr� 0, 0. Wil- I
. of interest. H.'XIALB, ( _. . uton. j retiring. pr j
, . ' applylvig to A1184 X. XOD094N, Gr�q
. - —.-- 4ft AV. IV. FAURIN, Clintoi, eon, doolor in agricultural ixup)onxents, fell in Ontisils At A future; day, tO. give a d.etaliled. 0 A
. I to. the weight of Anow. MrMloQawaa Last week, Oi descripj! ' ' - its re j." , I
LIST OF LANDS IN HURONPOR SALE BY — owin � Mr. James on ofXje northwest, . 8ourIveg, I
...__ . . � __ I I'Mozvd,&� trovullig,.) -
.. ___ I
A the 0ausda.Company, may be vien. at tke OM90 Of I Wood Wanted, I House and Lot, far sale. in IN building at the time, and the falling Looliert, of the Maitland eon, Colborne,while Otc ,— . ., � � I "
ilia andersigpod, 11, RAPE, Clinton- I . I MABB Crushed him to the 60r, jambing his engaged in olvoppingwood bit the farm of Mr, . I K401114113 PL INS, Jill, 1, IS81, #
. - . . . .__ . — . . — . s face I severely, I . . W in . A I
---I-' —, . ANTED, 50 cards of SHORT GREEN WOODs !O .wan.
X offavil, for sale, clicall,thatj head. and cutting hi ji(ild . - WAde, bvLdly injured his foot by cutting I have often thought of Cijrvtou�, whilpt I ij,*.,
, AplAy to I there not been a o0ttivig box near -him which It, It Rpp,eura that the, a-�e glol ff 'a 4
M R13, *HITT, TEACHER OF UUSIC.. PUPILS Wfor the Clinton model School. I tr�b E lb8ar m �StQrx House on James Street, next -4 wavidefing up lin . �� !
'%V.. H. HL ul w a C beeva'killed. inflicted A deep flesh vounda,
Rtt4uded at their olva reWIdextcPjifue0e13l14rY- EV -1 8 114, SeqrbtarT. Us 1ltr'1e1VZytortb1 IV hur'ah,oH � held up the beams, lie moot have little, b 4 down this great oonutry. . , ,
. . . .. � . e)OW the Great country they may well call it, for 0004, .: , . -
I oldineq orluglopkrqat, xleo,r;he Huron Roiall, Clinton. _ __. . , Olt, I viotorift St., Clinton He is 'not dangeroug y hurt. . InstOP,17 The wound ja about 2.j inches, long by . .1, j
. � I . j . . I I .. ----,, _. . - .- --v. - - I—: . . . .1 I er or later it is destined to. be the. home. of � , , �!'_ ,
. ' .= ... - le is recover' I . ,
. i .,,..Tenders Wanted. . . . .— I . I inch deep, I . Aug. . Inillitials of free Inc ;j -free nxvdev 11-1; ,
- j I . I ARUCEFIELD, - n be flag I 11
DH. DoWp:r,UY, X. D., M. R, C. S. E:SdL-viD*, - - . ,. I I - ,
bYoi I&AL $Urgaoup &c., Offtoo, and reildenev i � I Interest, Reduced. . The light which has latily been so touch thtlit'has, braved a then sand years, the brMfi. � - , '
. . , I I
. , III I Avcii)ENw.-Oxx Sun,day laist, Ali Mr. John talked About wbioli appears over agajnjt Mr. And the breeze;1i free, beeau6 any vivaill, WAJj_ . I ,
. I 0 P 11 . ENDERS WILL BE RECEITED Ton noon., ,,a .— I I
. t molsoon'm Bank, Tuark6b oolu�.ro, Clinton- SATURDAY,'the l2kh DAY OF FEBRUA , MONI�Y LENT ovi .good form Oilmour WAS leuvin g Brucefleld with his team ,-%IcGregors farm on the 6th eon., Goderich ing . .. I
. 34elk I . I T sivillool reouritj At M, amollij
1 -- ----- next, for the opoetionof A 111riek, Store ' ,� Clint., Accoi-61rig to aviount And torins of tious, . lortto labor and ecoilomiso,'may make a 0,0131. � - I .1.
� I -OFFICE-AM RESIDENCE -oiiiiteox� on tuo cornAr. of 4j. A.,lbort ., pal one, of h4 he j so, - towxisld p, can be distinctly sedn fA,016 some of able Iiiing; more for ,
k N. ARI?LETON. _utt,enbur,y Ang ... rs6s,youxig one� became ir ' . I
I be pa�wcn... Costo-viodetate.- 11. HALE � ' and in trying to in& -of the the-elavatod palta of Colbor* the energetic, and. -
Streetqj Clinton. Plans and sli4oillostions eall nage tile team, abulidanee for 'dustry, capital ,
. � D on Ontario qtroet, Olintou, opi,oi4to the Englimfla I j . I . one I ije. It is readily those with .in I .
by side "gate, � . .1 seen at the 011100 of tile CIANTON 5111A4. 'The pub- 4 - Huron Strejetp (AIntoll. lines brojte; Mr. Gilmour jumped from 'the .
Church. Butrainoo, 0 'It to accept the lowe"t or � j . � st.tppoeed to be some .gaseous ertlptioll, but ovqd persoverunce ,t6 back th' in.- These A
--- - Pea not bind hini F -I. _ I— � . e . .
. __ i parlber 4 , : _;-, �- - -, ---. - . - - - Ole! , andcaught one of the horses. by the why it A j rst
____ Any tender. I � e j go i
. , 1. . ppears every alternate night it; A without (1004, going to be the wh it Id'
. . I I
I EOBGR A. '%VJ,TSOX, A.TTORNZY ATILAW ,ill Paystcry. old settlers of Colborne toll US of the world I we have 'the sell And. climate , , .
I Gsoli&wriuchbn . cery,conveyoximtka- ofd000vQr , $ ., WN; - 1 . , but getting into deop snow he 16t )lie . I
A . ---,-- I footing and wvi, run over by both horaqSl,and that in the. oQuility Of Waterloo, ano a opus adapted for the p .
jUr�ojvx*jvjuSh&m,sstore, jr,telToecopicil b7Dr.Ajipj6- — ; . � � I 4 . 1. rodixetion of wheat, and . .
. I sleigh. "Ile was picked vp and taken, home., .
, too, Clinton. . - ' I - . Tender Wanted. E-G,WIDDOWS . cruptiona wer6. q to frei �1.9 Bonjo 'Wheat that stands first in tile world as to its �� ,
$ . . I .. I jqeut. .
- I... - -, - I I Further than a few pain ul Wrpjses hit is. not coloes they would tA, ce the form o wild �&ni. - flour producitij (Imllitles, both with 'egard to.,
____- - I . - . . if . I 1, � X
'X15UN4, X. B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO - . . . — ., . , . rria6ra,loysus, ox.rrancipcom. 3lonk, . ' I ��rtvgriously, And w like17.tioltio be able to tivala,and take win as it were, 'und . fly for quality and ofuhlitity, to tile 1)ushol. . Th #1 �� ,, - , , - o
, BALED Tenders will be received by tLe.untler- . . � ill: Q, 301 I -
w 11 ,
I 00 University,) rhy8leian, Surgeout &,,j ramidense at 8Z siggod, up to 12 o'clook, noon, .01 the ith DAY I . Tas work. It was fortjjxvate� that tile allow . - �
o T, 1891, for t- , , Nf 'I 1, 1, L E CT IT R J1,' I X T ore. On micting -,
mi. mirlauglo, ilirce d qrs, east of the, Temperamee op YE14 a U.&H ille Boveril works nonosaary I 11' E sometimes a �, of a Uvor in' , .prpduces ,.more to the �401 . t1laii Almost any , I
' .
. : Hill, Londesboro, Oiiit - . for th re . . wasisodeep whire be. fell,or ot . � 'offier countru, . I I .
I . � . . . . I . ,'creation a nd� olowplation of 'irli . e Brick . . . herwise he might ,riny object of obstructiou tile), would buisi I take it on an average, with .'
I . . � q il - , . , � llil.,mperaiwe! - Hall * - , ' ouslyt-if not fatally i jurea, , strictly the less IsbOi'iTx kepViting the soil for the seed. . ,.
. . R to the ,Xovn of winton, Xbot lowest, O: � , . Gllintoi,4 1 have been Seri - ?I 1. . with a report. On egamirdrig I .
. d" or, not necea4arily Accepted. riansoud, ske- � - I Starting point of these eraptiolis For instance, rk fafmor takes to -homestead ixt . .'
. - SOTA aSnty0tre lei "i � I � , . . . 0
H, MANNXNG, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' , Ts"Yer elfientio,o, and all noca, �y inforrilikum- given'by . ; . . . , , , -, . . . is. " . * . - absplutely , � �
. I
� A* cjTOU-1N-`0HAN(!9R.,f, conveyancer, &a.' ,;oa, I . . . ON I ,�, . . .1101"t llotblog`�011ld be foll T, no inArk. of any kind� And bythe end of j , I I
. I busixi-agis'proraptly attanded . nt I .. 1.
. Blouk,.Olinton, Out, Al %pplyingatille oftlee ofJ. G, BRO01TOR, Architect, - I I ulle Jigs from 30 to
thaw is conducting a series of'pro- but -it is sUp a they w�-re but gas erem broken, wjljoh_v�,ill require toL be. � , ,
. to. OfAce. houror9 q,,In-;- I . I I - ':'' ,,'Tkuro,diylyenlng,.!*Filb.,�.r.dg.-Igil. _11r,.Marl � . I�Iyl
—I--- .0jinion, or at thastaro,of ;"q- - - -1 , .. I .nosed tb t � -
- '.--_--4_ -* . . 11, � , - - . .L C6xv.. Doors ' will opoo at 7, lect -8-, " - trauted-Service'e in P. M;�ebirrclx 0 Ebenezer, JV4 liclibye'tbe�6ne ack - either in tlia fill or -sprin , �
. I I I __ __- - . , I- _ kri . Ure to Gor"U'Do'nee at ii'm Ond " . metitioned Above to be oi ploughed b, I q
. SEXT _. . . ." . ;& Jinio; .. L . .
4, . % . :-... thii Same Origin And, character. 11 Somyj , thbu hfi. will H,Iva all mu L
., "It.BBEVY.-OO)P.FI04,lt.&TTEI;BIJRY ST . . I SUBJECT,. %'The�%Zvgbf Romil or % pe 1) luto eon! _ Wi .
, I . Real- , 1 4 1 - . elf really for .crop, -
lianjust re u to Canada UK J. -H. Diost, torwher"of � Lie r;]Se "iVe US their.. Opillioll, oT ill(, Clear f trimpa, in one year, *AN an. Out
. . . " "' t lrfl� frOta. a �, ;O, ri, Y I a . Ark , . " .
. -ui=nodinteiybeiii,id.it.neforale book Store. . " � L tilrd," 'xr.'widdows rnna I . I . I
do] yjlpo oinee Hall, Haton Street, CM - fto�,I..p .b...ov 'of tif. And-ona-lie,14 To I . ".. 8, 4N . . . � '14M . OL -0
.1 oftle,o holl., ,,,,r a a.re, to 6 P-14, I , .wi, tile old coantry, ki'linre be hak Iiiia, wonderfm _Nlorris,'has Again takorl'ohiarge oi hi.9 school, subject. L . . I I . � farlwor Or baolcivoodaniall coalaf or did, III ,, . - I
and, ,apDosito%the To . , , .. 1 pea". at short ijbiess, which Was.Q0casionedby . . . , ..
t, . .
Olin ,on. ___ , . - , E e.denver( ed ovqr,800 adArtjOsee in D1111466 tpr.*a I 04-- . L ton years, with only One team, fro may �
___ . iTflhiud. anti receiv.ed voine very, flattoiin4, tootivnimil I . . '' ' ' . , , hive' ' 11
. . - ,
: . �R43)UATE 01' THE RED1, , Ex 'NISS , , do. , R , Rall i 18, le, . . . 4bl(, avid fencing t6ba
R. STANBURY, G I .L 10 , . I � - . I L Inationso 160 a bold, - . I I � . . LONDZ$901io. 4 house, . I .
ID jorointotfor, . . I . , . . � I I lira from lolulaters (a ri(-ai ly ill demom . . . ,. I I , . � - .. 1. .., . . r 101 ready - ,
4;ALDepeLrtiiientol-VictorisUniverni�Y , I . . . , , , n8again, kroBb at same yegr I 'fill he Will bo'Ve to -
Dispolluarleog New York � . I well its fine pronows. Hecomfwt(j id Mr. Chas.' Badouk, who bas been Attending L T )a reported that gaQthe'i, of our busiyleiq the
�rly of tho-Hoppitals and . I . I . . _. . I I .. '�V In. ("Ole ill this , do will be L
I . . nion ,has F for Ito ,break up more prairie each year -until he
. xTomor for. tile Polinty of 9 uron, phylloldo olxt� I Cd -our offlei to tile more .Iolivq- I Ain (if interesti, - r1oWlt fall to hear the lecture of tjw' S. 8, Nd. 5, . lit on ,,oiiA t6 ictok
-XXTE have remity Uorth . ooruZ; - Nlorrig, for the past oar, k . I I I
- .
, . � � . - —, vy Went And h%titablootO Ili tile r�of I ex-moxii.. Irit?ArnrK, _ts cyn%urs. . 114orday last -for London, where To p 0868. States. - TheY 'will be it good b4ir if th�y'm,vob has as much. broke. as he can manage, with , . .,
. . E.�;,',ZS AND' CE . ' . � 11�_ to attel , id 'the Commeral - al college, the he hall loft -'unpaid a good .big anic I A I .
a er b,idek,or a,tthereoddenceofthe THE N' - 'HALL, 1 Port " ,Iltrp tont ao� the help and capital at his commanA.'
. FEW TOWN I - - Ann-aal" Re ' has'voll�cofl aboutrall his acc * , homestead from - -' . . .?I
it ";it I v . . . � � next teim. We vriall bim success in his . . I 011 tots. . I the wild prairie, cont - - ;- ��
... I aining
I a fie lie the llaoj, Huron & Bruce Railway, I . I - , . . L. . I . . 160 'aores, can, be got by,any male past the 1 14:
" T, (it Starrhip I;Actxises. CI!Ljton. �Nrj,oxo the Express and Dominion Telegraph busilI464 i of it studies.. . TuB Steady wark for One teamsters'at - tho . .
JA Es .,-Issue . r I I ,anoacted In fattlYe. we are 46o ageRta for I poeipts aud Expervolituril -Of tbo Olilltou . . L age of eighteoll, OrLawidow, she I L .. L .
__ Vill be ti . ' timLer dtawing'has been*rather Smiley so fir, 'being L th OL
. I '1CO;,SCOTTJSiljlfVX1t;AL I I ublic .��'cliqsll I . I The Spelling illAtah, which Wus helil '801 6 I (10 not ku OW 13OW it �Vilj Lbd'L L, . head of a family � . .
A:,', M. 1J.', GRAD17ATE OF the CAvAnA LiFi., INSCUANCI, ., . �qardtI foi tile year 1880; � . L , . t by p4ing $10 at. the date . � . . �
� ID W. WILLIAMS, B- . egoofllbr- Amounm' . � two wedks A;gu, hotweell S. 8. N'o. 5, and 8.8. . . I
JLli.Toronto University, member of the C611 ibs .And Noax1visit'; LIFE T.NFIVRANW-1 COXI'A- ' ' L ' ' ' ' L b lit there itre poor prospute.., - Ila Ato- hittire, tips In QAe AL settling all. , - ': � - , "!
, RECRIPT8, � - of .entry, and porformilig certain
L UNSID"'Cr iu4s.' Risks taken lit the lowest reasonable r&tba. , - . - . " , NO. 7, ba� sinco'given r1seto a gr i L "' ' , '. L I And every year, filor three, succes. . I . . I I I .
. alcians and Surgoon:R, 01115- OFFICY & ' tb6 i . I I N . OS t
by -Dr. Reeve, Albert Rtreot I , . . , B.a1U)W61#hki11T`Ql`1_r1 �- I . . . .. ". .. : . �' I . �s 181 -29 discu4'06`�& to which sbouJ4 bave got *the . ' ' 8XOW-bas got of) deop, on, the Wfta hit it L � I , .. - 1.
kouve formdrl� 60041041 � L . I
.. . . Go0Djq4X CONIVANXE.f ItErr'ESENtET). � f: Non-rasideiit rate for 1879, %. . ..', . ... 10 40 day, an' 0 L ab Ut - o� hbovelled off fqir safe ' . . ; . :Sive,yearrj, af� the expi6tion of which the L .
'Clinton. - I � . . ,1. -_ . . . . I . . L d.ab uto6herlittlo discussion OL has to � t y- - L I .
. - ! ________. ___ . ___ I- I ,-- . .. I I . % � � -, t'3 I AN' U111.0119- Government gravit-to Public Sebool, . 3�1 00 tho r .1 0 Mr. Robdrt Scott bwk sohl lij.9 y . ocoupalat.will I;e entitled to it crown land deed. . . .,
. . . . . lulk laid down for tb6LUjat�h.' . - I , ear t?ld stal. sUojI'JxOmvbje&d.'(". .
LEND. -1 HANE ANY AMOUNT � * , , . . ., . p . . I . . ,.lU , b(.. inken from - 1-16
MONEY Tb .1 � �irtvx.fbf the earn of 0300. 'Who, says it does any :of
di robney to landt on gooa,uiprovoed sarrus otilysat Clinton, Jan. 20i 1881. . I I . � : - Governnj�llt �!. rant to Model ,,"ichool, JOO 00. 4-_ . I .1 n(Itpay to raige goi)d Ato L the bound3oiHs -prairies vlrbich.are to . noccupied : .1 ,,- � .1
- . _ . - - - �-,_, . --- I 1. - . . , .
SnM no Obje�t If '-- ' * * I I 00atAy refun(i,*1pupector's Fees ... . .. - C) ,I) 70� L I I 0
.k. . . I
71 per cent. interest pAyablo,, �rly, , . 1. . Estimate ter. 1860 ........... I . I - . - '.. . 8000 0 ,. 0 .. � . . I � . . -1 . M4� . . . . . . . 0 L nda � � . , � -
'. f..g JOHN, 9: 1?011',VP .. . . I . - I � - - ' I . . . between ill bou ry,of
irity. ampla. Priva r . ,A, I , .. _. P � RVIAOKAVE. I Maltitoba, and ,the...*, . , �'.
a", -L . ., '. .. . � .-.. L . L . . Embolism - . - . . 0 � - . of J3� . )j_ I , L . .. . . - . .
.. I I I Pitoorp�,'siso,-Otir'- little village . Faeft ooegut & distance of abo
. .
I sesforth. . .. .1 . . 1.32.016, UI 200 00 � . , . lit 1.500 miles, , - '' ,,, �-
. L . . . 1. � "Ci Ate for i8$1 ....... *..; . I . ALyipli. - � .
...--._.._,_._____7.- --"--,.'- . L . � . � .., . . . . . . . . . . I . , 1: . gravq presents - a. 'very lively appeaiallile. at .. ateon a ) which.will Soon be oroised by the great Ca. . L' . -, � . ,
- -WILKIE %TlST) CLINT" - . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . '0 1. ' . FOR 6`l,A,400w.-W.'W I' 19' AiadaPacifieRailwity. TheProvi I I," I
T. -;- SURGEON DE! . . I . .. � . . .4(l � '. jbeLVrQ8UOt timoi Thc- farEders, in tile -sur- t ` CjASgoWj to boxy good abont - ' nee of Mani. . to.
J� Extracts beeth,without" pail' by the Wie of the I I : . .. . . . .1 ,, 039o, -t I 0 a for t6 new'st'i It . '. . . I
. . latest, best, and bY far the $%fast alildilinc � Tat at$-' I L � L . . . . I . . . . . . I . . L., . � -Ullk, - ' I conutry lin4l. a r�ndy'salc Jor their , , , '. . . Ore- - toba is nearly Q1 takeP up, but, if I am' iii , , . .
jq 1) p I
as. jkll other- brailblie" -of the ' . �, L I . . . . ., I ,,�Xpjg ,, � - ronwPiM . '' . wodl)_-�W60fd, i ti * � I I f thoi north ' ' . . I I .
I . -.-,. . . prodnot!, slid. not at ,i, pri6e infevior to Rome . Is- Ret iug- waroe, all that jutip. .the land in some *1),�rfs o I .,
. tovered for that purpo . '. � L tit lost wivvte� is bmipht, up; And the west is superior, in somozes . , ,
profession promptly atteuded.0 lrrtbo most Approved I , . ,.' I . .. .., . . . Salaries,' _ . . .. . . . ...,. . . . , $.3275 ,ou � * oar th ris. L' Mr. Bull is a so re. was c � ".., ,
. . L . 46.0ta . � I I - . . . 0, .ri-,ing tow I . . I AIL , . - '. .
. . 00 k - Wiving a largg 'O,r,�M�h lie, 9low 18 . (Iliqr-and betteir . . - :: 'L .�
. otyle, ivad.at xxioasrate,priee I 0. I - I � , I . 1. I ". . . I .. Inspector, 1879-90 ": ....... j00 I so deep. that the, faillvers say.Aliey- ,in Illfaviltd1l being higher' pedt.9, to t1its land �,
t, . . ---- [ : L , .�'. L, � " ''. 1� I.. I . .1 ... � ,' ;. . .''. L Taterest; .'.�:."'. .-.-.L.-'.., ., .. .. � � - _ . .. I jl.P%l;l0-of logil,j I ... _' - ivvtaaflj�g . . : �'.. k
L .
. ,_-----'-" I � %. I ., . 28 00, . * eli�ltout.nlbf(;'-Vo.,4i'.Yp�dft, 'L . . . :- . (Irailifli& ito tl I's ,�'migratlt must -not; . ,. : � , I . ,
I . pays the higbest price. � He Ivan Also in ,?.-oil- . , - I . .. . . 2 I
1: � ,R.. WORTHINGTOS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON OL.*L � DIEH "L'... . . , ellanjea, InstitUt4
, 141 , L - , ' ' . . - n : , ;,�
� L 1. DAcaouehour.-LlrofitI ato'oftlf a' 00116-9-tPhysici hut - ` - *. G L I - ' ' Insuralloc.... . , , : � - ... - - - - 45 00 , I ute�ti6h with bill. Sgw-niill: a- grain-crashor Oric'.Z.-The X.0 0 *rpadinu be discOu*red, if 'Ile cartnob find land -to suit - .. I I . . ' . 6.
a I , *
allll 13�jge4na . I ; I ,... . . T, g�rs , , ...... " *44 84 � . . '...., An. eVofyL,eVe - I Q�JW , '� , . ! L � '4, ,.
of Lowdi'Canail'L,BuilPrOvi"iRiLicen- .. . - � ovhiblv�: wi , ,4:11; , i, I , 'I - . 't L
. . : .i . . - - I . . . . . ". , . 11 11� re.ri umivewevwP,t�i-.tl16 1,61ilit'. Up. 0914k:l �,hjft ,
1) P . fivyg nowI. io tiler. .. _1n_XZitoba. Lo we gi .
. , I . , , - ' " - 1. , _ 1_� . . I 10 yqu W f ., _..., .. -L - ,�.
,a Couirbyol Huron. 'Offi'6caud. i .71 � .. .L;I, JV�lv 'iSilit, L&c .."' . - .1 . L I
- .. L� t. . .1 L kidtie AVd-O-Orono-r1dril I .� 0AM E rl A �Nl I --printing;L -crt .. .... t ':17'.13" farmers. . . . . L .L in Er . I L . :� facts...aboattlit. Sou, , , . '. ` ' ':,, I .'.
reftidentie,-'XIie ild),11119 form6r,13, becupield by llr,',� . N . A4KF'R'ji'.1'. F'T@%koOL �""..""".4-��"-".;�'Li-L. .14-) i -L . , � 1. . I . *P2 a llotel.., I . .1 I ris River.district of the � .. I I
. . . . .,
i I . , L . . - - . ", , -L- ft,_ � L S. 6?, , ._ :_ 7 3� , , 1. � ' , rl ' . Sjtjvjj()N�l,.��_ I . coal lielde -of the northwest" 8 . . . I
-L 'J'j , �Nligpioljo �' ry Ser li,oh-were'AloW .'- - Curls
. ' tL " _ _ .. .�T � : _ � .1 �, , . .. , . . - . 1. : * , ::.c)h !IIII'arsday: V` Rivet. .
, . I ...
. . . . . ., Tt RE . - - . evoning,bi wit - C_�ifp-tj�, o-tjjjI 'AS * L , � I
I . L '4� ijif ' .',' ,' '� ' ' ."..'
I . Tliwaites"Huroll affee . . gtatiane��, mups, bool-s' &,c 37 . . vire".Vtr.4 (�el,Vere ,)i t1le .; , .
. . .. 11 V.TCToRu �$TRBL�, - . * I . week, a lee ,ol '4C O! Nletliodifilt,01)1�1j'�jj Opellkt`ra -, Weat" JO�Vjjjbjo Sinib . go ; . .
Winton, Ian. 16, 187i.' . I .L , . . . th , last week, - in - the I L . Oitle xvfi�i, iiiiiii , , ,. I ... �
. � 4 , , , . , 11 81 it being about . .. .
. . . .. . . . 1. . � . t. . - . : ,�. Electio 11 0 0 - I - dist Church- by . MAP '16ith" c4aw.01 bhA� Cook. . � . .
.. � I 1. . I .; ; .L L ... . . n VX t . 25 miles . , .-' , -
. I . . . f I 11 " . 7 ameous ... . ,-,'4% ' . 1011 77 - � the 1"OV'L Dr. Williams, Pf Revi. - .Srs.* 18 . V 0, -OM thk boun(lai . . . . . -� .
)3,908 74. 1. '�.'.
� !� I
.. ! NT -.. - - . -1---l- The-attendanee .wa: . . I . . . .
- - -1 IX -03\, ' ' I i -Goderich. ' Reil -was $50. - : *y nf.Xaxvitoba,I�and, . �
LTO WAX[ : .� , .. -I . I . I % �. �, .� L I . . .%� . � -1 - - . ... . I . . %ry L ine ; is nav .the Interpational boun. � I - �., --'t. . ., -
' ' hild all w4e higill pleasod.vvith tho.0r!b ro- . R, 0. T. M.�-Tliere were'. Our, InIti. , -
MONEY.:-- ., - , ! ILT . I Miscell . '� IU�Amoilut rai , � I 'nt L fl .
. . . Q .1 I v e ry, - ,, 0 Od , .. � � 54 iviiies- north from
, .,�.� � a lonS . . ,.*� 1.
� - - I. * ' ' ' 'I " % �. I . . ,� . . : . : .1 Ba'ande on hand.. , . . � .... � 1 .. g-lft) 40 - .. , y , I' -, ill' 1. .. . t* a , ,'I, ' igable in t AF, , . I I , I .. . 1.
.. I L , � . . . . I I . . . . . L he montlis of X .. . I .
. I � . . . t: � j . . L . . _ ,L
.. . I . . . I . . . m:&rks. . After th6 )euturA' Was 6viw regres I thist, 86clqty 1U.St vilijeetil;.4 � WI ' h ' I ' ' J�jje, -and on eacti Side,- .until it reaches'.. ' .. ,�'
' . _. . . � 1. . . - �___� '�_'__. -_ �_ � _-L� , I .. . , � lie .ma tea, and
I I I . . . L' I .
. . . . � . I . . . . . I
� , .I- . ...$:2.0 0-0 0 -, . . t� , . . I . . * * .. : . . . . , : . : . . � � . . I ,. . . .. .. .. I .. - I , Juellts were served b�. the ladiea.t� . The.. choir over 60 "Members now; ; . . .. I . . ., . . I I .. .
. I � . ) i . * f � ... . .- . - " - - , ... : the 49th paeaAol ot north'tatit'"de,- i's best ' I . .1 . .1 . . , ,. L .
. . , . , � iras aleo in ,A�t(lndaube- L', a i '* 3 0 '0ovz,rl1t,NikrTO1q 89RVj`cEQ.tBis6li Walsh, 'ful,folling ptairie, with considerab el, , � � I " L
. l " . .. . . - ' � 't '. . . L . . I ,And g. v.0,80MC f _kti. - -
. . 0A Igarm property, akffe�iej& per eent �XnOreoot ' . . I . . . I . . � . . . . . . . .. .. : . ` their oelect. pieces nlMoh`aa(kd% .P' . I � . 10 timl; I . ..I' -4 ...
I L 1. . . � I .. � I .. . . . I . " ... - . '_ . , L . . . 4 jt . ..., 4iutih 't . the I .: �
e .. . .. . I I . I 'tid-' watsr axI4 .jiear the coal fields, *hR - , "' -� ' . . .- .. -'z vA
jH liavlug-�tbe privilege of PAY, ' . � . � . I ''.. . : �. ,
Lig the,whole or any 1)4rt of the 1.01, L I .. . . - ns, Darlitif elljOylDell 11g. ,: The pr�;es�ods ii'd ' Wa*UD<lSjj 'on L pid sy. Are being .. '' f ' ;., .7. . r�'
L I .
, . . , .. . (it London, .voill.hold, conflrvxva�,ions, at I
. ju�jyi� jo
I . paymbleyearly, borrow 1, at OUT tiin'L, . L . .. - .. L . - ton, :1 t .of. the eveni L d . .
V - . : F .
11 I . I . lit of any L I '� - , ... - ., I . . . I . . . . , Tllo.4.'J�1,1 . I 'UgLI&I)d�. S . SYS ; ' ' * ' . . 8aturtIq . ,. . opened 'up: Until'the-spri .
. . wiviiiout giving previous notice. on -Yayma I &I,. amounted. to abaut,145.. vi , , ., I. . .:.. . � . ... 119 0 -,�,�: , � - , , t ,
I . - . The .Y.L . . . , . . . next. . . . .. . * . . . 1880,: only throe' -or f -ttlep� . L :,. �' - .
. ... .tofprinoipal.il;tel'CRLetlas6w,ou.tihiou'qtt6id, I�uf- tried""L'tily Lum,"Pad' ir behig'thorbug . I L � -, . .
. I . I . . I , . . . .i.. . �.t � ,sL , ; I ., 4."-- . ... I 1 , . L � ., , . . QvIr So I 4 could be. .. L. L.
� I I . . I . . ! L . . .. 4.,:L:
pal I... i . w . . .1 I .1 I 110o. . 0114s' lady. h . . . .4v.. . . .. .-.-. . . . .
011 n I 0 : I I � . as already ;6ceived, I . - t , . -the ire platil' i '. - ...-1
th partioulicriigiv no klivieutiort I . . . I , I . I � . , I . .. . found on . enti . it beink tizisurveyed : L" - . , , !: ,
. I . I 'O. . 'L .. I *1' - LL . . , I , . L I. R8,N,11k1J,-RIt. , . *1 ., . . . '. I , , , 4�!.� ��,W,
' * . . ! * � _-, . . . . . . . . -,yi - yors 60in , . 11 I C.09BRICIII, T6tiV'V-'AH1r' L ' '' tilltlliq l"'tfall'. 1'6ne Uttlilbloservattit, to., ; . -.... - .. , I . , .
. I -.:W- _.- . ,great benefit,' tit) .has suffercil-fo) . I I I . , .
I . . . . . . I , .
. 1 $ .1 0.0 � ..0 . . ,Prlrl(!,R . ... I ,:
. . - �_ �_- ' i I- M'..., gather with t�venty niore, 6atne. afill sq �
- C. A - 11 ART T , ' . 1. L . . . L ' ' ' j5ronebitis an,l ,kstllrna,.�zld doilgestiou o . f ,VRE fQllowiug 'list com 'the o cem .Qnqmjt� ... 41tei Council mevort the 17th jusi,, . . . . � It' �
� I ' I . - , 11 tiatted ' "
.. .L.j Cjixl�oii. 'L . 4,
1 . � - 0. 0 . . � . ' - Tim inbmi)era 4loalliled ac. bete ic ; w ien wo s -ossed 'thoi Assint. '.
. I L ., � right lung, I �, . �. A -11 0'olook.'lo. in, , . . �, t�. -, . .1,� "
I . . A tto.rlmy, me . , .. I . . � . . .1doted id, pure Rocher0jivision 30$, sonSL, .%I � in Jul I -- i .1
� , ; . I . 1%, I . . . I . . ll . . . . . . . . .. . , ,00r(j,jj�L to Statute; millUtell, j)f last, racetl 'i . At.tbe." 0 1 � I I , ,
a I I ...
I . I
I I I`- . I * . ' L , . I . .. . . I . I I 0 . . of Tempera nee, L of t)jj$.0jaao,'..fOr � the 'current . Tkg b no onfl 0 � f tile. Sotifis. whk it * , , ... :., , 1,
. � . I I .. .. . :. I .. . rep.(I and passed, -path wasts)rni fence viewers , 0 nee o . �. . , ,
13rSEVERAL (4003) FARMS J17OR $ALF"". .'L � . . �. ..- � . � . � : X.R.Toi)(m, Cambridge, Mich., OftYs :' 11 quartor :--A, Heddle * W P - ' %Arm Moare � 11 �"
. � .- .. . . ... - �xvd 1)(innol . . ; '�4'fjj
__ . . . , - after,travellitig about twelve milea,westwatil! f �
� . I � I I , I . . L I i . . .. . � . . I . * I .. keopers *ere aplibinced; these will ! two tents. And one small Blianty w6re all tl I - . . . I
L I L . . . have boeit 11ilfle'ted with Asthma- for years. W. . "i. - P. Oautelon;'k ,�'. -, ,i6' SteZrt, A Al. 'lally)IOUltind. - . . . . �41; -;r 4 - - " -1. * ;;
. JL " inediate I' Treat; '. Seen. 8quatterA.' that hall come in , - .111- L . .. . : 14.1.
%_� i ' L ,;:,,:1',,.4_,' .1
,he P L 'd fall wel , , . �L.tt.t
'. . - I . ,. ':
. .. . . . . g I road couvrixisploner for r io " 1. � .. .� 1, �
.. Xos�, 4 And 6 AUb_P ivielon-, X ao.ock, fox, � o.. - .V; a alu . .
. ..
. . . I . I -L 1. I. 'L J - rec I e r.e. t L est '); '�Va:lters;. Oftap, Q.. .8t - ovv�art, Con, J10 ;: t1tt' Rs('r" 116 aab'Sollitill , Xo. N j . .. . ei 11 efsoonlocated-b ill i .. 1. . ,�_
- a. T T.'Beddle,.F, IS,.; W. libbertson, . mt�yfrld fly J. -tkIllit-leyj nee. by J. dloolcbok, that could be
,,, a - Tisdall I& L.: G. ..L-,=- - I NTIONJUY TO ,1 N -An '" Only' Lung Pad" glive, ine iiii ' -. . . . be speu; , .. � .
. .
- . . . . . . 0A relief. -can oultnend. it as 'th'. g . 0,
. .1 o . L I I I . � I I . . . i__ ''r
. . . I .. . . . .. � are, A. Con.; 0. ' %it 0olu '. , _":�. I � ,.':,....'��,4
. I � , ., . I , . reinedy ever. produced. Mo, Siow- .,-J., ,91; 11. Mears f PrOvincialland survey. Werau;mllub . . .
. . . PRIVATLI FUNDS. * I . . . . .It 8: 1) , J. Whittley.*for No. 2 S, D,, 1. Cox, j*ok No. .0 . . : I
WKERSt - '' . . �, — I . .. I I � , .w j� .. . :�
. . 8 A. 1, I . . , . I O.. 6. * J I Scott, �?. Xv�. P. - 0 .�;. D. Lan .1 _C �: ' 11
I I I . I . . 1. . . . I . 11 I . EB14RY VAN, NO11T)INVICK, ,of-'roll"10, 01"o, L. ; . I d J. Beaconit"Tol No, 3 S. D, arrled:% the last Blarve3;ofs stal(p at distance of twelve ' , ' , " ,
. , I .
I - - , � . I . . . .. I . L . . L - . . . I . � . L . Mo ed.by J. CO)c, Sec. by i. Whitle . It a a. . . . I ,.... � �4.
� ll I . tI that th& miles, *found OUtL prefty nearly where the Ii e ,. ,. -� , � .
.d ie� irE -eon r�a )11 .1 1� . -
4031Aor t a jweseat. .WO,I �. I L
I - .
. .(. " ' t' o' for the L cl'06( �)f, the. now ClOst " Opal oloct -and which would be odd and . ' ., 1.
. ATAWIT STRE EV, 'fJL3..N1T0.1q-P L �)NT. ,� , Says: A.,friendjjrsVojj� 'upon me, to try .in , ofthe lnuill L . . -
. I . LOWEST' I N*TERES . . - 'L aiijed *iT)jnjL . , , .
. . . aliix, "el3b . Y "C ..jl`��:
. .
I � I - :: L. .. '. * '- . . . . I - 1111 118 'a. 001 houSe, to be flili6h,0 W " i lat, WAS ear (apiount, $60,50) lie I)AW.- arrIed . d be run, . . . �.' � ,,t'
. - L L - , . . �' : ;.. . . .., . . uli Luxvg.VjicV' and I obt .- � - Disney . Nye a refunded '$I � " ' . , . L. I
. Market, . , , % . , 1. . . . � ... : I rel . . . let to 3NIr..A,. Heddle,contrr.Aor; forthe sum a. HoIllind aod C. . . " w io :even, 'mo9t tookLeVan' JlUmWred-seov. .1 1 . I.t. � I
, L Dliebtly OPPOsite.116, � ,,�A,Z., i ief frOw si riiidkin�gl CQUAA. -I knoto th 6 Pad b 4g tax eaell; te tion§ to coraply.with the .existing land reg . to� . . . 11:; �, I
. I , _,; 1, . '1bAVwglUn 'd % - I - . .1 �:� .
. . I I . 1. . - -, Ul .... . , 0 ogs. . ,
_ � .. .- ___ __ ____� - - - . ,,�:.�L
. � . � I . . 4 . I , -Iielpbd�zyre. . - . .. . . L . _I In 2 , l4th coil., ; of Randia 'the. eve .. . '�-,1,
ATE. � . *� . . -to- 9 L Iona Open to ' ,
- 0 zi,E moDER 1 . - + - __ L , vilig a total .. I nsj.
,wb rootan, a*
. . .. * .. . . . I t retail by All ArUggistg. I . � - . aye . . wvlur- bpom placed in. a wroil I Upoti goett a numli6red sect
- vsmss MY', and is to h '7 _ _ h , . IW6 . , .
- .� � - T -- *30 1"i , . The No. (if' � . 11, �115:
_ , �. A SOW. his bni!dhi�is 6 W 50 .,
'. CON'VEVkN Z 9 . . . , �
- N ail i, ... I . ,; I . . . I I I . . . " I . . oli! %hi't - , . � . �,_ ,
. RANSACT A OEXEnAL 33A.�Xl . . . 1. - : .-.. - A L ,Ili 0 . I .., - .. , the;odd, to raffiv . . -�4 _
. : Tlzonioy advanced OIL. Mortgages' and Noteslof hand . .. .... I . � .. .1 , I 'L. . L. . . , . commodatiob forqpwurds O�XoOjjupils. lie 60 1001 tAXCS'On bot A64( iniv , :15��:i 7 . - . 1!��
, Dr yg !4bl! Q16 a., t i'll the omc6s of the '. . + I L � I �.. .* v I . I I . .. ... . . - lie onanle .- _... , � . � . . .. . � I .1, .. � ,,)"I
. .. - : -17,*-merwiffilod to tale proilk. trustees, . . . I pa,ased some years ago, a man , � I ,�
A.� 11,
, . '.
7! at ,0 -,TW= . ... : . . ��-- � Wimte-.-Slas. - '. fL,11�1N,,k Till,, vitfirtorly'�services ii onui,6&k)vi I . �
_.. - 7!gft�r I_ A-2 ew , VO to - I . .. .. a . . - . . I . . . . . . P. Q,- �9!, L , , I - with .1loved by .T. Co.v, Sec. by ,1r. Whitely, that ,the scl attingoon. UnsUrveyoA land,wOuld be pro- .. �' . ' ;
-1revehaii. . 1, .. .,or NM1141111_1 issued .
-;a lz�" r4k .� _ . Montreal, the knitlanfl ira-,%it_of the LVIL. - F, Churbil., Ardariesor the,several,towusbip odicein be aR tect,l and dealt Witil adeording I . t. I
hounite(I - .", U lt _N 6 k, , . I
able At par, alluble in,all pl��ts Of L I .N� , -i - - B V v :c (,, T i,, i) . . . . . -:'� " L
- y I L . . . . 1; . . .. . . . . . - . . � . . . � . . I- , -1 . I I 0 to',the land, 1 .. 1 t."i ,
. . Mites. I . 1. � I I I . � ., . . � . I 1. . -were held )iere, on Sunday I . �
. . .. .L . . .. L. . . - . . � � . . - L , : L . . . .1 ,, 13rd J6$t' L The follows for the cur.nin t Year: -Clerk - 6100i and regulations ixiot . . � L . ;
� . -
. . 11nomm, ,VfTZR . WON '� ,j!6.cor,x,r,.vo6N% Lhrfjvgb, I I . I . .1. . .. . . � . . . .1. . . . .1 . meeting -ovas conductind by the Rev. J. T.6vin- that lie perfarin all tito duties pertaining to the . . Ing at the time of, jiis firp� + I .1 - *�
� . L . . . IIAI . . . . 1, . . . I . . . . - . .L . .. offiee except (fellvering ballot, J)Ox,es, "!acting ocou 'ving the l4nd,,'-wJ;ethcr odd .Or. everk . . ,,� ,I,
. . * . . I
. - ant Canada and the United StUttli, . . . I A. L H_ IMANNiNd I . I I . . � doebury-1 prosi'ding Alder. onsidering t S and de4thei �, 1:41
1 , . . . . . . , '. I C L tj " I " *' be jurbi-�,'ileiiaterf-hg-])Ix,'t]Ls'. marriage .11 n IN ;jed'L J)Ub I)y'ab ofder in council, datea . � �; ,
. - -, - I I 1. - � 9 . . . � . .. I . I . . .. .1 . !, � , inclenioney, of the.,weathdr, ' lerQL . was 4, 'servitio notiociff. or appeal'anol Making t1isturlis . �
I .
SAhE,Nj0TEt 1101,111114i tit 4101:0 �ta-j��,� and In6liey, � . . R . . � _. I .1 . lbage Dtllub�i ill attendauce . - . I I .L . olf'KhooleelimilA tuthosphool truottses; Assessor May Iqt, 1,880; forbiding squattI13164 Unsur-L . . . : �, I
. .
. .. . ..--..-.. ..-."1!3��. . , . I . - . - � ., .. . 4,5,. Collector *$0; TrA �Lsxirei� $70 ,, Auditors $4 .yp: - to settle, , 01 :
. ,
advansollto fArmOX8fllltI1QikOW� rlOtL9,f0rhhS1O)c4t'L ATTORNEY, A.Y-0 ' 8- OLICITO . I * .. I , . . I .,j yed-dand, some Ivare reluotan .:
, ..
of time -to suit the barrower.�: I . . . .It. I I . .1 . . . . . . . L . . I . . . . .. . . i . . 2 OTRE, is - it J�,� 11 EBY GiVj�N THAT, ,-T' - .' , I ! ,�,; �'. 1. , . .. .. I . 1. .11,-�-QF -inh. - -' - . . .1 . . .1 .. on odd numberm,', b6t aXreat * .: .
� . I . eac irx - I 4
. . . ... � . . . . t . I R CLIN TON t ' L . � . Nthe U�deriignod will not. be responsible for any I . . . . I , . 110 . ninny did, and . L I "t
" *� . BEkYr, . BLOCK, I'MIE)SY111LE. - - Collucil alipplutod J. R*. 11olifies,:Audi'tor. ' . . . . �,j �
L Aiiiixayketaitivecrii-ftiegb,,%gbb4ki(I 90111., . . . L ' ,--.-- I ... .... ... ... - 4ebbR-coniracted in Lis nerrie, alter thin 4104;t without ' . up Aill now toll 1;�Iieye .they vjflI &t. thii�: , . I .
. . I . .. . . . ,� * ' .Reevea Joh)), 0onnelly sooblid'Audititil. . I I
1 924* I % L - . , W, . L . hiivritten ordor. . JOHN DBOWNLEE, L . . 1'15R�O�Alr.-iiiSff V.17unter Wtt.oxv': atur- L. jd6_,'e by 4. Whitely, hee.'ily I., ]?ejj6oQki that claim All riglit, As -the Government have called , , , !, . � 4.,
1 . 3(. ,.&(is 1. , , L I Halett, Jill. 5 � 1881. L I . . . I I , ' .
I BARKS311; XNN�V%V YOu 'N.jS . oX. .�)il; . ALLSN -�L _N E .. - .. . I . L . (lay last, to ray a: viliiit to her. paventa,, Win, Wakefield Ile .ALmsesnor ; I iflovell Ili amen - ili all odd. -numbers, that is, 'all'those hav . ''. I . :, V. � , .
01 .. 1. . . � . . . I . � .. . .; L I . , * ' W110 - 4 nag ,.. .1 . . . . .
I , . 11 I h g Mr� Joseph 11old'sworth; 0 11"8- a claim agilost or squatting,ou odd numb."Ofalt 11 .11
. . WS BA' . . I I . . ment by . S ..,
. IjIlHORAN NX OV CANADA. .., : , I � I I . . IV i vveaf Be gral,�. � � J. Beacom. thlit .1. L. Courtle
. I .. 1 1 . . . L . . . . .. -, I � FeAso'r. .the antendwelat not being sPeonded, %he . L I . 11 "
. . . . . 11B. � ME, INTO SVR eft for meek, having ObW .- . . . . . I 'sing- tive'bargain* . . I
I . I . ill 14111reist 110-4f.("(j 0A tj%��d$' &. L. . '. - . . . . TRAY .IJA4 .Vore.olast � udd S. motion Was Carried. previous to nitl3rinit - or 016 . t. . , , . :` , ��
. � c I 6' � ,% . 4 , . I t . : or , . , ' .. I CA . � " ",
. &1V . per I I . , . scialui:ulk preMisca, lot 21, Upid. cou. of Stanley, ' - - dreame Joe 1 The Comin,11 aLljourned i-o.'rijaet jkAill ' I � ,wiih. the Syndicate foi tli . .11 . _
. � . . I � , Rov.&r, lviAti, 9Tt,%,11K1�)W11v;mP' . Hoincrizuedurful; the fall* a last SpAus's Lomb. The situationtherA.. HaPpybeyout . 011,T. te c coil atruOtion of , - ... � . .. I
. I GAL2. . . :: ; . . I I . ' -cite e'er yon be, until y . our strilling-faeo we I rat Arondity lij March. #it 3.0 o'clock, %; in. - � ilia C.P.R., 49 We -N ' : . I � .
1. 3�. TISDALL. T. A. . . . - owner is berj�I,3.notjgad to prove pj6pol ty, pay costs wb . . . I , , are..fbj�kly ottled on -odd .
� ____.�� _ . . I . . L - .1 . ... . .. . . '' , . . - ;. .. �. � .,. ., .JAhlh8r,.kTr()1,; 01jell1j. I. . . I 1, .
- -, . . * , a .. A.Aj�o it ik'�4y� ;1 D . ONALP LOSb. . 10i sbe. . ., I L ! . . ld OVeli, alIdWl14d,,Q-V'l1wj tinto and zi�-.
. .. I I 8), , L . L - L . . . 0
_ � * "ONDOND11. Y ILA101, . , T ,G �he anow virbidi had I Ace . . - ,I allantyboulil he See .
. I . - L. ---�; I , .. ; .. . . __.�.4--:-_ 1, . Olt . -
. -X 0 NEY T 0 L,O A 11 LIUMOL. -p a - . I S -ALE.. -T , TDP TITA w. T U_ . I .I. - 11 in �tvxvo, "can 'now bo , .
. L � , . . JLJL SION911 offers thaveimfortOble ano'ellgibly Olin' ni btlonginj , 'n
I . . I . .1 . 0 . TyOUSE FOR. . .1113 Uk ,R I ulatedontlielrookof the sheidL L I . ,�. STANPjRV. , . - seen franve,auA log. houses Of all sizeiy,' a d . ' L '
$ , , L F. * BRORTBST SK& PANSAGED - tb the Methodist, Church, of this 'place had CO1UNUlJ�0il-tll6 l7thimst,i0t6rMakingarid A6 ' , also* itablo'j,
O., 'Of,T ��to .. . . L . 1. I L * - 'ited 110"e, OPpogite the .Presbyterian Ohnitli, for y . me sod shanties -
I . . I . I I I . I , Subscribing the required declarations, the.(jouja. hay stacks ,
rA . , , �� , lbig."ll P terinviedfat4�11ovold :ale,. There wre-seven.vooma, hard and soft wntarj a . the allditeityv if you plouse, to spread it out ell took their scata, when it Was- moved by 11. , ind- bkegICS_;solne lim as much as 100 acres ,,, I
. .�U 0 11 -,,-. ilateeragOoTfek- holes selection. of fruit grees on the lot. Terms and I .1
0 L . � - ' eta at Lowleut, Rolvitont,. " L -do bnown an splioution to like a pan -cake. � . In thwinonatime, it is prop. Douglas, stia. by J. Mirran,ce, that the 1,116w- broken and. ba,ok. set - the 16ast for 0110 ..
a L 1. .0 . other parbieulats the � . IligperAO115 be,'ajijJ011it6d td.office for the pre- I in our.settlement w I I team, . , I .,
I PIV . . � WINTER SERVICE 1880-1881. � MRS. lt..STUjkdEON-,:On.1thO premlees. P(3d'up, but the.,innikilvers sro'.to have A. bee� AS, 3or to 40 acres. I have . .
. . . . . ... I
. . . L . . :.. From Boston. . From Halifax, .42 � . � sent,year, .vlv;., Geo, Stewart, Clark; John ReWy .3.3 a6res broken and back met I 4, . . L ,, , .
L . . . . . . 01310,88IAN, y p.ra .... Feb, S. ' . F .L 0. . � __ ___�' ,-'.'L on )Friday, - (to -morrow) -to make it Allow, Treasaror-Jus. Higglile'.(jolleetor; A. Sparks, lowed lo . . I L
. I . . . SARDINIAN, 7 a.m.-Folt. 10, ob I W 'A ', I . StillLao .,,,,,Re, 1,6x�& inside$ 14 atorj�� ' . I
I Y -boiirovef. - - . Fob. 12. . . I IENT,�THAT NE .. -ND prooi. 1.)on't forget, . - I . � . I i h 'I
AT 7 PIOR CENT,,Va able to onii . � TOr . . . Assessor; A; j), pateta r;. John Beatty, hig,if,'Wit - - ,(
. I . . . . . I L - . - . . I . � . � . On for to�ble rickHouse,orMaploSt 0 1,08 V . . . . . , . .
� . . . . . I Stoerag6 Possongexa. lira booked to London,' Cardiff, 0 -, Clinton, � QUAR n-RLY' . Mjcftliio�. �- The, quaAerly 'Anditor, Till . X ,ectively to good cellar ; Stable, 160rinaide" 20 toils'OC I . .
, ' '415 Bristol, Queenstown, Deity,lIelfdot And Glaigow, at li�,ne4,by r.L , . , contains five bed-VOOM8, be the shiiie as litat yean-Carflovol .. The Reeve hay�l'; livid - laost ift' the. hotivej , together . IL ...
. .. ior .TGAGtIq A2 . arip., Slain -roa , Ac en, .noll-room led wood g i th the Meth4diot lippainted-Goo. Bgird,si,,.AudItor.. ,- " - I
611 . odds., . V . ,
. M th h , w It l"etin ontn , Need
. . F I ARMS r . smy, I rices oA to Liverpool. . . I shed hard Anti soft -water on. tke premi see. Ualf I - . wit klIthe hIAPpliee tot, neXt'yee'r. Webuil L' , ,
OTHER�SUCURITIVA, BOUGAT na" PI , An eburob. will take place oil Sunday .noxt, minutes of provions meeting read Avid liamavll4. . . . . It . . `, �
I ' AgrTho last train connecting at Haliflix with the I. .
. . ' . '. . "ere i'l tile lee, 64 w le ,there 11; to stable. ]?or full Moved, bT P. Douglas. See, b i we-, reached this Place, a- church, , - .. . �
. .. AND SOLD.* I * Allan mill Steamer Vill leave Toronto everyThursday. ' . I � 1�ervlce commen6ilij at.10. 30 a. in. .' � . I 11 X Aroxinjoyi as soon W in , '
: oulare apply to JAMES FAIR, - . . that'th6 In lowing bIlia be pal �_wnj.Lj�rtvfll'. oUtofthe
I I . . .. mt,7:QA a.ftq arriving sit Halifax, Saturday,noo,vot. . . . - ''LrOTURE.-The Rev. It. 111hotfies, ot. Qin'. tepairlug, scraper, .S6.90; IT. Oterbein am go, ,I of A 1jake Ontati(i galloan. - . � , - 61 . : "
I ,,OjpFjFC% 0`rPOkjTF, qU . EEN11114 310TEL Pasoevagorswi6hing to take the steamer at Boston *1117 , . . .. , I ca' n ,10r9rtkV01, iOrI- so that we have preaching every. Sabbath. I " i, :,?A
.. . � I ' � L ' I 04,'Yby (41 Castlo, sea. by J. Torianote, The Canada Ifetbodiat conference Saugus air ' I . I
� 'i I 9 :. .
. I I... . . Inc reoinitoato be -at the part fit the time mentioned TXO1J5D4 AND LOT.'FOR SALBTnj�T ton; delivered his le6ture on."Tbe trialb And $, ,O 8 di *Vol, 41.25.-Oavried. . : .
. I . .
. . . . ' 1 L
JLJL Vell�bullt-snd sonillottable awellibir house os) triumpbs'of Protestantis In," ROF'ridVlftlght, ttilat the Rote Va g Vo 'at& order to X star. who presebeA-every filtern. �'t
. A. h . �11 ordained ininj ' ,
. Sio IFISHER. � above. I L
. . . Poirthrough'tinketOana every ipformlitipt tdria Streat, rearly o.�poalte Znno'u Hotel, and in vir6b. granting 1111D one 4101,AV P Sandersoll, L
.. I . I I I apply Row Oc. dolrato the bibloi Christian Q The attend- or Woolr, front And nato ,: I -
Clintoili-'Noy 18.100. . I - . L ' , A. STRAItON, 0, T. B. Agom ClIV2.16. "Via . oupled by Mr. Hunt6r, will be sold.on nio - the maintol). 8abba,11'. When we came, -tlig xae�rest I .11 , , . . L
I . .- Olifiton,D0.16,1860. � . . I , I I The.boviso contains Seven rooms, to newly Allen wao'b6too lirge as it should have been titter the 4tb'dat of Jan. 1861i for post Am. was Gr4nd.VAey, 25 mile$ distainf, ,. :1 A r . , . I
. - .. -terms I , ,
., - , I .. built, And veil firilshod. Tko lot In -well fenced, with consiaoring'the. abilitiob of thot. -lecturer3mil anoo of Mary Banwarnian, (an Indigent. person) I .
I . its lQug, as she-cantivition trader -bla b1lar o, Alva now, we.-bave 6de. or. -two withill seven or' I . .
. . " by 1) I � Are is a raw mill, and grieli � -, - _1-%� . , � I �
- . good*kikdez., Apply,t6 H.. H4I,E, Hut ,subjbct, Tbo.oh ' Was occupied ,by the, also illato bill of -$,1,19, .It ."Utod Inoxv, ot ,,'lit' fixileg., 'I'll � '11
. 8 ., �D_A__718.;, SPLENDID, . I . on Street, .. . th a, .air
I I . . . . . .. . I . . . -10 11 I. � . . elluto"'L , Re.y. AL. Edwards, :*ho- After openipg1ho, Ili UVor of slid Xai�y ro I .1 ,
I c . . *t . I . -A 134111101'milu- 1); Vdfl-" ral [In course ill jabbla ,'and the prospect of - ' '
. 'I'll To"N. ' .. - I . . , . I ..._ _ e evening, Rcv� 11, TI Carried. - . . _- . -_T__ I "I �
. N . - I I . 1. . . - �- . meeting still making it few roularka, called on I . , t, if , n
. . 40 I - . . �. , . . . : LOGS . LOGS. LOGS ' � the ,speaker of th Movedi I 11. Donglas, see, by J. MeXivilAy this great, C.P.U.;'wiffilu.. 5 niffies. Dou!blet - - ' �
. . - � MA0.0' that on"ell gla,at tilt) sum of $20, foil Jana them give. this country away thongb j it will , . , )
. L .. - alt Works, tiny ilkin jiti who for the Apace of two libura Indrizant dircuniatdriabs,
0, . I �q FOR' NTjiltv, ats*tapit�ons 1� L held t1hoe -at- h1cDonald, olicbehurin ,rain it for all timei WO li;�e the thing be, ' .. . "' ' . V,
E LL ., . . . I
0- COOK 19TOV013. ' ..of . I . .1 I I I tention*oftloo6eprosetif. Oommencingatthe 1jaid money,to be Ap -�_ ' . . ,
. . � A , . — . . : A I M * � ALE, ,W, AN good Legs, as 1111nal. �, . . . ocasary to .make a great country, , I
. FAR . � -S .. ' ' .'erit.byRdward Robingon. if' only mA4 L , I 11i
.. * , � . ..
, , .. I . 51 I It, RANSFOAD, birth of out Saviour, be braced the, trialij, anti Carded . . I ., �
' . ""I ' . �' . . L - . .. I I . . . It , I blovo�lbyj, Tol-rallet" set;. I'v GeO..0ast16 nipul'ated indi.ciOlislY,bli��AJAO,pi,ege�t'railwo' . . . ..
. . - I
. I
. I PARLOUR, STOYE8, ' , L . I . I . . . difficulties of Christians updor Nero,, Noele. hat Charles Logall's ancount Of j3.12, torgtaVoj, policy will, if -carried. oat, ,itut the country . . .�. I . � -
I t
. � . � ' . _______-_ I ,
L -
. . A '' . . . . V. 1p �C�. L , _ � A' 3P ]p ]r � Ag . tion, etej up to what lie (tho. lecturer,) called be mid-Cayriotd. . I ". . ? 'L .: .�.15.�
. . . J _, ]o , Ve are. ha�irvg* , - - IL �
1ATINGSTOVES, . * 1,018 -ti .. . . .. ilonlity roviveol,or pro ' bark it quarter of a centu�rv. I .
.. . M. 103 it I' TOWAIM , of War' , . ,A'ove(I by l?. Douglas, see, by 1. Torrafice, that .�
. k L . 3D, . L . . . . I . - . . christi testantiom, thence I the Exotet lad so 11
. I , . . I I . I , he r a � -, if we me of X611i , . . ,
. I WANTED;, TU$ cAR.LOA'b8 OF GOOD- to the nineteenth century, giv) t. ,101,k 681C for tenders Sroln ., �,Idndid winter , I
' 1. I . . . yl�v,jg, for *hleh ft gooL d pAde'vill be pit( I I 6oafortli, Clinton suid Godorich liewspapers for' � 11
.. STOVE FURNITuRri,. e . P ' ' big blafikets, Thog, Jackgori'a great L ', '. ; ,
" I I . . . I �' * V ' p1pbjeb wishing to sell, will planes tell at onco� - Wesley, Henry VII -1, Tyllaull, Latimer; R .' the tOwndlillp PrInting for 188I.-U&I'llied. . . oo'g"'A W. costs, pood.tdA, *0� . , : - _'_ "
� . . I VA, � * . I.. I OOOD BARN AND SI.T_ BL gg, wv� -Goo. castle, �Oat. d a chest of' " . ;
I'llIES Alm BL'BON . I � . + & �BbLp��, . ley and Brown more tEan a passing . Afaved by J. AfeXinley, bee. by wo IA A'.. All right. . This' IN a great country + � . I . . 4
. �& ' .' L ' . i . . . ,plioursoN !,� . , wo ' that tile clerk n6tif,V dio ruldit f I , . . .
W � '' + I . . , In c6noln4ing, he asked, would Any one p I .books notiditea ,i)y tile ariji; ot "�vt" AN ore is a prohibitory liquor law iti - *..
. . , � � (WOD YOUIW-ORCHARD. , . . � . I . . Clinton 11-0 to SAY that th * th I I . ,. ,j�*. .,� it
. * . . � _ sent d I e l9th century in t I . ? *vast. - Tbo�W the , - - ,;., I
-'M CROSSOVT SANS. , pq I - . . . . .__�____4 11 - - . Curried. .. . I the north ooee find olk roAm 1i
I . . �� . . . �_ . � I I mries past and'giiije, evj� Moved by J. Nftltlulay, see; by Geo. Castle, plains. in herds I if X. Robiob ,and ptlibra of , � . , , ,
. . . . . . I I -WOV better than the cent
. pop E-1 GOOD MIMES.' L . 'S, _ T3:j3MI=t L &r. S "T 2 .4ontly endorAi art) , your crack shots were hore tivoycould shoot , I 'I
01 ,
. 4 sleighBolls sidig-1114alls I -0� I I I . .. � I .. .L . ng tbe statement, such that tile f(Illowl1w porsons be 110fritided their ' � " , *,
, . . ' lo%tax, John fatelliherifiop $1, Arra. DOWSOb, $1, . - i I
. I + . . ' 0100D WATER, . I ,,A:VZR BLOCK.- OLINTOXt -.,-' " The a good, old tivud,'., A. tj,,j3an�ll';.t�G&LI)r.tti'l,.11.,,,I)Botiiitt.4iffelI ow&Y-AtAomething rh6rdpioVt4bIe'th&vl-af si. 'L. ' �.. L - _ -� - �
I I . , . 1141,11, lald fine asaoitment, . I . . . I . I � . - . . I . *1 I . I . I 1. +
IV , MP . � - lob noWi-0:68 So often liud--na mialitily ll�oworls (log tax: he Struck off the roll.-Cartled,
� W. 'A of W I. .I .. . RE glotious diyo of tb target, I think on� month's praotise on-tho ". L
I - . yy,% v e oil 'hand it dholoo fissottNent, of 0LO(JAS letorin. Tilt) clerk waR In8tinuand to,.have a ' '
I . . �%- � � � �io GOOD V . ALVE. I WATemEs, inWELLEgY And PLATE D WARE' 01 superior to the degenerate ago of Vi framed and 11tosed. 11XIM, the Salaries 'By-law plains, at deet huntihg, would -ensure theni a . : L *j � I IA
I .1 ; . .1 . � GOOD TE41MOS.' , _- All kinan, . ! -_- . L,.* � vs � 0. , . - of the , I . I ..
I . ovAgAy. , . ! I I . . dlfferdft� offieere As lollevON-The Clerk's salary trip to NVItablodoll. , I see y4ti -Clinton ,folk6 k ,4,
. . . . slid voter's llst,slao, roglatration W. postago,and IfinVe , �., t, -
I I I . I . . . pailli on jhCrt notlee 20PUSA.-T have seent6d the agoboy for railroads 013 the brain ; this must he tito � " .
. . st(%tlohcry,,AseoAsvvr,$79; Collector. $70; Trea- Age of railroads, but you fi4vd'nol jyndle t '�' ' :�% I '.
I V, .PLATrim GoOI)S. . . . . --4)- -. . - . . 0100h, wat0hol I I &to! H . this new compound for Dy6popia and Liver Surer, 4764 including p0iltAgif, caretaker, $10; A 60 1 .� . I
. . . &O . � I nothing so gigantic, And I hope tot such 1. �?, � -L
. ;04 CRUEM, &.. � �q � . . . . ALtWO1W WARRANTED. Troubles , It oqrnat 'to me u udeil most favor. Auditors each $5, returning.,otficers, inoindlilig A I., .
I � d . I APPLY 110 . . . 1, 1. ! , I . A . ble 1 allepidoe. hafug very highly endorsed And . .Do" clerk 041oll, $0 . 11 fraud, if 150 You ought .0 Ito unnihilAted'nvad I .. , �. . , 't - � , ..
. 0111. E-1 . � . . t Yroved by Geot,60tAtle. olve. hy 1,1110troneo, Clinton be nb more. 11opilig YOM have the I
.. I I . 11 reoctinifieto noon
11VILDIClAW AUPPLI.148 tolft- . � � . I L 1 $100j,000 TO LEND,v ded. Its wonderful aMnity to the that the Xleave give Ali ordor to A_ j or lmwket buildings a# built bp, aud Wit Its, p t, �� " t
. 10� " * T. anim aiEB oj!"NT. Costs, I over than any Dig;stive Organs and the Liverr incronsing Into oord,of wood for the hall.-Carriod. . ' - �
� . , M 8fantly on hand. W , Rtl -M . RA � E.Y5P, Aothor ogbna$� , .11 the diSAOI1Anjr*o6i, obtreetiog the Acids and -sec. b3o P, d ra i n ing 6r.ler, I lAust'o , ,
91. . C MoVedby J. Toi-railve. ouglas, goo t auto , -
. ; . I . I � . * tha� the Reeve be I tiatractold to donfo Ith the
. ., "I id donA Interestod in the 4tli amot sth ,, from
. . . . . dArry ng o impprW 0 of tile stonigell. And I . . A Cm I I
P.OXTS,'01LB, GLASS, W I - L' YARAts mpoire AND s6L'D. I ft , , . zi%* Vot, �
� , . . I I . . I . fdgjj)4tjjjgL � ei I . . I 1.
Merahant, "L � rot5toS.D.,andr6pottatour')ie%t COL g'- . I- 1. i
I . I I . . NAURIAGn LICENS3118. I the Liver, can be tested 14� 004out- f, , 11 .11 . � . . .- .
WAIL19, NAXtS, ft, - � Iron and NardWrar 5; L CONVEYANCILN(;. N6 AVINIDATITS. - Ing 9, stimpla bottlo which sollis '. 10 . carried. Tury Aa Do tir.-To botand. I . I . I . . I
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