HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-13, Page 7- - - - -1 - , - ­ --- _1-111w, -T-1. -4 Y, ____q1_- -- _-----,---_f_ ,�-_ .W--,-,-- __ __ _., - --..---, - ___ -­ . I -1 tt - � " V X � . ­- - - - --y- . 199WPFW_ , . ; .� . . I . I . -, .� . . "M W1 . ., I . k I . 10 I I . . . . I � , I �, I) . I " I I I � I ofh� , . .11, . A`_ . I I I ( 41-. . I . . . I I ­ . .1 . . I . I I I � 1� ; . I -1 . .1 . I � .. � I I I . . . � I ., . � I �I . . � . - � � I . . "I'll ... --- I ,____.�_ . � __ _,___ I --- _= M"ft"==MWMK � ­ I . � If Rad IS, , , _ - , I �. A NIL IONAIRE'S DAUGHTER LAND SLIDES I . I . MOO SPORTINQ NOTES. 0010,21.41"g. � WE* ,WAULIC C.08811., I - . 4 . . The shad"s 01 "I " . ainflo'guflo, jinglo. I . - . . - V ,, "a U.01�'..11.91�l-lW.""17.11.,M,."tlil.9.""llo ...� ' I ------ I- Roll] . 1 74 t � ­ .%Is t 0 040 . I %'.j.l '.'I" 10"' L -Hasanoff-hwidway I ,,, .. 1 Ideb Re$_ t tilte New A worki � . ollow 1) . , with it -A. circular I, A I'll, I "It 74t I . The larriage of Nis$ flora Sbarouto Sir Dangers, w e III day and night, AQUATIC­VAX1,,tN`S NF,w BoAr. , .. I il.111011:My OR. ion did udite- . ;AI Btu$ above. I SAW. � . Thomas Resketb, , � Capitol at Albany. I � r=dymion Tile dimensions of the now boat just . 1. I . I ------ *_ Tile fear that the in I . I 11 - . Like -Uotto -for grocers-Honeattes, is the I I agnificeut building complate4forHan4a At Messrs. I. Gl,'m ,lob . TowiDt's - I I I . His litairuras dark, and you could tracd 40,3S t ` 0, S"y"� coa =Pon beat �Polloy. I �, . at Alb&py, the capital Of Now York Btide, A soupcon of all anoiont raoo; establishment, at Dunston, England, Areas Jingle Ing - white fA . , , FI. whichhas cost already, ten millions wad An - ,,, In ' A I follows, Length, 30 ft. 8 in. -, breadth,. 1QJ Ort'X.P.. I., ji-X I � -The railroad flagman does a,flourish. , . . I U44 sioll ole h a "" IT m'� in. ; he . I& at stem, 8J in., amidships, 0a I � tool time' . I . . . . I I � 0 1 � cannot be completed or less than five wr to of I-A!d. and lildi.74. - V,1147miou. JIM ling business. ' . . . le, jingle, jingle I I I lit boner of the recent wedding ,of Mies millions moremill disappear into thobowelS in,; at stern, 2i in, She is fitted with an , , -Whe9la will be given m rest for a Carta AAA cheeks aglow I I . OM,Q. ­.- I . . .. , Flora Sharon to Sir Thomas. Ilesketh, at of the oartli is troubling the taxpayers of 11 Toor tratus � S time to come. ' I -1 " . . -h not the press," Lord Itowton ag6ld; . 18 -in, Slide, m rudder and steering abpoi - tool -one papsed runners . . Beiraout, ii�ar San Fraubisco, the Sent of the State. UnsciontifloAlbanixils affect to " Of- critics bavO a timely dread; of willow, and her shell is constructed of Outtlagotmbrougli tbe anow. � Senator Sharon, the house, was ablaze with sneer at the. dangers to ol They skinnod'you whon you wxoto I'Lothair.'t' Mexican -peaar. The same colloeiu has . . . . -A man way be like P, pisAio-upright . I .tile new oa�it, . Ile Answared, with his u6se in airi , Jingle, Jingle, jingle I yet not grand. . . I .. VO thousand gas lights, which were am. They say that the immouse weight of the - 1, r'nolyinion r, turned out a beat for Laicock, the 4imea- See the vapor rise . . . . bowOred in, flowers and shaded by ferns And -structure will keep it in Place even if it is . I I . sions of which tire: Length, 3 From, our ptoodo, like inconse -A. company proposes to, reader the Don ' . .. . � . ., __._._,, t , 'b9ol of quicksand. The gro' 11 Ob, stay," the Tory said, "obud make - 0. Ti ft. 8 in.; rior*a Sacrifice. . navigable for large or . I Xopical plants. Thq,A=I,4iaPIAywA3.QA, sitimted w vj� at Thatwiblood. oiaoiatone writhe and. quak . ,, broadill,' 11J. in. 1 h6ight at at in, 3 in.; , oft,,, * � ! O'. � i 'new capitol is 06 very A twiuklo flash'd from out his eye *. .4 III . . 1- a 0 ale of .magnificence never befQio weight of the . aml a ;ps, 5A in.; M stern, 2 In. She is, ' -�4be man who loses. his �emper Should III. " . . fitted w than 18-in.alide, water-b9z, rud- lc"'n4'o' ' never boss a newspaper. . i SO. citi .I, adywioa I t I "'ng"", " 'o-ywho.r. 1. � attempted, even in California, who . thing Which increases. the danger of a land- " I'll give lib,u rove," lie said, "and t . I 71 � . Iq.1d . : Ibl .10-12 I a "Zino are noted for their extravagance in slide. 11 The weight of ob superilicambent , air, mod stooritig. gear like his'lokiner boats. 0 on b I.. ter . � -The man who has no family generally , . � �_Stll. I . A,I - *riangiug. their entertainments. Aspeolal mass of borlzbntmi. deposito on wet. beds of 1; Dowarp, the day they may begin , - She has 4 leveragQ,of.5 ft.- � LEllicls built of v.-A.I. � . . ; . , . � . im. Soon elm . y or om.ud produces it I I � . I . . .. '.. . 4winathe turkey in a raffle, I . � . canloadr� of flowers was Beat frc I , ateral movernelat To break the Treaty of Berlin III Mexican -cedar,, with willow and pine . Jimio, jingle, jingle I -Dilferent0als vary OperceAt.intbeir I lit This wits tho Tory's last np . . , . 3 � . Zranoisoo, The house was transformed, and. also an extrusion," says the celebr ad .pooll.�, . fittings. � . � ­ I car the -,vbip*o sharp,craolt, . ., i aen. The ground floor gool,og Ifo only said, III will reveoil � . Ilear the voices, . , -Power as to producing sto,am, "I ' 11 I II .nto a tropical gar ist, Dr. Dan&, of Yale �College. He I Budyaliont, . IUXLAX�AW'I) X14TCOCIC, Groot Awinooll%e track I - -What should a clergyman preach abo4j ? of the A � hansion. was converted into one eontinues: ' I, The laminated � clay -layers I I Ilk I ' I � I .. I I I I � . . I I . . . I ' large and spacious hall, partitions being often become plicated by the pressure, Aud'so, whon, Ireland IN -as alimm . At TrIckett's benefit at South London Jingle, jingle, jingle -About t quv,kr'to.r of ail hour. I re , iTnoved"'aud doors taken away. It was in' whilp the bids between which they Re Are Thp H ,astern. question just the SAAC, Palace, England, Hailiall, attended. On . . Through the frooty Alight, I -Tuneful lyre -,k music teacher who, , . CollsorvEttivos. boboldwith doubt being introduced to the audience the chain- ' . To prevent hor falling this ball, which was transformed for the only Bligbtly compacted or are un4terea." - Their leader bri ug his lJoyel out- . . does not keep his engagements., . I , , I time intoo, Music -room, that'the Marriage 3�mnd-slides are of"throe, kinds, but they I !. , Hadymb5n, PiQu roceived .it. grand ovation, Thanking . I Must 01 mali her tight I I . . . � . -The actor who kes %. stage hibs � In the ' I I . * lie said lie had received great I Jingle, jingle, jingla I Warm 0 , . I . i * ceremony was Performed, SPSICIOUEP occur only in clayey or sand formations I . . the con' . I I 11 I . ma I� . And all who. waded throng i the book kiAA4,,,5�'7,',y,HngImIld. Ile said ho had a I . imply fails in being m, hypocrite. . � ._., entrance 4 f oreet of ferns introduced the suchas that at Albany, and upon which Met titles, tobilo: 11�1 doolq I � And the sound iinpols ' . � 11 visitor.to the magnificent hall, where tile the -now cmpltol stands. Thommesofearth Nybat woudor it Ii an the rage ? good man to beat in Laycook, but he. hdped Thoughts as sweet as twilight -Ah exchange rightly thinks that the I . � - I � - . r, or epigram adorns thy page, . . . to be's better. He should do his best to I . Of our wadding bolls. present times , And . yo was met by- one grand mass of flowers . . . : pdstimes a�e ,closely . , � a on, 4 hillside, having over its surface, it ramy Budylairon I win' . linked. . I . � . I � and gas -lights., Hundreds of baskets of be, a groh f o e I . � . � I and hoped that his oppou6nt.would, Jingle, jingle, jin Ol I . . .. . � ' � I I I :Rowers were refloo I tQ � d. in the costly Mirrors, buil4ings,and below,beds of sand1gra,val There in the twilight, cold and gray,, have as good a chance in training alld health Neaven ,sgcodtte da.y.1 .. 2 -Open work jerseys, to, be worn over I , and apartment � I - 'th Smono Ili ourzoll stroet lie lay, I . as be wislied him, self. Laycook is confident � _. Afaywagil ointo it silk waists, are the newest products of the- . .. . t - corners of the great .And stones, may become so weiglated wi 11 This oboolue from Longina,nal will go �ar," be will beat Hanlan. In a recent speech . Smoothly as our sleigh t . jersey fever. r . - I . ,be I , I , . . . I i Vero rounded ,off by miniature gardens, thewaters of heoxyrainsAndsolooseued A voicesmid, I'Xqw for e, 6igar III - ' , I I I I I .� ' ' . . . . Two thousand wreathe of smilax depended below by tho -same. means as to Slide down . I Endyx4ion. 'be said that it will.be Hatilan'slault-if I gle I . . �-Shakspeare knew All about dodtore, . . � . I I . -111111cil. Australia did not win *thD championship ` 1111191 I ,Ing,c. iii, ere I I . , I the slo , , I Jid; I from different points in the room and .pe by gravity, - ft 4 slide of this kind, . - - . in � Sw--t-.1-Jt-.1Z1.y(l11It1bo sleigh bolls Ece said; 04 How poor are they� that have - � f � . .. . . I camellias, pints, tuberoses and ferns were occurred during 4 dark,. Stormy iiigM in . I - 1. &tell and thath,o meant to have m hard Dinging for 11 pair! . not patience I 11 . I . . � scattered mround in . every availabl. t. I CONE01MUED iTM" F4JLNUKKO L T. . try tb take home with him. the. champion- I . I 1_'. . I I � August, 1826, in the White Mountains, back . I I I � . . -Cedar shavings, . . . . I I I I sbip� . I !, . . � Jump camplior'and . At thd further end of the hall, and in w at of thowilldy, House," says Professor Dana.' . . "JUNIEU, FXS1111�11T 11CIEVELALT10, stono brimstone help to keep, mObs and I , . I " . NS 1. . . - . :. is known so the musio-room proper Of tbO 11 It carried'rocks, earth Kild trees. from the Whe Sod-11ionged Ok'entlemaa jvho 66 Didn't * . . . im" TPRF. . . � . �. � . , .. . I ... 1. . . I I I . . . mildew from closets, , . i . I paslision, the bridal arolt was erected, lliighta to the vaI14 . Say Nollaing tto riobody.pl Here is the descr y: Ho , sir;nux,angti to'lon land , � I - yge In AceferflInce 9 . . � ,of The frightened , The number of men who need guardians . . I.. I I.. . . ":::It is Well -to remember t t I I y And left a deluge of . - W4 . - mi 4:1� � 1. . . can .. . . This was a magnificent' Piece . Ile- stones over the -country. " is a bay,, with P, Small gray star, (in his fore.. . . li I oem, SO-- , I head and:& ne(tr white hind lloel, ,He I � companied by new subadkiptions � editor , * .. .� . I . . ral architecture The - &roll *W&Fk Willey f ainily Red f rpm -the liouse'and were seems to be on the increase, despite the , . Wmaixo,xos, Jah.*T-After Mr. Springer . I �� ... I . e . � ' . io, , I . . The house romai . - given- them from time to stand% 15.2f. hands, with a. nest little head, . will-m­resa-muyv�ay, - . . 11 1. � . � I . . . . 7 feet high and 61 at in width," the 'col, destroyed, us as on an many warnings , . � Ifad, proposed -gis resolution in reference to . ' ' I . � . �. . unin esenting,two lofty Coruna in$, island in the rocky Stream." . tim,e. They. shibuld be:watched'earefully :well. joined to a Olean throttle, and a very Prof. Hind!s'ohaVge that tile figures ,Sab, `-To p writer- df novels life is bu. "P4 "- - .� . !. . tr " repr o Dana, adds: It:A, clayey la, to be kept out of tr . oublo, arid bliougli they muscular nock, His shoulders are extra� , 4itori.eol Ionia," but manY.uovel-writers in ".. I . � I . .in Which all kinds of flowers we 91 . yor 0 Anitted by Canada in the fishery arbitration . , � , . . . 5, 'ordinarily (leap aild well placed Mid Jib at I,Ialif�x_ are' false,. Newbbriy offered m . I . . I � - 2uprefusion. Over- the centre. -was- a I�kge overlaid by -other liori�&nAml Strata, some- thinknone are so wise, they go along through . 14 an. animated bust." , - . � . . shield; atrip�d with red, White and blue tii.Aios becom'es' so' softened by water'frora life witli'mouth, oyes and cars open, rqady is thick throughAellind tile elbQw.s-two reSoIUtioiA,, reciting the -fact 'that a grwvoi ­-�-4nother Ilbllzzmia'� is id .... .. � III I..., - . . I , sax - to be on ,,. . - , !, , . 0 I -in.g. the lettQrs H. and S'. , I.' 't � essential points, for speed and Stoutness. international v; _"� -frorathowest. IsIlaproli6waybt flowers, and.'beal, Springs. or rains that the suporincumbimt to. be iitkda Ili a any titie. I _ rroug had iio�n comn3i�tpd. the way I � . I I � He is a -short coupled hoi,se, Iiiiii greai � , ;racefully interwoven, and formed of pinks, mass, by its weight. mlone;preaae� it- out ' Alew, days since, Ji quiet, " I . . . with'the know] .edge of the British Govern- . inm4ing the�o visitors," go West." � I ­ . I . . � . . and camelliM.' .From the shield dePended. laterally, Provided its escapo is possible, little geAl an'S"nal'" depth Of briSket, a rom,�rkably stroiIg back ment,and providing for the appointment of . . . s � C ranimn. called at a Private bboird- . . . 6 . . I . � - . I . I and loins, 'a. very muscular-'TUMP, wide- . -He campin the other (lay, indtaking. � .. I large. wedding bell of white Rowers. and sinking down*,t Near. inu a special committee to investigmt nold I , 11 � I I akes its P1410. ,* house and said lie wantod a qXxiet room I Q- -4�4- � I � i I I ol�fiors, trj-�oli, on tile Hudson. River, a. sub4idenco for afe%V- weeks. . The kind-hoiarted lady spreading �,uartors and p I . .. . I Festoons of an�ilax joined the chan . ow461 see6nc . arseat-mvs desk;, askedi 11 Well, vhkt shall .-- , . . nt�e trees loaded thd air, � of this kind took.place ill '18UL - The land -pitied him as She assisted in removing hi .thighs ib1id gaskiii a ,to assist him in collaring of Massachusetts, objected. Springer's,re- I write About ? " The . editor told him lie . and blooming'6rg . I . . I � a , solution was referred to. the Commi'ttee 6 11 I , . I - Sunk Such till inalipe. as"Ahe .last half -mile at, , , On had better -right anon't- facie.. � , , . '. With their frairmance. The scene, alto- down perpo5ndicularly, ,leaving It valisoq'to the -room she had prepared for . .. I . - _. I . . I` I Astot, -1 , .., . ­ .1 . Foreign Affairs, The resolution also an . . . I I getlier,.was one which it would be, difficult straight wall around the sunk6n.ltrea sixty him. The boarders took an intefeat Ili 1111a 11 Tbq,British Government- have ilecli-Y-11� �A:- red -h' . 1. .. . The great Eugliqli race-n:�mre Beeswing ­ As eaded nian recently- attended- a,, . I � . . I tosurpass Ili beauty and magnificence, Mr. or eiglity feet -in liaiglit. An equal area of as the fhr-uway look Ili his pyea denotbd'a to take any steps tdward4 investigation', -inasqtierade wrapped *from Ilia neek to bis� . .. . � I well 54 out at 64 races." - Kinesem, the Aua. � . . ­ � 'Sharon invited 150 intimate friends to be clay w*ms. forced out laterally underneath saill eaten up ,by some great, silent Borrow. 11. I said it is believed the prOmoters of lice -Is in a bro.wn cloth and with his -head. . � trian mare, wQn 55 ra6es aud.,-,yas nover� . . . . i present. Theseguests arranged themselves' 'the Slid of the river, forming At point There was never a'question asked him as it thiEL great bational wrong, though ' known . a r t . I re 1 ' , bare. H . -% mile hi.cirimit proi' seemed -like a sacrilege' -to. intrude on, the . . I . � . I in the music room in't1wo lines, seven.deepi about ail eighth of . .1 � � beaten, . Fisherman started in 190. and ha,vd been rewarded- .bI, the British � . . opresen ad a Ilgliteol cigar, , - I " . . . I . mtending from the bridal arch towards the iectlbg into the cove. Part of the surff�ca salletrty of tII6 melancholy ealm, that had won 70, including 26 Quepn'sOmteai Caller � -Rejected lovers '-.need never. despair.. � . . . I.. ( . On won 34 Queen'8 plates. Lillia 27 and ,Govbrnrnen0" � Nowberry. . ,b�lj,eved; that There are . four and twenty hours in a da,y,. . . . I I .. . entraee. The costumes of the ladies. Were - remain�d. as leviil so before, with trees till taken posse'ssion of the man: He ate inore 11: - the 'party in power in Englavid'at. present and not. 1. , . all extremely rich and elegant� and diamonds . than (in .we. boar -I Rataplaft. 19. - , . , � . � bad.no hand in this c* .1 rt moment in thetweAlty-four in . . I . . standing. Three days. afterwards the slidoi y t Praia the iouse; but it , I I I . . , . I � rime. It f4lt-kepnly which a wommii'm'ay not a ' ' . I . . ' � I flashed on all,sides in thebrilli"tly lighted extended, paxtiallybrd1f1ing up the Outface was done An ion al3stracted'-mannor. His ., ­ ' TIIE i 3)�INGRRS-.Or ' OUTboon: SOORTS, . I I the dis,tr,!Qe,brobgbt U�oji its GQvdrnment; -. . . I , , hange her - mind. ,, '.* I . . .4 . . . -a region which had previously sub- mind:Wmin't on IAW Ivork., an'd as be swml� � The* cricket field, the hunting field, the � � nd Would willill y re -poet I in -thirty-4wo linep to What . . . I Woom. The procession .formed At the hand 'of th � . � . Et gl -Opou. tile ' NV11610 --4 asks . ..� . I . of the grand staircase.on.the spoppol floor, sided,s.nd makind� it appear its if till earth.*, lowed the hot rolls,. one, at a bite, ibild race coursei the racketcourt, and thO mrena question. � If tile lyritish Govorum6nt.did do the trees s4y 2. 11 If lie were to recite his . . I . . Aid consiked of soven persons. The 'RoV, . - quake litid passed. TbO whole ar a men- climbed . outr,ide of bu . okwbeat lda4cs and of athletic a . )rts, says the Londoa Lancet . 4'ngland- would poetry under so ral . tr � I . . , . � I .1 a I . I a' . ( I . I not.. atone.for this wrond. L - ve e0s, we, don't be- , . IN A r ' . . r . . ! 'beefsteak Ilia Iny maimed, br oven a &in have earited the �t)Tthob ,.,;porfidious liev6 theywould say Anythi g.,'T a would � . Dr. Beers., pastor of Trinity Ch Lrell, led;, sured three or four acres.". - . . , mind was evidently'lar, a,w,%Y all'number". good *mt a . ng h . * I . , � - - - . .y , . .. . : I *I followect- by Miss BesBie� Sedgwiclo,' the When -the rocks are tilted, as till along the frolnr,lli% surroundings. 13714AA'the.otlio� killed, k1nong their vot�rlos. .buttlie illi- . Albion," . . , . . . . .. . ' I . I .1 .. . lenve.'. : . . .. , . I . I , I . �� ,red Sharon, Sir Thomas a 6f a large boaroleis lima left the tablo, the meh�ndhbtly Aoillited valucr of athletic exercises to -the I . � I . I ,�� I . . � bridesmaid, and r Hudson Ai�er,.and forin the slop � � nawipy Said ,lie more than doubted the __,&,, I�31,gli.h I .1. .. �. I I , " .. . - S. R. �Dmyis, a Sister of -the Softening of a clayey or saud-layer. gtraspprk tmuiicliipg�)i(l,br.u-tidliin,,laiid ludividual wid tbe-iration more le Isliguagio ITAAdO Usoof to�dmy. . . . maglizibb d ' , . . Hesketh, with Mrs. .1 .bill, t3ign 'coun- wigdoth of ti 99 iscoursea .on . . 1; 1. .. . . I 0 -hich . Chomp Girls." It Says : I I! No y6un I I Senator Sharon", aild the bride, leaning -iiii4erneatli, in the In nod devoiiriiig'ol�l 'arounot -him; But the kind terValmioes the 0cb;xsIoi)aI ndshaps w Out of courtesy to tile British Government . g man - . . , . . . . .. . 0 . annerabove explai .1 ' I not.even -the worst,;�Mrds anyth�ing to p I.. . . . on the arm of her fathei. Miss SharO4 Ili Prof ossor'Dall,ft,' May lead to tb ShI16 of laudlady know his th6ught.a were far from must inevitably occur. - While it is adylisa-. it should".15c. sa,hon for giantea that fraud I . .. I . . I I . 1 . .1 ' 'th�,superineuriibeab beds down the overina arouilol, . a 1 lone No to avoid anything approachbig to br - U- bad,been committed oil it first, and- t an with a clio9p:youlIg lady," This, is a * ang- . � . I I I J I. I was -Qlaborately dressbd Ili a, toilet. worthy * dooli- � tile table, perhaps 11 .' . . . 11 � . h tal-4. No matter how cheap a girl m%3: b6i - ' * - ' 1� . 1.1 Of a queen. Sir' Thowas Hesketh anil yity.. III 18.00 it dektructive iliac ofo this wfuto.liend4tonGin iome quiet, Now,Eng-' Amlityinbur 1.�mstimes,-itisA�qua y naces- oii the United States,- Ile had not a Shadow ,h . 0 I. '. I I . . Government or young man a . a is a - - . I � - . . Miss Flors Sharon took their places. Under kind took. Plabo oil the Rossberg, . near land graveyard. She was often compillod ,sary no t tb encourag� effemiiil�cy, esPebially. of aOU,6t .that .,tile: BritisIx ,, little dean'? I 1WATS thinks sh . .. .1 . . . . the Aredding bell, and Dr. Basis, cQftdudted -Goidau in- lf�;'%yjtzoriat, ' * this, age, when r t " gen- -woi�ld, if it found thati1raud' had'been . . ­ �� I . . . d, `%0lich* covered a .to .arnp a tell coat soup plate'on the floor, in . Almnuf actuiers o � I � . . . . � . . 1. : . I .. . . :­.. . .. - 1. � 1, the beautiftil ,inarriaae service' of - the, region . I . �Axe`: in ar6m With in order to* arouse the day 'dreamer by the t1oluen's coracts"' R ted, ask that.-tbe 'question here, -'For 4 good or easily made puddin � .�- I , , . . I . . several miI6 s6u , . allat 01eii? -ftod,vertise. - bOMMit . . " . ! I ' I ­ .. � I 1. ,)dlent* - in the...� .J?Ublic . Press, and men' , I . ­ g t I �* . .1 % . Church of - E Aigl�nd. . "Miss' Sharon was f couglombrate and.overwhain�id a d1tittoir of tile piece - . . .opened. .90 .thought tile An -Ater could am�ce take 6n'e tablespoonful of buttbr two. .1- ... . 1. . I . . . ma�aks of . . F I . .6 I . � I . . . . I a 110 I . - - - .... . �: - . .,. - 1 114_- . . . I brought up a Romari ,Catholic,' but Sll� nuMbe' ter... Whea Ilia loludlady 'would, am hirp..take of' 'the , inoderu � math etic: - Sc1jOOI ' 'wrl a. -safbI odb� ' � . . . . ... I . I 1-1. ­ r df, Villages. , The - t1lioJi. - Qu y. Y . in-tb,c�iiiticlo-o,t-�t-h-e-.�?S't�6r6tttVr Mblbk�Wndftihi- of' f1bui " t*6­thir s- of, a. . . .... � ,. .. . . I- 1. - I ys . b- efor , a �Yer wop"oldin ' aijitual of '. I , - rlaqdlii�i- Pooin:A6 - In . praise of ea�cb ot St . 1. _ I . I - ; " dateribliwol'a; f6w da" � ­ I.. �,he . - momitain I An6ved hishmt to'.go out f'r a -%61k she always felt r .. I .. Mo. - .2. I , .. , .. 11 I ... , - a , i; Poui hot'�Wmtor'ovor t as ' :. _, ., . A . . . 0 'There I are matly pastimes iix� . . .. . I - - I ., . . .: cup of, sugm b Q_, , I . I I tb be married. a6cor4ing to tlidl? y'dowkiward, and firially br6ke ,a tbrowitia a Shmwl ..over �"heri Shoulders- othoir.. . . ... , 'il . . . 8 1, I III ( 'i3� i'j k;- flmyo�., idi - I - I... .- . . I � - . rotestili bo il y - I . I I . VP 4L . . . . ..-.Ar,�LI.I.:�,�.,,"�-ii:,--f,. ­ -4,.:1 �._­­_.­Co__� _t,FI;, 0, 'Lif _q � �l,�AW9. �� I ­­A,_�.,_ I , r ­ �­­ -.-%;.11 moing th , , if,. -,dquntry. _Nv10i.-'4UIAAS'. ,Ar.�.d,IoR,6,�ri�t,;,�ii,i-ni,4o4-ee-t-lidt,i�o,w,o-bhxllxy.y .. tribL --more--rvia-cur 'to' --health 1_ ,,I pejg "it eiri , '!.-f-,--, � I I 1, for . When 'tile' t pl ..-, 11 .1y thwir. -0 . wa. , , '. . umv, �rnln ., u yn na �' na i , . I .., in im6. for e ail _ 1. . I . .. . ar2! nue. rN. :7111milo. . � .t . ­ ,9oX,oKq4. 11,. ­ , AA�,ring -ar-Aidd, ... .. 4ome delay., � w6g.., - 11 � a, -Rafiging.. . - we r. ortions, were buried'in the diafA!tsl?yr6okwmt,him. Q y -he left -thoSe, we lltLvd oil "' ratA al�qyej' . dai ,p@ d, ., _ ,, , �­ 1A1Pp.__._. A �iaa--�g xi�111-9,jrlo�a­ljt4ljg'ill of vinegar; - , ­ ' , - ­, .. . 1. ­ .­ . .­ I ... ­�­ ­ ­­­_ ­ . M Athe " I I .1 _' -.At ..a.- IiTudl� , � . . ... , I ­- . . I � . . ... .. � lul qm 11 -11 - . . � �. 14 . Od bir lqplas havin. to- a c - hoWilt liqui& c1mvIt , he Albany c &y precisely), t p d-"ai�d:7ii-o;u:�i'e.ill-rn.�,, _'His chair a �-The Grand Trunk � I . �, . -- , - s- - 1.1-1- ­­­­ �. I __ " �_1�6`dse_&'n­ 'nigi rtfte.i-riiglitiner�owdecliioti-ventliLt6cl. . , I . .. I . .. can 13 � 1-i.' '' , , * - . I , , , - - ­ ­ . � �, , , - ­ .. ... Kipsmau township. .: avers th -Warmn � I . ­ . �r for -it. lla-fiva,4 found it ifl.his'.vaisteca __ I ­ - 11 "-a�rdltztltL--iviLI3-iiii-b�-�oi� -NvaaAt*ppea-',u' p aA,vaif,i�n,t�lti,4-'dDrhi-i�g,-�ll-.t�lia. rocimsis-anlong-the ilmst�unwhcldsduicr a.lid__ Rail -way, 'Comp'say': .., ._ .. . . . - I I . .. E - I .. ' (Ohio) Chronielei'the following -prominblo , sing - .� . . - e.uot. Nig'h�.- omxlu'e, but.withlt came dangerous praotices*6f' modop life, and . hmVe� pAii1oned Parliament for1be, pas , * , " ' . I * * Pocket, after,puiling Out m:lAtiotch-car5d, it. tfie cibtastro&6. ;Silailar subsidences'of, . caln . . . ­ '-'and resoffition were.Ammai Tholf'Ay mol,ida i " of an ae't to,prevent tile, pure! I i@6sing, of. paB_ - .* , -. - ' ' . '. , I. seVerml ,other �ro inders, 'soil ho,ve tftkdn ijilAoce tit Nicib, od the Xedi. Alo Stranger. Morning olmNvued, tile �oou� kills infinitely rnoro por0ons (though. more j, , . , , . pocket-knife,And i , I . I � . . ; . I . ,We, -in coiniall. assom&a', CIO decree as ��ich­ huvq been- ,Sold &lid - . .. .. . I . .1 iyu. ,Tile �grqonl , Oil one ac-colsioll tile iIiIia indirectly) thaa either the I� Rugby " qr. the . ' I �enger #ck ,: . . . .of his bacbelor do *waq very terricne4u. . _go -of. . tide meal 'was disjosed ,of, but ,tbe. silent �� follows, and-thbrammois--.1iote .� : � , � � . ...nervous throl�ighout the ceremony, aud 'his Roc'embpuna, -with its castle, Snnk,,6r itlier. st'ranger was 'still nbs�nt. � I . ,,AssociiLtion*'1-rUles. The iiAn,whQ, mro. I . ... . I b��dedreea : Used$ 96V40 matked,'and'fraudulently r& - '.' � : . .. ..'' I - . . . 1. � .. . . ' Wherems,11S -We calluot- get a husband. .to -Sellind. thoul . toAnteading. passengers it, , . *1 . ­ . . I . I '�ort, Nye' � will' �a In . I . coul .not I slid down; withpiit, )�owever, distiArbing or ' I lie killed by Ot'tind-�n ��ublic lip irot-: 6ur - .,a ,n& gies - * ,, 6' . .., .. %. I . .� . I answers .))a 110%rd b.riho-so:near-- � 0 Had. be.zc6mmitted . Suicide 7 - Hac . , usdS or (what ., -and *. -o PURI - .. . to less than the proper fare. ' I -. ' . . .. . . est -.the arch. * The bride ,was calm destroyingth6 buildiligi.updn its'surface. drowpod. his,siorrows in .the foaming Waves. is very muoli the sa�ie thing) in , 10hoiIia"' ahother channel ; therefore, & � - - 1. I , �:­' , .1 � ... �: I .. I ... .. � pitol slides of the Jord�ia 9,' Hiq xalisei ''in , t,o ve , �* " . . -are wcr y o� at . collected, and gave, her, responses in a low -Let' Us hoopo th 't if tlie. aiew: ca I �,wero Ektjll� 1 plmyibg-,-'biIliards 'or cs�raa.till the small .- ' "as 4�oat t� marry., . . . a ... . .. � . .1 I a%tt S.If that home inissiblAs th eurbe ' -A ienildynin who W . � �.-,­ - -1 ." und :perfectly -diaiinbt voice. the room:;, perhaps- soifie .-drinking II -B." an ,. offorts." - , , - , . 1 . , . . � - . . 11 but emim. ,d . ,int6,th%HudsoAl it-4ay similaily esaa�e ' papers'. may be � hoursi, and are not '. 6, beautiful widow of 80 almost quarrelled I . - When the couple had -bep ; pronQ.'u* I* . _ 16, �." need destru6tion, thougg - this. would hardly bb found Ili theth that wo'ald throw s6malight held up. as warni w Ilia their follows ­ to . . .11 . . .. I . .., . . �. Ashork u ly oi- mvaflmblo� ' " -with li�r about.the ch�keh . in which they' ' . - " . 11 . . . l . �. I v �,a sbana8 �. - � - .. . 'k . . man and' wife' the MUL0, * Which -had ac- . . oil the mystery. The baggage was semrohed� lwho�happen t&-beltisiled while, cIngaged . iii.) 0 a pp f 0 hu b ' xr6biony peiforrnedi� 'Tile .:: ,*. . .11 . . - as '*thek-'build better and,. mbr6l - I up rt is 0, J�ON Only tb punt ,should. 4vo-tiis ( . . . . . "'ible; a 13 e bet I il� 9, * . I I COMpanled the procession'.to tfie mltaril P,ub,twiiaii 'in Europe: tlr�atl herd. - ; �'. . 64P vallse coAtalued bight sun-dried br!Iaks4I s=6 i;port which has In it.midash"of "�Obil,. t 1 . " ' . * . . � 11 . I Vona and uilso I � . lady becamer somewhitJndignant �ad said - . ;' . . - , , _ , Q .. again filled the air, and the guests. crow.dect � When the y n6 . w capitol was eqmm . olibbd 1 'the othei �ielded' thipo paving�.atolliea iAoud * �y �m�nld pl�ck are spoken .of as 11 frightful . g �bisticmtec cou�try. . . 11 I have , always been -'married fil'. the P'res.1 . .. ­ I I . � I * . . . I I . . 0 . . "'. _ 'L 1 -of 'this or . , _ . 'I . , ., . .. , I . . 1. � � . . .. - a , P .. , of. .the evils . . . a - .an old Pair of b(Alts. � - _*._ . . . , thn't - � . . ,; . forward lo obiAgratulaid Sir Thomas and if th commissioners had 66usulted a goold 1 , , . � . . : . ' bytorian Church, and,. I tell. yl�uj� I *01 a., . ,� , - . . . - - . Lady'Hesketh. 'A few minufoa,were' gist as i�ell as engin6ors sua architeefs, the . , .Soon the doo4lbell rang and dgentielamn. . US,Moi.t .. . - .., - .... I .. .. I Illj['KSIC)CLLANIP!,.OtS'l.ItTEIVI(S-,,., � shall be." . , .. - . . .. . .. .7my . .� - I - � 1. . . . I . I. . ,,, . . I k ­ . . . . � . . I . . . . . I � . , � I I . actUT6 would not be.�i . . I I . ,. I I � LONG SW IM. . . i. I . . . I . I - ­ � , .. ­ . . , .1... .1 �. I. . I 1" - , passed UL hana-shaking, and thentlis brioie;'. vast st*r tuated Where . inquired for.' UNTbo.Mas. Theroi yvas no, . . , . X. . . . .. , . � .. I . escorted by' bar - br6ther, and Sir Th6ma.9 it is to�dmy; 'He w6uld have.' explained to* Mr. Th6mai living there.,' .-The gbiltlelmall Cap c. Webb, who: first,I adcomplished.the . The.ice is moving in the Ohio froffi P6m,. .. A corTespondent."Wishos to,sno;w , ..! , . . � I . .. . . 'Sedgwick, prorrionaded . them res6heroum Alaturo.df-the soil doScribod the.long-lost moland.4olyboarder. feat of swimming across tbd British, Chan.. - - The 6' IS in the intaiest'of 'healthy; � � .. supporting - Miss the t � . : oroy to North B�nd.. teamer General ,whether it . . - I I down tbe hall, &'ad thei.dancing of the even- ' ed. theni ' 11 I Want to see him," Said be," solo�rnnlY-, '..-;neI,, h ' determinea to tr, 'next summei'tb. Little was outdowil ou Siibiurolay afternoon Ihearing 4 wear the closed -up car muffs in . - ..., . . I ., ,Ir . . I I ing began. The guests at the woo r underfiestb,% and. would havI6 advis . It I jus�' as K�i � and -sunk at Coviifg Landing. Valu6,' 025,-, , . ' . ' . . . . - -d had ,;�antio-iiioptl'i6.�ide*alki�ithfiii swim from Holyhead.to .a.tow,3 a; dis.: I .cold weather.' .We do .�Aot know, but he � � . I . Idin , . � by all,meolus to seek it'iock f oundati,on, for . .. ." - migh . a collmrp.� ' '.. . . been brought ftorn'Sibil Franoisco.earlY in Il.the,concretein tbb'wol�ld piled, uppil carcass. I don't r*6 ob1conthiental -about .tand.e ofseviplity.mileso'. , *� , � - . I 1006., also.the 13,lDorado, mt'Portsinouth, . t try it pair of openwork hors I . I I . . . , A 11 ,on , . . . .. . .. ­ . . .- . . A d ` "knowi -when -y6ii put�on 'm,.horse .11 - I .1 . � . � . .. the evening by a special.'train'.' . Just after. 'Capitol Hill woiM only add to. the dan�or the watch, and t4al - overcoat ana 485, but 1. I I . : :. $30,000. Vive-hiAndred pAnpty,*coal .targes - n ., You � . , � � 1. � . of . the ceremony a' second of,alan .slid6 unless lt,w.cre. laid up6a,th6 want tba.t4 . ban. .. ant to" In, 1. . h hi . ! t � 1. . A*SPORT FOR-LADILS. . . i d6stioy�d:dtiri�g..tlio�'bresk---ap of."the collar �yaut aiust . iurn' it. -u�4ide d6in-. a ' ' . - %� . . . . . the rombletibn . d I W, 1p y wi - New`Y6rk.,Oiomen-watlic fa6biollabld ;ort . 70F�' . � .. 06 at ,".that, it Will 09 -on easily. . '.. , , I,' .* . O" " '. ., ... ... I . ­ . special %rain ar'�i�ed;.Iikiigin,g,v,bblxt'dn'B :robk-,viiihotitcla�orsa;iidl�.y6r�-i�teiV6hiug. a little while, - I *ant to .pfit. the,- usic of . .. . . ice ill tIA6. river ,at: Cincinnati, vain � r .. � . ... . I � I . I � � . - . . ' . ' = '. , stote&, 6 AO3".yst0T1i_()1__QXQrQI. I I .. � ­- ­­­ ­_­_­_­ I I ­­_,.­_ = �_ -S I ­., �.� ­ . I ears4l, _ . . .1 . --- abot"III000 oaoh.-i-A,t--midifi,gli't-tlfd-bds't I 1. I., . . . . � . . thousand additipual"guegis; 'who Were in-. Tbe course to pursue now- is foi the It thousand Niagaras in his nd.'hiji . new at least for AinericamWome b is I -Mr. H. H..Warner, of'. Rochester, offers - . . I I . .. I I . vi6ed to thereceptio.ii ana wedding dinnei. Legisla.tuxe to stop allwork &lid all appm...: left' muttering. soniethin about post- I .­ .. . . , , a h -�,t­thi arbor bi the. 1* . at algeov- - . .1 I . ... . . . . taking. l6llsons In fob lug*, liose 116 a a prize of'O�OO..for -each new.boln . I . 1. I . . 11� ol - -'h . . � g t 0 1 16gs- a . . : . The mansion at �Belmont was: -now ptiations'ab'd, appoillib m'commission, to be . mortern oxaffibrations'and Alinb-'foot swmths ractised iftestify to the ood:e . Sets, 3U M puti the ice in the rivQr. at 0125,000. -ered by American astronomers. The offir . . I I . . - breaking o _ - . . thkoilged with ladies and gentlenion. in �coil�. led. 01. geologists who do hoMdsldoi in its he.kicked .the rooki out otthe road on. P - . I 'It is.. now belie�ed'%W ,all dangerls - for 6ne year: .. 1. . ..� . .... " , .1 . . P0. . I . � �. any it0vas. tbenivigoi.mil coustsntl� .. , . : � . Past. is to' hold. .good . Hpanilt2ln-- _. I � :''. I . - . -1 I sc' . , I . '7 �L, rp - , "' " �r'pfaLondon stock. -a - . . . - . . I i� ' brilliant toilets, and the dne - was one of Alban -, Whose duty it ShAll-be to...examine. . his way,towiLrds tLe 0 t, . - . 1. . U rph A 'K7-'7 ­L, M S Ibld fnt . - .� . � .. . . . . RO. � ... - .... ig-fitmu - __ __ et - Mrs. ymonds, moth ___ � .. - . � ... fe=pOor -Arqw , - . ,, &tp=@ka;iers . . I -;, I .grftt-nmgtfifrcencd--"Plter(i-wag.�sd&rcely:w- -co -_ -Ay - ello - - I . - , in . . I . lation , I __X MIT11IOU-4111- I � speola I : ar proves, .t, s4yin at while brokerls,cleik;'received t wing not .: I ' . * , I .., f mmily of Wealth Or - social promiablace on a on, foimm�tid'n a c mrao*ter of t e'Sibil �, c�ide ,after all,"? said the lmdy,� m4 �Iie set the demiest in6t6r: I IS ci,'ie you MT."O. .... ­ � � I.. I . I . iti I - . .. fen�irl is active, expellent exOi!Pisoj it is �. � . � every. ti o. they lkll'on the lee; surel� 1�. I I . : .. � . I . � t a . ". ' Ilidd ' . -� .1 . " y . for �O .. the 12A6ific comst-whichw4s not topreiented blaneatli.: "If h Al t at a I d -"s 4. ten things, or'Ifor.supper. ' 61d.r for';U; which.I orrow . .. � 1. . �t -a . damot d . 1. I . me , .... . ­ . . . . I . notv;iolent;re dire6. o ec &I amount of I u last � the ,ebuIdAiscover A . r� two. - , : I I.. � I in the g�mtherihg. With the eiceptioll'of. inevitable. the Le islaiure 'It -then'bA n 16 I. .. . . .. . ­ . . �. I . . muscle and no strain . n' I ani IS, t orefore night, 'I ha-�e got iitto a great mesa in the - , ` , , . .1 � I . a 0 .. . I _ ,., , , � , .� I .. � . . .. 11 .. I . . 1. . 11 I'll take our arm, miss Xd1i, plodso. ,., , ­ ., . , '. , . 1.", - - . . , � the billi�id-ro6m,�,o�h.e.r.c.Iiqubr' molvigars p6$itl6ilto�act intelli anti . and promPI . ' . city, And have thrown my .bod.y over the . 6" I - * - - " ­ . , . I �� . I .. ... � y ThelActress nwa Rifle 1TIarksman. . ad tmil�4`bly,lid�pted to womem : , - .� - . .� dobd faith Iltemccdtd'cling t ; . .., ! 1F., were dispenied by skilled waitOrs', and the: in th( . I I 1. ... � ''.. I . �. .. . I . - � . . . . I. .. .1 . . . Clifto '.�: 11 Good faith, ind tth , ­ .. . � ; �:, , I . . : . .- premises,,. I .� � 1. . . I . I . . ... r . " - . . I D11 SuapanSion.Riidg " a, as I'cann6t bear oed-!,!'�aid she' 11bu on, . . .... . !: I . 1I, .1 - ... I diniag-r9om, every room in the great Vo4se . -A dlespatch'says- that at a Ineed f'the ' . I 3 thing to I . � � ipg. 0 The charming actress, Mis. Scott-Siddons, liplRe .'%Yar. on, lKwic Broad. � I � my arnlis not th( . . I . I I the agony any longer. . Go bless My demr, . . . � . . i � was thrown opbif for dancing, a - Oapitpl � Commissioners on Friday . is davoted to a rather unusual pastime -for . . I � I 171M.1-youthatl'! Responcloolho, . .. I . � . I � . . . . sisterd. 4bita also yout.dear self; F rom. your . . I . I Aid as gooix Now . The Lord Mayor of London ling oPon�a � � I lips that no'er donled her, - . I 66 .� . I . . . . . as the guests had paid their respects to the Eaton repel . the parlors of the. Mansion Rouse to the MOFA'*�Otcbed�don.",:. owasollargbd-with " Good faith is bona fide, girl, I , . . I . . afternoon- guPerintc�naent � I !ted ladiesi .being Q;.MOSt_ enthusiastic Sharp- . . . I newly married couple-, who held their is. . . . � I . . I �.. ., . . that 1,300 Men are.now empioyea; that 260' shooter. With the dueling pistol 'she ex- ' having dealt improiPerly with $1,065,,Q00 of' .And this isbono,of Ida." ,. I . � . � . i � . . . . t � , Bread Reform League, whd�.propose to . .. .. - .. . I � .. . - . ­ � I . . I I � caption, On the second '.floor'of file houge', or 800 Men would be laid iAff ; in a week � or. eels, and. with cartridge. riflo'hor perfor- mgS,inSt*t1Ie present -love of white securities. H6 wo traced to Clifton, but - �A'wise ma - th6 London Wo - . .. - .. .� , F, , - : , ' . r . n; saYA, d, . -, j. � . they jbined ,in the dmuce� Th' I mances,are it matter. of wonder. .' The, lady waic wa CIO I � Of him - . Three weighs the value of his friends not' Wah '� - , , I .'. I ere was a SO; ,,Lid that 6377,000 rema"ined of the. ap. broad an(!... subatitute :for. it an arti nothing more could be heard' I � 4oticeabI6 absiltee; ot."low-hecked dresses ptopriation, must of which wbuI4 be required has a vdry fineassortment of weapons,and allmin bioad.. ,The -Leaguers ea�a ado big li`�Ady 1vas found Ili thO. 1'*.on f,h#y mighfbm�e�done for him,- but b� what " , I among the ladies, although there' 1. _'­ I I .. I resembling Gr W . .. 0 . .1 . . , . , .. . was, no to pay, belances, on iaxisting contracts. , -jib ,. she'never nbgleets an -opportunity to prno' set forth that the passion f or white, bread Boycotting.. threatens to become 5-dic- they have o AMtted to do' against film.; an . . . I . , . . . . . I � - � . I . lack.of gorgeoug . toilets. At midnight MAO also said that - another fractiire in the coil� 'tice, It Was.,the fortune of aPoht-Despitoill Aelusion.li � . d ..� . ...* . I . . I . is a 11 mischievous . 16 -ii a cause tio'nAry Word... . There are many similar it adds,. that - Ili thinking of onewies - one :. , . , I . I I. dinner was served jn. the SPACIOUS. hall' Ing -Of .the. Aesealb]. Chamber Ilad been reporter Y4teiday afternoon'to attend a . , - -they - �. .. 1 , . . .. I. I . . ly . . � of rickets in children, mild is onsible instances in the -English langilake. .All �phould`I:A6 *thankful thit have Spared . I I . . which was once G,rib op SAte- to,that -little rifle soiree in the shooting -gallery un- I . res! It. is,; Englishmen Speak of, trara�ways, - . o,0i dictive bec4liso I . ... ''.., . . the art galleryi but Which discovered. It -is th 0 I for the freyalonee of bad to,tb Ent- half one often, r6therthan b' a I . � . . . . . was converted into o,.sgpper-roQkn at the in Nirlitch'the' other N aN' The frac. der. the'Lioldde Hotel. .The fair. actress, . moreover, very wasteful. The n6w bread' ,' .don't . know that t1i6 word is short. for thby have assailed one.occasionally. .. . . . . . I . time of the Grant ,reception. Here &wide tare � linia been there three *��Jig, bub.is lier agreeable husband, Harry'Sargent, her . I . . ,. . - . I Which is� to'be-called wbeat-meal .broad, is , Outramwayo, Mr. Putram, having invented . t I . . f . hat the - I . , ��_Is and long table wag,,.spread, , 6 manager,,',aad M Couple Of TOPorV . . � -Petulant persons complain I . .: � I - .. I glittering not visible from the floor., .It isoxictly the enorgeti to be mmaoi: by a process hivented by a Dr. some improved method'of, locomotion by . ' , I * ssi,'silver', and ohina Eckvies, 'and roversoi of the crack in -the other',sione, .and ers composed the audiencox the- doors -being Moafit. Among- its - many advantages its - aid*of Such memns� Nor is'.1he boy who weather bureau not only gives us the baa - .' I Witil 11 I I . " OlOrea . of customers. 0 anticipation of it. -It is � .. 0 � I her, tt, a, 0 servedbysixtyc . the stone itself is p near the keystone. closed to the .kegulai'run cheibndas.will not be:'the.. least,, ' Twenty- Binds, 11 If I*bmd a, doak6y'-what wouldn't wdatber', but. th' '. .. I 'I ta we" * * u ' � _ 'enough to make the cold shivers run'.dow'a, � . . , .. . . I 1 ack and . .ku '6 party being-introiduee � - bv;ving five centB',worth of the new bread"Will prio- -go,0�6uldfi't'l wallop hini,.,oh, .no, no," , , , . . waiters, dre .ad inbl. wearing white the fracture was'plainly 'Th . _ . . � . I ditor:[�I"e said. d, and - . - . one'.s back to read the reports of the tlidr. . ,. ,kid -g . . Marked on both, sides is though it extended dispo vide a whaloa=6 atid Substantial Meal for, - conscious of. 91 reference *to Admiral'Wallo . I � . . � . r. ftvea� undjer thd supotintendenco of Sad of the weather. %and mud.and the . . 1. P1 mometer. in 'Winnipeg Jn. Midwinter, ov '. ' I .. . . . ! ,� M haron's chtef do.duWne- The supper througli the: Stone. Superintendent 11aton- su'Oceas I6f the perfoac Repels, Mrs. nine adults. It contains 40 per cout. more a kinsinan of hordLymington, lately pre.. .� . � 1. I ! � room was brilliaiAl'y .illuminated'by five' amid. hp'haA-a theory'as to the coluab 61 the Siddons stated that she was ready to make nourishment, th flesh -form- note * the III . . . . . ­­-, ` rewtones more sent at. the New "Eiidlaud. dinner, whose . akity,pf the Mercury in $ew. . I - � . . I , central chandeliers of crystal and goldand fracture., but Xr. -Eidlitz lima; niado calou.' a record and would shame Irn Pain'. The . I Orleans in summertime. But'theivei6ther. . - I . I.J � . � � . I . ten bro,ekets,-tbe,gi.hol'o'coimpriB!ng b6arly it, and Ing, fifty ,tline§ mor6 homt.formiiAg, 'and victory over a V ranch squadron won him men plead in their defenco that they di's. - . . " I ' .' . . . . I%tions and:. demonstrated to his (Eidlitz's l6dywas attired in a ridh walking.su three times more b6ne*-foimiAig material great, popularity among big countr mAn. . , 100 �asjets. Am6np� the yrand pieong on *Satisfactioll that it wascaused I worb the jauntiest of littld f ur ca 8, wlyiell I I 1. . . . .y ; tribute joy as well 6s.sorrow. They, .. ... . . . I � P thma,twenty-five cents':worth of beef. . .. Khrie, Roza lima Just been speculating lish %itiplp tio .pubmi- . . . : the i4ble, Aq4 Bastion RuWque "was 66 ' * " - 11-ilic ,did not interfere with her sight in t a lea t. . . , .. , . I . a n1of good wenthelf-as well as � , � .. I 11 I " . � pressure, this -aroh.being Iowor'tba - 1A a I I �. " � , u - grand opera, and cdWO3 , bad and enable the people to tell with cor'�" '' ' ' .. � , . � I . . � - t.: , pol I � . most clall6kate. It represented a ailoilpl- . 11AS sideways. A number of rifles were offered for her in - . . �. - . ellmo . nal . . 1� thefutuie of 1. I ' A . * . . . . . . . .. . . . other Qwded. or twisted the ri . )l . � t Ing in t I 't I . o the conclusion that it will ,be m I aim y wh6li he worst is over. * . . dated castle with its antiquated surrohna. Extra, Weight had boon put. on td,bal&nde spection. ,With the air of an expert she , . I I I 4 . . . I . . � . . . . I . . . I . ) - ings: Tht3 castle - was in the ceatre of a the unequal pressure, - - . I closely tax '04ok of 6-w:"llutil It is stated th�t the late dOorgO, Eliot Englisb,, her ioason'being that not 6ne . . tmft ' - iiino, aoiAna :-"We hayo helibtypes, madame, that. I : . . .� I . I , . Ked, a - a, - . I . , 'Al ' incom ireat p of the present 'd�y is . , I ­ beautiful lake,'the borders of -which were � � . I _.�_ - I sW d .. 11 Dianat is- . iji� for -1�k manusepipts ,which, although - -6ht, for Nilsson is . can . F opes � . I , I .., . . ciaa in thd richest verdure. . . � �ui a ill yet in part be published. * ' Italian. In this she is ri� 16w you,. prints of rak6 beafity, c I . , , The Inks was I 81wrip](IN44 Imlex'L AND- UNCLi SA�j thd obul A animprovemoritthio-riflo pleto,w a* f , , ctions . � . filled with gold fish, wbich swuni around,*, .. . . . . . - ' Vanderbilt has coaributod 410,000 . to the ii`bWodo, Albaniis a Oaukdian, Patti is an of the Old Anioters an o now produ I .. I . . I 1. - .. . I .must be on.the bow,zhdarrow of her time." - . of art,, but these can hardly, Serve, your.." .. . ' ... ­ � . ind it UM40,,ppe,,,red mboi& thd'r6oks mnH � 111010*11"nUls As'IL&I to X�Xplalh Allilo'Al- 1�1v6r�boay.smilca, itia then Mrs; Siddons fund estabiished by, Dr. Deenis for tho-giia American, GOrstor is a..*Hangariih, and - ' ' , - I . . Al th gl - -is an Ain6rican., Sibutleyj the purpose." " 11 Pkilit� I 11 she oxqlalmod,with - , - .. . - . braced herself, mqu� . ittdring of iudi�dht students, at the -Univamik%� of I . q I I : - , " � shrubbery. top of thb tower was a legod counf,wl to tilic r4ionx Cliltiltalik . � inted along the Mario Roze I I ., . . I I . . . � � great -bariionb, .IS an Englishman'; roll, ,animation,.14 Why, I Ain out: to-dav to buy ' I .1 -1 . . . . . ' . � . . . .�_ ' . � . I hdge game pie, . . 1. � OWTXjj,j, Jan. G. -The attention . Of & barrbl, and"was greeted with- applause � North Carolina. . . � . I 'd�ess. Do,!,. ." . . I . L� ­ .� the -grlem -bass, is an. Willman, and the Something of the kind for a I . - 1. .1 -to the sonorous ring of the boli indicated a. We learn .with regret. that - Vowler, the -Comflw� ass is me your prints wash? " The interview was I .. � ., I . . Canadian' Government finabeen"callod I b " * 4 Sootoliman,-whose na' . . I I Weddinst in 1111ala "Oo.- ,' . � '. minierous paragraphs recently, mtpearing bull's�eyo. There wAs nothing Unusual in phrenologist-, is dead. 'Mail liko'him, are , . . ipwiug a little painfuli and So he explain- . . 1, - . - of WIkker lima beeft Italianized. ItmIyf bec I I , . I - 1 4 grand wedding will take PI . ace in Lon- ,in the Anioticall. mad Canadian .press rela. the iceno, oxcbpt it looked very odd to see wanted to travel about and r6lta in the iur. Tiowov.ftremmina tile mothbrland of . tonorsi ad matteirs to list, to which she responded I . , . 11 , . . I P, handsome and riolily dressed lady blazing plus eafirlings of the shrbllow�niilldod. ' � , with an olongated "'Oh I" and -calling her - - - - � , , . don on Weanesday, January 19th,, that of tive to. the Influence that Major WaIgh has ,ay at the " tatgots 75 " feet away, and Cmmpibtini lieing the front of all artists . . 7- Loopola do Rothschild, youpgost son ..Gf cleimed to exorcise over the Anovements.of SW There is a� rumor mfIftttbat,tfio Marquis now Sialgin by from pie.tor!41 explorations among .. I . . .. Baron Lionel .do .Rothschild,. -and Miss � SittinglIall. Your correspondent WAS in- . making end bull!s.ey6 at tot mother with g, though -Sinis Reoves, an Eng-, boy awt I � . I of Lorne is to be created Duko- of Green, lishinan, has a filler voice than even Mario the books, shaw&eoa lika an ebb tide. . . . �, ! Perugia, of Triesto. The bride is a sister formoid to -day that ft MajQF Walsl)2 who is it PiddislOn that ,awakenod the. interest of wioh, a title once hold b� his. anbestoks, as had in Iiis palmiest days, . . I . .. . I I . . � , . . . . I * I . . � I of -Mra, Arthur Sass6b, whose b9guty,.it is, an officer of thoNorthw,est mounted police, the keqor of tile gallaryo. and evoked tile all readers of the I I Heart of Midlothimi -I' � . . I . - � I . said, can be #,aced-froin linoal descendants has exercised any influence to Prevent the 11100PIMU80-cO mOndationfrom Manager will romemb6r. . . . . . I Some official of'tho general hospital ia Poiur�iniwy OK. T=4 PRIXCUM or WALVS, . . . � . I � I . in . . Nov Haven writes to the Medical and Suio It is not &WAyscoraf6riablb for ioyal.prin. - � .. . .. of Jobla daughters. The Marriage will be rofii= of the refugee, Sioux to United States Sargeiit, who is1imsolf a crack rifle shot. ' t, who died in' Boston last gical Iteportot of a queer case of t I lid ppWor cosses to indu 0 All that favorite 8=804 . I * I . solemnized In the Central ,synagogue, torritor'�itbaa been without the knowlodge Mrs. Siddons, after some very good Shoot- Sargon 'k Th """ "' E , . ingi marking. 17 bull's-eyes iii'a ,possible the author of the ,well-known of ijnagin&tion. A'fomaloi patient with nienbofladids nown,as"shopping.11 .e . . . 0 . Oak as If . .. � _. . ­ . Gient-portlaud ttreot,'Londob, by Boy. and against ther wishos of the 0 'no.dian � w ' lie Oil 'the ocean wave. 0 9 had habitually 0 or went to a I Song, �A " II ' 'chronic gastriti , taken mor- th d the Princess of Wales Rabbi All-Okoon, Another grand, event in � 'Govornment, which has not CCRWI to urge 'twenty, and the aliosdS 156in VO , 01080, wits .;so the Writer of a prize odo to Sonny Phlba ib form of 11 sloobing dt I ops.11 "For faMOUS76ndon shop to mako some pur� I . . .. I the Rothschild family will take place on the Sioux to surrender and return to their was Introduced for the ti a to t globe- �11 the 17th of',Tanuo,ry, on'tho occasiou of the reservation in the lapitod Statda. X%j6r sight rifle. She Soon .got tile 11 ng of it, Lind, for which Bo,tnuba paid him 0500. tile first few times she was given morphine, chmgta, &lid to look at the pr6ttythillos als. -1 . .. I ,.� I � barmi1jrah of Master Walter, who then Walsh has boon called oA by the Govern. and 'after 15 mialutes, praotide rea 10 Mr, Boocher bOlIOv;S in Slopping over. but'after this the hospital Physician bad a, played. There wits nothing in her quiob "k . becomes 13 years of ago and a. member of I moAAt for o,a. explanation ,regarding the .shots at the NoII 6 targot, making eight .He said in his Samoa last Sunday ; "Woo bottle carefully 'laboled 11 sleeping drops," dress, nor in the unostentatioifs brou'gliam . �[I . 1 I . logarl to have boon taken bu . 11's-oyea aba two olevons, Mrs, Siddona to the man who,makes no mistakig, .I am and filled virith mater, Of this she took 4 in which she drove to excite attention ; but I ,�. . . I ) the Xdvviah congregation. Ilia father, Sir contrary course al . .. I . acbmmtb6dtimo. At first ollocomplain- the Prince of Wales' foathers were emblaz. !� 1. .11 . Nathaniel as Rothschild, X. P,, will-corg. by him. I . � - explained tlkt she bad always been fond sorry for blin. If it man has a big bucket dr ddioi, I oned on the harness of the boroes, and the I moMorate th4 oVant by*giving t . - / of pistol shooting, but only rocbntly'took and-ohly a plat of -water be -won't spill itt ad that the hl no Was too Strong and . 0 ovary Ono - � 0 her bona foal , F�o idlers iblilout the shop go . . P11 of the Pupils of, the Jaws' Free Scho,l,-of - A youthful, couple residing- /I.Wator to rifles, with which ..she 0 aoljij�htcd.-St, . but it the bucUotls even full, he cobult help mad, . bttdlythi next 9; on re orted tho6b I which be is presi4ent'(2,600boyi and girls), street, Ottawa, madd up a Plan to blopo on Louis Despatch. I � . 1. . iloppitAg over. I honor the man who slops tbmt the doso was ro c� .. 'This Ali .took the princess was within. 'A r at pro d �. , ,� I ' . . 11. Saturday night, atia had almost -succeeded . . I I over, He is alwan of,,moasures and Mag- for I)Omfly m Inonth al pg Itiedl bou gathered, the intbrfor- "' x6freshments ant! 'thoo,trioal bntoitai It she aiatako, and c $I 0 Ing at hhx� became beces"T I wents. Ten tonq bf cakes )ELba 60,060 in,bringing matters to *A - focus,, when tile The Brooklyn commissionor - oi baifd bitudes, They live,in'au illimitable ex. I � roan dBlinve been ordertil alid prosents yoting man's father appeared on the scone In& is about to broseouto 168"owners -lot pinso, and across their souls Plays' the it Was kept frorma 1hi or i - . di%rQd ( will go distributO. to Pupils dud timeharo, and sent the *otld.bo _bridogr�om )ionic. not Providing fire oseapdo in tho'l'i buildings, quivering light of God.', ' . Mont, I . � . . . . I . . . . � . . . . I . I I I - I I. I I I I I . 4 1 , I . . . . . I I I . � . � . . . I . . p . I . . . . I . I , ;1 - .. 11 � � 0 . . , . . . I . I . I . I � * - . I � . . , � . . t . . . I . . � . . . I . . . . . . . . . . I I . . . . . I I . . I . � I I , A, 6 . . . . . . � , : . . . , . . I . I � I .* . 14 , . . . � I . , , - I �, - , , " , , - , ­ , � I . - � I � I -1 , I 1111�- _- K S!> - � - . I I. __ _- � - - - � - 11 - � . I - -1 I 4§4- - bay - and , y n ,_ im A a OOPI a p il a . . . .. . � � . . . 11 ­ . . W " 1, I . . I I �. . � - I. ''. . . . . 11 . . . . ",I�� . . �� 0 � � I . 1. . I . I . I I . 4 � 1:1 . . - . I . . I � � I -1 . � . .. I � . . ..4 ., P . L 1,0 I .. - % . I I i� I . 1 _6 . , , . . . . I . . , - . I 6L 16, "' A I 'L�_ , A -_.-M" , . r. �__ - ;:..'IL- - ., . . . . . . _1&`,hi__A...4� 1_.. A,. . _. ,�,&�._l , 4 id. I I—,