HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1881-01-13, Page 1f4e • VOL. 16 NO. 2. TERAIS--$1.50 Per Annum. in ad vawee. • • AND CENTRE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER. 1.11,T,.• —....^...1•-11111411MMAFCAPIMPAPT CLINTON,..- ON ARM, —THURSDAY, JAN; 13, 1.881. grofmionat and otter Tard0 le,‘" ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR SMALL .11L Name ou good mortgage security, moderate rates of intereet. H. HALE, Clinton. A LIST OF LANDS IN HURON Flat SALE BY 21. the Canada Compauy, may be seen at the office of the undersigned. H. HALE, Clinton. ikif RS. WHITT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. PUPILS .111. attended at their own residence,0 necessary. Re- sidence Orange street, neer the Huron Road, Clinton. VA H. DOWSLEY, M. D., M. R. C.S. ENGLAND, 1-1• Physician, Surgeon, Ac., Office and residence next Moleon's Bank, market square, Clinton. D E. APPLETON. —OFFICE --AT RE4IDENCE -1-1 on Ontario street, Clinton, opputrite the _English Chureh. Entrance by side gate. BOOTS SHOES 107111L1.1 THANKING MY NUMEROUS CUS- Y ToMERS tor their very liberal patronage dur- ing tho past, I would beg to direct their attention to my stock, which is LARGER, FINER d; BETTER THAN EVER. Special Attention le called to the following lines, which are, without exception, the best value In the market. LADIES' OIL GOAT BUTTONED, ChaniOislilled. LAMM? 01/. GOAT BALMORALli, Chainois lined. LADD& GOAT BITTED, of different Styles and priees. LADIEs' PEBBLE Buprozoto, of different style., and prices Lame' Sasrau 1300re, strong and neat. gr_l_EORGE A. WATSON, ATTORNEY .AT •LAW LADolo1 Solicitor, in Chancery, Conveyancer, A. Office over Mr. Cuaninghatn'n etote, lately occupied by Dr. Apple - LAMER' ton, Clinton. • LADIES' LADIEs' O YOUN, M. L., tGRADUATE OF TORONTO elle-set% •UniGvereity Physician Surgeon tic., residence at FRENCH KID BerroNED, cheap and good. 140ea•KID BuTTONED, very neat. Oh GOAT BALMORALS, very neat. PEBBLE BALEORALS, at prices to suit the pur- ast o Mr. Id anuing's, three &erre ef the Teruperauce • Londeeboro, Ont. AH. MANNING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLI- . CiTou-IN-CHANCERY, Conveyancer, ac., Beaver Block, Clinton, Ont. All beeinese promptly attended ' to. Office Moire, 9 a.m. to 6 p.n. RATTENBURY STREET,, Al11. EHHVII,—OTli'IOH, inirnedistely behind Lansford's book otore. Resi- dence, opposite the Teruperauce Hall, Enron Street, Clinten. Office hours from 1, a.m. to 6 p.m. D R. STANBURY, GRADUATE ,010 THE MEDI- -nosh Department of Victoria University, Toronto,for- turfy of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for the County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES. Apply at the Beaver Block,or at the reehlence of the eubecriber, near the London, Huron a; Bruce Railway, JAMES SCOTT, Issuer ot Marrierie Licenees. Clinton. ▪ w. WILLIAMS,A.,.M. B., GRADUATE 01, A‘•Tereuto University; member of the Cultegeof Phy• Winans and Surgeons, Ont. (We've .t RESIDENcE the house formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street Clinton. lef ONEY TO LEND. -•I HAVE ANY AMOUNT -AIL of Money to lend, on good, improved farms ouly, at 71 per cent. intereet payable yearly, Sutu no object if security ample. Private funds, JOHN S. POUTER, S eater; h. J T. WILKIE, St•EGEON.DENTIST, CLINTON • Extracte teeth witheut pain by the use of the lateet, beat, and by far the safest appliance yet dis- covered for that purpose. All other branches of the profession promptly attended to in the meat approved style, and at modetate prices. 46.3to TAR. WORTHINGTON. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON nAteoucheur, Licentiate of the College otPhysicisn, and burgeena of LoweaCentula, and Provincial Licen- Mate and Coronor for the Cemoyof Huron. Offrecand reitidence,•-The buildiuo fernierll occupied by Mr. Thweites, Euruu street. °Union, Jan. 10, E-71. ,11,,•••••• $100,000 TO LEND, T SEVEN PEE CENT. Ceets levar than any 11_ ether sgency. FARMS BOUGET AND SCLD. MARRIAGE LICENSES. CONN LYANCING. COMMISSION It FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS. JAMES HUAI THWA eueeeseeee. Tisdall & Gale; BANKERS • ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, Oxr. Direetly opposite t Le Merkel., reneeseen A GENERAL BANNING BUSINESS. -I- Money advanced on Mortgagts and Nntes of heed Drafts ittsued payable at par, tit all the ellices of the Merchant'e Bank ef Canada. New York drafte homed, oayable at par, and available in all parts of the Unitkd States. Pam,' I.T All EN1 1(•N PAID Tn C.LLEeTinss thrnligL• otit Centola and tbe Unittd Stoup. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at elope ratee, and tie ney advanced to farmers on their own l-, 15 r any let,Rtlt of time to suit (*borrower. tAH marketable eecuritice benoltt tied veld. BANsEns IN Nrw Yore. As. NIA (I, Inic MF.DCIIANT'S LANE, OF CANS pr r, lAttreAt allowed oil J. P. TFSDALL. T. A. GALE. „ ALLAN LANE OF ROYAL YI,t111, STEAMISIIIPs. LIVER10011— LONDONDERIY—HASEM. SIIORTEST SEA PASSAGE, /Cabin, /uttermost late /and SteerstgeTick. ets at Lowest Rates. WIN TER SERVICE IS180-1881. From Boston. From 'Halifax. CASPIAN, 1280 Doom—Jan. 20. Jan. 22. Steerage Paesengers are booked to London, Cardiff, Bristol, Queenstown, Derry, 13elfaet und Glasgow, at same pricea as to Liverpool. rffr'Ille lust tru ;r1 conuecting at Militia with the Allan Mull St (lamer will leave Terento,every Thursday at,' 702 arriving at filthier, Saturday noon. Passengers wiahing to take the steamer at Boston be required to ire at the port at the time /until'," above. For through tickets and every Information apply to A. ST RA ITON , O. '1'. It. Agent, Clinton. Clinton, Dee. 1(3,1880. s CLINTON. Ws' _COOK STOVES. 0-3 ▪ PARLOUR STOVES. Cid HEATING STOVES. STOVE FURNITURE. • PIPES AND ELBOWS. CROSSCUT SAWS. - O. 1-3 SleighBolls SIeigtieUs Large nod fine aosortment of LAMPS. E-4 ••• z -z• E.••4 e•t el; C 11 T LE RY. PLATED GOODS. X • CRUETS, Ste. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES con- .frii simony on hand. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. rs) NAILS', NAILS, Lec, B_ DAVIS ' e•evel H., LADIES' OIL GuAT SIDE -DAM, the genuine article. limes CALY, Kin BI:'TTONED, of extraordinary quality Mimes CLOO1011 WEAR, at reasonable price& Full lines of CHILDREN'S WEAR, cheap and dmable. Ladies wearing French heel Boots'should call and get a pair of our FREnll HELL BritliERS. - A 111V:class quelt of MEN'S,- Yot•cti's and ROT'S WEAR erotvtantioy co hued: .11r member the place -7 -BEA l'Elt BLOCK, S doorm y the 7'oton Hall, Clinton. JOHN JACKSON. IlHANCERY NOTICE TO CREDITORS of JOHN HOLMES, deceased. Pertinent to tin order of the Court if Chancery made In the matter of Elizabeth Holmes arid t,thera, in - War, the ereclitere of John Holmee, late of the town. rhip ut Goderich, in the county of Huron, yeoman, who die•' in or about the month of Jannary,1878, are, on er befure the Hith day of January, 11381, to seed, by post, prepaid, to SEAGER.t MORTON,Barrieters, if the town of Ciuclerich, in the county of Huron, their chrietian and snr-nanies,addretwert and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their acconnts smith() nature of the seeurities (if any) held by them, or in default therenf they will be pre- emptorily excluded from the beneEt of the said order. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before me at my chambere In the Court House, in the towu of Goderich, on the 13t0 day'of January, 1881,at eleven u'clock in the foreuoon, being the time ler adjudiction o the claim:. Doted thie 2ard day ef December, 381,0. 71. MACDERMOTT, .':taster at Gederieh. iyoNiwit Tp LOAN AN of hods AT 7 PER CENT, payal le to mit borrower. FARMS FOR SALE: MORTfIAGES AND 0 H E.E1 SEC 17 ES, DOUG HT • AND SOLD. 0 FE CE OP POSFFE gratliw's.;IIOTEL A. S. FISHER. Clint( it. NOV. IS, 18CO. ftw gooutvtiogniento. ArlOTICE. - THE 001,TAIWI. OF THE' ill Corporation of the County of Bitten NM meet in the 00,,nn,,T Iteell In the TOWN UE (10DEIOUPI, 011 TUES- DAY, the ttatl/ JANUARY. 2 F,APAAISON, •CountY T OST.- -ON THE BAYFIELD ON., A ow days ago, a SATs -lied. with a pair of Pants and a Shawl in it. I3y leaving it at this office tho Ander will be suitably rewarded. 1i2 'LIVENING CLASSES. -THE CLA.SSES ,114 in connection with the Mechanics' Institute, will commence on AIONDAY EVENING. JANUARY Fith. For tering, etc., apply. to0. j. STEVENSON. STRAY HEIFER -CAME INTO THE Prezeisee of the subscriber, lot 49, Maitland con., Goderioh township, abdut the middle of Nov, bet, a red and white yearling heifer. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, -pay ahargee and take it away. W.TEBUTT. , • K. O. T. M. merit REGULAR REVIEW OF JEREMIAH TEN .1. No. 48, will be on MONDAY, JANUARY 17ru. By order, 1. JACKSON, ex -Sir lit. G.O. R. NEWaiaTicil, JP JP Jr,..4 • VArANT.ED, TEN CAR WADI OF 1300E Y Pines, --tor -which a-good-PriAe—will-ho-lieldr-p-- Parties wishing to sell, will please call at once. THOMPSON &BOLES, Clinton.. APPLE$_APP4ES WANTED, SEVERAL CARS 01' •APPLES. Forties having such for tale con contract 'with J. OUNNINGHAM, Clintcfn, S.•14/10 7.77.1...Mil e SOD.T; BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON; • Rave on • hued a choice assortment of CLOcits, WATCHES, JEWELLERY and PLATED WARE4of all Untie. Clocks, Watches, 4" lapaired en shirt notice ALL WORE .w,,ARBANTgD. SOCIAL apd. PARLOR C. ONCERT:. . . ..•. A Social and Parlor- Concert. will. be held - under the auspices at the Ladies. Aid Society of the M.ethodisteChureli,Glintom---atvAbe• residence of' MR. A. S. Tisto-at., T.41 the evening of THURSDAY,..J.ANTIABY '13en; Vocal and Instriemeatel.gueiceReadiege,:4V, Will-fiegit'en diming the evening. ELLUSIRATED FLOHAL.AUHR FOR .1661 is AN EL,LOANT BOON or 120 PstikS„ ONE Colored Flower Plato, and 600 Illustrations, with da- seriotions 01 1111 beet &mem and vegetebles, ttrad di- rectiobe for growing. Only'10 cerite. Engtfili Guinan: lf )0ti afterwards order seeds deduct tlfo 10 cents. Vich.'s Sot Ds ate the best in the %voila. The Floral. Guido win ten how to get and env; amp. VOA, FLoWER AND Yk:tiETABLE UARDEN.,1 75 PAGES, OUR PRAYER FOR SIICCESS. For the Xetu Ara, Father Of MOM', infinite in might, Oh bear the prayer We make to thee this eight; For health and strength to aid no on our way; Thy guiding hand direct in day by day, . That through thy grace and witelora we may be Inspired to lead. some erriisg soul to thee. Too long we've let our thoughts in silence rest And now we come to thee, in hive and trust, ' To ask for wiadom, understanding, good; That by its use we win our daily food. Grant us the power to woield the mighty pen, Not for seif-glory,. or the praise of men Not for the place in lettere we might . Unless it save oome erring sbul from sin; But to eliminate the powers that lie , In tiselees chaos and obscurity. Oh bring them forth, nor in a bushel hide, - The light that would wale other mortal guide. Oh, give ns grace to read thy will Aright, And give no strength to battle for the right. Subdue our passione, keep as in control, That we may grow more beautiful in soul. All this we ask in meek humility. Oh greet our prayer, if tbus.it pleaseth thee, !ounoltIpana esillaot vatter0. • . . ttuCEBIELD. - • • .--eleauesemen.C-neese-FiEroity.-A meeting of the patrons of the Brucefield cheesefactory was held on' Jen.. .3th, at Tin -fleets Had. Themeeting, though not large, wee te-fair re- presentation of the Wrens, All present.ex- .pressed themselves as being well pleased with the result of the-sea,son's business and the re- turns they iteeiired for their milk. The aver- age price received during the season was 10.86 cents per Pound of oheese, and the average. price per pound of cheese to patrons being 8-5f2, emu. Mi. Hugh 'McCartney offered to make the cheese next season for 2e cents per pound. Phis offer. was accepted by the pe - trope; Boeh the, proprietor and the patrons parpese to carry on the business vigorously •ddring thecoming Season, , atber up the tin pins, end tap them eithieSE it ie iL heartily. • VOMMINIMPPIMINIPIIIIMia;nrunrirm a • ik 3 E., HOLMES etc NON • " Vuneishere. etimeltes. -Metiers Reading St Duff have almost con). pleted their new saw mill ,at the Bluevale: Station. Several eleigh loads from the north section of Morris (some of which obtained their pa - .1 rents consent, some not) eyelat tbe tea raeetiog at Wingham on New Yeare day, • They say they had a good time. There is a g,reat quantity of logs hauled to the various mills this winter. Morris boasts •of three taw millewithin two miles and a half. ioNAESIBORO, TeAnuert.-We are glad to hera that Mips Iteid is well liked as teacher in Alias Trevin's place. Miseroemix, -' The 'Methodist pulpit was ably filled on Sunday last, by Rev. Mr. Birks, of Blyth, who gave an excellent mis- sionary, Berrien, Rev. Mr. Caswell filled the Myth pulpit on the eane subjegt. PEasosees.-Miss. Casivell has returned to her home amongst. the Indiene, after her holiday visit hens. •She expressed her regret to go as she does not like it 'extra well. -Mr, Than tie"Catle oneof thi3 fair sex With bine from London. We wish: them. all thee complireenta 'due- ate- thet stage �f life, " • We are glad to seeAliss Cottlellere looking• extremely well. ' .• . , BEei.E.tes-eare. Sleighing' is good here • new, much.to the gratifiatien of mir nufler for the loge and grain are coming in very fest'. It looks like business.. • SraoLerse Aczon...-We were entertained here on*Monclay afternoon and eYening, by a travelling trapeesetic tor end oomic singer. We give him credit as an eater; but like all poor sineere he hacl a cold. . • . ,It is said there i's a charivari expected here' before long. r the cowbells Scattered thougb they be, SoneRETIMISER.A number ot men engag- • ed by a 9aebee conmariy, are "getting out" Him, el IESV1v...e.E. square timber in Alr,Frank 111011Vain'e woods. saONTRACT n.WARDED.— On Monday the con. Tele timber is being eent to Quebec And front - tract for the ereetioe of the New Bible Chris - thence portion of it to England. Messrs C. tiau church, at this place, was awarded to Lovett and T. and F.gclIvain are engaged in Measts. Cooper & McKenzie and Alessrs. W. hsoti5n,lit:grytiltiotuoothed c.rubail7faetulton‘;t.he The cost to the company aids far, is about ,elnerth will be in the neighborhood of $2,200. and -J. Bowey, of Clinton. The cost, of the • PERSOKALt—Tlie Rev. James Harris, of • Big LoAD.-A team of fear year old horses, 131.,,wa% ptud 0,.tjainu.y-iy4 .4i4 0410, belonging to Mt. Reerm-Eaweyeeeee,:kete. pete7e7-ehoefeet "efiblt Or club. feet 'hem last Mr. AleIlvain's to the 'railroad crossing With • 01)0 (011(1 dragging on the side ot road. Thiele • Master Edemas.. son of Bet. A.: Ethi'ardP, considered a very large leed oonsidering, the 'of Hoimeiville, has been' home fOr.the past cooditiOn of the roads. . 7.. 1 . twoer ue • eterknse,( Iti.9orTno.,rToonrioon, toonflairo.nlidisay: h. olidays, H t 1. . .. , GiAILPIIIICIL ' To WNS1111'. PA.niv....e.gr: A. En ex's- new hill waS ocen- .ffeerrie-Peter, son ef gr. Jeines•Prati, of ,pied on WedeesdAy night, the 5th' inst.,: far the Bayfield eon., died on Sunday' last, after the first time. A large n,unther pa in an ap •.filkomewhatelengthened :Alien. He Wael':1,11- 6 Colored Plates 500 ftngrn:OrinS• FOr ii0 tents iu • LEAVING, --Mr. (irunamett, who 1)as peper eoVers; $1 in el,,gaut elotb; In Gernissn or. -been •engrieed. 'lzrard;e. of the EUglisb. • vice's tux STA.ATED ItION.TITIN .11:40A EINE-82r,Dttges, 14th cou.,hfer souse time; intends- movieg to. a Corored plate in every number -sold 'molly .fino en. -theeneighborhood of Liseowell„ • ••• • • gravinge. Pric, $1.25 year; Aro teptes • Jot 85: . Speeinien numbers for 10 rents; 3 triftlooPide for • NRA*v. \17°1; i'ee a the' 13°3'.". MONEY TO LOAN' 21 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, RechesterN.Y• • field coue marine- preparations fertile ere& $20, 000. MORTGAGE SALE .0n farm propert y, at Neva -pat per cent lettere...it.QJ ' • Nye ble eatty, uerrewernaving the privilege•of pay• V Rcjal•EsOate. ing the %bole or any, part 01 the limn, at any time, without giving p•revioris notice. OD payment of any IN' TIIE -- part of prineipaLi ntereet ceuses on erneunt pa ur- cher pa rtice:are given on application to .4 ARTT, A ttorhey, Ac,, so.r-S•EVETAL Moor ISEME i 841.C. SPLENDID Tone:lips chfBI a -East.. Wateanosh., • TZNI/Eit l'iter Sttle emit:tined_ 'in. Eetristured Mono:nos made by one- NOls?it Smith andwife, and .410.Tholaists Ville i t Itl WI 1. Austion, by JOIL's; TRELEAVEN, .,%ticti011eer, .0.t W 11 ITLEY'S HOTE LUCIE.'NOW,• • . • ' • • At oiteo'cinek, p. moral Thift'sday, S 1 FARM FOR SAL E The following valtiabTo freehold prilperiiee, •.• . . FIRST,- The Smith Moan, the East lialf of the • Ettet half 1 Let Ne. 4, -in the Oth Concession of the %Western, DIViSion oI 1110 TownAlIip of Asidicid, eon - Mining so acres, mere or less, of which ubmit 20 tterna cleared , balance ie timbered with maple, heecii,• Buildings consist of Fratue Hotted and Log Stable. Soil is a clay Main, with a never -failing spring .creek, rnrsnilsg through lot. Good MINIS ; distance from 6,,dericb about 13 miles; front Ltteknow about 12 miles. sECOND. - Tho Finen .Ftirm, cotnalnirg 168 acre% Store or les% beim; all that part of Lot Ns. 32,. in. the 19th Conceasion of Eaat Wawanosh, lying. 00- .the Noreli teal West eidtos isI the' River Maitland.; ttheatt 106 acres cleared and oultivitedokalatee tintheoed avith beech, maple, dm. The land is prettily situated on the • River Maitland.' Thore'is a #ood spring creek on the. lot, which empties into tho river. Soil is a geed clay loam.Buildings consist of a Frame Daielli»g 21 s 30 feet, and .a. good Barn near& neV ; about. 9 mites from Witigharn,• and tho same distaiwe from' Lueknov,/, lion of a marinnoth bar4e-400' x 0, with a nine foot. wall and stables. 'beneath. • Beloit; Be. --The trustees' of S. SeNo,li likve engaged the serviees of MT. Higginiebf. Benet* field, eor the current year, ;olio. of Mr. Davidson, 'wiped. Mr. 1-11.4gius has lately been•attendieg the Elora High Sahoel, and • TErsice oe Oaks, .of the Maitland:'ecu., . lately received, a letter from hie son in Dakota v o ' treme cold ef. thee Stete was to= that he, could scarcele. stand it, and Ise "almost felt. dispeeed .62 tetuth teOtitarie. , Ler To no -14 r John O. Elliott, of the; Bayheld coo. states that he is perfectly be. •• sieged by parties deSirous of erecting new barns and houses, who wish him to pittee- foundatione uudernenth .thin. If 'there is any such, WOrli. going, jam isem re to have his share ef Senry Cook, of -the 86h eon., intends erecting a good filmic house this yetir. Mr. Jain Jeokints the:14th eon., interida briek Isease this yeas ; Mr. -Wm. Betide, of Clinton, having the corittiet there. for, . Revive]; SERVICES :---These services are still, being clintinned .Cole's appoititment. The meetings, night after night, are !largely at. tended, so ruuch so that the little ehurch is becomingepo ertuilL The Rev. Stessie. Liv- ingstoo Mid Jamieson have chargeofthe ser- vice, and =et be greatly -encouraged by the good being &Me. Every evening a 'large number ask for the prayers of •GocVs peoples, and. go forward or remain to be conversed with about religious mettere. "God's promise to he in the midst of hiS people; WI= gather - 'ed togetber in His naive la lieing abundant. ly fulfilled: • . Fuel-SO.3-es. -Mi If. CiMpbelle who -died at the -Residence of Afr.John Whitely,7th eon., hist week, was buried in the Goderich ceme- tery cto Saturday,. a very laigehumber attend. ing her eral. On Sunday, afternoon a very impressive funerel esermon Was !Dread= in Sturdy's chutch, by Rev.• Mr. Edwards, of Holiteseille, Mrs. Twiss, eldest danghter of Mr. R. Preetor, of Horeb Road, was also buried at Goderich, en 'Saturday, the two fu... neras meeting at. the cemetery. The funeral sermon of the 'last named was preached on Sundey, at two o'clock,..p.ni., by -the Rev. Mr.. Miller, in the Holmesville Briglieb The attendance was biro, and the discourse as listened to throughoot with earnest at. ntion by all presea, comes recoMmendede 103 acres,in the' Township 1,1 rticderich. -- GOOD BARN .43iII) STABLES. GOOD YOUNG ORCHARD, • 000T) FENCES', • GOOD WATER. (-1001) VALUE. GOOD TERMS.. APPLY TO R. M. RACEY, Iron and Hardware Merchant. CLINTON, Dec .1880. $100,000. MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE FUNDS. LOWEST INTEREST. IN 'SUMS AND ON TERMS '1'0 SUIT BORROWERS; AGENCY OF TETE Citizens Insurance Company of Canada, . - Terms and Conditions will be made knoWn at•time of sale, -or may be aseertaMedtai application IIARRIS, MAGEE & Vendors' Solicttors, London. ,101IN l'fib:LEAVEN,Auetio neer; imcknow;:- ' MOOTS AND este. SITOJWS .341tal The undersigned ie offering the balauee of his !inter stook 0.1' BOON all At. A ioes- G.ItE4T REDUCTION For tho next 30 dayk;.* ' telcAltrint.TH.. To make room for Spring Goodi3', and -.meld The.adjo• urned semi-annual meeting at the call special attention ' conteeted in Ontrifio in 111 years. Lootett olrtady paid, 21,149,625. Only two claims M611 8 & llo)is tollg 00 8 i CAPITAL $1,1814,000. The English Loan Company CAPITAL , O6,000,000. Loans effected tipokthe meet favorable terme, 08 real estate. CONVEYANCING FEElil LOW. A. H. MANNING, ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, BEAVER BLOM, CLINTON. Which he is selling very eheap for cash. WM. TAYLOR, ALBERT °Lista,. ONSMIMINI1111•1111,111111. A1111111•111111111111111110116111111 TIOUSIS AND DOT FOR SALE. -Trete Ai_ welt bent And oomfortablo dwelling hotme cn Victoria Street, nearly opposite tone's Rotel, and now carioca by Mr. Ituntorj will be sold on moderate trews. Tho honse contains sash rooms, is fleetly bui}t, well Aniehed. The is well fenced/with good garden. Apply to /I. 12A141 ITinton titled, • 99 Glister). 'Mechanics' Instants! •latit 'week Wee oho of the largest that has ever been hold•in the reolnii. The. committee appointed` to devise 'ways and means of paying the debt, reported in favor of selling the billiard tables, as they had been it lewd)* affair from first to laet. It seems that in ',tinning the tables for the two year, thole has been a clear km of $77, Mid if we count the $40 of a licenee fee, Which the Council deducted from the minuet grant. to the institute proper, Oil account Of the billiard sateen, Which ought to be reckoned, will make' the lots $117 for the two years. If the plant will 00110 the origin- al both, thi will be the real lose but if it is taken at it depreciation,' Of contee this will id. crease the loss. The great tease of the Mere. bete have always been against the billiards iro tonn4otiOn With the Institnte but A few de. tot -mina to run thine at all leiteartle, pearanco from the eurreunding country an the oeighboeing eentres of populatiiin,e'al lovereof the Mazy .dance may here fiqd al facilities tied accommodations eieceseary t the full- eejoyinent of their favorite amuse itt:LX.ETT. Goon Leues.-Last week Mr. Neil - anti, of Earlcolt, purchased twenty lambs from Mr. Cole, of Bullet% at $5 a head; a very good price for larnhe. PAret Some. -1.1r. Thos. Brownlee, of the 5th con. Of Hallett, has sold his farm of #0 acres to gr. Thos. Cerbert, for the sum of $2.,800, This givea Mr." Carbert, . farm of 300 acres 11) 0110 block, STANLE TEA genie -G. -Under the anspines of the Methodist Church, was held, on the 7111 inst., „ on the Goshen Line; a' very successful lIea meeting, considering'the state of the weather. The meeting was to have taken place on the 31s6 ult, but was.postponed account of the stern'. It was opened by sieging and prayer, after which it bountiful, tea was par- taken of ; then followed addressee by au able star of speakers, intermingled with musip by the Brimfield choir. The proceeds of the meeting, including subscriptibna, amounted to $154, which issto erase .tho debt on the pareonaga at Bayfield. .11.X.E.Tfat. • Tnti-Syndicate petitions are in circulation, and are being largely sinned in this neighbax: . nod:- - Miss Hrkinsman, of this 'erillagee-left on the morning train, Saturday for Leamington bilvingarrangad to take charge of a school near that village at 4 ectie47.01 pao.por year. We regret that Mr. James Down, carriage maker, of this village, who sustained injuries from a fall on Christmas Day,continues quite ill, aud fears are entertained that his spine is seriously affected, The. Secretary of the roil way committee is he receipt of a letter from Dr. Buchanan, of Zu.3 rich.. Reeve of Hay, advisiug him that a meet- ing, was held in Zurieh a short time sinoe,and a committee appointed to act in. concert with - the committee here, . • Mr. Follick's family, of North Exeter, have just passed through a sad series of offlictions..A number of the younger membere have tor a .length "of Nome been treaded., with ague, whieli occasioned their removal to tho village. eboy about eighteen has, foe some months, • .besn laid up with a bad foot, aud the eklest, a line young man of twenty, it few days since lost his life by an each:lent in Foowick's mills. The town poeple will have the chance- of -giv;• ing expression to eiheir..eymptithy ein_Fridtter.:, evenitir fiat; hie -cOinceittee has been formed to .mako arrangeinents foe. an Re tertainment in • Drew's ,on that oveningetheeprogeede. 0„§.. - 41-11aerirelnriniiiiided to Mr.. Folfick.,for the purpose pf defraying Mural expenses and paying doetas' bills. • . • , -hunoN.IT.4-11/41s. , Clipped 'and coneensee from our County ixchanges, ' Mr. F. C. Rewire; of Beessels;intends sink- • Mg a test salt well, " a Mr. Neibergall, of erederiehle has riesunied 'the Oreprietorehip of this sawmill in Bruce - 1 • •-• Begrises Cieteret-LAIii.../....W, Hill, wile hag been innuini store. in this village be longing to hiabrother, }LH, of Porters? Hill, has bought • one the stook, end is now doing the business on . his OWLI account, lie hes already made a large circle pf friends, which, we hittre no doubt, will be greatlYfin- creased as his pleasing. mannerand readiness theohlige all.who come in contact' With iiiir are eyeenow proverbtel. Sump. John. •. • Nee; Seeeteg.-Josefth Carter datends to -build two brick stores ou his lot, fleet te shaw's and i8 advettising for tenders. ,•' • New pnehing for- ward the eothpletion.of his brick. hotel, hay; ing to leave the. Manaliestei hotel' al2out the first.of February. • . • EincEem..---Gtiorge geGowen'elegeral will take niece .this (Thursday) afternoon, If eis to be 'bnried by: the Good :Templet& Lodge, he. anniversary Services and tea -meeting in connection with the ()amide, , Preabytiirian .Chureh, of this place, were ,bela. on Sunday and Monday kat. Rev. Ale`Milligen, of Tortinto, preaehed quent And impreesive serteone on Sanday morning and evening, villagees-of various•de. nominations going out to hear him. On Mon - )lay eirening the tee meeting teas beld, over 490 people partaking of the good thing's pro. tided, '1'hey then repeired to the basement, of the °hutch. where Rev, Mr. MoLeen occu- pied the 'chair. Rey, 410, Henderson, of ,VVIiiteohurctr, addressed thern on the subject of Denisminationalistn, ar the beauty and use.. fuln'ess of the denonainations; .as they are. He handled the subject well. ' Rey. gr.:Birks spoke for'half-iii-hour, optigratulating the people on the fine structure they were flow ie, enumerated, some of tbe blessings of the age we live in ; spoke against Borne of the flagrant • sins of the day, itnd then gave way to Rev. Mr, 'Milligan, gaffing him the "wise man f rom 'the Mitt" and a eitizea of no Ewen city. Mr: Milligane sebject. was " How to stedy the Bilsle." The address was full of inettnel tion,'and was very. ineeresting, being 'inter. spersed with anecdotes, well told. He is eet- tainly an eloquent map, with broad Christian ideas, up to add ahead of the times. No one can hear him aud not feel that ha 114s leaned something that he did not know before. Blyth will be better for his visit. Collections and progeods amounted to $201. :The meeting was interspeteed with music by the choir., The children held a social on the next even- ing, which teals well attended, and addressed by Revs. Pritchard aod Wilkey, KUM:MILLER. • TIM debating !moiety IM connection with the Sons of Temperance, Of thia place, having received 4ohallenge froth the Leeburn division to debete With them ptiblioly, on the subject, That intenmerance htus been a greater Curse than war," duly !indented it, and on the 7th inst., the dikussean took ph= in the lodge room of the latter society. The muse of iatemperance wee shown in its worst felt - three by Alessts. D. Camino, ,T. Linklater, Wm. Clutton and IL Horton, . whilst the horrots due to war were foreibly partrayed by Messrs. T. Gledhill, J. Stewart,P. Cafite. loet aud Scott, (Beenniller,) ito fercibly that the chaiemee, Mesas. A. B. Potter anti J. McLean were quite unanimens in deciding in favor of the latter.' speakers. Very good ettention was paid 60 tho disbussions and nd- dresset, and it watt net nail the diteossion had hula aboni three hone, that tate Wee brought te a Close. D,.:AfC.Naligcbt, blacksmith,' Seafottli, has busineee and reSidemee.io Mr. g eon, R.' Lees, formerly Of Alorris, hag bedn appointed* Principal of the 'Nolweed"Public • The South Harcin Conservatives last week ptesented Alr.,•Ritelike. of Stanley, with a -handsome-easy chair. '' e The triesteee-of S. 2,edrey, Intv'e re, engaged Moir teacher; Alr. 1), Johnston, . for • . • 1831 at an advanced salary. . ' Mr. teameel Polleek; ftie thirty Years a res- ident of a-ethnic:4 removes to Bad Axe,gich., .igan, where he goes into business. Spine time ago Capt, 6); of Goderich, was oinern injured Tilt byotho%rtom felecieteenifi h eia. i.saiitttreetiaiiegcon -- st looted tlio, (1' °R°toPvr.'80b.HEL;$87t°a.'fford, f ville,wat presented with it silver cake basket, a double pick tempter and two napkin rings, amonntiag to $25,on'ehriatinas night in Tees - Water, by the ceirgregation„ . . Tke following lialikedeidsuts is taken frpin, Our Comity .excbanges of laSjeweek:Al-r.. 3.."' • Spiernan- of Grey,broke leg by 6, log striking him ; Sperling, of Grey, broke his leg while chopping,; Mts. Brown of Grey, fell down COVO.T aud broke her men.Miss Smith. ef Leadbury,slipped down end hroke her arra. „ NYilliani Lochead, ofeGrey, was killed' by the_ falling 01 11 tree. Mrs.. John' Whitf141i1 of Grey; in going to the batii; fell and broke her • O0RRE--0-P0NDEI0.111, A HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. - TO the .Erlito; of the—Clinton...Mu- ' DEAR am rather surprised to find Clintou without a Horticulture! Seciety, with the material it. pestering itetlio way of fruits, ifsc., and' the taste displeyed by its inhAbi. . tants in the cultivetion ef plente and flowers, it ought to have one of the best hi the cohn- try. • I fully. expeeted to see or hear Horne ,' response to letter ot it few weeks ago, and would suggest the nallieg of a pub - lie meeting for dieoussione and the forniatimi oea society.. . • Yone truly, ' Clinton, tail, li, 1881;• ..,UNFLO r . There was a eerioos. boiler -explosion oh Tuesday, ore the llth con. of London township, One inati Rae killed. • , At St. tonie,11o., Monday, while Mary • Stock was stooping over the coffin. a her cousin Maggie, at the l-itter's funeral, and just after -she had kissed the 0011)50 Mary . fell dead., Both werieburied together. During, aright in 'Bethany Baptist Cluirelt Pulaski Country, Kentocky, on Sunday, a Man was cut fetidly. The row started by the deacons attempting to sit in tho same pew with ladies whoin they had ,brought there, which is oontrary to the rules. • THEY ALL no re -To beautify the teeth Ida give, fragrance to the breath use Tan.,, neuter, the new toilet gem. Got a 6 cent sample. „ beVe steered the agency for this new cornionnt for Dyepepaitt and I.!iver Troubles. , It conies to nie under -most fever. able auspices, being vely_highly eedorsedand recommended, Its wonderful affinity to/the Digestive Organs end tha Liver, inetetieing the dissolving juices, correeting the acids 60a carrying off impurities of the Stomach and restniating the Liver, et tested by iteellt• , ing a e totele ellsi at 10oloho, or 1 b 75:oeuto4 O'; S3