HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-13, Page 6.•
No Danger of a Rising in the Country-
Enwitt on Proclaimed lileetings-Illob
Charged with Bayonets -Four Persons
Fa*ully lajured-.Arress of League
Officers-Patal Servitude for Life.
Lennon, ran. 6. -The military commie -
donor who has been investigating the re.
ports Bays there is DO danger of au or-
ganized easing in Ireland, and that if the
Government takes strict measures for the
repreinsion of lawlessness a peaceful sane
tion of the present difficultiee may be
oked for.
Deniren, jam 5.e -At the weekly meeting
of the Land League yesterday Michael
Devitt said, it was understood that several
more meetings would be proclaimed this
week, and he • counselled all the branch
leagues to give the authorities no pretext
for the suppression of the meetings in con-
sequence of the wording of the placards.
He said branches of the League would be
summoned to meet fortnightly, and if these
meetings were also prohrbited the only
remedy would inevitably point in the direc-
tion of illegal meetings. If the Habeas
Corpus Act were suspended be was firmly
convinced that violence and outrage would
usurp the restricted influence of the League.'
At the trials of the tra,versers the defence
suggested that the short -hand ifews by Con-
stable Stringer had. been.. telterecl aline it
was takendeut failed to shake the witnesses.
It is evident that one point of the defence
will be that nearly all of the meetings at
'which the traversers spoke were sanctioned
or presided over by the Catholic clergy,
Messrs. Parnell, Dillon and Sullivan were
net in court to -ay, having gene to attend
• the opening of Parliament.
Laat night some people near Olaremorris
thig a ditch acrose 'the road to prevent the
passage of a precess-server, who, with a
police escort, was proceeding to serve writs
of ejectment. The mob threw stones freely.
The Riot Act Was read and the Police
charged the mob. Four persons are believed
to be fatally bayonetted andseveral injured.
The president, treasurer, secretary and
two other members of the Tralee•lerauelnet
!more readily obtain what she desires from
the Government, in whose political ability
he expresses coniidenee,if she keeps within
the stnot limits of legality.
The gunmakers are doing an enormous
business, principally in revolvers.
jolan Ray, who WAS a fellow -prisoner
with Denial O'Connell and a rneneter of
O'Connell's Old Guard, is dead.
A despatch from Kilmacow, county of
lialkenny, announces that the Rev,
Cody, President Mullinavat of the
branch Land League, and twelve members
of the committee havorbennehraeferetrial
on a charge of Boycottieg farmer. „
A caretaker named Collins has been mar
dem]. neer Parsontown.
A monster land meeting was held. at Kin -
vans, county Galway, to -day.
The court to -day decided to admit the
report of the Nation (newspaper) as evi-
dence in the trials, in spite of the objeoe
tion of the traverser& counsel, -
Lemon, Jan. 7.--ADublin despatch says
the prosecutiou of the Land Leaguers and
the prospect of the adoption of repressive
rger.surea by Parliament have not had any.
quieting effects in the west of Ireland. A.
bailiff and his wife and the wife and son of a,
tenant were recently serionsly assaulted at
Ballinmore by armed men. For ;the last
math no petty sessions have been held .at
Ballinmore, but the Leagne court sits regu-
The three Lend Commissioners, in their
report to the Government, recommend the
adoption of the " three F's,". fair rents,
free eales and fixity of tenure. They admit
the principle of free contract, but intimate
that practically such freedom, does not
exist. They propese.that the rent be fixed
by two arbitrators,one representing the
tenant and the other the land court, with
power to summon an umpire' and that the
rent ie to teintein unchangedfor 21 years.
They would take •away the power of evic-
tion, except for non-payment ef rent, sub-
letting, or Waste. Ocoupying tenants are
not to be -allowed to °entrant themselves
out of the act, but non -occupying tenants
will be allowed to do so except to a certain
limilation. Corporations and'
owners should be enabled to sell to the
:revenant of an annual payment notexceed.
the Land League were arrested at the ing the present rent. The commissioners
.weekly meetingto-day on 8. charge of sedi-
tion, in having resolved at the last meetnag
to "Boycott"one Canes. They have been
remanded, bail being refused. A large
force of police escorted. the prisoners to
jail. The crowd threatened -the police, but
the military with fixed bayonets Joined the
officers. -
At the Omagh assizes to -day a farmer,
named Graham, convicted of shooting the
bailiff Melhedland, near Qookstown, county
of Tyrone, in December, 'was sentenced to
penal servitude for life.
One of the tioters.wounded in the en.
counter with the police near Claremoreis
died last night, - '
Gniseow, Jan. 5.-A special correspond-,
ent writes from Ireland to the Evening
Times, giving an account of an interview
held by him with a gentleman who might
not be unfairly.described as a Fonien head -
centre. So intimate is he with all the pro-
ceedinge of the fraternity, that he states
when the land agitation was inaugurated a
determined resistance was made to it by
the supporters of the Fenian propaganda,
That organization lio,d.thert 63,000 members
•paying a small-, . weekly contribution.
Scaredly had the Land League inovement. Parnell at the moment when. he has to
ecommeneed---when-the-Fenetunegetationease eseexideebee. Lae' 83
an brgo,nizaAion collapsed, and there was au whet he has challenged not only -the British.
almost immediate transference of the Government but the Imperial Parliament
members to the League., The correspond- to comlat, may find popular support an
ent adds that there *ere included in the Ireland crumbling under his feet. ..
leadership of the land movement The Standard says that the Irish mem-
•recommending the adoption of the t lee
are Lord. Beesborough, Baron
Dowse ,and Win. Shaw, M. Pe The dis-
isenters are Mesas. Kavanagh and, the
O'Conor .Uon.
Tralee despatch Says in the ease of the.
officers of the Troia° branch of the Land
&Ignore, it was to -day decided -to hold
their examination in the jail, as a riot is
feared if they are taken to the court. The
solieitor and witnesses refused to attend
the examination in the town. A later
despatch says the examination of the Land
Leaguers was adjourned till Saturday,
when the. defendants Will be brought td the
court house, provided the escort is net
" The Government is actively and deter,
ininedly suppressing the praotioe of " Boy.
eating." The copstabulary have been in-
structed to attend fairs and markets to pre-•
vent it,. Several persons have already been
proseented ner "'Boycotting."
A. Dublin despatch say @ Fury and len
other prominent members of the Aianagha-*
.dbeen branch ofthe Land League have been
_arrested. • • '
The Tiniei SeTri it le
men who speedily developed into mere
thorough -going Yeiung Irelanders then ever
before liyed.. The writer then proceeds as
follows.; "Since the extreme party began
to have greater :weight in the councils,
Fenian principles have had freer play. The
distribution Of epee, 'which Was never
entirely suspended, has since been prose-
cuted with vigor, and the number of
Sniders now scattered over the country
cannot be well calculated. ;Any man, I
understand, who nate down one pound. in
the proper quarter, can be provided with a
Snider rifle and 100 rounds of bell and
cartridge, with waist._belts, shoulder belts
and cartridge pouch, a sword and bayonet
bets" have .decided to systematically eb.
struct the progress of the Coereion
thiOugle Parliement. • *
Talbot, -a tradesmen of Tralee, and a
tneriaber ofithe',LandeLeagne; has bagel are
A Jity0MIEFi
. - • .
Douhle Executions to Phi1adelphia •and
; Pinee'enernee; Jan. 0. -Patrick Hayes,
Who shot his,; wife fatally lest•March be-
cause Of a disnnte. over sonic property, and
who then attempted to kill himself, but
recovered, was hanged according to sentence
for themifle. Iis imneeessary to state that to -day. Dau21,1. Sullivan was also hanged
the one pound does not cover the expenses,
but the difference is made good from a
• fund contributed to by theeeyrepathizers
with the proceedings.- One or two persons
whose names have been. before the public
- - of hete;-and-whentre-Oredited-wit,h,effeeting
whibh it has recently tessumed,I mean thr
change toward the repeal movemezit-have
been partieularly active in •distributing
arms, and the strategic ri resorted to for
carrying out this purpose would be worthy
of a better cause., Though matters .are
taking this turn the Fenian's ere nee hopeful
that the rising can be'effeetually carried out
in Ireland. They acknowledge theta great.
portion of the people of the country ate
not disposed to run the 'H&c that will
attend a, rising, anxious as they aro to
secure self-government, therefore the lead-
ers of the organization have loiagbeenturn-
ing their ayes in another direction, and
haeol'eome to the conclusion that the blow
rciust be Struck at hemp and at the Eng-
lish Parliament. Another Clerkenwell
outrage.; they imagine, would go a great
way to the furtherance of Home Rule.
They pray that Britainmay be entangled
in sone° active foreign controversy, for
then their opportunity will come. In that
emergency they conceivethat' all will be
needed in order to paralyee the country
and the Government, will be the destruc-
tion of a few publicedifice, particularly
shout the dock -yard towns." •Two • more
betties of petroleuin Were found yesterday,
. one at Carrier's dock and the other one at
Husleiseon'e dock. •
LONDON, Jan. .6. -Tho proposed' Land
League meeting at Tully, county Galway,
whore Canon Flemiag was shot at, has
been prohed. •
The officers and neembere of the Lind
League arteeted at Tralee areNr. Harring-
ton, proprietor of the Kerry Sentinel and
President of the League ; Arr. Lyons ; the
treasurer ; Mr. O'Rourke, the secretary ;
Mr. Kelly, a draper ; stiidMr. Brassoll, tho
proprietor of the Kerry Independent. They'
. are charged, with other • evil disposed
'persons, with having on divers oecasions
during Decerriber illegally held a court in
Tralee, and exercised coercive jurisdiction
° Jeremiah Leahy, president of- the Firis
braneli Of the Land -League, has been ar-
It is reported that the Land League will
Summon,a nationg conventien at Diiblin
to, decide the course to pursue with regard
to the Government Land Bill.
The London meresponderit of the Man -
chanter Guardian says that pm/ions to the
@nestle from the War Office of the eiretilar
directing a strict gife,rd over the volanteer
armories, over 100 rifles were stolen from
one place in the vidinity of London.
Large quantities of ammunition, chiefly
&shot, ate being shipped•te Ireland.
ia stet e Pope has addressed
op of Dublin eyna-
• s and de -
this morning. He shot his mistress tor
alleged infidelity hist March. Both men
passed a calm,' though almost sleepless,
might; and both Walkedfirealeeto theegen.
lows, - Hayes atteMpted to speak in a wild,
neeehereutemennenentid two priests en-
deayeeed to persuade him not to speak,bt
continued. lVfeantyliile, Sullivan: stood
calmly kissing n -,, nol-listeningeta_
the exhortations of their priest. Sullivan
struggled, violently, but Hayes died easily.
NEWARit, N.J., Jan. .6. -Mrs. klierhoffer,
convicted with Frank Lammens, her para-
mour; of the murder of her hnsbo.nd, was
limn; this morning. ,She walked te the
gallows without assistance, and met her
fate without confession. Lammens was
hung from tho. same gallows immediately
afterwards. He made no confession. his
etated that Sohn P. Fromer, of Orange, the
agedrover of Mrs. Mierhoffei, *who was
hanged to -day, when it wasannounced on
Monday that all hope otescape from death
for the woman was •gone, ern:emitted suicide
by hanging.' As it had been expected that
one of the criminals might make a confes-
sion at the lest element. exculpating • the
other, the preeeciator, Mr. A. :Boll, wo,ein
the oiateeroem under special instruotione
from the Governor to act in ease of ether-
gencen, HeWould not-divulgetthe nature of
his orders.
HE Boin wAR.
Boer! Illeitlag llinfilro to I:rebellion-
Deputations Favoring independenee
-Weill/rely!' Wean neiereeeed to the
Preeeitmeanezenee, Tan. 5, -Captain Lam-
bert, 104ely a prisoner at Heidelberg, has
just arrived Item. Ide Was released on
parole witleCapt. Elliott. Both were sent
to the Orange Free State unarmed, but
when crossing phe Vaal River the Boers
who accompanied them fired on them and
killed Elliott. SieetY-two prisonera of the
94th Regiment, released bytheBoers, are
on their way down. Capt. Lambert .gave
the following account of the disaster to the
94th: On the road from Pretoria to Lydon.,
burg the detachment was met by two men
with a letter, summoning the colonel to
surrender in two minutes. The colonel re-:
fused and formed his men, when fire Was •
imniediplelY opened on all sides. The offi-
cers were aimest instantly shot down, and
the force disabled. The colonel then or-
dered a surrender. Eignty.eix men were
buried on the field, Twenty-six nave Melee
died. Captain Lambeet estimates the num-
ber of the Boers at Heidelberg at 8,000. He
met it large number of Boers going in from
the Orange Bree State.
The commanding officer at Newcastle,
Natal, reports that 300 Boers have entered
Natal and taken up a strong pesition 05
the reed to the Transvaal, aboutenve miles
within the harder. They are pushing
patrols to points within sixteen miles from
Newcastle. •
Lennon, join 5. -Volunteers have been
celled for from the infantry regiments at
Aldershot to form a corps of mountedrifies.
for service against the Boers.
Mr. Gladstone, replying to a letter rela-
tive to the Transvaal, Bays: Lam assured
that when full information is presentedto
Parliament the Government's desire to ant
with impartial regard to:the :interests and
rights -of all patties concerned will -be ap-
Ilenvene, Holland, JR11. 5. ---Prof. Harting
has announced that 5,000 porous lea.ve
signed the address to the English people 'as
regards the independence of the Transvaal. -
Copies of .the ttddreas are to be sent to the
'United States and other countries. •
" Demmer, Jan. O. -The Boers are organ-
izing tne Kalfirs in the Thakkerstroom dis-
trict. The Boers have the sympathy of
the whole -Dutch population throughout
Senth Africa, and ef some .of the Eng
A Boer patrol has advanced to within
ten miles of Newcastle. Four thousand
Boers are reported about to atteckWaleltee-
strooni. • •
Lenoir; Jan. 6, --The London . corresPon-
dent Of the Mattester Guardian says that
previoneto Mr. Leonard Courtney's au.
opting the office .of Under Secretary of
State fof the Home Department, corres-
pondence passed --between him and ,1‘.f4•
Gladstone. •Tho hitter declared that . 'the
Government would --adhere to thepolicy
they had accepted in South Africa, and
could. not enter. upon any but the Purely
military phase of the question till the Boers
ceased to ba in ineurreption against the
Queens authority. ' •
A 'deputation; of: Diitchmen in Londrnn.
having presented to Mr. Leonard Catirthey, •
Under Heine Secretary, re. copy01the -ad:
-dress b.y..Prief.. 'keterting in . fever. pfeths in.
dependence of the TransvaaleMr. Courtney
stated that his akPapathieein the Transveal
etiteatIVII NY134!`1ffte1tered-.• .
The Earl of Elixtborley; the' Colonial
Secretary, in .receiving a deputation of
French -missionaries yesterday to urge the.
*Bettie/tient of the.Barinto war by. mediation;
said he concurred 'With the main object of
the deputation; namely; the " -epeedy con-,
elusion alio wan". The instruetiona to.
Sir Hercules Robinson, the' nevi 'Gbvernot:
of the'Cape Colony, ,were, , he said, thatif ,
aneepportunity.occtirred he, should
vene at the eerligit' possible 'moment, but
&tech intervention could only take place
with the. assent 'of :the CelOnial Govern-
ment. It is to' beremarked that this tit-
teranee of the Colonial -Seoretary shows
the falaity of the recent statement that the
Cape Government had : appealed to '• the,
Home•Gevernment for troops.' • • •
A meeting at Birmingham.to,day adopted:
a resoliitieneendemning the annexation Of
the Transvaal.. : • •
General Sir EsLelyu ;Woad, , Who .Coln.
mended a celninne during. the Zulte cane.:
'pram will proceed, tothe Cape intmediately
as second in Command of 'the fere& under.
ir Geotooll:-Colre-Sr. •, •
• .Penen4tertieMiene jap. (i.-Capt.-ain.bartstateethatelieBeenseentinned firing
at him after killing Elliott. He .esicaped.
by swimming,' and . subsequently walked
three days, . The-Beere-of-the-Orange Ereee
:State aro refusing assistance • to the
Transvaal Boers.
The &Adler& taken Prideiters by. the;
Beers at Potchefstroom havebeen released -
and arrived at Kimberley.. -
-LT511613.3; Jan. 7.: -The Progresso- denies
tho. report that England has asked Portugal
to . permit reinforeements togo toe -the
Transvaalty way of 13 -elegem Bay.
DURBAN, Jan. 6. -The Natal Goyernteent
has sent to Joubert, the Boer commandant,
demanding an. eXplanatien .with regard to:
the invasion of Natal territory. •
.1-Sunken/ten Jan : 7.=Pfefessor Herting'a
'teddrees to the English people on behalf .of
the Boers has aleetnly been signed by all
the leading Men of Holland: The eminent
astronomer Bnysballot will act as treastrer
to reeeiye.contributione.in aid of the •ineve-
rnent. • The Dutch press. vindicate • the
rising in the' Transvaal' as a legitimate as,
sertion of independence.. " ••
•• Ceen TOWN, Jan 7. -.Sirtizerinan, the
Kaffir chief, has joined theBeers. 'A largo
number of Orange 'Free State Detchinen
are also joining them.:
• Denneet,---jan..1.----It is reported that the
British camp at Potchefstroom has ebeon
surrendered .66 the Boers, "-en
: PA.ST.ALE11131.V OU'WEA.C1E. ,
Shot in his :own, Rome -A. Brother -1u-
, • Law Arreoted. •.
Meincuest, San. Monday. evening
last about luelf-past. 6 o'elock,• Mr, James
Knox, who resides on' lot .„21, 7th 'Conces-
sion Markham, was :sitting by the stove
in his -house, -nol.nan some •ono shot bina
through th9 window. received a heavy
charge of shot in his hand and fame, end a
'large leaden ball and it quarttity-ofe shot
were found driven in the wall behind' him.
Steve Wore at eta taken, to find the
would-be murderer,.and yesterday Consta-
ble Marshall arrested Thomas .Heatli, it
brether.iiniew ofthe Wotinded'rean, and
secured. an old Military musket and a
bulletnnould, The /misled fitted an iron
prossion in the snow neat Knox's house,
where the party had evidently fallen, and.
the bullet taken Out of the wall fitted the
mould. • Heath Was 111.61441A before James
Robinson, J. Crawford, II. IL Wales and
A. Barker, J. P.'s, yestercley afternoon. He
was to -day oommittod to stand his trial it
the pteeerfteeeieions, and Constable Mar-
shall eonveyoad. him to Toronto jail td.night,
, • leiniattoiteePAirneitti-WILDS: ,
Fearful Experiencea Off a 'Western €oloit-
,,,PALUS, Tex., Ian. 6. ---Alfred Sampson,
Pr oorge Berries, and joseph Portet, lighten -
tial citizens of Madison county, Arkansas,
wit -deem their way to joie Paytie's colony,
teat their way he a storm. Sarepeon Was
lly learned by a spark from the eainp
before Width he 'was aleeping, Porter
ere almost frozen to death
Pt,T.BrieIC AccouNf.rs.
and .Expendinaries.
The Public Accounts of 'Canada for the
fiscal year ending June 30th, MO, were
laid before Parliament on Friday afternoon.
The Deputy Finance Minister 'in his re-
port says that the principal traninietion
daring the year was the placing in July,
1879. of a 4 per eent.loan. on the Eligible
market, amounting to three naitlien pounds
sterling. The loan was taken up at about
295 is. 10i4., and out of the proceeds were
retired rnaturing 6 per cent. debentures
amounting to 21,208,000 sterling.
Payments were neadeduring the year on
capital account as follows, omitting cents
Weilaxid Canat.. $1,252,924
Lachine Canal
fit. Lawrence Canals
Ottawa Canal
St.I.Oterel Canal
Trent Elver
Total °flannels $2,123,300
Ottawa publics buildings:33,730
Intorcolonial railway $2,048,014
Prince Edward Island railway 16,639
Pacific railway 4,044,522
Total, on railway $0,109,077
Grand total . 813,241,133
The 6 per 'oent. stock bas been reduced
0,691),044, being from 64,121,167 on the.
00th of June, 1879, to 4422,152 on the 30th of
June, 1880. Of this reduction 43,005,095
was converted into 5 per cents., and the
balance 4693,949, was paid in cash.. The
effect eithese ananges in the rates payable
on the indebtedness of the Dominion has
.been to reduce the average tate math° gross
debt from 395 on July 1st, 1879, to 43 82
on the 30th of June, 1880,.; on to net debt
for the same period from 44 51 to 64 37 ;
and on the debt payable in London, from
44 57 to -64.45.,
• Between this date and the first of ijanu-
Ivy, 1685, the amount of debt maturing is
as follows ;
•- year. Payable in Payable in. Total,
Canada. London. •
0 1,321,300 13 1,1375,400
2,642,113 2,778,613
1,039,580 1,759,830
1,305,240 1,309,940
32,467,100 :3e,410,0ee
1881. ,,, ..... $ 5•1,100
1882 136,500
113333 • 129,250
1884... • 4,700
ntee 951,920
131207,470 1330,375,402 $40,942,672
Itiaddition to the above there is at loan'
of Prince Edward Island, nominally due in
1902 and 1903, but which it is presumed
will in 1882 be redeemed, 81,091,106; mak-
ing a total of 441,733,979. Against theirs
•amounts is to be placed the sinking fund of
the large lean due in 1885, which on June
30th last stood at $5,489,073, leaving
to be provided for from that date to -
the 'first of January, 1885, 436,244,9,05.
The liabilities of Canada increased from
8188;974,753 in the year preceding to
0199,124,323 last year. The assets for the
corresponding period have increased from
430,493,683 to 842,182,852. In the same
period the total funded end unfunded debt
incteased from 8158,745,580 to 4173,673,-
929, being by millions of dollars the largest
increase many year since Confederation.
In thcsarne period the total interest on
the debt hafeinereaeed from 87,281,018 to
.4705,065, while the total interest oirethe'
assets • has -increase lne from- .2046;765 • to -
4750,980; leaving a net increase from
66,664,2.52 to 06,868,084. • . • '
.. •
. , nzenteas AND EXPENDITURES,
An' .exatiination of the ' comparative
statement of the receipts ,and expenditure
of Canada for the fiscal ,yearts of 1878-79
and 1819-80 *bows an hieremie in the receipts froin 452479,165 to 3,i77,628,
divided thus:: *. .
Eculy Snatching at seeley's Bay.
Kteastoe, Jan. 5. -The body, of John
Gilleert;'whieli was interred on thristmas
day at Seeley's Bey, Was resurreeted and
brought to this'city. The police this morn
ing found the corpse in a shed in the rear
of the old Medical College, Princess oitreet.
The friends -of the deceased took charge
of it, Monst& Of the robbed gtonoe was
fotnid an envelope; Postmarked Toronto
and addressed to a student at Queen's
TIniversity here.' There is much excite
ment al Seeley's Bay over the affair.
elford Curry (colored) lives nearaoseph
Duchatix;Moritreal, and the latter believed
hiin to he too farniliar with his coal shed
On Tuesday night Duellaux placed o. trona
in the'sho,pe of half a pound of powder in
atead pipe,. which. he placed. among the
coeds. A few me -merits after he heard the
colored man among the coals, and ton
minutes afterwards there occurred„ an ex-
plosion whieb shook tho.house and blew
Carry's SUM to atoms. Then in rushed
Duchitux with two constables, who arrested
Curry. Yesterday peeping the recorder
had to discharge lum for look of evidence,
and the case fell through.
, .1878-79 1879-80. -
Consolidated fund„ -$25:517,383 $23,307,460
'Loans -..........23,189908 - • 28,310,870
Open ,,, ,, „ 6,771,874 1,553,149'
• , Total. .... $52,479165* $53;177628
• The following are the detailedthe above
totals on account Of conscilidated fined alone t
• . ,,DEEPTS.
1878-70. 1870-80.
Cmitoins.t12,900,059 1314,071,843
Excise 5,300,750 4,232,427
Staines' 185,190 1.75,000
• Canadian.
Tnnasnex, Ian. 6.
Throe ladies exercised their franchise itt
connection with. the recent school trustee
election at Bowneanville.
Eighty buildings, at a cost of nearly
0753000, have been erected in West Lynne
(Nan.) during the past year.
The St. John policemen intend to sue the
corporatien to reconer the money deducted
rrom their salaries in the general reduction
in 1880.
It is reported. in Brantford the% the body
of Sage, the missing' man, ha e been found
stabbed in it shed in .the north part Of that
E, Metivier, of Buokland, Que., has
lost four children in eight days from a
disease which the doctor, it is said, appears
uot to understand fully,
The customs officers at Woodatoe•k,N,B,
on Tuesday seized a team and a large lot
of leather smuggled in from Houlton, Me.,
and valued at about 0250.
A writer in the Montreal press claargea
that there are hundreds of opium -eaters
of both sexes in Montreal and calls on the
pressto make' war spinet the praotice.
Farmer's in °the Ottawa district; raped a
scarcity of horses in the owentry,, the un-
usual demand for -teams for the dimities
and the good wages paid having drawn
away a great number.
There have been 100,000 bushels of wheat
purchaded .,on the West Lynne market
Nun.) so far this season, and about 25,000
bushels of flax. A large quantity of barley
arid -oats has also been purchased. . • '
The girl Carrie Graham, wlio was Charged
by Gee. Renwick at London with larceny,
wits remanded for sentence. • She is only
19. e'ears of ago and came froxie England
three menthe ago. She states that the
has parents living, and expeests when she
cornea of age to, inherit an estate worth
620,000 a year., She is rather pretty and
accomplished, but it is thought•her mind is
affected. '
Yesterday,: ale engine while crossing on
the ice -bridge of the Southeastern railway,
at Lettigitimil, Qele. • bloke' through, and is
now submerged. in 25 feet of water. The
driver end fireman hearing the ice a -melt-
ing jumped off, and escaped uninjured.
Horses will new be used in moving the
produce, and the road bed will deviate
around the hole into which the loComonve
plunged. The proprietors of the -road be-
lieve they will be able to raise the loco-
motive, and steps will be inainediately taken
to de so. •
On Tuesdayapernoon e, little bey named.
Alexander Camnbell, son of Mr. IL Camp-,
boll, student at °Pine Hill College, Halifax,
was Coasting down the bill which paper%
that -institution, and comes to p, stopat the
waters of•the Northwest Armi
. It s Kip-
posed- the little fellow was speeding along
on his sleigh, when at the foot -of the street
it struck . a rock, throwinghim inte the
Water or into BOS thin ce, for when
missed and search was Miade, his Melees
body was found in -the water near shore.
-Iire was but 8 yoatsold. . _
During Tuesday night the .Goneit West-
ern railway, and dire Credit Valley railway
stations- at Fergus were enteredby bur-
glars.. At the Great :Western railway sta-
tion they captured nothing, but did
eensiderableedamage-in.:the way. of .breakee
ing locks; and smashing furnitnee.__At the I
Credit Valley railway station the leas
amounted to about 41Q0 or .more, the bur-
glars haring Oietried off several. things in
• • Total • ' -18,476,612. $18,479,576
The expenditure side • of the account
shows that the•expendinire in 1877.78. evas
441,041,919.-- In .180-79 it reached a total
of 647,456,421; It was then Weeded. that
there -had -been. eiceptioealeexpenditurerine
that year which increased the Volume, but
another increase of three, millions in, the
sy880nI879e80riratkes it tutal expenditure -for -
the fiscal year just closed of 450,879,241,
In the last two years the chareee :for debt
and subsidies haveinoreased from 811,952,-
041 to 412,659,667: The charges on revalue
have decreased:from 05,501;162 to 45,227,e
113 -the decrease being maiuly on the item
of Public Works, The ordinary, or control-
lable expenditure has, however, increased"
from 46,542,510 be '77-78 to 00;941,577 in
'78.79,.and 46,963,852 in '79-80. .Therletails
ef the controllable expenditure as corn-
paredwtth 1877-78 are asiollows ;
Drannentisem OF 107-78. .1870-80.
OlviIgovernment.. . . .. ... $823;369 $805015
Afinuntstration of justice... 364,020. 574,311
Police 10,616 • 12,3633.
Peniten hulas 308,111 , 270,381 .
Legislation • 618,035 ' 593,105
Geological survey, eta.. .... 00,049 00,053
Arts, agriehlture, eto,.....;:.92,305 • 25,068
Immigration and quaran-
tine •, , • . , 180,601 183,204
Marino hosPitaloin. 57,484 55,031
Pensions • 105,842 102,1388
....... 100,058 127,702
Militia and defence 618,136 600,018
Public... 998,594 1,051,926
°peen and river steam ser-
. vice 402,071 386,334
Lighthouse add coast ser- • o
• vice .3 461,967 426,304
Fisheries " 93,202 ' 86,162
Steamboatifispection • 14,315 • " 11,854
Insuraneesuporintendonce 8,577 . 9;551
Miscellaneous 81,147 . 183,718
-Indian grants • 421,503 .. 694,612
Bominion lands • . 87,628 147,802
Mounted police 331,748 332,865
Boundary survey,. U. 8 43 005 Nil
customs 714,527 716,126
Excisp 215,021 • 210,984
Weights and measures 96,484 , 60,565
'Inspection df staples 1,020 - 006
Adulteration of food 5,064 . 8,887
Cul ling.thnber ' 49,040 44,651
Past -Wilco 1,724,038 13818;271
Public worke 0 2,471.437 2,320,626
Minor revoeues 01,785 28,732
Thetotal revenue on account of coma -
dated fund for 1870-80 was 423,307,400,
and the expenditure 624,850,034, leaving it.
&Melt of 61,543,228,e- e •
A very shocking ease of destitution at
the Chaudiere. flats, Ottawa, has, been
brought to light. A family, \villa has
been deserted by its head, who suddenly
_decamped three weeks ago, was actually
starving. ' ;The mother and' fi.ve children
live in a small hope, several of the elan-
drenbeing 130(4, The .unfortunate
beings wore relieved by private charity.
Mr. Gardner, of Paisley, has in,the press
something which will perhaps omit°
interest among lovers *of Burns. About
twenty years ago Mr. William' jolly, one
of Her Me,jesitee inspectors Of athoele,
met Willi4ni Patrick, 'once a herdboy one-
ployed by the 17oet 01 Mossgiel, and took
notes of his convoriettiobs'regotrding the
poet. These notes he hae now put into
shape, and the result should interesting
to Burnsites, -The sketch will he entitled
"Robert Berne itt Mosagiel, with
It is reperted that thepoliee have Ws -
Covered a now secret organization of Social-
the way of baggage, besides Asking a
quantity of (nothing belonging to the agent,
worth about 475, and some 66 in change
which had been left in the till. Entrantso.
was gained by breaking the windows in
each station.
Vapety attn. 7.
The body of Isaac Miler, who lately died
in Nelallicle, is to be exlatmed for an in-
quest, foul play being suspected by the de- .
ceesed'a friends.
The name of the Newington, peat -office,
near London, is to be changed ou account
of other' places being similarly named.
The name of West London will probably
be given.
Kingstbn despatch says that an ex-
tensive ONO has been discovered, near the
Levant Iron Mines, Its passages willadmit
of one walking Greet throughout them It
is to be cerefully explored.
George Sage, the man who has beeno
missed from Brantford for the la at two
weeks, has not been heard .of yet It is
suspeeted that he has been murderednand
it was rumoren, that his body has been
found cut up in it box. e
Andrew Barton is in Halifax with a.
brick of gold worth over 41,000, and a
number •bf.valuable specimens. He took
out of the nugget lead at Tengier (luting
the montInef Deceml e: 105 ounces, The
lohoreetc., costs about half the amount of.
• the proceeds.
The grand and petit jnrors in the Bid-
dulph murder case, to be tried on the 24th
hist, have been all drawn. The petit jurors
number 100, There are only fear or five
persons from Luoan and Biddulph on both '
panels. ,& true bill having already •been
found against the reisoners, the object of
the grand jury on this occasion is not clear. •
ne prisoners are all in geed health. - -
'So many of the Indy teethers in the Loa- "
don public wheels have been ill lo,tely, and
the bills paid. to substitutes hue been so ,
•Afge; that a narnathly tebern ekiench dick-
RUSS has been ordered by the board. Some
of the triesteea are'reported as eayingthe,
the alarming items o of iliheee lately ha
been the result ' of exceleivu party-goin
and general scheming. Th,e members are .
quite up inarms over thesubject.-.
Willy Johnstone, aged 12, son of ohnH
Johnotone, of Hanover, met with a serious
accident yesterday morning by the"exple.
siren bf a, dynamite cartridge, The lad was
net aware of the' dangerous eliaracter of
the cartridgewhich he struck with a ham.'
merewlaen it instantly exploded, carrying .
off Ins thumb and seriously Mutilating his
hand. Dr. Landerkin was .summonecl and '•
found ift necessary US manual° a pardon
of bis hand.
Sheriff Glass„ of . London, has received.'
from Mr. Langreuir the decision of the .
• Attorney -General upon the charge made by
Abel.Hine against County Jailer Fysh 01
receiving 448 ad a bribe. te 'release* Mrs. .•
Hine from jail. The charge is dismissed;
but as regards the sum of 69 and the pre- .
sante admitted by Mr. Fysh to -have been
received from Hine in payment of .an old
debt, the Attorney -General thinks Mr.
Fysh acted indiscreetly in obtaining pay:
=tent while Hine's wife was tinder his
hares, and he is thereforo. directed to re-
turn them. , ; . • . •
Tnunsnev, '
An aecident on the Intercoloniett railway
at Dabett is reported. Thirteen freight oars
are reperted zar the , .
The Weston. Woollen Mills, lately. de-
stroyed by :fit°, are to be rebuilt at once.
Irerk litterneetreomrnenced.. .•„,-- •
Mrs. MG Kearney, ••of Eganville; -
given birth ta her twentieth ohild-and , '
splendid specimen of 'Canadian child it is
1 r'1 4 • """
e, Z194,7
ists, extending °vet the whole of Gotmoily tRerniniseoioe a of the root hying Ilerdboy.,
Coughs, Colds,:Hoa0Sentas, Sore
. •Itireet, Bronchitis, influents.,
Asthsna,, . and every .
iffedtion of the
.:1711roat. Lungs, and Chest,
"14 does not dry up ci cottqh, and lcave.the cause
behdoid, as is the case -wall, Mali piV6A.."71i1OUS,
but loosens it, cleansesthe lungs and allays io"ri-
. &Won, thus removing ,the cause of complaint."
DO NOT. BE DECEIVED by artieles
nearing a similar nein°. Be sure you get Din .
with -the signature of ".I. 1 UTT8 " on the
wrapper. •50 Cents and 81.00 a Bottle. Pre-
pared by Seen W.' Foevt,n & Sons,, Boston,
Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally.
;•VAiraioilh`• %
' • '
' , Protected Soliti;on of the Protokidp of Yvon,
Is as easily eligested and assimilated with The
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1?.13'12V TIAN S YR UP. It cures it "thousand
ills " Simply by Totowa- Ilao, Ievieetteeteto, arid .
Vrrernmeo the system. The enriched and.
Vitalized blood 'pernieates every putt of the
eddy; repairing damages anti waste, searching
out morbid 'secretions, and leaving nothing kr
disease to feed upon. This ie the scent of the
1Yonderful sueeess of this remedy in curing,
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils,
' Dropsy, 'Chronic tharh�a,.
NerVousAffeiCtions, Female
COmplaints, •
• Ana till diseases originatingin it bad stsie of
the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low
State of the 'system.
CA.UTION.-Be sure you get the "PE -
1? V1 AN Sta cp." Sold by drtiggoists gener-
ahly.Patriphlets bent. free no any address by
tSisztin A7;013:1:07 x.4)&3031178 Mass.Prop0 et ot a, 86 Hare