HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1880-12-17, Page 8R STO'R'E L. THORNE, IMPORTER OF' GEhr&I11TL . VHS, LIQUORS, ALES 4:0c Seo:, FOR MEDICAL UTRPOSES, COUNTY OF HURON •Sabbath School Association. j EIGHT.II ANNUAL CONVENTION HELD IN BLYTH.. • A-COMPLi,TE. SUCaESS. According to' the decision of the County of Huron Sabbath School Con- vention; -held last year in;' ;VVinghani, ' it took place this, year in Blyth.. The. delegates began to throng our lively but growing village on Tuesday morn- ing: -Some came by ..the 1.0 o'clock 'train andquite:a nnaber With their own conveyances. • •The, Convention: ` •slspoxn iPax, assembled in the Presbyterian Church;•The meeting was opened at 9 a. na,,` *aridly' lent for the occasion.• When by giving out the 108th Hyinn and •the eveuingjrains arrived most of the prayer by Rev'. Dr..Williams. Read delegates were present, and comfortable ing, ',of minutes. The 45th Hyniu was homes were' provided for . them during • w• hhen sang: .:• T itnext 'subject taken •up was that their sojourn .in Blyth.. The church of "What are the difficulties in Sabbath was well filled, especially at the " . Mass -School work,by R. Irwin, of Clinton:'" .. Meeting of ' they children and • in the •$e said to study. your scholars,,gain evening. The music by the choir, their affections and thus each the. of Mr. Trees_ .heart' by the ' dipine blessing: Try under the able leadershi' p every possible:plan With the: child; in, was excellent. Miss S. Hawkshaw rather than. turn himout of'tlie school. presided , at the organ. , . Miss..Jones 'Hymn 85th was. " then ; rendered,: presided, at the organduring the ,mass• which .'reflectedmuch credit on the iiiee1 ii g The• children, '7;ed by . Mr, trchoir:. • , LaWface, acquitted tYemselves well.Nextsubject, "Three' minute talks ' hefolow.m�is1e pocedings- , •7voenntthons,,p;riiTieewi ulso o#fn.:5.w5(e fir, C .Snell, sir i pret, of .'Ei.eter,7. beneficial effects -level -Oen 'observed in opened the Convention•by giving ,.the conversion of children in the places •`the well known hymn, "A11:Hail: the where held,'The sympathy and •Power of Jesus Name." : Prayer' was draw.n.oiit helps to subdue• denomina • offered.b Revs. 'iV. Birks and C. Web; tional prejudice: y "Reviews; their 'importance and' her. 'Nominating comp tee . Were: ,, how' to be -conducted, byMr; • .-•1VM„. then - appointee. After'. • singing: Gia ` of Seafortli.• eviewing the "Oh for a thousand tongues ues • 'to. y': sing,” verbal reports- were given from facts and persons, and God's 'providers a number -of schools in the county, -con tial dealings, e,s presented in 'the lessar ; .;istiiig `of: Presbyterian; Canada •Metlio4 Was there anything jiii last Sunday?s dist; 'Primitive. 'I Iethodist: and: "Bible lesson that impressed: yourselves l • :He Christian ; then followed a hymn, t' I urged. Christian 'workers to look for - need Thee every hour."q Ur: Williams, ward to the final review; as `ve appear of Goderich, . had not yet arrived, and before the Great White Throne: • Mr. Moore, at the suggestion of the ; The. next subject �� vas. "The Sabbath Business Committee, 'gave a Black School programme, by Mr. " W, • • B.• ,, Board Exercise°on the "River Jorclau," Hutton, of • '4Viitgha91 Dr. Talmage with its banks,.•one above another;.like haft Said' that'the object of the Sabbath terrace work.. Then followed a,::liymn; school was• to make' the children Chris - "Safe in the arms of Jesus: tians.First ,sing, and 'then: read 'two' "Difficulties• in the wayof,SS:Work' or three'.' verses relating to .the lesson, was then taken up by the. Convention .and then a short but earnest • prayer— is the absence of lir. R. Irwin, of 'tl,e.: whole occupying ten or twelve Clinton: The poll* out: ,sero , minute's, thirty:.minutes to be'devoted. an o. 2 eve (.1( eac ,ers to-tho-lessoi•I, and a' short-for-th Want of co-operation 'oil the .part of .review. Educate• the •children"to give, parents;.. (3) Indifference of scholars be thoroughly in .earnest. McCheyne ,(1) Unfaithfulness i•n.aurselves.• .•:`1'liei>' li ut '-aid 'thosc;.friends • of his;: he was followed a••hymn, "Precious nacre of :afiaid,'Would •iiot•course to Christ, -and Jesus." Answers -(1) Get theta; train: so lie went. to diem. .• them by prayer and. searching ' • the:: " 16'4°44' the' Choir::: scriptures ; (3) Show parents their.re-' •By Rev: F. Musgrave, of Seafortli sponsibility, let pastors- show. parents He would lave every child sing in the • the relation that children .sustain to 'spirit, . whether there was discord or Christ ; •(3) Interested- and' interesting not. - We1{4:0p d . sing .with the heart teachers, and- 'prayerful, persevering Therefore • fhie gospel bits'and crumbs• teaching. Time was now, up,. . • as given in the Christian Hymn's; • He The Evening Session was opened with had no sympathy With, those• who Coni-.. `F t, ^ f. au chorus by thq.,d,�ibir, and by plained and, could not• worship :God; k'e.•., r1r\ .B4Ug , of Waite 4:1' .' ; -whether the'orgen was large or small. r, '.'iie'`1 Iinute f the of e•noon session "\1ass meeting of children" began by were then rea' r :`,. r'01ipg '"the beautiful chiming .bells" x,A. clroice'sel, tion of music was'ver addressed .•... b :_ Rity :0-,:•:--A.. Fran- ,,.. y.... -,ytl r•ofiiciently xandei'ed by the choir, ., • '';`cis, of Goclerich, Who-. .said such . t• Uev 3.tr,'. Vlct, uarric, of• Wi` gham; gatherings 1p to remove the • .` took` tp t'Ilon , to , interest`'t los nidi prejudice : wh i":'exists ' among Chris furent to 8, .1, "'work " x111 s s''bjact tiaras Chiltlren 'can tell stories ' by liar• ocaftpie rho,. w f ttentio o `r.th' ` their actions es Will as by, their lips.' x, urcli for tags nh royal ro itl, to l • . rn- .: isthe dut ofrents, to . ilrsti uct y . ''wind theuUfaithfulne'ssrnn.ttiepars of ie >,t eir°loved• ones in the scriptures, ininxsaryq`,lee se,anotherreaason -i li: • a ,}Th+~en followed 'suet., by, the clnlct- itaarty ate linfig'erefit ;to Sabbath SerticJ Nen ;• e blackboard illustration,. by Mr. is because44 a tea`ohers .incl pre hes 1V.tcrore, on: Noah's Ark,.. the niounta` are not a 4eilriiest9;e;s wed °tight te.b r1. a , 4the {flood ; ,the .Ark a •place of. 'VV c ought toga to'God in behalf of th ,s 'fete, :and Christ a ' refuge • for the, inclifferc ni� s , •. , • Christian, after. -which thb Convention 'L'Iie citorr;thenrstiiig a s��endid cliords. adjourned till 1.30 p. M. Dr, NVVllliauis, of,.G•ode'f•ich tonit:upf ' ' ' ' .iFlie pro ?1rr�a,tion rdquisitei foehiti ieiit ..The afternoon session co • Commenced at 1kx4bba0111$o1;?'eo1 teac1iing ;'.i`,,''Th ,`(thy, 1.30,. by Rev. Mr. pr'tcl ar= wing but ' !adh>:ors) Obit ]pave a wariu;'loving. • the 'Ghtli Hymn arid, offerg up'the Xleart. 7f' you emnicit put up With opening 81' e' ;.. The Coin ittee now tlniioyo,pees you aai o;not fit to teach;lou 'notninated' the efiieers' £o 1 1, which; should haves, good idea of"''tho` dispo1I- are, as follows ,: i. Pitesident,t+ , Fisher, 'Boit of children ; the tiatur ',of children '4Vfngha , •Vice Isiesid r>ftt, '"Messrs. tt ies'::the patience, '.Study • the, differ 4iller?y� ,, D..•Wilsot; Stcplid e, Gray, a4ce' of disposition i'it the children in an ;0, Snell ; Secritairy, � batch yourr, class, and there will be a `s'trona ' C,dkres ionding Seerlary, Mt: E. F. ,convietioii. cf • t e iiii;5ortance of ,the Moore; Executive Coitlurttte-,, _Messrs. iirork;' They' ,should • undertake .and W. l<iuttoll, S; 'Yate , .11, Irvin, T. OPENED �je kY. 1WILJO Begs to announce that he has opened out the above gpoory rj this seasons 'Raisons and Currants, in fact everything to beton REMEMBER THE B aim as Christ did . atcovering this world with righteousness, 'Study your class, and the preparation will. be easy. Musid-•by the choir. _. " The; object and aim• of ...Sabbath School teaching," by Rev. Q. -Webber,. of Exeter, was the next subject. Some- thiiii more than conversion is needed. Win the heart, educate it and hold it for Christ., • Educate the- emotional and nature of the child, as well as the men- tal nature and heart and believe in Christ. Go right atit, instead of going round .• about it;; thus conquest tor the Master will be gained. Be true to the prcepts'of tli'e Bible. This was followed by the choir giving another selection:of music,. • Tiplady, John Williacps and T. Strachan. The Convention tneets again the second Wednesday is i Thursday of. l?ebruary, 1882,x. in, the town of Goderichs which was thought to Vo a better time. The next subject,taken ;up was that of "Hoy to retain thc,older echolat's,"' by Rev,: R. • Thotnas, • of , Clinton. , A little indulgence and promotion to 'the higher Classes- will• help! to retain them, He admitted that it -••was •4' wise and complicated, giiestio '. It. needed prac m tical wisdoand af%ction for every scholtir••_.tn the class, and especially must. there be prayer for God's blessing;: manifest your ,love for them; and con- tinue to•.pray The children e: then sang •'" Happy Soul." , Rev,; Musgrave talked to tire. children about The' ‘term Christian and' being followers of'Christ; 'God, Curler and AngelsWentyou;tobechristian� He (the speaker) desiredit, We imiat'.love and .'serve = him# ii}, Order' to boChris bans. • TheEvening ' Session•. was opened with music`by"the choir •and prayer by S Yates.' htinsstes. ,were -road and approved • Chorus by the choir. The next 'subjeet_,"'VVhat, relation: should ' the Sabbath,; School bear to temperance work;'. ---.vas b'y Gundy, of Exeter. The' object of the temperancecause is to rescue those. •wlio'are under • the: power of the; deil. troyer and to enlist the young The "hop . of the temnernncerufo.L labors hes" in the yeun ;habits, when formed,` are difficult to overcome. The mind'of the child is elastic ; instil into the • mind. o£ tile. child "total • :abstinence, and in nine ".cases out of ten they will •grow up abstainers. Every:.Sabbath School,. shoidcl.have•a temperance organization;, anti': every' teacher should be `an all stainer. Chorus by the choir Subject `'Toe Sabbath, Seheol work for the past' 100 years,"'lay Rev. Dr,' Wi hams.' Cleopatrie's needle' be -on the Thames embankment, and the hien ument of R'. Ra'ke's represent: •'two. classes of civilization --=one without. the Bible, the other with it.':.The -first act of Christ's priest -hood was to bless children; he,' put them in .thefront.. Therights.of conscience. anal"worship'; the outcome.Of thereformation, helped to prepare ;the way' for the Sabbath'• School. What can- :r do .:and what' `should be done for the children 4 He • thanked God • for plain men: ' There is hirteenr-millions, -`five-1 hol sand;•-nnre" hundred. and seventy-nine persons, teachers and:scholars iii -Sunday Schools A.larae nuiiiber •of ,lsildren.;have-learn- ed to read ,the Bible •in ;the, S. School. The y'repathy and -love of -the church has -become stronge> ;frou tlie existence 'of the S. School. If a child sings •all the :,week aaout Jesus, -he is iii a better state to hear about Jesus in the S,..'Seliool. • "The membership_ of the churelf has been increased :'from the Sunday 'School.• The S. "School is'the germ of'the future church. • The `sacra - Mental host, of God, led by a little child. Chorus by the choir: • Collections" -S$8 70. , • Resolutions of • thanks. to .the President and ofiiicere. Farewell remarks. Minta res read, and the benediction• 'was • then. pronounced, by •Rev. J •Caaweh: ,110 .Steiiiser Sere: $ditor two** Buono, tot At Silty -No 'doubt you have: no- ticed that tildes have been; rather •brisk the- Village during the past two -weeks in the several branches of trade: Our Christman lair was well attended And proved. 'a success: The young folks are making ' use of the .good roads in amusing their intendeds every evening, and indeed some of them go as far as to have one of the Canine 'breed for a companion—in the absence, /suppose, of belligsuificieintlyattractive to induce one of the fairer sex to oo• eupy the seat, MOAB ANON; Er11ssells. UR. Richard Stacey, of 13russeis,who is in a very*iow state of Health, wits gladly surprised the other clay by his friends, who presented him with • flour, groceries 'and other articles of necessity. Sugars, ate , SPieez# Eru ._ hue.% fes colt; : or prods " • INST ►E J3xing along'your ;:Cash 'or Produce and s cure BAR s ova are j.)ounchxottt be.. sit terrola bytri louse in the Trade.1/4 , ANY QUANTITY O POULTRY WANT McCOSII BROTI—I A.W. NATION,•1111'anager. V AIN%:.: D. rr PEOBr>1'rORS, I r •p...N E1 CDS,. ►° GOOD '049C ea as``T e C eapest, ' •I • -Which Noboc 0 -r Gcod Dertme P artmen•, Com fete Grocer •�.De . �. p .. •J 1.1ine �e artrn t Cam eta In: -fact we call. furnish all classes ,,From. Top to Toe "cif, WANT. r ' INSI EC1.'ION IN IT ►: