HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-13, Page 2. .
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XoIly Old-, Vedugoollts-
_. -
. . I .1.11 1�
when Mrs. Gly)2fQr4 made her ungracious imewthaisheowet:1313ingley's
, .
. 1. 11. .. -
. shop eleven
pounds. The bill had been sent In already
Mi a Keane then followed Solmsou W Mr.
Is ,
Bingley's private office.
I �
� . -1
" I . .� ,Tw�ao
I . I . .0 I ,
L L a jolly oldliedagogue, long age, remark.
Tar It and slender, and sallow and olry' ,,
, . I
. 11 They aro indeed Shabby," she tbou,ght, .
twice, and the po vness, bad.intend
it received her money
Mr. Bingley was standing, ivitla his back
to the large Are burning. grate., as they
__ —
u I , I
Mein el.0 Vatic of 04 ID18100
. . ft '!"so 01114
11 . 1. 4 This Teg,jr to Witimess the Des-
- beat and his Jait was slow,
H is form was looking
- r J
His long thin bafir wake as w ito'sSianow,
at the two worn out black trunks,
which bad first come into use on her,
ed to settle when Sh6 ,
re the Christm. ms.holidayo. Mut no
befo w
- . _
Want in, and,haLmovea. forward a, otep,,ana
1up0ts"iminto Imalp.
� .
I IMoption Lo the World.. P
. � . ,,, f 1.
, . .
But a w6fiderful twinkle Phone In his eye,
iliet as he went -to bed,
AndbastiligoVeXV - I
11 h wa hero below; 'igo.
mother's wedding,day, twenty-three years
. L . 1.
She was f6rcea to, spud. this money Away
be .
fare it was due. I
placed a chair for the governess.
11 Good morning," be said; 49 cola morn. berate
.. .
MoNTusAxi, 1gli, 5-A ease of very 44- �
suicide occurred here last night in
I , 0 1 . I
. .
As 3Lepat that U W, bps 111other Shipton
Lot ( ,
us be &f I
The livimig sb6u7jive, though the dead be dea.d,l
I . 11
. . '
raoutbs, when.
89 during the next three .
,he wasatin undecided what to do about
.,utseasonable, Takeaollair. Tolinson, the
lug, b
case of, a young man n4med Rutger I .
I , ,
� 3prophecied-The, Pyramids. plid the
. I ip em, net
lisarms-14ammetairy PletprOln, . ill
$Aid the jollyold peaugogue,long Age. I ..
L . .
Hatalight his scholars the rule of three,
ever oli� went intio. :PArnbame,. In, the su�
. .
burVE 0, which town her employers lived,
this bill-whetheir to aep'.Uj, tingley, ox to
write A letter Asking him to wait-wherl
go out and slant the c '
Johnsop , t, ailasbut the door.,
- went on
Martin Nevisous, who has been a resioliilt
of the city for about two years, and came
L . Rpolmi"
the ]Baleful Infinest" ot 8=0
. . I people
iLvieninint Jamaisiding i1or Neryoup, , � I
' , Ing, and. history, too;
Wx1talwand read .1
t c
He took t a little Ones ut�011 his, knee,
art in h a breast had hel
she always looked into the trunli-sbop *in-
dows, to. see if there was Anything likely. to
. Qwnber ,
she went -up to, blip attic to bring 4
. I
boxes to pack, and her new portmanteau. .
at ter IliVar
,. and theil, Mr.. Bingley'q manner
obanged. .
here from Millstone, in tile, at, te . Ne
a of W�
Jerety. Ile ,had been acting as, A book.
, . 11,
. .
. . . '1$ceptitcall setentilm's.
� I
And the wants of the littlest child he know ;
"Learn while you're young," he often said
- �
Suit her narrow purse.
She Sighed, regretfully when she looked
)d possession. 'I
u4mc, f she, bad
at the last �
He, put oil
� a familiar air, and with sonie-
� L I I
thing - between %leer A -ad A sneer, lie laid' L
keeper on when be
,til a feW,Montha Ago,
becam - a -
, e A,dolicte&�o convi I liabits An �
I wial
11 . MOTAB I
� I 'The World tOL t%n end shall come in 1881,
I .
.1 There Is much to owo,T down here boGw.
Life far the livinq and roe for the do4d I"
But 'no. Two pounao,threepounds, even
four poun4s, would be on impossible sum
, 'wafo,
, L I
,lot foo,lishly,,bought this portmantes,li, Slip �
thinking, she mig4t, have had a little
the three Ave -pound notes 4bich Miss lost
is bid given the. she Man on the desk
zeal I . . . V � I. I
his situation. The depression on his
mind produced by being thrown. out of tam -
. - fix the celebrated
I 'I -L otherShipton i I
sais M
ajollyoldpeds. euo,longago,
Said th .90
for barite, give out of expected,cItlarterly
� whole
payment from Mrs. Glynford, as her .
.. _
more money left. .
help for this,
before hlm� I
'6 Now, lady," be Sai A 11 I Am
oyineut anadepending for the Support of I
I maoilf and his wife on friends. led to still -
Ei '
. O?heQY bearjng� her name, which
;it attention over the English.
With stupidest boys be was and cool,
Speaking only in gentlest tones;
salary wasonlyforty poundaNyo4i, Ana
But now there was no L So
she carried her portmaoteau down to her
y6ung . -
going to ask yolla* question. Wheiedt4you
. I
deoperinaui.gence in drink, and then the , ,
. . r..ted .91
.L. I has obtaiRed
speaking 1,worlol, and
the 1
Thc� rod was hardly, known lit his school-
. n,g to him was a barbs,roms, rule,
'11.0pt hard work for the poor old bommos,
Mrs, Glyuford expected that she would �
. . I ting costume,
, d appear in even,
dress well, an
bed -room, It was A, convenient pacIng.
case,, After All. It hold her limited ward.
I 21, ,
get these notes
Miss Keane flushed scarlet, but to .9,
I 11
use of opium in the form of Morphine,
I . I
which he kept in the house. Last night -
. credence, notwithstanding
no .little
�. statement that the alleged prophecy :
Besides it was painful# he sometimes Said;
n she went with her pupils, into the
wbe L I
' "
robe, in fact, except her dresses, and these.
dertain extent she retained bar composure,
- retiring to rest in a or zed State, he
aftei a
was no prophecy' at all, but the
. I �
I . London Bohemian
11 We should make life pleasant down here below
The living noed charity more than the dead,"
Said the, long ago.
drS,Wm :
r �_I!Qom.
Thus with a sigh, she would turn away
' L
she placed in the despised black boxes.
The of tile indeed,
"Why do,you-ask,4r.Bingley2'1 she
. ,
got u and procuring about ton grains of i
morphine, ).is drank it in some water, god .
. production of a
I - �
. I Who, pretended that it dated back from the
jolly old, peuiloogue,
I . .
He lived In the house by. the liawth ovne lane,;
from the trunk -shop, and had pi,linost given
. . I .. . I .
up the Idea of buying one at all, when,
I pooketa portmanteau,
seemed endless, There were packets P:
14 I have a reason. for asking," replied Mr,
was net finishing his dreadful deed'when
hi jif _ , I -
d her`�
. . 1. sixteenth century.. Whether this Allegs-
I .
. tioH be true. not, certain it is that the
with Vegas Jwd woodbillb over the door;
His and
. I . I
,passing &.broker's sbeip Qnedg,y, amid the
inner packets, 'and, Carefully examining
thepe, she perceived a -smg slit in the
Bingley. ,,I am not sure, but 1-faucy I
have seen thee 9 notes before."
" . awoke And . aske �daim'wllatr �
was doing. He replickhy.,stating that he , ;
I I or .
I . . )erlodbetween 1881 and 1 1887 has long been
� . I
lull - 6f
rooms were quiet, and neat, plain, .
Bvt a spirit of comfort there hold reign,
- , -
And made him forget he was old and poor.
Strange migeellaily it contained, i she*saw a
� I
leather portme'at,bau, ticketed eighteen shil,
. all
striped lining of one pocket. -$begot out
her to this, anain turning
"But -it you Ara not sure?" faltered
Miss Keane. 1.
had taken the oleaffly cliug,, Ana it was the �
last time he would trouble her, Medical .
me awful pignifl-
� . regarded as i ti .
I I 1. f good or evil. The Morm
cAnce, whether o,
IF I need so little," he often so,id, . .
. - .
lings. * .
'Xrs,'Glyriford, hadiinfQrtunately giv 04
needle mend
- .
the lining back better to perform the task
ly, looking
I � , Bingle -
"No, notsuro," i3a4d
aid was summoned, but all ,efforts proved �
.. �
ailing, a, *04
untiv the unfortui)Ate man di, 7
. . mono, a portion of the Spiritualists, the
. I �
I BeconaAdventiwbB and others, hold that
Won!t litigate over morwhou I ara. dead.". I
. I . .
� I
her her Waiy that m6rnin and she yield- �obe.
I � �
. 91
plilled out with it a small flat p
i I I I %real,
which had been pushed up through the
bard at the girl, Ilblkt still I think so,
However, you wish to pay your account .
tb.1,r, mo"In The coronerla Jury ran . �
9. -
. . . d: many
� the mlllenlun� is near at he,nd, An, .
.. . � .. .... � . ...... ... .._... . J -1887
I- . � .
-a ree inplacing' it bet Open 1879 s5id -
But the agalitast time that he hail, of all, ,.., �
XV0re tV0e0.QQ1%bJq.hQUr,'0 11QMAVAtAV,Ag6-': .
With big chair tipped back toa neigh o.r'swalli I
ad to, the temptation of having a respeda4ble
I I .11 .
111'1; C
ir,ve ass in'ller po�session. Yet the
slit botween1he lining an& the leather-
A-11- 11. .. � . . - _' �
11, a Ill slid
Nature, y a e opene i is parcel, ,
with those notes -wherever you got then ,?,p
11 I -I came td pay my accoulit", answ er-
deredAhe following verolict : 11 That the .
decqaoed caino to his death .by".taking �
. .
u he proplievies of evil seem by far the
it t
. I t. , AsIrologerst wizards and
making an unceremonious ball, .
. Over the pipe and friendly tpasa. *
plir. id - pass without her regretting her
he,Xb for the night's. post broug] �t a
gave a balf-oryas she did'so. Awouderful,
for she tMilght, a welcome
ad miss Reane,very, nervously.
. I .
ntionally a quan�ity of
a morphine w. e
in a state of aelinum," I
I I most abund
. All �
soothsayers have concentrated all' ,maimer
.1 . .
This was the Anest pleasure be saidt . .
Ofthemanybetastet1herabol' , ' .
" ONo It
letter from her Mother, askin -for thd'loaul
� I �
oftenpounds, Shebadriaceived tenfroin
and a moment,
sight met bar gaze. Fivegresh fivepouA4 �
[To be oQAtInued.1 .
. .
. . - . . . .
. � . of Sinister predictions upon the year 1881,
. . and people who are not willilag to admit
Who has no cronies he had better dead I
.Said the jolly old pedagogue, Ion g ago, �
. �
Mrs. Glyliford, but tw9 .V�pre already gone.
bank -notes were onoi6sea in the little. Ilat
parcel. that She ba& found, and now She,
- . I � , ._
I . — �
. I . . I I
lAnle ofthe Xfr�ct%
I , . . . . I . that they are- Superstitious, regard ,the year
with more .or less Anxious expectation and
. .
Then the jolly aldpOolagogue'swrinklod face - '
' 'Arclt,d all over in sulislinty $1bile$;
She had bbuilit a few littl nonessLr' a
her portmanteau 1, . �, � . I �.. . is I a a . ii . I .
knelt with these five -notes in lier* hand by
the side of her portmanteau.
---.1. � I .
Slid Jolsottiter to it. nine;*co, ipamily�
of time Eccentric f4cott i
. . 81144er%A�* sirange opire -, , - I i
� I . . .
, . I . . , . .
dribad. .
- -, __ _:_ . _ , . .. .
He 8 i an old-sabool grace,
tirred his glass wit]
kled and sipped and prattled ilpace; ...
Vhuc I '--"-'Yc--
- She sent her mother the.aight. poun4�
I . . .. I thus left
she had .in her nossession, ani .
� - ' - ' .
She looked at them one. After the other,
stared, at tbqm examined thom-parefull Y
-d -kidseR � In the
An Age Mother 11Z
F1alncm.,%v,hY!�Mnrn Dolva the. Iffolne-
. _�,� I'll --1- �.
- '_
MONTREAL, ,TKA. 5-the holAsebold
effeotsott_�o.jg I
... 1. 11 . , ppAtklg� 'Aig,tqrs. �Scott, � ,.
� 4e..ew
� ,
I : . The pr;gimoatj�ations bf evil Jahb 9,11
-%'ill the house grew merry from collar to tiles;
I, �':R% itrqtty� old Mae,': he% "tly scia,
erse penni ass, . .
thenexti.quarAor _ofAh&yea*r;_&,
- , �
andwas convin� th��t�ke �
ad X_W�e-t"gAlix,10-
_-j_--_.,___,._ .
. - .
;G�4._ . '
--V1�oERN-%7-d-dj;,-Un-C- -J`ai'._ -
Ta -=W1 iouWof
wholeft a law g,q fortune ,to endow &L)fes- _.. I
s -or -s-41- i"n— McGill Univqr-
7 p (I scholarship in I
__....___._._. " . . . - � _ _ . , ii3snuer-of-for-me-9,4d-shapes,anda*e-based-
� I I .
uponall con-ceivable,rkinds, Of "calculAtioli.
, � , _
- . . .. ". -_
-- - . .4- Ji.XIJk, wq� IV- Iiu .- I 1. . .
Bui�,My�-bourtis.froshif,myyolith-bas at 1: , . .
_-During. .
d,s.,JAnoe wasjiven at Bridgeriorth
. Qbil ( I
n O . . . .
, Then anotlier question presentca. itself
- ,
'. a. ]�IcLean, of tbis place, was discovered
Mr ,
sity, we�e do ' '
ia to -day', "I:ty auction, and
. �. I
. . . -
.-.-- - People were called uton, some years ago,
- �
�S id the jolly old pedagogue,. long ago.. .
" . ;.. .
House,, and.'Mrs. Vxlynford amid. to bar
governess that she �hoped she had,houglit-
otherrifirrid, If'liats7iottl�Ialic(lowit7itIteiit2
- �img.
to be,on. fire about3 o'clock yestaradymora-
The-ala�r&-was first tiveng-by'lier
a crowd. The ..
attracted 0, large I
. I and curiou
house, -which was sitiluted, in tlfb e4b "d - *
- to�'obaerve'whatwas balled tYe , prophetic .
. , I . symbolism of the great pyramid of 331gypt.
H"Ioliociiis i;ip in the balmy air, - * .
Every night when the Sun went do
herself, or would buy herself, a now. dress
, I .
Sliehaol no right to-' thonx -�ut lokrit,'016
supposed so. True, she had bought the
' I
father, an infilm-old mail, who rouse.d the
of the City; was greatly dilapidated boill, '
I . .
. .
I I . Prof.Piazzi Smith� the-Englith utrouomer,. .
- . .. . � - . . . . �- '. . - �
ad in his pilvoiry hiiir,
Whilst the soft wind play. wn
Leaving its. telidw hisses theroir - .-- , -
. . . .
for the occasi I I
on, -
'Alwal .the �oor-girl hgd'.not. now
, ortmantean, and they '
P, ., Tust have been Ill
iuma,tes. Mrs. McLean's eldest son, after
first Awaking his mother, sistei and brother,
outside and inside. Tile. , inierior of the . ,
dwelling had &.,elf torribW neglected-, .aud.' ' �
� contended that they were not only me-
. moriala of a system of Weights and
On the jolly oldpoolagogue's jolly old crown;
A' nd fooling tho.kisses, sibiled, and said,
means at aoiiig so.'. But After. Some con,
When she had purchased it. But did that
* . .
inAke them* hers? ,, .
I .
esotipedby !he front door; getting badly
It iy, owi;g to the strange ,
was extremely A I . � I
. . I )a .perpetual, but
. measures, intended- to I I
11 'Twas a glorious world 4o*n hare bolow; : -
Why wait for hmp piness till'wo are dead? 11
. sideration determin d. to oriler one tit
the shop in FarnlAame where the family
She.- knelt there Still, thinking. They
burnt about the boad and hands. He theit
succeeded in rescuing big sister and brother
liabits of the h6tp ocatipttnis, who keptilo� .,
Sor vanti, male'or feinalp, except -a 4hore- �
-./ that the dhanuels of the,' pyramids ropre*
- I . . .
�i - sented - the, important epochs in history',
� I
Said the jolly old peda,gogne, loug'ago� � .�
I . . . I
dealt, -Au&where she h%abought the few
Must have beloDged'to %om6`one; but that
� Some one might now he dead. Some poor
I 1, .
Ow. :
by the bed -room wind' The mother.
I I I .
rna�uto light fines, Every artioldof furni- I
.. iand thus indicated events still to come.
night ., .
Ile 'eat at the door one midgummer 1. .
. .
After'thb sun had iu:nk in the )vast,
�rl which . she had already puhas
e � .
Jn the' town. . I
sailor, perhaps,. and big jortmantoau . had .
. . . I
became overpowered by the lieftane nol-e
. M
and perished in the flames. .T hild,pp
turd, pictures and statuary was covered I I
. . I
With the accumulated dust ofyearg. �Every- - �
. . . . I . Startin� with.m proposition that an,inch ,
I. I Jre�.reBents a. year, it was clearly reasoned
. - . I I I
And the lingring beams of volden light
' While t C, odorous night-wina . vIiispoire(j.
I 11 I I .
, . . I
This �Iaop.mugt be specially described.
I to a Mr. Bingley, and -though .
it belongec
-hd sold by t a per.
been caston .share, a h
son who picked it tip to the broker from
I �
gave. the alarin to the neighbors who turned
and succeeded in pre�entiug tbe'fire
I was ofdayslong ago, t%,nd.migI,lt.be".
allobly toirmed. antique, . The eleganc
-ice -
� . b not only was th� -birth
out b man 'Gently,
.,Of C�iyj,t fo)r'
. . � .
rest I
gently he b oNiod,his-bcad,
Mrs. Glynford hbped that no one-knew,.or
whom sho had bought iti, Thus she Bpecu-
lated. 'It this were the case, whose were
froin 6atching in Ahe stablqs"atta6hed to
apa refinemont of the nineteenth century -
. : .. Cr _
lv�n at;Wh
There were angdls waiting for-lilm, I know; ,
. He vas sure of happiness, living or dead .
- .
, tit least, remembered. ill( .33ingley.
I ,
� 1 3 fact�=Mr. ' �
was Mrs. Glynforrs own brothef.
IlieYT''Not 16i,-Glyiiford's, Ettleast,fdr
Bruce's Hotel, which were, only a few , fefet
distant: Th6bld MI an is badly burnt about
lied evidently not entered- into that exclu-'
, , ,
SiVA abode. Among the various articles
. command,to
. I . . .
. . f, 11 . .. ,
� 0 Egypt,
This j9j ly old pedagogue, long ago I .1
I .
� 1. . _G,,A,,.;1u�.O1W._
- But aconsiderable sticial ateplay between
she had nothing .whatever to d6 with them;
. -(i,
yet if -she were to tell Mrs. Glynford 0
'the head, The .fire . is supposed to have
. I
-found belonging tu th6e. unmarriod, ladies
' '.
. �. . .
I . . (O
. I -
. .
I .. . i .... � I
. � � . i , . .
them. Mrs. Glynford had been a pretty
. . I I .
girl, and had married"Mrl. Glylif6toi, a
- .
Miss, Keane decided) she.was sure thput, the
. .
orjginate�'froml a defective stovepipe.
. I . . . .- -
. . .. .. � .
' '
was a collecilonlofinen's old hats, Vill d in
. .
every,-roorn were numerous specimens of to-
. .
. . Mr. Thowas WilsQu,of Chicago; it is said;
I recently developed eIgeorrietrical relation of
. � .
. I
It - � . -1. . .
. — .
widower and & coal -owner. � He Was fairl Y
w011 -to-do -when Aho married * him, and
, in stress of the house' would claim . them
I ,
.far har own. : - .
Twenty --five P 4smali to
� . � : � .
- mtiK?,TiZ(1U 'OU'V911
it. lloluANCLI . I S �. .
I 1 .— . . I ,
. the same kind. Tile stylei of these head. -
coverings were its ancient as tile furniturti.
. . the -pyrg.Mi4 to chronology, by which 6
..... . I
s ..- _u
, LA 1�?vel-By. Dan, Russell I ' -
I � I
' " .
i din . a circle �bove. tho'B"ingleysi wh .
move I
pourds Our sum
. .
a rich woman, but alar& tnia to the poor
it prinep SInvehodder �
ID calli of an Aditqn' . .
The-- Sale rea,li7ed only �150,'whjlst'th'o
I -_
- . . n Hiber of remarkable dates Wdrecorfe-
. ' lated- b I y triangul4tioil.-, 'Dr. E verebt W.
. 6UAPTER 1. .
I . . .
I iy.
wbre drapers in a large w 'ill.thetown,
I . the
_. I .
, cire-buiddhed'governess. , , . .
. WAIMENTON,V , J . 0, -Au dged iiegrb,.
, - k. , all
lived ,alone,.
estate Of tho'late owners is Roove a qua rt�r - -
of a-l�flllioli doallars, large. of
I .
�. . . I .. Fish, of Now York city, in. a. recent'book on
' . . .. 1. AXOlqEX . . . .
scarcely.,wassheInarried when
now passed'ai�ay wondvrfully prosperous
"Iwonder ifIrnightbon-010 tlleinil'�t
. �
Hannibal Browl.'who was,
found dead Friday night. He- had
a portion .
wbioh goes to public objebts, and the bal.
. . . . . . .
, theTyramids, holds that the. impending
. . , �Vall at the south end of the grand gallery
. .
. 1. . .
, In the gobool-roo , in of Bridge . north House,
1, Midl,ndshito;. about half -past 9 o'ologk
days of coal -owners began. Mr. Glynford
, . -
, &Me suddenly rich, and, Mrs. Gly.nfbrd
.Iaqt She thought - .
This sum.wouid, pay Binglev's bill; iw6uld
her lioin'e---4;)onvy 'to
probably frozen to death a we . ek ago. He
Nvas�,'brodght to this c6 1 untry ftoin Afrioa iii
ance to: di.Aaat'relative�.' Only a few days ..
ago,�,1,20dinbaiikiiotes w -ound ia''4n-,
. � I in the. interior - of th6 Pyramid mud the
. - - .
, ..__... --.-,. -- -----1 - e an-
. . narrow paqsage. eyon , SYM 0 izes
. . . -"""v,-,-,*,a-""-,",boi---,--th, , ""
� one-Decomber. o,v,4uing,.-,tlio,w,eazied-goy.er--.
down -7ith '
, I
, . ' , I
rR�e t6'the occasion. 1. � I
- Slioi� 'b�a- sifw� &Yslie'e'n a', littloi' �aljgdr 1�
Jetwo mohey to take
- I -
. -1-1.. � .
, , , , �
I thi�t Ilia. fath er�_ waki . a;
1820. He i0firmed I
. a.§AQ0Jn_.&u.ol4 parse ,v! all,.,,
. _ -
.. . .
had.probiably-beeii _h1ddpu'&N!*ay1years ago.-
. . reseirfopooll P,ild t
- ! closure pf- the pi �be eud:6f!
. . .
. the though. not of -the world. I I The*
a � hea y
eo� of ,the family. Eat ,
' . r I lba;it,� h
sigh, feeling that fo 'that diy,, &� er
- ,
. . I ,
POOr woman; and now grew unbeaiably'so
11 liar b -or brother,. the,
sisW. I.,* . . ., .. I .
. The tamptktion. grew.stronger. 'They -be-
. . roof of hia royal birth, 'and om
1119 P anci-
and forgo fteu. - As a further , johrk of tile
_., � I : I.. . - �
- I . �, - 'thei pa;sSag6. out of ills -grarid-
-11. - . , .. DAr.rdW66AS- of . I
'' , -
� . I
_ _gro� Q�Lpr. . . .
Jdaj�.s ,W - � buit_'Ib- '6sbdT-qibr,'
She was -a city girl, is night a a
head ii turfied,?'
. ,
'said�u:' * d�--alid-vIl-on- Mn-
i lhi� wd I . I
- atleas sliomenially,
IoA9fR.t.o_14Q*. o� Q_UAW t, A _
pitted him long.befor.'o the iv4r. Hannibal
. I ' vo�isted, it. .
wa. I
eccentricity'of!tfie oldladies,ydur corres
" - ; I-
� pblidelit.,hua-worme fLv, Arr.1%
dlo�.'dayby..Xr.,A -1. � _
. I AQ
Ir I
al r , 0,.. ayS, ,rglgnMMgrnV�trjbj1-�
I I- . . , . ,
. . 'on the froin,188M to'
-ijj- -r- -,VIj1dIT,,*Otry.
�IRXIJj�JZaEl ),Iii%UIa ook . .
,,Glynford.bou i�ridgeu -Hotise, lira.
� bjffl�k
' a1ie' A— —
�0'ngei �ouuiena;3��
- I
ro, &
a - &rn�U"-n"s,_A1td,1
' ' 2� o,ving-br.,glig, u
- -
, s,� as far .nalknown; the
inalaves, and iva
i avin' � ,
is that they b�d n adea
Stepbei will )a 9
p�.Q,pq .1y_, -tg
� a, 0 all earth
. . t
. . �
. .1 . EVA plv'ue�-
1886. a- this is the age of the gr
i ,
and anxiety will give even.-bb'the 'fairest
� . .
f I . - - . , I .
. . I
a& ures.. - �
I - � r owfi
family,., Y at she still dealt at - ihe Shop.
p * land tlfe'fl'�e, notes Witlii� R
her, urge � ,p . I
. c . . � . .
� I . I
- lt&t]Te-Uilitecl-stt�t-ea-w-l-io�w-ti§.,;n,,
_6X_1Iy'JIdr'r-d' - .
- _' From his slaves - lie requiied'
- _'('_�F�"'-
"I '
.�neady_alLubeir_ . l: adies'
t i,p;,__;_1W_
_ihe' a I . �
College��ati inititution f' ,
� . . or- -
, . . . 4 I � per eus, the -.probabilities ofits-C
- . -
- McCny. piihittil ilidughts -were indeed
She, indeed, did this at lierbugba''fiol's.com-
� I I �. — .
I . . . I. . .
. ,
tli lie ma�,*.-P'due to his rank. 1-16 was de-
of which : t nald Itoss'b6-.:' I .'i
�ho late IvTr. Do
I . . . I eat P " ecies are sta�tlingjndeed." .
. .
� . .
Crowding . at . i b I o5t.mindus-sho.SQ'ifiiere in
.Maud. who was A! highly respectable I man, .
11 ! . � �
I �
"t" to th cause of the .South during ills.
qu,eathoid - a considerable sumi' Init - on.aCrl ` I ,
. I I .
� I . . I .. PX,ANE 3T0Y'DISTUUBAXCE;' - .
. . , . . ' '
I -. I., ,The last, sentence refe-rh to the fact that
. _
.the- dimly-ligbted I - I school - B , lit her
. -room. * �
most presSing anxi&y. at, that in.6uplit
and liot asham'ed-to own hip, relAtion's� �:
, .
I it Mrs. Olynfordvwas. That sh .
Bi . . Qp in
* . � -AT BbIoLin-i's: - .
- ,
The. next morning, about islovel ' cloo'k,
� I a'
,� I
war, as lie, believea U. tli6 right � to own
' ': fo
alit;ves, Ile refused , to . sh6o' horses r
'item aplio%ring. in, Ono ot this local papim
. , �
to that effecti.they won , sohilich munpyed
. . -
. � . about two. years - ago. pamphlets began to
. I .
. � ... . � 'that
that ille %vallt I ' , . I .
- e( qllolley.-, ..i. . .1 .
. ' .
Fiont.streeit, rlarnbamo,-, Wits ufipleagaiht.�
Miss Reaue,the govern*e6s, lef b Bridaenofth �
. ,.. 41
HadS6 tO liar bill at Bingley'S "110P' ""
-Vaderalsoldlars. He was it 016A time .dur-
i 0
� by the publicadoil'of the r.iub ution,4 ...,that" : ,�
� . . I , ,
� . I . . the most, aWful conse-
. . app ar, arguing . ,
I I quegoes were about to befall in ankind from
r, f�qm the.
She pregent'ly Arew & lattv ,
pock�t of her dregai which she had received
sighti .�Shb went therein early motilm
ing, aud'it4rdly -woke he� Carriage, horsbs to
, It was 'an inlposlilg shop. ., 1filigl6y was
. ing, the jittter pait �f .the w4r, imprisoxied.
in the old* Oapitol at Washingtoni as he
. ..
t1leY cancelled the bequest left the .
I .. .
, -.to -other objects. ,, '. .1 .
Money I . I I 1.
. I lr'ptiri.
� . . all- the great planats reaching' thei
. I
. I
I . . helia�, or nearest points, to this sun, together.
'dt ring the day.. A tradesulmi's bill I- In
this letter. sbbw&s,poiiteWinfdiI;loa � -that.
be seenstandinig eforobeibrZlier'sdoo�,
. . b -
Shei. iteil in 11 a different goti" she 8t�id, -
ViSr .
true. But "-ak,
indeed. ricb';-aswallas Iiissisitir:.blit lie
. I .
irlade, iio, paradoef hh; money; lie used to
I , I
Bay,' Witt it sAeer, when speakiva to
I was suspected of giving aid and information
. �
to Southera soldiers. Everything lie. lied
. � I .
. _-._____P_1
. .
� . .
U It Q,
WWR Efl' VA - C Noluck!oXt's U9. I -
. . . . I .
, , I'AANCM. �
� .. I . According to these pioplacts, this offects of.
. . .. tlie-perilielia,w6retd .begin making their
unless her ovor.du6 accoulit-was paid bef6re
. '
Ahe*ctirayneuceindnt of the Ohristmas holi.
and this wag.�6tuailly . -63i
'wben a cet I taill 'gilm visitoy,.Wbo culls: on
. _4is
neighbors of his fine �reht,tions.. 0 �. � �
was invested in slave s.
. .. I
penniless. 114bagsGosellianagedto inake
, , � . � ..: .." I ..� �.
... �, I — .1 . . .1 .. I... .
-, ' 1_ , .. I
� �
. , , , , appearance- this fMII,Wh;u Jnpit, er 1. passe'd -
. � his p6riholion, afid next yeiiir the kytbei
- days,'thitthe ttadesinsil, would be oomp91-
Ida to e pAinfal necessity, of
.. I .
till -sets alike, appeared ia the if6use,al�ove
I carried - off
the shop inTront street, - and
- ple, Wer6*ill the. shop
. I
When Miss-Keralfe euteredit. .Mr. Bingley
. K
' . . .
- a. - 1,10
a meagre living from blacksinithill
never nitbrrica, bechuse be could Mid no
I 4nn Zleitenaltit �.,
,Jrh!-F mil-tilla-14 ot a 4. Orr .
- "d Writ JrnaVlo Wide. ' . , * " .
� ,. . - I . ...
I . would bbgin.t( ' -
I� ) sweep ,w6stwaid, with a
. . . swathe as broad as the continents, until WA6
ing hoir employers, - 6d asking them
inform! I .
Pay, the aWount, out of her salary. -
her brother's'wife as hisyr6y, Mrs. Glyn-
ford did Condescend to pay a visit of pm�
. .
.never served. behind the. counter. . He
,walked.outof,liis Private' Office someti�eg,
wOma.n of his. race.'who Was wh4t lie con.,
. I
f�ider(,dhifse(Iiialby*bir�tll., As would n6b.
, BUrFALO,'Jan. 6. !Va dr six' years ago -�_
Louis. Q. F. Ehrenberger, I'low,E), conduotor. -
I . .
. reached the Xaciflo Ocean., Plagues,
. . . famines, ppstilences, Are, earthquake, floods.
. .
� ,
. - -AliV if be knew;" sliethondlit, 11 that I
�1;&ve n6thigg to iebeivel, 0
TLat I have bben
. .�
dol6llcQ. '.. . � . I 1.
. But" the.wi,lower's wrath -was bob upon .
. 1.
and �poke to his friends and acquaintancq�
wlien't . hey came in; but lie neyer sold any,
" 'no tb ladies, in'
thin,. IIe talkii
perl,hit -visit birn� �
.colored people to. .
, * �__' I .1 YL��*_'__L_
far the Street -Railw6y Co . I
inpanyt wag A.. �
first lieutep�tt In .the Gormaii. army,and'.
. .
. I I
I � and tornadoes niare to scourge thd,hum&n
� . � . . I
racei till only a few. rdma,ined, like
alreadycompellea to ask'Mis. , Glynfoid to
6ay the things
-the occasion, and- he told Glynford.
that he did not. watit ll�r., compally '21 � Q? I 0,
was soi�e .
,the �nidaia of the sho)OP �Vllon Miss, Reane
� ,
, -
I , 1140E D'.11,9C. llcwjlo�ni. - - " �
. � . , . . . .
— - 4 .
. � a la�rae eBeablighthientin,Beilin., - ,
maint 'lied * , � ,
Ther,16 ma�iss'Regiva . ffibughter of Mr. :,.
. people
. Noah. and his fa&ily; 6. iepeopla .thb
I I . .
advaince, saldryj and all cruel
. that she said to m6 -when I did* ,a. . -A�iol
when she bad uov'elf �eeu'divil - to 1i.0oor
) last
entered.i an!]. tho-widower's.looli fbIl admiimI
Ingly oli the'pretty gbVerilesg: Jrom* Ilridge..
A Gais: ,tvoiiinn Det4ertotd:11ty. JKJCer 111111.,--
, .
. hand in. Butralim.
, . . uffalo, *b6', . ag studying
Goorge:Roos, of B
. ,earth. It wa-s7 argued that., ill
I . I 0. ravages Of -
.. I . the,black death 1.0 themiadloi ages.. followed
now- I iiava nothing laftm-nothlnd more,
tha'A what- will. barely"Pay. my tiiiil fare to
Sarah' Jor � ,lit or..nirio yes
, -the eig rs.
� . I
il.'t'-,bi.mthbr! arid sisteri ia:faeb; had a
� � . . . �
lort.4 House. . . 1. .
I ' ' I . . I �; .
I -
.. . . . I . . ,. .
11 . . I I
13 , ,��A :nowly-married
VITAro, : Wall. , S. . . .
music at Berlin - with her punt; Mis. 8teiii-
� of, th4 1. I
ile D famous New York piano-.,
I I � I -
I . . . the neirly-coinoidentpeAll elia.of four great
., . . . .
'Seaton::'.Oh7I -what Shall I do? ShallIgo
3er, 8.qu atitil, and Mrs. Glynford rptirqd
- 11iss Keane felbyery'noryous.
I I Her notes.
-couple, �Vllliiim r.iley and A Worladh who
. . I
.W . . .
malluf2urOr. Miss Roos became, Mrs.—
I .
. .. I . . . I ublices
I 1 planets,. and thbrefor'a similar conqeq
. . . coWa�be,ex�ip�tea-imm�the4on-figuriti,oi��-of-
%� Aill�lny ? "Shall I
and sea thi§ naan�hli 0
-tenbimtfm-tmtIr' ,, ho �,�,� � I'll k1pri-Viden-cow-
to her oe,irlage.'-v "' - - red , and � 'a wing v.
.. . . I - pry I .11 � 1
. . i ,., L . '
41 6TV.. �. I ---- i ,
01, "
were in her purse't,aud the bill was in liar
. �
.. i - - - - - - - - - � - -- _..
h4eh-shoh&d7es,11 F-� I ... � M_.
and-ii -. , ..I-.,.
* ,lisppy-almost "
w1j, a is 'Eli Lwdu, .611 o5f
. .;,Ilit, ly § . zp.4,Tune.
_Ual - __.. _. .
. t, tanacm wpr� - a I .1 � I71VSV
. . .
Bbrenberger. . The young lieutenant had
some misunderstandibg wit.h his mother,.
__ a I . I . . .
. . � the pl&nqb3nOV?,.. � . ;�' - ; � . ..... . I
. I . I � . . .
. S .
, . '
pelleolAo.sendAll my money home to save'
. r , d , bushiindi on
6 think," she sai 'to liar,
. her'return. home,,' aite�r I hadmiude siio�ll a
, i016 .0 12 guilty., -
". - ,
B lit if they were b6t hers, they wore no
I , .
night.*, ThisMornifi lie tol - r fie Would
-godownandgpta rink ancl -return totheir
'is foiiune]a Were mab6irially redubed.
and - h . . . .
ammiii? and ceime to ..
-,Us a iou
� SU SrOTS. . , . �,
. . B: Q; - Jenkln:s, F. A.'S. ,&., found that
. 4
the in 19.16 throughout
to tell him�thja -*to degrade "mysal hoW
- t
can 1-4,ow * bon I 2 " And the. poor. girl
,aacrifice�aebually -driven theie in the d
I .. ay-,
,time, - though I know those spiteful Hall-
-one elsels, shewhisperet i to liar Ankin
. . . 9
-heart, and.proceerdod* to proauceher, bill
room in a'few , iiiuths. he has not gee*n
- I .
him since and isin a bad prljgh.t, as he has
. I
this .country'and to BuffaloN Pat a time
. . I I .
. the couple kept a.millinery stare'On BroAd-
� . . ..
. qu%breaks of cholera
. i -w the fftaxi�.
. thoworia*erosyn�hr.pnous. ith.
. maund,minims occurrences ofminspotsI.
�O.fied )Israeli to and' frok mlaer ffiiserable
., .. .
anxiety and aoubt. . ... I
mana *il tel ,it allover town, -- and' of
I . . I .
course radall our.'uhforMinate: rela,tionAin 1.
. to one otthe ohopm.en, and then laid doNvii
� .
ill litid
ree of the'five-p6tilid notes which she . �
'found' - ' . .
got 11 . inting to 125, and her'
pr money, amot . .
watch and ch6;iii. ,They arrived in, Buffalo)
- tlTe enterprise pr��robd un�ucceis
, W.6,y;, buV I
ful.� He entered the sciwice of* *the Street .1
. anapredia ' teamnoth6i grait'cholera, gensop
.Tb6n she took aflother letter from the
And, after ,We
- I havoi'done I
I .
- . .
T11 sh*opramn of course 'took them . . . up,
-yesteramy, on,theii way -to. lVilliminsport;
, Railway Comp�ny, first &.4 a driver .on the ,
. 1n1883.4, .Yl�f6u�cl.&,co3ineciionbetw�gix'
. . . . � Juplter'to.the sun and the
. . the -of
pocket of liar diess�-6 letter frond
I . . � . � I �.
inothier. - .,, - �. ,. . I
cruel, reniarks, of i world, as:11 wore�-he,
insulted'md I 11 . I . . . " . . .. I
' * . . .
without surpri4t� or int. He also,
. . . . ,
beon a victim 01
. has .
. !'MiiPlUced
confidonjoe far SO et'm(,.. Yesterday after.
, ill I
Bait Side,,aiid la�er as'& c liductor,on'th ��
� a
.Maln.street line, his:wife .and three *6ild-
. . I proximity
. . � I , ,black aeatVana also, saw that .more do- -
6onditiong the
. . . I
�-. Alas I in this,. dis6rdekly scrawl, there
no ford. hopes;'fio tein4er Advice,' na
Ana olice more Rig. dlynford began to bry,�
But her husband,,w.ho' -was a sensible'
&rhapsr, knew the- pretty gbvdrki: ass from
Bri Rollse -by sight; bub�
dgenorth I I if he
A blip train for the east,
hdon they'boarae
but j�sb AS. th6 train Was pulling: out She
rell residing at cold 1
. 9�ring�. - �. fe�r days
ago.Mr. Ehrenberger received a cablogiam
� . plorable would resulkfjor6t
. I . � .. - Mr. . er,
. . pekilielioui � Procter, thb astronoin .
loving . CO , u . ns, ' *1 h '
el to. her ibient gir , sue. as
mothers write, It, was
man, gave her no encouragement. . .
IMIL'11�6 Said, 11 Bingley's'youirclaiidn,
thought of it at All, lie must naturally Wive
. . I
si�pposed that Miss Keane had'just. roe i
. . elv-
' "
- discovered that her tfaket.Waq r ' n1a
rus6ld out
and him.for Williamsport: He , .
I from the'family lawyer in- Europe -tothe '.
affect that the elder-Mrs.,E lareala6r&r haa '.
. . I . I has taken paina to sh6w that the pretended,.
I .
. . . . facts 46n which these stateinents rest are
most ,affectionate
only the aid story Over Again fliat the
. *
dim to
a� ,,a .
. - and, rnoreover,.he'rf a fellow
1 aoil'tpartic�larly like; but, fQrAll that,. i
ad, her salary, and was therefore sure to
I have notes ii; liar possession.
� I .
and over a fence south 'Of - the depot, She
Idsbnotimeillg�ttingoffalso. Shetvaited
died, and ,that. - 6ui conductor had'. 1AIldn
heir to' the entire estite; the V41ue of
. �
.. liaseless, afid, to prove �hat the great planets
. will- not bi in perihelion in 1881, and they
governeB9 read iri`tU schoo'l-'room,'
deepen bar tioubles; only, the Old; com.
: I �,
think he wrved you right." I
. - ,, Served "I Mrs.' -Glyn-
� -The Dill she. bad called to pay,was. eleven
pounds, &lid the, shopman lifted 'up-
forlim in the ddpbt until nigb�. H6 came
10 they to the hotel,
which is bB'tim&ted at between. 00,60016nd .' I
I .. . . I I
. . �
, .
. . I orl on. any time. . - -
. Will not All be in p beli at
.1.. . ". .
, I ,
plail2t I -Want. of Money I Thig was the'
� cra-flng cry -which this 'ng girl constantl
yo� Y
me right'l repeated
ford. ,,What A,C.Sagi- -W
� . lllia:�a 9r, ,
. .the
� ,
tbree.notes ,a
� . -and the bill, and took them - t ,
. , o'clock- wellf
. wid'about
-where they k6mained until - this, morning,,
§1()0,000. . .
I . 11 . .. .. .. . .. � I ... .
. — .
. .
. . . . I . I -
` 19cotinno. -
. I .
receiv6d from home. -�.
.. t� Simply, my-Iffear,7that -as - �Ou ba've
Mr.. Biligley's piivate office=for Mr.,Biog-
the ,result above described. , . 1.
I A SWO)RIVIE J1101tuolt. .
. I ..,, �.
� . . . . , At Inph-Ewan, in Briaaalba - ne a 'family
" . . I �. . $ i
, .
. 41Wo were almost entirely without
. I
indans,'! wrote her 7potber,- "and your
.0 hOS0h virtually to cut Your - biother and
' -
)lip wife for the last few ydars,svj� could
ley 'looked after. tha� tmonetal� affaira, of -
. . .__
his eatablislimblit'himself.: ' : " . ..
I . - .
. , . . . . I I .
� . I . .
' :
AN =xwItAo#c irtrAny 1JAsE.
� . . . . I . �
� . �
.�.0 Amett iVontain.nmid Ater C6i-nndson
0 of the -name- of MoNab occupied the same
� �
. . farifi, from father to son, for nearly four
I �
. . .
small enclosure, dear Sisay, came just : in
- time. It the �
not expect him to feel very gateful to you
for paying her a visib. when Slip was: lid
� . Mr. Bingley'(who,haa Scarcely ceased to
1661f at big siatek's, governess ginde she had
. . � - �
' I — . , , . " , , .
.� .
X..r, Ion 'Manted for a .IVKntx who Allowed
. � � sno,twed lip. In wheir chbilf-wher Bic .
. , , - . .
Xsefore Icelieg Reache-S. w1lel"'. I ,. " .
. . centuri�s, till: within , these few years thd
. . last occupier resigned, of the name.
in ns,
paid county court all mo
. .
and - the butcher has- agreed to give wEr a
. ,
longer able to appreciate the Compliment."
- . '
. ut6rod th6 shop),aaw bar give her bill and
0 . .
I i� � "nughter.
. I ooli to itfurry Ill
J , . , '. �k , . .....
. MIDDLEBURG, - Va. , , an! , I - � u de
. 10.7.- u ag�oq�'
, . Mont'ith has
. Inlas, mf a ,
. . of Stowart,.iIi'Menf]
little .: more credit. But, my dear. child,
why d6 you not exert Yourself to. 'end -this
Mrs.'- Glynford wa;s . very angry, but
* .
. ordered her own and her serVatAs' niourn-
the notes to the- Man,- and - as thethvpman
' I .
went, intd the pri lb�the
vate, office'to go
DALT111611R, Xan. S.-Application,lito been
maderfoir thopurdon. of-Th'os. Bowent who'
woman with liar gro,nds oil was Snowed in,
duringthoi recent stoillis in this ,vicinity.'. -
� . f turies possessed th : e 0 .
, .
.farms. .. I . .. I . . I
miserable,statisolaffairs? Youare very
ing at her brother's Shop' ,I_ partly;- because
, '. in �the'
change and a igceipt, Mr: Bingloy followed
I I 1. , . .. I .
h4m: ' . 4..
is pervipg a,pix years' sentence for Allowing
10 rdof of 'ib6ir
Slier out A hole, through tl .
`da'6iii long -
. �
. . .- . TheVarquis. of!Bute�,..hagintimated his
. I
,y;� Surely you. could get' bearried, .and
not allowydur. poor mother to be degraded
was no other gobol-draper's
�uojg. Mr. Glynford,
t07a, hma-partlybapi - I . ..
. .. . . .
.The intm at'.onco presented Win with tho'
his ton to riiarry his' daughter. The'facts
- I
,Nvere kept from the piablic at tile .time of
and.thr�ast out a shawl on a pole �
as'asigrlalofolistressl* A relief party with .
. . *illingnesa to give 945;000 to - sagiat the
I .
as she. is now? my'llealth is so
requPistedlibrAo.dothis, - . � - � I
notes and the account ., xr.,Bi4gloy
the trial and,'aro now disclosed. Thoysbovi
great difficulty reached tlie.caMn;'butfouna,
I ,:
I authorities in building the now Common
I . .
I I Hall of the.. Glasgow University, - on condi",
,And .
wret6hea . too,. and rain forced to take,so
"Don't be'foolish"' lie Said.' "If -you
� .
want. peopAs not. to ialk, try to.stop your
ieceipted.'and stampeol'thie 'a t all
I ocoun lit
then. glancedcarelessly atthe notes, B
. that Bowen had lieen Intimato -with. a, yt)ung
,bore -him - diedv
the woman an(I liar grandson dead.
. . . I . . . . .
.1 tionthatthe generalpublW should.within
I . .
much s4port. Altogether, I feel so, very
low, but I- hope to bear on your return that
brother's .tongue by a- good 6rder. ' Put
no sooner bad lie obaer�cd tho'n
. umber on-Bewen
woman wlio 16 Plan and
. then. marripa atudil and conenaled
� -1.._--_-_'.1_...__ I
I .
, I . . . . . .
, .
. . 9, speoiftec! time provide Itinds Sufficient to
, I
. � r�is E6.
a the substructure. . Happily, the- sell
'You bavo some prospects befoke you;, -that
Money into am I
� I an!s pboiket, my, dear, if
I') .
Waiat to'stand Well with him I
Ono - Of them th'iiii he started
. I &lid
, I
examined. the two others. .,'
,ts of Ilia htwt ?i�arriago, ...He also
the f'se
; 's6n
DKCOVGJIK1JV AND.,C0,11,41110. ..
. . I — .. .. -
I � 1. . .
' ,
I . I
� tug were ohiobloid to AY411 theiHiselvtis of the
I 0 richola man�arlytliing is better than
. "am .
as talien 0, fancy 'to you."
YOU . �
Mrs'. Glynford,abcordingly took liar hits.
Thon he,openod Ilia. clesh,� andioolt 6fit. a
' .
pretended that his N4s tile child:'of afi'
old friend, Whom lie wag educating.. Ilia
-zxtrommirdinary Atate I ot'",tvqathe r It*
. . I Xilinol � I. . - , � I . �
� "
� munificent gift of the marquis. - . . 1 .
I I � ) at lo�at in Sutherlan(Tshlr6
I . On Ono eatat(
. povorty-m-h
, The rest of th&I'dttor Was in the same
strain -a 'selfish deg&affig letter," which.
band's' advice, and tile handsome order
which she gave at his establishment ,,a
� I I
Papar�.� Ila scanned.this, and then again
exammed the notes 'and a grim sM&,,
I of
oo�dil(l - wife bdro* him a daughter, to Who .
a in.
in time his son became attadhodandfinallY
1. � . "U.: , ,
GALusRuRG; Ill., jift. 10. -Owing to the: "
drought and cold'there' is it lack of water. -'
. I . I I � gime preserving 'a s1l to be carried to a
I � ... great extreme, and the . gklimbling.of the.
made � its. roiidar'o fair ch6eks burn and
. . �
aottit adfvea. - to Soothe hei
feelings, , B'Utlie'did-not really
satiifattiau passed tiverfiis, not very pleas,
. -
alab maintenance as bo'did so, � .
aoughtberhandin inarriaga.. The father .
objected, but whiin man
The Chicago, Burlhigtbn ok, Quincy railroad. .
. . . tenants is loud and deep. ,A farmer on tile
blush Shame. .1 . .
,. it Ob, mother, mother! " she . thought; "it
I - � forgive her;' Ile,took -off Ilia but to liar
*' Ht)'Nvzsv,$Omewl'atcoaraoself-ind�lgetit�.
looking thi's Bingleyl tliick.lip§,.
.the young. pri4ibd
for the roas'on.Dowen would -gi�e. none,And ,
had to withd,&�w I fires."froth .their,
on&6� and yesterday paid -000 for ice to
cast: coast is About to raise an action agoillist
. . . . bfsUridlord for compensation for damages
I I .
� � .
-YOU would but'conquer this fato.1 weak.
noss-If you Would � not,:driuk ovorythinj
with asatirioalbow'wbongliedgme into
big shop, or when lie m6b liar 6&
I rridge in
inall, with
. dolish complexion, and readish-griLy
a - rei
finally, to prevent all exposure of his early
indiscretion,. Bbwen consento,4
. I'to-Abe inar-
, ". -
malb. Many individurbla are 'Melting ice
-from. t�e Mississippi. The cold avcrbtges
, . !
. I . , done Py game. The case, Wbich -is one of
. I . . .
1, '. . more 'than' local interest, will 'be closely
away -.how happy we might be I But it's
- ,limys' Aq�me thing�always the Sam a old
. the streets, but he. never spoke -to her. Ile
� kept outofher�vay, WtAllthesame.'he
hain His eyes, laowevor�uatlror Contra.
dicted the impression of his mouth. They
riage A rejected, Suitor f6r his ilaughter's
I ', . .
baud -investigated and disclosed the fa.CtS in
i y night, . . ,
an below zero ovdr . .
_��.._* __� , '..
� I I-
� . . I watched by '11 Who have uotbeen e
. . . . by the ing. 6f. the Hares and nabbits
miserable stbry; ana now its,Woight has
i . 11 . 7
itnew ,pretty ivell how things went on' at
. I .
Bridgenorth Hduse. - ; .
wdro sharp, and sbrowa-h%rd, ,.even cold..
11 You Can't Cheat ino," they Seemed to 64y;
the Case, wliiell- led, to Bowan's convictibil.
- .
- The Eccontrielvemittl � .*. . -
. "BE
. . . - Pass
. Bill. - . I . �
. . I
fallen. upon me.1 .
She rose-restles8ly As glie.made tbesolast
. ,
'.thus lie know tb�, governess both, by.
but lais other features told a differeilt talb,
last . 0�, I �1.
. . .-.--.-. ,.
It a doubtful whatlier
inbabitants remember a Winter in Which
' Aitken, Inverness, keturill
. .� I . . Dr. 9 in Nairn
. � lately, referred thus to 'd r6ams : Perhaps
I � 110
� bitter refloctioda�. She had,' indbea,. I
longer' time to sit 'still, To -morrow the
Sight and liame., -He fhoreforo made no,
objection to Miss-Haspo's ordeet NVhon - sbol
While Ito was looking at the notes, Ilia
shopma'n �vaa lo6king at'.1ilm. And, by the
TVI I Al A jw,
. ,ViNi,t 001190 I TRKH� Ila .AAAOW
. .
. . I _s_ Q.
there was s6 little. siioW. at this phriod of
there., is this winter. Thera
. 'on to the I reNbla-
.we pay too little attonti
. tiois, of aream: li. At allevonta w6 carry
holidays began, and'she was going to her
home for it month; Aic had,
. .
gave Ono, and it pretty, well-mado dross
, wits sent from the shop ilirtront-Areet,in
expression of the shopinan you shwnd love
'as log twoon theni. tingldy was un�
W . 6 be
millith, [hot Luncliblorg ftllvmler�w)
- � I . front .Inli. . .
the season 160 ,
has boon little more thaii three orfouxv.
A , be,
. 6ifeelves . into our ' , sleep, and 'our dreams
. miserable
refore, 'inany arrangements
the to mm a
tiMe for the clii.1(1'9 ball at Bridgeriortli
popular. He paid Ilia waybonostly Chough ;
. ; , Smith, son-
HALIFAX, Ian, B.-Robart
tencea to be bv�ugod at Luncliburg oil tile
-inches - Pit tiny. time. Prof. of the
United States Signii ,�*ashirlgton,
I . often botray to us Wbat�wo really are. If
our life is blameless hnd �slngle�4earted, so
beforoshar want to* bed; HOrpa0king As
, '
to begin,., and tho'goollor she comme ,ad
"C"80- . . ..
* . .
But it C b Marc than-Misalteane bad in.
-but there Are ways even of payin'd
Ono is pleasa,lit, and th5 oil) "
42�n_6_'S way. or
�Oth instai4 for. the. murder of John I ruey,
inalluding to the numoxous foredagtg�of
- Mail, AaYS: 94 it �
are not vOrl
. . '
. will our dkomins be happy, and in them our
it now the bottell.' . .
. I
banded to pay Altogether, tile bill eame
to cloven mud thid'bill the poor
disagreeable, andBingloy chose the dig-
. . - I
agrecablb Way. . . I
escaped from� jail at that placo shortlyniter
midiiighblastitight, Tho-albwln was given
Weather, Which I
we find tla at for several monilig the average
. MOAt cherished visions will be realized , if
I out life is the reverse'; it is ro vdalod td tio
But it was a weary task I The loved
I its
- word - h6ine, for heir, 11ILd lie Music In
governoss was now unable tomooti - �
She had, in faeti b8ou to ask
*. . " John Roil." lie gairl, looking upaliarply,
" ask that Young htdy-MiSg H06110 -Who
'by the prisoners confined in an adjacent
room, anot the shoriff and. jailor started ill
bas been wet ,or cold, it maybe prediotod -
that during , the, i"Imediate succeeding
� . in all Its deformity, and r6mors"ind bittot-
I Item Vill even follow ug there, . 4.
sound. $lie know. too well What it Meant.
Her mother's bloated coun, touaiido - liar
Mrsi Glynford to give her her, noxt,quartar's
has just pai&tIlig, motley in to stop this Y
I 6� liar."
pursuit. They want as far as Bridgewater,
but rot4irnea- without lialing disco�erod
month - the weather will be .the reverse,
that is, dry or warm, Then, we ban got
. .
AN AwFtll, PXOTUREI.-Mr.W.M - Donnelly
young mistot, peavish and deformed I These'
wore the finagostbat, -this word
salary in advance, for hot, mother's circum.
Stances' were, by her own 'account,, now
forafewiniriates. Want word with
It Very well, -Sir," replied sofinson ; and be
allytra�doffiim- TW6 CIOPUV-Slletifts, Are
&t.thot matter in anotbotwiy. 'Whoniatio
1"obruar.. ave ertain.
wag % passenger by the ftaih,from the weg�
for ber. But, -till tho'satno, shemuAt pro, I
almost aespor%to, I
' ,,We are statving," the mother o had
w alked out of the Chloe to� obey'lAs oxii.
player's commands. .
now Olt the .voad. On at exa Mina,tion of
hiscoll it was found - that Smith, who had
ohlyroloteriotics, the lattor part of the year,
. .,the oiber evening, The newsboy came
round with P; bc ok conta�ining Ali account 6f
potie it) go. So, slowly and wearily, she
. trunks
want up tothe attic till the
writte'n, andwbat could bho daughter .,do?
Ila felt sorry for the pretty girl from
boon secretly prdVided with an 61d,Mill file,
had 114 inclibs thick
October, November and December will
have, Corresponding Characteristics. Thua�
. the Murder of big rel&tives,'and When Wil.
limn looked thfough tho little book lid sud-
wore 'kept in Brid b Musa. Mrs,
I �;c
. al Ow on
GlyMortfi would. not a to remain fil
. She aid what she could; Rho begged Mrs.
vol. W pay her salary in Advanc
GI lie 0, at] a
Bridgellorth 11olis
B . . a wlion be gave liar. a
, . .
inglaylg message, .
burn ad the Woodwork
around the ata,plo holding the fastening of
the Weather may be foretold, in.'w gbnoral
months Ahead. But no mail in
% .
. donly burst into toarg, The passenger
. .
Any of-tho bed-rooins.
I' to
3141 GIynford had- amid cry rildo
00 11
and unkind things to liar (5ntn1v occagioll,
laisg Koitno started,' turned pale, Ana
I . .
, than sudolftly ied. . I
.the door, : 1-16 concealed b is work from day
day by the use of some lime, which he
age, some .
001 I devised 0, plan which
the worl(I hAS evot
� sit ext bitA observed that he bad
� ill n the page which gave the likellesA
Unpack your things," Aliehad'6icl
tile governess, oil bar first ttrrivai, ,, itua
,, Ana there is anothor thing I wisu to
impress Miss Keane," Mrs.
� - Is thoro anything Wrong? 11 she said,
"Why (100013ingloy wish to speak torrid?ll
bad quietly secured during a, r600116 lime
Washing of the Coll, The populat %yiah in
will f0rdoill special StOrWS Oil COrtaill days, I
or Which will offer a gonuine prediction for -
� , bar 011e of thd most execrable
o Z_
. " IJ116 at
ill rXilooRb was 'ever turned out of
then -take yoAV boxes tothe trank-m6m,
X can allow no, shabby old boxes 'stand ing
upon you, said
Glyn forcrauring this iniorviow� 11 Do Sure
,,I emmot, toll you, miss," said Johnson,
Lunouburg is that he may not be captured
& long poVioa in advance",
. _. _ _ . . _
I . I
. . . A I li .
. 011hi , dupAift.
ty. rooms I 11
you never buvo anything oil orodib at
11 Whether -Ila saw -anythingiong about the
I don't But
. —
..O. .
The revenue from inaiveat toation in.
. . I I ,,,,
., -
Miss,. x0allo, the goverilessi -had
old.boxos, and. blushedwith all &
Dingloy's shop.,, Always'pay for,whatyou
got tit iho time. .
motps,or llo�-but iio,V, you
: haabottor speak to him." .
Th&buildingodcuplcol, As the
of the Militia at Philippopolis 'has boon
Vvemeo during 180 - exceeds the Duagevs
girl.'s - oensitivencog about tvidds.,
MisHoanoll6arol thigo wordg,ohof
�Altillg aviOIOAt OffoirfitOcOnty0theraclf,
-burned and Ovosontinelaparished', �
estimate by 109,000,000 itafieg, �
. .
� ;
: . I I I
. .
. . U I I . . �
I .
I .
I I . . . .
� .
. I .
I .
. I I :
. �
. I
I �
. I .
I .
I .
. .
I . .
. . . �
� ,
. . . 4 .
. I . I
. . I -
. ) I I
. .., I . .
- I :
I � .
. I �
. .
� . . I
. � A )� . 0
. . .
� . . I .
.. I
. � .
I . I , .
. .
. . .
I .
I .
I .
1. . �
. . ,
� .
.,Amm,_,. _,LAL.-, __ 1- j .
I - 1.
. . .
� i
i�l . 1 4k L
A I � �
. .1 I
� I , , .
� " . . 4& I'. I