HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-13, Page 2. . __""="W __V"W -, - I . �; ., . F- ­ -mm"W7. . i^ -w—,--7---,--..w— - .–F"V- --- ­,."- I . . -IF-11"'I'liquilq P _­�� I 11 . . . . F ­ . ­ I I 11 . .... � V ­ � � .. I . � . . . � � . . . 1. � I � 11 tr 4 I- I . , 4 4' '4- � I . I I . .1 I . I I . . I . . . . ­ I I I , . . I I . . ! . I I � . I � t I t . . � .. . I . . ,. I I 1. . I . I . �. 1. � . I . . . I . . . I . - I . ( - �, I I . .� . I I I : , . I . . - I � 1 . 4 � I . . # . 6, - ; � '. . . . - I . - i . . . II . . - � I .. I I � .. . ' COMINQ TO 4N ENI);m . XoIly Old-, Vedugoollts- _. - . . I .1.11 1� when Mrs. Gly)2fQr4 made her ungracious imewthaisheowet:1313ingley's , . . . 1. 11. .. - . . shop eleven pounds. The bill had been sent In already ­ Mi a Keane then followed Solmsou W Mr. Is , Bingley's private office. ­ I � OVIC1.01 OF AN OPIUM EATER., � . -1 " I . .� ,Tw�ao I . I . .0 I , L L a jolly oldliedagogue, long age, remark. Tar It and slender, and sallow and olry' ,, , . I . 11 They aro indeed Shabby," she tbou,ght, . 0 twice, and the po vness, bad.intend it received her money Mr. Bingley was standing, ivitla his back to the large Are burning. grate., as they __ — u I , I Mein el.0 Vatic of 04 ID18100 . . ft '!"so 01114 11 . 1. 4 This Teg,jr to Witimess the Des- , - beat and his Jait was slow, H is form was looking - r J His long thin bafir wake as w ito'sSianow, at the two worn out black trunks, - which bad first come into use on her, ed to settle when Sh6 , re the Christm. ms.holidayo. Mut no befo w - . _ Want in, and,haLmovea. forward a, otep,,ana I 1up0ts"iminto Imalp. � . I IMoption Lo the World.. P . � . ,,, f 1. , . . But a w6fiderful twinkle Phone In his eye, iliet as he went -to bed, AndbastiligoVeXV - I 11 h wa hero below; 'igo. mother's wedding,day, twenty-three years . L ­ . 1. She was f6rcea to, spud. this money Away be . fare it was due. I placed a chair for the governess. I 11 Good morning," be said; 49 cola morn. berate .. . MoNTusAxi, 1gli, 5-A ease of very 44- � 1. suicide occurred here last night in I , 0 1 . I . . As 3Lepat that U W, bps 111other Shipton Lot ( , us be &f I The livimig sb6u7jive, though the dead be dea.d,l I . 11 . . ' raoutbs, when. 89 during the next three . , ,he wasatin undecided what to do about s .,utseasonable, Takeaollair. Tolinson, the lug, b . case of, a young man n4med Rutger I . I , , ' � 3prophecied-The, Pyramids. plid the . I ip em, net lisarms-14ammetairy PletprOln, . ill $Aid the jollyold peaugogue,long Age. I .. L . . Hatalight his scholars the rule of three, ,, ever oli� went intio. :PArnbame,. In, the su� . . burVE 0, which town her employers lived, this bill-whetheir to aep'.Uj, tingley, ox to write A letter Asking him to wait-wherl leer." go out and slant the c ' I I Johnsop , t, ailasbut the door., - went on '. Martin Nevisous, who has been a resioliilt of the city for about two years, and came I I L . Rpolmi" the ]Baleful Infinest" ot 8=0 . . I people iLvieninint Jamaisiding i1or Neryoup, , � I ' , Ing, and. history, too; Wx1talwand read .1 t c He took t a little Ones ut�011 his, knee, art in h a breast had hel she always looked into the trunli-sbop *in- dows, to. see if there was Anything likely. to .. . Qwnber , she went -up to, blip attic to bring 4 . I boxes to pack, and her new portmanteau. . at ter IliVar ,. and theil, Mr.. Bingley'q manner obanged. . here from Millstone, in tile, at, te . Ne a of W� Jerety. Ile ,had been acting as, A book. , . 11, . . . . . '1$ceptitcall setentilm's. � I Vorskip(loldhe , And the wants of the littlest child he know ; "Learn while you're young," he often said - � Suit her narrow purse. She Sighed, regretfully when she looked )d possession. 'I u4mc, f she, bad at the last � He, put oil � a familiar air, and with sonie- � L I I thing - between %leer A -ad A sneer, lie laid' L keeper on when be ,til a feW,Montha Ago, becam - a - , e A,dolicte&�o convi I liabits An � I wial 11 . MOTAB I � I 'The World tOL t%n end shall come in 1881, I . .1 There Is much to owo,T down here boGw. Life far the livinq and roe for the do4d I" , But 'no. Two pounao,threepounds, even four poun4s, would be on impossible sum , 'wafo, her , L I ,lot foo,lishly,,bought this portmantes,li, Slip � thinking, she mig4t, have had a little I the three Ave -pound notes 4bich Miss lost , is bid given the. she Man on the desk zeal I . . . V � I. I his situation. The depression on his mind produced by being thrown. out of tam - I I I I . - fix the celebrated I 'I -L otherShipton i I sais M has ajollyoldpeds. euo,longago, Said th .90 kind for barite, give out of expected,cItlarterly � whole payment from Mrs. Glynford, as her . � .. _ more money left. . help for this, before hlm� I '6 Now, lady," be Sai A 11 I Am oyineut anadepending for the Support of I I maoilf and his wife on friends. led to still - Ei ' prSo . O?heQY bearjng� her name, which 1. ;it attention over the English. With stupidest boys be was and cool, Speaking only in gentlest tones; . � salary wasonlyforty poundaNyo4i, Ana But now there was no L So she carried her portmaoteau down to her y6ung . - - going to ask yolla* question. Wheiedt4you , . I deoperinaui.gence in drink, and then the , , , . . r..ted .91 .L. I has obtaiRed speaking 1,worlol, and the 1 I Thc� rod was hardly, known lit his school- . n,g to him was a barbs,roms, rule, '11.0pt hard work for the poor old bommos, . Mrs, Glyuford expected that she would � . . I ting costume, , d appear in even, dress well, an ' bed -room, It was A, convenient pacIng. case,, After All. It hold her limited ward. I 21, , get these notes Miss Keane flushed scarlet, but to .9, I 11 use of opium in the form of Morphine, I . I which he kept in the house. Last night - L I . credence, notwithstanding no .little �. statement that the alleged prophecy : I Besides it was painful# he sometimes Said; n she went with her pupils, into the wbe L I . ' " L robe, in fact, except her dresses, and these. dertain extent she retained bar composure, - retiring to rest in a or zed State, he aftei a . was no prophecy' at all, but the . I � I . London Bohemian 11 We should make life pleasant down here below The living noed charity more than the dead," Said the, long ago. drS,Wm : r �_I!Qom. Thus with a sigh, she would turn away ' L she placed in the despised black boxes. The of tile indeed, "Why do,you-ask,4r.Bingley2'1 she . , Said. got u and procuring about ton grains of i It morphine, ).is drank it in some water, god . . production of a I - � . I Who, pretended that it dated back from the , jolly old, peuiloogue, I . . He lived In the house by. the liawth ovne lane,; from the trunk -shop, and had pi,linost given . . I .. . I . - up the Idea of buying one at all, when, I pooketa portmanteau, ,nd seemed endless, There were packets P: . 14 I have a reason. for asking," replied Mr, I I was net finishing his dreadful deed'when hi jif _ , I - d her­`� . . 1. sixteenth century.. Whether this Allegs- I . . tioH be true. not, certain it is that the with Vegas Jwd woodbillb over the door; His and . I . I ,passing &.broker's sbeip Qnedg,y, amid the . inner packets, 'and, Carefully examining thepe, she perceived a -smg slit in the Bingley. ,,I am not sure, but 1-faucy I have seen thee 9 notes before." " . awoke And . aske �daim'wllatr � was doing. He replickhy.,stating that he , ; I I or . I . . )erlodbetween 1881 and 1 1887 has long been � . I lull - 6f rooms were quiet, and neat, plain, . Bvt a spirit of comfort there hold reign, - , - And made him forget he was old and poor. Strange migeellaily it contained, i she*saw a � I leather portme'at,bau, ticketed eighteen shil, I I . all striped lining of one pocket. -$begot out . her to this, anain turning "But -it you Ara not sure?" faltered Miss Keane. 1. had taken the oleaffly cliug,, Ana it was the � last time he would trouble her, Medical . . me awful pignifl- � . regarded as i ti . � I I 1. f good or evil. The Morm cAnce, whether o, I IF I need so little," he often so,id, . . "And)nyfrienclgmiid*yrel4t.iveaborebolowi. . - . lings. * . 'Xrs,'Glyriford, hadiinfQrtunately giv 04 needle mend - . the lining back better to perform the task . ly, looking I � , Bingle - "No, notsuro," i3a4d , - aid was summoned, but all ,efforts proved ­� .. � ailing, a, *04 untiv the unfortui)Ate man di, 7 . . . mono, a portion of the Spiritualists, the . I � I BeconaAdventiwbB and others, hold that Won!t litigate over morwhou I ara. dead.". I . I . . . � I her her Waiy that m6rnin and she yield- �obe. I � � . ­ 91 plilled out with it a small flat p i I I I %real, which had been pushed up through the bard at the girl, Ilblkt still I think so, . However, you wish to pay your account . tb.1,r, mo"In The coronerla Jury ran . � 9. - . . . d: many � the mlllenlun� is near at he,nd, An, . .. . � .. .... � . ...... ... .­­._..­. ­. J -1887 ­ I- . � . -a ree inplacing' it bet Open 1879 s5id - But the agalitast time that he hail, of all, ,.., � I XV0re tV0e0.QQ1%bJq.hQUr,'0 11QMAVAtAV,Ag6­-': . - With big chair tipped back toa neigh o.r'swalli I ad to, the temptation of having a respeda4ble I I .11 . 111'1; C ir,ve ass in'ller po�session. Yet the slit botween1he lining an& the leather- A-11- 11. .. �­ . . - _' � 11, a Ill ­ slid Nature, y a e opene i is parcel, , with those notes -wherever you got then ,?,p 11 I -I came td pay my accoulit", answ er- . deredAhe following verolict : 11 That the . - decqaoed caino to his death .by".taking � fil . . u he proplievies of evil seem by far the it t . I t. , AsIrologerst wizards and making an unceremonious ball, . , . Over the pipe and friendly tpasa. * .7a plir. id - pass without her regretting her he,Xb for the night's. post broug] �t a gave a balf-oryas she did'so. Awouderful, for she tMilght, a welcome ad miss Reane,very, nervously. . I . ntionally a quan�ity of a morphine w. e in a state of aelinum," I I I most abund . All � soothsayers have concentrated all' ,maimer .1 . . This was the Anest pleasure be saidt . . Ofthemanybetastet1herabol' , ' . " ONo It letter from her Mother, askin -for thd'loaul � I � oftenpounds, Shebadriaceived tenfroin and a moment, sight met bar gaze. Fivegresh fivepouA4 � [To be oQAtInued.1 . . . . . . - . . . . A RIP VAN IVINIEZE! ICE SIDE NUE. - ' . . � . of Sinister predictions upon the year 1881, . . and people who are not willilag to admit Who has no cronies he had better dead I .Said the jolly old pedagogue, Ion g ago, � . � Mrs. Glyliford, but tw9 .V�pre already gone. I I bank -notes were onoi6sea in the little. Ilat - parcel. that She ba& found, and now She, I 'A , FATAL CONFLAGRATION.. . - . I � , ._ I . — � . I . . I I lAnle ofthe Xfr�ct% . I , . . . . I . that they are- Superstitious, regard ,the year with more .or less Anxious expectation and . . Then the jolly aldpOolagogue'swrinklod face - ' ' 'Arclt,d all over in sulislinty $1bile$; She had bbuilit a few littl nonessLr' a her portmanteau 1, . �, � . I �.. . is I a a . ii . I . knelt with these five -notes in lier* hand by . the side of her portmanteau. ---.1. � I . Slid Jolsottiter to it. nine;*co, ipamily� of time Eccentric f4cott i . . 81144er%A�* sirange opire -, , - I i � I . . . 'All , . I . . , . . dribad. . . PROPHECIES QV'XVIL. - - I - -, __ _:_ . _ , . .. . - He 8 i an old-sabool grace, tirred his glass wit] kled and sipped and prattled ilpace; ... Vhuc I '--"-'Yc-- - She sent her mother the.aight. poun4� I . . .. I thus left she had .in her nossession, ani . � - ' ­ ­ - ' . . v She looked at them one. After the other, I I stared, at tbqm examined thom-parefull Y -d -kidseR � In the An Age Mother 11Z F1alncm.,%v,hY!�Mnrn Dolva the. Iffolne- . _�,�­­­ I'll --1- �. ­ - '_ MONTREAL, ,TKA. 5-the holAsebold effeotsott_�o.jg I ... 1. 11 . , ppAtklg� 'Aig,tqrs. �Scott, � ,. � 4e..ew 'a � , I : . The pr;gimoatj�ations bf evil Jahb 9,11 -%'ill the house grew merry from collar to tiles; I, �':R% itrqtty� old Mae,': he% "tly scia, , I 1fi-6-i-l"' erse penni ass, . . thenexti.quarAor _ofAh&yea*r;_&­, - , � andwas convin� th��t�ke � ad X_W�e-t"gAlix,10- _-j_--_.,___,._ . . - . ;G�4._ . ' --V1�oERN-%7-d-dj;,-Un-C- -J`ai'._ - Ta -=W1 iouWof wholeft a law g,q fortune ,to endow &L)fes- _.. I s -or -s-41- i"n— McGill Univqr- 7 p (I scholarship in I __....___._._. " . . . - � _ _ . , ii3snuer-of-for-me-9,4d-shapes,anda*e-based- � I I . uponall con-ceivable,rkinds, Of "calculAtioli. , � , _ - . . .. ". -_ -- - . .4- ­Ji.XIJk, wq� IV- Iiu .- I 1. . . Bui�,My�-bourtis.froshif,myyolith-bas at 1: , . . _-During. . ­d,s.,JAnoe wasjiven at Bridgeriorth . Qbil ( I n O . . . . Ask , Then anotlier question presentca. itself - , '. a. ]�IcLean, of tbis place, was discovered Mr , sity, we�e do ' ' ia to -day', "I:ty auction, and . �. I . . . - .-.-- - People were called uton, some years ago, - � 1�_ �S id the jolly old pedagogue,. long ago.. . " . ;.. . 'a House,, and.'Mrs. Vxlynford amid. to bar governess that she �hoped she had,houglit- I otherrifirrid, If'liats7iottl�Ialic(lowit7itIteiit2 - �img. to be,on. fire about3 o'clock yestaradymora- The-ala�r&-was first tiveng-by'lier a crowd. The .. attracted 0, large I . I and curiou house, -which was sitiluted, in tlfb e4b "d - * - to�'obaerve'what­was balled tYe , prophetic . . , I . symbolism of the great pyramid of 331gypt. H"Ioliociiis i;ip in the balmy air, - * . Every night when the Sun went do herself, or would buy herself, a now. dress , I . . Sliehaol no right to-' thonx -�ut lokrit,'016 supposed so. True, she had bought the _g. ' I father, an infilm-old mail, who rouse.d the I of the City; was greatly dilapidated boill, ' I . . . . I I . Prof.Piazzi Smith� the-Englith utrouomer,. . - . .. . � - . . . . �- '. . - � ad in his pilvoiry hiiir, Whilst the soft wind play. wn Leaving its. telidw hisses theroir - .-- , - . . . . for the occasi I I on, - 'Alwal .the �oor-girl hgd'.not. now � , ortmantean, and they ' P, ., Tust have been Ill iuma,tes. Mrs. McLean's eldest son, after first Awaking his mother, sistei and brother, outside and inside. Tile. , inierior of the . , dwelling had &.,elf torribW neglected-, .aud.' ' � � contended that they were not only me- I . moriala of a system of Weights and On the jolly oldpoolagogue's jolly old crown; A' nd fooling tho.kisses, sibiled, and said, ,the means at aoiiig so.'. But After. Some con, * "she When she had purchased it. But did that * . . inAke them* hers? ,, . I . esotipedby !he front door; getting badly It iy, owi;g to the strange , was extremely A I . � I . . I )a .perpetual, but . measures, intended- to I I . � 11 'Twas a glorious world 4o*n hare bolow; : - Why wait for hmp piness till'wo are dead? 11 . sideration determin d. to oriler one tit the shop in FarnlAame where the family e . She.- knelt there Still, thinking. They burnt about the boad and hands. He theit I I succeeded in rescuing big sister and brother liabits of the h6tp ocatipttnis, who keptilo� ., I Sor vanti, male'or feinalp, except -a 4hore- � -./ that the dhanuels of the,' pyramids ropre* - I . . . �i - sented - the, important epochs in history', � I- � I Said the jolly old peda,gogne, loug'ago� � .� I . . . I ' dealt, -Au&where she h%abought the few I 'flee Must have beloDged'to %om6`one­; but that � Some one might now he dead. Some poor I 1, . Ow. : by the bed -room wind' The mother. I I I . rna�uto light fines, Every artioldof furni- I I I .. iand thus indicated events still to come. .. night ., . Ile 'eat at the door one midgummer 1. . . . After'thb sun had iu:nk in the )vast, �rl which . she had already puhas e � . Jn the' town. . I sailor, perhaps,. and big jortmantoau . had . . . . I became overpowered by the lieftane nol-e 'r . M and perished in the flames. .T hild,pp . turd, pictures and statuary was covered I I . . I With the accumulated dust ofyearg. �Every- - � � . . . . I . Startin� with.m proposition that an,inch , I. I Jre�.reBents a. year, it was clearly reasoned . - . I I I , And the lingring beams of volden light ' While t C, odorous night-wina . vIiispoire(j. I 11 I I . , . . I This �Iaop.mugt be specially described. I to a Mr. Bingley, and -though . it belongec -hd sold by t a per. been caston .share, a h son who picked it tip to the broker from I � gave. the alarin to the neighbors who turned - and succeeded in pre�entiug tbe'fire . I was ofdayslong ago, t%,nd.migI,lt.be". thill allobly toirmed. antique, . The eleganc -ice - � . b not only was th� -birth out b man 'Gently, .,Of C�iyj,t fo)r' . . � . rest I gently he b oNiod,his-bcad, . Mrs. Glynford hbped that no one-knew,.or I I whom sho had bought iti, Thus she Bpecu- lated. 'It this were the case, whose were Cut froin 6atching in Ahe stablqs"atta6hed to I , apa refinemont of the nineteenth century - . ' . : .. Cr _ lv�n at;Wh There were angdls waiting for-lilm, I know; , . He vas sure of happiness, living or dead . - . , tit least, remembered. ill( .33ingley. I , � 1 3 fact�=Mr. ' � was Mrs. Glynforrs own brothef. IlieYT''Not 16i,-Glyiiford's, Ettleast,fdr Bruce's Hotel, which were, only a few , fefet distant: Th6bld MI an is badly burnt about lied evidently not entered- into that exclu-' , , , SiVA abode. Among the various articles . command,to . I . . . . . f, 11 . .. , � 0 Egypt, This j9j ly old pedagogue, long ago I .1 I . � 1. . _G,,A,,.;1u�.O1W._ . - But aconsiderable sticial ateplay between I she had nothing .whatever to d6 with them; . -(i, yet if -she were to tell Mrs. Glynford 0 'the head, The .fire . is supposed to have . I -found belonging tu th6e. unmarriod, ladies ' '. . �. . . I . . (O . I - . I ThE PYRAMIDS AND C11RONOLOGY. I . . I .. . i ..­.. � I . � � . i , . . them. Mrs. Glynford had been a pretty . . I I . girl, and had married"Mrl. Glylif6toi, a - . Miss, Keane decided) she.was sure thput, the . . orjginate�'froml a defective stovepipe. . I . . . ­ ­.- - . . .. .. � . ' ' was a collecilonlofinen's old hats, Vill d in . . every,-roorn were numerous specimens of to- . . . . Mr. Thowas WilsQu,of Chicago; it is said; . I recently developed eIgeorrietrical relation of . � . . AGAINST * TINE LAW-. ' - . I It - � . -1. . . . — . widower and & coal -owner. � He Was fairl Y w011 -to-do -when Aho married * him, and , in stress of the house' would claim . them I , � .far har own. : - . ­ Twenty --five P 4smali to � . � : � . - mtiK?,TiZ(1U 'OU'V911 it. lloluANCLI . I S �. . I 1 .­— . . I , ' . the same kind. Tile stylei of these head. - coverings were its ancient as tile furniturti. . . . the -pyrg.Mi4 to chronology, by which 6 ..... . I s ..- _u , LA 1�?vel-By. Dan, Russell I ' - I ­­� I ' " . 0 i din . a circle �bove. tho'B"ingleysi wh . move I pourds Our sum - . . a rich woman, but alar& tnia to the poor it prinep SInvehodder � ID calli of an Aditqn' . . I The-- Sale rea,li7ed only �150,'whjlst'th'o I ­ -_ - . . n Hiber of remarkable dates Wdrecorfe- . ' lated- b I y triangul4tioil.-, 'Dr. E verebt W. . 6UAPTER 1. . I . . . I iy. wbre drapers in a large w 'ill.thetown, I . the But _. I . , cire-buiddhed'governess. , , . . . WAIMENTON,V , J . 0, -Au dged iiegrb,. , - k. , all lived ,alone,. estate Of tho'late owners is Roove a qua rt�r - - of a-l�flllioli doallars, large. of I . �. . . I .. Fish, of Now York city, in. a. recent'book on . ' . . .. 1. AXOlqEX . . . . . scarcely.,wassheInarried when now passed'ai�ay wondvrfully prosperous "Iwonder ifIrnightbon-010 tlleinil'�t . � Hannibal Browl.'who was, found dead Friday night. He- had a portion . wbioh goes to public objebts, and the bal. . . . . . . . , theTyramids, holds that the. impending . . , �Vall at the south end of the grand gallery . . . . 1. . . , In the gobool-roo , in of Bridge . north House, 1, Midl,ndshito;. about half -past 9 o'ologk days of coal -owners began. Mr. Glynford , . - , &Me suddenly rich, and, Mrs. Gly.nfbrd bee . .Iaqt She thought - . This sum.wouid, pay Binglev's bill; iw6uld her lioin'e---4;)onvy 'to .on probably frozen to death a we . ek ago. He .. Nvas�,'brodght to this c6 1 untry ftoin Afrioa iii ance to: di.Aaat'relative�.' Only a few days .. ore'S ago,�,1,20dinbaiikiiotes w -ound ia''4n-, . . � I in the. interior - of th6 Pyramid mud the . - ­-­ . ­, ­..­__­..­­­­.­ --.-,. -- -----1 - e an- . . narrow paqsage. eyon , SYM 0 izes . . . -"""v,-,-,*,a-""-,",boi---,--th, , "" � one-Decomber. o,v,4uing,.-,tlio,w,eazied-goy.er--. . down -7ith ' , I , . ' , I rR�e t6'the occasion. 1. � I .. - Slioi� 'b�a­- sifw� &Yslie'e'n a', littloi' �aljgdr 1� Jetwo mohey to take - I - li.elp-lierrm-isor.abl6inQt.lier,tl)'o-pborinvB,ii(I . -1-1.. � . , , , , � I thi�t Ilia. fath er�_ waki . a; 1820. He i0firmed I ­_ . a.§AQ0Jn_.&u.ol4 parse ,v! all,.,, qI4,tp,t�pqt_ap . _ - .. . . had.probiably-beeii _h1ddpu'&N!*ay1years ago.- . . reseirfopooll P,ild t - ! closure pf- the pi �be eud:6f! . . . . the though. not of -the world. I I The* a � hea y eo� of ,the family. Eat , ' . r I lba;it,� h sigh, feeling that fo 'that diy,, &� er - , . . I , POOr woman; and now grew unbeaiably'so 11 liar b -or brother,. the, sisW. I.,* . . ., .. I . . The tamptktion. grew.stronger. 'They -be- " li�iii,g.,--II.-i'�--form,el:'fi!�'Vc-6riN�'dd6onviii6--� . . roof of hia royal birth, 'and om 1119 P anci- I I I and forgo fteu. - As a further , johrk of tile Age,' _., � I : I.. . - � - I . �, ­ - 'thei pa;sSag6. out of ills -grarid- -11. - . , .. DAr.rdW66AS- of . I '' , ­- � . I _ _gro� Q�Lpr. . . . Jdaj�.s ,W - � buit_'Ib- ­'6­sb­dT-qibr,' She was -a city girl, is night a a head ii turfied,?' . , 'said�u:' * d�--alid-vIl-on- Mn- i lhi� wd I . I - atleas sliomenially, IoA9fR.t.o_14Q*. o� Q_UAW t, A _ 'Sliew.aswroiigiiig,no.oue'so'j3lio pitted him long.befor.'o the iv4r. Hannibal . I ' vo�isted, it. . ,,..�Iblackeriiitlai-ll;ELCIO�-ilion�y,.�.n- wa. I eccentricity'of!tfie oldladies,ydur corres " - ; I- � pblidelit.,hua-worme fLv, Arr.1% dlo�.'dayby..Xr.,A -1. � _ . I AQ Ir ­­­ I al r , 0,.. ayS, ,rglgnMM­grnV�trjbj1-� I I- . . , . , . . 'on the froin,188M to' _pr. _ -ijj- -r- -,VIj1dIT­,,*Otry. �IRXIJj�J­ZaEl ),Iii%UIa ook . . I ,,Glynford.bou i�ridgeu -Hotise, lira. � bjffl�k ' a1ie' A— — �0'ngei �ouuiena;3�� araued. - I ­ro, & a - &rn�U"-n"s,_A1td,1 ' ' 2� o,ving-br.,glig, u - - , s,� as far .nalknown; the inalaves, and iva i avin' � , is that they b�d n adea Stepbei will )a 9 ­p�.Q,pq .1y_, -tg � a, 0 all earth . . t . . � . .1 . EVA plv'ue�- 1886. a- this is the age of the gr i , and anxiety will give even.-bb'the 'fairest � . . f I . - - . , I . . . I a& ures.. - � I - � r owfi family,., Y at she still dealt at - ihe Shop. p * land tlfe'fl'�e, notes Witlii� R her, urge � ,p . I . c . . � . . � I . I - lt&t]Te-Uilitecl-stt�t-ea-w-l-io�w-ti§.,;n,, _6X_1Iy'JIdr'r-d' - . - _' From his slaves - lie requiied' ' - _'('_�F�"'- "I ' .�neady_alLubeir_ . l: adies' t i,p;,__;­_1­W_ _ihe' a I . � or-ilie College��ati inititution f' , . � . . or- - , . . . 4 I � per eus, the -.probabilities ofits-C - . - - McCny. piihittil ilidughts -were indeed She, indeed, did this at lierbugba''fiol's.com- . � I I �. — . I . . . I. . . . . , tli lie ma�,*.-P'due to his rank. 1-16 was de- of which : t nald Itoss'b6-.:' I .'i �ho late IvTr. Do I I . . . I eat P " ecies are sta�tlingjndeed." . . . � . . Crowding . at . i b I o5t.mindus-sho.SQ'ifiiere in .Maud. who was A! highly respectable I man, . 11 ! ­ . � � I � , "t" to th cause of the .South during ills. qu,eathoid - a considerable sumi' Init - on.aCrl ` I , . I I . � I . . I .. PX,ANE 3T0Y'DISTUUBAXCE;' - . . . , . . ' ' I -. I., ,The last, sentence refe-rh to the fact that . _ .the- dimly-ligbted I - I school - B , lit her . -room. * � most presSing anxi&y. at, that in.6uplit and liot asham'ed-to own hip, relAtion's� �: , . I it Mrs. Olynfordvwas. That sh . Bi . . Qp in * . � -AT BbIoLin-i's: - . - , The. next morning, about islovel ' cloo'k, � I a' ,� I war, as lie, believea U. tli6 right � to own ' ': fo alit;ves, Ile refused , to . sh6o' horses r 'item aplio%ring. in, Ono ot this local papim . , � to that effecti.they won , sohilich munpyed , . . - . � . about two. years - ago. pamphlets began to . I . . � ... . � 'that .Wag that ille %vallt I ' , . I . - e( qllolley.-, ..i. . .1 . . ' . Fiont.streeit, rlarnbamo,-, Wits ufipleagaiht.� 'ta-ber Miss Reaue,the govern*e6s, lef b Bridaenofth � . ,.. 41 HadS6 tO liar bill at Bingley'S "110P' "" -Vaderalsoldlars. He was it 016A time .dur- i 0 � by the publicadoil'of the r.iub ution,4 ...,that" : ,� � . . I , , -arid � . I . . the most, aWful conse- . . app ar, arguing . , I I quegoes were about to befall in ankind from r, f�qm the. She pregent'ly Arew & lattv , pock�t of her dregai which she had received sighti .�Shb went therein early motilm ing, aud'it4rdly -woke he� Carriage, horsbs to pay. , It was 'an inlposlilg shop. ., 1filigl6y was . ing, the jittter pait �f .the w4r, imprisoxied. in the old* Oapitol at Washingtoni as he . .. t1leY cancelled the bequest left the . I .. . , -.to -other objects. ,, '. .1 . Money I . I I 1. . . I lr'ptiri. � . . all- the great planats reaching' thei . I . I I . . helia�, or nearest points, to this sun, together. 'dt ring the day.. A tradesulmi's bill I- In I this letter. sbbw&s,poiiteWinfdiI;loa � -that. be seenstandinig eforobeibrZlier'sdoo�, . . b - Shei. iteil in 11 a different goti" she 8t�id, - ViSr . true. But "-ak, indeed. ricb';-aswallas Iiissisitir:.blit lie . I . irlade, iio, paradoef hh; money; lie used to I , I Bay,' Witt it sAeer, when speakiva to . I was suspected of giving aid and information . � to Southera soldiers. Everything lie. lied The,war'lett-him . � I . . _-._____P_1 ­ . . � . . U It Q, WWR Efl' VA - C Noluck!oXt's U9. I - . . . . I . , , , I'AANCM. � � .. I . According to these pioplacts, this offects of. . . .. tlie-perilielia,w6retd .begin making their unless her ovor.du6 accoulit-was paid bef6re . ' Ahe*ctirayneuceindnt of the Ohristmas holi. and this wag.�6tuailly . -63i 'wben a cet I taill 'gilm visitoy,.Wbo culls: on . . _4is neighbors of his fine �reht,tions.. 0 �. � � was invested in slave s. . .. I penniless. 114bagsGosellianagedto inake , , � . � ..: .." I ..� �. ... �, I — .1 . . .1 .. I... . -, ' 1_ , .. I � � . , , , , appearance- this fMII,Wh;u Jnpit, er 1. passe'd - . � his p6riholion, afid next yeiiir the kytbei I - days,'thitthe ttadesinsil, would be oomp91- Ida to e pAinfal necessity, of .. I . till -sets alike, appeared ia the if6use,al�ove 1. I carried - off the shop inTront street, - and � - ple, Wer6*ill the. shop . I When Miss-Keralfe euteredit. .Mr. Bingley . K ' . . . - a. - 1,10 a meagre living from blacksinithill never nitbrrica, bechuse be could Mid no I 4nn Zleitenaltit �., ,Jrh!-F mil-tilla-14 ot a 4. Orr . - "d Writ JrnaVlo Wide. ' . , * " . � ,. . - I . ... . I . would bbgin.t( ' - I� ) sweep ,w6stwaid, with a . . . swathe as broad as the continents, until WA6 ing hoir employers, - 6d asking them inform! I . Pay, the aWount, out of her salary. - her brother's'wife as hisyr6y, Mrs. Glyn- ford did Condescend to pay a visit of pm� . . , .never served. behind the. counter. . He � ,walked.outof,liis Private' Office someti�eg, wOma.n of his. race.'who Was wh4t lie con., . I f�ider(,dhifse(Iiialby*bir�tll., As would n6b. ':0 , BUrFALO,'Jan. 6. !Va dr six' years ago -�_ Louis. Q. F. Ehrenberger, I'low,E), conduotor. - I . . . reached the Xaciflo Ocean., Plagues, . . . famines, ppstilences, Are, earthquake, floods. . . � , . - -AliV if be knew;" sliethondlit, 11 that I �1;&ve n6thigg to iebeivel, 0 TLat I have bben . .� dol6llcQ. '.. . � . I 1. . . But" the.wi,lower's wrath -was bob upon . . 'Mrs. . 1. and �poke to his friends and acquaintancq� wlien't . hey came in; but lie neyer sold any, " 'no tb ladies, in' thin,. IIe talkii perl,hit -visit birn� � .colored people to. . , * �__' I .1 YL��*_'__L_ far the Street -Railw6y Co . I inpanyt wag A.. � first lieutep�tt In .the Gormaii. army,and'. . . . I I I � and tornadoes niare to scourge thd,hum&n � . � . . I racei till only a few. rdma,ined, like alreadycompellea to ask'Mis. , Glynfoid to . 6ay the things -the occasion, and- he told Glynford. . that he did not. watit ll�r., compally '21 � Q? I 0, was soi�e . ,the �nidaia of the sho)OP �Vllon Miss, Reane � , , - I , 1140E D'.11,9C. llcwjlo�ni. - - " � . � . , . . . . — - 4 . . � a la�rae eBeablighthientin,Beilin., - , maint 'lied * , � , Ther,16 ma�iss'Regiva . ffibughter of Mr. :,. . people . Noah. and his fa&ily; 6. iepeopla .thb I I . . advaince, saldryj and all cruel . that she said to m6 -when I did* ,a. . -A�iol when she bad uov'elf �eeu'divil - to 1i.0oor . ) last entered.i an!]. tho-widower's.looli fbIl admiimI I Ingly oli the'pretty gbVerilesg: Jrom* Ilridge­.. . A Gais: ,tvoiiinn Det4ertotd:11ty. JKJCer 111111.,-- , . . hand in. Butralim. , . . uffalo, *b6', . ag studying Goorge:Roos, of B . ,earth. It wa-s7 argued that., ill I . I 0. ravages Of - .. I . the,black death 1.0 themiadloi ages.. followed now- I iiava nothing laftm-nothlnd more, I tha'A what- will. barely"Pay. my tiiiil fare to Sarah' Jor � ,lit or..nirio yes , -the eig rs. � . I il.'t'-,bi.mthbr! arid sisteri ia:faeb; had a � � . . . � lort.4 House. . . ­ 1. . I ' ' I . . I �; . I - .. . . . I . . ,. . 11 . . I I 13 , ,��A :nowly-married VITAro, : Wall. , S. . . . music at Berlin - with her punt; Mis. 8teiii- *w � of, th4 1. I ile D famous New York piano-., I I � I - I . . . the neirly-coinoidentpeAll elia.of four great . ., . . . . 'Seaton::'.Oh7I -what Shall I do? ShallIgo 3er, 8.qu atitil, and Mrs. Glynford rptirqd - 11iss Keane felbyery'noryous. I I Her notes. . -couple, �Vllliiim r.iley and A Worladh who . . I .W . . . malluf2urOr. Miss Roos became, Mrs.— I . � . .. I . . . I ublices I 1 planets,. and thbrefor'a similar conqeq . . . coWa�be,ex�ip�tea-imm�the4on-figuriti,oi��-of- %� Aill�lny ? "Shall I and sea thi§ naan�hli 0 -ten­bim­tfm-tmtIr' ,, ho �,�,� � I'll k1pri-Viden-cow- to her oe,irlage.'-v "' - - red , and � 'a wing v. ­ .. . . I - pry I .11 � 1 , . . i ,., L . ' 41 6TV.. �. I ---- i , 01, " were in her purse't,aud the bill was in liar . � .. i - - - - - - - - - � - -- _.. h4eh-sho­h&d7es,11 ­F-� ­ I ... � M_. and-ii -. , ..I-.,. * ,lisppy-almost " w1j, a is 'Eli Lwdu, .611 o5f . .;,Ilit, ly § . zp.4,Tune. ­ - _Ual - __.. _. . . t, tanacm wpr� - a I .1 � I71VSV . . . Bbrenberger. . The young lieutenant had � some misunderstandibg wit.h his mother,. __ a I . I . . . . . � the pl&nqb3­nOV?,.. � . ;�' - ; � . ..... . I . I . I � . . . . . S . �. , . ' I I pelleolAo.sendAll my money home to save' But . r , d , bushiindi on 6 think," she sai 'to liar, . her'return. home,,' aite�r I hadmiude siio�ll a , i016 .0 12 guilty., - ". - , B lit if they were b6t hers, they wore no * I , . night.*, ThisMornifi lie tol - r fie Would -godownandgpta rink ancl -return totheir - 'is foiiune]a Were mab6irially redubed. and - h . . . . ammiii? and ceime to .. -,Us a iou HeTbsigued. � SU SrOTS. . , . �, I . . B: Q; - Jenkln:s, F. A.'S. ,&., found that . 4 the in 19.16 throughout po-or';3�ihor�r6itabsol�ieBia'rve,tion? to tell him�thja -*to degrade "mysal ­hoW - t can 1-4,ow * bon I 2 " And the. poor. girl � ,aacrifice�aebually -driven theie in the d I .. ay-, ,time, - though I know those spiteful Hall- -one elsels, shewhisperet i to liar Ankin . . . 9 -heart, and.proceerdod* to proauceher, bill room in a'few , iiiuths. he has not gee*n - I . him since and isin a bad prljgh.t, as he has . I this .country'and to BuffaloN Pat a time . . I I . . the couple kept a.millinery stare'On BroAd- � . . .. . qu%breaks of cholera . i -w the fftaxi�. . thoworia*erosyn�hr.pnous. ith. . maund,minims occurrences ofminspotsI. ' �O.fied )Israeli to and' frok mlaer ffiiserable ., .. . anxiety and aoubt. . ... I mana *il tel ,it allover town, -- and' of I . . I . course radall our.'uhforMinate: rela,tionAin 1. -1 . to one otthe ohopm.en, and then laid doNvii � . ill litid ree of the'five-p6tilid notes which she . � 'found' - ' . . got 11 . inting to 125, and her' pr money, amot . . watch and ch6;iii. ,They arrived in, Buffalo) . - tlTe enterprise pr��robd un�ucceis­ , W.6,y;, buV I ful.� He entered the sciwice of* *the Street .1 I . anapredia ' teamnoth6i grait'cholera, gensop : .Tb6n she took aflother letter from the *-her. And, after ,We - I havoi'done I this-, the. ­ I . - ­ . . T11 sh*opramn of course 'took them . . . up, -yesteramy, on,theii way -to. lVilliminsport; . '�ho , Railway Comp�ny, first &.4 a driver .on the , . . 1n1883.4, .Yl�f6u�cl.&,co3ineciionbetw�gix' . . . . � Juplter'to.the sun and the . . the -of pocket of liar diess�-6 letter frond I . . � . � I �. inothier. - .,, - �. ,. . I . cruel, reniarks, of i world, as:11 wore�-he, .. insulted'md I 11 . I . . . " . . .. I ' * . . . -commL without surpri4t� or int. He also, . . . . , . ' beon a victim 01 . has . . !'MiiPlUced confidonjoe far SO et'm(,.. Yesterday after. , ill I �� Bait Side,,aiid la�er as'& c liductor,on'th �� � a . .Maln.street line, his:wife .and three *6ild- . . I proximity . . � I , ,black aeatVana also, saw that .more do- - 6onditiong the . . . I �-. Alas I in this,. dis6rdekly scrawl, there . no ford. hopes;'fio tein4er Advice,' na Ana olice more Rig. dlynford began to bry,� But her husband,,w.ho' -was a sensible' &rhapsr, knew the- pretty gbvdrki: ass from Bri Rollse -by sight; bub� dgenorth I I if he A blip train for the east, hdon they'boarae but j�sb AS. th6 train Was pulling: out She rell residing at cold 1 . 9�ring�. - �. fe�r days ago.Mr. Ehrenberger received a cablogiam � . plorable would resulkfjor6t . I . � .. - Mr. . er, . . pekilielioui � Procter, thb astronoin . I I .were loving . CO , u . ns, ' *1 h ' el to. her ibient gir , sue. as mothers write, It, was I man, gave her no encouragement. . . IMIL'11�6 Said, 11 Bingley's'youirclaiidn, * thought of it at All, lie must naturally Wive . . I si�pposed that Miss Keane had'just. roe i . . elv- * I ' " - discovered that her tfaket.Waq r ' n1a rus6ld out and him.for Williamsport: He , . � I from the'family lawyer in- Europe -tothe '. affect that the elder-Mrs.,E lareala6r&r haa '. . . I . I has taken paina to sh6w that the pretended,. I . . . . . facts 46n which these stateinents rest are most ,affectionate ' only the aid story Over Again fliat the . * dim to a� ,,a . . - and, rnoreover,.he'rf a fellow 1 aoil'tpartic�larly like; but, fQrAll that,. i ad, her salary, and was therefore sure to I have notes ii; liar possession. � I . and over a fence south 'Of - the depot, She Idsbnotimeillg�ttingoffalso. Shetvaited died, and ,that. - 6ui conductor had'. 1AIldn I I I heir to' the entire estite; the V41ue of . � .. liaseless, afid, to prove �hat the great planets . will- not bi in perihelion in 1881, and they 0 ' governeB9 read iri`tU schoo'l-'room,' deepen bar tioubles; only, the Old; com. . : I �, think he wrved you right." I . - ,, Served "I Mrs.' -Glyn- � -The Dill she. bad called to pay,was. eleven pounds, &lid the, shopman lifted 'up- forlim in the ddpbt until nigb�. H6 came 10 they to the hotel, I which is bB'tim&ted at between. 00,60016nd .' I I .. . . I I . . � , . . . I orl on. any time. . - - . Will not All be in p beli at .1.. . ". . , I , plail2t I -Want. of Money I Thig was the' ; � cra-flng cry -which this 'ng girl constantl yo� Y me right'l repeated ford. ,,What A,C.Sagi- -W � . lllia:�a 9r, , . .the � , tbree.notes ,a � . -and the bill, and took them - t , ' . , o'clock- wellf . wid'about -where they k6mained until - this, morning,, 'with. §1()0,000. . . I . 11 . .. .. .. . .. � I ... . . — . . . . . . . . I . I - ` 19cotinno. - . I . receiv6d from home. -�. .. t� Simply, my-­Iffear,7that -as - �Ou ba've Mr.. Biligley's piivate office=for Mr.,Biog- the ,result above described. , . 1. . I A SWO)RIVIE J1101tuolt. . . I ..,, �. � . . . . , At Inph-Ewan, in Briaaalba - ne a 'family " . . I �. . $ i , . . 41Wo were almost entirely without . I indans,'! wrote her 7potber,- "and your .0 hOS0h virtually to cut Your - biother and ' - )lip wife for the last few ydars,svj� could ley 'looked after. tha� tmonetal� affaira, of - . . .__ ' his eatablislimblit'himself.: ' : " . .. I . - . . , . . . . I I . � . I . . ' : 1911� AN =xwItAo#c irtrAny 1JAsE. � . . . . I . � � . � .�.0 Amett iVontain.nmid Ater C6i-nndson . 0 of the -name- of MoNab occupied the same � � � . . farifi, from father to son, for nearly four I � . . . small enclosure, dear Sisay, came just : in - time. It the � not expect him to feel very gateful to you .. for paying her a visib. when Slip was: lid � . Mr. Bingley'(who,haa Scarcely ceased to 1661f at big siatek's, governess ginde she had ' . . � - � ' I — . , , . " , , . .� . X..r, Ion 'Manted for a .IVKntx who Allowed . � � sno,twed lip. In wheir chbilf-wher Bic . . , , - . . Xsefore Icelieg Reache-S. w1lel"'. I ,. " . . . centuri�s, till: within , these few years thd . . last occupier resigned, of the name. in ns, paid county court all mo . . and - the butcher has- agreed to give wEr a . , longer able to appreciate the Compliment." - . ' . ut6rod th6 shop),aaw bar give her bill and 0 . . I i� � "nughter. . I ooli to itfurry Ill J , . , '. �k , . ..... . MIDDLEBURG, - Va. , , an! , I - � u de . 10.7.- u ag�oq�' ,'Aiace , . Mont'ith has . Inlas, mf a , . . of Stowart,.iIi'Menf] little .: more credit. But, my dear. child, why d6 you not exert Yourself to. 'end -this Mrs.'- Glynford wa;s . very angry, but * . . ordered her own and her serVatAs' niourn- the notes to the- Man,- and - as thethvpman ' I . went, intd the pri lb�the vate, office'to go DALT111611R, Xan. S.-Application,lito been maderfoir thopurdon. of-Th'os. Bowent who' woman with liar gro,nds oil was Snowed in, . , duringthoi recent stoillis in this ,vicinity.'. - ame � . f turies possessed th : e 0 . , . .farms. .. I . .. I . . I miserable,statisolaffairs? Youare very ing at her brother's Shop' ,I_ partly;- because , '. in �the' there change and a igceipt, Mr: Bingloy followed I I 1. , . .. I . h4m: ' . 4.. I is pervipg a,pix years' sentence for Allowing 10 rdof of 'ib6ir Slier out A hole, through tl . `da'6iii long - . � . . .- . TheVarquis. of!Bute�,..hagintimated his . I Pratt, ,y;� Surely you. could get' bearried, .and not allowydur. poor mother to be degraded was no other gobol-draper's �uojg. Mr. Glynford, t07a, hma-partly­bapi - I . .. . .. . . . .The intm at'.onco presented Win with tho' . - JKS his ton to riiarry his' daughter. The'facts - I ,Nvere kept from the piablic at tile .time of and.thr�ast out a shawl on a pole � as'asigrlalofolistressl* A relief party with . . . *illingnesa to give 945;000 to - sagiat the I . as she. is now? my'llealth is so requPistedlibrAo.dothis, - . � - � I notes and the account ., xr.,Bi4gloy the trial and,'aro now disclosed. Thoysbovi great difficulty reached tlie.caMn;'butfouna, I ,: I authorities in building the now Common I . . I I Hall of the.. Glasgow University, - on condi", ,And . wret6hea . too,. and rain forced to take,so . "Don't be'foolish"' lie Said.' "If -you � . want. peopAs not. to ialk, try to.stop your ieceipted.'and stampeol'thie 'a t all I ocoun lit then. glancedcarelessly atthe notes, B . . that Bowen had lieen Intimato -with. a, yt)ung 1. ,bore -him - diedv the woman an(I liar grandson dead. . . . I . . . . . I I . .1 tionthatthe generalpublW should.within I . . much s4port. Altogether, I feel so, very . low, but I- hope to bear on your return that brother's .tongue by a- good 6rder. ' Put no sooner bad lie obaer�cd tho'n . umber on-Bewen ',bagerly woman wlio 16 Plan and . then. marripa atudil and conenaled � -1.._--_-_'.1_...__ I I . , ­ I . . . . . . , . . . 9, speoiftec! time provide Itinds Sufficient to , I . � r�is E6. a the substructure. . Happily, the- sell 'You bavo some prospects befoke you;, -that . Money into am I � I an!s pboiket, my, dear, if I') . Waiat to'stand Well with him I Ono - Of them th'iiii he started . I &lid , I examined. the two others. .,' ,ts of Ilia htwt ?i�arriago, ...He also the f'se ; 's6n DKCOVGJIK1JV AND.,C0,11,41110. .. . . I — .. .. - I � 1. . . ' , I . I � tug were ohiobloid to AY411 theiHiselvtis of the . I 0 richola man�arlytliing is better than . "am . as talien 0, fancy 'to you." YOU . � Mrs'. Glynford,abcordingly took liar hits. � . Thon he,openod Ilia. clesh,� andioolt 6fit. a ' . pretended that his N4s tile child:'of afi' old friend, Whom lie wag educating.. Ilia -zxtrommirdinary Atate I ot'",tvqathe r It* . . I Xilinol � I. . - , � I ­ . � � " ­ � munificent gift of the marquis. - . . 1 . I I � ­ ) at lo�at in Sutherlan(Tshlr6 I . On Ono eatat( 'd . povorty-m-h , The rest of th&I'dttor Was in the same strain -a 'selfish deg&affig letter," which. band's' advice, and tile handsome order which she gave at his establishment ,,a � I I 'brothWs Papar�.� Ila scanned.this, and then again exammed the notes 'and a grim sM&,, I of I oo�dil(l - wife bdro* him a daughter, to Who . a in. in time his son became attadhodandfinallY . 1. � . "U.: , , GALusRuRG; Ill., jift. 10. -Owing to the: " drought and cold'there' is it lack of water. -' . I . I I � gime preserving 'a s1l to be carried to a I � ... great extreme, and the . gklimbling.of the. made � its. roiidar'o fair ch6eks burn and . . � for aottit adfvea. - to Soothe hei feelings, , B'Utlie'did-not really satiifattiau passed tiverfiis, not very pleas, . - alab maintenance as bo'did so, � . aoughtberhandin inarriaga.. The father . objected, but whiin man The Chicago, Burlhigtbn ok, Quincy railroad. . I -the . . . tenants is loud and deep. ,A farmer on tile blush Shame. .1 . . ,. it Ob, mother, mother! " she . thought; "it .Wounded I - � forgive her;' Ile,took -off Ilia but to liar *' Ht)'Nvzsv,$Omewl'atcoaraoself-ind�lgetit�. looking thi's Bingleyl tliick.lip§,. .the young. pri4ibd for the roas'on.Dowen would -gi�e. none,And , had to withd,&�w I fires."froth .their, on&6� and yesterday paid -000 for ice to cast: coast is About to raise an action agoillist . . . . bfsUridlord for compensation for damages I I . � � . -YOU would but'conquer this fato.1 weak. noss-If you Would � not,:driuk ovorythinj I with asatirioalbow'wbongliedgme into big shop, or when lie m6b liar 6& I rridge in inall, with . dolish complexion, and readish-griLy a - rei finally, to prevent all exposure of his early indiscretion,. Bbwen consento,4 . I'to-Abe inar- � , ". - malb. Many individurbla are 'Melting ice -from. t�e Mississippi. The cold avcrbtges , . ! . I . , done Py game. The case, Wbich -is one of . I . . . 1, '. . more 'than' local interest, will 'be closely � - away -.how happy we might be I But it's - ,limys' Aq�me thing�always the Sam a old . the streets, but he. never spoke -to her. Ile - � kept outofher�vay, WtAllthesame.'he hain His eyes, laowevor�uatlror Contra. . dicted the impression of his mouth. They 1, riage A rejected, Suitor f6r his ilaughter's I ', . . baud -investigated and disclosed the fa.CtS in i y night, . . , an below zero ovdr . . _��.._* ­__� , '.. � I I- 0 � . . I watched by '11 Who have uotbeen e . . . . by the ing. 6f. the Hares and nabbits ,the miserable stbry; ana now its,Woight has i . 11 . 7 itnew ,pretty ivell how things went on' at . I . Bridgenorth Hduse. - ; . wdro sharp, and sbrowa-h%rd, ,.even cold.. 11 You Can't Cheat ino," they Seemed to 64y; . the Case, wliiell- led, to Bowan's convictibil. - . 14ovember'. .. - The Eccontrielvemittl � .*. . - . "BE -he . . . - Pass � . Bill. - . I . � . . I fallen. upon me.1 . She rose-restles8ly As glie.made tbesolast . , '.thus lie know tb�, governess both, by. � but lais other features told a differeilt talb, * last . 0�, I �1. . . .-.--.-. ,. i . It a doubtful whatlier inbabitants remember a Winter in Which I ' Aitken, Inverness, keturill . .� I . . Dr. 9 in Nairn . � lately, referred thus to 'd r6ams : Perhaps I � 110 � bitter refloctioda�. She had,' indbea,. I longer' time to sit 'still, To -morrow the Sight and liame., -He fhoreforo made no, objection to Miss-Haspo's ordeet NVhon - sbol . While Ito was looking at the notes, Ilia shopma'n �vaa lo6king at'.1ilm. And, by the I TVI I Al A jw, . ,ViNi,t 001190 I TRKH� Ila .AAAOW . . . . I _s_ Q. Apeapeo there was s6 little. siioW. at this phriod of there., is this winter. Thera . 'on to the I reNbla- .we pay too little attonti . tiois, of aream: li. At allevonta w6 carry ifo. holidays began, and'she was going to her home for it month; Aic had, . . gave Ono, and it pretty, well-mado dross - , wits sent from the shop ilirtront-Areet,in expression of the shopinan you shwnd love 'as log twoon theni. tingldy was un� W . 6 be � millith, [hot Luncliblorg ftllvmler�w) - � I . front .Inli. . . the season 160 , has boon little more thaii three orfouxv. A , be, . 6ifeelves . into our ' , sleep, and 'our dreams . miserable refore, 'inany arrangements the to mm a tiMe for the clii.1(1'9 ball at Bridgeriortli I popular. He paid Ilia waybonostly Chough ; two . ; , Smith, son- HALIFAX, Ian, B.-Robart tencea to be bv�ugod at Luncliburg oil tile -inches - Pit tiny. time. Prof. of the United States Signii ,�*ashirlgton, .. I . often botray to us Wbat�wo really are. If our life is blameless hnd �slngle�4earted, so beforoshar want to* bed; HOrpa0king As , ' to begin,., and tho'goollor she comme ,ad "C"80- . . .. * . . But it C b Marc than-Misalteane bad in. 0" -but there Are ways even of payin'd Ono is pleasa,lit, and th5 oil) " 42�n_6_'S way. or �Oth instai4 for. the. murder of John I ruey, . . inalluding to the numoxous foredagtg�of - Mail, AaYS: 94 it ­ � are not vOrl . . ' . will our dkomins be happy, and in them our I I it now the bottell.' . . . I banded to pay Altogether, tile bill eame to cloven mud thid'bill the poor disagreeable, andBingloy chose the dig- . . - I agrecablb Way. . . I escaped from� jail at that placo shortlyniter midiiighblastitight, Tho-albwln was given Weather, Which I we find tla at for several monilig the average . MOAt cherished visions will be realized , if I out life is the reverse'; it is ro vdalod td tio But it was a weary task I The loved I its - word - h6ine, for heir, 11ILd lie Music In p.�,d" governoss was now unable tomooti - � She had, in faeti b8ou to ask � *. . " John Roil." lie gairl, looking upaliarply, " ask that Young htdy-MiSg H06110 -Who 'by the prisoners confined in an adjacent room, anot the shoriff and. jailor started ill bas been wet ,or cold, it maybe prediotod - that during , the, i"Imediate succeeding � . in all Its deformity, and r6mors"ind bittot- I Item Vill even follow ug there, . 4. sound. $lie know. too well What it Meant. Her mother's bloated coun, touaiido - liar compolled Mrsi Glynford to give her her, noxt,quartar's wit has just pai&tIlig, motley in to stop this Y I 6� liar." pursuit. They want as far as Bridgewater, but rot4irnea- without lialing disco�erod I month - the weather will be .the reverse, that is, dry or warm, Then, we ban got . . AN AwFtll, PXOTUREI.-Mr.W.M - Donnelly young mistot, peavish and deformed I These' wore the finagostbat, -this word salary in advance, for hot, mother's circum. Stances' were, by her own 'account,, now I forafewiniriates. Want word with It Very well, -Sir," replied sofinson ; and be allytra�doffiim- TW6 CIOPUV-Slletifts, Are - &t.thot matter in anotbotwiy. 'Whoniatio 1"obruar.. ave ertain. wag % passenger by the ftaih,from the weg� for ber. But, -till tho'satno, shemuAt pro, I almost aespor%to, I ' ,,We are statving," the mother o had w alked out of the Chloe to� obey'lAs oxii. player's commands. . now Olt the .voad. On at exa Mina,tion of hiscoll it was found - that Smith, who had "lir ohlyroloteriotics, the lattor part of the year, . .,the oiber evening, The newsboy came round with P; bc ok conta�ining Ali account 6f potie it) go. So, slowly and wearily, she . trunks want up tothe attic till the writte'n, andwbat could bho daughter .,do? Ila felt sorry for the pretty girl from -rr. boon secretly prdVided with an 61d,Mill file, had 114 inclibs thick October, November and December will have, Corresponding Characteristics. Thua� ­ . the Murder of big rel&tives,'and When Wil. limn looked thfough tho little book lid sud- 4glfieke wore 'kept in Brid b Musa. Mrs, I �;c . al Ow on GlyMortfi would. not a to remain fil . She aid what she could; Rho begged Mrs. vol. W pay her salary in Advanc GI lie 0, at] a Bridgellorth 11olis B . . a wlion be gave liar. a , . . inglaylg message, . burn ad the Woodwork around the ata,plo holding the fastening of . the Weather may be foretold, in.'w gbnoral months Ahead. But no mail in % . . donly burst into toarg, The passenger . . Any of-tho bed-rooins. I' to 3141 GIynford had- amid cry rildo 00 11 and unkind things to liar (5ntn1v occagioll, laisg Koitno started,' turned pale, Ana I . . , than sudolftly ied. . I .the door, : 1-16 concealed b is work from day day by the use of some lime, which he age, some . 001 I devised 0, plan which the worl(I hAS evot � sit ext bitA observed that he bad � ill n the page which gave the likellesA Unpack your things," Aliehad'6icl tile governess, oil bar first ttrrivai, ,, itua ,, Ana there is anothor thing I wisu to impress Miss Keane," Mrs. � - Is thoro anything Wrong? 11 she said, "Why (100013ingloy wish to speak torrid?ll Ito bad quietly secured during a, r600116 lime Washing of the Coll, The populat %yiah in will f0rdoill special StOrWS Oil COrtaill days, I or Which will offer a gonuine prediction for - � , bar 011e of thd most execrable o Z_ . " IJ116 at ill rXilooRb was 'ever turned out of then -take yoAV boxes tothe trank-m6m, X can allow no, shabby old boxes 'stand ing upon you, said Glyn forcrauring this iniorviow� 11 Do Sure ,,I emmot, toll you, miss," said Johnson, Lunouburg is that he may not be captured . & long poVioa in advance", . _. _ _ . . ­_ I . I . . . A I li . . 011hi , dupAift. ty. rooms I 11 you never buvo anything oil orodib at 11 Whether -Ila saw -anythingiong about the I don't But . — hoadquartOrs ..O. . The revenue from inaiveat toation in. . . I I ,,,, ., - " Miss,. x0allo, the goverilessi -had old.boxos, and. blushedwith all & Dingloy's shop.,, Always'pay for,whatyou got tit iho time. . motps,or llo�-but iio,V, you : haabottor speak to him." . Th&buildingodcuplcol, As the of the Militia at Philippopolis 'has boon Vvemeo during 180 - exceeds the Duagevs ... girl.'s - oensitivencog about tvidds., MisHoanoll6arol thigo wordg,ohof . �Altillg aviOIOAt OffoirfitOcOnty0theraclf, . -burned and Ovosontinelaparished', � I estimate by 109,000,000 itafieg, � . . . .Wholi � ; : . I I I . . . . . U I I . . � I . . I . I I . . . . . � . I I . I . I . . . I I : . � . I I � . I . I . I . . . I . . . . . � � , I . . . 4 . . I . I . .. . . I - I . ) I I . .., I . . - I : I � . . I � . . � . . I . . � A )� . 0 . . . � . . I . .. I . . � . I . I , . . . . . . I . . . I . I . _L& 1. . � . . , � . .,Amm,_,. _,LAL.-, __ 1- j . I - 1. 11� . . . . � i i�l . 1 4k L A I � � . .1 I � I , , . � " . . 4& I'. I .�